Northern Suburbs (April) High Schools

Page 1


Lys jou besigheid op een van die volgende skole se 2014 yskasmagneet telfoongids:

Lys jou besigheid op een van die volgende skole se 2014 yskasmagneet telfoongids:

- Laerskool Welgemoed - DF Malan - Hoërskool Tygerberg Hoë

- Hoërskool Tygerberg - DF Malan - Laerskool Welgemoed Lae

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Tel: 021 872 3880

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Around the house


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WIN with

your selfie AWSUM





P3 First time high school




P2 Ons wil weet... van jou en jou vriende

P3 Die “Perfekte” Ouers

P4 Ken jou nommerplate

P5 Is it a cold or flu?






Post and win!

Take a selfie with a AWSUM Newspaper then post the photo on the AWSUM News Facebook Page for your chance to win a R1 000.00. Go to

The more likes your selfie gets, the better your chance will be at winning! So get snapping, get selfing and start liking for your chance to win.

Submit as many selfies as you want! Make sure you share this with your friends so you can get more likes... Remember that more likes means more chance at winning! If you are new to our Facebook page be sure to “LIKE” us as well!

Entries close on the 31st of May 2014. The winner will be contacted shortly after the closing date via a Facebook private message from us.


Lifestyle 2 APRIL 2014

R 593

Rate is applicable for accommodation in a 2 bedroom apartment and includes 500Mb Wi-Fi, complimentary parking and shuttle services within a 5km radius of the hotel during set scheduled times!

per person per night

sta Valid for stays Minimum 2 nights stay. on Friday and Saturday including 20, 21, 28 April and 01 May 2014. Valid: 2014/03/17 - 2014/06/30.

Ons wil weet... van jou en jou vriende !



Ons stel bekend: AWSUM Scoop

Races: Event



Bien Donne Trail Run 2014

12 April


VWS Jonkershoek Trail Run 2014

27 April


Speel papparazzi en stuur vir ons fotos van jouself, jou vriende, jou onnies, jou hond, jou familie... en dit mag dalk net op die AWSUM Scoopblad geplaas word.

Festivals: Don’t miss out on these festivals: SA Cheese Festival Prince Albert Olive Festival Riebeeck Valley Olive Festival

26 - 29 April 25 April 3 & 4 May

Barnyard - Willowbridge Strictly No. 1’s Arno Carstens and Francois van Coke Jack Parow Luidkeels Heuwels Fantasties Steve Hofmeyr Chris Chameleon Prime Circle The Parlotones Beauty and the Beast Johnny Cash Tribute Show

19 March - 20 April 13 April 14 April 16 April 22 April 24 April 24 April 23 April 25 April - 26 April 26 April 27 April

Die Boer Die Andriette Norman band Dowwe Dolla Mathys Roets

+27 (0) 21 913 9256


issing o

m (Fear of


10 & 11 April 26 April 30 April


em Vir di

Neem foto’s in die klas, langs die sportveld, by die huis, net waar jy wil of neem `n selfie en stuur dit!

ROUND 9 (BYES: Blues, Hurricanes, Stormers) Friday, 11 April

Highlanders V Bulls

Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin


Friday, 11 April

Reds V Brumbies

Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane


Saturday, 12 April

Chiefs V Rebels

Waikato Stadium, Hamilton


Saturday, 12 April

Force V Waratahs

NIB Stadium, Perth


Saturday, 12 April

Cheetahs V Crusaders

Freestate Stadium, Bloemfontein


Saturday, 12 April

Lions V Sharks

Ellis Park, Johannesburg


ROUND 10 (BYES: Brumbies, Highlanders, Reds) Friday, 18 April

Hurricanes V Blues

Venue TBC


Friday, 18 April

Rebels V Force

AAMI Park, Melbourne


Saturday, 19 April

Chiefs V Crusaders

Waikato Stadium, Hamilton


Saturday, 19 April

Waratahs V Bulls

Allianz Stadium, Sydney


Saturday, 19 April

Sharks V Cheetahs

Growthpoint Kings Park, Durban


Saturday, 19 April

Stormers V Lions

DHL Newlands, Cape Town


Stuur jou nuus na

Of sms jou foto na 43366 Onthou om in jou e-pos die volgende te sit: - Watter skool - Byskrifte soos bv jou virende se name (opsioneel) - `n Boodskap (opsioneel) (Fotos slegs geplaas indien goedgekeur deur die AWSUM redaksie)


Lifestyle APRIL 2014 3

Die “Perfekte” Ouers Karla van Biljon

“…maak nie saak wat jy doen of nie gedoen het nie – jy speel ‘n kritiese rol in jou kinders se groei en ontwikkeling…” “…Om onsself as ouers met hierdie ideale sosiale prentjie te vergelyk is fataal en dit lei tot die wanpersepsie dat ek in my rol as ouer misluk het…” As ouers word ons gebombardeer met boeke en die media oor hoe die “perfekte” ouer lyk. Ons het die vermoë om onsself op verskeie maniere te kritiseer. Ons voel skuldig as werk of sosialisering ons weerhou om genoeg tyd saam met ons kinders te spandeer. Verdere druk word op ons geplaas deur skole, familie en vriende oor wat die “regte” goed is om te doen, te wees en te sê.

‘n kind net ondersteuning kry, heeldag hoor hoe oulik hulle is en met alles gehelp word, gaan hulle nooit leer om iets op hulle eie te doen nie. Maar as ‘n kind nou weer net een na die ander uitdaging kry, sal die kind deur die uitdagings oorrompel word en nooit selfvertroue bou nie. ‘n Kombinasie van gelyke ondersteuning én uitdagings bevorder ideale omstandigehde vir groei.

Om onsself as ouers met hierdie ideale sosiale prentjie te vergelyk is fataal en dit lei tot die wanpersepsie dat ek in my rol as ouer misluk het. Wanneer jy as ouers ‘n oomblik neem om te kyk na daardie spesifieke aksie wat maak dat jy jouself as ‘n “slegte” ouer beskou, sal jy sien dat selfs daardie aksie ook jou kind gehelp het.

So in plaas daarvan om te dink dat jou kinders verwaarloos word terwyl jy werk, sien eerder hoe jy hulle deur jou afwesigheid help om onafhanklik te word, en om in volwassenheid en selfwaarde te groei.

Elke persoon het ‘n balans van ondersteuning en uitdagings nodig om tot hulle volle potensiaal te groei. As

Stop en vra vir jouself hoe jou elke optrede en aksies jou kinders help? Jy sal vining ontdek: maak nie saak wat jy doen of nie gedoen het nie – jy speel ‘n kritiese rol in jou kinders se groei en ontwikkeling.

Om verdere vertroue te bou en sekerheid te kry in jou rol as ouer, kom woon die Familie Werkswinkel by waar ons saam as ouers leer hoe ons elke optrede ons kinders gedien het.

FAMILIE DINAMIKA WERKSWINKEL Aangebied deur Karla van Biljon (Teologiese Meestersgraad in Kinder Spiritualiteit, RSG Oordenkings, TV Program aanbiedings en opgeleide DeMartini Metode Fasiliteerder)

22 Maart en 19 April 19 April Protea Hotel, Durbanville Protea Hotel, Durbanville Wil jy graag kommunikasie in jou familie verbeter en elke een in die gesin help om tot hulle volle potensiaal te ontwikkel? Kom leer saam tydens die werkswinkel, deur middel van The Demartini Method: • Om konflik in die familie te hanteer • Om mekaar se waardes te verstaan en te respekteer • Om in terme van mekaar se waardes te kommunikeer Vir meer inligting kontak: Karla van Biljon -

First time high school challenges: Celia Julies - Educational Psychologist / Pret en Leer Opvoedkundige Sentrum

Upon entering high school for the first time as a Grade 8 learner, this quarter most probably seemed daunting, exciting and nerve wrecking simultaneously. High school has for many held this element of mystery while going through primary school. What was expected? Some of the challenging issues that need exploration could probably be regarded as universal, experienced by parents and learners across the spectrum of first time high school jitters. A 7-point synopsis of what parents could bear in mind: ■ Deal with hormonal changes of puberty turning into teenage years. Be aware of sudden changes regarding emotions and behaviour. Constant communication is imperative. ■ Accept your child’s right to privacy. Do not snoop around unnecessarily and ask blatantly if anything is of concern to you. ■ Boost your child and his/her ways. Building up their self esteem is very important as opposed to breaking it down. ■ Deal with issues on their level. Do not make yourself out as a “know it all” and force your opinions upon them. Become enlightened by the ways of youth. ■ Know and accept their friends. Friends become very important at this stage in

their lives. Allow room to accommodate this. Make certain that you know their whereabouts with friends and allow them to invite friends of their own to their home. ■ Discuss the reality of peer pressure. Determine how your child deals with this and if you find that he/she struggles with it, you may contact a psychologist as well. ■ Lastly, be aware of your child’s academic potential and take the necessary steps to seek help if necessary. Even though in high school, our children need guidance and support more than ever. Enjoy the journey and make the most of it. NEWS / NUUS

Editor Meinette van der Walt 021 872 3880 | Graphic Designer Rowan Engledoe 021 872 3880 | AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools: NORTHERN SUBURBS:

Primary schools: De Kuilen, Labiance, Bellville Noord, Mikro, De Tyger, Welgemoed, Fanie Theron, Aristea Edgemead, Brackenfell, Durbanville Voorbereiding, Gene Louw High Schools: HTS Bellville, Belville, Brackenfell, DF Malan, Tygerberg, Eben Donges, Stellenberg, Settlers, Durbanville, De Kuilen CONSULTANTS: Liza Schreuder | 076 614 2317 | Anke Pietrangeli | 071 642 4372 | Michelle van Zyl | 083 414 6948 |


Lifestyle 4 APRIL 2014

Ken jou nommerplate

Met Paasnaweek om die draai is die land se paaie weer besig met families oppad na vakansiebestemmings. Kyk uit vir die volgende nommerplate, dan weet jy vanwaar af die mense kom:

Paarl, Franschoek



Riversdal, Stilbaai

Malmesbury, Darling

Mosselbaai, Hartenbos

Worcester area


Knysna, Sedgefield, Plettenbergbaai



Strand, Gordonsbaai


Somerset Wes

Easter can act as the ultimate excuse to binge on as much chocolate as possible. Learn how to avoid the overindulgence this year! With Easter just around the corner, the urge to give into cravings and overindulge in mini eggs, chocolate bunnies and hot cross buns is imminent, with temptation in abundance! To satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt this Easter, we share some AWSUM tips on how to control your cravings: Moderate and regulate: Top five tips for controlling cravings 1. Avoid skipping meals: If your blood sugar levels are low, you are more likely to give in to temptations. It’s important to start the day with a nutritious breakfast to resist consuming calorific mid-morning snacks. 2. Choose low GI carbohydrates: Maintain your energy levels throughout the day with a healthy diet consisting of small portions of low GI carbohydrates and regular consumption of lean protein foods.

3. Combat deficiency with supplementation: Chromium is a natural mineral found in the body which helps to move glucose from the bloodstream into the cells to be used as energy. Chromium supplements have been found to maintain blood sugar levels and minimise food cravings. Magnesium is an essential mineral that regulates more than 300 of the body’s metabolic reactions and research shows that deficiency may cause chocolate cravings. 4. Allow yourself an occasional treat: Give in to your craving every once in a while. If you completely eliminate forbidden treats from your diet, it can create uncontrollable urges to binge. 5. Get active: Regular exercise is a great way to boost your mood, improve energy levels and reduce chocolate cravings. Try to exercise each day over the Easter break, take a brisk walk, go on a bike ride, or play a family game of beach cricket.

Have you thought about your 2014 marketing spend? You can reach 29 000 households by advertising in the Northern Suburbs AWSUM Newspaper. Book your space for 2014 by emailing us at or phone 021 872 3880.


Health APRIL 2014 5

Why You Should Buckle Up Dr. Nicola Grobler

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 2 and 33. Despite the risks involved with driving, many people continue to drive without wearing a seatbelt or other type of restraint. National statistics show that 84% of children in South Africa, travel in cars without wearing their seatbelts. Even in a minor crash, an unrestrained child would be thrown around inside the vehicle, injuring themselves and others. They could be thrown from

accident victims who died in the ER; • were up to 3.9 times more likely to suffer a severe injury to the head, face, thorax, abdomen or lower extremities; • were more than four times as likely to have been drinking before the accident. Wearing a seatbelt is one of the easiest things you can do to avoid being severely injured or killed in an motor vehicle accident. Seatbelts help reduce the risk of injury in many types of crashes.

Is it a cold or flu?

Winter is just around the corner making us all more vulnerable for the flu virus which is very contagious.

The flu virus can be transmitted from person to person by droplets or by contaminated surfaces such as banknotes, doorknobs, light switches and other household items. Do you know the difference between a cold or a flu?





Headache General aches, pains

Rare Slight

Fatigue, weakness




Stuffy nose Sore throat Chest discomfort, cough

Common Common Mild to moderate Hacking couch Antihistamines Decongestants Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medicines Wash your hands often with soap and water. Avoid close contact with anyone with a cold.




Sinus congestion Middle-ear infection Asthma

FLU Usual: sudden and high, especially in young children; lasts 3 to 4 days Common Usual: often severe Usual: can last up to 2 to 3 weeks Usual: at the beginning of the illness Sometimes Sometimes Common; can become severe Antiviral medicines (doctor’s prescription needed) Annual vaccination Prediscription of antiviral medicine Sneeze and cough hygiene Bronchitis, pneumonia: can worsen chronic conditions; can be life-threatening. Complications more likely in the elderly, those with chronic conditions, young chidren, and pregnant women. Source: Sanofi Pasteur

the car through one of the windows. At 25km/hour a small child sitting or standing next to the driver can be killed in an emergency stop if its head hits the windscreen/interior of the car. At 40km/hour the blow to a child’s head is the same as dropping him/her from 6 meters onto concrete. A hospital observation study has shown some frightening statistics on what could happen if you’re not wearing a seatbelt when an accident occurs. Compared to passengers and drivers who had their seatbelt fastened, unbelted occupants: • Are three times more likely to die in the hospital as a result of their injuries; • accounted for 68 percent of all car

They help to properly position occupants to maximize the airbag’s benefits and --unlike airbags-- they also protect occupants in multiplecollision crashes. Therefore, it is important that seatbelts always be worn, even in airbag-equipped vehicles. The seatbelt is designed to stretch at a controlled rate to absorb crash energy and reduce the severity of the occupant’s deceleration. So, buckle up and drive safe! Accident-related back pain often develops over time, with more serious pain appearing a few days after the accident. Therefore, even if one isn’t experiencing extreme pain, he or she should see a chiropractor or other health care provider as soon as possible.

and save a life!


AWSUM Kombuis 6 APRIL 2014

Skaapland More than just your local butcher Life without delicious, gorgeous foods would be completely dull without any flavours to look forward to for dinner. One of the main questions asked within the industry is: What foods make you fat? There are many myths that people are made to believe with regards to eating and living healthy. Our answer to this question is: Natural fats that come from animals, vegetables and even fruits are exactly what the human body requires to function fantastically without fail. The intake of these fat groups provides the body with the correct nutrients, vitamins, proteins and minerals to prevent flu for example. The main key is to consume everything in moderation. Here follows a high protein and LOW natural fat recipe:


Slow Braised Sirloin steak with roasted vegetables & avocado Shopping List: • • • • • • • • •


of the month!

400g sirloin A-grade Fresh chopped garlic Fresh parsley Freshly squeezed lemon Fresh chopped onions Crispy carrots Baby marrows Fine cut butternut Olive oil

Lightly sear sirloin 3 minutes a side in the pan while your cut up veggies are roasting in the over drizzled with olive oil. Veggies should take 35-45minutes on 180 degrees. DINNER is served… Come and visit us to feel all the colours, taste all the flavours and get swept off of your feet in a world filled with gorgeous meats.

SPICE up your life!

Parsley Parsley is slightly peppery and bright herb. There are two main varieties of parsley curly leaf and flat leaf. Curly leaf is probably the most recognizable, as restaurants often use it as a garnish on their plating, but both varieties are widely used in cooking.

Health benefits of Parsley:

Parsley is a great source of vitamin C, calcium, iron and fiber. Raw parsley also acts as a breath freshener and has antiinflammatory properties.

How to Use Parsley in Your Cooking:

Because of its light scent and fresh taste, parsley can be used in anything from soups to sauces to vegetables.

Tips with Parsley: 1. To store parsley, rinse with cool water and then wrap in a slightly damp paper towel in a resealable plastic bag and keep in the fridge. 2. Infuse your homemade dressing with chopped parsley for maximum flavor while you’re putting together a salad. 3. You can dry your fresh parsley by tying a bunch together and hanging it upside down in a cool, dry place. When the parsley is completely dry, remove the stems and store the dried leaves in an airtight container. You can also dry out your parsley in a slightly warm oven or in a dehydrator.


Hoërskool Durbanville APRIL 2014 7

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Email - or phone - 021 872 3880 HSD skenk skryfbehoeftes


Graad 11-leerders van HSD het skryfbehoeftes aan Me. Groenewald van die Welgemoed-gemeente oorhandig – sy is een van BADISA se barmhartigheidsdienswerkers wat sorg dat hierdie skenkings uitgedeel word waar behoefte is.

HSD het op 3 Maart aan die WP se B-liga-swemkampioenskappe deelgeneem en algeheel derde geëindig. Die volgende leerders het gekwalifiseer om aan die onderskeie nasionale galas deel te neem:

VLNR: Christiaan Bothma, Rowan Wolmarans, me. Amelia van Wyk (onderwyseres), Daniel Venter, me. Groenewald, Jean-Lux Herbst en EMCE van der Watt.

VLNR: Marna Louwrens, Roseline Loubser, Marinel Wegman, Jason van der Walt en Werner Meyer. (Nie op foto: Jean Rabie en Stephen Rabie).


Nika Brand (links) en Marco Nothnagel (regs) het as wenners uit die stryd getree tydens HSD se interne skaakkompetisie. Sowat 38 leerders het deelgeneem aan die kompetisie.



VLNR: Bertmari Kraay, Alexis Hickson, Leiere Falck en Derick Turner.

AGTER, VLNR: Cara Heunis, Nadia Brunner, Marna Louwrens, me. Janine Floors, me. Hemelda Solomons en me. Dominique Peters. VOOR, VLNR: Chané Erasmus en Rumay Strauss.

HSD se atlete wat deel is van die noordsone-span het op Saterdag 8 Maart deelgeneem aan die Westelike Provinsie atletiekbyeenkoms. Die volgende leerders het deurgedring na die Wes-Kaap-atletiekbyeenkoms:

Anthea Haskin het op Saterdag 8 Maart ’n netbalskeidsregterskliniek by HSD aangebied, wat ook bygewoon is deur onderwyseresse van Laerskool Alpha in Morningstar. Hier oorhandig die 0/18-toerspan beffies en balle aan die personeel van Laerskool Alpha ter bevordering van netbal in dié skool.



Op Donderdag 6 Maart het ses van die Suid-Afrikaanse Manshokkiespan ’n hokkiekliniek by HSD aangebied. Hier is van die O/19A- en O/16A-dogters saam met van die SA-spelers:

Op Donderdag 6 Maart het ses van die Suid-Afrikaanse Manshokkiespan ’n hokkiekliniek by HSD aangebied. Hier is van die O/19A-seuns saam met ’n SAspeler:

AGTER, VLNR: Minette Warricker, Marizaan Verwey, Christel Kruger, Danika Pienaar, Inge Odendaal, Marné du Plessis, Chandra Stemmet, Lizaan van Aardt, Jana Duvenhage, Minca Rossouw en SA-speler Pierre de Voux. VOOR, VLNR: Janke Jacobs, Jo Havenga, Jean-Mari du Plessis, Sylvia van Rooyen, Shannon Steyn, Mari-Louise Hellström en SA-speler Nick Spooner.

AGTER, VLNR: Ruan Naude, Arno Nothnagel, Jehan Koegelenberg, SA-speler Wade Paton, Louwrens Roux, Derick Turner, Vincent van Wyk, Mathys Briers en Stiaan Roux. VOOR, VLNR:Hans Smuts en Adrian Koche.


Fairmont High 8 APRIL 2014 Under 14 A cricket team

Under 14 A cricket team won the League Floating Trophy for 2014 by defeating D.F. Malan by 6 wickets.

Northern Zones

Fourteen of Fairmont’s learners made the Northern Zones. Congratulations to all of them! Samuel Van Der Merwe also competed in the Western Cape Athletics Championships and won bronze for the 1 500m and gold for 2 000m Steeple Chase.

Brackenfell Sports Day 2014 – Friday, 21st March – Human Rights’ Day

Mr and Miss FHS 2014

Lights, glamour and extravagance all marked the 14th of March at Fairmont’s Mr and Miss FHS pageant. Nine Grade 12 students (five girls and four boys) fought for the crown. From modelling, to singing, to answering rather tough questions, our contestants were put to the ultimate test. The contestants were: Leah Paul, Leah Pepler, Robyn Hunt, Chelsea Kent, Tarynne Keown, Luke Massey, Aidan Washer, Matthew Augustine and Jesse Rajh. The title of Mr and Miss FHS went to Luke Massey and Robyn Hunt, along with Aidan Washer and Chelsea Kent winning the titles of Mr and Miss Personality. “The behind the scenes, work was difficult and tiring,” said Jesse (one of the contestants), “but the build up on the night was worth it. I enjoyed the experience. I loved it.” When asked if he had regretted it, he replied with a solid, “Not at all.” The judges for the night were Ryno Engelke (Part of the PAMSA and Mr Face of South Africa 2013), Reana van Tonder (PAMSA qualifications and Miss Junior South Africa 2009) and Charmaine Myburg (PAMSA qualifications and organiser of Miss Belville Vallei). The talents displayed this year were of a high standard, many would agree. With three fantastic dances, four outstanding singing items, a bartending act and a never-seen-before painting performance, the contestants really went all out. The stunning wardrobe sponsored by Lily and Ska really added to the extravagance of the evening. All in all, it was a successful evening with the bar being set quite high for following years to come. Congratulations to all the contestants.

Fairmont 1st vs President 1st The Fairmont looked like a team to be reckoned with from the second that they arrived and this could be echoed when they came from the change rooms to warm up. The warm-ups started rather gingerly, yet focused. As time passed, one could sense this was a team hungry to play their first match of the season. Final words of wisdom were spoken by the coaches with a clear message: “Stick to the basics and play for each other as this will be the last Brackenfell sports day you will ever play in for those in matric, one for the memory bank.” The game kicked off at 09:40 sharp and one could sense that the opposition was going to run at us. They chipped over our backline time and again. Fairmont’s line-outs did not go well; however, we managed a couple of good mauls to the delight of the spectators and supporters alike. The scrums were tough and Fairmont was penalised on numerous occasions for early pushing and had a tight head against them. There was too much “ball watching” and not enough protection at the breakdowns. Man of the Match, Steven Craeye, showed tremendous agility and some individual brilliance as he darted over the white line twice. Corban Pond converted both tries. President got one back at us. We led 14-7 with a few minutes to go and changes were taking place in order for the squad to get some game time. Then just when we thought the game was over, out popped captain of the day, Daniel la Grange, for an absolute blinder of individual brilliance. He took the ball at pace and appeared to side-step the whole President team and dive over for a spectacular try. Corban converted to seal victory 21–7 to Fairmont. The first outing was rusty and riddled with mistakes, the odd poor decision- making and poor individual play at times. There were a lot of also positives to take away from this game. Kyle Grabner and the backline did some great defence work. The game showed that we have great character and an awesome season to look forward too. Thank you to all the past pupils and parents who came out to support this team. The day was well organised by Brackenfell High School.

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Email - or phone - 021 872 3880


Hoërskool Stellenberg APRIL 2014 9 HOT! HOT! HOT!

Megan Laughton, a learner at Stellenberg High School, is the National Winner of the Annual Making The Difference Through Design Competition. Megan created an ingenious space-saving desk, sparked by the theme, “Building a Better School Through Design”. The desk is portable and includes a multipurpose chair that can either be folded and stored in the desk or used as a room divider – an innovative response to our schools’ lack of infrastructure and space. The Notjusta Chair was exhibited at the Design Indaba 2014 and was well received by designers and the public. Woolworths has undertaken to further develop the design during 2014 – 2015.

Laat kennis leef

Hoërskool Stellenberg het deelgeneem aan die Mathleaque-kompetisie teen meer as tien Kaapse skole, o.a. Sacks, Bergvliet en Cape Academy of Maths and Science. Dit is ‘n Amerikaanse Wiskunde kompetisie van langer as vier ure waartydens die leerders vyf verskillende soorte toetse skryf. Stellenberg het drie spanne van vier elk ingeskryf en uit die twaalf inskrywings het elf leerders die top tien posisies in hul graad behaal. Stellenberg wen sewe van die tien medaljes!

Top achiever marches to the beat of her own drum

Celine de Bruyn, a Grade 12 learner at Stellenberg High School, and student of Jamrock Music Performance Academy, completed her Rockschool Grade 6 Drum examinations last year. Rockschool is the leading accredited provider of rock examinations worldwide and is based in London. Celine achieved 86% - the highest examination mark nationally.

Celine De Bruyn, a Grade 12 learner at Stellenberg High School, performing during the filming of the Trojan Warriors series at Grand West Arena.

Die volgende atlete van die Hoërskool Stellenberg het WP kleure verwerf: Agter: Anja Wolstenholme, Chanelle Leuvennink, Danelle Lochner, Nicole Taljaardt, Donné Kriel, Heike Swartz. Middel:Megan Bruiners, Cameron Mearns, Melissa Strauss, Megan Kotze, Bianca van Rensburg, Ebony Gaskin. Voor; Kayla de Waal, Keenan Leendertz, Rozelle Meier, Tiaan Swanepoel, Janke van Wyk, Angelo Davids, Maxine La Marque. Afwesig: Mareli van Schalkwyk

Graad agt deelnemers is: Rikus Honey, Mieneke Dempers, Charl Booysen en Jacques Wüst.

Die volgende atlete van die Hoërskool Stellenberg is verkies tot die Noord-Zone Atletiekspan: Graad nege en tien deelnemers is: Wikus van der Merwe, Luanè Hing en Jacques van Schalkwyk.

Graad elf deelnemers is: Marli Heynemann, Theunis Hattingh, Tianca Olivier en Jandré Nel.

HTS Bellville The end of a long and prosperous career Master’s Degree in Mathematical Mr Leon Roelofse, principal of Bellville Technical High School, Education will be retiring this coming April after being the headmaster of this institution for the past 21 years. He is the third and longest running principal of the school which held its 40th anniversary in 2012. Mr Roelofse is respected for his financial prowess, successfully steering the school to financial stability. Five computer labs, the pavilion and the current mathematical classes were the brain child of our principal. He is well loved by the staff and learners of our school and already learners have indicated how much they will be missing him. On the day of his birthday learners would give him a special treat and would flock to the office for a hug and to give him their best wishes for the year ahead. Mr Roelofse is a man of integrity and honour, always bearing the interest of the staff and the learners in high regard. He, in turn, will be handing over the reins to Mr Michael Koopman, the current principal of Symphony Secondary School. We wish him a blessed and fruitful retirement in the company of his family.

Tues-Fri: 09h00 - 17h00 Sat: 08h00 - 13h00 2B Danena Close Belville, Tygervalley

t: 021 914 1246

We want to congratulate Mr. Esethu Stofile, a member of the staff of Bellville Technical High School, for obtaining his Master’s Degree in the following focus area: Mathematics Reasoning and Strategies for improving one’s ability to assimilate new mathematical concepts

Agter: Heirich Cilliers, Liam Desfontein, Stefan du Plessis, Angelo Davids. 4de ry: Anja Wolstenholme, Chanelle Leuvennink, Danelle Lochner, Cindy Pretorius, Tiaan Swanepoel, Dawid Oberholser, Keenan Leendertz, Lance Jurgens, Jana Nelson. 3de ry: Megan Bruiners, Arno Botha, Jason Bruiners, Nicole Taljaardt, Melissa Strauss, Donné Kriel, Megan Kotze, Janetta Joubert, Bianca van Rensburg, Janka Mathee. 2de ry: Yvonne Steenkamp, Rozelle Meier, Janke van Wyk, Izaan Jacobs, Maxine La Marque, Jessica du Plessis, Liezl Pilkington, Zeandre Nel. Voor: Mareli van Schalkwyk, Kayla de Waal, Cameron Mearns, Ebony Gaskin, Lienkie Loubser, Heike Swartz, Francis Olivier, Bronwyn de Lange, Franco Visagie. Afwesig: Mieke Agenbag, Julie Vercuiel, Nerice Vercuiel, Kristen Straszacker, Neline van der Merwe, Annouska Slier, Kaydee Miller, Jeani Basson, Eugene Kleinhans, Mareli van Schalkwyk Do/19 het ook haar WP skolespan kleure verwerf.

OPEN DAY - 23th APRIL Bellville Technical High School specialises in technical subjects such as Mechanical Technology, Electrical Technology, Civil Technology, Engineering Graphics and Design, as well as Mathematics and Science. In 2015, Mathematical Literacy will be replaced by Technical Mathematics. We will also offer Technical Science. Our Open Day is on Wednesday 23th April and you will have the opportunity to join any of the three sessions which will be held at16:00, 17:00 and 18:00.

Football is a blast at BTH!

Since its introduction in 2009, football has grown by leaps and bounds at Bellville Technical High School. We participated in the 2010 march through the streets of Cape Town as part of the Cape Town Festival and did it again in 2o11. We have been playing in the Northern Zone League Championships since 2009, have competed in the Northern Zone Knockout Challenge, and have had mixed successes. We hope to make this year our best ever!


Hoërskool DF Malan 10 APRIL 2014 Junior Stadsraad

Vier leerders van Hoërskool DF Malan dien vanjaar in Kaapstad se Junior Stadsraad. Hulle is (v.l.n.r.) Thea Booysen (gr 10), Christiaan Burger (gr. 9), Stephan Augustyn (gr. 10) en Nika Jordaan (gr. 11). Hulle sien baie uit na die geleenthede waar hulle moontlik ‘n verskil kan maak, terwyl hul leierskapsvaardighede ook geslyp word.


Vyftig van Hoërskool DF Malan se graad 9-leerders het in die April-vakansie op die Oranjerivier roei. Hierdie avontuurlustige Dee-Effers is die 33ste groep wat die tradisie voortsit.


Janneke Malan (gr. 12) van DF Malan het onlangs skitterende prestasies in die swembad gelewer. Sy is by die onlangse Vlak 3-byeenkoms aangewys as die nasionale kampioen in die afdelings 50 m-rugslag, 100 m-rugslag en 200 m individuele wisselslag in haar ouderdomsgroep. Janneke het in al drie hierdie afdelings goue medaljes verower.

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DFM Nasionale Hokkiekursus

Hoërskool DF Malan het die afgelope vakansie vir die twaalfde keer hul jaarlikse DFM Nasionale hokkiekursus aangebied. Dertig spanne van regoor die land, tot sover as Windhoek, Ellisras, Secunda en Upington, het vanjaar se kursus bygewoon. Die hokkiespelers was bevoorreg om hul vaardighede onder topafrigters te slyp en het ook vele nuwe vriendskapsbande geslyp.


Hoërskool Eben Donges APRIL 2014 11

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Email - or phone - 021 872 3880 Rachel’s Angels woon Woordfees by Die Rachel’s Angels groep was na die Woordfees in Stellenbosch genooi.

Raising funds for AIDS orphans in Africa

Sibongile Memani and Mninawe Mabini are grade 11 learners that are on tour with The Kuyasa Kids Choir and Dance Group. The group was invited by Horizon International to tour the USA from 20th of March to 26th of April. The purpose of the tour is to acquire sponsorship for the AIDS orphans in Africa.

Brackenfell HS Sports day

Eben Dönges Cares

The Siyathanda Outreach Committee donated clothes, books, toys and other goods to Khulani Crèche.

Danwill Bastiaan adding to the score with 7 The u/15 had an excellent kick off with their first match of the season beating conversions and 2 tries. Fairbarn College 12 – 5.

The u/19 rugby team beat Melkbos HS 49 – 5.

Support Children with Cancer

In October 2013, also Breast Cancer Awareness month, Siyathanda sold little pink bows to generate funds to purchase blankets for the cancer patients at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital and supporting the Little Fighters Cancer Trust.

Peer Promoters Training

The WPBT Peer Promoters of Eben Dönges HS attended training at the WPBT Head Office in Pinelands. Here they were taken for a tour of the labs where the blood is tested and stored before distribution.

Arynn Lackey and Casey Baadjies supporting Little Fighters Cancer Trust with their little pink bows.


The Settlers High School 12 APRIL 2014 Mrs Horn, Head of Science and Deputy Principal at The Settlers, won the award for “Excellence in Physical Science Teaching” at the National Teaching Awards in Pretoria – an amazing achievement!


The Settlers High School welcomed 20 learners and 2 teachers from the Wagenburg Gymnasium in Stuttgart Germany. The Settlers learners will be visiting their school in July this year as part of the bi-annual exchange program between the two schools.


The Settlers Drummies competed in the Indoor Flag and Non-prop categories for the first time and achieved a second place in both categories.

The Rocking the Future road show

Band Slam Competition

The very popular Dynamix Jazz Band from The Settlers participated in the High School Band Slam Competition at The V&A Waterfront since 7 February 2014. They made it into the finals on Friday 28 February 2014 and won the competition.

Three musicians from The Dynamix Jazz Band, Jodi Fredericks, Keenan Jacobs and Damian Kamineth, were chosen for the “Schools All Star Superband” that performed at The Cape Town International Jazz Festival concert at Green Market Square.

Baking skills

The Rocking the Future road show visited The Settlers Learners from the Consumer Studies class practised their baking skills when they made tasty breads and pancakes and learners were very eager to obtain information for the end of term staff lunch. and discuss potential future careers with the various exhibitors.

Astro is progressing

The construction of the school’s new Astro is progressing well and will be opening during Term 2.

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Hoërskool Bellville APRIL 2014 13 Veelsydigheid

Nicola Barnard het dan tans WP kleure in 3 verskillende dissiplines verwerf: (WP Fitness Hip Hop 2008, 2010 en 2012, WP Aksienetbal en WP Skole-atletiek 2014)


Van agter links na regs: Marlinka Gunter, Chanel van Wyk, Janno Mostert, Adriaan Jansen van Rensburg, Teane Engelbrecht. Voor van Links na regs: Lance Rhoode, Lindie Anker, Jessica Baker, Tiaan Maree.

Baie geluk aan die volgende atlete wat verkies is tot die Wes- Kaap Atletiekspan wat deelgeneem het Zani Kruger wat gekies was die WP-Atletiek - aan die SA Skole-Atletiek-kampioenskappe. Janno Mostert, Lindie Anker, Adriaan van Rensburg. klubspan.



Anuskha van Dyk - WP-Swem.

Adriaan van Devender Gr11 (WP B toekenning 600 gewigsgroep), Alex Nolte Gr 11 (WP B toekenning Medaljewenners by Wes- Kaap Atletiekkampioen- 600 gewigsgroep), Eben De Villiers Gr 12 (WP klere 480 gewigsgroep), Daniel Erasmus Gr11 (WP klere skappe 2014. Adriaan van Rensburg en Janno 480 gewigsgroep), Martin De Jager Gr 12 (WP B toekenning 600 gewigsgroep), Wian Strauss Gr 11 (WP B toekenning 600 gewigsgroep). Mostert, Lance Rhoode en Lindi Anker.



o/17A Netbalspan wat silwermedalje gewen het tydens die Paarl Girls Ons was baie bevoorreg om `n groot rolverdeling die jaar te hê. Leerders van Graad 8 – 12 was betrokke in `n baie suksesvolle vertoning. Die Hoërskool Bellville nooi kinders van kleuter- en High Netbaldag. laerskole in Bellville om die vertonings by te woon. Ons is baie trots daarop dat vir honderde kinders, ons kinderteater hul eerste smaak van teater is!

Links na regs: Niritha Oosthuizen, Lize Kotze, Monet van Zyl, Andrea van Niekerk, Chrizelle Loots, Michelle MC Clelland, Anina Steenkamp.

WP - Aksie Netbal


Mnr. Du Plessis skoolhoof van Hoërskool Bellville het ook deelgeneem en elke leerder wat voor hom klaarmaak R1 geskenk aan die leerderleierfonds.


PW van Wyk neem in sy laaste wedstryd vir die 0/19A-krieketspan 7 paaltjies vir slegs 19 lopies.

Lindi van der Merwe, Zulaine Huisamen, Danica Capes, Nicola Barnard.


Stiaan Alberts teken in die laaste krieketwedstryd van die seisoen 100 n.u.n. aan.


Op Saterdag 8 Maart is drie leerders van Hoërskool Bellville se debatspan uitgenooi om aan die jaarlikse Woordfees debatkompetisie deel te neem. Jean-Mari du Plessis (gr 11), Emile Opperman en Nicholas Bosman het hul uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt. Daar het 36 skole van regoor die land deelgeneem en Hoërskool Bellville se debatspan is aangewys as wenners van die ou hande katagorie. Dit is voorwaar ‘n goeie begin Hoërskool Bellville se 2014 debat. Baie suksesvolle 1ste Leeuloop- pretdraf is gehou tydens ons eerste Leeufees.

“Hou u gras kante netjies” “Keep your grass Edges neat” Bellville: 021 949 3570


Parow: 021 930 0724 | Brackenfell: 021 981 9002


Hoërskool Brackenfell 14 APRIL 2014 Mnr en Mej brackenfell

By 2014 se Mnr en Mej Brackenfell Senior is Luvé Meyer gekroon as mej Brackenfell en Tiaan Louw as mnr Brackenfell. Die tema was “Born in the USA”, die saal was gepak met entoesiastiese ondersteuners en dié stylvolle aand was weereens ‘n hoogtepunt op die Brakkie-kalender.


Die Hoërskool Brackenfell se musiekleerders blink elke jaar uit in die teorieeksamens van Unisa. Die top 10 presteerders se gemiddeld is sedert 2009 bo 80 % en die afgelope 3 jaar is dit selfs bo 90%. Danielle Psomas, Ruan Delport, Brad-Lee Lesar en Sinnead Cogill slaag die graad 3 eksamen met lof, Adriana de Mooij slaag graad 4 met lof en Cornel Zandberg slaag graad 5 met lof. Die volgende leerders word op die ererol van Unisa geplaas vir hul uitstekende prestasie: Ciska Swart, Ruan Kitshoff, Rozelle Wentzel vir Graad 3, en Carla Luijk vir Graad 4 teorie. In die 2013 eksamens het die musiekleerders net so goed gedoen in hul praktiese eksamens: 4 leerders slaag hul praktiese eksamens met LOF: Jean Botha Adriana de Mooij Rian Smit Leandri du Toit

Bassoon Grade 4 Piano Grade 4 Flute Grade 5 Piano Grade 7

Hierdie leerders spog almal met uitslae bo 80% in hul eksterne teorie- of praktiese eksamens van 2013. Hulle staan by hul musiekonderwyser, me Marian Steyl. Agter van links na regs: Ruan Delport, Rian Smit, Brad-Lee Lesar, Jean Bothe, Ruan Kitshoff, Marian Steyl. Middel van links na regs: Rozelle Wentzel, Danielle Psomas, Carla Luijk, Cornel Zandberg, Riana de Mooij. Voor vlnr: Ciska Swart, Sinnead Cogill.

3 Top Musiekleerders van die Hoërskool Brackenfell. Jean Botha (Links) en Sinnead Cogill (middel), is in 2013 gesamentlik aangewys as Junior Musiekleerder van 2013. Jean slaag sy gr 4 fagoteksamen met lof, en wen die kategorieë waarin hy deelgeneem het van beide die Stellenbosch en die Tygerberg Eisteddfod. Sinnead slaag haar gr 4 klaviereksamen met 90% , behaal twee Hoogste Lof-toekennings by die Tygerberg Eisteddfod en slaag haar gr 4 teorie-eksamen met lof. Rian Smit (regs) is as Senior Musiekleerder van 2013 aangewys deurdat hy sy Gr 5 fluiteksamen met lof slaag, twee Lof-toekennings behaal op die Tygerberg Eisteddfod en sy graag 4 teorie-eksamen met Eervolle Vermelding slaag.


Op die foto verskyn ‘n paar van die Hoërskool Brackenfell se senior leerders wat opgeneem is in WP Aksienetbalspanne. (Almal het ongelukkig nie opgedaag vir die foto nie.) Ons is baie trots op hulle!

Agter: v.l.n.r.: Janneke Baard, Irene Schmidt, Estie van Wyk, Elzet Potgieter, Natasha Smuts en Nadine Nothnagel Voor sit die matrieks: v.l.n.r.: Natascha Marais, Charleen Visser, Marzaan Heyns, Joshua van Vuuren en Jania Kleinhans. Marzaan was ‘n finalis by die Senior Mnr en mej Brackenfellkompetisie en het die voorreg om met haar “Born in the USA”-toppie skool toe te kom.

Junior City Council

Four pupils of Brackenfell High School were selected for the 2014 Cape Town Junior City Council.

V.l.n.r.: Matthew Jansen, Jean-Marc Fuchs, James Sloane en Keith Ntuntwana.


Op die foto verskyn Lee-Ann Olckers (gr. 11) aan die Hoërskool Brackenfell, ‘n kranige Noodhulp-leerder, wat haar dienste aanbied vir die Mediese Nooddienste (Emergency Medical Services). Hierdie organisasie doen diens by alle skolesport- en buitesport geleenthede. Vir haar onbaatsugtige diens gedurende 2013, is Lee-Ann hierdie week beloon met ‘n Trofee en Sertifikaat vir “Volunteer of 2013”. Verder het sy ook ‘n Meriete Sertifikaat vir Noodhelper van die Jaar, ‘n Opleidingsertifikaat en ‘n Sertifikaat vir Mediese Hulpverlening ontvang.

Junior City Council

Vyf WP-atlete van die Hoërskool Brackenfell besig om ‘n kwartaaltoets af te lê vóór hulle bus na Oudtshoorn vertrek vir die Wes-Kaap Skoleatletiekkampioenskappe. Agtien Brakkies het die WP-span gehaal. Hulle verskyn hier op die foto saam met hul afrigter, Louis Stockigt, wat toesig hou.

V.l.n.r.: Elandri Weyers, Stefanie Grové, Julin Nero, Payton Lakay en Liam Pietersen.

SAARA Noord-Kaap Ope Luggeweer Skyfskietkompetisie

Twee leerders van die H/S Brackenfell het aan die SAARA Noord-Kaap Ope Luggeweer Skyfskietkompetisie op Douglas deelgeneem en skitterend gevaar. Adriaan verower ‘n silwer medalje in die 3 Posisie Skiet (Lê, staan en kniel) en ‘n goue medalje in die 10m Sporter (Staan). Hy was ook derde uit alle Seunsouderdomsgroepe. Samantha verower ‘n goue medalje in die 10m Sporter (Staan) en sy is vierde algeheel, uit alle Dogters-ouderdomsgroepe. Almal by die H/S Brackenfell is baie trots op hulle!

WP Skole Atletiek

23 Brakkies verwerf medaljes by die WP Skole Atletiekkampioenskappe! Ná drie dae van intense mededinging teen die beste atlete uit die Westelike Provinsie, glimlag 23 Brakkies breed omdat hulle by dié byeenkoms ‘n goud-, silwer- of bronsmedalje verower het. Party het selfs meer as een medalje verower!

Baie geluk! Cycling Championship

Eugene Soule in grade 11 took part in the WP Track Cycling Championships in the junior category. He won the following medals: Gold – 200 m Sprint, Gold – 1000 m Time Trail, Silver – 1500 m and Silver – Keiren. He is training hard for the SA Track Championships that is taking place in Durban from the 29 April until 3 May 2014.

V.l.n.r.: Samantha Alexander en Adriaan de Beer.

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Hoërskool Tygerberg APRIL 2014 15

Ekonomie-Kompetisie Die Departement van Onderwys Wes-Kaap en Nedbank hou ‘n jaarlikse skryfkompetisie vir leerders wat Ekonomie as vak by hul skool neem. Die onderwerp was hierdie jaar “armoede” en die leerders moes ‘n navorsingsverslag van tussen 6000 en 8000 woorde oor die onderwerp skryf. Daar is 218 skole wat inskryf en Tygerberg het hierdie jaar 2 dogters, Liamé Smit en Lené Dippenaar, onder die top 21 leerders gehad. Hulle opstelle is as van die beste uitgewys en hulle is genooi om Vrydag 13 Maart voor ‘n paneel ‘n 10-minuut toespraak te lewer, asook 10 minute se vrae na afloop van die toespraak te beantwoord. En dit boonop alles in Engels! Saterdagaand is daar ‘n prysuitdelingsfunksie gehou, waar onder andere die Minister van Onderwys, Donald Grant, ook teenwoordig was.


Studiebeurs ‘n Top 12 is aangewys en elkeen van hulle ontvang ‘n 3-jaar studiebeurs aan ‘n universiteit in SA van hul keuse, asook ‘n kontant-prys. Liamé Smit stap toe weg met ‘n beurs en R2000 kontant en Lené Dippenaar word aangewys as algehele wenner met ‘n beurs en R10 000 kontant. Ons is baie trots op die twee meisies!

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16 APRIL 2014 Movies Showing


Watch the following movies at a cinema near you! Agent 2000: Die Laksman


Parental Guidance 10-12 (Violence)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (3D) No persons under 13 (Violence) Divergent

No persons under 13 (Violence)


No persons under 10 (Violence)

Mr. Peabody & Sherman

Parental Guidance (Violence)

Need for Speed (3D)

Parental Guidance 10-12

Noah (3D)

No persons under 13 (Violence)

Pad na Jou Hart

Parental Guidance 7-9 (Violence)


No persons under 13 (Language)

The LEGO Movie (3D)

Parental Guidance (Violence)

Vrou Soek Boer

Parental Guidance (Language)

6 4

1 2 9 3 5 1




3 7

6 7 1



8 3


7 1

7 4

Top 10 Songs - March 2014 The song charts below represent the 10 most popular songs for March 2014 based on the top downloaded and streamed songs from online music retailers. Happy Dark Horse All Of Me Talk Dirty Pompeii Team Drunk In Love Counting Stars Let It Go Timber

Pharrell Williams Katy Perry Ft. Juicy J John Legend Jason Derulo Ft. 2 Chainz Bastille Lorde Beyonce Ft. Jay Z OneRepublic Idina Menzel Pitbull Ft. Ke$ha Source:

This one is for ALL the ladies!! On the 26th of March our Franchisee, Erika van Wyk, made us come to work for the day without make-up. We had a good chuckle at each other and had great fun posing for our selfies! We also nominated the Rawson Head Office ladies to do the same! But just taking your selfie is not enough, the Pink Drive association don’t just only need awareness, they also need the funds. We encourage each of you to join in the fun and post a “selfie” of yourself, with no make-up, on Facebook and sms “PINKDRIVE” to 40158 like we’ve done to donate your R20! LADIES this is a nomination from the Girls at Rawson Durbanville Elite to get your photo and donation out there and nominate more ladies to get involved in the fun as well. The Guys are also MORE than welcome to contribute a donation to the Pinkdrive, as they need all the help they can get to reach their target of Two Million Rand. Follow Pinkdrive on Facebook and stay ahead of all the great pictures and news they have to share:

Come visit us at: Shop 6, Aurora Ipic Centre, Burton Street, Aurora, Durbanville Cell: 082 650 9258 | Tel: 0861 555 133 | Fax: 086 273 4010 | Email: 1. Rawson Durbanville Elite | 2. Rawson Rentals Cape Metro Elite

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