Suid kaap (Oktober) Laerskool

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10 OCTOBER 2014

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Graad 6- en 7-kamp


Gedurende die afgelope vakansie het 63 Vollies die gr. 6 en 7-kamp in Hartenbos bygewoon waar hulle baie pret gehad het en ook voorberei is vir die uitdagings wat in die volgende paar jaar op hulle wag. Hulle het baie geleer en geestelik baie gegroei.


Gr. 6-take

Gr. 2-take

Die graad 6-leerders van Laerskool Volschenk het stroombane soos straatliggies, ligte in ‘n huis, stoepligte, deurklokkies, spreiligte by rugbyvelde en netbalbane, alarms en hekke wat oop en toe skuif gemaak. Hierdie projek, wat deel van Natuurwetenskappe en Tegnologie se kurrikulum is en waarop hulle formeel geassesseer word, was vir die leerders geweldig interessant en het hulle kreatiwiteit pragtig ontvou. Hul kundigheid en kennis van elektrisiteit en ontwerp was werklik baie insiggewend.

Die gr. 2-leerders moes verlede kwartaal enige soort dier uit herwinbare materiaal maak. Hulle kreatiwiteit was verstommend!


Tel: 021 872 3880


Iné Lourens (links) en Jana van den Berg (regs) het tydens die UNISApraktiese eksamen puik presteer.

Allison Eksteen (gr. 5) het op 9 Oktober aan die Nasionale Ritmiese Gimnastiek Kampioenskappe in Kaapstad deelgeneem waar sy ‘n brons medalje (3e plek) verower het.

AWSUM giveaways! Iné het 82% vir klavier Graad 3 behaal en Jana 88% vir klavier Graad 1.

5 gelukkige AWSUM-maats kan elk ’n eksemplaar van Noko en die Koel Katte deur Fiona Moodie, met die komplimente van Tafelberg (’n druknaam van NB-Uitgewers) wen. Stuur jou inkleurprent en besonderhede voor 31 Oktober aan: AWSUM plaasdiere, 10 Versterstraat, Paarl, 7646.



Laerskool Volschenk het op Nasionale Braaidag ‘n gholfdag gehou. Daar was 52 inskrywings. Dit was ‘n pragtige lentedag en natuurlik het die vuur gebrand en is daar gebraai. Daar was ook heerlike eetgoed wat die OOV voorberei het en baie goeie pryse is gewen. Almal het die dag baie geniet.

Get the latest AWSUM News on the go! - pg4


Op die foto verskyn mnr. Faffa Marais, kaptein van die gholfklub en onderwyser by Laerskool Volschenk, en Stefan Marais, hoofseun.

This October, CANSA highlights the importance of screening and early detection for breast cancer as part of its Women’s Health Campaign. Apart from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women of all races, with a lifetime risk of 1 in 35 in South Africa, according to the 2007 National Cancer Registry. “We encourage all women to conduct regular self-examinations Naam: once a month. Know how your Van: breasts look and feel – discuss any Ouderdom: Skool: changes you observe with your health Tel: practitioner. It’s also very important to Posadres: go for a mammogram every year from the age of 40,” states Elize Joubert, CANSA’s Acting CEO. She adds, “Women need to be aware of the screening opportunities available. We have mobile health clinics travelling to remote areas throughout South Africa”.

Tenille Swanepoel - 021 872 3880 |

Graphic Designers

Rowan Engledoe - 021 872 3880 | Jade Bushby - 021 872 3880 |

Editorial Assistant

Ryno Wolfaardt - 021 872 3880 |

To Advertise Contact: Isabella van der Berg - (079) 625 9125 -

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Volschenk PRIMARY Laerskool SCHOOL



AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools: SOUTHERN CAPE: Primary schools: Park, Hartenbos, George Voor-bereiding, Outeniqua, Albertinia, Wesbank, Van Reede, Oudtshoorn Noord, van der Hoven, Hartenbos, Volschenk, Blanco, Knysna, George-Suid, Glenwood. High Schools: Outeniqua, PW Botha, York, Albertinia, Punt, Oudtshoorn, Langenhoven Gimnasium, Knysna, Langenhoven Riversdal, Glenwood.

PRINTED BY Paarl Coldset

Reduce risk through regular examinations Many breast lumps are harmless, but they should all be checked. It is important for women to do monthly breast self-examinations and to go for regular clinical breast examinations. Symptom-free women of 40 and

older should go for a mammogram (a special X-ray to detect lumps in the breast), every year. Prevention and early detection The most effective weapon against cancer is knowledge. If you consider that one in four individuals may be affected by the disease during their lifetime, you will realise how powerful knowledge is in terms of risk reduction, prevention and early detection. CANSA’s prevention and early detection programmes and campaigns contain material re a balanced diet and promote a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, not smoking, staying safe in the sun, doing regular self-examinations and undergoing regular medical checkups. All prevention and early detection programmes and campaigns are underpinned by research. Other cancers affecting women: • Fallopian tube cancer • Ovarian cancer • Vaginal cancer • Vaginal clear-cell adenosarcoma • Vulvar cancer • Uterine cancer How women can reduce their cancer risk: Be aware of the importance of the early detection of cancer. This enables more effective treatment and a better chance of recovery.

Acknowledge the importance of a healthy balanced lifestyle: not smoking, being sun smart, going for preventative screenings and avoiding known cancer-causing factors. We also encourage women to reduce their risk of female cancers by: • Avoiding hormone therapy • Using condoms to help prevent sexually transmitted infections such as the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is a high risk factor for cervical cancer • Consulting a healthcare professional on the HPV vaccine • Consulting a healthcare professional for advice on appropriate screening tests if there is a family history of cancer Mobile health clinics CANSA has nine mobile health clinics travelling to remote areas throughout South Africa in October to reach women and men who would otherwise not have access to screening. They offer the following: • Clinical breast examinations • Pap smear screening tests for cervical cancer • Prostate specific antigen (PSA) tests for men to detect prostate abnormalities • Cholesterol test • Blood pressure test

For more information contact CANSA on 0800 22 66 22

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