MyConnection for Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Page 1

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

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Snack Sense

W How to satisfy cravings and still eat right

inside Pop Up Healthier Snack Recipes ➤


50 things to do this summer

hen was the last time you ate three meals in a day? What was the last snack you had? If you can answer the snack question faster than you can answer the meals question, it’s not surprising. Today’s on-the-go, 24/7 lifestyle has created a nation of snackers. In fact, about half the nation eats fewer than three meals in a day, according to a survey. Instead, people average two meals and three snacks in a 24-hour period. And no matter how healthconscious people are, more than two-thirds (69 percent) of people are snack­ing on what they want vs. foods with the nutrients they need. The good news is, that if you do it right, snacking can help you satisfy your cravings and give your body what it needs.

Snack Attacks Snacks can help boost your energy in between meals and keep you from eating too much when you do sit down for those meals. But not everyone is snacking wisely. Nearly half (48 percent) of those surveyed said they would be more embarrassed to tell people what they snacked on during the last week than reveal how much they weigh. Banishing enjoyable snacks

altogether, however, may just increase your cravings. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says it’s ok to give in to cravings when looking at the total diet or overall pattern of food eaten. The organiza­tion says all foods can fit into a healthy eating pattern if consumed in modera­tion with appropriate portion size and regular physical activity. Making some smart substitutions and indulging in the occasional treat can go a long way toward helping you stick to your healthy eating goals. (See sidebar, “What are you hungry for?” for substitution tips.)

Become a Fan of Fruit The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says that reaching for fruit can help satisfy a sweet tooth at the same time it gives you nutrients like vitamins A and C, folate, potassium, fiber and phytonutrients. Here are some delicious fruit snack ideas: n Fruit pops: Freeze pureed fruit or juice in ice cube trays or paper cups with wooden sticks. Try mango, papaya, apricots or orange juice. n Fruit mix: Mix dried fruits in a zip-top bag: apple slices, apricots, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, pear slices and raisins.


Need an idea to entertain your kids, out-of-town visitors or yourself during the summer months? Well, look no further. Through August, The Newnan-Times Herald will give you some great ideas for family fun!

a guide to activities and destinations

ATLANTA Centennial Olympic Park Downtown Atlanta’s gathering place is Centennial Olympic Park, the lasting legacy to the 1996 Summer Olympic Games. This 21-acre park boasts a variety of free, fun-filled family entertainment throughout the year. This summer, Music @ Noon is the lunchtime getaway with live music from Noon to 1 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. Atlanta’s longest-running free concert series – Wednesday WindDown – again returns every Wednesday from 5:30 to 8 p.m. featuring jazz to contemporary music. Another favorite dots the schedule – Fourth Saturday Family Fun Day. Each fourth Saturday of the month, an afternoon of themed family fun begins at Noon with interactive, entertaining and educational activities for children. Centennial Olympic Park is located at 220 International Blvd., in Atlanta. It is open daily from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Admission to the park is free. Call 404-223-4412 or visit

CONYERS Georgia International Horse Park Fairs, festivals, equestrian and sporting events, concerts, car shows, rodeos, mountain bike races and more... the world-class, multi-use Georgia International Horse Park has it all. Located only 28 miles east of Atlanta in charming Conyers, this complex is open for a multitude of events year-round. The park’s sprawling 1,400 acres also boasts amenities such as miles of trails for cycling or horseback riding, the Big Haynes Nature Center, the acclaimed Cherokee Run Golf Course and a luxurious suites hotel. Of course, the Horse

MainStreet Newnan Market Days

Park served as the equestrian venue for the largest sporting event in the world: The 1996 Centennial Olympic Games. The Georgia International Horse Park is located at 1996 Centennial Olympic Parkway in Conyers. For information and events, call 770-860-4190 or visit

NEWNAN MainStreet Newnan Market Days If you like shopping in an outdoor setting, then MainStreet Newnan Market Days is the place for you. With the lovely downtown Square as the backdrop, shoppers can choose from handmade, homemade or homegrown products of vendors from Coweta County and surrounding areas. Market Days take place on the first Saturday of every month in downtown Newnan from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admis-

sion is free. Call 770-253-8283 or visit

Newnan Theatre Company Newnan Theatre Company has been providing live entertainment in downtown Newnan for over 30 years. With a full season of 10 shows, NTC is a busy and active theatre. Additionally, it offers youth programming, an improvisational comedy group (NITWITS), interactive murder mysteries, special events, and summer and holiday theatre camps for children. The 2012-13 season runs from August to May and includes popular plays such as Fiddler on the Roof (Aug. 30 - Sept. 9), A Christmas Carol (Dec. 6-16), The Producers (March 1424) and Driving Miss Daisy (April 1121). The KidsCamp takes place in 1/2 day or full day sessions from early June through July as campers participate in

➤ SEe 50 Things, PAGE 2

Go to to see 50 Things To Do This Summer!

Why the Sun’s Rays Raise our Spirits One reason we all feel happier when the sun's shining is because it's quite literally doing us good. Sunlight is our biggest source of vitamin D — essential for healthy bones — and a daily dose enhances your immune system, encourages healthy circulation and increases the brain's production of the feel-good hormones, endorphins and serotonin. Getting enough sunlight during the day can also help us sleep better at night as it results in increased melatonin, enhancing restful sleep and slowing down the aging process. Sunlight even helps to balance out your hormones and can work towards relieving the symptoms of PMS! Of course, how long we spend sunning ourselves varies from person to

person and the amount of time you need to spend in the sun for your skin to make enough vitamin D depends on a number of factors. These include your skin type, for example how dark your skin is or how easily you get sunburnt, the time of year and the time of day. Short daily periods of sun exposure without sunscreen on summer days — between 11am and 3pm — are enough for most people to make enough vitamin D. But be warned — a short period in the sun means a matter of minutes: about 10 to 15 minutes for most people, and is less than the time it takes you to start going red or burn. The larger the area of your skin that


2 MyConnection | Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Coweta School System orientation All Coweta County Schools August 3 Middle Schools 10:00 a.m.-Noon Elementary Schools Noon-2:00 p.m. High Schools 2:00-4:00 p.m. Parents and students are welcome to visit schools for orientation Friday, Aug. 3, but teachers will not be available for formal conferences. Info: 770-254-2801

Market Day

Historic Downtown Newnan August 4 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The best home-grown, homemade or handmade products this side of Atlanta with over 60+ vendors! Stroll the streets of downtown and discover unique products. Info: 770-253-8283

Pickin’ on the Square

Historic Courthouse Square August 4 11:00 a.m. All musicians are invited to come down to Newnan’s Historic Courthouse Square and play. All music genres and skill levels are welcome. Acoustic only. Info: 770-253-8283

Down To Earth Organic Association

915 Hwy. 16 E., Newnan August 7 7:00 p.m. If you live in or around Coweta County and are interested in organic gardening, check into this award winning group. Members at all stages of gardening from beginners to veterans. There is something to learn from everyone. Info: 770-252-3030



91º 70º


91º 70º


91º 70º


91º 70º

For Summertime

1. Like smell of burning rubber, e.g. 6. Known for its brown trucks 9. *Given name of Russian Gymnast who competed in 1970s 13. "The Red Badge of Courage" author 14. Cul de ___ 15. Landowner 16. It fits into a mortise 17. Ostrich-like bird 18. "Or else" in music 19. *"_______, Higher, Stronger" 21. *Boxing weight class 23. A great distance U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso 24. Suite cleanerU.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected 25. Comes from pine tree Boneless Pork 28. Italian currency, pl. 30. Type of deodorant lb. lb. Summer’s here – the sun is shining stresses of the day. Keep it cool, 35. William Simmons was a founder U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin huesoand it’s time to relax. U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad Drifting off to quiet and free from distractions. of this infamous group U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh While room lights, TV, U.S.D.A. Select Beef sleep when the heat and humidity 37. Piece of metal covered by leather lb. kick in can actually more computers and other electronics Wholebeor Half Boneless and used for hitting illuminate our worlds well beyond difficult than it sounds, especially 32. Glowers or frowns lb. de bistec de la carne de cuete lb. DOWN 39. Not a soul U.S.D.A. selecto nightfall and give us the ability to for people who don’t have air U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh 33. Beginning of illness Claxton Fresh 1. Parts of play Salchicha ahumado, 48 onzas 40. Hipbones stay active after dark, scientists conditioning. Bocados refrigerantes de almuerzo, 11 onzas Tocino rebanado, 16 onzas 34. Always demanding11attention oz. 2. *a.k.a. rowing 48 oz. 16 oz. Maintaining a cool bedroom are now contemplating how this 41. On a cruise 36. Victim of nervous biting Oscar Mayer exposure to light might 3. Hindu temperature is just one of many Fresh princessFourstar 43. Dante'sHormel Beatrice, e.g.U.S.D.A. Inspected Claxtonprolonged Fresh 38. Villain's rival Smoked Sausage......... Fun Pack Lunchables Sliced Bacon................... ways the National Sleep Foundation 4. __ and out; on and ___ Farmland, 5 Lb. Box interfere with our bodies’ naturally44. A mood disorder 42. Central Pacific greeting Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas programmed sleep patterns. In (NSF) recommends people can getRib Portions Salchichas rojos picantes, 14 onzas Salchicha picante o suave fresco, 16 onzas ea. Pork Back 46. *Sprinting and long jumping great 5. Relating to teeth Porciones de trasera de la costilla de cerdo, caja de 5 libras 14 oz. 45. Pause in breathing,16pl. 14 oz. oz. Market Style Hot or Mild other words, computers, cell phones a better night’s sleep. Here are a 6. Substance abuser 47. Spawned Fourstar Butterball 49. Socialist, abbr. Sunset Farms U.S.D.A. and work assignments should be few other strategies from the Inspected NSF Pork medalist tennis star 48. *Most-decorated gold medalist Hots........................ Turkey Smoked Sausage. 7. * _ Shriver, goldRed Fresh Sausage............... 51. Idiot ______ Baby Back out of sight. report “Recommendations for aRibs............. lb. 8. Aqua-lung Salchicha fresco de enlaces pequeños o tortas, 10 onzas U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras de cerdo 50. Thick, messy substances Tocino de pavo rebanado, 12 onzas ahumado, 16 onzas Have a backup plan: Lessen the Healthy Sleep”: 54. Interior designer'sSalchicha concern oz. 9. Kiln for drying 10 hops oz. Links or Patties 52. Wilbur's12home Package pressures of trying to fall asleep Make your day workU.S.D.A. forInspected, you: Any Size 56. Waste water pipe 16 oz. Butterball Farmsstar, Sunset Farms Center Cut Loin 10. *Gold medalistSunset and WNBA 53. Connecting point Morning exposure to sunlight, daily by selecting a calming activity 57. Smiley face Sliced Turkey Bacon....... ____ Leslie Fresh Sausage............... Chops..................... Smoked Sausage......... lb. you’re not 55. ___-been exercise and a consistentPork routine of that’s right for you. If U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño 58. *It represents a continent 11. Sinister 57. *Ancient Olympia site sleepy, simply get out of bed and going to bed and waking up at the 59. Looker or ogler do something relaxing in dim light. same time will help program your 12. Dental group 60. *Decathlon event 60. Sudden impact body to wind down when it’s time Return to bed only when you are 15. *2012 Olympics site 64. One of Indian languages 61. Like a tatting product to sleep. Calming activities, such as sleepy. "Fear Flying" author Jong 65. Pigeon call Pechuga deHomestyle pollo de freír sin piel sin hueso fresco U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de filete lomo deof cerdo sin 62. Irritates 14 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 9 oz. Sweet Talk to your doctor if leisure reading, will also help you hueso entero fresco 22. On ___ 67. Fully informed or 10 oz. Hot Dog, 4.9 oz. Blueberry or 4.86 oz. Strawberry 7.5 oz. Microwaveable Cup, Select Varieties 63. No kids or empty ____ Ajax Pechuga de pollo de freír sin piel sin huesopersists: fresco U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de filete de lomo de cerdo sin sleeplessness Sometimes relax and ease the transition into Dill or Sweet 24 oz. or Frosted Cinnamon hueso entero 24.fresco Stuffed in a bottle? 68. "Dressed to the _____" 64. *Bermuda and Iraq each previously deeper sleep. Chef Boyardee lifestyle changes and behavioral Hunt's Vlasic COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, 25. Pinch to save Kellogg's Pop•Tart * OUR won 69. Pooh's wise friend this many Olympic medals Create a sleep sanctuary: Dim approaches are not enough to Ketchup Relish AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES * OUR 66. COST FREIGHT, STOCKING 27.6 FEES, oz. Regular, Butter Maple or Lite 70. *Medal holders 26. Muslim God Be INCLUDES in debt lights in the evening to tell your correct the issue. A variety of nonAND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES Hungrythe 14.5-15 oz. Can, Select Varieties Jack bedtime is approaching and habit-forming, over-the-counter 71. Short for engineer 27. Founding Father Thomas body 20.3-22 oz., Select Varieties Chef Boyardee on Page 5 72. Soak a fiber, e.g. 29. Officer training program Solution sleep in a dark room. Your bedroom (OTC) medications are available to Kellogg's 73. Rendezvous 31. Bausch's partner © StatePoint Media should be a sanctuary from all the treat occasional sleeplessness. 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties 1 Ct. 1.4-2 oz., Select Varieties 8 Pk. 5-6 oz., Select Varieties 5.5 oz. Spiral 1 oz. Hunt's Hershey's Standard Frito-Lay's Pam 12 oz. Spicy Brown Squeeze Golden Flake Kraft Macaroni

Eye of Round Steak



$$ 95 95 $ 15 Pork Loin 2 $ 89 1

Tender Tips...........

Pork Ham..................

Boneless Skinless


$ 94

99 $$ 99

OUR COST PP LL U U SS 10 10 % %



¢ ADDED AT REGISTER! ¢ Dish Soap . . . . . 86



90 2 $ 36 ¢ ¢ ¢ Syrup . . . . . . . . . 2 90 85 $ 29 Pasta W/Meat . . . . 94 Pop•Tarts . . . . . 2 ¢ ¢ $ 59 $ 65 $ 09 Tomatoes . . . . . . 90 Candy Bars . . . . . . 54 Cooking Spray . . . 2 Crackers . . . . 1 Assorted Chips . 4/$1 ¢ & Cheese Dinner . 1 Mustard . . . . . . . 94 $ 20 ¢ $ 12 Tomatoes . . . . . . 92¢ Asst. Flavor Chips $139 Giant White Bread $119 Peanut Butter . . . 2 Munch . . . . . . . . . . 82 ¢ * Cheese Blue Box REGISTER! . 1 OUR COST PLUS 10% AT or PuddingADDED . . . . 89 $ 21 ¢ Macaroni & Cheese $118 Tomatoes . . . . . . 1 Pudding or Gelatin 90 ¢ $ 19 ¢ Tomato Sauce 70 ¢ $ 06 Salmon Pouch . . . 94 Macaroni & Cheese 1 12 93 ¢ ¢ ¢ Tuna Pouch . . . . . 96 or Pasta Roni . . 91 Giant White Bread 99 $ 88 Side Dishes . . . . . . 99¢ Snack Cakes . . . . . . 1 3 ¢ ¢ $ 25 or Hot Dog Buns 98 $ 50 $ 50 Chunk White Tuna 96 Cooking Oil . . . . . 3 White Buns . . . . . . 1 Donettes . . . . . . . . . 1 3 2 ¢ $ 59 $ 25 Manwich . . . . . . . . 92 Microwave Popcorn 1 or Hot Dog Buns 1 CenterChops Cut Loin Fresh Boneless Smoked Pork Ground Beef Ribeye Steak Picnic 31 $ Pork 68 Chops$ 75 Ground Beef Ribeye $Steak Picnic Paper Towels . . 6 Mixed Nuts . . . . . 3 Asst. Flavor Chips 2 $ 95 ¢ 27 95 $ $$ 31 98 $ $ 1295 ¢ $ 96 92 $ 95 $6 98 $ $ 27 Cat Food . . . . 11 Base .. 1 lb. lb.Pumps . . . . . . 91 Cheetos or Fritos lb. lb. ADDED $ 29 Pasta AT W/Meat REGISTER! ....

Mini Crisps . . .



3.5 oz. Box Caramel or Buttery Toffee

13-16.3 oz., Select Varieties

Peter Pan


10 oz. Can, Tomatoes & Green Chilies, Chili Fixins or Diced Chilies

7.25 oz.

1.5-6 oz., Select Varieties

Jell-O Gelatin

5 oz.

24 oz.

Golden Flake

Kraft Macaroni &


5.5 oz., Shapes, Spongebob or Phineas & Ferb

10 oz. Can, Mild Diced W/Green Chilies


Country Hearth

*Our cost includes freight, 4stocking fees, and Ct., 13 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties Rotel Kraftassociated expenses.

Hunt's Snack Pack Please visit our website:!

32 oz. Jar


Grape Jelly or Jam

10.5 oz. Honey Sunshine

Kashi Cereal . .

2.6 oz. Boneless

5.5 oz. Veggie or 7.25 oz. Premium Thick & Creamy or 3 Cheese

2.5 oz. Premium Lite

3.8-7.2 oz., Select Varieties

Chicken of the Sea

Fresh Any Size Package


Bath Tissue

14.2-16 Lb., Select Varieties

Meow Mix



3 Lb.


12 oz. Lean

Flavorite Ground SpreadChuck Bowl Patties Margarine Fresh

Essential Everyday

Breakfast Steak American

$ 459

1$ 292 2


$Patties92 $ Chuck 99 lb.



Jumbo Meat

Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.

Great Franks.....

4 Pk. 16 oz. Strawberry Dogs.......... Dannon

99 97

Salchichas de carne enorme, 16 onzas

Salchichas pequeños, 12 onzas 12 oz. Pkg.

Little ¢ Hormel Kunzler Meat ¢ Sizzlers..... 12 oz. Pkg. Thick Sliced

Bologna. Dannon

99¢ . 83 Makers.......

6 Pk. Strawberry Salchichas or Raspberry pequeños,

Gran salchichas,

Bar-S Meat Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.

Lunch Bologna.. 7.5 oz.



$ erMeat 77 Kunzl


Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.

12 oz. Pkg. Thick Sliced

Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.

Gran salchichas, 16 onzas


7.3 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties


Pourable Dressing

9.75 oz.

Soft Soap


Boloña de carne rebanado grueso, 12 onzas

Smoked Sunset Farms

8 oz. Bottle Select Varieties

Frito-Lay's Frito-Lay's


oz., Select Varieties 4 Pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle U.S.D.A. Select 11.8-16 Beef

Full Cut Boneless Flavorite

$Boneless 29 Parkay or Fleischmann's

1/2 Gallon Whole

$ 19

Fresh Country CubedDelite

Spread . . . . . . . . Pork Chocolate .. Round Steak Biscuits . . . . .Sirloin Steak Cuttlets Milk Gallon U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Quart Fresh

Country Delite Boneless lb. 1/2 Gallon

Dairy Fresh Cubed Dutch Farms

Country Delite

8 oz.

16 oz. Chunk Cheese or Shredded Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.1/2 Gallon Cheddar or Mozzarella Country Delite

Mama Rosa 5.75 oz. Pkg.

Single Essential Everyday Essential Everyday

Little 59 oz. ctn.

16 Pizza oz. Singles sola de


Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.

Bizcochos y salchicha, contenido 20

Tennessee Pride 20 ct. Pkg.

Tennessee Pride 12 oz. Pkg.

12 oz. Pkg.


John Morrell Gallon, Assorted Flavors

Ham or Turkey 2 oz.

Music City

Sweet Brewed Tortas de salchicha, 12 onzas

Salchicha, 12 onzas

12 oz. Pkg.


Pavo o jamón, 2 onzas



Bizcochos y salchicha, Red Diamond contenido 20

Enorme salchichas de carne, 16 onzas

1 Lb.

Cajas de bocado de almuerzo refrigerantes, 2.4 onzas

Dutch Farms

Sausage &

Gallon, Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango Enorme salchichas de carne, 16 onzas

Pizza sola de 5.75 onzas

Oscar Mayer Ham or Turkey 2 oz.

Tennessee Pride 20 ct. Pkg.

Jumbo Meat

Mama Rosa 5.758 oz. oz. Swiss Pkg. or Provolone


16 oz.


Chocolate Coca-Cola......... Salchicha, All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles 12 onzas

Flint River Canoe, Kayak or Rafting Trips

Tomatoes ...

Roma Fresh


Tomatoes ...




¢ lb.

¢ lb.


Grapes........ Red






Coca-Cola......... 32 Oz. Bottles

Assorted Flavors

2 Liter Fanta Flavors, Mello-Yello, Mr. Pibb, Powerade......... Barq's, Seagram's, Nestea Or Minute Maid


Monster Energy 16 Oz.


2 85¢ $ 21 1

All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles

$ 58 lb.

Coca-Cola......... 32 Oz. Bottles

Powerade......... Monster Energy 16 Oz.



124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263 MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

. Main St Gr ei



Tr a



¢ $ 40 99 6 $ 72 ¢ 2 97 ¢ 85 ¢ $99 21 1 $ 72

All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles Coca-Cola.........

Assorted Flavors



Coca-Cola......... All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles

$ 58


Tortas de salchicha, 12 onzas


All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can Drinks...............



Tennessee Pride 12 oz. Pkg.

All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can

2 Liter Fanta Flavors, Mello-Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's, Seagram's, Nestea Or Minute Maid



$ 19 2 1 1 $ 80$ 95 $ 58 $ 39 25 $ 33 $ n' Half . . . . . . 2 Orange Juice . . . . 2PorkHalf1 Asst. Cheese . . . 1 Round Steak Cuttlets 3¢Steak Sirloin 4 $ 12 $ 69 $ $$89 25 $ 33 95 French Onion Dip . . 1 ..... 1 843 lb.Swiss Cheese . . . 14Buttermilk 1 lb. lb. ¢ ¢ 67 ¢ $ 99 Whole Buttermilk ¢ $199 French Onion Dip$ . 64 99 Pizzas......Asst. Cheese94. . 2Franks........ 95 Biscuits.... 4 $ 70 99 Meat Drinks . . . . . . . . ¢ 1 Sausage & ¢¢ Single Natural Slice Cheese ¢ $1Jumbo $ 67 99 Pizzas...... 94¢ Franks........ 95¢ Biscuits.... $ 494 1 78 Oscars 72 $Sausage... $ Patties........ 26 29 Fruit Ade99 . . . . . . 1 American Cheese . . 2 $ ¢ 50 Sausage $ 12 John Morrell Little $ 94 ¢ ¢ $ 81Patties........26 18 Delite . . 99 1 782 Oscars Spread Quarters72. . . . $1Sausage... ....... 1 97 U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Select Varieties Select Varieties Boloña de carne rebanado regular

¢ 1 97¢ Bologna. 1 . 8382 Dogs.......... Makers....... 16 onzas Danimals Crush

Hostess Sweet Sixteen

Sunset Farms

10-10.5 oz.

o grueso, 16 onzas Smart Balance Dole 5.75 onzas Essential Everyday Cajas de bocado de almuerzo Boloña de carne rebanado grueso, Pavo o jamón, refrigerantes, 2.4 onzas Juice Blends Danimals Drink12 onzas Spreadable Butter 2 onzas Oscar Mayer 12 onzas

Wonder Classic

11 11

8-10.3 oz. Can, Select Varieties

Boloña de carne rebanado regular o grueso, 16 onzas

16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced

11.25 oz. Powdered or 12.2 oz. Chocolate or Frosted Devils Food

8 Ct. Hamburger or Hot Dog

Food Depot Center CutHamburger Loin U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless

Essential Everyday



Food Depot Hamburger

Full Cut Boneless Chobani Greek Yogurt lb. 8 oz. Chunk

lb.16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced ¢ Bar-S Meat


12 oz. Pkg.

Little ¢ Hormel Sizzlers.....

Salchichas de carne enorme, 16 onzas

Carolina Pride 16 oz. Pkg.




8 Pk.

6 oz.U.S.D.A. ctn. Select Beef 8 oz. Chunk or Shredded Select Varieties Essential Everyday

Cheese Fresh Singles Lean Breakfast Steak lb.


14.38 oz. Chocolate Cupcakes, 15.16 oz. Cloud Cakes, 3.8-5.7 oz., Assorted Flavors 17 oz. Cocoa Creme Cakes or 13 oz. Cinnamon Streusel Cakes Lipton

4.65-11.57 oz., Select Varieties U.S.D.A. Inspected 12 Pk. Fresh Boneless

Boneless Orville Redenbacher's U.S.D.A. Select Beef

6 Big Roll White Pick-A-Size or 8 Roll White


Food Depot


1 7 1 7

12 Double Roll or 12 Double Roll Ultra Plush

20 oz.

48 oz. Canola or Corn

U.S.D.A. Select Beef


Pasta Sauce

Little Debbie

13.1 oz. Go Lean, 12 oz. Heart to Heart Original or Cinnamon, 13.8 oz. Go Lean Crunch, 15 oz. Go Lean 5 oz. In Water Crunch, 10.3 oz. Indigo Morning, 10.5 oz. Simply Maize, Kellogg's Cereal . . . . 15 oz. Go Lean Crisp Berry or Crisp Cinnamon Crumble, Chicken of the Sea 14.1 oz. Crunchy Golden Nut, 10.8 oz. Crunchy Roasted Nut, 14 oz. Go Lean Honey Almond Flax, Crisp Cinnamon or Crisp Berry, 13.4 oz. Heart to Heart Blueberry or 15 oz. 18.7 oz. Raisin Bran, 13.4 oz. Crunchy Caramel Nut Flakes Honey Almond Flax $ 70 or 14.5 oz. Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond $ 10 Kellogg's Cereal . . . . . Kashi Cereal . . . 15 oz. Original or Thick & Chunky or 16 oz. Bold Any Size Package




Mini Wheats Lit le Bites Cinnamon Roll, 15.5 oz. Bite Size Mini Wheats Maple, Strawberry or Blueberry, 18 oz. Frosted Bite Size Mini Wheats or 18 oz. Mini Wheats Big Bite $ 27

24 oz. Can Select Varieties

15 oz. Can


or Touch Fruit, 15.2 oz. Mini Chicken of the Sea $ 45 15Wheatoz.sBiLittelSie zBieteMis nOrii Wheatginal, Raspberry Chocolate or Cinnamon Roll, 15.8 oz.


Call 706-647-2633 or visit www.flintriveroutdoorcenter. com

1 $ 48 1

$ 95

4 1 Boneless Skinless$660 Fryer Breast $ 37 $ 49Fryer Breast$ 35 1 2 3 $ 78 $ 38 $ 99 2 2 1 OUR COST

Whole Boneless Pork Loin3

tion, call 770-683-6282 or visit

The peaceful and easy-flowing Flint River provides the perfect setting for canoe, kayak, or rafting trips. The Flint River Outdoor Center hosts 1/2-day, 1-day and 2-day trips ranging from 5 to 20 miles in length. Camping is also an option, from primitive to RVs. The Outdoor Center is located 8 miles west of Thomaston on Hwy. 36. Hours vary during the week. Cost of trips range from $45 to $300.

3 $ 55 3

$ 65

$ 99

$ 57


designing and building sets, writing skits, creating characters and putting on a show. The Newnan Theatre Company is located at 24 1st Avenue in Newnan. For more informa-

Sirloin Tip Roast..

Whole Boneless

Jumbo Meat

Continued from Page 1

Swiss Steak...........

$ 42

Carolina Pride 16 oz. Pkg.

50 Things

Great Sleep Tips



ing Cen

e Shopp

East Gat




Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

Prices Effective July 30, 2012 Through August 5, 2012. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 | MyConnection 3


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4 MyConnection | Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Recipe Connection

Cranberry Almond Popcorn Muffins

Yield: 12 muffins 5 cups popped popcorn 1 1/2 cups flour 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup dried sweetened cranberries 1 cup milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1/4 cup sugar mixed with 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cup sliced almonds Preheat oven to 400°F. Spray a 12-cup muffin pan with cooking spray or line with paper liners; set aside. Blend popcorn in blender or food processor until finely ground. Pour ground popcorn into large mixing bowl. Add flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and cran­berries and stir until blended; set aside. Beat milk, egg, oil and almond extract together and pour over dry ingredients; stir just until combined. Spoon batter into muffin cups, filling each about half full. Divide almonds among muffin tops and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake 15 to 18 minutes or until tops are lightly browned; serve warm with butter.

Glazed Lemon and Poppy Seed Popcorn

Cheesy Popcorn Yield: 10 cups 2 tablespoons garlic flavored oil or vegetable oil 1/2 cup popcorn kernels 1 tablespoon melted butter, optional 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast (found at health food stores, it adds a cheese-like flavor without the calories or fat) 1 teaspoon curry powder, optional In large, heavy-bottomed pot (with a lid), place oil and about 3 popcorn kernels. Heat over medium-high heat until a kernel pops. Add remaining popcorn; cover. Once corn begins to pop, shake pot constantly over heat. When popping slows, remove pot from heat and transfer popcorn to a serving bowl. Pour butter over popcorn, if desired, and toss. Sprinkle yeast and curry powder, if desired, over popcorn and toss to distribute evenly. Serve immediately or store in an air-tight container.

Yield: 4 quarts 4 quarts unbuttered and unsalted popcorn 1 egg white 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon lemon extract 2 teaspoons lemon zest 1 teaspoon poppy seeds Preheat oven to 300°F. Line large, rimmed baking sheet with parch­ment paper (or foil sprayed with cooking spray). Spread popcorn onto prepared baking sheet. In small bowl, whisk together egg white, sugar, salt and lemon extract until foamy. Pour over pop­corn and toss to coat evenly. Sprinkle with poppy seeds; mix. Bake 20 minutes, stirring once midway through baking time. Cool completely before storing in an airtight container. Note: The use of egg white helps the flavors adhere to the popcorn, without adding fat through the more traditional use of oils.

Power Packed Popcorn Cookies Yield: 4 dozen cookies 1/4 cup whole wheat or all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter, softened 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup toasted wheat germ 1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 cup flaked coconut 3 cups popped popcorn 1 cup raisins, dried cranberries or other dried fruit, chopped 1/2 cup sunflower seeds or chopped nuts, optional Preheat oven to 350ºF. Lightly spray baking sheets with cooking spray and set aside. In small bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, soda and salt; set aside. Cream butter and sugar together and add egg and vanilla; mix well. Stir in flour mixture, wheat germ and oatmeal until well blended. Add coconut, popcorn, raisins and sunflower seeds, if desired, and mix until well blended. Drop by rounded teaspoons onto baking sheet, with 2 inches between cookies to allow for spreading. Bake 7 to 8 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Allow to cool on pan 5 minutes before removing to racks to cool completely.


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Wednesday, August 1, 2012 | MyConnection 5

Health Connection

Solution to crossword on page 2.

Sun Continued from Page 1

Positive Thinking Can Improve Your Health StatePoint

Life has its ups and downs – and adversity touches everyone at some point. But some experts believe that a focus on the positive can help you persevere through tough times. For Anita Moorjani for example, life took a horrific turn when she was diagnosed with late stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Admitted to the hospital as a terminal patient, Moorjani slipped into a deep coma, nearly dying before she experienced a spontaneous remission and recovery. Her case has since fascinated the medical community. While spontaneous remission of breast cancer is not uncommon, according to a study done by physician researchers at Dartmouth Medical School in 2009, it is rarely seen in a terminal cancer case. “Her recovery was certainly remarkable. Based on what we have learned about cancer cell behaviors, I am unable to attribute her dramatic recovery to chemotherapy. I speculate that something non-physical switched off the mutated genes,” said Dr. Peter Ko, an oncologist with The University of Southern California, who has studied Moorjani’s case. Moorjani attributes her victory in overcoming cancer to a belief in positive things, learning to live fearlessly, and finally loving herself. In her New York Times bestseller, “Dying to Be Me” (Hay House), Moorjani candidly shares her story, discussing the lessons she learned from her near death experience, what she would have done differently and what she wants people to know now. Here are some tips Moorjani

feels can help others face their own trials: Prior to her devastating diagnosis, Moorjani’s life was driven by fear of illness. Rather than letting similar fears and stressors get the better of you, learn to enjoy yourself and take care of what’s inside. ■ Much of our suffering stems from feeling “less than.” Love yourself unconditionally and be yourself fearlessly. Remind those close to you that you love them just the way they are. ■

Don’t obsess over problems or allow your days to revolve around solving them. It’s actually far more productive to distract yourself and stay occupied with activities that stimulate you in positive, creative ways. “Thinking positive” can be tiring. Never suppress negative feelings when they creep in. Instead of bottling up your emotions, experience them

naturally. After all, a bad mood won’t last forever. ■

Everyday joys can go a long way toward helping you cope with stress and depression. Be it a box of chocolates, a home cooked meal or a great bottle of wine, don’t be shy about indulging yourself in moderation at meal time with foods that make you happiest.

“What’s most important for your well-being is how you feel about yourself during tough times,” Moorjani says.

You can’t always eliminate adversity from your life. Whether you are simply experiencing the stresses of daily life, are grieving the loss of a loved one, or struggling with the ramifications of your own health crisis, knowing how to cope is crucial to your health and can make all the difference in the world.

is exposed to sunlight, the more chance there is of making enough vitamin D before you start to change color. And remember — the longer you stay in the sun, especially for prolonged periods without protection, the greater the risk of skin cancer. It is essential to protect your skin before you to start going red or burn so cover up and use sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15. Sun damage happens when sun's ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin, speeding up the aging process and increasing the risk of cancer. Exposure to UV rays can also damage your eyes and can lead to problems such as burning and cataracts. You can protect your eyes by spending some time in the shade when the sun is at its strongest, and covering up with sunglasses and a hat. Use sunscreen — and don't scrimp with it. Most people don't apply enough protection and often pay the price on their ears, the tops of their feet and the back of the neck. Experts recommend that you: Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 or more. ✓ Choose a sunscreen labelled "broad spectrum", which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays, with a star rating of four or five stars. ✓ Apply sunscreen to clean, dry skin. ✓ Use around two teaspoons of suncream to cover your head, arms and neck. ✓ Use at least two tablespoons of suncream to cover all your exposed skin if you're wearing a swimsuit. ✓ Re-apply sunscreen at least every two hours as it can come off through washing, rubbing or sweating. ✓ Re-apply sunscreen after going in the water, even if it's labeled waterproof. ✓ Don't forget to check the expiration date on your sunscreen, and don't use it if it has expired.

FOOTBALL ‘12 will be published in

The Newnan Times-Herald Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The opening of the 2012 football season will soon be upon us and we will be publishing our special annual football section. You won’t want to miss it!

Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online last week (July 20-26) 1.

Three injured when tree falls on ‘Walking Dead’ set


Those turns on a red light at Jefferson/Clark not OK after all


Can you ID Senoia Subway theft suspect?


Amey arrested, faces arson charge for damage at Corn Crib Court home



Burglars hit 10 downtown residences, businesses




Disoriented teen walked from Madras to Moreland

Authorities shut down illegal ‘drug store’

Newnan Police seek suspect in school burglary


Drug trafficking suspect flees, stunned during stop on I-85 Facebook exchange leads to arrest on sex charge

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DEBTS AFTER DEATH The current financial climate may lead some to wonder what becomes of debts incurred by the deceased as they apply to an inheritance. As far as “unsecured” debts are concerned, they are paid from the estate as the executor decides. These inlcude the most common types of debts such as medical bills. “Secured debts” are those that are owed on a specific property that must be paid before the property can belong to its owner free and clear. The most common example of a secured debt is the mortage on a house. When property left in a will is subject to a secured debt, the debt legally passes to the beneficiary with the property. HINT: In some cases, the deceased may have provided resources to pay off a secured debt in his or her will so that the beneficiary may be relieved of the responsibility of paying it off.

SCHOOLS INCLUDE: East Coweta High School Newnan High School Northgate High School The Heritage School Trinity Christian School Heritage Christian School Arlington Christian School Landmark Christian School Plus, Georgia, Georgia Tech, the Falcons and a look at locals in college and the pros.

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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Being Active Outdoors Makes Kids More Successful In School neighborhood for exercise, quality time and some fresh air.


If your children are like most kids, they are spending more time indoors than ever before. A recent study found that children ages 8 to 18 engage in over seven hours of electronic media each day. Some experts warn that all that time indoors can take a heavy toll on children’s health, contributing to attention difficulties, hyperactivity, obesity, a diminished use of senses and even a disconnect from the real world. “American children are losing a vital aspect of healthy development as they spend less time riding bikes, climbing trees or doing much of anything outdoors,” says Kathy McGlauflin, Director of Project Learning Tree (PLT), a non-profit organization that trains teachers to incorporate environmental education into school curricula. “Today, children spend most of their time indoors — largely because that’s where all the electrical sockets are.” According to McGlauflin, teaching children to understand and value nature is vital to raising the next generation of environmental stewards and even to improve children’s performance at school. Here are some fun ways to cure nature deficit disorder: ■ Brainstorm with your children’s teachers and principal about ways the school can incorporate learning in the outdoors and provide a healthier environment for students and staff that promotes ecological sustainability, reduces waste and teaches students to be environmental stewards. ■

Have your child help sort the recycling at home. Visit the recycling center to see how it all works. Encourage your child to adopt a local tree and get familiar with it. Revisit this tree on a regular basis throughout the seasons, recording observations in a journal. Take a walk through a local wooded area, park or even your own backyard. Observe wildlife and plant life, paying special attention to fallen logs to learn how decomposition works and get a better understanding of microhabitats. Look for signs of animals including insects and plants in, on or around the log.

opment and can contribute to student achievement and a healthy lifestyle. This school year, be sure your child takes some time off from television, video games and the Internet to explore the great outdoors.

teach your child about the life cycle of plants. Choose flowers that will attract an array of hummingbirds and butterflies to admire.

Plant a garden together to improve your family’s nutrition and create something meaningful. You’ll diversify your meals with fresh local produce and

Getting children outside is an important aspect of child devel-

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Town Hall


Crane talks issues

Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A

Sunday, May 6, 2012

To place your ad

— see page 8A

Newnan, Georgia

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536

$1.25 Sunday edition

Coweta’s Local Daily


New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room for error. It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours. procedure is going smoothly



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page ing of 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations

NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility

By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

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Snacks Continued from Page 1 n

Frozen chips: Slice bananas, seedless grapes, and/or berries into thin rounds and spread them flat on a baking pan and cover. Freeze and serve frozen as a fun snack. n Frugurt: Slice favorite fruits to top low-fat yogurt.

Mix Things Up Combining the craving food with a wholesome one is a great solution says the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. For example, if you crave sweets, a banana dipped in chocolate sauce or almonds mixed with chocolate chips are good options. As a beneficial bonus, you’ll satisfy a craving and get positive nutrients from those good-for-you foods.

Size Matters It’s easy to get carried away with the size of your snacks. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says that 100 to 200 calorie, nutrient-dense snacks can satisfy hunger, keep you on your weight control plan, and make your mouth happy. Here are some great tasting, portion-controlled snacks that will help keep you on track: n 1 cup sliced bananas and fresh raspberries n 2 cups of carrots n 3 1/2 cups air-popped popcorn n 5 Melba toast crackers, rye or pumpernickel n 2 tablespoons of peanuts n 2 domino-sized slices of low-fat Colby or cheddar cheese n 1 fat-free chocolate pudding cup You really can enjoy eating healthier — all it takes is a little snack sense.

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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Yard Sale Special! 6 lines • 3 days $29.85



TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Mobile Homes For Sale


Miscellaneous For Sale

Reclining Chair

Stainless steel, 4 burner gas grill. $75

For Rent

3 Bedroom homes $500 / month. Also have a few fixeruppers selling cheap!

cool down with

24HR info: 770-253-2300 office: 770-683-4807



4 BR, 2.5 Bath

1,950 sq. ft., super clean, fresh paint, fenced-in backyard, great neighborhood, close to I-85. Northgate schools. $1,150 /month.

$25 application Fee


Leasing Today: 2 Bedroom $630 & Up 3 Bedroom $780 & $830


Powers Crossroads

Grantville 2 BR, $425 - $475 3 BR Homes, $750 -$925 Fayetteville 4 BR, 3 BA $1,250 Senoia 3 BR, 2 Bath, fenced $825 770-583-8864 or 770-301-8786


Vacation Rentals


Vacation Property

770-454-6776 georgianewspaper service.html

at: Just type “Bargain Ad” in subject line Private party ads only. Price must be included in the ad. One (1) item or set per ad, per household each week. Phone number must be in all ads. No pets or garage sales.

Bargain Buys Coupon Form NAME




Mail to: Bargain Buys, The Newnan Times-Herald, P.O. Box 1052, Newnan, GA 30264 or drop off form at our front desk – 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan.



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Service Directory


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Newnan 3 BR, $875

3 BR, 2 Bath, central H/A, 1.5 ac., $850

80 Christian Drive Newnan 770-253-8181


Sale or Rent

3 BR, 1 BA $695


Word Processor

Smith Corona Personal Word Processor, PWP 3800. $75

Homes For Rent-Unfurn.



New equity program. Guaranteed approvals! Doublewides and Singlewides. For more info call: 8 am - 6 pm


Homes For Rent-Unfurn.




Attention: Mobile Home Shoppers

Apts For Rent unfurnished

Find It! Sell It! Buy It!

Asking $15.


All Stars Academy National Accredited Pre-School



New Queen Pillow top $150





Dining Table

Furniture FOR SALE

Bargain Buys $200-or-less


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Miscellaneous For Sale

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012 | MyConnection 7


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8 MyConnection | Wednesday, August 1, 2012









1:15 PM

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