AWSUM Helderberg Maart 2023

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THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on MARCH 2023 Celebrating school achievements in South Africa HELDERBERG FRESH EGGS NOURISH THE MIND 0 8 3 3 2 1 6 4 0 7 021 852 3777 P Val labour with this ------------------------ ------------------------ 87 Victoria st. SW (Caltex back entrance) Repair and Respray of Mags/Steel Rims. Your Specialists in Strand! • INTERHOËR ATLETIEK FREE GRATIS 2023 HOOFLEIERS WES-KAAP ATLETIEK SWEM REKORDS SPAT AKADEMIESE PRESTEERDERS INTERSKOLE ATLETIEK TENNIS AWSUM NEWS

AWSUM gesels met Retief Goosen oor sy skooljare

Retief Goosen (The Goose), oud HTS Tom Naudé - leerder en wenner van twee Amerikaanse Ope Gholftoernooie, praat oor sy skooljare in Polokwane. Behalwe vir sy 36 oorwinnigs as professionele gholfer en sy sewe PGA Toer - oorwinnings, haal Retief ook die World Golf Hall of Fame in 2019.

Ons moet begin deur te vra oor jou skoolloopbaan. Wat sal jy altyd van jou skool onthou?

Wat ek onthou, is dat die onderwysers by my skool streng was. As jy stout was die klas, het jy pakslae gekry. Daar was `n paar onderwysers wat gholf gespeel het en ek het saam met hulle gespeel, maar ek het nog steeds deugeloop as ek stout was.

Aan watter sport het jy op skool deelgeneem?

Vir my was dit net gholf elke dag. Op laerskool het ek wel rugby gespeel. Ek was binne senter, maar het van 12 jaar oud op gholf begin fokus deur gholfboeke wat in die huis was, te lees - onder andere boeke van Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus en Gary Player. Daai dae was daar nie videos nie, so ek moes in `n spiëel oefen alles wat ek in die boeke geleer het.

Watter tipe ou was jy op skool?

Ek was maar `n stil ou op skool en my eie ding gedoen. Ek was `n prefek in my laaste jaar, so dit was lekker om stoute ouens by onderwysers aan te kla.

Vertel ons meer oor jou grootwordjare in Polokwane. Polokwane was maar klein tydens my grootwordjare. Ek kon met my fiets orals heen ry. Ons het naby genoeg aan Polokwane Gholfklub gebly dat ek met my gholfstokke en sak op my fiets kon ry en vinnig nege gate na skool kon speel.

Wat is die beste raad wat jy al ooit ontvang het en wat jy vandag met ons lesers wil deel?

Niks kom verniet nie. Jy moet hard werk.


As jy nie `n gholfspeler was nie, watter sport sou jy wou beoefen?

Gholf was alles vir my. As dit nie gewerk het nie, sou ek seker nie `n ander sport beoefen het nie. Tydens `n onderhoud met die Polokwane Review vertel Retief: “Ons het altyd vir ure gholfballe agter in die tuin geslaan en my ma het ons uitgetrap, want ons het haar gras uitgeslaan” onthou Retief. “Ek het my liefde vir gholf by my pa geleer en dan natuurlik by Francois my broer ook. Ek het vir hom gecaddy,” skerts Retief.

Wat sou jy sê vat dit van `n speler om die hoogste vlak van `n sportsoort te bereik en daar te bly?

“Dissipline en harde werk! My pa het geglo dat as jy iets wil hê, moet jy daarvoor werk en voluit daarvoor gaan. Hy het vir jou die geleentheid gegee, maar jy moes ‘n sukses daarvan maak. My pa se werketiek is iets wat oorgespoel het na my gholf. Met talent en harde werk, kan jy net suksesvol wees en ek is dankbaar daarvoor,” vertel Retief vir die Polokwane Review.

In dieselfde berig, berig die Polokwane Review dat oom Theo Goosen, Retief se pa, op 21 Desember 2022 op die ouderdom van 89 oorlede is. Tot die dag van sy dood het Oom Theo gholfraad met Retief gedeel en hy onthou hoe sy pa ‘n paar keer in Amerika en Engeland gaan gholf kyk het. “Sy tydsberekening was nie altyd so goed met die raad nie, en as ek nie goed gespeel het nie, het hy sommer sy vliegtuigkaartjie vervroeg en teruggevlieg.”

Retief Goosen is as 16 - jarige deur weerlig op die golfbaan raakgeslaan toe hy en sy neef Henri `n rondte gholf op `n Woensdagmiddag gespeel het. Toe dit op die vyfde gat begin reën, het hulle gaan skuil onder `n afdak, maar toe die reën opklaar, het hulle verder gaan speel. Dis toe wat hy deur die weerlig geslaan is en 20 minute later in die hosipitaal wakker geword het. Nadat sy neef gaan hulp soek het by die klubhuis het hy `n dokter gekry wat toevallig gholf gespeel het en Retief vertel dié dokter het sy lewe daardie dag gered. Na 3 weke wat hy nie skoene kon aantrek nie as gevolg van sy brandwonde, was hy terug op die gholfbaan en toe het sy golf vlamgevat, want mens besef jy kon dood gewees het.

Destyds het Retief die volgende wenk aan `n jong opkomende gholfer gegee: Hou jou fokus en neem die spel net hou vir hou, Vergeet van die toernooi en vergeet waar jy op die punteleêr lê.

HEAD OFFICE The AWSUM Newspaper is published by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646 Email:
Advertising Coordinator Elmaré Dippenaar Distribution Charl Paulse Editor Meinette van Zyl Sales Samantha Coetzee Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl Managing Director: Meinette van Zyl Financial Manager: Carina Pio Sales Manager: Quintus Brand Printed by Paarl Coldset. Copyright: TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd Schools Coordinator Melinda Huysamen The biggest school news platform in S.A Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A Read the latest school news online at Layout & Design Aniena Venter Rowan Engledoe Ruveix Venter Enrico Theart Anzèl Heyns Volg ons op Facebook! @AWSUM Helderberg AWSUM NEWS Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A ONTVANG DIE AWSUM KOERANT OP JOU FOON Whatsapp jou naam na 073 187 9539
My pa het geglo dat as jy iets wil hê, moet jy daarvoor werk en voluit daarvoor gaan.
Retief (The Goose) Goosen. Foto: Instagram `n Jong Retief Retief Goosen saam met Gary Player (Foto: Instagram)

This article was written by a human, and not by ChatGPT

of ChatGPT, as most people don’t really know how to use it to its full potential, that’s why we want to share some of the best ChatGPT use cases, prompts and examples with you.

ChatGPT is a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool that came out November 2022 that provides quick, well-formulated answers to a variety of questions and is going to revolutionize the way we do things and the way we communicate. This powerful tool answers questions in a conversational style. You type your question, and it types back…within seconds, no matter the question. Since its launch, the bot has amassed more than a million subscribers and more than 100 million monthly active users.

Did you know CatchGPT can give you product recommendations? Prompt it with something like “I’m looking for a new pair of running shoes. Do you have any product recommendations?” and it will give you a list of some of the best options out there. It’ll even tell you about the differences between them, so you can make an informed decision. So, no need for endless scrolling in comparison shopping.

ChatGPT can help you in the kitchen with recipe suggestions

Prompt it with something like “I have some leftover chicken and a can of black beans. Can you suggest a recipe and instructions to make?” and it will give you a list of ingredients and instructions to cook up something delicious.

You can even ask ChatGPT to tell you a joke and it will send you a joke!

ChatGPT can act as your own personal career coach. Prompt it with something like “act as an interviewer and ask me about my strengths” and it will start asking you questions as if you were being interviewed in real life. You can even ask it to help you improve your answers, so you can feel more confident and prepared for your next interview.

ChatGPT can help you improve your confidence in social situations. Prompt it with something like “I’m looking for a conversation starter. Do you have any suggestions?” and it’ll give you some examples to get a conversation going.

ChatGPT’s language translation feature is also very impressive. Type in something like “translate this sentence to French” and it will give you the French equivalent. So, whether you’re trying to communicate with someone who speaks a different language or you are a business looking to expand your reach by creating content in multiple languages, ChatGPT’s got you covered.

ChatGPT can also recommend all sorts of entertainment based on your preferences. If you’re into historical fiction books, just ask it to recommend something for you. It’ll give you a list of options and it’s not just limited to books. You can also use it to discover new movies, music and more - a great way to find new enjoyable entertainment options.

With Chat GPT rising in popularity, what’s a parent to do?

There is no stopping the impact AI technology will have going forward, and Chat GPT is likely just the start of this era in education. Have an open conversation with your children and guide them through this transition so that they are aware of the risks and benefits of the technology. Explore the platform with them and work with their curiosity. Encourage your kids to use Chat GPT alongside an adults to get ideas about things they’re interested in, like music. Families can explore the tool together and try prompts that are fun, inspiring or helpful.

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT in Education

The topic of AI tools and how they impact education is incredibly important and we have to ask what are some of the possible impacts of AI tools like Chat GPT on teachers and students?

How do I prevent cheating and plagiarism when tools like this exist?

How do I talk to my learners about Chat GPT?

What are the pro’s and con’s?

Can we stop it being used by learners?

Should we even try and stop it?

If not, how will it likely change teaching methods and approaches?

Can it actually be harnessed for good?

Some pro’s include:

ChatGPT is like having a personal tutor right at your fingertips. It can help with homework and explain difficult concepts in a way that’s easy to understand. For example let’s say you’re struggling to understand the concept of momentum, just ask ChatGPT to explain it to you like you’re five years old and it’ll give you a simple explanation that even a child could understand and if you have any follow-up questions it can help with those too this is such a great way to get a little extra help and support with schoolwork and it makes learning more interactive and engaging.

With bullying in schools, ChatGPT can also be an amazing resource for anyone’s troubling with anxiety stress or any other mental health issues for example you could type in “feeling really anxious and overwhelmed” and it will give you some tips for managing anxiety if you’re in need of some guidance or just want talk to someone chat GPT could be a convenient way to get support anonymously.

It’s important for us to keep our readers well informed about the use
Scan this code to download A Teacher’s Prompt Guide to ChatGPT aligned with “What Works Best”
High School Primary School u13 Athletes Primary School Athletics team u19 Soccer boys u13 cricket team u9 - u13 girls Soccer High School u19 Cricket Primary School Netball Already started our soccer season in Term 1 - played against Paul Roos Gimnasium in our first match for the year. ESport Interhouse Challenge Netball clinic and preliminary trials for our u9 to u13 girls. The clinic was led by Western Province Southern Stings Netball players who also play for Maties from Stellenbosch University. THE PRINT OFFICE Your partner in printing The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books. Send your request to The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books.


PV squash player on shortlist for World Championship

Parel Vallei’s 2022

Sportsman of the Year, Devon Osborne, is on the short list to represent South Africa at the World Junior Squash Tournament this year. He competed in the Bloemfontein Open recently which is the third largest Open Tournament in the world. He was placed number 2 in SA in the u17 age group.

Hoërskool Parel Vallei wen die Ashes teen Somerset College

Dit was ‘n geskiedkundige oomblik toe Parel Vallei se eerste span die jaarlikse Ashes teen Somerset College vir die eerste keer in 20 jaar gewen het. Speler van die wedstryd, Josua Smit het ‘n opwindende vyf paaltjies geneem. PV het nog 30 lopies van sewe boulbeurte gekort toe Sevi Barlow inkom op nommer vyf om 33 lopies (nie uit nie) van 25 balle aan te teken en so vir Parel Vallei ‘n ses-paaltjie oorwinning te verseker.

Agt PV-atlete kwalifiseer vir SA Atletiekkampioenskap

Agt Parel Vallei-atlete het teen 15 Maart reeds gekwalifiseer om aan die ASA SA Atletiekkampioenskap in Pietermaritzburg deel te neem.

2 out of 4 in SA team from Parel Vallei

Chaewon Lee and Gideon (Douw)

Strydom became the third and then also fourth Parel Valleiers in three years to be selected for the SA team to represent South Africa at the International Biology Olympiad (IBO) in Dubai. It is the first time in PV’s history, that two of the four SA representatives are from Parel Vallei.

Parel Vallei placed 18th among the top

Parel Vallei received a merit certificate for Academic Excellence, as one of the Top Twenty Schools (number 18) in the province at the annual Western Cape National Senior Certificacte (NSC) 2022 Awards Ceremony. Christian Kotzé (PV Dux 2022), with an average of 96,83% was placed fifth out of the top 40 candidates in the Western Cape.

Parel Vallei is wééreens die Helderberg se Dis-Chem Interskolekampioen vir 2023

Parel Vallei se OPTOG 2023 Devon Osborne Chaewon Lee and Douw Strydom Voor: JP van der Walt, Tihanna le Roux en Jamial Johnson. Agter: Charl Engelbrecht, Christopher Gouws, Johnathan Knipe en Zian van Loggerenberg. Afwesig: Jan-Paul Herselman.


Women’s World Cup Cricket

On 24 January, our students received a surprise when they got to see the Women’s T20 World Cup trophy on our campus. The trophy was on display in St Matthew’s Chapel with both the Prep and Senior students having an opportunity for viewing and taking photos. A lucky few students also won tickets to go to some of the matches.

Another highlight was having one of our Old Oaks, Faye TunnicliffeClass of 2016, as part of the ceremony. She signed the cricket bats of many ecstatic Prep students and some of our senior teams grabbed the opportunity for an Instagram shout-out from her. Thank you Faye, we enjoyed having you as part of this special occasion.

Senior school tennis

On Saturday, 21 January, our first tennis team consisting of four boys and four girls emerged as the winners of the “Arende Afslaan” doubles and mixed doubles tournament hosted by Strand High School. In doing so, they regained the title which they also won in 2022.

The following players represented the College at this tournament: Mia Hosking and Tassius Chigariro (captain), Lisa Verwey (captain) and Aidan Sanders, Isabelle Pritchett and Ewan Holtzhausen, Kelly Brooke and Chris Justus. During the first round of matches Chris, unfortunately, sprained his ankle. He was replaced by Kieran Sanders.

Saturday school

On 28 January, our Saturday School opened for 2023 with a short welcoming ceremony in the ESTEAM Centre. The students from Nomzamo High School, Gordon High School and Simanyene High School, who were present at the opening, can look forward to receiving additional classes in English, Mathematics, Life Science and Physical Science as part of this initiative.

The excellent improvement in the exam results of the students who attended Saturday School in the past is testimony to the dedication of the educators and the success of the programme.

After the welcoming, the students had the opportunity to tour the campus and view the facilities and classrooms. The educators took advantage of this time to discuss the content of the learning programme and to plan for the term ahead. Thank you to all the educators who willingly sacrifice their Saturday mornings to be a part of this wonderful teaching programme.

Art and Design

Cambridge Art and Design student, Ross Swanepoel, was chosen to do some “prop drawings” for a mini-series which is being filmed in Cape Town. The storyline required architectural line drawings drawn by a teenage boy, who aspires to be an architect.

Ross was the perfect choice as he is very skilled in linear drawing and exploring extreme perspectives. We look forward to seeing Ross’ work featured in scenes from the mini-series.

Well done to our 1st XI cricket team, who were victorious against Paarl Boys High. Somerset College won the toss and batted first, scoring 166 all out in 40.4 overs. Thando Prusent top scored with a brilliant 52. Paarl Boys could only manage 128 all out (Chris Varie 3/28). Our bowlers bowled tight lines restricting them and winning us the game by 38 runs. What a great team effort and result!

A special note of thanks to our donors and sponsors who contribute funds, equipment and services to Saturday School. Without your support, none of this would have been possible: Life Healthcare Group, Kap Industrial Holdings, The Answer Series.

1st of March was a massive highlight for Somerset College Cricket as our 1st team hosted the Netherland U18 National team, currently visiting Cape Town in preparation for the U19 World Cup qualifiers. The boys continued with their good run of form by restricting the Netherlands to 178/6 after 40 Overs. Christopher Varie was the top performer with the ball taking 2/38. Somerset College had a solid start and finish the match 182/7 with Chad Ayford (46), Jono Firth (44) and Tyrone Rieth (30*) winning the match by 3 wickets.


Interhouse Athletics

Interhouse Swimming

Inter Schools Athletics

Ethan Wenn Praise Chiwanika and Kirsty-Grace Willemse Our girls 11 years dominated the 80m sprint event. Nery Kouyokela (1st place), Esihle Stimela (2nd place) and Gemma Dickson (4th place). We had a clean sweep in the boys 10 years high jump. Mikaeel Jaggers (1st place), Brady Carstens (2nd place), Shariq Paulse (3rd place). The Summie team captains, Zaiden Bell and Blaike van Reenen receiving the Inter schools winning trophy from Mr. Horne, principal of Hendrik Louw. Zaarah Meyer Junior Victrix Ludorum Josiah Wenn Victor Ludorum Zaiden Bell (Victor Ludorum), Zeke Ross (Junior Victor Ludorum), Praise Chiwanika (Junior Victrix Ludorum, Blaike van Reenen (Victrix Ludorum) Kendra Samuels Victrix Ludorum Lord Charles cheerleaders The Gr. 3 athletes fighting it out for the first place.
AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Read the latest school news online! All photos published in this edition, can be found online, so that you can share your school’s news with your whole family!
The Summie team came out tops during our Inter schools athletics meeting against Hendrik Louw and Gordons Bay.


SA skole atletiek

Donna Pretorius, o.10-gewigstoot, 2de in Wes-Kaap, deur na SA skole atletiek wat op 20 Maart plaasvind.

Hoofleiers vir 2023

Atletiek Interhuis

Senior Victor Lodorum: Imaad Railoun

Senior Victrix Lodorum: Madri van Rensburg

Junior Victor Lodorum: Victor Guyo

Junior Victrix Lodorum: Mia Lötter


Aanvullende Prysuitdeling

Die Hoërskool Strand se Aanvullende Prysuitdeling (pryse vir November-eksamen 2022) het onlangs plaasgevind. Tydens dié geleentheid is leerders vir hulle harde werk en akademiese prestasies van 2022 beloon. ‘n Paar van verlede jaar se matrieks is ook vereer vir hulle besondere prestasies in die eindeksamen.

Top 3 Graad 10 2022 Jané Swart en Nathan Nel (1ste) 90% en Kayla Swarts 89.6% Top 3 Graad 9 2022 Kristen Thiart 92.1%, Emily Landman 95.4% en Nadine Pretorius 92.4% Top 3 Graad 8 2022 Louniël en Thané de Beer (3de) 91%, Sumari Walser 92.4% en Simoné Botha 91.3% Top 3 Graad 11 2022 Luka Ahlers 88.1%, Carla Punt 95.3% en Carla Haughton 91.3% Matrieks 2022 Voor: Aneldi Morkel, Anushka Humphreys, Karmen Venter, Lien Hoogenboezem, Nika van Vuuren, Dylan Swarts. Agter: Chanté van Rensburg, Cameron MacTavish, Armand Smit, Megan Myburgh, Daniël Momberg, Anne Swart, Janlo Smith, Michelle Pretorius. Afwesig: Kira Potgieter, Anja Stofberg en Jessica Coetzee. Xavier Basson (Head Boy), Dianei Bekker (Hoofdogter), Madri van Rensburg (Onderhoofdogter), Zander van der Merwe (Onderhoofseun) Donna Pretorius Junior Victor Lodorum Victor Guyo Junior Victrix Lodorum Mia Lötter Senior Victor en Victrix Lodorum Imaad Railoun en Madri van Rensburg Alicia Mncube, Nico Swart, Carli Erasmus en Linja Erasmus Alicia Mncube, Nico Swart, Carli Erasmus en Linja Erasmus is gekies is vir die Cape Town tennis B span.


Tennis Atletiek

Hierdie drie Lochies het hulle WP kleure in tennis verwerf.

Lochie atlete presteer uitstekend by die Westelike Provinsie se atletiek kampioenskappe.




• Swimming Inter-District Champs

• Won 5 gold medals and a bronze

• Made Girls Captain

• Swam 4 personal best times

• Training for 2024 Olympic Games

Morgan qualified with a World Junior and Commonwealth Junior qualifying time in the 100M breaststroke and will be taking place in Israel in September.


• Western Cape Gymnastics Championships

• Silver Medal on Floor

• Silver Medal on Rings

• Silver Medal on Vault

• 5th place overall

• Qualifies for the SA Gymnastics Games

Nina Burger Karmi Karsten 1ste (rekord) - Hoogspring, 3de - Verspring Emma du Toit 2de - Diskus, 5de - Gewigstoot Migael Roos Karoo Janse van Veuren 1ste (rekord) - Hoogspring Minki Human 3de - Hoogspring Jo-Ané Geldenhuys Rudi Koekemoer 1ste - Hoogspring Keith de Wee 3de - 80m Hekkies Voor: Daniël Binneman. 2de ry: Gunter Swart, JW Steyn. 3de ry: Marcel Strydom, Daniel Jackson, NW Pienaar, Mateo Arendorff, Lucas Cloete, Eugene Louw, Nicolae Roux. Agter: Mnr Christo Southey (afrigter) en Rudi Koekemoer. Lochnerhof se 0/13A- Krieketspan pak die krieketseisoen met groot ywer aan. Sean Ballack Morgan Cope Morgan Cope in action


Tennis Seuns tennisspan

Drie van ons leerders het in Grahamstad die WP Cavaliers in die Synergy Cup verteenwoordig. Hulle het uitstekend gevaar en tree as wenners uit die stryd teen die Boland Cavaliers.

Ons wen die Geesbeker by die Super 6-Interskole Atletiekbyeenkoms!
wen die Super 6-Interskole Atletiekbyeenkoms!
Ons cheerleaders! Ons eerste meisies-tennisspan
The biggest school news network in SA
Hennie van der Westhuizen Hoofseun Alec Ellis (Beste seun swemmer), Evan Cillié (Senior Victor Ludorum), Kayla Gerber (Beste dogter swemmer), Arné Dreyer (Senior Victrix Ludorum), Lienke Rossouw (Junior Victrix Ludorum), Christoff Pieterse (Junior Victor Ludorum)
aan die volgende leerders wat gekies is as ons eerste semester se hoofleiers. Ons is trots op ons leerders wat so goed presteer het. Swem Interkleuregala Bekerwenners Ons is trots op ons leerders wat so goed presteer het. Neelsie Atletiek Eerste Semester Hoofleiers Stellies se o.11 tennisspan wen Eikestad dubbelstoernooi! AWSUM NEWS AWSUM NEWS biggest school news platform in S.A | Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A Download past exam papers Per grade Per subject Download past exam papers, Per grade, Per subject on The biggest school news platform in S.A | Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A
Sophia van den Berg Hoofdogter Mike Jansen Onder-hoofseun Katerien Fourie Onder-hoofdogter

Athletics Tennis Golf

Taelan Viljoen

• Gold u17 3000m @ Boland Central Championships

Nicola van der Merwe

• Gold u14 Javelin @ Boland Central Championships

Tied 5th in the SA Amateur Golf Championship played on 19 - 23 February

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The biggest school news platform in S.A

• Haily Troup - won the Women’s Singles Title at the WC Mini Series Tennis Tournament, played in the finals of the Women’s Doubles

• Jenna Theron - won the u14 Singles Title at the WC Mini Series Tennis Tournament

• Ashley Taylor and Jenna Theron - won the u14 girls’ Doubles title at the WC Mini Series Tennis Tournament

• Christi Kotze - won the u14 Gold Division singles and Doubles title at the WC Mini Series Tennis Tournament


Dink nuut oor drukwerk by jou skool!

Die Skole Ondersteuningsentrum het onlangs die voorbeeld gebruik: om klein veranderinge aan die manier waarop inhoud oorgedra word te maak, is soos om `n kamer aan `n ou huis aan te bou. Ja, dit lyk goed, en elke kamer het sy funksie en ons doen ons bes met wat ons het. Wanneer jy egter uit die staanspoor en vir ‘n spesifieke doel ‘n nuwe, moderne, ontwerpte huis binnestap, sal jy nie terugtrek na jou ou huis toe nie, maar eerder die ou huis afbreek en van nuuts af bou.

Hoe vernuwe jy drukwerk by jou skool?

Werksboeke, addisionele leermateriaal of skryfboeke is `n kopseer vir elke skool. Nie net neem dit ure om dit by die skool te bind nie, maar dit kan ook binne `n paar weke uitmekaar val. Met vandag se tegnologie is die prys vir swart en wit boeke basies dieselfde as vir kleur.

Die bindwerk verseker ook dat jou boeke waaraan jy so hard gewerk het, die hele jaar sal hou!

Raak kreatief met voorblaaie!

Afrikaans Klaswerkboek Kwartaal 4

Het jy geweet skole kan deesdae die skryfboeke van die leerders laat druk met die skool se kleure op die voorblad? Dit skep nie net eenvormigheid by die skool nie, maar is reeds gelamineer en daarom hoef dié boeke nie oorgetrek te word nie. Die skool kan self besluit hoe breed die lyne moet wees en verkoop dan dié boeke weer aan die leerders as deel van `n fondsinsameling vir die skool.

Voorbeeld van skryfboeke:

Die prys vir die boeke hang af van die hoeveelheid boeke wat bestel word. Jy sal nie glo hoe bekostigbaar dit is nie.

Alle grootte boeke is beskikbaar - van die 32-blad tot die 192-blad boeke. Die

Taelan Viljoen Ineke Brynard Ashley Taylor Nicola van der Merwe Jenna Theron Haily Troup Christi Kotze
boek behoort
E-pos vir `n kwotasie vir jou skool. Eerder vroeër as later!



Die o19A-span is die algehele wenners van die WP-liga.

Mountain biking

Jake Downie 19B Waterpolo span u19A Waterpolo Team u14 Waterpolo Team Riley Norton o.19A Krieketspan
Krieket PRG-krieket en veral sy 19A-span, beleef ‘n goeie seiseon. PRG bied die Zest Fruit Gerrie Berner tennistoernooi aan en eindig tweede. PRG wen 3 waterpolo-toernooie die kwartaal: Jason Murray o14-toernooi (o14A) Pearson High School Second Teams’ tournament SAC Shield-toernooi (o19A) PRG hosted the DEVMCO SA XCO Mountain bike event. It featured young and international riders. Paul Roos Gimnasium/Gymnasium

The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm


Interhuis Swem Trofeewenners 2023

Ons het die opwindende swemseisoen op ‘n hoë noot met ons jaarlikse Interhuis Swemgala. Ons wenspan was Libertas met ‘n uitmuntende 386 punte. Tweede was Coetzenburg met 290 punte en kort op hul hakke was Doornbosch met 281 punte.


• Junior dogter - Libbé Fouche

• Junior seun - Jean Kleu

• Senior dogter - Luka Oosthuizen

• Senior seun - Wian Kleu


Your partner in printing

Interhuis Atletiek Trofeewenners 2023

Ons is trots op die volgende atlete en hulle prestasies tydens die 2023 Interhuis Atletiekbyeenkoms:

• Jamie Schnetler - Junior Victor Ludorum

• Daniel van den Berg - Senior Victor Ludorum en Beste seuns atleet

• Nina Smit - Beste dogters atleet

• Cecilia Becker - Junior Victrix Ludorum

• Lora Müller - Senior Victrix Ludorum

Leerlingraad 2023

Voor: Emma Nel, Alet Louw, Mia Pecoraro (Hoofleier), Morné Pauw (Hoofleier), Edwin Hertzog, Arin Dunstan. Middel: Leila Venter, Annabel Lester, Dalinda Nel, Klara-Lea Basson, Willem-Lukas Briedenhann, James Walters, Christian du Toit. Agter: Lilla Grobbelaar, Marielle Greyling, Ella Botha, Nico Smit, Joe Oosthuizen, Ben le Roux, Gustav de Vries.

Wes-Kaap Atletiek

Wes-Kaap Kampioenskappe het op 11 Maart 2023 in die Paarl, op Dal Josafat Stadion, plaasgevind. Daniel van den Berg het die Boland Span verteenwoordig en deelgeneem in die 75mh en 150mh.

Daniel het uitstekend gevaar met brons in die 75mh en silver in die 150mh.

Daniel dring dus deur na die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe. Ons is vreeslik trots op die ster-atleet en wens vir Daniel alle sterkte toe vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe wat voorlê.

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Neve van Heerden Victrix Ludorum Alec Koch Andrew Hartley, Xander McLachlan, Keegan Michaels, Cole Victor, Nolan van Niekerk en Nathan Phillips The following athletes qualified for the WP Province athletics team: • Andrew Hartley • Xander McLachlan • Keegan Michaels • Cole Victor • Nolan van Niekerk • Nathan Phillips
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Cole Victor Cape Town TSA u/12 Champion

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