CONTENTS Academic projects
Studio project to obtain Bachelor in Urban Design
Antwerp, Belgium
Master desseartation project
Streatham London, England
Ca Mau Archipelago Ca Mau, Vietnam
Bachelor dessertation project
Studio project to obtain Master of Architecture
Living with the water Serei Saophoan, Cambodia
Urban design I Architecture
Living with the water Serei Saophoan, Cambodia
Urban strategy
Living typologies responding to surrounding landscapes
Alongside the challenging social issues such as poverty, hygienic condition and specific cultural setting, the living urban tissue exsits to be lacking of attention despites its important role in human's living standard. The new proposition focuses on the systemic development of the area as a whole, then breaks down to specific living units. The idea deprives from the adaptation to the nature (living with flooding), local cultural norms (traditional housing typology and life style) .
Housing transformation strategy Urban strategy
Architectural soluation for future adaptation toward nature catastrophe and population growth
Typical housing typology
Proposal community center
Housing adaptation to seasonal flooding
Urban design I Architecture
Streatham London, England
London map with designated project's area
It is shown in London’s map that train tracks play such important roles in dividing the spatial usage. Those fragmented pieces of land show clearest among the railway intersections that are normally locate adjacent to neighborhood train stations. Throughout time, the functioning of train station space has shifted from a ground of meeting space to an isolated building with several platforms that are boundaried to the surroundings. The backbone idea of the project plans to bring back the value of the local station space to its former glory that would fit in the contemporary world. Inspried by the green belt plan of London city, the core idea of the project is to infiltrate greenary into the city through the unused spaces along railway infrastructure.
Landscape strategy
Table tennis room
Music room
Reading room
Urban living room concept is brought into the project with the hope that the train station sphere would be revitalized and would
8 become the friendlier destinations among train goers and local people.
Streatham area is one example of land fragmentation by old infrastructure. The neighborhood has been divided greatly. Athough there were efforts trying to reconnect, those solutions bound to be temporary and they are not considered the safe choices among users. Building programs are proposed to respond to the spatial needs of the area including recreational, educational and residential functions. The proposition focuses on the sustainable development of the project as a whole, in that, the interconnection between new implementions of each side is considered to be crutial. An elevated walking/ cycling path is born for above reasons, of which, Streatham train station development is the beginning of the project.
Urban timber seedling center on top of community center
Exploiting the station square's potential by pedestrianization and opening access to train platforms.
Connecting path between residential area and neighborhood community center
Urban design I Architecture
Achipelago Antwerp, Belgium
Existing pebbles along the Green Singel
The site of Antwerp’s New South is an intersectional area between the parkway of the Green Singel, the Scheldt River and the center of Antwerp. In general, the motorway is considered to be a rupture in the city, a vast borderland between the inner (medieval and 19th century) city and the former villages and 20th century parts of the city that lay outside of it. The analysis of this Green Singel structure shows an interesting sets of buildings, which look like “pebbles” in a “green river”.
Building block types responding to surrounding landscape
Inspired by the existing "pebbles", project's visionary were formed with the idea of clusterizing building blocks and leave them flow in between the landscape surrounding them.
Waterfront view
Inner landscape
The majority of these modernistic building types offer their users unique experiences and exclusively among that are views with long perspectives over the landscape. While the site location is relatively close to the city center, it can be served as a park. Hence, the ‘rupture’ is (also) a collector of special and often qualitative clusters. This design takes this quality as a starting point: it's an opportunity to continue Green Singel to impressively meet the river: a big vibrant open park that is a great dwelling environment for its residents and neighbors, but also offers a fantastic recreational landscape for everyone in the city of Antwerp.
Urban design I Architecture
Ca Mau Achipelago Ca Mau, Vietnam
Ca Mau peninsula locates in the southern part of Vietnam, between the East Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. It is also known as is the lowest ground of the country. Ca Mau city stays in the center of the peninsula. The site's topography seems to be flat with the highest part of the city being the current city center, whereas the rest of the city ground is low and currently used as productive landscapes. The frequent flood season has been an phenomenon in the area since it affects strongly to the living community in terms of living quality and the area's economy.
Population division strategy
The intention of the project is to base on the research's analysis of the site then start seeking for a new design solution. Centric development tends to be presented strongly through the city analysis. Taking this as the starting point of the project. The city master plan and landscape strategy plans are made to illustrate how archipelago could be a solution for these problems in Ca Mau without losing the identity of the city, in another hand, strengthen the city's living condition.
City mobility strategy
Landscape strategy
Site scale- urban fabric strategy
Park Mangrove Wetland Water Productive
Landscape strategy
Main Road Neighborhood Pedestrian Path
Mobility strategy Community Space Key Urban Space Urban Space
Spatial strategy
Further project contents can be found through the links below
Serei Saophoan- Living with the water Streatham- London Antwerp Archipelago- Dwelling in the park Ca Mau Archipelago
To be continue