Helderberg (July) Primary/High Schools

Page 1

JULY 2014








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Jou oggende is gans te kort: Jy sukkel om die kinders uit die bed te kry; hulle moet skoon en netjies by die skool kom. En gevoed. Ja, hulle móét ontbyt eet – die dokters en die dieetkundiges sê dan almal:

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Ryno Wolfaardt - 021 872 3880 | ryno@tiemedia.co.za AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools: HELDERBERG: Primary schools: Stellenbosch, Eikestad, Beaumont, De Hoop, Somerset College, Hendrik Louw, Lochnerhof, Somerset West Primary. High Schools: Paul Roos, PJ Olivier Kunssentrum, Stellenbosch, Bloemhof, Rhenish, Parel Vallei, Somerset College, Hottentots Holland.

PRINTED BY - Paarl Coldset


aar presies waar kry jy die tyd om die magies vol genoeg te kry – en dan so vroeg in die oggend? En dit is nie dat hulle juis opgewonde by die ontbyttafel staan en rondtrippel nie – inteendeel. Hóór dan net daar: “Ag, Maaaa! Ek ís nie honger nie!” En dan is daar nog jou man … Hy sê dat hy régtig nie voor tienuur kan eet nie. Hy sê jy moet beslis nie bodder met ontbyt vir hóm nie. Hoekom ontbyt? • Jou kind se lyfie werk net soos jou motor se enjin – as daar nie brandstof in is nie, is daar nie beweging nie. Maar as jy die regte tipe brandstof ingooi, sal die prestasie beter wees. Soos by die motor, só ook by die kinders. • Ontbyt voorkom ook moeilikheid. Kinders (en volwassenes) wat nie ontbyt eet nie, word sommer vroegoggend moeg – en kan boonop rusteloos of sommer kort van draad word. Nee, moenie dat jou mense ontbyt oorslaan nie. • Daar is ook ’n langer termynvoordeel: Hoe vroeër jou kinders (en jou man, én jy) die dag se eerste ete nuttig, hoe vroeër word julle

metabolisme wakker. Eet dus maar jou vroegoggendse ontbyt, en die kanse dat jy vetsugtig gaan wees, word baie … uhm, skraler. Brekfis vir breinkrag Dit is belangrik om seker te maak dat jou gesin die régte soort kos vir ontbyt inneem. Kies kossoorte wat ryk aan graan, vesel en proteïne is. Vermy graanprodukte wat ’n hoë suikerinhoud het. Die horlosie is teen my! Ons weet dat álle mammas juis in die oggend Súperma(n) moet wees. Veral in die winter, as dit vir almal (ook vir haar!) moeilik is om uit die bed te kom. Probeer gerus hierdie praktiese wenke om te sorg dat die ontbyt ingaan voordat jou gesin soggens by die huis uitgaan. • Sorg dat daar altyd gesonde ontbytopsies in jou spens is. • Dek die ontbyttafel die vorige aand. • Maak reeds die vorige aand ’n groot bak vrugteslaai, sodat jy teen ontbyt-tyd net kan opskep.

• Probeer om jou gesin (net) 15 minute vroeër as gewoonlik wakker te kry. • Laat die kinders jou help om die ontbyt voor te berei. • Énigiets kan vroegoggend gebeur (soos jy maar al te goed weet!) – sorg dus vir stap-en-hap moontlikhede: vars vrugte, klein bakkies jogurt, neute, gekookte eiers. Jou gesin se geluk en gesondheid is tog vir jou ’n prioriteit, Mamma. Sorg dan dat ’n gesonde en gereelde ontbyt ook op daardie prioriteitslysie verskyn. Bon appétit!


Lifestyle - Focus on Education! 2 JULY 2014

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.


~ Joseph Addison ~

Kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is important.


There is no greater or more accurate indicator of a child’s academic progress than that of his or her reading skills. Children who choose to pick up a book for pleasure are more likely to succeed in life, research shows. Reading for pleasure therefore reveals a predisposition not just to literature, but also to lifelong learning which is essential for furthering one’s career. But getting them to do so isn’t easy! So, how do I help my child become a reader? * Set time aside for reading every day. * Join the library. Membership is free! * When you go shopping, visit a bookshop and browse with your child. * Subscribe to a weekly / monthly magazine for your child. * Joke books are popular with even reluctant readers. * Focus on your child’s particular interest. Boys tend to enjoy non-fiction: books on sport, nature, amazing facts, etc. * Connect family experiences and current events to reading. If going on holiday, read up on the places you will be visiting. * Set a time aside for family games that require reading. Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, etc * Read out interesting or funny bits from what you are reading yourself. * Encourage your child to share with the


family what they are reading. * Bribery and bargaining have their place if you are at your wit’s end! If your cricket playing son reads a chapter a day for a month, you’ll buy him the cricket bat he so badly wants! * It is always possible that a child who is vehemently opposed to reading has either a reading difficulty or poor eyesight. Both need to be addressed as soon as possible. * Read to your child. It is fun, it is simple, it is cheap – it is also the most effective advertisement for the pleasures of reading. Article by Charmaine Bailey; Academic Head at George Randell Primary

Top 10 homework tips Of course, helping with homework shouldn’t mean spending hours hunched over a desk. Parents can be supportive by demonstrating study and organization skills, explaining a tricky problem, or just encouraging kids to take a break. And who knows? Parents might even learn a thing or two! HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO GUIDE THE WAY: 1. Know the teachers — and what they’re looking for. Attend school events, such as parent-teacher conferences, to meet your child’s teachers. Ask about their homework policies and how you should be involved. 2. Set up a homework-friendly area. Make sure kids have a well-lit place to complete homework. Keep supplies — paper, pencils, glue, scissors — within reach. 3. Schedule a regular study time. Some kids work best in the afternoon, following a snack and play period; others may prefer to wait until after dinner. 4. Help them make a plan. On heavy homework nights or when there’s an especially big assignment to tackle, encourage your child to break up the work into manageable chunks. Create a work schedule for the night if necessary — and take time for a 15-minute break every hour, if possible. 5. Keep distractions to a minimum. This means no TV, loud music, or phone calls. 6. Make sure kids do their own work. They won’t learn if they don’t think for themselves and make their own mistakes. Parents can make suggestions and help with directions. But it’s a kid’s job to do the learning. 7. Be a motivator and monitor. Ask about assignments, quizzes, and tests. Give encouragement, check completed

homework, and make yourself available for questions and concerns. 8. Set a good example. Do your kids ever see you diligently balancing your budget or reading a book? Kids are more likely to follow their parents’ examples than their advice. 9. Praise their work and efforts. Post an aced test or art project on the refrigerator. Mention academic achievements to relatives. 10. If there are continuing problems with homework, get help. Talk about it with your child’s teacher. Some kids have trouble seeing the board and may need glasses; others might need an evaluation for a learning problem or attention disorder.


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House & Home JULY 2014 3

DIY Chalkboard Serving Platter Just one more chalkboard porcelain paint project, and then I’ll give it a rest. I promise. How about… a chalkboard serving platter? It’s perfect for serving cheese, cookies, or any other goodies you might need to label. YOU’LL NEED:
 A porcelain platter Painter’s tape Chalkboard Paint Soft bristle paint brush HOW TO:
 1. Make sure your platter is clean and dry.

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2. If desired use painter’s tape to mask off the edges of the platter, otherwise skip the tape and freehand it.
 3. Apply the paint with a soft bristle brush. You will be able to see the brush strokes after the paint dries, so be careful and keep your strokes even.

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4. As soon as you are done painting carefully remove the tape if you used it. If you remove it before the last coat of paint dries, the tape will be less likely to peel up the edges of the paint.
 5. Let the paint dry for 24 hours.



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Mind & Body 4 JULY 2014

Finding Inspiration...

By Surina Loedolff.

I page through books, pictures, photos, any material that will act as inspiration for the new Art curriculum. My mind swamped with ideas, questions, reasoning...some more structured, thinking of incorporating art theory in the process of pure expression and free flow, others a whirlwind of colour and ideas waiting to be put on paper. In my search for inspiration I notice my modest, softly-spoken 4 year old entering my art room, making her way to the drawer with the big sheets of paper. With a shy smile her eyes ask if she can have one. She climbs on the table to reach a packet of oil pastels, carefully selecting the pinks, oranges and a purple. I notice her movement, her concentration and determination. She makes herself at home by the big drawing table and looses herself in a moment of expression. As I carefully observe, I see my gentle little girl brim with joy, making sense of her world, finding her voice, and share some beauty within. Halfway through I hear her surprise “Oops! I did not know purple and orange will make brown...oh, but that’s okay. I will just make the wings a little brighter”. With amazement I experience the value of the moment:

She is learning to use what she has to reform, redesign, recreate. She sees a problem as an opportunity and finds the solution. She takes a long hard look at the paper in front of her, puts down the oil pastel and asks if she might use some liquid water colours for the background as she wants her picture to “flow”. I smile, knowing she found a way to express what she could not find words for, to share what she feels. She shared something of herself. Knowing her sweet soft nature I can see, right in front of me, Henri Matisse had it right, “Creativity takes Courage”. What a great display of courage I just witnessed. Excitedly I embarked again on my journey to fill the art curriculum for this term with fun filled projects that will encourage the young students to express themselves with courage, boldness and joy, seeing opportunities and finding solutions. How I love art, how I love being an art teacher! Surina.loedolff@gmail.com 0844911700

Ja, die kwartaal het maar nou eers begin. Maar selfs die super-ma’s is nou reeds gedaan! Hierdie borrelbad-bomme sal sommer een-twee-drie weer die woema in jou wiele sit. Buitendien: Dit gee jou ’n lekker verskoning om ’n bietjie langer in die bad te lê … Wat moet jy hê? • 240 ml koeksoda • 120 ml sitroensuur • 120 ml mielieblom (Maizena) • 120 ml Engelse sout • 1t water • 2 t aromatiese olie • 2½ t amandel-olie • ’n paar druppels voedselkleursel • ’n Klein plastiek bakkie/houertjie wat jy as gietvorm kan gebruik Hoe moet jy maak? • Voeg al die droë bestanddele in ’n groot mengbak bymekaar en meng dit goed deur. • Voeg al die nat bestanddele in ‘n apparte houer bymekaar en meng dit ook goed. • Giet nou die nat beslag by die droë bestanddele en roer dit met ’n lepel deur. Op ’n stadium moet alles so goed vermeng wees dat dit lekker klewerig begin word. Amper soos as jy sandkastele bou. • Vul nou die klein plastiek bakkie/houertjie met die mengsel, tot bo. Voeg dan nóg ’n bietjie by – en druk dit alles stýf vas. (As dit vir jou lyk of die mengsel nog nie klewerig genoeg is nie, gooi bietjies-bietjies water daarby, totdat dit reg is.) • As jy tevrede is met die verkleefdheid, kan jy dit versigtig uit haal. • Plaas dit op ’n handdoek met waspapier daarop, sodat dit kan droog word. Dié proses sal ongeveer 48 uur duur.


Beauty JULY 2014 5

App of the month:

Beautylish: Makeup Beauty Tips Discover the newest beauty looks and trends, learn essential makeup tips, and shop for amazing products on the Beautylish app! Choose from thousands of makeup reviews, hairstyles, nail designs, braids, beauty tips and makeup tutorial videos to get inspired. The Beautylish Android App features: 
- Beauty photos featuring hairstyles, makeup looks, nail designs, bridal looks, and the latest beauty trends to get inspired.
 - Step-by-step tutorial videos to learn how to create the latest braids and hairstyles. Apply makeup and see how to create nail designs you’ll love. 
- Forums to ask questions and get beauty tips on makeup, skin care, nails and hairstyles from our community of makeup and beauty experts.
 - Daily beauty editorial stories featuring hair, nail, and makeup tutorials, the latest beauty trends, new product releases, skin care information, expert beauty tips and advice, and makeup reviews.
 -Filter beauty photos, makeup tutorials, and cosmetic reviews to find beauty inspiration from your favorite brands. The Beautylish Android App is perfect for your beauty obsession!

Straws and wrinkles, bet you didn’t think you would ever hear those two words in one sentence. Did you know that just by putting your lips around a straw, you can kick start the anti-ageing process? Here are more daily habits that can affect your skin.... PUT DOWN THE STRAW AND PICK UP THE GLASS What was once a myth, has been proved true, ‘wrinkles are caused by any excessive muscle movement,’ says dermatologist Dr Debra Jaliman. She believes the best time to combat these signs is when you’re younger, and advises using a bit of retinol around the forehead and mouth at night to solve this problem. We like retinol-rich Yves Rocher Wrinkles & Firmness Force Day Cream. BREAK THAT BAD HABIT, YES YOU KNOW THE ONE Whether you’re a 20-a-dayer or a sneaky social puffer, smoking restricts blood flow and is another major cause of ageing, particular around your mouth. It’s a bad habit that you need to break, unless you’re happy with a dull, wrinkled complexion. Ok, we know it’s not something that can happen overnight so look at applying a brightening moisturiser daily. We love Pond’s Gold Radiance Youthful Glow Day Cream SPF15. STOP DISMISSING ACNE AS A HORMONAL BREAKOUT Too often we hear this, and there is much faster and more effective way to handle acne than by trying every spot-busting product line other there. Book an appointment with a dermatologist. Professional advice can mean less long term effects on your skin, like scarring and we believe firmly believe prevention is better than cure. To find a reputable dermatologist

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in your area go to: http://www. derma.co.za/C_FindaDerm.aspx TURN DOWN THE HEAT Turning the hot tap on full blast can actually dry out your skin and hair, rather go for a moderate temperature to keep moisture locked in. Then, while you’re still damp apply a rich moisturiser like Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Body Gloss which contains cocoa butter and vitamin E, plus it gives skin a gorgeous glow. Plus, as you age, your hair also becomes more brittle and less resilient so try and avoid washing your hair daily to help preserve the flow of natural oils from your scalp to your locks. STAY ACTIVE This helps in many ways. Exercise helps to increase your blood supply which means healthier looking skin and more days of looking fabulous! Slow down ageing with antioxidants Having a nutritious and healthy diet is the key! Makeup is amazing for a lot of things but can only cover imperfections on the surface; these are where antioxidants come in. Great skin comes from within. Some examples of foods you could try while you’re young, munching on some berries and dark chocolate to keep your body healthy from within and glowing

on the outside. EMBRACE YOUR INNER SCIENTIST Having a set skincare routine can result in healthier, more glowing skin – something we all want. So depending on your skin concern, make sure the right ingredients are listed on the back of your products. This also means that they need to be listed early on, as the further down the list they are, the smaller the amount. If dark spots are a problem, look for vitamin C, soy and arbutin. Fine lines a concern? Look for hyaluronic acid, vitamin A and retinol. Want to combat shine? Look for charcoal, kaolin and silicone. And no matter what your skin type or complexion, always apply sunscreen too!

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AWSUM Kombuis 6 JULY 2014


This simple recipe relies on butterand a good non-stick frying pan.

Get a non-stick frying pan very hot, then slide in the butter and oil, as well as a few sage leaves, stalks removed. Season the fish with fine salt on both sides and dredge in the

flour, patting it lightly to remove the excess. Place in the hot pan (don’t do more than three fillets at a time) and leave on that side for about 2 minutes, then turn and fry the other side. The butter should be burnt by this time, but never fear. Burnt butter is delicious. Squeeze a lemon quarter over each fillet and serve immediately If your fish fillet is thicker than about 1.5 cm, it may be hard to cook it through without burning it. Solve this by either putting the lid on and lowering the temperature, or by finishing it off in a hot oven for about 3 minutes until cooked through. Don’t be scared

Omega-3 in fish: How eating fish helps your heart

to pierce the fish with a knife to check if it’s cooked (it will be white and flaky). It’s the only way you’ll get a feel for it. Serving size depends on number of fillets – limit it to 2–3, otherwise you won’t be able to fit them all in your pan, and hence some people will eat fish that’s either cold, or dry.

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The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are good for your heart. Eating one to two servings of fish a week could reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack. Doctors have long believed that the unsaturated fats in fish, called omega-3 fatty acids, are the nutrients that reduce the risk of dying of heart disease. However, more recent research suggests that other nutrients in fish or a combination of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients in fish may actually be responsible for the health benefits from fish. What are omega-3 fatty acids, and why are they good for your heart? Fish contain unsaturated fatty acids, which, when substituted for saturated fatty acids

such as those in meat, may lower your cholesterol. But the main beneficial nutrient appears to be omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that may reduce inflammation throughout the body. Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease triglycerides, lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting, decrease stroke and heart failure risk, reduce irregular heartbeats, and in children may improve learning ability. Eating at least one to two servings a week of fish, particularly fish that’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, appears to reduce the


Compiled by Jenny Morris

© Carina Truyts 2014 Published by Human & Rousseau

You need: ● dollop of butter ● 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil ● few sage leaves (optional) ● 1 firm white fish fillet per person, preferably not too thick, skin and bones removed (I like using fresh sole fillets) ● salt ● 1 tablespoon (15 ml) flour ● 1/4 lemon per fillet (or you could use lime halves if you can get them)

risk of heart disease, particularly sudden cardiac death. Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients appears to provide more heart-healthy benefits than does using supplements. Other nonfish food options that do contain some omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed, flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil, soybeans and soybean oil. However, similar to supplements, the evidence of heart-healthy benefits from eating these foods isn’t as strong as it is from eating fish.

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kos wyn kuier


Your family JULY 2014 7

Al druk die ekonomie van alle kante, is dit nie nodig dat jy en jou gesin in sak en as gaan sit nie. Met ’n tikkie verbeelding, ’n bietjie toneelspel, ’n paar kamoefleerkunsies, hope logika en ’n gesonde humorsin, kan jy die rande rek, die begroting laat klop én gehalte gesinstyd beleef. Uithalermaaltye teen sakpaspryse vir jou gesin en gaste, vrolike gesinsvakansies teen ’n appel en ’n ei, vindingryke maniere waarop jou kind sakgeld kan verdien én laer munisipale rekenings is binne jou bereik. Ja, al wurg dit op ekonomiese gebied en al voel jy nog nie die beloofde opswaai in die ekonomie aan jou sak nie en al moet jy elke sent tien keer omdraai, kan jy steeds die lewe geniet. Maak net ’n kopskuif na ’n minder materialistiese lewensuitkyk en beoefen daagliks die spreekwoord: “’n Boer maak ’n plan.” Die tyd vir omgekeerde statussimbole en vernuwende kreatiwiteit het aangebreek. Minder is (deesdae, beslis) meer. Hier volg ’n hand vol wenke. KINDERS EN SAKGELD Oorweeg ’n wegbreekjaar oorsee vir jou kind as die geld vir studies skraps is, sodat hy euro’s of dollars kan verdien. Baie oorsese werksgeleenthede, onder meer dié van au pair, sluit gratis verblyf en maaltye in. Daar is dosyne maniere waarop jou kind sakgeld kan verdien – huise oppas, troeteldiere versorg ... of deur as ’n ekstra in sepies op te tree. Kreatiewe, arm studente het al namens hulle mede-studente notas geneem en in rye gaan staan om boeke of gesogte sportkaartjies te koop – teen vergoeding natuurlik.

FIKSHEID EN GESONDHEID Doen navraag by jou gimnasium aangaande spesiale tariewe vir gesinne. As jy ’n swembad het, belê in ’n pool noodle en swemplankies vir oefeninge. Gaan stap op ’n mooi en veilige plek saam met die hele gesin en verlustig julle in die natuurskoon. PLATSAK-VAKANSIES Wees Trots Suid-Afrikaans en hou vakansie in ons eie land. Dit is baie goedkoper as ’n buitelandse reis. Danksy die mededingende laekoste­ lugrederye is dit soms ook goedkoper om te vlieg as om te ry. Bly op hoogte van die spesiale aanbiedinge. Oorweeg dit om ’n vakansiehuis of -woonstel saam met vriende met wie jy goed oor die weg kom, te huur. Dit is nie nodig om langafstandreise te onderneem om vakansie te gaan hou nie. Kies sommer ’n mooi plek naby die huis en bespaar só reiskoste en brandstof. As jy nie vakansiebehuising mét ’n kombuis kan huur nie, maak seker dat die plek minstens oor ’n yskas beskik. Om vir ’n vakansie tuis te bly, is allesbehalwe ’n ramp. Jy kan allerhande opwindende plekke in jou omgewing ontdek waarvoor jy nooit gedurende ’n gewone werkweek tyd kry nie. Sluit by die plaaslike biblioteek aan en lees daardie boeke wat jy al lankal op jou leeslysie het. Huur DVD’s vir jou tieners. Dit is goedkoper as om te gaan fliek of uiteet. Kleuters kan verbasend lig op die sak wees. Tyd en aandag kos niks. Bak en brou saam met hulle, vind uit of die plaaslike biblioteek ’n vakansieprogram aanbied, versier koekies met allerlei lekkertjies en slaan ’n tent in jou tuin op waar hulle kan “kampeer”. Of hou ’n skattejag in die tuin. Jou gesin kan natuurwonders gratis of teen billike tariewe besoek. Enkele voorbeelde is die Tuinroete,

die Vanderkloofdam en Orania se kampeerterrein. ETES EN ONTHAAL Moet nooit op oorskietkos neersien nie. Kamoefleer gister se koningsmaal en gebruik dit in bredies en pasteie. Selfs skille hoef nie weggegooi te word nie. Ontdek die veelsydigheid van skille en blare. Voeg fyngekapte wortelblare by sop of ander geregte. Kook beetblare soos spinasie, gebruik raapblare in bredies en kerf pampoenskille soos groenbone en kook dit saam met aartappels en maak fyn. Koop kos waarvan die hele gesin hou, want dan is jy seker dat die kos nie in die asblik gaan beland nie. Moenie toelaat dat jou gesin rasend honger word nie. Hulle sal minder eet ... as hulle meer dikwels die regte kosse eet. Leer jou gesin om slaai te eet. Dit is voedsaam en bespaar elektrisiteit. Begin die maaltyd met ’n goedkoop en

IN EN OM DIE HUIS Moenie onnodige ritte onderneem nie. Doen jou inkopies op pad huis toe van die werk af, of op pad huis toe nadat jy jou kinders by die skool afgelaai het. Water is kosbaar. Plaas ’n emmer in die stort om oortollige water op te vang en gebruik dit om plante mee nat te gooi. Plaas dromme onder geute om reënwater vir die tuin op te vang. Moedig waterbewustheid by jou kinders aan en vermy speelgoed wat ’n konstante stroom water benodig. Leer jou gesin om nie koffiemoer, teeblare en teesakkies weg te gooi nie. Varings en potplante floreer hierop. Verminder die toilet se spoelvolume. Dit kan daartoe lei dat tot 20 persent van die waterverbruik verminder word sonder dat jy gerief inboet. Stort eerder as om te bad. Gebruik ’n stort met ’n lae stortkop. As jy sukkel om jou huiswerker se salaris te betaal, laat haar eerder minder dae werk, maar moet haar nie sommer laat gaan nie, anders is daar nóg ’n mens sonder inkomste. DStv is ’n luukse. Daar bestaan die opsie om die maandelikse premie te halveer, hoewel jy dan slegs beperkte toegang tot die beskikbare kanale het. Benut natuurlike lig in jou huis en gebruik ’n waaier om lastige insekte te verwyder.

Wees Trots Suid-Afrikaans en hou vakansie in ons eie land. Dit is baie goedkoper as ’n buitelandse reis. vullende gereg soos sop en bespaar dan op die duurder hoofgereg. Maak die porsies kleiner. Jy sal jou gesin ’n guns bewys, want Suid-Afrikaners eet in elk geval hopeloos te veel. Waak teen goedkoop vleis­snitte met baie bene daarin; dit kan uiteindelik duurder uitwerk. Maklik die helfte van beesvleissnitte soos platrib en beesstert kan uit been bestaan. Skaapvleis en pluimvee bevat ook ’n groot persentasie been. Hoe taaier die snit, hoe goedkoper, maar hoe geuriger is die vleis. Met die regte gaarmaakmetode kan ’n stuk taai vleis heerlik sag voorberei word. Jy kan vleis eers self ryp maak deur dit ’n paar dae in die yskas te hou voor dit gebruik of bevries word. Rek maalvleisgeregte deur brood, oorskietpap of gemaalde gaar droëbone


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by te voeg. Die gesin se troeteldiere sal ou hoenderbene geniet. Moenie hoenderbene weggooi nadat dit skoongeëet is nie. Kook dit sowat twee uur lank tot sag in ’n stoompot, laat afkoel en druk die bene heeltemal fyn. As jou kroos oor óú broodrolletjies kla, kikker dit op deur dit met water te besprinkel, dit in bruinpapier of kladpapier toe te vou en in ’n oond teen ’n lae hitte te laat tot die klamheid verdamp het.

7/25/2014 9:21:54 AM


Laerskool Hendrik Louw 8 JULY 2014 Little angels with big caring hearts!

Hendrik Louw would like to thank the Treasures Nursery School. They held a harvest week and the little ones donated shoe boxes filled with food for the Moompi- Project.

’n Legende tree af uit die onderwys!

Craig Damon, ’n oud-leerder van Laerskool Hendrik Louw, kom gee geestelike boodskap vir Stevie Le Roux wat aftree uit die onderwys. Wat ’n legende!

Beau Schoeman en Stevie le Roux.


Hierdie vyf slimkoppe van Laerskool Hendrik Louw het uitstekend gevaar in die Horizon Maths Competition. Al vyf het die boonste 1% behaal uit meer as 9 000 deelnemers uit die Wes-Kaap. Sean Brandt in Graad 6 het die algehele vierde plek behaal - mooi so!!

WP Rugby

Manual Rass, oud-leerder van Hendrik Louw en tans ‘n leerder aan die Hoër Jongenskool in die Paarl, is gekies vir die Westelike Provinsie Rugby se 0/16A span. Hartlik geluk!

V.l.n.r. Sean Brandt, Patricia Potgieter, Charl Morkel, Reuben van Wyk en Matt van den Bergh.

Liam Kloosman het die o/13A Rugby Craven-weekspan behaal. Ons wens hom die beste toe vir sy deelname aan die Durban-toernooi tydens die vakansie. BAIE GELUK… ons is trots op jou!

Liam Kloosman saam met afrigter, Dwain Brown, by die WP Rugby Pettefunksie

Beaumont Primary Music This group are the winners of the Stellenbosch Eisteddfod Recorder Ensemble for 11 year olds.


From left: Hattingh Nel, Matthew Prinsloo and Chloe Rossouw all took part in the Helderberg Shotokan Karate Competition. Hatting won a Gold and Silver medal, Matthew won a Silver and Bronze medal and Chloe won two Silver medals.

Anja Buys, Sarah Lind, Jessica Retief, Ryan Beavon, Michael Coetzee (back). Darryan Kallis, Mrs Goldberg (music teacher) and Connor Lane (front).

Eisteddfod The shield for Van Eyck Soprano Recorder Solo for 12 year olds was won by Connor Lane, who is only 10 years old. He has made history. In the 75 years of the existence of the Stellenbosch Eisteddfod, this section was introduced for the first time. Conner was the only one to receive a Cum Laude in the section.


Rhythmic Gymnastics

Shaun van Niekerk het aan die WP Kampioenskappe deelgeneem en het as die nommer een o/13 WP Speler geeindig.

Anabelle Jansen took part in the KRDC Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition. She received a silver medal for ball and hoop. Her team earned a silver medal for their total score.


Laerskool Eikestad JULY 2014 9 Welkom julle!

Thomas Winter, Locia Kruger en Ronin Daniels is die nuwe lede wat by die leerlingraad gevoeg is vir die res van die termyn.


Die 0/10A-rugbyspan na hulle 22-5 oorwinning oor Laerskool Paarl Gimnasium.

Eerste Eksamen

Die graad 4’s het bietjie buitepret nadat hulle, hulle eerste eksamen geskryf en oorleef het.

NWT Klas

WP 0/13 Cravenweek span

Keanu Lindoor is opgeneem in die WP 0/13 Cravenweek-span. Hier is hy by die Pettefunksie saam met sy Eike-afrigters Mnr Jannie Terblanche en Albert Fullard.


Die 0/10A-netbalspan na hulle 10-1 oor Laerskool Paarl Gimnasium.


Eksperiment oor inset- en uitset energie in die gr.5 NWT klas. Proefjuffrou Arina le Roux, Daniël Joubert, Julia Gerber, Mignone Uys en Susan Maree.

Danie Conradie het deelgeneem aan Cape Town Eisteddfod in onder 17 tot onder 19 Groep Tap Dans kategorie. Hulle het 90% behaal en as algehele wenners aangewys by pryswennerskonsert.



Christine Grobler het tydens die Stellenbosch Kunswedstryd Woordkuns die beker vir beste woordkuns deelnemer in graad 6 verower.

Laerskool Eikestad is baie trots op Megan Breytenbach wat tydens die SA Akrobaat Kampioenskappe in Pretoria op 20 en 21 Junie, ‘n 2de plek verower in die Elite seksie - 13jaar en onder.

Somerset West Primary

On the 24th of June 2014 our library turned 42!

Akademiese meriete-toekennings

Hierdie leerders het Akademiese meriete-toekennings ontvang vir die eerste semester.

To celebrate this momentous occasion each class decorated a book cover. These works of art were exhibited in the school foyer. Each class also donated beautiful books to the library. One of our Grade 7 classes donated 24 books in total! Mr Bev Pocock, an ex-educator of SWPS, read to us from Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach. The children were spell bound as he imitated the voices of Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge.

Liam van der Heyde, Tiffany Gordon, Brucene Fielies, Aseda Essien, Thato Sifuba. Luke Booyens, Gabby Thomas, Reshon Brown, Andrea Charles, Skye Hurling, Amy Katts. Isabella Booyens, Amy Jacobs, Nicole Cupido, Tarren-Leigh Smith, Tatjana Frauenknecht. Erin Hindley was afwesig tydens foto.

Nuwe leerderraadslede

Books take us on journeys to undiscovered lands. How fortunate we are to have a such a well -stocked and versatile library! A celebration of books indeed!

Zhunique Wildeman, Ntumba Tshilumbu, Liam van der Heyde en Ethan Samson en is aangewys as nuwe leerderraadslede.


Laerskool Lochnerhoff 10 JULY 2014 Bekendstellingsdag

Lochnerhof se oulike voëls is hier besig om die nuwe Graad 1 - leerders van 2015 te verwelkom. Dit was ‘n oggend vol verrassings.

Grondslagfase Kunsuitstalling

Op 23 en 24 Julie 2014 het die Grondslagfase hulle eerste kunsuitstalling gehou. Daar was meer as 700 kunswerke uitgestal. Die plaaslike kunstenaar, Mindi Flemming se

kunswerke is ook ten toon gestel. Tydens die uitstalling was daar vir almal heerlike sop wat deur die OOV mamma‘s voorsien is. Ons is sò trots op Lochnerhof se kunstenaars!

Keagan Erasmus Gr. 2D. Hier is van links Johan van Zyl, Liebe van Schalkwyk, Rossouw van Niekerk en Lukah du Toit.

Benneline Kruger Gr. 2B.

Mari de Kock Gr. 2D.

Akademiese Olimpiade

Laerskool Lochnerhof se Akademiese Olimpiade was ‘n reuse sukses. Ouers en kinders het baie pryse ontvang. Leerders kon hul eie geskenk kies. Dit was ‘n fees! Mnr. Jan Brand, Mev. Annelien Burger en Riëtte van der Merwe van PNA is hier saam met van die wenners op die verhoog.

Laerskool De Hoop

De Hoop se sportmanne kook tydens ‘n koue vakansie Hentie Fourie and MC van HeerdenSmith take a siesta on the tour bus during the long trip to Graaff-Reinet.

The u/13A rugby and hockey tour group makes a pit stop at Aberdeen to stretch their legs before the big sports festival at Graaff-Reinet.

Die 0/13A-rugbyspan het drie wedstryde teen drie sterk skole gespeel en skoonskip gemaak. De Hoop se 0/13A-rugbyspan het met hul goeie spel uitgestaan. Hier is Willem Grönum, Justin Carlisle en Leonard van Schalkwyk besig om op te warm.

Hier staan die gedugte o/13A-rugbyspan van Laerskool De Hoop slaggereed om die Karoo-rugbymanne die stryd aan te sê tydens die rugby- en hokkiefees in GraaffReinet.

Die o/13A-hokkiedogters bou spangees voor hulle Union High School die stryd aansê. Union High, met hul pragtige astrobaan, was die gasheerskool. Dit was ‘n titaniese stryd met ‘n gelykoptelling.

Mieke Deyzel klou verbete aan die bal tydens die o/13A-hokkiespan se wedstryd teen Laerskool Victoria Park, met ‘n pragtige Karooprentjie op die agtergrond.

Mieke Matthee, Kari Davids en Leoné Olivier probeer die hokkiebal van hul opponent, Laerskool Volkskool, wegkry tydens die Graaff-Reinet-sporttoer.


Laerskool Stellenbosch JULY 2014 11 Stellies Maestro!

Jakob Holm het ‘n musiekbeurs van Bishops Diocesen College ontvang. Die beurs word slegs aan een leerder per jaar toegeken. Baie geluk, jy is Stellies se eie Maestro!

9de in die Wes-Kaap

Madeleine Basson het onlangs aan die Wes-Kaap ATKV-redenaars deelgeneem. Sy het die besondere prestasie ‘n 9de plek behaal. Baie geluk!

Fun & games

Provinsiale Netbal!

Baie geluk aan die volgende speelsters wat in die onderskeie spanne opgeneem is: Wes-Kaap: Jana Liebenberg, Imke vd Merwe, Kara Barnard en Azrea Sylvester. Boland: Jana le Grange. Boland Sentraal: Inge van Heerden, Misca Jaars en Brinene Wicomb.


Baie geluk aan die Bybelvasvraspanne wat baie goed in die eerste rondte gevaar het. Uit ons twee graad vyf spanne was daar ‘n 2de en 3de plek. In graad ses en sewe het Greteli Fincham, Clara Dudley, Marina Schoeman, Madeleine Basson se span ‘n 3de plek in die Wes-Kaap behaal. Stephanie Victor en haar span het ‘n 6de plek behaal en Carlo Britz in graad ses se span was 10de en Zahn Marais se span was 11de met tegnies 3 lede. Ons dink werklikwaar dat die kinders uitstekend presteer het veral in vergelyking met vorige jare.


Somerset College 12 JULY 2014

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Email - awsum@tiemedia.co.za or phone - 021 872 3880 Somerset College collaborates with Imibala gallery Every Friday afternoon there is a hub of activity in the Donna Downie Art Centre at the Imibala Gallery in Somerset West. A small group of mainly Grade 12 and some Grade 11 Visual Arts students from Somerset College share their artistic expertise with Grade 9 to 12 students from local communities who do not have the privilege of receiving classes in visual arts at their respective schools. Although skills development is at the core of this endeavour, the wonderful spin-off of the collaboration has been the social interaction, and bonds that have developed as a result of this.

The Grade 9 students from Somerset College did beautiful portraits of our late President Mandela, as part of his birthday celebrations. Ms Carina Vosloo, the art teacher from Somerset College who oversees this project with Gianna Milani from Imibala, commented that “We decided it would be a meaningful exercise for the students to paint Madiba’s eye - both in terms of content and as an outcome for their painting skills”. The project has worked extremely well and during the school holidays the student’s works were exhibited at the Imibala Gallery.

Somerset College students excel in maths olympiads This year, Somerset College entered students from Grade 8 to 12 into three different Maths Olympiads: • The UCT Maths Competition which consists of three rounds. Anyone can enter the first round, while only the top achievers in each category (junior and senior) are invited to the second and third rounds. Seventy five students from Somerset College (the top five Maths students per grade and five pairs per grade) wrote the first round at UCT earlier this year. Joshua Putterill (Grade 9), Adam Henman (Grade 12), Robert Harris (Grade 10), Benedikt Blomendahl (Grade 9), Elizabeth Espach (Grade 12) and Sean Richardson (Grade 11) were invited to write the second round (UCT Invitational Challenge) as a result of their excellent performance in round one. Adam Henman was invited to write the UCT Maths Olympiad, based on his excellent performance in round two (he came sixth out of all the Grade 12s that entered). As a Gold Award Winner,

Adam was invited to the UCT Awards Evening in May, where he received his award, finishing 14th overall. We are incredibly proud of his achievement! Thirty seven students from Somerset College received Merit Awards at this event. • Somerset College entered 167 students into the first round of the South African Maths Olympiad (SAMO), also known as the Harmony Gold Maths Olympiad. One hundred and twenty three students achieved above 50%, thus gaining entry to round two. The results of this round have not yet been announced, but the College is proud of the high percentage of students that went through to the second round. • For the first time this year, Somerset College entered junior students into the International Maths Olympiad that was held at Elkanah House. Joshua Putterill did exceptionally well and has been invited to be part of the South African team to go to the International Maths Olympiad in Korea in July.

Ms Carina Vosloo, Melissa McLaren, Abonga Fitshane , Mzukisi Mbutuma , Khotso Leeu, Robyn van de Vyver, Alice Bednall, Lucas Valashiya and Ndodomzi Maneli. Not photographed, but also part of this programme: Goodson Mabula, Sifiso Maphiyi, Siphenathi Ncedana, Philasande Mdleleni, Mandilakhe Funani, Innocent Manaye, Athenkosi Stemela, Sihle Dyantyi and Wellington Myona.

Alice Bednall and Chloe Walls and the exhibition opening.

Savannah van den Heever and Nicolé Smith (Grade 12) at the opening of the student’s exhibition at the Imibala Gallery.

Back row: Joshua Putterill, Benedikt Blomendahl. Front row: Sean Richardson, Adam Henman, Elizabeth Espach.

Top German student heading to Germany Jozef Hands, a Grade 11 student from Somerset College, is heading to Germany, a trip to reward his efforts in the National German Olympiad, which he undertook at the end of last year. Jozef was placed fourth nationally. This excellent result qualified him for the trip to Germany, where he will be a guest of the PAD (Pedagogic Exchange Service). He will travel with a group of scholars from countries such as Brazil, India, Armenia, Latvia. Jozef will be staying with a family in Andernach for two weeks, where he will attend the local school and be exposed to teaching in German. The group of students will be do some sightseeing in cities such as Bonn, Berlin and Munich and will also be going to the Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain.

Robert Harris


Hoërskool Hottentots Holland JULY 2014 13 Rugby

Graham Hendricks, skrumskakel vir die o.19A-rugbyspan van die Hoërskool Hottentots-Holland, het gedurende die skoolvakansie vir die WP Akademieweek op Worcester rugby gespeel. Op die foto is Graham saam met Tyrone Zas, die afrigter van die o.19A-rugbyspan van HHH.

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Brain games

Can you solve these word puzzles? 1.












Answers: 1. Pyramid Scheme, 2.I over slept, 3. Seeing eye dog, 4. Man over board, 5. Piggy back ride, 6.Coastline, 7. Back in five minutes 8. A way out, 9. Coffee break, 10. He’s getting under my skin, 11. Counting on you, 12. All hands on deck


Paul Roos Gimnasium 14 JULY 2014 Twee kapteins uit één skool ’n Eerste in die geskiedenis Edrich Venter en Michael Meyer (albei in Graad 12) is pas verkies om onderskeidelik die O/18 WPCravenweekspan en die O/18 WPAkademiespan vanjaar op die veld te lei. Albei van hulle het reeds vanjaar Paul Roos aangevoer, aangesien Edrich vir Michael as kaptein moes instaan nadat laasgenoemde in ’n voorseisoenwedstryd beseer is. Albei hierdie manne se spel dien as inspirasie vir hulle spanmaats, iets wat die span se vertonings merkbaar lig. Hulle beskik


Harrie Malan in aksie tydens die WPbergfietskampioenskap in Mei vanjaar. Harrie het ’n eerste plek, Michael Lord ’n tweede plek en Ian Lategan ’n derde plek by dié WP-kampioenskap vir O/18s verower. Harrie het dit opgvolg deur by die SA-marathonkampioenskap in Pietermaritzburg ’n brons medalje in die junior kategorie te verower.

oor die vermoë om die span tydens moeilike tye te motiveer, maar hulle ook kalm en gefokus te hou wanneer dit voorspoedig gaan. Die aantal naelbyten wegholoorwinnings van vanjaar se aanskoulike eerste span spreek boekdele van dié twe se leierskap – en die feit dat hulle ’n fantastiese span het, het hulle taak sekerlik vergemaklik. Dit is die eerste keer ooit dat die kapteins van die beide O/18 WP-spanne van Paul Roos Gimnasium afkomstig is – sonder twyfel ’n uitsonderlike prestasie vir hulle én vir Paul Roos-rugby.


Dié drie Paul Roosers het onlangs die Boland se O/14-muurbalspan gehaal. Hulle is Ruben Viljoen (nr.1), Wium Pienaar (nr. 2) en Jacques Pansegrouw (nr. 5). Hulle vertrek 28 Junie tot 2 Julie na Johannesburg om teen al die ander provinsies kragte te meet.

Powerlifting Alexander Braxton (Grade 10) and Paul Beresford (Grade 12) recently took part in the RAW World Powerlifting Championships in Potchefstroom. 31 countries were represented at the championships. Alexander ended second overaal in 105kg sub-junior category and won gold in squat, silver in bench-press en silver in deadlift. He is now proudly in possession of SA (Protea) colours. He is only 15 and competes in the U/19 age group! Paul came fourth in the 83 kg sub-junior category. This is the second time that he has represented South Africa, having competed in the Common Wealth Games last year, wher he took GOUD in all three categories (deadlift, bench, squad). He asl came first overall (goue medalje) in the category subjunior under 74kg. In March this year he competed in the SA RAW Powerlifting championships in the sub-junior U/83kg category and won gold in all three categories.

Nóg ’n eerste vir PRG Al ooit gehoor van ’n skool met ’n groot skaakbord vir alle leerders om te gebruik? Wel, so ’n skool is Paul Roos, natuurlik! Tydens die Maart/April-vakansie is daar ’n groot skaakbord in die LPR-vierkant gebou. Nou bestaan daar die twyfelagtige moontlikheid dat ’n skaakwedstryd (met reuse plastiekskaakstukke) ook fisies kan raak ... Leerders kan hul pouses en vrye tyd konstruktief gebruik deur skaak te speel. Dit is gedoen met die hoop om skaak, wat ’n groeiende sport is (ja – dis ’n sport: breinkrag word getoets), na ’n volgende vlak te neem en om belangstelling daarin te kweek. Daar is tans selfs sprake van ’n interhuisskaakkompetisie!

Die skaakbord is ingewy met ’n wedstryd tussen Caleb Samuel (Graaf 10) en Old Boy Henry Steel, wat SA se nommer 1-skaakspeler is. Caleb is gekies om tydens Junie-vakansie aan die SA Skoleskaak-olimpiade in Bloemfontein deel te neem.

Old boy Bokke

Oud-Paul Roosers in die wedstryd van 7 Junie 2014, tussen Suid-Afrika en die Wêreldspan, op Nuweland. Van links na regs: Juandré Kruger(Wêreldspan); Francois Hougaard (Springbokke); Schalk Brits(Springbokke); Schalk Ferreira (Wêreldspan); Willie le Roux(Springbokke).

Alexander Barxton in action at the RAW World Powerlifting Championships. Paul Beresford holds the SA record for squat (180kg), deadlift (237,50kg) and total weight (520kg) for the sub-junior U/19 under 83kg category. He is also a superb rugby player!

Garrick die gholfspeler staan die BBC te woord! Garrick Higgo van Paul Roos Gimnasium (Graad 9) het onlangs in die ouderdomsgroup 15-18 jaar deelgeneem aan die Europese Wêreldgholfkampioenskap om die Van Hornbeker. Sy posisie in die internasionale span was tweede, wat beteken het dat hy saam met ’n Australiër uiteindelik teen twee Britte in die Van Hornbekerkampioenskap gekompeteer het. Garrick het met ’n 6 onder baansyfer beter as almal gespeel, wat verseker het dat hy en die Aussie gewen het. ’n Mens sou dink die vreeslike koue reën en wind in Skotland sou hom klarrgemaak het, maar hy oefen nog elke dag vandat hy terug is in die reënweer hier! Die BBC-radio en ’n koerant het by die openingseremonie ’n onderhoud met Garrick gevoer – hy was Suid-Afrika se spankaptein. Daar is ook hierdie maand ’n artikel oor hom in die CompleatGolfer.

Garrick Higgo and his Aussie partner with their trophy.

SA Captain Garrick being interviewed by BBC Radio in Scotland.


Hoërskool Parel Vallei JULY 2014 15 Ensemble hou PV se naam hoog! Die Vokale Ensemble van die Hoërskool Parel Vallei , gestig in 2002, bestaan uit 13 toegewyde dogterstemme wat twee keer per week oefen. Hulle tree gereeld op tydens skoolfunksies en neem ook jaarliks deel aan die Kore-afdelings van die Stellenbosch Kunswedstryd en die Helderberg Eisteddfod, waar hulle

gereeld uitstekend vaar met sang van die hoogste gehalte. Talle pryse is reeds oor die jare aan hulle toegeken, onder andere medaljes vir die beste Hoërskoolkoor tydens die Helderberg Eisteddfod, asook die afgelope drie jaar die trofeë vir die Beste Serenadegroep van die Stellenbosch Kunswedstryd.

An Eco-wise garden and even wiser film makers. There is not much money to be found in developing ‘behind-the-scenes’ talent in schools for the film industry. Which is why, when the Interchange Foundation approached Parel Vallei High School in 2013 with funds to provide secondary level learners with professional skills development, we jumped at the chance to continue our partnership with Macassar High School. At the beginning of 2013, PV and Maccasar were united in another film workshop which was so successful, we were all (learners and teachers alike) devastated when the project came to

of developing a film based on the community in which they live. The two schools joined Eco and Interact forces to design and build a garden for Danie Ackerman Primêre Skool in Somerset West. Not only was the film a great success, but the relationships forged and skills developed during this process was invaluable. It is with certainty that Parel Vallei learners look forward to the next film making opportunity. Follow the link to view the video: IF Documentary_SMALL_2.mp4 to download

Agter: Ilse Erasmus, Trudette Schoeman, Lene Koegelenberg, Jessica Whitfield, Sune van Zyl, Melanie Moses. Voor: Ansophi Madsen-Leibold, Tayla Malherbe, Nerina Theunissen, mev. Anita Smith, Chrizaan van der Walt, Dara Steingaszner, Christen Torres. Afwesig: Zelmarie Barnard.

an end. The Interchange Foundation assisted PV and Macassar learners through a film workshop with the purpose

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Email - awsum@tiemedia.co.za or phone - 021 872 3880 Rhenish High School SA Senior team Afrikaans public speaking Provincial Tournament Monique Bartsch (Grade 9) was awarded Kaitlyn Sparks, Grade 11, competition Alessia Lederer (Grade 9) recently took part in an Afrikaans public speaking competition called Radikale Redenaars. She competed in the Afrikaans First Additional Language category in her age group and delivered a very convincing speech for which she was given 90%. She will now be taking part at nationals to be held in October in Pretoria.

Hockey Ash Rutherford (Grade 11) made the official SA U18A Girls’ hockey team. The team played a test match against Australia U18 girls in Durban.

Most Valuable Midfielder at the U16 Inter Provincial Tournament in Durban during the school holidays. Monique was also selected to represent the South African U16A Girls’ hockey team.

continues to rank up the achievements in Pole Vault. Most recently, Kaitlyn has been selected for the SA Senior team that will compete in CAA African Senior Championships in Marrakech, Morocco in August.

Boland Squash


The following girls represented Boland Squash at Interprovincial tournaments during the school holidays: • Kirsten Marnewick, U16A • Mya Dalton, U16B • Jennileigh Jooste, U16B • Megan Fouche, U19B

Cathryn Goodwin (Grade 11) and Chelsea Chapman (Grade 9) were selected to represent Western Province at the upcoming SA Inter-Provincial Highland Dancing Challenge in Gauteng on 27 July 2014.

In photo: Megan Fouche; Jennileigh Jooste; Kirsten Marnewick and Mya Dalton.

Chelsea Chapman, Jucas Lucas from the Lucas Celtic Dance Studio & Cathryn Goodwin.

Eisteddfod Rhenishers achieved outstanding results in the Stellenbosch Eisteddfod last term. A number of our girls were recognised as Top Achievers at the Prizewinners’ Concert held in the Endler Hall on 8 June. Masi Sesanti ,Grade 8, (Photo 7) received the Old Mutual Floating Trophy for Solo Sing for girls 12 years of age. She also received the J P Smit Trophy for the best Folk song (7 – 12 years). Masi was invited to perform at the awards ceremony and really ‘wowed’ the audience with her amazing voice and captive stage personality. Lusi Sesanti, Grade 12, (Photo 8) was the star of the show winning five prizes. 1. Stellenbosch Eisteddfod Trophy for the best Solo Sing (Girls 17 years of age) 2. C F Smit Cup – Best Senior Female participant 3. Antoinette van der Spuy Floating Trophy for Song in Original Language: Folk Song (13 years and older) 4. Stellenbosch Eisteddfod Floating Trophy for Opera/Operetta/Lieder 5. R5 000 prize for Best Voice.

Lusi was also invited to sing at the awards evening. Once again she proved herself to be a voice to follow in the future.

Masi Sesanti.

Lusi Sesanti.


Hoërskool Stellenbosch 16 JULY 2014 Dogters-hokkiespan

Hoërskool Stellenbosch se 0.18 A dogters-hokkiespan lewer puik spel hierdie jaar. Hulle is tans eerste in die Maties koshuisliga. In die skole-liga het hulle Vredenburg 2-1; Strand 2-0 en Montagu 2-0 gewen. Ons verwag nog goeie prestasies van hierdie span in aanloop tot die interskole teen Montana 23 Augustus.

WP 0/18 Akademie span

Tiaan Swanepoel, heelagter van die Hoërskool Stellenberg, is onlangs ingesluit in die WP 0/18 Akademie span. Hy is ook tans die voorste puntemaker in die Wes-Kaap. (WP, Boland en SWD)

Tiaan Swanepoel saam met die 0/19A afrigter van Hoërskool Stellenberg, Divan Batt tydens die bekendmaking van die WP spelers.

Kunswedstryd Eksamenbraai

Tydens Sondag 8 Junie 2014 se Senior-pryswennerskonsert van die Stellenbosch Kunswedstryd het twee van Hoërskool Stellenbosch se leerders pryse ontvang:

Vlnr: Henk van der Merwe, Frans Prinsloo en Frederik Voigt.

Daniël Pierre Steyn ontvang die Eugéne van der Westhuizen-skild vir Solo-sang Seuns 15 tot 18 jaar, asook die A.P. Venter-beker vir Musiek en Sang - Beste Senior Manlike Deelnemer.

Waar ‘n rokie trek, brand ‘n vuurtjie.... Hierdie 3 leerders van HS Stellenbosch het op die yskoue Maandag-oggend besluit om die hele skool te verras met gratis worsbroodtjies om die eksamen-stress te verlig. Kwikspar in Uniepark het gedeeltelik geborg.

Estelle Kemp ontvang die Anmari van der Westhuizen-beker vir Beste Senior Tjello en Die Isabel Arzulbeker - Strykensemble Skoliere.


“Geluk aan Mari van Tonder wat ingesluit is in die 0/16 muurbalspan wat van 27 Junie - 2 Julie deelneem het aan die Interprovinsiale toernooi in OosLonden.”


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