Architecture portfolio

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Studio project to obtain Master of Architecture



The Alleys

Brussels, Belgium

Leuven, Belgium

Studio project to obtain Master of Architecture



Openbaar Entrepot Theater


Streatham London, England Master desseartation project


Studio project to obtain Master of Architecture



Living with the water

Serei Saophoan, Cambodia


Urban design I Architecture



Living with the water

Serei Saophoan, Cambodia

Living typologies responding to surrounding landscapes

Alongside the challenging social issues such as poverty, hygienic condition and specific cultural setting, the living urban tissue exsits to be lacking of attention despites its important role in human's living standard. The new proposition focuses on the systemic development of the area as a whole, then breaks down to specific living units. The idea deprives from the adaptation to the nature (living with flooding), local cultural norms (traditional housing typology and life style) .

Housing strategy with community garden Urban strategy


Architectural soluation for future adaptation toward nature and population growth

Typical housing typology

Proposal community center

Housing adaptation to seasonal flooding





Architecture I Building engineering



Openbaar Entrepot Theater Leuven, Belgium


Openbaar Entrepot was originally the old commercial trading dock destination locates next to the water of Leuven. It used to be presented as the gate to the city back in the golden time. Nowadays, the dock function is changed to be more privately used and therefor the Openbaar lost its value in within the new urban context. To adapt with the changes and needs of the new society, a new theater is proposed upon the existing building while keeping its facade. This leads to the challenges toward both the new design idea and technical issues. The outcome perspective section is the result of precise calculations, and measurements base on the new design idea and building regulation/ standard of the local municipality.


Urban design I Architecture



The Alleys

Brussels, Belgium

The project's site locates between the city center of Brussels and the most crowded train station in the South of Brussels. That illustrates the importance of the connection between these two areas which is now lacking of. The main boulevard- boulevard de Anspach has been planned by Brussels city, to be the potential connection. However, the plan were not yet including the improvision of the neighborhood around it. The main idea of the project is to find the hamornization between the new infrastructure and the exsiting living residence by connecting the small possible spaces- The alleys, toward the main boulevard. Proposition

The alleys nowadays are being filled with car parking leaving little spaces for sidewalks and sometimes none. The development of the first alley design acts as a pilot design for other alleys in the neighborhood. The wooden curves structure is inspired by the picture of an urban hanging garden. It serves not only as an open green roof but also as a view frame toward the valuable beauty of the bridge where trains cross. The area is undervalued which means many spaces/ houses are left vacant and downgrading. The proposition includes a small community center with an urban greenhouse. Both functions generate the activities of each other and are presented as urban avtivators.

Pilot proposal for the 1st Alley


Pedestrianize the alley helps making space for social interactions, boosting local economy and increasing safetiness level in the neighborhood

Public interventions along the alleys

Urban greenhouse as an urban activator


Urban design I Architecture



Streatham London, England

It is shown in London’s map that train tracks play such important roles in dividing the spatial usage. Those fragmented pieces of land show clearest among the railway intersections that are normally locate adjacent to neighborhood train stations. Throughout time, the functioning of train station space has shifted from a ground of meeting space to an isolated building with several platforms that are boundaried to the surroundings. The backbone idea of the project plans to bring back the value of the local station space to its former glory that would fit in the contemporary world. Inspried by the green belt plan of London city, the core idea of the project is to infiltrate greenary into the city through the unused spaces along railway infrastructure.

The implementation at the station plays an important role in creating the connection which helps solving the problematic urban fragmentation. Further developments are according to the needs and the potential location of each side of railway.


Table tennis room


Music room

Reading room

Urban living room concept is brought into the project with the hope that the train station sphere would be revitalized and would become the friendlier destinations among train goers and local people.

Urban Greenhouse on top the new residence

Timber seedling center on top of community center

Connection from powerplant to community center

The seedling area serves as an educational hub on the growth of timber. After seedling stage, the plants will be transfered to primary growth area through the bridge.

In order to utilize spatial capacity of the station, pedestrianization and car-free zone method are applied. This helps not only to broaden the space but also to improve chances of human interactions.

The elevated path connects the community center with the new residence

Further project contents can be found through the links below

Serei Saophoan- Living with the water Streatham- London

To be continue

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