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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
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Thank you for picking up MyConnection. Look for your copy delivered free to your home from The Newnan Times-Herald each Wednesday. You’ll find entertainment and travel news, as well as upcoming events, easy-to-make recipes, and things that matter to you and your family.
his Halloween, why not put a fun twist on pumpkin carving by making some Jack O’Melons? Watermelons carve up boo-tifully, and you can eat the fruit right away, making it easy to scare up some delicious Halloween fun. This Bat Jack O’Melon can add a frightfully fun touch to a Halloween party — and the whole family can help carve them. To get more carving ideas and instructions, visit
Bat Jack O’Melon 2 round watermelons, preferably yellow, for the body Kitchen and paring knives Cutting board Green dry-erase marker (preferably washable) Large bowl and spoon Candy corns 4 to 6-inch wooden skewers Toothpicks Candle or light
Wash watermelons under cool running water and pat dry. On a cutting board, place the roundest watermelon on its side and cut off 1/4 to 1/2 inch of the stem end, being careful not to cut too deep into the white part of the rind. This will provide a sturdy base. Using dry-erase marker, draw two eyes, an oval for a nose and a smiling mouth that would
i n s i de
Cobweb Recipe Cupcake ➤
resemble a bat. Draw two ears and an outline of a forehead, continuing the line around to make the top for the bat that will be removed. Use a knife to carefully cut away inside of the eyes, nose and mouth and also around the top of watermelon. Remove top and hollow out watermelon with spoon, reserving fruit to use in a fruit salad or punch. On the second watermelon, use dry-erase marker to draw 2 bat wings (the top of the wings will have 2 points and the bottom of the wings will have 2 points.) Use knife to carefully cut wings out, reserving inside of watermelon to make fruit salad or punch. Attach wings to side of watermelon bat with wooden skewers, and use toothpicks to attach candy-corn as fangs. Use a candle to light up your bat.
How to Winterize Your Lawn
inside Stay Healthy this Flu Season ➤
Be proactive and ask your physician at your next appointment what shots you are due to receive.
inside Is Your Home Ready for Winter? ➤
Every weekend of the last few months you have spent mowing, weeding, edging, and trimming your lawn so that it will look its best. In order to ensure your lawn makes a complete recovery after winter hibernation, you may want to spend the fall taking steps to help your lawn survive the winter months ahead. Remove fallen leaves and debris. Leaf cleanup is among the tasks homeowners dread the most. Raking leaves can be arduous, but it is well worth the effort. Fallen leaves can smother the grass and lead to dead spots and decay next season. Wait until the majority of the leaves have fallen from the trees before you begin to rake; otherwise, you could find yourself repeating the process throughout the fall. Mulched leaves can be added in small amounts to garden beds to provide rich organic material for next year’s crop of flowers. Be sure to pick up any twigs and other debris as well. Additional debris can become up trapped under snow and hinder grass growth when spring arrives. Cut your lawn short. Unless the season is unseasonably wet and warm, your lawn shouldn’t grow too much in October and November. Continue to cut your lawn until there is no visible growth for about two weeks. It pays to give it a short cut before frost arrives so that long piles of dead grass will not smother any new growth in the spring.
From Flu to Whooping Cough: Adults Need Vaccines Too StatePoint
While most people are aware of the need to vaccinate children, immunizations for adults are just as important. But unfortunately, adult immunization rates are well below government goals. According to the American College of Physicians, 40,000 to 50,000 adults die from vaccine preventable diseases each year in the U.S. Knowing what vaccines to get and when to get them can be tricky, especially if you have a complicated medical history. “By talking to your internist, you can assess your vaccination status and find out what steps you need to take to stay healthy,” says David L. Bronson, MD, FACP, president, American College of Physicians, a national organization of internal medicine physicians. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Be proactive and ask your physician at your next appointment what shots you are due to receive. Here are some recommended immunizations to discuss:
Flu / Influenza
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all adults
receive the influenza vaccine each year. Despite the wide accessibility of the shot, which is often administered in workplaces and retailers, only 39 percent of adults received the vaccine in the 2011-2012 flu season. This season, be sure to protect yourself against the flu. The vaccine is especially important for seniors and those with chronic conditions for whom the flu can be life-threatening. Just be aware that not all forms of the vaccine are recommended for everyone. If you have an immune system disorder or are pregnant, talk with your physician.
Tetanus, Diphtheria & Whooping Cough
According to the CDC, 5 percent of adults with whooping cough are hospitalized or have complications, including pneumonia and death. Protect yourself against this dangerous disease, as well as diphtheria and tetanus by getting the Tdap vaccination. Follow up with booster tetanus (Td) shots every 10 years. Tdap vaccination is recommended for nearly all adults, including persons 65 years and older; but is especially impor-
tant for pregnant women, adults who are in contact with infants, and health care professionals. If you are not sure if you’re due, check with your doctor about getting vaccinated.
Measles, Mumps & Rubella
If you never had these diseases as a child, nor were immunized against them, talk with your internist. These diseases, which can have serious complications for adults, are highly contagious and can be caught just by talking with an infected person. One series of two shots protects you.
Infections of the lungs, blood, or brain caused by this bacteria lead to 22,000 deaths each year in the U.S. A single shot protects against them. If you have chronic health conditions or you’re over 65 and your pneumococcal vaccination was more than five years ago, ask your internist if you need a booster. More information on adult immunizations can be found at So much of your health is based on chance. Keeping up with adult vaccinations is one way you can take control of your health and safety.
2 MyConnection | Wednesday, October 24, 2012
1. Still no cure for these 6. Grandmother in Britain 9. Soothing plant gel 13. Copycat's behavior 14. Yoko ___ 15. Fill with high spirits 16. Edible seaweed 17. Stir or fuss 18. Rock bottom 19. *Unstoppable hitman in "No Country for Old Men" 21. *Wilkes and Ratched, e.g. 23. Beauty treatment site 24. ___ Verde National Park 25. *Simian planet ruler 28. The Destroyer in Hinduism 30. Composure under strain 35. Plumbing problem 37. Inside scoop 39. Relating to tone 40. Liars break this in court 31. * ____ Voldemort DOWN 41. Official language of Lesotho 32. Currently broadcasting 1. Branch of math, abbr. 43. Hindu princess 33. Old Testament miracle food 2. Moonfish 44. "Caribbean Queen" singer 3. Given name of founder of #70 Across 34. *Allegedly cruel captain 46. "Place" in FrenchU.S.D.A. Inspected 36. *Kirk's antagonist Fresh 4. The _____ of society 47. ____ dong 38. That time 5. Maple or corn ______, pl. 48. Anise-flavored herb 42. One up 6. Famous flood survivor 50. Opposed to 45. Interstellar cloud 7. A conjunction 52. U Rah ___! 49. "30 Rock's" ___ Lemon 8. Not a soul 53. * ____ the Butcher 51. Clinton claimed he didn't do this 9. Unfortunately, exclamation 54. Moolah or dough 55. Piece of evidence 10. Place a load on 56. Building extension 57. *Girl's possessor, 1973 11. "Sittin On the Dock of the Bay" 57. Peeping Tom's glance 60. *Seven deadly sins avenger singer 58. First-rate 64. Lubricate again 12. Poetic "ever" 59. Zn 65. Life energy in Chinese 15. Fascinated or enthralled 60. One moment philosophy 20. They catch perpetrators off guard 61. Cher, e.g. 67. Hill or Baker, e.g. 22. Heard throughout the Olympics 62. Relating to ear 68. Reddish brown hair dye 24. _______ arts Fresh U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuleta de lomo de cerdo 63. Sunrise side corte de centro sin 69. England's airforce 25.hueso Remote in manner 64. Greek R 70. Denim brand 26. Symbolized by olive branch 66. *___ 9000 27. *Like Hannibal Lecter's victims? 71. Oil group * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, ANDSolution ASSOCIATED EXPENSES 72. Will Ferrell's Christmas character 29. Bowed, fretted and stringed on Page 5 © StatePoint Media instrument 73. Precise
5th Annual Chili Cook Off
Coweta County Fairgrounds October 25 5:30-8:30 p.m. Tickets $5 adults and $1 children. Military, police and fire personnel get three voting tickets with admission. $35 to enter; 50/50 drawing, prizes. Local judges. Allison Lowery and the Kris Youmans Band. Kids – wear your costumes and enjoy a coloring contest. Info: 770-252-2266
Oktoberfest Boutique Beer Tasting
Historic Downtown Newnan October 26 5:00-9:00 p.m. Stroll through downtown and visit all our shops and restaurants to taste the finest in micro brewed and imported beer selections. Ticket includes a commemorative glass and a take home beer guide. $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Info: 770-253-8283
Pork Loin Chops
Pork Chops
$ 45
Summit Family YMCA October 27 1:00-3:00 p.m. Costume contest, crafts, pumpkin painting, games, food, live entertainment, and a haunted hallway. Free of charge and open to the community. Info: 770-254-5293
Historic Downtown Newnan October 31 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Join us for this Halloween tradition during which downtown merchants pass out Halloween treats to costumed little ones. Info: 770-253-8283
$ 95
P L U S 10 % Lean
$ 23
U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de paletilla de res sin hueso
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
Shoulder Roast .... Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas
Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 29.2 onzas
Tip Roast.............
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño
U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh
Salchicha ahumado Any de 16 Size onzas Pkg.,U.S.D.A Inspected
Pavo o jamón ultra delgado, 7 onzas
16 oz.
Sunset Farms
Pavo rebanado delgado en envases de 9 onzas
16 oz.
Eye of Round
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de paletilla de res sin hueso
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
American Lamb Land O' Frost
3 3 3
48 oz.
Butterball o suave fresco, Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14Salchicha onzas picante$ 1516 onzas
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
14 oz., Turkey
14 oz., Turkey 7 oz., Ultra Thin
Pavo o jamón ultra delgado, 7 onzas
Land O' Frost
U.S.D.A. Select Salchichas Beef de toda carne de res, 16 onzas lb. 16 oz. All Beef Oscar Mayer lb.
Pavo o jamón ultra delgado, 7 onzas
Salchicha ahumado de 16 onzas
16 oz.
U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh
3 13
Pavo o jamón ultra delgado, 16 7 onzas oz.
Hillshire Farms
Mama Rosa
3.9 oz.
3.3 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties U.S.D.A.Crocker Inspected Fresh Betty
24 oz. Giant Oscar Mayer
Jamón cocinado, 10 onzas
10 oz.
Inspected Fresh 12 Ct. lb. 10.75 oz. Tomato orU.S.D.A. Chicken Noodle oz. Cheeseburger U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco,17 entero o mitad Fresh 10 lb. Bag Macaroni, Stroganoff or Frozen Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 24 onzas lb. Beef Pasta U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad 24 oz.
14.1 oz. Crunchy Golden Nut, 10.Salchicha 8 oz. Crunchyahumado Roasted Nut,de18.167 oz.onzas Raisin Bran, 18 oz. Corn Flakes, Salchicha ahumado 16 onzas 1.5-6.75 oz.,de Select Varieties 11 oz. Krave Double Chocolate, 11.4 oz. Krave Chocolate, 13.4 oz. Crunchy Nut Caramel Nut Flakes U.S.D.A. Inspected Bonus Pack16Fresh 7 oz., Ultra oz. Sunset or 14.5 oz.Thin Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond Farms
Pavo rebanado delgado en envases de7 9oz., onzas Ultra Thin U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh
Pizza para niños deluxo o de salchíchon d
4 pk., 17 oz., Deluxe Kids or Pe
Carnes de almuerzo refrigerantes completo, 3.9 onzas
10 Ct.or4.2-4.4 Select Varieties Fresh Sausage........... 16 oz., Hot Mild,oz., Market Style
Sunset Farms
12 oz.
lb. Carolina Pride 12 Pk.
U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso
Salchicha picante o suave fresco, 16 onzas
16 oz., Hot or Mild, Market Style
Tocino rebanado, 12 onzas
10 oz. Deli Shaved
$ Sausage........ 2 $ 75 Smoked $ 90 Starbuck's Country Hearth $ 98 Complete Lunchables Sunset Farms $ 98 $ 15 Butterball Corndogs............ .. Sausage........Hillshire $ 15 2 FreshKSausage........... Fresh Sausage........... Whole or Half Foster Farms Foster 2 White Bread . . $ 75 Smoked Farms FarmsSausage........ Sunset Farms Cup Coffee . . .$. . . 72 Pouch Potatoes . Smoked 2 $ 75 $ 69 Pork Ham.............. Corndogs............ .. Ham or Turkey......... 2$ 69Smoked Whole or Half Sausage...... Corndogs............ .. 9 oz.,Medium Thin Sliced inPork Tubs $Fresh 69 Jell-O Gelatin Campbell's Whole or Half Lance $ 72 Pork Hillshire Farms Sunset Farms Ham..............$ Claxton Drumsticks 72 Kellogg's $ 10 Ham or Turkey......... 2 Tilapia Smoked Sausage...... 2 Fresh Fryer Pork Ham.............. or Puddi n g . . . . . . . . . Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . Cracker Creations Butterball 9 oz., Thin Sliced in Tubs $ 66 Ham or Turkey......... 2 Smoked Sausage...... Sunset Farms Land O' Frost Pork Cereal ......................................... $ 99 $ 98 oz., Thin Sliced Ribs in Tubs Spare Ground Beef Hamburger Butterball 9Turkey................. Or Thighs $ 66 Smoked Sausage....... 1 Sub Kits..................... Baby Back Ribs ........ Pork $ 99 $ 98 Smuckers Jam, Domino Nabisco Honey-Maid Helper Butterball Kellogg's $ 70 $ Sausage....... 66 Sunset1Frosted Turkey................. Smoked 3 Farms Sub Kits..................... Baby Ribs ........ Land O'Preserves FrostBack Pork $ 99 $ 98 or Jelly Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . Grahams . . . . . . . . . Flakes Cereal .........
. i paletilla de cerdo estilo Boston fresco
3 Tip Roast............. 3 2$ 75 $ 25 ¢ $ 45$ 2 19 1 6 72 1 2 1 2 ¢ $145 ¢ $$ 9345 89 2 81 $ Fillets 1 451 3Leg 3 $ 45 ¢ $ 28 Quarters 27 45 2 3 3 82$ 11 $$23 $ 50 $$49 $ 79 1 $ 50 2 1 263
U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso
16 oz., Mild, Style.... Shoulder lb. Hot orRoast TipMarket Roast............. VegetableRoast Oil .... Shoulder Sunset Farms $ 98
4 2 4 4 2 2 Turkey................. 2 $ 76 $ 18
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
U.S.D.A. lb. Select Beef
Salchicha picante o suave fresco, 16 onzas
14 oz., Turkey
Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas
Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 29.2 onzas en pan de maiz, 29.2 onzas Salchichas envuelto
Filetes de jamón ahuma
U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso
U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sinPavo hueso o jamón rebanado delgado, 10 onzas
U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de paletilla de res sin hueso
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas
Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 29.2 onzas
Foster Farms
Tilapia Fish Fillet
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Superior Fresh
U.S.D.A. Select Beef24 oz.
Sunset Farms
U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de paletilla de res sin hueso
29.2 oz.
Fresh Frozen
Chuletas de lomo de cordero americana fresco
de almuerzo U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec Carnes suizo sin hueso de preparar emparedado sub, 24 onzas
U.S.D.A Select Beef U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso
U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola
U.S.D.A Select Beef
Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco
29.2 oz.
Sea Best Fully Cook
Center Cut $ 23 Boneless Swiss $ 65 Smoked H Eye of Round $Roast..................... 23 Boneless Swiss $ 65 Steak.................... Roast..................... Steak.................... Boneless Sirloin Boneless 55 ..$199 FoodSlicedDepotBacon............. $ 44 Ham or$Turkey......... Shoulder Roast .... Tip Roast............. Hamburger Boneless Boneless Sirloin $ 55 Boneless 44 Boneless Sirloin$ $ 55 $ 44 $ 18 Hot Dog Crisco Franks........................ ... 3 or Pizza.........................
$ 23 $ 23$ 23
2 Lb. 41/50 Ct.
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o m
U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola
29.2 oz.
Camarón completam
Filete de pescado tilapia
Please visit our website: 9 oz., Thin! in Tubs U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de pulpa bolaSalchicha ahumado, 16 onzas U.S.D.A Select Beef
$ 98
Fresh Sausage...........
*Our cost includes freight, stocking fees, and associated Hillshireexpenses. Farms
Lean Fresh Breakfast Steak Fresh Lean OCT. 25-28 Lean Breakfast Steak COWETA AND SURROUNDING AREA Breakfast Steak
Boneless Sirloin
Sunset Farms
7 oz., Ultra Thin
U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
2 4 Ham or Turkey......... $269 Smoked Sausage...... Center Cut Loin $ Whole 78or Half $ 72 Pork Ham.............. Pork Chops............. 2 2 Butterball $Round66 99 Swiss $ 98$ Pork66 Eye of 23 $Boneless $Chops.......... 65 Turkey................. 2 Smoked$Sausage....... 1 Sub Kits..................... 3 9Baby Back Ribs ........ Loin Roast..................... 4 Steak.................... 3
Sausage........ 2 $ AT 75 Smoked OUR COST PLUS 10% ADDED REGISTER! Corndogs............ ..
4 4 4
$ 44
16 oz., Hot or Mild, Market Style
$ 15*
Foster Farms*
bar co
Boneless Swiss
Salchicha picante o suave fresco, 16 onzas
14 oz., Turkey
29.2 oz.
Weather Connection
U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de cuarto de lomo de cerdo U.S.D.A Select Beef con hueso fresco U.S.D.A. Select Beef
Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco
lb. $ 23
U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola
AT REGISTER! Eye of Round BreakfastADDED Steak Roast.....................
Munchkin Masquerade
Boneless Center Cut
Bone-In Quarterloin
Fall Festival
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Carolina Pride
Cooked Ham............
8.81 oz.
Nabisco 11 oz., Assorted Flavors Essential Everyday lb. Belvita .............................. Poptarts . . . . . . 20 oz. oz. Colonial8Essential Everyday Kinglb.SizeSqueeze BreadMustard..........
9 4 Smoked Sausage....... Sub Kits..................... Baby Back Ribs ........ 64º/46º Peanut Butter . . . Wheat Bread . . Chips Line . . . Squeeze Ketchup 7 Hamburger lb. lb. lb. $ 74 or Hotbag lb.Coca-Cola Dog ¢ Drink $ 59 Products Buns Vegetable Oil Mix Mix Grapefruit Juice Cocktail . 1 Potatoes White Bread . Hamburger 99 Spring Water . 2 Worcestershire Sauce 7 ¢ CARPET YOUR or Hot Dog 53 ¢ $ $2825 $ 90Oil 5/$ $ 25 ENTIRE HOME$ 90Vegetable $ 38 ¢ Buns $ $ 75 ¢ $ 19 $ 80 $ 17 2/ ¢ $ 75K Cup Coffee . . . . . .1 ¢ Pouch Potatoes . 72 $ 19 FruitWhite 97 1 2 1 2 6 Bread.. . 11 Wheat Bread Ground Coffee Drinks . . 1 Yellow Rice 96 K Cup Cof f e e . . . . . . 6 Pouch Pot a t o es . 72 White Bread . . 1 Combo Pack Chuck Patties Ground Pork Pork Picnic $ 25 Ham Steaks $ 90 $1599 $¢ 75 $ 37 ¢ ¢ $$Nabisco 19 27$ 1 $$ 27 2$$331054 orPuddi$3ng ...10...... 89$or¢OrPuddiKellogg's $ 93 3/ $ 30 25 $ 27 ¢ $ 93 KRaisin Cup Cof f e e . . . . . . 6 Pouch Potatoes . 72 White Bread . . 1 75 $ 72 $ 18 ................................. Hot Sauce . . . . 2 $ ng . .Bran . . . . . . . Crunch.......... ....3 .Creations . . . 58 . . . . 81 Soup . .89 . . 81 SoupCracker 1 58 $ 38 HeavyCracker Duty FoiCreations l . 2 1 BBQ$Belvita Bread . . . 1 Chips Ahoy!2. . .95 2 2 1 Italian Salad............ 2 1 Florida Tangerines...... 1 2 1 NabiscoZucchini Squash........... $ Crisco 27 ¢ ¢ $ 93 2/ ¢ $799 $ 28 ¢ $ 27 $ 29 Starbuck's $ 10 $ 65 $ 70 Preserves Colonial $ 28 ¢ $ 27 $ 29 $ $ 92 ¢ $ 27 ................................. 2Cooking ¢ Belvita $.Soup 58 ¢SaltineOil............ orSugarPuddior. .Jeln.g.l.y.............2 . .82 . 89SugarGrahams . .........82 . . .2 . . . . 81 Cracker Creations 1 or Jel70 ly 2 Preserves . . . . Crackers 1 . . . . . Grahams . . . . . . . 2 98 3 $33 Pasta Sauce . . 1 or Hot Dog Buns 89 Ritz Crackers . . . 2 1 TazoLady K Cup......................... 6 Egg Plant..................... 78 King Size Bread Poblano ................ Peppers......... 1 98 Pink Apples........ 3 $Thin $ 27 Colonial $Butter . .70 $ 49 $49 79 28 $Kunzler 63 ¢ $ $ $ 79 $ 63 Wafer Eckrich $ $27$ 29 Jumbo Meat $ 74 $ 70 ¢ ¢ Tasty ¢PeanutGreat ¢ Preserves or Jelly 2 Sugar . . . . . . . . . 82 Grahams . . . . . . . . . 2 95 . 2 Wheat Bread . . 1 Chips Line . . . 2 Peanut Butter 1 ¢ 3 King Size Bread ................ 1 Butter . Lunchmeat . . 2 Wheat52 Bread . . Hot 1 Chips Line85 Sides & Rice . . . 12 Links....... Asst. Flavor Chips 88 2 SnackSausage..... Cracker Line $2 1 89 Franks..... 99 Bologna.. Peanut Dogs.. 39 Frito-Lay's Mushrooms Assorted Mix $ 74 Granulated$ Potatoes Grapefruit Tomatoes Collar ds ¢ $ 59 Coca-Cola $ 49 $ 79 $ 63 Drink FlavorApple Chips $ 74 ¢ $ 59 $ 20 $ 09 $ 27 Sugar Crackers ................ Juice Cocktail . 1 White Bread . 99 Spring Water . 2 Juice . . 1 Peanut Butter . . . 2 Wheat Bread . . 1 Chips Line . . . 2 Products Mix Juice Cocktail . 1 $ White Bread . 99 Grinders Spring Water . 12$ Multipack ...... ¢ .¢ .... 5 Crackerfuls . .$ . 2 28 $ 38 28 28 $ 18 5/$ Lunch 22$ $17 74 ¢2/ All Meat ¢ John Morrell Coca-Cola 15 39 $ ¢ Bar-S Sliced $2$ ¢ ¢ 97 ¢ Great $ 80 $ ¢ Little 5/$ Drink ¢ $ 59 1Makers. Bacon...... 88 95 Drinks . . . 1 97 Wheat2 BreadOscars........ Yellow RiceBread$96 . 79 FruitDogs.......... Bleach . . . . . . . . $. . 80 17. 99 Spring 2/$ Water Bologna...... Products 64 49 ¢Sausage... 4/$ $ 27 1 Mix 1 Juice Cocktail .11Wheat White . 297 Fruit Drinks . . . 1 Bread . . 1 Yellow Rice 96 Wheat Bread . . 1 Assorted Chips . 1 Snackwells . . . . 2 $ 37 $ 58 $ 30 ¢ $ 25 $ 58 $ 27 5/$ FREE!! $ 38 $ 37 3 Kellogg's $ 80 $ 17 2/ ¢ Foam Plates . . 8 Heavy Duty Foi l . 2 BBQ Bread . . . 1 Chips Ahoy! . . . 2 $ . . .301 Wheat $ 25. . Zucchini $ 27 96 97 2 OrRaisin Italian $ 07 2 1 Florida Tangerines...... Squash........... 1 3 Fruit Drinks Bread 1 Yellow Rice 3 BranSalad............ Crunch.......... $ 93 Heavy Duty Foil . 2 BBQ Bread . . . 1 Chips Ahoy! . . . 2 $ 07 ¢ $ 27 Crisco $$ 5837 ¢ $ 65 $ 92 ¢ $ 1 Cooking Oil.............. 1 Crisco Kellogg's 78 Pasta Sauce 65 . . . 1 EggorPlant..................... Hot Dog Buns $ 89 Ritz Crackers . . . 2 3 98 Pink Lady Apples........ Poblano Peppers......... Creamer . . . . . . . . 6 $ 30 $ 25 $ 27 Starbuck's $ $ 27. . . 2 3 Raisin Bran Crunch.......... Cooking Oil.............. Heavy Duty Foil . 922 or Hot DogBBQBunsBread89. .¢. 1Ritz Crackers Chips. .Ahoy! Pasta Sauce . . . 1 . 2 Tazo K Cup......................... 6 6 07 $ $ 74 $Meat 70 Bologna $ 27 Sliced Bacon Cooked Ham Crisco Sides$& Rice 65 . . 1 Asst. Flavor Chips 2 Snack Cracker Line$ 250 Starbuck's $ 99 3Dip $ N Sticks $ 4427 $ 27$ Cooking 44 Oil.............. 48 92 $. . .74$Tomatoes $ 17089¢ Ritz$Crackers $ Mushrooms Collar ds Pasta Sauce 1 or Hot Dog Buns . . . 2 1 2 1 Chips $2 27 Snack Cracker Line1$ 2 Tazo K Cup......................... 6 $ 20Sides & Rice . . 1 $ $ 09 Asst. Flavor32 $ 28 94 Assorted 69 . . .¢. . . 1Honey Multipack Crisp. . . . . 5$ Crackerfuls Granulated $ Grinders ¢ ..$. 209$ 70$ 39 B-Red $ 09 RENTAL HOMES $ 28 28 18 $ 22 $ 74 $ 27 Flavor Chips 12 Dinners 1 $ 20 $ 27 Sugar 1 or Entrees SPECIAL! 2 Potatoes..... 1 1 1 Sides &64 . . 1Multipack Asst. Flavor Snack. Cracker $ . . Rice . . . . 14/$ . . . . . Chips 5 . . 2Line 2 $ Apples........ 49Grinders $ 27 2Crackerfuls $ 39 $ 22 Wheat Bread . . 1 Assorted 1 Chips . 1 Snackwells . . . . 2 Assorted 1 3 1 Granulated 1 Flavor Chips 2 $ 20 $ 09 $ 27 Sugar $ 49 4/$ $ 27
1 2 89 5 2
Pavo rebanado delgado en envases de 9 onzas
Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
16 oz.
Pavo rebanado delgado en envases de 9 onzas
Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 24 onzas
16 oz.
Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas24 oz.
Sunset Farms
16 oz.
14.7 oz. Fiber W/Less Sugar or 15 oz. Original
Land O' Frost
.13-.23 oz. Select Varieties
20 YEAR 48 oz. ANNIVERSARYCrisco
Crisco U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas
2 Bag
12 Pk.Libby's24 Pk., .5 Liter
Cuartos de pierna de pollo de bolsa 10 libras
20 oz.
ALL PRICES INCLUDE: Select Varieties
.13-.23Flakes oz. Frosted CerealSpring ......... Spinach Select Varieties
Enorme salchichas de carne, Kool•Aid 16 onzas
.13-.23 oz. Select Varieties Armour 2.6 oz. Pkg.
Kellogg's 18.2 oz. Ready Pac Bella Romaine Raisin Bran Crunch.......... IN YOUR HOME ESTIMATE
CALL ME - MR. CARPET 10 Ct., 1.37 oz. Awake or Zen 770-254-1950 Starbuck's oz. Bag 318.210lb. Ct., 1.37 oz. Awake or Zen I’LL COME TO YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS Tazo K Cup......................... WITH CARPET SAMPLES, MEASURE FOR NEW CARPETING ALL IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME OR BUSINESS FREE!!4 Lb. Bag 10 Ct., 1.37 oz. Awake or Zen WE INSTALL WITHIN 100 MILES! Domino I HAVE BEEN SERVING THIS AREA OVERGranulated 4 Lb. Bag 20 YEARS. THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS!! Sugar FreshDomino 4 Lb. Bag
12 onzas
Cajas de bocado de almuerzo refrigerantes, 2.6 onzas
18.2 oz.
Hi-C Ocean Spray Cranberry
18 Inch, 37.5 Sq. Ft.Gran16salchichas, onzas
10 oz.
23-24 oz. Jar, Select Varieties
8 Pk.
Bear Creek Pasta
258 McCormick
770-254-1950 Coffee-mate
Flavored Creamers
78 11 Nabisco Fresh 8 Pk.
16 oz. 23-24 oz. Caramel Jar,Varieties SelectMacchiato, Varieties Vanilla 8.6-12.2 oz.,Latte, Select Hazelnut, French Vanilla or Fat Free Vanilla
10-10.5 oz. Roma
BearPrego Creek Pasta 22 Ct.
8.6-12.2 oz.,Varieties Select Varieties .77-2.12 oz., Select Creamers
Sara Lee Honey ea. lb.
22 Ct.
9.5-14 oz. Pure Canola, 48 oz.
Fresh Vigo Blend Corn or Natural Nabisco
1 oz.
lb. ea. Golden Flake
Fresh Vegetables
Essential Everyday
Filetes de jamón rebanado de centro
1 1
18 oz. Creamy or Crunchy
7-10 oz.14 oz. Smoked Or Polish
8 Pk.
5 oz.
8 oz. Pkg.
Shoppers Value
White Golden Flake
salchicha ahumado, 6-6.25 oz.Salchicha polaco14oonzas
Nabisco 100 Calorie 128 oz. Fruit Juicy Red, Lemon
Punch 48 oz. Purelb. Canola, Coca-Cola......... Corn or Natural Blend All Brands 12 Pack, 12 oz. Can
64 oz.
Essential Everyday 96 oz.
Tocino rebanado, Berry Squeeze or Orange Ocean 12 onzas
6 oz.
Shoppers Value 48 oz. Pure Canola, Corn or Natural Blend lb.16 oz.
12.8-15.1 oz.
All Brands 12 oz. Pkg. 1.25 Liter Bottles 3.7-7.75 oz.
Salchicha, 12 onzas
Essential Everyday
Shoppers Value 40 Ct., 9 Inch
22 oz. Non Dairy
10-10.58oz. oz. Assorted
5 oz.
7-10 oz. Golden Flake
Nabisco Nabisco Assorted
Chunk Cheese
7-10 oz.
24-32 oz. Box Select Varieties
All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles Banquet
Coca-Cola......... Family Size Entrees Golden Flake Assorted Flavors 32 Oz. Bottles 5 oz.
Flavor Chips
6-6.25 oz.
11 8 oz. Pkg.
Shredded 12.8-15.1 oz. Cheese White
Cheese 10-16 oz. BoxSingles Select Varieties
York Cheese Toast or $ New08 ....... 6-12.75 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties ¢
Stouffer's Powerade.......... 18.6 oz. 6 Pack Strawberry or Raspberry
8 oz.
64 oz. Ctn. Select Vari
Essential Everyday $ 39 Essential Everyday Natural Slice Monster Dannon Danimals $ 1099Pack, $ 77 Welch's Frito-Lay's 16 oz. Cans 3.7-7.75Frito-Lay's oz. Shredded CheeseNabisco . . . . Nabisco Provolone Cheese 5 .oz. .. Drinks . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . 50 Fruit Juice Co ea. oz. Energy ea. Golden FlakeDrinks 12 oz. Nabisco 100 8Calorie
Bear McCormick 1 oz. Creek Pasta Golden Flake
Food Depot Hamburger Frito-Lay's 6-6.25 oz.
FreshCoffee-mate Frito-Lay's Flavored
20 oz.
58 1 3 12 oz. Pkg.
Center Sliced
11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast
All Brands 2 Liter Bottles $ 33 Shoppers Value Fresh 12.8-15.1 oz. 9.5-14 oz. Coca-Cola......... lb. lb. Food Depot Nabisco oz. 16 oz. Pkg. or Thick Gallon 48Flavor oz. Pure Canola,Gallon Whole Sunnyland 12 oz.12Pkg. Food Regular Depot Hamburger Nabisco 10 oz. Pkg. 8 oz. Assorted Flavor 8 oz. Assorted All 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can s Citrus, Tropical Dutch 7-10 oz. $Brand 99Farms Corn Brands or Natural Blend Country DeliteHotel Sunnyland Sliced Punch or Mango Dutch FarmsSunnyland Dutch Farms American Coca-Cola.........
Food Depot Food Depot ea.
5 oz.
Nabisco 8 Pk. 16 oz.
10-10.5 oz.
Large Bunch
Super Chill SaraVigoLee Honey
12.8-15.1 oz.
FoodJar,Depot Fresh 37.5Hamburger Sq. Ft. 23-24 18 oz. Inch, Select Varieties Reynold's Prego
8.6-12.2 oz., Select Varieties
.77-2.12 oz., Select Varieties
20 oz. 16 oz.Nabisco
3 lb.Hi-C Bag Reynold's
24 Pk., .5 Liter
Boloña de toda carne rebanado grueso o filete, 12 onzas
Pollo, jamón o 9.5-14 pavo,oz. 2 onzas
16 oz.
20 oz.5 oz.
Food Depot ea. Giant Food Depot
10 Pk. 67.5 oz., Select Varieties Depot 18 Inch,Food 37.5 Sq. Ft.
$ 89
Boloña de carne rebanado Essential grueso o Everyday regular, 16 onzas
48 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties Tocino rebanado 6 oz.estilo Three Cheese 16 andoz.Ham, Philly Style
Jamón cocinado,
$20.5-22.85 59oz. Yoplait
$ 10 Dutch Farms American Cheese Singles Assorted Flavor Fridge Packs Sub, Smoked Turkey . . . . . . .Roast . Beef CheddarButter 16 oz. Pkg. All Beef 10 oz. Pkg. 16 oz. Assorted . . Alfre ... Tombstone Swiss Style Chicken Panini, Chicken 16 oz. 16 oz. Ctn. Frito-Lay's Nabisco Essential Everyday Sara McCormick Lee Honey Golden Flake Nabisco 100 Sunnyland Calorie $ 99 Essential Everyday Sunnyland Sunnyland Italiano8Sub Coffee-mate PeppermintCooked Mocha or Meatball oz. $ 29 Original Line 4 Pack Buttermilk or Homestyle $ 34 Chunk Cheese . . . . . . . r St te n Essential Everyday Farms or Mai American Cheese Singles Franks g C.en. $ 29 Flavored Creamer Pizza Wheat Bread . . Assorted Chips16 oz..Cheddar or MozzarellaSnackwells . . . . Dogs Subs,Dtuch Flabread Red Hot Jumbo Turkey Shoppin . Stouffer's e Breast Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gr East Gat 59 oz. Assorted Flavor ei Cream Essential Everyday so 7.5 oz. Tub Original, Light or with EVOO Drive $ 99 3 lb. ro 20 oz. 1 oz. 3.7-7.75 oz. Chiquita .Gallon . . . . . . .Chees ...... bo Paninis Balance $ 58n TrSmart Flavorite Bulls $ 15 ai $ 99 Shredded Cheese . . . . l Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spread East Butter . . . . Drive .11.25-12.50 . in the Three Meat,Country Spread Margarine Located on 124.Bullsboro PepperoniDelite or Deluxe Sara LeeBowl Honey Golden8 oz.Flake Nabisco 100 Calorie Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster 12 oz. Essential Everyday 10 onzass
hotel, 12 onza
2 2 .. . 2 239 1 Multipack . . .1 .. 5 Crackerfuls 1 1 1 $ $ 22 NEWNAN 2 $1 53 $ 94 1 44 2 $ 491 4/$ $105 $ 27 $21 3 1 Flatbread Wheat Bread . . 1 1 Assorted Chips . 1 Snackwells 1 .... 2 1 Pizza 1 1 $ 50 $ 99 2 72 Meat 1Bologna$144 $144Cooked21 Ham 2 $14811 Sliced$1Bacon Baby Lima Beans 2 2 Gallon Citrus, Tropical 16 oz. Pkg. Regular Punch or Mango
16 oz. Vanilla Latte, Caramel Macchiato, Hazelnut, French Vanilla or Fat Free Vanilla
20 oz.Vigo
Kunzler 12 oz. Pkg. Thick Sliced Or Steak
20 oz.
Essential Everyday
Allens, Popeye Nabisco or Sunshine
pequeños sabrosos, 22Salchichas Ct. Products Super Chill Nabisco Toasted Frito-Lay's 7 onzas McCormick
SaraGiant Lee Classic Food Depot 5 oz.
1.25 Liter Bottles
10 oz.
14.5 oz. Allens French Cut Green Beans, 15 oz. Creamstyle Corn or Sweet Peas, Cut Green Beans or 15.25 oz. Whole Kernel Corn, Popeye 14 oz. Leaf or Chopped Spinach or Sunshine 14 oz. Whole Potatoes, Green Beansoz. & Potatoes or Collard or Turnip Greens 9.5-14
Pink All Brands Roma
8.1 oz. Salchichas bollo, 24 Coca-Cola Pk., Liter .77-2.12 oz.,de.5Select Varieties 12 onzas
2 onzas
Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Pkg. Ham, Turkey Or Chicken
20 oz.
20 oz. .77-2.12 oz., Select Varieties
1 oz.
22 Ct. Swiss Chunk Cheese 3.7-7.75 oz. 6-6.25 oz.
12 oz. Pkg.
Mushroom Flatbread, Chicken Quesadilla
Grinders . . . . . .
OceanJifSpray Cranberry
64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 10 Pk. 67.5 Select Varieties Foodoz.,Depot
Green US #1 Russet
4 Lb. Bag
24 Pk.,20.5 oz. Liter 1820Domino oz. Jar, Select Varieties Pavo o Jamón rebanado delgado, Select Depot Varieties Giant 20 oz.Super Ocean Spray CranberryGran boloña,64 oz. Bottle,Food Chill 64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties
Pkg. 10 Pk.Gwaltney 67.5 oz., 16 Selectoz.Varieties
All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles
Filete de tilapia congelado fresco
5 oz.
Food Depot Fresh
U.S.D.A. Inspected
16 oz.8.81 oz.
Shoppers Value
All Brands Fresh 1.25 Liter Bottles
14.5-15 oz. Can, Select Varieties
US #1 Depot FoodRusset Depot Giant FoodVegetables Super Chill
3.3 oz.bag Pkg., Select Varieties 24 oz. Giant 10.7512oz.Ct.Tomato Chicken Noodle 128.81Ct.oz.37.5 Sq. Ft.Country Hearth 18 Inch, BettyorCrocker
24 oz.
Nabisco Toasted
Nabisco Jell-OCampbell's Gelatin Campbell's Lance Reynold's Food Depot Lance COMPLETELY INSTALLED Kellogg's Kellogg's Belvita ................................. Ready Pac Bella Romaine 14.1 oz. Crunchy Golden Nut, 10.8 oz. Crunchy Roasted Nut, 18.7 oz. Raisin Bran, 18 oz. Corn Flakes, lb. Bag 12 Ct. 8.81 oz. 1.5-6.75 oz., Selectlb. Varieties 10.75 oz. Tomato or Chicken3lb. Noodle CARPET 3 ROOMSCereal ......................................... ......................................... 11Cereal oz. Krave Double Chocolate, 11.4 oz. Krave Chocolate,lb. 13.4 oz. Crunchy Nut Caramel Nut Flakes lb.ea. 10 oz. 18 oz. Jar, Select Varieties 16Ct.,oz.Select Light oroz. Dark Brown oror10XZen 12.2-14.4 oz. 18 oz. Jar, Varieties 16 oz. Light or Dark Brown or 10X 12.2-14.4 oz. 23-24 oz. Jar, Select Varieties 8 Pk. 10 1.37 Awake 20 oz. 20 oz. or 14.5 oz. Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond Jell-O Gelatin Campbell's Lance 00 14.7 oz. Fiber W/Less Sugar or 15 oz. Original14.7 oz. Fiber W/Less U.S.D.A. Sugar or 15 oz.selecto Original de rosbif de de cerdo molida o para guisado de jamón de Hamburguesa deDomino carne diezmillo molida fresca de Smuckers Jam, NabiscoCarne Honey-Maid diezmillo sin hueso – bistec y guisado Smuckers Domino Honey-Maid U.S.D.A. inspeccionado Colonial Foodcerdo Depotfresco Hamburger sin hueso frescoPrego Kellogg's 50 SQ. YDS. Kellogg's paquete de Jam, cualquier tamaño Kellogg's en paquete de combinacion FreshNabisco 3 lb. Bag COMPLETELY INSTALLED Frosted Flakes Cereal Cereal ......................................... King Size12.2-14.4 Breadoz. ................ lb. ea. Frosted......... Flakes Cereal ......... 1820 oz. Jar, Select Varieties 20 oz. 18 oz. Jar, Select Varieties oz.Select 8.1 oz.16 oz. Light or Dark Brown or 10X 14.7 oz. Fiber W/Less Sugar or 15 oz. Original 18 oz. Jar, Varieties 20 oz. 8.1 oz. WE INSTALL 8.6-12.2 oz., Select Varieties 10-10.5 oz. Gwaltney 12 oz. Pkg. Land O' Frost 2 oz. Ham Or Turkey 12 oz. Pkg. Eckrich 16 oz. Pkg. Smuckers Jam, Domino Nabisco Honey-Maid John Morrell 7 oz. Pkg. Jif Sara Lee Classic Nabisco Toasted Kellogg's WITHIN 100 MILES!!.13-.23 oz. Jif Sara LeeBunch Classic Toasted Large BearNabisco Creek Pasta Frito-Lay's Ready Pac 6 oz. Fresh Fresh 10 lb. Bag Jell-O Gelatin
8.1 oz.
Food Depot
BettyCountry Crocker Fresh Boneless Hi-CCountry Hearth PorkHearth Stew Meat Or
10 Ct. 4.2-4.4 oz., Select Varieties 1.5-6.7518.2Starbuck's oz.,oz.Select 10.75 oz.Varieties Tomato or Chicken Noodle
1 oz.18.Crunchy Golden Crunchy Roasted Nut, 18.7 oz. Raisin Bran, 18 oz. Corn Flakes, 14.1 oz. Crunchy Golden Nut, 10.8 oz. Crunchy Roasted14.Nut, 7 oz. Raisin Bran,Nut,18 oz.10.8Cornoz.Flakes, 1.5-6.75Nutoz.,FlakesSelect Varieties 11 oz.13.Krave Double NutChocolate, oz. Krave Chocolate, 13.4 oz. Crunchy Nut Caramel 11 oz. Krave Double Chocolate, 11.4 oz. Krave Chocolate, 4 oz. Crunchy Caramel11.Nut4Flakes 100 SQ. YDS. or 14.5 oz. Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond or 14.5 oz. Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond
12 Pk.
oz. Giant 10 Pk.2467.5 oz., Select Varieties
24 oz. Giant
U.S.D.A. Inspected
12 Classic Pk. Sara Lee
Food Depot
3.3 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties
12.2-14.4 oz.
20 oz.
Hamburger Ocean Spray Cranberry Muslos o piernas de paquete or Hot Dog grande fresc Buns
Vegetable Oil48 oz.U.S.D.A. Select Beef Boneless 10 Ct. 4.2-4.4 oz., Select Varieties Crisco 3.3 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties Chuck Roast, 10 Ct. 4.2-4.4 oz., Select Varieties Starbuck's Any Size Package Starbuck's Crocker Steak or Stew FreshBettyGround FOR ONE LOW LOW PRICE! 00
64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties
Spring Spinach
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de carne de res molida fresca
medianas de cerdo fresco
16 oz. Light or Dark Brown or 10X
18 oz. Jar, Select Varieties
Ready Pac 6 oz.
48 oz.
24 oz.
General Mills
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad
Inspected 18U.S.D.A. oz. Jar, Select Varieties
Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 24 onzas
8 oz. Assorted
124 Bullsboro Drive • Everyday Newnan, Georgia 16 oz. 4 Pack Essential Natural Slice $ 9930263 Dutch Farms Dannon Danimals $ 39 Gallon Whole
16 oz. Ctn. Select Varieties
Stouffer's $ 64 2% Milk . . .
$de res,68 Better N Eggs oz. Pkg.Salchichas enorme de todo Pechuga de pavo picantes, Sunnyland Country12Delite . .American . . . . . . Salchichas12rojos . .cocinado, ..... 10 onzas onzas 8 oz. 16 onzas Strawberry Crush Cups ..... MilkHalf Egga.m. NogBrand Tampico MONDAY SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 – 9:00 p.m. Cheese Chunk Cheese Cheese Singles Hotel GallonTHROUGH Gallon- 10:00 p.m. Sunnyland Gallon Dutch Farms Sunnyland Sliced Shredded Country Delite Gallon Country Delite Red Diamond $ 49 20 oz. Pkg. $ 12 oz. Pkg. 10 oz. Pkg. 16 oz. Pkg. All Beef 84 $ 81 1 lb. $ 12 French Onion Prices Effective October 22, 2012 Through October 28, 2012. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. 12 oz. Orange Juice . . . . . . . . Gallon Whole ButtermilkSunnyland . . .Whole Chocolate Delite . . . . . Sweet Brand Tea . . .Fresh .Regular Gallon Sunnyland Sunnyland Sunnyland 12Quart pk. Frozen 8 oz. Assorted Flavor 8 oz. Assorted Flavor Citrus, Tropical Half Gallon Dutch Farms 8 oz. Assorted Flavor
$ 32$1 50 Punch or Mango
16 oz. Vanilla Latte, Caramel Macchiato, 8 oz. Assorted Hazelnut, French Vanilla orEssential Fat Everyday Free Vanilla Shredded Cheese
8 oz. Assorted Flavor
or Thick Dutch Farms Essential Everyday Dutch Farms Chunk Cheese ......
$ 39
Country Delite 10 oz. Pkg. Swiss Cheese
$ 94
GallonFarms Dutch Farms $ g. 84 Dutch oz. Pk Music City Buttermilk Shredded . . . . . . .16 .Cheese ... Chunk o mb Cheese Country Delite
$ 28
Half Gallon American Red Country Hots$ Delite Sausage Delite Patties 26 Country Milk Cheese Singles
ADE . . . . . . . . . . Ju oz. 6Fruit Pack Strawberry or Raspberry Sunnylan$d 99 18.6 Dannon Danimals $ 77
Blue Bell Dairy Links Sliced Bologna Fresh Egg $Sausage 29 Nog $ 66 Steak Umm Ice Cream
Country QuartDelite
Assorted Flavor
9 oz.
Whole Chocolate Milk ......... Cups Half N Half Sliced Steak $ 34 $ 32 $ 98 $ $ $ $ $ 44 44 99 48 72 $ 55 Provolone Cheese . . . 1 ks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fruit Juice Cocktails . . . 1 $ 38 $ 15$ Fresh44Frozen ranDrinks 8 oz.FD 102212_2 Essential Everyday Natural Slice
Gallon Citrus, Tropical
8 oz. Assorted Flavor
8 oz. Assorted Flavor
64 oz. Ctn. Select Varieties Welch's Gallon Whole
12 oz.
8 ct.
16 oz. Dutch Farms
French Onion
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 | MyConnection 3
Ford and Lincoln
1,000 1,000
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Silver, Cloth, Auto $ #5C549952 7,991
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Black, Cloth, Auto $ #5U16791 5,991
Silver, Cloth, Auto $ #1C237912 5,991
Green, leather, Roof $ #WU260210 5,991
Gray, Cloth, 5-Spd $ #65371564 7,992
Blue, Leather, 5-Spd $ #3M422965 7,994
‘03 FORD EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER Blue, Roof, Leather $ #3UB62844 9,991
Silver, Cloth, Auto $ #8S634379 9,991
Black, Cloth $ #6UB20305 10,991
Gold, Cloth, Auto $ #20043091 10,992
‘04 FORD F-150 XLT
‘05 MERCEDES C-230
Blue. XCab, 88K $ #4NC32813 11,991
White, Leather, Roof $ #5F693602 12,991
Gray, Leather, Roof $ #4M825692 12,993
Gold, Cloth, Auto $ #6C014309 12,993
Blue, Cloth, Auto $ #AH567846 13,994
Gray, Cloth, 41K $ #96317094 13,994
‘07 FORD F-150 XLT
White, Leather, Auto $ #7BB14809 14,991
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4 MyConnection | Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Home and Garden Connection
Is Your Home Ready for Winter? StatePoint
With winter approaching, many Americans miss a few small, but crucial, ways to prepare their homes for the colder season. “Some homeowners occasionally forget to or don’t realize they should winterize their homes,” says Leonard Kady, chair of the American Institute of Architects Small Projects Practitioners committee. “Prepping your home properly for the season could save you the expense of repairing and painting after a harsh winter.” To help you prepare, Kady offers some helpful advice:
Use Programmable Thermostats Installing a programmable thermostat is a great way to prepare for winter. They are reasonably universal to install and allow you to program temperatures that make sense for your home — such as keeping it cooler during the day when no one is home. Preparation now can save you time and money later. This season, don’t forget to winterize your home.
Make Household Drafts a Thing of the Past Outside is freezing and the heater is working overtime, but throughout the house there are cold, drafty areas. Does this sound familiar? Specialists in the field say that any cold or drafty areas within a home are typically caused by air leaks within the building envelope. Air leaks can make rooms uncomfortable and allow the air to escape, forcing heating equipment to work continually to compensate. Whether building a new home
or renovating, it may be worthwhile to consider a complete solution that makes household drafts a thing of the past. A modern insulation material can both insulate and air seal in one step. Spray foam insulation seals the entire building envelope and provides a cost-saving option for homeowners looking to reduce energy waste and save on their monthly energy bills. Over the long-term, the savings quickly add up.
Check Fireplaces Make sure you keep fireplace dampers closed to protect against drafts. Leaving a damper open is the equivalent of leaving a window open. Installing glass panels over the fireplace will also help keep drafts to a minimum and ultimately save you money on heating costs. Clean the Gutters During winter, ice can build up in gutters and in order for the ice to melt and drain properly, the drains must be clear. Take time to clean your gutters now to prevent them from clogging or even bursting once colder temperatures set in. Clear Outdoor Watering Systems Water trapped in an outdoor faucet or irrigation system can cause a pipe to burst if ice settles inside. Make it part of your winterizing routine to ensure that outdoor plumbing and pipes are clear before the temperatures start to drop. It can be a tricky task, so you may want to bring in a professional to help.
Winterize Continued from Page 1 Also, long grass tends to bend down upon itself, trapping moisture that can lead to fungal diseases like snow mold. Aerate the lawn. Soil can be compacted over time, especially in yards that see heavy foot traffic. You can rent an aerator from a lawn supply store so that water and fertilizer can reach the soil. Fertilize. Now is the time to give the lawn fresh food to overwinter and also replenish the strength of the root system. All summer long the lawn has been depleting the soil of nutrition, but autumn presents a great opportunity to strengthen those roots. Consider a slow-release formula designed for winterizing that will feed the lawn all winter long. Edge the garden beds. Take advantage of the cooler weather and slow-growing grass to reedge around flower beds. Even though the grass above the surface of the soil will stop growing, the roots will remain viable and the lawn will still be sending out rhizomes and tillers to produce new grass blades in the spring. These can easily encroach on garden beds. Edge now so you will have less work to do in the spring. Trim hedges and trees. If there are any overhanging tree branches or shrubbery blocking sunlight from reaching the lawn, cut back these areas once the foliage has thinned. Take advantage of your town’s leaf and twig pickup services. Seed bare patches. Scour the lawn for bare patches and put down some seed in these areas. The cooler weather will enable the seeds to germinate without having to compete with weed growth. The
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012 | MyConnection 5
Health Connection
Stay Healthy this Flu Season
Coweta’s Greatest Generation The Newnan Times-Herald spent over a year highlighting the stories of surviving local World World II veterans in a project called “Our Greatest Generation.” This award-winning series presented the stories of over 120 local men and women and was a favorite of readers young and old.
Flu season is upon us, bringing with it new strains of the virus. So now is the time to brush up on all the flu-fighting facts. Here are eight wellness tips to help keep you and your family in tip-top shape — from what behaviors to avoid, to how homeopathic treatment can help:
Since the series ended, we have had countless requests to reproduce this collection of stories so they may be preserved for future generations and enjoyed time and again in their entirety. We are pleased to announce the entire series has been published in a limited edition hardcover book with 288 pages that tell the stories and feature photographs of these proud men and women.
Solution to crossword on page 2.
1. Know your risk: Seniors, children under age 5 and pregnant women are at high-risk for developing complications from flu, as well as those with asthma, heart disease and weakened immune systems. Seek professional advice on your risk factors.
Pick up your copy today at 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 Also available to order online at times-herald/store or fill out the form below and mail with your payment to: The Newnan Times-Herald c/o Book Order P.O. 1052, Newnan, GA 30264
2. Wash your hands: Flu viruses are spread by droplets from infected people when they sneeze, blow their nose, or wipe secretions from their nose or eyes. Keep your hands out of your mouth, avoid rubbing your eyes and thoroughly wash your hands several times daily. Avoid alcohol and chemical-based hand sanitizers, instead opting for soap and water or a natural, essentialoil based hand cleanser. 3. Eat wisely: Foods containing vitamins C and E are believed to support the immune system. So stock up on sunflower seeds, almonds, citrus fruits, broccoli and green peppers. Limit your intake of concentrated sugar found in soda and candy, as it impairs immune response. 4. Sleep tight: Lack of sleep may profoundly inhibit your immune system. A full night’s sleep will keep your body’s natural defenses at optimum efficiency. ‘ 5. Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated will lessen your chances of coming down with flu. When you’re under the weather, drink extra fluids to loosen mucus, keep your throat moist, and prevent dehydration caused by fever. 6. Nip it in the bud, safely: Reduce the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms by listening to your body when you feel achy or run down. Don’t wait until you’re “sick enough” to act. If you’re concerned about side effects, drowsiness and drug interactions, opt for a natural homeopathic medicine. Keeping something like this on hand can help you treat yourself sooner, allowing you to rest rather than trek to the store. “The key is to watch for symptoms and be prepared to act quickly with a complication-free treatment,” says Lawrence Rosen, MD. 7. Exercise regularly: A recent study reported in the journal “Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise” found that modest exercise may prevent the elderly from getting colds and flu. 8. Seek help if you get worse: The flu can be potentially dangerous, leading to other infections like pneumonia. If your symptoms become significantly worse after the first three days of illness, especially if your fever subsides and then returns, seek medical attention. Help yourself stay healthy this season through prevention and by treating symptoms before they get the best of you.
A collection of stories from Coweta County’s WWII Veterans and The Newnan Times-Herald Harold Barron
Paul Deverick
Bill Dailey
Wendell Whitlock
Winston Clark
Elmer Spradlin
James McCalla
Robert Alexander
Horace Couch
Paul McKnight
J. T. Joiner
Don Lindstrom
Hugo Parkman
Clarence Boynton
Bob Newton
Charles Turner
Frank Moynahan
C. B. Warren
Everett Graves
Marvin O’Neal
Horace McMullan
Albert “Lee” Herrington
James Goodrum
Jack Wade
Bob Eatman
Alton Reeves
Eddie B. Bass
Joe Lowe
James Mansour
Merlin Houston
Joe Todd
Robert E. “Bob” Lee
James Robb
Robert Pittman
Coleman Yarbrough
Mickey Williams
Udolphus Daulton Payne
Tommy Thompson
Jimmy Carlisle
Bob Haynie
Homer Youngblood
Ed Wolak
Harold Barber
Patrick Ciandella
Bert Bray
Gene Cook
‘Flying the Hump’
Frank Cheney
Art Carlson
Sarah Rone
Harry Newton
James Maddux
D. M. “Hump” Humphries
Dan Moten
Helen Denton
E. R. Forsyth
Gilbert Taylor
Edwin Bean
Ed Wyrick
Ed Milton
Bill Barrow
Tom Miller
James Stitcher
Donald Van Houten
Robert Sanders
John Richards
James Warren
Sam Isaac
Bill Jones
Ford Boling
Bill Deakins
Roscoe McMichael
Bill Lowry
Leo Baker
Jimmy Nixon
Alton Kirby
Grover McMichael
Marvin Brittain
Arthur Dye
Robert Bridges
Cecil Taylor
David Mealor
William Tinsley
Alvin Warren
Ferrell Parrott
Al Lewis
James “Jim” Williams
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Edwin Fey
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Halloween Connection
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Jack O’Melon 1 round watermelon Melon baller Pen Knife Toothpicks Cut a thin slice from the bottom of watermelon to provide a stable base. Cut circular piece of the rind from the top, big enough to reach into to remove the flesh. Carefully remove that top section and reserve for later to be used as a lid. Remove the flesh from inside the watermelon using melon baller, reserving melon balls for snacking or a fruit salad. Once flesh is removed, drain any excess liquid from inside watermelon. Using pen or knife, draw or scratch the outlines of eyes, nose, mouth, hair, ears or any other feature you want on the side of the watermelon, using a template as a guide. Then, following the outlines, cut the features into the watermelon and remove excess rind. To create a 3D effect with the features after you have cut them, push gently on the flaps of rind from inside the water melon. (You can use toothpicks to prop the rind, if you want.) A safe, battery-operated lamp can be firmly placed inside the watermelon to provide a haunting glow. Place the circular piece of rind that you reserved back on top of the watermelon and your Jack O’Melon is ready to be displayed.
Tiki Mask Table Decoration 1 oblong seedless watermelon Pencil or green dry erase marker Melon baller Paring and kitchen knives Spoon Channel knife Toothpick Slice 1/4 inch off end of watermelon to provide a stable base. Use pencil to draw the face, making adjustments in scale to your particular watermelon. Use melon baller to scoop out nostrils; use small paring knife to clean up edges. Next use paring knife to cut out the inside mouth area, leaving room for the teeth. Next cut individual teeth, using the same small paring knife, and use a spoon to dig out a large area of flesh for the mouth cavity. Next carve out eyes, digging a deep cavity in each, for drama. Use a channel knife to carve details. Use some carved out pieces to cut a “bone” decoration for top of head, and attach with a toothpick.
Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online last week (Oct. 12-18) High-grade marijuana netted in raid by Coweta County authorities
Blake Chappell: Teenager had 100-item, handwritten bucket list
The death of Blake Chappell
Evans student sees prison inmate expose himself on school grounds
Coweta authorities arrest 3 people on prostitution-related charges
6. 7.
Pharmacist, assistant charged after raids for illegal drug sales
‘Occupy’ activists in Newnan court
It’s not a pretty picture: Food shelves are bare
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Prepare cake mix batter according to package directions; add chopped Butterfinger to batter. Bake according to directions for 24 cupcakes. Cool completely. Frost cupcakes. Place morsels in small, heavy-duty plastic bag. Microwave on high (100%) power for 45 seconds; knead. Microwave at additional 10- to 15-second intervals, kneading until smooth. Cut small corner from bag; squeeze to pipe concentric circles on top of frosting. Using wooden pick or tip of knife, pull tip through chocolate from center to last circle to create a cobweb effect. Make 2 dots using decorator icing on each of 24 Goobers to resemble spider eyes.
1. You must VOTE! (By not voting, you are voting.) 2. You must vote for the candidate who most represents our beliefs. (Pro-life, pro-biblical
Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D
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Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A
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Coweta’s Local Daily
New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.
NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility
and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont
Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are
See HOSPITAL, page 2A
Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations
By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy
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3. PRAY!!! This will be the most important election in our history! Get involved!
Psalm 12: 1
Bank Owned On-Site R.E. Auction Sharpsburg - SF home 51 Weatherstone Ct. 4 BR, 3 bath, 2,785 sq. ft. Sale Date: Sat., Nov 17, 10 a.m. For Color Brochure: 800-229-9793 5% Buyer’s Premium Bryan Marshburn CO-AU003780 CO-AU02852
With or without children $99.00. Includes name change and property settlement agreement. Save hundreds. Fast and easy. Call 24/7.
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Season 3 of ‘Walking Dead’ premiers on Sunday
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1 package (18.25 ounces) devil’s food or yellow cake mix 2 (2.1 ounces each) Butterfinger Candy Bars, chopped 1 container (16 ounces) prepared vanilla frosting 1 cup (6 ounces) Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels 1 small tube white decorator icing or gel 1 package (1.38 ounces) Goobers Milk Chocolate- Covered Peanuts
No serious injuries in school bus accident near Brooks
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In over 100 newspapers for only $350 . Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than1 million readers. Call Jennifer Labon at the Georgia Newspaper Service.
Coweta’s Choice Cobweb Cupcakes
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speciAl notices
16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA 30263 •
speciAl notices
Pelvic / Transvaginal Mesh
Did you undergo transvaginal placement of mesh for pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence between 2005 and present time? If the patch required removal due to complications, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members.
Social Security
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If you are disable and unable to work? Give us a call. We represent claimants who have and are about to file a claim with the Social Security Administration. If your claim has been denied, we will file your appeals prior to a hearing before a judge. We can help! We have over 20 years of experience representing claimants. Call today. Howard W. Bowen Advocate
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TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.
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Reclining leather chair from Macy's. Dark green, excellent condition. Cost $500, will sell for $150.
White metal rabbit cage, great condition. $25
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Bargain Buys $200-or-less
Christmas Tree
9 ft., beautiful dark green, used twice, excellent condition with assembly instructions, asking $125.
Homes For Rent-Unfurn.
TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
2 to 4 BRs $525 - $875
Grantville 2 to 4 BRs $475 - $650
2 BR Horse Farm $550
2 BR, $450 770-583-8864 or 770-301-8786 for photos:
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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012 | MyConnection 7
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