Brussels XL- Osseghem

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The team strengthens the existing identity of agriculture and schools on the site, transforming the site of the gazometer into an educational center upon urban agriculture. The produced food can be enjoyed in a restaurant positioned on the ground floor of the gazometer. The densification on the site embraces the existing character on the site.


Pedestrian paths are created and the existing vegetable gardens are extended.


Transparent station facade and the conection with the line 28.

Activation of the gassometer and new green house with a learning centre.


The atheneum becomes an open school out of school hours.

Kinder garden as part of the school concept and new densification.


New paths are created for a better conection of the Line 28


Learning centre with green house on the top.

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Thi Thuy Tien Pham

Kinder garden as part of the school concept and new densification.

Bram Van Roey

A new square is created and the school gets a new entrance.

Victor Everaerts

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Agon Efendiu

The buildings create a collective garden in the middle that conects them.

Alberto Aragรณn

Alberto Aragรณn Agon Efendiu Victor Everaerts Thi Thuy Tien Pham Bram Van Roey

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