Daar is groot opgewondenheid in die lug oor die bekendmaking van die kore wat deurdring na die finaal van die ATKV se 47ste Applous-koorkompetisie. Applous is die oudste skoolkoorkompetisie in die land en het oor die jare aan skoolkore die geleentheid gebied om hul liefde vir Afrikaans en hul vreugde van koorsang uit te leef. Hier is die kore (in alfabetiese volgorde) wat sake vanaf 24-27 Julie 2024 in die Kaapstad-stadsaal, Kaapstad, sal uitspook.
Woensdag 24 Julie 2024
Laerskool: Ope
• Clarendon Primary School for Girls, OosLonden
• Laerskool Burgersdorp, Lichtenburg
• Laerskool Welgemoed, Kaapstad Laerskool: Meriete
• Laerskool Kenridge, Kaapstad
• Laerskool Lynnwood, Pretoria
• Laerskool Menlopark, Pretoria
• Laerskool Monumentpark, Pretoria
• Laerskool Pretoria - Oos, Pretoria
• Willem Postma Primêre Skool, Bloemfontein
Laerskool: Meriete (nie-Afrikaans)
• Grantham Park Primary School, Empangeni
• Laerskool Van Riebeeckpark, Kempton Park
• Pinedene Primary School, Parow
• Table View Primary School, Kaapstad
Donderdag 25 Julie 2024
Laerskool: Prestige
• Durbanville Primary School, Durbanville
• Laerskool Elarduspark, Pretoria
• Laerskool Eversdal, Durbanville
• Laerskool Gene Louw, Durbanville
• Laerskool Mooirivier, Potchefstroom
Hoërskool: Ope
• Rustenburg Girls’ High School, Kaapstad
• St Cyprian’s School, Kaapstad
• St. Alban’s College, Pretoria
• Westering High School, Gqeberha
Vrydag 26 Julie 2024
Hoërskool: Meriete Gemeng
• Benoni High School, Benoni
• Hoërskool Ferrum, Newcastle
• Hoërskool Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp
Hoërskool: Meriete Meisies
• Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle, Paarl
• Jeppe High School for Girls, Johannesburg
• Riebeek College Girls’ High School, Kariega
• St Mary’s DSG, Pretoria
Hoërskool: Meriete Seuns
• Hoërskool Tygerberg, Parow
• St Charles College, Pietermaritzburg
Saterdag 27 Julie 2024
Hoërskool: Prestige Gemeng
• Hoërskool Empangeni High School, Empangeni
• Hoërskool Menlopark, Pretoria
• Stirling High School, Oos-Londen
Hoërskool: Prestige Meisies
• Clarendon High School for Girls, OosLonden
• Eunice High School, Bloemfontein
• Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof, Stellenbosch
• Hoërskool Stellenberg, Durbanville
Hoërskool: Prestige Seuns
• Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool, Pretoria
• Paul Roos Gimnasium, Stellenbosch
• Pretoria Boys High School, Pretoria
Matric students from the Class of 2024 have roughly five months left to prepare for their final exams. While this is a tight timeframe for those who have not yet tracked and prepared their final strategy, it is possible - with dedication and motivation – to still lay a solid foundation before the first paper. Peter Kriel, General Manager at The Independent Institute of Education shares the following tips.
“With five months to go, you still have time to set clear goals and understand your objectives. You should use this time to identify the grades you want to achieve and the subjects you need to focus on. Create a study schedule to ensure that you plan your time effectively, and develop a realistic study schedule that covers all subjects, balancing schoolwork and personal time,” says Kriel.
“The most important approach however is to stick to the schedule as at this stage consistency is crucial”.
Meinette van Zyl
Aniena Venter
Layout & Design
Rowan Engledoe
Ruveix Venter
Enrico Theart
Bryan Meyer
Charl Paulse
Schools Coordinator
With only four months to go, you should focus on active learning techniques such as writing down key concepts and points in your own words. You can also consider study groups since studying with peers can provide new insights and make learning more enjoyable. It is also now a good time to complete past papers or sample questions to get familiar with the exam format and timing and to help you focus on aspects that you have not yet mastered.”
With three months to go, and if you met your deliverables in the previous month, you would now have a good idea as to where the gaps are, notes Kriel.
“The time is now to focus on weak areas to regularly assess your progress and keep identifying areas where you struggle. Spend extra time on these weak areas and use a variety of study methods like flashcards, mind maps and educational videos to keep things interesting and deepen your understanding.”
The AWSUM Newspaper is published by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 28 Fabriek street, Paarl, 7646
Email: awsumnews@tiemedia.co.za
Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl
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The preparation pace must now increase and become laser-focused on the exams which are two months away.
“It would be a good idea to practice and review by taking full-length practice exams under timed conditions, as this builds exam stamina and time management skills. Critically go through your answers to understand what you did well and where you can improve, and focus on these areas now.”
It is the big month and time for final revisions. This month you must focus on reviewing the most critical concepts and information in each of your subjects. However, avoid overloading yourself. Short, focused review sessions are more effective at this stage. Get a good idea of your exam schedule and plan your exam days to avoid last-minute stress. Ensure that you have all necessary supplies such as pens, pencils, calculators, and your ID.
Melinda Huysamen Read the latest school news online at www.awsumnews.co.za
Advertising Coordinator
Megan Joe
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Order your
your request to
and exercise
David de Klerk achieved 3rd place in the Western Cape for javelin Boys u.16. ASA Youth Track & Field Natonial Championship
Hunter Mitchell, Grade 11, was invited to Dr. Jane Goodall’s 90th birthday celebration here in South Africa. He spent one-on-one time with Dr. Goodall, sharing his work of the past 9 years: saving the rhino through education, fundraising and hands-on work in the bush rescuing, raising and rehabilitating rhinos. Hunter is currently heading up a committee to stage the 2024 World Youth Wildlife Summit in the Eastern Cape over World Rhino Day later in the year.
Nia O’Carrol (Gr.8) participated in the SA Level 3 Championship Gala. She achieved a Silver Medal for 100m Freestyle, a bronze Medal for 400m Freestyle and got 3 personal best times.
Kate Allwood (Gr.10) competed at the SA National Swimming Championship in the S15 category. She represented Western Cape in 7 events, swam personal best times in 5 of these and achieved 5 gold and 2 silver medals.
Chad Levey (Gr.12) attended the SA Junior Nationals. He participated in the following 4 events in the 15-19 age group: 400m, 800m, 1500m freestyle and the 400m Individual Medley. He achieved personal best times for each race and obtained 4th place in the 400m Individual Medley. He qualified for SA Senior Nationals in all 4 events and also qualified to go to the Olympic Trials but due to this being his matric year, he chose not to go. Chad was also invited as an Elite Swimmer, to participate in the Rotary Waterfront Elite Mile. He surprised himself with 2nd place in a highly competitive field.
players will represent the WP school’s teams at various tournaments during the June-holiday: Hockey: Netball Inter district: • Vaughan Otto
On 30 April 2024, Somerset West Primary said good bye to two loyal educators after many years of service to the school. Mrs. Seugnet Naudè retired after 22 years at Summies and Mrs. Louzanne de Villiers after 39 years at Summies.
Well done to the following learners for coming 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the Cross Country:
• Amelie Wege 1st
• Leah Yntema 2nd
• Annabel Agar 3rd
• Migael Kruger 1st (home schooled)
• Daniel Grobler 2nd
• Adriaan van Dyk 3rd
• Kiara Kirk 1st
• Kirsti Davids 1st
• Lexi Branfield 3rd
• Kean de Bruyn 1st
• Evan Mol 2nd
• Jagger Viljoen 3rd
• Zani van Dyk 1st
• Amelie Peters 2nd
• Hannah Mohr 3rd
• Martin Diab 1st
• Owen Pieterse 2nd
• Mattew Vermaak 3rd
• Samantha Kallis 1st
• Ella Dunlop 2nd
• Ashleigh Lippiatt-Moll 3rd (absent)
• Ben Grobler 1st
• Liam Armitage 2nd
• Keegan Michael 3rd
Parel Vallei se uitstekende akademiese resultate spreek vanself - op grond van ons 2023-matriekuitslae is PV weer aangewys as een van die Top 20-skole en behaal nasionaal ‘n 7de plek, op grond van ons hoeveelheid vakonderskeidings!
PV-leerders neem deurlopend deel aan verskeie olimpiades wat hul grense verbreed en hul vermoëns uitdaag. Die UCT Wiskunde Olimpiade is een van dié olimpiades.
Vir die afgelope 20 jaar word Parel Vallei se Wiskundedepartement aangewys as een van die
Top 5 skole by dié jaarlikse olimpiade. Vanjaar, gedurende April, het 75 PV-leerders deelgeneem aan die eerste rondte van die olimpiade en baie goed gevaar. Die onderstaande leerders het deurgedring na die tweede rondte!
Dit is ’n besonderse prestasie, as ons in ag neem dat omtrent 12 000 leerders aanvanklik deelgeneem het, waarvan slegs die top 250 leerders (dus 50 per graad) genooi is vir rondte twee!
Welgedaan aan dié leerders!
Ons deel graag die nuus, dat PV se eie Anke Kritzinger, in graad-11 gekies is as ‘n lid van die Simfonia Juventi Jeugsimfonie-orkes! Anke sal haar plek opneem as ‘n Hobo 1 speler in dié gesogte jeugorkes.
Simfonia Juventi is ‘n uitvloeisel van die destydse Jeugsimfonie-orkes wat in 1981 tot stand gekom het om ‘n geleentheid vir belowende
leerlinge te skep om orkeservaring op te doen, musiektalent te identifiseer en te ontwikkel. Dié orkes, onderleiding van mnr. Eddie Clayton, word die jaar saamgestel uit begaafde musiekleerders van regoor die land en bestaan uit 79 leerders (van 23 verskillende skole).
Geluk Anke! Dit is wonderlik om te sien hoe jy jou talente voluit uitleef.
Congratulations to our new Governing Body!
May you utilize your wisdom and insights to guide our parents, teachers, and students in an exemplary approach during ever-changing times. Know that you are supported by all of us and
that we are proud of you for taking on this new role with integrity. Together we will continue to seek excellence in a changing world! Meet Parel Vallei’s new Governing Body.
This month marks Mr. Schenck’s 10th year of dedicated service to Parel Vallei High School.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to him for his unwavering commitment to our students, staff, and the entire community. Mr. Schenck consistently inspires Parel Valleiers to TUNGU – TURN UP NEVER GIVE UP – a motto he has exemplified throughout the past decade.
We wish him continued wisdom and insight as he leads PV towards ever-greater achievements.
Congratulations to the Curro Somerset West u.13 A netball team on their impressive victory as the Metro East Blue League title winners. Their hard work and dedication have paid off, and it has been wonderful to see the team’s progress and growth. The school is extremely proud of their achievement, and it’s a testament to the netball sporting programme, going from strength to strength at Curro Somerset West.
The team will compete in the Cape Town Netball Top Schools Tournament in August. A special thank you to the coaches and parents for their unwavering support throughout the journey, which has undoubtedly played a significant role in the team’s success. Go Jaguars!
Solomon in Grade 9 has been passionate about chess since primary school and has continued to grow and improve his skills in high school.
He recently had an outstanding achievement as the captain of the Steinitz Chess Club u.18 team, which clinched the Cape Town Junior Chess League u.18 A Division Champions title. The event brought together about 80 teams from various schools and chess clubs. This impressive accomplishment is a testament to his exceptional skills and leadership abilities, as well as the team’s dedication and teamwork. We are excited to see where his chess journey takes him next!
vs De Villiers Graaff vs Tygerberg
vs Lochnerhof Primary
vs De Hoop
vs Sir Lowry's, Generations, Gordonsbaai
vs Sweet Valley - Derby
vs Bishops
vs Newberry
vs Sweet Valley Derby Soccer vs Bishops vs Milnerton
vs Chalie Hofmeyr
vs Danie Ackermann Primary
vs Hendrik Louw Primary
vs Weydon Tour Team soccer vs Helderberg vs Drostdy
vs Bridgehouse
vs Somerset West Primary
vs Sir Lowry's Pass, Gordon's Bay & Generations
vs SWPS & Curro Sitari soccer vs Hope & Light vs Bellville vs Boland Landbou
vs DF Malan
vs Bridgehouse
vs UK St Georges
vs El Marine Primary School
vs Helderberg Private Schools
vs Somerset West Methodist Primary
vs Fairmont High School vs False Bay vs De Hoop Primary
Our u.10A and u.13A Netball teams have advanced to the finals of the Cape Town Primary Schools Netball League Final Champs.
Ons het gedurende kwartaal 2 die voorreg gehad om twee uitsonderlike individue toe te voeg tot die leerderraad van 2024.
Mathematics wizards to represent South Africa in India. Yeajun Yoon (Grade 7) and Lian Rall (Grade 6) were selected for the International Mathematics Competition team. They will be representing South Africa in Lucknow, India.
Boland Hokkie
Hoërskool Strand is baie trots op die volgende spelers wat in verskeie Boland-spanne opgeneem is. Hulle neem gedurende die Junie-vakansie aan verskeie toernooie deel.
Ethan Leonard en Lloyd Patterson is onderskeidelik in die Boland seuns o.18A en 16A-spanne opgeneem. Anschen Meyer en Caitlin Meyer is in die dogters onder 14B en C-spanne opgeneem.
Die ander spelers is almal lede van die Boland-distrikspanne:
• Deneuscha Frieslaar - dogters o.18
• Gabriella Julius - dogters o.16
• Saige Barry - seuns o.16
• Matthew Goodman en Wesley Moodie - seuns o.14
Die skool se beste wense vergesel hulle op hul onderskeie toernooie.
Hoërskool Strand is baie bevoorreg om met 6 van die dansers, wat vanaf 20-26 Mei aan ‘n internasionale dansgeleentheid in Kroasië deelgeneem het, te spog. Hulle is lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse span wat aan die Dance Star World Dance Masters-geleentheid deelgeneem het. Dit is ‘n uiters gesogte geleentheid, waar meer as 4000 dansers van 28 lande vanoor die wêreld hul dansvernuf ten toon stel. Hierdie dansers het hul vernuf getoon in onderskeidelik solo’s, duette en dansgroepe. Dansers van wêreldformaat
Hoërskool Strand se Musiekdepartement se sangers het onlangs aan die Allegretto Eisteddfod deelgeneem. Die dogters het uitstekend gevaar met 9 Cum Laude en 4 Goue toekennings. Gabriella Benadie, Chloe Nel en Christiné Kok het direk na die Gala-aand wat September in Stilbaai plaasvind deurgedring. Saskia Mc Dilling het ook die hoogste persentasie van 96.6% vir haar Afrikaanse lied ontvang.
Hoërskool Strand is baie trots op hierdie sangers! Me. Tilana van Tonder is ook tydens hierdie geleentheid deur die hoofbeoordelaar gekomplimenteer as een van die beste begeleiers wat hy in 'n lang tyd gehoor het.
Me. Tilana van Tonder gaan in samewerking met me. Marietjie Malherbe die dameskoor in die derde kwartaal by hierdie Eisteddfod lei.
Wes-Kaap Netbal
Kaapse Wynlande Netbal
Baie geluk aan Larné Arendse wat vir die o.15-Kaapse Wynland Netbalspan gekies is. Larné gaan hierdie span by die interdistriktoernooi vanaf 3-6 Julie in Riversdal verteenwoordig. Baie geluk aan Caydi Fortein wat onlangs tot Wes-Kaap se o.15netbalspan verkies is. Caydi gaan WesKaap by die SASNkampioen-skappe vanaf 17-21 Junie verteenwoordig.
Tyron Strauss is gekies vir die WP Cravenweekspan. Daniel Jackson, Lucio Jacobs en Josh Jacobs is almal gekies vir die WP Akademiespan.
Baie geluk aan 2 van ons dogters, Minki Human en Jaime Sprong, wat opgeneem is in die Kaapstadspan en dus volle CTP drag ontvang.
Ons spog met puik redenaars vir 2024. Hulle het deelgeneem aan ATKV en Radikale Redenaars se semi-finale uitdunronde en het die volgende posisies in die Top 10 in die Wes-Kaap verwerf.
• Gr. 2 Lianke Harmse - 5de plek by Radikale Redenaars
• Gr. 2 Beatrice Du Toit - 3de plek by Radikale Redenaars
• Gr. 3 Neil Botha10de plek by ATKV
• Arianna van Heerden - 7de plek by ATKV
• Gr. 6 Lalinka van der Merwe - 3de plek by Radikale Redenaars
Ons is baie trots op die tweeling, Micke Smit en Kiara Smit wat WP C-span vir hokkie gekry het. Baie sterkte met julle toernooi! Ons is baie trots op ons o.13A- dogters hokkiespan wat as wenners aangewys is van die SWPS hokkietoernooi.
Alexander Marais het die CT Metro Span by die Wes-Kaap Skaakkampioenskappe in Langebaan verteenwoordig. Lochies se eerste span laat hulle opponente behoorlik lesopsê.
Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!
The following Rhenishers will be representing the Boland at the provincial hockey tournaments that will be taking place during the upcoming holidays:
• Leah du Plessis
• Martanique Petersen
• Shene du Plessis
• Kaitlyn van Binsbergen
u.18 Regional Team:
• Puck Bakker
• Katherine Sickle
• Grace Hobbs
• Pippa Viljoen
• Eva Miller
• Rose Quinlivan
• Nicola van der Merwe
• Sarah-Ellen Groenewald
• Lily Newton
• Amy-Leigh Gibson
• Frankie Henn
u.16 Regional Team:
• Aqhama Kwayimani
• Sarah Oscroft
• Megan Bennie
• Isabella Garces
• Zoë Jacobs
• Airial Miller
• Dani Henn
• Emma Wilcock
• Liv de Beer
• Taylin Hilliard-Lomas
Gabriella Martin recently participated in the “On the tip of your tongue public speaking competition” and was awarded an A++ (91%). She also took part in the Stellenbosch Eisteddfod and walked away with a Cum Laude in Public Speaking.
Grace de Jongh brought back two medals from the South African National Junior Age Group Championships held in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Grace won a silver medal in the 50m backstroke and a bronze medal in the 100m backstroke in her age group.
Nalani Nalumango has been selected for the Cape Winelands u.18 Netball Team.
Nicola van der Merwe has set the new South African u.15 javelin record by throwing 53.36m at the Autumn National School Sport Championship in Paarl.
The previous record was 50.63m.
Grace Morris has returned from Angola, where she represented South Africa at the XVI Africa Aquatics Swimming Championships with the following results:
medals: • Silver - 200m backstroke • Bronze - 100m backstroke • Bronze - 200m individual medley
• Silver x3 relays
The South African women’s team she was a part of won the best female team of the Championships.
Baie geluk aan 5 van ons hokkiespelers wat in die Boland o.13A Hokkiespan opgeneem is. Hulle gaan in die Junie-skoolvakansie aan die o.13 IPTHokkietoernooi te Bloemfontein deelneem. Dit is ‘n besondere prestasie en Eikestad is baie trots op julle!
o.13 Dogters:
• Megan Mackie
• Manina Stofberg
• Bea van der Merwe
• Emilie Wessels
o.13 Seuns:
• Ian du Toit
Ian du Toit
Eikestad is baie trots op Megan Mackie, wat tot die o.13 Wes-Kaap Willows Netbalspan vir 2024 verkies is. Dit is ‘n ongelooflike prestasie! Megan en haar span gaan tydens die Junie-skoolvakansie aan die 2024 SASN All Ages Netbaltoernooi te Boksburg, Gauteng deelneem.
6 Eikie-Netbalspeelsters is ook gekies vir Wynlandspanne.
• Jóco Claasens
• Zaina Haggar
• Alcka Samuels
• Nina Smit
• Lana Pollard
• Mariella Johnson
Baie sterkte, Eikestad is baie trots op julle.
16 leerders van Laerskool Eikestad het op 18 Mei 2024 aan die 4de landloopliga in Wellington deelgeneem. Al die leerders het baie goed gevaar. Baie geluk aan die volgende drie Eikies:
• Abigail Keulerdogters o.13
• Jandré van Niekerkseuns o.9
• Roelof Jacobsseuns o.9
Die o.13-hokkiespelers het aan die Bolandproewe deelgeneem en is in verskeie hokkiespanne opgeneem.
• Nina Swanepoel (Barlinka streekspan)
• Paul Haumann (Barlinka streekspan)
• Pieter Mouton (Boland A-span)
• Lika Shrives (Shiraz streekspan)
Die volgende leerders het na die semi-finale rondte van die ATKV Redenaarskompetisie deurgedring.
Baie geluk aan:
• Hannah Kemp
• Simon Cruywagen
• Luc Kilian
Die volgende leerders is opgeneem in verskeie netbalspanne:
• Nina Swanepoel
Weskaap o.13:
• Mila-Mari Bolz
• Nevaeh Visagie
Kaapse Wynland o.13:
• Lané Grobler
• Lisa Booysen
Kaapse Wynland o.11:
• Kayla Gerber
Die volgende leerders het deelgeneem aan die SA Kampioenskappe:
• Johan Swart - 2de Hoogspring
• André Grobler - 4de 1200m
• Lisa Booysen - 6de 200m hekkies
Create a unique opportunity to reinforce and anchor your brand within your client’s operations by providing indispensable tools, such as our A2 and A3 wall calendars and year planners.
Providing high visibility, annual calendars remain a firm favourite for brand marketing thanks to their year-round use and various formats.
Tailored to maximise utilisation by clients, and to suit your unique neds. you can choose:
• Birthday calendars - take your brand beyond the workspace and into the home of your clients
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Through high quality printing and dynamic design, you can ensure that during your client’s most crucial discussions and planning initiatives, your brand always remains top of mind and visible.
Ons is ongelooflik trots op die volgende cheerleaders wat gekies is vir die nasionale oefenspan. Hierdie span het later vanjaar finale proewe vir die nasionale span met die oog op die Wêreldkampioenskappe in April 2025.
Baie geluk aan:
• Elrike Nel
• Luca Dell-Coetzee
• Zara Fourie
• Mary-Anne Basson
Ons is ongelooflik trots op twee van ons Stellies wat die afgelope naweek besonder goed gevaar het in die Proscenium Dramakompetisie.
Daar het oor die 600 hoërskoolleerders landswyd deelgeneem aan hierdie jaar se kompetisie. Die finale vier rondtes is op 9 - 11 Mei in die Kunstekaapteater, Kaapstad, aangebied. Chan Matthee (graad 12) het deurgedring na die nasionale Top 30 en Jean Retief (graad 12) het na die Top 8 deurgedring.
Beide Chan en Jean het ‘n rol losgeslaan in ‘n produksie wat binne die volgende jaar by een of meer van ons nasionele kunstefeeste gaan optree, en Jean is ook ‘n geleentheid aangebied om oorklankingswerk vir Overklank-studios aan te durf.
Ons is waarlik trots op hierdie leerders! Ons hou julle dop!
Foto krediet: Nardus Engelbrecht
• Daniella Smit
• Odelia Krige
Op 12 en 13 April het 90 spanne van oor die Wes-Kaap aan die jaarlikse ATKV-debatkompetisie deelgeneem. Die top 10 junior en top 10 senior spanne was gekies om op 24 en 25 Mei aan die semifinale rondtes deel te neem.
• Sophia Eksteen
Baie geluk aan Juwan Dippenaar en Bernardo Morkel (ons senior span) asook Daniël Schoonraad, Julia Barry, Riane Louw, Andune Morkel, Adele Holtzhausen en Caitlyn Cawood (ons twee junior spanne) wat deel vorm van die top 10 spanne!
Toastmasters is ‘n jeugleierskapskursus wat aangebied word deur die Stellenbosch Toastmasters-klub vir ons graad 11-leerders. Die gala-aand was op 14 Mei 2024.
Die leerders wat die kursus voltooi het, is:
• Daniël de Wet
• Lea Holloway
• Luc du Toit
• Elreesha Fortuin
• Juwan Dippenaar
• Marinus Toerien
• Odelia Krige
• Ané Maree
• Anuk Bredell
• Marguerite Steenkamp
• Mariké Basson
• Emma Smith
• Sophia Eksteen
• Walkin Valentyn
• Bernardo Morkel
Die wenner van die Gala-aand was Bernardo Morkel met sy toespraaktitel, “Jou belangrikste bate” - hy het die gehoor daaraan herinner dat jou brein jou belangrikste bate is. Lea Holloway was tweede met haar toespraak, “Toe ons jonk was” en Marinus Toerien was derde met “‘n Tree na jou ware self”. Hierdie drie leerders gaan deelneem aan die streekskompetisie wat in Augustus plaasvind.
Baie geluk aan die volgende dogters wat deur is na die volgende rondte van die Boland Sone proewe!
Ons wens julle alle sterkte toe!
• Mieke vd Merwe
• Mia du Plessis
• Melandri
• Jessica Humphreys
• Kara Kruger
• Carla Pretorius
• Ansua Pretorius
• Anya Maree
• Nina vd Merwe
• Nina Kruger
• Phoebe Heyns
• Elsa du Plessis
• Emma Smith
• Ida Schaaf
Ons is baie trots op hierdie leerders wie se skryfwerk in die Poort-bundel opgeneem is!
Verder wens ons vir Leonore Wessels geluk wat landswyd 10de in die poësie-afdeling geëindig het.
Kaylee Botha eindig 7de in die prosa-afdeling met Bernardo Morkel en Emma van der Merwe wat die 10de posisie in die prosa-afdeling deel.
Hoërskool Stellenbosch is die skool in die land met die meeste leerders in die top 10. Hierdie is ‘n reuseprestasie waarop ons ontsettend trots is!
Plaaslike skole deel hulle nuus en prestasies aanlyn en ook elke kwartaal in die AWSUM koerant.
Cravenweek groep 2024
Veels geluk aan die volgende seuns wat gekies is vir die Cravenweek- en Grant Khomo-spanne:
Week), Reuben Kruger (WP XV) en Oliver Reid (Craven Week). Afwesig: Luke Kent (WP Akademie).
PRG-fietsryers het aan ‘n bergfiets resies by Spice Route in die Paarl deelgeem.
Western Cape Schools
MTB league at Spice Route Youth 16 category uitslae:
• Neil van der Vyver - 1ste
• Connor Kitching2de
• Christiaan Koegelenberg - 4de
Congratulations to Team Penny Slice for winning the Equity Portfolio monthly competition in the JSE Investment Challenge for April 2024.
Oppie Tong Af – Redenaarskompetisie / On the Tip of your Tongue Public Speaking Competition
Baie geluk aan Lian Winckler (Gr. 8) en Dieter de Kock (Gr. 10) wat vir hulle onderskeie Afrikaanse kategorieë na die Nasionale Finaal van die Oppie Tong Af-Redenaarskompetisie deurgedring het.
We would also like to congratulate Lian Winckler and Reuben de Wit (Gr 11) on going through to the National and final round of the English section of this prestigious competition. Reuben was invited for two categories.
Die finaal vind vanaf 3-5 Oktober 2024 te Laerskool Rooihuiskraal in Centurion plaas.
We are very proud of the Paul Roos boys!
Schools’ Championship at Boschenmeer recently. This means they will represent Boland at the SA Schools’ Championship later this year.
As parents, we eagerly watch our children attempt and reach their milestones from birth. One significant milestone that often fills us with both excitement and apprehension is their first big formal assessments in primary school. In public schools, these are usually the mid-year exams in Grade 5, which thousands of students across the country are currently preparing for. In private schools, formal assessments may only start later, with Grade 6 students starting out by writing core subjects at year-end, and full formal assessments starting in Grade 7.
Regardless of when these formal assessments first start, students and parents will face new expectations in terms of planning, studying, commitment and scope of work that needs to be mastered – amounting to moving up to the next level in students’ academic journey.
“It is important for parents to understand this move into the next phase, and the importance of these exams in terms of setting the tone for a successful academic journey for the rest of students’ lives,” says Nalani Singarum, Academic Advisor: InterSen Phase at ADvTECH Schools, a division of JSE-listed ADvTECH, Africa’s leading private education provider.
“While a good performance in formal assessments should be planned and worked towards, parents also need to realise that the experience of the journey of studying and preparing at this time will make a substantial impact on the child’s approach to exams in the future, when adult assistance and guidance won’t be available or even desirable.”
Singarum says there are 3 FACTORS that can lay the groundwork for developing a successful study foundation, to help empower and support young students during this crucial time and in the future.
Parents’ influence and attitude matter. Our children absorb our emotions like sponges, and if we ourselves approach exams with anxiety or negativity, or a push for peak performance at all costs, they’ll pick up on it. Instead, parents must aspire to model a positive attitude. Share stories of your own exam experiences, with an emphasis on growth and learning. Encourage your child to view exams as opportunities to showcase their knowledge and skills.
Make the effort to create a clutter-free, dedicated study zone over which the student can feel some ‘ownership’, to set the stage for focused learning. Ensure it’s free from distractions like mobile phones. Before study sessions, check that stationery, textbooks, and an exam pad are readily available. This simple step minimizes disruptions and keeps the momentum going.
Help your child break down the work, as large tasks can overwhelm anyone, but especially young students. Help them section the exam requirements into manageable pieces, and guide them in terms of creating summaries and flash cards (without doing the job for them!).
Celebrate small victories every day. Each section completed is progress toward success, and reduces the need for anxietyridden cramming the day or weekend before the exam.
Encourage your child to develop a habit of writing and drawing keywords while studying, as this reinforces memory retention. Whether it’s jotting down key points, solving math problems, or practising spelling, the act of writing solidifies understanding. This is the age where just reading the textbook for revision is no longer a strategy for success.
Parents also need to realise that the experience of the journey of studying and preparing at this time will make a substantial impact on the child’s approach to exams in the future.
Formal assessments in primary school are important in terms of performance, but in the earlier years, laying the foundation for future years is even more important. This is the time to show your child how to determine and set achievable goals, to provide direction and motivation.
Teach your child that effort matters and that hard work pays off. Anxiety may still creep in, but consistently putting in the work, a little bit every day at this stage, helps students feel more empowered.
As parents, we hold the keys to unlock our child’s potential, and the next few weeks are an important learning process and milestone in their educational journey. By fostering a positive mindset, ensuring organisation, and emphasizing effort, we empower them to thrive during their first big exams, while at the same time empowering them to become lifelong learners with a positive attitude even in the face of challenges.
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