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MAY 2014
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Dit is ons eerste verjaarsdag, en ons sê dankie! In Mei 2013 het ‘n handjie vol skole in die Boland vir die eerste keer AWSUM-nuus gekry.
skole, het ek onlangs julle AWSUM koerantjie ontvang. Dit is ‘n pragtige kreatiewe konsep en ek dink dit verskaf fantastiese blootstelling aan skole.
Nou, op ons eerste verjaarsdag is ons trots en dankbaar om te sê dat AWSUM deur sy tandekry-fase is en groei dat die biesies bewe.
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Ons bedien nou 64 laerskole en 56 hoërskole in 6 streke. Baie dankie vir elke leser, student, adverteerder en ieder en elk wat deel het aan ons sukses. Hier is wat ‘n paar lesers sê oor AWSUM: • Baie baie dankie vir die pragtige advertensie in die Februarie uitgawe, so by die editorial! Ek voel so bevoorreg en begunsdig, oorweldig en dankbaar. Ek is oortuig dat julle die perfekte platform bied vir my om te adverteer en my hart en passie te deel met die huishoudigs waar kinders is.
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JUNE 2014
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• Eerstens wil ek u bedank en loof vir die uitstekende skoolkoerant wat AWSUM is. Ek geniet dit baie en vind dit baie interessant. • Ek hou van die resepte, artikels en insetsels oor die verskillende skole in die Helderberg en omliggende area, dis baie interessant om te sien waar jou eie skool staan in vergelyking. Die FOMO-kalender is ook tops!
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P2 Learn to love reading P3 Health & Home
Jou oggende is gans te kort: Jy sukkel om die kinders uit die bed te kry; hulle moet skoon en netjies by die skool kom. En gevoed. Ja, hulle móét ontbyt eet – die dokters en die dieetkundiges sê dan almal:
P4 Fish for thought
• Uitstekend! Julle is voorwaar AWSUM!!! • Ek sien uit na elke volgende uitgawe in 2014.
WHAT TO DO THESE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS • As ouer van ‘n leerder by een van ons plaaslike
FREE WINTER Holiday Guide inside
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Rowan Engledoe - 021 872 3880 | Jade Bushby - 021 872 3880 | AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools: EAST LONDON: Primary schools: Voorpos Primary, Nahoon Primary, Lilyfontein Primary, Gonubie Primary, Clarendon Primary, Preparatory School, George Randell Primary, Cambridge Primary. High Schools: Selborne College, Clarendon High, Hudson High, Stirling High, Port Rex High, Cambridge High & Grens Hoër Skool.
PRINTED BY - Paarl Coldset
aar presies waar kry jy die tyd om die magies vol genoeg te kry – en dan so vroeg in die oggend? En dit is nie dat hulle juis opgewonde by die ontbyttafel staan en rondtrippel nie – inteendeel. Hóór dan net daar: “Ag, Maaaa! Ek ís nie honger nie!” En dan is daar nog jou man … Hy sê dat hy régtig nie voor tienuur kan eet nie. Hy sê jy moet beslis nie bodder met ontbyt vir hóm nie. Hoekom ontbyt? • Jou kind se lyfie werk net soos jou motor se enjin – as daar nie brandstof in is nie, is daar nie beweging nie. Maar as jy die regte tipe brandstof ingooi, sal die prestasie beter wees. Soos by die motor, só ook by die kinders. • Ontbyt voorkom ook moeilikheid. Kinders (en volwassenes) wat nie ontbyt eet nie, word sommer vroegoggend moeg – en kan boonop rusteloos of sommer kort van draad word. Nee, moenie dat jou mense ontbyt oorslaan nie. • Daar is ook ’n langer termynvoordeel: Hoe vroeër jou kinders (en jou man, én jy) die dag se eerste ete nuttig, hoe vroeër word julle
metabolisme wakker. Eet dus maar jou vroegoggendse ontbyt, en die kanse dat jy vetsugtig gaan wees, word baie … uhm, skraler. Brekfis vir breinkrag Dit is belangrik om seker te maak dat jou gesin die régte soort kos vir ontbyt inneem. Kies kossoorte wat ryk aan graan, vesel en proteïne is. Vermy graanprodukte wat ’n hoë suikerinhoud het. Die horlosie is teen my! Ons weet dat álle mammas juis in die oggend Súperma(n) moet wees. Veral in die winter, as dit vir almal (ook vir haar!) moeilik is om uit die bed te kom. Probeer gerus hierdie praktiese wenke om te sorg dat die ontbyt ingaan voordat jou gesin soggens by die huis uitgaan. • Sorg dat daar altyd gesonde ontbytopsies in jou spens is. • Dek die ontbyttafel die vorige aand. • Maak reeds die vorige aand ’n groot bak vrugteslaai, sodat jy teen ontbyt-tyd net kan opskep.
• Probeer om jou gesin (net) 15 minute vroeër as gewoonlik wakker te kry. • Laat die kinders jou help om die ontbyt voor te berei. • Énigiets kan vroegoggend gebeur (soos jy maar al te goed weet!) – sorg dus vir stap-en-hap moontlikhede: vars vrugte, klein bakkies jogurt, neute, gekookte eiers. Jou gesin se geluk en gesondheid is tog vir jou ’n prioriteit, Mamma. Sorg dan dat ’n gesonde en gereelde ontbyt ook op daardie prioriteitslysie verskyn. Bon appétit!
Lifestyle - Focus on Education! 2 JUNE 2014
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
~ Joseph Addison ~
There is no greater or more accurate indicator of a child’s academic progress than that of his or her reading skills. Children who choose to pick up a book for pleasure are more likely to succeed in life, research shows. Reading for pleasure therefore reveals a predisposition not just to literature, but also to lifelong learning which is essential for furthering one’s career. But getting them to do so isn’t easy! So, how do I help my child become a reader? * Set time aside for reading every day. * Join the library. Membership is free! * When you go shopping, visit a bookshop and browse with your child. * Add a book or magazine to your month’s grocery list. * Subscribe to a weekly / monthly magazine for your child. * Joke books are popular with even reluctant readers. * Focus on your child’s particular interest. Boys tend to enjoy non-fiction: books on sport, nature, amazing facts, etc. * Connect family experiences and current events to reading. If going on holiday, read up on the places you
Photo: PHOTO: The Hogsback Library - well stocked, well used and run by the local villagers. And yes, Hobbits DO read!
will be visiting. * Set a time aside for family games that require reading. Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, etc * Read out interesting or funny bits from what you are reading yourself. * Encourage your child to share with the family what they are reading. * Bribery and bargaining have their place if you are at your wit’s end! If your cricket playing son reads a chapter a day for a month, you’ll buy him the cricket bat he so badly wants! * It is always possible that a child who is vehemently opposed to reading has either a reading difficulty or poor eyesight. Both need to be addressed as soon as possible. * Read to your child. It is fun, it is simple, it is cheap – it is also the most effective advertisement for the pleasures of reading. Article by Charmaine Bailey; Academic Head at George Randell Primary
- Maak dit regtig saak HOE ek leer? Daar is geen twyfel daaraan dat mense verskillend leer nie. Wat vir een persoon werk, werk nie vir die ander persoon nie. Die metode wat ouers gebruik het om te leer en werk te memoriseer, werk nie noodwendig vir hul kinders nie. Dit is gewoonlik hier waar “leervakke” ‘n kopseer word vir talle ouers en kinders. Menige ouers weet nie hoe om hul kinders te help om te leer nie. Wat hul wel weet is dat die resultaat van oneffektiewe studiemetodes, tyd is wat verlore gaan, frustrasie bring en onderprestasie op skool tot gevolg het. Dit lei weer dikwels tot ‘n negatiewe gesindheid teenoor ‘n spesifieke vak en/of leer in die algemeen.’n Kind se selfbeeld word ook negatief beïnvloed, want hy of sy sien nie die vrugte van hul harde leerwerk nie. Tot onlangs toe was studietegnieke in twee kategorieë verdeel, naamlik tegnieke vir die kind wat regterbreindominant is
of tegnieke indien jy linkerbreindominant is. Tog is daar sòveel meer van die brein betrokke wanneer ons van studiemetodes praat. Dinge wat ‘n rol speel by HOE ons werk memoriseer is: gesindheid teenoor leer, gesindheid teenoor die spesifieke vak, verwysingsraamwerk, belangstellingsveld, ouditiewe of visuele ingesteldheid, ander dele van die brein. So, hoe moet ek leer? Hoe weet ek wat werk vir my? Daar is ‘n paar basiese studiemetodes wat goeie resultate lewer, mits dit ingeoefen word. Studietegnieke is nie ‘n kitsresep wat onmiddellik goeie resultate lewer nie. Om enige vak te bestudeer verg werk! Deur basiese en praktiese tegnieke in te oefen, self toe te pas en deel te maak van jou denkproses, stel dit jou instaat om jou studietyd effektief te gebruik, voor te berei vir toetse en uiteindelik werklik te LEER. ‘n Paar praktiese punte om te onthou wanneer jy studeer: • BEPLAN wanneer jy gaan leer (studieskedule) • Verkry ’n OORSIG oor jou werk (die groter prentjie) • Gebruik VRAE om te leer • LEES met die doel om jou vrae te beantwoord • Merk BELANGRIKE WOORDE en konsepte • HERHAAL wat jy gelees het in jou eie woorde • LEES weer deur jou werk. Wat kan ek onthou? Wat benodig nog aandag? Op die ou end is die effektiwiteit van studiemetodes afhanklik van jou eie ingesteldheid en bereidwilligheid om hard te werk. Moenie net hard werk nie, WERK SLIM! Marisse Dowell - Ellis Remediërende terapeut
Health & Home JUNE 2014 3
Kids are naturally creative, engaging in imaginary and artistic play that typically means too many fingerpaintings to fit on your walls. Find out why this creativity is important and what you can do to inspire more of it in your kids.
THE BENEFITS OF CREATIVITY Charlotte Reznik, child educational psychologist and associate clinical professor of psychology, says that tapping into a child’s imagination provides many benefits. These include: • strengthened bonds between parents and children • a safe way to talk about challenges with friends or school • relief from boredom • coping skills to deal with fear, low self esteem, loss and other emotions • easing of physical symptoms such headaches and stomachaches. She has created many activities that you can do with your children For example: • Take an imagination vacation. Have your child close his eyes and imagine (out loud) a wonderful place he’d like to visit. By the end of the “vacation,” you’ll have learned about your child’s dreams, worries, likes, etc. • Have a dialogue between hands. This is a great activity for 4th grade and up that helps young minds access both sides of their brain (logical and intuitive). Have your child pick two thin markers of different colors. • Ask her to write a question with her dominant hand. Then have her nondominant hand answer. Go back and forth between them, and you’ll be surprised what emerges. Children need the opportunity to be creative. Video games, TV and toys with bells and whistles destroy a child’s ability to creatively engage their brain in order to entertain their. In general... encouraging creativity in children is not expensive, time consuming or rocket science.” These tips will help you get started: • Crayons, paint, chalk and a generous supply of paper will prod your child to create art. • A CD player with appropriate music will encourage your child to absorb music’s rhythm, cadence and structure. • Puzzles of all kinds allow children to practice problem solving. • A box of old clothing and costume jewelry can encourage children to create stories and costumes and to explore the possibilities of different lives. • Plenty of outdoor time allows children to explore how they relate to the natural world. COMMUNICATE CORRECTLY Child psychologist, author and parenting expert Tamar Chansky, says that
encouraging creativity in kids means being flexible, and not expecting perfection or being overly concerned with right and wrong. “Parents can foster creativity by not using praise about product,” says Chansky. For example, instead of saying “That’s good,” ask your child questions and comment about the process. Use phrases such as: • “Neat choice” • “What are you thinking of there?” • “Wow, you are really working hard on this!” • “Your ideas are very exciting” • Chansky also says that kids often make “sweeping conclusions” about things about which they are unhappy, and you need to reassure them that their conclusions aren’t correct. Help the child figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. For example, a child may say “I’m bad writing or I’m bad at art.” Chansky suggests you counter with, “Not being able to draw things the first time around doesn’t make you a bad artist.” She suggests you communicate with a frustrated child this way: “I know you want to make those flowers, and they are hard! I bet other artists had to work hard to figure out how to make the petals the way they like them. Do you think they got it on the first -- or even the 10th -- try?” GETTING STARTED You can do countless crafts and activities with your children to help spark creativity. Using crafts to encourage play and creativity is a great alternative to TV and video games. “Shoebox Kits” offer creative ways for groups of kids to stay engaged. QUICK TIPS TO STAY CREATIVE: • Make costumes • Have a puppet show • Interview historic people • Act out historical events • Bring out the maps • Make a game of dates • Read. Read. Read! • Combine art with history • NY-based moms Lisa Fielding and Stefanie Katz-Rothman founded to help other parents find engaging toys for their kids. They also offer some tips on getting creative: • Read! [Notice a trend here?] • Have a dance party and encourage your children to write their own songs. • Paint like Jackson Pollack and cover the grass with large pieces of paper or canvas. • Build a fort or go camping at home.
Ja, dit is amper (weer!) vakansie. Maar selfs die super-ma’s is nou reeds gedaan – dié kwartaal was lánk! Hierdie borrelbad-bomme sal sommer een-twee-drie weer die woema in jou wiele sit. Buitendien: Dit gee jou ww Wat moet jy hê? • 240 ml koeksoda • 120 ml sitroensuur • 120 ml mielieblom (Maizena) • 120 ml Engelse sout • 1t water • 2 t aromatiese olie • 2½ t amandel-olie • ’n paar druppels voedselkleursel • ’n Klein plastiek bakkie/houertjie wat jy as gietvorm kan gebruik Hoe moet jy maak? • Voeg al die droë bestanddele in ’n groot mengbak bymekaar en meng dit goed deur. • Voeg al die nat bestanddele in ‘n apparte houer bymekaar en meng dit ook goed.
• Giet nou die nat beslag by die droë bestanddele en roer dit met ’n lepel deur. Op ’n stadium moet alles so goed vermeng wees dat dit lekker klewerig begin word. Amper soos as jy sandkastele bou. • Vul nou die klein plastiek bakkie/ houertjie met die mengsel, tot bo. Voeg dan nóg ’n bietjie by – en druk dit alles stýf vas. (As dit vir jou lyk of die mengsel nog nie klewerig genoeg is nie, gooi bietjies-bietjies water daarby, totdat dit reg is.) • As jy tevrede is met die verkleefdheid, kan jy dit versigtig uit haal. • Plaas dit op ’n handdoek met waspapier daarop, sodat dit kan droog word. Dié proses sal ongeveer 48 uur duur.
DIY Chalkboard Serving Platter Just one more chalkboard porcelain paint project, and then I’ll give it a rest. I promise. How about… a chalkboard serving platter? It’s perfect for serving cheese, cookies, or any other goodies you might need to label. YOU’LL NEED: • A porcelain platter • Painter’s tape • Chalkboard Paint • Soft bristle paint brush HOW TO: 1. Make sure your platter is clean and dry. 2. If desired use painter’s tape to mask off the edges of the platter, otherwise skip the tape and freehand it. 3. Apply the paint with a soft bristle brush. You will be able to see the brush strokes after the paint dries, so be careful and keep your strokes even. 4. As soon as you are done painting carefully remove the tape if you used it. If you remove it before the last coat of paint dries, the tape will be less likely to peel up the edges of the paint. 5. Let the paint dry for 24 hours.
Fish for thought 4 JUNE 2014
Pan-fried fish with fresh lemon This simple recipe relies on butterand a good non-stick frying pan. You need: ● dollop of butter ● 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil ● few sage leaves (optional) ● 1 firm white fish fillet per person, preferably not too thick, skin and bones removed (I like using fresh sole fillets) ● salt ● 1 tablespoon (15 ml) flour ● 1/4 lemon per fillet (or you could use lime halves if you can get them) Get a non-stick frying pan very hot, then slide in the butter and oil, as well as a few sage leaves, stalks removed. Season the fish with fine salt on both sides and dredge in the flour, patting it lightly to remove the excess. Place in the hot pan (don’t do more than three fillets at a time) and leave on that side for about 2 minutes, then turn and fry the other side. The butter should be burnt by this time, but never fear. Burnt butter is delicious. Squeeze a lemon quarter over each fillet and serve immediately
Omega-3 in fish:
How eating fish helps your heart The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are good for your heart. Find out why the hearthealthy benefits of eating fish usually outweigh any risks. If you’re worried about heart disease, eating one to two servings of fish a week could reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack.
Serving size depends on number of fillets – limit it to 2–3, otherwise you won’t be able to fit them all in your pan, and hence some people will eat fish that’s either cold, or dry. © Carina Truyts 2014 Published by Human & Rousseau
What are omega-3 fatty acids, and why are they good for your heart? Fish contain unsaturated fatty acids, which, when substituted for saturated fatty acids such as those in meat, may lower your cholesterol. But the main beneficial nutrient appears to be omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that may reduce inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation in the body can damage your blood vessels and lead to heart disease.
Oos - London Nero’s Pizza Pasta & Take-AWAYS | 043 726 3309 Daily special: 2 large Pizza’s R110. Large pasta R50. Cheese burger and chips R29,90. We have the best handmade pizza and pasta, freshly cut chips, fish and calamari. Big juicy burgers and much more. 082 318 9255
Amalinda - Nahoon - Beacon Bay- Gonubie - Kidds Beach - Greenfields Lilyfontein - King Williams Town
Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease triglycerides, lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting, decrease stroke and heart failure risk, reduce irregular heartbeats, and in children may improve learning ability. Eating at least one to two servings a week of fish, particularly fish that’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, appears to reduce the risk of heart disease, particularly sudden cardiac death. How much fish should you eat? For adults, at least two servings of omega-3-rich fish a week are recommended. A serving size is 3.5 ounces (99 grams), or about the size of a deck of cards. Women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant and young children should limit the amount of fish they eat because they’re most susceptible to the potential effects of toxins in fish. Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients appears to provide more heart-healthy benefits than does using supplements. Other nonfish food options that do contain some omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed, flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil, soybeans and soybean oil. However, similar to supplements, the evidence of hearthealthy benefits from eating these foods isn’t as strong as it is from eating fish.
If your fish fillet is thicker than about 1.5 cm, it may be hard to cook it through without burning it. Solve this by either putting the lid on and lowering the temperature, or by finishing it off in a hot oven for about 3 minutes until cooked through. Don’t be scared to pierce the fish with a knife to check if it’s cooked (it will be white and flaky). It’s the only way you’ll get a feel for it.
For many years, the Heart Association has recommended that people eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids at least twice a week. Doctors have long believed that the unsaturated fats in fish, called omega-3 fatty acids, are the nutrients that reduce the risk of dying of heart disease. However, more recent research suggests that other nutrients in fish or a combination of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients in fish may actually be responsible for the health benefits from fish. When it comes to a healthier heart, the benefits of eating fish usually outweigh the possible risks of exposure to contaminants. Find out how to balance these concerns with adding a healthy amount of fish to your diet.
OPPI SPYSKAART See what specials to grab in your area!
Products & Services
Voorpos Primary JUNE 2014 5 New Rugby jerseys
Hobbiton weekend away
The Voorpos U/13 rugby team was kitted out with new rugby jerseys. Our generous sponsor,Mr Gary Godfrey from Shakatak, hands over a new rugby jersey to team member, Sinothando Nayo
Every year a group of ten children from Voorpos Primary are sponsored by Hobbiton with a weekend away. Our learners had so much fun and would all love to go again soon!
Lucky Draw winner Voorpos principal, Mr Matthee, looks on as Mr Andre Cotzee from Splashcuzzi Pools draws the lucky winner of the swimming pool that he donated to Voorpos Primary.
SACEE Fun With Words Akhile Tutu, Sakhe Pindani, Darragh Gumbi, Asanele Ncede and Ukho Memani had a lovely time at the SACEE Fun With Words Evening for Grade 4 and 5 learners. This event was hosted by George Randell Primary School.
Nahoon Primary Woelwaters maak musiek Die woelwaters leer al van kleins af om tyd te hou en musiek te maak. Hier is die Woelwater 3-klas besig om tyd te hou op maat van musiek.
Fiets ry is pret
Op woelwaterwerf is ‘n spesiale sementpaadjie waarop die kinders kan fietsry. Dit is vir hulle te heerlik om hier te ry.
Hierdie gr. 2 en 3 seuns is deel van die o/9-rugbyspan en word afgerig deur mnr. Johan van Rooyen. Hulle kan nie wag vir wedstryde nie en is altyd reg vir aksie.
Jnr orkes ontvang goud
Die jnr. orkes het tydens die Port Rex Lions Eisteddfod ‘n goue toekenning ontvang vir hul optrede. Die orkes bestaan uit gr. 1 tot 3 leerders en word afgerig deur Dr. Linda Smit en Mej. Marilise Gerber. Hier is hulle hard aan die oefen voor hul deelname.
Die gr. 2-leerders geniet hul Wiskundelesse. Hier is hulle besig om getalle te bou met behulp van flardkaarte.
Ballerinas van die toekoms
Ons leer om in te kleur
Die meisies is mal oor ballet en leer vroeg-vroeg al om hul tone te punt.
Juf. Annatjie Delport leer die kinders in Woelwater 1 hoe om hul kryt vas te hou en in te kleur.
Landloop is pret Mev. Hanri Niit sorg vir baie pret by die landloop en die kinders neem gereeld deel aan byeenkomste. Hier is hulle voor ‘n byeenkoms wat by Hoërskool Hudson Park gehou is.
Grens Voorbereiding 6 JUNE 2014 Skenking Baie dankie aan Hemmingways Mall wat pragtige rugby truie aan Grens Voorbereiding se onder 9 span geskenk het.
Julle is AWSUM
Ouma en Oupa konsert 2014!
Seerowers in die konsert.
Die beoordelaars van die talentkompetisie, asook die twee MC’s.
Bak en brou Graad 1’s maak pizzas vir bak en brou.
Die ‘sinchro swemmers’ span het die gehoor lekker vermaak!
Hoofspelers Nanna, haar twee oumas en stiefma.
Gr. R’e uit die Kabouterland toneel.
George Randell Primary Forest Ways Expierence
The Grade 5 learners enjoyed a wonderful outdoor learning experience at Forest Ways in Stutterheim. Instructors introduced them to abseiling, obstacle courses and the beauty ofnature in the indigenous forests. And in the words of Grade 5 learner, Grace Tshaka: The Grade 5’s went on camp to Forest Way outside of Stutterheim. This was an experience that no child will ever forget. I enjoyed all the many activities. The abseiling was scary. The obstacle course was
Dress for Success Day wet, wild and scenic. The food was out of this world and more than enough. The dormitories were comfortable and we had lots of fun till late at night. Our teacher, Mrs De Kock, prayed with us every evening. The camp leaders are Christians and are well organized. We learnt lovely new songs and games. I enjoyed the camp so much and wish that I could go again. Maybe I should fail Grade 5 so that I can go again next year!
A Dress for Success Day was celebrated by the Foundation Phase. Careers were explored and learners dressed up in a profession of their choice. They researched the different careers and explained their choice to the peers.
Road safety
Young Georgie learners were visited by the Department of Transport, where rules of the road and general safety where shown via demonstration.
Snake Park
The Georgie under 9 netball team playing their first match of the season.
The Grade 3’s went to the Snake Park to learn about reptiles and their habits. This was a hands-on learning experience which helped dispel many of the myths and fears that surround these amazing creatures.
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MAY 2014
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Dit is ons eerste verjaarsdag, en ons sê dankie! In Mei 2013 het ‘n handjie vol skole in die Boland vir die eerste keer AWSUM-nuus gekry.
Nou, op ons eerste verjaarsdag is ons trots en dankbaar om te sê dat AWSUM deur sy tandekry-fase is en groei dat die biesies bewe.
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Ons bedien nou 64 laerskole en 56 hoërskole in 6 streke. Baie dankie vir elke leser, student, adverteerder en ieder en elk wat deel het aan ons sukses. Hier is wat ‘n paar lesers sê oor AWSUM:
• Baie baie dankie vir die pragtige advertensie in die Februarie uitgawe, so by die editorial! Ek voel so bevoorreg en begunsdig, oorweldig en dankbaar. Ek is oortuig dat julle die perfekte platform bied vir my om te adverteer en my hart en passie te deel met die huishoudigs waar kinders is.
skole, het ek onlangs julle AWSUM koerantjie ontvang. Dit is ‘n pragtige kreatiewe konsep en ek dink dit verskaf fantastiese blootstelling aan skole. • I have just had the pleasure of reading your AWSUM newspaper! It is great!
• Eerstens wil ek u bedank en loof vir die uitstekende skoolkoerant wat AWSUM is. Ek geniet dit baie en vind dit baie interessant. • Ek hou van die resepte, artikels en insetsels oor die verskillende skole in die Helderberg en omliggende area, dis baie interessant om te sien waar jou eie skool staan in vergelyking. Die FOMO-kalender is ook tops!
T Colour in and WIN!!!
• Uitstekend! Julle is voorwaar AWSUM!!! • Ek sien uit na elke volgende uitgawe in 2014.
WHAT TO DO THESE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS • As ouer van ‘n leerder by een van ons plaaslike
Die avonture van Paulus bestaan uit ‘n CD met 15 stories en ‘n inkleurboek met prente van elke storie. Die boeke is spesiaal ontwerp vir kinders tussen 4-6 jaar oud.
Die wonderwerke van Jesus bestaan uit ‘n CD met 15 stories en ‘n inkleurboek met prente van elke storie. Die boeke is spesiaal ontwerp vir kinders tussen 3-7 jaar oud. Vir meer inligting en produkte, besoek ons e-winkel by Deeloproepe: 0860 26 33 42 of 0860 BMEDIA Direkte bestellings: Geen posgeld betaalbaar nie.
10 AWSUM lesers kan elk ‘n geskenkpak ter waarde van R200 met die komplimente van Bybel-Media wen. Knip jou ingekleurde-prentjie uit, vul jou besonderhede in en stuur dit aan: AWSUM Koerant, 10 Verster Straat, Paarl, 7646.
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OUTTA3-2-1-BLAST THIS OFF! WORLD Best Car Games for Kids Banish backseat boredom without spending a cent! What do parents dread most about family road trips? It’s not the cost of filling up the gas tank. It’s also not traffic or toll roads or Sunday drivers. It’s the thought of their own little cherubs stuck together in tight quarters for hours. Luckily, there are lots of ways to keep kids happily entertained and enjoying each other’s company. And the best part? You can achieve it without spending a cent. HERE ARE OUR PICKS FOR THE BEST CAR GAMES FOR KIDS: I Spy. “I spy with my little eye, something red.” This easy-to-learn game is perfect for preschoolers, and can keep them entertained for unbelievably long periods of time. The directions are simple: One person spies something and recites the line, ending in a clue. Everyone else takes turns trying to guess the mystery item. License Plate Game. When we were kids, everyone seemed to play the license plate game on family road trips. Armed with a pad of paper, we would write down the name of each province or district as we spotted it. The goal, of course, was to nab all provinces. If we were lucky, we’d spot a Namibian or a number plate from Botswana and Swaziland, too.
I’m Going on a Picnic. This alphabet-based memory game is great for kids 5 and up.
You don’t need a game board or any materials. The game can be played with as few as two players, but it’s more fun when the whole family joins in. The first player says “I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing...” followed by something that begins with A, such as apples. The second player repeats what the first person said, but adds something that begins with B. So she might say “I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing apples and bananas.” And so on with C, D, and the rest of the alphabet. If someone forgets an item, she is out. To be fair, feel free to be lenient and give hints to younger players. The last player to be able to recite all the items on the list wins.
20 Questions. This easy-peasy game is great for younger kids, thanks to its straightforward rules. Player One thinks of a person, place or thing. Everyone else takes turns asking questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. After each answer, the questioner gets one guess. Play continues until a player guesses correctly.
Spot the Car. For families with ’tween and teen car hounds, this scavenger hunt is a fun alternate to the license plate game. Instead of looking for different provinces or towns, you’re looking for different car models.
Goudkop Bush camp lies in the heart of the Sandveld area on the West Coast of South Africa. The farm is situated on the edge of the Verlorenvlei Valley, nestled between the mountains of Piketberg and the coastal town of Elandsbay. The Bush camp is nestled against a hillside and hosts 4 rooms and 4 chalets all with a panoramic views over the valley and surrounding mountains. The 8 campsites are lush with green grass and conveniently located near the main camp and facilities.
• 8 Sleeping units & 8 Camping sites • Inside & Outside braai areas • Entertainment area with Dstv and Fireplace • Licensed bar • Swimming pool , Jacuzzi & Sauna • Fully equipped kitchen • Game drives, Walking trails & Bird watching • Ideal for large functions, be it birthdays, anniversaries or conference meetings. Phone: 022 962 1669 I Mobile: 072 207 4492 Email: Office: 021 872 7673
Johanna Truter 082 928 84 88
Wind your way through planets and stars to get from earth to Mars. Remember to avoid those black holes!
Clarendon Preparatory School 10 JUNE 2014 New indoor swimming pool
New indoor swimming pool for Clarendon Prep. The official soil turning that signify the commencement of building works for a new indoor swimming pool at Clarendon Preparatory School. The pool, once completed in October this year, will provide Clarendon with ideal training facilities and enhance the exiting offering at the school.
PTA Great Gatsby Ball
Clarendon Prep hosted their PTA Great Gatsby Ball on Saturday, 7 June at The Venue in East London. The auction raised funds that will be used for the new indoor swimming pool.
Lloyd Marshall & Sheldon Ball (Monobulelwa Construction), Wendy Salter (Goldsmid Salter Architects); Joan Harrison-Breetzke, Bev Keth (Principal), Greg Tarr (SGB Chairman) & Jacques Buchner (Pool Project Leader).
Clarendon Primary School Tennis
Internal roll-out
Clarendon Primary tennis is going strong and the U13A Team have won the USSASA Central Region Schools’ League for the second successive year.
Clarendon Primary has recently launched an internal roll-out of the core values that have been embraced by the school.
“Our girls dressed according to our values colours for our termly civvies day”.
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Gonubie Primary JUNE 2014 11 Reach for a Dream Foundation Members of the Gonubie Primary wMarimba band assisted the Reach for a Dream Foundation ( EL Branch) to
assist Sandiswe from Peddie (6th from the left) who is fighting a life-threatening illness, to make her dream come true.
Father’s Day
Gonubie Primary Grade 1’s enjoyed a delightful hour at school with their dads last week. There was much singing, games and a lot of positive Fathers’ Day interaction with dads in the classroom and on the playground.
The ball’s up there somewhere! Rebecca Barnard and Nicole Behrens keep their eye on the ball in an U9 netball match against Grens.
Inakho Ntshawuzana and his dad are in the picture.
Stretch Cellphone Towers
Performance Art
Gr 7 Tech pupils were challenged with the task of designing and building cell phone towers that would “blend in” with their surroundings. Malcolm Govender and Lamees Vahed show some of the amazing designs!
Being creative during Performance Art in Life Skills. A group of Ms Willemse’s Gr 6 pupils take a breather after a fast and furious physical performance – they have at least one fan!
Senior pupils at Gonubie Primary School working on increasing their flexibility in preparation for their Cecchetti Ballet Examinations. Many of these girls will be dancing for the
coveted Mabel Ryan Medal which is recognised worldwide and presented by the Cecchetti Society to the pupil achieving the highest mark in the Eastern Cape.
Cambridge Primary Beach Outing
Rugby vs St Andrews
g gee d d i i r y bbr m m a a ry iinng g CC iimmaar t t i i r PPr iiss v v llss bbeeaacchh i i p p ppuu tthhee Rugby and Netball Vs. Port Alfred Cambridge had a good day against St Andrew’s Prep, dominating at home across the board. U9A 65 - 5 (10-a-side) U9B 90 - 0 (10-a-side) U11A 21 - 0 U11B 52 - 0 U13A 24 - 19 U13B 19 - 7 U13C 52 - 0
Beaconhurst Primary 12 JUNE 2014
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Email - or phone - 021 872 3880 Artists at Beaconhurst At the recent art exhibition at Belgravia School, our Beaconhurst learners did extremely well and achieved 17 gold, 17 silver and 4 bronze awards. Well done to all the learners.
A group photo of some of the artists at Beaconhurst.
Grade 6 Science Experiments The grade 6 learners had fun while doing experiments outside building their own filters. Here you can see a group of them once they completed their experiments. Keep up the good work, grade 6’s.
Horse Riding with Mrs. Spies With the love of horses and children, Mrs. Spies started to teach horse riding for therapeutic purposes to ADD, ADHD, Asperger syndrome learners, children with difficult home circumstances and learners with low muscle tone. Although she is not trained as a therapist, just a teacher with almost 30 years of teaching experience, she saw the difference that horses and horse riding can make in the lives of these children. One of our learners with very low muscle tone had to be helped unto the horse when he started and now he is able to get onto the horse himself and has even started doing rising trots. At a recent pony show, he came second for Working Riding Horse. Another learner tragically lost 4 of her family members in 2013, and was suffering from depression. After riding for three months she is laughing and happy again. One of our learners with Asperger Syndrome was on 6 tablets a day for various symptoms, and after just 5 months of riding has no need to take the tablets anymore. There are many more cases like these, ranging from learners with low self-esteem to learners with ADHD. All of them have shown a tremendous improvement over the past months.
Sesona Mbangeli with her rosette.
Jonathan Gregson.
We would like to congratulate our pupils who won several rosettes at the pony club fun show. We are looking forward to the next one. Michael Gregson.
Horse Riding results Two of our learners did extremely well in the recent pony show and managed to rake in some amazing results. Gaby Hattingh came 1st in the show jumps and 4th in the Novia Dressage
Gaby Hattingh and Tamzin Kent on their horses.
categories. Tamzin Kent received a 1st place for working riding horse division, 3rd for her jumping and 3rd for the obstacle course. Well done girls.
Beaconhurst High School JUNE 2014 13 Cross Country Star One of our grade 8 learners, Tiffany Scott has achieved some great results for cross-country. She represented the school at the Hudson Park cross-country race held on the 30th of May. Although it was a rough 4Km race, Tiffany managed to finish 1st. As if that wasn’t enough, she also competed in the Port Rex High school beach cross-country race held at Bonza Bay beach on Saturday, 7 June. Tiffany placed 2nd, just seconds behind the winner. Well done, Tiffany. We are very proud of you.
You’re AWSUM. Computer Olympiad We are very proud of Sarah McInerney who came 2nd in the Eastern Cape for the Computer Applications Olympiad. A total of 17 203 learners were registered for the Olympiad in 2014. To be 2nd in the Province is a remarkable accomplishment. Congratulations Sarah!
Exam Fever
Gr 9 Technology Practical
All the learners at Beaconhurst School just finished their June examinations. This was a stressful time for some. Luckily it all went well. We would like to thank the learners for their hard work this term, and the teachers for their continued dedication and support.
The grade 9 learners had a lot of fun working on their Technology practical assignment. Well done to all the learners who did their best.
Message from Mr Claassens To all the learners at Beaconhurst School. I trust that you had an amazing term. Enjoy your well deserved holiday!
Lilyfontein High - Primary School
Selborne College 14 JUNE 2014
Selborne College vs Dale on 21 June 2014 at Selborne:
Selborne College vs Dale 20 & 21 June 2014:
Selborne 1st Rugby XV beat Dale 1st XV (28-7) Selborne 2nd Rugby XV beat Dale 2nd XV (35-17) Selborne 3rd Rugby XV beat Dale 3rd XV (24-12) Selborne 4th Rugby XV beat Dale 4th XV (52-5) Selborne 5th Rugby XV beat Dale 5th XV (64-0) Selborne U16 A Rugby XV beat Dale U16 A XV (56-3) Selborne U16 B Rugby XV beat Dale U16 B XV (22-15) Selborne U16 C Rugby XV beat Dale U16 C XV (61-0) Selborne U15 A Rugby XV beat Dale U15 A XV (72-0) Selborne U15 B Rugby XV beat Dale U15 B XV (31-21) Selborne U15 C Rugby XV beat Dale U15 C XV (43-0) Selborne U14 A Rugby XV beat Dale U14 A XV (21-7) Selborne U14 B Rugby XV beat Dale U14 B XV (62-0) Selborne U14 C Rugby XV beat Dale U14 C XV (41-0) Played: 14, Won: 14
Selborne 1st XI lost Dale 1st XI (1-2) Selborne 2nd XI drew Dale 2nd XI (2-2) Selborne 3rd XI beat Dale 3rd XI (6-1) Selborne U16 A XI beat Dale U16 A XI (4-0) Selborne U16 B XI beat Dale U16 B XI (4-1) Selborne U14 A XI beat Dale U14 A XI (5-0) Selborne U14 B XI beat Dale U14 B XI (3-0) Played: 7, Won: 5, Drew: 1 and Lost:1 Debating Selborne College vs Dale 20 June 2014: Selborne Juniors beat Dale Juniors Selborne Seniors lost Dale Seniors
Chess Selborne College vs Dale 20 June 2014: Selborne beat Dale (8-2)
Cambridge High School Kamvelihle Cultural Society Members of the Cambridge High School Kamvelihle Cultural Society - in the spirit of Ubuntu - decided to, together with the Cambridge Methodist Church Women’s Manyano use money they had raised from their Cultural Evening, to donate a gas stove and pots to the crèche in the Cambridge Village. This will go a long way to helping them to develop and grow.
Outdoor Club
Pictured above, the Outdoor Club on their recent excursion up the Cowie river.
Pictured above are Cambridge High School learners, some ladies from the Methodist Church and one of the workers at the crèche.
On this outing they also visited the Big Pineapple in Bathurst and the 1820 Settlers National Monument in Grahamstown.
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Stirling High School SE
JUNE 2014 15
Sports Achievements May/June 2014
Water Polo: Nina Cressey, Tayla Louw and Megan-Jane Thomson were selected to the South African Girls’ U18A Water Polo team that will be travelling to Spain in August for the Women’s Youth World U18 Championships in Madrid. Angling: Wade Botha has been selected for the Border U21 Rock and Surf Angling team that participated in the National Championships. Squash: The following boys have been selected for Border Squash Teams: U14A Tyron Karshagen, U14B Chad Ikin, Ethan Petzer Hockey: Congratulations to the following Stirling pupils who were selected to the Border Schools’ Hockey Teams: Girls: U14A Rozelle van Vuuren, Maliska Baartman, Francisca Darkoh U16A Kimberley Welsh, Tonia Jacobs, Michaela Smith, Jemma Flanegan U18A Eleanor Mollentze, Caylin Pfeffer, Kayleigh Pretorius, Robyn Flanegan U18B Kirsten Sabbagh, Wania Carelse Boys: U14A Kian Parsotam U14B Stephen Bentley, Cuan Vincent U16A Ntsika Matika, Dalpiarro Langford U16B Zwelethu Ndondo, Tristen Luyt U18A Simon Webster, Justin Smouse U18B Greg Bartlett, Drue Flanegan, André Nel Golf: Daniel Berndt, 14 yrs old, recently won the West Bank Golf Club’s Open Championship for 2014. Netball: The following Stirling Border Netball players were chosen to represent the Eastern Cape teams: U14 - Lesley Blignaut U15 - Hanna Muller U16 - Sibabalwe Mazwayi U17 - Jesse van Sittert
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Email - or phone - 021 872 3880 Claredon High School Clarendon High’s Message of Hope
Paying it forwards to St Bernard’s Hospice
By Babalwa Ngcongolo (Head Girl) and Hannah Putzier (Deputy Head Girl) Few things have moved people on a global scale as much as the mass outcry expressed in response to the kidnapping of the 276 school girls in Nigeria by Boko Haram. The fact that these girls have been demeaned by an oppressive, archaic and misogynistic definition of “a woman’s place”, is truly tragic. It is this blatant disregard – not just for the 276 Nigerian girls, but for girls everywhere who do not have access to education and suffer because of their gender – that has prompted Clarendon High School to
get involved in the global awareness and outcry against a shocking and cruel act. Our girls stand in the formation of a blue ribbon, which represents standing against human trafficking and sex slavery – the intended purpose of the kidnapped girls, according to Boko Haram. The girls’ faces are also covered to symbolize the notion that the plight of girls anywhere, is the plight of girls everywhere because, as young girls we are all connected and affected by this injustice.
Clarendon High one of the Top Government schools
Photo’s courtesy of Fairlady
Port Rex Technical High School 16 JUNE 2014 Mintek Science Quiz Ade Matafeni will be competing in the National Stage of the Mintek Science Quiz that will be held in Johannesburg
on 14 and 15 July. He will be part of a team of three learners, representing the Eastern Cape. Good luck Ade!
Cross crountry A X-country event was arranged by Port Rex at Bonza Bay on the 7th of June. Primary and Secondary school learners from schools in East London took part in this event. It was a huge
Chuma has been the main force in the U/19 section of the x-country series during this term. He has been in the first position during all of this season’s races.
success and learners enjoyed the run on the beach. A huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Dalton, Mr Beckmann and all other teachers who were involved in arranging this very enjoyable event.