Ceramic World Review China 2013

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n World production and consumption of ceramic tiles n Ceramics China 2013 2013 C eramic W orld technology news markets R eview 陶 瓷 世 界 评 论 陶 瓷 世 界 评 论 ISSN 1121-0796


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advertiser’ list advertiser’ list contents 5 editorial Greetings to Ceramics China 2013 Fabio Tarozzi 2013广州陶瓷展致辞 6 world news 20 economics World production and consumption of ceramic tiles Paola Giacomini - Luca Baraldi 世界陶瓷砖生产消费报告 focus on DIGITAL DECORATION 40 Digital Present and Future: the evolution continues Gian Paolo Crasta 数字化的现状与未来:演变进行时 62 100% digital ceramics 100%数码陶瓷 64 Special inks for unique surfaces 为独特的表面处理效果而生的特殊墨水 66 products Cover picture by: Giancarlo Pradelli Anno 23, Chinese Edition Supplemento al n° 101 Aprile/Maggio 2013 Periodico bimestrale » » Asean Ceramics 2013 69 Bmr 21 Ceramicure by Ebi Ltd 8 Colorobbia Espana 33 Efi Cretaprint 61 Esmalglass 39 Fritta 55 Händle III cop Hito 73 Icf & Welko 9 Industrie Bitossi 15 Intesa 35 L.B. 7 Manfredini & Schianchi 17 Mectiles 23 Plastorgomma Service 49 Poppi Clementino 2 Remas 19 Sacmi IV cop Setec 18 Siti B&T Group II cop Smaltochimica 25 Surfaces Technological Abrasives 80 System 4 Tecnargilla 67 Tecnoferrari 11 Tecnografica 27 Torrecid 37 Vetriceramici 53 Wanxing 1 Weflex 29 Xaar 45 Xieta 13 ZS tech 31 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 3
systemceramics.com 400 dpi (每英寸点数) 每分钟 40米 4级灰度 每滴墨可达 80皮升 6 个喷头组 无线条 我们也改写了数字化的历史

Greetings to Ceramics

China 2013

On behalf of ACIMAC, the Association of the Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics, I would like to express my warmest greetings to the Chinese institutions and to the operators of the Chinese ceramic industry.

Ceramics China represents a major chance for both Chinese and Italian companies to communicate and to strengthen their long-lasting cooperation.

The world ceramic market requires every day better quality tiles, for the production of which the best available technologies are needed. Italian technology for ceramics, world leader in terms of quality and innovation, will be

represented in this year’s exhibition by several top companies, which will present their latest solutions and newest technologies.

Confirming the support of our Association to the exhibition, we wish to all the exhibitors, visitors and organizers a very successful Ceramics China 2013.


ACIMAC(意大利 陶瓷机械及设备制

造商协会)向中国 陶瓷行业的中国机

构和业内人士致以 最亲切的问候。 中国(广州)国际陶 瓷工业技术与产品 展览会对中国公司 和意大利公司而言 都是一个沟通和巩 固两者长期合作的 主要机会。 世界陶瓷市场要求 瓷砖的质量逐日上 升,因此要生产这 样的优质瓷砖,就 需要目前能达到最 好的技术。在质量 和创新方面都是世 界行业内佼佼者的 意大利陶瓷技术,

将在今年的展览会 上由几家顶尖公司 作为代表参展,这 些公司将展示他们 各自最新的解决方

案和技术。 为表示我们协会( 意大利陶瓷机械及 设备制造商协会) 对这个展览会的支 持,我们对参加本 届展会的所有参展 商、观展商和展会 主办方表示祝愿, 祝愿2013中国(广 州)国际陶瓷工业 技术与产品展览会 圆满成功。 意大利陶瓷机械设 备制造商协会 (ACIMAC)主 席。  Fabio Tarozzi 2013广州陶瓷展致辞 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 5

In January this year, LB Officine Meccaniche signed a major agreement with Del Conca group to supply two plants for the group’s US facility, consisting of the “raw materials preparation and continuous mill feeding” section and the “spray-dried powder storage and press feeding” section. Relations between LB and Del Conca, a leading porcelain tile manufacturer operating in both Italy and the United States, date from the early 1990s and have strengthened steadily over the years. The hi-tech plants covered by this agreement fully satisfy the production

requirements for porcelain tile and will enable Del Conca to further increase the technical and aesthetic value of its products. The project allows for numerous production layouts that optimise usage of spaces and resources and allow for a high degree of flexibility.

The plant is designed to accommodate future expansion without the need to stop production or perform radical restructuring work. The LB plant is currently at the design and construction stage and will be started up by the beginning of 2014.

Luzarte, a high-quality sanitaryware manufacturer that has been operating in Brazil since 1961, has chosen Sacmi to complete a new plant upgrade project in its facilities in Caruaru in the state of Pernambuco. The new plant, which was delivered at the end of October and put into production in just one month, is made up of an automatic glazing line with a 4-position carousel and an 8-axis GA 2000 robot. Complete with off-line programming and a mass control system for the monitoring and optimization of the quantity of glaze applied, the GA 2000 glazing ro-

bot stands out for its reliability and precision, ensuring top quality glazed surfaces and minimum glaze wastage. Sacmi has also supplied the 4-movement loading/unloading system which is driven by electric motors equipped with inverters and position encoders. This enables the pieces to be picked up and deposited on conveyor belts before and after glazing, thus facilitating the quality control procedures performed by operators.

The year 2013 has marked a new milestone for CMF Technology. As part of a sales agreement with Indah Ceramica, a number of technologies including the Recolor dosing and dry colouring modules will be installed at the Kuching (Sarawak) based company over the coming months. These new devices will enable the Malaysian company to improve its plant engineering

flexibility and product range. Also in Malaysia, CMF Technology will soon be involved in a plant engineering upgrade at the company MML, where it will be making major changes to the existing Tech Towers.

盘传送带和8-轴 GA2000机器人的自动 施釉线组成。GA2000 施釉机器安装了离线编 程系统和管理优化施釉 数量的整个控制系统, 它的优势在于性能稳 定,操作精准,能确保 绝佳的上釉质量以及釉 料消耗到最低。萨克米 还提供4-位装载/卸载 系统,该系统由配备有 变流器和位置编码器的 电动机驱动。这样,上

6 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 world news
巴西制造商Luzarte选择萨克米(Sacmi)施釉 线
B razilian manufacturer l uzarte chooses s acmi glazing line
高质量产品卫浴制造商 Luzarte已选择萨克米 完成其位于伯南布哥州 卡鲁阿鲁的工厂进行新 设备升级项目。该新装 置在10月底交付,短 短一个月内就投入生 产,由一条配有4-位转
B wins order from d el c onca ’ s us facility
釉前后的产品能被捡起 并置于传送带上,从而 有利于操作员进行质量 控制程序。 l
LB获得Del Conca美国生产基地的订单 CMF科技为马来西亚提供设备
cmf t echnology supplies equipment to m alaysia
今年1月份,LB Officine Meccaniche公司与Del Conca集团签署了一份 重大协议,为该集团的美 国生产基地提供2条生产 线,包括“原材料制备和 连续球磨机喂料”部分 和“喷雾干燥粉末贮存和 压机喂料”部分。LB和 Del Conca( 领先瓷砖制造 商,在意大利和 美国均有生产 线)的合作关系 始于20世纪90 2013年对于CMF科技而 言是具有里程碑意义的 一年。作为与马来西亚 Indah Ceramica公司之 间销售协议的一部分, 包括Recolor配料和干燥 着色模块在内的 大量技术将在未 来几个月里安装 在位于 Kuching(古 年代初期,这些年来二者 之间的关系稳步加强。本
源的使用,具有高度的灵 活性。该生产线旨在适应
晋)(沙捞越 (Sarawak))的公司 里。这些新设备将能够使 马来西亚公司提升其工厂 的工程灵活性,并扩宽其
协议中涉及的高科技设备 完全满足Del Conca的瓷
未来的扩展,而无需停止 生产或进行重大的重组工 作。LB的生产线目前在设 计和施工阶段,将于2014 年年初启动。
产品范围。另外也是在马 来西亚,CMF科技很快 将参与到MML公司的工 厂工程升级中,MML公 司将对目前的Tech Towers做出重大改变。


You are coming to CERSAIE to discover the ceramic trends of 2014. For the first time, you will also discover the technology you can use to produce the ceramic tiles of 2015.

lb-technology.com 40 th ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE LB In contemporary with CERSAIE 2013

B& t w hite supplies plant to i casa

SITI-B&T Group’s b&t White division is one of the technology suppliers to Brazilian company Icasa, a major player in the world sanitaryware industry. Following the excellent results achieved with the first station supplied by the Italian group around two years ago, the Brazilian company, based in Andradas in the state of Minas Gerais, recently started up a second robotic glazing station. Both systems consist of four-position robotic glazing stations complete with twin spray gun, screw pump and mass flow control system to constantly monitor the sprayed glaze quantity. The latest station is equipped with the exclusive BST™ (Boosted Self Teaching) software developed by SITI-B&T Group’s White Division, which optimises the results obtained with programs developed in selfteaching mode. This software creates a two-way link between the programs in self-teaching

mode and the proprietary off-line software specially developed for sanitaryware glazing. The resultant iterative procedure allows for glaze over-spray savings of more than 50% compared with consumption levels typically attained with conventional self-teaching systems. Once the BST™ off-line system has been tested on the second station, it may also be implemented on the existing station.

B&T White为Icasa供应设备

教学模式的程序所产 生的效果。这个软件 为带有自我教学模式

的程序和专门针对卫 生洁具上釉的离线软

件创建了双向链接。 由此产生的叠代过程 相比传统的自我教学 系统可以节省50%以上


BST™离线系统在第2 个施釉站测试成功, 它还可能被应用到现 有的施釉站上。

world news
意大利SITI-B&T集团的 B&T White部门是巴西 公司Icasa的一个技术 供应商,ICASA是世 界卫生洁具行业里举 足轻重的一家企业。 大约两年前,由这家 意大利企业(SITI-B&T 集团)为Icasa供应了 第1个施釉站并取得了 卓越成效以 后,紧接 着,总部位 于巴西米纳 斯吉拉斯州 安德拉达斯 的这家巴西 的公司,最 近开始了第 2个机器施 釉站的建 设。这两个 系统都是由 4-位机器人施釉站组 成,配有双喷枪、螺 杆泵和质量流量控制
系统,可以不断监测 喷釉量。最新的施釉
White部门专门开发的 BST ™ (提升自我教 学)软件,优化自我

c readigit enjoys success

Creadigit, the new digital decoration machine developed by System, is celebrating its first six months on international markets with 40 machines already in operation, mainly at ceramic companies in Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. This sales success is matched by excellent production results, including zero nozzle clogging or malfunctions, the absence of printing defects even when printing with very dark inks which would make uneven strips or banding very noticeable, uniform results when decorating floor and wall tiles and excellent performance over continuous 24-hour production cycles. This very positive performance is the result of the machine’s technological reliability and the development of the StartFire SG-1024 printhead, which is capable of printing at a resolution of 400x400 dpi and with a 40 metre per minute throughput, 25pl, 50pl and 80pl

greyscales, a strong delivery capacity and high levels of efficiency and flexibility. Creadigit is able to deposit between a few grams and several tens of grams of ink per square metre without restricting speed or resolution and without having to reset the jetting parameters.



过连续24小时的生产 周期内保持性能卓越。 该机器极佳的性能源自 机器的技术稳定性及

StartFire SG-1024喷头 的开发应用。 这种喷头能以400x400 dpi的分辨率印刷,每 分钟的吞吐量为40 米,具有25pl、50pl和 80pl灰度级,交付能力 强、效率和灵活性很 高。

Creadigit的每平方米 墨水沉积量在几克到几 十克之间,不限制速度 或分辨率,也无需重置 喷射参数。

SERIES CBM R M icf-welko@icf-welko.it www.icf-welko.it tel. +39-0536240811 ADVERTISING
(System)公司开发 的新型数码印刷机 器,首推上市仅6个月 就已有40台机器投入 生产,买家主要是欧 洲、东南亚和南美的 陶瓷企 业。与 这一销 售上的 成功相 对应的 是其卓 越的生 产效 果,包 括零喷 嘴堵塞 或零故 障率、 即便用 非常黑 的墨水(容易导致线条 不均匀或明显弯曲)印 刷也不会出现印刷缺 陷、使得地板砖和墙砖 的装饰效果统一、在超

z s t ech launches new i tech division

The change of ownership structure of Zs Tech Srl (Sassuolo) was completed on schedule on 7 November last year. It now consists of Bruno Bettelli, co-founder and majority shareholder, and three managers who have been with the company for many years, Andrea Carandini, Fabio Manfredi and Matteo Neri. The four new shareholders acquired the 80% stake owned by Zschimmer & Schwarz Finance S.p.A, a company belonging to the eponymous German multinational, laying the foundations for more effective company growth together with greater operational flexibility. Already well known for its Colormix brand products (colour-matching solutions for the production of screen printing pastes, slips and coloured glazes), Zs Tech recently introduced Itech, the new company division responsible for developing solutions and materials for the production of digital decoration inks (premixers, mills, filtering units and storage systems). The first units installed in recent months

have already proved highly successful. One of the new solutions proposed by Zs Tech is Colorfiller, a system for packaging inks directly on site, allowing them to be supplied in 200 litre drums or 1000 litre tanks. After being connected to the machine, they feed the containers of the chosen size in an automatic and controlled fashion. By virtue of Colorfiller’s filtration system, the ink shelf life begins from the time it is bottled on site rather than from the time it is packaged by the manufacturer. The filtration cycle that the ink undergoes before being loaded in the machine lengthens its shelf life while at the same time reducing problems deriving from nozzle clogging due to the presence of sediment.

意大利Zs Tech公司( 位于萨索洛)于去年11 月7日如期完成所有制 结构的变化。该公司目 前包括有联合创始人和 大股东Bruno Bettelli以 及在公司任职多年的3 位管理者Andrea Carandini,Fabio Manfredi和Matteo Neri。这4位新股东收 购了意大利 Zschimmer & Schwarz Finance公司80%的股 权,该公司属于一家同 名的德国跨国公司。此 举为公司更有效的成长 奠定了基础,也让公 司在操作上更灵活。 Zs Tech的Colormix 品牌产品(生产丝网 印刷材料、卡瓦、有 色釉料的配色解决方 案)已是众所周知, 近期Zs Tech又创建

混合器、磨机、过滤装 置和存储系统)。最近 几个月中首批安装的装 置已经被证明是非常成 功的。 Zs Tech提出的 一个新的解决方案是 Colorfiller,这是一个 现场直接包装墨水的系 统,包装容量可以是每 桶200升或每箱1000 升。连接到机器后,系 统按照指令自动地注满 所选定容器。得益于 Colorfiller的过滤系 统,墨水的保质期从现 场装瓶的时间开始计 算,而非制造商的包装 时间。墨水在装入机器 之前经历的过滤环节延 长了其保质期,同时减 少了由于沉淀导致喷嘴 堵塞而引发的问题。

a ncora g roup in the s panish market

Ancora Group has secured major orders in the Spanish market in recent months through its local branch Ancora Iberia. Villarreal-based company Porcelanosa took delivery of a 36-spindle squaring machine in late 2012 and put it into operation in January this year, Additionally, Grespania has installed a new 20-head oscillating lapping machine for widths of up to 1200 mm, which joins the lapping machine and 4 dryers previously purchased from Ancora.

According to Alejandro Herrador, general manager of Ancora Iberia, these sales offer the first encouraging signs that the Spanish mar-

ket is picking up again after the recent difficult period.

In recent years, Ancora Group has responded to the new production trends by developing machines for large sizes and energy saving technologies. One of these is the new Vulcan B5 burner which has been well received by the Spanish market. In recent months, Ancora Iberia has fitted energy-saving burners onto six kilns: three for Peronda, two for Todagres and one for Pamesa.

world news 10 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013
Zs Tech推出新的Itech部门 西班牙市场上的Ancora集团
班牙市场上的几个主 要订单。位于西班牙 维拉利尔 (Villarreal)的 Porcelanosa公司在 2012年年底采购了一 台36轴的磨边机,并 将于今年一月份 投入使用。此 外,Grespania 安装了一台新的 20头摆动精研 机,用于宽度达 1200mm的瓷 砖,这些机器与 以前从Ancora 购买的研磨机和4 台干燥机一起使 新的部门Itech—负责
销售数据提供了最早 令人鼓舞的信号,就 是西班牙市场在度过
后又开始复苏。 近年来,Ancora集团 通过开发出用于大尺 寸的机器以及节能技 术跟紧了新的生产趋 势。其中,新型 Vulcan B5燃烧器在西 班牙市场上反响不 错。近几个月 来,Ancora Iberia已 经在六个窑炉上安装 了节能燃烧器:三个 是Peronda的,两个 是Todagres的,一个 是Pamesa的。
近几个月里,Ancora 集团已经通过其位于 当地的分支机构 Ancora Iberia稳拿西
开发生产数码印刷墨水 的解决方案和材料(预
据Ancora Iberia
Gruppo TECNOFERRARI S.p.A. for TECNOEXAMINA - Via Ghiarola Vecchia, 91 - 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO) - ITALY Tel. +39 0536 915000 - Fax +39 0536 915045 - www.tecnoferrari.it - info@tecnoferrari.it | CERAMIC | More than 200 machines installed in the most important markets, over 50 of them with XAAR1001 GS12 printheads. UP TO 8 COLOR BARS AVAILABLE VivaJet on line IN THE HEART OF CERAMIC VISIT US AT CERAMICS CHINA 2013 Stand F208-3 Hall 6.1

X aar wins c hinese g reen c eramics a ward

Xaar, the world’s leader in digital ceramic printing technology, has received an award recognising innovations that make a positive environmental contribution to the Chinese ceramics industry. The award for both the individual efforts of Mark Alexander, Director of Marketing at Xaar, and the innovative Xaar 1001 printhead technology was presented at the China Green Ceramics Awards 2012 hosted by the Building & Bathroom Ceramics Association of China. Since its launch into the Chinese ceramics industry in 2010, the Xaar 1001 has been the major

driver behind the rapid adoption of digital inkjet technology for tile decoration.. A key reason for the success of the Xaar 1001 printheads is the combination of Xaar’s Hybrid Side Shooter™ architecture with TF Technology™, a unique ink recirculation system which is underpinned by 54 patents worldwide. The high ink flow rate enabled by TF Technology™ ensures unrivalled reliability and outstanding print quality, even in the harshest industrial environments.

创新技术对中国陶瓷 业环保方面所做出的 积极贡献。由中国建 筑卫生陶瓷协会主办 的2012中国绿色陶瓷 奖典礼上,赛尔市场 总监Mark Alexander 以个人贡献与赛尔 1001喷头技术共同赢 得了该奖项。自2010 年在中国市场上市以

m ey B od t ile adopts new s acmi system

Meybod Tile, founded in the 1980s in Meybod and the first Iranian company to adopt single-firing floor tile technology, is now investing in a new complete plant from Sacmi that is due to start up during the first few months of 2013. The cutting-edge plant includes two 41,000-litre continuous mills equipped with the latest grinding control systems, plus an 11,000-litre spray dryer to provide high output rates with maximum flexibility. The resultant red body powder is fed into a battery of three 5,000-ton presses, each with an infeed clearance of 2250 mm, together with the associated EVA983 vertical dryers. Output will also

include large size tiles produced using latest-generation presses that ensure perfect geometry, outstanding productivity and considerable energy and gas savings. For firing, the line is equipped with two FMS kilns with a 2850 mm entrance width, 110 metre length, a capacity of 6 million square metres per year with minimal waste and maximum firing efficiency. The order also includes new glaze application systems, fully-automated storage systems with laser-guided vehicles and three Nuova Fima sorting lines.

Meybod于20世纪80年 代成立于梅博德,是伊朗 第一家采用一次煅烧地砖 技术的公司。目前 Meybod引进了一套全 新的萨克米设备,预计在 2013年头几个月投产。 该套尖端设备包括两台 4.1万升、配备有最新的 研磨控制系统的连续碾磨 机,以及一个1.1万升喷

赛尔Hybrid Side Shooter™ 结构与TF技 术 ™ 的结合,这是一个 独特的墨水循环系统, 在全球获得了54项专 利。TF技术 ™ 可以让墨 水快速流动,确保了无 与伦比的稳定性和出色 的印刷质量,即使在最 恶劣的工业环境下也能 如此。 压机中,每个压力机的进 料间隙为2250毫米,连接 有EVA983立式干燥器。 运用最新一代的压力机还 能生产出大规格的瓷砖, 确保完美的几何形状、卓 越的生产力并节省大量的 能源和燃气。至于煅烧, 生产线配有2个FMS窑 炉。窑炉入口宽度为2850 毫米,长为110米,每年 产能为600万平方米,浪 费量极小,煅烧效率极

Technology will soon be installing a number of Perfectile dimensional and flatness control units at the Indonesian facilities of Roman Ceramic and Keramindo Indah. The new control units, equipped with latest-generation optical laser sensors, will be installed on existing sorting lines. They will bring substantial improvements to the finished product sorting criteria and will allow

world news 12 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013
赛尔荣获中国绿色陶瓷奖 Meybod瓷砖采用新的萨克米系统
最近,陶瓷数码印刷 技术领域的世界领军 企业英国赛尔公司获 得了中国绿色陶瓷奖 项,此奖用以表彰其
率率和最大的 灵活性。由此 产生的红体粉 末送入一连串 的3个5000吨 来,赛尔1001就成为瓷 砖装饰领域迅速采用数 码喷墨技术的主要驱动 力。赛尔1001喷头取得 成功的一个关键因素是
高。 该订单还包括新的施 釉应用系统、全自动存储 系统、激光导引车辆以及 3条Nuova Fima分拣线。 i ndonesia chooses p erfectile 印度尼西亚选择Perfectile CMF
personnel usage to be optimised. CMF
service centre in
that provides a fast and effective technical support service for lo-
CMF科技很快将在 Roman Ceramic和 Keramindo Indah位 于印度尼西亚工程的设 施上安装许多 Perfectile的 尺寸和平整度 控制装置。这 个配备了最新 一代光学激光 传感器新的控制装置, 将被安装在现有分拣线 上。它们将给成品分拣 标准带来重大改进,让 人员使用得到优 化。CMF科技目前在 印度尼西亚拥有一个服 务中心,能够为当地客 户提供快速有效的技术 支持服务。
Technology has a
cal customers.

The Serenissima group, an important Italian porcelain tile producer, is planning a new investment at its factory in Rubiera (Reggio Emilia) with the aim of increasing production efficiency. For the raw materials preparation department, last December the company signed an agreement with its long-trusted supplier LB Officine Meccaniche for the supply of a

storage plant consisting of 25 silos complete with devices for management and treatment of spray-dried powders and subsequent press feeding lines. The plant is currently at the installation stage.


商Serenissima集团目 前正在计划在其

位于鲁别拉(意 大利雷焦艾米利

亚省)的工厂进 行一项新的投 资,以提高生产 效率。对于原料 制备部门,去年

System Group member company Nuova Era recently strengthened its position in the Russian market, winning orders from St. Petersburg-based company Zao Keramin and the Belarusian firm Keramin Minsk. Last December, it shipped two kiln unloading machines, two equipped lines, five Robofloor machines and platform loading/unloading machines for fired product storage to the Zao Keramin facility, which can now produce 7,600 sq.m of double fired wall tiles a day in sizes ranging from 200x300 mm to 600x900 mm. A longstanding supplier to Belarusian firm Keramin Minsk, in February 2013 Nuova Era completed the sec-

ond stage of a contract to provide equipment for the production of porcelain tile in sizes from 300x300 mm to 600x1200 mm. The plant consists of three glazing lines complete with accessories, four Robobox machines for loading and unloading of unfired products in 60-layer boxes, a kiln loading machine, two kiln unloading machines with equipped connecting lines and a system for storing fired products on platforms using two Robofloor units.

最近,西斯特姆集团 (System Group)成员 公司Nuova Era从圣彼 得堡的Zao Keramin公 司和白俄罗斯的 Keramin Minsk公司赢 得订单,从而强化了其 在俄罗斯市场的地位。 去年12月,Nuova Era 将2个窑炉卸货机、2条 设备齐全的生产线、5台 Robofloor智能设备和用 于煅烧产品存储的承接 台装载、卸载机器运往

Zao Keramin的工厂, 现在Zao Keramin每天 可二次煅烧墙砖的产量 达7600平方米,规格从

12月该公司与其长期信 赖的供应商LB Officine Meccaniche公司签 署了一份协议,后者为 其供应一个贮藏装置, 组件包括25个筒仓,以 及配有喷雾干燥粉末管 理与处理设备的分布式 压机喂料生产线。该装 置目前正处安装阶段。 200x300毫米到600x900 毫米不等。 Nuova Era 是白俄罗斯Keramin Minsk公司的长期供应 商,2013年2月履行了双 方某一合同的第二阶段, 为生产300x300毫米到 600x1200毫米规格的瓷 砖提供设备。设备包括3 条配件齐全的施釉线、4 台用于装载和卸载未经煅 烧产品的Robobox智能 存储设备、1台窑炉装载 机器、2台配有连接线的 窑炉卸载机器以及1个由 2个Robofloor装置组成 在平台上存储煅烧产品的 系统。

r o B atech in c hina

China is subsidiary of the Swiss multinational Robatech AG, operating in the sector of gluing equipment for the ceramic industry. It has been established for over 12 years, its head quarter is located in Guangzhou but has established several branch offices and service centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wuhan and Qingdao regions with warehouse for spare parts and service. Robatech China can boast a team with 5 sales engineers, and 7 services engineers , each of them trained at the Robatech Training Centre in Switzerland, able to provide

world news 14 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013
LB为Serenissima集团提供技术 Nuova Era征服俄罗斯和白俄罗斯
l B supplies technology to the s erenissima group n uova e ra conquers r ussia and B elarus
Robatech(乐百特)在中国 Robatech
competent service and supply original parts to local ceramic companies. 乐百特(中国)是瑞 士跨国公司Robatech AG(乐百 特)的分公 司,经营针 对陶瓷行业 的上胶设备 领域业务。 该公司在中 国建立已有 12年之久, 总部设在广 州,并且已 经在北京、 上海、杭 州、武汉和青岛地区 建立了多个配有提供 备用零件和服务仓库 的分店和服务中心。 让Robatech(乐百 特)中国分公司引以 为豪的是它们一个团 队里有5名销售工程师 和7名服务工程师,这 些在瑞士的 Robatech(乐百特) 培训中心接受过培训 的工程师能够为当地 陶瓷公司提供优质服 务和原装机器零件。
Cut-to-fit wear resistant solutions for the ceramic industry ALUBIT LEONARDO C High density alumina balls for dry grinding CHOOSE THE ORIGINAL ALUBIT PRODUCTS, ALUBIT LEONARDO GRINDING MEDIA is the new generation of high density alumina products developed by Industrie BitossiTechnical Ceramics Division ALUBIT LEONARDO new formula comes with increased hardness, higher density and an extremely low consumption rate ALUBIT LEONARDO ball charges are customized in order to cut grinding time, increase mill output, reduce industrial costs EXCELLENCE, MADE IN ITALY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF www.industriebitossi.com

siti -B& t g roup and the newly - formed siti -B& t i ndia at i ndian c eramics

SITI B&T Group and the newly formed SITI-B&T India took part in the eighth edition of Indian Ceramics from 19 to 21 March at the University Exhibition Centre in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The opening of the new Italian branch marks an important step forward in the ongoing geographical expansion of SITI-B&T Group and offers a solid response to the growing demand for local products and services. While consolidating existing relations and establishing new contacts, it aims to offer a high-quality technical service and innovative technologies for the entire ceramic production process. It provides a wide range of services catering for all requirements, from maintenance to upgrades for improved plant efficiency and productivity. At the exhibition the Group displayed its latest developments in the plant engineering sector along with its innovative technologies for digital inkjet decoration, while graphic design projects were showcased by its partners Pro-

ecnoferrari g roup

Following its success in a number of Asian countries including India, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, Tecnoferrari (Fiorano, Modena, Italy) is now focusing on the Chinese market through participation in Ceramics China (Guangzhou, Stand F-208-3, Hall 6.1). The group’s technology is already appreciated in China, where two well-known companies have adopted the innovative Vivajet digital machine. This machine delivers a number of significant benefits, including compactness, ease of use and reliability together with effective, simple and low-cost solutions for colour management. Further benefits are all-round service during start-up, remote support and training prior to delivery and during start-up. Drawing from its extensive ex-

jecta Engineering and Digital Design.

The SITI-B&T Group’s digital decoration technologies were also presented on 15 and 16 March in the Sri Lanka Ceramics & Glass Symposium held in the Upper Crystal Room of the Taj Samudra Hotel in Colombo. The company, represented by product manager Marco Ferrari and sales area manager Maurizio Pulvirenti, presented the innovative digital glazing line consisting of the Evolve/Evoplus digital decorating machines, the Evovision diagnostics tool and the Evostore mobile warehouse capable of storing up to 7 complete colour bars, allowing the effects and colour range available on each line to be expanded.


perience in the field of digital decoration based on more than 200 installations, Tecnoferrari will be setting up a local customer care service with highly qualified personnel ready to provide technical support and spare parts on a just-in-time basis. Collaboration between the local team and Tecnoferrari’s Italian staff will play an important role in solving problems and developing new printer functions. In particular, the decision to train operators and designers prior to printer installation will reduce start-up times and create a team capable of managing the entire digital process.

SITI B&T集团在不断推 进的全球地理扩张中 向前迈进了重要一 步,同时为当地不断 增长的产品和服务需 求作出了积极的回 应。在巩固现有的合 作关系并建立新合作 关系的同时,集团的 目标是为整个陶瓷生 产过程提供优质技术 服务和创新技术。集 团提供的广泛服务满 足了从维护到为提高 工厂效率和生产率而 进行升级的各类要


会,会上也展示了SITI B&T集团的数字装饰技 术。产品经理Marco Ferrari和销售区域经理 Maurizio Puvirenti代 表SITI B&T集团,展示 了创新数码施釉线。这 条施釉线由Evolve/ Evoplus数码装饰 机,Evovision诊断工 具和能够存储多达7个 完整彩颜色通道的 Evostore移动仓库组 成,使每条生产线上可 供使用的效果和颜色范 围得以提升和扩展。

16 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 world news
B&T集团和新成立 的SITI B&T印度公司参 加了于2013年3月19 日到21日在印度古吉 拉特邦艾哈迈达巴德 的大学展览中心举行 的第八届印度陶瓷工 业展。新一家意大利 分公司的开张标志着
来展示。 3月15日到16 日,在科伦坡泰姬陵萨 姆德拉酒店(Taj Samudra Hotel)的 奢华水晶宫举行了斯里 兰卡陶瓷和玻璃研讨
团展示了工厂工程领 域的最新发展以及数字 喷墨装饰的创新技术, 而平面设计项目由由其 合作伙伴“Projecta 工程和数码设计公司”
继在亚洲多个国家或地 区,包括印度、台湾、泰 国、马来西亚和印度尼西 亚取得成功之 后,Tecnoferrari (意大利 莫德纳(Modena)的 Fiorano),现在通过参加 中国(广州)国际陶瓷工 业技术与产品展览会(展 位号:F-208-3,6.1号馆) 专注中国市场。集团的技 术在中国已经受到青睐, 有两家知名公司已经采用 了该集团的创新Vivajet数 码机器。这种数码机器有 许多重要优点,包 括机器体积小、操 作简单、可靠性 高,同时可为颜色 管理提供有效、简 单、低成本的解决方案。其 他更多的好处包括启动过程 中的全方位服务,发货前和 启动过程中的远程支持和培 训。 以其通过200多个安装 设备在数码装饰领域得到的 广泛经验,Tecnoferrari将 建立本地客户维护服务,通 过高素质的工作人员随时提 供及时的技术支持和备用零 件。本地团队和 Tecnoferrari意大利工作人 员之间的合作将在解决问题 和开发新打印机功能方面发 挥重要作用。特别是在打印 机安装前对操作人员和设计 师进行培训这一决定将减少 机器的启动次数,并建立一 个能够管理整个数码进程的 团队。

Less than two years since its first digital machine began production, Tecnoexamina (part of TecnoFerrari Group) has sold its 200th VivaJet unit. The machine’s compact size, reliability and simplicity are the key characteristics that have enabled it to establish itself rapidly worldwide, both in long-established markets and in areas that are newcomers to the field of digital ceramic decoration. This success owes much to the decision to use XAAR printhead technology. Alongside the well-established GS6 printhead, the unit was recently equipped with the new GS12 with control technology. More than 50 VivaJet units have been sold and started up so far with the new printhead.


world news
t ecnoe X amina enjoys success in the digital decoration sector Tecnoexamina 在数码印刷领域大获成功
从生产第一台数码机器 开始不到2年的时间 内,Tecnoexamina( 隶属于TecnoFerrari集 团)已经卖出了第200 台 VivaJet装置。体积 小巧、性能稳定、操作 简易等关键特点让该机 器能迅速在全世界范围 占有一席之地,进入的 市场包括成熟稳定的市 场以及刚刚兴起数码印 刷技术的市场。这一成 功在很大程度上归功于 XAAR喷头技术的使 用。除了一直使用的 GS6喷头,该机器最近 配备了具有控制技术的 新GS12喷头。目前安 装了此新喷头的 VivaJet装置已经卖出 了50多台。

B mr reports strong 2012 results

BMR, a leading Italian manufacturer of end-of-line technologies for ceramic tile production based in Scandiano, province of Reggio Emilia, has reported excellent results for 2012, maintaining a positive trend throughout the year. It completed numerous installations of squaring and lapping lines in the facilities of top producer companies in all the major world markets. There were tentative signs of recovery in the Spanish market, where BMR supplied equipment to two new customers through its representative SEM. These consisted of a squaring line to Argenta Ceramica and a lapping and squaring line to Ceramicas Fanal. It also continued its longstanding relationship with Porcelanosa with the installation of a new lapping machine. BMR’s market position was boosted by the development of dry technology,

which is applied both to the squaring machines traditionally used for tiles (the award-winning Squadra® Dry exhibited at Tecnargilla 2012) and to the production of heavy clay products. BMR has entered this latter sector with Ecobrick, an innovative brick squaring system that contributes to greater energy savings and care for the environment. The company is now looking to 2013 with cautious optimism. In April it will be taking part in the Technoceramica section of Mosbuild (Moscow, 16-19 March) with the presentation of Leviga, a machine for polishing, smoothing, satin finishing and lapping porcelain tiles that is particularly suited to the Russian market given the popularity of polished tiles.


总部位于意大利雷焦艾 米利亚省斯坎迪亚诺的 BMR公司,是意大利领 先的陶瓷生产终端技术 生产商。该公司公布了 其2012年的业绩:全年 保持上升走势,非常喜 人。它为全球所有主要 区域市场的顶级生产公 司的工厂安装了不计其 数的磨边线和研磨线。 其中,西班牙市场有潜 在的复苏迹象,在这个 市场上,BMR通过代理 人SEM为两名西班牙新 客户供应了设备,包括 给Argenta Ceramica 公司提供的磨边线和给 Ceramicas Fanal公司 提供的研磨线和磨边 线。此外,它还为 Porcelanosa公司安装 了新的研磨机,继续着 二者长期的合作关系。 BMR的市场地位因干燥

技术的开发而得到提 高,干燥技术可应用于 生产瓷砖的磨边机(在 2012年意大利里米尼国 际陶瓷技术展 (Tecnargilla 2012)上获 奖的Squadra® 干燥技 术),也可用于重型粘 土制品的生产。BMR凭 借Ecobrick进入了后一 个领域。Ecobrick是一 个创新的砖块磨边系 统,能更大程度的节约 能源、保护环境。 对于 2013年,BMR持审慎的 乐观态度。4月份它将 参加建材展Mosbuild的 Technoceramica展会 (莫斯科,3月16-19 日),并展示用于抛 光、磨平、缎面处理和 研磨瓷砖的Leviga机 器。鉴于俄罗斯流行抛 光砖,该机器尤其适合 俄罗斯市场。


World production and consumption of ceramic tiles

Giacomini - p.giacomini@tiledizioni.it Luca Baraldi - l.baraldi@tiledizioni.it

The 2011 edition of Ceramic World Review’s annual survey of world production, consumption, exports and imports of ceramic tiles paints a positive picture with 9-10% growth in all indicators, in line with the recovery reported the previous year: world production up 10.1%, consumption up 10.2% and imports/exports up 8.7% (this latter the only figure lower than that of 2010, which was +12%).

Like every year, access to new sources and information has enabled us to check and in some cases correct the figures for previous years. This is largely due to the contributions of the trade associations representing the leading ceramic producer countries and the individual companies and researchers who for years now have been collaborating with our magazine on the survey, whom we wish to thank. ***

1) In 2011 world tile production broke the 10 billion sq.m barrier to reach 10,512 million sq.m, 10.1% up on the 9,546 million sq.m of 2010. Almost all areas of the world showed growth. Asia produced 7,179 million sq.m (12.9% up on 2010, an additional 820 million sq.m almost entirely absorbed by growth in China, Iran and India), bringing its share of world production to 68.3%. Europe achieved a

20 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013
世界陶瓷砖 生产消费报告
2011年《陶瓷世界评论》杂志对世界陶瓷砖的生产、消费 和进出口所做的年度调查描绘了一个乐观的图景,即所有 指标增长9-10%,印证了上一年度的复苏预期——世界产 量增长10.1%,消费增长10.2%,进出口增长8.7%(只有进 出口数字低于2010年的
与每年一样,我们利用新的资料和信息使得我们可以检查 这些数据并纠正了几年前的一些若干数字。这些数字大都
产量从11.28亿增长到11.78亿平方米(较2010年增长 economics WORLD MANUFACTURING AREAS AREAS 2011 (Sq.mt Mill.) % on world production % var. 11/10 EUROPEAN UNION (27) 1,178 11.2 +4.4 OTHER EUROPE (Turkey included) 490 4.7 +7.0 NORTH AMERICA (Mexico included) 284 2.7 +4.2 CENTRAL-SOUTH AMERICA 1,051 10.0 +10.0 ASIA 7,179 68.3 +12.9 AFRICA 326 3.1 -11.2 OCEANIA 5 0.0 0.0 TOTAL 10,512 100.0 +10.1 WORLD CONSUMPTION AREAS AREAS 2011 (Sq.mt Mill.) % on world consumption % var. 11/10 EUROPEAN UNION (27) 929 9.0 -2.1 OTHER EUROPE (Turkey included) 520 5.0 +10.7 NORTH AMERICA (Mexico included) 398 3.8 +2.4 CENTRAL-SOUTH AMERICA 1,118 10.8 +10.8 ASIA 6,844 66.0 +13.3 AFRICA 517 5.0 +1.6 OCEANIA 44 0.4 0.0 TOTAL 10,370 100.0 +10.2
是贸易协会给我们提供的。这些贸易协会代表了主要陶瓷 砖生产国,以及与我杂志调查方面已有多年合作的个别公 司和研究机构,我们杂志在此感谢他们。 *** 1) 2011年,世界瓷砖产量突破100亿平方米,达到 105.12亿平方米。与2010年的95.46亿平方米相比增长 了10.1%。几乎世界所有地区都呈现了增长态势。亚洲 产量为71.79亿平方米(较2010年增长了12.9%,8.2 亿平方米的增长量几乎全部来自中国、伊朗和印度市 场),使亚洲瓷砖产量占世界的68.3%。欧洲增长较 少,从15.86亿增长到16.68亿平方米(增长了5.2%) ,占世界产量的 15.9%。具体来看,欧盟(27国)的


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smaller growth in production, up from 1,586 to 1,668 million sq.m (+5.2%) and equal to 15.9% of world production. In greater detail, the European Union (EU-27) saw an increase in production from 1,128 million to 1,178 million sq.m (4.4% up on 2010), while non-EU Europe reported a rise from 458 to 490 million sq.m (+7%). In the American continent, total production reached 1,335 million sq.m (12.7% of world production). Central and South America saw an increase from 955 to 1,051 million sq.m (+10%) due to the growth in production in Brazil, while in North America production reached 284 million sq.m (4.2% up on 2010). The only area that suffered a fall in production was Africa, down 11% on 2010 to 326 million sq.m. This contraction was almost exclusively attributable to a fall in production in Egypt, the largest producer country in the continent. The country saw extremely strong expansion in previous years and is likely to make up for the losses in the future.

2) In 2011 world tile consumption reached 10,370 million sq.m (10.2% up on the 9,410 million sq.m of 2010). The only area where demand fell was the European Union, down from 949 to 929 million sq.m (-2.1%), where the recovery in consumption in Germany, France and Poland was not sufficient to offset the lower demand in almost all other EU countries. Asia on the other hand again reported the biggest growth in world consumption, up 13.3% to a total of 6,844 million sq.m, 66% of world consumption. China, India, Iran, Vietnam, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Iraq were the main countries behind the increase. Central and South America also registered growth in consumption of more than 10%, up from 1,008 to 1,118 million sq.m (+10.8%), driven by Brazilian demand. NonEU Europe saw 10.7% consumption growth to 520 million sq.m due to strong demand in Russia and Turkey. There were smaller increases in North America, where demand reached 398 million sq.m (+2.4%), and in Africa with 517 million sq.m (+1.6%). Here the falls recorded in Libya and Egypt were offset by growth in Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco and Ghana.

3) The comparison between the various continents’ contributions to world tile production and consumption maintained the past pattern in which the two values have been substantially similar, demonstrating that tiles tend to be produced near their areas of consumption. Asia accounted for 68% of production and 66% of world consumption, Europe (EU + nonEU) 16% and 14% respectively, the Americas 13% and 14.6% and Africa 3% and 5.5%.

Imports/exports as a percentage of world consumption re-

4.4%), 而欧洲的非欧盟国家从4.58亿增长至4.9亿平 方米 (增长7%)。在美洲大陆,总产量达到13.35亿 平方米(占世界产量的12.7%)。 巴西的产量增长使中南美洲的总产量从9.55亿增长到 10.51亿平方米(增长了10%)。而北美产量达到 2.84 亿平方米(较2010年增长4.2%)。唯一产量下降的 地区是非洲,较2010年下降了11%,降至3.26亿平方 米。这主要是由非洲大陆最大瓷砖生产国埃及的产量 下降所导致的。前几年,埃及瓷砖增长强劲,有可能 在将来弥补损失。

2) 2011年,世界瓷砖产量达到103.7亿平方米 (较2010 年的94.1亿平方米增长10.2% )。 唯一需求下降的 地区是欧盟,从9.49亿下降至9.29亿平方米(下降了 2.1%)。而德国、法国和波兰的消费复苏不足以抵消 在欧盟几乎所有国家中都存在的更低的市场需求。 另 一方面,亚洲仍然是世界上最大的瓷砖消费地区。消 费增长了13.3%,总量达到68.44亿平方米,占世界 消费量的66%。中国、印度、伊朗、越南、印度尼西 亚、沙特阿拉伯和伊拉克是主要的消费增长国。中南 美洲的瓷砖消费量增长超过了10%,从10.08亿增长 至11.18亿平方米(增长10.8%),这主要是由于巴西 市场的需求旺盛。由于俄罗斯和土耳其的旺盛市场需 求,欧洲的非欧盟国家的瓷砖消费增长了10.7%,达 到了5.2亿平方米。北美洲消费小幅增长,需求量达到 3.98亿平方米 (增长2.4%)而非洲为 5.17亿平方米( 增长1.6%)。利比亚和埃及的需求下降被尼日利亚、 阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥和加纳的增长所抵消。

3) 各个大陆瓷砖生产和消费的对比结果维持了过去的态 势,即生产和消费值基本相同,表明了瓷砖的生产 地靠近消费地。亚洲陶瓷砖的生产和消费占世界陶瓷 砖的生产和消费的比例分别为68%和66%,欧洲(欧 盟国家加非欧盟国家)为16%和14%,美洲为13%和 14.6%,而非洲为3%和5.5%。 相对于2009年和2010年,进出口量占世界消费的比例 仍然保持不变,为20.5%。

4) 相对于2010年,2011年世界瓷砖出口量上升8.7%,

Exclusive content
22 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 WORLD EXPORTING AREAS AREAS 2011 (Sq.mt Mill.) % on world consumption % var. 11/10 EUROPEAN UNION (27) 711 6.9 +4.6 OTHER EUROPE (Turkey included) 138 1.3 +10.2 NORTH AMERICA (Mexico included) 67 0.6 +10.3
AMERICA 114 1.1 +10.9 ASIA 1,070 10.3 +14.2 AFRICA 28 0.3 -40.3 OCEANIA 1 0.0TOTAL 2,130 20.5 +8.7 INTERNATIONAL TRADE 2011 (on Total World Consumption) Import Export 20.5% Domestic sales 79.5%

mained unchanged relative to the 2009 and 2010 values at 20.5%.

4) In 2011, world exports rose by 8.7% relative to 2010, up from 1,960 to 2,130 million sq.m. With the sole exception of Africa, which fell by 40% to 28 million sq.m, all the other areas experienced positive trends. Asia exported 1,070 million sq.m (+14.2%), equivalent to half of total world exports. The second largest area in terms of export volumes (with 33.4% of world tile exports) was the European Union, which exported 711 million sq.m (+4.6%) due to a further recovery on the part of Italy and Spain. There was an increase in exports from non-EU Europe (from 126 to 138 million sq.m, +10.2%), and likewise from Central and South America (up 10.9% to 114 million sq.m) and North America (+10.3% to 67 million sq.m).

从19.6亿增加至21.3亿平方米。除非洲下降40%(至 0.28亿平方米)外,所有其他地区都呈现正增长态

势。亚洲出口量为10.7亿平方米(增长14.2%),占 据世界瓷砖出口总量的一半。世界第二大瓷砖出口地 区(占世界瓷砖出口量的33.4%)是欧盟。意大利和 西班牙的进一步复苏,使欧盟出口达到7.11亿平方米 (增长4.6%)。欧洲的非欧盟国家的出口量增加(从 1.26亿增长至1.38亿平方米,增长了10.2%),同时中 南美洲(增长了10.9%,至1.14亿平方米)和北美洲( 增长了10.3%,至0.67亿平方米)的出口也有增加。


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5) 中国已连续15年成为世界上最大的瓷砖生产国、消费 国和出口国,庞大规模已经推动了世界瓷砖生产、消
24 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013
COUNTRY 2007 (Sq.m
4. IRAN 250
5. ITALY 559
6. SPAIN 585
10. MEXICO 215
12. THAILAND 130 130
13. RUSSIA 135 147 117
14. POLAND 112 118 112
15. UAE 76 77 77
16. MALAYSIA 75 85 90
17. SAUDI ARABIA 34 40 55 56 78
18. USA 51 59 53 60 63
19. MOROCCO 50 51 54 56 60 0.6 7.1 20. UKRAINE 27 39 44 52 60 0.6 15.4 21. ARGENTINA 60 60 56 58 58 0.6 0.0 22. PORTUGAL 74 74 70 65 57 0.5 -12.3 23. GERMANY 67 59 51 50 55 0.5 9.6 24. COLOMBIA 48 50 50 50 50 0.5 0.0 25. SOUTH KOREA 42 39 42 40 42 0.4 4.5 26. SYRIA 19 28 31 35 35 0.3 0.0 27. TAIWAN 50 40 32 34 34 0.3 0.0 28. ALGERIA 28 28 29 30 33 0.3 10.0 29. SOUTH AFRICA 38 38 32 32 33 0.3 3.1 30. VENEZUELA 30 32 30 30 30 0.3 0.0 TOTAL 7,866 8,177 8,183 9,193 10,142 96.5 10.3 WORLD TOTAL 8,252 8,548 8,533 9,546 10,512 100.0 10.1 In 2011, the 30 major manufacturing countries covered 96.5% of world production
Mill.) 2008 (Sq.m Mill.) 2009 (Sq.m Mill.) 2010 (Sq.m Mill.) 2011 (Sq.m Mill.)
on 2011 world production % var. 11/10
CHINA 3,200 3,400 3,600 4,200 4,800 45.7 14.3
BRAZIL 637 713 715 753 844 8.0 12.1
INDIA 385 390 490 550 617 5.9 12.2
320 350 400 475 4.5 18.8
513 368 387 400 3.8 3.2
495 324 366 392 3.7 7.1
254 270 295 375 380 3.6 1.3
235 275 278 287 317 3.0 10.6
260 225 205 245 260 2.5 6.1
223 204 210 219 2.1 4.3
140 160 200 220 175 1.7 -20.5
128 132 149 1.4 12.9
126 136 1.3 7.6
112 119 1.1 6.3
90 90 0.9 0.0
90 82 0.8 -8.9
0.7 38.4
0.6 3.6



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5) As the world’s largest producer, consumer and exporter of ceramic tiles, the sheer scale of China’s volumes has powered world growth in production, consumption and exports for over 15 years. The Chinese industry and market remain difficult to quantify given the very large discrepancies between available figures (estimates for production capacity vary from 8 to 10 billion sq.m/year). However, according to our estimates China increased its production by 14.3% in 2011 to reach 4,800 million sq.m, equivalent to 45.7% of world production. There was a comparable growth in consumption to 4 billion sq.m, or 38.6% of world consumption. Exports of Chinese-made tiles have also risen significantly, from 715 million sq.m in 2010 to 830 million sq.m in 2011 (+16.1%). The destination markets for Chinese exports were: Asia and the Middle East 56.6%; Africa 16.4%; the TOP

值从80到100亿平方米不等),中国的产业和市场仍 然难以量化。但是,根据我们的估计,2011年中国产 量增长14.3%,达到48亿平方米,相当于世界产量的 45.7%。消费相应增长至40亿平方米,占世界消费量 的38.6%。中国产瓷砖的出口也显著增长,从2010年 的7.15亿平方米增长至2011年的8.3亿平方米(增长了 16.1%)。中国瓷砖出口的目标市场为:亚洲和中东 地区56.6%;美洲大陆18% (8.7% 北美洲,9.4%中南 美洲);欧洲6.5%( 欧盟采取反倾销措施后出口量骤 降);大洋洲2.3%。

6) 2011年,巴西成为世界第二大瓷砖生产国和消费国。


Exclusive content 26 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 费和出口。由于手头上的数据差异很大(年产能预计
COUNTRY 2007 (Sq.m Mill.) 2008 (Sq.m Mill.) 2009 (Sq.m Mill.) 2010 (Sq.m Mill.) 2011 (Sq.m Mill.) % on 2011 world consumption % var. 11/10 1. CHINA 2,700 2,830 3,030 3,500
2 BRAZIL 535
3. INDIA 397
8. USA
16. FRANCE 129
17. GERMANY 124
19. UAE 81
20. POLAND 100 103 93
21. IRAQ 10 23 40 60
22. MALAYSIA 53 50 69 80 79
23. MOROCCO 56 60 66 67 72 0.7 7.5 24. COLOMBIA 53 54 53 54 62 0.6 14.8 25. ARGENTINA 55 59 55 58 60 0.6 3.4 26. PHILIPPINES 37 38 40 50 59 0.6 18.0 27. UKRAINE 47 59 48 53 57 0.5 7.8 28. ALGERIA 35 37 40 48 55 0.5 14.6 29. GREAT BRITAIN 75 66 50 51 50 0.5 -2.5 30. ISRAEL 32 33 33 41 44 0.4 7.3 TOTAL 6,859 7,121 7,350 8,234 9,105 87.8 10.6 WORLD TOTAL 8,060 8,350 8,500 9,410 10,370 100.0 10.2 In 2011, the 30 major consuming countries covered 88% of world consumption
605 645 700 775 7.5 10.7
403 494 557 625 6.0 12.2
IRAN 236 265 295 335 395 3.8 17.9
VIETNAM 210 220 240 330 360 3.5 9.1
INDONESIA 178 262 297 277 312 3.0 12.6
SAUDI ARABIA 110 136 166 182 203 2.0 11.6
249 211 173 186 189 1.8 1.7
176 191 139 158 181 1.7 14.4
174 177 163 168 177 1.7 5.4
161 129 138 155 169 1.6 9.2
105 140 170 192 160 1.5 -16.7
120 120 117 130 134 1.3 3.1
199 176 146 145 133 1.3 -8.1
314 240 156 145 129 1.2 -11.0
128 113 118 126 1.2 6.8
112 106 105 118 1.1 12.1
99 99 101 105 1.0 4.5
100 103 1.0 2.5
90 96 0.9 6.7
79 0.8 31.7
0.8 -1.3

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American continent 18% (8.7% North America and 9.4% Central and South America), Europe 6.5% (a sharp drop following the introduction of antidumping measures in the European Union) and Oceania 2.3%.

6) In 2011 Brazil maintained its position as the world’s second largest producer and consumer country. Production has increased steadily for more than 20 years to reach 844 million sq.m (12.1% up on the 753 million sq.m of 2010), while domestic consumption saw 10.7% growth, up from 700 to 775 million sq.m. The Anfacer forecasts point to a further acceleration. Production, driven by extremely dynamic domestic demand (estimated at 829 million sq.m in 2012), may reach 900 million sq.m this year as a result of an installed capacity that totalled 987 million sq.m at the end of 2011 and may reach 1,021 million sq.m in 2012. Exports, shipped almost entirely to Latin American markets, showed a less buoyant performance but recovered the losses of 2010 to return to 60 million sq.m (+5%). Imports continued to grow strongly, up from 11 million sq.m in 2009 to 23 million sq.m in 2010 and 41 million sq.m in 2011, originating almost entirely from China.

7) Again in 2011, the world’s third largest tile producer and consumer country was India, which repeated its 12% growth of 2010 to raise national output from 550 to 617 million sq.m and consumption from 557 to 625 million sq.m. Exports (13 million sq.m) and imports (22 million sq.m almost exclusively from China) continued to be insignificant. For a more detailed analysis of the prospects of the local ceramic industry, which is benefiting from enormous growth in construction investments (estimated at +15% per annum for the next 10 years), see the article by ICCTAS chairman Shreekant Somany published on page 68.

8) In 2011 Italy retained its position as the second largest exporter country after China and the first in terms of value, while it ranked fifth amongst the top producer countries. Pro-

Shreekant Somany所写的文章。 8)2011年,意大利仍然是继中国之后第二大瓷砖出口国。 尽管在瓷砖生产大国中排名第五,但其产值位居第一 位。产量从3.87亿平方米增长至4亿平方米(较2010 年增长3.2%), 而销售总量仍然稳定,为4.13亿平方 米,总交易额为47.16亿欧元(较2010年增长1.9%)。 国内销量急剧下降至1.15亿平方米(下降7%),产值 为11.46亿欧元(下降5.6%),但出口量达到2.98亿平

产量已稳步增长了20年以上,达到8.44亿平方米(与 2010年的 7.53亿平方米相比增长了12.1%),而国内 瓷砖消费增长了10.7%,从7亿平方米增长到7.75亿平 方米。根据巴西瓷砖制造厂商协会的预测,消费量还 会加速增长。由于国内需求极其旺盛,今年的产量有 望达到9亿平方米(2012年预计数字为8.29亿平方米) 。2011年末总生产能力达到9.87亿平方米,而2012年
2011年世界第三大瓷砖生产和消费国是印度。保持了 与2010年一样的12%的增长速度,全国产量从5.5亿平 方米增长到6.17亿平方米,消费从5.57亿平方米增长
增长15%)给本地瓷砖产业带来的前景,可参考第… 页ICCTAS(印度陶瓷砖与卫生洁具理事会)理事长
可能达到10.21亿平方米。出口几乎全部通过海运面向 拉丁美洲市场。尽管2010年有些低迷,但2011年出口 量将达到6亿平方米(5%)。 进口量持续强劲增长,2009年进口0.11亿平方 米,2010年达到0.23亿平方米,2011年达到0.41亿平 方米,几乎全部来自中国。 7)
到6.25亿平方米。出口(0.13亿平方米)和进口(0.22 亿平方米,几乎全部来自中国)量依然很少。如欲 详细了解建设投资的急剧增长(预计以后十年间每年
Exclusive content TOP EXPORTING COUNTRIES COUNTRY 2007 (Sq.m Mill.) 2008 (Sq.m Mill.) 2009 (Sq.m Mill.) 2010 (Sq.m Mill.) 2011 (Sq.m Mill.) % on 2011 national production % on 2011 world exports % var 11/10 1 CHINA 500 570 584 715 830 17.3 39.0 16.1 2 ITALY 379 355 281 289 298 74.5 14.0 3.1 3 SPAIN 333 306 235 248 263 67.1 12.4 6.3 4 TURKEY 104 92 67 84 87 33.5 4.1 4.0 5 IRAN 17 27 40 54 65 13.7 3.1 20.4 6 MEXICO 56 63 52 57 63 28.8 3.0 10.5 7 BRAZIL 102 81 61 57 60 7.1 2.8 5.1 8 VIETNAM 25 25 28 28 42 11.1 2.0 50.0 9 POLAND 30 34 35 32 36 30.3 1.7 12.5 10 UAE 38 34 31 32 36 40.0 1.7 10.9 11 PORTUGAL 37 37 32 31 32 56.1 1.5 4.5 12 THAILAND 25 25 36 32 29 19.5 1.4 -8.1 13 GERMANY 26 28 23 25 27 49.1 1.3 8.0 14 UKRAINE 5 7 6 11 20 33.3 0.9 90.5 15 INDONESIA 22 21 19 20 19 6.0 0.9 -5.0 TOTAL 1,699 1,704 1,531 1,714 1,908 18.4(1) 89.6 11.3 WORLD TOTAL 1,910 1,919 1,750 1,960 2,130 20.5(1) 100.0 8.7 In 2011 the 15 major exporting countries represented 89.6% of total exports and 18.4% of total world consumption. 28 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 (1) Total exports on world consumption.

duction rose from 387 to 400 million sq.m (3.2% up on 2010), while total sales remained stable at 413 million sq.m, generating a total turnover of 4,716 million euro (1.9% up on 2010). Domestic sales fell sharply to 115 million sq.m (-7%) corresponding to a value of 1,146 million euro (-5.6%), offset by exports which reached a volume of 298 million sq.m (+3.1%) and a value of 3,570 million euro (+4.6%). The average export selling price rose to 12 euro/sq.m. Exports rose in both volume and value in virtually all geographical areas: the EU +2.9% by volume and +4.6% in value; non-EU Europe +7% and +11%, respectively; Asia +5.4% and +6.9%, Africa +14.6% and +14.9%; Oceania +3.4% and +11.8%. The only excep-


Exclusive content 30 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 方米(增长3.1%),产值达到35.7亿欧元(增长4.6% ),抵消了内需不足的影响。出口平均售价上升至12 欧元/平方米。几乎所有地区的出口量和出口价值都有 所增长: 欧盟国家产量增长2.9%,产值增长4.6%;非 欧盟的欧洲国家增长7%和11%;
亚洲5.4%和6.9%, 非洲14.6%和14.9%; 大洋洲为3.4%和11.8%。唯一例 外的是美洲,较2010年下降4% (美国下降5.5%)。 意大利仍然是世界上瓷砖生产国际化水平最高的国 家。由意大利瓷砖集团全部或部分控制的20 个公司, 在美国、俄罗斯、西班牙、法国、德国、波兰和斯堪
Europe Americas Asia Africa Oceania Total Italy value: 72.1% 14.0% 10.0% 2.2% 1.5%
71.8% 13.3% 9.7% 3.8% 1.3% 100.0%
Spain value: 55.1% 9.9% 24.0% 10.4% 0.6% 100.0% (=
mill. Euros, +8.3% on 2010) sq.m. 44.0% 8.7% 31.7% 15.1% 0.4% 100.0% (=
mill. sq.m,
on 2010) ITALY: THE TOP EXPORT MARKETS (mill. sq.m ) 2010 2011 1. FRANCE 50.3 53.2 2. GERMANY 39.7 42.3 3. USA 28.6 27.0 4. AUSTRIA 9.8 10.5 5. BELGIUM+LUX 9.3 9.6 6. SWITZERLAND 7.8 8.0 7. GREECE 10.3 7.8 8. CANADA 8.8 7.1 9. UK 6.6 6.7 10. NETHERLANDS 4.9 5.1 11. SAUDI ARABIA 6.4 5.0 12. RUSSIA 4.0 4.7 13. SWEDEN 4.7 4.6 14. HUNGARY 4.1 4.6 15. CROATIA 4.7 4.5 16. ISRAEL 3.9 4.2 17. ROMANIA 4.7 4.1 18. POLAND 3.4 3.5 19. DENMARK 3.4 3.3 20. CZECH REP. 2.8 3.2 21. SLOVENIA 3.0 3.1 22. FINLAND 3.0 2.9 23. SPAIN 2.8 2.9 24. AUSTRALIA 2.3 2.3 25. CHINA 1.9 2.0 Source: Confindustria Ceramica CHINA: THE TOP EXPORT MARKETS (mill. sq.m ) 2010 2011 1. SAUDI ARABIA 62.0 77.5 2. SINGAPORE 31.4 43.8 3. SOUTH KOREA 35.4 40.2 4. USA 34.7 40.0 5. BRAZIL 24.1 37.2 6. THAILAND 29.0 36.6 7. NIGERIA 25.7 35.6 8. INDIA 21.9 35.5 9. UAE 35.3 34.1 10. PHILIPPINES 27.7 27.9 11. VIETNAM 19.5 24.6 12. SOUTH AFRICA 18.5 21.9 13. HONG KONG 16.3 20.4 14. INDONESIA 12.4 20.1 15. KUWAIT 16.6 20.0 16. MALAYSIA 26.7 20.0 17. AUSTRALIA 18.6 19.7 18. GHANA 13.8 19.4 19. MEXICO 11.7 16.9 20. IRAQ 12.5 15.0 21. COLOMBIA 9.9 13.8 22. JAPAN 8.4 10.8 23. RUSSIA 7.4 10.6 24. ISRAEL 9.3 10.4 25. CANADA 12.8 10.4 Source: Un-Comtrade SPAIN: THE TOP EXPORT MARKETS (mill. sq.m ) 2010 2011 1. FRANCE 25.2 26.6 2. SAUDI ARABIA 22.3 26.2 3. ISRAEL 13.0 15.7 4. ALGERIA 7.0 11.2 5. UK 12.1 10.8 6. RUSSIA 9.3 10.4 7. USA 6.9 7.1 8. JORDAN 5.3 6.8 9. ITALY 6.8 6.8 10. GERMANY 6.2 6.7 11. MOROCCO 6.0 6.3 12. PORTUGAL 6.4 6.2 13. NIGERIA 4.8 5.9 14. ALBANIA 5.9 5.7 15. UAE 6.0 5.6 16. IRAQ 3.7 5.4 17. KUWAIT 3.7 4.9 18. GREECE 5.9 4.4 19. ROMANIA 4.1 3.7 20. LEBANON 2.6 3.6 21. UKRAINE 2.4 3.3 22. POLAND 3.1 3.2 23. NETHERLANDS 2.9 2.7 24. MEXICO 2.3 2.7 25. BELGIUM 2.8 2.5 Source: Ascer
100.0% (= 3,570 mill. Euros, +4.6% on 2010) sq.m.
(= 298.3
sq.m., +3.1% on 2010)

tion was the Americas, which saw a 4% fall with respect to 2010 (-5.5% in the USA).

Italy remains the country with the highest level of manufacturing internationalisation in the world with 20 companies controlled entirely or partially by Italian ceramic groups operating production facilities in the United States, Russia, Spain, France, Germany, Poland and Scandinavia. These companies reported good results in 2011 with 5.2% growth in production to 121.7 million sq.m, sales of 127.3 million sq.m (+2.3%) and a turnover of 1,045 million euro (+5.6%). These 20 international companies made more than 83% of their sales in volume in the domestic markets where they are located and just 17% in neighbouring countries.

9) Spain, the third largest exporter country, continued the slow recovery that began the previous year in terms of both production (7.1% up on 2010) and exports (6.3%). Production rose from 366 to 392 million sq.m and exports from 248 to 263 million sq.m, generating a value of 1,892 million euro (8.3% up on 2010) at an average selling price of 7.2 euro/sq.m. France (+6.6%), Saudi Arabia (+17.5%) and Israel (+20.8%) remained the top foreign markets for Spanish tiles, although strong growth was also recorded in Russia (+11.8%), Algeria (+60%) and other Middle Eastern countries including Jordan (+28.3%), Kuwait (+32.4%), Iraq (+45.9%) and Lebanon (+3.8%). The share of non-European exports rose further to reach 44.9% in value and 56% in volume. The strong performance of exports in terms of both volume and value made it possible to maintain the total level of sales (382.3 million sq.m, +0.4%) and turnover (2,597 million euro, +1.9%) in spite of a further sharp contraction of domestic sales, down to 119 million sq.m (-10.5%) and 705 million euro (-12%). Domestic tile consumption dropped to 129 million sq.m (11% down on 2010 and 59% down on 2007, the last pre-crisis year).

10) In 2011 Turkey, the world’s fourth largest exporter, consolidated the recovery that began during the previous two years. Production rose to 260 million sq.m (6% up on 2010), returning to 2007 levels. Domestic sales performed well for the third consecutive year, reaching an all-time high of 165 million sq.m (10% up on 2010), a figure matched only in 2006. Exports also experienced a second recovery, reaching volumes of 87.4 million sq.m (+4%). Export growth in terms of value was even higher (+11%), achieving a record value of more than $531 million. The top export markets for Turkish tiles

(3.823亿平方米,增长0.4%)和营业额(25.97 亿欧元增长1.9%)。国内瓷砖消费量下降至1.29亿 平方米(较2010年下降11%,较经济危机开始之前的 2007年下降59%)。

10) 2011年,世界第四大瓷砖出口国土耳其,继续维持前 两年开始的复苏态势。产量增长至2.6亿平方米(较 2010年增长6%),恢复至2007年的水平。国内销量连 续三年表现不俗,达到1.65亿平方米的历史高点(较 2010年增长10%),追平了2006年的纪录。出口再次 复苏,达到0.874亿平方米 (增长4%)。

出口价值增长更高(增长11%),实现了5.31亿美元 的记录产值。土耳其瓷砖出口市场中出口价值最高的 是德国、以色列和英国,其次是伊拉克(增长77.6%) 和阿塞拜疆(增长27.6%)。 在出口量方面,以色列仍然是土耳其瓷砖的第一出口 市场,出口量为0.107平方米,较2010年下降7.8%。

Exclusive content 的那维亚半岛拥有生产设施。这些公司2011年的业绩 表现不俗,产量增长5.2%,达到1.217亿平方米。 销量为1.273亿平方米(增长2.3%),营业额为
亿欧元(增长5.6%)。这20个国际公司在国内市场的 销量占其总销量的83%以上,在邻国销量所占比例仅
为17%左右。 9)
2010年增长7.1%)和出口(增长6.3%)缓慢复苏。产 量从3.66亿平方米增长至3.92亿平方米,出口从2.48 亿平方米增长至2.63亿平方米,产值为18.92亿欧元( 较2010年增长8.3%),平均售价为7.2欧元/平方米。 西班牙瓷砖主要出口市场仍然是法国(增长6.6%) ,沙特阿拉伯 (增长17.5%)和以色列(增长20.8% )。尽管俄罗斯 (增长11.8%),阿尔及利亚(增长 60%)和其他中东国家(约旦增长28.3%,科威特增长 32.4%,伊拉克增长45.9%,黎巴嫩增长3.8%)的出口 也增长强劲。对非欧洲国家的出口价值占比达到44.9% ,出口量占比达到56%. 尽管国内销量进一步萎缩,下降至1.19亿平方米 (-10.5%),出口价值下降至7.05亿欧元(下降12% ),出口量和出口价值仍表现强势,维持了总体销量 水平
TURKEY: THE TOP EXPORT MARKETS (mill. sq.m ) 2009 2010 2011 1. ISRAEL 9.0 11.7 10.7 2. UK 8.3 8.2 8.6 3. GERMANY 6.7 8.6 8.6 4. IRAQ 1.5 3.7 7.0 5. AZERBAIJAN 4.0 4.8 6.2 6. GEORGIA 4.9 4.2 4.7 7. CANADA 4.4 6.6 4.3 8. GREECE 3.1 3.5 4.1 9. FRANCE 3.2 4.2 4.1 10. ROMANIA 3.2 3.3 2.9 Source: Serkap BRAZIL: THE TOP EXPORT MARKETS (mill. sq.m ) 2009 2010 2011 1. PARAGUAY 6.8 9.4 10.7 2. USA 10.3 8.3 8.1 3. DOMINICAN REP. 5.3 4.5 4.9 4. ARGENTINA 3.9 3.9 4.4 5. URUGUAY 2.6 3.0 3.7 6. COLOMBIA - 1.6 2.8 7. CHILE 2.1 2.7 2.1 8. JAMAICA 1.8 1.5 2.0 9. TRINIDAD 2.3 1.9 2.0 10. HONDURAS 1.3 1.4 1.6 Source: Anfacer 32 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013

in terms of value were Germany, Israel and the UK, followed by Iraq (with strong 77.6% growth) and Azerbaijan (+27.6%).

In terms of quantities, Israel remained the leading export market for Turkish tiles at 10.7 million sq.m, 7.8% down on 2010. Domestic tile consumption returned to pre-crisis levels of around 169.2 million sq.m (9.4% up on 2010) and was entirely covered by local production (imports totalled around 4.5 million sq.m).

Low plant usage rate (63% of installed capacity) continues to be a problem. Furthermore, installed capacity underwent further expansion in 2011 from 406 to 413 million sq.m and is expected to continue to increase following new investments planned for 2012-2013.

11) In 2011 Iran confirmed its position as the fourth largest tile producer and consumer country and overtook Brazil to gain the position of fifth largest exporter. Production increased from 400 to 475 million sq.m (+18.8%) and domestic consumption from 335 to 395 million sq.m (+17.9%). Some 78% of the 65 million sq.m of exports (20.4% up on 2010) were shipped to Iraq (50.7 million sq.m), followed by Afghanistan (8.8 million sq.m) and Turkmenistan (2.4 million sq.m).

12) In 2010 the top 20 importer countries accounted for a total volume of imports of 1,116 million sq.m of tiles, equivalent to 52.4% of total world import/export flows and 10.8% of total world tile consumption. In the relevant table we have included the shares of each country’s total consumption that consists of imports. Imports to all countries with the ex-

国内瓷砖消费恢复至经济危机前的水平,约1.692亿平 方米(较2010年增长9.4%),全部为国产瓷砖(进口 总量仅约0.045亿平方米)。 较低设备利用率(装机容量仅为63%)的问题仍然存 在。2011年生产能力继续增加,从4.06亿平方米增长 至4.13亿平方米。 2012-2013年进行新的投资后,产能有望继续增加。 11)2011年,伊朗跻身为第四大瓷砖生产与消费国,取代 巴西成为第五大瓷砖出口国。产量从4亿平方米增长至 4.75亿平方米(增长18.8%),国内消费从3.35亿平方 米增长至3.95亿平方米 (增长17.9%)。



Exclusive content 34 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013
次是阿富汗(0.088亿平方米)和土库曼斯坦(0.024 亿平方米)。 12)2010年,世界前20个瓷砖进口国的总进口量为11.16 亿平方米,占世界瓷砖进出口总量的52.4%,消费总 量的10.8%。在有关表格中,我们列示了每个国家包 括出口在内的总消费量占世界总消费量的份额。 除俄罗斯、泰国、巴西和哥伦比亚外,对其他所有国 家的出口量占国内消费量的一半以上。 伊拉克、尼日利亚、科威特、以色列和加拿大的进口 量(约93%以上)全部满足国内需求。
45 48 48 46.6 2.3
9 NIGERIA 22 30 29 30 44 100.0 2.1 46.7 10 THAILAND 22 25 28 30 42 31.3 2.0 40.0 11 GREAT BRITAIN 67 58 43 43 41 82.0 1.9 -4.7 12 ISRAEL 30 30 30 39 41 93.2 1.9 5.9 13 BRAZIL 6 11 12 23 41 5.3 1.9 75.5 14 AUSTRALIA 37 31 34 36 35 87.5 1.6 -4.1 15 CHILE 17 25 22 35 33 80.5 1.5 -5.7 16 PHILIPPINES 15 16 21 28 31 52.5 1.5 10.7 17 CANADA 35 30 27 33 30 93.7 1.4 -9.1 18 KUWAIT 16 23 19 20 26 100.0 1.2 30.0 19 COLOMBIA 12 11 11 12 25 40.3 1.2 108.3 20 ROMANIA 33 35 22 25 25 65.8 1.2 0.0 TOTAL 948 962 885 991 1,116 10.8 52.4 12.6 WORLD TOTAL 1,910 1,919 1,750 1,960 2,130 20.5 100.0 8.7 In 2011 Imports of the 20 major importing countries represented 52% of total world imports and 10.8% of total world consumption.
COUNTRY 2007 (Sq.m Mill.) 2008 (Sq.m Mill.) 2009 (Sq.m Mill.) 2010 (Sq.m Mill.) 2011 (Sq.m Mill.) % on 2011 national consumption % on 2011 world imports % var. 11/10 1 USA 202 157 124 130 131 69.3 6.2 1.1 2 SAUDI ARABIA 77 99 116 117 129 63.5 6.1 10.3 3 FRANCE 108 112 101 103 107 84.9 5.0 3.9 4 GERMANY 83 80 78 80 90 76.3 4.2 12.4 5 IRAQ 10 23 40 60 79 100.0 3.7 31.7 6 SOUTH KOREA 66 59 55 59 63 60.0 2.9 6.8
RUSSIA 48 54 30 41 56 30.9 2.6 35.7
UAE 43 55
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ception of Russia, Thailand, Brazil and Colombia made up more than half of domestic consumption. In 5 countries (Iraq, Nigeria, Kuwait, Israel and Canada) imports accounted for all (or more than 93%) of domestic demand.

13) The rankings of the top four tile importer countries remained unchanged in 2011: United States and Saudi Arabia (now almost neck-and-neck), France and Germany, followed in 5th place by Iraq which has overtaken South Korea following 31.7% growth (from 60 to 79 million sq.m, supplied entirely by Iran, China, Turkey and Spain). Only four countries (Great Britain, Australia, Canada and Chile) registered falls in imports. Along with Iraq, the largest increases were in Russia (+35.7%), Nigeria (+46.7%), Thailand (+40%), Kuwait (+30%) and Colombia (+108%).

14) In the United States, the small growth in consumption from 186 to 189 million sq.m was covered on the one hand by a small increase in sales of domestic products (from 56 to 58 million sq.m), largely produced by companies controlled by Italian groups, and on the other by imports, which rose from 129.6 to 131 million sq.m. Imports increased from the two largest supplier countries: Mexico (from 36 to 39.2 million sq.m) and China (from 32 to 36.4 million sq.m, +11%). Italy, the third largest supplier country to the USA, lost a million

Exclusive content 13) 2011年前四大瓷砖进口国的排名如下(与去年一样) : 美国,沙特阿拉伯(前两名现在几乎并驾齐驱),
14)在美国,瓷砖消费呈现小幅度的增长,从1.86亿平方 米增长至1.89亿平方米。这一方面是由于国内产品销 量出现小幅增长(从0.56亿平方米增长至0.58亿平方 米),这些产品大多是由意大利集团控制下的公司生 产的。另一方面,也因为进口从1.296亿平方米增长至
法国和德国。伊拉克取代韩国升至第五位,增长31.7% (从0.6亿平方米增长至0.79亿平方米,全部进口自 伊朗,中国,土耳其和西班牙)。仅有四个国家(英 国、澳大利亚、加拿大和智利)进口量下降。除伊拉 克外,进口量增长最大的国家还有俄罗斯(增长35.7% ),尼日利亚(增长46.7%),泰国(增长40%),科 威特(增长30%)和哥伦比亚(增长108%)。
1.31亿平方米。进口有所增长,主要来自两个最大的 瓷砖供应国: 墨西哥(从0.36亿平方米增长至0.392 亿平方米)和中国(从0.32亿平方米增长至0.364亿平 方米,增长了11%)。作为美国第三大瓷砖供应国的 意大利,损失了百万平米的销量,从0.23亿平方米减 少至0.22亿平方米(北美瓷砖理事会根据美国商务部
36 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013
SHARES OF CONSUMPTION 2011 TOTAL CONSUMPTION 126.0 million sq.m Sales of domestic production 19.0
sq.m Imports 107.0
sq.m Main imports from: 2009
2011 1. ITALY 49.7 50.3 53.2 2. SPAIN 24.5 25.2
3. PORTUGAL 11.8 11.5 12.2 4. TURKEY 3.2 4.3 4.1 5. GERMANY 2.8 2.6 2.4 6. CHINA 2.6 2.7 2.0 Various sources SAUDI ARABIA: SHARES OF CONSUMPTION 2011 TOTAL CONSUMPTION 202.6 million sq.m Sales of domestic production 73.6 million sq.m Imports 129.0 million sq.m Main imports from: 2010 2011 1. CHINA 62.0 77.5 2. SPAIN 22.3 26.2 3. ITALY 6.4 5.0 4. EGYPT 5.5 4.3 5. OMAN 1.6 1.6 6. INDIA 2.0 1.2 Various sources GERMANY: SHARES OF CONSUMPTION 2011 TOTAL CONSUMPTION 117.5 million sq.m Sales of domestic production 27.9 million sq.m Imports 89.6 million sq.m Main imports from: 2009 2010 2011 1. ITALY 39.6 39.7 42.3 2. CHINA 8.2 10.7 9.7 3. TURKEY 5.9 7.0 8.3 4. CZECH REP. 6.3 7.0 7.4 5. SPAIN 6.4 6.2 6.7 6. POLAND 2.3 3.3 4.1 7. UAE 3.8 3.1 3.6 8. FRANCE 3.9 3.4 3.0 9. PORTUGAL - - 1.6 10. AUSTRIA - - 0.7 Source: Industrieverband Keramische Fliesen und Platten USA: SHARES OF CONSUMPTION 2011 TOTAL CONSUMPTION 189.3 million sq.m Sales of domestic production 58.3 million sq.m Imports 131.0 million sq.m Main imports from: 2009 2010 2011 1. MEXICO 34.8 36.0 39.2 2. CHINA 27.2 31.9 36.4 3. ITALY 21.8 23.2 22.3 4. BRAZIL 10.0 8.3 8.1 5. SPAIN 7.1 6.9 6.9 6. PERU 2.3 3.4 3.8 7. COLOMBIA 5.3 5.6 3.6 8. TURKEY 2.5 2.8 2.9 9. THAILAND 7.3 5.4 2.2 10. HONG KONG n.a. 0.8 1.4 Source: TCNA

square metres of sales, down from 23 to 22 million sq.m (the TCNA figures based on values published by the US. Dept of Commerce differ from those published by Confindustria Ceramica, which show exports to the USA falling from 28.6 to 27 million sq.m). The rankings based on values of imports are in the reverse order. With a CIF value of US $455 million, Italy remains firmly in first place followed by China ($299.5 million) and Mexico ($235 million).

15) In Saudi Arabia the growth in domestic demand for ceramic tiles has increased uninterruptedly since 2005 and has doubled over a period of five years. In 2011 its consumption totalled 203 million sq.m (+11.6%), establishing the country as the 7th largest tile consumer. The increase in consumption continues to be met by a corresponding increase in both imports and local production. Imports have risen to 129 million sq.m (+10.3%) and still account for 63% of consumption. They originate largely from China (around 77 million sq.m) and Spain, up from 22 to 26 million sq.m. Saudi Arabia is China’s top export market and Spain’s second. Domestic production saw an even more significant increase, up from 56 to 78 million sq.m (+38.4%). This was due to an additional expansion by Saudi Ceramics, which increased its production to 45.5 million sq.m, and the full-scale start-up of the plants of Future Ceramics and Alfanar. The local producers’ goal of increasingly winning shares of consumption currently covered by imports is demonstrated by the launch of an expansion programme at Al-Jawdah which will enable it to triple its output over the next 3 years.

16) In 2011 France and Germany saw their domestic tile consumptions return to 2007-2008 levels, along with a corresponding increase in imports. Consumption in France increased by 6.8% to 126 million sq.m, of which 107 million sq.m (+3.9%) was imported prevalently from Italy (50%), Spain and Portugal. Consumption in Germany rose to 118 million sq.m (+12.1%), an increase of 13 million sq.m. This was covered by a rise in imports (from 80 to 90 million sq.m, +12.4%) and to a smaller extent by an increase in local consumption. Italy accounted for 47% of Germany’s imports.

17) Amongst the major importer countries, Russia saw one of the largest increases, from 41 to 56 million sq.m (+35.7%). The increase in domestic production (from 126 to 136 million sq.m, +7.6%) was not sufficient to cover the increase in consumption, up from 158 to 181 million sq.m (+14.4%). Imports increased from all the longstanding supplier countries (Belarus, Spain, China and Italy), although the real novelty was Ukraine, which first entered the Russian market in 2010 with 5 million sq.m and saw this figure increase in 2011 to 12 million sq.m (+140%). The Ukrainian ceramic industry has experienced outstanding growth. In the space of 5 years, from 2006 to 2011, production rose from 20 to 60 million sq.m; all 7 of the country’s tile producers reported increases in output in 2011 (Atem, the largest, 21%).

The 2009 crisis interrupted the continuous growth in domestic demand and imports (accounting for around half of consumption) and effectively marked the start of Ukrainian export activity, which grew by 80% in 2010 and 90% in 2011 to reach around 20 million sq.m (69% of which was shipped to Russia). In 2010-2011 domestic demand returned to 57 million sq.m, recovering a portion of the volumes lost in 2009. Imports picked up again in 2011 to reach 17 million sq.m, 30% of consumption.

2.03亿平方米(增长11.6%),使其成为第七大瓷砖 消费国。消费的增长仍然由进口和本国产量的增加来

费量的63%。进口主要来自中国(约0.77平方米)和 西班牙——从0.22亿平方米增长至0.26亿平方米。沙 特阿拉伯是中国第一瓷砖出口市场,西班牙的第二瓷 砖出口市场。 国内产量呈现更大幅度的增长,从0.56亿平方米增长 至0.78亿平方米(增长38.4%)。主要是由于Saudi Ceramics公司增加了产能,使产量增加至0.455亿平 方米,和Future Ceramics及Alfanar公司工厂的全面 启动。尽管国内市场被进口产品所主导,本国厂商依 然致力于获得更多的市场份额。例如,Al-Jawdah已 开始扩大产能,在未来三年内,产量将增长至原来的 三倍。 16)2011年,法国和德国的国内瓷砖消费恢复至2007年 至2008年的水平,同时进口相应增加。法国瓷砖消费 增长6.8%,达到1.26亿平方米,其中1.07亿平方米主 要进口自意大利(占50%),西班牙和葡萄牙(进口 增长3.9%)。德国消费量增加至1.18亿平方米(增长 12.1%),增加了0.13亿平方米。其一方面归因于进口 增长(从0.8亿平方米增长至0.9亿平方米,增长12.4% ),另一方面是由于本地消费的小幅度增长。德国进 口瓷砖的47%来自意大利。 17)在主要的瓷砖进口国中,俄罗斯是进口增长幅度最大

Exclusive content 38 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 公布的数值所得出的数字,与陶瓷工业联盟公布的数
的国家,从0.41亿平方米增加至0.56亿平方米(增长 35.7%)。国内产量增加(从1.26亿平方米增加至1.36 亿平方米,增长7.6%)不足以满足消费的增长,消费 从1.58亿平方米增加至1.81亿平方米(增长14.4%) 。从所有长期供应国(白俄罗斯,西班牙,中国和意 大利)进口的瓷砖都有所增加,而乌克兰在2010年首 次打入俄罗斯市场,出口了0.05亿平方米,而2011年 达到0.12亿平方米(增长140%)。乌克兰瓷砖行业经 历了显著的增长。从2006年到2011年的五年间,产量 从0.2亿平方米增加至0.6亿平方米;2011年,乌克兰 所有七个瓷砖厂商都增加了产量(规模最大的Atem 公司增长了21%)。2009年的经济危机使乌克兰持续 的国内需求与进口(约占消费的一半)增长受阻,但 也同时标志着乌克兰瓷砖出口活动的开始。其2010年 出口增长80%,2011年增长90%,达到0.2亿平方米 左右(其中69%出口至俄罗斯)。2010至2011年,国 内需求回升至0.57亿平方米,挽回了2009年的部分损
字有差异,后者显示对美国的出口从0.286亿平方米 减少至0.27亿平方米)。根据进口价值所做的排名正 好相反。意大利出口美国的到岸价值为4.55亿美元, 仍然稳居第一,随后是中国(2.995亿美元)和墨西哥 (2.35亿美元)。
失。2011年进口再次提振,达到0.17亿平方米,占消 费量的30%.

On 16 November, more than 400 people packed out the Teatro Astoria in Fiorano for the third edition of the Acimac technical conference on the theme of digital ceramic tile decoration. The success of the event came as no surprise given the strong attendance of the two previous conferences held in 2009 and 2011.

Introduced by Acimac chairman Fabio Tarozzi and moderated by Prof. Paolo Zannini, chairman of the Italian Ceramic Society, the conference featured talks by representatives of the leading companies in the sector, who noted that although the digital decoration process has reached extremely high levels of technology, it is still far from having exhausted its growth potential. The search continues for ever more sophisticated technical solutions, materials and applications capable of attaining levels of productivity and quality that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. The key goals of digital technology for both the present and the future are to optimise the process, to integrate it more efficiently and profitably into the production line, and to achieve new targets in terms of the decorative potential of ceramic surfaces, enhanced by new aesthetic effects, material applications and a variety of textures.

The conference presented a total of eleven technical reports addressing all aspects of digital technology, from colour management to the digital workflow, inks and machinery. Several of the presentations were devoted to colour management. Silvia Barbi (Euromeccanica) described the importance of using devices for control and standardisation before and after the digital decoration process. Silvano Filippi (Colourservice) outlined the various hardware and software solutions already available for control, optimisation and repeatability in the digital decoration process. Fulvio Masini (Smac) and Antonio Maccari (Macs Tech) discussed the main advantages deriving from the use of colour management systems such as KeraCromia®, leaving it to the users to present

Digital Present and Future: the evolution continues 数字化的现状与未来: 演变进行时 40 Ceramic World Review chinese edition 2013 11月16日,第三届意大利陶瓷机械设备制造厂商协会 (Acimac)技术会议在费奥拉诺的道夫剧院(Teatro Astoria)举行,本次会议关注数码瓷砖装饰技 术,共有400多人参加。前两次会议分别在2009年和 2011年举办,参与者众多,所以这次会议的成功并不 让人意外。 Acimac协会主席Fabio
水平,但仍有巨大的潜力空间,应继续探索更为先进 的技术解决方案、材料和应用程序,以达到前所未有 的生产率和质量水准。 数码技术现在与未来的主要目标都将是优化该工艺过 程,将其更有效更有益地整合到生产线上,通过美学 效果的提升,材料应用系统的有效应用及纹理的丰 富,从而充分实现挖掘陶瓷表面装饰潜力的新目标。 会议总共提出了11个涉及数码技术的多方面的技术报 告,包括色彩管理、数字化工作流程、墨水和机械装 置。 其中有几个报告是专门针对色彩管理的。来自Euromeccanica公司的Silvia Barbi 阐释了在数码装饰 工艺前后使用设备进行控制和标准化的重要性。 来自Colourservice公司的Silvano Filippi 概述了数码 装饰工艺中控制、优化和可重复性所运用到的各种硬 件和软件解决方案。 来自Smac公司的Fulvio Masini 和Macs Tech公司的 Antonio Maccari 讨论了KeraCromia®等色彩管理 系统的主要优点,并让用户介绍能够展示他们所取得 的成果。
Zannini教授主 持,会议的主要特色是陶瓷行业的龙头企业代表的讲 话,他们指出虽然数码装饰工艺技术已达到非常高的
Gian Paolo Crasta - g.crasta@tiledizioni.it

focus on digital decoration

the results they had achieved. Massimo Franchini (Colorstore) addressed the issue of colour management in multicolour printing systems, while Alessandro Beltrami (In. Te.Sa. Imaging) concentrated on the necessary evolution of the digital workflow with a description of the Crono system.

The development of inks was discussed in depth by Fabio Avoni from Colorobbia Italia, who presented the new products in the Colorobbia Digital Space range. These inks, he explained, stand out for their colour intensity and for the non-traditional effects they are able to achieve such as multicolour, metallised and iridescent effects. Plenty of coverage was given to the new developments in printing machines. Paolo Casarini (System Ceramics) discussed Creadigit, the company’s latest system to have been launched onto the market.

Colorstore公司的Massimo Franchini 就多色印刷系 统的色彩管理问题进行发言,In.Te.Sa. Imaging公司 的Alessandro Beltrami 则通过介绍Crono系统着重讲 述数字化工作流程的必要进展。 意大利卡罗比亚(Colorobbia Italia)公司的Fabio Avoni深入探讨了墨水的发展,展示了卡罗比亚数码空 间(Digital Space)系列的新产品。 他解释说,这些墨水在色度和非传统效果上十分突 出,能够实现多色、金属化和虹彩效果。

新闻媒体就印刷机的新发展进行了大量报道。西斯特 姆(System Ceramics)公司的Paolo Casarini 讨论

Ceramic World Review n. 100/2013 12 Ceramic World Review chinese edition 2013 41

This machine was purpose built for ceramics starting out from the printheads, which were designed in accordance with the unique characteristics of ceramic ink.

Marco Ferrari (Siti B&T – Projecta Engineering) emphasised the advantages deriving from the modularity and versatility of the Evolve range of printers, which are equipped with a limited number of mobile colour bars. He then presented the entire range of digital solutions developed by the group, from the logic unit that monitors the entire decoration process through to diagnostics and quality control systems.

Simone Tardini (Kerajet Italia) explained that it is unrealistic to expect a single model of inkjet printhead to be suitable for any kind of application. With this in mind, the new Kerajet machines can mount up to 4 different families of printheads capable of operating simultaneously on the same printer.

Norbert von Aufschnaiter (Durst Phototechnik) presented the Durst solutions designed to minimise the investments that customers need to make to upgrade machines already in operation. Innovations include the new double ink recirculation printhead technology, the FX Module for expanding the printing process from 4 or 5 colours to 7 colours, the Gamma 5.0 workflow software and the new data security solutions.

Loriano Bonfiglioli (EFI Cretaprint) described the characteristics of his company’s new C3 printer, which simultaneously mounts various types of printheads, some for decoration and others for applying special effects, and the new colour management software developed by EFI’s Fiery business unit.

On the following pages we provide a summary of each presentation.

The role of the graphic design studio

“We think and live in a world in colour where everything can be photographed and everything printed. An image deserves to be recognised for its uniqueness and importance,” said Omar Gubertini, representative of the Acimac group entitled “Style for Tile Screen Printing Studios”.

Even in an increasingly digital world, he explained, graphic design studios continue to play a key role due to their ability to create and propose designs for optimising ceramic surfaces while keeping pace with the development of decoration technologies and production processes.

Research into creativity, colour, materials and aesthetics, along with project development and graphic design are top priorities for companies such as Kromia, Newton, Poligraph, SRS, Tecnografica and TosiLab who make a major contribution to creating a unique Italian ceramic style. Moreover, this group of companies represents a concentration of expertise in


考虑到这一点,新的凯拉捷特设备能在同一台打印机 上安装并同时操作4类不同的喷头。 来自杜斯特公司的Norbert von Aufschnaiter介绍他 们公司的解决方案,该方案旨在最大限度减少顾客在 升级运行中的机器所需要的投入。 其创新之处包括新的双循环墨水喷头技术、将打印工 艺从4种或5种颜色扩展到7种颜色的FX模块、Gamma

5.0 工作流程软件和新的数据安全解决方案。 EFI快达平公司的Loriano Bonfiglioli 描述了其公司新型 C3打印机的特征,该打印机可以同时安装各类型的喷 头,有些用于装饰有些用于特殊效果,以及EFI的Fiery 业务部开发的新的色彩管理软件。

42 Ceramic World Review chinese edition 2013 了西斯特姆已正式推向市场的最新系统Creadigit。 该机器为陶瓷行业特制,从根据陶瓷墨水的独特性质 设计喷头开始。来自Siti B&T – Projecta Engineering 公司Marco Ferrari 强调了Evolve系列打印机的模式化 和多功能特点所带来的优势,该系列打印机也配备了 一定数量的颜色通道。 然后,他展示了该集团开发的全部数码解决方案,从 监控整个装饰过程的逻辑单元到诊断及质量控制系 统。凯拉捷特公司意大利区域的Simone Tardini 解释 说期望一种喷头能够适用所有类型的应用是不现实
我们总结了每个报告的主要内容如下: 平面设计工作室的作 用 名为“瓷砖丝网印刷 风格工作室”的 Acimac小组的代表 Omar Gubertini 说:“我们生活在一 个彩色的世界,一切 都可以拍摄、打印。 每一个图像的独特性 和重要性都值得被关 注。” 他解释说,即使在日 益数字化的世界里, 平面设计工作室继续 发挥重要作用,因为 这些工作室能够创作 并提出优化陶瓷表面 的设计,同时与装饰 技术和生产工艺保持 同步发展。 Kromia、Newton、 Omar Gubertini
Raffaele Bartoli

digital decoration focus on

ceramic decoration that is unmatched anywhere in the world.


value of digital technology for a ceramic tile multinational

Raffaele Bartoli, Industrial Director of Marazzi Group, offered an insightful discussion of the technology from the perspective of a user, in this case the largest multinational ceramic tile producer in the sector with facilities in Italy, Spain, France, the United States and Russia. From this privileged vantage point, he extended the discussion from production through to all aspects of company activity, from operations to marketing and selling the product.

Bartoli believes that the role of digital decoration in the ceramic industry is still partly limited by a series of factors, including the scale of the necessary investment, the continued high costs of decoration, the additional personnel costs for the recruitment of specialist professionals, a limited historical record of maintenance costs, and last but not least the widespread existence of cheaper and amply tested decoration systems. Nonetheless, he is certain that the technology will come to dominate the sector in the future if it is able to guarantee complete decorative potential for competitive costs, reliability and stability of materials such as inks, and a decoration platform that is integrated with existing systems. For a multinational like Marazzi the advantages of digital technology are already very clear. The operational bene-

Poligraph、SRS、Tecnografica和TosiLab等公司对创 造独特的意大利陶瓷风格作出了重大贡献,他们工作的重 中之重是研究创意、色彩、材料和美学,以及项目开发和 平面设计。 这些公司集中代表了陶瓷装饰工艺的专业技能,这是世界 上任何其他地方都无可比拟的。 数码技术对于跨国陶瓷企业的价值 马拉奇(Marazzi)集团的工业总监Raffaele Bartoli从用 户的角度,就数码技术做了有见地的讨论。 马拉奇集团是业内最大的跨国陶瓷生产企业,在意大利、 西班牙、法国、美国和俄罗斯都设有工厂。 从这一具有特殊优势的角度,他从生产进而谈到企业活动 的各个方面,也从运营扩展谈到到市场营销和产品销售。 Bartoli认为数码装饰在陶瓷产业中的作用仍部分受限于一 系列因素,包括必要投资的规模、持续高昂的装饰成本、 聘用专业人才所需的额外人员费用、有限的维修费用历史 记录,以及低价且充分测试的装饰系统的广泛存在等。 尽管如此,他还是坚信数码技术必将主导陶瓷产业,只要 它在具有竞争力的成本、可靠的性能以及如墨水等材料的 稳定性等方面发挥完整的装饰潜力,同时能与现有系统结 合兼容运作。 for tablet and smartphone free download DOWNLOAD THE NEW APP AND keep App-to-date with ADVERTISING

fits are largely related to the time factor, in other words the indisputably higher speed of implementation, communication, movement, modification and sharing between factories operating in different countries. But what are the consequences for markets? Here too, Bartoli noted a number of objective key strengths such as the initial competitive advantage and the higher product selling price, as well as the fact that in certain markets such as India digital technology is considered synonymous with quality and has attained brand status. But in spite of these positive factors, there are still a number of risks that must be carefully weighed up. At a company level, for example, there is a risk of cannibalising traditional products still in the catalogue and thereby accelerating the phase-out and phase-in processes, with the natural impact that this will have on the company’s working capital. Further risks concern product differentiation in global markets and copyright protection.

However, there is no denying that digital decoration has revolutionised the industry and is forcing companies to address new challenges, first and foremost the need to adopt a new approach to product differentiation (competitiveness depends not just on tile decoration but on a number of concurrent aspects such as decoration, tile size and breadth of the range, Bartoli argued). This means that the industry will become even more capital intensive and that companies capable of rising to the challenge will become increasingly global. Bartoli believes that companies can choose between two ways forward, which they should not necessarily see as alternatives. One is to manufacture increasingly complex products that can be exported worldwide and sold at ever higher prices, thereby compensating for the higher costs associated with an extensive global presence but small sales volumes. The other solution, which has been adopted not just by Marazzi Group but also by a small number of other Italian multinationals, is to combine elite production with more competitive local production capable of competing in a specific marketplace, exporting the concept of Italian quality based on cutting-edge manufacturing systems and establishing brand rather than origin as the guarantee of product quality. (JF) 


Present and Future: The evolution continues” is the third update of the digital decoration handbooks and features eight interesting technical reports written by the leading companies in the sector. The handbook is available in Italian and English and can be downloaded free of charge in pdf format from our website www.ceramicworldweb.it

金。其余的风险则关系到全球市场的产品差异化以及 版权保护。 然而,无可否认,数码装饰已经彻底变革了陶瓷行 业,迫使企业应对新的挑战。首要任务即为需采用新 方法进行产品差异化(Bartoli称竞争力不仅取决于瓷 砖装饰还取决于一些并发方面,如装饰、瓷砖大小、 系列范围等)。 这意味着该行业的资本将更加密集,能够应对挑战的 企业将变得日益全球化。 Bartoli认为企业可以在两种方式之间选择,不一定将 它们看作是替代关系。一种方式是生产日益复杂的产 品,出口到世界各地并以更高的价格出售,从而补偿 全球化运营但销量小所带来的的高昂成本。

44 Ceramic World Review chinese edition 2013 对于像马拉齐这样的跨国公司而言,数码技术的优势 已经显而易见了。 运营优势主要体现在时间方面上,即分布在不同国家 的工厂之间的实施、沟通、行动、修改以及共享等毫 无疑问地更加迅速。 但是对市场会带来什么影响?对此,Bartoli指出了一 些客观的主要优势,例如最初的竞争优势和更高的产 品售价。而且事实上,在印度等部分市场,数码技术 被认为是品质的代名词,并已取得品牌地位。 但是除去这些积极因素,仍存在许多风险必须仔细权
概念出口产品,并建立品牌而非以产品产地作为质量 的保证。 目前马拉奇集团以及其它小部分意大利跨国公司已经 采用了这一方式。 
衡。 例如,在公司层面,可能会冲击产品目录上的传统产 品,从而加快淘汰过程,自然就会影响公司的周转资
另一种方式是将高端生产与在具有特定市场竞争力的 本地生产相结合,基于尖端制造系统的意大利品质的
Acimac数码装饰手册第3版已经 出版 数字化的现状与未来:演变进行时 是数码装饰手册的第3次修订,以 陶瓷行业龙头企业所做的八个有趣 的技术报告为特点。 该手册有意大利语和英语版本,可 以从我们的网站www.ceramic-
digital decoration
focus on

Welcome to the world’s best ceramic printhead... ...and don’t just take our word for it.

Leading manufacturers agree that in addition to extended machine uptime, the Xaar 1001 gives you richer colours, stunning tile designs and exquisite detail. It’s the printhead that ceramic tile printers rely on to perform perfectly every time, even in dusty factory environments.

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Correct use of a spectrophotometer in the digital workflow brings considerable time savings when converting the image data for transfer to the digital printer. Incorrect use of this instrument or the choice of a model that is not suited to the material to be measured introduces instrumental errors, leading to very low quality of the conversion file and consequently a loss of detail or undesirable colours. Intesa has developed its own ceramic digital printing workflow called Crono which takes into account the precision of spectrophotometric measurements. Crono is compatible with various classes of spectrophotometers, from the cheapest 0°:45° type that are most widely used in profiling systems, to the more sophisticated automated sphere spectrophotometers that deliver exceptional performance in the most varied conditions. Crono uses spectral data originating from spectrophotometers, applying proprietary mathematical filters during certain stages to harmonise the various measurement standards. Spectral analysis is also used to compensate for the coloured backgrounds in cases where the graphic projects have to be converted from a coloured to a white glaze or vice versa. In this case the quality of spectrophotometric measurements is essential to avoid degradation of the original graphic designs. Numerous experiments have shown that in these cases the use of sphere spectrophotometers brings enormous advantages over 0°:45° spectrophotometers in spite of their higher cost.

The Crono workflow consists of the following operations.

1) Acquisition, introduction and analysis of graphic designs: The print images can be obtained from external suppliers or acquired using a dedicated scanner and loaded into the system. All the main for mats (TIFF, JPEG, PSD, etc.) are supported and RGB, CMYK, Lab and Multicolor colour spaces can be read. The designs can be loaded individually or spread over a number of tiles. Source profiles are assigned automatically or manually.

2) Printability test: Automatic generation of a test tile with visual and instrument verification of “printability” of the project and automatic compensation of the ink/machine/substrate/firing system calibration.

3) Profiling and separation: Automatic generation of testcharts with 3 to 8 colours according to the ma-

当将图像数据进行转换以便传输至数 码喷墨打印机时,如若正确使用分光 光度计,则可为数字工作流程节省大 量时间。 然而,如若使用不当,或是选用其它 不适于所给材料的仪器,则会引起仪 器误差,造成转换文件结果质量差并
码印刷工作流程 并命名为
计效果尤为重要。大量实验表明,此类状况下,尽管球状 分光光度计成本较高,但比起 0°:45° 类型却有巨大优 势。 Crono 包括以下操作流程: 1) 平面设计之获取、引进以及分析:印刷图片可从外 部供应商处获取或使用专用扫描仪扫描并载入系 统。其支持所有主要格式 (TIFF、JPEG、PSD 等) 且可读取RGB、CMYK、Lab 和 Multicolor 色彩空 间。同时,设计图案可印刷于单个瓷砖上或批量瓷 砖上。最后通过自动或手动方式分配源配置文件。 2) 印刷适性测试:自动生产测试砖并使用目视法和仪 器法检测项目印刷适性,以及自动补充墨水、机 器、基板、煅烧系统的校准。 3) 配置与分离:根据机器校准结果与待产设计自动生 成具有 3-8 种颜色测试图,并且使用 45°/0° 仪器
Intesa 公司已经开发出自己的陶瓷数
Crono,此流程考虑到分光光 度计测量精度。Crono 兼容各种类型分光光度计,不论是 配置系统中使用最为广泛且最为便宜的 0°:45° 类型, 还是在各种条件下均具优异性能的精密自动球状分光光度 计。 Crono 使用源于分光光度计的光谱数据,利用某些阶段特 有的数学过滤器,以协调各种测量标准。光谱分析亦用于 弥补彩色背景,如平面设计项目需要从一个色釉转换成白 釉,抑或是白釉转换成色釉。 此类状况下,分光光度计测量质量对避免降低原始平面设
46 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013
Alessandro Beltrami

chine’s calibration and the designs to be produced, spectrophotometric readings using 45°/0° instruments (X-Rite i1 and Konica Minolta FD-7), sphere instruments (X-Rite SP62) or a spectral scanner. Automatic separation of designs in the format of the machine and automatic generation of soft proofs for viewing the end result.

4) Management of manual changes: Tonal variations with curves applied in sequence, on the original designs or on the final separations with logging of changes.

5) Production and quality control: Simultaneous support of various print units; integration with Colora HD2 digital printer and other workflows. Possibility of encrypting data on Colora HD2 for protection at remote facilities.

focus on digital decoration

(X-Rite i1 和 Konica Minolta FD-7)、球状仪器 (X-Rite SP62)抑或是光谱扫描仪读取分光光度读 数。按照机器格式自动分离设计结果,并且自动生 成软校样用于查看最终结果。

4) 手动更改管理:根据记录的更改,原始设计或最终 分离序列上所应用的色调曲线变化。

5) 生产与质量控制:同时支持各种打印设备并且融合 Colora HD2 数字印刷机和其他工作流程。为保护 远程 Colora HD2 设备上数据安全,可对其进行加 密。


For 15 years Euromeccanica has been supporting its customers in the design and development of equipment for preparation, batching and control of semi-finished products for ceramic decoration. It is now introducing an expanded network of companies, including the recently formed Colourservice, a firm that provides all the services needed to ensure optimal management and integration of digital decoration into the ceramic industry in cooperation with Italvision.

Ceramic digital decoration is now a widely used technique that is continuing to evolve. Many of the latest developments have the clear aim of integrating digital decoration ever more effectively into the tile production process. Euromeccanica has chosen to focus on the stages of research and engineering of the ceramic semi-finished products traditionally applied before and after digital decoration with the aim of integrating these products and processes more effectively with digital application.

The solutions provided by Euromeccanica concentrate in particular on glaze preparation and application. For glaze preparation, Euromeccanica is presenting the MF innovative grinding system and the Skid Glaze mobile batching system. MF is the natural evolution of Euromeccanica’s well-established Euromill mills, a semi-automatic grinding system in which the operator uses a touch screen panel to activate and control the entire grinding process, cleaning included. MF meets customers’ needs for glazes, screen printing bases and colorants with the required particle size distribution, down to a D90 of 3 micrometers. Skid Glaze offers a simple and flexible solution for rapid and precise glaze colouring. This glaze colouring process allows for greater flexibility in obtaining a gamut, where necessary expanding the gamut that can be obtained with the digital machine’s colours alone and avoiding the further expense of double-bar digital systems. Suitable gamut colouring is guaranteed by means of a colorimetric study using the tools and services provided by Colourservice.

Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 47
15年来,Euromeccanica 公司 一直在设备设计与开发方面支持 其客户,以实现陶瓷装饰半成品 之准备、配料与控制。 目前Euromeccanica正 拓展其公司的结构,包括 新近与 Italvision 携手创办 Colourservice,目的在于为陶 瓷行业提供所有必要服务,以确 保对数码装饰领域进行最佳管理 和整合。 如今陶瓷数码装饰技术被人们广泛使用,并在继续 发展着。 许多最新技术的进步目标明确,即将数码装饰更有 效地整合到瓷砖生产的工序中。Euromeccanica 公司专注于陶瓷半成品的研究与工程技术阶段,这 些阶段一般应用于数字装饰之前与之后,旨在通过 数码技术更有效地整合产品与工艺。 Euromeccanica 提供的解决方案尤其关注色釉制 备与应用方面。对于色釉制备,Euromeccanica 公司提供 MF 创新研磨系统和 Skid Glaze 移动配料 系统。MF 是由基于Euromeccanica 的 Euromill轧 机自然发展而来。 Euromill轧机是一种被广泛认可的半自动研磨系统, 在此系统中,操作员通过使用触摸屏仪表盘激活和 控制整个研磨过程,包括清洗。 MF 可在釉料、丝网印刷基础以及着色剂 (其粒径 分布要求低至 D90 小于 3 微米) 方面满足客户需 求。 Skid Glaze 可通过简单灵活方式进行快速且精确的 釉着色。 此种釉着色工艺只需要通过数码设备本身的颜色即 可有效果地提升色彩的饱和度,避免购买双色通道 系统的费用。利用 Colourservice 所提供工具与服 务进行比色分析,可保证合适色域色彩。
Silvia Barbi

对于在线控制, Euromeccanica 公司推出密度与流 变自动控制系统Check Glaze,此系统可作为自然过 渡步骤整合到釉制备与在线应用中去。 Check Glaze 使得釉在线应用标准化,并使其操作简 单且自动化。


Silvano Filippi

For the chemical aspects of the products used on an everyday basis in conventional and digital production cycles, Colourservice cooperates with the Smaltochimica laboratory, which performs analyses and instrumental tests. With thirty years of experience in the field, the Smaltochimica laboratory can offer customers advice on the purchase of the technologies they need to detect and solve problems.

In the field of colorimetry and graphic design, the most important new technologies for controlling digital printing systems are the hyperspectral scanner and the Colour Profiler colour management software.

Colour Profiler, the heart of the colour management system, has evolved considerably to meet the needs of ceramic companies through compete control of the variables and problems associated with digital printing. Its characteristics include:

1) Introduction of a chart and linearisation system to determine and reduce the consumptions of individual inks, thereby avoiding wastage of colour and optimising the printer’s colour gamut. This allows the inks to be optimised and reduces costs and wastage.

2) Creation of a complete profiling system, including new functions for gamut control, analysis and comparison in order to determine the colorimetric response of the printing system and to allow for correct file preparation. This in turn allows for analysis of all components that affect the final colour (glaze, ink, firing, various applications) and precise mapping of the workspace (gamut) to allow for optimal reproduction of the print file.

3) Increase in the number of managed colours so as to control printers with between 3 and 12 colour bars.

4) The possibility of working not just with white or pale-coloured glazes, but complete integration and management of any base colour. This makes it possible to create colours that cannot be reproduced using the ink colours alone, lowers printhead stress and reduces ink consumption.

5) New Device Link functions to help customers correct a production file, whether from one moment to another

公司与 Smaltochimica 公司实验室进行

合作,后者负责执行分析与仪器测 试。拥有三十多年的行业经验的Smaltochimica

5) 具备新设备链接功能,以帮助客户在给定工作

48 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013
Smaltochimica 集团的成员 Colourservice 公司作为其技术 合作伙伴,参与建立与管理一个 数字陶瓷技术实验室,包括化 工、比色和平面设计各方面问 题。对于日常生活中使用的传统 和数字产品生产周期各方面化 工问题,Colourservice
For in-line control, Euromeccanica is proposing Check Glaze, an automatic density and rheology control system that can be integrated as a natural step between glaze preparation and in-line application. Check Glaze standardises glaze application on the line, making it a simple, automated operation. 1) 引入图表与线性系统,用于确定和降低单色墨 水消耗,从而避免色彩浪费并优化打印机色 域。总之,其可优化墨水并降低成本与浪费。 2) 创建一个完整配置系统 (包括色域控制、分析 和对比等新功能),用于确定印刷系统比色反 应,并可制备正确文件。其作用是对影响最终 颜色 (釉、墨水、煅烧、各种方面应用) 与工 作空间 (色域) 精确绘制方面进行分析,以实 现印刷文件之最佳再现。 3) 增加所管理的颜色数量,印刷机的颜色通道控 制在 3-12 条之间。 4) 制备除白色和浅色外还包含由各种基色完整组 合与管理颜色的釉,使得所制备的颜色可不仅 通过由单独墨水颜色的复制而成,并降低打印 头压力和墨水消耗。
公司 可为客户提供购买用于检测与解决问题技术方面的建 议。 在比色与平面设计领域中,高光谱扫描仪和 Colour Profiler 色彩管理软件是控制数字印刷系统的最重要的 新技术。 色彩管理系统的核心Colour Profiler ,通过全面控制 数字印刷相关变量与问题,得到大幅度升级,得以满 足陶瓷公司需求。其特点包括:
Smaltochimica group member company Colourservice works as a technological partner for all aspects of setting up and managing a digital ceramic laboratory, including chemical, colorimetric and graphic design issues.

within a given work cycle or between production processes (printer, inks, etc.).

Colourservice has also created new software versions, such as File Profiler, that are specifically designed for markets with different needs. This software offers all the benefits of colour management software in terms of processing power and potential without the need for a spectral scanner. To perform colour measurements, it uses commercial instruments that in many cases are already present in digital ceramic labs. Colourservice has also developed a new generation of portable measurement and colour analysis instruments called RM200QC. This small instrument is essential for immediate inline analysis of potential colour variations of glazes or inks. Moreover, to meet the needs and requests of the Italian market, Colourservice has decided to open up its laboratory to customers and create a complete technological centre with hardware and instrumentation, including a hyperspectral scanner, most commercial colour profiling hardware available on the market, and a Durst Pictocer plotter which can be used not only for performing real-time tests but also for smallscale third-party production runs or samples.

focus on digital decoration

周期或生产流程 (印刷机、墨水等) 中根据需 要修订产品文件。 Colourservice 公司亦专为市场不同需求设计出新软 件版本,如 File Profiler。此软件可在没有光谱扫描仪 情况下,提供色彩管理软件处理能力与潜能方面的所 有性能。该软件使用商业工具(此商业工具已广泛应 用到数字陶瓷实验室测试) 进行颜色测量。 同时,Colourservice公司也开发了新一代便携式测量 和颜色分析仪器RM200QC。 这个小型仪器对即时在线测试潜在釉料或墨水颜色 变化是必不可少。此外,为满足意大利市场需要与 需求,Colourservice 公司已决定向客户开放其实验 室,创造一个完整的硬件和仪器技术中心,包括高光 谱扫描仪、大多数商业市场上现有的色彩配置硬件和 Durst Pictocer 绘图仪 ,其不仅可用于执行实时测 试,而且可用于小规模第三方产品生产经营或取样检 查。
» » » » C M Y CM MY CY CMY K INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIER CERAMIC SPARE PARTS PLASTORGOMMA Service srl Via Secchia, 17/B 42048 RUBIERA (Reggio Emilia) Italy Tel./Phone +39 0522 626361 Fax +39 0522 620178 www.plastorgomma.com sales@plastorgomma.com ADVERTISING

Colorstore’s most important new product is the ICC colour profile creation software called Keraprofiler Multichannel 2. 0. This software package was specially developed for the ceramic sector and is able to create ICC colour profiles for 3-4 colour printing systems and above all for multicolour type configurations while ensuring full colour management.

One of the biggest problems facing graphic designers is the inability to manage multicolour printing systems correctly.

The current systems are unable to achieve correct colour management for multicolour configurations, so the colours of the designs viewed on the monitor differ from those obtained subsequent to firing.

With its advanced and exclusive multicolour separation system, Keraprofiler Multichannel 2.0 offers an outstanding solution to this problem, allowing users to manage any multicolour configuration correctly and autonomously while at the same time to managing the quantities of individual inks and their interactions.

The software also uses a linearization module that is essential for achieving the maximum printing quality and comprehensive ink management.

The new ICC profile calculation engine has been further upgraded and new cutting-edge functions introduced, such as the automatic profile calculation mode and the White Point Optimizer (WPO).

WPO is sure to be appreciated by graphic designers as it allows exceptional separations to be achieved in terms of detail and contrast.

Thanks to its simple and intuitive interface, high-quality ICC colour profiles can be created in just a few steps. Keraprofiler Multichannel 2.0 is totally independent of the type of machine and print RIP used.

Graphic design firms, glaze and colour producers and ceramic manufacturers can handle multicolour configurations for any type or model of printer, allowing for complete freedom in the choice of RIP. Keraprofiler Multichannel 2.0 can be used to create ICC colour profiles for any brand or model of printing system.

Set up internally by Officine Smac, Keralab has been operating as an inhouse graphic design and laser engraving workshop since the early 1980s.

It can reproduce surfaces in stone, wood and other materials acquired using an ISI scanner; it can use RGB graphics files acquired with a digital camera back; or it can acquire a graphic design from a design studio. The end result can be checked by an-


50 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 Colorstore 公司最重要的 新产品是称为 Keraprofiler Multichannel 2.0. 的 ICC 色 彩配置创建软件。 该软件包是专门为陶瓷业而开 发,可为 3-4 色彩印刷系统尤 其是多色配置创建 ICC 色彩配 置文件,并确保充分的色彩管 理。 平面设计师所面临最大问题之 一是无法正确操作多色印刷系统。 现有的系统无法正确管理多色配置文件,导致显 示于显示器上的设计颜色不同于烧制后所获得样 品颜色。 Keraprofiler Multichannel 2.0 凭借其先进而独 特的多色分离系统,对此问题提供了优秀解决方
案。 用户可通过此多色分离系统正确且自主地管理任 何多色彩配置文件,同时可管理单体墨水的量及 其相互作用。 该软件还采用线性模块,此线性模块是实现最优 印刷质量与全面墨水管理的必不可少的要素。 新 ICC
引入新的先进功能,如自动配置文件计算模式和 White Point Optimizer (WPO)。平面设计师 得感谢WPO,因为它能够在细节和对比方面实现 特殊分离。 因界面简单且直观,优质 ICC 色彩配置文 件可在短短几个步骤里创建。Keraprofiler Multichannel 2.0 是完全独立于设备类型与所其 使用的印刷 RIP。 平面设计公司、釉料与颜料生产商以及陶瓷制造 商可处理任何类型或型号印刷机多的色彩配置文 件,还可完全自由选择 RIP 多色配置。
Multichannel 2.0 创建 ICC 色彩配置文件。
Colorstore Keralab 是由 Officine Smac 创 办,自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,一 直是作为室内平面设计与激光雕 刻创作室在经营。它使用 ISI 扫描 器在石材、木材和其它材料上重 现表面;它可使用通过数字相机 而获得的 RGB 平面设计文件; 它也可从设计工作室获得平面设 计。同时,Keralab 可通过分析 工艺模型平面设计对最终结果进
Massimo Franchini Fulvio Masini e Antonio Maccari

alysing the graphic design on the process model, which generates and displays the best possible result in just a few seconds without the need for test runs. This makes it possible to evaluate the result and decide on the action to be taken. KeraCromia® provides effective tools in the event that colours need to be modified to adapt to the limitations of the process. The KeraCromia® testcharts are specifically designed for the printer in use and not for standard targets. Keralab is equipped with an ISI hyperspectral scanner for high-definition acquisition of originals and testchart analysis. The scanning bed is up to 900x1600 mm in size with a thickness of up to 70 mm and is fully automated on 3 axes. If a specific product is not compatible with the chosen process, KeraCromia® provides a colour adaptation system that allows it to be produced. Although the result will differ from the original and will need to be evaluated, it has the big advantage of taking just a few minutes to produce. KeraCromia® is therefore able to create feasible new products by combining the graphic designs of one project with the colour of another. The file produced by the software can be loaded directly on the installed printer without any further processing. KeraCromia® is also able to monitor print quality using specific testcharts for uniformity and linearity. Using the testcharts and KeraCromia® software, it is possible to check the status of the printer and warn the user when given operating parameters (printhead and bar alignment, linearity, etc.) fall outside the acceptable range of values. KeraLab aims to be the first laboratory devoted entirely to management of the ceramic digital printing process, making it a key partner for companies that have chosen to adopt digital printing. Advantages include: - On-demand service without initial investment - Competitive costs - Immediate response times - Expert support - Proven results.

施。KeraCromia® 提供有效工具以防需要通过颜色 修改以适应过程限制。KeraCromia® 测试图是专为 使用中的印刷机而非标准目标而设计。 Keralab 配备可获取高清晰度原件的 ISI 高光谱 扫描仪和测试图分析。其扫描床厚 70 毫米,面

900*1600平方毫米,且在 3 个坐标轴上 完全自动。如若一个特定产品与所选工艺不兼

不过其具有很大优势,即生产时间短,只要几分钟。 因此,KeraCromia® 可通过结合某个项目平面设计 与另一个项目颜色,创造出可行新产品。 软件生成文件无需任何进一步处理便可直接加载在所 安装的印刷机上。KeraCromia® 亦能够通过使用特 定测试图监视印刷质量,从而实现均匀性与线性。同 时,通过使用测试图与 KeraCromia® 软件,可对印 刷机状态进行检查,当用户给定操作参数 (喷头、 色棒对齐、线性等) 超出其可接受范围值时会进行 提醒。KeraLab 旨在成为第一个完全致力于陶瓷数 字印刷工艺管理实验室,是选择数字印刷技术公司的 重要合作伙伴。 其优势包括: - 无需初始投资,按需服务 - 富有竞争力的成本 - 应对及时 - 专家支持 - 结果可靠


Colorobbia Digital Space offers the ideal combination of technology, materials and design.

The range consists of 3 series of products: C-Inks, pigmented inks that have been well established on the market for a number of years; C-Shine, new inks for non-traditional effects; C-Glaze, two new inks for digital applications, one white and one matt.

The C-Inks series consists of 7 colours: Cyan, Brown, Beige, Black, Pink, Yellow and Green.

In the configurations recommended by the company’s experts, this colour range can be used to create a colour space suited to any ceramic production requirement. These versatile inks perform well even at high firing temperatures.

行检测,无需进行检测,便可在短短几秒内生成并显 示最好结果。此功能便于评估结果并确定应采取措
容,KeraCromia® 则提供一个色彩兼容系统供其生 产。尽管所获取结果将不同于原始产品且需要评估,
Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 51 Colorobbia Digital Space 将 技术、材料和设计理想地组合在 一起。其包括 3 个系列产品:CInks是已在市场上活跃多年的着 色墨水;C-Shine是营造非传统 装饰效果的新墨水;C-Glaze是 数字应用的两种新型墨水,一种 为白色,一种哑光。 C-Inks 系列包含 7 种颜色:青 色、棕色、米黄色、黑色、粉 红色、黄色和绿色。在该公司专家所推荐配置文件 中,该系列色彩可用于创建一个适合任何陶瓷生产 要求的色彩空间。此类多功能墨水即便是在高烧制 温度下亦表现良好。 同时,它可与其它传统技术完全整合并且无兼容性
focus on digital decoration
Fabio Avoni

They also integrate perfectly with other traditional technologies without compatibility issues.

None of these inks contain any substances, such as chromophore ions, that do not meet current operator safety standards.

The efficiency delivered by Colorobbia inks is the result of numerous tests conducted not just in the machinery and printhead suppliers’ type approval laboratories, but most importantly in Colorobbia’s own laboratories using stateof-the-art instrumentation.

Another equally important aspect is the solids content of the organic-inorganic ink system. Increasing the solids content (within certain limits imposed by the process) produces inks with greater intensity but at the same time makes the system unstable.

This means it is not possible to guarantee a long shelf life, certainly no more than 3-4 months. The research and development team has devoted efforts to finding a compromise consisting of an ink with a good degree of intensity and a guaranteed minimum shelf life of 6 months.


Certain colours and optical effects present in nature cannot be reproduced on ceramic surfaces using existing inkjet inks as they are the result of optical interference phenomena. Colorobbia has studied these effects in detail and has developed two inks and a suitable application technique.

The two inks, a silver effect and a golden effect, can be applied directly to the body or to the normal substrate with engobe and/or glaze. This is done using a special interphase material, which remains the same regardless of the type of ink used and the required end result. C-Shine inks require no special kind of application before or after digital decoration, and the interphase material can also be applied using normal airless spray guns or a silicone roller, obviously prior to digital decoration. The silver and golden effects require no special kiln settings. The extremely wide range of effects also derives from the complete compatibility of this series with the other two Colorobbia Digital Space series and with other traditional applications. This complete integration allows for the creation of exclusive multicolour, metallised and iridescent effects. C-Shine inks can also be used on existing digital decoration machines without the need for any particular modifications. These inks and the application technique are at the patent pending stage.

The new C-Glaze series consists of a white ink and a matt ink designed to create unusual, exclusive effects, especially in terms of textures. The innovative matt ink produces a highly original surface effect through contrast with a glossy component, whereas the white ink produces a luminous effect on dark substrates as well as exclusive field colours. These two inks are compatible with the other two series and can likewise be used with existing digital decoration machines.

Their consumption levels are of the same order of magnitude as those obtained with existing inks present on the market, namely between 2 and 4 g/m2.


52 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013
问题。 此类墨水不含任何不符合现代操作员安全标准的 物质,如色基离子。 Colorobbia 公司墨水效能是众多实验测试而得到 的结果,此类测试不仅是在机器和喷头供应商批 准的实验室进行,更重要是还在 Colorobbia
己实验室中使用最先进仪器实现。 另一个与测试同样重要的方面是有机—无机墨水 系统的固体含量。固体含量的增加 (工艺中所赋 予的范围) 使得墨水具有更大强度,但同时也使 得系统不稳定,这意味着无法保证其保质期,保
质期肯定不会超过 3-4 个月。 研发团队一直致力于找到一种折衷法,即墨水不 仅具有高强度,而且能够保证其保质期最少6 个 月。 C-Shine系列墨水 因光波干涉现象的存在,使用现有的喷墨打印 机无法于陶瓷表面再现某些颜色和自然光学效 果。Colorobbia 公司现已详细研究了上述装饰效 果,并开发出两种墨水和一项相配的应用技术。 这两种墨水,一种是银色效果,一种是金色效
术。 而界面材料亦可用于普通无气喷漆枪或硅胶辊 中,显然该步骤先于数字装饰。 银色效果和金色效果无需专用的窑设置。 极宽的效果区间是源于该系列与其他两种 Colorobia Digital Space系列和其他传统应用的 完全兼容。 这一完整集成可供创建专属多色,金属和彩虹效 果。在无任何特定修改的情况下,C-shine特效果 墨水亦可应用于现有的数字装饰系统中。 此类墨水和应用技术还处于专利申请阶段。 新款C-Glaze系列设计包含白色墨水和哑光墨 水,其旨在创造非同寻常的、独特的效果,特别 是在纹理方面。创新款哑光墨水是通过对比一个 光滑的组件来产生一个高度原始表面效应,而白 色墨水是在深色基板和独有的场地颜色中产生一 种发光效应。 这两种墨水可兼容于其他两个系列,也可用于现 有的数字装饰机。其消耗水平与从市场上出售的 机器消耗墨水的程度一样,即每平方米2到4克。
这是通过使用一种特殊的界面材料完成的,不论 使用何种类型墨水或者所需的何种最终结果,其 性质自始至终保持不变。 在数字装饰前后,C-Shine墨水无需特别的应用技


The pioneering stage of digital technology ended several years ago and the technology is now a standard procedure in the ceramic industry. But although it offers enormous advantages in terms of quality and production efficiency, the need for technological upgrading makes companies’ past investments rapidly obsolete. With the aim of supporting ceramic companies in the difficult current climate and to reduce this trend towards obsolescence, Durst is offering innovations that can be applied to printers already on the market and allow customers to make the most of their investments.

The first of these is the new double ink recirculation printhead technology which can be mounted on all Gamma models and is already incorporated in the new R series, which includes the models Gamma 75 HD-R and Gamma 75 HD-R Dual Line, Gamma 75 HD-RS, Gamma 120 HD-RS and Gamma 120 HD-RS Dual Line. Alongside these are other new proposals such as the FX Module, the Gamma 5.0 software and the new data security solutions. One of the advantages common to all the R series printers is the use of the new double ink recirculation printhead technology with much longer automatic cleaning cycles, guaranteeing unmatched performance, flexibility, printing quality and reliability. It can be fitted on all Durst printers, including those already installed, and delivers outstanding print uniformity thanks to the patented transversal printhead configuration and greyscale technology with variable drop dimensions (from 28 to 90 pl / 4 levels). A system driven by a Workstation on Linux 64 bit platform guarantees high stability and data processing speed. All R series systems print in 4 or 5 colours, expandable to 7 with the new FX Module (likewise mountable on all Gamma models) for additional special-effect inks. As for the individual systems in the new R series, Gamma 75 HD-R reaches a linear speed of 90 m/min. with a printing width of up to 70 cm, making it the fastest printer in the world for given ink discharge rates. The Dual Line version is able to perform decoration on two lines (both lines are completely independent) or on a single line with an extremely rapid throughput.

Gamma 75 HD-RS offers an extraordinary price/performance ratio, combining a printing width of up to 68 cm with a linear speed of up to 74 m/min.

The new Gamma 120 HD-RS achieves high performance with large tile sizes, attaining a linear speed of 74 m/min. with a printing width of 115 cm. Gamma 120 HD-RS is also available in a Dual Line version.

For workflow management of all its printing units, Durst offers the 5.0 software upgrade (the evolution of the popular Durst Gamma management software). Designed on the basis of customers’ needs and feedback, it offers the following advantages: free choice of ink in each channel; cost calculation for print orders with data export; even wider choice of random printing options; use of Gamma PrepStation for centralised and secure preparation work to prevent the risk of data or print file theft.


件和新建数据安全解决方案等。 所有R系列印刷机的优点之一都在于使用新型双墨 水循环喷头技术,具有更为长久的自动清理周期, 保证无与伦比的性能,灵活性,打印质量和可靠 性。 其可应用于所有的Durst 公司印刷机,包括那些已 经安装的。 得益于已获专利的横向喷头的配置和带有变量降维 的灰度技术(从28到90,4个色彩级别),该技术 可提供卓越的的打印均匀性。 这通过在64位Linux平台上驱动系统,其驱动保证

54 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 数字技术的开拓时期在数年前已 结束,如今这项技术在陶瓷工业 上成为一标准工序。 尽管其在质量及生产效率上占有 诸多的优势,但技术更新的需 求使公司过往的投资很快就被淘 汰掉。在经济疲软的时候,为 支持陶瓷公司并缓冲这一淘汰趋 势,Durst 公司现已提供可应用 于市场上已有的印刷机的创新技 术,使得客户投资的回报最大化。 首先是新款双墨水循环喷头技术,该技术可安装于 所有伽玛模型并已合并于新款 R 系列,其包含伽玛 75HD-R和伽玛75HD-R双行,伽玛75HD-RS;伽玛
高稳定性和高速的数据处理。所有R系列系统打印4 到5种颜色,在使用新款FX模块(同样可安装于所 有伽玛模型)附加特殊效果墨水基础上可扩展至7 种颜色。 关于新款 R 系列体系,伽玛 75HD-R 的线速度为 90米/分钟,打印宽度宽达70厘米,使其成为世界 上墨水导电率最快的印刷机。 双线系统能够在两线中完成装饰(两条完全独立的 线)或在一条极速吞吐量线中完成其装饰。 伽玛75HD-RS提供优良的性价比,将宽达68厘米的 打印宽度与高达74米/分钟的线速度相结合。 新款伽玛 120HD-RS在生产大规格瓷砖时体现了其 高性能,线速度达到74米/分钟,印刷宽度为115厘 米。伽玛120HD-RS也可用于双线系统。 对所有打印装置工作流程管理,Durst 公司提供了 5.0软件升级,其为广受欢迎的 Durst 公司伽玛管 理软件的更新。 根据消费者的需求及反馈设计,它具有以下的优 点:可在每个通道自由选择墨水;打印成本计算有 数据导出;可更广泛地选择随机打印选项;使用伽 玛PrepStation 集中、预先地保护工作正常运行以 防止数据和打印文件失窃。
Norbert Von Aufschnaiter

Siti B&T Group Projecta Engineering

Projecta Engineering, a partner company of SITI B&T Group, is continuing to innovate its Evolve range of digital decoration machines, which accommodate colours in completely removable bars. The colour bars hold the colour tanks, the printheads, the fittings and the filters. With the electronics housed in the rear section, the extremely simple and accessible hydraulic and electronic fittings allow a colour module to be removed from its original location and inserted in the new position without the need for washing. The operation takes just a few minutes and enables the same bar to be used on another machine on another line.

Evolve’s market success derives from its modularity and versatility, achieved through the use of a small number of mobile colour bars on which the sequence of colours and material effects can be changed at any time. This makes for savings as only a limited number of additional colour bars need to be purchased, and they can be used on any line as required with short set-up times and without the need for washing.

Siti B&T Group has combined its engineering expertise with Projecta Engineering’s experience in the field of decoration to pioneer a new approach to glazing line construction based on the new Evostore. This system consists of a wheel-mounted store capable of housing up to 7 colour bars, which keeps the inks recirculating and performs automatic printhead cleaning in an air-conditioned environment where each bar is maintained at the approved ink temperature. This means that each bar is ready to be positioned on any Evolve digital machine located on any glazing line. A second machine can be set up at a suitable distance, with or without a colour bar and only if necessary equipped with the white, lustre, metallised or penetration effect bar. This increases the aesthetic potential of products enormously. These solutions allow for a lower initial investment and at the same time expand the range of colours and effects available on each line. In the field of digital decoration technologies, SITI B&T is also proposing Synchro3D, a logic unit that uses a number of sensors located along the line and manages each individual unit as if it were a peripheral device. This enables the system to dialogue constantly with the sensors, the digital decorating machines and the quality control unit, starting out from a graphic design.

By means of a texture detection system, it identifies which punch has produced the piece that is about to be decorated and selects a complementary graphic design.

During traditional decoration, the sensors identify which roller or screen is applying a decoration and assign to it the corresponding portion of the digital graphic design.

A diagnostic and production quality control tool is another fundamental accessory for a digital line. Evovision inspects each piece to check for pressing, breakage/chipping and

可拆卸式颜色通道上的色序和材料效果。 拥有这样的“魔棒”,即使数量不多,亦能将其模块 化和多功能性发挥出来。 此类颜色通道功能强大,仅需配合其它少数几种颜色 通道使用,实为用户的经济之选。另外,其可以在多 条生产线使用、设置时间短、无需清洗。

在结合 Projecta Engineering 公司专业装饰实战经 验下,Siti B&T 集团基于新型 Evostore 开发修建施 釉生产线的全新方法。所涉系统由轮式储箱组成。 储箱可安装7 条颜色通道,促使墨水保持再循环。 通过温度调节设备,,保证每个色槽的温度始终维持

XX Ceramic World Review n. 75/2008 56 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 作为 SITI B&T 集团的合伙公司之 一,Projecta Engineering 公 司始终致力于革新 Evolve系列 数字装饰设备,该设备可将墨水 安装在完全移动的墨水通道上。 其中,墨水通道安装有色槽、喷 头、配件和滤色器。 此类液压配件和电子配件的电子 元件位于后部,易于使用,可将 色块从原始位置移至新的位置而 无需清洗。 整个操作过程仅需短短几分钟时间,且 同一条颜色通道可在不同生产线和不同设备上使用。 Evolve 之所以能够在市场上取得成功,与其设备的 模块化和多功能性密不可分。用户可在任何时候改变
另外,通道上的喷头可进行自动清洗。 这意味着,每条颜色通道可随时安装到任何施釉生产 线的 Evolve 数字设备以供使用。 另一台设备可在合适间隔以外安装,有无配有颜色通 道均可,如有需要,可安装特殊的颜色通道,以达到 白色、有光泽、金属质感或透视的效果。 此类解决方案所需的初期投入较少,同时能够拓展各 生产线的色域,以及颜色效果。 在数字装饰工艺领域,SITI B&T 也推出了 Synchro3D。Synchro3D 为一种逻辑单元,可使用 整条生产线上安装的各台传感器,并像外围装置一样 管理每台独立装置。 这使得系统自图形设计伊始就能够时时保持与传感 器、数字装饰设备以及质量控制单元进行对话。通过 纹理检测系统,可确定哪一台冲压机生产了某一待装 饰件并选择出互补的图形设计。 在传统装饰中,用于确认辊筒或丝网的传感器可将装 饰品和分配材料涂覆到数字图形设计的对应部分。 诊断和生产质量控制工具是数字生产线的另一种基本 配件。 Evovision 可对各工件进行检验,以检查工件上是否
Marco Ferrari

graphic design alignment defects and performs digital decoration quality diagnostics. If decoration, shaping or geometry defects are found, the pieces are rejected prior to firing. This simple operation brings immediate kiln energy savings and allows the rejected tiles to be recycled as ceramic body. The system can automatically implement a series of actions such as test printing of the individual colour bars and, in the event of a negative diagnosis, initiate fully customisable corrective action, cleaning and alarms. Alongside its range of innovative technologies, SITI B&T Group also offers graphic designs suitable for creating high quality products. Digital Design, a partner company of SITI B&T Group, complements Projecta Engineering’s technologies with expertise, innovative custom solutions and complete graphic designs to support ceramic companies in every stage of the production process.

focus on digital decoration

出现压制缺陷、断裂/剥落和图形设计对准问题。此 外,Evovision 亦能够检测出数字装饰的质量问题。 若发现装饰缺陷、成型缺陷或几何缺陷,在工件煅烧 之前即会将其按不合格品处理。这一简单操作直接节 省了烧窑的能源,并将不合格瓷砖作为陶瓷胚体进行 再利用。系统可自动执行一系列操作,包括测试单个 的颜色通道的打印、在消极诊断情况下开启可定制的 纠正措施、清洁和警示等。 除系列创新技术之外,SITI B&T 集团亦提供多种平面 设计方案用于生产优质产品。作为 SITI B&T 集团的 另一合伙公司,Digital Design 公司凭借自身的专业 技能、创新客户解决方案以及完整的图形设计,与 Projecta Engineering 公司的工艺相辅相成,为处 于各个生产阶段的陶瓷公司贡献一臂之力。


When developing Creadigit, System focused on the key market requirements in the field of ceramic inkjet printing, namely reliability, print quality, versatility, flexibility and speed. Clearly these are very general characteristics that must be delivered by any printer, but in this specific case they have to be introduced and adapted to the ceramic sector. The advent of digital printing has taken printer design to a new level of complexity and prompted a multidisciplinary approach based on a development team. Whereas analog printing focused on mechanical aspects, the current approach is to bring together a number of professionals to create a mix of expertise (including chemists, physicists and electronic, mechanical, software and material engineers). Well aware of these needs, System has invested strongly in human resources and created a constantly expanding team working on research and development in the field of digital printing (currently 30 people). Numerous variables have to be taken into account when developing a printer for the ceramic industry and this has major implications for machine development and for management of the ceramic process. To adapt the digital approach to the ceramic industry, a number of changes need to be made to the production line. This includes using equipment and procedures designed to optimise the unique characteristics of this new way of printing while overcoming its technological limitations. The key concept behind the development of the Creadigit printhead is reliability – first and foremost that of the printheads. A number of high-quality printheads are available on the market, but none of them have been developed specifically for the ceramic industry. The StarFire SG-1024 printhead used on Creadigit is designed specially for ce-

开发 Creadigit 时,西斯特姆 (System )公司将目光锁定在陶 瓷喷墨印刷领域的主要市场要求

上,即:稳定性、印刷质量、多 功能化、灵活性和速度等要求。 很显然,这些要求均属于印刷机 必须提供的一般特征。

然而,形势特殊,这些普遍特征 需要继续沿用,也要适应陶瓷行 业的新变化。

数字印刷技术的出现将印刷设备的设计推向新的复 杂高度,提出基于开发团队的综合专业人才合作法。 模拟印刷侧重机械方面,而当前方法则是汇集各类 专业人才、打造专业综合体(包括化学家、物理学 家、电子工程师、机械工程师、软件工程师和材料工 程师)。意识到这一必要性时,西斯特姆公司立即大 力投资人力资源,创立了一支数字印刷研发团队,并 不断招贤纳士,不断壮大队伍规模。目前,团队规模 为 30 人。 在开发陶瓷行业专用印刷机时,必须考虑各种各样的 变量。设备开发和陶瓷生产工艺管理亦如此。 为将数字化方法投入陶瓷行业应用,有必要对生产线 进行大量改变。 包括使用或应用有利于优化印刷新方法的独特功能、 攻克技术瓶颈的设备和程序。
研发 Creadigit 的关键概念在于可靠性——这是打 印头的首要特征。 市场上的优质打印头不计其数,但专为陶瓷行业开发 的打印头却几近为零。 Creadigit 所用的 StarFire SG-1024 打印头专为陶
Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 57
Paolo Casarini

ramic ink and takes account of its unique characteristics, namely high solids content, the speed of sound in the liquid and the fact that it is not perfectly Newtonian. Ink recirculation takes place at the outlet on the nozzle plate, lost nozzles are restored automatically and deposition of inks solids content does not occur. The printhead’s high delivery capacity (25 g/m2 with a resolution of 400x400 dpi) improves reliability. The advanced hydraulic system patented by System for Creadigit features a double recirculation system to supply the printheads and perform recirculation on the ink loading circuit. The printheads are aligned internally by System using a three-dimensional detection system. This brings two advantages: faster machine installation and fewer adjustments over time. The conveyor system is based on an elastic belt with a number of innovative solutions that make its position stable in the long term. The water and detergent based cleaning system keeps the belt in perfect condition and increases its lifetime. Versatility is a key feature of Creadigit given its capacity to print at 400x400 dpi and up to 40 metres per minute while maintaining all 4 grey levels. It is able to deposit from a few grams to several tens of grams of ink per square metre without limitations in terms of speed or resolution and without having to reset the jetting parameters. The printheads and drive modes allow for good printing definition even at a distance of several mm from the tile, an option that is useful with textured pieces where print quality can be maintained both on the crests and in the troughs.

清洗剂的清洁系统可维持松紧带完好无损,延长其使 用寿命。 功能多样、用途广泛是 Creadigit 的关键特点之一。 设备每分钟打印 40 米,分辨率为 400x400 dpi,可 维持 4 个灰度级。Creadigit 也会发生沉积,但每立 方米的沉积量为零点几克到几克,与其速度或分辨率 为何值无关,与喷墨参数是否重置也无关。喷头和驱 动模式能够实现卓越的印刷清晰度,即使仅距离瓷砖 若干毫米,亦不例外。表面提供有纹饰的瓷砖实属有 用之选,不论纹理为凹纹理还是凸纹理,印刷质量均 能得以保持。


Kerajet’s new digital printing machine introduced at Tecnargilla 2012 was designed on the basis of experience and statistical data gathered by the company’s technical support department from more than 500 machines installed worldwide. The basic concept is that it is unrealistic to consider a single model of inkjet printhead suitable for all applications and that different applications require different printheads. The system developed by Kerajet can mount 4 different families of printheads capable of operating simultaneously on the same machine to create a unique and highly differentiating printing system. The following print unit models can be installed on the machine:

• K3-K31: With 180 dpi, a greyscale drop size from 12 to 84 pl and a jetting frequency of 18 kHz; the K31 version features recirculation inside the nozzle plate.

• K4-K41: Vertical resolution of 360 dpi and 2 models for the most widely used Xaar printhead, the first version from 6 to 42 pl, the second and more recent K41 (Xaar GS12) with drop size from 12 to 84 pl. 6 kHz jetting frequency and

12~84 pl;喷墨频率 6 kHz;喷嘴板

XX Ceramic World Review n. 75/2008 58 Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 Kerajet 公司在2012 年意大利里 米尼国际陶瓷技术博览会上展示 了其新型数码打印机,此打印机基 于公司相关经验以及公司技术支持 部门从全球 500 余台机器收集得 到的数据设计而成。Kerajet 公司 的基本设计理念在于,其认为单 一模式的喷墨喷头适用所有应用是 不现实的,不同应用需要不同喷 头。Kerajet 公司所开发系统可安 装 4 套不同的喷头。这些喷头能够在同一台设备上同 时使用——这就产生了一个与众不同且具有高分辨率 的印刷系统。可在设备上安装如下印刷单元模型: • K3-K31:分辨率 180 dpi;灰度级喷孔大小 12~84 pl,喷墨频率 18 kHz;K31 版本的喷嘴板内部可进 行再循环。 • K4-K41:垂直分辨率 360 dpi;两种模型均适用于 市场上最常见的 Xaar 喷头;第一版本的喷头大小 6~42 pl,第二版本以及最新版本
K41(Xaar GS12
瓷墨水设计,综合考虑了此类墨水的独特特征,即: 固体含量高、液体中的声速以及非完全牛顿流体。墨 水的再循环发生于喷嘴板出口,掉落的喷嘴会自动恢 复且墨水中的固体物质不会发生沉积。 打印头的墨水传送能力强(速度为 25 克/平方米 , 分辨率为 400x400 dpi),有助于提高可靠性水 平。System 公司推出的专利产品,即 Creadigit 专用高端液压系统,具有双循环系统,可提供打印 头并在墨水环路中进行再循环。打印头对准操作由 System 公司内部设置。设置时需使用三维检测系 统。其中的两个优点为:设备安装速度更快,调整频 率更小。传送机系统以松紧带作为基础,配有多种创 新解决方案,可长期保持传送机位置稳定。使用水和
Simone Tardini

recirculation inside the nozzle-plate.

• K5: Built exclusively to Kerajet specifications with grayscale drop size from 29 to 200 pl, 300 dpi resolution and 60 kHz jetting frequency; designed to be used interchangeably with ceramic inks and fluids for special applications, including water-based fluids; integrated temperature control and ink recirculation inside the nozzle plate.

• K6: With a vertical printing resolution of 400 dpi and a greyscale drop size from 28 to 90 pl, it features recirculation inside the nozzle plate and a high delivery capacity.

For the purpose of integrating digital printing systems into the production lines and combining them with other decoration procedures, over the years Kerajet has developed numerous solutions for synchronising its own systems with the entire production line. One of these is the texture scanner, which consists of a high-speed, high-resolution CCD camera that operates in conjunction with a laser emitter in the visible frequency range. The system is capable of synchronising 32 images and textures with very rapid recognition times (just a few milliseconds) and 100% reliability, even on lines that operate at 90 linear metres per minute. The self-learning procedure makes system start-up rapid and intuitive.

The current range of KERAjet machines includes the K1400 / K700, the Eco series and the KERAjet mini plotter.

• K1400 / K700: Kerajet’s top-of-the-range machine available in two construction sizes with conveyor belt widths of 1400 mm and 700 mm. It can be equipped with all the printing units listed and can handle 12 independent printhead channels and up to 9 different inks or fluids. It has an active fluid management system with temperature, recirculation, flowrate and meniscus all adjustable individually via software for each of the 9 circuits thanks to integrated management of the PLC installed on the machine. Its characteristics include: an automatic cleaning system which can be synchronised with the line, compensator or press; printing speed up to 90 metres per minute; print mode can be selected between sequential, random and batch; multiline machine control, Master/Slave system; extractable printhead bars to facilitate access and maintenance.

• ECO: this is the standard version of the machine and is cheaper and less expandable. It can mount both K3/K31 and K4/K41 printheads; if the latter are installed, the system can be configured with 6 active recirculation channels and consequently 6 independent ink circuits. The active ink management system is identical to that of the K1400/ K700 and is therefore completely independent and adjustable via software. The maximum print size corresponds to the belt width of 700 mm and the production rate is up to 50 m/min.

• Plotter KERAjet mini: Maximum print size 700 x 1000 mm, designed to manage up to 6 independent colour circuits. The plotter can be set up with a fixed bed like a laboratory plotter or with belt transport for installation on production lines. It features an improved transport system for high productivity; high printing resolution due to the extremely high positioning precision; and simplicity of ink management due to the integrated active recirculation system.


• K5:严格按 Kerajet 公司的规格制造。灰度级喷 孔大小 29~200 pl;分辨率 300 dpi;喷墨频率 60 kHz。可切换使用陶瓷墨水或水溶液等其它特 殊应用适用的液体。喷嘴板内部可进行综合温控 和墨水再循环。

• K6:垂直打印分辨率 400 dpi;灰度级喷孔大小 28~90 pl;喷嘴板内部可进行再循环;传送能力 强。为将数码印刷系统集成到生产线,并与其它 装饰工序相结合,这些年来,Kerajet 公司已针 对将自身开发的系统与整条生产线同步使用这一 理念开发出各类解决方案,而纹理扫描器便是其 中之一,其由高速、高清 CCD 摄像机(在可见 光波段内与激光发射器共同运行)组成。系统可 同步 32 张图像和纹理,并快速进行识别(只需几 毫秒时间),稳定程度达 100%,即使运行速度 为 90 米/分钟 的生产线,亦不例外。由于具备自 我学习程序,系统启动快速,宛如凭直觉先行。

目前,KERAjet 公司的设备范围包括 K1400 / K700 、Eco 系列和 KERAjet 迷你绘图机。 • K1400 / K700:Kerajet 公司顶级设备的两种结 构尺寸版本,所配有传送带的宽度分别为 1400 mm 和 700 mm。其适用于打印单元清单中罗列 的所有打印单元,可同时操作 12 道独立的打印 头槽和 9 种不同性质的墨水或液体。配有主动液 体管理系统。由于设备上安装有 PLC 集成管理 系统,因此,9 条回路中任意一条的温度、再循 环、流速和弯液面均可通过软件独立调整。 其特 征包括:配有自动清洁系统——能够与生产线、 压缩机或印刷机保持同步;打印速度达 90 米/分

制,并配有主/从属系统;配有可拆卸喷头棒,使 用和维护方便、快捷。 • ECO:标准版本。经济实惠,但拓展性较差。适 用于 K3/K31 和 K4/K41 打印头;若安装 K4/K41 打印头,则系统可配置 6 个主动再循环槽,从而 具有 6 条独立墨水回路。主动墨水管理系统与 K1400/K700 相同,因此,通过软件使用,同样 可实现独立调整。最大打印规格与 700 毫米宽的 传送带相对应。生产速度达 50 米/分钟。
钟;打印模式多样化,分顺序打印、任意打印和 批量打印三种可选模式;可实现多生产线设备控
• 绘图机:KERAjet 迷你绘图机:最大打印尺规格 为 700 x 1000 毫米,可管理 6 条独立的颜色回 路。绘图机可设置配有固定台,如实验室绘图机 或配有可在生产线上安装的传送带。配有改良的 运输系统,生产率高;由于能够精准定位,因此 打印分辨率高;再者,由于集成了主动再循环系 统,墨水管理实现了简单化。
Ceramic World Review CHINESE EDITION 2013 59
focus on digital decoration

EFI Cretaprint

The new C3 multifunctional digital ceramic printer from EFI Cretaprint is an innovative system capable of operating with different types and brands of printheads simultaneously on the same machine, both for decoration and for applying special effects. It has a unique, compact structure designed to hold up to 8 print bars.

The machine adapts to the space available in the factory and is quick and simple to configure in terms of number of bars, print width, resolution, speed and ink discharge.

The independent and extractable print bars are equipped with an extraction system that prevents condensation and vapour build-up on the printhead printing base. When a bar is not used for decoration, the printheads are protected.

A double laser at the machine entrance detects the position and thickness of the piece and automatically manages the variation in printing height.

The ink system is an intelligent system that is very simple to maintain. It incorporates a new exclusive ink feeding mechanism patented by EFI Cretaprint and is equipped with a system of manifolds that ensures constant pressure and flowrate distribution and minimises the risk of sedimentation reaching the printhead.

The operating system used allows for integral printer management and is equipped with the latest interface technology to optimise usability.

The touch system is fully upgradable remotely and incorporates utilities such as TAS (Tone Adjustment System), linearization and calculation of ink consumption.

The electronic system increases the performance of the EFI Cretaprint inkjet by using a primary computer to load the image files and secondary computers to manage file printing.

In the field of colour management, an area of vital importance for the ceramic industry, EFI Cretaprint is launching a dedicated software package developed by Fiery (an EFI business unit with some 650 engineers).

Its characteristics include: image processing and colour separation optimised for EFI Cretaprint printers and plotters; colour separation (including white ink for tiles with a coloured base); shorter time from design through to implementation of the model; simple and reliable image modification; full control over production in terms of colour and quality.

The software manages from 3 to 12 colours with the same quality and allows for lower ink consumption and a high level of automation.

It offers numerous advantages stemming from a workflow that makes the printing process predictable and reproducible over time, eliminating errors between the design and printing stages and drastically reducing the time spent on design. It also increases productivity and automation of the development process and works with any combination and number of inks, generating a display in Photoshop.

提供保护。 设备入口处的双重激光可检测工件的位置和


墨水系统为智能化系统,极易维护。 其配有新型给墨装置(EFI Cretaprint 享有专 利权)和集合管系统。

其中,集合管系统可确保提供恒定压力和流 速分布,最大程度减小喷头处出现沉积的风 险。所用操作系统能够实现打印机的整体管 理,配有最新接合技术,可优化使用性。 触控系统为远程升级系统,集 TAS(色调调

XX Ceramic World Review n. 75/2008 QUADERNI DI ACIMAC Presente e digitalefuturo l’evoluzione continua 2012 EDIZIONE 60 Ceramic World Review CHINESE ED ITION 2013 EFI Cretaprint 的新型 C3 多功能数码陶瓷打印机是一 种创新系统,可在同一台设 备上同时使用不同类型、不 同品牌的喷头。不论装饰还 是特效应用,概不例外。其 结构独特、紧凑,可容纳 8 根印刷棒。 该设备可适应工厂的可用空 间,亦能够简单快速地配置 出印刷棒数量、印刷宽度、分辨率、速度和
排墨量。 该独立的可拆卸印刷棒配有吸取系统,可防 止喷头印刷基板出现冷凝和蒸汽现象。 印刷棒不用于装饰操作时,喷头有相关装置
电子系统可通过一级电脑加载图像文件、 二级电脑管理文件打印这一过程提高EFI Cretaprint 喷墨装置的性能。 针对颜色管理这一至关重要的领域,陶瓷行 业巨头 EFI Cretaprint 目前正通过其 Fiery 部 门(EFI 业务部门,共有 650 名工程师)开发 专用软件包。 该软件包具有如下特征:适用于 EFI Cretaprint 打印机和绘图机的优化图像处理 和分色;分色(包括用于彩色瓷砖的白色墨 水);模式执行的时间更短;图像修正更简 单、质量更稳定;可在生产期间全面监控颜 色和质量。软件可管理 3 至 12 种同一性质的 颜色,减少墨水的消耗,设备的自动化程度 更高。 其工作流程使印刷过程具有可预见性和重复 生产性,因此具有多种优势,如,实现设计 和印刷阶段的零失误率,并大幅度缩短设计 时间。同时,还能够改善生产率,提高开发 过程的自动化程度,可与多种墨水协同工 作,且可展示在图像处理软件中。
节系统)、线性化和墨水耗量计算等多种应 用于一身。
Lorenzo Bonfiglioli
The latest generation of digital printer for ceramic Tel: + 34 964 340 264 cretaprintsales@efi.com www.efi.com/cretaprint

Following last year’s award for the Keramcid® and Metalcid® series of inks, the Torrecid Group has won another Alfa de Oro 2013 for four innovative digital solutions capable of driving future trends in the ceramic sector:

• D.G-CID®: digital glazes for high definition injection

• T.M-CID®: digital glazes for heavy weight injection

• SMART-CID®: digital inks for vitrified surfaces

• DECAL-CID®: digital decals for decorating ceramic objects.

The Alfa de Oro 2013 award coincides with the Torrecid Group’s 50th anniversary and pays tribute to its 50 years of constant innovation, a path that the group intends to follow in the future.

The digital solutions honoured by this year’s award further consolidate the world leadership that Torrecid has held in the digital glaze and ink market since 2004, when as a pioneer in the segment it won another Alfa de Oro award for its Inkcid® pigmented inks. The group’s world leadership position owes much to the reliability, added value and wide colour range of its products and its commitment to quality and service.

Digital glazing

The Torrecid Group has taken a further step forward in the field of digital technology with the introduction of D.G.Cid® and T.M-Cid® digital glazes, designed to create 100% digital ceramic surfaces in which both the glaze and decoration are applied using inkjet technology. This brings numerous advantages in terms of product, process and handling: a drastic reduction in the length of the glazing line from the current length of more than 150 m to just 15 m; ease and flexibility in changing and developing models; environmental benefits by eliminating waste; and the possibility of obtaining different finishes on the same piece or selective glazing of the high and low areas of the relief.

The D.G-CID® digital glazes were developed to create ceramic products with thinner layers of glaze together with

2013年阿尔法奖恰逢陶丽西集团50周年庆,颂扬了其50年 来不断的创新,这条创新之路也是陶丽西集团在未来继续走 下去的不二选择。 今年获奖的数字化解决方案进一步巩固了陶丽西自2004年 以来在数码釉料与油墨市场上占据的全球领导地位。 2004年,陶丽西作为该领域的先驱凭借其Inkcid®颜料型墨 水获得了阿尔法奖。该集团的全球领导地位很大程度上归功 于其产品的可靠性、附加值和广泛的色彩范围以及其对质量 和服务的保证。

100% digital ceramics 100% 数码陶瓷 62 Ceramic World Revie w CHINESE EDITION 2013 继去年Keramcid®及Metalcid®系列油墨获奖后,西班牙 陶丽西(Torrecid)集团凭借4个创新型数字化解决方案再 次获得2013年阿尔法(Alfa de Oro)奖,这些解决方案推 动陶瓷行业未来的发展趋势: • D.G-CID®:高清晰度注射数码釉料 •
数码上釉 陶丽西集团引进D.G.-Cid®和T.M-Cid®数码釉料后,又向 数码技术领域迈进了一步。 这两种釉料旨 在创造100%的 数码陶瓷表 面,这样的表 面使得上面的 釉料和装饰可 以采用喷墨技 术。 这在产品、工 艺与处理方面 带来了众多优 势:大幅减少 了施釉线的长 度,从目前的 150多米减少 至15米;改变 与开发新模具时更加轻松、灵活;减少浪费、有益环保;可
Federico Michavilla, chairman of the Torrecid Group, at the Alfa de Oro 2013 award presentation
/ 图片:陶丽西集团董事长Federico
de Oro)奖颁奖典礼。

high image definition and quality. Suitable for all kinds of existing products (porcelain, porous single-firing, etc.), they are ideal for large size thin ceramic tiles, which are becoming increasingly popular amongst architects and interior designers.

One of the most highly praised products at Torrecid’s stand at Cevisama was the 3x1 m ceramic sheet with a thickness of just 5 mm, which was glazed with D.G-CID® digital glazes and decorated with INKCID® pigmented digital inks. The flexibility and adaptability of these large sheets bring additional benefits for architectural ceramics as they can be used to cover curved surfaces, create perfectly flat floors or used in custom sizes.

T.M-CID® digital glazes are specially designed to deposit layers of glaze of a similar thickness to those achieved with traditional glazing techniques and for products that require lower definition designs than those typically obtained with D.G-CID® glazes. These glazes are likewise suitable for any kind of ceramic product.

Decoration of vitrified ceramic

SMART-CID® is a definitive solution for digital inkjet decoration of ceramic tiles with vitrified surfaces as it combines the definition typical of this technology with high intensity designs and a wide colour range. It increases the decorative potential of products for which third firing is normally adopted and can be used for other products on which this kind of application was previously impossible, such as dark coloured glazed tiles, polished grain glazed tiles, polished porcelain, etc.

Last but not least, the Decal-Cid® digital decals revolutionise the approach to decorating ceramic objects such as glazed roof tiles, ceramic trims with very pronounced relief, etc. They offer all the aesthetic and technical advantages of inkjet technology and help to promote this niche market by introducing more competitive products.


All the digital solutions introduced by the Torrecid Group over the years, including the Slimcid® series, have revolutionised the aesthetics of ceramic products and have culminated in Style-Cid®, the “new ceramic” with which the company intends to drive future trends. With its highly intricate and creative designs and ability to customise ceramic trends, Style-Cid® is unique, universal and timeless. (JF) 

瓦伦西亚国际瓷砖及卫浴博览会(Cevisama)期间,陶 丽西展位上获赞誉最多的产品之一为一款规格为3米X1米、 厚度仅5毫米的陶瓷板,这种陶瓷板施D.G-CID®数码釉 料,并用INKCID®颜料型数码油墨装饰。 这些大尺寸陶瓷板的灵活性和多种铺贴环境的适应性给建 筑陶瓷带来了额外的好处,因为它们可以用来掩盖弯曲的 表面、制作非常平整的地板面,或被切割成客户需要的定 制尺寸。

T.M-CID®数码釉料是专门用于把釉料沉淀到和用传统施釉 技术施釉达到的相似厚度,及针对需要比通常用D.GCID®釉料获得的图像清晰度要求更低的产品。 这种釉料也同样适用于任何种类的陶瓷产品。



Ceramic World Review n. 100/2013 12 Ceramic World Revie w CHINESE EDITION 2013 63
在同一片砖上可获得不同的加工效果或者在砖表面浮雕的 高低区域有选择性地施釉。 D.G-CID®数码釉料是开发用 来制造施釉层较薄、图像高 清、质量佳的陶瓷产品。这种釉料适用于各种现有产品( 瓷器、多孔一次煅烧等),作为大规格陶瓷薄板的理想釉
用于之前不可能进行这种应用的其他产品,例如深色的琉 璃瓦、抛光琉璃瓦、抛光瓷砖等。 最后,Decal-Cid®数码贴花纸彻底改变了陶瓷产品如屋 顶釉面瓷砖、装点有非常突出浮雕的陶瓷等的装饰方法。 它们提供了喷墨技术的所有美学与技术优势,并通过引入 更具竞争力的产品帮助打开这个商机巨大的市场。 Style-Cid® 陶丽西集团多年来推出的所有数码解决方案,包括 Slimcid®系列,彻底颠覆了陶瓷产品的审美观,并在其推 出Style-Cid® 产品时达到顶峰,那是一种陶丽西公司想要 引领未来发展趋势的新陶瓷产品中所用到的产品。 具有高度复杂、设计创新且能够自定义陶瓷发展趋势等特 点,Style-Cid®是独一无二的,能够被广泛使用且长期有 效。  focus on digital decoration
极解决方案,因为它把这种技术通常能达到的清晰度与高 密度的设计和广泛的色彩范围相结合。 它增加了通常进行第三次煅烧的产品的装饰潜力,还可以

Special inks for unique surfaces

Colorobbia’s range of digital inks, called Colorobbia Digital Space, was one of the innovations that generated most interest amongst visitors to the trade fairs Cersaie and Tecnargilla 2012. Following the introduction of the new CShine series of special effect inks, the range now offers a comprehensive array of solutions that draw from the Italian company’s longstanding expertise in materials and industrial processes and make it a benchmark in the field of digital decoration.

The new C-Shine ink range uses an innovative technique developed by Colorobbia to create unique colours, textures and optical-effect ceramic surfaces (including exclusive multicolour, metallised and iridescent effects) while delivering numerous technical and application advantages. These special inks allow unlimited scope for use in combination with conventional glazes and inks, generating a variety of tones and multicolour effects that significantly extend the colour range and giving ceramic producers the opportunity to fully customise their products.

The C-Shine series, for which the technology and materials are at the patent pending stage, complements the existing Colorobbia Digital Space range (including the already popular C-Inks series of pigmented inks and the new C-Glaze range of matt and white inks). C-Inks consists of a wide range of inks with high stability and exceptional colour strength. The colour range consists of the fundamental colours together with an innovative green ink, which is capable of significantly expanding the gamut

64 Ceramic World Revie w CHINESE EDITION 2013
为独特的表面处理效果而 生的特殊墨水 Colorobbia的数码墨水系列叫做Colorobbia数码空间 (Digital Space),是2012年 意大利博洛尼亚陶瓷卫浴 博览会(Cersaie) 和意大利里米尼国际陶瓷技术展 (Tecnargilla)上最让观展者感兴趣的创新之一。 继引进具有特殊效果的新C-Shine系列墨水 后,Colorobbia数码空间系列提供了大量综合解决方案, 这些解决方案来自该意大利企业长期从事该材料和行业过 程中得到的专业知识,使其成为数码装饰领域的标杆。 新C-Shine墨水系列使用 Colorobbia公司开发的创 新技术,创造出独特的颜 色、纹理和陶瓷表面的光 学效果(包括独有的多 色、金属色和虹彩效果) ,同时提供大量技术和应 用优势。 这些特殊的墨水结合传统 的釉料和墨水后具有无限 的使用范围,产生各种色 调和多色效果,显著扩大 了颜色范围,给陶瓷生产 商有机会充分地生产出他 们想要制造的产品。 C-Shine系列的技术和材料 正处于申请专利的阶段, 补充了目前的Colorobbia 数码空间系列,包括已经 广受欢迎的C-Inks(油 墨)颜料型墨水系列和新 的C-Glaze(釉料)哑光 与白色油墨系列。 C-Inks包括广泛的具有高 稳定性和非凡色度的油 墨。

towards otherwise unobtainable colours by superimposing inks normally present in the machine.

To further increase the potential of digital decoration, Colorobbia has also developed the C-Glaze series. This consists of a matt effect ink that contrasts with a glossy component to create highly original aesthetic effects on ceramic surfaces, as well as a white ink capable of enhancing the luminosity of dark substrates and creating unique decorations on coloured backgrounds.

Colorobbia Digital Space inks offer numerous advantages, including:

• official approval by the leading producers of printheads and inkjet machines, guaranteeing product quality and optimised performance in the production process;

• wide and intense colour gamut;

• scope for customising products;

• greater flexibility in the use of inks, which are suitable for all types of products;

• high stability over time;

• consistent rheological characteristics over time, resulting in optimal behaviour when the inks are loaded into the machine, whether during operation or stand-by;

• outstanding levels of environmental safety in accordance with applicable legislation so as to safeguard workers’ health;

• no risk labelling for handling and transport.

The C-Glaze, C-Shine and C-Inks range inks have been developed using the same solvent and are therefore fully compatible.

Through collaboration with the leading manufacturers of printheads and ceramic digital decoration machinery, Colorobbia has succeeded in developing cutting-edge materials and application solutions.

(JF) 

Ceramic World Revie w CHINESE EDITION 2013 65
色彩范围包括基础色和新型的绿色,能够显著扩大色域,而 如果用机器中平常相叠加的墨水无法获得这些色彩。 为了进一步提高数码装饰的潜力,Colorobbia还开发了 C-Glaze系列。其中包括的哑光效果墨水能与带有光泽的组 件形成对比从而在陶瓷表面上营造高度原创性的审美效果, 也包括了一种墨水,其能够增强深色承印物的亮度,也能彩 色背景上创造独特装饰效果。
• 获得领先喷头和喷墨机生产商的认证,产品质量可靠, 性能优化; • 广泛而集中的色域; • 定制产品的广泛选择空间; • 墨水使用更灵活,适用于所有类型的产品; • 稳定性高; • 稳定的流变性特征,墨水放入机器中后能产生最佳的运 行状况,无论是在操作 过程中或待机时; • 依照适用的法例 具有突出的环保标准, 保障工人的健康; • 操作与运输时贴 标签没有风险。 C-Glaze、C-Shine和 C-Inks系列墨水均使用 相同的溶剂开发的,所 以彼此完全兼容。 通过与领先喷头生产商 和陶瓷数码装饰机械生 产商合 作,Colorobbia成功 开发了尖端材料和应用 解决方案。 

EBI Ltd. is a pioneer in the sanitary ceramic industry since 1990 as the original global provider of innovative, high-tech Light Cure Acrylic™ (LCA™) and Self Cure Acrylic™ (SCA™) repair solutions. CeramiCure® by EBI Ltd., manufactures repair products for sanitary ceramic and porcelain products, enabling manufacturers to repair everything from pinholes to “scrapped” pieces, resulting in immediate saleable inventory. CeramiCure® LCA™ and SCA™ products are produced and sourced from only the highest-quality, ISO certified raw material suppliers. CeramiCure® LCA™ and SCA™ products have been proven reliable for 20+ years and are trusted by customers worldwide. CeramiCure® Light-Cure Acrylic™ (LCA™) is a complete sanitary ceramic and porcelain repair solution for making invisible repairs of minor glaze defects such as pits, iron spots, small chips, or pinholes. CeramiCure® LCA™ is produced from high-tech micro- and nano-acrylics, specifically developed to withstand moisture and cleansers and will not fade over time. CeramiCure® LCA™ is easy to use, non-toxic, fast-curing, and available in more than 300 colors, with custom color matching at no additional cost. CeramiCure® Self-Cure Acrylic™ (SCA™) body repair material is used to restore previously unusable cracked and scrapped pieces. It was developed in 2001, by EBI Ltd. to fulfill an industry need for a reliable, longterm repair solu-

tion for body defects and cracks in fired sanitaryware pieces. The CeramiCure® SCA™ material has successfully undergone extensive testing in a University and various client laboratories, including XRay Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Differential Thermal Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetric, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Thermal Shock, Water Absorption, Tensile Testing, Flexural Testing, and Fracture Mechanic. The results of these tests clearly confirm that the innovative technological properties of the CeramiCure® SCA™ material create a bond and structural interface with the ceramic substrate better than any other material on the market. After implementing the CeramiCure® LCA™ and/or SCA™ repair processes, a plant will achieve significant savings by reducing electricity, gas, labor and raw materials, while simultaneously reducing CO2 output. In addition to its USbased website, www.ceramicure. com, CeramiCure® by EBI Ltd. Has initiated country-specific sites for its major markets, including China at http://www.ceramicure.com/ chinese/index.php. HIMG™ (Haffner International Marketing Group Inc.) is the global marketing company promoting CeramiCure® by EBI Ltd. products worldwide since 1994.

EBI 有限公司作为卫生陶瓷 行业的先驱,自 1990 年以 来就一直以全球首批供应商 的身份,为该行业提供创新 且高科技的丙烯酸光能修复 系統™(LCA™)和自固化丙 烯酸™(SCA™)修复方案。

EBI 有限公司的 CeramiCure® 为卫生陶瓷 用品生产的修复产品,可使 制造商得以修复任何针孔乃 至“报废”件,因此几乎是 供不应求。 CeramiCure® LCA™ 和 SCA™ 产品原料均 由最高品质且经过 ISO 认证 的原材料供应商生产制成并 负责提供。 CeramiCure®

LCA™ 和 SCA™ 产品20多年 以来一直品质可靠,受到全 球客户信赖。 CeramiCure® 丙烯酸光能 修复系統 ™ (LCA™)作为一 套完整的卫生陶瓷修复方 案,可实现无痕迹的釉面微 小缺陷修复(诸如釉坑、铁 斑、碎片或针孔之类缺陷) 。 CeramiCure® LCA™ 产 自高科技的微型和纳米丙烯 酸树脂,专为抵御潮湿和清

件。其由 EBI 有限公司于 2001 年开发,旨在满足行 业需求,在烧制后的卫生洁 具件胚体上的缺陷及裂纹修 复方面,提供一个可靠且长 期的修复方 案。CeramiCure® SCA™ 材料已在大学和各种客户实 验室成功地进行了集中的测 试,其中包括 X 射线光电子 能谱、差热分析、差示扫描 量热、电子显微镜扫描、热 冲击、吸水试验、拉伸试 验、弯曲试验,以及断裂机 械试验。 通过这些测试结 果,人们可以清楚地认识到 CeramiCure® SCA 材料创 新的技术性能,其在与陶瓷 衬底创建联结和结构性连接 方面优于市场上的任何其他 材料。 实施 CeramiCure® LCA™ 和/或 SCA™ 修复程 序的厂家,由于电气、劳动 力和原材料消耗量的降低将 实现显著节能,同时减少二 氧化碳排放量。 除了其美 国总部的网站www. ceramicure. com,CeramiCure ® EBI 有限公司还为其主要市场所 在国家分别建立相应网站, 其中包括中国的 http:// www.ceramicure.com/ chinese/index.php 。HIMG ™ (Haffner International Marketing Group Inc.)属于全球营销 公司,自 1994 年以来通过 EBI 公司产品在全球营销 CeramiCure®。

66 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 products
洁剂作用而开发设计,且经 久不褪色。 CeramiCure® LCA™ 使用方便、无毒、快 速固化,其无附加 成本的自定义配色 功能,让可使用颜 色超过 300 种。CeramiCure® 自固化丙烯酸 ™ (SCA ™ )生产的 陶瓷胚体修复材 料,可用于恢复以 EBI – CERAMICURE

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Hito Technical Industries (Barcelona, Spain) is a company specialising exclusively in the manufacture and sale of alumina grinding media products. It was the first European ceramic group to move its production facilities out of Europe in order to reduce manufacturing costs while maintaining the quality standards requested by customers. Thanks to the extensive specialist experience of its management, commercial staff and technicians, some of whom have been working in the industry for more than 25 years, HITO took up a new challenge eight years ago and is now a very well-known company with products that enjoy an excellent reputation worldwide. This success is recognised by hundreds of end users in more than 35 different countries operating in a variety of different industries including ceramics (floor and wall tiles, sanitaryware, tableware, porcelain), raw materials, mining, white cement, etc.

Over the last five years, HITO has achieved some of its main targets:

• supplying and selling products with an excellent quality/price ratio;

• launching a new range of products in addition to its high density grinding media, such as medium density balls and BTC (bauxite) balls;

• offering specialist technical advice and support in any milling conditions to all customers or end-users;

• guaranteeing an effective and rapid service to customers wherever they are located through three different distribution centres in Barcelona, Castellón and Qingdao.

sonal, direct contact enables HITO to cater for customers’ needs by offering its experience and knowledge and improving their milling conditions. In some areas or countries HITO has established a professional network of agents and distributors who maintain constant communication with customers, offering a good service and information (shipments, documents, etc.) in constant contact with the Spanish head office. A highly qualified team of technicians install alumina linings and are ready to travel to any country to study the alumina lining needs of any kind of mill (batch, continuous, for wet or dry milling conditions, etc.). HITO participates as an exhibitor in all the world’s major ceramics fairs, including Cevisama (Spain), Tecnargilla (Italy), Ceramitec (Germany), Mosbuild (Russia), India Ceramics, Keramika Jakarta (Indonesia), China Ceramics and Fornecer and Revestir (Brazil). In some of them, such as India Ceramics and Fornecer, HITO has been taking part as a pioneer ever since the first edition. Its primary focus is on quality, service, technical advice, skills and expertise, qualities that it intends to continue to improve through investments in the future. Thanks to this philosophy, the company is now one of the leaders in the grinding media sector.

Technical Industries

磨微晶产品生产与销售的 公司,它是欧洲第一个将生 产设备迁移出欧洲以降低 生产成本,同时保持客户要 求的质量标准的陶瓷集 团。Hito拥有经验丰富的专 业管理团队、广大职工和 技术人员中的许多人在这 个行业的工龄已超过25 年。8年前Hito迎接新的挑 战,目前已成长为一家其产 品在世界各地享有盛誉的 企业。这一成功得到了来自 35多个不同国家数百名终 端用户的认可,这些用户来 自于不同行业,包括陶瓷( 地砖和墙砖、陶瓷卫生洁 具、餐具、瓷器)、原材料、 采矿业、白水泥等。 在过 去的5年时间里,Hito实现 了它的一些主要目标: • 供应和销售具有良好性 价比的产品; • 除了高密度的研磨微晶 外,还推出了一系列新的 产品,如中等密度的氧化 铝耐磨球和BTC(铝矾

东、美洲)的团队为客户 提供帮助。这种个人的、 直接的接触使得Hito通过 提供经验和知识以及改善 研磨状态来满足客户的需 求。在一些国家或地 区,Hito建立了代理商和 经销商的专业网络,这些 代理商与经销商和客户保 持着联系,同时在与西班 牙总公司的经常联系中提 供良好的服务和信息(装 运、单据等)。 一支高素 质的技术员队伍负责安装 氧化铝衬砖,并且随时可 以前往任何国家学习研究 各种球磨的氧化铝衬砖需 求(批量处理、连续作 业、潮湿或干燥的研磨条 件等)。 Hito作为参展商 参加了全球所有重要的陶 瓷展会,包括西班牙瓦伦 西亚国际瓷砖及卫浴博览 会(Cevisama)、意大 利里米尼国际陶瓷技术展 (Tecnargilla)、德国慕 尼黑国际陶瓷工业展 (Ceramitec)、俄罗斯 国际建筑建材展 (Mosbuild)、印度陶瓷 工业展(India Ceramics)、印尼陶瓷工 业展(Keramika Jakarta)、中国国际陶瓷 工业技术与产品展览会 (China Ceramics)、巴 西的Fornecer与Revestir HITO TECHNICAL INDUSTRIES

展会。其中一些展会,如 印度陶瓷工业展和 Fornecer展会,Hito自从 products 68 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013

这些展会首次举行就参与 其中。 Hito把重点放在产 品质量、服务、技术咨 询、技术人员和专业技能 等方面,且将继续投资以 不断强化这些优势。秉承 这一理念,公司现在已是 研磨微晶领域的领导者之 一。 位于西班牙巴塞罗那的 Hito
The company can also provide support to customers via its staff in four continents (Europe, Africa, Middle and Far East and America). This per土)氧化铝耐磨球; • 在 任何球 磨条件下都能为 所有客户或最终 用户提供专业的 技术建议和帮 助; • 无 论客户 位于 哪个地方, 都能通过巴塞罗 那、卡斯特利 翁、青岛这3个 销售中心为客户 提供有效、快速 的服务。 公司还能通过 分布于四大洲 (欧洲、非 洲、中东和远

ASEAN Ceramics 2013

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The Spanish multinational Esmalglass-Itaca is continuing to strengthen its leadership position in the digital ink segment through close cooperation with the top printhead manufacturers. Since the introduction of the new technology, it has been involved in numerous technological innovation projects in collaboration with these companies. A new range of Esmalglass-Itaca inks is now being used for tests and printhead setup by XAAR (for the GS12 range), Fujifilm-Dimatix (SG1024/M-C range), Toshiba TEC (CF1-L range) and Konica Minolta (KM1024i range). The fact that EsmalglassItaca inks have been chosen by the printhead manufacturers demonstrates the high quality and reliability of these products for all digital printing applications. It also vindicates the Spanish company’s policy of adopting an open, independent system that has allowed for cooperation with all the leading players in the world of ceramic digital printing, becoming the model most widely adopted by the ceramic manufacturers. The company has also collaborated closely with the machinery manufacturers with a view to achieving the best results in terms of finished product quali-

ty and industrial productivity. Esmalglass-Itaca inks deliver production rates of 44 to 90 m/min, confirming the economic and technical feasibility of inkjet decoration for high productivity lines. The many advantages offered by this range of inks include a wider colour range, higher print quality, the possibility of producing tonal variations and more uniform and intense colours, as well as excellent colour reproduction and a high level of physical and chemical stability. The greater colour intensity enhances the dark-light effect and brings the additional benefit of lower ink consumption. Esmalglass-Itaca inks are already used in more than 400 ceramic factories the world over.


水被喷头制造商所看中,说 明了这些产品在所有数码 印刷应用中的高品质和可 靠性。它还证明了这个西班 牙公司采用开放、独立的系 统与一切世界顶级陶瓷数 码印刷公司开展合作的政 策是正确的,这一模式已被 陶瓷制造商广泛效仿。 该 公司还与机械制造商密切 合作,以期在成品质量和 工业生产率方面取得最好 成绩。Esmalglass-Itaca 墨水的生产速度为44-90 米/分钟,确保了高生产率 生产线上墨水装饰的经济 与技术可行性。该系列墨 水具有众多优势,其中包括 更宽广的色彩范围、更高的 打印质量、产生色调变化的 可能性、更均匀更强烈的色 彩、卓越的色彩还原和高 水平的物理、化学稳定性。 更大的色彩强度增强了明 暗效果,同时额外带来了 降低墨水消耗的好处。 全 世界已有400多家陶瓷工厂 正在使用EsmalglassItaca墨水。


DGV - Digital Glaze Vetriceramici is a new range of products specially designed to create textural and special effects on tiles using digital technology. Based on Vetriceramici’s ongoing efforts in technological innovation, the new DGV range consists of products such as penetrating, iridescent, white and clear glazes. It joins the Vetridigit digital ink line which is already well established in the major international markets and consists of 12 VIK colours in three different series, ideal for adapting to the different printheads used by printer manufacturers. Another important series is the revolutionary DDV - Digital Dry Vetriceramici range, designed and developed in cooperation with the sector’s leading engineering and plant manufacturers. In addition to the

new line, these partnerships have also resulted in the development of a dry digital glazing system. The DDV range of products includes matt, gloss, white, transparent and lustre glazes, allowing for unlimited custom colours and a strongly material effect. Dry digital technology offers the advantage of being able to interface graphically with the best wet digital printers. This makes for high-quality tiles that combine the benefits of high-definition wet digital printing with the dry digital application of large quantities of material. Vetridigit stems from cooperation between Vetriceramici and the leading producers of ceramic printheads and digital decorating machines. The 100% Italian-made Vetridigit range of inks is one of the widest availa-

常强烈。干式数码技术的优 势是能够与最好的湿式数码 打印机图形化接口。这样生 产出的高品质的瓷砖结合了 高清的湿式数码印刷与大量 材料的干式数码应用的优 点。 Vetridigit的开发源于 Vetriceramici和领先的陶 瓷喷头制造商和数码印刷机 制造商之间的合作。100%

products 70 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013
DGV-数码釉料 Vetriceramici(Digital Glaze Vetriceramici)是一 系列专门用于数码技术在瓷 砖上营造纹理和特殊效果的 新产品。基于Vetriceramici 在技术创新上坚持不懈的努 力,新的DGV系列包括渗彩 釉、虹彩釉、白釉、清釉等 产品。新的DGV系列加入到 Vetridigit数码墨水,后者由 3个不同的系列共12个VIK颜 色组成,能够很好地适应打 印机制造商使用的不同喷 头,其在主要的国际市场上 的市场份额已颇具规模。 另 一个重要的系列是革命性的 DDV-数码干式 Vetriceramici(Digital Dry Vetriceramici)系列,它 是通过与该行业领头的工程 与设备制造商合作设计和开 发出来的。除了新的生产 线,他们还合作开发了一个 干式数码施釉系统。DDV系 列产品包括无光釉、光泽 釉、清釉、透明釉,不会限 制颜色且能使材料的效果非
Esmalglass-Itaca通过 与顶尖喷头制造商的密切 合作继续加强着其在数码 墨水领域的领导地位。引 进新技术后,它已与这些 公司合作开展了许多技术 创新项目。一系列新的 Esmalglass-Itaca墨水目 前正用于赛尔(GS12系 列)、富士 Dimatix(SG1024/M-C 系列)、东芝泰格(CF1-L 系列)和柯尼卡美能达 (KM1024i系列)的测试 和喷头装 配。Esmalglass-Itaca墨

ble on the market, consisting of fundamental colours and a series of further complementary colours designed to meet customers’ specific needs. Much attention has been focused on the use of new glazes, crystallines and high-strength technical grits for applications with and without lapping, and specially designed to optimise the colour strength of the new digital technology. The main characteristics of Vetridigit inks are:

• excellent colour gamut, strength and intensity

• high colour stability over time

• multi-machine inks

• custom colours

• special pigments for brighter and more uniform colours

• non-toxic products.

Vetriceramici, constantly at the forefront of the field of ceramic materials, has continued its research


Fritta is presenting its innovative range of digital ceramic inks designed to ensure optimal use with the latest piezoelectric DOD printheads. These new-generation printheads are able to discharge larger quantities of ink, allowing for superior colour intensity, a wider gamut and stronger colour effects. The inks are prepared using a highenergy milling process based on microspheres and consist of a polar liquid phase and a solid phase. The solid phase comprises inorganic pigments with dimensions in the submicron region specially designed to achieve high colour intensity. Ceramic pigments with a particle size below 1 micron exhibit high reactivity with the ceramic glaze during the firing process, thus losing colour strength. This has made it necessary to develop a new range of ceramic pigments specially for use in digital technology, as well as glazes that optimise the performance of digital inks. The liquid phase consists of solvents and special additives that allow a certain percentage of solid to be introduced into the ink while maintaining a suitable rheology and avoiding flocculation and sedimentation effects. This ensures

efforts into products outside the field of digital technology. In particular it has developed new glazes with surfaces tailored to customers’ needs as well as engobes with low or high frit contents that deliver extremely high colour strength. It has also further expanded its already wide range of technical grains and micro-grains in various particle sizes designed in particular for applications in aqueous suspension for FullPolish products.

意大利制造的Vetridigit墨水 系列是市场上最常见的墨水 系列之一,包括基本颜色和 一系列为满足客户特殊需求 设计的补充颜色。为了那些 需要或不需要研磨的各类应 用,开发人员主要把精力放 在新的釉料、晶体和高强度 技术磨料上,这些磨料是特 别设计用于优化新数码技术 的色度的。Vetridigit墨水的


• 优良的色域、力度和强度

• 色彩长久地高度稳定

• 可使用多种机器

• 自定义颜色

• 特殊颜料使颜色更明亮、 更均匀

• 无毒产品。

Vetriceramici 总是走在陶 瓷材料领域的最前端,如今 我们继续研究数字技术领域 之外的产品。

我们还根据客户要求特别开 发了新的釉料以及高或低玻 璃原料含量的釉底料,均拥 有最好的色彩表现力。

这些晶粒使用范围将在原本 就涵盖范围广泛的各种粒径 技术以及微晶粒基础上继续 扩大,专用于水悬浮处理中 的全抛光产品。

a high degree of stability and a long shelf life. The ink range consists of the colours of the CMYK four-colour process: blue, brown, yellow and black, as well as other colours such as pink, beige, white and green. Their physical and chemical properties (including density, viscosity, conductivity and surface tension) are designed to optimise the ink’s rheology and allow for perfect printing with piezoelectric printheads that control the formation of ink droplets. Correct droplet formation is a significant factor influencing print quality, allowing tiles to be decorated with high-definition designs. The ink formulation has been developed taking account of green criteria. Fritta products are not classified as dangerous according to the CLP regulation for classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.

Fritta公司展示了其一系列 创新的数码陶瓷墨水,设计 目的在于确保优化利用最 新的压电式DOD喷头。这 些新一代的喷头能够排出 更多的墨水,色度卓越,色 域更宽、色彩效果更逼真。 墨水是用高能研磨微球制 备而成的,包括一个极性液 相和一个固相。固相包括 亚微米尺寸的无机颜料,以 实现高色度。颗粒尺寸小于 1微米的陶瓷颜料在烧制过 程中与陶瓷釉料表现出活 跃的反应性,从而失去色彩 强度。因此,有必要开发一 系列新的陶瓷颜料,专门用

于数码技术,以及优化数 码墨水性能的釉料。 液相 墨水由溶剂和特殊添加剂 组成,在维持适合的流变 性、避免絮凝和沉降效果 的同时,容许一定比例的固 体的加入。这便确保了高度 的稳定性和长久的保质 期。 墨水范围包括CMYK 四色过程:蓝色、棕色、黄 色和黑色,以及其他颜色 如粉红色、米色、白色和绿 色。 它们的物理和化学性 质(包括密度、粘度、导电 性和表面张力)旨在优化墨 水的流变性,可通过使用 控制墨水液滴形成的压电 式喷头产生绝佳的印刷效 果。正确的液滴形成能产 生高清的瓷砖装饰效果, 是影响打印质量的一个重 要因素。 研制墨水配方时 考虑到了绿色标准。根据 CLP物质和混合物的分 类、标签、包装法 规,Fritta的产品不属于危 险品。

CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 71

I.C.F. & Welko, following over thirty years of experience in the wet milling field, is presently capable of offering a wide range of continuous cylindrical mills that may be sized up to 200.000 l in capacity. The mills are in any event available from the 40.000 litre version in order to offer also the smallmedium sized ceramics companies the advantages of continuous milling, namely additional specific productivity, reduction of plant engineering spaces and automatic force, which anables a considerable reduction in personnel compared to the traditional units of “Alsing” mills.

Furthermore all mills are available in two versions:

• Nor mal version for the use of silica milling charges;

• Reinforced version for the use of aluminous ceramic charges with high density in the last chamber.

The mills are mainly made up of the following:

• Drive by means of an electric motor with alternate current at low and medium voltages, hydrodynamic joint, gear reduction unit for the positioning of the inlets;

• V belt drive system with V pulleys cut on the cylinder section or, for capacities exceeding 630 kW, gear drive with cylindrical gear pinion and crown gear fitted on the cylinder.;

• Cylindrical milling casing split up into chambers complete with heads, loading inlets and support with positionable bearings;

• Forced lubrication system with hod commend;

• Slurry discharge mani-

fold in stainless steel with presieving system;

• Electrical panel for the control and computerised management of the mill;

• Highly resistant rubber covering complete with internal diaphragm

• Milling charge in silica of aluminous ceramic balls with high aluminium contents;

In the wet milling process the continuous patented mill and continuous cylindrical modular mill allow production earnings up to 18÷30% and energetic savings up to 10÷15% if compared with traditional mills.

products 72 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013
其人员配备亦能相应缩 减。此外,所有铣磨机 均有两种型号可供选 择: • 用于铣磨硅土填料的 普通型号; • 适用 于最后一室高浓 度铝陶瓷填料的增强 版型号。 铣磨机主要组成部分 具有如下特征: • 由 电动马达驱动,马 达使用中低电压交流 电、液压动力轴并通 过齿轮减速器定位入 口; •V 平带驱动系统在气 缸部分带有 V 滑轮装 置,或者对电容量超 过 630 千瓦的机器, 齿轮传动结构由柱形 主动齿轮以及气缸装 有的冠状齿轮组成。 •套管铣磨机分成数 室,包括气缸冒、装料 口并由移式轴承支 撑; • 带有 hod commend的强制润 滑系统; •带前置筛分系统的不 锈钢材质浆液排出总 管; •用于铣磨机控制及计 算机化管理的配电 板; •内隔膜完全由高阻橡 胶覆盖; •铣磨高密度铝陶瓷球 的硅土进料; 在湿磨过程中,持续性 专利铣磨以及持续性 柱式组合铣磨,与传统 铣磨机相比,将取得 18÷30% 的产量增长 并节省 10÷15% 的能 耗。 经过湿磨领域三十多年 经验的洗礼,I.C.F & Welko 现能提供各种 各样的连续性柱式铣磨 产品,其容量最大能达 到 200.000 升。此铣磨 机 40.000 升的容量为 最小版,小容量版专为 中小型陶瓷公司设计, 具有持续性铣磨,即单 位生产率附加值、减少 设备工程空间及自动力 等优势。较之传统 的“Alsing”铣磨设备, ICF WELKO
revestimientos de alúmina
alta densidad High density alumina balls and lining bricks
Bolas y

Poppi Clementino has been operating in the field of environmental remediation and energy recovery since 1986 with the aim of combining protection of the environment with cost-effective operation. The procedure for designing and correctly sizing a heat recovery system begins with an energy audit to analyse the current state of the factory. The next step is to design, build and install a plant for reducing fuel consumption without affecting the production cycle in any way.

The adopted technology allows for:

• Direct or indirect recovery of wasted heat in energy-intensive machines (dryers, spray-dryers, prekilns or pendular mills).

• Reduction in CO2 emissions for the same level of output and benefits obtained from white certificates.

• 15-20% reduction in thermal energy used in the entire ceramic tile production cycle. The first form of recovery is that of the kiln cooling air, which brings major benefits for limited investments, unlike the recovery of waste energy released from the kiln flues which in most cases contains polluting elements that prevent it from being reused directly.

The air recovery process must take numerous technical factors into account, including pressure, temperature and the volumes involved. It often happens that not all the volumes available to the flue

are collected but just the quantities at a higher temperature that can guarantee more satisfactory results. It is not certain that all the volumes can be reused, so it is worth evaluating the quantities required downstream of the energy-intensive machines and supply only them.

Poppi Clementino has many years of experience in the field of fume recovery and offers a special self-cleaning plate heat exchanger that guarantees long-

Airflow from cooling 77,500 Nm3/hr

Average cooling temperature 214° C Temperature fall along route 20° C

Average ambient temperature 30° C

ATM input temperature 194° C

Dryer input temperature 200° C Pre-kiln input temperature 210° C

Recovered flow to ATM 140 40,000 Nmc/h

Recovered flow to dryers 22,000 Nmc/h

Recovered flow to pre-kilns 15,500 Nmc/h

ATM work hours per year 6,900

Dryer work hours per year 6,900

Pre-kiln work hours per year 8,000

ATM kcal/h recovered 2,542.000

Dryers kcal/h recovered 790,500

Pre-kiln kcal/h recovered 697,500

Methane Stm3/year recovered 3,463.545

Methane cost 0,25 €/stm3

Revenues 865,886.00 €

Additional costs for electricity 0.05 €/kW : (140)x0.05 x 6,900 48,300.00 Euro/year EFFECTIVE SAVING 817,586.00 Euro/year


所采用的技术可以实 现:

• 直接或间 接回收能源 密集型机器所产生的 废热(干燥机、喷雾 干燥机、预干窑或钟 摆式铣磨机)。

• 平衡二氧 化碳排放量 并从白色证书中获 取效益

• 所有瓷砖生产周 期的热能消耗量 降低 15-20%。

回收的第一个形式 为窑内的冷却空 气,其能为有限投 资带来大量收益, 与窑发烟气的废能 回收不同,这些烟 气绝大部分均包含 污染物质因而不能 直接再利用。

气体回收程序需要 考虑到诸多技术因 素,包括压力、温 度以及容量。通 常,所有废气并未 全被回收,只有温 度较高的一部分能 达到较为满意的回 收效果。并不是所 有回收的气体均能 再利用,因此需要 估算能源密集型机 器后阶段的所需能 源总量并按数据定 量供应。

74 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013
装装置,在不影响生 产周期的前提下减少
Poppi Clementino 在粉 尘回收领域拥有多 年经验并提供保证 长期有效的特别自 洁式板式换热器。 本系统不为堵塞或 腐蚀问题负责,此 类问题在交换式管 式换热器中十分常 见。下表显示了专 自 1986 年定下将环境 保护与高效益运营相 结合的目标后,Poppi Clementino 就在环 境修复及能量回收领 域内发挥作用。设计 并确定热回收系统大 小的过程需要先进行 能源审计来分析工厂 的现有状况。第二步 就要设计、组建并安 POPPI

term efficiency. The system is not subject to problems of clogging and corrosion that can easily occur with conventional tube type heat exchangers. The diagram below shows a combined plant built for the Asian market which recovers all the heat previously lost from 5 kilns, supplying it to 5 prekilns, 5 horizontal dryers and a 14,000 litre heat exchanger. The first step was to evaluate the capacity of the energy-intensive machines to absorb the heat produced by the new plant. In this specific case the cooling air volumes were insufficient, so a selfcleaning plate heat exchanger

capable of supplying the missing heat was designed.

The heat exchanger self-regulates according to the volumes provided by the 5 kilns. It is flexible and can operate with a minimum of two kilns running. The technology adopted on this plant is not limited to the mechanical aspects of the machines but also includes the software used, which allows the entire system to be constantly monitored. The following table provides the technical/ performance data for the plant and the economic statement showing the real advantages that are obtained.


The T-Box high capacity roller box loading/unloading unit is the result of CMF Technology’s decades of experience in the field of tile handling and storage. The transporter/elevator rollerway positioned in front of the two neighbouring boxes and the patented position of the single central-tilting mandrel arm make TBox fast and reliable in all tile loading and unloading phases. The mandrel arm mounted on the machine is located between the two roller boxes and rotates through 180° to move the right or left box rollers, as necessary. The switch from one box to another is instantaneous, guaranteeing continuous operation and making it ideal for positioning at critical points of the plant such as kiln-front feeding. This specific technical feature of the single central/tilting mandrel arm, the trademark of CMF Technology’s storage machine, allows for significant savings in plant space and considerably simplifies the machine’s mechanical components subject to wear. The interpolation of the upstroke/downstroke and sideways movements of T-Box’s transporter/elevator rollerway makes it possible to reach the box level rapidly and complete loading or unloading (the number of tiles on the transporter/elevator is the same as the

number of tiles that can be held on the box level). The switch between loading and unloading from one box to another is immediate, eliminating the need for mini-compensators and guaranteeing safer tile handling. The roller boxes used on T-Box are the standard CMF type and the roller fixing and driving system is simple yet highly efficient. On one side of the box the rollers rest in holes, on the other they are held in place by a wearproof anchor pin with a pressure-activated quick coupling. This also contributes to solving problems caused by holding systems using bushings and metal stop rings and allows significant time savings during assembly and maintenance phases. The rim on each hole reinforces the roller box. The movement mandrels are tapered and when pushed inside the rollers they raise them slightly, thus locking them firmly through the expansion of the elastomers incorporated into the mandrels.

为亚洲市场所建的组 合装置,其回收了从 5 个窑散发的废热,将 回收的热能提供给了 5 个预干窑、5 个卧式干 燥机以及一台 14000 升容量的瓷砖换热 器。 第一步为估算能源密 集型机器吸收新设备 所产生热量的能力。 在这个具体事例中, 冷却空气量不足,因 此需要自洁式板式换 热器来弥补未提供的

热能。 换热器根据 5 个窑所 提供的容量来自我调 节。所提供能量并不 固定且能至少维持2 个窑的运作。此装置 所采用的技术不限于 机器的技术层面,还 包括所使用的软件, 这些软件能让整个系 统总是处于监控下。 下表提供了此设备的 技术/性能参数,经济 状态一栏里显示了其 获得的优势。

T-Box 高容量滚轮箱装卸机 组就是连续膜过滤技术在瓷 砖管理及储存领域几十年的 经验积累成果。两个相邻滚 轮箱前方的运输装置/升运 机辊道以及独特的单中央倾 斜心轴臂位置可让 T-Box 每 一个瓷砖装卸阶段均快速、 稳定可靠。 安装在机器上的心轴臂位于 两个滚轮箱之间,若有必 要,心轴臂能旋转 180° 移 动右边或左边的箱辊。两个 滚轮箱的交替是瞬间进行 的,这样就能保证机器运转 的持续性并使滚轮箱在各关 键点,如窑前进料点,均处 于理想位置。单中央/倾斜 心轴臂的特殊技术特点与连 续膜过滤技术存储机器的特 征节省了大量生产面积并极

大简化了易磨损的机器部 件。 T-Box 运输装置/升运机辊道 之上行运动/下行运动以及 侧向运动的插值使其能够迅 速达到机箱级并完成装卸( 运输装置/升运机上的瓷砖 数量与机箱级能承载的瓷砖 数量相同)。两个滚轮箱之 间的装卸运作交替亦是同时 进行的,以免去使用小型补 偿器的需要并保证了瓷砖处 理过程中的安全性。 T-Box 中使用的滚轮箱为连 续膜过滤标准型,滚轴修复 及驱动系统简单但高效。滚 轮箱一侧的滚轴静止在孔 内,另一侧的滚轴由带有压 力激活速接联轴节的防磨损 支承销所固定。这亦有助于 解决由使用轴套以及金属制 动环的支持系统所 引发的问题,并能 够节省装配及维护 阶段的大量时间。 孔内的轮圈能够强 化滚轮箱。芯轴呈 锥形变化及其推入 滚轴时候,心轴会 略微抬起,因此需 要通过融入心轴的 弹性塑料的张力将 其牢牢固定。

CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 75

As part of the H.E.R.O. project focusing on Energy Management, Sacmi is presenting its new EKO single-layer roller kiln equipped with self-recuperating burners. Rather than a mere development of the existing single-layer kiln, EKO is a real breakthrough, a pioneering machine that sets the standard for a new generation of kilns. EKO has lower energy consumption, a lower installed electrical power, more consistent colours and calibres and 30% lower atmospheric emissions of fumes and CO2. The total recovery percentage with respect to FMS with the XTR recovery system can be as high as 10% (from the burners and from cooling).

Above 900°C, where heat exchange occurs prevalently by irradiation, the EKO kiln consists of a series of thermal modules called “thermal cells”, in which the fumes exchange thermal energy with the material more efficiently than on conventional kilns (transversal flows and longer time spent by the fumes in the firing chamber). The combustion gases are evacuated in the cell itself, giving up part of their residual heat energy to the ceramic heat exchanger located inside the burner, which in turn intensely pre-heats the combustion air (up to 700°C). The average temperature of the evacuated fumes is below 200°C. Below 900°C, where heat exchange occurs by convection, conventional type open flame burners are installed. The fumes are extracted by a flue at the head of the kiln. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this machine is that of fume man-

agement. Compared to a conventional kiln, EKO releases smaller volumes of fumes to the atmosphere, thereby reducing CO2 emissions per kg of fired product.

Approximately 30% reductions in fume volumes compared to conventional kilns have been observed right from the very first installations.

To sum up, with the EKO solution:

• there are smaller quantities of polluting fumes that need to be purified

• the fumes can be discriminated and treated differently in the various kiln zones

• the filtering systems are small in size and are specifically designed for the pollutants present.

EKO is managed by a highly advanced control system with a double touch-screen interface. Traditional temperature regulators are no longer present. Process control occurs by way of an innovative system of temperature and pressure curves.

由于 H.E.R.O. 项目中的

一部分是重点关注能源 管理的,因此 Sacmi 推 出了新版 EKO 单层辊道 窑,其配有自我复原型 燃烧器。较之现有开发 水平的单层窑,EKO 真 正实现了新突破,它是 先锋级别的机械,为新

一代窑设立了新标 杆。EKO 能耗、装机功 率更低,拥有更加一致 的色彩及口径,粉尘及 二氧化碳的大气排放亦 减少了 30%。装有 XTR 回收系统的 FMS 总回收 率能高达 10%(燃烧器 加上冷却水)。当通过 辐射热交换普遍上升温 度高于 900°C 时,EKO 窑就包含了一系列名 为“热电池”散热模 块,较之传统窑,这些 模块能通过材料更有效

地将粉尘转为热能(横 向气流及浓烟长时间呆 在燃烧的窑室内)。在 电池内,燃烧气体能自 行散去,并将部分热能 输送到燃烧器内的陶瓷 换热器中,后者能反过 来集中地为燃烧气体预 加热(直至 700°C)

。自行散去的浓烟平均 温度低于 200°C。低 于 900°C时,对流产 生了热交换,则需安装 传统的明焰烧嘴。浓烟 由窑顶的烟道导出。本 机器最为有趣的地方可 能在于浓烟管理。对比 传统窑,EKO 排放到到 大气中的浓烟更少,因 此每千克燃烧产物中的 二氧化碳排放量亦大大 减少。EKO 能比传统窑 少排放约 30% 的浓烟 量,此数据从设备安装 初期至今测算而得。 总

The production process for ceramic inks for use in digital inkjet printers differs from that of screen printing pastes for conventional decoration. Firstly, the pigment characteristics must meet certain requirements of electrical conductivity, initial particle size and colour intensity. The ink production process begins with the pigment

pre-milling stage, which can be performed by wet milling (Alsing mills, batch mills) or by dry milling (Jet mills). The purpose of this initial stage is to reduce the particle size of the material to around 3-5 micron ready for milling in nanometric mills for inkjet ink production. The subsequent stage depends on which pre-milling process is used

而言之,采用 EKO
能够: •减少须需要净化的污染 烟雾量 •在不同窑区,浓烟能被 辨别并区别处理 •专门针对污染物设计过 滤系统,且过滤系统 体积更小。 EKO 由更为先进的控制 系统管理,此系统具备 双倍触摸屏界面。传统 的温度调节器已淘汰。 由创新的温度及压力曲 线系统控制过程。 SACMI 76 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 products
数码喷墨打印机所使用的 陶瓷墨水的生产过程与传 统装饰用的网版印刷料不 同。 第一,色素特征必须 符合导电性、颗粒大小以 及颜色饱满度方面的要 求。 陶瓷墨水生产过程的 第一步即为预先铣磨阶 段,此阶段可采用湿磨 (Alsing 铣磨机、间歇操 作式磨机)或者干磨(喷 磨机)。 第一个生产阶段 的目的在于把材料颗粒大 小减小至 3 到 5 微米,使 其能够在纳米磨机中铣磨 以生产喷墨陶瓷墨水。随 ZS TECH – I-TECH

(wet or dry):

• in the case of wet pre-milling, the nanometric milling stage is performed directly;

• in the case of dry pre-milling, the nanometric milling stage is preceded by a dispersion stage (pigment + milling solvents). The dispersion phase is also important as it must guarantee the dispersion of the pigment inside the mixture of milling solvents (solvent + specific additives). It is followed by nanometric milling. Nanometric milling is normally performed with horizontal disk mills, which use the combined action of pump, disks and spheres to reduce the particle size from 3-5 micron to nanometric values (D100 below 1 micron). The nanometric milling process involves not only a reduction in particle size but also a chemical/ physical process that neutralises the electrostatic charges of the individual particles (isolation by specific milling additives). This process must be able to avoid the formation of agglomerates between the various nanometric particles due to

electrostatic attraction. The fine milling times vary from pigment to pigment according to their chemical and physical characteristics. Once the desired Gaussian (size distribution) curve is attained, the nanometric milling process ends and the ink is ready to be filtered and transferred to the storage zone. A further filtration process is recommended prior to the final stage of the production process, namely bottling (packaging of batches to be shipped to the user). The diagram shows the workflow of the ceramic ink production process.


纳米铣磨通常使用卧式圆 盘碾磨机,其由泵、圆盘 及球面组成,能够将颗粒 大小从 3 到 5 微米磨至纳 米大小(比 1 微米小 100 倍)。纳米铣磨过程不仅 是一个减小了颗粒体积的 过程,还是一个化学/物理 过程,后者中和了每个颗 粒(由专用铣磨添加剂分 隔开)间的静电电荷。此 过程必须能够防止由于静 电吸引,各纳米颗粒间形 成团块。每种色素的精磨 时间均不同,由各色素 不同的化学及物理特征 决定。一旦获得满意的 高斯(粒径分布)曲 线,纳米铣磨过程就结 束了,此时墨水亦准备 好经过过滤转入储存 区。在进行生产过程的 最后一步时,建议先进 行进一步过滤,即装瓶 沉淀(包装好分批次运 送给用户)。本图表表 明了陶瓷墨水生产的工 作流程。


BMR confirms the growing success of its range of Squadra Dry squaring machines for monoporosa and fine products with low water absorption. The added value of grinding is an integral part of most production processes for ceramic tiles and large-format sheets. By adopting the dry process, which unlike the wet process avoids the need for further accessories, Squadra Dry cuts the timeframes and costs of the finishing process and guarantees greater care for the environment. The system for recycling tool-cooling water and the tile dryer have been replaced with an efficient and effective extraction system, ensuring a long lifetime of normal wear components. The precision of the dry grinding process is assured by the proven all-Italian technology from BMR. Squadra Dry maintains the Syncrobelt® system, which

guarantees a high geometric precision of tiles and sheets. The dry grinding process with 9 calibrators can use either metallic or resin-bonded grinding wheels with a special diamond coating and bonds with high thermal conductivity. The electronic equipment for dimensional control at the outfeed of the second module is able to determine the dimensional quality of rectified tiles and to update the working parameters in both manual and automatic cycles. This range of squaring machines also delivers high finishing performance for tiles, listellos and sheets.

序(湿磨或干磨)的不同 而不同: • 采用湿磨预先铣磨方式 时,纳米铣磨阶段可直 接进行; • 采用干磨预先铣磨方式 时,纳米铣磨阶段需经 历分散阶段(色素+铣磨 溶剂)。 分散阶段亦十分重要,其 保证了铣磨溶剂中色素的 散步(溶剂+专用添加剂) 。之后再进行纳米铣磨。
CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 77
BMR证实了其 Squada Dry monoporosa 磨边机以及 低吸水性产品各类型逐渐的 成功。磨削的附加值对瓷砖 以及大型薄板的大部分生产 过程来说均是一个不可缺少 的组成部分。与湿法工艺避 免使用其他配件不同,通过 采用干法工艺,Squadra Dry 免去了时间安排以及后 续整理工序的成本,同时保 证了对环境更好的保护。 回收工具系统——冷却水 和瓷砖干燥机,已经被更 加高效的抽提系统所取代 以保证易磨损组件有更长 寿命。BMR 的完全来自意 大利的成熟可靠的技术可 以确保干磨过程的准确 性。Squadra
砖及薄板的高几何精度。 附有9
中可使用由金属或者树脂 粘合的磨轮,这些磨轮有
Dry 沿用了
特殊的金刚石膜以及很高 的导热系数。第二模块出 纸辊中用于尺寸控制的电 子设备能够决定修补瓷砖 的尺寸质量以更新人工及 自动周期的工作参数。此 类型磨边机亦具备高整理 性能,用于整理瓷砖,墙 面装饰线以及薄板。

Xieta International is a company with more than twenty years of experience in the world of grinding media for ceramic, concrete and raw materials industries. Ever since it was founded, internationalization and product quality have always been the company’s main focus. A pioneer in the field of alumina balls and linings in Spain, it currently distributes its products to more than 40 countries worldwide from its warehouses in Barcelona and Onda. The company’s mission is to cater for its customers’ needs by supplying high-quality and competitively priced alumina balls and linings and by offering personalized and professional technical support. The technical team has extensive experience in this field and is always ready to assist customers and solve any general or specific issues regarding their grinding process. Xieta International is especially proud of its high density alumina bricks and linings with a 92% content of calcined alumina in its composition. It offers a wide range of sizes for all kinds of mills and applications, guaranteeing versatile solutions to specific

problems and requirements. Xieta guarantees the consistent quality of its production processes, which together with its distribution activities are subject to very strict controls. For this purpose the company has recently begun developing and distributing its new XT-99 ball and tabular alumina products. With a 99% content of calcined alumina in its composition and low silica content, they are the perfect products for high temperature applications in harsh environments. These balls are specially recommended for use as a catalyst support in various sectors including chemicals, petrochemicals and fertilizers. They are also used as a filler in packing towers. Xieta is renowned in the world of grinding media for its quality and service, a reputation built on constant investments in research and development of new products for any kind of industry that uses alumina in its production processes.

不断地开拓国际市场和提 高产品质量。在西班牙,易 杰达国际是氧化铝耐磨球 和球磨机衬砖领域的先 驱,在巴塞罗那和昂达拥 有仓库,目前其产品营销 网络遍布全球40多个国 家。公司以非常有竞争性 的价格给客户供应高质量 的氧化铝耐磨球和球磨机 衬砖,并且有求必应,随时 提供个性化和专业人员的 技术支持,以满足客户的 各种需求。公司的技术团 队在这一领域拥有丰富的 经验,随时准备协助客户 解决研磨过程中出现的各 类具体问题。

易杰达国际公司尤其引以 为傲的是其高密度的氧化 铝耐磨球和球磨机衬砖,其 中92%的成分是煅烧铝。公 司提供各种规格的球磨机 和不同用途所需的衬砖,同 时对出现的各种具体问题 和要求都能有相应的技能 来解决。易杰达国际严格掌 控生产流程,确保产品质量 始终如一,同时它的一切销 售业务也是严格管理,非常 规范的。为此目的,公司最 近开始开发并销售新的 XT-99氧化铝耐磨球和板状 氧化铝产品,产品99%的成 分为煅烧铝且二氧化硅含 量低,是高温状况下的特殊 环境中使用的最佳产品。这 些氧化铝耐磨球可作为催 化剂的支撑物特别适用于 很多领域,如化工、石油化 工产品和化肥等行业。他们


VivaJet is a digital printer designed exclusively for the ceramic industry that combines high performance printheads and latest-generation electronics with the highest levels of reliability and productivity. The compact single-plate architecture with up to 8 colour bars allows for the use of standard inks as well as new engobes, penetrating agents, anti-slip prod-

ucts and glitters (all meticulously tested in collaboration with suppliers) to enhance and diversify finished products. The proprietary continuous-recirculation ink distribution system has proved effective in managing print processes that require high discharge rates or high line velocities. The flowrate is already sufficient to guarantee full compatibility with the new Xaar 1001

products 78 CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013
VivaJet是专为陶瓷行 业设计的数码打印机, 结合了高性能喷头和最 新一代电子设备,可靠 性和生产能力都达到最 高水平。 紧凑的单板结 构,颜色通道多达8 条,可使用标准墨水, 以及新的釉底料、渗透 剂、防滑产品和闪粉( 所有这些都与供应商合 作仔细测试过),以加 强最终产品并使其多样 化。 独有的连续循环 墨水配送系统已被证明 在需要高排放率或高管 线速度的印刷过程的管 理中是非常有效的。流
也可用作灌筑高 楼的填料。易杰 达国际公司因其 良好的产品质量 和完善的服务而 在研磨微晶领域 享有盛名,这个 声誉是建立在该 公司为各行业生 产所需要的氧化 铝耐磨球新产品 而不断地投资进 行了研究开发。 易杰达国际公司是一家在 陶瓷、混凝土和原材料行 业的研磨微晶工业领域拥 有20多年经验的公司。自 成立以来,公司一直专注于

GS12 printhead. The dual automatic cleaning system and the intra-bar extraction system can be controlled according to the type of production and further reduce the number and duration of cleaning cycles to around 20 seconds for the rapid cycle. VivaJet is continuously expanding its list of compatible inks, focusing on flexibility of use so as to offer customers complete freedom of choice. VivaJet features the exclusive GeCo colour management package for analysis and conversion of pre-production images, performing profiling, separation, soft-proofing (on screen) and hardproofing (on paper or on the TecnoFerrari Jet printer).

The GeCo wizard interface allows for rapid and intuitive pre-printing analysis of the feasibility of a new product and complete integration with the machine’s RIP software. Last but not least, the new Camaleonte tool is capable of making a quick and simple evaluation of in-machine tone variations and restoring the correct tone following a process fluctuation.



Single-pass, single plate with conveyor belt

Up to 8 colour bars

Integrated bypass and lifting belt

Dual automatic cleaning system without printhead contact Extraction and filtering system with inverter

Total protection UPS with automatic shutdown function


Ink distribution system:

XAAR 1001-GS6, 360 npi, 6 kHz, 7 dpd, from 6 to 42 pl XAAR 1001-GS12, 360 npi, from 6 to 12 kHz, 7 dpd, from 12 to 84 pl

Proprietary, closed loop with self-stabilising continuous recirculation Approved by XAAR

Wide range of compatible inks

Print formats:

Type of printing:



Model 690 -> up to 690x1400 mm Model 1104 -> up to 1104x2000 mm Model 1380 -> up to 1380x2400 mm

Single images or image spread over a number of tiles, with test run management Image formats: JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PSD, PSB

Bonet, China Glaze, ColorEsmalt, Colorobbia, Coloronda, Def, Endeka, Endura H&R Johnson, Esmalglass-Itaca, Esmaltes, Ferro, Fritta, Inco, Kerafrit, Metco, Salquisa, Sicer, Smalticeram-Unicer, SPC-Arco, Torrecid, Vernis, Vetriceramici, Vidres, Zschimmer & Schwarz

Carioca-Jet for management of ink distribution system

Rip Manager for management of graphic designs and consumptions Print Manager for print queue management Network RIP for remote multi-line management of print recipes GeCo for complete colour management Camaleonte for colour search/alteration in the machine Product sheet for saving/loading production parameters Teamviewer for tele-service

速足以保证与赛 尔1001 GS12新 喷头完全兼容。 可根据生产类型 的不同控制双自 动清洁系统和条 内的萃取系统, 并进一步减少清 洁周期的次数和 持续时间,快速 循环时每次约为 20秒。 VivaJet 不断扩大可兼容 墨水的列表,注 重使用的灵活 性,从而为客户 提供完全自由的 选择空间。 VivaJet的特点 是独有的GeCo 色彩管理包装, 能对小批生产图 像进行分析和转 换、进行压型、 分离、(在屏幕 上)软打样和( 在纸上或 TecnoFerrari喷 墨打印机上)硬 打样。GeCo向 导界面允许对新 产品的可用性以 及新产品与机器 的RIP软件的整 机一体化进行快 速、直观的预印 分析。 最后, 新的 Camaleonte 工具能够对机器 内的色调变化做 快速、简单的评 价并随着过程波 动进行修复,以 得到正确的色 调。

CERAMIC World Review chinese edition 2013 79

Händle's complete line of combined de-airing extrusion machines covers a broad application spectrum, from panels to hollow blocks and many more Our units are of modular design, comprising extruders and de-airing mixers of various size In designing our Futura II extruder, HÄNDLE systematically implemented the latest in mechanical- and process-engineering know-how pertinent to extrusion technology - and the resultant products boast accordingly favorable price-performance ratios and customer-benefit orientation available with barrel diameters of 200 to 750 mm, for extrusion pressures of 20 to 50 bar and volumetric throughputs of 1 9 to 60 m³/h make use of our operating experience It’ll be worth your while

Händle GmbH maschinen und anlagenbau mühlacker (Germany) www haendle com J C Steele & Sons asia (Changzhou) machinery LLC Wujin Hi-tech Virak Chhuor +86 519 861 951 021 168 virak chhuor@jcsteele com cn 5000台挤出机分布世界各地是最好的注释 more than 5,000 extruders supplied to customers all around the world speak for themselves! 德 国 翰 德 乐 公司 设 计 制 造 的 系 列抽 真 空 挤 出 机 应用 广 泛 , 从 烧 结 陶 板 到 保 温 砌 块等 等 。 我 们 的 机 组采 用 模 块 设 计 ,包 括 不 同 尺 寸 的 真 空挤出机和真空密封搅拌机。翰德乐公司的 Futura II 型挤出机组 系 统 地 集 合 了现 代 机 械 学 、 挤 出成 型 工 艺 技 术 诀窍 、 以 及 生 产 最 好 的 产 品 、 具 有好 的 性 价 比 和 让 用户 受 益 等 诸 多 特点 , 可 提 供 不 同 的 泥缸直径 200-750 mm ,不同的挤出压力 20-50 bar 和不同的挤出 泥料量 1 9-60 立方米 /小时的各种机型。使 用我们的设备和技术 , 你将受益无穷。
3,300 patents 1,100 researchers and technicians 3,500 installed plants 80 branches worldwide If we hadn’t gone so
we wouldn’t be so near. Your future, seen from near

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