MyConnection for Wednesday July 18, 2012

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| 2012

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bridal Planner

The Best Local Wedding Resources Time-Saving Tips Expert Planning Advice Simple Ideas for a Stylish Event

Your Timeline for a

online at

Stress-Free Wedding Check Out the Classifieds on Pages 6 - 7

Thank you for picking up MyConnection. Look for your copy delivered free to your home from The Newnan Times-Herald each Wednesday. You’ll find entertainment and travel news, as well as upcoming events, easy-to-make recipes, and things that matter to you and your family.

Summer Reading

101 Keep kids and teens reading — and loving it Family Features


50 things to do this summer

hen school is out for summer, the last thing many kids want to do is pick up another book. However, reading is one of the most important activities children can do now to help themselves later — both when they go back to school in the fall, and later in life. If children don’t engage in educational activities such as reading and math over the

Need an idea to entertain your kids, out-of-town visitors or yourself during the summer months? Well, look no further. Over the next two months, The Newnan-Times Herald will give you some great ideas for family fun!

a guide to activities and destinations

ATLANTA Atlanta Dream Basketball Maybe the third time will be the charm for the Atlanta Dream. Atlanta’s WNBA franchise has reached the league’s finals the past two seasons, but fell short in both efforts. All-WNBA standout Angel McCoughtry returns to lead the 2012 Dream squad after averaging 21.6 points per game a year ago. The Dream plays 17 homes games – all at Philips Arena in downtown Atlanta – during the regular season, including 10 between June and August. For schedule / ticket information, call 877-977-7729 or visit

LEGOLAND Discovery Center Atlanta ®

At LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Atlanta, you can reach out and touch the stars in the 4D cinema, learn top LEGO® building secrets from the Master Model Builder, see iconic landmarks in MINILAND®, make a celebration even more memorable in one of the special party rooms, and much, much more! It’s the ultimate place for all LEGO® fans - young and old. A typical visit takes 2-3 hours, but you can stay as long as you like.

Newnan Utilities Carl Miller Park

LEGOLAND® is located in Phipps Plaza in Buckhead, 3500 Peachtree Road NE. Tickets are discounted if purchased online. Walk-up prices for allday tickets are $20.52 (ages 13-older), $16.20 (ages 3-12) and free for ages 0-2. Call 404-848-9252 or visit atlanta.

NEWNAN Newnan Utilities’ Carl Miller Park Tucked away just south of downtown Historic Newnan, Carl Miller Park is a

beautiful, family-friendly, 14-acre park which offers recreational activities for all ages. The park, owned by Newnan Utilities, contains a gigantic 32,000 sq. ft. Kids’ Castle Playground with swings, assorted bridges, tunnels, wooden climbing areas, forts and playhouses for children to play on. Also included in the park are picnic tables for those family outdoor get-togethers, a walking / jogging trail which is 6/10 of a mile, and plenty of room to toss around a football or baseball or just

➤ SEe 50 Things, PAGE 2

Go to to see 50 Things To Do This Summer!

summer, they can experience summer learning losses. “With the majority of U.S. fourth-grade students reading below the proficient level, the summer months are critical for student learning,” said Meredith Curley, Dean of a major university. “By engaging in fun reading activi­ties during the summer months, parents not only have the opportunity to encourage learning, but to motivate their children to develop a lifelong love of reading.” Curley offers these tips for parents and caregivers to help incorporate reading into everyday activities in ways that will make it fun to keep learning all summer long. “Reading is critical for a child’s success, no matter what age,” said Curley. “By finding ways to make reading part of your children’s everyday activities, you are helping them build a solid foundation not just for the next school year, but for their futures.”


Saving Money on Vacation Make the most of your trip with these cost-saving strategies By Jim Garnett


amily vacations can be great opportunities for making memories. I still remember vivid scenes from childhood vacations traveling in our 1960 Nash Rambler. We often traveled to see relatives, but once in a while headed to a someplace like the Grand Canyon or the Ozarks. Our family was not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I discovered later on in life, that we were actually quite poor. Interestingly enough, not one of those vacation memories I hold dear has anything to do with an activity that cost money. Therefore, even when finances are lean, a little forethought and planning can create a great family vacation filled with one memory after another. Here are a few tips that will help you save money on your next vacation.

Stay in one place. The cost of gasoline can be cut a lot if you travel to one area and stay there. This presupposes that there is something to see and do in that location. Rent multiple nights at a time. Staying in one area also enables you to rent by the week instead of one night at a time. Discounts always await those who stay more than just a night. This also eliminates having to pack up everything and move the family every day.

Choose a non-peak season. If you vacation in the off-season, the crowds will be smaller, the lines will be shorter, the beaches will be emptier, and


Stay at relatives. I am sure that this can be a blessing or a curse, but especially if both families have kids, a few days with kinfolk can be pretty neat. Plus, one of the greatest vacation expenses, lodging is eliminated. Look for destinations where the fun is free. A trip to the Tetons, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, a State Park, or the beach offers days of exciting things to do at little cost. Check out local guidebooks. Most of these contain discount coupons for local attractions. Eat out only once a day. A place with a built in kitchen can let you choose which meals to eat out. A hotel with a complimentary breakfast can take care of breakfast. A cooler with soft drinks, fruit, chips, and sandwiches will satisfy most families for lunch. This approach can enable your family you to save hundreds of dollars a week or enjoy eating the evening meal at a more expensive restaurant. Bring home free souvenirs. Most expensive gift shop souvenirs will hold no better memories than a vase of sea shells, or a piece of driftwood, or best of all — a family picture on location! All of these tips can save you money or at least allow you to spend your vacation money on your vacation


Eugene S. Hurwitz, M.D. Chris Child, FNP-C 2012

Member of the Professional Staff at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

! m o d e Fre

prices will be lower. Campgrounds can be great places to stay when everyone else is gone!

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2 MyConnection | Wednesday, July 18, 2012



The Centre and STAR 2012 Present: Doubt

The Centre for the Performing and Visual Arts July 19-21 6:30 p.m. $20 includes dinner and show. Tickets by advanced sale only. Ticket deadline: Monday, July 16. Info: 770-254-2787

Night Music

Central Library July 19 6:30-7:30 p.m. Come enjoy an evening of classical music, and an evening of jazz provided by local musicians. A wonderful way to unwind on a summer evening! Info: 770-683-2052

Pickin’ on the Square

Historic Courthouse Square July 21 11:00 a.m. All musicians are invited to come down to Newnan’s Historic Courthouse Square and play. All music genres and skill levels are welcome. Acoustic only. Info: 770-253-8283


The Newnan Carnegie July 23 2:30 p.m. Teens through seniors. Through the struggles of migrant farm workers in the Deep South, author Michael Ottensmeyer shares a valuable message for all ages. Call to reserve your spot. Info: 770-683-1347

Weather Connection JULY 19-22



93º 71º


92º 71º


91º 70º


91º 70º

Continued from Page 1

1. Shasta and Tab, e.g. place a blanket on the ground ping, guests at this family-friend6. ___ Wednesday and read your favorite book. Four ly getaway enjoy lots to see and 9. Fictional company in old cartoons pavilions are also located in the do. The Virginia Hand Callaway 13. Spew park for groups of 50 to 150 peo- Discovery Center, Birds of Prey 14. "Cafe ___?" Greenwich Village ple. Both the picnic tables and pa- shows, Cecil B. Day Butterfly club where Hendrix and Dylan played vilions are on a first-come, first- Center, John A. Sibley Horticul15. Turkish leader title, pl. served basis, though the pavilions tural Center, Mr. Cason’s Vege16. *Some fads do this from time to may be reserved by Newnan Util- table Garden, Callaway Brothers time Azalea Bowl, Overlook Azalea ities customers only. 17. Hula dancer's ornament Carl Miller Park is located at 74 Garden and miles of nature trails 18. One's manner of walking, pl. Sewell Road in Newnan. The park showcase the beauty of nature. 19. *Bell locations is open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The 10-mile Discovery Bicycle (April to October). Admission is Trail combines sightseeing with 21. *Angel pin-up Carne de cangrejo de imitación, 16 onzas Chuletas de lomo de cerdo ahumado an outdoor excursion that puts free. Call 770-683-5516 or visit U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh 23. Increase 16 oz. Gusto you up-close to Southern flora 24. Never eatSea chicken and wildlife. In 2006, the beauBestthis way Smoked 25. T-cell killer tiful Lodge and Spa at Callaway ea. lb. PINE MOUNTAIN 28. Competitive advantage Gardens opened and features 150 Costillas de cerdo danesas de caja de 10 libras inspeccionado de chuletas de cerdo suavizado sin hueso fresco rooms with luxurious features 30. Non-stickU.S.D.A. material Callaway Gardens 10 lb. Box U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh and balconies to the outdoors. 35. Eastern ____ Callaway Gardens is an awardCallaway Gardens is located Danish Pork Boneless Cubed 37. 9th letter of Greek alphabet lb.of Hwys. winning, 13,000-acre gardens, at the intersection ea. 39. "Lay _____" to a castle inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco lb. resortU.S.D.A. and preserve nestled in 18 and 354 in Pine Mountain. 33. Amorously looked upon 40. Medley U.S.D.A. Inspected Down to o salchicha For ahumado, information, call 1-800Fresh Salchicha polaco 16 onzas Hamburguesas original, 2 librasPine Mountain. In addition Pizza para niños de paquete de 4 Salchicha ahumado de 16 onzas 34. We all have these2 Lb. Box 41. *Rubber wear four types of accommodations, 1. Slobodan Milosevic, e.g. 225-5292 or visit www. 4 Pack 16 oz. Smoked or Polish 16 oz. 36. Cocaine source Original 43. Longest riverFarms Mama Rosa 10 restaurants and plentyCarolina of Sunset 2. Dunking cookie 38. 43,560 square feet 44. Muhammad's birthplace Kid'sairPizza ......................... Bubba Burgers ............. Sausage ............................... Smoked Sausage ......... 3. Tube for flowing 46. A current focal point of debate ahumado picante o suave, caja 42. de 28Type onzas of probe Refrigerantes de almuerzo de diversión, 8.6 onzas Salchichas de carne enorme, 16 onza Salchicha ahumado especial, 3 libras in 4. Less than 90Salchicha degrees 16 oz. 28 oz. Box Hot or Mild 8.6 oz. 45. *Low-carb diet Europe 3 Lb. 5. Golf shot Carolina Pride Carolina Pride Oscar Mayer Special 49. Where couples are joined? 47. a.k.a. Georgia Snowmobile 6. Hole punchers Jumbo Meat Franks ... Fun Pack Lunchables Sausage ..........7. Female Smoked Sausage ........ 51. Trinidad's neighbor 48. Don'tSmoked forget to draw one of these! It has become tradition for married to jet off on a post-wedding Pavo o jamón rebanado delgado, 9 onzas Pechuga de pavo rebanado de Deli en envase, 9 onzas Salchicha picante ocouples suave, 16 onzas Salchichas rojos picantes, 2 libras 54. Wisdom _____ 50. Lincoln coin 8. Israeli port 9 oz. Deli Thin 16 oz.isHota orway Mild for the bride and groom to enjoy vacation. This honeymoon 9 oz. Tub 2 lb. Pkg. 56. Short dagger Butterball Deli Sliced quiet time together andCarolina 52. PublicSunset promotions 9. Petri dish gelLand O' Frost start off Pride their married life together on an intiFarms 57. South of Market Turkey Area in San 53. ____Georgia and kin Red Hots ........10. *InanimateHam mate level. Although the word "honeymoon" has happy connotations Sausage ........................ pet or Turkey ............ Breast ............... Francisco today, the original meanings of the word may not be so blissful. There 55. They said their "I ___" 11. Calculating subject 58. Trevor to friends? are varying accounts of the evolution of the word "honeymoon," but 57. Old Glory motif 12. Female suffix 25 SQ. Ft. many believe it to be a Norse tradition deriving from the word "hju59. Actress ____ Sofer 8 oz. Squeeze Bottle 60. *Toy with an avatar 15. Concurs Shoppers Value Standard nottsmanathr." Northern14-15 European history women being ab60. What a willow did? Essential Everyday oz. Allens Field Peas w/Snaps, Cutdescribes Green 64. Philosopher _____ Kierkegaard 20. Army doctor 5 oz. ducted from their families U.S.D.A. de lomo de cerdo corte de Beans,inspeccionado Whole Kernel Corndeorchuletas 14 oz. Sunshine 12 ct. PackAsado de extremo de cerdo Boston and forced into marriage with a man from a fresco centro sin hueso 61. Part of eye Whole Potatoes, Green Beans & Potato, Collard 65. Storm center 22. MoMA contents Flavoriteneighboring Tuna Greens, Turnip Greenswould or Turnips w/Roots village. This husband take his new bride into hiding 62. 1982 Tony Award winner 67. Eagle's nest 24. Enhance a photograph 4 Pk. and stay there for a while until it was certain the bride's family had given 63. Enthusiastic enjoyment 68. End to a prayer, pl. * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, 25. Nuclear weapon 24 oz. Shoppers Value up the hunt and retreated. It was also tradition for Scandinavian couples Potato, 9 oz. Corn, 11 oz. Puffed Cheese Curls, 64.AND Salt inASSOCIATED Mexico Shoppers Value EXPENSES 9 oz. Assorted Flavorsto 69. *Spinning ___ 26. More ill a sweet, honey-infused wine known as mead for a month after 12 oz. Tortil a or 10-15 oz. Pretdrink zels 66. Second person pronoun getting married. This may be where the "honey," for the sweet drink, 27. NBC's "The _____" 70. The G in CGT Shoppers Value 160 Ct. and the"moon," for the one-month period of time, originated. Others say 29. Oscar-winning politician 71. *Wax inside a lamp, a.k.a. ____ 10 oz. Homelife "honeymoon" refers to a sarcastic quip that a marriage starts out sweet 31. *Found on many cars in 1950s 72. Shack Solution on Page 6 Flavorite 16 oz. Can as honey, but then wanes much as the moon will each cycle. 32. Layla or _____ 73. Earliest stage of sickness © StatePoint Media

Imitation Crab .....

2 $ 25 2

$ 08

Pork Cuttlets .........



$ 72

Boneless Center Cut $ 55 $ 25

P 49L¢ UAluminumSFoil 6910 % ¢ ADDED AT REGISTER! In Water . . . 73 ¢ ¢ Squeeze Ketchup 73 Bathroom Tissue 79 $ 09 Snacks . . . . . . . . 1



$ 25

Mustard .......

Food Depot Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns


Allens or Sunshine


¢ 2/ ¢ 99 79 ¢ 98 Pinto Beans ..... 99 ¢ $ 29 Relish ............ 99 2 ¢ Paper Towels ... 56 $ 49 3/$ Napkins ..... . 1 * OUR COST 1 AT REGISTER! Chuck Patties PLUS 10% ADDED Lamb Leg Wish-Bone 2/ ¢ Nestle Pure Life Pasta ............. 89 ¢ $ 95 Salad$ 75 $ 29 99 Water 1 2 5 Dressing ¢ Dinners ...... .$129 $ $ 49 43 $ 54 99 $ 23 $Tilapia 81 1 Fillet 2/ ¢ Shoulder Roast ... 3 3/$ $ 49 Roast ................... 4 78 1 Iodized Salt ... 1 $ 50 $ 22 $ .....64$189 $ 09 ¢ Cornmeal 64 1 Sirloin Patties ... 3 59 London Broil .... 3 Kraft Essential Everyday $ 89 Mac & ¢ $ 91 ¢ Vegetable 1 $ 94 $ 48 Foam Plates . . . .79 Tagless Tea Bags 99 1 Cheese 2 3 Oil $ 99 $ 12 3/ ¢ $ 69 $ 99 $ 15 Ground Beef Sirloin Steak Fryers Dog Food .... . 5$199 Lamb Chops $ 49 2 Creamer ....... . 1 1 84 2 $ 54 $ 99 Boneless ¢ ¢ $ 99 $ 89 $ 70 6 Long Roast ........... 95 3 $ 361 Foam$Cups .... 89 25 4Grain Rice 69 1 ¢Chuck$


$ 25

¢ Facial Tissue ....

Worcestershire Sauce

Flavorite Sweet

Essential Everyday

Shoppers Value

250 Ct.


6 oz.

Shoppers Value

16 oz. Select Varieties Fresh Ground


Single Roll

Ground Coffee . .

Any Size Package

Essential Everyday

16 oz.

11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast

Fresh American 35 Pk., .5Superior liter Bottles Boneless Pre-Seasoned

8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni *

Hot Sauce ........

Essential Everyday 16 oz. 16 oz. Sweet *Our cost includes freight, stocking fees, and Flavorite associated expenses.

Essential Everyday Salad Cubes . . 12 oz. Deluxe Shells & Cheese or Please visit our website:! Saltine Crackers . lb.

1 2

Hamburguesa de carne diezmillo molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaño

Essential Everyday

Shoppers Value

U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola

64 oz.

Eye 26 oz.of Round

Pop•Tarts .... U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Peanut Butter ..


Boneless Super Chill

40 Ct., 9 Inch

U.S.D.A. Inspected Chicken Franks .............

Select Beef Sliced Bacon U.S.D.A. ....................


12 oz.


20 Ct., 16 oz.

Tocino de pavo, 12 onzas



Four Star

Turkey Bacon ............. ...

12.01-39 .5 oz . Assorted Flavors




Superior Fresh American


4 89 3 Tortas de salchicha de pollo, 12 onzas

Shoppers Value

Sausage Patties ................ 15 lb. Bag

16 oz.

Tocino rebanado, 12 onzas

Essential Everyday 12 oz.


Smoked Sausage ...........

lb. Freezer Favorites

Flour ........... Fresh Whole

Tomato SauceSoutherland Chicken

Salchicha ahumado picante o suave, 48 onzas

48 oz. Hot or Mild

1 Pack Box


Claxton Corn Dogs 15..................... lb. Bag

Shoppers Value 12 oz.

Andoulli ..........................

Smoked Sausage ........ ....

7.25 oz.

Fresh Chopped 6 Pack, 7.25 oz. Blue Box

Salchicha envuelto en pan de maiz, 3 libras

3 Lb.

Boneless8 oz.

Shoppers Value Four Star

Butterball Turkey 12 oz.

22 oz. Non Dairy

Flavorite Self Rising


Shoppers Value Bar-S

Salchicha andouille cajun de 14 onzas

14 oz.

U.S.D.A. Inspected

5 lb. Bag Self Rising or Plain

100 Ct.

Homelife Sunnyland Hotel Brand


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado fresco de hamburguesas de solomillo molido

5 lb. Bag Regular or White

Spring Water

12 oz.

Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 12 onzas


Mac & Cheese

U.S.D.A. 128 oz. Select Beef

3 lb. Pkg.



Shoppers Value

96 oz.

Tocino rebanado, 12 onzas

Salchichas de pollo, 3 libras

U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de paletilla de res sin hueso

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

U.S.D.A. selecto bistec de cañada sin hueso asado Londones

Bleach . . . . . . . . . .

48 oz. Bottle

Filete de tilapia congelado fresco

Essential Everyday

Apple Juice ..... . Shoppers Value


Pierna de cordero americanas fresca superior deshuesada previamente sazonados

7.25 oz.

Flavorite Plain or



14 oz. Deluxe Mac & Cheese

11 oz. Assorted Flavors

18 oz. Creamy or Crunchy

Fresh Frozen

U.S.D.A. Select Beef Steak & Stew Combo Package

Shoppers Value

Cat Food ........

Sliced Bacon ...................


U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo sin hueso – bistec y guisado en paquete de combinacion



13.75 oz . Buttermilk, Homestyle or Blueberry


Ice Cream 4 Sweetener Waffles ...... 2 Angel Soft $ Dri62 $ 05 5/ ¢ $ 29 Bath $ 53 nk Mix ... . 90 Ready Rice ..... . 1 $ $1823 2 $ $ 45 24 2 2DrinkMi92x ....... $165 $218 Apple Juice$1. $21518 Tissue 1 $ 44 $ 61 1 $ 70 5 5 Wild Rice ....... . 2 1 $ 89 2 Cookies . . . . 2 $ 83 Coffee1 . . . . . 8 $ 59 Cheerios . . . . 2 ¢ Drink¢Mix ... 1 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ $ 123 3 2 Gravy......$ 9999 Meats...... 4$ 80 52 Sizzlers..... 99 1 Pizzas...... Oscar....... 89 78 Hot Dog..... 72 Assorted Chips ..... 2 $ 70 Coffee . . . . . 8 Nilla Wafers 2 Italian Dressing .... . 1 $ 29 1 1 1 3 1 Snack Mix¢ .... .$229 Cereal . . . . . . 3 $ 49 $ 05 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Ham......... $ 70 $ 62 1 79 98 86 Bologna.... 1 72 Franks...... $ 30 Coffee1 . . . . . . 6.. Franks.. Makers....... Links....... 79 2 Grahams ..... 2 3 Paper Helper Dinners 1 .. 1 $ 59 Cereal . . . . . . 3 Crackers ....... 1 Towels $ 60 $ 42 $ 29 Coffee . . . . . . 6 Fabric Softener 3 1 $ 88 $ $ 39 44 Froot Loops 3 Assorted Chips .. 1 Snacks ............ . 1 5 6 $ 65 $ 68 $ 12 Tea . . . . . . . . 6 Softener Sheets ... 3 4/$ Corn Flakes . . 3 Assorted Chips 1 $ 50 97 Bag Donettes .. . 1 $ Yellow 75 Softener Bars $325 $ 82 ¢ 2 Coffee . . . . . . 6 Pop•Tarts . . . . . 1 Side Dishes ... . 99 Southern ¢ Or White 5/$ 98 ¢ $ 801 White Bread . 99 Peaches.... 58 Corn....... 4 2X Laundry Fruit Drinks ....... 1 White Bread . $119 Detergent Fruit $ 99 $ 17 Drinks Fruit Drinks NEWNAN ..... 2 Purified Water . $298 Dog Bones ....... . 2 $ 17 5 $ 06 ¢ $ 11 $ 16 2 Fruit Drinks .. 2 Top Bread .... 1 or Hot Dog Buns 98 128 oz. Bottle Select Varieties

6-12.75 oz. Select Varieties

lb. Dinners or Entrees

40 ct. Pack

9.7 - 32 oz. Bag, 200 ct. Packets or 14 oz. Box

$ 81

Culinary Splenda CircleAssorted


Pizzas Sweeteners ...... U.S.D.A. Select Beef


Everyday $ 64


U.S.D.A. Inspected

Fresh Quarterloin 4.07-8.8 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties

Kool-Aid Chuck Roast

Pork Uncle Ben's LongChops Grain

10 ct. Select Varieties

Crystal Light lb.

56 oz . Squares Select Varieties

Blue Bunny 24 ct. Regular

U.S.D.A. Inspected

2 Qt. Packs Select Varieties Bone-In

$ 20



Pork Picnic

64 oz. Select Varieties


6.2 oz. Fast Cooking, 6.7 oz. Long Grain lb.Brown Rice


13.25 oz. Southern Style Nuggets,or13.25 & Mushrooms 6 oz.oz.LongBreastGrainTenders, 11.5 oz. Breast Patties, 13.25 oz. Nuggets or 10 oz. Boneless Buffalo Chicken Bites


or 12 ct Double White

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh

Country Style

Pork Ribs lb.

32 oz. Regular or Crinkle Cut

Uncle Ben's $ Chicken . . . . . . .

11.3-15.25 oz. Pkg.oz. 24.10-30.5 Essential Everyday $ 39 33 DiGiorno Original Line $ 36 Nabisco Oreo Folgers Frozen Fries . . . . . Flatbread Pizzas . . . Fresh Frozen Asst . Pizzas . . . . . . $ 14 O Frost 16 oz. Pkg. Oscar Mayer General Mills CrystalVarieties LightLand 8 oz. Pkg. oz. Select Vegetables . . . . . . . . Tennessee Pride14.25-22.70 Hormel 12 oz. Pkg. 2 oz. Pkg. Ham or Turke Eckrich Jumbo Or Reduced Bun LengthFat 10.5-16y oz. Bag10-10.5 oz. Bag 5.75 oz. Single 2 oz. Pkg. Turkey Or Ham 128 oz. Assorted Flavors 1 Qt. Natural Rising or Brick Oven Cole's Garlic Bread Shoppers Value 1 lb. Bag Blackeye Peas or Cut Green Beans Sausage $ 73 Blue Bell Little Wafer Thin All Meat Mama Rosa Little $ 19 Ice Cream . . . . $ 79 FritoBreadsticks Lay's 33.9 oz. Can Classic Roast Freschetta 11 oz. Box $ 14 Toast or Fresh Frozen 12 oz. Gluten Free Rice Krispies, 16.5 oz. Cocoa Krispies, $ 18 Sherbet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Folgers Ground Pizzas . . . . 16. .oz.. . . . . . . . . 12.50 Corn Pops, 12.20 oz. Froot Loops, 12.20 oz. Froot 10.9 oz. Banana Nut, 10 oz. Cinnamon, 11.25 oz. 12.5 oz. 3 Meat, 11.25 oz. Pepperoni or 12.37 oz. Deluxe 27.8-33.9 oz. Can Select Varieties . Bag Baby 12 Wholoz.e Okra,Cheerios BreadedDulce Okra, Broccol Chocolate,12 oz.1 lbFrosted, DE, i Cuts, Butter Beans, California Blend, Cut Okra, Cut Stouffer's 8 Qt. Fruit Punch, Raspberry Ice, ItalianBurst Cut Green11.3Beans, low Squash 12 oz. Fruity, 12.Yel2lowoz.Corn,Yogurt oz. YelCrunch CE or Speckled Butter Beans

$ 22 Tyson Lemonade or Pink Lemonade

Vegetables . . . . . . . .

Loops, 12.20 oz. Apple Jacks or 15.30 oz. Smacks



8 Ct.

Flavorite $ 69 $ 6 ct.99 Kellogg'Fresh s Frozen $ $ 09 Fresh Frozen Corn on the Cob . . Big Roll White Eckrich Ice Cream Carolina Novelties . 7 oz. Pkg. FritoBakes Lay'sMunchiJohn e.s .Morrell Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg. . . . Armour . . 2.6 oz. Pkg. Frozen 16 oz. Pkg. Reg. Or Thick Vegetables . . . . . . . . .12. oz., Select12Varieties oz. Pkg. Baby Lima Beans 12-14.18-24 4 oz.ct.BoxAssorted Varieties Pride 4 oz. Pkg. or 8 ct. Roll Prints 13.75 oz . Buttermilk, Homestyle or Blueberry 4. 3 -9. 2 oz. Select Hamburger, Tuna or Chicken 1 lb. Bag 16-32 oz. Select Varieties Lunch 1 lb. Bag Jumbo Meat Gevalia Sliced Meat $ 29 Bar-S Turkey Tasty Popsicle Honey-Maid Everyday 12 oz. Rice Krispies 5 oz. Frosted Flakes $ Sparkle 04 EssentialSliced Freshor 10.Frozen $ 12 Fresh FrozenBetty Crocker $ 42 Ore-Ida $ 27 Nabisco 1 lb. Bag Mixed Vegetables or Sliced Carrots

Kellogg'Field s Peas W/Snaps

1 lb. Bag

Downy Liquid


10 ct. Awake or Zen


Golden Flake

Bounce Fabric

10 ct. Breakfast Blend, French Roast, House Blend, Pikes Place, or Sumatra

8 ct. Box Fresh Kellogg's

5 oz. Bag

80 ct. Outdoor Fresh, Fresh Linen or Free

Tazo K-Cup

Starbucks K-Cup


10 ct., 60 oz. Select Varieties

Capri Sun



Bounce Fabric



6 Pack, Excluding Sundae Cones


Frozen Treats . . . .

24 oz. Giant Loaf

Waffles ...........

8 ct. Chocolate Cupcakes, 10 ct. Twinkee, 10 ct. Chocolate Twinkee, 12 ct. Devil's Food Zingers, Vanil a Zingers, Raspberry Zingers, 12 ct. Ding Dongs or 8 ct. Cinnamon Coffee Cake

All Brands


11.25 oz. Powdered, 12.2 oz. Chocolate or 12.2 oz. Frosted Devil Food

Hostess Sweet 16 20 oz.

Food Depot Giant


Crystal Springs




40 ¢

All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles






All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles

50Coca-Cola......... oz. Select Varieties

Gain Liquid 4 Pack, 16 oz. Cans Monster Energy


Country Hearth 24 Pk., .5 liter Bottles


2 Liter Bottles


All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can

3.8-5.7 oz. Assorted

Knorr Lipton

10 ct. Fruit Punch or Surfer Clear

Capri Sun

1 oz. Bag

Golden Flake

1.28 oz. Fresh Linen or Outdoor Fresh

Juicy Juice

$ 73

8 PackPotatoes Select Varieties ... Frozen Frito Lay's

34 oz., 40 Use Select Varieties

Starbucks K-Cup

18 oz.

oz. Bag 52 Marie8Callender's

Brussel Sprouts . . . .

10 ct. Veranda

Kellogg's 12.6 oz.

28oz. Hearty 3 Meat or 24 oz. White Cheddar Mac

48 oz. Bottle Select Varieties

HINT: Duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages, all of which must be proven in court, are the cornerstones of successfully executing a personal injury case.

Center Cut Loin Pork Chops

$ 88

$ 27

or Flatbread ...............

Among the elements that a plaintiff must prove in order to successfully pursue a negligence claim is “proximate cause.” This term refers to the fact that the defendant is liable for negligence only if his carelessness directly caused the plaintiff harm. In some cases, proving “legal cause,” as it is otherwise known, may not be as cut and dried as a plaintiff may think. If so, the plaintiff’s lawyer must sift through the evidence to find relevant facts that support his or her client’s case. On top of that, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant owed him or her a legal duty of care, that the defendant acted unreasonably, and that the plaintiff suffered loss(es) as a result.

Spare Ribs .......

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012 | MyConnection 3

Fresh Ways to Enjoy Potato Classics

Recipe Connection

has a white flesh and white (someReds — Reds are widely known times light tan) skin. They are for their rosy red skin and white slightly dense and creamy, with a flesh. The moist, waxy flesh stays subtly sweet flavor. Their delicate, firm and flavorful through­out thin skins add just the right amount cooking, making it ideal for roastof texture to mashed potatoes withing. The slightly sweet, alwaysout the need for peeling. Grilling tender texture comple­ments any whites brings out a more fulldish, and the vibrant red skin adds bodied flavor; or use them appealing color and pizzazz to in soups and stews. potato salad, soups and stews. Yellows — This type boasts goldRussets — Russets are characteren skin and golden flesh. Grilling ized by a brown, netted skin and gives them a crispy skin, which white flesh. The delicate potato enhances the dense and buttery flavor and grainy texture of a texture, and gives them a slightly baked russet creates light and fluffy sweet, caramelized flavor. Their mashed potatoes and crispy pannaturally smooth texture also lends fried potatoes. itself well to lighter versions of baked or roasted potatoes. Whites — This potato Atlanta;Powers Htgall-purpose & A/C -Residential;B26360;3.5x2(b1)

Powers Heating & Air Mediterranean Mashed Potatoes

Spinach and Artichoke Heart Two Potato Casserole

Makes 8 servings Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 1 hour 30 minutes 1 pound red potatoes 1 pound Yukon Gold potatoes 1 1/4 cups vegetable broth or stock 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese 1 teaspoon garlic salt 4 ounces (1/3-less fat) cream cheese 4 ounces fat-free cream cheese 1 7.5-ounce jar marinated artichoke hearts, drained and chopped 1 6-ounce bag baby spinach, coarsely chopped 1/2 cup sliced green onions Preheat oven to 425°F and coat a 9-inch square baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Cut potatoes in half lengthwise. Place cut side down on a board and slice very thinly. Place in a large bowl and set aside. Heat broth, Parmesan, garlic salt, cheeses and artichoke hearts in a medium saucepan until cheeses are melted. Stir in spinach and cook until wilted. Stir mixture into potatoes with green onions, mixing well to coat potatoes as evenly as possible. Spread in prepared dish and bake for 30 min­utes. Cover loosely with foil and reduce tempera­ture to 375°F; cook for 1 hour more or until potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork. Quick Tip: To shave an hour off the cook time, boil potatoes for 5 minutes or until tender, then drain well. Prepare as directed above then bake at 425°F for 30 minutes.

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Makes 4 servings Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 10 to 13 minutes in Rebates* 1 1/4 pounds russet potatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes (best for ® light and fluffy mashed potatoes), or 1 1/4 pounds white on a qualifying Lennox Home Comfort System CN003367 NT. 8/24. LNX or red potatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes (best for creamier Offers expire 8/24/2012. *Rebate offer is valid only with the purchase of qualifying Lennox products. © 2012 Lennox Industries Inc. See your participating Lennox dealer for details. Lennox dealers include independently owned and operated businesses. mashed potatoes) 1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt 1/2 cup fat-free milk You CAN AFFORD Quality Dentures! 1 1/2 tablespoons heart-healthy buttery spread 1/4 teaspoon sea salt (or 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt) * Summer 1/2 cup reduced-fat Italian blend shredded cheese 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes, chopped 2 tablespoons snipped fresh basil Dealer-12Su-ODD-b1.indd 20 2 green onions, sliced 1 2.2-ounce can sliced ripe olives, drained OFF We make the most beautiful, Freshly ground pepper to taste FULL SET natural-looking smiles! Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add potatoes and cook for 10 OFF minutes or until tender; drain well. Transfer back to pot and mash SINGLE DENTURE well, then stir in yogurt, milk, buttery spread and salt. Gently stir (cannot be combined with any other offers) in remaining ingredients and cook for 2 to 3 minutes more to heat CALL NOW • 770-258-3991 • 1-800-640-1498 through.

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Roasted Fingerling Potato Salad with Lemon and Thyme Recipe created by Laura Bashar, Family Spice Makes 6 servings Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 20 to 25 minutes Cool time: At least 10 minutes Salad 1 1/2 pounds fingerling potatoes (mixed colors), cut into 1/2-inch circles 1 red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch cubes 1 red onion, cut into 1-inch cubes (do not separate layers) 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper Dressing 1/4 cup light or olive oil based mayonnaise 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil 2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon zest 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper Preheat oven to 425°F. Toss all salad ingredients together in a large bowl. Spread in a single layer on a large baking sheet and cook for 20 to 25 minutes or until potatoes start to brown. Let cool for at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk together all dressing ingredients in a medium bowl; toss with cooled vegetables. Serve at room temperature or chilled.

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6/7/12 3:

4 MyConnection | Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Health Connection

Acorn Crop Spurs Rising Concern of Lyme Disease

Coweta’s Greatest Generation

Limited Edition Hardcover Book

Published by


A little-known relationship between acorns and mice has set the stage for what may be one of the most severe tick seasons in recent years. As more people go outdoors to enjoy the warm weather, they could also be at a greater risk for tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Lyme disease is the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the U.S. Experts across a variety of fields have pinpointed the reason behind the increased risk – acorns. Jim Fredericks, an entomologist with the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), says that acorn abundance from budding oak trees gives rodents a jumpstart on breeding. And rodents, especially mice, happen to be the primary source of food for thirsty blacklegged tick larvae. Thus, we see a problematic circle of life. Since acorns fell at unprecedented rates in 2010, white-footed mice bred more heavily, and ticks feasted well. But a succeeding lull in acorns in 2011 means more ticks are waking up hungry in 2012 with fewer mice. The next easy targets are humans, walking through tall grass and playing outdoors. “Many of these nymphal ticks may potentially have contracted Lyme disease from feeding on infected mice as larvae,” said Fredericks. “These hungry ticks will soon be looking for another blood meal, which puts people at risk as they head outside to enjoy the weather.” Because Lyme disease can sometimes be difficult to diagnose, and not all people react in the same way, it’s important for anyone spending time outdoors to be vigilant about ticks. NPMA suggests the following tick prevention tips: ■

sheds, trees, shrubs and swing sets. Remove weeds, woodpiles and other debris. ■

Use tick repellent when outdoors, and wear longsleeved shirts and pants, preferably light in color so ticks are easier to detect. Use preventative medicine on pets, as prescribed by your vet. Once indoors, inspect clothing and entire body. Check family members and pets, too.

■ ■

Keep grass cut low, including around fences,

If you suspect a tick bite, seek medical attention. If you suspect a tick problem in your yard, consult a pest professional for treatment options.


Heritage School student missing; later found near Moreland


Coweta woman faces 29 counts of forgery

Man arrested on child molestation charges, released on bond


Suspect arrested, faces 13 counts in Coweta for auto break-ins


Traffic confusion: Yes, it’s legal to turn on red at Jefferson / Clark


Four arrested for dealing meth


Cancer Treatment Centers of America welcomes stakeholders


Car flips after overcorrecting on Coweta’s Hwy. 70


Is your internet service in jeopardy?


Authorities make several drug arrests

Your online source for News, Information and Advertising in Coweta County.

Your Local News. Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D

5 Sections, 58 Pages

Town Hall


Crane talks issues

Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A

147th year — Issue 124

Established 1865

Sunday, May 6, 2012

This award-winning series presented the stories of over 120 local men and women and was a favorite of readers young and old. Since the series ended, we have had countless requests to

If a tick is found attached, remove it with a slow, steady pull so as not to break off the mouthparts and leave them in the skin. Then, wash your hands and the bite thoroughly with soap and water. Place the tick in a locking sandwich bag, and write the date on the bag. This way, the tick can be tested if you have a bad reaction. Wrap in a tissue and flush down the toilet to completely dispose of the tick.

Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online last week (July 6 - 12) 2.

The Newnan Times-Herald spent over a year highlighting the stories of surviving local World World II veterans in a project called “Our Greatest Generation.”

— see page 8A

Newnan, Georgia

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536

$1.25 Sunday edition

Coweta’s Local Daily


New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room for error. It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours. procedure is going smoothly



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page ing of 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations

NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility

By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

Nowhere can you get more local news, information, and advertising about Coweta County than in The Newnan Times-Herald, delivered to you Wednesday through Sunday.


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We are pleased to announce the entire series has been published in a limited edition hardcover book with 288 pages that tell the stories and feature photographs of these proud men and women.

A collection of stories from Coweta County’s WWII Veterans and The Newnan Times-Herald

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012 | MyConnection 5


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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Reading 101 Continued from Page 1

For Younger Reader For Tween and Teen Readers (grades K to 6) n Read

out loud. Encouraging your children to read aloud will help develop their reading fluency and build their confidence as readers. For example, ask them to read recipe directions as they help you prepare a treat in the kitchen. If they make a mistake, gently point out overlooked letters or words read incorrectly. n Let them play. Games and activities played on electronic devices provide many opportunities to engage children with words and letters. Spelling games, word games and matching games can help children build reading proficiency and comprehension. Consider devices with learning games when purchasing a toy for a child. Instead of watching a movie in the car, consider audio books and CDs and DVDs with reading games. n Turn them into storytellers. Have your child read a book and then retell the story. If he or she has trouble, help by asking the five Ws: Who, What, Where, When and Why. n Hone their critical thinking skills. Success in reading isn’t just about decoding words, but also about comprehension. Help your children build critical thinking skills by asking them questions, such as what they think about something that happens in a story, if they have experienced something like that before, and other questions to help engage them in the story. Also, when they ask you questions, answer and then ask a follow-up question. n Turn a library visit into an adventure. Make an ordinary trip to the public library an adventure for your child by selecting a topic to research. For instance, set out to learn everything you can about your hometown, animals or space; or set out to answer a specific question. Many libraries also offer weekly classes that parents can attend with their child to encourage the love of reading. Simple activities such as these can increase a child’s understanding of sequencing, link reading to real-world activities, expand their vocabulary and feed their curiosity, all while building their interest in reading. Choosing Books A book that is too easy to read doesn’t help kids grow as readers, but books that are too difficult to read can be frustrating and discouraging. A simple rule of thumb for choosing an appropriate book is called the Five Finger Rule. Let your children pick out books that interest them. Have them read 100 words from the book, asking them to raise one finger for each word they don’t know, or are unsure of. If the child raises more than five fingers, the book is probably too difficult.

Saving Continued from Page 1 priorities. But the last tip may well be the biggest saver!

Pay yourself in advance. The average vacation costs the American family around $1600 and many charge this cost on credit cards. To pay a $1600 vacation off in minimum payments, will take 14 years and 9 months, and will actual cost you a whopping $3399 for your $1600 vacation! How much better to plan ahead for vacation. That $1600 vacation would require an auto deduct of only $135 per month from your paycheck to a vacation account. If you only have 6 months to prepare, $270 needs to be set aside. The point is simple — when vacation is over, you want its memories to remain for years, not its payments! Paying for your vacation in advance will allow you to take two vacations for what the cost of charging one on credit cards would be! To be sure, family vacations can be a great time for making memories. I hope these tips can help you focus even more on having fun because you have your vacation finances under control.

While younger children frequently read for fun, the voluntary reading rate tends to drop dramatically as they move through their teen years. A recent National Endowment of the Arts reading study found that while 54 percent of 9-year-olds read for pleasure, the number drops to 30 percent for 13-year-olds, and only 22 percent for 17-year-olds. Curley recommends that you encourage your teen or tween to read by finding activities that engage their unique interests and allow them to assert their own opinions. Here are some ideas to help tweens and teens rediscover the pleasure of reading: n Have them write. Teens can submit book reviews to sites such as www. This is a great way to combine reading, writing and critical thinking skills. Or, encourage them to write fan fiction, putting their own spin on a favorite book or genre, either as a written story or a video script version of a book. n Let them check out graphic novels. These aren’t the comic books you might have grown up with. There are some highquality titles available that deal with a wide range of subjects that will appeal to girls and boys and can be a great way to engage reluctant readers. n Look for book-to-film novels. If teens have seen the movie, they might be willing to read the book. If you read it too, then you can talk about the differences between the two versions such as what worked, what didn’t, why the filmmakers might have made certain changes, etc. n Find different reading materials. Magazines, newspapers, short stories and online articles can also help build a teen’s reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. If your teen has a particular interest, such as cars or sports, consider get-

ting them a magazine subscription. n Suggest a book club. Check your local library or bookstore to see if they have teen reading clubs. If not, encourage your teen to start one. They will be able to read what their friends are reading and can then have fun talking about it. Choosing Books There are a lot of middle grade and young adult books available. So many, in fact, it can be over-

whelming. Here are a few ways you and your teen can find something they will enjoy reading: n Start at the library. Librarians often showcase new and popular books in displays in the youth reading sections. Let your tween or teen explore the options and read a chapter or two to see what piques their interest. (If they find a series they like, consider buying the rest of the books for them.) There might be suggested teen reading lists on the library website, as well.

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Summer Reading Lists In addition to reading lists put together by your local libraries, you can find several good book lists online. n Reading Rockets ( provides book lists by theme, so if you want to find books about art, monsters, animals or science, you are covered. The website also provides book lists for parents of children with disabilities. n Reading is Fundamental ( provides book lists divided by age group, as well as a multicultural book list. n The Children’s Book Council ( offers lists for social studies and science books, books hot off the presses, and the Children’s Choices lists of books chosen by teams of children from across the country.

Solution to crossword on page 2.





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Drivers trucking


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Learn to drive for TMC Transportation! Earn $750 per week! No experience needed! Local CDL Training! Job ready in 3 weeks!


Delivery Drivers


Drivers trucking



MBM-Newnan, GA 1-3 Day Routes. Liftgate Deliveries. Avg. $60K 1st Yr. 401K, Medical, Dental, Life, Vacation, Weekly Hometime

OTR 10-14 days out. $1,000 Sign-on, Great Pay, Benefits! Haven't driven lately? No problem! CDL-A 1yr. exp. w/Clean MVR


Apply Now

Flatbed Drivers

12 drivers needed. Top 5 percent pay. 58 years stability. New KW conventionals. Two months CDL Class A driving experience.


CDL-A Experienced Drivers

Six months OTR experience starts at 32 cpm. Up to $5,000 signon bonus. New student pay and lease program.


Choose Your Home Time

From weekly 7 on / 7 off, 14 on / 7 off, full or part time. Daily pay. Top equipment. Requires 3 months recent experience.


Class A CDL Drivers

Are needed. Regional or OTR. 38-40 cpm. Paid orientation. Full benefits. $1,500 Sign On Bonus. Online Transport


Class A CDL Drivers

Regional or OTR 38-44 cpm. Paid orientation Paid from first dispatch Full benefits $1,500 Sign On. Frontier Transport


Company Drivers

$2,500 Sign-on bonus! Super Service is hiring solo and team drivers. A great Benefits Package. CDL-A required. Students welcome. Call:



Sudoku Solution

or apply online at:

Covenant Needs Drivers Now!

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Stop the Cycle! You could earn up to $750-$800/week! No CDL? 16-day training available. Don't miss this opportunity! Call now! North Georgia

Seek experienced OTR flatbed drivers, earn 50 to 55 cpm loaded. $1,000 sign on to qualified drivers. Home most weekends. Call:

1-843-266-3731 EOE

Get Home Weekends!

Drivers / flatbed, Class A, Southeast Regional, earn up to 39 cpm. One year OTR flatbed experience required. Sunbelt Transport

1-800-572-5489 Ext. 227

Great Home Time

Professional class A drivers, OTR tractor trailer, good pay, health insurance, 401k, paid vacation, a bonus package & equipment all in a small company atmosphere but backed up with large company benefits! Call Doug:


Home Weekends

For OTR flatbed drivers. Guarantee pay. Excellent pay & benefits. Owner / Ops welcome. Call today for details.

1-800-554-5661 Ext. 331

No Experience?

Class A CDL Driver training. We train and employ! Ask about our new pay scale. Experienced drivers also needed! Central Refrigerated


centraltruckdrivingjobs. com

OTR Drivers

Start up to 44 cpm, great home time. Great tarp pay. Flatbed training available.

1-800-441-4271 Ext. GA-100

OTR Positions


Up to 45 cpm. Regional runs available. 90 percent D&H, $1,000 - $1,200 experienced driver signon bonus. deBoer Transportation


South Georgia


Drivers Trucking



Owner / Ops Wanted

Southeast regional Class A CDL. All miles paid. Home weekends. FSC paid all miles. $1,500 Sign-on bonus. Frontier Transport



Tango Transport

Now hiring Regional OTR team. Top pay, plenty of miles, great home time. Family medical / dental, 401k, paid vacations.

Church Furniture

Does your church need pews, pulpit set, baptistery, steeple, windows? Big sale on new cushioned pews and pew chairs.


Mattress Set New Queen Pillow top $150



Life Agents

Earn $500 per day. Great agent benefits, commissions paid daily. Liberal underwriting, leads, leads, leads. Life insurance license required.




Airlines Are Hiring

Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call: Aviation Institute of Maintenance


From Home



Craftsman gas blower, excellent condition. $50


Book Shelf

A 6 ft. x 28 in. white, all wood book shelf. $20


CB Radio

Cobra CB Radio, Model 23 Plus, purchased in 2003 for motorhome, sold in 2004 and not used since. $35


Miscellaneous For Sale



A Christopher Lowell desk, traditional, beige / Bundle And cherry top, 65 in. L x 29 in. D x 31 in. W, great Save On your cable, internet, for computer, great phone and more. High- condition. Asking $199. speed internet starting 770-597-6389 at less than $20 per month. Call now.


High-Speed Internet

Is available anywhere! Free standard installation. No phone line required. Call now for special offer. Next day installation is available.

End Tables

Set of wooden tables. $50



Ext. 300N



Sofa & Loveseat

Burgundy and green, $150 for set.



Beautiful, green floral sofa with 3 cushions, 90-in. long, in very good condition. $100 OBO.

Swimming Pool

Don’t put that old chair in the attic, sell it in the classifieds!



TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Land & Lots For Sale


28 Wooded Acres

In Meriwether County. $2,100 / acre. Owner financing with $5,000 down, $450 / month.

Mobile Homes For Sale

Rent It Fast! 770-253-1576

Attention: Mobile Home Shoppers

New equity program. Guaranteed approvals! Doublewides and Singlewides. For more info call: 8 am - 6 pm

Nice 4 ft. x 15 ft. pool, complete with ladder, skimmer, vacuum and cover. Used 1 time. $100

1-800-694-7003 After 6 p.m. 1-478-456-6400

Clean 3 BR, 2 Bath Total electric apartment homes. Hogansville. Safe area. $650 / mo., $400 deposit.

3 Bedroom homes $500 / month. Also have a few fixeruppers selling cheap!

Newnan 3 BR, $875

24HR info: 770-253-2300 office: 770-683-4807

3 BR, 2 Bath

1.26 million Page Views monthly ••••• 10,250 Unique Visitors daily

770-454-6776 georgianewspaper service.html

Grantville 2 BR, $425 - $475 3 BR Homes, $750 -$925 Fayetteville 4 BR, 3 BA $1,250 Senoia 3 BR, 2 Bath, fenced $825

For Rent 2 BR, 1 BA $565 3 BR, 1 BA $695

Need an audience to advertise your company to?

Advertise your vacation property to more than 1 million Georgia newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in over 100 Georgia newspapers for only $350.




Vacation Property

Sale or Rent


Homes For Rent-Unfurn.

Vacation Rentals


It’s the place Coweta goes to for news, events and classifieds.

Find It! Sell It! Buy It! 770-253-1576

770-583-8864 or 770-301-8786

Churchill Park Subd. off 34 Bypass. Great room with FP, large kitchen, yard maint. included, private fenced backyard. Non-smoking, no pets. $975 / month 770-573-4366

ManufacTUREd Homes For Rent


2 BR, 1 Bath

3 BR, 1 Bath

Powers Crossroads area. $120/week, $450 move in. Range, refrigerator, DW, Central H/A.

On 3 acres. Central Heat and Air, in Northgate school district. $795 / month.






Just type “Bargain Ad” in subject line

Place your FREE, 1-day ad for USED merchandise priced at $200-or-less. The line ad will publish in The Newnan Times-Herald, and MyConnection on Wednesday. Simply fill out the below form and mail it, fax it or drop it off. Or you can email it. Deadline: Friday at noon.

Private party ads only. Price must be included in the ad. One (1) item or set per ad, per household each week. Phone number must be in all ads. No pets or garage sales.

Bargain Buys Coupon Form NAME



Yard Sale Special! 6 lines • 3 days $29.85


Mail to: Bargain Buys, The Newnan Times-Herald, P.O. Box 1052, Newnan, GA 30264 or drop off form at our front desk – 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan.



Homes For Rent-Unfurn.





Need some fast cash?

600 700

Apts For Rent unfurnished


Comfortable sofa/bed. $100 OBO.


From only $3,997. Make, save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free info / DVD.




High School Diploma Get a diploma, get a job. 6-8 weeks, accredited. Free brochure. Benjamin Franklin High School

ATV Tires




Set of 4, 23x8x12, 4 lug pull offs, like new. Asking $175.



Bargain Buys $200-or-less

Wednesday, July 18, 2012 | MyConnection 7

Service Directory




concrete service, llc

“When we leave....’s finished!”

slabs • patios sidewalks • driveways

pool decks tear out

/ replace


Jerry Dorough

CONCRETE SPECIALIST LICENSED & INSURED Concrete Repairs & Replacement Slabs Driveways Sidewalks Patios Pool Decks Curbs & Gutters


30 years in business!

Exposed Aggregate or Pebble Finish Concrete Specialist

Call for a FREE Estimate! Gene King





Home Improvement

Home Improvement

Home Improvement

Energy GUTTERS j.n. construction Electric GUTTERS

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all types of home improvement

Electrical Service & Repair licensed and insured 15 years experience

2 year warranty on all work




Home Improvement

Lawn & Landscaping

Lawn & Landscaping


Coweta Landscaping & Design

free estimates

senior & veteran discounts

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Serving Coweta County for over 42 years! Thousands of satisfied customers! Top-Quality materials and excellent workmanship at fair prices!

newnan home improvement 161 hillwood Circle, newnan

no job too small 25 years experience licensed | insured


Sod Installation & Grass Seed Full Service Grass Cutting Retaining Walls Wall Blocks Drain Resolutions & Pipes Brick Pavers Bobcat Work Clearing & Grading Tree Removal Sprinkler Systems & Repairs

aliminum seamless gutters

• painting • replacement windows • basement finishing • decks porches • home repairs • remodeling • siding



vinyl replacement windows

all your roofing needs

Casey Sapp office: 770-214-1190 cell: 404-824-8065

Home Improvement


free estimates

local financing




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To advertise in The Newnan Times-Herald Service Directory, please call 770-253-1576.

Tree Services

2971-PR-STWN TimesHerUsed.pdf



8 MyConnection | Wednesday, July 18, 2012









4:34 PM

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