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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
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most certainly blame that lack of shuteye for at least some of their memory veryone forgets things from loss. When you don't get enough sleep, time to time. Periodically brain's ability to think critically, inyour The Newnan Times-Herald forgetting To whereadvertise you left solve problems and even be creative your keys is likely not indicative of a bad memory. But some people find is compromised considerably. In addithemselves forgetting things more tion, research has shown that memoryfrequently, a troubling development for enhancing activities occur during those who can't explain their sudden the deepest stages of sleep, further loss of memory. highlighting the importance of getting Memory loss is often considered to a full night of interruption-free rest. go hand-in-hand with aging. As a person ages, conventional wisdom sug- Hit the gym. Exercise is another activity that can improve memory. gests memory will begin to fade. But Daily physical exercise increases the sometimes memory loss has nothing amount of oxygen that gets to your to do with aging, and a lot to do with brain while reducing the risk for cera brain that isn't sharp because of an unhealthy lifestyle. The following are a tain disorders, including diabetes and few ways men and women can improve cardiovascular disease, both of which can lead to memory loss. their memory.
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In large saucepan or small stockpot over medium heat, cook bacon, stirring occasionally, until crisp, 8 to 10 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to transfer bacon to a paper towel-lined plate and set aside. Add onion to bacon fat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes. Increase heat to mediumhigh, add pork, and cook, stirring occasionally, until onions are crisp-tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Stir in chili powder and paprika. Stir in tomatoes (with juices) and water. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, and cook, stirring occasionally, until pork is tender, 35 to 45 minutes. Stir in beans and about 2/3 of bacon and cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through, about 10 minutes. Add salt to taste. Serve chili garnished with remaining bacon and sour cream and scallions, if using.
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or any day — serve with warm corn tortillas or corn bread and a refreshing side salad with radishes and cilantro. Prepare a topping bar with sour cream, roasted tomato salsa, sliced avocadoes, scallions and shredded Jack cheese.
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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
Ranch homes. 2-car garage. Thomas Crossroads area. $950 $999 / month. GRFA accepted.
to, wow guests with deboertrans.com a hearty, versatile $.01 increase per mile after 6 months and 12 pork-based chili with layers of savory months. $0.03 QuarDrivers tely Bonus. Requires 3 flavor. months recent experiClass A Flatbed ence. Home every Smoky ingredients are allweekend! the rage, Pay 37¢/mi., both ways, 800-414-9569 Full Benefits, Requiresand www.driveknight.com with fire-roasted tomatoes, bacon 1-year OTR Flatbed exchipotle peppers on the rise in restaurant perience. Team with Total. 50¢/Mile for HazMat Teams. Solo Drivers Also Needed! 1-yr. exp. Req.
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ou probably know tax deductions are an important part of your income tax return and that you want as many as possible. But do you understand how deductions actually save you money or how to determine which ones you can claim on your tax return? "Simply put, deductions lower the amount of your taxable income," explains Jessi Dolmage, spokesperson for makers of popular tax-preparation software. "The more deductions you have, the less tax you pay." Knowing which deductions you qualify for and whether you should itemize is easy with do-it-yourself tax preparation products. Dolmage says: "The program eliminates the guess work. Answer simple questions about deductions and it will tell if you're better off itemizing or taking the standard deduction. It also checks for errors and offers one-on-one tax help every step of the way." You have the choice of claiming the standard deduction or itemizing deduc-
tions on your tax return, but you should choose whichever amount is higher. Nearly two out of three taxpayers claim the standard deduction. Amounts are adjusted for inflation each year, vary by filing status and are higher for those 65 and older or who are legally blind. For 2012 federal tax returns due April 15, 2013, standard deduction amounts are: ■ $5,950 for single-or married filing separately ■ $11,900 for married filing jointly-and qualifying widows(ers) ■ $8,700 for head of household If you itemize, your deductions are listed separately on your tax return. Itemized deductions are reported on Schedule A and can only be filed with long Form 1040. On the other hand, taxpayers claiming the standard deduction can file Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ. Itemized deductions may include mortgage interest, state and local taxes, charitable gifts, unreimbursed employee expenses, uninsured casualty or theft losses, and miscellaneous deductions. However, your expenses must meet
certain requirements to qualify as itemized deductions. For instance, certain miscellaneous deductions must exceed 2 percent of your adjusted gross income, and unreimbursed medical and dental costs must exceed 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income. If your tax return filing status is married filing separately, both spouses must claim the same deduction type. If one spouse itemizes deductions, the other must also itemize, and vice versa. All taxpayers are eligible for certain deductions, regardless of whether they itemize. Examples include traditional IRA contributions, student loan interest, alimony payments, moving expenses and a portion of your self-employment tax (if applicable). Deductions like these are often described as "above-the-line" because they are deducted from gross income. Itemized and standard deductions are subtracted from adjusted gross income. Learn more about deductions in IRS Publication 501 at www.irs.gov. For step-by-step guidance through deductions, tax forms and free tax help, visit www.taxact.com.
2 MyConnection | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Historic Downtown Newnan February 2 7:00 a.m. 11th annual 5K and 10K road race and 1 mile fun run in historic downtown Newnan. Fundraiser for local children’s shelter Angel’s House. 5K/10K Road Races certified as Peachtree Road Race Qualifiers. Register online. Prizes for the best “Angelic” themed costume(s) – child, adult, and group. Info: 770-253-4314 www.theangelshouse.org
Pickin’ on the Square
Historic Courthouse Square February 2 11:00 a.m. All musicians are invited to come down to Newnan’s Historic Courthouse Square and play. All music genres and skill levels are welcome. Acoustic only. Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com
Quarterloin Quarterloin
$$ 55 55
The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts February 2 7:00 p.m. Vocalist Rozlyn Sorrell’s music industry colleagues describe her as a “consummate artist.” Ms. Sorrell has performed and recorded with many worldrenowned recording artists. lb. Info: 770-254-2787 Hamburguesa de carne diezmillo molida fresca www.thecentreonline.net
Fresh Ground Chuck Patties
cochos y salchicha de paquete de 4
Steak.................. lb.
$ 42
Manage stress effectively. Stress has a host of negative side effects, not the least of which is its impact on your memory. Chronic stress that goes untreated can destroy brain cells and damage the region of the brain that deals with the formation of new memories as well as the retrieval of older memories. Numerous studies have shown that men and women cite their career as their primary source of stress. Since quitting your job is likely not an option, find ways to manage your stress more effectively. This may mean finding a way to make the most of your time, be it working more efficiently, emphasizing planning ahead or even vowing to stop procrastinating. Other ways to manage stress include making time to relax and recognizing that you have limits while seeking the help of others.
salmon, tuna and other cold water fatty fish, in your diet. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids, which can also be found in walnuts, can boost brain power and possibly reduce your risk for Alzheimer's disease. Foods with antioxidants, including fruits and vegetables, can also protect your brain cells from damage, which can have a positive impact on your memory. Leafy green vegetables like spinach, romaine lettuce and arugula as well as fruits like apricots, mangoes and cantaloupe are good sources of antioxidants. A diet high in saturated fat, which is found in red meat, whole milk, butter and cheese, has been found to have a negative impact on memory. Research has shown that such a diet increases a person's risk of developing dementia while impairing an individual's Make some dietary changes. ability to concentrate and remember things. Diet can also have an impact on Loss of memory is often a memory. What you eat is fuel for momentary lapse, but those who both your body and your brain, Gusto Gusto find themselves becoming more and a poor diet can have a negaand more forgetful can take steps tive impact on your memory. Be sure to include omega-3 fatty to improve their memory and acids, sources of which include their quality of life.
Swiss Steak..........
Shank Shank Or Or Butt Butt Portion Portion
Smoked Smoked Ham Ham
ausage & Summit BiscuitsHealthplex
Swiss Steak..........
Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas
Escamas de carne de cangrejo de imitación
Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas
selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete Intestinos pequeños de cerdo congelado fresco, 10 libras 16 U.S.D.A. oz. Hot or Mild Market Style
ea. U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo
Jan. 31–Feb. 3
3 $1 65 3
Chuletas de lomo de cordero americano fresco
Imitation Flake
10 Lb.
U.S.D.A. Farms Select Beef Sunset
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
10 1 $ 44 1
$ 65Lamb Loin Chops $ lb. 66 Best $ 99 $ 29º95Sea 59º 47º 25º 49ºBoston 14º But t43º 20º Superior Farms
AmericanSATURDAY lb.SUNDAY THURSDAY Fresh FRIDAY Jamón ahumado de porcion de pierna o extremo
Imitation Flake
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Crab Meat ......... Pork Roast lb.
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de asado de paleta de cerdo tipo Boston U.S.D.A. Select Beef
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad
Hamburguesa de carne diezmillo molida Salchichas rojos,fresca 14 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas Chuck Roast 5 Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas Carnes de almuerzo de11.7 preparar emparedado sub, 28 onzas Paquete de almuerzos refrigerantes, onzas 5:00-8:00 p.m. Bizcochos y salchicha de paquete de 4 Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas U.S.D.A. Select Beef Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas utterball SalchichaU.S.D.A. ahumado,Select 40 onzas Beef 11.7 oz. 28 oz. Bone-Inlb. Next: “One Hour4 Pk.Drummer.” Oscar Mayer Whole or Half Carolina Pride lb. Dean drums Sunset Farms lb. Chuck Roast Join in the fun playing Fourcost Star Oscar Mayer Steaksincludes Salchicha *Our freight, stocking fees, and associated expenses. U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras de cerdo Thick Sliced Bacon Sub Kits....... ............ lb. Fresh Pork Ham.......... Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas Fresh Sausage......... hichas de toda carne enorme or tamaño de bollo, 16 onzas Sausage & Biscuits ahumado especial, 3 libras Sausage....... . ... . ...... . .. . and other rhythm instruments. Smoked Sausage.... U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad Pavo o jamón rebanado delgado, 16 onzas Pechuga de pavo o jamón rebanado, 9 onzas 10 oz. Links or Patties Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia, 2.5 libras oz. Jumbo or Bun Length 3 Lb. Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas U.S.D.A. Inspected - Any Size Package experience 9 oz. Select Sliced 16 oz. Premium Thin Sliced Please visit Georgia our website: www.myfooddepot.com! 2.5 Lb. Family Pack U.S.D.A. Inspected lb. 14 oz. 14 oz. Turkey 16 oz. Sunset Farms all Park No prior musical Special Carolina Pride necessary. Free – for Royal FourPaquete Starde almuerzoslb.refrigerantes, 11.7 onzas Butterballanyone Sunset Farms Land O' Frost Pork oz. de hueso-T fighting cancer, isSmoked a cancer surHam or Turkey Breast lb. Turkey or Ham..... U.S.D.A. inspeccionado Smoked Sausage.... Red11.7 Hots................... Sausage.... Smoked Sausage.... Baby Back de chuletas de lomoRibs..... de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamañolb. Oscar Mayer Salchicha U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras de cerdo picante o suave, 16 onzas Hamburguesas de res grande, 26 onzas Jamón o Pavo rebanado delgado de paquete valor, 16 onzas vivor or is a caregiver for someTortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas Salchichas de toda carne enorme or tamaño de bollo, 16 onzas Salchicha ahumado especial, 3 libras 16 oz. Hot or Mild 28 oz. JumBistec bo milanesa de desayuno magro fresco U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso 16 oz. Value Shaved Varieties 10 oz. Links or Patties 16 oz.not Jumbohave or Bun to Length 3 Lb. 6-8.75 oz., Select one with cancer. Do 16 oz. Bread & Butter or Kosher Dill U.S.D.A. Inspected Any Size Package Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso Fresh Carolina Pride U.S.D.A. Select Beef On•Cor Oscar May er Sunset Farms Ball Park Georgia Special Bugles, Chex Mix , Lean be Piedmont patients to attend. Fresh Lean Center Cut LoinSausage..... U.S.D.A. Select Beef Vlasic . .. . ..... . . .... . Breakfast Beef Patties.... . ..... . ... Ham or Turkey....... de hueso-T U.S.D.A. Inspected Boneless Fresh Sausage........... Meat mericano fresco de pescadoFranks..... tilapia congelado fresco, 2 libras Smoked Sausage.... Breakfast Info: 770-719-5860AllFilete lb. Pork Chops................... oz. Thick & Hearty,de centroBoneless 10.5 oz. Honey Sunshine 2 Lb. Boston But t 10 U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de paquete de cualquier tamaño lb. lb. Original or Sweet www.summithealthplex.com lb. lb. Pork Roast 4 Lb. Flavors Rice orde bistec de la carne Fresh Frozen Kashi 5 oz.Hickory rican oz., Select 24 oz., Select Varieties 16 oz. Bread & Butter or Kosher Dill4.4-5.8 oz., Assorted 16de oz. 6-8.75Flavors oz., Select Varieties U.S.D.A. selecto de cuete W/ Bull's Eye 13-16.3 Varieties U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete lomo de cerdo 4-5.7 oz. Assorted Pasta 1 RollU.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdoEssential Everyday 7.5 oz. Cheese or Bugles, Original U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete Chex Mix , Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Tilapia Fish Fillet....
hicha ahumado de pavo,February 14 onzas
oz. Turkey
moked Sausage....
ll Meat Franks.....
2 $ 99 1 $ 15
Escamas de carne de cangrejo de imitación Jamón ahumado de porcion de pierna o extremo
Half U.S.D.A. or Inspected $Frozen99 Whole Four Star 99 $ Best Sea Fresh lb. Eye of Round lb. Pork Pork Ham.......... Fresh Fresh Sausage......... Smoked Sausage.... Crab T-BoneMeat......... ea. lb. Pork Chitterling lb. Steak............... ... lb. Tender Tips........... Steaks U.S.D.A. Inspected 14 oz. 16 oz. * U.S.D.A. Inspected Four Star Sunset Farms 16 oz. Hot or * Pork 12 oz. $ 37 $ 75 $ 83 Mild Market Style 16 oz. Smo ked or Polish 40 oz. T-Bone Royal 40 oz.
Weather Connection
44 4 10 $ 25 $ 38 $ 99 $ 88 $195 3 3 4 1 $2442 6 1 $ 47 OUR COST PLUS 10% ADDED AT REGISTER! $ Fresh42 $ Tips........... 84 $ 66 $Frozen42Tender Steak............... ... Tilapia Lamb Loin Chops Steak.................. Fish Fillet....
Fresh Ground Chuck Patties
Cancer Wellness 29 classes $
Pork PorkChops Chops
Rozlyn Sorrell
Continued from Page 1
1. Idealized image 6. Snake in the grass 9. Attired 13. Bourne actor 14. U.N. labor agency 15. Domenikos Theotokopoulos, a.k.a. El _____ 16. Like NCAA's eight 17. Microprocessor chip, for short 18. Number of planets 19. *Expensive Bowl purchase 21. *Tied with Steelers for most appearances 23. Big fuss 24. Hoodlum 25. Car wash option 28. Camera setting 30. *Found on many players 35. Corner pieces 37. Snoopy 39. As opposed to best 40. Etna output 32. Girl Scout unit DOWN 41. Where one is treated for drug or 33. Japanese port 1. Brainchild alcohol dependence 34. Catchall category 2. French Sudan, today 43. Flood survivor 36. Belted out 3. Gulf V.I.P. 44. Time on the job 38. Bygone era 4. "_____ go!" 46. Foolhardy challenge 42. Type of sailing ship 5. Iroquois tribe 47. Tyrant's power U.S.D.A. Inspected 6. *Record-holder for touchdowns and 45. *Joe Montana, only ______ U.S.D.A. Inspected 48. Listed on driver's license winner of Super Bowl MVP points scored 50. Chapter 11 issue 49. "The Joy Luck Club" author 7. Mont Blanc, e.g. 52. "___ for the course" 51. *Named after Vince Lombardi 8. _____ football 53. Royal Indian 54. Birthplace of anime 9. Stewie Griffin's bed 56. Saints' lights 10. Construction set for kids 55. E in B.C.E. 57. Barbie dolls' boyfriends 11. Common flu feeling 57. *Cause of Superdome leak 12. Some letter toppers 58. Nucleus plus electrons 61. One who inspires fear 15. Cheap showy jewelry 59. Biblical pronoun 65. Set of values 20. Pitcher's domain 60. *Peyton is still seeking his second 66. *Coach's ___ talk *Wide receiver, aka wide___ one of these Bistec milanesa22. de desayuno magro fresco U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso 68. Factual evidence Fresh Lean 24. Taqueria offering 61. Work detail Select Beef U.S.D.A. 69. No person 25. Like one from Prince Charles' 62. Famous seamstress Breakfast Boneless 70. Draft choice domain U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de cuarto de lomo de cerdo 63. "Going, going, ____!" lb. 71. Lacks 26. Winged 64. Salamander in terrestrial stage, pl. 72. Very pleased withinspeccionado oneself deU.S.D.A. U.S.D.A. chuletas de 27. cuarto de lomo selecto de bistec de la carnededecerdo cuete *47 U.S.D.A. inspeccionado 67. Will Ferrell playedde puntas onede filete de lomo de cerdo 73. *It's won more than its U.S.D.A. Select29. BeefThree-____ sloth U.S.D.A.U.S.D.A. Inspected Chuletas de lomo de cordero americano fresco Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco Filete de pescado tilapia congelado fresco, 2 libras selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso counterpart 31. *____ Dorsett, Solution on Page 6 2 Lb. Eye of Round Fresh Lean won one Super Superior Farms Pork U.S.D.A. Select Beef Bowl ring © StatePoint Media 74. Affirmatives Fresh American Breakfast Boneless lb.
2013 Run for Angels
$ 25
3 38 $ 68 1 6 $ 18 Smoked Sausage.... 2 $ 54 Back Ribs..... $2 $ 99 Baby 99 $ 2 5 1 3 2 1 4 $ 33 Fun Pack $ 86 $$ 7538 3 $ 17 6 Cut Loin 78$ Lunchables... ... 1 57 $ 04 $ 65 $$247 $Smoked 37 Sausage.... 5 $ 83 Center 15 Fresh$ Sausage........... 2 1 3 6 Pork Chops................... 1 2 2 2 $ 33
Red $Hots................... 29
21 1
Filete de pescado t
2 Lb.
Fresh Tilapia
Intestinos pequeñ
10 Lb.
Fresh F
Tocino re
12 oz.
Pavo o jam
16 oz. P
28 oz. J
4.4-5.8 oz., Assor Fun Pack $ 86 4-5.7 oz. Assorte $ 13 $ 79 $ 92 $ 38 $ Fresh 99Fresh $ 17 Ground $ 78 Lipton Knor Lunchables...... $ 65 Gardetto or $ 42 Ground $ 65 $ 04 $ 42 Chuck Patties $ 65 Side Dishe Patties Sandwich Stackers Steak.................. Swiss Steak.......... Pillsbury Snacks Steak.................. Swiss Steak.......... $Chuck84 $ 66 $ 50 24 Pk., .5 Liter P ¢ Shoppers U.S.D.A. Select Beef lb. Cereal . . . . . . . ea. Chops Pan Vlasic U.S.D.A. Inspected Vlasic A.1. $ 65 Lipton Knorr Peter U.S.D.A. SelectorBeef44 $ 65 ¢ Val u e U.S.D.A. Inspected Bugles Down To Earth Crystal Sprin $ Gardetto ¢ Tuna in Water . . . $ 80 $ 04 Sugar lb.10.5 Sweet Pickle 12 Ct. 4.87-9.31 oz., Select Varieties 10 oz.$ Thick & Hearty, Eye of Round Steak Pork Sunshine Spears .Sandwich $ 95 42 . Stackers Snacks lb.oz. HoneyPickle Side Dishes Sauce Eye of.....Round Peanut Organic Butter Association Pork Towels . . . . . . . $ 95 $ 42 Original or Sweet Pillsbury Snacks 10 Lb. . . . . . . . 24 oz. Drinking W lb. Relish or Sw eet lb. Green Mountain $ Kashi 425 Lb. Steak............... ... Hickory W/ lb. Bull's Eyelb. Tender Tips........... 9.8-12.2 oz.,$Select 50 Varieties 24 oz., Select Varieties 13-16.3 Select Varieties Hwy. 16 E., Newnan Steak............... ... lb. Freshoz.,Frozen $915 99 $ 88 Tender Tips........... 7.5 oz. Cheese or Original Essential Everyda y 24 Pk., .5 Liter Puri ed Essential Pickle Cube s 8-8.75 oz., Select Varieties $ 89 250 Ct. 5 oz. . Bear . . . .Everyday .Creek . Pasta Vlasic K Cups . . . . . . ea. . Cereal A.1. $ 65 Peter Pan Crystal Springs $ 74 Bugles $ 98$ Beef at......... Februarylb.5 Pork Chitterling 80 U.S.D.A. Inspected Sugar Stew . . . . . . . Vigo Chex Mix 12 Ct. 4.87-9.31 oz., Select Varieties Essential Everyday $ 80 U.S.D.A. Inspected Pk. 16 oz. Hot or Mild Market Style $ 49or Half Pickle Spears . . U.S.D.A. oz. Columbian orAny Breakfast BlendPackage Steak Peanut Butter 4.024Dean 7:00 p.m. 4 Pk. ¢ 16 oz. Hot or Mild Market Style Sauce 40 oz. Size Sides & Rice . . . Claxton Fresh Dri n king Water Select Beef Snacks . . . . . . . . Fresh Whole 40 oz. $ 38 Green Mountain Sunset Farms 5 Lb. Self-Rising Regular or White $ 25 $ 29 Whole or Half Yellow Ric $ 99 Snacks . . . . . . . . $ 38 16 oz. Napkins . . . . . Dean Sunset Farms 9.8-12.2Star oz., Select Varieties Four Star Green Mountain $.9.5. . .oz.99 29 $Whole 99 FryingFresh Pork Ham.......... Medium If you live in or around Coweta $ Fresh $ 39 Four Boneless 5 oz.$ $8-8.75 Pork 99 oz.,99 Select Varieties Box, Select Varieties Essential Everyday Sausage & Biscuits 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties Fresh Sausage......... 8 Pk. K Cups . . . $ 24 $ 59 $ 20 Fresh Pork Ham.......... Sausage & Biscuits 6.3 Bag, Select Varieties Fresh Sausage......... Bear Creek Sausage.... Pasta Food Depot Smoked Sausage.... Royal in County and are interested Oscar Mayer 40 Ct. 9 Inch $oz. Vigo 74 $ 25 K Cups$ . .18 . . . . . Carolina Chex Mix2/ $ ¢$ 54 Pride Hunt's Old PasoBlend Smoked 15 Lb.¢ 20 oz. $Sides 68 80 Corn Meal .... . Chickens 9 oz. Assorted Flavors Potato, 9 oz. Cheese Frito-Lay's 4.02 oz. Beef Columbian orElBreakfast $ 05 Chex ank's 72Bacon $ 55gardening, $ 59 Thick$into Sliced Combos Sub Kits....... . .......... . & Rice . . . Ground Food Depot organic check U.S.D.A. Inspected Essential Ev Sirloin Steak BBQ Bread . . . $ 18 Spare Ribs 14 oz. 14 oz. Turkey 16 oz. Inspected Yellow Rice Curls, 9 oz. Cheese 11 oz. Tortilla oz. Mountain ............... 14 oz. 34 oz. Simply 38 oz. Original 16Sausage....... 14 oz.orTurkey Snacks . . . . . .16. .oz. Sunset Value Tomato Sauce . . . ShoppersU.S.D.A.Giant . . . . . .group. . ot Sauce . . .this . . awardCereal Green $ 99 100 Ct. Tagless . . . . . . Stuffers . . . . . . $ 39 White Crackers Four Star Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels $ Butterball winning Farms 8 Pk. 9.5 oz. Box, Select Varieties Pork 47 $ 37 $ 15 Pretzel Snacks . $ 83 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties Four Star Butterball Sunset Farms 5 Lb. Self-Rising or Plain Pork Food Depot $Value 47 Shoppers Foam Pla $.16. .oz.. .15 13.1 oz. Go Lean, 12 oz. Heart to $ Chilies, 83 40 Ct. 9$Inch 6.3 37 oz. Bag, Select Varieties 10 oz. Tomatoes & Green Chili Heinz Value Dog Food KCarolina .Medium, .$ 25HotFrito-Lay's Any Package ¢ $ SizeBBQ 27Cups Bread 20 oz.. . . . . Baby Back Claxton U.S.D.A. Select Beef Smoked orU.S.D.A. Mild Red Hots................... Smoked Sausage.... Members at allFrank'sstages of$13.8 oz. Sausage.... Hunt's Shoppers Old ElHots................... Paso Lean Essential Everyday Red Heart Cinnamon orLand Regular orFrost 5Fresh oz. Smoked Sausage.... $ Sausage.... Pride O'Fresh $ 29 Fixins, Tomato Diced$Chili59 or Mild Diced¢Fresh $ 05 9-10.5 oz.Ribs..... Royal Chex Select Beef59 Baby Back Ribs..... Essential Everyday $ 57 $ 04 Bread . . . 5.71-6.42 oz., Select Varieties $ ¢$Smoked $ 72 65 55 Combos Food Depot 18 Tea BagsFlake ..... Tomato Tomato Chili Whole 34Ham oz. Simply 38 oz.ElOriginal . . $Fresh Go Lean Crunch . . . 4 Lb. Small gardening from beginners to 1 Frying . . . . . ... . .2 Boneless Old Paso Hot Sauce . . . .Breakfast .or ....64 .or.orPatties oror42 Turkey BreastCrackers Liter Turkey Ham..Cereal ...Ketchup Snackss ... . . . Medium Sausage... Stuffers . .Patties . . . . Smoked $ Links Frito-Lay' GoldenPork Flour .&....Green ... . . . Sauce orGiant Large White ¢ Boneless 65 Foam Plates ..$. 343 Pringles Super Stack$.Snacks $ 19 $ 39 24SupePk.,r.5Chill Pretzel 10 oz.Links 16oz.oz. Jumbo or Heart Bun $ 94 8 oz. Kashiis something 10 oz. 13.1 Go Lean, 12Jumbo oz. 16 oz.Select ortoLength Bun LengthHeinz Lb.. 3 Lb.Rotel 10 oz. Tomatoes & Green Chilies, Chili ¢ U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. Inspected Any Size Package er 12 oz. Bottle, Varieties veterans. There to Any Size Package ank's $ 27 Bread 5 oz. 128 oz. 9-10. 5 oz. 16 oz. Medium, Hot or Mild $ 57 Cereal.. Taco Sauce . . . Shoppers Value Sunset Farms Ball Park Heart Cinnamon or Regular or 13.8 oz. Georgia Special Fixins, Tomato or$ Mild Diced Sunset Farms Cheetos Asst. Flavor ps ¢ Ball Park Steak.................. $5.71-6.42 Georgia $sBeef $Loin99Cut 17Center CutCenter ValueChi3/ lb. Special $ lb. Potato .Steak . .oz.,38 . Select Varieties Swiss Steak.......... 18Tomatoes oz. Creamy or Crunch Loin 78 .y .Diced .$Chickens . .Chili17 $orFritosSpare 78$ ¢ Shoppers Ground everyone. Super Chill 24 Chips Pk.,$ .5 Liter 38 ot Sauce . .learn .$ . from Tomato & Green Chili Sirloin Ketchup .99 .99 . . .oz.,$ Select ck 86 Ribs GoLawry's Lean Frito-Lay' Golden OldFlakeEl 13 Paso $ 54 19 $ 39 Carolina Pride Fresh Sausage........... On•Cor AllCrunch Meat Franks..... Oscar May er Pringles $ 64 Smoked Sausage.... Spring Wa Fresh Sausage........... All Meat Franks..... 8.4-19.2 Varieties Smoked Sausage.... $ $ 79 $ 92 Dog Treat Biscui t s Super Stack $ 94 $ 43 Shoppers Value Kashi Pork Chops................... ¢ Tomato Sauce Rotel rTurkey.. Chill ..... $ lb. Pork Chops................... 16 oz. Jar,Supe Select Varieties $ 49 ¢ 12Sausage..... oz. Bottle,orSelect Varieties Spring Water . 59 Cheetos Fritos Asst. Flavor Chi p s bles...... Info: 770-252-3030Frank's Beef Patties.... lb. . .. . ..... . . .... . . ..... . ... lb. Ham or $ 57 Marinades . . . . Taco Sauce . . . lb. Potato Chips . .10 . . PeanutTomatoes . . . . 24 oz., Assorted Cereal.. $ Inspected 64 PlantersSpring Butter6-8.75.Varieties Hot Sauce . . .U.S.D.A. . 1Select Beef Water ... $&Bread Lawry's Old El Paso Dry Roasted 12 oz. Steak & Chop, Teriyaki, Lemon $ 54. .U.S.D.A. oz., Select Varieties 18 oz. Corn Flake 8.4-19.2 oz., Select Varieties 16 oz.Varieties Kosher Dill 6-8.75 oz., Select 16oz. oz. Bread Butter&orButter KosherorDill 16 Jar, Select Taco Kits . . . Eye of Round Pepper, Baja Chipotle, Herb & Garlic or Pork $ 95 $ 42 Marinades . . . . 4.4-5.8 oz., Assorted Flavors Rice or Bugles, , Everyday $ 49 14.75-15.25 oz. Bugles, Chex Mix Chex , MixEssential Toasted Oats, 20 5 oz. 64 oz.23-24 Peanuts . . . . . . . oz. Old El Paso 16 oz. Vlasic Vlasic $ 64 18 oz. Corn Flakes, Mesquite $ 65 65 Planters12.5Dryoz. Honey RoastedNut $$lb.Essential 14-16 oz. Bottle 4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavors Pasta Whole Kernel 12 oz. Steak1 &Roll 15-17 oz. Frosted 10 3 oz. Gardetto or Gardetto or 16Chop, oz.Teriyaki, W/Chili,Lemon Fat FreeTender or Vegetarian Essential Essential Everyday Everyday Select Varieties $ 04 lb. Steak............... ... SHARPSBURG $ 04 Di s hwashing Li q ui d Everyday ¢ Tips........... $ 59 Toasted 20orSandwich oz. or Stackers 10 oz. Thick Hearty, 10&oz. Thick Hearty, 11.25 oz. Deep ActionOats, ScrubPeanuts 11.2Raisin oz.Sandwich AloeBranStackers or. Original Bar. . Taco Kits . . . . . or &Cream Style 10.5 oz.oz.Honey Sunshine Select Varieties 10.5 Honey Sunshine Pepper, BajaShoppers Chipotle, Herb &e Garlic or Lipton Knorr ¢ Val u Lawry's Shoppers Value . . . . 23-24 oz. Essential Eve $ 55 15-17 oz. Frosted Flakes ¢ Original or Sweet 3 oz. Old El Paso Pillsbury Original orShoppers Sweet Tuna in Water Fresh . .. Mesquite Pillsbury AppPrego le Juice . Snacks Snacks Center Center Cut Loin Kraft 14-16Dishes oz. Bottle Boneless Boneless Cut 03Sweet Value Kashi 16 $ oz.Kashi W/Chili, Fat Free or Vegetarian IrishPickle Spring Select. Varieties .. . . $ 50 245 oz.oz., Varieties Healthy HeartSide FairVarieties $ 50 24Select oz., Select Varieties Hickory W/Hickory Bull's Eye W/ Bull'sSauce Eye $ 79 Value 13-16.3 oz., Select VarietiesShoppers Towels . . . . . . . Essential Everyday 11. 2 Deep Act i o n Scrub or 11. 2 oz. Al o e or Ori g i n al Bar 15 Lb. Select U.S.D.A. Inspected Hot Marinades . . . . 24 oz. 7.5 oz. Cheese 69 $ T96ip 7.5oroz.Original Cheese or Original Ham Steak or Cereal .. . Lawry's Salad Dressing Sauce Chuck Pork Chopslb. Refried .OldWhole Roast 16Ground oz. Hot or Mild Market Style $Beans 55London Corn Prego ElCereal PasoRelish Cereal . .Broil ..Half .... Scrub Vlasic .$.Cube . 03 Vlasic Kraft Piedmont Heart Institute A.1. oz. 65oz.$Pasta lb. orSwBarsseet ..Spring ..$ .Sirloin . $ lb. Pan lb. A.1. 65 Hot 250Sauce Peter Pan Irish Shoppers Value .87-1.62 oz.,Peter Select Varieties Cereal . . . . . . . Essential Everyda y $ Marinades Bugles 24 Pk., .5 Liter Puri ed or $ 79 $ 19 38 Bugles Pickle 89 $ 80 Shoppers Value Sunset Farms $ 80 . . . . 12 Ct. 4.87-9.31 oz., Select Varieties 9Everyday 40Four Ct. $ 09 $ 99 12 Ct. 4.87-9.31 oz., Select Varieties 8.2 -11 oz. Salad Pasta. .Sauce Refried Beans .Ham.......... Star 5 PickleorPickle SpearsSpears February . 95 Steak Sauce 99$ 98McCormick $SpringsDressing 11 oz. Frosted, A Steak Sauce Crystal Peanut ¢$ 95 8.5 oz. Shea Butter Scrub Bars . .$ . .. .lb. .Bleach ..... .. 77 Snacks . . . . . . . . . . .Cat BeefPeanut StewSausage......... . . . .2/ .Butter . . 25 Fresh Pork .87-1.62 Select Varieties . . . Food $Butter Fresh Green Mountain Everyday ¢oz.,Essential ... .. . . Snacks $ 88 $ Mountain 11¢ oz.25 Frosted, Assortedoz.,Flavors $ $ 49 3/$ $ 25 Old El Paso Flour Smoked Sausage.... 9.8-12.2 Selectoz.,Varieties 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Drinking Water 8.2$ -11Green oz. 09 9.8-12.2 Select Varieties Essential Eve 8.5 oz. Shea Butter Soft Soap 8-8.75 oz., Select Varieties McCormick Lb. Self-Rising or White lb. Napkins $ 8-8.75 oz.,92 Select Varieties12 oz. Deluxe Shells & Cheddar Seasoning 2/Shells KElKCups . .... . .lb. lb. ..... ¢ .OldU.S.D.A. lb. $ 24 $ 05 Taco$165Essential lb. 24 Essential Everyday $ Regular20 20 Cups .$. . 09 or 14 oz. Deluxe Macaroni$ & Cheese BearSoap Creek$Creek Pasta 84 Paso Flour required 99 14Registration Bear Pasta$¢$ 884 74 Inspected Tortilla 5 oz. for comoz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni $ 74 oz. oz. Everyday Soft Chex Mix Any Size Package $ 59 Chex Mix Toaster P $ 80 Taco Seasoning U.S.D.A. SelectorBeef Select Beef Inspected Fresh Boneless Naturals .Sides . . .$ . .& Rice& RiceU.S.D.A. 4.02 Columbian Breakfast BlendBlend. .Pastries $ Everyday 80Pk.Gusto$ 29 16 oz. Bag U.S.D.A. OriginalFarms or Spicy Toaster 4.02oz.oz. Columbian or Breakfast plimentary health Vigoscreenings. Essential . . Boneless . .Essential Tortilla Shells . 24 oz.Kosher Dil Four Star Flax, Crisp Sides . . 2/ ¢15 oz.Sunset Everyday Pork 47 15 Lb. $ 37 12 16 oz. Medium, Hot or Mild $ 83 Fresh Corn Meal . . . . . . 9 oz. Assorted Flavors Potato, 9 oz. Cheese Naturals . . . . . . . . Snacks . . . . . . . . Center Cut Loin 2/ ¢ Boneless Center Cut 4 oz. Go Lean Honey Almond Cinnamon 15 oz. Original or Spicy Green Mountain Snacks . . . . .Pasta . . . . . .Food 1.35-2.1 oz., Assorted Flavors 1 oz. $11$oz.oz.Tortilla 39Can,39Select Mountain WolfSmoked Chili Sausage.... FreeHots................... health screenings: Everyday $ 69 Depot 9.5 oz.Varieties Box,oz.Select VarietiesVarieties 20 oz. Yellow Riceblood Curls, Back 9Hot oz.orCheese $Chuck 09 Pace Value$ Gold 1699 oz.Green Medium, Mild18.6-19 . . . . Steak Essential Everyday Pork Red 9.5 r Crisp Berry or 13.4 oz. Heart to Heart Blueberry 14 oz. Go Lean Honey Almond Flax, Crisp Cinnamon 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties Baby Ribs..... Pasta. .20Depot .6.3. .oz..oz.. .Bag,6.3Selectoz.Varieties Sunbelt $ ¢ Essential 100orCt. Tagless Sunbelt 18.6-19 oz. Can,Box, SelectSelect Varietieslb.Tip Gold en Flake enLondon Flake Wolf ChiliShoppers Ground Chops Bag, Select Varieties Ham 12 oz.Cheese,Orig 12 oz.Cheese,Original Butter $ 69 Food Depot Broil Sirloin Roast Chips or4/$ 10-15 oz.. .Pretzels 4/$ K Cups . . . 8 Pk. pressure, Body or 09 20 oz. Hamburger Campbell's Mass Index 5 Lb. Self-Rising or Plain Crisp Berry or 13.4 oz. Heart to Heart Blueberry Hunt's Food K Cups . . . . . Old El Paso 20 oz.Pickle Spears . . . . ¢ Pace $ 77 40 Ct. 9 Inch $ $ 17 $ 05 $ 25 Frito-Lay's $ 59 Kashi With Beans . . . Chex Frank's Granola Bars Hunt's Kashi Old El Paso Granola Bars Shoppers Value $ 69 $ 72 $ 55 Pinto Beans . . . . Dog Food . . . . . Combos ¢ 03 $ 05 Food Depot Asst. Chips . . . 1 Chex Frank's Hamburger ¢ Campbell's Asst. Chips . . . $ 18 Essential Everyday Food Depot $ 72 $ 55 Combos 22 oz. Non Dairy Essential Eve or Hot Dog Food Depot Shoppers Value $ 77 $ 17 Picante Sauce . $........59.... . . .¢. . Wheat WithCereal Beans . . . 2 Picante 3434oz.oz.Simply oz.oz. Original Everyday 18Hot 32Mayer oz. Sauce $ 29 TeaStuffers cholesterolEssential andEveryday glu$. . . . .. .03 CerealBologna 10(BMI), oz. Links or Patties Hot Sauce . .1 .$ 159 3Essential Lb. Bread . . .. ... . 7.25 oz.¢$Tomato .. Simplyoror38-¢ 38 Original Oscar Tomato Meat ¢ . . Mrs. Kinser's or Dog. . .Sauce . . .Giant White .Lean, ......12.. ..oz... . HeartOr Mama Rosa Hot Sauce Sauce Little U.S.D.A. Inspected Any.Chunky Size PackageSoupStuffers Cereal ............................................. ¢ Bags 24-50 Ct., Select Varieties ¢ Pretzel Snacks ¢ 7-8 oz., Kettle Coo ked Wheat Bread Giant White Buns 13.1 oz. Go to Shoppers Value Chunky Soup . . Instant Grits . Shoppe rs Value Crackers . . . . . . Snacks . . . . . . . Pretzel Snacks . Cereal ............................................. 16 oz. Essential Everyday 25 $Bread 95 $ 22 Instant Gr Heinz Sunset $ 79 24-50 Ct., Select Varieties $Chips 88 $ MildCreamer 95 $Cheese Georgia 2/1077 ¢ & Green Chilies, Flour .....Special ...$ .. . . cose.Farms Receive free healthy 13.1 oz.4 Lb. Lean, oz. Heart to or oz. Restaurant Style Thick & Buns Small or12or17 Large oz. Tomatoes Chili Lunchables $heart..38 27Micro Bread Foam Plates . Cape $Go16Chunky 16Bowl Medium, Hot or Mild Wieners.. 8 Pk. Loin 8 oz. oz.$ Bologna.. 78 3/ ¢ Salads........ Cinnamon Regular 13.8Cod oz.16Center 2715.2-15.26 oz.Heinz Restaurant$Cut Style or22 Thick &$ $ oz., Pizzas...... Oscars....... Cape Cod 15.2-15.26 Select Varieties 16 oz.Micro Medium, Hot orVarieties 5.71-6.42 oz., Select Varieties HeartHeart Cinnamon orHot, Regular oror13.8 oz. Fixins, Tomato Diced Chili Everyday or Mild Diced oz.Morning $ 74 Medium orFlavor Mild oz., Bowl Select 128Medium oz. 2 Essential Macaroni & 5.71-6.42 oz., Select Varieties . . . . . . . Hefty Sausage........... Asst. Shoppers Value educational and con- or 10.5 oz. Hefty Ketchup . . . . . Smoked Sausage.... 0.3 oz. Indigo5 Fresh or 10.5 oz.materials Simply Maize Hamburger Dill $ 39 Go Lean Crunch Food Depot Hamburger $ 74 Chunky Hot, or Mild lb. ¢ lb. lb. Old El Paso $ 99 lb. Shoppers Value ¢ 10.3 oz. Indigo Morning Simply Maize Tomato & Green Chili Ketchup . .Campbell's . . . 8 oz. ¢Campbell's 64$ ¢ 64 18 oz. Creamy or Crunch y $ 25 Food Depot Hamburger Go Lean Crunch $ Asst. Flavorlb. Chips Pork Old $El Paso44lb. 3/$$ 44 ¢Rotel Pringles Super StackSuper$ Stack SuperChops................... Chill 24 Pk., .5 Liter $ 25 Flake 94 43 Kashi ¢ or Bowls $ 19 Goldensultations $with39 clinicians Pringles Pace ¢ 12 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties Kashi and11 Plates Plates or Bowls Frank's Long Grain Rice $ 94 $ 43 Kashi Pace ¢ Dog Treat Biscui t s $ 69 Rotel Kashi $ or Hot Dog Buns Sl i c es . . . . . . . . . $ 57 Taco Sauce . . . 8 oz. $ 69 ¢ $ 11 or Hot Dog Buns 12 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties Shoppers Value Tomato Sauce Supe r Chill 49oz.,Cereal.. or Plain . . . . . Spring Water . Essenti 57 $ 5915-30Frank's Taco Sauce. .¢ . . 16. oz.,20 Ct. Potato Chips .Chips . . . .26.oz.. .IodizedTomatoes Cereal.. al Everyday s Asst. FlavorChips staff about Chunky Soup . . Hot Sauce . $. . 1 .$6-8.75 1 Lawry's Chunky Soup hospital disease Potato Cereal ............................................... Ct., Select Varieties Tomatoes . . . . . Cereal ............................................... $ 54 15-30 Ct., Select Varieties Select Varieties Salsa . . . . . . . . . . Salsa . . . . . . . . . . Hot Sauce . . . . 8.4-19.2 oz., Select Varieties Lawry's 16 oz. Bread & Butter or Kosher Dill Peanut Butter al Every Spring Water ... $ 5415Oldoz... .El.8.4-19.2 Everyday Essential Everyday 2/ 24 oz., Assorted 16 oz. Jar, Select Varieties ¢ ¢ $ 91 Turkey Mustard . .Paso oz., Select Varieties Turkey ¢Essential Bugles, Chex , $ Meat prevention, fitness maintenance . .15.. ..Lunch John Morell oz. 16 oz. Jar, Select Varieties $ 53 Essenti Sausage 4 oz. Marinades ¢ ¢ 4Mix oz.Jumbo Solo Plates, Plates, Vlasic Solo Marinades . . ¢ $ 64 Essential Everyday 42 14.75-15.25 oz. $ 65 $ 42 Foam Cups . . . . . . . . Planters Dry Roasted 64 oz. $ 49 Old El Paso Salt . . . . . . . . . . Must ard 12 oz. Steak & Chop, Teriyaki, Lemon $ 10 $¢10-10.5 6410-10.5 Gardetto orDiMcCormick and tips to improve VanTaco Camp's Franks...... 18 oz.your Corn Flakes,heart 12.5 oz. Honey Nut Franks...... $Liquid 04 McCormick Franks.... Van Makers....... oz. Dry Roasted Whole Kernel 1210 oz. oz. Steak & Chop, Teriyaki, Lemon Sausage... $ 10 Patties....... Kits . . . . . Thick && Camp's Hearty, oz.Planters ¢ $ 95 Cups Pepper, Baja Chipotle, Herb Garlic or 48 oz.or Essential Everyday $ Bowls 10.5 oz. Honey Sunshine Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Sandwich Stackers $ 95 s hwashing Bowls or Cups Peanuts . . . . . . . 59 Bran or 23-24 oz. 25 Sq. Ft. Taco Kits . . . . . or Cream Style 24 oz. Pepper, Baja Chipotle, Herb & Garlic or 11-11.5 oz. and overall well-being. BolognaOr Black Original or Sweet Meat Mesquite Frito-Lay's Mrs. Snacks Pork 14-16 oz. BottlePillsbury Essenti al Everyday Mama Rosa Peanuts . . . .16. .oz.. Little 23-24 oz.48 Red Essential Everyday 11-11.5 oz. health ¢ Oscar Mayer ¢. Pork Pepper 15-17 oz. Frosted Flakes 16 oz.& Fat Free. or. .¢Vegetarian Frito-Lay's ¢ & Eye Beans .16W/Chili, .Beans . W/Chili, ¢table ¢ Vegetarian Ct., Select Varieties Kashi oz. Mesquite App leKinser's Juice . . 16-80 oz. Bottle Black Pepper . Select Varieties Shoppers Value 50 24 oz., Select Varieties Valu11.Asst. e25Standard oz. Deep Action Scrub or 11.2 oz. Al¢oe or Original Bar ¢ Select Varieties Select Varieties Hickory W/ Bull's 16-8014-16 Ct., Select Varieties oz. Fat Free orShoppers Select Varieties Gold Select Lawry's Info: 770-716-2008$Essential Vege Oil ValueVarieties Essential Everyday Flavor 16 oz. Can, Select Varieties Wieners.. Everyday 15 Lb. $ 55 11. 2 5 oz. Deep Action Scrub or 11. 2 oz. Aloe or Original Bar 7.5 oz. Cheese or Original Lunchables 3-4 Pk., 4.65-11.57 oz. Select Varieties Bologna.. Select Varieties $ 19 Prego Salads........ Old El Paso Maxwell House Worcest e rshi r e Sauce $ 69 Pizzas...... Essential Every Oscars....... Essential Everyday Kraft 96 oz. Hefty $ 03 Lawry's Asst. Flavor 16 oz. Can, Select Varieties Corn . . $ 55Bush'sOld El Paso $ 57oz.$SelectOrville Cereal . . . . . . . Cereal 3-4 Pk., 4.65-11.57 Varieties Vlasic Maxwell House Prego Ketchu p 79 $ Pasta Aluminum FoiSpringl Irish Spring $ Saltines HeftyKraft A.1. $ 65 $Chips 03Irish uce Marinades Shoppers Value $ 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 59 Worceste rshir Chips Coffee Redenbacher . .Bush's Bugles 19 Salad Dressing Sauce $ 12 Refried Beans . 79 Shoppers Value Vege table Oil $ 41 $ 80 Trash Bags . . . . $ 09 Marinades . . . . 12 Ct. 4.87-9.31 oz., Select Varieties Bars or. . .Bars . .11.oz.. . Coffee Redenbacher Coca-Cola......... 633 Pasta Sauce $ Beans 12 4.Pk. Scrub or Scrub Refried Pickle Spears .Bags . ..Dressing .87-1.62 oz., Select Varieties 41 $ .Cat.Orville 49 11.5¢ oz. Classic orBaked French Roast Steak Sauce TrashSalad Food ..... .. Mic$rowave ¢ 8.2 -11 oz.Beans . . Bleach . ..... .. . Snacks . . . . . .87-1.62Popcorn oz., Select Varieties oz. Frosted, Assorted Flavors 13-18 Ct. Freezer or.17-22 Ct. Storage Green Mountain $11$ 8.5 oz. Shea Butter $ 25 McCormick Baked Beans . . $ 99 8.2 -11 oz. $ 92 Essenti a l Everyday Shoppers Value Microwave Popcorn 2/ ¢ 9.8-12.2 oz., Select13-18 Varieties 21 Everyday $$39 $ orMacaroni17-2205 05 $ 49$ 09 Soft Soap8.5 oz. Shea Butter¢$ Essential 4.9-5 oz., Select Varieties oz. Can Old El Paso Flour Ct. Freezer Ct. Storage Coca-Cola......... 153 11.5oz. Classic orFren McCormick 92 8-8.75Select oz.,Varieties Select12Varieties oz. Deluxe Shells & Cheddar or 14 oz. Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese Taco 2/CanGround15Hunt's ¢Co ¢ Turkey $ K Cups . . . . . . . Essential EverydayBear Creek Pasta $ 24 84 OldeeShells El Paso Flour Seasoning 8Varieties oz. Spaghetti$or Elbow74 Lunch Select 4.9-5 Jumbo oz., Select Varieties 15 oz. $ 09 ¢ Bathroom Tissue Vanilla Wafers Turkey Meat John Morell Hefty One Zip Green Giant or Soft Soap $ Sausage Tortilla . ¢ ¢ $ 77 $ 04 ¢ $ 84 Toaster Pastries Taco Seasoning $ 91 Chex Mix Essential Everyday ¢ Essential Every ¢ ADVANTAGE SCHOOL 24 oz. Kosher Di l Naturals . . . . . . . . $ 80 oz. Bagor Spicy Essential Everyday 2/ 4.02 oz. Columbian or Breakfast Blend 15 oz.16Original Tortilla Shells . Sausage... ¢ . ..Pasta One Green Giant or $ 29 Hunt's Sides & RiceHefty .Pasta. . 14. oz.Zip Coca-Cola........... 99 Bags . . . . . . . . Chex Mix Snacks Tomato Sauce . . Franks...... 77 $ 04 ¢ Naturals . . . . . . . . 16 Essential oz. Medium, Hot or.Mild Franks...... Franks.... Makers....... Everyday Patties....... 15 oz. Original or Spicy Go Lean Honey$ Almond Flax, Crisp Cinnamon . . . . . . Essential Everyday $ 69 Snacks . . . . . 18.6-19 oz. Can, Select Varieties Chili .....Berry ..... .or.Almond Food Depot ¢PacePickl.16.eoz..Spears Green OF Mountain REAL $. $ 09 Medium, Hot or Mild Gold en Flake Ground C $12oz.Cheese,39OriginalorButter or 13.4 oz. Flax, Heart Crisp to Heart Blueberry 4/$ ESTATE 14 oz.. Go Lean Honey Cinnamon 9.5 oz. Box, Select Varieties Bags .Non12Berry .Crisp ..oz.Dairy Chex Mix Snacks Wolf Sauce 18.6-19 oz. Can, Select Varieties Food Depot20 oz. Can,Beans SelectTomato Varieties Wolfoz. Chili . . . . $ 69 Fresh Food Depot Hamburger s ¢ Campbell's Frozen 09 6.3 oz. Bag, Select Varieties $ 03 14.5 Pinto . . . or22Crisp or 13.4 oz. Heart to Heart Blueberry $ 14 Asst.CLASSES Chips . . . FORMING 1 $ 77 $ 17 With Beans . Essential EverydayOld El$ Paso Pace oz.Kashi K Cups . . . . . . . FOR WINTER 59 7.25 oz. $ 69 20 oz. 32¢oz. Sauce Drinks................. or$Hot17 DogHamburger 99 Campbell's Picante . 77BreadFood. .Depot $EssentialValue 05Everyday Cut With16Ct.,oz.Beans .. Kashi $ 72 34 oz.inSimplyPEACHTREE ChunkyOkra Soup . . .. ... .. . ..$.. Wheat Combos $ 2/18 03 Hunt's Cereal ............................................. Food Depot. 12 oz.Grits . 24-50 Select Varieties . . . Shoppers Instant $ Shoppe rs$Value72 or Hot Dog Buns Picante Sauce Essential Everyday $ 79 CITY ¢ Cape Cod Tomato Sauce . . . Wheat Bread . . . . 16 oz. Restaurant Style or Thick & American Cheese Singles ... ¢ 2 $or 3822oz. Original Chunky Soup . . Stuffers . . . . . . ¢ Cereal ............................................. Essential Everyday 24-50Essential Ct., Select Everyday Varieties Giant White $65 59 15.2-15.26 oz., Micro Bowl Select Varieties Buns Hefty Pretzel Snacks . $ 72 Macaroni & Cheese Slicing Creamer . . . . . . . $ 74 Chunky Hot, Medium or Mild Chips 2 Green 16 oz. Restaurant Style or Thick & 2 oz. Heart toAsst. Flavor Hamburger Dil l ¢ 10 oz. Tomatoes & Green Chilies, Chili Powerade........... 10.3 oz. Indigo Morning or 10.5 oz. Simply Maize ¢ ¢ Food Depot Hamburger $ 39 Heinz Coca-Cola......... 6 ¢ 16 oz. Assorted Flavors 15.2-15.26 oz., Micro Bowl Select Varieties $ 25 $ 27 Bread HeftyLong T.G.I. Fixins, 16 oz. Medium, Hot or Mild Campione Campbell's LAUNCH YOUR 8 oz. American oz.74 Cheese Singles 128 oz. Assorted Flavors Regular or 13.8 oz. 14.1 oz. Pkg. Tomato Diced Mild Diced Plates orGrain Bowls Fresh Frozen $ 44 Pace 10.3 oz.Kashi Indigo Morning or 5.71-6.42 10.5 oz. Simply Maize oz. Ctn. Depot Hamburger oz.,Bread, Select Varieties RiceChili $ore12Dutch Essential Everyday 14 $or Mild4-8Select 6953 11 Cabbage.... SliChunky ces . . .Hot,. . . .Medium . . $lb. or44 Hot$DogFood Buns 8 oz. 25$$172 Garlic $ 16 oz., 20 Ct. 33 Campbell's Tomato & Green Chili lb. Tombston OriginalFarms Line Ketchup . .CAREER . . . Essenti16al Everyday 26 oz. Iodized or99 Plain$Friday's Shoppers Value ¢ $ Tomatoes.. Select Varieties $ Varieties Old El Paso Plates or Bowls Pace Chunky Soup . . Kashi REAL ESTATE TODAY! ¢ $ 64 Speckled Butt er Beans Cereal ............................................... $ 69 15-30 Ct., Select Varieties $ 11 or Hot Dog Buns Dutch Farms oz. Assorted Flavors Salsa . . . . . . . . . . Pringles Super Stack Appetizers Toast or Rolls Coca-Cola......... American American Cheese Singles Drinks.............. 4 $ 94To learn $ 43 Azteca Large ¢ Reduced Fat Rotel 12 oz. Yoplait Original or Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Pizzas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1 oz. Pkg. ¢ 12 oz. Bottle, Select VarietiesMustEssential Chunky Soup . . ¢ 4-8 oz. Ctn. 2/ ¢ ard .. ..our . . Sauce Cereal Cheese Everyday 15-30Plates, Ct., Select Varieties Cheese4 oz.Singles 15 oz. Salsa . . . .Select . . . . .Varieties . Whips Yogurt Taco . . . 45Cupsoz................................................. 8 Chips oz. FlourVarieties Tortillas Solo us at Dutch $.Watchers ........... . . . $Cream Tomatoes Select . . .Farms . 42 Classic Foam .$. . .Everyday . . . 99Potato ¢ oz. Ass orted Ice Cream T.G.I. Salt Lawry'smore please$join 61 15 oz. $ 75 20.5-22.85 Dutch Farms Van Camp's 54 4 oz. Weight Favorites Fresh Frozen ¢ Essential American Solo Plates, McCormick American Cheese Singles 8.4-19.2 oz., Select Varieties $ oz.18 Campione Azteca 10-10.5 Large $ 95 $$42 48 orCheese Cups Singles $ 2/ 74 Yoplait Original or 16 oz. $ 99 $ Bowls Friday's GarlicCoca-Cola........... Bread, CAREER NIGHT SESSIONS 16 oz. Jar,Cream Select Varieties Cheese Tombston e Original 15 25 Sq. 11-11.5 Ft. $ Van Camp's 31 oz. ¢ Marinades . . . . 10-10.5 oz. Frito-Lay's Pork &Green Beans . . .Beans Flour Tortillas Essenti Everyday Cut ... ¢ Smart One Black s McCormick . .Pepper . . . . . . Whips Everyday Yogurt 16 oz. Dutch Farms $ 95 . Spread Bowl Margarine Bowls or Cups Old El Paso¢ 11-11.5 Appetizers Toast or Rolls 45al29, oz. 2013 16-80 Ct.,Red Select Varieties $ 64 Select Varieties Tues., January 15, 22 & Gold Shoppers Val u e Standard Planters Dry Roasted Pizzas . . . . .. .. oz. 12 oz. Steak & Chop, Teriyaki, Lemon ¢ $ 10 16-80 Ct.,Ketchu Frito-Lay's PorkVarieties & Beans . . . Asst. Flavor French ble Oil ¢ 16 oz. Can, Select Essential Everyday Pepper . 09 Fresh 4.65-11.57 oz. Select Varieties eorrshire Sauce House 4 Varieties Pack Buttermilk or Homestyle Essential Everyday $ 19Hefty SelectHungry Varieties$ oz. Taco Kits . .Select .Aluminum . . Maxwell $ 99 Man57 3-4 Pk.,Black Pepper, Baja6:00-7:00 Chipotle, Herb &Worcest GarlicDip p48 8.5-11 oz. Select Variet PM $ $ Frozen Foi l Drinks................. 15 Peanuts . . . . . . . Onion $ 12 $ $ 23-24 oz. 31 Essential Everyday Asst. Flavor 2/ 16 oz. Can, Select Varieties Saltines . . . . . . . Bush's ¢ Chips Coffee $ 61 3-4 Pk., 4.65-11.57 oz. Select Varieties $ 75 Maxwell House $ Snaps 12 . $ 49 Mesquite Hefty ch Farms Spread Bowl Margarine $ Peas 70 With Trash BagsVarieties . . . . $$¢ Weight Watch ers Clas Dinne rs 94 . . .Orville . .Tampico . . .Redenbacher . . .. . . . . .$. . . .41 57 Select 49 11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast16 oz. W/Chili, Fat Free 4 or Pk.Vegetarian . . . . . .Field 1 Coldwell Bullard Realty Bush's 16 11.. 2.5 .oz..Deep Action Scrub 11 oz.or 11.2 oz. Aloe or Original Bar oz. Ctn. Select Varieties Chips Coffee Biscuits . . . . . . . . . Orville Redenbacher Baked Beans . . ¢ ench $ 12 Mi c rowave Popcorn $ 41 Lawry's Banker$ Trash Bags . . . . 13-18 Ct. Freezer or 17-22 Ct. Storage $ 4Essential 55 Cheese Green . .Prego .............. 1 Homestyle Smart One s Old El$orPaso Slicing Essenti aPack l Everyday Shoppers Value $ 99 12 Essential Everyday Daisy $ 03 Powerade........... $ 21 49 ¢ Trace, Newnan, GA Buttermilk 30265 $ 39 Fresh Frozen Irish Spring Red Baron Baked Beans . . $ 26 8 oz. Assorted Flavor Select Varieties 4.9-5 oz., Select Varieties 15 oz. Can Microwave Popcorn ion Dip 90 Glenda $ 09 $ 79 13.1-16 oz. Pkg. Select Va 13-18 Ct. Freezer Sauce or 17-22 Ct. Storage Marinades . . . . Ground Co Everyday Fruit ADE $. . . . . 06 . . .$. . Mixed 1 Sour Cream $21 49Scrubor8 Chunk oz. Pkg. RegularWafers or 1/3 Fat Dutch Farms Shredded $ 99 Pasta 70 Refried Beans . ee Bathroom Tissue Vanilla $ tables .. 20.5-21.6 oz. Assorted $ 54 lb. Cabbage.... . . .Green . ...4.9-5 ...Giant ...or.Select Hefty Zip Pizzas Hunt's 15 oz.Vege $77.16 Hungry Man Select One Varieties Can .. ..oz., . . .Varieties . .lb. .$. . . 04 1 To.87-1.62 reserve your seat call. . . . . . . .Tomatoes.. $ 72 oz., Select Varieties Ctn. ¢Select Varieties Biscuits . . . Cheese .. Dip ........Bags ... . . $ ..One .1 ...Zip ..94 .. .. .... $Tampico 1 Essential Everyday . . . . Totino's . . Cheese . .or. .Bars . . . ........ . . .Ore-Ida $ Sauce 81 16. .oz. 8.2 -11 oz. . . . . Drinks.............. 4 Hefty Green Giant or Hunt's . . . Chex Mix Snacks Tomato . Dinne rs . . .. $ 77 $ 04 ¢ 12 McCormickJim Qualls Daisy 8.5 oz. Shea Butter $ Delite . . . . . . $ . . . . . .52 . .$. . Fresh 1Frozen 44 Traditional $ Fresh92 Frozen 49 5 oz. Colby Jack or Sharp 26 oz. Assorted Flavor. . $Flour 2/ 8Dutch ¢Farms Shredded Pizza $ 27 12 oz.Rolls Guacamole Dip orPotatoes 16 oz. Chunk Cheese Old. .El. .Paso 1 $ 57 $ 09 Fruit ADE . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sour Cream Bags . . . . . . . . . . Chex Mix Snacks Tomato Sauce . . . 19.86-23.02 oz. Select Fresh Frozen or Chunk Kraft Cracker Soap French Cut 12 90 oz. Onion . .. . . . . . Cheese $$$ 8414 Juice $ . . .Lima Taco770-254-0079 Seasoning Pizza . . . . . Beans 2 Chocolate $ Okra 54Soft$Dean's $ 29 Biscuits . . .. 16 Red Baron Cut . . .. . ..63 . ..$.. Essential 1Orange Everyday 52 Tortilla Shells $ 99. Milk . . . . . . 2
10 $ 20 21
1 $$4 25 225
3 3 6 6
1 5 2
44 2
3 3 59 $ 199 1 11 1 1 99 1
1 1 1991 2 4694 2 $ 24 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 33 6 2 2 4 4 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 12 1 1 90151 2 902 5 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1$ 99 90 1 3 2 45 1 6 2 1 89 1 $ ¢ 96 $ 89 1 2 1 4 1 3 92 2 1 89 2 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 2 84 2 59 2 1 11 1 12 1 11 92 1 2 89 1 1 3 $ 45 ¢ $ 96 $ 89 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 69 2 1 99 1 1 59 1 122 1 1 1 3/$ 7 1 1 1 $ 92 1 2 1 $ 05 4 2 59 86 6 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 6 1 1 2 1 99 86 1 99 1 21 90 22 1 2 1 2 11 1 89 1 1 21 2 66 1 2 1 1 99 5 1 1 1 90 1 1 90 1 3 99 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 99 91 98 83 96 64 3/ ¢ 96 1 2 89 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 84 1 1 69 2 89 1 1 84 89 84 59 1 1 1 92 2 1 2 1 32 92 89 31 1 111 531 1 89 1 86 89 3 81 3 99 1 1 95 2198 22 1 299 3 1 66 3 2 66 99 91 82 831 69 96 64 2 1 1 5 57 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 598686 2 1 $11199 69 $ 49 1$321 63 99 212 952 1 1 992 79 1 1 1 1 2 3 81 2 83 1 3 99 89 1 2 83 1 1199 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 90 1 1 3 1 96 1 4 1 1 69 13 89 89 2 53 1 88 1 38 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 92 2 89 86 89 99 1 82 1 1 1 1 21 221 21290 66 1 1 66 $ 19 69 99 3 1 1 11 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 90 2 5 1 ¢ 65 ¢ 1 1 69 11 2 131 79 88 1 1 1 3 1 1 11 38 12 2 83 83 3 1 3 86 2 1 1 Naturals ......1.. 1 1 1 1 1 11 NEWNAN Pizzas 1 2 $ 44 1 $ 43 2 2 1 1 $ 09 3 2 1 $ 90 $1 77 $ 492 $ 17 2 $ 03 With Beans 2. . . 1 Picante Sauce3 .$169 2 1 1 1 1 Chunky Soup . . 1 2 2 $ 4999 $ 63 $ 52 Lima Beans 2 1 1 5 3 $ 61 2 $ 74 1 264 11 $ 11 ¢$ 25 2 2 1$8915 $ 31 $ 2 48 2/ 44 $ 119 ¢ 2 Plates or Bowls 1 $ 692 Chunky Soup 2. . $11 $ 11 770-253-1576 Pizza 1 1 1 1 $ 15 1 90 3 2 $ $ 31 48 2/ Salsa . . . . . .2 .... 1 2 ¢ 1 $ 491 90 1 $ 49 1 1 4 1 $ 66 $ 42 1 1 ¢ 2 Rolls 1 164 2 Fries 952 Bowls or Cups 2 $$ 12
de imitación
Intestinos pequeños de cerdo congelado fresco, 10 libras
Hamburguesa de carne diezmillo molida fresca Hamburguesa de carne diezmillo molida fresca
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de asado de paleta de cerdo tipo Boston
Bizcochos y salchicha de paquete de 4 Bizcochos y salchicha de paquete de 4
Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas
Pavo o jamón rebanado delgado, 16 onzas
oz. Red Hot frigerantes, 11.7 Sweet onzas Heat, Hot Buffalo ng, Red Hot Thick, Sweet Chili or d Hot Buffalo Wing
Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas
Pechuga de pavo o jamón rebanado, 9 onzas
14 oz. Wheat or Corn, 13.5 oz. Cinnamon,
Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco 16 oz. Premium Thin Sliced 13.8 oz. Honey Nut or 12.8 oz. Rice
Hamburguesas de res grande, 26 onzas
Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia, 2.5 libras
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
U.S.D.A.deinspeccionado de chuletas de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas lomo de cerdo corte de centrodedelomo paquete de cualquier tamaño
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
1.35-2.1 oz.,14Assorted oz. oz. Wheat orFlavors Corn, 13.5 oz.1 Cinnamon,
Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas
de cerdo Carolina Pride 12 oz. MeatU.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras Kunzler 12 oz. Thick Sliced
5.75 oz. Single
7-8 oz., Kettle Coo ked
12 oz. Red Hot Sweet Heat, Hot Buffalo 12 oz. Red HotRed Sweet Wing, Hot Heat, Thick,Hot SweetBuffalo Chili or Wing, RedRed HotHotThick, Chili or BuffaloSweet Wing Red Hot Buffalo Wing
8 Pk.
Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Pkg. Turkey Or Ham
4.5 oz. Pkg.
10 oz. Tomatoes & Green Chilies, Chili Fixins, Tomato Diced Chili or Mild Diced Tomato & Green Chili
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño
Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.
Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.
12 oz. Potato Salad or Cole Slaw
U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless
12 oz. Pk.Can, Select Varieties 14.5
14 oz. WheatHoney or Corn,or13.5 oz. Cinnamon, 12.8oz. oz.Rice Rice 13.813.8 oz. oz. Honey NutNut or 12.8
Jennie-O 12 oz. Pkg.
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad
Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
12 oz. 12 oz. 12 Salchicha oz. Potato Saladespecial, or Cole Slaw ahumado 3 libras
U.S.D.A. traseras inspeccionado U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas de cerdo de costillitas traseras de cerdo
16 oz. Value Shaved
Salchicha picante ooz., suaveSelect fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas 13-16.3 Varieties
Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas
Salchichaespecial, ahumado especial, 3 libras Salchicha ahumado 3 libras
Jamón o Pavo rebanado delgado de paquete valor, 16 onzas
16 oz. Hot or Mild
Any Size Package
Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas
3 87 1
Tortas enlacesdedesalchicha salchicha fresco, 10 onzas Tortas ooenlaces fresco, 10 onzas
Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad
U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin 2.5hueso Lb. Family Pack
9 oz. Select Sliced
or tamaño de bollo, 16 onzas SalchichasSalchichas de toda carne or tamaño de bollo, 16 onzas de todaenorme carne enorme
12 oz. Red Hot Sweet Heat, Hot Buffalo 28 oz. Jum bo Wing, Red Hot Thick, Sweet Chili or Red Hot Buffalo Wing U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete
3 87 1
28 oz.
16 oz. Smo ked or Polish
Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas
12 oz.
Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 28 onzas
Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
1213.5 oz. oz. Cinnamon, 14 oz. Wheat or Corn, 13.8 oz. Honey Nut or 12.8 oz. Rice
Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas
Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas
Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat
Kunzler 12 oz. Thick Sliced
9 oz. Pkg.
5.75 oz. Single
Tennessee Pride 18 ct. Pkg.
Jennie-O 3 lb. Pkg.
Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Pkg. Turkey Or Ham
4.5 oz. Pkg.
All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can
Jennie-O 12 oz. Pkg.
Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.
Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.
All Brands
9 oz. Pkg.
2 Liter Bottles
Jennie-O 3 lb. Pkg.
Tennessee Pride 18 ct. Pkg.
All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles
1 oz.
12 Pk.
1 lb. Bab y Whole Okra, Breaded Okra, Broccoli Cuts, Butter Beans , California Blend20 or oz.
13.5 oz. Cinnamon, 12.8 oz. Rice 7-8 oz., Kettle Coo ked
2 Liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello 12Yello, Pk. Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Seagram's Or Minute Maid
8-14 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties
8-10 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties
1 lb. Cut Yellow Corn, Italian Green Beans, Yellow Squash or
20.5-22.85 oz. Ass orted Flavors
Assorted 32 12 oz. oz. Bottles All BrandsFlavors 20 Pack, Can
8 Pk.
4 Pack, 16 oz. All Brands 2 Cans Liter Bottles Monster Energy
8.5-11 oz. Select Varieties
1 lb. Blackeye Peas or
13.1-16 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties
1 lb.
24 oz.
8 oz. Pkg. Regular Fresh or 1/3 Fat Kraft Philadelphia Cream
10.8 oz. Pkg. Kraft Philadelphia Select Varieties
8 oz. Assorted Shredded or Chunk Essential Everyday
1 lb. Bab y Whole Okra, Breaded Okra, Broccoli Cuts, Butter Beans , California Blend or
Gallon Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango
19.86-23.02 oz. Select Varieties Gallon Assorted Flavors
12 oz. Guacamole Dip or 16 oz. Dean's French Onion 19-32 oz. Pkg. Cream Select Varieties 1 lb. 59 oz. Ctn. Select Varieties Minute Maid
Music City Gallon Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango Gallon Chocolate
Gallon Assorted Flavors Music City
8 Pk.
1 lb.
8-10 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties
8-14 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties
All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles
2 Liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Seagram's Or Minute Maid
Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles
4 Pack, 16 oz. Cans Monster Energy
12 ct.
1/2 Gallon Country Delite Whole
ct. . .12. oz. . . . . 59Minute . .oz.. Ctn. .Maid . Select . . Varieties $ 72 Cheese . . . . . . Dip . . . . . . . .AVAILABLE $ 8Essential 81 Everyday . 15 oz. Original or SpicyShredded Cheese . . . . enter Main St • Cheese Ga;;pm 19-32 oz. Pkg. e Shopping C 10.8 oz. Pkg. $ 29 Culinary Circle American Singles . . . .. 1 lb.•CutGIFT YellowCERTIFICATES Corn, Italian GreenCtn. Beans, Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 oz. Swiss Essential Everyday 12 Pk. Gallon 16 oz. Medium, Hot or Mild 59 oz. Select Varieties Red Diamond $ 49 Gr t Gat Select Varieties 8 oz. Select Varieties as E Select Varieties Essential Everyday Select Varieties $ 12 Ades or Punches . . . . Yellow Squash or 5 oz. Colby Jack or Sharp e 18.6-19 oz. Can, Select Varieties Minute Maid is Food Depot unk Cheese . . .Chili . . . 20.5-22.85 oz. Ass orted Flavors 20 oz.$ $ 19 Kraft Shredded or Chunk Corn on the CobDelite . .. 1/2 Gallon Drive1 lb. on 57 T.G.I. Wolf Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Country Brewed Tea . . . . . . . . . 16 oz. Assorted Flavors 128 oz. Assorted Flavors boro American Cheese Singles s Ore-Ida Pace Chunk Cheese .Cut .... Fresh Frozen Totino's ll T WE HAVE CREDIT CARD MACHINES Kraft Cracker 1/2 Gallon u 12$oz. 29 B ra Country Delite Whole $ Country 14.1 oz. Pkg. .d, Cheddar or Mozzarella Juice . . 14 . .Delite . .Food . .Shoppers Hamburger oz. Ctn. il Select Varieties Friday's Depot32 oz.Value Essential Everyday 8 oz. Natural Slice Line Orange Juice Tombston e Original oz. Buttermilk, Hom estyle 4-8 or Blueberry Crinkle $ Cut 8oroz. Regular $ 53 Speckled ntial Everyday Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the Fresh Frozen Potatoes Pizza 99 Quart . . . Campbell's .11-15 .Butt . Orange .oz..IN.Pkg. .er .Ctn. .Beans . LOCATIONS. AVAILABLE ALL Farms Essential 99 Everyday SelectRolls Varieties Chocolate Milk . . . .Dog . . Dutch12.3 Dairy Fresh Select Varieties 16 Varieties oz. Assorted Flavors Reduced Appetizers . . . . $ olls East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster or Hot Sister Schube rt's 59 oz. Select $ 09 Cheese $ 66 Essential Everyday Essential Everyda y Fat Buttermilk . . . . . . . . . . 12 oz. Dutch Farms edded Cheese Pizzas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheat Bread . . . . 14.1 oz. Pkg. American American Cheese Singles 4-8 oz. Ctn. Swiss Cheese . . . . . . . Azteca Large Minute Maid Essential Everyday Yoplait Original or Half n Half . . . . . . . . . . Dutch Farms 24-50 Ct., Select Varieties $ Fries 29 Ga;;pm Swiss 12 oz. Pre-Priced $2.99 . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .1/2 Gallon 8.5-118 oz. Varieties Peas or Select Varieties Cheese Singless .Gallon Wa . .. . .. . ..Whips . . . Yogurt Select Varieties . . .Diamond .Cream . . .8Dutch . oz. . . 8.Cheese . ..Farms ..Buns Red oz. Restaurant Style or Thick &1 lb.Pkg.Blackeye oz. Select Natural SliceSelect16 Flour Tortillas 8Everyday oz. Varieties oz. ntial Everyday $ 12 Ades orBowl Punches . .8Singles .Pk.. 45 oz.Varieties 12.01-33.5 oz. Assorted Flav Kraft 15.2-15.26 oz., Micro Select American American Cheese Country Delite WeightEssential Watch ers Classic Favorites Fresh Frozen Hefty $ 19 Azteca Large MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. $ 89 Dutch Farms Yoplait Original or $ 99 Country Delite Chunky Hot, Medium or Mild $ 74 Kraft Shredded or Chunk Brewed T ea . . . . . . . . . ¢ Essential Everyday Cream Cheese Provolone Cheese Food Depot Hamburger unk Cheese ..... 1/2 Gallon Singles 16 oz. Culinary Circle Flour or Tortillas American Cheese Singles Buttermilk . .February . Whips Yogurt French Onion Dip . .rights .Cheesereserved. Cut Green Beans . . Whole Smart One s .Pace .. . . . .. .. . . Campbell's 45.oz. Natural Slice Orange Juice FD 012813_2 Prices Effective January 28, 2013 Through 3, 2013. Quantity Not responsible for typographical pictorial errors. 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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 | MyConnection 3
Super Bowl Connection
Score Big with Guests at Your Super Bowl Party METRO GRAPHICS
The culmination of the American football season is on the horizon. Millions of people will tune in to watch two teams battle for the title of champion. While the teams may be busy prepping their last-minute offensive and defensive strategies, sports fans across the country are doing their own strategizing by planning the perfect game-day party. The first AFL-NFL World Championship Game in professional American football, later known as Super Bowl I, was played on January 15, 1967 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, California. The Green Bay Packers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs. Since that day, ardent fans and novices alike have been celebrating football by hosting their own viewing parties at home. These parties present yet another way for friends to get together. As the opening kickoff draws closer, here are some keys to Super Bowl party success. Know your playing field. Your home is only so big, and that means you will have to limit the number of people you can invite. Crowding too many people into the house can be uncomfortable and dangerous, never mind trying to talk and hear above the cacophony of too many people. Take inventory of how many you can seat comfortably. You may need to move out larger furniture and move in folding chairs if you plan to accommodate more guests. If you live in a warmer climate, you may be able to hook up the television outside and host an outdoor event in the yard. This will enable even more people to attend. Size up your competition. Super Bowl Sunday is a once-ayear event. There will be thousands of like-minded individuals planning their own parties and utilizing the same services in your local area. Those who need
to rent tables and chairs and rely on a caterer (or the services of the nearest pizza joint) should plan early. If you would like to have a football gathering, start laying the groundwork a few months in advance. This way you can leave deposits for any vendors and be secure in knowing you will have what you need come gameday. Establish your play book. Will this be a chips-and-dips type of party or will you be offering more substantial fare? Is it adults-only or are guests able to bring their kids along? Make a list of questions that need to be answered and set up the party parameters. This way you will know what to stock up on in advance. Consider allocating a separate room in the house for kids’ play or for adults who are there for the social aspect of the party and will not necessarily be glued to the television. Check your equipment. What is the Super Bowl without a means to watch the game? Retailers often offer the best deals on new televisions this time of year because they know sports fans want to upgrade their televisions for the big game. If yours is a TV that has seen better days or doesn’t offer the high-definition picture guests have come to expect, this may be the time to cash in holiday gift cards for a new flat-screen. If buying new isn’t a possibility at this time, there are centers that will rent electronics.
food and beverages that are set up buffet-style in another room. Hosts and hostesses also may want to consider serving as food “butlers” and constantly come out with new finger foods on trays and go around the room to ensure everyone doesn’t miss a moment of the game. Don’t run interference. There’s not much entertainment that needs to be scheduled on game day apart from the game itself. Ensure that the television is situated so nobody’s view is obstructed and that people moving in and out of the room need not cross in front of the TV to get food or use the restroom. While it may be customary to decorate your home with a few decorations, ensure any decorations do not obstruct views of the game. To make things comfortable for the largest number of people, consider having two TVs tuned into the game running in separate rooms. This way, guests can mingle and not be tied to one area. Super Bowl parties are fun ways to enjoy the last football game of the season and have a houseful of guests celebrate and socialize.
Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online from Jan. 18-24 1. 2. 3.
Big changes coming March 1 in Georgia’s vehicle tag system Son robs parents, takes car from Lake Hills home Freezing rain, sleet possible in Coweta
Carjacking reported Friday in Avery Park
Coweta man faces molestation charge
5. 7. 8. 9.
Georgia Supreme Court reinstates Hall’s murder conviction Pastor’s Corner: 53 million missing Americans
Shots fired in West Newnan neighborhood Q&As on Georgia’s new vehicle tag rules
City of Newnan to consider actions for UWG campus
Your online source for News, Information and Advertising in Coweta County.
Watch the clock. Hardcore fans will not want to miss any of the action. Therefore, refreshments and other components of the party will have to coordinate to the timing of the game. Do the bulk of food preparation before kickoff and allow guests to mingle and fuel up before the game starts. Save finger foods and other snacks that are easily accessible for when the game starts. Guests can take a break at halftime and grab
Grilled Chicken Wings with Roquefort Dip Serves 6-8 people 3 lbs. chicken wings, cleaned and trimmed Select wings of roughly equal size for evenness of cooking. Marinade: 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 teaspoon cayenne 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon kosher salt 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar Blue Cheese Dip 1/2 cup Mayonnaise 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tablespoon onion, grated 1 teaspoon fresh thyme, chopped 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 1/3 cup blue cheese, crumbled Preheat the barbecue on high. Cut each wing at the joint to make two pieces, and discard wing tip if still attached. In a large re-sealable bag, whisk together vegetable oil, garlic, spices and vinegar. Add chicken wings and toss to coat. If using rotisserie basket, spray or brush lightly with vegetable oil to prevent sticking. Place chicken wings on bottom of basket, cover with the top part, and fasten on tightest setting to secure the wings in place. Cooking grids will need to be removed, and a drip pan placed beneath. If using rear rotisserie burner, set to high. If using lower burners, set to medium. Place the basket on spit and in the rotisserie and start the motor. Cook until golden brown and crisp, about 45 minutes to an hour. If cooking directly on well oiled cooking grids, turn heat to low, and cook, turning frequently until golden brown and crisp, 30 - 45 minutes. Use an instant-read thermometer to ensure that all wings are cooked through and ready to eat. Stir together all the dip ingredients. May be made ahead of time and chilled until ready to serve with chicken wings, celery and carrots.
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4 MyConnection | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Health Connection
Learn the Basics of Donating Blood METRO GRAPHICS
The flow of healthy, oxygenated blood through the body is essential for life. It is also required in large supply when people undergo surgeries and other therapies. With the demand for blood so high, reserves are in short supply. Blood shortages abound. According to Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy, there is a critical shortage of blood, and the shortage in 2012 was one of the worst her organization had seen. As such, the shortage has forced the cancellation of many elective surgeries across the United States. Increased demand, meaning chemotherapy treatments, organ transplants, heart surgeries and elective options, have left blood banks depleted. Plus, the demand for blood exceeds the rate of blood donations. The Red Cross has stated it typically needs 80,000 units of blood available daily, but now has roughly 35,000 units.
How do I donate blood? Many people want to donate blood but are either off-put by the idea of needles and drawing of blood or are unaware of the process. Becoming informed can shed light on what is done and make the entire process much less intimidating. Blood drives occur at various locations. You also may be able to donate blood directly at a Red Cross center or hospital. Simply log on to www. redcrossblood.org and enter your zip
code or address to find out where and when a blood drive will be held. Just about anyone age 17 to 75 can donate blood. Provided they are at least 110 pounds and do not have any acute symptoms of the flu, colds or infections or have had close contact with someone with hepatitis in the last year. Those who have hepatitis, a heart condition that is more serious than a murmur or HIV/AIDS or have engaged in any activities that may have put them at risk for HIV/AIDS, will not be able to donate. As with a routine blood test, the injection site will be sterilized and then a needle will be inserted to draw the blood. The volume of blood collected for a donation will be larger than for a blood test. One pint, or 450 milliliters of blood, will be taken. This is only between 8 to 10 percent of all the blood in your body. How will I feel? Most people come through a blood donation unscathed. There may be a minor pinch when the needle is inserted. After blood has been drawn, many people feel fine and are encouraged to drink extra liquids for the next two days to help the body with the regeneration of blood. Your body will replace the fluid portion of your blood within 24 hours. It will take a few weeks to replace the red blood cells. Individuals who feel a little woozy can sit after the blood donation until they feel rested enough to move on.
What determines blood type? Blood type is broken down into four main types: A, B, AB and O. Genetics are the primary determining factor in a person’s blood type. A child receives genetic code from both parents at conception, and this information will help determine blood type. Just like eye color, height and hair color, dominant genes will be the deciding factor in blood type. A and B are both dominant over O. A and B are considered to be codominant, which explains the AB blood type. If a child receives two recessive genes from both parents, then he or she will have O blood. Another thing that plays into blood type is the Rhesus factor, commonly shortened to the Rh factor. This refers to an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells. If this antigen is present, it means the person has a Rh positive (+) factor. If there is an absence of this antigen, then the blood is classified as Rh negative (-). Therefore, people can have an A, B, AB, or O blood type that is either (+) or (-). These antigens are proteins that, when introduced into a body that does not have the same type, can cause the person’s immune system to respond by producing antibodies that attack the proteins. Should a person who is Rh- blood receive Rh+ blood during a transfusion, an allergic reaction could occur. Another time when Rh factor comes into play is when an Rh- woman becomes pregnant. Should her blood and the blood of the fetus mix — and if the fetus has an Rh+ factor — the mother’s blood may fight off the antigens and naturally produce antibodies. While this won’t hurt the woman, it can affect the fetus and cause potential health problems. Women with an Rh- factor are generally given an Rh immunoglobulin about seven months into the pregnancy that should desensitize her immune system from triggering if the fetus has Rh+ blood. After the baby is born, his or her blood will be tested. Should the Rh factor match the mother, all is well. If not, the mother will receive another injection to further desensitize her immune system to prevent a reaction with any subsequent pregnancies. A person with O- blood is considered a “universal donor.” He or she can transfuse to anyone, and there will be no instances of allergic reaction. However, one with Oblood can only receive O- blood.
tinue to stay hydrated.
How long does it take? It takes around 10 minutes for a traditional blood donation. If you are donating something specific, such as red cells, plasma or platelets, the process can take up to 2 hours. Many blood drives provide refreshments after donating and ask that you remain 10 to 15 minutes to ensure you are fine to exit.
What are other things I should know? You can prepare for donating blood by adhering to a healthy, low-fat diet and getting a good night’s sleep the day before. Avoid alcoholic beverages and tobacco prior to the donation. Make sure you do not skip any meals. It is possible for a healthy person to give whole blood every 56 days. Individuals who have the universal blood type (Type O-) may want to sign up as frequent donors because their blood can be used for anyone. Donating a pint of blood can help several different people. With extreme shortages in the blood supply in effect, now could be the ideal time to make a blood donation.
What should I expect after the donation? Afterward you should be able to go on with your regular daily activities. It is adviseable to take it easy for the rest of the day and not engage in any heavy lifting or exercise. Also, avoid flying in airplanes or going scuba diving for a couple of days afterward. Moderate daily activities should be fine. Con-
Vitamins and Cancer Prevention METRO GRAPHICS
There have been many clinical studies conducted to look into the correlation between vitamin supplements and the prevention of certain types of cancer. Understanding the results can be confusing. There is no magic formula for consuming a broad-spectrum vitamin supplement to serve as a blanket remedy for preventing cancer. However, there have been some studies that show certain vitamins may help lower risk for specific cancers. For example, a study found women
who had high levels of vitamin A and C in their bodies, whether from diet or supplement use, had fewer cases of cervical cancer compared to women with lower levels of these vitamins. Vitamin B6 has been known to have various benefits, including reducing a person’s risk of developing lung, breast and colon cancer. Those with high blood levels of B6 have a lower risk, but there is no proof that taking B6 supplements will have the same benefits. Some studies indicate that vitamin E supplements may reduce men’s risk
of developing prostate cancer. Studies in the 1970s suggested that high doses of vitamin C could be an alternative cancer treatment, says The Mayo Clinic. These findings were debunked when it was discovered the research methods used to reach the conclusions were flawed. Subsequent studies did not corroborate the 1970s results. However, more attention is now being paid to administering vitamin C intravenously, which has different effects than when the vitamin is taken orally. Until clinical trials are
completed, researchers cannot say for sure if intravenous vitamin C will be the new all-natural cancer cure. It is important to note that taking vitamin supplements at the suggested levels recommended should be relatively safe for most people. Individuals should not super-dose vitamins in an effort to achieve better health results. Also, people should discuss any vitamin supplement use with doctors, as some supplements may cause potentially harmful interactions with certain medications.
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Coweta’s Local Daily
New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday
& 2013 Business Plan
By ALEX MCRAE alex@newnan.com Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.
NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility
and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont
Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are
See HOSPITAL, page 2A
Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations
By W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 | MyConnection 5
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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tax Connection
Lighten Your Tax Burden
Coweta’s Greatest Generation The Newnan Times-Herald spent over a year highlighting the stories of surviving local World World II veterans in a project called “Our Greatest Generation.” This award-winning series presented the stories of over 120 local men and women and was a favorite of readers young and old. Since the series ended, we have had countless requests to reproduce this collection of stories so they may be preserved for future generations and enjoyed time and again in their entirety. We are pleased to announce the entire series has been published in a limited edition hardcover book with 288 pages that tell the stories and feature photographs of these proud men and women.
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Imagine if Goldilocks filed taxes – forking out a hefty amount one year, then getting a huge refund the next. Finding a withholding amount that’s “just right” seems nearly impossible. If you owed taxes last year or received a larger refund than expected, it may be time to adjust your withholding. The idea is to pay the lowest amount of taxes possible. There’s still time to talk to a licensed tax specialist about adjusting withholding, and other possibilities for easing your tax burden for the next tax season.
are able to itemize deductions. In addition to contributions made by cash, check or credit card, the crisp fall air may provide the energy to clean house looking for items in good condition that can be donated to a qualified charitable organization. Remember to make a list of the items and determine their fair market value. Clip the list to the receipt from the organization and keep it with your
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change is thrown your way, and you might not think of it as a tax deduction. If you found yourself looking for a new job, then agency fees, resume expenses, career counseling costs and travel related to the job search may be deductible even if the job search was unsuccessful.
or fill out the form below and mail with your payment to: The Newnan Times-Herald c/o Book Order P.O. 1052, Newnan, GA 30264
A collection of stories from Coweta County’s WWII Veterans and The Newnan Times-Herald Harold Barron
Paul Deverick
Bill Dailey
Wendell Whitlock
Winston Clark
Elmer Spradlin
James McCalla
Robert Alexander
Horace Couch
Paul McKnight
J. T. Joiner
Don Lindstrom
Hugo Parkman
Clarence Boynton
Bob Newton
Charles Turner
Frank Moynahan
C. B. Warren
Everett Graves
Marvin O’Neal
Horace McMullan
Albert “Lee” Herrington
James Goodrum
Jack Wade
Bob Eatman
Alton Reeves
Eddie B. Bass
Joe Lowe
James Mansour
Merlin Houston
Joe Todd
Robert E. “Bob” Lee
James Robb
Robert Pittman
Coleman Yarbrough
Mickey Williams
Udolphus Daulton Payne
Tommy Thompson
Jimmy Carlisle
Bob Haynie
Homer Youngblood
Ed Wolak
Harold Barber
Patrick Ciandella
Bert Bray
Gene Cook
‘Flying the Hump’
Frank Cheney
Art Carlson
Sarah Rone
Harry Newton
James Maddux
D. M. “Hump” Humphries
Dan Moten
Helen Denton
E. R. Forsyth
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Edwin Bean
Ed Wyrick
Ed Milton
Bill Barrow
Tom Miller
James Stitcher
Donald Van Houten
Robert Sanders
John Richards
James Warren
Sam Isaac
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Ford Boling
Bill Deakins
Roscoe McMichael
Bill Lowry
Leo Baker
Jimmy Nixon
Alton Kirby
Grover McMichael
Marvin Brittain
Arthur Dye
Robert Bridges
Cecil Taylor
David Mealor
William Tinsley
Alvin Warren
Ferrell Parrott
Al Lewis
James “Jim” Williams
Walter Ferrari
William Smith
Walter Craven
Roy Pitts
Marvin Kee
Earl Smith
Norman Estes
Sisto “Sas” Radicchi
Robert Allen
Raymond Cook
Donn Murray
William Jackson
Clifford Wright
David Potter
John Finley
Tom Glanton
Eric Chaffin
Tom Norton
Tom Camp
Nelson Reinhardt
Leland Rogers
John Keeble
Lowell Chambers
Jack Humphrey
Bobby Hammond
Jesse Hayes
John Byrd
Edwin Fey
Jim Wasson
Bill Rainer
J. W. Hartley
Olin Watson
Zane Bristol
Adrian Daane
C. E. “Chunk” Dingler
Bruce Deakin
William Morris
Bob Taylor
J. T. Williams
Helen H. Tillett
Ralph Parks
Here are some tips for lastminute tax savings. $ If you’re in the top tax bracket of 35 percent, you may want to accelerate income, if possible. Depending on Congress, the highest tax rate may rise to 39.6 percent in 2013. $ Along with higher
ordinary income tax rates,
there’s the possibility of higher capital gains rates on investment income in 2013. If your crystal ball says capital gains taxes are going up in 2013, you may want to consider locking in profits on long-term investments before this happens. $ Giving to charity can help reduce your tax bill if you
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Coweta’s Local Daily
Fire guts office complex on Millard Farmer By JOHN A. WINTERS john@newnan.com An early Wednesday f ire destroyed the Trey Rhodes off ice bui ldi ng complex located off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard. No injuries were reported, and canine units with the state Fire Marshal’s off ice were out investigating the cause of the blaze Wednesday afternoon. “It’s still under investigation, and right now we just don’t know,” said Newnan Fire Marshal Ricky Ayers. “We brought in a K-9 unit to see if he hits on anything. It’s just part of the puzzle ...
and just helps us in figuring everything out.” T he f i re sta r ted on t he south side of the complex s hor t ly b efore 3 : 3 0 a . m . , according to Newnan Fire D e p a r t m e nt C h ie f D av id Whitley. “The fire was fully involved upon our arrival,” the chief sa id , add i n g 21 f i ref ig hter s , fou r en g i ne s a nd a n aerial truck were involved. Firef ighters had the blaze under control in under 30 minutes. “It started on the far end ... but the f ire wa ll at his (Rhodes’) offices held it in check,” Whitley said.
See FIRE, page 2A
Photo by John A. Winters
Fire investigators survey the damage from an early Wednesday fire that gutted the Trey Rhodes State Farm building complex off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard.
163 foreclosures for Sept. among lowest of year
Your greatest access to Newnan and Coweta County! By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com
Photo courtesy Hoofclix.com
The Olympic sport of eventing is an equestrian triathlon that is a test of skill, strength, partnership, and just plain guts — definitely not your average horse show. Here, a competitor takes a jump during one phase of the contest.
Weekend Eventing Championships to draw some of world’s top riders By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com
River. Admission is free, and Cowetans are invited to attend the competition. Competition begins today with dresSome of the finest riders and horses in the world will be in South Fulton County sage. Dressage and cross-country comthis weekend for the American Eventing petition will be held Friday. Cross country and show jumping will take place on Championships. This is the third and final year that Saturday, and show jumping will conthe AEC will be held at Bouckaert Farm clude on Sunday. “Make no mistake. This will be a true at Chattahoochee Hills, which is located on the banks of the Chattahoochee festival of eventing and fun for the whole
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and the school system will reimburse the authority for the cost. “We have given them a preliminary number of just over a million dollars,” said Jay Boren, authority interim general manager. The project will consist of six to eight miles of “force main” and two lift stations, according to the preliminary engineering study, Boren said. The route hasn’t been determined. “We’re looking at coming up Corinth Road currently,” Boren said, but “it is not set in stone.” The cost isn’t, either. There will be
■ Sept. 2011 - 120 (down from 199 in 2010, or -39 percent). ■ Oct. 2011 - 154 (down from 237 in 2010, or -35 percent). ■ Nov. 2011 - 242 (down from 307 in 2010, or -21 percent). ■ Dec. 2011 - 155 (down from 199 in 2010, or -22 percent). ■ Jan. 2012 - 199 (down from 217 in 2011, or -8.3 percent). ■ Feb. 2012 - 165 (down from 227 in 2011, or -27 percent). ■ March 2012 - 164 (down from 235 in 2011, or -30 percent). ■ April 2012 - 162 (up from 159 in 2011, or 1.8 percent). ■ May 2012 - 214 (up from 183 in 2011, or 16.9 percent). ■ June 2012 - 185 (up from 166 in 2011, or 10 percent). ■ July 2012 - 224 (up from 153 in 2011, or 46 percent). ■ Aug. 2012 - 160 (down from 211 in 2011, or 32 percent). ■ Sept. 2012 - 163 (up from 120 in 2011, or 35 percent).
family,” said farm owner Carl Bouckaert, himself a world-class rider who recently competed in the London Olympics for his native Belgium. What makes the AEC unique is that the national championship isn’t just for world-class horses and riders. There will be competitions in categories from beginner/novice all the way to advanced.
See RIDERS, page 2A
It will cost more than $1 million to run sewer lines to new Corinth Road school By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com
Monthly foreclosure totals for Coweta over the last year are:
There are 163 foreclosurerelated advertisements listed in today’s legal advertising section of The Newnan Times-Herald. That’s up slightly from last month, when there were 160 — the lowest of the year. July’s 224 notices were the highest of the year. This month’s foreclosures are almost exclusively singlefamily residential properties. However, one that isn’t residential is a 43.25-acre tract along Hwy. 16 East owned by PTV LLC. The property was formerly the Autumn’s Gate mobile home park. Acc ord i n g to t h e le g a l advertisement, the sale under power is to secure debt under a promissory note that was originally executed on June 27, 2006, for $3.5 million. The promissory note was modified several times, with the most recent modification on March 24, 2010. The last principal amount listed was $2,115,536, listed from a modification on Aug. 5, 2009. PTV originally bought the property in June 2005. Georgia’s foreclosure rates remain among the highest in the country. According to Realty Trac, Georgia is one
a clause in the memorandum of understanding about possible unforeseen extra costs. “As long as it is justifiable… we won’t be liable for that,” Boren said. “Of course we’re going to monitor this project like every one of them, and hold costs as low as we can,” he said. The sewer line will connect to the under-construction extension along Highway 16, which will send wastewater to the authority’s Shenandoah
See LIST, page 2A
Public hearing tonight at 6 on county budget
By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com A public hearing on Coweta County’s fiscal year 2013 budget is on the agenda for tonight’s meeting of the Coweta County Board of Commissioners. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the county commission chambers on Perry Street. The meeting, which is normally held on the first Tuesday of the month, was moved to today because of Labor Day. Coweta County is on an October to September fiscal year. The commissioners are set to approve the budget at
the Sept. 18 meeting. Other items on the agenda include: ■ A request by Stalwart Films to close a portion of Coweta-Heard Road for filming of AMC hit cable TV show “The Walking Dead.” ■ A decision on the request of The Heritage School for a variance of the planting requirements around a newlyconstructed detention pond. The detention pond was built as part of an expansion of the school. The pond is completely surrounded by forest, according to the planning department.
Features Include:
The board of the Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority gave tentative approval Wednesday to a memorandum of understanding with the Coweta County Board of Education for the construction of a sewer line to serve a proposed middle school on Corinth Road. The water and sewerage authority will be responsible for design and installation of the sewer line and lift stations,
See WASA, page 2A
See HEARING, page 2A
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