Ceramic World Review China 2021

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R eview 陶 瓷 世 界 评 论

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Focus on large sizes & slabs



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Year 31, Chinese Edition Supplement to No. 141 April/May 2021 Bimonthly review

Cover picture by: Giancarlo Pradelli




Focus on 8

Paola Giacomini

Back to business, back to fairs!

large sizes & slabs

China has fallen in love with sintered slabs! 中国陶瓷产业掀起“岩板热”

Slabs and sub-sizes: high flexibility and a productivity of 21,500 sqm/day Continua+连续辊压机PCR 2180:高度灵活,日产高达21500平方米

Uncompromising productivity, sustainability and connectivity 西斯特姆Superfast压机:实现高效、可持续、数字化生产的先进设备

Large slabs with a total black look 纯黑大板问世

Functionality and aesthetics with dry super-polishing 集功能和美观于一体的超级干法抛光工艺

12 15 20


Focus on 28

A.Bresciani G.Pederzini

System Ceramics


Marco Sichi

Glazing & Decoration

DigitalGlass the eco-sustainable water-based glaze DigitalGlass,生态可持续的水性釉料

Full digital and hybrid technology for sustainable ceramic decoration 全数字混合技术——为可持续的陶瓷装饰而生

Digital glazing for the printing of textures 用于打印纹理的数码喷釉技术

Cutting-edge technology, outstanding aesthetics and care for the environment 技术顶尖,审美卓越并关爱环境

Gas turbines: green energy for the future 燃气涡轮机:未来的绿色能源

European leading industrial mineral producer grows in China 欧洲领先的工业矿产生产商在中国发展

Esan R&D Dept

Non-stop innovation in the field of ceramic finishing 在陶瓷加工领域不断创新

Surfaces Group

Automation in sanitaryware production: anthropomorphic robot-assisted casting 拟人机器人助推卫生洁具行业实现自动化生产 Sacmi Sanitaryware

Mladost renovates its roof tile plant in Leskovac Mladost改造了位于莱斯科瓦茨的屋面瓦工厂

Products 产品

30 32 34

38 Technology 40 42 46 50

54 Latest technologies

Davide Zannoni

Luca Berti

Norbert von Aufschnaiter


Solar Turbines

Bongioanni Macchine

advertisers list Bmr 27 Bongioanni Macchine 53 Certech 5-45-63 Colorobbia Group 25 Durst 11 Efi Cretaprint 59 Esan 49 Esmalglass-Itaca Group 19 Icf & Welko 61 Poppi Clementino 6

Sacmi IV Cop Smaltochimica 15 Solar Turbines 2 Surfaces Group 64 Syneco 4 System Ceramics II Cop Tecna 2021 III Cop Torrecid 37 Vidres 1




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editorial Paola Giacomini, Editor - p.giacomini@tiledizioni.it

Back to business, back to fairs!

商业重启,展会回归! Following a downturn that had lasted for eight consecutive quarters, in early 2021 the Italian ceramic machinery and equipment manufacturing industry saw a decisive turnaround with 33.3% growth in sales in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period in 2020. This confirmed the ability of the Italian companies to respond to the renewed demand from the ceramic industry worldwide, following a two-year decline caused by the cyclical nature of investments compounded by the difficulties posed by the pandemic. The negative trend in the Italian market was reversed (+27.3%), while in export markets – which had also held up better in previous quarters – the upturn was close to 38% driven by a strong recovery in the major tile-producing countries, particularly Spain and China. Following great efforts to bring the pandemic under control, China’s economy has improved rapidly. This is turn is having a positive impact on the ceramic industry and market, which are consequently resuming strong growth. As we report on the following pages, the most astonishing aspect of this encouraging scenario is the Chinese industry and market’s love affair with what is currently the most on-trend product, namely sintered slabs, with a dramatic number of investments in new lines and plants. Out of an estimated total of around 2,440 ceramic tile production lines in operation in China, no fewer than 173 are devoted to slab production, 7.7% of the total. This percentage grows to 23.9% if we consider the new production lines (already planned and financed) that will be started up in China between 2021 and 2023. Given these high levels of demand for new machinery and equipment, we expect that the trade fairs due to take place in China in June will be busy events both for local technology suppliers and for the biggest Italian multinational companies that are able to attend. On the subject of trade fairs, another excellent piece of news concerns the two most important events in the world ceramic industry, the Italian shows Cersaie and Tecna which will be back this year following the forced interruption in 2020. The ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings exhibition Cersaie will open in Bologna on 27 September, while the machinery show Tecna (the new name of the historic Tecnargilla) will begin in Rimini the following day, 28 September. 5


在经历了连续八个季度 的低 迷 之后,意 大利 陶 瓷机械和设备制造业在 2021年初迎来了决定性 的 转 机,今年第 一 季 度 的 销 售 额 同 比 增 长了 33.3%。这证明了意大利 公司有能力应对 世界 各 地陶瓷行业的新需求, 在 此 之前,由于 投 资的 周 期 性,加上 大 流行病 造 成的困难,意 大利 陶 瓷行业连续两年出现了 需求下 降。意 大利 市场 的下行趋势得到了逆转( 上涨27. 3 %),而在前几 个季度表现较好的出口 市场,由于主 要 瓷 砖 生 产国,特 别 是西 班 牙和 中国 的 强 劲 复 苏,出口 市场的回升幅度接近 38%。 疫情防控取得成效后, 中国经 济 快 速向好,对 陶瓷行业和市场产生积 极 影 响,陶瓷 行业和 市 场再次实现强劲增长。 在 本杂 志下一篇 文章 中,我们 将 会 介 绍中国 陶瓷行业目前最受欢 迎 的产品 就 是 岩板,而且 整个产业呈现出一派欣 欣 向荣 的 景象,大 量 的 资金投入建设新的生产

线 和 工 厂,发 展 速 度 惊 人。据 估 计,中国现有的 瓷砖生产线总数约为 244 0条,其中173条已用 于板材生产,这意味着这 一比例为7.7%。如果考虑 到2021年至2023年将在 中国启动的新生产线(已 经规划和融资),这个比例 将增长到23.9%。 鉴于对新机械设备的高需 求,我们 预计6月份在中 国举办的潭洲国际陶瓷展 将会非常热闹,对于当地 的技术供应商以及参展的 意大利国际巨头而言,他 们在展会期间都将非常忙 碌。 说到展会,另一个好消息 是关于世界陶瓷行业的两 个 最 重 要的展会 — — 意 大利博洛尼亚国际陶瓷展 Cersaie和里米尼国际陶 瓷技 术展Tecn a — — 在 2020年被迫中断后,今年 将重新回归。关于瓷砖和 浴室家具的博洛尼亚展将 于9月27日在博洛尼亚开 幕,而机械展Tecna(历 史悠久的Tecnargilla展 的 新 名 称 )将 于 次 日— —9月28日在里米尼 开幕。 5

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China has fallen in love with sintered slabs! 中国陶瓷产业掀起“岩板热”

On 27 January 2021, Monalisa announced that its first record-breaking slab measuring a stunning 1.8 x 6.1 m rolled off the Sacmi Continua+ line that had started up only a few days earlier in one of the Group’s new plants in the Guangdong region. Although this remains an exceptional performance, it gives an idea of the new wave of production that has been sweeping through the Chinese ceramic industry, particularly in the last year and a half. There’s no doubt that in 2020 sintered slab became the hottest product in the Chinese market and is being increasingly specified for both commercial and residential projects. In response to the surge in demand from the domestic market, Chinese manufacturers are rushing to either revamp their production lines or build new ones devoted specially to very large size products. As reported by Ceramic Town Weekly, at the end of October 2020 there were around 100 slab production lines in operation in China, 30% of which were started up in the space of just 2 months, September and October. In the Guangdong region alone, a further 8 lines began production in December: two at Monalisa and one each at Dongpeng, Goldmedal, New Jincheng, Shenghua, Newpearl and Hongyu Ceramics. The year 2021 started with even more ambitious projects, since China is planning to add a further 100 plants in the short

2021年1月27日,蒙娜丽莎集团推出首片创世界记录的 陶瓷大板,规格为1.8x6.1米,此次推出的陶瓷大板由集 团位于广东产区的新工厂生产,采用萨克米连续成型辊 压机。 尽管这是一个特别的演示,但它提供了衡量中国陶瓷行 业新浪潮的标准,尤其是在过去一年半的时间里,毫无 疑问,在2020年,岩板成为中国市场上最热门的产品, 越来越多的产品被用于商业和住宅项目。 中国陶瓷企业快速行动,要么翻新生产线,要么建造新 的生产线,以应对国内市场对大规格产品的强劲需求。 据《陶城报》报道,截至2 02 0年10月,中国有10 0条岩 板线在运行当中,其中3 0%的生产线在9月份和10月份 两个月中集中投产。仅在广东产区,8条岩板生产线在 12月投产,其中蒙娜丽莎两条,新明珠、宏宇、东鹏、金 牌、新锦成、升华建陶各一条。 2021年伊始,中国将有更多的生产项目启动,在中短期 内,在中国投入建设的生产线将超过10 0条。已宣布将 要启动的项目包括,诺贝尔计划在芜湖生产基 地 新建 15条高端智能建筑陶瓷生产线,东鹏计划新建8条,太 阳集团6条,华硕集团4条,而蒙娜丽莎集团计划新建11 条,欧神诺和瑞 阳集团分别计划 新建10 条生产线。此 外,冠星王正在建设新的生产线,四川岩博士宣 布将建两条岩板生产线。 据《陶城报》报道,仅在2021年一季度就有30多 条生产线集中投产,平均每天3条生产线! 1月1日,中岩第五条岩板线量产,1月2日四川祥洪 大板/岩板线点火,而在1月9日,宏源企业岩板生 产线点火。 新锦成第8条3mm岩板线试产,此外,新润成、 四川简优、金利源在1月21日同一天点火,四川珠 峰瓷业大板线于2月10日点火。 2月19日金牌智能岩板线点火,2月27日宏宇H2# 、汇力瓷业、湖南亚泰、四川四方建陶的岩板线 点火,而今年2月以来,新润成、金意陶、道格拉 斯等企业也集中对5条生产线进行技改,以生产 岩板。



Focus on large sizes & slabs

to medium term. Announced projects include 15 new lines to be installed by Nabel, 8 by Dongpeng, 6 by Sun and 4 by Huashuo, while Monalisa aims to reach 11 lines and Oceano and Ruiyang are planning 10 lines each. Moreover, Guanxing is building its new plant and Sichuan Yanboshi has announced that it will be building two slab production lines.


In the first quarter of 2021 alone, CTW reported the start-up of 30 of these hundred or so planned new lines, equivalent to an average of one every 3 days! On 1 January, Xiangda Ceramics put its fifth line into production, followed by Sichuan Xianghong Ceramics on 2 January and Hongyuan Ceramics a week later. New Jincheng Ceramic started trial production on its eighth line devoted to 3 mm thin slabs. Four further lines entered production at Xinruncheng Ceramics, Sichuan Ganyoo Tile and Jinliyuan Ceramics and Sichuan Zhufeng Ceramics. Following the one commissioned in December, on 19 February Goldmetal Ceramics launched another “smart” slab production line and Honguy Ceramics started up its second one. In the same month, new slab manufacturing began at Huili Porcelain, Hunan Yatai Ceramics and Sichuan Sifang Ceramics, while Xinruncheng Ceramics, Kito Ceramics, Daugres and other companies revamped their existing lines for the production of sintered slabs. New start-ups followed in March. With an investment of around 500 million yuan, on 2 March Geshiqi Ceramics inaugurated its new smart factory devoted mainly to 600x1200 mm surfaces and plans to add another four advanced lines to produce ceramic slabs. On the same day, Tomely Ceramics launched its ultra-modern line and plans to build 4 to 6 new ones over the next 3 years. It was then the turn of other major brands such as Dongpeng Ceramics, which celebrated the launch of its new slab line equipped with a double-layer kiln at its Qingyuan factory, as well as Wonderful Group, whose new slab line launched in the factory in Rongchang, Chongqing is designed to produce high-end full polished glazed tiles with a daily production capacity of up to 45,000 sqm.


3月2日,格仕祺企业新建智能基地一期1#线正式投产, 首批生产600×1200(mm)经济大板,一期2#线也将于 3月10日投产。据悉,格仕祺企业新建智能工厂项目斥 资5亿元,计划建设4条陶瓷大板、岩板智能化生产线。 而在同一天,通利大理石瓷砖智能生产线启动点火。据 在大品牌方面,3月4日东鹏清远基地4#双层岩板窑炉 点火。3月18日,广东唯美集团位于重庆荣昌基 地的大 产量全抛釉砖宽体大窑整线项目举行点火仪式。主要生 产规格为80 0×80 0×10.0(mm)高端全抛釉砖,设计产 量达 4.5万m²/天。 3月18日,汇丰集团二期5#窑炉正式点火投产。此次点 火的5#“高铁时代”辊道窑,设计为4 05.3m的宽体窑 炉,并配有六层快速干燥窑炉,主要生产为750×150 0 、800×1600(mm)等多种大规格岩板。 同时,蒙娜丽莎集团进一步向打造11条岩板生产线的目 标靠近。3月16日,蒙娜丽莎第四个生产基地— —高安 市蒙娜丽莎新材料有限公司举行成立仪式。据了解,该 生产基地占地近1000亩,拥有9条生产线。



Focus on large sizes & slabs As part of its Phase II project, Huifeng Ceramics also commissioned its new line equipped with a 405.3m-long roller kiln which will mainly fire 750×1500 mm and 800×1600 mm products. Meanwhile, Monalisa Tiles took a further step towards its goal of 11 slab lines when on 16 March the group celebrated the opening of its fourth factory, Gao’an Monalisa Tiles New Material, which covers an area of nearly 1,000 acres and has 9 production lines. Other new line start-ups celebrated in March were those of Jiangxi Jingcheng Ceramics (35,000 sqm/day of glazed porcelain tiles); Jiangxi Kangerju Ceramics (30,000 sqm/day of glazed porcelain tiles); Shuncheng Ceramics, which launched its fifth sintered slab production line and plans to commission the sixth one in the second half of this year; Ningxia Kehao Ceramics, which inaugurated the most advanced slab production line in Northwest China, producing fully polished glazed tiles in 800×800, 900×1800, 600×1200 and 750×1500 mm sizes; Zhongsheng Ceramics, whose two new production lines are mainly devoted to the production of 750×1500 mm tiles. Last but not least, Xinruncheng Ceramics started up a new large slab line equipped with ultra-long glazing lines, 12bar high-definition printers and automatic packaging lines which mainly produces 750×1500 and 900×1800 mm sizes. Continuing at this astonishing pace, China is likely to reach the target of 1 billion sqm/year of large slabs very soon. According to various sources, at the end of 2020 the Chinese ceramic tile industry had around 2,440 floor and wall tile production lines, 173 of which were already devoted to large-size tiles (with the longer side >1300 mm). Annual slab capacity then stood at 590 million sqm, equivalent to 4.7% of the 12.4 billion sqm total ceramic tile capacity installed in China. Although still small, this share is growing rapidly considering that almost 24% of new production lines (already planned and financed) due to be launched in China from 2021 to 2023 will be dedicated to slab production. With this huge new volume of extra-large surfaces launched onto the market, the need for product differentiation is now also essential for Chinese brands. Four main types of products are currently becoming popular in China: • 3 mm thin sintered slab (for example Newpearl’s range with a weight of 7 kg/m2); • full-body sintered slab (one example is Nabel’s range); • structured slab with digitally-created reliefs and details (for example Shunhui Ceramics’s range developed with Torrecid); • curved sintered slabs, like the one presented by Marcopolo Ceramics at Guangzhou Design Week 2020, which can be bent by up to 125° to cover domes, columns and spiral staircases. 5



其他在3月份点火的生产线还包括:江西精诚陶瓷有限 公司日产35000方仿古砖生产线,江西康尔居陶瓷 日3 万方仿古砖生产线,3月15日,顺成旗下骏程陶瓷举行 了第五条岩板智能生产线点火仪式。据了解,顺成陶瓷 集团计划在下半年进行第六条岩板智能生产线点火。3 月11日,西北日产20 0 0 0m²岩板/大板整线项目在宁夏 科豪陶瓷科 技有限公司成功点火。此项目可满足生产 规格为800×800(mm)、900×1800(mm)的高端岩板/ 大板产品和规格为80 0×80 0(mm)、60 0×120 0(mm) 、75 0 ×15 0 0 ( m m )、9 0 0 ×18 0 0 ( m m ) 的 高 端 全 抛 釉 产 品 。3 月 1 0 日,由 中 盛 企 业 两 组 现 代 化 智 能 宽 体 窑 炉 在 云 浮 新 兴 生 产 基 地 正 式 点 火 投 产,将主 打 750×150 0(mm)等规格。3月3日,广东新润成陶瓷有 限公司大板线顺利出砖。据了解,该生产线采用超长釉 线、12通道高清打印喷墨机、全自动打包线等设备,主 要生产750×1500(mm)、900×1800(mm)等产品。 在如此惊人的速度发展速度下,中国岩板的年产能很有 可能在短期内达到10亿平方米目标。据各种消息来源, 截至2020年底,中国瓷陶瓷行业共有2440条地砖和墙 砖生产线,其中173条已用于生产大型瓷 砖(长度大于 1300mm)。2020年的岩板产量为5.9亿平方米,占瓷砖 总产量124亿平方米的4.7%。虽然目前的占比还很小, 但正在迅速增长,如果考虑到2021年至2023年将在中 国启动的新生产线(已经规划和融资),这个比例将增长 至24%。 2021年,随着岩板产能不断增加,实现差异化对中国企 业而言已经变得十分有 必 要。那么中国企 业 是 如何实现差异化的?以 下几款岩板值得关注。 • 3mm超薄岩板 3mm超薄岩板(如: 新明珠的了3 m m 纤薄岩板重量轻至 7kg/㎡) • 通体岩板 通体岩板(如:诺贝尔 发 布 的 5 . 0 全 通 体系 列产品) • 模具面岩板 模具面岩板(如:顺辉 宣布与陶丽西联合开 发出数码 模 具技 术, 将岩板表面的凹凸仿 真肌 理制造实现了数 码化) • 曲面岩板 曲面岩板(如:马可波 罗 的 曲 面 岩 板,最 大 弯曲幅度可达到125° ,可实现圆形穹顶、圆 包 柱、别 墅 旋 转 楼 梯 的全空间运用。)




Matching structure printing with revolutionary Gamma DG digital glaze synchronized with Gamma XD.


Slabs and sub-sizes: high flexibility and a productivity of 21,500 sqm/day Continua+连续辊压机PCR 2180:高度灵活,日产 高达21500平方米 Gianluca Pederzini, Andrea Bresciani, Sacmi (Imola, Italy)

The revolutionary new PCR2180 is the latest addition to the Continua+ family, the global benchmark for the production of slabs and sub-sizes, and delivers the lowest levels of specific consumption in its category along with 160% higher productivity. Like its sister version, the PCR2000, currently the most popular model on the market, this latest solution is designed to handle slabs and sub-sizes with variable lengths and thicknesses ranging from 3 to 20 mm (30 mm on the PCR3000). The most important new feature on this model is the belt width, which allows it to produce fired slabs as wide as 1,800 mm while maintaining higher output rates. The result is a sharp increase in overall productivity, up to 21,500 sqm per day. ❱ How slabs have evolved Ceramic manufacturers have two closely-related needs in terms of finished products. The first is to be able to produce high-end slabs in increasingly large and innovative sizes, while the second is to maximise productivity and versatility in the production of sub-sizes and to allow for customised, just-intime production. The PCR2180 offers a solution to both these requirements. With regard to productivity, 1800 mm is equivalent to three 600x600 mm exits (and their corresponding modular sizes 600x1200 mm, 600x900 mm, 300x600 mm, etc.). For this rea-

PCR2180是萨克米Continua+连续压制成型系列中最 新一代革命性产品,是大板、瓷砖和小尺寸砖坯制造市 场的标杆。PCR2180是同类产品中单位能耗最低的,生 产能力却提高了160%。 与其姊妹系列PCR2000 ——目前市场上最受欢迎的型 号相似,这个最新的解决方案可压制任意长度,烧成产 品厚度从3到20mm(PCR30 0 0可生产3到30mm)的 大板、瓷砖和小尺寸砖坯。PCR218 0最重要的新特点 是其皮带宽度,能够生产烧成后宽度为18 0 0 mm的大 板,同时保持更高的生产率,使得整体生产效率大幅提 高,日产量高达21500 平方米。 ❱ 大板生产是如何演化的 就成品而言 ,陶瓷制造商对此有两个密切相关的需求。 第一个是能够生产尺寸越来越大、越来越具有创新性的 高端板材,第二个目标是最大化地提高小规格产品的生 产效率和多功能性,并实现定制化、即时生产。 P C R 2 1 8 0 为 这 些 需 求 提 供 了 解 决 方 案 。就 生 产 效 率 而 言 ,由 于 P C R 2 1 8 0 能 够 生 产 烧 成 后 宽 度 为 1 8 0 0 m m 的 产 品 ,相 当 于 可 同 时 生 产 三 片 6 0 0 × 6 0 0 m m 的 产 品( 其 相 应 的 组 合 尺 寸 可 为 600×1200mm、600×900mm、300×60 0mm 等)。因此,随着生产速度以m/s为单位不断提 高,Continua+连续压制成型系统能够更灵活、 更高效 地满足日益多样化的产品组合的生产需 求,消 除了大 板和 常 规 产品在 生 产 过 程中的 区 隔。 ❱零浪费的多功能性 自陶瓷大板问世至今已有15年了,当初它被认为 是一种小众产品。在此期间,萨克米公司为最大 化地提高生产效率投入了大量的技术资源,开发 了一套系统能够使在生产过程中产生的废料限制 在3%以下,而不论产品规格大小。这个最新版的 Continua+ 连续压制成型系统不仅只产生非常 少量的废料,而且还能够直接在生产线上对废料





Focus on large sizes & slabs


son, along with the higher speeds in terms of m/s, this Continua+ model can offer a system-wide response to the need to efficiently manage an increasingly diversified product mix that transcends the traditional distinction between slabs and conventional sizes.

PCR218 0系统的另一个优势是它的低消耗水平。相对 而言,PCR2180的生产速度更快,生产效率更高, 除了 相比适度增长的安装功率,PCR218 0是同类产品中单 位能耗最低的,每平方米的生产功率为0.06 kWh。而在 可持续性方面,PCR218 0的油耗量也是同类产品中最 低的(仅需20 0升),与其他非连续性的压机相比,其油

❱ Waste-free versatility


At least fifteen years have gone by since the pioneering days when ceramic slabs were considered a niche product. During this period, Sacmi has invested heavily in technology for maximising production efficiency, developing a system that allows scrap to be kept below 3% regardless of product size. This latest version of Continua+ not only produces a very limited amount of scrap but is also capable of recycling it directly on the line, thereby entirely eliminating process waste. Another advantage of the PCR2180 is its low consumption levels. Despite its higher productivity, it has the lowest levels of specific consumption in its category (0.06 kWh per square metre) against a modest increase in installed power. As for sustainability, this latest model is designed to operate with just 200 litres of hydraulic oil, 90% less than the quantity needed on a discontinuous press.

❱ 原料和坯体的极大灵活性 原料和坯体在生产过程中是一个复杂的问题,对不同 的客户、地区和 市场而言具有很 大差异。尽管如 此,

❱ Maximum flexibility in terms of raw materials and bodies Raw materials and bodies are a complex subject and vary enormously according to

On-the-fly cutting



Focus on large sizes & slabs customers, geographical areas and markets. Nonetheless, the ceramic industry is showing growing interest in solutions capable of using different types of bodies and raw materials, especially those available locally. The aim is not only to improve sustainability but also simply to ensure continuity of production, as witnessed in 2020 by the sharp contraction in supplies caused by international travel restrictions. This issue has also become central to Sacmi’s research efforts aimed at making the Continua+ family as versatile as possible in terms of different types of bodies and raw materials. As for process quality, the key technological parameter to be taken into account is the density of the compacted material, which must be similar to that obtained with static pressing. In terms of figures, this means about 400 kg/cm². The ceramic bodies used by manufacturers in different geographical regions may of course vary considerably in terms of cost, quality and product type. This is why Continua+ is designed to handle bodies for large slabs (which generally require high plasticity) as well as leaner bodies typically used for producing medium to small sizes by cutting the slabs immediately after compaction. In both cases, the products retain optimal mechanical strength. ❱ Automation and setup One of the new features of the Continua+ 2180 is the option of motorised size changeover, which marks yet another step towards just-in-time ceramic production as part of a make-to-order approach. On both motorised and manual control versions, the operator can easily set the size without wasting time and resources. Most importantly, the line does not lose efficiency in the case of size changeovers in terms of either speed or scrap rates, which never exceed 3% in any production scenario. ❱ Interconnected and digital In developing the new Continua+ model, Sacmi has reasserted its plant engineering expertise with a focus on digital process and flow control. Natively integrated with the HERE Sacmi plant supervisor, Continua+ is designed to be part of an Industry 4.0 ceramic plant, operating in synchronicity with the downstream glazing and digital decoration department and the upstream powder and raw material preparation plants. This brings two main advantages. The first is the ability to constantly monitor quality, costs and performance, the second the capability to create on-surface and through-body decorations as early as the compaction stage through controlled deposition of spray-dried powders. Thanks to the supervisor and the in-line inspection systems, these tasks can be synchronised with all downstream glazing and digital decoration stages, giving manufacturers the opportunity to create products with unprecedented aesthetic qualities in terms of the depth and three-dimensionality of the decoration. 5



陶瓷行业对能够使用不同类型坯体和原料的解决方案 (尤其是能够就地 取材的解决方案)表现出越来越大 的兴趣,这不仅是为了提高生产的可持续性,也是为了 确保生产的连续性,2 02 0年受疫情的影响,国际旅行 限制造成了供应链急剧收缩更是印证了企业对该解决 方案的迫切需求。这也是萨克米研究工作的核心,旨在 使 Continua+ 系列压机尽可能地适用于不同种类的坯 体和原料。 在工艺质量方面,要考虑的关键工艺参数是压制后坯 体的致密度,该数据必须跟静态压制方式所获得的数 据一致。体现到具体到数字上,大概是400kg/cm²。 当然,不同地区的制造商所使用的陶瓷坯体在成本、质 量和产品类型方面可能有相当大的差异。这就是为什 么 Continua+ 的设计致力于既能处理大型板材的坯体 (通常需要较高的塑性),又可以在大板压制成型后马 上进行切割,获得中小规格的坯体。在这两种情况下, 产品均能保持最佳的机械强度。 ❱ 自动化生产 C+2180的最新特性之一是尺寸转换的电动自动化,这 标志着又向即时陶瓷生产迈进了一步,该模式是按订单 生产的重要体现之一。 无论是电动操作和手动控制,操作员都可以轻松设置尺 寸而无需浪费时间和资源。最重要的是,在转换生产尺 寸时,无论在速度或废品率方面,生产线都不会有效率 损失,且在任何生产模式下,损耗都不会超过3%。 ❱ 互联化和数字化 在开发新的 Continua+ 模型时,萨克米再次证明了其 在工厂工程方面的专业知识,专注于数字化流程和流程 控制。Continua+与萨克米 HERE 工厂管理系统相互 连接,成为工业4.0陶瓷工厂的一部分,并与下游的施釉 和数码装饰部门以及上游的粉料和原料准备部门协同 运作。 这带来了两个主要优势。第一个是能持续监控质量、成 本和性能的能力,第二个是通 过数码布料 控制粉料的 堆积,在压机成型阶段就能创造表面装饰和通体的效 果。 得 益于监 督和 在 线 检 测 试 系 统, 这 些 任 务 可 以与 所有下游 施 釉和 数码 装饰 阶段同 步进行,从而使生 产商有 机会在 装 饰 的 深 度和 立体 感 上创 造 出具有 前所未有的美学 品质的产品。


The future starts today

Smaltochimica is a dynamic, green oriented chemical company that offers the Italian and worlwide ceramic industry excellent and highly innovative complete range of products. smaltochimica.it

Uncompromising productivity, sustainability and connectivity 西斯特姆Superfast压机:实现高效、可持续、数字 化生产的先进设备 System Ceramics (Fiorano Modenese, Italy)

Three factors have established Superfast as the new benchmark in the field of ceramic tile pressing: productivity, environmental sustainability and above all connectivity. As the world’s first and only mouldless press, it is capable of delivering advantages and levels of performance that simply cannot be matched by conventional systems. Based on System Ceramics’ many years of experience working on innovative engineering solutions in the field of surface shaping, Superfast represents the latest technology in this segment as well as a vital step towards ever-higher standards of quality and efficiency. With its single mouldless belt, the Superfast system achieves a level of flexibility unprecedented in the production of tradition-



三个因素使Superfast成为瓷砖压制领域的新标杆:生 产力、环境可持续性以及最重要的连通性。作为世界上 第一台以及唯一的无模压机,它能够提供传统系统无法 比拟的优势和性能。 基于西斯特姆在表面成型领域创新工程 解决方案方面多年的经验,Superfast代 表了该领域的最新技术,以及朝着更高的 质量和效率标准迈出的重要一步。 凭借一条无模皮带,Superfast系统可实现传统瓷砖尺 寸生产中前所未有的灵活性。在生产以60 cm、80 cm 和90 cm为基准,厚度在3 mm到30 mm之间的产品, 可确保快速和简单的设置。尺寸和厚度的切换操作也非

Focus on large sizes & slabs

al tile sizes. The use of 60 cm, 80 cm and 90 cm modules and thicknesses from 3 mm to 30 mm ensures a quick and simple set-up. The size and thickness changeover operation is also extremely straightforward and rapid as it is performed via software. In this configuration, nothing is left to chance. Superfast works with standard spray-dried powder formulations, allowing for a high degree of flexibility in the choice of incoming raw materials in terms of moisture, flowability and particle size. It is a process innovation that allows manufacturers to manage the entire manufacturing process with unprecedented flexibility and zero waste, resulting in 100% recycling of unfired materials in keeping with the principle of green technology. Thanks to a shaping process based on the double filling technique, the material undergoes real-time grinding alongside the press and subsequent mixing ready for reuse. In the double filling operation, the recycled material is used to form the base of the ceramic tile and the pure spray-dried material is applied on top of this layer. This extremely efficient process is managed easily by software, resulting in zero waste and consequently lower consumption of raw materials. The energy savings of up to 70% and the reuse of unfired materials mark an important step towards contemporary concepts of sustainable industry. The recovery and reintroduction of waste into the process also maintains the high level of quality of the ceramic product. Laboratory tests performed by accredited and independent research centres have shown that the aesthetic and technical quality of the finished tiles is identical to that of products made using solely pure spray-dried powder. This focus on the development of technologies for increasingly sustainable manufacturing is a crucial factor for System Ceramics, which is deeply committed to circular production and reducing costs and energy consumption. ❱ Interconnection and AR Smart Assistance This unique distillation of advanced technology has al-

常直接迅速,因为它是通过软件执行的。 在这样的配置下,所有流程都尽在掌控中。 Superfast可直接使用符合标准的任何普通喷雾干燥粉料, 在 原料湿 度、流动 性和 粒 度 大小的选 择方面具有高度的灵 活性。这是一项创 新工艺,可让制造商以前所未有的灵活性 和零浪费的情况下管理整个生产流程,使未烧制的材料实现 100%回收,符合绿色技术的原则。 由于采用了二次布料技术的成型工艺,粉料在压机旁进行实 时研磨,随后进行混合以备二次使用。在二次布料的操作过 程中,回收的粉料分布在最底层,作为瓷砖的底坯,喷雾干燥 的粉料则施加到坯体的顶部。这个过程十分高效,可通过软 件轻松实现,从而达到零浪费并降低原材料的消耗。 高达70%的能源节约和未烧制粉料的重复利用,标志着向可 持续工业的当代概念迈向了重要的一步。废物回收和再利用 的过程,依然保持了陶瓷产品的高品质水平。由经认可的独立 研究中心进行的实验室测试表明,成品瓷砖的美学和技术质 量与仅使用纯喷雾干燥粉料制成的产品的美学和技术质量相 同。 对可持续制造技术发展的专注是西斯特姆公司获得成功的一



Focus on large sizes & slabs so become the testing ground for digitalisation. Through extensive R&D efforts in the field of IT Engineering and Digital Industrial Design and the adoption of cutting-edge manufacturing tools, System Ceramics has long been studying and deploying remote access and smart assistance solutions for the installation and maintenance of its plants and machines all over the world. System Ceramics has completed major orders in recent months despite the slowdown of the international market, demonstrating that its plant engineering expertise is capable of reaching even the most distant geographical areas from the Italian headquarters thanks to a network of foreign branches and the wealth of knowledge it makes available to customers. The travel restrictions have not prevented System from installing and starting up a new Superfast plant at the factory of a leading Chinese player. The operation was completed to the customer’s full satisfaction thanks to collaboration between the System Ceramics’ Italian headquarters and the System China subsidiary. Thanks to the hard work carried out by engineers from the Italian headquarters, the Superfast press (Superfast 19000 with pressing area 1200x2700 mm) was successfully installed and started up on time and in complete safety. Once cameras had been installed in the customer’s factory, System China provided on-site assistance and managed the project remotely in close cooperation with the Italian headquarters. The engineers used latest generation technologies, such as augmented reality optical devices for AR Smart Assistance applications, which are particularly suitable for industrial environments thanks to their characteristics of reliability and safety. This technology is able to interconnect operators with device and system data via a state-of-the-art Industrial Internet of Things infrastructure, integrating all the machines and plants involved. In the specific case of the new Superfast line started up in China, the client was able to make use of high-performance engineering and digital solutions in order to start up, manage and test the plant remotely. 5



个关键因素,该公司致力于循环生产,同时降低成本和 能耗。 ❱ 互连互通及AR智能辅助功能 这种对先 进 技 术的独特 提 炼也已成为数字化的试验 场。通 过在IT工程和 数字工业设计 领域展开广泛研发 工作以及采用最先进的制造工具,西斯特姆公司长期 以来一直在研 究 和 部 署 远 程访问和智能 协助 解 决方 案,以对其工厂和设备在世界各地进行安装和维护。 尽管国际市场不景气,西斯特姆


完成了一些重要订单,这表明得益于公司的国外分支 机构网络及其能提供给客户的丰富知识,西斯特姆的 工厂工程专门技术甚至可以从意大利总部延伸到最遥 远的地区。 由于疫情造成的旅行限制并没有阻碍西斯特姆在一家 领先的中国企业设立和启动新的Superfast工厂。得益 于西斯特姆 公司意大利总部和西斯特姆 中国子公司 之间的合作,工厂运行完全满足了客户的要求。 在 意 大 利 总 部 工 程 师 的 辛 勤 工 作 下,S u p e r f a s t 压 机( S u p e r f a s t1 9 0 0 0 型 号 压 机 的 压 制 面 积 为 12 0 0x 270 0 mm)得以成功按时安装并安全启动。在 客户工厂中安装摄 像机后,西斯 特姆中国分公司与意 大利 总部 密 切 合 作,提 供 现 场 协助 并 远 程 管 理该 项 目。工程师使用了最新一代技术,例如用于AR智能辅 助应用的增强现实光学设备,这项技术因其可靠性和 安全性而特别适用于工业环境。 该技术能够通过最先进的工业物联网基础设施将所有 相关的机器和工厂集成到一起,实现操作员与设备和 系统数据的互连。在新的Super fast生产线在中国安 装并启动的特定案例中,客户能够利用高性能工程和 数字解决方案来远程启动、管理和测试工厂。 5

Large slabs with a total black look 纯黑大板问世 Colorobbia (Sovigliana Vinci, Italy)

The range of ceramic pigments produced by Colorobbia cater for many different needs and can be customised according to companies’ production technologies and finished products. Pigments for colouring porcelain stoneware bodies are currently attracting great interest due to their wide range of applications and the variety of solutions available. In particular, they can be used to produce an unlimited array of coloured bodies in a palette ranging from soft to more intense tones (black, orange, red, brown, blue, etc.). Colorobbia produces three different series of pigments for colouring porcelain tile bodies: • the 6 series for wet dispersion colouring, • the 7 series for dry dispersion colouring, • the 7x7 series for dry dispersion colouring with high mechanical strength. These pigments have recently seen a surge in demand for full-body colouring of large-size slabs, products that mainly serve as floor and wall coverings but are increasingly also being used as worktops, tables, walls, doors, ventilated façades, etc. To meet the specific needs of this market segment, Colorobbia recently developed the 6 Series black pigment PG 64125,



卡罗比亚公司(Colorobbia)生产的各种陶瓷颜料可 以满足不同的需求,还可以根据客户的生产技术和成 品来定制。由于拥有广泛的应用和多种可行的解决方 案,当前,陶瓷坯体着色颜料引起了人们极大的兴趣, 特别是,使用这些颜料可以生产出各种颜色的坯体,无 论是柔和的色调,还是更强烈的色调, 如黑色、橙色、 红色、棕色、蓝色等。 Colorobbia生产三个不同系列的瓷砖坯体着色颜料: • 用于湿法分散式着色的6个系列色料 • 用于干法分散式着色的7个系列色料 • 用于机械强度高的干法分散式着色的7x7个系列色料 最近由于通体大板的广泛生产与应用,坯体色 料的需 求量 激增。大板产品主要用作 墙 地面覆 盖材 料,但也 越来越广泛地用作工作台、桌子、墙壁、门和通风外墙 等。 为了满足这一细分市场的特定需求,卡罗比亚公司最近 开发了拥有6个系列的黑色颜料PG


具有很高的技术和比色性能的产品,可以生产出色 域 范围从中灰色到深黑色的着色坯体。这是在不影响 除 气 过程和坯体尺寸稳定性的情况下实现的,能够保证

Focus on large sizes & slabs


a product with high technical and colorimetric performance capable of producing coloured bodies in an extensive palette ranging from neutral grey tones through to intense blacks. This is achieved without affecting the degassing process or the dimensional stability of the substrate and guarantees both a low pyroplastic deformation index during the firing phase (at a temperature of 1180-1220ºC) and constant levels of water absorption of the finished product, regardless of its thickness (from 6 to 30 mm). The black pigment PG 64125 is able to create a coloured substrate suitable for direct printing of 100% digital (Full Digital) decorations, a crucial characteristic given the importance of the surface finish of large size slabs.

(温度在118 0 -1220℃之间) 不产 生 变 形 并 使 成 品 的 吸 水 率保持在合理范围内。 使用PG

料生产出来的着色坯体,能够 直 接应用于 全数码 装饰工序 (百分百数字化),这一 性能 对于大规格产品的表面装饰至 关重要。 ❱


今年正值 卡罗比亚集团 成立 10 0周年。卡罗比亚集团主要

❱ 100 years serving the ceramic industry Gruppo Colorobbia, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, produces a wide range of pigments for ceramic tiles, sanitaryware, glass, sheet metal, plastics, etc., at its modern plants located all over the world and exploiting its own expertise in all production processes. Colorobbia is a proactive partner and a key player in the testing and implementation of new industrial solutions thanks to its longstanding and close collaboration with leading plant manufacturers. With production sites and branches located in the main ceramic clusters around the world, the group is able to maintain close contact with its customers and offer a complete service in terms of technical and graphic assistance, R&D and innovation for the development of individual projects. The group also guarantees the complete transfer of its technical know-how during industrial adoption of its high value-added products. No less importantly, the company has a longstanding commitment to protecting the environment and safeguarding the health and safety of its employees and customers. It strives to continuously reduce emissions and waste, minimise the use of hazardous substances and comply with the latest laws and regulations on substance classification. 5


生产用于瓷砖、卫 浴、玻璃、 金属板材、塑料等各种颜料, 在 世 界 各 地 都 设有 现 代 化 工 厂,并 在每一 个生产环节中都 充分利用自己的专业知识。 卡罗比 亚 是 一 个 积 极 主 动 的 合作伙伴,也是测试和实施新 的工业解 决方案 的关键 参与 者,这得益于卡罗比亚长期与 领 先 工 厂制 造 商 保 持 紧密 合 作。 卡罗比 亚 集 团 的 生 产 基 地 和 分支机构遍布全球陶瓷主要产 区,能与客户保持紧密联系, 并为个别项目的开发提供技术 和图形协助、研发和创新等全 方位 服务。该集团还保证,在 其高附加值产品的工业应用过 程中提供专业技术支持。 同样重要的是,卡罗比亚公司 长 期 致 力于 保 护 环 境 及保 障 员工和顾客的健康和安全,持续减少排放和废物、尽量 减少使用有害物质,并遵守有关物质分类的最新法律 法规。



Functionality and aesthetics with dry super-polishing 集功能和美观于一体的超级干法抛光工艺 Marco Sichi, BMR (Scandiano, Italy)

Driven by the need to improve the productivity and efficiency of new technologies, BMR has made further investments in R&D with the aim of developing a new finishing solution capable of guaranteeing an adequate, constant and high-performance workflow. These needs are largely met by SuperShine, the hi-tech surface treatment machine that is transforming the ceramic surface and slab finishing process. SuperShine is effectively the first dry super-polisher. The process is based on a mechanical and physical interaction between the tool, the surface and the applied chemical product and is designed to enhance the digital graphics of the tile and give the surface a high level of gloss and protection. Lapping is the first processing step and involves removing a portion of the surface from glazed and/or porcelain products

由于需要 提高新 技 术 的生 产力和 效 率,B M R 已在 研发领 域 进 行了 进 一 步的投 资, 目的是开发出一种新的精加工解决方案,能够保证一 个充分、稳定和高性能的工作流程。 SuperShine能在很大程度上满足这些需求,这是一 台高科技表面处理设备,它正在改变陶瓷表面和大板 的加工工艺。 SuperShine与精抛设备很相似,但更 重,而且配备了干燥技术— —这促使它成为第一台超 级干法抛光机。这项工艺基于工具、表面和所应用的 化学物质之间的机械和物理作用,旨在增强瓷砖的数 字图形、给予(产品)表面高强的光泽和保护。 精抛是加工的第一步,涉及从釉面和/或瓷质产品上 去除一部分表面(图1)。 随后,进行精加工和处理。 精抛阶段本身纯粹是为了美观,旨在使产品获得所需 的光洁度。由于表面粗糙 度大幅 降 低,使(产品)表 面获得较高的光泽度,从而展示出更高的反射率和纵 深感(图2和3)。 在下一步工艺,SuperShine通过填充材料中通常出 现的针孔来改变表面形态,赋予成品非常高的技术特 性,如高耐磨性和耐酸性。 精抛后的产品基 本能到达到 超 级光滑的状 态,此时 其光泽度值为55/60,表面粗糙度Ra为0.060 mm, 而在 进一 步处 理 后,光泽度能达95/10 0,平均表面

Fig. 2: Untreated ceramic slab and slab treated with SuperShine

粗糙度Ra能达0.020 mm。 有了这个最终的粗糙度 值,瓷砖就具有了良好的抗污能力。 图4展示了经




线的超 级抛光工艺处理后的陶瓷表面电子显微镜图 像。 为了正确地理解图像,重要的是要注意到色阶是与密 度成反比的。因此,密度较高的部分显得更白,而空 隙(对应密度的缺失)显得越深的针孔越黑。 在照片中显示的是处理过的材料样本,针孔的颜色浅 和均匀度表明处理的渗透程度高(颜色越浅,处理的 Fig. 3: Reduction in roughness of the treated surface The reduction in roughness makes the glaze extremely transparent with more reflected than refracted light



密度越大)。 与此相反,我们可以看到针孔周围的釉料颜色保持不 变,这表明它没有被任何材料覆盖。

Focus on large sizes & slabs

Fig. 1: The lapping process

(photo 1). Its aim is to achieve the desired finish, giving the surface a high gloss level and an appearance of greater reflectivity and depth thanks to the considerable reduction in roughness (photos 2 and 3). The lapping phase is followed by finishing and then treatment. In this stage, SuperShine alters the morphology of the surface by filling the pores that typically occur in the material, giving the finished product very specific technical characteristics such as high abrasion and acid resistance. A lapped product generally arrives at the super-polishing stage with a Gloss value of 55/60 and roughness Ra 0.060 mm, whereas after treatment the Gloss level is 95/100 and average roughness Ra 0.020 mm. With this final roughness value the tile has a good level of resistance to soiling and staining. Photo 4 shows an electron microscope image of a surface treated with supergloss applied by a BMR SuperShine lapping and treatment line. For a correct understanding of the images, it is important to note that the colour scale is inversely proportional to the density. Higher density elements therefore appear whiter, while the voids (corresponding to an absence of density) appear blacker the deeper the pore. In the photo showing a specimen of treated material, the light and uniform colour of the pores indicates a high degree of penetration of the treatment (the lighter the colour, the denser the treatment). Conversely, we can see that the colour of the glaze around the pores has remained unchanged, indicating that it has not been coated with any material. On enlarging the images (photos 5 and 6), we can see that not only the colour but also the appearance of the pores has changed. The green and blue boxes show the points where a qualitative analysis of the chemical elements present was carried out. The resultant spectra are shown below.

放大图片(图5和图6),我们可以看到,针孔的颜色和外观 都发生了变化。


性分析。 合成的光谱如下图所示。 UNTREATED


Fig. 4: Electron microscope analysis of treated and untreated surfaces



Focus on large sizes & slabs ❱ Untreated material (fig. 7) The compositional analyses show that the elements present in the pore of the untreated material are the same as those found in the area surrounding the pore, namely: Si, O, Ca, Zn, Na and K. In box 3 relating to the empty pore, note the background noise represented by the values of between 0 and 2. This is because the surface is more difficult for electron beams to reach due to the cavity. ❱ Material treated with SuperShine (fig. 8) Comparing the values for the empty pore with the subsequent spectra (filled pores) for the treated material, it is evident that the elements inside the pore have changed whereas those in the area surrounding the pore have remained the same. This is due to saturation of the porosity following the treatment and underscores the fact that the surface portion of the glaze has not been coated. Si, O, Ca, Zn, Na and K are again found in the area surrounding the pore, whereas almost solely Si and O are found inside. It can also be seen that the quantity of C (carbon) is very low and practically the same in all the samples, demonstrating the inorganic nature of the treatments. Conversely, the Au (gold) peak is attributable to metallisation, a technique necessary to prepare the samples for scanning. As can be seen from the above analysis, the post lapping process

❱ 未处理材料(图7) 成分分析表明,未处理材料中,针孔内的元素与针孔周 围的元素相同,含有硅、氧、钙、锌、钠和钾元素。 在 描述 空针孔的方框 3中,注 意 背景 噪声值在 0 到 2之 间。这是由于腔体的存在使电子束更难到达表面而引起 的。 ❱ SuperShine处理后的材料(图8) 将未填充的针孔和处理后的材料(已填充的针孔)的光 谱值进行比较,很明显的是,针孔内元素发生了变化, 而针孔周围区域的元素则保持不变。这是由于针孔经过 后期的填充处理后,增加了针孔的饱和度,而这强调了 一个事实——釉面部分没有因此而被覆盖。 在针孔周围的区域依然分布着硅、氧、钙、锌、钠和钾元 素,而针孔内几乎只发现了硅和氧元素。 除此之外,碳元素的含量非常低,而且几乎所有的样品 中碳的含量都是一样的,这说明,处理过程是无机的。 与此相反,金元素的峰值由金属化引起,而金属化是扫 描前准备样品时所必需的技术。 从以上分析可以看出,使用SuperShine的后精抛工艺既 提高了保护效果,又改善了表面光洁度。 抛光后,产品的

Fig. 5: Untreated sample (empty pores are dark coloured)

Fig. 6: Treated sample (pores filled by the treatment are light coloured)

Fig. 7: Spectra of untreated material

Fig. 8: Spectra of treated material



Passion for innovation. Celebrating 100 years of technology, materials and tradition. WWW.COLOROBBIA.COM

Focus on large sizes & slabs TAB 1. ROUGHNESS ANALYSIS Untreated

Treated with SuperShine





















































































using SuperShine improves both protection and the surface finish. Following the lapping process, the average roughness value Ra was further reduced by approximately 40% (Table 1). ❱ Conclusions The tests carried out show that the SuperShine process has a dual function: aesthetic polishing performed by the mechanical action of the tools, and a protective treatment that involves closing the surface porosity. These results are demonstrated both by the increase in gloss level (from 73/76 at the entrance to 89/92 at the exit from SuperShine) and by the lower degree of roughness, which is reduced by a further 40% after lapping. The compositional analyses also show that no material from the treatment is found on the glaze and that the treatment inside the pores is inorganic. Furthermore, the polishing process carried out with SuperShine allows the line to be upgraded in terms of finish. The process has a proven track record of improving aesthetic quality due to its ability to remove finishing defects such as stains, movement marks and tiny scratches. This increases the productivity of the line by reducing fixed production costs and significantly improves the quality of the slab. 5

Fig. 9: Acid resistance



平均粗糙度Ra又降低了约40%(表1)。 ❱ 结论 测试表明,SuperShine工艺具有双重功能:通过工具 的机械作用进行美学抛光,以及通过填充针孔对产品 表面进行保护性处理。 这些结论可以通过增加产品的光泽度(加工前的光泽 度为73 -76之间,使用Supershine加工后的产品光泽 度为89-92之间)以及降低的粗糙度(抛光后进一步降 低40%)得以证明。 成分分析还表明,在釉面上未发现处理残留的材料, 并且针孔内的处理是无机的。 此外,使用SuperShine进行抛光可使生产线的精加工 工艺得到提升。 这 项 工 艺 能 够 改 善 产 品 的 表 面 缺 陷 ,如 去 除 如 污 渍 残 留 、运 动 刮 痕 和 细 小 的 刮 痕 等 ,进 一 步 提 高 产 品 的 美 学 质 量 ,因 此 在 业 界 获 得 良 好 口 碑 。此 外,Supershine还能够通过降低固定生产成本来提高 生产线的生产效率,并显著提高板材的质量。

Fig. 10: Foot traffic resistance


Look at the difference


DigitalGlass,生态可持续的水性釉料 Davide Zannoni, Esmalglass-Itaca (Villareal, Spain)

In keeping with its commitment to sustainability and the environment, the Esmalglass-Itaca Group has developed and implemented a new family of water-based digital glazes aimed at accompanying ceramic producers on their journey towards greater sustainability. Called DigitalGlass, the new digital solution reduces water consumption by a factor of ten compared to traditional glazes. Fresh water is an increasingly scarce commodity on the planet, so every drop of water is important for building a more sustainable future. Reducing water consumption tenfold through the use of new water-based digital glazes brings environmental benefits as well as improving the industry’s production activities. As the culmination of more than a decade of hard work and dedication, DigitalGlass is a truly revolutionary solution for the ceramic industry. A number of companies have already chosen this new technology and are reporting significant benefits after more than a year of use. Specifically, DigitalGlass has been used since October 2019 as part of a Full Digital process (with digital primer application at the beginning of the process and digital coating at the end) on a line producing 3 and 6 mm thick 1200x3600 mm large surfaces. During these 17 months, the company has not reported a single line stoppage, it has resolved all delamination and clogging issues, and it has not had to replace a single printhead. DigitalGlass digital glazes can be used in production in two different ways. One is the fully digital process described



为秉 承公司对可持续性和 环 境的承诺,E s m a l g l a ss Itaca(意达加)集团开发并落地了一个全新的水性数 字釉料系列产品,以陪伴陶瓷生产商走向更加可持续化 的道路。与传统釉料相比,这种名为DigitalGlass的新 数字解决方案可将耗水量减少至原来的十分之一。淡水 是地球日益稀缺的资源,因此每一滴水对建设一个更加 可持续的未来都至关重要。通过使用新型水性数码釉料 使耗水量减少十倍,不仅带来环境效益,还改善了行业 的生产活动。 (作为Esmalglass-Itaca集团)十多年努 力和奉献的结晶,DigitalGlass是陶瓷行业真正的革命 性解决方案。 许多公司已经 选 择了这项新技 术,并反馈在使用这项 技术一年多后获得了巨大的收益。尤其是,从2019年10 月起,DigitalGlass作为全数码工艺的一部分(该工艺 以应用一层数码底 釉作为开始,以应用一层保护面釉 作为结束),被用作生产3毫米和6毫米厚、1200×3600 (mm)规格的陶瓷大板。在这17个月里,使用公司没有报 告过一次生产线停工;DigitalGlass解决了所有分层和 堵塞问题,而且不需要更换任何喷头。 DigitalGlass数码釉在生产中有两种不同的应用方式。 一种是上述的全数字化工艺,其底釉和保护面釉都被 DigitalGlass代替。但是也可以选择应用半数码工艺, 如仅替换底釉,随后选择混合数字工艺。在这两种情况

FOCUS ON: Glazing & Decoration

above, in which both the initial primer and the final coating are replaced with DigitalGlass. But it is also possible to proceed in stages, i.e. replacing only the initial primer and opting for a hybrid digital process. In both cases, these new water-based digital glazes offer significant advantages.


The innovative DigitalGlass solution offers four main advantages for ceramic companies as well as significant environmental benefits. The first is a reduction in emissions and environmental impact. As well as drastically reducing water consumption by a factor of up to ten compared to traditional glazes, the adoption of the new water-based digital glazes also eliminates excess material, waste, odours, materials requiring filtering, etc. A second major advantage is the simplification of production by reducing operational and logistics costs. DigitalGlass is a ready-to-use material whose main benefit lies in the more rapid, digital adjustment compared to the high level of control necessary with conventional glazes (corrections of alumina, crystalline, etc.). Furthermore, only the required quantity of glaze is applied, so no waste is generated and storage and personnel costs are also optimised as only a single material supply process needs to be managed. If surplus material is generated during production it can be reused, thereby avoiding waste. DigitalGlass also offers a number of technical advantages, most notably improved product quality and aesthetics. By synchronising the application of the water-based digital glazes with the other digital applications, it is possible to achieve entirely natural finishes, for example by using the initial primer to create reliefs. Another area in which there is a significant improvement in quality is in the production of low-thickness surfaces (less than 6 mm) due to the smaller quantity of applied water compared to traditional glazing. Last but not least, this innovation helps to reduce the timeto-market. The smaller number of materials makes it quicker to perform modelling and to change the graphics of existing products so as to respond more quickly to market demand; the production of small batches is also accelerated.

数码釉 料 不仅 大 大减 少了用水量,而且 还能除去多余

创新的DigitalGlass解决方案为陶瓷公司提供了四个 主要优势以及显著的环 境 效 益。首先是减 少了排放和 对环 境的影响。与使用传 统 釉 料相比,采用新型水性 的材料、废物、气味和需要过滤的材料等。第二个主要 优势是通过降低运营和物流成本来简化生产。


要高水平 控 制 的常 规 釉 料(校 正 氧化 铝,晶体 等)相 比,DigitalGlass是一种现成的材料,优点是可以实现 更快捷、数字化的调控。此外,由于仅使用了所需量的 釉料,故不会产生浪费;而且因为只有一个物料供应过 程需要管理,储存和人员成本得到了优化。如果生产过 程中产生了多余的材料,这些材料可以进行重复利用, 从而避免浪费。 DigitalGlass还具有许多技术优势,最显著的是提升了 产品质量和让产品更美观。通过同步应用水性数码釉和 其他数字材料,可以实现非常自然的表面效果,如通过 使用数码釉创造具有凹凸感的模具效果。质量得到显著 提升的另一个体现是厚度薄(小于6毫米)的陶瓷大板 的生产,这是因为与传统施釉方式相比,DigitalGlass 的用水量更少。 最后但也很重要的一点是,这项创新有助于缩短产品上 市时间。更少的材料数量使其能更快地执行建模和更改 现有产品的图形,从而更迅速地响应市场需求;小批量 的生产也加快了。 DigitalGlass数码釉料已得到大多数喷头和机械制造 商的充分认可和认证。除了用于生产不同装饰表面的各 种釉料外,该系列产品还包括首个获得认证的水性数字 胶水,这进一步证实了Esmalglass-Itaca意达加在这 一领域所做的有价值工作。


DigitalGlass digital glazes are fully approved and certified by most printhead and machinery manufacturers. In addition to the various glazes used to obtain different finishes, this family of products also includes the first certified water-based digital glue, further confirming the valuable work being done by Esmalglass-Itaca in this sector. ✕




全数字混合技术——为可持续的陶瓷装饰而生 Luca Berti, Efi Cretaprint (Castellon, Spain)

The environmental impact analysis of a technology is not limited to the specific production phase in which it is used but involves the entire production process. In this respect, full digital ceramic decoration is a highly sustainable technology that contributes to a more sustainable overall process by consuming fewer resources and producing lower emissions and waste. The use of water-based inks and glazes brings technical benefits as well as significant savings in terms of production costs. Above all, digital glazing applies exactly the right quantity of glaze and does so in a controlled manner. It uses ten times less glaze than traditional glazing methods. This means less consumption of raw materials, energy and water, but also less wasted glaze, less water used for cleaning and lower emissions to the atmosphere. The technical advantages are mainly linked to uniform glaze application, which is essential for certain products such as large-size tiles. Furthermore, digital glazing followed by inkjet decoration with water-based inks reduces the phenomenon of water repellency, which often causes defects and consequently poor quality costs. But the full digital process provides significant savings not just in terms of improved production quality: less glaze application also means lower logistics and transport costs. In addition, it reduces direct application costs for certain types of tiles, such as large slabs and rustic matt finishes. Thanks to selective glaze application, water-based digital decoration and glazing also paves the way for the development of new ceramic products. Last but not least, it is a digital process that helps companies implement complete factory digitalisation in keeping with Industry 4.0 principles. ❱ EFI Cretaprint’s Hybrid Ecosystem EFI Cretaprint Hybrid is an ecosystem consisting of 5th generation digital glazing and decoration printers, eco-solvent and water-based inks and glazes, and hybrid inkjet printers that can be used with both types of inks. This gives manufacturers the flexibility to choose whether and when to adopt water-based technology according to their needs. The Cretaprint Hybrid printers boast upgraded electronics, ink delivery systems specifically designed to operate in an aqueous environment and an innovative cleaning protocol that maintains constant levels of humidity and prevents sedimentation. EFI has also introduced Shield printers to its hybrid printer family, a series of stand-alone auxiliary



一项技术的环境影响分析并不局限于它所使用的具体 生产阶段,而是涉及到整个生产过程。在这方面,全数 码陶瓷装饰是一种高度可持续的技术,通过消耗更少 的资源,大大降低排放并产生更少废料,为整个生产过 程的进一步可持续发展作出了贡献。水性墨水和釉料的 使用带来了技术上效益,而且大大节省了生产成本。最 重要的是,数码喷釉可以精确釉料的下釉量,并且以可 控的方式进行。与传统施釉方式相比,它的釉料用量少 了十倍。这意味着原材料、能源和水的消耗量降低,同 时被浪费掉的釉料量、清洁用水量都大幅减少,对大气 的排放量也降低。数码喷釉的技术优势主要与均匀施 釉有关,这一过程对一些产品(如大规格瓷砖)至关重 要。此外,数码喷釉后再用水性墨水进行喷墨打印装饰 可以减少水排斥现象,这种现象往往会给装饰效果带来 瑕疵并使质量成本上升。 然而,全数字化生产流程不仅可以通过提高生产质量节 省大量资金:减 少釉 料用量还意味着更低的物流和运 输成本。此外,它还降低了某些类型瓷砖的直接应用成 本,如大板和仿古哑光面产品。 水性数字装饰材料和釉料的选择性的应用,为新型陶瓷 产品的开发铺平了道路。 最后但同样重要的是,它是一个数字化过程,可以帮助 企业按照工业4.0原则实现完整的工厂数字化。 ❱ EFI Cretaprint的混合生态系统 EFI Cretaprint Hybrid 是一个由第5代数码喷釉和装

FOCUS ON: Glazing & Decoration

printers used for digital application of inks, glazes, materials, glues and effects and equipped with hybrid printheads arranged on two high-discharge bars. Also available for large sizes, they are versatile machines that complement existing equipment. They are used for performing digital glazing with uniform and controlled glaze application, for applying effects when an inkjet printer upgrade is not possible, or for applying eco-solvent or water-based glues. Shield printers can be synchronised with the other machines in the line using the CretaSync system. This ecosystem also includes EFI’s Cretacolor ceramic inks, which are available in a wide range of eco-solvent and water-based inks. Eco-solvent inks are formulated with hydrocarbon- and ester-free solvents of plant origin. Their high performance and stability make them ideal for tile manufacturers who prefer to continue to use current technology. For producers who are more interested in adopting water-based technology, EFI aqueous inks and hybrid printers are receiving an excellent response from the market. Their formulation minimises the quantity of solvent in the composition, which means they integrate more effectively with the rest of the manufacturing process. They reduce carbon emissions by an average of 73% and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by more than 90%, as well as reducing the consumption of chemical solvents used for cleaning. Compared to solvent-based inks, Cretacolor water-based inks also offer technical advantages that enhance the value of the ceramic products. These include shorter drying times, better integration with other stages of the production process, elimination of water repellency and higher print quality due to improved image definition. EFI Cretaprint’s commitment to protecting the environment is not limited to developing ground-breaking low-impact technologies, but also takes the form of concrete initiatives... one tree at a time! The company is excited to take part in the Bosques Sostenibles project to reforest areas devastated by climate change, specifically the Valle de Iruelas nature reserve in Spain. For every EFI Cretaprint printer sold, the company pledges to plant 17 trees, thereby offsetting the equivalent of 3 tons of CO2. ✕

饰打印机、环保型溶剂、水性墨水和釉料,以及可与两 种墨水一起使用的混合喷墨打印机组成的生态系统。这 使制造商能根据自己的需要灵活地选择是否、何时采用 水性技术。 Cretaprint


设计用于水性环境的供墨系统及创新的清洁方案,该方 案可保持恒定的湿度水平,防止沉淀。 EFI还开发了Shield打印机,作为混合打印机家族的成员 之一,它们是一系列独立的辅助打印机,用于墨水、釉 料、材料、胶水和特殊效果的数字化应用,而且两个大 墨量通道都配备了混合型喷头。它们也可用于大规格( 瓷砖生产),是对现有设备进行补充的多功能设备。混 合打印机系列不但能以均匀、受控的施釉方式进行数字 喷釉,还能在无法升级喷墨打印机时应用特殊效果,或 应用环保型溶剂或水性胶水。Shield打印机还可以使用 CretaSync系统,与生产线中的其他设备实现同步。 该生态系统还包括EFI的Cretacolor陶瓷墨水,其可适 用于多种环保型溶剂和水性墨水。环保型溶剂墨水是用 不含烃和酯、源于植物的溶剂配制而成的。对于希望继 续使用现有技术的瓷砖制造商,这种墨水因具有高性能 和稳定性成为了理想选择。对于更有兴趣采用水性技术 的生产商来说,EFI水性墨水和混合打印机正从市场获 得了良好的反响。它们的配方可最大程度地减少组合物 中的溶剂量,这意味着它们可与生产过程中的其他部分 更有效地整合在一起。它们平均可减少73%的碳排放和 不少于90%的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),还降低了清 洁用化学溶剂的消耗量。 与溶剂型墨水相比,Cretacolor水性墨水还具有提高 陶瓷产品价值的技术优势。这些优势包括更短的干燥时 间、能更好地集成到生产过程的其他阶段、消除了水排 斥现象以及通过改善图像清晰度提高打印质量。 EFI


性的对环 境 影响小的技 术,而且 还 采取了具有具体措 施的形式……一次捐 献一棵 树!该公司很高兴能参与 Bosques Sostenibles项目,在因气候变化而遭受破坏 的地区(尤其是西班牙的Valle de Iruelas自然保护区) 进行重新造林。该公司承诺,每售出一台EFI Cretaprint 打印机,就种植17棵树,从而抵消相当于3 吨二氧化碳 的排放。





用于打印纹理的数码喷釉技术 Norbert von Aufschnaiter, Durst Phototechnik S.p.A. (Bressanone, Italy)

Although the tile decoration process is now fully digitalised, digital technology for glazing and above all for printing textured surfaces has until now been notably absent. This technology is the dream of all ceramic companies as it would enable them to manage the entire production process with greater flexibility, optimise batches and offer unlimited potential for developing innovative products and designs quickly and cheaply, including solutions for large slabs. A fully digitalised production line requires systems in which only digital files (rather than mechanical parts) need to be replaced during product changeover. After years of hard work, Durst has now achieved this revolutionary goal with a digital glazing process called Durst True Digital Tile Manufacturing 4.0 which features: 1. Flexible press with a smooth mould, complete with digital size and thickness changeover controls using technology readily available on the market and widely in use; 2. Glazing and digital printing of textures using Durst Gamma DG printers equipped with Durst RockJET™ printheads, a solution that is currently undergoing field testing in the facilities of two well-known Italian manufacturers; 3. Durst Gamma XD digital printers for synchronised decoration in line with Gamma DG and for creating natural-looking designs with total gradient effects; 4. Durst ColorGATE CMS ceramic colour management system, which reduces times for trial runs, setup and machine stoppages while ensuring efficient production of small batches with excellent long-term repeatability; 5. True digital material finishing with Durst Gamma DG, which allows wet material to be applied for unique and visually striking effects. ❱ Digital glazing Durst True Digital Glazing technology, which uses products with similar properties to traditional ceramic glazes, is considered an even more significant innovation than digital decoration. At the heart of this innovative process is Gamma DG, the first high-performance single pass printer for digital glazing of ceramic tiles using water-based glazes with large particle sizes (> 45 microns) and



尽管瓷砖装饰工艺现在已完全实现数字化,但 迄今为止,数码喷釉技术,特别是用于印刷带纹 理的表面的数码技术,依然十分紧缺,


术是所有陶企的梦想,因为其使企业能够更灵 活地管理整个生产过程,优化批次,并为快速、 经 济地开发创 新产品和 设 计,包括用于大板的解 决方 案,提供无限的潜力。 一条完全数字化的生产线需要在转产期间仅需替换数 字文件(而不是机械零件)的系统。 经过多年的努力,Durst现在已经通过Durst


Digital Tile Manufacturing 4.0(真正的数字化瓷砖 制造4.0)数码喷釉工艺实现了这一革命性的目标,其特 点是: 1. Flexible press(柔性压机)具有光滑的模具,采用市 面上已有的、应用广泛的技术完成数码尺寸和厚度转 换控制; 2.使用配备Durst



DG打印机对纹理进行喷釉和数字打印,该解决方案 DG 目前正在两家意大利知名制造商的工厂中进行现场测 试; 3.Durst Durst Gamma XD数码打印机可与Gamma XD DG同 步进行装饰,并打造具有整体渐变效果的自然外观设 计; 4.Durst Durst ColorGATE CMS陶瓷色彩管理系统, CMS 可减少 试运行、安装和停机的时间,同时确保高效的小批量 生产和优质、长期的重复生产; 5.Durst Durst Gamma DG可以 DG 对数码材料进行进行真正的 数字化 装饰,使用湿 法工艺 产生独特的具有视觉冲击力 的表面效果。 ❱




使用和传统陶瓷釉料特性相 似 的产品,被认为是 比数码 装饰更重要的创新。



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True Ceramics CMS

Industry 4.0

Durst RockJet™

Digital Glaze / Structure (up to 1kg) high viscosity. The system achieves unparalleled resolution and quality of detail while guaranteeing maximum reliability and flexibility. The design is modular and configurable with 1 or 2 bars and different printing widths. Gamma DG is equipped with the Durst RockJET™ proprietary printhead technology, which for the first time ever is able to perform high-resolution digital glaze application with the laydown of significant quantities and with a high degree of precision. This is the most delicate part of the process because of the significant value that is added to the product during this stage. Durst technology allows for the creation of an unlimited number of unique and innovative designs with stunning visual and tactile effects. The extremely faithful reproduction of the graphic designs on the tile surface texture makes for a very natural result, setting the tiles apart from those decorated solely with digital printers on repetitive textures. Along with excellent high-definition printing quality, Durst RockJET™ offers a high degree of versatility thanks to the possibility of decorating the tile with two different glazes at the same time. This technology also allows for on-demand production of small batches, contributing to warehouse optimisation. Durst is currently conducting Gamma DG field tests at two important Italian ceramic companies, and the first industrially-made products will soon be presented to the market as a tangible demonstration of the advantages of the technology. Digital printing of textures using Durst Gamma DG also brings significant advantages during the industrial development of new products as multiple texture variations can be tested on a single tile or slab rapidly and without additional cost. 5

Durst RockJet™

Digital Decoration

Digital Finishing (up to 1kg)

DG— —第一台高性能的单通道打印机,用于使用大粒 径(> 45微米)和高粘度的水性釉料进行瓷砖的数码喷 釉。 该系统实现了无可比拟的分辨率和细节质量,同时保证 了最大的可靠性和灵活性。该设计是模块化的,可配置1 或2个通道和不同的打印宽度。 Gamma DG配备了Durst RockJET™专有喷头技术, 这项创新技术首次能够实现高分辨率的数码喷釉应用, 具有下墨量大且精度高等优势。


微妙的部分,因为在这个阶段产品的价值被有效增加。 D u rst 技 术能打造 无数具有令人惊叹的视觉和 触 觉效 果、独特和创新的设计。瓷砖表面纹理上的图形设计被 得以完美再现,呈现出非常自然成果,与那些只用数码 打印机进行重复纹理喷印所呈现的瓷砖表面效果截然 不同。 Durst RockJet™具有出色的高精度打印质量,并能够 提供多种功能,可以同时用两种不同的釉料装饰瓷砖, 该技术还允许按需生产小批量产品,有助于优化库存。 D u rs t正在两个著名意大利 陶瓷公司中进行 GammaDG现场测试,第一批工业化生产的产品很快 将在市场推出,有力地显示出这项技术的优势。 使用Durst Gamma DG进行数字打印纹理在新产品 的工业开发中也带来了显著的优势,因为多种纹理可以 在单片瓷砖或大板上进行快速测试,而无需额外增加成 本。





技术顶尖,审美卓越并关爱环境 Torrecid (Castellon - Spain)

Innovation is part of the DNA of Torrecid Group, leading it to develop new solutions capable of revolutionising processes and products and driving future trends. In other words, the group’s longstanding aim is to cause change through global leadership in innovation to generate new solutions and future trends capable of providing the best competitive advantages and the greatest added value to its customers. Far from being an ephemeral trend, this quest for ever more advanced, cutting-edge materials has guided all the group’s actions and decisions over the years and has led to the development of ground-breaking solutions that have transformed the ceramic industry, from monoporosa tiles to the digital revolution and today’s fully digital decorative processes capable of offering a wide variety of reliefs, effects and finishes. The following are some of the latest and most innovative materials developed by Torrecid: • 3DCID, an application capable of creating a three-dimensional effect and a sense of volume, depth and realism; • MateryCID and ShapeCID, pioneering solutions capable of creating more natural, material-effect digital reliefs; • RainbowCID, a family of high colour rendering inks free from hazardous substances;



创新是陶丽西(Torrecid)集团基因的一部分,它引领 集团开发出能革新工艺和产品、推动未来趋势的新解决 方案。


势和最大附加价值的解决方案。 这种对更先进、更尖端材料的追求,多年来指导了该集 团的所有行动和决策,并带来突破性解决方案的发展。 这 些解 决方案 改变了陶瓷行业:从开发具有垄 断地位 的瓷砖产品到数字革命,以及今天能够提供各种凹凸纹 理、特殊效果和饰面的全数字化装饰工艺。 以下是陶丽西开发的一些最新和最具创新性的材料: • 3DCID 3DCID:一个能够产生三维立体效果并具有体积感、 深度感和真实感的应用工艺; • MateryCID MateryCID和ShapeCID ShapeCID:具有开创性的解决方案, 能够创造更自然、具有实物效果的数字模具效果; • Ra Ra i n b o w C I D: D 一系列 不含 有 害 物 质 的 高 显色 墨水; • MicroCID MicroCID:一种高度通

FOCUS ON: Glazing & Decoration

• MicroCID, a highly versatile finishing solution that can be combined with other effects and innovations; • Flakes available in a wide range of colours and sizes for different applications, reproducing the natural look of stone, granite and terrazzo; • BacteryCID, an antibacterial solution suitable for all ceramic surfaces; • 2mattCID, a new collection of ultra-matt and smooth-textured glazes. All these products reflect the continuous quantitative and qualitative progress of the STYLE-CID® range, designed to combine cutting-edge technology with the highest aesthetic standards and create unique atmospheres. Thanks to the contribution of STYLE-CID®, ceramic tiles have continued to evolve from small sizes limited to use in kitchens and bathrooms to increasingly large surfaces with exclusive aesthetics, ever-changing designs and a broader range of applications in the fields of furnishings, exterior façade coverings, ceilings, etc. This transformation has attracted the attention of architects and interior designers, who are increasingly keen to use ceramic surfaces in their projects. No other architectural material has seen such dramatic technological and aesthetic development as ceramics, which are now among the most popular of all surface covering products. ❱ Environmental awareness At Torrecid, the search for technological and aesthetic innovation of materials goes hand in hand with an equally strong commitment to the development of eco-sustainable solutions. Environmental awareness is a cornerstone of the Spanish group’s activity and has led to the development of ECOINK-CID®, the first water-based fully digital system launched on the market, which drastically reduces atmospheric emissions of organic compounds and simplifies equipment cleaning and waste management. Another example is the low-emission 2lowINKCID inks, which can be used with conventional printers and printheads. This research activity is accompanied by a commitment to reducing the environmental impact of the production processes carried out in all Torrecid’s plants. ❱ Building market loyalty For a group that has always preferred to invest in the development of solid long-term relationships, technological innovation plays a key role in building customer loyalty through an ongoing commitment to R&D, in the knowledge that the ability to in-

用的装饰解决方案,可以与其 他效果和创新工艺结合 使用; • Flakes Flakes:有多种颜色和尺寸可供不同的应用,能再现 石材、花岗岩和水磨石的自然外观; • BacteryCID BacteryCID:一种适用于所有陶瓷表面的抗菌解决 方案; • 2mattCID 2mattCID:一个超哑光、纹理平滑的釉料系列。 所有这些产品均反映了STYLE-CID®系列在数量和质量 上的不断进步,它们旨在将尖端技术与最高的审美标准 相结合,创造出独特的氛围。 得益于STYLE-CID®的贡 献,瓷砖已不断升级,从局限于厨房和浴室使用的小规 格瓷砖,发展成具有独特美感、设计多变、广泛应用于 家具、外立面、天花板等领域的越来越大的饰面。 这种 转变已吸引了建筑师和室内设计师的注意,他们越来越 热衷于在他们的项目中使用陶瓷饰面。


材料能像陶瓷一样在技术和美学上有如此巨大的发展, 它现在是在所有表面覆盖材料中最受欢迎的。 ❱ 环保意识 在




意识是该西班牙集团活动的基石,它促成了ECO I NKCID®的开发。ECOINK- CID®是市面上首个推出的水 性全数字系统,可以 大幅 减 少大 气中有 机化合 物 的排 放、简化设备清洁和废物管理 。 另一个例子是低排放 的2 l ow I N KCI D墨水,其可用于常规数码 打印机 和 喷 头。 在开展这项研究活动的同时,还承诺所有使用陶丽西产 品的工厂都能够在生产过程中减少对环境影响。 ❱ 培养市场忠诚度 对于一个始终偏向于投资及发展稳固的长期关系的集 团而言,通过持续致力于研发来建立客户忠诚度,技术 创新在其中起着关键作用,这是因为创新工艺和产品的 能力是确保未来在行业中取得成功的最有力的工具。 这不仅是在快速发展时期的正确选择,而且在更具挑战 性的时期(必须对单个客户提供更大的关注和支持时) 也同样适用。



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novate processes and products is the most powerful tool for ensuring the future success of the industry. This is true not only in periods of rapid development, but also in more challenging times when it is essential to offer greater attention and support to individual customers. This is what Torrecid tried to do during 2020. A year ago the Covid-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill, interrupting business, travel and events. Staying true to its philosophy, Torrecid continued to work and innovate by reinventing its approach to the market. Exploiting the latest advances in communication technologies, it created a programme of personalised remote presentations and virtual trade fairs to enable customers to explore the company’s innovative solutions using custom-designed tools and media and equipment provided by the group. When the conditions permitted it, Torrecid reopened its showrooms to host in-person events and presentations in full compliance with safety measures. ❱ A global group As we were saying, innovation is a part of Torrecid’s DNA. It is a philosophy pursued by the company since it was founded back in 1963, when a group of eight people were producing 800 tons of ceramic frits per year in a small 392 square metre factory in L’Alcora (Castellón). Within just a few years, this small company had grown into a leading globalized ceramic group with companies in over 28 countries and customers in more than 130. This growth was achieved through a continuous process of international expansion that involved setting up subsidiaries as well as entering different market segments through an intense programme of acquisitions, including those of Glazura, Surcotech, Wandegar, Chilches Materials, Colores Cerámicos Tortosa, Reimbold & Strick and Mefrit. ✕



这是陶丽西 在2020年一直坚持做的事情。 一年前,新冠疫情大流行使全球陷入停滞,中断 了商务、旅行 和 大 型活 动。陶丽 西忠于自身 理 念,通 过重新调整应对市场的步伐来保持工作 和创新进度。


西 创建了一个个性化远程演示和虚拟交易的程 序,使客户能够利用集团提供的定制工具、媒介 和设备来探索该公司的创新解决方案。 在条件 允许的情况下,陶丽西重新开放了展厅,以完全 符合安全准则的方式举办了线下活动和发布会。 ❱ 全球性的集团 如前所述,创新是陶丽西基因的一部分。


公司自1963年成立以来一直奉行的理念。当时, 在L'Alcora(位于卡斯特利翁)一个占地392平 米的小工厂中,一个由8个人组成的团队一年生 产800吨陶瓷熔块。


家小公司已经发展成为一家领先的跨国陶瓷集 团,在全球超过28个国家拥有分公司,客户超过 130个。这一增长是通过连续的国际扩张过程实 现的,其中包括设立子公司,以及通过密集的收 购项目以进入不同细分市场,所收购的公司包括 Glazura、Surcotech、Wandegar、Chilch es Materials、ColoresCerámicosTortosa、 Reimbold&Strick和Mefrit。 5

Gas turbines: green energy for the future

燃气涡轮机:未来的绿色能源 Solar Turbines (Riazzino, Switzerland)

Cogeneration with gas turbines is widely recognized as the best way to improve efficiency in the ceramic market. How does cogeneration work in the ceramic production? The exhausts from the turbine go directly into the spray drier and the electricity produced by the generator is used in the factory. Gas turbines bring high quality heat into the drying process, increasing the overall process efficiency. Cogeneration with gas turbines brings several advantages in the ceramic market: • Cost savings by reducing the overall gas consumption and electricity cost (up to 30%) • Reliable on-site power generation • Enhanced productivity (speed and quality) using a very stable and clean source of heat • Great environmental benefit (up to 50% CO2 reduction) • Increased efficiency (from 30% up to 90%) • Increased reliability and availability. ❱ From coal to gas Chinese factories are transitioning from coal to gas for a more sustainable and efficient production. Switching from coal to gas generates about 30% reduction of the CO2 emissions with great benefits for the environment. Cogeneration with gas turbines can further improve the environmental benefits reducing the CO2 emissions to about 50% compared to coal, while bringing up to 30% savings in the operating costs compared to gas. Environmental compliance and sustainability are strong drivers of Solar’s product design and development programs. Solar’s gas turbines produce low exhaust emissions that meet or exceed emission standards around the world. Solar Turbines is committed to operating a sustainable business and contributing to a better world through: • Reducing emissions for its products • Giving new life to existing products • Developing new technologies and processes • Transforming its safety performance • Operating sustainable facilities through reduction of greenhouse gases and hazardous waste. Moreover, Solar Turbines latest-generation of turbines, ideal for application in the ceramic applications, can burn green fuels: biogas and syngas, both up to 100%, and hydrogen blends of up to 70% and more, with additional benefits in terms of emissions and cost savings.



燃气涡轮机的热电联产被广泛认为是提高陶瓷市场效 率的最 好方式。如何把热电联产应用到陶瓷生产中去 呢? 涡轮机排放的燃气直接进入喷雾器,发电器产生的电力 可用在工厂。燃气涡轮机为干燥过程带来大量热量,从 而显著提高整个生产流程效率。 热电联产的燃气涡轮机在陶瓷市场上具有以下优势: • 通过减少天然气整体消耗和电力成本来节约成本(高 达30%) • 现场发电安全可靠 • 通过使用非常稳定、干净的热源提高生产力(速度和 质量) • 带来巨大的环境效益(二氧化碳排放量最多减少50%) • 提高效率(从30%提高至90%) • 提高可靠性和可用性 ❱ 煤改气 中国工厂正在实行煤改气,以实现更可持续和更高效的 生产。煤改气可减少约30%的二氧化碳排放,对环境有 很大好处。 与煤炭相比,燃气涡轮机进行热电联产可以进一步提高 环境效益,将二氧化碳排放量降低到50%左右,与天燃 气相比,可节省高达30%的运营成本。 环境合规性和可持续性是Solar公司产品设计和开发项 目的重要推动力。Solar公司的燃气涡轮机产生的废气 排放量低,达到或超过了世界各地的排放标准。 Solar


以下方式为更美好的世界做出贡献: • 减少其产品的排放 • 对现有产品进行升级换代 • 开发新技术和新工艺 • 提升产品的安全性能 •通过减少温室气体和有害废物来实现设备的可持续发 展。 此外,Solar


陶瓷生产中使用,可以燃烧绿色燃料:沼气和合成气, 两者最高含量可达10 0%,氢混合气含量可达70%或以


❱ Cogeneration experience in ceramic applications In the ceramic industry, Solar has successfully installed more than 100 units worldwide, helping its customers to reduce energy costs with the installation of a cogeneration plant with gas turbine. With Solar’s technology, customers have an additional energy source for their facilities, which allows the elimination of production interruptions caused by an electrical blackout. Medium scale industrial gas turbines, which have few rotating parts, are well appraised for their robustness, fuel flexibility and the ability to absorb or reject sudden load demands. Such a design generates multiple benefits in terms of maintainability and operability, including no lubricating oil consumption, lower downtime (therefore increased availability) and the potential to easily replace the complete engine when an overhaul is required or at the end of the turbine’s life. In places where grid power is not available or is unstable, gas turbine generator sets are ideal to support the continuous operation of an industrial plant. Solar Turbines packages can accept or reject loads up to 80% of nominal, which makes them ideal for starting-up and supporting industrial operation. Solar Turbines Incorporated manufactures the world’s most widely used family of mid-sized industrial gas turbines, ranging from 1 to 23 megawatts. More than 16,000 Solar units are operating in more than 100 countries with more than 3 billion operating hours. Solar is a leading provider of energy solutions, featuring an extensive line of gas turbine-powered compressor sets, mechanical drive packages, and generator sets. With years of experience and fleets installed worldwide, its turbines have achieved high reliability. Additionally, Solar offers an advanced monitoring system, and local support we are capable of optimising operations of the turbine by eliminating unscheduled stoppages and minimising maintenance time. Solar active communication with customers, end-users and market operators is enabling the possibility to offer the best products and services on the ✕ market.

上,在排放量和节省成本方面具有额外的优势。 ❱ 陶瓷生产中应用热电联产的概况 在陶瓷行业中,Solar公司已在全球成功安装了100多个 设备,通过建设带有燃气涡轮机的热电联产生产工厂, 帮助其客户降低了能源成本。借助Solar的技术,客户可 以为他们的设备提供额外的能源,从而消除了因电力中 断而造成的生产中断。 中等规模的工业燃气轮机具有很少的旋转部件,由于其 坚固性、燃料灵活性以及吸收或拒绝突然负荷需求的能 力而得到了良好的评价。这样的设计在可维护性和可操 作性方面产生了很多好处,包括不消耗润滑油、减少停 机时间(因此提高了可用性),以及在需要大修或在涡轮 机寿命结束时能够轻松更换整个发动机的潜力。 在没有电网或电网不稳定的地方,燃气涡轮机发电机组 是支持工业工厂连续运转的理想选择。Solar Turbines 的产品组合可以接受或拒绝高达标称值80%的负载,这 使其非常适合启动和支持工业运行。 Solar Turbines Incorporated生产世界上使用最广 泛的中型工业燃气轮机系列,功率范围为1兆瓦到23兆 瓦。超过16000个Solar


家/地区运行,运行时间超过30亿小时。 Solar 公司是 能源解 决方案的领 先供应商,拥 有众多产品系列,包 括燃气轮机驱动的压缩机组,机械驱动组件和发电机 组。 凭借多年的经验和在全球范围内安装的设备,其涡轮 发动机已达到了很高的可靠 性。


供了高 级 监 视 系 统 I n S i g h t System™和本地支持服务, 通过消除意外停机及最大限 度地节省维护 时间,从而优 化涡轮机的运行。 通 过 与 客 户 、终 端 用 户 和 市场运营商进行积极交 流,Solar公司可以提供市场 上最好的产品和服务。 5



European leading industrial mineral producer grows in China

欧洲领先的工业矿产生产商在 中国发展 Esan R&D Dept. (Turkey)

In 1978, Esan was established to provide high quality raw materials to ceramics industry in Turkey. In its journey started with ball clay production, Esan expanded its portfolio in time and provided high quality to the industry through various products. Esan kept establishing new production facilities and launched operations in new quarries. Today, Esan operates at more than 30 quarries and 6 facilities in industrial minerals production. Currently, Esan is the 125th largest industrial enterprise in Turkey. Along with being the leading producer of sodium feldspar in the world; ball clay, kaolin, bentonite, quartz and halloysite are the primary products of Esan. With an annual production over 3 million tons, Esan reached beyond Turkey and became one of the leading suppliers in Europe. Nowadays, Esan exports 80% of its production to almost 50 countries and as of 2019, Esan was named as Turkey’s largest exporter in mining. In fact, the greater amount of Esan’s products is transformed into high quality ceramic tiles, tableware or sanityware by manufacturers in Italy and Spain. Following its growth in production, Esan introduced a second line of products that would help to bridge industrial minerals and ceramics markets between Asia and Europe. In addition to the industrial minerals produced in-house, Esan trades several other minerals to meet the needs of ceramics producers in a wider scope. ❱ Sustainable quality for ceramic production efficiency As a solution partner to many high-class ceramic producers, for Esan what matters most is to meet the needs sustainably. Holding the quality stable is a top priority at Esan, since it contributes enormously to the efficiency of ceramic production processes, as well as the quality of the end product. Esan ships the quality the customers asked for every single time. Thus, Esan’s customers can maintain their productions as planned with the resources at hand and without changing their recipes with each delivery. Esan also has the upper hand in delivering the quality customers choose on time, thanks to its production volume. In addition to the highly satisfied customers, with more than 50 million tons of proven reserves for production line and a global network for trade of other minerals, Esan is determined to hold its leading position as a ceramic raw material producer. On the other hand, in order to remain keen to its objective of providing high quality sustainably, Esan is very well aware of the place innovation should take, since it was a deeply integrated value in corporate culture. Esan has an R&D center of its own with ISO accredited laboratories. An interdisciplinary team



E s a n 公 司 成 立于 1978 年,旨在为土 耳其的陶瓷行业 提供高品质的原材 料,从球状黏土生产开始,Esan及时扩大了产品范围, 向行业提供了各种高质量产品。 Esan一直在不断建立新的工厂,开始运营新的采石场。 如今,Esan在工业矿产生产领域运营着30多个采石场 和6个工厂,在土耳其工业企业中排名第125位。 Esan是世界领先的钠长石生产商,球形粘土、高岭土、 膨润土、石英和埃洛石是Esan的主要产品。


产超过300万吨,已经超越了土耳其,成为欧洲领先的 供应商之一。 如今,E sa n将其生产的 8 0%的产品出口到近5 0 个国 家,截至2019年,Esan被称作土耳其最大的矿业出口 商。实际上,Esan大量的产品被意大利和西班牙的制 造商采用,生产出高品质的瓷砖、餐具或卫生洁具。 随着产量的增长,E san推出了第二条产品线,这将有 助于在亚洲和欧洲之间架起工业矿物和陶瓷市场的桥 梁。除内部生产的工业矿物外,Esan还出售其他多种 矿物,以满足陶瓷生产商更广泛的需求。 ❱ 持续高质量产品输出保证陶瓷生产效率 作为众多高级陶瓷生产商的解决方案合作伙伴,对于 Esan而言,最重要的是可持续地满足需求。 保持质量 稳定是Esan的首要任务,因为它极大地提高了陶瓷生 产过程的效率以及最终产品的质量。Esan每次给客户 发送的货物的质量,都能达到客户要求。 因此,Esan的客户可以利用现有资源按计划维持他们 的生产,而不必在每次交付时都改变生产方案。 Esan 凭借其大批量生产能力,在按时交付高质量产品方面 也占优势。 除了(拥有)一批 对其高度满意的客户外,E sa n还决 心保持其作为陶瓷原料生产商的领先地位,拥有超过 5 0 0 0万吨已探明的生产线储 量和全球其他矿物贸易 网络。 另 一 方 面 ,为 保 持 其 可 持 续 提 供 高 品 质 产 品 的 目 标,Esan非常清楚地知道创新的重要性,因为它是企 业文化中一种深层整合的价值。Esan拥有自己的研发


of specialists and scientists at Esan are working progressively on the minerals of today and tomorrow. Esan harmonizes the advantage of producing at many quarries and its knowledge in R&D to always deliver the quality customers expect. Esan also integrates digital transformation and power of data into its production. Last year, the bentonite recipe creation project called Optimix analytics was commenced: it optimizes the process of selection of the best possible recipes within the given constraints, such as quality or price via data. The project was rewarded by International Data Corporation (IDC) Turkey with the third place in Data Visionary category in 2020 Digital Transformation Awards. ❱ The solution partner in China with European experience of quality Together with its practice in serving the same quality for more than 40 years, the number of companies and countries Esan serves grew rapidly as well. Ukraine and Italy offices bolstered Esan’s growth in Europe. Throughout years of being business partners, Esan developed its products and services to become a solution partner. Esan was also highly motivated to transfer its experience in European ceramics market to the East market. Following these offices, Esan China has been established in 2006 in Shanghai to enhance its understanding of the ceramic producers in the East Market, to meet their needs and expectations in a superior way and to become their solution partner. An increasing number of ceramic manufacturers in China are now preferring Esan for better results to obtain high-class end products and the volume of Esan’s operations in the Asian ceramic market went up by almost 80 times. ✕

中心,和ISO认证的实验室。 E sa n的跨学科专家和科学家团队正在 逐步研究当今 和未来生产所需的矿物。Esan整合了许多采石场的生 产优势及其在研发方面的知识,产品质量由始至终都 能达到客户的期望。 E s a n 还将 数字转换和 数 据力量 整合到其生 产中。去 年,一个名为Optimix Analytics的膨润土配方创建项 目启动:它在给定的约束条件下(例如通过数据获得的 质量或价格)优化了最佳潜在配方的选择过程。该项目 获得了土耳其国际数据资讯公司(IDC)2 02 0年数字 化转型奖“数据远见”类别中的第三名。 ❱ 具有欧洲质量经验的中国解决方案合作伙伴 4 0多年来,Esan一直以如一的质量提供服务,服务的 公司和国家/地区的数量也随之迅速增长。乌克兰和意 大利办事处促进了Esan在欧洲的发展。多年来作为业 务合作伙伴,E san开发了其产品和服务,成为解决方 案合作伙伴。


场的经验传播到东方市场。 继这些办事处之后,Esan 中国于2006年在上海成立, 以加深对东方市场陶瓷生产商的了解,以更好的方式 满足他们的需求和期望,并成为他们的解决方案合作 伙伴。


Esan合作,以更好地生产出高端产品。Esan在亚洲陶 瓷市场的业务量增长了近80倍。5



Non-stop innovation in the field of ceramic finishing

在陶瓷加工领域不断创新 Surfaces Group (Italy)

Surfaces Group, a globally recognised brand renowned for its surface processing technologies and protective treatments, continues to strengthen its position by developing new solutions for leading ceramic manufacturers. In the field of new technologies for processing technical and glazed porcelain stoneware, the group recently launched the Flat Reflex Finishing System based on operational synergies between its various member companies. It has also made further advances in the field of chemical finishing treatments under the Nocoat brand, including the development of the new Antibacterial Formula for polished and lapped slabs. Both launches required major investments in research and development, an area that is one of the group’s greatest strengths along with the testing activities conducted in the Surfaces LABs and a 24/7 remote service available anywhere in the world. ❱ The multifunctional Flat Reflex Polishing System combines tradition and innovation The innovative system is capable of processing extra-large wall tiles as well as high-thickness countertops, allowing for the production of both traditional tiles and innovative slabs simply by adopting the most suitable tools for the processing plant. Depending on the tools used, it is also possible to extend the range of finishes from matt to satin and supergloss. For technical porcelain stoneware of any thickness, the process is divided into 4 phases: the use of Polishing Tiger (full fickert) from Luna Abrasivi for the most consistent removal phase; Turbo Tools (metal grinding wheels) from ADI for the calibration phase; full polishing (full fickert) from Surfaces Technological Abrasives for the preparation phase prior to finishing; and Superlux (full fickert) also from Luna Abrasivi for the final finishing and polishing operations. Given the need to remove smaller quantities of material, in the case of glazed porcelain the process consists solely of the 2 final steps using Full Polishing (full fickert) and Superlux (full fickert) tools. With the Flat Reflex Polishing System, the various processing stages from roughing to actual finishing are carried out seamlessly. Whereas in the past the calibration and polishing operations had to be performed using different machines (which meant stopping, reconfiguring and then restarting the operation with a different machine, resulting in the risk of production defects), it is now possible to perform the entire surface finishing cycle using the same equipment. For the roughing and finishing operations, a simple tool change is all that is required to complete the machining cycle without stopping production.



Surfaces集团是全球知名的品牌,以其表面处理技术 和防护处理而闻名,该集团通过为领先的陶瓷制造商 开发新的解决方案,继续巩固其地位。 在 加 工 抛 光 砖 和 瓷 质釉 面 砖 的 新 技 术 领 域,该 集 团 在旗下各子公司的协同运营下,共同研发并在近期推 出了“平面反射抛光系统” (Flat



System)。旗下Nocoat品牌在化学技术处理领域取 得了进一步的进步,专门为抛光和 精抛 大板开发了新 型抗菌配方。 两项技术的发布都需要在研发方面进行大量投资。研 发是该集团最大的优势之一,所有研发技术均可在集 团的实验室中进行测试,并在世界各地提供全天候远 程服务。 ❱ 多功能“平面反射抛光系统”融合了传统与创新 这个创新的系统能够处理超大规格墙砖以及厚台面, 只需根据需求选择 最适合加工厂的工具,即可处理传 统型瓷砖和创 新型板材。通 过使用工具的功能,还可 以拓宽陶瓷表面处理的光泽度范围,从哑面到缎光面 到超亮光面都能进行处理。 对于任何厚度的瓷质砖,加工流程分为四个阶段:使用 Luna Abrasivi的Polishing Tiger(使用特定的抛光 磨块)进行效果稳定的杂质去除;ADI的Turbo Tools( 一 种 金 属 磨 砂 轮 )用 于 校 准;随 后 使 用 S u r f a c e s Technological


精加工作铺垫;最后使用Luna Abrasivi的Superlux( 使用 特 定 的 抛 光磨 块 )进 行 最 终 的 精加 工 和 抛 光操 作。 对于釉面瓷 砖而言,鉴于只需去除少 量材 料,加工的 流程仅需要最后两个步骤,即使用Full


用特定的抛光磨块)和Superlux(使用特定的抛光磨 块)两项抛光工艺。 有了“平面反射抛光系统”,从粗加工到精准加工的各 个加工阶段都可以无缝地进行。 而在 过去,校准和 抛光操作 必须使用不同的机器(这 意味着在生产过程中必须经历停机、重新配置然后启 动 其他 设 备 等 一系列 操 作,这会 导 致 生 产 缺 陷 的 风 险),现在可以在执行整个表面处理周期过程中使用相


The new technology allows the operation to be tailored to the specific surfaces and production requirements, thereby optimising performance and yields simply by adapting the tools to the line and reducing machining times and waste. This exceptional flexibility is the result of coordinated action between the various brands, which ensures consistent machining on different sizes, greater surface removal in less time and longer tool life thanks to a high level of customisation according to the specific plant. Moreover, in the event of diversified production processes, it is no longer necessary to have two different lines (one for traditional machining and the other for new application processes) as the interchangeable tools mean that the plant is universal. “We have transformed a revolutionary concept for the ceramic world into reality,” said Simone Sorrentino, Export and Marketing Director at Surfaces T.A. Depending on the configurations, this process technology is able to handle various types of product. And of course it’s quicker and cheaper to replace tools than to have to modify or expand the production plant. Our technology provides ceramic companies with a dual-function plant that allows for innovation as well as production with traditional systems.” All the stress tests carried out during the industrial implementation phase fully met expectations, demonstrating that the new application solution has been developed correctly. ❱ Antibacterial Formula for healthy and safe surfaces As regards product innovation, the Surfaces Group’s Nocoat brand specialising in surface treatment and protection products has developed several lines with specific antibacterial properties. The new Antibacterial Formula for polished and lapped slabs represents a step up from the traditional range as it maintains all the treatment properties but offers the added benefit of antibacterial protection. This innovation applies to the Gloss range, for products used in

同的设备。对于粗加工和精加工操作,只需简单更换工 具即可完成加工周期,而无需停产。 这项 新技 术使 操作 可以根 据 特定的表面和 生 产要求 进行定制,从而通过使用适当的工具来优化性能和产 量,缩短加工时间并减少废料产出。 这种出色的灵活性是各个品牌之间相互协调的结果, 可确保对不同规格表面加工获得一致的效果,并在更 短的时间内实现更大的面积的加工,同时工具的使用 寿命更长,这得益于根据特定工厂进行的高水平定制。 此 外,在多样化的生产过程中,不 再需要使用两条不 同的生产线(一条用于传统加工,另一条用于新工艺应 用),因为工具可互换意味着工厂是通用的。 Surfaces



表示: “我们已经将陶瓷世界的革命性概 念变成了现 实。根 据不同配置,这种工艺术能够 处理各种类型的 产品。毫无疑问,与必须改建或扩建生产工厂相比,更 换工具更快、更便宜。我们的技术为陶瓷公司提供了一 个双重功能工厂,该工厂既可以进行创新,也可以使用 已有系统进行生产。” 在 工业实 施 阶段 进 行的所有压力测 试 完全 达 到了预 期,表明新的工艺解决方案已经开发出来了。 ❱ 为健康和安全开发的抗菌产品 在产品创新方面,Surfaces 集团旗下的Nocoat品牌 专注于表面处理和 防护产品,已开发出多个具有特定 抗菌特性的产品系列。 用于抛光和精抛板材的新型抗菌配方代表了从传统产 品系列向前迈进了一大步,因为它保持了所有的处理性 能,而且还提供了额外的抗菌保护优势。 该创新方案可为产品提供三种不用的表面处理方案: 亮光处理(Gloss)— —产品适用于室温处理,超亮光



technology room temperature treatment, to Supergloss for products used on Supershine surfaces, and to Zero Gloss, for surfaces with a satin finish. This need first emerged during the pandemic and prompted the company to develop specific formulas that would allow for the production of safe and healthy surfaces in terms of bacterial load. After months of research and testing conducted in collaboration with several Italian universities, Nocoat has unveiled a pore-filling, stain-resistant treatment with bactericidal properties based on the combined action of silver ions and special additives designed to block the proliferation of pathogens (bacteria, microbes, mould and fungi) that come into contact with the surface and eliminate those that are already present. Silver (Ag) nano-particles and nano-compounds are the most widely used antimicrobial nanomaterials and have a biocidal action against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, fungi, moulds and viruses. Silver has a broader spectrum of antimicrobial action than many antibiotics, and its bactericidal action is effective at low doses and prevents bacteria from developing resistance. The Nocoat antibacterial technology allows tread-resistant and antibacterial properties to be achieved with a single treatment, as the filled pores also hold the particles that combat the formation of pathogens. Tests carried out in compliance with the international standard ISO 22196:2011 have shown that the treatment is effective under any lighting conditions (sun, LED or other artificial lighting), and even in the dark, and certify that the bacterial load falls significantly within one hour of contact with the treated surfaces and continues to fall over the subsequent hours, eventually reaching an efficacy value of 99.99%. Following the excellent results obtained in the university laboratory tests, Nocoat also began the important phase of testing the product on customers’ production lines. The treatment is performed in two ways according to needs: • The ambient temperature system which involves applying the treatment with Fill-it and subsequent brushing, • The Supergloss system devoted to Supershine machines. In both cases, the treatments proved to be perfectly compatible with plants that were already using classic Nocoat products. Customers experienced no application difficulties or variations from the usual formulas, a very important result because it demonstrates that the new treatments are perfectly compatible with the plants already in use. “The most important aspect for us was to avoid production line difficulties while providing added protection and maintaining all the qualities of our products,” says Giuseppe Soli, General Manager of Nocoat. “Our aim was to enable the ceramic industry to create antibacterial surfaces through lapping and polishing processes and consequently enhance the functionality of ceramics. We are convinced that these standards are a vital resource. Today it is no longer sufficient to improve the cleanability of surfaces, it is essential to functionalise them so that they not only achieve high levels of gloss and slip and water resistance but also have antibacterial properties. This is an increasingly pressing need, especially for certain locations and applications where ceramic surfaces act as functional elements, for example kitchens, bars and public places such as healthcare facilities.” ✕



处理(Supe rg loss)— — 适用于处理 超亮光表面,以 及零光泽度处理Zero Gloss— —适用于处理缎光面产 品。 这个需求在疫情期间首次出现,促使该公司开发出特定 的配方,从而可以彻底消灭细菌,生产出安全、健康的 陶瓷表面。 经过与意大利几所大学合作进行了数月研 究和测试后,N ocoat推出了一种具有抗菌特性的填 充针孔、抗污渍的处理方法,该方法基于银离子和特殊 添加剂的共同作用,旨在阻止与表面接触的病原体(细 菌、微生物、霉菌和真菌)繁殖,并消除已经存在的病 原体。银(Ag)纳米颗粒和纳米化合物是使用最广泛 的抗菌纳米材料,对多种革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性微 生物、真菌、霉菌和病毒具有杀灭作用。 银具有比许多抗生素更广泛的抗菌作用,它的杀菌作 用在低剂量时也有效,同时可防止细菌产生耐药性。 Nocoat抗菌技术只需通过一次处理即可实现到耐磨 和 抗菌的性能,因为被填充的针孔也中布满了防止抗 病原体形成的抗菌颗粒。 根据国际标准ISO


处理方法在任何光照条件下(阳光、LED或其他人工照 明)都是有效的,甚至在黑暗中也能发挥效用,而且细 菌的存活率在接触处理过后表面一小时内显著下降, 并在随后的数小时内持续下降,最终达到杀灭99.99% 细菌的有效值。 在大学实验室测试获得出色效果之后,Nocoat也开 始进入在客户生产线上测试产品的重要阶段。 根据不同的需要,可以通过两种方式进行处理: • 环境温度系统,包括进行“填充” (Fill - it)处理并随 后进行保护处理 • 专用于Supershine设备的超亮光(Supergloss)处 理系统。 在 这两种情况下,这些处理方法都证明能与使用经典 Nocoat产品的工厂完全兼容。客户没有在使用过程中 遇到任何困难,或出现与常规操作不同的情况,这是一 个非常重要的成果,因为它表明新的处理方法与已在 使用的设备完全兼容。 Nocoat总经理Giuseppe Soli表示: “对我们来说, 最重要的方面是在避免生产线出现问题的同时,提供 额 外 的产品表面保 护工艺并保 持 我们 所 有产品的质 量。” “我们的目标是使陶瓷行业通过抛光流程创造抗菌表 面,从而提高瓷砖的功能。


种重要的资源。如今,仅仅提高产品表面的可清洁性是 不够的,对陶瓷表面进行功能性处理至关重要,这样产 品不仅能获得高水平的光泽度、防滑和防水性能,而且 还具有抗菌性能。 这是一个日益迫切的需求,尤其在一些将陶瓷表面用 作功能元素的场所和应用中,例如厨房、酒吧和公共场 所(如医疗设施)。”


PATENT N.1388913

Automation in sanitaryware production: anthropomorphic robot-assisted casting

拟人机器人助推卫生洁具行 业实现自动化生产 Sacmi Sanitaryware (Imola, Italy)

Quality, repeatability and operator efficiency are the three main advantages of total automation, a solution that Sacmi has continued to develop ever since it installed the first anthropomorphic robots in casting cells. Over the course of its history, Sacmi has built and put into operation more than 6,000 moulds and 570 casting machines for the ceramic sanitaryware industry. A pioneer in the use of anthropomorphic robots in casting cells since the 1990s, the company has driven the development of the sector and now supplies more than 90% of its plants equipped with robots or ready for future implementation. One of these advanced systems is the AVI cell for high-pressure casting of complex WC bowls with stick-on rims. First launched onto the market five years ago, more than 30 of these machines have been installed in various countries around the world. As in the case of all latest-generation Sacmi machines, the distinctive feature of the AVI is the complete elimination of hydraulics due to the use of pneumatic mould clamping with special air cushions. Proportional mould clamping control during all phases of the casting cycle improves process sustainability and ensures perfect product quality. The AVI cell is highly innovative in terms of automation and offers the perfect combination of quality, process repeatability and workplace health and safety. In this solution every single stage is performed by a robot, from sticking through to demoulding and car loading. While maintaining the same configuration, the AVI can manage the most varied types of pieces. In addition to WC bowls with

AVI stick-on rim WC



质量、可重复性和操作效率是全面自动化的三大优势, 自从在铸 造车间安装了第一台拟 人化机器人以来,萨 克米一直致力于研发全面自动化的解决方案。 在过去的岁月里,萨克米为陶瓷卫生洁具行业建造并 投入运营了6000多套模具和570台铸造成型设备。 自 20世纪90年代以来,萨克米率先在铸造车间使用拟人 化机器人,推动了该领域的发展,目前该公司90%以上 的工厂配备了机器人,或将为进一步推动行业发展做 好准备。 AVI车间就是其中的先进系统之一,该车间用于铸造高 压成型的粘圈式复杂马桶,这套系统在五年前首次在 市场上投放,目前已有30多台设备在世界各地安装。 就像所有最新一代的萨克米机器一样,AVI的显着特 点是通过使用带有特殊气垫的气动合模装置,彻底消 除了液压系统的使用。在铸造周期的所有阶段均进行 比例合模控制,提高了过程的可持续性并确保了完美 的产品质量。 AV I 车间在自动 化方面具有高度创 新 性,并 提供了质 量、流程可重复性以及工作场所健康与安全的完美结 合。在此解决方案中,从粘贴到脱模再到装车,每个阶 段均由机器人执行。 在保 持相同配置的同时,AVI可以生产多类型产品。

AVI one-piece WC


AVI engine-shell WC

stick-on rims, it can also produce the modern rimless WCs and even the highly complex one-piece and shell-engine models, a technology whereby the internal functional part of the WC (engine) and the external section (shell) and the rim are made in separate moulds. At the same time, Sacmi guarantees compatibility with existing moulds already used by customers on machines such as the single-mould AVM and the multi-mould AVE. Quality and functionality in the production of articles requiring up to 12 mould parts are assured by the perfectly repeatable robotic movements and the single gluing line on the external surface of the WC bowl, which guarantees an optimal aesthetic result. As is now standard practice, a pre-dryer is installed in the cell to drastically reduce the time required for the piece to harden sufficiently for loading onto the dryer cars, which are moved manually or - increasingly - by means of laser-guided vehicles (LGVs). Thanks to the use of automatic casting machines combined with anthropomorphic robots, a pre-dryer and automatic car loading, the entire process can be fully controlled and the production operations systematically reproduced, minimising the external variables capable of causing errors and generating rejects. The level of automation achieved in these cells means that the

除了粘圈式马桶外,它还可以生产现代无圈式马桶,甚 至是高度复杂的一体式和分体式马桶,这项技术使马 桶的内部功能部分(马桶底座)和外部部分


和马桶圈在单独的模具中成型。 同时,萨克米能保证 与客户已经在设备上使用的现有模 具的兼容,如单 模 AVM和多模AVE等。 粘 圈式马桶 在 生 产 过程中需 要使用多达12个模 型 配 件,而完全可重复的机械手,及单独设立用于粘圈的涂 胶生产线确保了产品的品质和功能。 按照目前的标准做法,一台预干燥器安装在车间中,以 大大减少桶身的干燥时间(桶身需要通过干燥达到足 够的硬度才能将其 输送到干燥车间)。桶身运输到干 燥车间通常采用手动方式,或越来越多地通过激光导 轨车进行运输。 由于生产线使用了与拟 人机器人、预干燥 器及自动装 车系统相结合的全自动化设备,整个流程可以完全控 制,同时生产操作能够实现系统性重复,从而最大程 度地减少了可能导致错误和产生废品的外部变量。 在这些车间中实现的自动化水平意味着还可以为机器




ALV cell

robots can also be assigned many of the finishing operations (including sponging of the outside, siphon and under rim area), which also minimises the need for manual operations during these stages. The AVI is equipped with the rapid mould change-over system (it takes well under an hour to complete compared to the several hours required with traditional systems), making it the ideal solution for handling complex production mixes and small batches while fully eliminating the more heavy-duty and low-value operator tasks. The Sacmi ALV solution for the production of washbasins, especially countertop washbasins, differs in terms of aesthetics and functionality but was developed in accordance with the same concepts of automation and total quality. Designed to handle up to 6 casting modules with a single robot (which can also be tasked with the automatic finishing operations and car loading), the ALV cell is uniquely versatile thanks to the possibility of rotating the mould from 0 to 90° during each stage of the cycle. Independent control of the work cycle for each single module means that different products can be made at the same time, even with different bodies. After casting, the robot handles the part of the mould holding the piece and performs demoulding onto a support ready for the finishing operations. For certain types of articles, this completely eliminates the need for supports and for operator intervention in manual finishing operations, thereby simplifying factory logistics and reducing the footprint. Advanced tracking functions, such as adding a barcode to the piece, make it possible to implement advanced MES (order scheduling) functions, monitoring and preventative maintenance with a small number of operators and optimised flow control. These operations can be controlled by customers completely independently, although a Sacmi technician is always available to provide remote assistance and help customers resolve any production stoppages. ✕



人分配许多精加工操作(包括对桶身外部,虹吸管和 马桶圈下部区域进行海绵清洗),这也最大程度地 减 少了这些工序手动操作的需要。 AVI配备了快速的模具更换系统(与传统系统更换模 具需要的几个小时相比,完成模具更换不到一个小时 即可完成),使其成为处理生产复杂多样和小批量产 品的理想解决方案,同时完全消除了更繁重和低价值 的操作任务。 萨克米ALV解决方案用于生产洗手盆,尤其是工作台 洗手盆,在美学和功能方面会有所不同,但是是根 据 自动化和整体质量的相同概念而开发的。 ALV车间可通 过单个机器人处理多达6个铸 造模 块( 也可以执行自动化精细 操作和自动装车任务)。得益 于在循环的每个阶段都可以将模具从0°旋转到90° ,因此ALV车间具有独特的通用性。 对每个模块的工 作周期进行独立控制意味着即使使用不同的主体,也 可以同时生产不同的产品。 成型后,机器人会处理模 具的固定零件的部分,然后 将其脱模到准备进行精加工操作的支架上。


些类型的产品,这完全消除了手动精加工操作对支持 和操作员干预的需要,从而简化了工厂物流并减少了 占地面积。 先进的跟踪功能(例如在商品上添加条形码)可以实 现先进的M E S(订单调度)功能、使用少量操作员进 行监控和预防性维护,以及优化流程控制。萨克米技 术人员始 终可以提供远程协助并帮助客户解 决 任 何 生产停工问题,即使这些操作可以完全由客户独立控 制。


Mladost renovates its roof tile plant in Leskovac

Mladost改造了位于莱斯科瓦茨的屋面瓦工厂 Bongioanni Macchine (Fossano, Italy)

The Mladost roof tile production plant located in Leskovac, a city in central Serbia, has undergone extensive renovation with the aim of increasing productivity, modernising the production processes and improving product quality. In the second half of 2019, the owners confirmed their trust in Bongioanni Macchine and commissioned the company to completely renovate the existing line it had supplied in 2010. Bongioanni Macchine completed the upgrading operations from design through to final testing within a very short timeframe, concluding the project in the first few months of 2020. ❱ Latest generation solutions for the extruder: pressure head and extrusion die The new model of pressure head installed is ideal for symmetrical vertical extrusion of regular and preformed clay batts. The internal surface of the pressure head has a self-lubricating polyamide coating which improves clay flow, thereby reducing friction and consequently also energy consumption. The results after extrusion are excellent, with all the clay batts perfectly identical. The extrusion die supplied together with the pressure head is an ALFA type and is equipped with an internally adjustable brake activation system and a special

13PV Bongioanni press



Mladost屋面瓦生产工厂位于塞尔维亚中部城市莱斯 科瓦茨,去年工厂进行了大规模翻新,目的是提高生产 率,促进生产工艺现代化并提高产品质量。 在2 019年下半年,工厂所有者确认了对Bo ng i oa n n i Macchine公司的信任,并委托该公司对在2 010年建 设的现有线路进行彻底改造。Bongioanni Macchine 在很短的时间内完成了从设计到最终测试的升级操作, 并在2020年的前几个月内就完成了该项目。 ❱ 挤压机的最新一代解决方案:压头和挤型模 安装的新型号的压头非常适合常规和预制粘土页岩的 对称垂直挤压。


层,可改善粘土的流动性,从而减少摩擦并减少能耗。 挤压后的效果非常好,所有的粘土页岩完全相同。 与压 头一起提供的挤压模是ALFA型的,并配备了一个内部可 调节的制动激活系统和一个安装在入口处的特殊装置, 该装 置 充当均匀的分配器,以向两个粘土页岩出口供 料。


13PV Bongioanni press


device installed at the entrance which serves as a homogeneous distributor to feed the two clay batt exits. The extrusion dies have extra-long dimensions to obtain a larger conical cross-section and are specially designed to eliminate stresses inside the clay batts and the consequent risk of roof tile deformation. Once the plant has been stabilised, the tungsten carbide cores not only ensure a long lifetime (and therefore consistently stable clay batts) but also eliminate all traces of the extrusion die, thus improving the finished surface of the roof tile. This is followed by a double parabolic conveyor system that transports the clay columns from the vertical extrusion position to the side-by-side horizontal position and then on to the cutting area. ❱ Replacement of the guillotine cutting lines After the double parabolic conveyor, the two independent blades of the new Bongioanni electronic cutter perform a high-precision cut. Each cutter blade has two inverter-controlled asynchronous motors, one for the forward movement of the cutting unit at the same speed as the clay column and the other for high-speed cutting with a knife. The result guarantees a margin of error within ± 1 mm. The electrical board,

横截面,并经过专门设计以消除粘土页岩的内部应力以 及随之带来的屋面瓦变形的风险。 工厂完成改造后,碳化钨芯不仅可以确保很长的使用寿 命(因此可以使粘土页岩一直保持稳定),而且可以消除 挤型模的所有模痕,从而改善了屋面瓦的成品表面。 接着是双抛物线输送系统,该系统将粘土柱从垂直挤压 位置传输到并排的水平位置,然后再传输到切割区域。 ❱ 更换剪板机切割线 经过双抛物线输送机之后,新型Bongioanni电子切割 机的两个独立刀片可进行高精度切割。每个刀片都有两 个逆变器控制的异步电动机,一个用于切割单元以与粘 土柱相同的速度向前移动,另一个用于用刀进行高速切 割。效果能保证误差范围在±1 mm之内。电路板设计为 可同时控制多个参数,可确保同步凸轮运动,从而在高 频率下仍然实现缓慢、平滑和精确的运动。为了完成切 割区的改造,2010年安装的装载单元已安装了新的制动 装置,以确保精确和确定的起始位置。这样可确保独立

Cutting device




designed to control multiple parameters at the same time, guarantees synchronised cam movements that result in a slow, smooth and precise movement despite the high cadence rate. To complete the renovation of the cutting zone, the loading units installed in 2010 have been fitted with new stop devices that guarantee a precise and certain starting position. This ensures greater loading precision of the independent clay batts on the bottom moulds of the drum presses.

Single-channel tile/ marseillaise tile / dutch tile

❱ Complete overhaul of the two double-mould presses After producing approximately 159 million roof tiles with an efficiency of 88%, the two type 13PV/G presses installed in 2010 underwent a complete overhaul and were returned to their original conditions. Considering the tight deadline, it was decided to return one of the two presses to the Bongioanni workshop while the second was overhauled on site. The press construction system adopted by Bongioanni involves assembly on a supporting structure (bushings and counter nuts) to allow parts subject to long-term wear to be replaced, thereby restoring the machine to its original condition. This allows even major overhauls to be carried out successfully, which is why even second-hand Bongioanni presses are much in demand. Bongioanni Macchine has built over 730 presses in the roof tile segment, most of which are still fully operational. ❱ New aesthetic effects: the success of teamwork Bongioanni Stampi was assigned the task of redesigning the entire roof tile range in order to improve their quality, appearance and sizes. This was possible thanks to the extensive knowledge and skills of the Mladost technical team coupled with the technical expertise of Bongioanni Stampi. Attention to detail and product aesthetics has further improved the Serbian company’s already high product quality standards, enabling it to increase its competitiveness in international markets. To date, Bongioanni Stampi has designed, developed and built more than 3,300 new models of roof tiles. 5

Extrusion die, pressure-head, parabola group



粘土页岩在滚筒压机底部模具上的装载精度更高。 ❱ 全面检修两台双模具压机 在 以 8 8 % 的 效 率 生 产 了约1. 5 9 亿 块 屋 面 瓦 之 后,Mladost




压机 进 行了全面检 修,并 使 设 备 恢 复了原 始状 态。考 虑 到 时 间 紧 迫,企 业 决 定 将 两 台压 机 中 的 一 台 送 回 B o n g i o a n n i 车 间,而 第 二台则 在 现 场 进 行 检 修 。 Bongioanni采用的压机构建系统涉及在支撑结构(轴 承和螺母)上的组装,以更换受到长期磨损的零件,从 而将设备恢复至原始状态。由此可见,即使对设备进行 大规模检修也能顺利进行,这也是由于Bongioanni压 机即使是二手设备也有很大需求的原因。Bongioanni Macchine已在屋面瓦领域建造了730多台压机,其中 大多数仍处于完全运行状态。 ❱ 新的美学效果:团队合作的果 Bongioanni Stampi的任务是重新设计整个屋面瓦系 列,从而提高产品的质量、外观和尺寸。这一愿景能够得 以实现,得益于Mladost技术团队的广泛知识和技能, 以及Bongioanni


美学的关注进一步提高了塞尔维亚公司本已很高的产品 质量标准,使其能够提高在国际市场上的竞争力。迄今 为止,Bongioanni Stampi已设计、开发和建造了3330 多种新型号的屋面瓦。


Smaltochimica The DIGICOL range represents the most complete series of glues for inkjet application for the ceramic sector. All the products in this range are suitable for integrated shot blast machines and traditional printers that require the use of a separate shot blast machine. Designed to maximize adhesion power, they are suitable for most types of decorating machines and show excellent compatibility with the majority of inks used in the ceramic sector. • DIGICOL PLUS. Suitable for every type of printing head, they feature excellent performance and tremendous ease of use in production. Extremely flexible, they permit the attainment of material effects without compromising graphic definition. They are available in a wide range of textures from extra-glossy to anti-light matt finish. • DIGICOL PURE. These exclusive formulations created specifically to reduce organic carbon emissions during firing, significantly re-



duce the development of aldehydes and other odorous components, therefore considerably reducing the negative impact on the environment. Suitable for most types of decorating machines and compatible with the majority of inks, they do not require particular changes to the production lines. Available in glossy and matt finish. • DIGICOL NEXT. These water-based digital glues are products with a high technological content that means a significant reduction of all parameters commonly detected in environmental monitoring, including odour-emissions. They guarantee excellent application performance, both for full-filed graphics or special effects, good compatibility with the most prevalently used digital inks, leading to the development of material products with high added value. They empower the adhesion of high quantities of grit, making them suitable for the production of smooth surfaces. They require the use of compatible printing heads.

方,显著减少了醛类和其 他气味成分的产生,从而 DIGICOL系列代表了陶瓷 DIGICOL 业内最完整的喷墨应用胶 水系列。该系列的所有产 品均适用于集成喷砂机和 需要额外配置喷砂机的传 统打印机。 该系列产品为最大程度地 提高附着力而设计,适用 于大多数类型的装饰设 备,并能与陶瓷业使用的 大多数墨水很好地兼容。 • DIGICOL PLUS:适用于 PLUS

极大地降低了对环境的负 面影响。它们适用于大多 数类型的装饰打印机,并 且与大多数墨水兼容,不 需要对生产线进行专门改 造。能够形成亮光和哑光 的表面效果。 • DIGICOL NEXT:这些 NEXT 水性数字胶水是具有很高 技术含量的产品,意味着 在环境监测中常检测到的 所有参数(包括气味排























Latest technologies

Vidres Research efforts in the field of glazing have largely evolved in step with market trends, responding to the demand for new glazes and grits capable of creating surfaces with a glossy finish or anti-slip or anti-bacterial properties. The quest for increasingly natural-looking finishes is another of the major trends to have emerged in recent years. Vidres has developed several product lines to meet the needs of each of these types of surfaces. For polished surfaces, for example, it has developed glazes that reduce open porosity after the polishing process and ensure a high level of transparency and final gloss. This has made it possible to produce marble finishes in all possible colours and with the same gloss level as natural products. Vidres has also developed a wide range of non-slip solutions: Kratos glazes, which combine non-slip characteristics with a finish that is pleasant to the touch; the Duragrip technique, which uses microgranules in the final applications; and the Tecnoker series of spherical microgranules which generate slip resistance properties when added to the glaze. The standout product in the field of antibacterial glazes is Bioglaze, which complies with ISO-22196: 2011 and JIS Z 2801 standards and has become a

benchmark in the market due to its ease of application and wide range of uses. Relief effect finishes are achieved using Rocker, an ink capable of generating reliefs of all kinds (stone, veined, geometric, wood effect) with an extremely natural look and sense of depth in terms of both textures and the detail of the microstructure. Finally, the new Croma line can be used to produce wall tiles with metallic finishes in an extremely wide range of colours.






使用Rocker Rocker可以产生具有



Duragrip技术;添加到釉 Duragrip





Tecnoker系列球形超 Tecnoker






最后,新的Croma Croma生产线






釉料领域的研究工作已随 着市场趋势而不断发展, 满足了新型釉料和干粒的 生产需求,可用于生产光 滑、防滑或具有抗菌特性 的陶瓷表面。而寻求外观 更加自然的装饰效果是近 年来出现的另一主要趋 势。 Vidres已开发了数条产品 线来满足不同类型表面效 果的需求。例如,对于抛 光表面,Vidres已开发出 一系列釉料,可减少抛 光工艺后的出现针孔的概 率,并确保成品的高水平 透明度和最终光泽度。这 使得生产出来的大理石表 面颜色应有尽有,并拥有 与天然产品相同的光泽水 平。 Vidres还开发了多种防



Poppi Clementino Spa EnerGX© is the high-efficiency energy-saving system based on spray dryer slip heating developed by Poppi Clementino Spa. The system is capable of heating the slip before it enters the spray dryer to a temperature as high as 65°C, depending on its temperature in the reservoir or service tank. This is achieved by installing a heat exchanger integrated into the production process between the service tanks to allow heat to be exchanged between the primary and secondary circuits. Heat is exchanged between the two fluids by indirect contact. Inside the service tanks, the slip usually has a temperature of 15-40°C. With this system it can reach a temperature at the heat exchanger outlet of 65°C; the temperatures of the heat carrier in the primary circuit at the heat exchanger inlet/outlet are approx. 85-70°C. With the EnerGX© system it is possible to achieve spray dryer fuel savings of between 6% and 9%. All plant engineering, including installation and automatic control of the system, is performed entirely by Poppi Clementino SpA. EnerGX© confirms the company’s commitment to providing a complete service to its customers: from the feasibility study and selection of the most appropriate solutions through to installation and management of the system. Another key aspect is integration of the cogeneration plant with existing energy recovery systems. EnerGX© marks the latest step forward in the expertise developed by Poppi Clementino in more than 30 years working alongside the world’s leading ceramic groups. The advantages of EnerGX© include: reduction in the energy



consumption of the spray dryer; no need to make changes to the layout or operation of the existing plant; the application does not affect the filtration system downstream of the spray dryer which guarantees compliance with atmospheric emission limits; improvement of the degree of finish during sieving achieved by heating the raw material. The system is modular, self-cleaning and designed to avoid scale deposits. The process is designed in order to function in total safety, generating a maximum temperature at the exchanger outlet which is able to reduce the energy consumption of the dri-

ers. This avoids problems for the slip, such as the decrease of its viscosity. Poppi has already supplied EnerGX© plants worldwide, providing innovative and customized solutions to an increasing number of customers.

产过程中在供给箱之间安装 一个热交换器来实现的,从 而允许热量在一次回路和二 次回路之间进行交换。 热量是在两种流体通过间接 接触实现交换的。在供给箱 内,泥浆的温度通常为1540°C。使用该系统,它在

EnerGX©是 Clementino

Poppi 公司开发的基

于喷雾干燥塔料液加热技术 的一个高效的节能系统。根 的一个高效的节能系统 据泥浆在料液槽或供给箱中 的温度,该系统能在泥浆进 入喷雾干燥塔前将其加热到 高达65°C。这是通过在生

换热器出口处的温度就可以 达到65°C。换热器出入口 处的主回路中,载热体的温 度大约为85-70℃。 使用 EnerGX© 系统,喷雾干 燥塔可以节省6%


料。 所有工厂工程,包括系统的 安装和自动控制,完全由

Latest technologies

Poppi Clementino 公司执


干燥塔能耗, 这样就避免了

球范围内供应 EnerGX© 系


行。 EnerGX 承诺,公司会








SACMI brand, save on maintenance costs for the clients, and ensure the best performance of the presses, meanwhile build up the clients’ confidence in SACMI equipment, now SACMI MACHINERY (FOSHAN NANHAI) CO., LTD. is proud to propose to its clients the SYNECO PRESS C2888/PRESS 1400S hydraulic oil specially developed for ceramic presses based on the cooperation between SACMI and SYNECO, which can increase the reliability of SACMI machines and reach an excellent performance.




























行性研究和最佳解决方案的 选择,到系统的安装和管 理。另一个重要方面是热电 厂与现有能量回收系统的融 合。 E n e r G X ©标 志 着 P o p p i Clementino公司在30多年 来与世界领先的陶瓷集团合 作开发的专业技术的最新进 展。 EnerGX © 的优点包括:降低 了喷雾干燥器的能耗;无需 改变现有工厂的布局或运 作;该应用不会影响在喷雾 干燥器下游、确保符合大气 排放限值的过滤系统;能通 过加热原料以提高筛分过程 中的粉料的纯度。该系统是 模块化的,可实现自我清 洁,为避免积垢而设计。

Syneco It’s well known that SACMI didn’t use to propose any brand of hydraulic oil to its clients, but only to indicate in the user’s manual the technical parameter of the oil needed for the machine. Nevertheless, with the quantity of SACMI machines increasing and the uneven quality of the oil brands appearing in the market, many clients use unsuitable oil for SACMI machines and some of them even use imitated oil with poor quality which causes many problems to the components such as valves, pumps and logical valves in SACMI equipment and eventually could lead the clients to misunderstand the high level of quality of SACMI equipment. In order to maintain the trust on

众所周知,萨克米公司 过去从不向客户推荐任 何品牌的液压油,而只



Latest technologies Smalticeram The Rilievolution system developed by Smalticeram is a major innovation in the field of digital relief printing. It is capable of creating relief structures in an unlimited variety of graphic versions, resulting in true three-dimensional effects on ceramic surfaces in sizes ranging from large slabs down to the smallest tile formats. In particular, it revolutionises digital applications while also respecting the environment and operator working conditions. Rilievolution consists of several main operating systems: SJT, SJW + GF and Riservax SJ 9902. • SJT comprises a totally innovative range of water-based materials for digital relief applications. Application of SJT by means of special printing units makes it possible to obtain three-dimensional surfaces that can be synchronised perfectly with normal digital applications, without limitations in the reproduction of any textured surface: from the roughness of rustic natural stone to the soft sinuosity of marble and the complex geometries of fabric. Operation is entirely digital. SJT consists of special materials in an entirely aqueous, high-density solution for high-relief digital applications. • SJW comprises variable-fusibility water-based adhesives for digital printing. SJW combined with GF microgrits constitutes a fully digital system for creating relief surfaces. It is compatible with all printing units currently on the market and can be synchronised perfectly with the SJ series digital materials. The digital precision of SJW with the subsequent application of GF creates three-dimensional volumes on ceramic surfaces. SJW + GF can be used both before and after nor-







维立体效果。 SJW + GF可








• SJ9902 Riservax是一种




低排放的墨水。它与市面 低排放的墨水

料组成。 SJW与GF系列超 料组成









釉料结合使用时,SJ 9902




字材料完美同步。 SJW的


开发的Rilievolution Rilievolution系统






mal digital applications to create stunning relief effects. • SJ 9902 Riservax is a special ultra-low emission ink for surface engraving. It is fully compatible with all printing units on the market and is designed to achieve three-dimensional effects on smooth or slightly textured substrates. When used in conjunction with specific glazes, SJ 9902 Riservax creates perfect surface engravings and consequently spectacular relief effects on the finished product.

项重大创新。它能够 为多种图形设计添加 凹凸模具效果,从而 无论在大规格或小规 格的陶瓷表面上创造 真正的三D效果。特 别是,它在革新数字 应用工艺的同时,还 考虑了环境和操作员 的工作条件。 Rilievolution由几个 主要的操作系统组 成:



GF 和 Riservax SJ 9902 •


创新的水性材料组 成,适用于数字模具 应用。通过特殊的印 应用 刷装置应用SJT,就 可以获得与常规数字 应用完美同步的三维 立体表面,从粗糙的 天然石材,到温柔舒 适的大理石和具有复 杂几何形状的编织物 纹理,在任何纹理表 面上都可以进行复

SUSTAINABLE inkjet ceramic decoration We plant 17 trees with each hybrid printer installed, compensating 9 tons of CO2 emissions per year. Visit: sustainable.eficretaprint.com

Hybrid Ceramic Ecosystem

EFI Cretaprint | Tel. +34 964 340 264 · www.efi.com/cretaprint · creataprintsales@efi.com

Latest technologies ICF & WELKO The I.C.F. & Welko spray dryers are designed case by case and tailored-made. The company’s internal laboratory carries out accurate tests on the material to be dried, considering the moisture, PH of the suspension, choice of possible additives, viscosity and density. The collected data lead to the determination of the most suitable type of equipment to grant the requested granulometric curve, the qualitative resistance and the residual moisture. For the drying process, I.C.F. & Welko can supply different types of spray dryers, from laboratory use (0.5 l/h of evaporating capacity), to bigger sizes (24.000 l/h capacity), equipped with a series of accessories, such as: • low-NOx heat generator, • quadri-fuel heat generator, • indirect heat generator, • dedusting systems by cyclones, venturi scrubber and bag filter, • semi and fully automatic start-



ing and stopping, washing and lance shaking systems, • self-adjusting system from outlet powder moisture / inlet slurry density, • static cooler with pneumatic opening for washing and cleaning, • fines self-recirculating and dissolving system from cyclones or bag filter to slurry inlet.

除尘器和布袋过滤除尘 I.C.F.



塔是根据客户需求量身定 制的。


室在考虑湿度、悬浮液PH 值、可能添加剂的选择、 粘度和密度的基础上,对 待干燥的材料进行了精密 的测试。 根据收集到的数据可以确定

In the field of energy saving systems for spray dryers, I.C.F. & Welko has developed and installed 3 different types of plants: 1) Energy recovery from exhaust fumes of CHP motor / internal combustion engines, 2) Energy recovery from furnaces or other heat engines, 3) Energy recovery from exhaust air of spray dryer itself. All systems are supplied as turnkey installations, complete with layout drawing, management software and consumption counters.


器, • 半自动和全自动开关,清 洗和喷枪振动系统, • 出口粉末湿度/入口浆液 密度自动调节系统, • 用于洗涤和清洁、带气动 开口的静态冷却器, • 从旋风除尘器或布袋过滤 除尘器到泥浆入口的粉末 自循环和溶解系统。




领域,I.C.F. & Welko已开 领域



Welko可以提供不同类型的 喷雾干燥塔,从实验室用 的(蒸发量为0.5 l/h)到更 大尺寸的(24.000 l / h) ,并配备一系列零部件, 如: • 氧化氮排放量低的热发生 器 • 四燃料发热器, • 间接热发生器, • 旋风除尘器,文丘里洗涤

发并安装了3种不同类型的 设备: 1)从热电联产发动机/内 燃机的烟气中回收能量, 2)从熔炉或其他热机回收 能量, 3)从喷雾干燥器自身的废 气中回收能量。 所有系统均以交钥匙安装 的形式提供,并配有配线 图、管理软件和消耗计数 器。

Latest technologies Certech - Vibrotech The Ink Refill Technology system developed by Vibrotech solves problems relating to manual ink refilling in digital printers but also brings clear environmental benefits and improvements to the digital decoration process. Rather than small 5 or 10 litre cans, the inks are supplied in 1,000 litre (or larger) drums and transferred to the dedicated dispensers that form the heart of the Ink Refill Technology system. Supplied in series, they are equipped with an Industry 4.0 control panel complete with level indicators that monitor consumption and automatically place an order with the ink producer when a fresh supply is needed. Inside these special storage tanks (with inclined bases to avoid sedimentation), a pneumatic pump automatically mixes the ink (with user-programmable times) to keep it continuously recirculating, filtered and ready to use. Ink Refill Technology can be supplied in either manual or automatic versions. In the manual version, the operator draws ink from the dispenser manually using a single 5-litre bottle and fills up the digital printer in the traditional manner. In the automatic version, the storage tank is connected directly to the printer for automatic ink filling. The key feature of the automatic Ink Refill Technology system is the ink distribution circuit running from the dispensers to the digital machines. The system is

designed to ensure that the inks flow continuously throughout the entire circuit, including the hoses connecting the storage tanks to the digital machines and the corresponding valve units. In practice, the complete absence of stagnant areas in the ink circuit avoids all risk of sedimentation. This programmed recirculation is performed on average twice a day and has proved extremely useful during production stoppages, especially for extended periods of time. When the quantity of ink in the inkjet tanks falls below a pre-set level, the level indicators send a signal to the system which in turn controls the automatic opening of the distribution valve unit and the consequent supply of a given quantity of pre-filtered ink. As well as reducing the operator’s workload, automatic refilling eliminates potential colour loading errors in the machine while at the same time preventing impurities from entering the printers. The automatic Ink Refill Technology system has a centralised control panel, complete with a touchscreen connected to the factory’s management system, which controls all system operations, provides real-time information on ink levels and consumptions for each individual machine, and automatically makes the call for a new ink order. The data are also available via a dedicated mobile phone app. The plant can be connected to any kind of digital printer and operates with any

liquid digital material (solvent- or water-based inks, effects, glazes and digital glues). It takes just 10 days to install and is fully modular (the modules are connected via an Ethernet/IP protocol), thereby simplifying subsequent expansions in terms of number of colours and/or printers.

Vibrotech开发的 Ink Refill Technology供墨技术系统 解决了数码打印机手动加墨 水相关的问题,同时带来了 明显的环境效益,并改善了 数字装饰工艺。 在该系统中,墨水不是用5 升或10升的小罐装的,而是 用1000升(或更大)的桶装 的,随后墨水被转移到专用 分配器,这些分配器构成了 墨水补充技术系统的核心。 按系列进行供应墨水,该系 统配备一个工业4.0控制面 板,面板带有可以监控墨水 消耗量的液位指示器,并能 在缺墨时自动向墨水生产商 下订单。在这些特殊的储墨 罐(带有倾斜的底座,以避 免墨水沉淀)内部,气动泵 能够自动混合墨水(用户可 设置混合时长),以使墨水 保持不断循环、过滤并随时 可以使用。 Ink Refill Technology 供墨 系统


种方式。进行手动添加墨水 时,操作员需要使用一个5 升的储墨罐手动从分配器

中抽取墨水,并以传统方式 为数码打印机添加墨水。进 行自动添加墨水时,储墨箱 直接连接打印机,以自动加 墨。 Ink Refill Technology供墨 系统的一大重要特色,是连 接分配器和数码打印机的墨 水分配电路。该系统旨在确 保墨水在整个电路中连续流 动,包括连接存储罐与数字 机器和相应阀门装置的软 管。事实上,墨水回路中完 全没有停滞区域,这能够避 免墨水沉淀的一切风险。这 种程序化的再循环平均每天 进行两次,事实证明,在停 产期间,特别是在长时间的 停产,这种循环是非常有用 的。 当喷墨箱中的墨水量降至预 设液位以下时,液位指示器 会向系统发送信号,然后该 系统控制分配阀单元,使其 自动打开,并供应定量的已 经过滤的墨水。除了减少操 作员的工作量外,自动供墨 的功能还能避免了添加错误 颜色的墨水到设备中,同时 能够防止杂质进入打印机。 自动供墨系统Ink


Technology配备有一个集 中控制面板以及与工厂管理 系统相连的触摸屏。该触摸 屏可以控制所有系统操作, 提供有关每台机器的墨水量 和消耗量的实时信息,并能 自动添加新的墨水订单,还 可以在专用的手机应用程序 上获得这些数据。 该设备可以连接所有类型的 数码打印机,并可以使用所 有液体数码材料(溶剂或水 性墨水、特殊墨水、釉料和 数码胶水)。安装仅需10 天时间,并且完全模块化( 模块通过以太网/


接),这能简化后续增加颜 色或打印机数量的流程。





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0.06 kWh/m



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