MyConnection for Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 February 6, 2013




Finding the Perfect Place Get Glamorous from Head to Toe Party Gifts

Published everyCheck Wednesday free byon ThePage Newnan-Times Herald Outand thedelivered Classifieds 7

Memories Made Easy

The New Rules of

Bridal Planner online now


Apple Crisp

Family Features


ating for heart health is actually easier — and more delicious — than you might think. When you have a good plan and plenty of mouthwatering recipes, you’ll enjoy taking care of your heart. According to the FDA, diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Here are some tips to help you make these kinds of heart-smart choices:

Savory Meatloaf

n Choose

leaner cuts of meat. You can find plenty of delicious options such as skin­ less chicken, lean pork and beef. And you can make smart substitu­tions, too — use ground turkey instead of ground beef to make meatloaf or burgers even leaner.

n Add

fruits and veggies to every meal. Strawberries in yogurt, blueberries

Grab ’n Go Peanut Butter Bars

on a salad, carrots and hummus as a snack, roasted sweet potatoes with dinner — it’s easier than you think to add nutrient-dense produce to your diet. Eat plenty of different colored produce for variety and a wider range of health benefits. n Enjoy

more whole grains. Whole grains add carbohydrates for energy, fiber to fill you up, and nutrients important for good health. And, according to a recent national survey, 4 out of 5 doctors recom­mend Shredded Wheat as part of a healthy, low-sodium diet, to maintain a healthy heart, reduce the risk of heart disease, and support healthy blood pressure levels. These recipes are a great start to adding more whole grains — and they’re so good, you might forget they are heart smart. Recipes listed on page 5.

Apple Crisp Total Time: 65 minutes Makes: 6 servings 5 cups peeled apple slices 1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar, divided 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon tapioca 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 1/2 cups Original Shredded Wheat Spoon Size Cereal, finely crushed 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) margarine, melted Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix apples, 1/4 cup sugar, lemon juice, tapioca and cinna­mon in large bowl. Let stand 10 minutes. To make topping, stir crushed cereal, remaining 1/4 cup sugar and margarine in medium bowl until well blended. Spread apple mixture in ungreased 1 1/2-quart baking dish. Sprinkle evenly with cereal topping. Bake for 45 minutes or until topping is browned and apples are tender when pierced with fork.

Share Sweets from the Heart this

Valentine’s Day

inside ise

rt Surpr Sweethea ecipe R Cupcake ➤


Family Features

What better way to show love and affection on Valentine’s Day than by sharing a delicious gift made from the heart? A sweet treat is the perfect way to say “I love you” to the important people in your life. A national survey found that a quarter of women under age 55 bake as part of their Valentine’s Day celebration. And although women typically spend less than men on Valentine’s Day gifts, they give to more people in their lives — including a spouse or boyfriend, children, extended family, friends and co-workers. Among the most popular treats to prepare and share are cookies, cakes and cupcakes. Try these tips and get ready to bake to your heart’s content. ■ Let your love take shape with a Valentine Cookie Pan; heart shapes and thoughtful sayings like “Be Mine” will surely make that special someone know how much you care. ■ Go for a dip and jazz up everyday cookies by giving them a chocolate dunk and sprinkle toppings.


Ways Pets Could Improve Personal Health METRO GRAPHICS

Rather than heading to the pharmacy for solutions to common ailments, a majority of people may be able to stop at the nearest pet store or animal shelter and find a finned or furry remedy instead. Studies that link positive health benefits to pet ownership abound. According to WebMD, one study found that 48 stockbrokers who adopted a pet experienced lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than did people who did not own pets. Another study found that individuals suf-

Lower blood pressure: Petting a dog or cat can lower blood pressure, as can watching a fish swim around a tank. Those with hypertension may want to purchase or adopt a companion animal to help lower their blood pressure.

fering from serious diseases, such as cancer or AIDS, are far less likely to experience depression if they have a strong tie to a pet. Plus, pets have proven beneficial to seniors struggling with loneliness. Any pet can try a person’s patience at times, expecially when a kitty has used a sofa as a scratching post or when a pooch needs to be let into the yard at 3 a.m. But for many pet owners, the benefits of having a pet far outweigh the negatives. Here are some of the many ways that pet ownership can be good for your health.

Reduce stress: Stress is something people face on a daily basis. According to a National Health Interview Survey, 75 percent of the general population experiences



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Doors Open @ 9:00 a.m.

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167 Greenville St., Newnan (in the old Coca Cola Building) • 770-304-8224

Auctioneer: Tommy McCann GA License #2995

2 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 6, 2013



Preparing For the Unexpected

1. *Previous Grammy nominees Ant and Lambert 6. *Best New Artist, possibly 9. Hit the bottle Remembering 13. Relating to a node World War II 14. Arrival time U.S.D.A. Select Beef The Newnan Carnegie 15. *She's a 6-time Grammy winner February 7 and Michael's sister NEWS USA 2:30 p.m. 16. Harry Potter's antagonist _____ Dr. Walt Todd, professor at Malfoy U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco sin hueso Shorter University of Atlanta, 17. Always, inU.S.D.A. verse Select Beef provides a program commemoU.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh 18. Uncredited actor Nearly 1.5 million families lose your health, like your livelihood. rating the seventieth anniversary 19. *Female artist with most wins their homes to foreclosure each year of the Battle of Guadalcanal. 21. Like Horn of Plenty amount because of unpaid medical bills, ac- y Consider supplemental insurCall for reservations. lb. lb. article published in ance. Many daily expenses are cording to an 23. Exclamation expressing disgust U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete Info: 770-683-1347 U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso not covered by health insurance. 24. Pea houses U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad the Health Matrix: Journal of Law Medicine. Not surprising when you Childcare, transportation and lost 25. Ratio of adjacent side to U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Salchicha bratwurst, 19 onzaspeople off guard consider that the average cost of a italiano worko time catch hypotenuse of right-angled triangle 19 oz. Bratwurst or Italian single day's worth of inpatient hoswhen income is disrupted. Medi28. With minimal sound distortion FREE SOUP KITCHEN pital care is more than $1,600. cal insurance covers doctor visits Johnsonville 30. Go ashore 12 Savannah Street lb. lb. will not cover and medicine, but not day-to-day "Health insurance February 9 35. Shades all of the related expenses in treat- things. Supplemental coverages 4:00-6:00 p.m. 37. Electric and moray fish Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas Salchicha ahumado 14 onzas ing certain diseases," explains Polly pay ade pavo, fixed sum upon the event, U.S.D.A. Inspected ahumado,Resource 40 onzas Perpetual Salchicha Community 39. Less bright then supernovae16 oz. Hot or Mild Market Style 14an oz. Turkey Galbraith, medical director for which you can use for whatever 31. Physicist Niels ____ 40 oz. of downtown Centre south DOWN 40. Von Bismarck or Hahn, e.g.Sunset Farms Butterball insurance provider. you want. 32. Steer clear of Newnan isFour serving Starfree dinners 41. *Grammy winner Keb Mo is a 1. Plus To avoid paying more for less lb. 33. More raw at its soup kitchen every Satur2. Rachel Renee Russell's "____ _____ Blues icon U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre coverage, it's essential to compare y Purchase through work for sav34. *What doesn't kill her makes her day beginning in February Tortas de salchicha picante o suave, 3 libras Diaries" Salchichas rojos, 14 onzasfrom 43. Allen Ginsberg poem Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas insurance options. There are, howings and convenience. When you stronger 4:00-6:00 14 p.m. 3 Lb. Hotpurchase or Mild coverage at work, you 3. Month of Purim U.S.D.A. Inspected - Any Size Package oz. or until all the 16 oz. 44. Stands for ever, some other ways to maximize 36. *They play with Mumford food is gone. Rudy's Farm 4. Last European colony in China Four Star 46. A ride to mountain top Sunset Farms your insurance spend. benefit from group insurance rates U.S.D.A. Inspected 38. Wild guess Info: 678-634-6232 Claxton Fresh 5. Outer covering that can be shed 47. Cambodian money which are more affordable. These lb. 42. Something in the air 6. Fine print add-ons y Understand the benefits and tools benefits can come with some level 48. Magician's word U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño 45. Provoke Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas de paquete de familia de 2.5 libras available at work. Take stock of all of guaranteed coverage, meaning 7. Shoshonean 50. Double reed woodwind Salchicha ahumado AARP Driver Safety 49. ___-Wan 10 oz. Links or Patties 2.5 Lb. Family Pack Fresh Pork Kenobi the benefits your employer offers. you do not have to submit medi8. Narcotics lawman 52. Wine quality Course Sunset Farms 51. Eroded by wind Royal Even if you pay some or all of the cal evidence. Many employers will 9. *Grammy winner Bob James wrote 53. Wild goat Wesley Woods of Newnan 54. English homework? premium, you may have access to also collect and remit premiums to theme for this DeVito sitcom 55. Flash ___ February 11 56. This was his name-o lb.that can fill gaps in the carrier for you, through payroll valuable plans Costillas mediano de cerdo fresco 10. "I'm ___ you!" 57. "Last Tango __ _____" 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 57. In or of the present month existing coverages. Many carriers deduction. Check with other groups 11. Cuzco country 61. *Grammy Museum location 12 oz. Box The course runs 10:30 a.m. to 58. Warsaw Pact opposition provide tools that can help deter- you belong to, like labor unions, 12. Plural of #14 Across Select Varieties 64. Island republic in central Pacific 4:30 p.m. with a half-hour lunch mine what plans benefit you the business organizations, student as16 oz. Light White or Light Wheat 59. Opposite of knit 42 oz. Chicken, Beef Pepper or Beef Chowmein Bi-Pack Quaker 15. *Call her maybe? break. Participants should bring 65. Stallone most, and what level of coverage is sociations and other special-interest 60. Desert-like 20. It usually precedes "away" their own lunch. AARP mem67. Incompetent appropriate. groups, that may also offer cover61. Cleaning cabinet supplies bers get a $2 discount. For ages 22. Like Jack Klugman on TV 69. Main section of Vegas 4orlb. BagU.S.D.A. age at discounted rates. U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco sin hueso 62. Sink swim, e.g. U.S.D.A. Select Beef 50 and older. Seating is limited, 24. JackieU.S.D.A. O's hat 70. Sailor's affirmative 10 oz. Mocha Swirl y Protect your income. Most people Select Beef Domino U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh 63. D'Artagnan's weapon of choice 8 pk. advance registration required. 25. "_____ at Hamburger the bit" or 71. Be of one mind y Take it with you. Don't forget to 16 oz. Boneless Boneless Center Cut Loin fail to contemplate what they would 66. Singular of #61 Down lomoof despace cerdo Info: 770-304-1537 26. de Kind pollo partido con huesothat include porta72. Tattled U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de cuarto do if unable to earn a paycheck.Pechuga at options Se- delook 68. Rolodex lb. abbr. 73. *These Grammy winners owned a 27. Bristles rious illness or lb. accidents may not oc- bility, the ability to take the covU.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso o mitad 29. Fifteen of these from basket to cur often, but the ramifications can erage with you should you leave lonely heart SolutionU.S.D.A. oninspeccionado Pagede jamón 6 de cerdo fresco, entero 5 oz. 8-12 oz. Select Varieties U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh job. be significant with impacts beyond foul line 12 pk. Hamburger or © StatePoint Media 74. Famous prize Starkistyour Chunk Hershey's



$ 65



Swiss Steak..........

295 $ 17 2 652

Pork Chops.........


Eye of Round Steak


$ 42

2 $ 48 1

$ 95

Boneless Center Cut Loin



2 $ 47 $ 17 $ 99 Country Style $ 72 1 Pork Ribs ....................... Smoked Sausage.... 2 Fresh Sausage......... 2 Smoked Sausage.... 5 Please visit our website @! $ 52 $ 78 $ 51 $ 83 Center Cut Loin Sausage Patties...... Red Hots................... 1 Smoked Sausage.... 2 2 Bone-In Split 6 Pork Chops................... Quarterloin Pork Chops $ 38 $ 64 Medium $ 96 Fryer Breast Fresh Sausage........... 2 Smoked Sausage.... 6 1 Spare Ribs...................... Sirloin Tip Roast.


Insurance Tips:


$ 255

Whole or Half

Pork Ham.............

$ 95




1 $ 41 lb. lb. $¢ 65 $ 95 1 2 $ 80 Hot Dog Buns 89 3 $ 62 Coffee . . 4 Dressing . . . . . . 1 $ . . . . .42 $ 36 $ 48 $ 95 4 93 $ 25 3 1 $ 31 2 Pie Crust . . . . . . . 1 Soup . . . . . . . . . $137 Hot Dog Buns 1 $ 47 1 1 2 2 $ 75 5 ¢ 1 Aerosol . . . . . . . 84OUR 90 1 . . . . . . . .ADDED 2 $ PLUS 57 Chips10% COST AT REGISTER! $ 78 Soup . . . . . . . . . 2 1 2 2 2 $ 59 3 Solids . . . . . . . . . . 81¢ 99 3 Crackers . . . . . . . 1 $ 96 6 Powdered Sugar 85¢ 2 6 1 $ 65 $ 95 $ 29 3 $ 22 $$ 9995 2 65 Chips . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ 95 $ 65 1 Peanut Butter 2 $ 42 $3 $ 46 2 3 $ 82 $ 55 2 1 2 $ 48 $ 95 4 42 Tea Bags . . . . . 1 1 $ 42 4/$ $ 48 $ 84 3 $ 52 1 $ 95 4 $ 48 4 $ 95 4 Chips . . . . . . .$. . .80 1 1 89 Peanut Butter 2 3 3 1 1 $ 50 $ 36 $ 41 $ 15 Big Cups . . . . .2. $1491 1 2 3 $ 31 5 2 1 2 $ 47 1 $ 37 1 1 2 2 Crackers . . . . . . . 2 1 Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 1 1 2 2 5 $ 96 1 2 2 2 93 1 90 1 2 $ 57 ¢2 21 2 $1 78 $ 117 Tea . . . . . . . . . . . 2184 3 70 70 2 1 2 2 Side Dishes . . . . . . 99 61º Fusion . . . . .1. . . 2 2 6 6 3 99 3 1 $1 96 1 2 6 45º 6 81 1 ¢ $ 34 ¢2 $ 85Ground 6 6 70 Pork Roast 85 Ham Portions Beef Sirloin Steaks 98 1 Greens . . . . . . . 1 Pasta Sauce . . . 1 Side Dishes . . . 99 4 1 2 1 61º $ 82 2 1 2 1 $ 46 55 45 45 $ $ 41 $ 9896 1 $2$ 47º $ 14 $ 1 $ 81 Rice Mix . . . . . . . 1 2 89 Drinking Water$ .914 2 Sauces . . . . . . .4. 1 89 1 $ 1 39 $ 50 $ 46 1 $ 36 $ 41 lb. lb. lb. lb. 1 $ 36 1 $ 80 2 1 1 89 66º 2 ¢ 2 1 2 1 2 1 $ 428 $ 02 te Bread . . . . 99 1 1 $ 36 1 $ 96 53º Bean Sprouts .1. 1 $ Whi41 1 Corn Meal . . . . . 2 184 2 90 70 $ 37 702 1 12 90 1 93 1 90 1 $99 1 99 384 11 93 2 1 2 $ 2990 $ 17 2 $ 16 $ 03 2 $ 34 70º 1 93 1 1 98 70 1 1 Bread . . . 1 Popcorn . . . . . . . . 1 Noodles . . .3. . . 1 Wheat 1 3 99 3 1 3 99 3 2 $ 57 $ 42 $ 77 $ 88 $ 95 84 $ 25 1 99 1 1 4 81 81 54º 2 4 6 3 1 3851 85 $ 46 3 99 3 1 1 81 1 LaChoy

Dinners . . . . . . . . . .

Eye of Round

Folgers Ground Steak Gourmet

4-6 oz. Select Varieties lb. SHARPSBURG

Keebler Tart Shell or Healthy Heart Fair

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete

$ 55

$ 30

Food Depot

Bread. . . . . . .

Wish-Bone Italian

Food Depot Swiss Steak..........

18.5-19 oz. Select Varieties


Instant Grits

Granulated SugarPork Chops......... Whole or Half

Food Depot Sirloin Tip Roast.


Pork Ham.............



White Tuna..



1 $ Reeses . . . . 3 Baking Chips


Salchicha italiano o bratwurst, 19 onzas Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas 2.6 oz. Assorted Flavors 16 oz. Lucky Charms or 18 oz. Piedmont Heart Institute U.S.D.A. Inspected Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas 19 oz. Bratwurst or Italian 16 oz. Hot or Mild Market Style Starkist Chunk General Mills 10-10.5 oz. 40 oz. February 9 oz. Select Varieties 48 ct. 42 oz. Country Style 8Johnsonville oz. Select Varieties Sunset Farms Four Star Light Tuna . rshey's 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Essential Everyday lb. 9-12.1 oz. Select Varieties Ribs ....................... Sausage.................. Fresh Sausage......... Essential EverydayPork Smoked Sausage.... U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre for comking ChipsRegistration required Cutlery . . . . Quick Oats *. . . Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas plimentary health screenings. U.S.D.A. Inspected - Any Size Package 14 oz. 14 oz. Turkey 16 oz. Four Star health screenings: Butterball blood Sunset Farms . Lucky Charms or 18Free oz. 20 ct. Red or Blue Center Cut Loin 6 Roll 8 pk. 8 oz. Select Varieties pressure, Body Mass Index Red Hots................... Smoked Sausage.... Smoked Sausage.... *Our cost includes freight, stocking fees, and associated expenses. lb. Chops................... neral Mills Essential EverydayPork Big Mopper U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas Tortas de salchicha picantegluo suave, 3 libras (BMI), cholesterol and Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia de 2.5 libras 1 lb. Light Brown, Dark Brown or eeses . . . . Plastic Cups.Fresh Pork Paper Towels 5 lb. Bag 10 oz.Please Links or Patties visit our website: 3 Lb.healthy Hot or Mild heart 2.5 Lb. Family Pack! cose. Receive free U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro frescoVarieties sin hueso Sunset Rudy's Farm Royal Select U.S.D.A. Select BeefFarms Medium educational materials and conU.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Aunt Jemima Fresh Sausage........... Sausage Patties...... Smoked Sausage.... 5 oz. Assorted Flavor Spare Ribs...................... Escamas de carne de cangrejo de imitación Filete de jamón corte de centro sultations with 16.3 clinicians lb. oz. Creamy orand Crunchy de cerdo fresco suizomediano sin hueso chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco sin hueso Gusto U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdoBoneless corte de centroU.S.D.A. fresco sinselecto hueso de bistec Costillas Boneless Center CutU.S.D.A. Loininspeccionado U.S.D.A. Select Beef ect Beef ImitationdeFlake hospital staff about disease U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh lb. lb. Center Cut ound prevention, fitness maintenance Sea Best Boneless 24 ct. Boneless 16 oz.U.S.D.A. Light White or Light Wheat de punta de aguayon sin hueso Center Cut Loin 42 oz.Boneless Chicken, Beef Pepper or Beef Chowmein Bi-Pack Boneless Center Cut Loin selecto de asado U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero oCrab mitad ak Ham Steak..... lb. Meat......... and tips to improve your heart Food Depot lb. LaChoy U.S.D.A. Select Beeflb. lb. lb. U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Filete de pescado tilapia congelado fresco, 2 libras health and overall well-being. Intestinos pequeños de cerdo congela 28 oz. 1U.S.D.A. oz. Assorted 4 lb. Bag U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon 15-16.3 oz. Creamy, Reduced Fat or Super Chunk inspeccionado de jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad lb. sin hueso U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso 2 jamón de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad Boneless 10 Lb. U.S.D.A. inspeccionado Whole or Half Sweet Baby Ray's Info: 770-716-200812 oz. Box 10 oz. Mocha Swirl Domino U.S.D.A. SelectU.S.D.A. Beef selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh 8 pk. Hamburger orU.S.D.A. Select Beef Select Varieties Fresh Fresh Frozenlb. Fresh Frozen U.S.D.A. Inspected 16 oz. lb. Folgers Ground lb. Granulated Boneless

$ 95

$ 94 Glade

Bear Creek

$ 17

$ 43 Glade


$ 51 Frito Lay $ 38

$ 52 Domino Eye of Round Steak Eye of Round Steak Lipton Iced Swiss Steak..........


$ 99

$ 72 Frito Lay Assorted Flavor


$ 79


$ 89

$ 83 $ 64

Corn Meal

Golden Flake

Swiss Steak.......... $ 30Steak.......... Pork Chops......... Swiss Bread. . . . . . . DiGolden nners . . .Flake ....... Skippy Natural Sirloin Tip BBQRoast. Sauce Quaker Whole or Half lb. Food Depot Boneless ¢ 48 ct. Wish-Bone Italian Gourmet $lb. 62 Pork Ham.............Hot Dog BunsSirloin Sugar Instant Grits lb. Sirloin Tip orRoast. 19 oz. Bratwurst Italian 16 oz. Hot or Tip Mild Market Style Roast. Lipton Coffee . . . . . . . Dressing . . . . . . 40 oz. 8 pk. 46 oz. High Fiber, Spicy Hot, Low Sodium, Healthy Request or Spicy Hot Low Sodium Johnsonville 12 pk. Hamburger or Sunset Farms

bistec de la carne de cuete

Salchicha italiano o bratwurst, 19 onzas U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete

$ 04

Pork Chops......... Pork Chops.........

Pork Ham............. Whole or Half Tilapia 16 oz.Fish Fillet U.S.D.A. Inspected lb. Country StylePork Ham............. $General47Mills

Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas


Pork Chitter


2.46-2.75 oz. Select Varieties

Quaker $ $ 99 12 Golden oz. $ 27 $ 72 10 oz. Italian Oatmeal . . . . lb. Pork Ribs ....................... U.S.D.A. Inspected 40 oz. Sausage.................. Royal Fresh Food$Depot 47 Lance40Country SpecialtyStyle Line Grahams . . $ 38 $ 25Sausage......... 19 oz. Bratwurst or Italian 16 oz. Hot or Mild Market Style Carolina Pride Sunset Farms Keebler Tart Shell or $$ 31 $ 95 99 Smoked oz. Sausage.... Four Star Progresso $ 72 Thick Country StyleSliced Bacon Johnsonville Sunset Farms Hot Dog Buns lb. Pork Ribs ....................... Cooked Ham........... $ 95 $ 99 ........... Fresh Sausage......... Pie Crust . . . . . . . U.S.D.A. Inspected - Any Size Package 14 oz.Four Star 1.3-1.5 oz., 6-10 ct. Select Varieties 14 oz. Turkey FEB.Smoked 7-10 16 oz. $ 72 Sausage.... 10lb. oz. Select Varieties Pork Ribs ....................... Soup . . . . . . . . . 17Deli oz. Shaved Sausage.................. Fresh Sausage......... 10-10.5 oz. 9 oz. All Beef FourSmoked Star Butterball Sausage.... Center Cut Loin $General 78 51 120 ct.Sunset Farms Essential Everyday$ 183 $ 17 Folgers16 oz. Gourmet 8 oz. Select Varieties Mills COWETA AND SURROUNDING AREA U.S.D.A. Inspected - AnyFlavor Size Package $ 14Starkist oz. Flavored 4.4-5.7 oz. Assorted Lipton Chunk Land O' Frost lb. Roll¢ Essential Everyday $ 79 Carolina Pride 46oz.oz.Star Select Varieties 9-12.1 oz.Hots................... Select Varieties ¢ $Hershey's $16Sunset 94Farms Frito $ Lay Assorted Flavor $ 84 -2.75 oz. Select Varieties Red Smoked Sausage.... Smoked Sausage.... $ 75 Pork Chops................... Selections Four Glade Center Cut Loin 78 51 U.S.D.A. Inspected Any Size Package 14 oz. $ 17 14 oz. Turkey $ Honey Nut $ 83 16Cutlery oz. ¢ Bear White Tuna.. Baking Chips . . .¢. ColortexQuick Oats . . . Ham or Turkey..... $ 81 Jumbo Franks............ Colortex Big Mopper THURSDAY ¢ aker Creek Chips . . . . . . . . Lipton Knorr Rice $ 36 Red V-8 Hots................... sage.... Smoked Sausage.... Four Star lb. Butterball Sunset Farms Coffee . . . . . . . Pork Chops................... Center Cut Loin $ 51 Aerosol . . . . . . . $ 17 $ 83 Cheerios . . . 10 oz. Links or Patties 3 Lb. Hot or Mild 2.5 Lb. Family Pack. . . Napkins Towels .Fresh. . .Pork. . . . atmeal . . . . 8 pk. SoupRed .Farms . .Pork. .Hots................... . . . . U.S.D.A. Select 16 oz. Smoked or Polish Smoked Sausage.... Smoked Sausage.... lb. 16 oz. Hot or Mild Pork Chops................... Sunset Rudy's Farm Royal 8 Pack oz. Select Varieties 52 $ 38 $ $ 64 Medium 10Starkist oz. LinksChunk or Patties $ 04 General Mills $ 96 Inspected 2.5 Lb. Family Gusto Fully Cooked Any Size Package Fresh Essential Everyday Big Mopper Beef U.S.D.A. Carolina Pride 43 Varieties ¢ $ 89 Carolina Pride 27$oz. Select $ 66 Frito Lay $ 59 1 lb. Light Brown, Dark Brown or Fresh Sausage........... Sausage Patties...... Sunset Farms Smoked Sausage.... Glade Royal $Reeses $ 52 $ 64 Lightoz.Tuna . . . .or Mild Cups. Paper Towels ¢ Medium $ Spare Ribs...................... Sausage................... lb. 10 oz.Assorted Links orFlavor Patties 338 Lb..Hot Fresh 2.5Plastic Lb. Family PackSpiral 696 Roll 1 Roll Sliced Boneless Boston Butt Fresh PorkSausage...................... 4-5.7 oz. 16-24 Select Varieties .ies...... Select Varieties Crackers . . . . . . . Fresh Sausage........... Smoked Sausage.... Glory Canned DominoSunset Solids . . . . . . . . . . Spare Ribs...................... Farms Rudy's Farm Royal lb. $ 38 $ 52 Velvet Bathroom Colortex My Size $ 64 Medium ¢ ¢ gers Gourmet 16 oz. Bottle 5 oz. Assorted Flavor Lipton Knorr Pasta Ragu 8-8.27 oz. Chocolate Chip, Blueberry or Br 16.3 oz. Creamy or Crunchy Fresh Sausage Patties...... Powdered SugarSausage........... Tissue . . . Smoked . . . . 16 oz. Light WhiteSausage.... Spare Ribs...................... or Light WheatTowels . . . . . . . . ections

$ 95

Weather V-8 Connection

urst, 19 onzas

Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas

Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas

U.S.D.A. Inspected Four 18.5-19 Star oz. Select Varieties

oz. Market Select Varieties Salchicha italiano16 o bratwurst, onzas oz. Hot or194-6 Mild Style

Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas

Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas

Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas

Salchichas 5 oz. rojos, 14 onzas

8-12 oz. Select Varieties

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

48 ct.

Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas

Tortas o enlaces salchicha fresco, 10 onzas 2.6 oz. AssorteddeFlavors

16 oz. Lucky Charms or 18 oz.

$ 19

$ 22

Skippy 16 oz. Light White or Light Wheat 42 oz. Chicken, Beef Pepper or Beef Chowmein Bi-Pack


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño

1 1 Costillas mediano de cerdo fresco

42 oz. Chicken, Bi-Pack Golden FlakeBeef Pepper or Beef$Chowmein29

LaChoy. . . . . . . . . . . Chips

24 ct.

Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas

Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

6 Roll

Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia de 2.5 libras

2 3 Costillas mediano de cerdo fresco


offee . . . . . . .

20 ct. Red or Blue

Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas

Tortas de salchicha picante o suave, 3 libras

Salchichas enorme de todo res, 16 onzas

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño

Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia de 2.5 libras

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño

Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia de 2.5 libras

42 oz.

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas

Tortas de salchicha picante o suave, 3 libras

o suave, 3 libras

Pavo o jamón rebanado delgado, 9 onzas

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas

Jamón cocinado, 10 onzas

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre

Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre

, 14 onzas


Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas

Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas

$ 55

Food Depot

Select Varieties

$ 30



Costillas mediano de cerdo fresco

Little Debbie

1 89 2

Little Muffins . .


$ 30Lipton 4 lb. Bag Bread. . . . . . . 16 oz. Light White or Light Wheat Salad Dressing nners . . . .42. .oz.. .Chicken, . . Beef Pepper or Beef28Chowmein 24 pk.10Iced .54Mocha liter 12 oz. Box oz. Bi-Pack 1 oz.DiAssorted lb. Purified Bag 11-11.5 oz. Bag oz. Swirl Bread. . . . Domino 15-16.3 oz. Creamy, Reduced.Fat. or. Super Chunk Di n ners . . . . . . . . . . Zatarain's 8 pk. Hamburger or Essential Everyday Select Varieties Sweet Baby Ray's Tea Bags . . . . . Food Depot Aunt Jemima 10 oz. Mocha Swirl Domino LaChoy $ 30 16 oz. Frito Lay Golden Flake FolgersSprings Ground 8 pk. Hamburger$or 52 Crystal 4/$ Skippy Natural Granulated s Quaker LaChoy BBQ Sauce Foam Plates . . Food Depot 16 oz. 4 lb. Bag Folgers Ground Corn Meal Bread. .¢. . . . .Sugar Granulated 48 ¢ct. Gourmet Doritos Wish-Bone Italian Food Depot Dinners . . . . . . . . . . Chips . . . . . . . . . . $ 80 $ 62 Peanut Butter 12Instant oz.Italian Box Grits 10 oz. Mocha Swirl Wish-Bone Gourmet Hot Dog Buns Domino $ 80 $ 62 Select Varieties 46 oz. High Fiber, Spicy HotHot Sugar 8 pk. Hamburger or Grits LiptonCoffee . . . . .Ground .. . .30oz.. . .oz.. SATURDAY Coffee . . . . . . . 8 pk.Dressing 16 Super Chill , Low Sodium,Dog Healthy RequestBuns or Spicy Hot Low Sodium Folgers $ 20. .oz. 12 pk. Hamburger or Food Depot Dressing . . . . Granulated Quaker Heinz ¢ 12 pk. Hamburger or 4-6 oz. Select Varieties 5 lb. Assorted Big Cups . . . . . . Lance Specialty Line 14 oz. Spring Water . . . 18.5-19 oz. Select Varieties V-8 Wish-Bone Italian $ 31 Gourmet 4-6 oz. Select Varieties $ 15 Food Depot $ 62 18.5-19Instant oz. SelectFood VarietiesDepot Sugar $ 25 Grits Dog Buns Keebler Tart ShellVarieties or . . .$. . . .31 Crackers Giant . .Mayonnaise . . $ 37 Progresso. . . Dressing oz., 6-10 ct. Select Keebler Tart Shell or $ 31 Progresso White LilyCoffee Red . . .Food . . . . .Dog .Depot . . . . .Buns $ 251.3-1.5 LaChoy . . . . . . Hot Dog Buns Hot $ 37 Hot 24 oz. 12 pk. Hamburger or Pie Crust . . . . . . . 4.4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor Pie Crust . . . . . . . Lipton Flavored Soup . . . .18.5-19 . . . . .oz. Select VarietiesColortex 46 oz. Select Varieties 4-6 oz. Select Varieties 10-10.5 oz. Soup . . . . . . . . . Hunt's General Mills 10-10.5 oz. Food Depot ¢ Essential12Everyday 8 oz. Select Varieties Colortex Big Mopper 25Beef ¢ ¢ Shopper's oz. ¢ 75 U.S.D.A. Quaker Starkist Chunk 8 oz. Select Varieties Knorr Fresh Lean Select Beef $ 36FreshV-8 ¢ Frito $ Keebler Tart Shell or ¢ Lipton Value U.S.D.A. Hershey's $ 17 Essential$Select Everyday Essential Everyday ¢ 9-12.131 oz.Everyday SelectRice VarietiesU.S.D.A. $$ 94 $ 79 Inspected Tea . . . . . . . . . . . Frito Lay Assorted. .Flavor $ Essential Everyday Essential Progresso $ Ketchup . . . . . $ 27 9-12.1 oz. Select Varieties ¢ Hershey's $ 94 Golden $ 79 Lay Assorted Flavor Essential Ever Napkins . Towels . . . . . . . . Glade 75 20 oz. Oatmeal . . . . Hot Dog Buns Cereal . . . . . . . . . . . . ¢ Pretzels Tuna.. Chuck Baking Chips Cutlery . . . . Quick Oats . . . Breakfast T-Bone Boneless Pork Ground 9.9 oz. Microwave 5Grahams oz.Glade . . ¢ Bear White Baking Chips Cutlery . . . . Quick Oats . . . Side Dishes . . . . . . SUNDAY Fusion . . . . . . . . Pie Crust . . . . . . . Bear Creek Soup $. . . . 57 136 oz. Tropical or Citrus Punch or 27 oz. Select Varieties. . . . . . . Creek Chips . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chips . . . . . . . .10-10.5 oz. London Broil $ 57 Aerosol American C AerosolChow. . .Mein .... Steaks Steaks Tender Tips Food Depot Patties 4-5.7Soup oz. Assorted Flavor 8 oz. Select Varieties 16-24 oz. Select Varieties Kiwi Strawberry Essential Everyday LaChoy 8 pk. $ 89 . . . . . . . . . Glory Canned 8 pk. Soup . . . . . . . . . Starkist Chunk Hershey's Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 8 oz. Select Varieties Essential Everyday 9-12.1 oz. Select Varieties ¢ $ 94 ¢ $ 79 Frito Lay Assorted Flavor Velvet Bathroom Colortex My Size 8 oz. Select Varieties ¢ Folgers Gourmet oz. Assorted Mills Starkist Chunk General Mills$ 85 Essential$Everyday75 ¢ Essential Everyday Big Mopper Glade KnorrBrown, PastaDark Brown $ Ragu 04 Frito $ 43 Glade ¢ Big Mopper $ 89Quick. .Oats Crystaline . . . . . . Toaster16 $ 04 General Mills $ 43 General ¢ Lipton $ or89¢ Tissue Frito Lay . . . . . . . Lay .Chips White Baking Cutlery . Towels ... $ 59 Towels . . . . . .Cups. .. 1 lb. Light¢Towels PastriesEver 1 lb. Light Brown,Tuna.. Dark Essential Glade Nut $ 81 Selections Greens . . . . . . . $ Brown19or. Pasta Sauce Honey Light Tuna Reeses . . . $ 59 Plastic Paper Bear Creek ¢ . Reeses . . . . Plastic Cups. Paper Chips . . . . . . . . ¢Coffee Aerosol . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 7-8 oz.Solids SideDomino Dishes . . . Crackers . . . . . .8 pk.. ....... Cheerios Domino Solids . . . ..... ... . . .......... Select Varieties ¢ Soy orCrackers ¢. . lb. American C Soup . . . . . . . 8 oz. Select Varieties 24 pk. .5 liter Purified 5 oz. Assorted Flavor 5 oz. Assorted Flavor lb. lb. lb. Essential Everyday 10 oz. Teriyaki lb. Starkist Chunk General Mills Big Mopper 16.3 oz. Creamy or Crunchy Essential 16.3 oz. Creamy or Crunchy Powdered Sugar $ 04 $ Zatarain's 43 ¢ $ 89 Powdered Sugar 12 oz. $ Frito Lay $ 59 Plastic5 lb.Cups. 16Everyday oz. 1 lb. Light Brown, Dark Brown or Flake Flake $. . .14 Crystal Springs Golden Light Tuna . LaChoy Golden Reeses .$ 29 SkippyGlade Paper Towels ¢ Bag $ 98 Essential Everyday Skippy $ 29 Instant Grits . $ 22 24 ct. $ 22 Dutch Farms $ 72 24 ct. Crackers . . . . . . . Assorted Mix .Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drinking WaterDomino 16Peanut oz. Bottle . Chips . . .¢. . . . . . .5. oz. Assorted Flavor Butter Sauces Chips . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . Rice PeanutSolids White Lily American Cheese Singles Lipton Iced 30 oz. 5 lb. Bag $ 82 Lipton Iced Powdered Select Varieties Butter . . 20 oz. $ 82 1 oz. Assorted 45 oz. es 16.3 oz. Creamy or Crunchy Sugar Heinz 28 oz. 1 oz. Assorted 15-16.3 oz. Creamy, Reduced Fat or Super Chunk Essential Everyday Select Varieties 14 oz. Wish-Bone Flour 15-16.3Sweet oz. Creamy,Baby Reduced Ray's Fat or Super Chunk 5 lb. Assorted though we walk in the flesh, Tea Bags . . . . . ma 16 oz.“For Assorted Flavors Golden Flake Sweet Baby Ray's Tea Bags . . . . . Golden Flake Food Depot Giant Mayonnaise $ 29 Aunt Jemima Skippy 8 oz.. . . . . . Essential Everyday 4/$ Skippy Natural Mustard ¢ Golden Flake Gallon Assorted Flavor Lily 24 ct. $ 28 $ 99 52 488ct. oz.Corn Sauce $ 52$White 22 Salad LaChoy 4/$ . . . .¢. . . . .BBQ Natural Essential $ 02 we doEveryday not war after the flesh: Dressing (For the eal Sauce 12 oz. SkippyBBQ Dutch Farms Meal $ Chips . . Eckrich Meat Chips . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Kinser's Kunzler Meat $ 09 Eckrich Meat Oscar Mayer 48 ct. Peanut Butter Peanut Butter Whi t e Bread . . . . Shredded ¢ Chips . . . . . . . . . . Spread Bowl 5 lb. Bagor Chunk Sausage ¢ ¢ Corn Meal . . . . . ¢ Lipton Iced weaponsCheese of our warfare are not carnal, Bean Sprouts . . Peanut Butter 8-15 oz. Citrus, Tropical $ 82 Dutch Farms ¢ Lipton American Singles Essential Everyday $ 91 28 oz. 1 oz. Assorted 8 pk. Select Varieties Cream Ch Lipton Bologna.. 46 oz. Higto h Fiber, Spithe cy Hot, Low81 Sodipulling um, Healthy Request or Spicy Hot Low Sodium Chunk $ Franks..... Lunchables 20 oz. 46 oz. High Fi$ 50 Dutch Farms 46 16 oz.butdownmighty $ 91 through God Margarine 8 pk. 9.9 oz. Microwave 5 oz. ber, Spi15-16.3 cy Hot, Low Sodioz. um, HealCreamy, thy Request Salads........ orReduced Spicy Hot Low SodiFat um or Super American Punch orFlake MangoLinks....... I Can't Believe Sweet Baby Ray's Bologna... Tea Bags . . . . . $ 50 $ 46 Aunt Jemima Worcestershire Sauce Big Cups . . . . . . Lance Specialty Line Golden $ 31 4/$ Skippy Natural of strong holds;)V-8Casting down $ 15 Cheese Big Cups . . . . . . Specialty LineTampico 52Everyday BBQ Sauce V-8 LaChoy Chow Mein . .$. . . .Cheese $ .31. . . . . . . . . It's Not48 ct.Butter Singles $ $17 15$Essential Meal $ 16 Lance 16 oz. 4 Pk. Str Dutch Farms Crackers .03 Food Depot oz., 6-10 ct. Select Varieties . . . . . . .that . . .$. 19 1.3-1.5Corn Chips 20 oz. imaginations, and everyRed high. . .thing Gel Spice Peanut Butter Crackers . . . . . . . Rainbow, Straw 1.3-1.5 oz.,.6-10 ct.. Select Varieties Red . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheat Bread . . Popcorn . . . . . . Noodles . . . . . . Black Lipton 4.4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor Lipton Flavored Essential Everyday 46 oz. Select Varieties exalteth. .itself Butter . . .against . . . .the. .knowledge . . . . of $ 91 $ $ 96 8 pk. Yoplait Dinty Moore 46 oz. HiVarieties gh Fiber, Spicy Hot, Low Sodium, Healthy Request or Spicy HotColortex Low Sodium BigFlavored 4.4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor $ 50 Lipton $ 46 46 oz. Select Pepper Colortex Mopper $ 96 ¢ ¢ Quaker Lipton Knorr Rice $ 36 V-8 Ground Coffee God, and bringing into captivity every ¢ General Mills Meat Bologna Tea . . . . . . . . . . . $ 17 Great Lunch Big Cups . . . . . . ¢ 12 oz. Lance Specialty Line Sausage & John Morrell Colortex Colortex Big Mopper $ 27 8 Oatmeal Little V-8 $ 31 $ 31 oz. Trix Yogur ¢ ¢ Napkins . . . 70 Towels . . . . . . . . 70 Quaker ¢ ¢ Lipton Knorr Rice $ Tea15. . . . . . . . . . . ¢. . . . . . . . 70 .... 1 Beef $ 90 ¢¢. . .Napkins Essential Everyday $ 27 Side Dishes $. . .Wieners 17 Golden . ...... .. . $136. V-8 Red . . . . . .Or 3 Dutchthought of Christ.” Fusion . . . . . . .$. 15 Dogs.......... $Makers. 72 . . . 70 $Towels39 Farmsto the obedience Oatmeal 27 oz. Select Varieties . . 3 Crackers . . . . 1.3-1.5 oz., 6-10 ct.Oscars....... Select Varieties Biscuits.... . . . . . Sausage... Side Dishes . . . . . . Grahams oz. Select Va3 Fusion . . . American Cheese Singles 1 Shoppers18Value 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 27 oz. Select Varieties Stew 4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor 16-24 oz. Select Varieties Glory 16Canned Yoplait . . . . . . . 4.4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor $ 34 Cream Cheese ...... Velvet Bathroom 46Select oz. Varieties Select Varieties ¢ Colortex My Size Lipton Flavored oz. Assorted Flavors ¢ FolgersAmerica Gourmet $ 96 4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor 16-24 oz. Hot Sauce $ 49 Lipton Knorr Pasta Must StandRagu with Israel! $ 85 1General lb. Essential Mills Glory Canned oz. Assorted Flavor Gallon Everyday Tissue . . . . . .Flavors . 98 12 oz. Towels . . . . . . . . 70 Velvet Bathroom ¢ Colortex Colortex My Size Cheese¢ ¢ Colortex . . . Big . .Mopper . 1 ¢ Quaker Greens . . . Mills . . . . $ 27 Side Knorr Rice ¢ Chunk Folgers $ 19Payton $Gourmet 99. . . 8Shredded $ ¢¢or36 V-8Assorted General Imperial $ 81 Selections Knorr Pasta Lipton Gallon Ragu ... .$. . 26 . 34 . . .oz.. . Lipton4 Pk. $Farms 17 .Tea Golden Chunk Music City ¢ $ 85 Co., Inc. PastaBash, SauceRaspberry ... Dishes 8-15 Napkins . ... ... .70 Towels . . . . . . . . 70 Go-Gurt Citrus, Tropical . .Strawberry . . .Reece . 4 Banana Tissue . . . . . . . 98 Towels . . .or70 Dutch Selections oz.The 4 Pk..W. $ Oatmeal . . . . 1 American Cheese Singles 1 . 3 16Coffee Greens . . . . . 16 oz. Cheddar Mozzarella $ 19 Honey Nut Buttermilk or Homestyle 7-8 oz. Select Varieties $ 81 Essential Everyday ..... Grahams . . 3 .24.Coffee Farms Spread Quarters . ..5.liter. .Purified Fusion ... .. . . 7-8. .oz..Select 770-301-7012 Punch or. Mango Pasta Sauce Side Dishes . .Side . Dishes I Can't Believe Essential Everyday Fruit ADE.. . . . .American . .Varieties .27 oz. Select Varieties . . . . . . . Dutch 4 pk. Rainbow, Strawberry, Cherry10oroz.Cotton Candy 13-15 oz. $ Cheerios ... 3 Soy or Teriyaki 16 oz. All Brands 20 Pack, Cheese 12 oz. Can s . . . . $299 Cheese Zatarain's Essential Everyday It's Not Butter Saltines. . . .Balance .. Cheese Singles Shredded $ 46 Tampico 4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor Yoplait 16-24 oz. Select Varieties Dutch Farms Smart 24 oz. 4 ct. $ 59 24 pk. .5 liter Purified Crystal $Springs19 $ 98 10Gallon Glory Canned LaChoy oz. Soy or Teriyaki $ $ 62 14 Rice $ 34 Velvet Bathroom Colortex My Size Zatarain's 8Red oz. Swiss ¢ ¢ Folgers2 Gourmet Gold Jell-O General Mills Biscuits $ 46 Chocolate Mix . . . . . . . Lipton Knorr Pasta 5 oz. In Water Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ragu Spread ... Crystal Springs 45 oz. ¢ $ 64 $ 85 $ 81 Water . $ $ 19 Trix Yogurt . . . .Sauces . . . . ... . . . . . Essential LaChoy $ $98 50 Tissue . . . . . .Everyday . 98 Towels . . . . . $ . . . 70 Coca-Cola......... $. .$.14.... . Rice Selections 54 Greens . . . . . . . Drinking $ Honey 33 48 19 Ketchup es $ 81 Drinking Essential Everyday Mix . . . . . . . 20Pudding oz. 816 oz. oz.Nut Essential Everyday Delite . . . . . . . . . . or Gelatin . . . Bottle Pasta Sauce Side Dishes . . . Heinz Chunk Cheese . . . . . 2 5 lb. Assorted Water . Coffee . . . . . . . 4 14 oz. ........ Cheerios ... 3 18 oz. Select Varieties Dutch 30 oz. 7-8 oz. Select Varieties Tuna . 16 . . .oz. . . . .Farms ... Select Varieties $ 15 $ 28 Sauces Food Depot GiantFarms Mayonnaise 8 oz. Natural Sliced Spread 20 oz. Dutch 46-59 oz. Select Varieties¢ . . .White 1/2 Gallon $ 33 Lily 24 pk. .5 liter Purified Heinz essing LaChoyBowl $ $ 64 5 lb. Assorted 10 oz. Soy or Teriyaki 02 14 oz. Wish-Bone Essential Everyday Cream Cheese . . . 1 ¢ 49 Yoplait Margarine Zatarain's Tropicana Orange or Country Delite Whole Coca-Cola......... 1 $ 09 $ 46 Food Depot Giant Mayonnaise Whi t e Bread . . . . $ 99¢ White Crystal Springs Corn Meal . .$. . . 72 LaChoyLaChoy $ 02 ¢$ 14 11 Go-Gurt . . . . . .Bean Salad Dressing $ 98 Swiss Cheese . . . . . . . 2 Shopper'sFrench . . .Sprouts . . . .. 28 or Homestyle Value 3/On oz. 4 Pk. Strawberry Banana Bash, Raspberry $ Lily 26 4 Pk.$ Buttermilk Juice .Candy .Microwave . . . Spread Quarters $ 99 Chocolate Milk . . . . . . . Rice Mix . . . . . . . 20Grapefruit oz.1616 . . . . . . . 77 oz. Bottle Whi t e Bread . . . . 9.9 oz. 5 oz. Fruit ADE . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rainbow, Strawberry, Cherry or Cotton Drinking Water . Natural Sliced Corn Meal . . . . . Bean Sprouts . . Sauces . . . . . . . Gallon 20 oz. $ $ 50 Tomato Sauce oz. Assorted $ LaChoy99 Essential Everyday 30 oz. Fresh Yoplait Varieties Select 1/2 Gallon Essential Everyday oz. ct. Depot Gallon $ 99 $ Everyday 62 4Jell-O 89 16 Chow Mein $ 03 Food $ 81 $ . .17. . . . . .Essential Drinks............ 11 20 oz. $ 16 Heinz Essential Ever 5 lb. Assorted 9.9$oz. Microwave 299 13-15 Biscuits 5Red oz.Large14 oz. Wish-Bone Country Delite Smart Balance Provolone Cheese . . . . 1 $ 64 81 Diamond Trix Yogurt . . 1 $ 35 Fresh $ 94 orLaChoy $. . .$.Giant Turnip Wheat Bread Varieties . . . . . . . .Popcorn Depot. .Food ¢ White$ Lily16 $ 28 Mayonnaise Delite . . .Depot . .12 .17 . . . . Essential 1 Gelatin . . .$ 1 Gallon Everyday Chunk Che Chow MeinTea Salad LaChoy FD 020413_2_REG 03. $. .Food 02 18 oz. Select Dressing Buttermilk . . . . .. . . . . . . .PuddingSlicing Spread . . . . . . . . . . .Noodles . . . . . . ...... Brewed . . . . . . 1/2 Gallon All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles Yoplait 19 $ White Bread . . . . 49 Country Delite $ 64 Wheat Bread . . . Popcorn . . . . . . . . Noodles . . . . . . Or Mustard Corn Meal . . . . . $ 49 12 oz. Bean Sprouts . . ¢ 2 16Dutchoz. Farms Chunk Cheese $ . . 72 $ 72 $ 99 . . . . 1 1/2 Gallon Go-Gurt81 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 GrapefruitQuart $ 99 $ oz. Juice ..... 2 Chocolate20 Milk ....... 1 Orange 9.9Juice oz. Microwave 5 oz. Dairy Fresh Country Delite Tomatoes.. lb. American Cheese Singles 1 $ 12 12 oz. $ 59 $ lb.94 Coca-Cola.......... 99 13-15 oz. Greens... ... $. .Essential Essential Everyday $ 16 Chow Mein Shredded $ 17 Smart Balance Essential oz. Assorted Flavors $ $ 72 n Half . .94 .Gallon . .Gallon .03 . . . .Food Depot Steak Umm Onion Dip Cheese . . . . . . . $8 2 35 Everyday HalfLaChoy Whole . $ 209 French16Essential $ 12 oz. Assorted Flavor Buttermilk Gallon Everyday 12 oz. Cheese 8Singles Everyday Breyers Buttermilk . Noodles . . . . . . .1 . . . . .1 Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2American $ 99 Shredded Brewed Tea . . . . . . . .... . 2 Wheat Bread Popcorn . . . . . . . . . . . Sliced Steak . . . . . . oroz. Chunk 16 oz. $ 19 8-15 oz. Citrus, Tropical Dutch Farms Country Delite Pizza Ice Cream American Singles oz. Assorted FlavorCheese 16 oz. Assorted Flavors Dutch Farms Chunk Cheese 1. . . . . Dutch 2 Dutch 16 oz. Quart Farms 1/2 Gallon Farms American 8 oz. Assorted Flavor Punch or Mango I Can't Believe 89 16 Essential Everyday $ 12 Orange Juice ¢ 12 oz. Dutch Farms Gallon 16 oz. Essential Everyday B's Cheese $ 19 99 oz.• $ . .1212Essential $ 59 $ Shredded 94 1 Chunk Cheese It's Not Butter$ 99 Cheese Singles • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE or Chunk Tampico Dutch Farms $ orTropical 23 $ 43 Mary $ 09 French 8-15 oz. Citrus, French Onion Dip . . . . . . . . .Dutch Everyday Onion Dip American Cheese Singles 1 n.Half . . . Farms 2 Onion Dip . . . .1 Whole Buttermilk . . . $1Dutch . . . . . . 2 French 72Half .. ....... .. . $.2 Frozen Biscuits . . . Farms American Punch Mango I Can't Believe Butter . . . .Swiss . ..... .. Cheese 16 oz. $ American Cheese Singles 1 8 oz. 16 oz. $ 49 WE HAVE CREDIT CARD MACHINES $ 54 Cheese $ $ 16 oz. Assorted Flavor 33 50 48 It's Not Butter Cheese Singles Tampico Farms 8 oz. $ 89 Essential Everyday ¢ Marie Callender's $. . .19$112 French AVAILABLE IN ALL LOCATIONS. oz. Assorted Flavors $ Dutch 9916Essential .... 1 Dutch Farms Provolone Cheese Flavor $ 15 Onion . . . 6412 French DriveDip • Newnan, Georgia 30263 . . .Everyday . . .Onion . . . . . .Dip . . . 124 2 $Bullsboro oz. Gallon . . . . . . . . . 2Butter 45Chunk oz. Cheese Frozen Bakes . . . . 99 8 oz. Assorted Peanut Food ButterDepot LaChoy 7-8 oz. Select $ Varieties 55

5 lb. Bag 10Select oz. SoyVarieties or Teriyaki

16 oz.

2.46-2.75 oz. Select 5 oz. Varieties

8-12 oz. Select Varieties

5 oz. 10 oz. Select Varieties 2.6 oz. Assorted Flavors

17 oz.

16 oz. Lucky Charms or 18 oz.

8-12 oz. Select Varieties

8-12 oz. Select Varieties 16 oz. Lucky Charms or 18 oz.

2.6 oz. Assorted Flavors


12 1 12 99 1 22 1 $ 54 2 1 199 11 1 1 11 99 11 21 1 1 1 1 2


Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg. 16 oz.

10 oz. Select Varieties

16 oz. 17 oz.


Herald Times Newnan- ad rates. lar in The off regu Sale ad Garage discount ercent Place your a 25 per ive and rece

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Essential Everyday 29.85 2

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16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella Essential Everyday

8 oz. Swiss Essential Everyday

to 1/2 inch

strips of

bacon, diced, d, add diced chicken. 6 s are sautée heat )($785( ooms; After pepper burgers, and mushr flipping tomatoes with tired of f you’re sizzle on the grill and soft through. g. ranch dressin put some spiced-up fajitas Top with your own jerk style start with tacos. Jamaican recipes in ons jerk These easy marinated Oil Marinade n with 2 teaspo chicken Olive all-natural Extra Virgin Coat chickeand marinate. grilled to full-bodied ul spices, then chicken seasoning ing and flavorf Add your grilled easy, bles jerk season perfection. vegetables and it all up in Vegeta teaspoons ed Add 1 1/2 to season salsa, then wrap warmed sauté. during homemade s that have been homemade papaya corn tortillagrill for a fresh, each diced red Salsa 1/4 cup oons ne up on the that Combi 2 ple, 3 tablesp up the grill a minced, taste. to spice and pineap night oon garlic clove, It’s so easy make every onion, 1 lime zest, 1 tablesp might oon minced you just teaspoons juice, 1 tablesp grill night. fresh lime o. r Way n cilantr You Chicke m Fajitas spin on Grilled cream 1 mediu Lime sourand juice from own ideas: Put your these tasty Add zest sour cream. Fajitas with lime to style peppered Ranch of cooked Add 3 slices



8 oz. Natural Sliced Essential Everyday 8 oz. Natural Sliced n Fajitas

³ See

s on Page




fe this Stay Sa ason Se FD 020413_2_REG Hunting Grilled

n Soft



and Grilled


16 oz. 4 Pk. Strawberry Banana Bash, Raspberry Rainbow, Strawberry, Cherry or Cotton Candy Yoplait



18 oz. Select Varieties 49 Yoplait


99 13-15 oz.


6 Roll

6 Roll

1 Roll

48 ct.

48 ct.

20 ct. Red or Blue

Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg. 2.46-2.75 oz. Select Varieties


120 ct.

12 oz. Potato Salad or Cole Slaw

1 Roll Carolina Pride 12 oz.

6 Roll

1 Roll

oz. Select Varieties 10 2.46-2.75 oz. Select Varieties


30 oz.

1 lb. Imperial


Gallon Assorted Flavors Music City

88 Chocolate

46-59 oz. Select Varieties Tropicana Orange or 1/2 Gallon Country Delite



Country Delite

Country Delite Whole

Red Diamond

4.5 oz. Pkg.

John Morrell Smoked 9 oz.


Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Ham or Turkey




11 oz. Frosted, Assorted Flavors

6 Roll

12 oz. Cheese, Original or Butter


12 oz. Thick Sliced

111 91

$ 99


Tennessee Pride 20 ct.

1 Roll

8 oz. Assorted Shredded or Chunk

120 ct. Essential Everyday 1 Roll

6 Roll

1 Roll


1 Roll


All Brands

2 Liter Bottles

11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast

6 oz.

16 oz.

8 oz.

10 Pack, 16 oz. Cans Monster 8 oz. Energy


3 2 $ 50 1 . Main St

1 1 2 2 1 1 1

Gr ei


20.3-21.6 oz. Assorted Traditional

46 oz. Select Varieties



Tr a

1 9 1 5 8

42 oz.

8 oz.


12 oz. Pkg. 120 ct.

6 Roll

18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey Nu Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or 15-17 oz. Frosted Flakes

4 oz.

64 NEWNAN Dairy Fresh

6 Roll

20 ct. Red or Blue

28 oz.



9 oz., Assorted Flavors Potato Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11 oz. Cheese Puffs, 12 oz. 42 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz.

2 85 1 1 2 1 1 2 99 1 99 2 982 $1 99881 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1$ 48 1 2 $ 33 50 99 78 2 2 991 1 $64 99 2 99 77 1 2 11 1 99 99 121 2 1 99 1 11 11 2 $1 49 22 1 1 199 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 ¢ 99 1 1 1 2 1 ¢ 1 1 1 2 1$ 49 1

16 oz. Pkg. Regular Or Thick Sliced

24 Pack .5 Liter





9 oz.

FD 020413- Page 1


e Sh East Gat

20 ct. Southern Center

Drive boro 24-28 oz.


$ 54 1 $ p.m. 48• SUNDAY$9:00 a.m.33– 9:00 p.m. American Cheese Singles 1 ¢ MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. 10:00 $ 26 $ 15 Spread Bowl 77 Cream4,Cheese . . .1 ... 1 Prices Effective February 2013 Through February Margarine $ 1910, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors.Southen Vegetables $ 62 ¢ Butter . . . . . . . .$. . . 81 .... 2Spread Quarters $ 64 Trix Yogurt . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ 26 $ . .54 . . . . . 77 Fruit$ $ 50 33 Pudding or Gelatin . . . 1 Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ADE . 48 . . . . . . . . . 1 $Essential Essential Everyday $ 99 Everyday $ $ 62 49 $ 64 $ 15 Spread Bowl Waffles . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 72 $ 64 $ 81 Biscuits TrixCream Yogurt . ............ $. .1 . ..99 Go-Gurt . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .1 ... 1 2 Chocolate Milk Cheese Margarine Pudding or Gelatin . . . 1 Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ¢ $ 39 Essential Everyday

Cream Cheese


20 ct. Red or Blue

10 oz. Select Varieties

17 oz.

e ial ec Saale Sp Garagge 8 oz. Assorted Shredded or Chunk Essential Everyday 3 daays 6 lines,

42 oz.

1 Roll

16 oz. Lucky Charms or 18 oz.

16 oz. Pkg. Jumbo or Bunlength

2.46-2.75 oz. Select Varieties

48 ct.

120 ct.

40 Ct. 9 Inch

i s:

Essential Everyday Spread Quarters . . . . . . . 1 lb. Imperial

4 ct. Jell-O


Grapefruit Juice 1/2 Gallon

8 oz. Flavors Gallon Assorted

Music City Dutch Farms

oz. . . . . . . . . . Fruit ADE16 Dutch .Farms Gallon Chocolate

45 oz.

46-59 oz. Select Varieties Tropicana Orange or

Dutch Farms

16 oz. 4 Pk. Strawberry Banana Bash, Raspberry Rainbow, 8 oz.Strawberry, Cherry or Cotton Candy 1/2 GallonYoplait Dutch Farms


8 oz. Assorted Shredded or Chunk

Country Delite Whole


18 oz. Select Varieties

Dutch Farms

Shredded or Chunk

Dutch Farms Essential Everyday 1 lb. Imperial Biscuits 4 Pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle Cheese

4 ct. Jell-O

Dutch Farms American Cheese Singles

Gallon Assorted Flavors

I Can't Believe It's Not Butter 32 oz.

Crinkle Cut or Regular Cut

Essential 4 Pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle

Music City

Everyday Fries

Gallon Chocolate

1 lb. Imperial

8-15 oz.


Gallon Assorted Flavors

Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango


12.3 oz. Buttermilk, Homestyle or Blueberry


Essential Everyday Waffles

14-16 oz. Select Varieties

PictSweet 24.6-29.6 oz.


128 oz. Assorted Flavors

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 | MyConnection 3

Tax Connection

What You Need to Know about

Tax Deductions higher. Nearly two out of three taxpayers claim the standard deduction. Amounts are adjusted for inflation each year, vary by filing status and are higher for those 65 and older or who are legally blind. For 2012 federal tax returns due April 15, 2013, standard deduction amounts are:



ou probably know tax deductions are an important part of your income tax return and that you want as many as possible. But do you understand how deductions actually save you money or how to determine which ones you can claim on your tax return? “Simply put, deductions lower the amount of your taxable income,” explains Jessi Dolmage, spokesperson for makers of popular tax-preparation software. “The more deductions you have, the less tax you pay.” Knowing which deductions you qualify for and whether you should itemize is easy. You have the choice of claiming the standard deduction or itemizing deductions on your tax return, but you should choose whichever amount is

$5,950 for single-or married filing separately $11,900 for married filing jointlyand qualifying widows(ers) $8,700 for head of household

If you itemize, your deductions are listed separately on your tax return. Itemized deductions are reported on Schedule A and can only be filed with long Form 1040. On the other hand, tax-

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps you keep more of what you earned FAMILY FEATURES

No tax benefit offers a greater lifeline to working families than EITC. Yet, one out of every five eligible taxpayers fails to claim it, according to the IRS. Because of the economy, even more people may be eligible if they have had changes in their earned income. Here are a few things to keep in mind: n The

maximum credit for 2012 tax returns is $5,891 for workers with three or more qualifying children.

n Eligibility

for the EITC is determined based on a number of factors including earnings, filing status and eligible children. Workers without qualifying children may be eligible for a smaller credit amount.

Learn more at and use the EITC Assistant, or ask your tax professional.

payers claiming the standard deduction can file Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ. Itemized deductions may include mortgage interest, state and local taxes, charitable gifts, unreimbursed employee expenses, uninsured casualty or theft losses, and miscellaneous deductions. However, your expenses must meet certain requirements to qualify as itemized deductions. For instance, certain miscellaneous deductions must exceed 2 percent of your adjusted gross income, and unreimbursed medical and dental costs must exceed 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income. If your tax return filing status is married filing separately, both spouses must claim the same deduction type. If one spouse itemizes deductions, the other must also itemize, and vice versa.

All taxpayers are eligible for certain deductions, regardless of whether they itemize. Examples include traditional IRA contributions, student loan interest, alimony payments, moving expenses and a portion of your self-employment tax (if applicable). Deductions like these

are often described as “above-the-line” because they are deducted from gross income. Itemized and standard deductions are subtracted from adjusted gross income. Learn more about deductions in IRS Publication 501 at

Checklist of materials to do your taxes Keep this list as a checklist of the items you will need to do your taxes. The IRS recommends keeping all tax-related documents for three years, in case of an audit. Tracking income-related documents can help you take full advantage of deductions available to you.  A copy of last year’s tax return  Valid Social Security numbers for yourself, spouse and children  All income statements, i.e. W-2 forms, from all employers

 Interest/dividend statements, i.e. 1099 forms  Form 1099-G showing any state refunds  Unemployment compensation amount  Social Security benefits  Expense receipts for deductions  Day care provider’s identifying number

EITC: Are you eligible? n You

must have earned income.

n Your

adjusted gross income cannot be more than the limit.

n Your

filing status cannot be “Married filing separately.”

n You

must have a valid Social Security number.

n You

must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien all year.

n You

cannot file Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ.

n Your

investment income must be $3,200 or less.

Pets Continued from Page 1 at least “some stress” every two weeks, and many times that stress is moderate to severe. Research has indicated that when people spend time with a pet their levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, is lowered while their level of serotonin, a hormone associated with improved mood and well-being, is increased. Lower cholesterol: Lifestyle factors associated with pet ownership, particularly a focus on increased physical health and activity, can help lower cholesterol levels. Also, having a pet works to reduce stress, which may keep individuals from looking to fatty foods as sources of alleviating anxiety. Fight depression: Many therapists have prescribed pet therapy as a method to alleviating and recovering from depression. A pet is an unconditional friend and can provide that listening ear a person needs to talk through problems. Also, walking and taking care of a pet devotes attention away from problems and inward thinking. Improve physical activity levels: Heading to the gym is one way to get a workout, but spending an hour walking the dog or tossing around a ball for a game of chase and fetch is another way to get the heart pumping. Many dog owners benefit from the “forced” exercise that goes with daily walks. Some people choose to exercise with their pets, enjoying the companionship and the physical activity. Reduce stroke incidences: There has been evidence that cat owners are less likely to suffer strokes than people who do not have cats. Researchers are not sure of the connection, but surmise that cats have a more calming nature than other types of pets. Greater opportunities for socialization: Humans are social animals and need to interact with others. Pet owners have a tendency to want to share time and experiences with other pet owners. Pets can provide oppor-

tunities for people to get together. ADHD therapy: Children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often benefit from working with a pet or having a pet as a family companion. Playing with a pet is a great way to release excess energy and focus on tasks. Also, a pet with his or her unconditional love can help someone with ADHD overcome self-esteem issues. Similar results are possible when pets are used as therapy animals for children with autism and other behavioral disabilities. Reduce propensity for allergies: Children who grow up in homes with cats and dogs are less likely to develop common allergies and even asthma, research suggests. In fact, children who live around two or more dogs or cats before their first birthday are less likely to have allergies of any sort, according to a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. Research presented at the 10th International Conference on Human Animal Interaction found pet owners were the least likely to have to visit the doctor. The survey of more than 11,000 respondents from Australia, China and Germany found that over a five-year period pet owners made 15 to 20 percent fewer annual visits to the doctor than non-pet owners. The companionship and love pets provide could be a key benefit in promoting good personal health.

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4 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine’s Day Connection

Explore Alternative Flowers for Valentine’s METRO GRAPHICS


ehind only Mother's Day, Valentine's Day is the second most popular day to give flowers to a loved one. Thousands upon thousands of roses are imported from areas of South America in time for Valentine's Day, and the rose has become the unofficial flower of this day. Red roses may signify love, but just about any other crimsonhued flower can also represent the strong emotions felt for a sweetheart. When visiting the florist to have a bouquet or arrangement of flowers assembled for Valentine's Day, consider mixing and matching some other flowers for an arrangement with flair and originality. Dahlias: Named after Anders Dahl, a Swedish botanist, these

flowers are native to Mexico but actually prefer cooler growing conditions. Dahlias come in all sizes, from small blooms of a few inches to much larger blossoms that may be a foot in width. They are related to the sunflower, daisy and chrysanthemum. The Dahlia usually is not a scented flower, which may work for people who are especially sensitive to scented blooms. Chrysanthemums: Also known as mums, chrysanthe-

mums are versatile flowers that symbolize optimism, joy, fidelity and love. Although mums are traditionally yellow, they can also be white, red and other hybrid hues. Peonies: Peonies are herbaceous perennial plants that produce large, often fragrant flowers ranging in color from red to white. Peonies are highly prized by Eastern cultures, and in China they are known as the "flower of riches and honor." Carnations: Carnations have the scientific name of Dianthus, which means "flowers of God." Carnations are particularly coveted because they can last long after being cut, which makes them popular in floral arrangements. Dark red carnations are said to convey affection and deep love. Because of their popular-

The rose may be traditional for Valentine’s Day, but gifting with a variety of red-hued flowers may add visual appeal and affordability to arrangements.

ity, carnations are often easily affordable. Columbine: Columbine is native to North America, Asia and Europe. It has lacy-looking leaves and bell-shaped flowers. While columbines are traditionally used

as garden plants to attract hummingbirds, a few blooms added to a floral arrangement can brighten up the design. Poppies: Low-maintenance and usually easy to grow, poppies' vivid red color and large blooms

add to their aesthetic appeal. Cardinals: Cardinals are long, tubular flowers that grow wild throughout North America. Tall and dramatic, these red flowers can add drama to any floral arrangement.

5 Thoughtful Gifts That Don’t Require Much Thought METRO GRAPHICS

On the heels of the holiday giving season, most gift-givers realize how difficult it can be finding the "perfect" gift for a recipient. That gift may be even more difficult to find when the intention is to convey love and affection. But Valentine's Day givers can look to a number of gifts that are very thoughtful but needn't take more than a little forethought. Gift card: You may be thinking a gift card doesn't sound that thoughtful. However, when paired with a listing of gift items, it's easy to illustrate the thought that went into the gift. It may make sense to simply purchase one of those interesting items, but this way you're giving the recipient the choice of what he or she really wants to select. Something engraved or monogrammed: A simple

scarf turns into something more special when it includes monogrammed initials or a special saying. The same can be said for anything from a picture frame to candle holders. Taking the time to have something monogrammed or engraved imparts thoughtfulness into the gift. Pet accessories: People view their pets as members of the family and often as small children (when small children are not yet present). Especially during the dating stage, providing an adorable gift for his or her pet may be seen as a heartfelt gesture. Be sure to pick up a little something for the pet parent as well, though. Hobby gifts: Recognizing the interests of a loved one is a clear sign that you're in tune with what he or she enjoys to do. If you have an avid reader on your hands, a new e-reader or some e-books may be ideal. Sports fans could

Gift suggestions for your Valentine’s pet include pink and red dog toys, dog beds, cat toys and cat beds.

appreciate tickets to the next home game of their favorite team. Someone who dabbles in culinary creations may delight over a gift basket full of top-of-the-line cooking utensils. A spending spree: Take your Valentine to his or her favorite

store and encourage him or her to pick out a few favorite items. Set a price limit or let them choose regardless of price. This way you can spend time together and see the joy on your Valentine's face when he or she is choosing treasured items.

Take your Valentine on a shopping spree at his or her favorite store.


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Cougars, Vikings prepare for potent offenses Friday

An autumn salad combining chicken, pears

147th year — Issue 210

3 Section, 32 Pages

Emily Giffin at Arts Centre today

— see page 6A

— page 1B

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Established 1865

— see page 8A

Newnan, Georgia

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536

50 cents

Coweta’s Local Daily

Fire guts office complex on Millard Farmer By JOHN A. WINTERS An early Wednesday f ire destroyed the Trey Rhodes off ice bui ldi ng complex located off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard. No injuries were reported, and canine units with the state Fire Marshal’s off ice were out investigating the cause of the blaze Wednesday afternoon. “It’s still under investigation, and right now we just don’t know,” said Newnan Fire Marshal Ricky Ayers. “We brought in a K-9 unit to see if he hits on anything. It’s just part of the puzzle ...

and just helps us in figuring everything out.” T he f i re sta r ted on t he south side of the complex s hor t ly b efore 3 : 3 0 a . m . , according to Newnan Fire D e p a r t m e nt C h ie f D av id Whitley. “The fire was fully involved upon our arrival,” the chief sa id , add i n g 21 f i ref i g hter s , fou r en g i ne s a nd a n aerial truck were involved. Firef ighters had the blaze under control in under 30 minutes. “It started on the far end ... but the f ire wa ll at his (Rhodes’) off ices held it in check,” Whitley said.

See FIRE, page 2A

Photo by John A. Winters

Fire investigators survey the damage from an early Wednesday fire that gutted the Trey Rhodes State Farm building complex off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard.

163 foreclosures for Sept. among lowest of year


Your greatest access to Newnan and Coweta County! By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL

Photo courtesy

Weekend Eventing Championships to draw some of world’s top riders Some of the finest riders and horses in the world will be in South Fulton County this weekend for the American Eventing Championships. This is the third and final year that the AEC will be held at Bouckaert Farm at Chattahoochee Hills, which is located on the banks of the Chattahoochee

The Heritage School vs Trinity Christian Basketball

River. Admission is free, and Cowetans are invited to attend the competition. Competition begins today with dressage. Dressage and cross-country competition will be held Friday. Cross country and show jumping will take place on Saturday, and show jumping will conclude on Sunday. “Make no mistake. This will be a true festival of eventing and fun for the whole

family,” said farm owner Carl Bouckaert, himself a world-class rider who recently competed in the London Olympics for his native Belgium. What makes the AEC unique is that the national championship isn’t just for world-class horses and riders. There will be competitions in categories from beginner/novice all the way to advanced.

See RIDERS, page 2A

It will cost more than $1 million to run sewer lines to new Corinth Road school

Coweta Swim Meet


You’ll love The Newnan Times-Herald and All the information you need is at your fingertips... no need to go anywhere else!

and the school system will reimburse the authority for the cost. “We have given them a preliminary number of just over a million dollars,” said Jay Boren, authority interim general manager. The project will consist of six to eight miles of “force main” and two lift stations, according to the preliminary engineering study, Boren said. The route hasn’t been determined. “We’re looking at coming up Corinth Road currently,” Boren said, but “it is not set in stone.” The cost isn’t, either. There will be

■ Sept. 2011 - 120 (down from 199 in 2010, or -39 percent). ■ Oct. 2011 - 154 (down from 237 in 2010, or -35 percent). ■ Nov. 2011 - 242 (down from 307 in 2010, or -21 percent). ■ Dec. 2011 - 155 (down from 199 in 2010, or -22 percent). ■ Jan. 2012 - 199 (down from 217 in 2011, or -8.3 percent). ■ Feb. 2012 - 165 (down from 227 in 2011, or -27 percent). ■ March 2012 - 164 (down from 235 in 2011, or -30 percent). ■ April 2012 - 162 (up from 159 in 2011, or 1.8 percent). ■ May 2012 - 214 (up from 183 in 2011, or 16.9 percent). ■ June 2012 - 185 (up from 166 in 2011, or 10 percent). ■ July 2012 - 224 (up from 153 in 2011, or 46 percent). ■ Aug. 2012 - 160 (down from 211 in 2011, or 32 percent). ■ Sept. 2012 - 163 (up from 120 in 2011, or 35 percent).


The Olympic sport of eventing is an equestrian triathlon that is a test of skill, strength, partnership, and just plain guts — definitely not your average horse show. Here, a competitor takes a jump during one phase of the contest.


Monthly foreclosure totals for Coweta over the last year are:

There are 163 foreclosurerelated advertisements listed in today’s legal advertising section of The Newnan Times-Herald. That’s up slightly from last month, when there were 160 — the lowest of the year. July’s 224 notices were the highest of the year. This month’s foreclosures are almost exclusively singlefamily residential properties. However, one that isn’t residential is a 43.25-acre tract along Hwy. 16 East owned by PTV LLC. The property was formerly the Autumn’s Gate mobile home park. A c c ord i n g to t h e le g a l advertisement, the sale under power is to secure debt under a promissory note that was originally executed on June 27, 2006, for $3.5 million. The promissory note was modified several times, with the most recent modification on March 24, 2010. The last principal amount listed was $2,115,536, listed from a modification on Aug. 5, 2009. PTV originally bought the property in June 2005. Georgia’s foreclosure rates remain among the highest in the country. According to Realty Trac, Georgia is one

a clause in the memorandum of understanding about possible unforeseen extra costs. “As long as it is justifiable… we won’t be liable for that,” Boren said. “Of course we’re going to monitor this project like every one of them, and hold costs as low as we can,” he said. The sewer line will connect to the under-construction extension along Highway 16, which will send wastewater to the authority’s Shenandoah

See LIST, page 2A

Public hearing tonight at 6 on county budget

By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL A public hearing on Coweta County’s fiscal year 2013 budget is on the agenda for tonight’s meeting of the Coweta County Board of Commissioners. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the county commission chambers on Perry Street. The meeting, which is normally held on the first Tuesday of the month, was moved to today because of Labor Day. Coweta County is on an October to September fiscal year. The commissioners are set to approve the budget at

the Sept. 18 meeting. Other items on the agenda include: ■ A request by Stalwart Films to close a portion of Coweta-Heard Road for filming of AMC hit cable TV show “The Walking Dead.” ■ A decision on the request of The Heritage School for a variance of the planting requirements around a newlyconstructed detention pond. The detention pond was built as part of an expansion of the school. The pond is completely surrounded by forest, according to the planning department.

Features Include:

The board of the Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority gave tentative approval Wednesday to a memorandum of understanding with the Coweta County Board of Education for the construction of a sewer line to serve a proposed middle school on Corinth Road. The water and sewerage authority will be responsible for design and installation of the sewer line and lift stations,

See WASA, page 2A

See HEARING, page 2A

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013 | MyConnection 5

Recipe Connection

Unique Ways to

Shop Locally theater performance at a nearby theater.


Savory Meatloaf

Total Time: 75 minutes Makes: 12 servings 2 eggs 1 cup milk 2 pounds lean ground beef 3 biscuits Original Shredded Wheat Cereal, crushed 1 can (8 ounces) stewed tomatoes, undrained 1 medium onion, chopped 1/4 cup chopped green pepper 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Preheat oven to 375°F. Beat eggs and milk in large bowl with wire whisk until well blended. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Shape meat mixture into oval loaf in shallow baking pan. Bake 1 hour or until cooked through (160°F). Variation: Prepare as directed, using fat-free milk and substituting 1/2 cup cholesterol-free egg product for the eggs and 2 pounds thawed frozen ground turkey for the ground beef.

Grab ’n Go Peanut Butter Bars

Total Time: 10 minutes Makes: 16 servings (1 bar per serving) 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/2 cup honey 1/2 cup reduced fat peanut butter 3 cups Original Shredded Wheat Spoon Size Cereal, coarsely crushed 3/4 cup raisins Mix sugar, honey and peanut butter in large microwavable bowl. Microwave on high 1 1/2 to 2 minutes or until bubbly at edge; stir until well blended. Stir in cereal and raisins. Press firmly into 8-inch square pan sprayed with cooking spray. Cool. Cut into bars. Store in airtight container. Take Along Tip: After completely cooled, wrap bars individually in plastic wrap. Leave in bowl on kitchen counter for a great grab-and-go snack.

Shopping locally is a great way to benefit your community and, in many instances, your bottom line. When consumers shop locally, they help stimulate their local economies, creating jobs for their neighbors by helping local businesses grow and thrive. Shopping locally also saves shoppers long trips to the mall that can waste expensive fuel, especially if consumers don't find what they're looking for. Shopping locally is especially important when the economy is struggling, as smaller businesses are not always as capable of bearing the brunt of a recession as larger ones. The following are a handful of unique ways men and women can shop locally.

Hit the links. A round of golf is another great way to stimulate your local economy. Municipally owned golf courses are owned by the municipality, which means each dollar you spend is money that's going back into your community. And much like other local businesses, the golf course is no doubt employing your friends and neighbors, giving even more money back to your community. Buy a new or preowned vehicle. Buying from a local dealership can stimulate your local economy as your community will benefit from the taxes on the vehicle and that dealership will continue to provide jobs for fellow members of your community.

Forgo a traditional vacation. If you're used to taking an annual trip to a Caribbean island or another faraway locale, forgo that trip this year and take a more local vacation instead. A local vacation can be similar to a staycation, when you simply stay home, but spend some nights out on the town in your local community. Go out to eat, go to the movies, take in a concert or

Treat yourself to a spa treatment. Another unique and indulgent way to support your local economy is to treat yourself to a spa treatment. The cost of a spa trip depends on what you prefer, but even a relatively inexpensive trip to the spa will support a local business. Plus, you'll reap the rewards of that support immediately.




Total Time: 65 minutes Makes: 16 servings (1 slice per serving) 1 3/4 cups flour 1 cup Original Shredded Wheat Spoon Size Cereal, finely crushed 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup (1 stick) margarine 2 eggs 1/4 cup fat-free milk 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 2 large bananas) Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix flour, cereal, spice, baking powder and baking soda in medium bowl; set aside. Beat sugar and margarine in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add eggs; mix well. Add flour mixture alternately with milk, beating well after each addition. Blend in bananas. Pour into greased 9x5-inch loaf pan. Bake 1 hour to 1 hour 5 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes on wire rack; remove from pan. Cool completely. Special Extra: Toast the bread slices and top each with a scoop of vanilla or chocolate sorbet and a drizzle of strawberry sauce for a different kind of banana split.

Share Sweets Continued from Page 1 Show your true colors and surprise your sweetie by filling the center of a yellow cupcake with pink or red batter. It’s easy to do with the new Two Tone Cupcake Pan. ■ Dress up with baking cups and picks, which are the ideal accessories for your cupcakes;

red gingham or pink polka dot baking cups adds festive flair.

Sweep ‘em off their feet with a stylish presentation - pretty patterned window boxes and heart shaped bags are the perfect way to present your Valentine treats.

Limited edition collector’s book can be passed down and shared from generation to generation.

The Newnan Times-Herald spent over a year highlighting the stories of surviving local World World II veterans in a project called “Our Greatest Generation.” Since the series ended, we have had countless requests to reproduce this collection of stories so they may be preserved for future generations and enjoyed time and again in their entirety. We are pleased to announce the entire series has been published in a limited edition hardcover book with 288 pages that tell the stories and feature photographs of these proud men and women.

Pick up your limited edition today at 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 Also available to order online at times-herald/store or fill out the form below and mail with your payment to: The Newnan Times-Herald c/o Book Order • P.O. 1052, Newnan, GA 30264

Sweetheart Surprise Cupcakes (pictured on front page) Gingham Baking Cups 2 packages (16.5-18.25 oz. ea.) white cake mix Eggs, oil and water to prepare mixes Red-Red and Rose Icing Colors 1 can (16 oz.) White Ready-To-Use Decorator Icing Micro Hearts, Fill Your Heart Mix, Chocolate Hearts Mix or Valentine Nonpareils Sprinkles or Red or Pink Sugars

Preheat oven to 350˚F. Place baking cups into standard muffin pan from a Two-Tone Cupcake Pan kit. Prepare white cake mix following package instructions. Remove about 1-1/2 cups batter from bowl; divide into 2 smaller bowls. Tint one smaller bowl of batter red, the other rose. Place cupcake insert into first row of baking cups; fill center 2/3 full with red or rose batter. Fill remaining cup 2/3 full with white batter. Remove insert; wash and dry. Repeat with remaining baking cups. Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until cake tester or toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool cupcakes in pan on cooling grid 5 minutes. Remove from pan; cool completely. Repeat with remaining batter. Tint portions of icing red and rose; reserve some white. Pipe tip 1M or tip 12 icing swirl onto cooled cupcakes. Add sprinkles or sugars. Makes about 24 cupcakes.

Harold Barron Wendell Whitlock James McCalla Paul McKnight Hugo Parkman Charles Turner Everett Graves Albert “Lee” Herrington Bob Eatman Joe Lowe Joe Todd Robert Pittman Udolphus Daulton Payne Bob Haynie Harold Barber Gene Cook Art Carlson James Maddux Helen Denton Edwin Bean Bill Barrow Donald Van Houten James Warren Ford Boling Bill Lowry Alton Kirby Arthur Dye David Mealor Ferrell Parrott Walter Ferrari Roy Pitts Norman Estes Raymond Cook Clifford Wright Tom Glanton Tom Camp John Keeble Bobby Hammond Edwin Fey J. W. Hartley Adrian Daane William Morris Helen H. Tillett Paul Deverick Winston Clark Robert Alexander J. T. Joiner Clarence Boynton Frank Moynahan Marvin O’Neal James Goodrum Alton Reeves James Mansour Robert E. “Bob” Lee Coleman Yarbrough Tommy Thompson Homer Youngblood Patrick Ciandella ‘Flying the Hump’ Sarah Rone D. M. “Hump” Humphries E. R. Forsyth Ed Wyrick Tom Miller

Robert Sanders Sam Isaac Bill Deakins Leo Baker Grover McMichael Robert Bridges William Tinsley Al Lewis William Smith Marvin Kee Sisto “Sas” Radicchi Donn Murray David Potter Eric Chaffin Nelson Reinhardt Lowell Chambers Jesse Hayes Jim Wasson Olin Watson C. E. “Chunk” Dingler Bob Taylor Ralph Parks Bill Dailey Elmer Spradlin Horace Couch Don Lindstrom Bob Newton C. B. Warren Horace McMullan Jack Wade Eddie B. Bass Merlin Houston James Robb Mickey Williams Jimmy Carlisle Ed Wolak Bert Bray Frank Cheney Harry Newton Dan Moten Gilbert Taylor Ed Milton James Stitcher John Richards Bill Jones Roscoe McMichael Jimmy Nixon Marvin Brittain Cecil Taylor Alvin Warren James “Jim” Williams Walter Craven Earl Smith Robert Allen William Jackson John Finley Tom Norton Leland Rogers Jack Humphrey John Byrd Bill Rainer Zane Bristol Bruce Deakin J. T. Williams

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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Home Connection

Clean Closets

Tips for adjusting to busy family schedules

Make a Happy Home


✓ Create a control center for your family. Purchase a chalkboard or erasable whiteboard and use color-coded chalk or markers to record who needs to be where, and at what time. ✓ Control heating and cooling remotely. Because fall temperatures can fluctuate suddenly, make sure your home is comfortable when children arrive back home, even if you’re not there, by installing a thermostat that can be controlled remotely. ✓ Get enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation says children ages 5 to 12 need 10 to 11 hours of sleep per night. Make sure your children have a set bedtime, and keep TVs and computers out of the bedroom. ✓ Schedule family time. Agree upon a time each week to spend time together and share a favorite meal or activity, such as a movie or game night.

Family Features

When it comes to getting the house clean and tidy, closets often get left off the to-do list. From hall closets and linen closets to bedroom closets, “out of sight, out of mind” thinking quickly leads to clutter - and then frustration when you can’t find what you need when you need it. But a little planning and a few simple tips can help you get your closets in user-friendly shape in no time. Put your closets on your calendar. Take stock of your schedule and commit some time to tackle your closets. Set realistic expectations — you don’t have to conquer all your closets at once. It may make sense for your family to forego TV one evening a week and focus on one closet at a time, for example.

Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online from Jan. 25 – 31 1. 2.

Fatal wreck driver faces misdemeanor charge


Start by sorting. If you haven’t worn a piece of clothing in the past year — or you can’t remember the last time you wore something — then you don’t need it. Other items to purge from your closet: children’s clothes and shoes that are either too small or too worn out to pass down to a sibling or a friend. ■

IRS will not process tax returns until Jan. 30

Two juveniles charged with entering about 50 north Coweta autos


Suspect had 5,000 child porn photos


One of Newnan’s own apears on Jimmy Fallon Show


Two suspects hunted after chase, wreck


Student arrested for selling marijuana brownies


Off-duty police officer disagrees with Newnan hospital gun policy


A Bullying Story: From torment to triumph for teen


State office investigates Coweta DFCS

Your online source for News, Information and Advertising in Coweta County.

Sort your remaining clothes by season and then into piles to keep or pass down. If you have limited closet space, keep only the current season’s wardrobe in your closet. Carefully pack and store the rest for later. Linen closets stay more organized when you stack similar sized items together. Sort sheets by size, and group washcloths, hand towels and bath towels together.

For closets that hold everything from the vacuum cleaner to art supplies and anything in between, work one shelf at a time. Sort items by categories and dedicate one shelf or area of the closet to each group.

Eliminate excess. But don’t throw it away. As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another’s treasure. There are easy ways to donate your unwanted items to benefit those in need. One example is, where you can request prepaid UPS shipping bags that make it simple and free to send in unwanted clothes, shoes, accessories and household linens. Your donation benefits one of three national nonprofits of your choosing: AMVETS, Easter Seals, or The Purple Heart. It’s tax deductible, and

it reduces waste. Americans throw away an average of 68 pounds of clothing each year — helps keep over 470,000 pounds of clothing out of landfills every week. You can learn more at Green up your storage. When it’s time to put things back into place, instead of buying new containers to hold things, look around the house for boxes and containers you already heave. Baskets, crates and even empty shoeboxes can be reused to keep your closets more organized.

Repeat often. You don’t have to wait until the next neighborhood yard sale before you sift through your closets again. As with most household chores, a little maintaince goes a long way to keep your closets looking neat and clean. You could even keep a bag in each of your kids’ closets and encourage them to set aside gently used and outgrown items on a regular basis. You’ll be amazed at how much happier clean closets can make the whole house feel — especially when you turn the stuff you don’t need into a good deed.

Solution to crossword on page 2


For Local News


Annual Report & 2013 Business Plan

Choose the subscription that’s right for you. Print and Digital Editions Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Town Hall


Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A

Crane talks issues — see page 8A

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536

Newnan, Georgia

Established 1865

147th year — Issue 124

5 Sections, 58 Pages

$1.25 Sunday edition

Coweta’s Local Daily


New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone the and hospital cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.

NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility



Digital Edition Only



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations


By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

4:07 PM

Page 1

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013 | MyConnection 7

Apts For Rent - Unfurnished

FOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 BA Apt. 444 Jefferson St., $695


24HR info: 770-253-2300 office: 770-683-4807

TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Land & Lots For Sale

Homes For Rent-Unfurn.


3 BR, 1 Bath

On 3 acres. Central Heat and Air, in Northgate school district. $795 / month.


4 BR, 2.5 Bath

Super clean, new paint, 2,000 + sq. ft., Northgate schools. Great price at $1,050 / month.


For Rent:


Meriwether County


5 Homes: 3 - 4 BRs, $575 - $925

Mobile Homes For Rent


Foreclosure 2 acres, $8,900 4.5 acres, $12,000. Minutes south of Greenville. Call Owner:



5 Homes: 2 - 4 BRs, $500 - $875 770-583-8864 or 770-301-8786

For Rent

3 Bedroom homes $500 / month. Also have a few fixeruppers selling cheap!

Used Car & Recreational Vehicle Ad Special

Mobile Homes

6 lines • 14 days print and online $30 6 lines • 28 days print and online $40

Newnan Luxury Rental Homes

Starting at $100 per week. Newnan & Luthersville. Safe areas. Low deposit required 770-927-9276


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Houses, townhomes, apartments All price ranges! As low as $499 770-683-1221 or 770-683-1199

TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Powers Crossroad 256 Fir Rd., 3 BR, 2 BA on 1.5 acres, CH/A $850 Hogansville 102 Greenough, 4 BR, 1 BA, fixer upper, $600 706-302-6713

Mobile Homes

Franklin area. $130/week, $460 move in. Range, refrigerator, DW, Central H/A.




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Apts For Rent - Unfurnished

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