JHB North and West Rand AWSUM June edition

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JHB NORTH & WEST RAND THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA FRESH EGGS NOURISH THE MIND PROVINSIALE SPORT JHB NORTH & WEST RAND SCHOOL NEWS Skole deel hulle nuus! gofuneral.co.za Affordable, reliable funeral cover The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm.
your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books.


Our GSS Netball Girls The Ringmaster

Rand Park High School’s 2024 major production was another exceptional singing and dancing extravaganza. Adapted from the biographical musical drama film, The Greatest Showman, Rand Park’s The Ringmaster celebrated the birth of modern show business. It told a story of a visionary, PT Barnum and his rise from nothing to become the world-famous circus director. From an early age he displayed a gift for promotion and publicity. He faced many obstacles with his lack of money and poor family background. Determined to succeed, he turned to show business and used his limitless imagination to follow his dream and created the Barnum Circus - a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation! Performances took place from 16 to 18 May 2024. The directorial team, staff, learners and parents of those involved were acknowledged for another outstanding major production and thanked for the

Congratulations to Cheta Emekpo, Kene Emekpo, Landa Mgwebile, Tshegofatso Ngubeni, Naledi Liebenberg, Oluchi Ndubueze, Siviwe Mabuza and Georgia Leppan. Congratulations to our hockey girls who have been selected for the Southern Gauteng Girls’ Hockey teams! • Hannah Charles - U18B • Brooklyn McGregor - U18C • Kayin Rana - U16C • Orefile Likhethe - U14B

ATKV-Applous-finaliste van 2024 bekend

Daar is groot opgewondenheid in die lug oor die bekendmaking van die kore wat deurdring na die finaal van die ATKV se 47ste Applous-koorkompetisie. Applous is die oudste skoolkoorkompetisie in die land en het oor die jare aan skoolkore die geleentheid gebied om hul liefde vir Afrikaans en hul vreugde van koorsang uit te leef. Hier is die kore (in alfabetiese volgorde) wat sake vanaf 24-27 Julie 2024 in die Kaapstad-stadsaal, Kaapstad, sal uitspook.

Woensdag 24 Julie 2024

Laerskool: Ope

• Clarendon Primary School for Girls, OosLonden

• Laerskool Burgersdorp, Lichtenburg

• Laerskool Welgemoed, Kaapstad

Laerskool: Meriete

• Laerskool Kenridge, Kaapstad

• Laerskool Lynnwood, Pretoria

• Laerskool Menlopark, Pretoria

• Laerskool Monumentpark, Pretoria

Donderdag 25 Julie 2024

Laerskool: Prestige

• Durbanville Primary School, Durbanville

• Laerskool Elarduspark, Pretoria

• Laerskool Eversdal, Durbanville

• Laerskool Gene Louw, Durbanville

• Laerskool Mooirivier, Potchefstroom

Hoërskool: Ope

• Rustenburg Girls’ High School, Kaapstad

• St Cyprian’s School, Kaapstad

• St. Alban’s College, Pretoria

Vrydag 26 Julie 2024

Hoërskool: Meriete Gemeng

• Benoni High School, Benoni

• Hoërskool Ferrum, Newcastle

• Hoërskool Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp

Hoërskool: Meriete Meisies

• Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle, Paarl

• Jeppe High School for Girls, Johannesburg

• Riebeek College Girls’ High School, Kariega

• St Mary’s DSG, Pretoria

Saterdag 27 Julie 2024

Hoërskool: Prestige Gemeng

• Hoërskool Empangeni High School, Empangeni

• Hoërskool Menlopark, Pretoria

• Stirling High School, Oos-Londen

Hoërskool: Prestige Meisies

• Clarendon High School for Girls, OosLonden

• Eunice High School, Bloemfontein

• Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof, Stellenbosch

WhatsApp: 079 863 7822 | info@gofuneral.co.za Kontak ons vir `n kwotasie op `n begranisplan wat voldoen aan jou behoeftes. Die beplanning van ‘n begrafnis kan ‘n baie emosionele ondervinding wees en onnodige spanning meebring. Laat ons toe om saam met jou te beplan sodat jy gereed is vir wanneer jou gesin die finansiële hulp die nodigste het.


Gauteng HS Association Inter Liga

Na 6 ligas kwalifiseer 21 van ons oefengroep se atlete vir die finaal. Megan Kleynhans en Edgar van der Spoel het al die ligas waaraan hulle deelgeneem het gewen. Megan was die 3e juniordogter en Edgar die 9e juniorseun tydens die finaal. Baie geluk aan al vier spanne van HS Randburg wat die finaal bereik het. Ongelukkig het die eksamen veroorsaak dat net die juniors en 4 senior seuns kon deelneem. Almal het hul “atleet” gestaan en ons is trots op ‘n 4e, 5e en 7e plek in die spankompetisie. Megan Kleynhans het ook individueel presteer met ‘n 3e plek! Baie geluk aan al hierdie atlete!

Skyfskiet - GSSU Liga 3

6. Neil Knoesen


Baie geluk aan Phillip Rykaart wat in die o-16A Goue Leeus rugbyspan opgeneem is! Phillip gaan tydens die o-16 Grant Khomo-week in Gqeberha by Grey High School die Leeus verteenwoordig. Jy maak ons baie trots!



Arnel Swart (graad 11) het onlangs aan die On The Stage Dance Festival deelgeneem en die volgende uitslae behaal:

• Jazz Solo – Gold (80-84%)

• Latin Cha Cha/ Samba Solo – Crown Gold (85-89%)

Duo/ Trio:

• Latin Sensation Trio – Crown Jewel (90-100%)

• Latin Cha Cha Duet – Crown Gold (85-89%)

Spesiale toekennings:

• Arnel word aangewys as die Beste Senior Latin Danser.

• Die Latin trio ontvang die toekenning vir ‘Top Class Entertainment’.

goeie punte!

Ashley Novello 1ste - Showjumping A2 (1m), 4de Showjumping Competition Round (1m), 5de - Equitation Sporter o.21 1. Jayden Naude 3. Akira Jakobs 8. Emma Van Der Want 9. Celine Du Plessis 12. Dane Moolman Sporter o.16 2. Kyle Fölscher 3. Etienne van der Merwe 16. Marlouise vd Merwe Sporter o.14 2. Annabelle Kirstein 7. Cara Pretorius Minay Van Der Merwe Pistool o.16 1. Chantal van der Bank Chantal het haar persoonline beste geskiet met 1018 uit 1200, voorwaar baie Die naweek van 1 - 2 Junie het een van ons ruiters aan ‘n byeenkoms gaan deelneem. Baie geluk met die Annika Swanepoel (gr. 11) is ‘n aktiewe lid van BASA gevaarlike, wilde diere. Die bane sluit in bewegende
Big Bore Association of South Africa Dans The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books.



Baie geluk aan die volgende hokkiedogters wat na afloop van die finale rondte Southern Gautengproewe by die onderskeie provinsiale spanne ingesluit is:

• o.14: Karmi Müller (A-span) en Nalecia Nortier (D-span)

• o.16: Learah Baatjies (B-span)

Dinsdag 28 Mei, as deel van die Goue Leeus o.16 C-span, op Loftus Versfeld teen die Blou Bulle uitspeelwedstryde gespeel. Ons is trots op jou!


Linden se o.15A-hokkieseuns het in die Boden-toernooi se B-afdeling ‘n plek in die finaal losgespeel! Hul eindig algeheel 2de in hul groep om na die Top 8-uitspele deur te dring en reken in die kwart- en semi-finale met groot skole af. Hierdie seuns kon ongelukkig nie teen Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge die beker huis toe bring nie, maar hou die skool se naam hoog deur ‘n algehele 2de plek en silwer medaljes te verower. Welgedaan met hierdie prestasie, ons is ongelooflik trots op julle!

Groot nuus vir ons Proscenium Toneelkompetisie deelnemer, Christian Nortje! Na afloop van die Proscenium Toneelkompetisie is Hoërskool Linden trots om aan te kondig dat Christian Nortje ‘n rol in die RSG se drama Op die Oog (geskryf deur Leon van Nierop) losgeslaan het!

Verder word hy ook gekies vir die Wes-Kaap Onderwys Departement (WKOD) se produksie wat opgevoer word by die Suid-Oosterfees, KKNK en Woordfees. Welgedaan aan Christian en Mnr. Nardus van der Vyver (organiseerder) vir julle harde werk!

Ons junior hokkiedogters het Saterdag 25 Mei aan die gesogte “Spar Hockey Challenge” by Heronbridge College deelgeneem en het Hoërskool Linden se naam hoog gehou deur uiteindelik as die algehele wenners aangewys te word! Dis ‘n ongelooflike prestasie en ons is trots op julle!

Baie geluk aan ons ATKV-Redenaars semifinaliste!

Ons is trots om aan te kondig dat Payton Kleynhans en Hildegard Schraader deur gedring het na die finale rondte van die ATKV- Redenaars wat sal plaasvind op 12 en 13 Augustus by Klein Kariba.

Die volgende leerders het almal die skool se naam hoog gehou by die kompetisie en val onder die Top 10 van die Gauteng-Wes streek:

Graad 8 en 9 Afrikaans Huistaal Voorbereid:

• 1. Payton Kleynhans

• 2. Hildegard Schraader

• 3. Retha Coetzee

Graad 10-12:

• 1. Jonathan van der Merwe

• Afrikaans Huistaal Onvoorbereid

• 1. Hildegard Schraader

Baie geluk aan almal!

Junior Hokkie


Congratulations to six of our hockey players on being selected for the highly competitive Southern Gauteng Boys Hockey teams. After proving their mettle in rigorous trials, they have secured their spots among the top 64 players in their age groups.

• Matthew Jung u.14A

• Tristan McQue u.14A

• Joel de Bruyn u.14A

• Dean Leroux u.14B

• Joshua Anderson u.14 Blues

• Conrad Koen u.16A Well done on your achievement, gents!

Congratulations to the following players for being selected to various Southern Gauteng Girls Hockey Teams.

• Cara Greeff – u.14B

• Davida Strong – u.16A

• Juliet Horton – u.18C

• Kate Horton – u.18C

• Ashlee Howard – u.18B

• Daniella Hunziker – u.18B

• Niquita McHugh – u.18B

• Kameron Salis – u.18A

We wish the girls success in the upcoming Inter Provincial Tournaments!


The SA Schools Championships 2024 witnessed the gathering of South Africa’s finest school swimmers in Gqberha over the past weekend, where South Africa’s top school swimmers gathered to compete.

Our students Amber Gaddin, Caeli Ferreira, and Robert Chaplin, who were selected to represent the Gauteng Schools team, delivered exceptional performances and achieved impressive results. We take this opportunity to congratulate all the students on their remarkable accomplishments. Your dedication and hard work have filled us with immense pride!

Amber Gaddin

• Gold in 100m breaststroke

• Gold in 200m breaststroke

• Silver in 50m breaststroke

• Silver in 4x100m medley relay

• 4th in 4x100m freestyle relay

Caeli Ferreira

A huge congratulations to Davida Strong for her outstanding accomplishment of being chosen to compete in the u.16 Girls Section at the upcoming World Youth Chess Championships! The event will take place in Brazil from 28 October to 10 November 2024.

Congratulations to Dawson Ellis (Grade 11) on his outstanding success at the 2024 ILCA National Championships hosted at the Stilbaai Yacht Club in South Africa. Out of the 58 talented sailors invited to participate, Dawson performed exceptionally well, securing 1st, 3rd, and 2nd positions in the first three races over two days.

• Silver in 4x100m medley relay

• Silver in the 4x50m medley relay

• Bronze in 200 breast

• Bronze for 200 freestyle

• 4th in 400m freestyle

• 4th in 400m freestyle relay

• 5th in 200m IM

• 6th in 50 freestyle


• Mieke Liebenberg

• Zione Fourie

• Gemma Engelbrecht

• Taylin de Jong


• Carla Boshoff

• Amoné Buytendorp

• Biancha Weideman


• Mia Moore

• Teneal de Jong

• Taetum Baptiste

• Jordan Kruuse

• Elbe J van Rensburg

• Mignon Theunissen

Robert Chaplin

• 12th in 100m backstroke

• 16th in 50m breaststroke

• 16th in 100m breaststroke



• Luané Human

• Ané Verster

• Keira Pienaar

• Chanté Thomas

• Giselle Maritz

• Kimberley Amiras


• Cate Nelson

• Marochelle Robertson

Blyde Schoeman is as landswye wenner van die Proscenium Toneelspelkompetisie aangewys.

Despite challenging weather conditions on day three, Dawson persevered and completed all four races. As a result, he placed 7th overall in his class, which is a remarkable accomplishment. Additionally, Dawson was honored with The Cullen Keytel Award for finishing 1st in the first race of the regatta.

Southern Gauteng-spanne:

Nina Els - o.14 Jordyn van Nieuwenhuzen - o.14 Marjuné Loggenberg - o.16 Keanu Nel - o.18 Juané Botes - o.14 Kristian van Gaalen - o.14 Fransien Els - o.16 Juandré Verwey - o.18 Hade-Mari van Graan - o.14 Liam van den Berg - o.14 Zoë Shaw - o.16
2024 ILCA National Championships
Helpies Ingesluit in
Top toneelspeler op Helpie-bodem 21 Gauteng-Netbalspelers Provinsiale Hokkie
Amber Gaddin Caeli Ferreira Robert Chaplin


Our GSS Netball Girls The Ringmaster

Rand Park High School’s 2024 major production was another exceptional singing and dancing extravaganza. Adapted from the biographical musical drama film, The Greatest Showman, Rand Park’s The Ringmaster celebrated the birth of modern show business. It told a story of a visionary, PT Barnum and his rise from nothing to become the world-famous circus director. From an early age he displayed a gift for promotion and publicity. He faced many obstacles with his lack of money and poor family background. Determined to succeed, he turned to show business and used his limitless imagination to follow his dream and created the Barnum Circus - a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation! Performances took place from 16 to 18 May 2024. The directorial team, staff, learners and parents of those involved were acknowledged for another outstanding major production and thanked for the

Congratulations to Cheta Emekpo, Kene Emekpo, Landa Mgwebile, Tshegofatso Ngubeni, Naledi Liebenberg, Oluchi Ndubueze, Siviwe Mabuza and Georgia Leppan. Congratulations to our hockey girls who have been selected for the Southern Gauteng Girls’ Hockey teams! • Hannah Charles - U18B • Brooklyn McGregor - U18C • Kayin Rana - U16C • Orefile Likhethe - U14B


Netball Girls Hockey Equestrian

We are very proud of 2 of our netball girls who have been chosen for the Gauteng u.17 team for the Telkom Challenge taking place next month, 23 - 28 June 2024.

Congratulations to Mia Rogers and Zita Revell for making the the u.14C and u.18C Southern


Our cross country athletes have had a very successful running season, with around 200 BHS athletes taking part. The following athletes have received their district colours and competed on Friday, 24th May , in the individual cross country champs against 35 schools in Gauteng.


• Polite Nyoni

• Ryan Blyth

• Tumelo kometsi

• Aryan Rajkaran

• Carlin Ponen

• Roger Sahara

Senior Girls:

• Mishalia Moodley

• Amy Rigden

Both our riders competed in the SANESA 3rd Qualifier on the weekend. Kelsi White achieved a 3rd place in Equitation on Quick Silver and a 9th and 10th on Undiscovered Gem in the 90cm showjumping. Erin Magee achieved a 1st place in Working Riding, 4th in Dressage and 4th in Prix Caprilli on her new baby 4 year old Letsgoglobal. Super proud of both of you!

Junior Boys:

• Oratile Maredi

• Darshan Naaidoo

• Jordan Maistry

• Motheo Molefe

Junior Girls:

• Jaimee Willis

• Michelle Thutloa

Well done to our athletes with their outstanding

Science Expo

This was the first time learners got the opportunity to showcase the projects they have been working on and engage with other teachers and mentors about their projects. They did a fantastic job and received



Bryanston High learners Tiro Moyo (Grade 10), Aradhya Kaushik (Grade 9), Praise Emeruh (Grade 9) and Lwandle Jili (Grade 9) participated in the Eskom Expo for Young Scientist district expo held at Sci Bono Discovery Centre on Saturday 18th May. This term Bryanston Primary School hosted our annual 6 a side soccer and netball festival. This was the perfect opportunity to our multi-service court to use. With six participating schools, all learners showed off their skills on the court and on the field. A fantastic day in the sun was had with parents cheering their kids on from the side, staff coaching and learners giving it their all. This was a fantastic ending to the soccer and netball season. Bryanston Primary School looks forward to many more festivals and engaging in sporting events with our neighbouring schools. Masego Phiri, Sesethu Nindorera, Zukanye Sipunzi, Julia Ngwenya, Hiakile Nkuna, Ava Clark, Agnes Mkhomole, Shelby Harris and Miss K Thiel. Kelsi White Erin Magee Boys:


English Olympiad

Yet another incredible achievement coming out of our high school! Tinyiko Marivate has achieved a position in the Home Language (HL) Top 12 of the 2024 National English Olympiad! Considering that this is a nationwide examination, and there were over 5000 entries this year, this is an outstanding achievement! As part of her prize, Tinyiko is invited to attend the 2024 National Schools Festival in Makhanda (Grahamstown) in June. Well done Tinyiko!

Political Science Olympiad Soccer

One of our Aurora matric learners, Pooja Chunnilall, recently participated in the first Political Science Olympiad.

Internationally, 314 learners participated over 3 rounds, and we are thrilled to announce that Pooja was the ONLY South African to compete and she was awarded a silver accolade! Well done Pooja!

We are thrilled to announce a significant achievement of two of our Primary School learners. Michael Camara and James Barry have been selected for the prestigious Interprovincial Soccer Team! This is a noteworthy achievement, marking the culmination of their hard work, dedication, and exceptional talent on the field. After a series of competitive matches and outstanding performances at the Discovery Soccer Festival, held from 15 May to 17 May, Michael and James stood out among a multitude of talented players. Their skills, sportsmanship, and determination earned them a place in the elite 45boy squad, showcasing the best young soccer talent in the province. Competing against hundreds of hopefuls, their selection for the Interprovincial Soccer Team is a testament to their exceptional skills and potential. The rigorous selection process highlights their ability to perform under pressure and adapt to different styles of play. Our boys displayed extraordinary talent and perseverance, impressing coaches and scouts alike. We are confident that they will continue to excel and bring honour to our community and we look forward to supporting them as they continue to achieve great things in their soccer careers.

Fonties se 2de Rugbyspan is wenners van die GLLRU sub-superliga! Dit is die eerste jaar wat Fonties in hierdie liga deelneem en is trots om te kan spog dat die 2de span as wenners uit die stryd getree het.
Rugby ATKV Redenaars
Baie geluk aan Matthew Cummins wat deel is van die top 10 van Gauteng-wes. Dit is ‘n groot prestasie. Jy maak ons baie trots!
Juniorkoor Seniorkoor


Creative Arts Festival (CAF) 2024: Nurturing Young Orators at Crawford International Sandton Pre-Primary

The halls of Crawford International Sandton Pre-Primary echoed with enthusiasm and talent as Grade 0 children took centre stage at the Public Speaking section of the Creative Arts Festival on Monday, 20th May. Despite their tender age, these eight youngsters captivated the audience and left the adjudicator in awe with their confidence and eloquence. Their ability to memorize and deliver speeches to a live audience garnered them welldeserved Prestige (95-100%) and Honours (90-94%) awards, a testament to their exceptional talent and hard work. Participation in events like the Creative Arts Festival serves as a catalyst for personal growth and development in young children. Beyond the thrill of competition, these platforms provide invaluable opportunities for students to enhance their confidence, expand their vocabulary, and refine their language skills. By memorizing and delivering speeches, children not only hone their public speaking abilities but also learn the art of organizing their thoughts coherently and expressing themselves effectively. Moreover, public speaking fosters essential life skills such as active listening and empathy. As children engage with their peers’ speeches, they learn to attentively listen, respect differing viewpoints, and empathize with others’ perspectives. These interpersonal skills are foundational for building strong relationships and thriving in diverse social settings, making public speaking an integral aspect of holistic education.

The success of the Grade 0 participants in the Public Speaking section of the Creative Arts Festival serves as an inspiration for their peers and educators alike. As the spotlight now shifts to the upcoming showcase of Grade 00 and Grade 0 children’s prowess in memorizing and reciting poems on 1st and 2nd June, anticipation and excitement fill the air. This festival not only celebrates the talents of young orators but also reinforces the culture of excellence and creativity nurtured at Crawford International Sandton Pre-Primary. Indeed, public speaking is alive and thriving at Crawford International Sandton Pre-Primary, serving as a platform for the youngest members of the school community to shine. As educators, parents, and students eagerly await the forthcoming performances, there is a shared sense of pride in witnessing the exceptional communication skills of these budding orators. The Creative Arts Festival at Crawford International Sandton Pre-Primary is not merely a showcase of talent but a celebration of the transformative power of education. Through public speaking, children not only develop vital communication skills but also cultivate empathy, confidence, and resilience. As the festival continues to inspire and empower young learners, it reinforces the school’s commitment to fostering holistic development and academic excellence in every child.

It was a weekend of fierce competition and outstanding performances as our students showcased their skills and determination at the South African JKA Karate Championships. Despite facing tough opponents from across the country, our talented athletes rose to the challenge and emerged victorious, bringing home an impressive array of medals and accolades.

The achievements of our karate champions are a testament to their hard work, perseverance, and unwavering dedication to their craft. Through hours of training, discipline, and determination, they have proven themselves as formidable competitors on the national stage.

As we celebrate their success, we also extend our gratitude to their coaches, supporters, and families who have played an integral role in their journey to excellence. Together, they form a united team committed to nurturing talent and achieving greatness.

Congratulations to Kaitlyn, Zoey, Jamie, Matt, Azhar, and all our karate champions on their remarkable achievements. Your accomplishments inspire us all and serve as a shining example of what can be achieved through passion, dedication, and hard work. We look forward to witnessing your continued success in the world of JKA karate.

On Saturday, the 4th of May, Crawford International Sandton College participated in their first Volleyball tournament at the American International School of Johannesburg (AISJ). Entering two girls’ teams and one boys’ team, we set off on Saturday morning at 07:45 to AISJ, accompanied by our Coaches, Claudia Accone and Kevin Accone, as well as our managing teachers Ms Matadin and Mr Musada.

The courageous, intellectual, and articulate students at Crawford International Sandton College once again embarked on achieving excellence in this year’s High Schools’ Public Speaking Festival organised by the Speech and Drama College of South Africa. This festival, affectionately known as Challenge at the College, is an annual event in which 110 schools and over 3 300 speakers participate, is the zenith of Public Speaking at high school level in South Africa. And so, it is with great pleasure and admiration that we congratulate our brilliant Challenge speakers on, once again, being crowned the overall winners of this festival. This is a truly remarkable achievement which is a testament to the exceptional ability our students possess, as well as the dedication and long hours of hard work they put into delivering presentations of the highest standards.

This was not our students’ only outstanding achievement. Our impromptu teams, who truly are the kings and queens of the art of public speaking, were also crowned as the winners of this section of the festival. This is no mean feat as the impromptu groups are only given 30 minutes to prepare a 10-minute cohesive, and enthralling speech. The individual brilliance, which needs to be synchronised with other members of the team, speaks to the true skills that exemplify public speaking. Congratulations to you all! You have made us proud. The praise does not end there though… Our senior prepared teams were also crowned the overall winners of their section of the festival. These speakers represent the true ethos of group work and sacrifice as they have to put in countless hours of practice to ensure they meet the strictest of criteria. Our senior prepared teams showcased these very qualities by all achieving A+ grades – a first for the College. To these students: Your hard work and dedication have made us incredibly proud. Well done!

Having congratulated the groups who won their sections of the festival, we also have to congratulate our junior prepared teams, our trophy team, and our individual speaker, as they all performed brilliantly and contributed greatly to the College’s collective score. Without their continuous devotion, sacrificing endless hours of their time, and presenting stellar speeches, the College could not have been crowned as the overall winners. Thank you, and congratulations on your excellent achievements!

Lastly, it is incumbent upon me to thank a few special people who made these marvellous results possible. Firstly, I would like to thank Ms Judelsohn and Ms Jiwa, my fellow English teachers and organisers of public speaking activities at the College. Your support for our teams and assistance in accompanying our teams to events is truly appreciated. You lightened my load and gave me peace of mind. I must also thank Ms Pincus, our coach, for all she has done for our students and the College. Ms Pincus is truly a legend in the public speaking community, and her loyalty and steadfast dedication to the College plays an integral part in our students’ success in Public Speaking. We

cannot thank you enough for all the early mornings and even the weekends that you

our students.

Congratulations to every public speaker involved in Challenge on achieving greatness this year. You have made us so incredibly proud, and we hope to see you do it again next year.

have sacrificed for
to our Karate Champions!
CISC Volleyball team goes to AISJ tournament! Congratulations
Public Speaking of the Highest Standard at Crawford International Sandton College


Super 12 Rugby en Netbal Kuiner Kunskompetisie 2024

Laerskool Helderkruin was bevoorreg om die 2024 Super 12 rugby en netbal geleentheid te kon aanbied. ‘n Groot woord van dank aan almal wat van die Super 12 ‘n reuse sukses gemaak het. Aan elke leerder, ouer, personeel en die borge wat dié dag betrokke was... Baie Dankie! Ons kon dit nie sonder julle gedoen het nie.

4 Skole in JHB het aan die spoggerige geleentheid deelgeneem en puik kunsstukke is opgelewer. Baie geluk aan Annette Higgs en Jayden Koorts wat ‘n eertse plek deel in Gr 7. Jandré Bender het ook ‘n eerste plek behaal in die Gr. 6 kategorie A. Welgedaan aan ons Kruiner “Picasso’s”! Moet nooit julle talent en liefde vir fynkuns laat sterf nie.

Dit was

en ‘n



is baie trots op ons u.10A en Swartmasjien rugbyspanne wat vanjaar weggestap het as die algehele wenners van die Goue Leeus Super-Liga vir 2024.


Die volgende leerders het die D2 Tennis span gehaal:

Wian Coetzee (reserve u.13), Danika Delport (4de pleku.13 dogterspan – (sy is slegs 10 jaar oud), en Arron Botha (2de plek - u.11 seunsspan).


Vanjaar spog Kenmare met vier leerders wat onder die Top 10 geindig het tydens die ATKV Redenaars finale. Ine Krynauw het weggestap as algehele wenner, en sy dring deur na die Nasionale finale.

Kruiners -Alles onder een sambreel. Baie dankie aan almal wat kom kuier het. baie pret reuse sukses!! Ons Laerskool Kenmare se u.11A Netbal het ‘n Silver medalje ontvang die finale Wian Coetzee, Ian Ferns, Heinrich Pretorius, Kristen Steyn, Janco Lubbe, Janu De Beer, Divan Coetzee en Christiaan Steyn. (Inlas: Triston Vorster) Milan Shaw, Rui de Villiers, Dreyden Greeff, Hanno De Beer en Ruben Bell. u.13 Read Squad u.12 Read Squad
Swartmasjien u.10A


Craighall Primary School Girls Soccer Team Shines in Discovery Cup

The Craighall Primary School girls soccer team has seen tremendous growth and success under the management of an enthusiastic coach. This season started on a high note with the Open team winning all their initial games. Their outstanding performance earned them a spot in the Discovery Cup Knockout tournament. In the first round, the team faced Yashiva College and won 2-1, sending them to the next round against Pinnacle College Founders Hill. Despite the challenge of playing during exams, the girls displayed incredible resilience. They turned around a 2-0 halftime deficit to win 4-3, securing their place in the quarterfinals. The quarterfinal match against Heronbridge, held at Reddam House Waterfall, was another nail biting match. The team once again faced a 2-0 deficit at halftime. Their determination in the second half was evident as they score two goals, but a late goal from Heronbridge ended their remarkable run in the tournament.

Despite the knockout, the season was a huge success with the team losing only one out of eight games. Additionally, two players, Kabelo Matuka and Charne Hamel, shone brightly at the area trials hosted by the Johannesburg Primary Schools Football Association, earning spots on the team after three long afternoons of trials. The success of the season wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated support of Coach Ruwade, whose guidance was invaluable. Special thanks must also go to Coach Kefi, Mr. Langford, and Mrs. Prout-Jones for their support and encouragement throughout the season.

The girls’ exceptional performance and spirit this season have set a high standard for the future, and the entire Craighall Primary School community is incredibly proud of their achievements.


Rhythmic Gymnastics

Congratulations to our rhythmic gymnasts for competing at the Central Gauteng District competition. There were different age groups that participated in the competition and earned their full colours.

Senior Debating B Team

Our senior debating team, comprising Francesca (Form V), Reitumetse (Form IV), Juhi (Form IV), Kgaugelo (Form IV) and Jemma (Form III), competed in the Atheneum Central Debating League. They went on to compete in the semi-finals of the senior division after ranking first in the regional rounds. In addition, four of our students ranked in the top ten of the senior Central League. Their rankings are as follow:

Atheneum Senior Central Rankings:

• 6th place: Jemma (Form III)

• 4th place: Juhi (Form IV)

• 2nd place: Reitumetse (Form IV)

• Top Senior Speaker: Francesca (Form V)

We commend their hard work and dedication, and congratulate them on these excellent results.

Junior Debating A and B Team

Over the last few months, our junior debating A team, comprising Owami, Thabisile, Nyamikha and Lucy (all in Form II), competed in the Atheneum Central Debating League. After ranking first in the regional rounds, they went on to win the junior division grand finals, as well as the Best of Atheneum Junior Championships this past weekend, after debating against finalists from all three Atheneum leagues (North, Central and Sunday). In addition, three members of the team ranked in the Top 10 of the junior Central League. Owami was also ranked as the best overall junior speaker across all three leagues.

Atheneum Junior Central Rankings:

• 10th place: Thabisa (Form II)

• 3rd place: Thabisile (Form II)

• Top Junior Speaker: Owami (Form II)

Our junior debating B team, comprising Thabisa (Form II), Laila (Form I), Thecla (Form I), Hala (Form I) and Iman (Form I), competed in the Atheneum Central Debating League. They went on to compete in the quarter-finals after ranking 8th in the regional rounds. In addition, Thabisa was ranked 10th best speaker in the junior Central League. We commend their hard work and dedication, and congratulate them on these excellent results.

Kgaugelo, Francesca, Juhi and Reitumetse. Jemma

Rugby Monnas Witbulle wat teen Noordheuwel tydens ons groot dorp-derby gewen het. Ons het 16 van die 18 wedstryde tydens Noordvaalbeker toernooi teen hulle al gewen.

SA Kampioen Kick Boxing

Chloe het goud gewen en sussie Paige het 4de plek behaal.

Suid-Gauteng Hokkie

Baie geluk aan al die hokkie spelers wat die SuidGauteng spanne behaal het! Julle maak ons trots!



• Jason du Preez

• Anro Geldenhuys


• Dithapelo Molaodi

• Ditebogo Molaodi

• Jaiden Smith

• Caleb Stirling


• Lonwabo Machine

• Tiger Obinna

• Nathan Potgieter



Thiana Ackerman het vroeër die jaar aan die ATKV Youth Arts Festival deelgeneem.

Sy behaal die volgende:

Gold Plus

• Hip hop

• Contemporary

• Fusion (Open)


• Lyrical

• Nompumelelo Radebe

• Azariah Hans

• Lesedi Mkhize

• Morgan Briggs

• Aidin-Joy McNamara


• Emily Quinton

• Hlompho Ngwedi

• Keira-Marie Heintjie

• Gomolemo Modise

• Carmen Engelbrecht


• Hannah Quinton

• Hannah Smyth

• Boitshepo Moerane

• Kayla Williscroft

• Kelly Rens

• Nerissa Wentzel



Die volgende cheerleaders verwerf SAMCA-kleure:

• Angeline Boonzaaier

• Cayla-Ann Bornman

• Darius Cornelius

• Arline Labuschagne

Darius is reeds opgeneem in die Nasionalespan wat in 2025 SA gaan verteenwoordig by ‘Worlds’ in Amerika! Baie geluk!


Rico Immelman stap

ATKV Youth Arts



Baie geluk aan ons koor wat by ATKV Applous opgetree het. Dit was pragtig!



Hoërskool Noordheuwel het moontlik ‘n volgende Miljoenêr. Twee van ons leerders, Dieudonne Roosenschoon en Cayden Axsel is in die Top 60 van die “Maak My ‘n Miljoenêr” Entrepreneur van die Jaar kompetisie en ViaTV Reeks!

Die “Maak My ‘n Miljoenêr” Entrepreneur van die Jaar kompetisie is ‘n inisiatief vanaf Albert van Wyk in samewerking met ATKV-Kletskringe, Atterbury Trust, Akademia, Afrikaansdotcom, die MOS-inisiatief en ATKV-oorde.

Die doel van hierdie kompetisie is om entrepreneurskap te bevorder en hoërskool entrepreneurs te bemagtig in Suid-Afrika.

Chloe en Paige Assad Annika van der Walt, Leya Bothma en Lynese Eksteen Cayden Axsel Dieudonne Roosenschoon Drie van ons meisies is onder die Top 50 prosaskrywers in die land. Anika van der Walt en Lynese Eksteen staan langs Leya Bothma wat tweede in die land is! Geluk julle drie! weg met Derde plek in die Proscenium Nasionale Toneel kompetisie asook ‘n rol in die RSG radio drama Op die oog deur Leon van Nierop. Wat n uitsonderlike prestasie! Baie geluk aan nege van ons Monnas netbaldogters wat Gautengspanne behaal het! Julle maak ons trots!

Primary Schools Assessments

3 Factors that lay the foundation for success

As parents, we eagerly watch our children attempt and reach their milestones from birth. One significant milestone that often fills us with both excitement and apprehension is their first big formal assessments in primary school. In public schools, these are usually the mid-year exams in Grade 5, which thousands of students across the country are currently preparing for. In private schools, formal assessments may only start later, with Grade 6 students starting out by writing core subjects at year-end, and full formal assessments starting in Grade 7.

Regardless of when these formal assessments first start, students and parents will face new expectations in terms of planning, studying, commitment and scope of work that needs to be mastered – amounting to moving up to the next level in students’ academic journey.

“It is important for parents to understand this move into the next phase, and the importance of these exams in terms of setting the tone for a successful academic journey for the rest of students’ lives,” says Nalani Singarum, Academic Advisor: InterSen Phase at ADvTECH Schools, a division of JSE-listed ADvTECH, Africa’s leading private education provider.

“While a good performance in formal assessments should be planned and worked towards, parents also need to realise that the experience of the journey of studying and preparing at this time will make a substantial impact on the child’s approach to exams in the future, when adult assistance and guidance won’t be available or even desirable.”

Singarum says there are 3 FACTORS that can lay the groundwork for developing a successful study foundation, to help empower and support young students during this crucial time and in the future.


Parents’ influence and attitude matter. Our children absorb our emotions like sponges, and if we ourselves approach exams with anxiety or negativity, or a push for peak performance at all costs, they’ll pick up on it. Instead, parents must aspire to model a positive attitude. Share stories of your own exam experiences, with an emphasis on growth and learning. Encourage your child to view exams as opportunities to showcase their knowledge and skills.


Make the effort to create a clutter-free, dedicated study zone over which the student can feel some ‘ownership’, to set the stage for focused learning. Ensure it’s free from distractions like mobile phones. Before study sessions, check that stationery, textbooks, and an exam pad are readily available. This simple step minimizes disruptions and keeps the momentum going.

Help your child break down the work, as large tasks can overwhelm anyone, but especially young students. Help them section the exam requirements into manageable pieces, and guide them in terms of creating summaries and flash cards (without doing the job for them!).

Celebrate small victories every day. Each section completed is progress toward success, and reduces the need for anxietyridden cramming the day or weekend before the exam.

Encourage your child to develop a habit of writing and drawing keywords while studying, as this reinforces memory retention. Whether it’s jotting down key points, solving math problems, or practising spelling, the act of writing solidifies understanding. This is the age where just reading the textbook for revision is no longer a strategy for success.

Parents also need to realise that the experience of the journey of studying and preparing at this time will make a substantial impact on the child’s approach to exams in the future.


Formal assessments in primary school are important in terms of performance, but in the earlier years, laying the foundation for future years is even more important. This is the time to show your child how to determine and set achievable goals, to provide direction and motivation.

Teach your child that effort matters and that hard work pays off. Anxiety may still creep in, but consistently putting in the work, a little bit every day at this stage, helps students feel more empowered.

As parents, we hold the keys to unlock our child’s potential, and the next few weeks are an important learning process and milestone in their educational journey. By fostering a positive mindset, ensuring organisation, and emphasizing effort, we empower them to thrive during their first big exams, while at the same time empowering them to become lifelong learners with a positive attitude even in the face of challenges.



ATKV Redenaars

Geluk aan ons Mullie-leerders wat deurgegaan het na die 2de rondte (semifinale) van die ATKV-Redenaars.

• Wessel van der Merwe (Gr. 3)

• Evert van der Merwe (Gr. 5)

• Mignon Olivier (Gr, 5)

• Dirko Botha (Gr. 6)

• Aldré Wohlfahrt (Gr. 7)

Ons is baie trots op julle!

Baie geluk aan ons volgende ruitersport leerders se uitslae: Ruitersport

Esme Lotter:

• Equitation - 3de

• Performance - 3de

• Working Rider - 4de

Adrian Breedt:

Jénique Pretorius:

• Dressage - 2de en 3de

• Working Rider - 2de

Isabella Minnie:

• 1 ste - 90cm Show Jumping

Interskole Redenaars

in Pretoria! Ons is trots op julle! Mullies het "guts"

• Equitation - 4de

• Show Jumping - 2de

Tenicke van Zyl:

• Dressage 2de en 3de

• Equitation - 2de

• 1 ste en 3de - 70cm Show Jumping

• 1 ste - 90cm Show jumping 2 Phase Class

Gauteng Skaak

Baie geluk aan ons skaakspelers, Wouter vd Merwe, Mieke vd Merwe, Joané Weideman en Milan

wat uitstekend gevaar het en deurgedring

• 2 x 1 ste - 70 cm Show Jumping 2 Phase Class

Wessel vd Merwe Aldré Wohlfahrt Wouter vd Merwe, Mieke vd Merwe, Joané Weideman en Milan Botha Themba Jele u.13 Lethabo Lekitla u.12 Reabetswe Makola u.13 Ofentse Ramaila u.12 Tlotlo Rametsi Golden Lions u.13 Olugaho Marubini Golden Lions u.12 Ofentse Ramaila Golden Lions u.12 Tumelo Sibanda Golden Lions u.12 u.10 Golden Lions - 1st Division Winners Baie sterkte aan ons Mullies wat deelneem aan Interskole Redenaars Botha het na Gauteng skaak-kampioenskappe op 24 Mei te Benoni. Die volgende vier seuns is in die D2 hokkiespan opgeneem: Hokkie

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