Cacak 2012 - 2nd International Salon of Photography 2012

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FIAP 2012/112



FSS 2012/17

ČAČAK ^A^AK 2nd International Salon of Photography 2012 2. Me|unarodni salon fotografije 2012 14/11/2012 – 05/12/2012 Dom kulture Čačak Organizer / Organizator

Foto Kino Klub Čačak Sections / Teme

Nude / Akt Open Color / Slobodna kolor Open Monochrome / Slobodna crno-bela Portrait / Portret FIAP – Fédération Internationale de l’ Art Photographique, 2012/112 FIAP – Me|unarodni savez fotografske umetnosti, 2012/112 PSA – Photographic Society of America, CPID/EID PSA – Udru`ewe fotografa Amerike, CPID/EID UPI – United Photographers International, Licence L1200016-M4 UPI – Me|unarodni savez fotografa, licenca L1200016-M4 FSS – Photo Association of Serbia, patronage 2012/17 FSS – Foto savez Srbije, pokroviteqstvo br. 2012/17

2nd International Salon of Photography ČAČAK 2012 2. Me|unarodni salon fotografije ^A^AK 2012 The Photo Association of Serbia (PAS) was founded in 1946. as a public organization. PAS is an independent, non-governmental, nonpartisan organization, which pools organizations associating photographers, as well as individually subscribed photographers, amateurs and professionals for the purpose of organized and professional pursuit of common interests in the art of photography. President: Branislav Brkić Фото-савез Србије основан је 1946. као друштвена организација. ФСС је самостална, невладина, нестраначка организација kоја окупља организације које удружују фотографе, као и појединачно учлањене фотографе, аматере и професионалце ради организованог и стручног рада на остварењу заједничких интереса у фотографској уметности. Председник: Бранислав Бркић 11000 Beograd, Timočka 18


Recieved works Pristigle fotografije

5010 1388 Authors Autori 394 Awards Nagrade 65 Countries Dr`ave 57

Acccepted works Primqene fotografije


Milica PEtRonIJEvIć Art historian Danilo CvEtAnovIć, AFIAP, MF FSS Slobodan KRStIć, EFIAP, MF BIH Zoran ĐoRĐEvIć, EFIEAP1, MF FSS Dragoslav MIRKovIć, EFIAP/s, MF FSS Delegate of Photo Assotiation of Serbia Stevan RIStIć, Hon EFIAP oRGAnIZInG CoMMIttEE ORGANIZACIONI ODBOR vojislav PEštERAC, president Dragoslav MIRKovIć, salon chairman Zoran MILošEvIć Slobodan PAJIć Mladen JAnJIć







Gold FIAP medal / Zlatna FIAP medaqa tIM PILE /Ireland/ – En Pointe

Gold FIAP medal / Zlatna FIAP medaqa REInHoLD LEItnER /Austria/ – Magdalena

Silver FIAP medal / Srebrna FIAP medaqa JoERGEn KRIStEnSEn /Denmark / – Yvonne

Gold PSA medal / Zlatna PSA medaqa tSUn – HSIUnG CHIAn /taiwan/ – the tea garden#2

Bronze FIAP medal / Bronzana FIAP medaqa ISoLDE StEIn-LEIBoLD /Germany/ – Pride and eleganc

Gold UPI medal / Zlatna UPI medaqa LIDonG WAnG /China/ – Harmonious

Gold PSA medal / Zlatna PSA medaqa MAXWELL KnoWLES /UK/ – Classical

Gold FSS medal / Zlatna FSS medaqa SHU CHEUnG PHILIP Ho /Hong Kong/ – Shrimpyard nBo

Gold UPI medal / Zlatna UPI medaqa tRonD M SKAREt /norway/ – Audery iPmIX

Silver FSS medal / Srebrna FSS medaqa vALERIo PERInI /Italy/ – orthodox Mass

Gold FSS medal / Zlatna FSS medaqa JIRI StEInBACH /Czech Republc/ – Profiles

Bronze FSS medal / Bronzana FSS medaqa CIARAn WHItE /Ireland/ – Windswept

FIAP honorable mentions / FIAP pohvale Ivo BoRKo /Slovenia/ – Cursed castle 2 CIARAn WHItE /Ireland/ – Renaissance BoJAn PEtRovIć /Serbia/ – BWR Akt SvEtISLAv nEDIć /Serbia/ – Muppet REInHARD BECKER /Germany/ – Anne 11

FIAP honorable mentions / FIAP pohvale LInH LE HonG /vietnam/ – Fiishers HUU HUnG tRUonG /vietnam/ – Fisherman AnDREA LoREnZEttI /Italy/ – tiscany 1 HEnDRo HIoE /Indonesia/ – Sunday Fishing ISoLDE StEIn – LEIBoLD /Germany/ – Carmencita PEtAR SABoL /Croatia /First light

PSA honorble mentions / PSA pohvale FREDERIC GARRIDo vILAJUAnA /Spain/ – Milasc 01 PoUL BRAtH /Denmark/ – nude 2 ACHIM KoEPF /Germany/ – Kristin#16 LUIS PontIJAS ConDE /Spain/ – time StEFAno MALFEttI /Italy/ – nude 1



UPI honorble mentions / PI pohvale tIM PILE /UK / – Camelia MASSIMo MARtInI /Italy/ – A longh the Path CHRIStoS PAvLIDES /Cuprus/ – Mursi Mother 04 LIE CHEn /China/ – the Shadow of netts






Gold FIAP medal / Zlatna FIAP medaqa HELLE LoREnZEn /Denmark/ – Roundtower Ghosts

Gold PSA medal / Zlatna PSA medaqa BARt ZAnDBERGEn /netherlands/ – 4646Efi

Gold PSA medal / Zlatna PSA medaqa H.W.CHAn /Hong Kong/ – Brooder

Silver PSA medal / Srebrna PSA medaqa FRED PRICE /UK/ – Avenged

Gold UPI medal / Zlatna UPI medaqa BARBARoS KARAGULMEZ /turkey/ – Cleaning

Bronze PSA medal / Bronzana PSA medaqa CHRIStIAn DEvERS /Belgium/ – the moue

Gold FSS medal / Zlatna FSS medaqa LoPAMUDRA tALUKDAR /India/ – Freedom

Gold FIAP medal / Zlatna FIAP medaqa ALI oSMAn AYDIn /turkey/ – Hana 2

Silver FSS medal / Srebrna FSS medaqa YUnSHEnG HE /China/ – Inverted Images of Masts

Gold UPI medal / Zlatna UPI medaqa BRIAn HoPPER /Ireland/Fisherman at Lought Acurry

Bronze FSS medal / Bronzana FSS medaqa voLKER FREnZEL /Germany/ – Philharmonie

Gold FSS medal / Zlatna FSS medaqa Ivo BoRKo /Slovenia/ – the Fates 1

FSS honorable mentions / FSS pohvale CARStEn MEYERDIERKS /Gemany/ – tree&Clouds SHU CHEUnG PHILIP Ho /Hong Kong/ – Shrimp-yard AntonIo SEMIGLIA /Italy/ – Luci e ombre vALERIo PERInI /Italy/ – Romanian Women MILoRAD MILIČEvIć /Serbia/ – vladika i monasi MIRoSLAv MIšIć /Serbia/ – Crno beli svet

PSA honorble mentions / PSA pohvale WIDAR oLSEn /norway/ – Kornelie WoLFGAnG LoKE /Germany/ – Suyanne no.10 SALvADoR AtAnCE /Spain/ – WInDoW 756 JoERGEn KRIStEnSEn /Denmark/ – Benjamin DARIUSZ LYUBICKI /Poland/ – Reflections

UPI honorable mentions / UPI pohvale ALEKSAnDAR toMULIć /Croatia/ – In the Pavilion HEnDRo HIoE /Indonesia/ – Wondering BoJAn PEtRovIć /Serbia/ – Frames StEFI PRAPRotnIK /Slovenia/ – vineyard in winter

FIAP honorble mentions / FIAP pohvale SvEtISLAv nEDIć /Serbia/ – Portrait 1 MARCo GARABELLo /Italy/ – Riverbero IStvAn KEREKES /Hungary/ – Best friends BRAnISLAv BACKovIć /Serbia/ – Memories RAnKo ĐURovIć /Serbia / – next Generation


Statistics /Statistika


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

Country / Dr`ava Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium BIH Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong S.A.R. Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Kazahstan Korea Luxembourg Macedonia Malasya Malta netherlands new Zealand norway Oman Poland Portugal Romania Russia Samoa Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland taiwan turkey Ukraine UK USA vietnam Wales

SECtIon A / tEMA A SECtIon B / TEMA B SECtIon C / TEMA C SECtIon D / TEMA D Recieved Аccepted Recieved Аccepted Recieved Аccepted Recieved Аccepted Пристигло Примљено Пристигло Примљено Пристигло Примљено Пристигло Примљено

12 8 36 / 20 / 4 / / / 33 10 8 8 20 15 8 47 4 8 28 12 8 14 / 28 4 4 / 8 / / 12 4 8 / 3 / 8 16 / / 38 4 / 20 / 16 4 4 28 15 5 76 20 9 8

7 3 13 / 5 / 1 / / / 11 3 / 8 6 / 2 22 / 6 13 2 2 8 / 13 / 3 / 2 / / 3 1 5 / 2 / 1 10 / / 19 / / 10 / 10 1 4 9 4 3 18 3 5 /

12 48 44 4 32 4 16 4 8 4 106 28 20 16 28 40 28 68 8 24 36 44 20 20 20 72 / 4 / 28 4 4 16 16 12 8 8 8 12 23 4 4 134 4 8 60 12 20 8 4 44 128 7 136 56 20 12

4 17 13 1 10 / 1 1 3 2 51 8 3 5 4 3 6 20 / 16 7 11 11 9 5 25 / 3 / 3 / / 3 3 4 5 8 4 9 7 1 / 31 2 4 15 3 13 4 3 27 24 4 22 20 14 2

12 44 48 4 28 4 16 4 8 4 92 25 16 16 28 36 20 68 8 24 40 52 20 20 20 48 4 4 / 2 4 4 27 13 16 8 8 8 12 20 4 / 132 4 8 60 12 20 8 4 40 127 5 104 60 20 8

4 9 6 / 7 / 1 1 1 / 19 7 4 5 10 1 3 14 2 16 12 9 6 9 4 15 / 2 / 3 / 1 3 3 6 3 3 2 3 6 / / 37 3 / 12 1 4 3 2 20 22 / 20 10 11 1

8 40 48 4 28 4 12 4 8 / 92 27 20 16 28 35 24 56 8 20 37 48 20 20 20 56 4 4 4 28 4 4 16 15 12 8 4 8 12 24 4 / 122 4 8 44 8 20 8 4 32 406 8 92 56 20 12

4 6 7 2 8 / 2 1 / / 4 8 5 4 6 4 / 17 / 6 13 13 10 7 1 20 / / 3 2 1 2 6 4 5 2 1 6 5 7 / / 46 2 1 7 / 13 2 / / 24 5 23 5 6 2









theme / Tema



Recevied works / Pristigle fotografije 618 Accepterd works / Primqene fotografije 238







PSA GoLD MEDAL PSA ZLATNA MEDAQA Maxwell Knowles – Classical






FIAP BRonZE MEDAL FIAP BRONZANA MEDAQA Isolde Stein-Leibold – Pride and Eleganc


FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon / FIAP POHVALA Ivo Borko – Cursed Castle 2


FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon FIAP POHVALA Reinhard Becker – Anne 11

PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon PSA POHVALA Stefano Malfetti – nude 1

FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon FIAP POHVALA Ciaran White – Renaissance


PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon PSA POHVALA PSA POHVALA Frederic Garrido vilajuana – Milasc 01 Luis Pontijas Conde – time


FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon FIAP POHVALA Bojan Petrović – Bwr akt


PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon PSA POHVALA Achim Koepf – Kristin#16

PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon PSA POHVALA Poul Brath – nude 2


FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon FIAP POHVALA Svetislav nedić – Muppet

norberto Dante Righetti – vick

Bart Zandbergen – 1967 Diana at Kootwijk


Emilio Galander – Piernas 2

Erdélyi Ákos – Body

NUDE Ali osman Aydin – Lady in circle


Daniela Pichler – tina3

Marta Szabo – Queen

Donghai Xia – Lure


Ciaran Whyte – Iveta on the stairwell

trond M. Skaret – Jersey girl v

Jacques vanneuville - Sandrine


Frederic Garrido vilajuana – Garden lilies – 01

tim Pile – the blue room

tsun-Hsiung Chian – nude (2)


Xuedong Du – Yearn

Andreas Kuen – Im tuerrahmen

Yunsheng He – tunnel

Henry Ho – Mei Ling

thomas Ley – Zlata 15

Dmitriy vavilov – 2


Reinhard Becker – Kati 1


Frederic Garrido vilajuana – Contra-01

Zoltan Lokos – Dream

Gabor Balogh – Siesta


Antonio Persano – Essence

Stefan Stojanovic – Act

theme / Tema



Recevied works / Pristigle fotografije 1548 Accepterd works / Primqene fotografije 477


FIAP GoLD MEDAL FIAP ZLATNA MEDAQA Reinhold Leitner – Magdalena

oPen coLor 24



oPen coLor 26

FSS GoLD MEDAL FSS ZLATNA MEDAQA Shu Cheung Philip Ho – Shrimpyard nbo


PSA GoLD MEDAL PSA ZLATNA MEDAQA tsun-Hsiung Chian – the tea Garden#2


oPen coLor 28



FSS SILvER MEDAL FSS SREBRNA MEDAQA valerio Perini – orthodox Mass


UPI HonoRABLE MEntIon UPI POHVALA tim Pile – Camelia

oPen coLor 30

UPI HonoRABLE MEntIon UPI POHVALA Lie Chen – the Shadow of netts

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon FSS POHVALA Isolde Stein-Leibold – Carmencita

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon FSS POHVALA Petar Sabol – First Light


UPI HonoRABLE MEntIon / UPI POHVALA Massimo Martini – A Longh the Path


FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon FSS POHVALA Linh Le Hong – Fiishers

oPen coLor 32

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon FSS POHVALA Huu Hung truong – Fisherman

UPI HonoRABLE MEntIon UPI POHVALA Christos Pavlides – Mursi Mother 04

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon FSS POHVALA Andrea Lorenzetti – tiscany 1


FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon / FSS POHVALA Hendro Hioe – Sunday Fishing


Yu Pei Huang – Dart Ian Kippax – new Brighton Shelter

oPen coLor 34

Andreas Kuen – Anna

Helmut Wachtarczyk – take air

Xuedong Du – Desert Camel Bell

Đorđe vukadinović – Boja mora 1


ole Suszkiewicz – Poetry

Dariusz Lyzbicki – Good morning

Leon Pelser – Sunset

Lajos nagy – Autumn in Carpathians 04


Murat Unal – Balat renkleri

Moosa AlRezaiqi – Culture of generations

valerio Perini – Young farmes

oPen coLor 36

Angela Muliani Hartojo – Playing with friend 2

Sitanath Paul – Steps

Alexander Hochhaus – Ray

Martin Zurmuehle – Proud Countess


Suniel Marathe –Face of terror

Guy B. Samoyault – Andalous

Luis Pontijas Conde – 60% water


Pili Garca Pitarch – Etnich group

H.W. Chan – What matter

oPen coLor 38

Zlatko Fišer – Up and down

Yunsheng He – Waiting

Zeling Wu – Spring rhyme

nils-Erik Jerlemar – Umbrella in triangles

Mark Mackojc – Going down


ngai Leung Ip – Window


Leonid Goldin – Lunar attraction

Godfrey Wong – Surfing up

Joseph tam – Braving the storm

Mark Mackojc – old Pier

Bill Hodges – Surfboat chaos 2

oPen coLor

Feng-Lin Chen – Drying persimmons 2


theme / Tema

S/C oPEn MonoCHRoME SLOBODNA CRNO-BELA Recevied works / Pristigle fotografije 1468 Accepterd works / Primqene fotografije 345




OPEN MonochroMe 42

FIAP GoLD MEDAL FIAP ZLATNA MEDAQA Helle Lorenzen – Roundtower Ghosts


FSS GoLD MEDAL FSS ZLATNA MEDAQA Lopamudra talukdar – Freedom


OPEN MonochroMe 44

UPI GoLD MEDAL UPI ZLATNA MEDAQA Barbaros Karagulmez – Cleaning




OPEN MonochroMe 46

FSS SILvER MEDAL FSS SREBRNA MEDAQA Yunsheng He – Inverted Images of Masts



FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon / FSS POHVALA Antonio Semiglia – Luci E ombre

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon / FSS POHVALA Miroslav Mišić – Crno Beli Svet

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon / FSS POHVALA Milorad Miličević – vladika I Monasi

OPEN MonochroMe 48

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon / FSS POHVALA Carsten Meyerdierks – tree&Clouds

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon / FSS POHVALA valerio Perini – Romanian Women

FSS HonoRABLE MEntIon / FSS POHVALA Shu Cheung Philip Ho – Shrimp-Yard


UPI HonoRABLE MEntIon / UPI POHVALA Stefi Praprotnik – vineyard In Winter

UPI HonoRABLE MEntIon UPI POHVALA Bojan Petrović – Frames

UPI HonoRABLE MEntIon UPI POHVALA Aleksandar tomulić – In the pavilion

UPI HonoRABLE MEntIon UPI POHVALA Hendro Hioe – Wondering


Gary Potts – Horseshoe bend

OPEN MonochroMe 50

Lie Chen – Rhythm of sea

Angela Muliani Hartojo – My best friend

Feng-Lin Chen – Plowing

Christian Devers – vers la chapelle

Fu-Mei Lai – Dreamland

Bart Zandbergen – 4761 Luik station

Guenther Breidler – Jin mao tower


Donghai Xia – Holy painting on the beach


Bill Hodges – the Cowboy Brian Hopper – Im not bothered

OPEN MonochroMe 52

Alex trbovich – Green metal

Fred Winfred Price – Alone

Pierluigi Mioli – Dream


Joseph Pirotta – the Entertainer

Martin Zurmuehle – the Spa

Isolde Stein-Leibold – Der Puppenspieler

Dariusz Lyzbicki – Femininity


Le Quang thai – At the break of dawn

Graeme Watson – on his back

Henry Ho – Indigenous volley ball

OPEN MonochroMe 54

Roland Jensen – Crazy horses 1

Joao taborda – Classroom

theme / Tema



Recevied works / Pristigle fotografije 1376 Accepterd works / Primqene fotografije 328


PorTrAIT 56




PorTrAIT 58

PSA GoLD MEDAL PSA ZLATNA MEDAQA Bart Zandbergen – 4646efi


UPI GoLD MEDAL UPI ZLATNA MEDAQA Brian Hopper – Fisherman At Lought Acurry


PorTrAIT 60



PSA BRonZE MEDAL PSA BRONZANA MEDAQA Christian Devers – the Moue


PorTrAIT 62

PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon PSA POHVALA Dariusz Lyubicki – Reflections

FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon FIAP POHVALA Svetislav nedić – Portrait 1


PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon / PSA POHVALA Widar olsen – Kornelie

FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon / FIAP POHVALA Istvan Kerekes – Best Friends


FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon / FIAP POHVALA Branislav Backović – Memories

PorTrAIT 64

PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon PSA POHVALA Wolfgang Loke – Suyanne no.10

FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon FIAP POHVALA Ranko Đurović – next Generation

PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon / PSA POHVALA Joergen Kristensen – Benjamin


PSA HonoRABLE MEntIon / PSA POHVALA Salvador Atance – Window 756

FIAP HonoRABLE MEntIon / FIAP POHVALA Marco Garabello – Riverbero


Selman Yildirim – I am cool

Ruben nasillo – Retrato 4

PorTrAIT 66

Alex trbovich – Badges of the past

Scott Fowler – Slightly wild

veysi Boran – Portrait

Shirley Radden – oliver


Aleksandar tomulic – Portrait K14

Ana Abrao – Sad look

Corrie venant – My girl


Andreas Kuen – Power woman

M Gràcia de la Hoz – Look

PorTrAIT 68

Bob Bishop – Checking the Make-up

Klaus Hofmann – Grazie

ole Suszkiewicz – naima Portrait

Frederic Garrido vilajuana – Issnia-05

Corrie venant – My girl

Joergen Kristensen – Laerke 2


Christian Devers – Fisc


Murat Aslankara – Miners

Massimo Martini – Charcoal

Ian Kippax – Battle fatigue

PorTrAIT 70

László Péli – Jano

ngai Leung Ip – Coal miner

Hendro Hioe – Second life

Rob ten tusscher – Biker-02

Alex Hunter – Sam

Lopamudra talukdar – Suspicious Look


Jiri Steinbach-Ecce Homo5




Emilio GALAnDER PSA EID Piernas 2 norberto Dante RIGHEttI Vick Virtual bird Ingrid Wendy 4 Ruben nASILLo Tranquilamente Formas de Mujer

Australia Chor Yin George CHAn Oriental beauty From the black hole Miss Gay

Austria Andreas KUEn Im Tuerrahmen Akt mit Vase Verdeckt Erotic 2 Daniela PICHLER Tina3 Act Guenther BREIDLER Edit 1 Reinhold LEItnER Pipe Nude 1 thomas RADISLovICH Backwards thomas PICHLER Snezana Tina Walter KUMP Rock akt 2 Farmer and model

Belgium Eugene PonSAERtS Torrent de Cheveux Nude 1 Legrand JEAn LUC Nu d’Amina 2 Dag au charbon Philippe DRAUX Power1

Brazil osmar PECAnHA Old sadness

China Dong YAnG Lean on Providential Yao Chi


Donghai XIA Dreamy Autumn Lure Ge XIAo The Human Body 2 The Human Body 4 Xuedong DU Yearn Yi WAn Lane Yunsheng HE Tunnel Valley Zhiming tAnG Reverie

Croatia Miljenko MARottI Underwater Sleeping beauty Nails

Czech Republic Jiri StEInBACH Profiles Vase Lines Caryatid Petr KLEInER Circle I Butterfly Before the Storm Zdena

Denmark Joergen KRIStEnSEn Yvonne Ditte 2 Poul BRAtH Nude 1 Nude 2 Nude 4 Roland JEnSEn Red Fabric

France Michel DUPoUY Sweet break vanneuville JACQUES Sandrine

Germany Achim KoEPF Kristin #16 Kristin #11 Ninette #18

Alexander HoCHHAUS Touch Woman with jug Deep in thought Isolde StEIn-LEIBoLD Pride and elegance Cyber Nude Schau mich an Perfect housewife Joerg MEES blue smile Klaus HoFMAnn Scherbenfenster Jessica Reinhard BECKER Anne 11 Anne 04 Kati 1 Anne 10 Reinhard BoEMKE Juliette-1-002 thomas LEY Zlata 15 Wolfgang GILGES Table Act 2 Joanna 3 Wolfgang LoKE Rusty Cranberrie

Hong Kong Henry Ho Mei Ling bathing In Sun Rays Yau Ming Charles Ho A lazy afternoon Relax Dim Light Shadow Joyful

Hungary Erdeyi AKoS Body Veiling Bond Ferenc MoLnAR Merci No13 Merci no11 Gabor BALoGH Dance Siesta Marta SZABo Queen Cube Harmony Cinch

Zoltan LoKoS Dream In frame

India Suniel MARAtHE Sleeping beauty Curves

Indonesia Agatha BUnAntA Queen of Jungle Bathing in the river

Ireland Brian HoPPER Veiling The Nude Voiled Nude Purple Ribbon Colette at Stairs Ciaran WHYtE Renaissance Iveta On The Stairwell Jen Longing

Italy Antonio CoPPoLA Anna Denise Antonio SEMIGLIA Chiara n. 2 Chiara n. 3 Chiara n. 4 Antonio PERSAno Power Essence Silk Pierluigi MIoLI Melissa Kim Stana Stefano MALFEttI Nude 1 Nude 4

Korea Il-tae LIM Reflection Composition A Composition B

Macedonia vladimir JovAnovSKI Nude 05 Nude 06

Netherlands Bart ZAnDBERGEn 1967 Diana at Kootwijk 2003 Diana at Kootwijk Frozen moments II

New Zealand Scott FoWLER Working Girl

Norway Rolf tore KJAERAn Birgitte trond M. SKAREt Audery iPm IX Jersey girl V Blind fold II Symmy II

Poland Dariusz LYZBICKI The shape of the woman Red emotions

Romania Daniela RoGoBEtE In tune

Russia Dmitriy vAvILov 1 2 3 nikolai SEDnIn Prism Pyramid The wall by twelve doors valentin KoPALov Akt Dark forest Susanna Autumn

Serbia Bojan PEtRovIć tami V tunnel B W R akt Djordje vUKIČEvIć Twins Girl with mask M Body 1 Dusko CARnIć Ana Ranko DJURovIć Svetlana 1 Svetlana 2 Svetlana 3 Svetlana 4

Stefan StoJAnovIć Woman Act Body Svetislav nEDIć Muppet Pressing Hammersmith Akt2

Slovenia Ivo BoRKo Cursed castle 2 Cursed castle 3 Cursed castle 13 Matej RUKAvInA Feel Heaven`s door Muse Stefi PRAPRotnIK Yearning Zlatko FIšER Black 1 Orange 2 Orange 1

tsun-Hsiung CHIAn Nude#3 Nude#17 Nude#8 Nude#4

Turkey Ali osman AYDIn Lady in Circle Girl Zuzanna 1 Serkan tURAC Nu3

Ukraine Yuriy ZILInSKYY Light story the pearl of sadness Marine illusion

United Kingdom

Jan-thomas StAKE Full moon No5

Ian KIPPAX Fallen Angel Vesta Goddess of Fire Water Nymph John McnAIRn The Coming of the Storm Maxwell KnoWLES Classical Rebecca Amy Alone 2 Phil PoRtUS Girl With Headscarf Nude Kneeling Robert MILLIn Looking Rough and Smooth Trapped Ron tEAR Sheer Joy Back side tim PILE En Pointe Arch The Blue Room The Piano


United States

Martin ZURMUEHLE Garden of Eden Flying High Backside of Flavia White Cloth

David WHItSon Back to Back Mary MILLER Nude In Repose Xin Xin LIAnG Puce

Spain Frederic GARRIDo vILAJUANA Milasc – 01 Contra – 01 Garden Lilies – 01 Eravan – 10 Luis PontIJAS ConDE Time Shadows Dunes Amphitrite Pili GARCA PItARCH La mujer del caudro Salvador AtAnCE Jump from a chair


Taiwan Chi Lai HUAnG Enjoy water Feng-Lin CHEn Hesitant Nude on the Seaside7 Nude on the Seaside6 Fu-Mei LAI Red dancer

Viet Nam Huu Hung tRUonG Model Linh LE HonG Nude 4 Nude 2 Nude 1 tho DAo Considered doi

SECtIon B Argentina


Emilio GALAnDER Fin de pesca PSA CPID En Escena Ruben nASILLo Luz El Nadador

Australia Alex HUntER Sunrise board rider David on the track Chor Yin George CHAn Facing the sea Joseph tAM Crazy Horse Braving the Storm Gotcha ! Mark MACKoJC Old Pier Shift in flight Going Down Richard CLAASE Lone Cottage Robert BRItCHER Ladies Campdraft Windorah t.P HUYnH Help Me Crazy Horse 3 Alone Wai Man tSIM Boats In Fishery Tall Pillars (1) Red Umbrella

Austria Alois BERnKoPF Im Herrgottswinkel Andreas KUEn Anna Nebelschwaden Sibirischer Uhu Guenther BREIDLER Erzberg Rodeo 1 Reinhold LEItnER Magdalena Jasmin Mandrill God of war Stefan nAGY Red Shoes theo StREItFELDER Rushhour Dying Swan thomas RADISLovICH Ballerina

Bahrain nazar AL HADDAD Waiting long

Belgium Beauraind MARCEL La demoiselle des brumes Lusveil de Belle Christian DEvERS Sur le chemin Blue tunel Chapelle & corbeaux Francois HUFKEnS Splash Legrand JEAn LUC Plaire aux paras Promenade Philippe DRAUX The Offering4 Cigognes

Brazil Patricia Regina FERREIRA UP

Bulgaria nikolai vASSILEv The Latters of Cheshliantzi

Canada Phillip KWAn Crashing Down Wendi DonALDSon Melancholy Memories Cabbage Tulip

Chile Gonzalo PADILLA Bucalemu Casucha

China Baoli LoU Stand on your Back Dacai XIE No more tears to cry Hardships Review Share and blessing Daoqiong ZHoU A Cowboy Dong YAnG Net matters Surging tea Donghai XIA Working Huian Women Wait for the Time Like a Song Collecting the Nets Ge XIAo Kiss Guohui LUo Morning fishing Out of the window Rushing

Jianxiong ZHoU Looking for Her in the Crowds

Storm boy Jincheng CHEn Gold Mountain Jinming Pan Color ladder â… Kun SHU Bath Wind Whisper Lidong WAnG Harmonious Banyan Tree and Old Man Lie CHEn The Shadow of Netts Crossing by Boat Wait for the Chance Before the Night Lijuan SUn Way back Condensate Autumn Wei WAnG A Family Return at Dusk Xuedong DU Desert Camel Bell Fantastic Shadow Yanchen XU Water maze Spring grazing Yi WAn Ethereal Jehiel Spring Rushing to the Old Man Yunsheng HE Waiting Weaving dreams Sail shade in the morning Zeling WU Morning mist Spring Rhyme Red Slopes Green corrugated Zhibing BAI Homebound Fishermen Feeling of Love Sisters

Croatia Aleksandar toMULIC Green umbrella Storm Branko tEZAK Seoske igre 1 Miljenko MARottI Discrete curve Hair-dress


Mirjana BoČInA Vodeni svatovi2 Vodeni akvarel Vodeni svatovi1 Petar SABoL First light Natural abstract

Cyprus Andreas L AnDREoU Yellow Direction Christos PAvLIDES Mursi Mother 04 Konso Old Lady01

Czech Republic Frantisek LAtAL Fields Petr KLEInER Red Dancing Light my fire RED Queen Blue Fly

Denmark Joergen KRIStEnSEn Jive Andreas Mike DYRBERG White Cloud and Bridge ole SUSZKIEWICZ Poetry

Finland Marjatta SInISALo A bench with a view Seppo tUoMAALA Stop! Bodies

France Guy B. SAMoYAULt Andalous Michel DUPoUY Disappointed hope Paul MARtIn Fluo apple Serge vALLon Salto barre fixe 2 Masque or bleu Croisement vulcania biplan

Germany Achim KoEPF Antarctica #769 Alexander HoCHHAUS Expecting Alleyway Ray Carsten MEYERDIERKS Trace & Trees Muizenberg, South Africa Fragile Helmut WACHtARCZYK Take air


Isolde StEIn-LEIBoLD Carmencita Am Fenster Memories Joerg MEES Bird of prey Klaus HoFMAnn Turban Hirtenjunge Ratomir RADoMIRovIć Passage volker FREnZEL Skateboarder Wolfgang LoKE Golden Girls Rusty Blue Girl Wolfgang GILGES Esther 2 Nostalgie

Hong Kong H.W. CHAn What matter Against in the Mother's breast

Her home Henry Ho Vertical Prostration Ming-Fat, Fat CHEn Back from field Cycling and trees Color lake ngai Leung IP Window Sunset Go to market Shu Cheung Philip Ho Shrimpyard n Boat Fishing at Dawn 2 Peaches Lady Yau Ming Charles Ho Water Dance Trawling Dragon Boat festival

Hungary Erdeyi AKoS dance Gabor BAKoS Farm House Gabor BALoGH Alone Shadow Istvan KEREKES Life Laszlo PELI Wake up Billy Cobham

India Kallol MAJUMDAR Hide & Seek

Sanghamitra SARKAR Enjoying the rain together Shirish JHAvERI Zebra glasses Sitanath PAUL Steps Suniel MARAtHE Only for you Out of frame Smoky lady Face Of Terror Suryaprakasarao vADDADI Vaporizing river v K R S SARMA Journey Before Rain Dance with drums

Indonesia Agatha BUnAntA Riding Horse 1 Angela Muliani HARtoJo Cow Race 5 Playing With Friend 2 Hendro HIoE Sunday Fishing Working Together Noodle Makers Going Home after Fishing Slamet ADIJUWono Cow race Quiet Soewignyo KoESnADI Splash fighting Lonely boat

Ireland Andreas nEIER Crete Senesi II Killua Castle Brian HoPPER Prize Fighting Cocks Dunluce Castle Ciara in Motion Ciaran WHYtE Windswept Lost In Thought Ballerina Sean DUnnE Frosty pond

Israel Ksenia BABUSHKInA Breaking the frame Leonid GoLDIn In Different Directions Fathers and Children maternity Hospital Lunar Attraction


New Zealand

Massimo MARtInI A longh the path Tuscan landscape eight The valley of the mist Fiery sky Andrea LoREnZEttI Tiscany 1 Antonio CUnICo Pubblicity Run Medy Run Antonio SEMIGLIA Suleiman Antonio CUnICo Marchin Band Enrico GAZZInI Minirugby#3 Luca AntonIonI The mask in the mirror Marcello MAtERASSI Traditional sunday dress Turkish artisan Old woman and old kitchen Marco GARABELLo Walk Pierluigi MIoLI Broken wings Resurrection The darkness in the mind The closed door Pietro BUGLI Fishermen to sunset La bicyclette rouge Roberto tAGLIAnI To the pastures valerio PERInI Orthodox Mass Young farmes Popolo Miao-China

Bill HoDGES Now Hear This Surfboat Chaos 2 Scott FoWLER Riding hard

Korea Il-tae LIM Composition Dissatisfaction Yu Pei HUAnG Dart

Macedonia Cvetan GAvRovSKI In honor ov Van Lennep In honor of Vanfleteren It is a girl, it is a boy

Netherlands Ben DALSHEIM Oh,what a Smell Gueen“s Escort Rob tEn tUSSCHER Boy on Step

Norway Rolf tore KJAERAn The viking Rafting trond M. SKAREt Irish women II Widar oLSEn The View

Oman Majid ALAMRI Waiting2 Child3 the great escape Moosa ALREZAIQI On the rocky sides On the rocky sides 2 Culture of generations

Poland Dariusz LYZBICKI Good morning Villa Only one Lost in the garden Pawel KUCHARSKI Moravian Ladies... The Birds... Epilogue... The Temple...

Portugal Ana ABRAo Expressive eyes Expressions 1 Footprints Joao tABoRDA The Tea

Romania Daniela RoGoBEtE Daydreaming Classical Neighbours At the window Lajos nAGY Autumn in Carpathians 04 Mountain pasture valentina StAn Drying Clothes Sidewalk Burano 3

Russia nikolai SEDnIn New Concerns of Red valentin KoPALov Church

viktor KAnUnnIKov Waves Yuri voRontSov Championship race Silence Aliens Frosty day




Stuart CHAPE Japanese macaques 2

Serbia Bojan PEtRovIć Good mom Statue Black Tight vojislav PEštERAC Sautander Branislav BACKovIć Family Djordje vUKIćEvIć Mask Eye Guitar 9 Boja mora 2 Edo IGLIć Ephemerality Men know why Miroslav MIšIć Odlazak Dva drugara Pantelija ILIć Drinski motiv Ranko ĐURovIć Čekanje Slobodan PAJIĆ Ovčarske magle 2 Ovčarske magle 1 Stefan StoJAnovIć Tenderness Svetislav nEDIć Time What did i made Lilith vladimir MILIćEvIć Alone There life Stara Klacevica Dragons nest Zoltan BISAK Family Papa, ma and I Morning flight Zoran MILUtInovIć Ghostly Stork 1 Belgrade 1 Red Path

Singapore Zee Kek HEnG Miss kick Birds lover

Andrej BELovEZCIK Glittering Dollar Line of Life Radimir SIKLIEnKA Goldfinch Burrowing Owl Drago MEtLJAK Four Trees Ivo BoRKo To the light Door to Eden Late afternoons walk Jozica ZAFRED History Photo-action Lili JAZBEC Waiting Marko MULEJ Morning Salt pans Under the Kavkaz Brown pelican Stefi PRAPRotnIK Grandmothers companion Morning in Namib Zlatko FIšER Up and down Wreck

South Africa Carolyn GREAtHEAD The Photographer Masai Style Leon PELSER Sunset

Spain Frederic GARRIDo vILAJUAnA Mafatic – 0 Isela – 01 Onaric – 05 Luis PontIJAS ConDE 60% water The Nereid Magic Circle M Garcia DE LA HoZ Bottles 3 Two bottles Pili GARCA PItARCH Etnich group Day of rain in Venize Nepal man Enigmatic lady Salvador AtAnCE Looking up

Sweden Jan-thomas StAKE Newborn I feel so good

nils-Erik JERLEMAR Umbrella in Triangles Pedestrian Crossing No3

Switzerland Martin ZURMUEHLE Lost World Proud Countess The Gift

Taiwan An Sheng WAnG To Brandish Waterway Catch#4 Hear The Summer Chih Sheng HUAnG I Win Green Cap Spider Ducks go to Beach Mantis Hunting 02 Feng-Lin CHEn Woman Drying Peppers Drying Persimmons 2 Diving Red-crowned Crane Flying Fu-Mei LAI Buddha Have Fun Ming-Hui CHEnG The mothers love 71 On the river scenery 12 tsun-Hsiung CHIAn The tea garden#2 Lonely tree Sailing at the canyon Climbers#3 Yu Pei HUAnG Animals Great Migration Screw Field Village Life Yun Feng PERnG Terraces Avatar's hometown Lion Cattle drink water

Turkey Gulay tAnSU Sorgun-3 Abbara-2 Murat ASLAnKARA view Ali ASLAn Fisher Ali osman AYDIn Mischa 2 Hana 1 Aysegul CELIK SoYSAL Van Barbaros KARAGULMEZ Repair

Ercan AKBULUt Ficher The Struggle Erkan AYDoGAnoGLU SuburbanTrain Fatma DEMIR Waiting Huseyin ERtURK Color 3 Koray oZoZEn Holu Light Balat M.Bilgehan tUZCU Bridge Murat UnAL Curios look Balat renkleri Catching the freedom Serkan tURAC Workman Sky1 Bir Basina veli AYDoGDU Magic Lamp Yavuz BAStERZI Color 8

Ukraine Elena SULEYMAnovA Color 7 Yuriy ZILInSKYY Incarceration Girl that flies Leaving Love

United Kingdom Barbara JEnKIn Feathered Friends Bob BISHoP Avert Your Eyes Kid Sunset on the Pier Colin R WILLIAMS Male Chimps Grooming, Kabale NP David BYRnE What Happens Next Riding his Luck Ian MELLoR Body Paint Ian KIPPAX New Brighton Shelter Sunbeam Talbot Ian tHoMSon Morning Mist Joe GRABHAM Detached Day of the Dahlias John McnAIRn Stranded Malcolm JEnKIn Masks and Feathers

Robert MILLIn Tricky Pass MA Long Pounces Roy MoRRIS High Street, Vinales,

Cuba tim PILE Camelia The Windmill The Oasis Rock Beauty Yin WonG Smoking Chelsea Pensioner

United States David WHItSon The Blue Robe Lady Peacock All Wrapped Up Gary PottS Rattlesnake Canyon After Hours 2 Godfrey WonG Surfing Up Steer Wrestling 38 Skateboard Kid Aerobatic Flying Larry CoWLES Belen in Prayer Fireman John Spyder Web Belen Marie otERo Lady In Red 1 The Golden Hour Mary MILLER Rusty Relic Minhtan tHAI Dream Land Mohammad Ali SALIM Dusk at Beach Sharp toDD We have a Problem Here Susan CoWLES In His Web Belen White Hat And Violin

Viet Nam Huu Hung tRUonG Summer day Early morning Fisherman Depletion Le Quang tHAI An extremely young apprentice

On the way home 3 Golden Leave 1 Linh LE HonG Fishers To The Market Steaming Fish


Phong tRAn Salt makers Drying Fishes tho DAo Lang bottle March salt-2

Wales Brian CoLEMAn Wet prom Pier at twilight


SECtIon C Argentina Emilio GALAnDER PSA EID La Garza norberto Dante RIGHEttI Luciana Aatutinal neatness Ruben nASILLo Compaeros de Jugos Australia Alex HUntER The beer drinker Chor Yin George CHAn Loving in the rain Horse drivers – mono Graeme WAtSon On His Back Joseph tAM Choppy Sea Richard CLAASE Orthodox Church t.P HUYnH Help Me 5 Women Racing Hungry Austria Guenther BREIDLER Jin mao Tower Reinhold LEItnER Vulture 1 Mrs Havanna Stefan nAGY Sister Walter KUMP Kutner Dunay 5 Belgium Christian DEvERS Patatoes field Vers la chapelle Francois HUFKEnS Young girl Oude man Jean Luc LEGRAnD Nu d'Amina Belle descente Philippe DRAUX Flamenco1


Brazil osmar PECAnHA A long walk Bulgaria nikolai vASSILEv With a Grandma Canada Phillip KWAn Great Egret Pick up Stick China Dong YAnG Rhine Donghai XIA The Story of the Sea Holy Painting on the Beach Banyan Tree in the Morning Donglin DEnG Look at Ge XIAo Determinance African Buffalo Duel Guohui LUo Return Feeding Sea people Jincheng CHEn Fish Catcher Rhythm of Sea Yanchen XU Fog locked the East River The morning to catch Yunsheng HE Inverted Images of Masts Ancient rhyme Zeling WU Pastorale 4 Zhibing BAI Catch Fish Zhiming tAnG Morning over the Plateau Croatia Aleksandar toMULIC Walker In the pavilion Man and dog Man in black Branko tEZAK Majka i sin Miljenko MARottI Quartet Petar SABoL Ways Cyprus Christos PAvLIDES Mursi Girl 02 Young Karo Girl 01 Hammer Girl 04 Steven StAvRI Marianne 6

Czech Republic Jiri StEInBACH The Way Head Shadow and light Petr KLEInER Hospital IV Hospital II Denmark Helle LoREnZEn Roundtower Ghosts Cafe Enjoyment Which Way Joergen KRIStEnSEn American Football 3 Bent Ove 2 Speedway 4BW ole SUSZKIEWICZ Old Farm Roland JEnSEn Crazy Horses 1 Manke BW Munken Finland Seppo tUoMAALA Flirting France Michel DUPoUY Final de la lucha Paul MARtIn Intimus Jacques vAnnEUvILLE Petti fere Germany Carsten MEYERDIERKS Tree & Clouds The Dark Hedges Helmut WACHtARCZYK The break Isolde StEIn-LEIBoLD Der Puppenspieler In gedanken Reinhard BECKER Treppenhaus 3 Anne 05 Thomas LEY Latex 19 Latex 18 volker FREnZEL Philharmonie Grey Man Wolfgang GILGES Concert Hall Philharmonie Philharmonie 2 Greece Stelios KARAtHEoDoRoU Biker's figure Vertical lines

Hong Kong H.W. CHAn Brooder Crossing River 5 Look around Henry Ho Indigenous Volley Ball Sparkling Concentration Ming-fat, Fat CHEn Duck farmer The way home Cone maker 2 ngai Leung IP Morning song 2 Shu Cheung Philip Ho Shrimp-yard Breaking Waves Busy Kitchen Sandbreaker Yau Ming Charles Ho Sailing Fun with fountain splash Fishing pond Hungary Ferenc MoLnAR After cleaning No2 Ecstasy No2 Gabor BAKoS Watcher Vinestock patterns Istvan KEREKES Travellers Ashan Poverty With grandpa Laszlo PELI Three pairs Resting Marta SZABo Wing with the clouds Zoltan LoKoS Move 1 India Avanish RAJAn Future Kallol MAJUMDAR Present & Future Lopamudra tALUKDAR Freedom The Little One Soul Searching Revenge Sitanath PAUL Journey Suryaprakasarao vADDADI For Daily Labour v K R S SARMA Combind Netting

Indonesia Angela Muliani HARtoJo My Best Friend Two Runners Sewing Hendro HIoE Wondering Slamet ADIJUWono Across the river 3 friends Ireland Brian HoPPER Kevin The Dredger Im Not Bothered Barber to The Famous Move Over Ciaran WHYtE The Out House Corridor Stranded En Francais Sarah MURPHY Ballerina 05 Israel Ksenia BABUSHKInA Love and music Leonid GoLDIn Taste of black Bread A Black Cat Of Male Friendship Italy Massimo MARtInI Dance of the keyboard After the bridge Shepered Andrea LoREnZEttI Futureworld 4 Futureworld 1 Antonio SEMIGLIA Cuban car Luci e ombre Guajiro Enrico GAZZInI Magico#3 Pierluigi MIoLI Dream Remember valerio PERInI Puppies Romanian women Looks at the window A man and a women Korea Il-tae LIM Like father, like son Work Macedonia Cvetan GAvRovSKI Children from Shutka

Gligor MAKSIMovSKI Morning with Merlin Monroe vladimir JovAnovSKI Photographer Malta Joseph PIRottA The Entertainer Netherlands Bart ZAnDBERGEn 4761 Luik Station 4777 Luik Station Corrie vEnAnt Together New Zealand Bill HoDGES Gent and His dog Gotcha The Cowboy Norway Rolf tore KJAERAn Nora rides trond M. SKAREt Out to dry, Armenia Nirmalas hands Widar oLSEn Bleik Kornelie IV Free Oman Moosa ALREZAIQI Oriental Princess Literal ropes Arabian Sands Poland Dariusz LYZBICKI Femininity Pawel KUCHARSKI Fields in grey... Touching the Clouds... Portugal Joao tABoRDA Classroom Where is the Fish? Romania Daniela RoGoBEtE Into the light Lajos nAGY Highlander The contrabassist Russia Dmitriy vAvILov 9 0 valentin KoPALov Silhouette vitaliy PoDGURCHEnKo Way forward Yuri voRontSov Arrived Memory watch

Serbia Alex tRBovICH October in Belgrade Green Metal Bojan PEtRovIć Frames In the window Silhouette vojislav PEštERAC Arena Branislav BACKovIć Zagonetni čvor Udarna rupa Djordje vUKADInovIć Don`t give upon jour dreams Ada Bojana 1 Ada Bojana 2 Dragan MILEnKovIć Vaspitavanje Fotograf i laste Edo IGLIć Workers Waiting Milorad MILIćEvIć Vladika i monasi Magla u zimskoj noci Miroslav MIšIć Crno beli svet Na vreme Dijagonala Deda Živko Mladen JAnJIć Shadows 092807 Ranko ĐURovIć Ulični svirači 1 Slobodan PAJIć 01. Semegnjevo 02 04. Hrast 02. Ranjena Planina 01 Stefan StoJAnovIć Girl Svetislav nEDIć Requiem for a dreamer Sister of mercy Dream about freedom violeta MILUtInovIć On the Roof vladimir MILICEvIć Dragoslav samoća Window vladimir ĐInIć Potkivač Zoltan BISAK In the train To be alone Singapore Zee Kek HEnG Look forward Lady in black Sand curves

Slovenia Cvetka BoRštnAR Curved line Ivo BoRKo Cursed castle 10 Stolen memories 4 XXI. century foot-bridge Fisherman with broaken net Kristina KRAnJC Followed the trail Lili JAZBEC Triptih Naugty fly Mateja ABSEC Traveler Stefi PRAPRotnIK Vineyard in winter Time is running out Zlatko FIšER Toskana 2 Toskana 3 South Africa Leon PELSER The Zebra Spain Frederic GARRIDo VILAJUANA Onarin – 01 Luis PontIJAS CONDE Help M Garcia DE LA HoZ Child Salvador AtAnCE Surrending Sweden Jan-thomas StAKE My boy No2 nils-Erik JERLEMAR Motion in Triangles No 11 Mine Worker Switzerland Martin ZURMUEHLE The Spa Calm Taiwan An Sheng WAnG Departure#3 A tunnel Chi Lai HUAnG Run ro desert Chih Sheng HUAnG Morning Has Broken 2B Sheep on The Way Home Feng-Lin CHEn Plowing Go Back Candle Rock 2 Fu-Mei LAI Children learn Dreamland Beautiful young girl#2

Lou WEI-YI Cross tsun-Hsiung CHIAn Field of the Fishing Ferry in the beautiful lake Hometown in the dream Mountaineering Party Yu Pei HUAnG assault 2b Fishing Net 2b Terraced fields 2b Increased strength2b Turkey Gulay tAnSU Ulka 8 Hakan toKUC Window Ali ASLAn Ski Sun Barbaros KARAGULMEZ Cleaning Old shoe repairman Oblatation 89 Baris BARLAS Portrait of an Old Man – 04 Ercan AKBULUt The Struggle 2 Erkan AYDoGAnoGLU The Street Gulden oZEnLI Author Hakan MoRSALLI 10 Kemal KAYA Curious point of view Big lips Murat ASLAnKARA Miner Murat UnAL With my brother Among the city lines Raziye Muge KoStEM Alone Sahin AvCI Child Time Alone veysi BoRAn V For-2 United Kingdom Bob FALConER Winter Ice Carl MASon Cheddleton Yard Colin R WILLIAMS Police Barracks School Watching

David BYRnE Winter Light Cross Road Lindisfarne Boats Fred /Winfred/ PRICE Alone Ian KIPPAX Scorpio Watch Tower Orford Ness Perch Rock Lighthouse Joe GRABHAM Hypnotic Maxwell KnoWLES Attitude Ron tEAR Driver and Mate The Gathering Roy MoRRIS Nursery kids, Kerala, India tim PILE Reaching For The Sky Balance The Ballerina Yin WonG Spiral Staircase United States David WHItSon Relaxed Gary PottS Horseshoe Bend High Noon in Antelope Canyon

Larry CoWLES Keeanna with Hood Marvin MILLER Sunrise Death Valley Sharp toDD Wood Block & Tackle Old Car Needs Some Work Susan CoWLES Miss B In Fur BW Belin Violin And Bow Beauty In Brown Fur BW Viet Nam Huu Hung tRUonG To school Dance in the sun Sand ball On the way home Le Quang tHAI At the break of Dawn Taking care of the grandmother

These are my own Linh LE HONG Mother And Child Spirit 2 Phong tRAn Missing Mother Hide Wales Brian CoLEMAn Lamp and shutters



SECtIon D Argentina Emilio GALAnDER CPA EID Analia 2 Alma de Bandoneon Ruben nASILLo Retrato 4 Gaucho Australia Alex HUntER Larry No.2 Sam Chor Yin George CHAn Cowboy Joseph tAM Garry Sue SLAtER Bucket Hat Girl Wai Man tSIM Four Eyes Austria Alois BERnKoPF Alter Monch Hans Andreas KUEn Power Woman Kerstin in red Belinda Johann SCHRIttWIESER Engelbert thomas RADISLovICH Princess Bahrain nazar AL HADDAD Woman from China Happy poor man from Ham Belgium Christian DEvERS Chevet The moue Sweeper Fisc Francois HUFKEnS Kid Bewaker Angst Legrand JEAn LUC Ventilo girl Brazil osmar PECAnHA A ray of hope Ben Bulgaria nikolai vASSILEv Ray Charles China Ge XIAo Old India Xuedong DU Childhood


Yunsheng HE Mother Grandmother Croatia Aleksandar toMULIC Double framed Portrait K14 Scary mask Italian lady Miljenko MARottI Headman Petar SABoL Chimney sweeper Oh life Laugh Cyprus Anthi ALEXAnDRoU With a cup of coffee Christos PAvLIDES Wood Transporter 02 Wood Transporter 01 Steven StAvRI Marianna Marianne 2 Czech Republic Jiri StEInBACH Ecce Homo 1 Ecce Homo 2 Ecce homo 5 Petr KLEInER Father Denmark Helle LoREnZEn Computer Teens Joergen KRIStEnSEn Benjamin Laerke 2 Chili 2 ole SUSZKIEWICZ Maima 2 Naima Portrait Finland Kauko KERAnEn Oldman Seppo tUoMAALA Don Pepe de Chile tatu KoSonEn Peaceful Sleep Antiquarian Book Shop Germany Helmut WACHtARCZYK Dive Isolde StEIn-LEIBoLD Chocholate Joerg MEES Michael Julia

Klaus HoFMAnn Warten Grazie Girl Der Stammesaelteste Reinhard BECKER Katrin 199-15 Mel Beauty Reinhard BoEMKE Kimberly-01 Christiane I Abi2-001 Roland HEInZL Liv I Wolfgang LoKE Suzanne No.10 Rusty Girl No.2 Sonia No.6 Hong Kong H.W. CHAn Look far ahead Henry Ho Earthquake Survivor Finding Neighbors ngai Leung IP Coal miner Grandma grandson Pretty Girl Hungary Erdeyi AKoS Street musician Ferenc MoLnAR Remembrance No3 Istvan KEREKES Best friends Kasi Tearful eyes Hindu look Laszlo PELI Groove problem Gypsy voivod Horseherd portrait Jano Marta SZABo Girl Whether? Zoltan LoKoS Portrait India Lopamudra tALUKDAR Look My Model Polly Suspicious Look Model Portrait Malay BASU Old age toto tribe Sanghamitra SARKAR The black queen Who am I

Sitanath PAUL Desolate look Suniel MARAtHE Prayer Yet Long To Go Balwant Rao Suryaprakasarao vADDADI Magnetic Look v K R S SARMA Safe Place Indonesia Agatha BUnAntA The Smiling Man Enjoying the old days Old Woman 2 Angela Muliani HARtoJo Angry Old Lady The champion Hendro HIoE second life Old Carpenter Soewignyo KoESnADI Papua Gorgeous Ireland Brian HoPPER Fisherman at Lough Acurry Sean Kelly Vintage Car Enthusiast Ciaran WHYtE Mika Flame A Portrait Of Fredau Sean DUnnE D2-Sean Dunne-old man Israel Leonid GoLDIn When Trees Were Big Italy Massimo MARtInI Charcoal Andrea LoREnZEttI Truth behind the door 1 Antonio CoPPoLA Indian Woman Antonio SEMIGLIA Car repair The driver Ibrahim Enrico GAZZInI Joy Laura Luca AntonIonI Smoking the cigar...1 Marcello MAtERASSI Seriousness With wrinkles Antonia

Marco GARABELLo Riverbero Friends Roberto tAGLIAnI Toward the light Kadel Orissa man valerio PERInI Leonard The Best The Smoker Luxembourg Willy A. SUYS The old cap Happy Mother Hmong Girl Macedonia Ivan MIHAJLovIć Nena vladimir JovAnovSKI Trainworker Malaysia Danny Yen Sin WonG Aging Malta Joseph PIRottA The World is His Oyster 1 Inseparable Netherlands Bart ZAnDBERGEn 4646 Efi Corrie vEnAnt Redhaired innocence Nice face My girl Rob tEn tUSSCHER Tatoo-02 Biker-02 New Zealand Lynn CLAYton Sophie Holly with Attitude Scott FoWLER Wet & Curly Slightly Wild Norway Rolf tore KJAERAn Ingebjorg sad Polish viking Megasexy Suoer Model Widar OLSEN Tears Kornelie Oman Moosa ALREZAIQI One morning Mask for old woman Poland Dariusz LYZBICKI Reflections

Miroslav MIšIć Danijela Kroz objektiv starog aparata The Strength of an Expression1 Mladen JAnJIć Just Happy Shepherd 124925 Cuban happiness Portrait 150127 Joao tABoRDA Predrag FILIPovIć Suspicious Safe place 1 The Shadow Ranko DJURovIć Romania Next Generation Daniela RoGoBEtE Pogled Innocence Na kucnom pragu Unuttered questions Slobodan PAJIć Lajos nAGY Konstantin Milošević Go away VSM M Cowherd in rest Bez frule u Prislonici valentina StAn Stefan StoJAnovIć White Man Waiting inspiration Russia Portrait Dmitriy vAvILov Svetislav nEDIć Portret 5 Portrait1 Portret 8 Portrait of a photographer valentin KoPALov Portrait Portrait vladimir MILIćEvIć Portrait of Man Memories viktor KAnUnnIKov Ruster Chinese actress 2 vladimir ĐInIć Yuri voRontSov The Smoker Piero Autoportret Old acguaintance vojislav PEštERAC Serbia Djurdja 825 Alex tRBovIć Zdravko SIMIJonovIć Foggy Smile Portret 13 Almond Eyes Portret 14 Badges of the Past Portret 15 Eyes Color Sadness Zoltan BISAK Bojan PEtRovIć Portrait Z. Natalija Singapore Jasmina Zee Kek HEnG Black portret Pipe smoker My world Out of net Branislav BACKovIć Slovakia Memories Andrej BELovEZCIK Heroes snowy street This is a Real Santa Djordje vUKIćEvIć Slovenia Smoke Drago MEtLJAK Lace Two Smiles Portrait 5 Ivo BoRKo Lace and lips The Fates 1 Hadzi Miodrag MILADInovIć Jozica ZAFRED Miner328 Celestial Portret from German Lili JAZBEC Monk Pavle Widow tree time Djuriczeljko ĐURIć Marko MULEJ Two years later Morning news Milivoj vASILJEvIć Zlatko FIšER Agata Mara 1 Can you see me Guru look 1 Milorad MILIćEvIć Portret Portugal Ana ABRAo Sad Look

Spain Frederic GARRIDo vILAJUAnA Lia – 01 Issnia – 05 Sira – 01 M Garcia DE LA HoZ Marina Arnau Pettit cafa Look Pili GARCA PItARCH Old sheperd Man of Orchha Naxi woman Rajashtani Salvador AtAnCE Window 756 Old man 76 Sweden Jan-thomas StAKE Marie in red Judy in gold Turkey Ali ASLAn Reflector Ali Osman AYDIn Hana 2 Barbaros KARAGULMEZ Scarred Baris BARLAS Triathlet – 165 Gray twins – 01 After the war Ercan AKBULUt Fisherman Fatma DEMIR Gipsy girl Koray oZoZEn Sultan M.Bilgehan tUZCU Businessman Murat ASLAnKARA Miners Kabadayi Childrens Murat UnAL My uncle Mahcup Nine nurten oZtURK Traces of Yesterday S.Belkis tURKMEn Little girl Selman vefa YILDIRIM I am cool Serkan tURAC no name veli AYDoGDU Dont Look veysi BoRAn Portrait

Yavuz BAStERZI 14 13 16 Ukraine Elena SULEYMAnovA 14 15 Yuriy ZILInSKYY Dream Assiduous student Such a life United Kingdom Bob BISHoP Red Head Steampunk Checking the Make-up Bob FALConER I'm listening Carl MASon Danger In The Dark Colin R WILLIAMS Looking Up School Friends Fred /Winfred/ PRICE Avenged Ian KIPPAX Battle Fatigue Edwin Danielle Joe GRABHAM Rochester John McnAIRn Fredau Paul RADDEn Tommy Electric Proms Conductor Denis Phil PoRtUS Market Success Cara Robert MILLIn Girl in the Alley Moroccon Artist Shirley RADDEn Oliver Looking Back tim PILE Wall Beauty United States Marie otERo Boudoir Girl Marvin MILLER Samantha Red Hat Mary MILLER Micah Mohammad Ali SALIM Old Man with Red Scarf

Sharp toDD Fishing Boat & Fisherman Viet Nam Huu Hung tRUonG Smoke Linh LE HonG The Time 7 Phong tRAn Lovely Child In grandmother's Arms Ayun Childrens Tho DAo D1- tears Wales Brian CoLEMAn Half face Ian LEDGARD Denis pose 1


the 2nd International Salon of Photography Čačak 2012 2. Me|unarodni salon fotografije ^a~ak 2012 Editor / Izdava~ Foto kino klub ^a~ak i Helicon Publishing , Pan~evo Editor-in chief / Za izdava~a Dragoslav Mirkovi} / Dragoslav Mirković technical support and corerspondent / Tehni~ka podrπka i korespondent Milica Mirkovi} / Milica Mirković Graphic Design / Dizajn kataloga Tijana \in|i} / tijana Đinđić Print / [tampa InPRInt. doo, Čačak Circulation / Tira` 600 978-86-84963-51-4

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 77.04:069.9(497.11)"2012"(083.824) 77.04(100)"20"(083.824) МЕЂУНАРОДНИ салон фотографије (2 ; 2012 ; Чачак) 2. међународни салон фотографије Чачак 2012, 14. 11. 2012 - 05. 12. 2012. = 2nd International Salon of Photography Čačak 2012. - Чачак : Фото кино клуб ; Панчево : Helicon Publishing, 2012 (Чачак : Inprint). - 80 стр. : фотогр. ; 21 x 21 cm Упоредо срп. текст и енгл. превод. - Тираж 600. ISBN 978-86-84963-51-4 a) Међународни салон фотографије (2 ; 2012 ; Чачак) - Изложбени каталози COBISS.SR-ID 194496012


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