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Welcome to an AWSUM 2016 Welcome to a brand-new year of being AWSUM! Everyone is ready for 2016 to be their best year ever, and we at AWSUM News are looking immensely forward to adding more and more value to your busy lifestyle, with oodles of easy-to-access information to help you manage your time, as a parent, learner or teacher. As always, we aim to connect communities to improve everyone’s experiences in the region where their school is based. You will find useful information about varied opportunities in your region, whether it is restaurants, activities, sport, motoring, entertainment, décor, health, fashion or beauty – the list is almost endless. The AWSUM community has now grown to 13 regions nationwide. This phenomenal expansion makes it possible for us to bring you much more than before, expanding our editorial offering to include more articles of a general nature, for your benefit. Our mission for 2016 is that AWSUM will be your newsletter of choice, the one that you will be looking forward to receiving each month, so that you can get not only all the latest schools news, but also much more that will enhance your life on a daily basis.
As new editor of AWSUM, I jumped on board with this first edition of 2016, and I know it will be a year of many great new things for AWSUM, including expanding widely in the digital space – watch this space for regular updates of new features in the newspaper, as well as what becomes available digitally. Like and follow our regional Facebook pages to stay up to date between editions of AWSUM, and stay connected through commenting on and taking part in online discussions. For secondary school and specifically learners from Grade 10 to Grade 12, this edition contains tips for study success, success stories from top achievers, and other inspirational articles. Use this valuable resource to organise your year, so that you could perform to the very best of your abilities. All the best for 2016! Marika & the AWSUM team
Dankie aan almal wat hulle inkleurprentjies ingestuur het! Die gelukkige wenner van R300 is Amone Wessels.
ARE YOU OUR NEXT AWSUM SCHOOL OF THE MONTH? This award is our way of recognising the excellent work done by the schools on our board and their teachers and marketers.
HOW TO QUALIFY: The School of the Month will be selected using a points system. • Is AWSUM being distributed to your learners via the classroom? 5 • Are parents told to look out for AWSUM News via the school communicator? 5 newsletters? 5 email? 5 Facebook? 5 other communications (please specify)? 5 • Has your school liked AWSUM News on Facebook? 5 • Are we a tab on your school website? 5 • Is your school news always submitted on time? 5 • Have you been informing us about upcoming school events to see how we can be of assistance? 5
Editor Marika Truter | 021 872 3880 marika@tiemedia.co.za Designers Rowan Engledoe | rowan@tiemedia.co.za Jade Bushby | jade@tiemedia.co.za Editorial coordinator Ryno Wolfaardt | 021 872 3880 ryno@tiemedia.co.za
To advertise PRETORIA Lindi Hugo 072 600 8259 lindi@tiemedia.co.za
Henk le Roux 072 920 1032 henk.hklogistics@gmail.com BLOEMFONTEIN Susan Potgieter 078 346 6796 susanp@tiemedia.co.za Lindi Hugo 072 600 8259 lindi@tiemedia.co.za NORTH WEST Samantha Coetzee | 021 872 3880 samantha@tiemedia.co.za
Distribution AWSUM News is distributed to the schools in following schools in PRETORIA: Pro Arte Alphen Park, Hoërskool Waterkloof, Hoërskool Garsfontein, Laerskool Monumentpark, Laerskool Lynnwood, Curro Hazeldean Primary, Glenstantia Primary School. AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in BLOEMFONTEIN: Primary Schools: Oranje Primêre Skool, Laerskool Fichardpark, Laerskool Willem Postma. High Schools: Eunice High School, St Andrew’s School, St Joseph’s CBC, Hoërskool President Steyn, Hoërskool Fichardpark, Grey College, Hoërskool Sentraal. AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in NORTH WEST: Primary Schools: Laerskool President Pretorius, Laerskool Mooirivier, Laerskool Bailie Park, Laerskool La Hoff, Laerskool Saamtrek, Laerskool Goudkop, Potch Central Primary, Laerskool ML Fick. High Schools: Hoërskool Schoonspruit, Hoërskool Klerksdorp, Hoërskool Wesvalia, Ferdinand Postma Hoërskool, Hoërskool Volskool, The Highschool for Girls Potchefstroom.
Printed by Paarl Coldset
Every month, we will be selecting one school that has not only gone the extra mile to promote and distribute AWSUM News, but has also consistently been sending its monthly news on time. The chosen school will be awarded one full page of bragging space in AWSUM to the value of R17 490.
Editorial team
E NOT We E the fac are aware o : f t t h at not our sc all of h o o variou ls have s disposplatforms at the a th be awal. Schools wi eir ll rded b a on the facilitiesed availab s le to them.
Yup! Major bummer that the summer hols are over but hey, there are plenty of sunny weekends to share with your team. Fashion Editor Pepe Sofianos shows you how to kick off the school year in style and rock the retro college look.
Check out the latest laidback clean-cut looks borrowed from the college kid scene with the accent on athletic and sporty styles and lots of game day graphics. It’s also a little bit preppy --- think geeky glasses, cheerleader shorts and varsity jackets.
Justin Bieber works his inner geek with whacky nerdy glasses.
Striped polo shirt, R139.95 and lace-free sneakers, R299.95, Edgars.
Have fun! Enjoy!
Canvas sneakers, R109.99, Mr Price and navy trainers, R239, Soda Bloc.
Black squared-off specs, R39.99 and round tortoiseshell specs, R49.99, both Mr Price.
Grey Giants tank R99.95, Edgars and red and black Athletics Club T, R149.95, both Edgars.
Pepe Says
Flat bill peak baseball caps, R79.99 each, Mr Price.
t yo u ’r e n o if s e r a c W ho ust str ut J ? in a t p a nd a team c b a ll Ts a e s a b in f ’s o n yo u r s t u f ur squad o y d n a . t r a in e r s g str eak a w in n in
Rita Ora does her cheerleader thing in a crop top, flippy skirt and sneakers, of course.
Sneaks and peaks --- stock up on these game-changers. Trade your slip-slops in for a pair of cosy sneakers and back flip your peak cap. They add a sporty touch to everything so you’re always cool from top to toe.
E L Y T S #
Double cheerleader T-shirt, R149, H & M.
Hoodie Bronx varsity jacket, R349, H & M and Miami baseball peak, R129, both H & M.
Floral shell top, R179, Guess.
Floral cheerleader shorts, R225, Woolworths and turquoise peak, R39.99, Mr Price.
Red track top, R99.99, Mr Price.
Quilted crop top, R179.95, Edgars and running shorts, R59.99, Mr Price and white low tops, R299, Soda Bloc.
Jessica Alba is the perfect all-American collage girl in a Letterman varsity jacket and sneakers.
wia?ted ol o nassoc schoonic , k s uarth i n highthe icjacketve o n a dhinyg ohnAemerltiucre tdhavarssittyheydhnaume-d i DNot wit e cu rt an an, a rs an start ury
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TOP ACHIEVERS’ ADVICE FOR STUDY SUCCESS As the Class of 2016 start their last year of school, taking a little time to bed down a solid routine can mean the difference between failure and success. Top education expert Nola Payne shares some insights and tips for students preparing to enter higher education on how to develop a solid support structure and routine that could lead them to academic success. “These past weeks have seen many celebrations and accolades afforded to the top matriculants of 2015. When considering what made them get to the top, there is one thing that really stands out: routine,” says Nola Payne, Head of Faculty: Information Technology at The Independent Institute of Education, South Africa’s largest and most accredited private higher education institution. “Almost without exception, these high achievers, regardless of their backgrounds, credited being organised and focused on their goals as being key to their success,” she says. Nola says both this year’s matrics as well as students preparing to enter higher education for the first time can make their lives much easier – and their studies more successful – if they set in place a solid structure to support them in the coming year. “Now is the ideal time for them to make resolutions about committing to their future success and structuring their learning,” she says. Nola recommends these steps:
Identify your goals for the year These goals should be realistic and achievable. It is a good idea to write down your goals and display them where you can see them every day. This reminder of your goals will become your mantra for the year. Never lose focus of your goals, as they will drive and motivate you through the tough times.
Ensure you have a dedicated study area with good lighting
Start early in the academic year with your schedule and maintain the pace
A desk or table in a quiet room or corner is preferable. You will require some stationery as well. A variety of pens, highlighters and notepads will be sufficient. Studying on your bed or on the couch is not conducive for a productive study session. You will slouch, your notes will be difficult to manage and you will inevitably become lethargic and sleepy. If you do not have access to a dedicated space, investigate the options at your school as well as public libraries. Search for and identify a space that works for you, and schedule your study times around opening and closing times.
Each day after class, make summaries of what was covered in class. These will become the core of your study notes closer to the exams. Preparing for each class beforehand can contribute significantly to being successful – that way you will be able to ask your teacher or lecturer pertinent questions and further embed the knowledge in your memory. Make it a routine. Do not think about whether you will or will not do it. Daily revision is something that just will be done – no ifs, buts or maybes.
Realistically consider your weekly schedule If you have certain days when you are committed to part-time work, sport, a cultural activity or a regular event such as a weekly dinner with a friend, then work these into your schedule. Do not eliminate all outside interests and events, as this will make you bored and demotivated. It is important to maintain life balance and schedule outside interests into your learning plan. However, be picky about what you allow into your valuable schedule and what not. Nightly visits to the pub, for instance, will not help you at all.
Keep a logical filing system for your study notes Consider creating individual files or folders for each subject. Whether these are electronic or physical files, it is important to maintain order and structure.
Start your year as you hope to finish, and stay focused This is a very important year, and you will have plenty of time to relax at the end of it. Many of the top matric achievers have spoken about their determination and sacrifice, which, if you follow in their footsteps, will make this the year that sets you up for a bright future.
Pro Arte Alphen Park 2015 matrics boast excellent results!
The arts and academic achievement: in perfect balance! Tel: 012 460 6221 • www.proarte.co.za Art: Design—boasting an A average in Grade 12 for the 22nd year. Our 2015 Design average was 87% and for the 22nd year ALL design learners passed with distinction!
Gontse Makgoba: 5 distinctions: Afrikaans First Additional Language: Mathematics: Life Orientation: Accounting: Dramatic Arts:
Lukhele Nontsikelelo: 4 distictions: 82% 86% 83% 86% 87%
Riani Kenyon: 3 distinctions: Afrikaans first Additional Language: Design: History:
92% 83% 80% 83%
Kudzai Nyamaharo: 4 distinctions: 82% 91% 83%
Motsumi Selepe: 3 distinctions: Mathematics: Life Orientation: Visual Art:
Mathematical Literacy: Accounting: Business Studies: Economics:
Lara Janse van Rensburg: 4 distinctions:
Mathematics: Accounting: Life Orientation: Economics:
Life Orientation: History: Hospitality Studies:
83% 80% 87% 83%
Sahron Motaung: 3 distinctions: 94% 92% 83% 83%
Zimkita Sifuba: 3 distinctions 82% 93% 86%
Afrikaans First Additional Language: English Home Language: History: Visual Arts:
English Home Language: Life Orientation: Economics:
83% 80% 80%
Christina Tchokova: 3 distinctions: 83% 90% 83%
Mathematics: Accounting: Business Studies:
84% 95% 92%
A cup of Rooibos a day ... Sugary cool drinks at school is a leading cause of obesity and impaired learning among South African learners.
With hundreds of thousands of learners back at school, parents are reminded to restock their fridges and pantries with foods and beverages that provide brain-boosting nutrients to help their children perform at their best. Nutritionists recommend water or herbal teas as a healthier alternative to fizzy drinks or sugar-filled fruit juices, with Rooibos tea topping the list. SA’s recently released National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES) refers to the poor state of children’s school lunches in the country. Of particular concern is the high intake of sugary cool drinks – about two in three learners buy sugary drinks at least twice a week, with each soft drink containing up to 55 g of sugar. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) that is 40 g more sugar than the recommended maximum daily limit for children. Drinking too many sugary drinks is considered to be the leading cause of obesity in adolescents, especially among schoolboys. The study points out that the prevalence of obesity has doubled in teenage boys over the past six years, making them more prone to chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. According to nutritional experts, these beverages are loaded with empty calories and provide little or no essential nutrients. They are linked not only to weight gain, but also to poor health and tooth decay in children. Nutritionists recommend water or herbal teas as a healthier alternative to fizzy drinks or sugar-filled fruit juices, with Rooibos tea topping the list. Ernest du Toit, spokesperson of the South African Rooibos Council, says Rooibos is as effective as water for hydrating the body and has additional health properties that water doesn’t have. “Rooibos is affordable, tasty and amazingly beneficial for children. It is rich in antioxidants, which helps to protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals and can reduce the risk of a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Rooibos also prevents DNA damage and inflammation and is helpful in combating diabetes. “Added to this, Rooibos contains no caffeine, fats or carbohydrates, is a natural immune-booster and relieves allergy symptoms, which are common in children,” remarks Du Toit. Sugary drinks have also been found to have an adverse effect on children’s brains. Du Toit adds that Rooibos is also incredibly nutrient rich. “It is rich in Vitamin C, A study conducted by the University of California revealed that consuming excessive calcium, manganese and fluoride, helps to build strong bones and teeth, and is safe to quantities of sugar-sweetened drinks can have a major impact on children’s brain consume without limit.” function and impair their ability to concentrate and learn at school. To help parents provide refreshments that will make the grade, the Rooibos In contrast, Rooibos tea will keep your child’s mind sharp since it shields the brain Council has compiled the following Rooibos iced tea- and popsicle recipes that will from stress and it protects against a process known as lipid peridoxation (where free have the kids asking for more. radicals damage brain cells and nerve tissues.)
Rooibos iced tea
Use four to six Rooibos teabags to make one litre of delicious iced tea. Sweeten the tea with honey to taste and leave it in the fridge to cool overnight.
Experiment with this basic iced tea by adding mint, lemon, orange, granadilla, mango or apple, or a combination of flavours until you find one that your children love. You can have fun with them by letting them mix their own flavours. (Juiced or squeezed fresh fruit usually delivers the best results, but you can also use preservative-free fruit juice. Mixing it with cold Rooibos will make it go further and keeping a jug of it in the fridge should mean you don’t have to keep buying juice. The good news is that cold Rooibos can be kept in the fridge for up to two weeks without spoiling.)
Rooibos popsicles
Pour Rooibos iced tea into popsicle containers or ice-cube trays and freezing it, you can also make fun, refreshing, healthy after school or sports treats.
Hoe belangrik is jou kind se sitplek in die klaskamer? Waar jou kind in die klas sit lyk op die oog af nie asof dit ’n groot rol in sy of haar akademiese prestasie kan speel nie, maar dit kan ’n groter invloed hê as wat mens sou verwag. Volgens Luise Spangenberg van EduProfile (wat kinders en volwassenes assesseer deur middel van Genetiese Breinprofiele) moet kinders met hul dominante oor na die onderwyser gedraai sit, sodat hulle in werklikheid beter kan hoor, beter aandag kan gee en minder afleidings het. Sy sê ook dat kinders wat van nature meer beweeg nie noodwendig ADHD het nie en dat hulle juis agter in die klas moet sit waar hulle nie ander leerders kan steur nie. “Ek het ’n Graad 1-leerder gehad wie se onderwyseres oortuig was daarvan dat hy ADD het en medikasie benodig. Na afloop
van sy konsultasie het ek aanbeveel dat hy op ’n ander plek in sy klas sit, aangesien daar geen aanduiding in sy profiel was vir ADD of ADHD nie. ’n Week later het die onderwyseres die ma om verskoning gevra en gesê dat hy nou geen meer tekens van ADD toon nie en ’n wakker leerder is,” sê Luise. Dit is ook van waarde vir sulke kinders om op ’n Pilates-bal te sit, eerder as op ’n stoel. Ouers kan dit tuis toepas wanneer huiswerk en studies gedoen word, aangesien skole dit nie algemeen toelaat nie. In die klas kan kinders wat vroetel met ’n stresbal of ander klein item speel – dit sal maak dat hulle beter aandag gee. Moenie laat jou kind hierdie jaar blindelings ’n stoel kies nie – kies reg en maak gereed vir ’n goeie akademiese jaar.
Beat the back-to-school budget blues January, the dreaded back-to-school month, could not have come at a worst time than right after the holiday season! Many parents have to buy not only the required stationery supplies, but also new school uniforms and other expensive gear. Use these AWSUM tips to help you save some money and prepare for next year’s back-toschool season – and even increase your children’s own money savvy skills. Spread back-to-school shopping through the year Set aside an amount in your budget each month to start buying next year’s stationery. Buying a few pencils and a flipbook each month while doing your monthly grocery shop at the supermarket will make up a nice stash for next year.
Buy supplies after the main back-to-school frenzy Look out for specials. Shops want to get rid of their surplus stock, so look out for the more expensive and non-essential items at such sales.
Take stock of last year’s leftovers You do really not need to buy everything brand new. Let your kids help you to take stock of what can be reused (or even repurposed).
Involve the whole family Your children know how to budget for movie tickets and milkshakes. Let them take part in planning for their school supplies. Make lists and work through the needs and the wants.
Set up a back-to-school swop Create a Facebook group and/or get together with some moms with kids the same gender but different ages than yours. Host an annual end-of-year swop for items such as school uniforms, sports gear and textbooks.
Pack lunchboxes Many school tuck shops do not stock the healthiest foods around. Help your child and your budget by preparing healthy lunchboxes. Look for sales and stock up on long-term lunchbox items.
Buy school uniforms and sports gear out of season Look out for sales at school uniform suppliers and stores selling, for example, plain white shirts and grey pants.
Buy supplies in bulk Again, hook up with other parents to buy school supplies and other items in bulk. Connect with all the parents in your children’s classes to organise such purchases.
Rent or buy used sports equipment and musical instruments If your children are doing a sport or learning to play a musical instrument for the first time, it might be worth your while to rent such equipment at first, until they are sure that they will continue with the activity.