Timber Trader UK Magazine Issue 17 Summer 2022

Page 26


Action Stations for Treated Timber

Members of the Wood Protection Association (WPA) and Timber Trade Federation (TTF) are on a mission to grow demand for preservative treated wood. At the heart of this mission is a three stage Action Plan. Treatment plant at Bond Timber near Plymouth was one of the first to achieve WPA Benchmark accreditation for both 15 and 30-years service life fencing products. Photo courtesy: Bond Timber


he Action Plan is intended to

boards and timber cladding where the potential

ensure treated wood purchased

for fungal decay is much lower.

from a TTF member is timber that can be trusted. The TTF is

working in partnership with the WPA to deliver the action plan successfully. The Action Plan to grow demand for treated wood will:

Strict QA criteria vital for UC4 applications It is treated wood in UC4 ground contact applications that is most often the subject of negative PR and anecdotal reports of poor

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Address the common failure to specify

performance. If a treated wood fence post fails

treated wood correctly

after a few years, it is almost always the efficacy

Address the lack of understanding on how to

of the wood preservative that is called into

correctly install and use treated wood

question. “There are many reasons why a treated

Make the independent verification of the

product may decay prematurely but a lack of

treatment process mandatory for all treated

preservative efficacy is not one of them,” says

wood placed on the UK market by TTF

WPA Director Gordon Ewbank, who confirms that


a major field trial of UK softwood fence posts established in 2015 is now starting to show that

Nowhere is the need to build confidence

wood can be trusted to perform when products

The mechanical incising of wood facilitates preservative penetration of wood and can help achieve the quality requirements for Use Class 4 treatments under the WPA Benchmark scheme.

in the efficacy of treated wood more acute

are treated correctly for their end use. “Ensuring

than in the fencing and landscaping sector

fitness for purpose is the responsibility of both

where products are used in direct contact with

buyers and suppliers. Buyers have a responsibility

wood treaters to address the quality assurance

the ground or very close to the ground. These

to correctly specify the products they want, and

needs of their customers.

are what are known as the Use Class 4 (UC4)

wood treaters have a responsibility to have the

applications in British Standards. They are the

quality procedures in place that enable them to

end uses where wood is permanently exposed

deliver those products consistently. That’s why

The independent quality verification of

to the weather and frequently wet for extended

the strictest third-party criteria is applied to the

treated wood has been a key feature of timber

periods of time.

accreditation of all UC4 treated wood products

supply chains in North America and Scandinavia

under the WPA Benchmark quality scheme.”

for decades. Their introduction in these major

Challenging service conditions where it is vital treated wood products give a predictable

This is a view shared by the TTF which has

TTF members take the lead

wood using markets is widely acknowledged as a

service life - 15 years being the default service

reaffirmed that there can be no compromise

key reason behind the continued strong demand

life for UC4 applications in BS8417, the British

on the quality assurance aspects of the Treated

for preservative treated wood. TTF Members

Standard for preservative treated wood. This

Wood Action Plan agreed by its members.

believe that third-party quality assurance could

standard also specifies the level of preservative

In consultation with the WPA it has recently

have the same effect in the UK and are currently

treatment necessary to protect wood in the

redefined the pathway to compliance under

working to deliver this part of their treated wood

other main application Use Classes – UC1 and

the WPA Benchmark quality scheme. WPA

Action Plan.

UC2 for indoor applications and UC3 exterior out

Benchmark is a third-party quality assurance

of ground applications such as fence rails, decking

scheme launched in 2011 as a credible way for UK

Timber Trader UK Magazine

Summer 2022


More at  www.thewpa.org.uk


 @Timber_Media

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