MyConnection for Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Page 1


Wednesday, January 9, 2013



February 13, 2013

MyConnection Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan-Times Herald

Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7

Finding the Perfect Place Get Glamorous from Head to Toe Party Gifts Memories Made Easy

The New Rules of

Bridal Planner online now


Fresh takes on

Creamy Chicken Enchilada Soup

family recipes

Family Features


pdating familiar family recipes is a great way to turn them into new family favorites. “Cooking with broth, in place of water, is a quick way to boost flavor in a dish,” said Chef Amanda Freitag, judge on the Food Network series “Chopped.” “When giving recipes a makeover, I like to use College Inn Broths, which are made from premium ingredients like plump chicken, tender beef, and farm-grown vegetables.”

Amanda Freitag’s Tips on Cooking with Broth n Lighten up mashed potatoes by

substituting chicken broth for milk or cream and butter. n Add flavor to rice and couscous by

cooking with broth, instead of water.

Creamy Chicken Enchilada Soup

n Freeze unused broth in an ice cube

tray for future use. The recipes pictured here were winners in an Ultimate Recipe Challenge contest, and are sure to be a hit at your family table. Recipes listed on page 3.

Savory Honey Mustard Poached Pears and Figs

Servings: 4 to 6 Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes Soup: 4 to 5 boneless, skinless chicken thighs (1 pound) 1/2 cup canola oil, divided 1/2 teaspoon salt, divided 2 soft corn tortillas, sliced into 1/4-inch strips 1 small onion, diced 1 clove garlic, minced 1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 cup lime juice 1/4 teaspoon lime zest 1 quart Chicken Broth 1 can (14.5 ounces) Diced Tomatoes, undrained 1 can (4 ounces) diced green chilies, drained 4 ounces reduced-fat cream cheese Toppings: Fried tortilla strips 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese 2 green onions, sliced into 1/4-inch pieces 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Place chicken in 8x8-inch glass baking dish. Brush with 1 tablespoon oil and sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until no longer pink inside. Shred cooked chicken meat with 2 forks and set aside. 3. Heat remaining oil in small skillet. Add tortilla strips in 2 batches; fry until golden brown, about 2 minutes each batch. Drain on paper towel-lined plate. Sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt and set aside. Reserve 1 table­spoon oil for Step 4. 4. Heat reserved 1 tablespoon oil in Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onions and cook until translucent, about 3 minutes. Add garlic and cook 30 to 60 seconds, stirring constantly. Do not brown garlic. Add chili powder and cumin; stir and cook 15 to 30 seconds. 5. Quickly stir in lime juice, lime zest, broth, tomatoes, and diced chilies. Bring mixture to a boil, and reduce heat to simmer. Add cream cheese. Simmer until cream cheese is melted. 6. Stir in shredded chicken, cook about 5 minutes. 7. Ladle into individual soup bowls, and garnish with tortilla strips, cheddar cheese and green onion.

5 Items to Bring to Meet Your Tax Preparer


Filing taxes is one of the responsibilities most adults prefer to ignore until well after the new year rolls around. If you're like most Americans, you may not know all of the basic information needed to complete a tax return. That's why so many people turn to licensed professionals and accountants to file their taxes. But do you even know what documents to give a tax preparer? Don't sweat it, you're not alone. A survey of more than 1,000 taxpayers ages 22 to 62 showed that eight out of 10 didn't know the details for submitting a tax return. The National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA) recommends using a checklist to get tax information in order before visiting a preparer. NAEA is a professional association of tax practitioners licensed by the Department of Treasury, meaning they specialize solely in tax matters and they have unlimited representational rights before the IRS. In short, they know what they're talking about.

Prepare to Meet Your Preparer with the Following: 1. Last year's tax return. Last year's return will list social security numbers, dependents, credits and deductions previously taken. 2. All W-2s from past year. Your W-2 tells you and your preparer how much you earned and how much was withheld for state and federal taxes. If you have multiple jobs, you must have a W-2 from each. If employers haven't sent out W-2s by Jan. 31, you can call the IRS to receive them. 3. 1099 forms. The 1099 keeps track of additional income, earned interest, cancellation of debt, dividends received and proceeds from broker transactions. 4. Receipts for donations. Even if you're not some big philanthropist, you may be surprised to recall the charitable contributions you made in the past year. Just remember to keep the


Kitchen Cleaning Organize Your Approach

Family Features


aintaining a clean kitchen is important. However, there are often clean­ing tasks that get put on hold because they require a great deal of time and effort. According to a survey, men and women agree the kitchen is the most difficult room to clean after the bathroom. Luckily, following a few simple steps and using all-purpose kitchen cleaners make tackling tough kitchen messes easier — ensuring that your home is not only clean but also healthy. Follow the below tips and tricks to learn how to clean your kitchen with ease.

Tackle the Appliances Use these tips for maintaining your oven, microwave, dishwasher and refrigerator:


If your oven boasts a self-cleaning mode, go ahead and turn it on. For the stovetop and exterior of the oven, spray a greasecutting cleaner that stays where you spray to thoroughly cover the surfaces, exterior walls and oven door. Allow the cleaner to go to work penetrat­ing and lifting grime while you move on to the micro­wave. Use damp sponges or paper towels to remove the cleaner when the grease and grime have dissolved.


To loosen grease and food spatters, boil a cup of water with a few lemon slices in the microwave for one minute, which will help to soften dried food particles to make cleanup easier. Then, use a foaming all-purpose cleaner and a damp sponge to easily wipe away residue and grease and leave a fresh scent behind.


Use a toothbrush and warm, soapy water to clean around the rubber seal on the door of your dishwasher. Use a scrubbing brush or sponge to wipe away dirt and grime on the inside of the door, as well as the walls.

Wipe away debris around the drain that could cause later clogging. Run your empty dishwasher on the hottest cycle to help further remove buildup.


Because the refrigerator houses perishable foods, it’s crucial to your family’s health to keep it well-maintained and sanitary. Cleaning the refrigerator requires more work than just pitch­ing old food. To ensure your fridge is thoroughly cleaned, turn the dial control to “0” and remove and discard old food items before removing shelves and


2 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 13, 2013



inspired President's Day

1. *Good night kiss spot 6. Old age, archaic 9. De Valera's land 13. "My Own Private ___" 14. Big Island flower necklace 15. Kind of sentence 16. Things that are unacceptable 17. Some watch the Super Bowl just for these 18. Irregular 19. *Isolde's tragic lover 21. *The man behind the massacre 23. Unagi on sushi menu 24. *Stag 25. Grease holder 28. Elders' teachings 30. *St. Valentine's occupation 35. 7th letter of Greek alphabet, pl. 37. __ Lofgren, musician 39. Banal or commonplace 40. Astronaut's insignia 41. To impede or bara DOWN 43. America's favorite 1. Bar order 44. Extremist 2. Sensory input 46. Old Russian autocrat 3. Indian princess 47. Bone-dry 4. Selected 48. A one-horse open ride 5. Inexpensive inn, especially for 50. "Iliad," e.g. U.S.D.A. Select Beef youths U.S.D.A. Select Beef 52. Name fit for a king? 6. Distinctive flair 53. Getting warm 7. ___ Zeppelin 55. Bovine sound 8. Tony Manero's music 57. *Bella's choice 9. Introduced in Europe in 1999 60. *"Shall I ___ thee to a summer's 10. One who is "__ __ it" day?" 11. *Most popular Valentine's Day 64. Style of abstractionism popular gift? in 1960s 12. Compass reading 65. Word of possibility 15. Student's piece 67. Under deck 20. *Dateless 68. Eagle's home 22. Matterhorn, e.g. 69. Part of T.G.I.F. 24. Bartender's soda choice 70. Eat away 25. *Cupid's mom 71. End of a leg 26. "__ ___ costs" 72. Surf turf 27. Certain buds do this 73. Motion Picture Association of 29. Reduced Instruction Set America, e.g. Computer


Central Library February 14 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. A. Mitchell Powell Jr. Library February 20 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Coweta County Public Library System and volunteers from AARP foundation have partnered to prepare federal and state tax returns for free. Tax preparation and free electronic filing is scheduled every Wednesday through April 10 at the A. Mitchell Powell Jr. Public Library, and every Thursday through April 11 at the Central Library. It is not necessary to be an AARP member, and all ages are welcome Info: 770-683-2052 (Central) or 770-253-3625 (Powell)

George Washington

Monday, February 18, 2013 President's Day is celebrated each At the Second Continental Conyear on the third Monday in Febru- gress, which assembled in 1775, ary. Established in 1800, President's Washington was elected ComDay once went by a different name. mander-in-Chief of the Continental Known as Washington's Birthday, Army, taking command of troops which is still the legal name of at Cambridge, Massachusetts on the holiday, this day was meant to July 3, 1775. celebrate the first President of the Under Washington's command, United States, George Washington, the Continental Army would ultiwhose birthday was February 22. mately succeed, winning the coloCongress declared that day a fed- nists their independence from Briteral holiday more than 200 years ish rule. ago, and eventually the holiday In 1787, Washington presided grew to become a celebration of over the Constitutional ConvenPresident Abraham Lincoln, who tion in Philadelphia, where the new was born on February 12, as well. Constitution was ratified. Within The holiday is now a celebration of two years Washington was unanithe lives and accomplishments of mously elected as the first President every U.S. president. of the United States. 31. Fleur-de-lis Few Americans would be hard Though the current two-term 32. Type of duck pressed to identify George Washlimit was not law at the end of 33. Mall stop ington's visage, which is depicted Washington's second term, he 34. Teletype machine, for short on some American currency, in- chose to retire from the Presidency 36. Delhi wrap cluding the $1 bill. Born in 1732 anyway, leaving office in 1797. He 38. "All My Children," e.g. to Virginia planters, Washington's would retire to his Virginia home 42. Movie trailer, e.g. U.S.D.A.Inspected Inspected interests included westernU.S.D.A. expanat Mount Vernon, where he still en45. Related on the father's side sion, which he was able to take part gaged in various business dealings. as a teenager, helping to survey the Within three years of his retire49. Of a female Shenandoah lands at the age of 16. ment, however, Washington would 51. Like a funereal procession Washington was also interested in fall ill of a throat infection that ul54. Administrative military arts, and he was commis- timately took his life on December 56. "La BohÊme," e.g. sioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, 14, 1799. 57. Fencer's weapon eventually playing a role in what In addition to providing the in58. Some choose this over truth became the French and Indian War. spiration for President's Day, Wash59. Court order In 1759, Washington was serving ington's legacy is that of a hero who 60. Benign lump in the Virginia House of Burgesses, led an army of colonists to a victory 61. A bunch an assembly of elected represen- over a dominant empire. tatives of the English colonies in 62. Traveled on The Washington Monument North America. Growing frus- and MountU.S.D.A. Rushmore are two 63. Water carrier selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola Fresh Lean trated with and feeling exploited of the moreU.S.D.A. notable monuments Select Beef 64. Dunce by British regulations, Washington honoring theEye first of President of the 66. Absorbed, as in a cost voiced his resistance to restrictions United States. In addition, the naplaced on colonists, who were mov- tion's capital of Washington, D.C. de bistecof de pulpa negra sin hueso Solution on Page 5 ing toward what would become the is so namedU.S.D.A. inselecto honor George American Revolution. Washington.U.S.D.A. Select Beef Š StatePoint Media

PPl le eaas see vvi issi it t oouu rr ww ee bb ss ii tt ee @! @!

Remembering World War II

Boneless Boneless


The Newnan Carnegie February 14 2:30 p.m. Dr. Walt Todd, professor at Shorter University of Atlanta, provides a program commemorating the seventieth anniversary of the Battle of Kasserine Pass. Call for resevations. Info: 770-683-1347

BonelessWhole WholeOr OrHalf Half Boneless

RibeyeSteaks Steaks Ribeye

$$ 95

5th Annual Affair to remember

Wesley Woods of Newnan February 15 Reception 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Champagne Reception at Woody’s at Wesley Woods, dinner in the ballroom of Wesley Woods. Cost is a minimum donation of $35 per person. Info: 404-388-4454/ 404-539-8306


Pork PorkLoin Loin

$ 95 95



Breakfast Steak


$ 23 lb.

1* * OUR COST PLUS 10% ADDED AT REGISTER! $ 50 Smoked Links......... 2 $ 24 Hot Dogs.................. 3 Eye of $ 23 Whole Boneless $ 46 16 oz.

Red Hots....................

Hot Dawgs...............

Georgia Special

Salchichas rojos picantes, 2 libras

Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado, 16 onza

2 lb.

16 oz. Smoked or Polish

3 $423 $ 46 2 3 1 3 $ 75 1 $ 54 $ 23 $394 1 $ 54 2 $ 94 4 Salad 3 Avocados 3 3 Oranges 1 1 ¢ ¢ 1 2 3 1 1 $ 28 $ 68 2 99 1 1 1 2 1 78 6 3 6 5 Ground Beef Pork Hams 1 Sirloin Steak Shoulder Chops 1 6 2 1$ 1 38 2 1 7 $ 1877 $ 28 5 3 1 2 3 $ 1 $ 27 36 $ 24 $ 95 72 3 1 7 6 3 3 1 2 3 ¢ $ 6872 38 Steak Pork Hams Ground Beeflb.3 $2 Sirloin Shoulder Chops lb. 78 lb. lb.2 90 1 2 3 1 2 2 U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola


1.5 lb.

Four Star

Salchicha de bollo, 32 onzas

Fresh Lean

RoundBreakfast Roast.......


Salchicha ahumado especial, 1.5 libras

48 oz. Hot or Mild

Please visit our website:! 32 oz.


Sunset Farms

Salchicha ahumado picante o suave, 48 onzas

McEvers *Our cost includes freight, stocking fees, and associated expenses.

kfast eak

16 oz.

$ 55


24 oz.

U.S.D.A. Select Beef


U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de pulpa negra sin hueso

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola

U.S.D.A. Select

Whole Boneless

Round Roast.......

U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo sin hueso

Beef Briskets......

lb. U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de pulpa negra sin hueso 4.4-5.8 oz. Large Assorted Flavor U.S.D.A. Select Beef Lipton Knorr Boneless lb.

Ready PacBoneless 1 lb. Bag

U.S.D.A. Inspected

U.S.D.A. selecto de corte de pecho de res sin hueso entero

U.S.D.A. Select Beef Eye of lb.

Beef Briskets......


inspeccionado de jamĂłn ah Carolina U.S.D.A. Pride

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

U.S.D.A. Select

U.S.D.A. Select Beef


U.S.D.A. selecto de paletilla de res sin hueso de paquete de combinacion Georgia Red


U.S.D.A. selecto de corte de pecho de res sin hueso entero


1 Smoked Sausage... $ 72 Smoked Sausage..... 5 Smoked Sausage.... $ 07 Red Hots.................. 3 Sausage..................... Fresh Boneless Shoulder $ 54

18 oz.

Salchicha de enlaces ahumado, 24 onzas

Historic Courthouse Square h Lean February 16 11:00 a.m. All musicians are invited to come down to Newnan’s Historic Courthouse Square and play. All music genres and skill levels lb. are welcome. Acoustic only. a de desayuno magro fresco Info: 770-253-8283 16 onzas



Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Salchicha de bollo, 18 onzas

$ 67



Round Roast.......

QUALITYTop Round Steak

Salchicha rojos picantes, 16 onzas




Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco

Pickin’ on the Square


U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo sin hueso

Pork Picnic..

4 Pk., 3.2 oz. NaturalPack..... or Strawberry Combo Mott's Snack'n Go

5.5 oz., Movie Shapes, lb.Spongebob or Phineas & Ferb

U.S.D.A. Inspected lb. 23-24 oz., Select Varieties Mott's

7.25 oz., Three Cheese or Premium Thick & Creamy

$ 33 Kraft Macaroni

Applesauce . . .

50 oz., Select Va

$ Filete18de tilapia,All2 libras2X

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco

& Cheese . . . . .


2 lb.

15.3-18.8 oz. Can, S

Campbell's Macaroni Fresh Center Cut $ 548 lb.KraftBag $ Ocean 19 Market & Cheese ..... Applesauce . . . . California Navel lb. Loin Pork Chops TilpaiaNatural FilleSo 64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties

3 Pk. 9.6-10.5 oz., Select Varieties 3.8-4.8 oz., 40RiceFresh or Pasta Boneless Pop•Secret Splenda $ 80 Old Orchard Juice $ 47 lb. Top Round Steak .Dishes Chuck Roast......... Cocktails or Blendslb. Popcorn . . . . . . Sweetener 16 oz. 16 oz. oz. Sea& Clear Best 16 oz. 32 oz. Stain Lifter or 32 Load Free 27.6 oz., Select 316lb.oz. Carolina Pride Jumbo Sunset Farms $ 33 $ 67 18McEvers $ 83 16 oz. Imitation All Small & Mighty $ oz. 16 oz. Ronco 60 Hungry Jack $ 34 Kunzler 18 oz. Meat Franks............... $ 94 ................ SENOIAHot Dawgs............... $ 5516McEvers Smoked Sausage... Carolina Pride Jumbo Sunset Farms Detergent . . . . . . Crab Meat......... $ 33 Syrup . . Lasagna . .Franks..... . . . .Superior . $ 67 $U.S.D.A. 83Inspected McEvers Chicken Any Size Package U.S.D.A. $ Select55 Beef 24 Ct. Free & Clear or Original Meat Franks............... Red Hots.................... 10-10.5 oz. Smoked Sausage... 12 Big Roll Hot Dawgs............... 48 oz. Hot or Mild 1.5 lb. Whole Or Half Fresh Fresh Boneless Fresh American Lamb All Mighty Pac 9 oz. Deli Thin Learning About ea. 65 Smoked Frito-Lay's 3 Charmin lb. Sensitive $ 68 2$lb. Fresh ea. ea. 8 Ct. 13.5-14.7 oz., Select Varieties 9 oz. Cinnabon or 8.9 oz. Smorz Four Star Georgia Special Detergent . . . . Royal O' Frost $ 7224 oz. $Local 50History with the $ 95 48 oz. HotLand or Mild Rudy's Farm . . Asst. Flavor 1.5 lb. $ 84 Bath Tissue 9 oz. Deli Thin $ 52 17 oz. Chicken Smoked Sausage..... $ 82 Kellogg's nks......... National Archives Four Star McEvers Smoked Sausage.... oz. Ham or Turkey............. 12 Double$ Roll Ultra Soft Land O' Frost $ 19 Sausage $ 72 Georgia Special Kellogg's $ 95 $ 50 Patties....... Turkey Necks. 84 Sunshine ¢ 11-12 Frito-Lay's Charmin Pop•Tarts . . . . . Smoked Sausage..... Smoked Links......... Smoked Sausage.... Cereal . . . . . . . . . . $ 17 Ham or Turkey............. Cat Food . . . . . Senoia Library 2 lb. 16 oz. Smoked or Polish Tostitos . . Food Depot 10 lb. Bag10 Ct., 1.37 oz. Fresh 16Bath 20 oz. oz. Tissue . . . 2 lb. Pac 6 oz. Bag 11.8-15.1 oz., Select Varieties 4.5 oz. Carolina PridePackage $ 66 2 lb. Land O' Frost U.S.D.A. Inspected 8 Pk. Any Size 16 oz. Smoked or Polish U.S.D.A. Select Beef Superior $ 0732 oz. Ready $February 24 16 Georgia Red 6 Mega Roll Ultra Soft Carolina Pride Royal Smoked 20 oz. Meaty Treats $ 98 Russet Potatoes.......... $ 14 ea. Tazo K Cup $ $6668 Quaker ea. Yellow Squash............ lb. ¢ Frito-Lay's Spinach Spring GeorgiaSub RedKits......................... McEvers Carolina Pride Charmin $ 69 Red Hots.................. .............. 11:00 a.m. Sausage..................... $ 07 $ Mix... 24 $ 19 Land O' Frost Whole Or Half Fresh Fresh Wienie Wraps Boneless Fresh Lamb Roll Sausage............. $ American 98 Neckbone......... Crackers Bath Tissue ... Zen Tea . . . . . . Red Hots.................. Hot Dogs.................. 4 oz. Sausage..................... InstantSubOatmeal Joel Walker, historian and Kits......................... oz. Fresh 5 lb. Bag Fresh Steak Nite Ready Pac 10 oz. Bag ¢ 5Golden 56 Ct. Cube Ultra or Plus 50 oz., Select Varieties oz. Natural or Strawberry 5.5 oz., Movie Shapes, Spongebob or Phineas & Ferb archivist with the4 Pk., 3.2National Flak Delights Treats Puffs 40 Ct. 9 Inch All 2X lb. 50 oz., Select Varieties ¢ Kraft Macaroni 4 Pk., 3.2 oz. Natural or Strawberry Mott's Snack'n Go 5.5 oz., Movie Shapes, Spongebob or Phineas & Ferb $ 66 Roma Tomatoes....... Pink Grapefruit.......... ea. $ Salalad 18 ea. Caesar Kit...... Archives at Atlanta, will give $ 33 Asst. Flavor 4 Lb. Multi or Milk

1 2 3

mado, 24 onzas


Top Round Steaklb. .

Garden Chuck Roast.........


U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Salchicha de bollo, 18 onzas

Salchichas de carne enorme, 16 onzas

Salchicha rojos picantes, 16 onzas

Salchicha ahumado picante o suave, 48 onzas

Salchicha de bollo, 18 onzas

Salchicha ahumado especial, 1.5 libras

Carne de cangrejo de imitaciĂłn, 16

Tortas de salchicha, 3 libras

Pescuezos de pavo ahumado fresco

Salchicha de rollo, 16 onzas

Huesos de pescuezos ahumado, 2

1 2 4 3 $ 36 $ 24 $ 27 $ 95 Salchicha ahumado picante o suave, 48 onzas

Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Salchicha ahumado especial, 1.5 libras

Pavo o jamĂłn rebanado delgado, 9 onzas

Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub 20 onzas

Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub 20 onzas

Salchichas rojos picantes, 2 libras

Salchicha de bollo, 32 onzas

Applesauce ... a special introduction to the 23-24 oz., Select Varieties

Salchichas de pollo, 3 libras

Salchichas de carne enorme, 16 onzas

Pavo o jamĂłn rebanado delgado, 9 onzas

Salchicha de enlaces ahumado, 24 onzas

Salchichas rojos picantes, 2 libras

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

2 1694

Macaroni Mott's Snack'n GoU.S.D.A. $ selecto 33deKraft bistec de solomillo

Detergent .... & Cheese molida .U.S.D.A. . . . .fresca inspeccionado de carne de res de paquete de cualquier tamaĂąo

$ 18

& Cheese . . . . .

Applesauce . . .

1 3 $ 66

All 2X


FacialU.S.D.A. Tissueinspeccionado .. Essential Everyday de lomoPet de Life cerdo $Foam 14Plates1 oz. . . 8 Roll, Select Varieties sin hueso, entero o mitad Golden Flak Dog Biscuits ... Bounty $Fresh 67 Turnip 24 pk., .5 ltr. Purified Salad 10 Ct., 4.4 oz. Asst. Chips Paper Towels . Inspected Fresh Crystal Springs U.S.D.A. Starbucks K Cup $ 24 Pack .5 Liter 12 Ct., 6.1 oz. 20 & Mustard 5.5 oz. Original Veggie Boneless Center Cut . . . . . . Super Chill Lance Crack Drinking Veranda $ Kraft Macaroni $ 00Chops 12 oz., Select Varieties Loin Pork Creations Water Spring Water . . . & Cheese . . . . Starbucks $ 25 Tray Pack, Assor

de jamĂłn de Detergent . . .U.S.D.A. . cerdoinspeccionado fresco, entero o mitad

54 & Cheese . . . . . $119 Natural Soups . $144 $ 44 $ 19 $ 54 6 1 Chilean 1 1 Applesauce . . . . 1 Large Bunch Pasta Fresh Ground Ground Pork Or Rib Or Loin Half Fresh Mega Roll 7 Rice or Pasta $ 80 $ Plums 93 Tomatoes 47 Popcorn Pork Stew Meat Pork Loin Pork Picnic $ 80 Chuck $ 93 $ 47 . . . . . . 1 Tomatoes Sweetener . . . . 2 Dishes 2 1Greens 1 1 $Collards 2 lb. 93 Cocktails or Blends 1 Ground Coffee 7 lb. lb. lb. ¢ ¢ 72$ 34 $$360 98 16¢ &$ $98 $ 40 $ $ 0995 $ 40 $ Cookies 2 Lasagna 134 Detergent .$. . . . . $3¢6095 38 Cheese Dinner 1 lb.K Cups . . . . .¢ 2 . . . . .lb. .. 1 lb. lb. lb.Syrup . . . . . . . $ $ 35 $ 78 . 7 $ 65 $ 75 $ 68 $ 65 Essential Everyday $ $ea. 75Kellogg's $ 62 $ 12 $ 68 lb. lb. . Asst. Flavor Chips 2 3 Bath Tissue . . 6 Detergent . . . . 3 2 Kellogg's Bath DuncanTissue Hines . . $602 Gerber &Gerber Cheese . . . . .$Food 1 Depot Duncan Hines $ 86 $ 42 . . . .Rice $ 17 Cereal . . . . . . . . . 2 $ 11 Cereal . . . . . . . .. . .1 $ 02 Kellogg's $ 82 Kellogg's 11 Kellogg's $ 19 $ 82 Weather Connection $ 19 Giant White Fresh Ground Ground Pork Or Rib Or Loin Half Fresh Boneless Center Cut House Blend . 7 .. 1 ¢ Cereal . . . . . . . . . $2 29 Brownies . . . . . 1 Bread 2nd Foods . . . . . Wheat . . 1 Cereal . . . . . . . . . . 2 29 Brownies . . . . . $1 17 2nd Foods . . . . . 1 . . 1¢ Cereal . . . . . . . . . . $2Pork $ 17 Pop•Tarts $1 81Bread Food Chuck . . . .... .77 77 Stew Meat Pork Loin Pork Picnic Loin Pork Chops Tostitos . .Mama . . . . . . Rosa's 2 Dog Food 2 Bath Tissue . . . 7 CatGreat Bath Tissue . . . 7 Saltine Crackers 1 Oscar Mayer Kunzler Meat Ham or ¢ 46 Everyday Tasty ¢ Pizzas...... NestlĂŠ ¢ ¢30 $7 ¢ Lunchables FEB. 14-17 ¢ Essential Food Depot Ground Coffee NestlĂŠ Kellogg's Gerber Two Pack $ Gerber Two Pack ¢ $ 18 68 ¢ Turkey....... $ 18 88 ¢ Tazo K Cup Kellogg's Bologna.. $$ 4059 Baking Hot Dogs 85 $Bread 52 10 98 Quaker $ 89 Links....... $ . .95288 $ 68 Quaker $$ 6959 $ $ 69 $ 19 $ 19 Wienie Wraps $11002. . . .95 9 72 $$172 . . . . . 1 Toaster¢ Pastries $Great Baking Chips SecondMixFoods. . ..... . $ Cereal . . . . . . . .Brand . 31 Cereal$ Second Foods . . Name . . . . . . 21 Bath Tissue . .. .. 2 7 Zen Tea . . . . . 72 . 95 6lb.68¢ Crackers Chunk Light Bath Tissue . . . 7 . 6 Instant Oatmeal 2 Instant Oatmeal . . . . . . .Chips . . 16 2 Cake 1 Low Prices on ¢ lb. lb. lb. . . . . . 73 lb. Sardines $ 29 72 $ 29 Treats 72 ¢ $ 34 ¢ Delights 1 Asst. Flavor Chips 1 Facial Tissue¢ . Kunzler . 90 Meat ¢ Little Jelly or $Ja $ 64 $ Essential Facial Tissue . . 90 Great .... 1 ¢ Lunch ¢ John Morrell Lasagne¢ . .Smoked 28 Everyday $ 14 60Âş $ 14 Instant Grits . 1 2 Makers... . 95 97 79 Sausage.... Dogs.......... Sausage..... 88 Bologna...... Chips Ahoy! . . . 2 2 64 4/$ Oscars....... Hotel Brand 4/$ Sliced $ 67 Sunnyland $ 36 $ 67 Dog Biscuits . . . 2 Asst. ChipsSunnyland 1 Bathroom Light Red Paper Towels . 6 . . . . 1 Light Red 36Âş Paper Towels . 6 Mega Roll Egg Noodles . . 1 $ 20 Tissue ¢ Ramen Noo Kidney Beans $ 20 Sliced Bacon Cooked Ham 7 Kidney Beans Meat Bologna $ 31 Helper . . . . . . . 92 Essential Everyday Mama Rosa's Oscar Mayer oll Kunzler Meat Ham or ¢ Veranda . . . . . . 7 Great ¢ . . . . $100 $ 31 Tasty ¢ Pizzas...... ¢ 2 Cereal ¢ $ 53 $ 59¢ Mustard . . . . . . 5 $ 00 & Cheese Creations . . . . 2 $ 25 Lunchables 68 Hot¢$ Dogs $ 93 Tostitos Sa & Cheese . . . . 1 Bologna.. Egg Noodles Turkey....... .. 1 ¢ Coca-Cola......... 52 85 Links....... 88 $ 89 25 93 62Âş 6 7 $ 9988 $ 88 Ground Coffee 7 09 $ 67 $ 88 1 $ 09 & Cheese Dinner 1 13Everyday $ 14 $ 33 $Essential $ 35 Cookies . . . . . . 1 & Cheese Dinner 1 Beef Ravio Snacks . . . . . . . . . 1 Bath Tissue.......... 7 Coca-Cola......... 1 $ 35 7 $ 61 Langers 38Âş Kellogg's Worcest e rshi r e Sauce 8 K Cups . . . . . . 7 $ 62 $ 12 Pupcorn ¢ $ 17 1 $ 61 &Langers Kellogg's Kunzler Meat Lunch ¢ Smoked Cheese . . . . . 1 $ 62 & Cheese . . . . . $112 GreatKellogg's Pupcorn John Morrell ¢ Little $ 86 $ 64 $ 42 Cereal . . . . . . . . . 2 ¢ ¢ ¢ $ 17 ........ 1 Dog Treats¢ $. . . . 72 52 ¢ Strawberry Juice 1Coca-Cola.......... 992 7 $ 86 Cereal . . . . . . . . . 2 42 Rice . .Makers... CerealBlend . . . . . . . ...$797 2 Dog Treats . . . . 52 . 95 79 Sausage.... Dogs.......... ¢ Sausage..... Strawberry Juice 1 88 Bologna...... $ 81 Buns 64 Oscars....... House American Cheese Singles 1 2 60Âş Saltine Crackers $181 Kellogg's $$ 4640 Kellogg's 77 ¢ Saltine Crackers 1 $ $ 46 ¢ Essential Everyday Food¢Depot $85 Red Gold Tomatoes Hormel $ 12 Dog Food . . . . . . . 77 25 7 ¢ Powerade........... Ground Coffee Red Gold Tomatoes $ 95 Slicing Hormel ¢ W/Green Peppers 52 ¢ ¢ $ 99 12 Spam . . . . . . . . . 2 89 Green $$ 02 Sunnyland Sunnyland Cooked ¢ ¢ Tomatoes.. Buns $ 40 Kellogg's 39Âş CerealCoffee . . . . . . . . . 73 Cereal . . . . . . . . . 2 84 American Cheese Singles Sunnyland 1 Cake Mix. . . ............ 1 W/Green Peppers 52 ¢ Spam 2 American 50 $ Red Hot Dogs Jumbo Franks Turkey Breast 3 Cereal ......... $295 Cake Mix ...... $102 Ground 73 Light Tuna 84 Cabbage... . Cheese11 Drinks............ 59 $ ¢ Chunk Fridge Packs Cheese Shoppers Value Sing3 $ 67 $ 34 Sardines . . . . . 73 Coca-Cola......... 6 $ 99 1 Lasagne . . . . . . 1 Hot Sauce . .48 ..... $ 28 $ 67 $ 34 Spread Bowl Margarine 1 $ 46 $ 96 $ 54 $ $ 10 Jelly or Jam . . . 1 Chips Ahoy! $ . . . 2 07 Lasagne . . . . . . 1 $ 33 $ 28 Corn 6/$ $ 36 54Âş Coca-Cola......... 1 Essential Everyday $ ChipsBathroom Ahoy! . . . 2 1 Muffin Mix Noodles . . 1 Peanut$ 49 ¢ Tissue 6/$ EggCorn $ 36 m Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 92 1 EggMuffin Mix $ 53 Butter ¢ Ramen Noodles..... $ 29 2/ ¢ Saltines. 32Âş Egg Noodles . . 1 Helper$. . . . . . .99 1. . . . . ¢ 92 2 1 Noodles . . 1 Coca-Cola.......... 99 ¢ $ 19 $ 29 2/ $ 53 Sunnyland Sunnyland Sunnyland Regular 09Sunnyland ¢ Red . . . . . . . . .$ . . . . . 54 2 99 Tostitos Salsa..... 2 Egg Noodles . . 1 $ 94 2 Butter $ 13 Sausage Patties $ 14 ¢ Hots Sausage Links Sliced Bologna Everyday ¢ Essential2 2 ......... 1 BathoTissue.......... 7 Snacks54 Powerade........... 85 b m u J $ 94 $ S13 d $ 15 Slicing $ 14 Green Tuna . . n la ¢ 2 ¢ nyRavioli....... 1. . . . . . . . . 6 Cream Cheese ....... 1 Bath Tissue.......... 7 Snacks . . . . . . . . . 1unBeef $ 37 $ 34 $ 99 $ 46 2 50 $ kSingless $172 nTomatoes.. a r F Cabbage... . American Cheese Drinks............ 11 t a e 2 M

Â?ŒŒbOÂź $ 69 $ 72 Shredded Cheese . . . . . . . . 1 Chunk Swiss Cheese 2 American Cheese Singles 1 Ăˆ Âź| ĂŠÂ?Ă Âą $ 99 1 American Cheese Singles 1 Oà ´ŸÂ?‰b¹´¥ $ 39 $ 99 2 Cream Cheese . . . . . . . 1 1 American Cheese Singles 1 Cheese$ 10 American

8†† ÂźÂ? $ 99NEWNAN $ 18 Sunnyland Thick Smithfield Thin Sliced Traditional$ Sliced 43 Regular Spread Bowl Margarine 1 $ Steak ...... 54 $ $ $ 45 50 48 Cookies Cheese Singles Nuggets 8YÇb¹Ÿ ´bÂĄ $ 61 Pizza $ 94 1 ButterTurkey Sliced Bacon.............. or Ham.......... $ 99 1 124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ 49 $ 50 Spread Bowl Margarine 1 $ 54 $ 48Biscuits . .MONDAY $ 33 $ 43 Dinners . . . . . . . . . . . .$ . . . . . . . .45 .THROUGH . 1 SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. 1 1 $ 89 1 Smithfield 1 Sunnyland $ 49 $ 88 $ 19 Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . 2 Smoked Sausage.......... Sliced Bacon............... 2 12 1 1 $ 19 $ 15 1 Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 $ 11 2 2 Cream Cheese . . . . . . . 1 2 61¢ 2 2 diverse collection Mott's of local $ .... history materials thatApplesauce are housed 64 oz.Morrow, Bottle, Select Varieties at their repository in Old Orchard Juice $ GA. Registration is required. Cocktails or Blends 16 oz. Info: 770-599-3537 Ronco $ Lasagna . . . . . . .




AssortedAny Flavor Size Package

Lipton Knorr



32 oz. Stain Lifter or 32 Load Free & Clear

All Mighty Pac 8 Ct. 13.5-14.7 oz., Select Varieties 17 oz. Chicken

12 Double Roll Ultra Soft


Frito-Lay's 5 oz.


4.5 oz.10 Ct., 1.37 oz.

Meaty Treats


Steak Nite

56 Ct. Cube Ultra or Plus


5.5 oz. Spiral

Kraft Macaroni

Uncle Bens


Nabisco Premium


Chicken of the Sea

3.75 oz. In Hot Sauce, Oil or Water

Chicken of the Sea

16 oz.

le Roll



12 oz. Medium or Hearty Homestyle




12 oz. Wide Egg


12 Double Roll Ultra Strong or 6 Mega Roll




16.2 oz. Oatmeal Cream Pies, 10.6 oz. Honey Buns, 12 oz. Nutty Bars Wafer Fresh Bars or 13 oz. Swiss Rolls

16 oz. Pkg.

Little Debbie

9 9 1 2 12 oz. Essential Everyday




Âł &DOO 7




Select Varieties


Essential Everyday0 )$0,/<



8 oz. Assorted Flavor 12 oz. 16-16.5 oz. 45 oz. • • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Shredded orFridge Chunk Packs Dutch Farms Essential EverydaySelect Varieties


45 oz. Essential Everyday&I]SRH Âł8 7MQTPI



4 pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle Essential Everyday

...... ......

$ 49




Seniors Living on a Fixed Income


16 oz. Dutch Farms

Remem ber talk about when it was sort of The fun to The Numbe Number? r f


(the market stocks thr crash), and st






3 1

Dutch Farms

While many people weather gets warme rejoice when pleasant the r, it’s time suffer from for everyo not always a ne. Those season expect difficulties al allergies knowwho year, but around to can vary. the severity of this time of allergy season The presen ce of the of spring comm — can allergies — pollen on causes s fluctuate and mold of weathe depend s ing some of r-related factors on a numbe r ta the pollen countsconditions . Here are all that at the Ameri , according can affect lerg can Colleg to the expert Asthma help s and Immun e of Allerg ology (ACAA y, Q Lengt h ;L I). Longer of the growin growing g Allerg good thing seasons season. your s but it can for farmers might be a and

5 oz. In Vegetable2Oilonzas or Water

Chunk Light Tuna Yoplait



$ 49




8 oz. Essential Everyday

99 99

$ 19

Tortas de salchicha, 12 onzas

12 oz.

Dutch Farms 8 oz. Natural Sliced


Essential Everyday


Provolone Cheese

FD 021113_2 Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas

15 oz. Tub 14 oz. Pkg. Buttery Land O Lakes Fresh


Pillsbury Crescents or



Gallon Assorted Flavors Music City

Fruit ADE

92 9

16 oz. Dutch Farms

8 oz. Dutch Farms

Frito Lays


22 1


$ 89


6 oz.



8-13.9 oz. Pillsbury Crescents or

Sweet Rolls

Chicken Bites or

Tampico Tyson G

Pasta & Sauce





BoloĂąa de todo deVarieties res rebanado regular, 20 oz. Select Simply 16 onzas FD 021113- Page 1


re i


9-15 oz. Select Varieties Buitoni Filled

Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . .

20.5-21.6 oz. 1/2 Gallon r Assorted Flavor 9 oz. g Cente Country Delite Shoppin

e Essential Everyday East Gat


Tr a


JamĂłn o pavo rebanado delgado, 9 onzas


$ 67

Gallon As

Music C


Gallon Chocola

16.5 oz. NestlĂŠ Chocolate Chip

2 2 2 22

Gallon 10-13.25 oz. Southern Style Citrus, Tropical Nuggets, Breast Tenders, Breast Patty, Boneless Punch or Buffalo Mango n St.

8 oz. pkg. Land O Lakes Spreadable 26 16 oz. Pkg.


16 oz.

7 oz. de pavo cocinado, 10 onzas Pechuga 15 oz. Tub

Salchichas de enlace, 10 onzas


Dutch Farms

5 oz. In$Water 36 Delite 1/2 Gallo Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles Country

8 oz. Select Varieties Crystal Farms Chunk or

9 oz. Pkg.,

Chef Boyard

FD 021113- Page 1

Jiffy Blueberry Land O Lakes Fresh Buttery All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles Muffin Mix Spread . . . All . . .Beef ......... 10 oz. Pkg. 16 oz.. .Pkg.

Crystal Farms

4 pk. Mini Ravioli

12 oz.

Dutch Farms

10 Pack, 16 oz. Cans Monster Energy

. oz. 16-16.5 Select Varieties 8 oz. pkg.

Essential Everyday NestlĂŠ American $ 09 Cheese Singles . . . . . . . . Cookies Swiss Cheese 8 oz. Natural Sliced

Jif Twin Pack

Salchichas enorme de todo de res, 16 onzas

pk.Assorted Mini Ravioli,Flavors Spaghetti With Meatballs or 16 4oz. Essential Everyday Chef Boyardee $

Shredded Cheese

15 oz.

11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast

8 oz. Assorted Flavor Shredded or Chunk

All Brands Creamy 2 Liter Bottles

4 pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle Essential Everyday

Ramen Noodles.....

16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella Essential Everyday

12 pk. Hamburger or Hot Dog

Food Depot 10 oz. Original or Mild

10 Pack, 16 oz. Cans Monster Energy


Chunk Cheese . . . . . . Beef Ravioli.......

1 1



McEver's 16 oz. Pkg.

8 pk.

All Brands 1.25 Liter Hamburger or Hot DogBottles

8.5 oz.


12 oz..Pkg. Tostitos Salsa..... Chunk Cheese .....

Little Debbie

Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango

16 oz.


Smuckers Grape

16.2 oz.20 Oatmeal Cream Pies, 10.6 oz. oz.Blueberry Pkg. Jiffy Honey Buns, 12 oz. Nutty Bars Wafer Bars or 13 Muffin oz. Swiss Rolls Mix

2 oz. Cheese

All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can 45 oz. Essential Everyday 80 oz., 2 pk.

32 oz.

Jelly or Jam . . .

Gallon Cheese 12 oz. Pkg.

3 oz., Assorted Fla

2 onzas Little Debbie

Charmin2 Liter Bottles

Essential Everyday

Chicken of the Sea Select Varieties

Salchichas rojos picantes, 1215onzas oz. 8 oz. Assorted Shredded or Chunk 7 oz. Frito Lays Essential Everyday


32 oz.

12 oz. Cheese, Original or Butter G Smuckers

Salchicha, Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles Salchicha ahumado, 12 onzas Assorted Flavors 16 oz. Pkg.16 Alloz.Beef 10 oz. Pkg. 16 onzas

3 oz., Assorted Flavors

Dutch Farms

onzas Essentialcha Everyday s de carne, 16

$ 49

12 oz. Pkg.

Salchichas rojos picantes, 20 onzas

Enorme salchi

12 oz. Essential Everyday 12 oz., Regular


8 oz. Assorted Flavor Shredded or Chunk


$ 64



$ 72

$ . . . Steak . ri. v. e.Umm ...

Country Regular Located onDelite 124 Bullsboro Driveor in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

Gallon Red Dia


Quart Dairy F

Half n

8 oz. Dutch F


16 oz. Dutch F


D llsboro

1/2 Gallon Bu


25-40 oz. Select Varieites

Whole ButtermilkStouffer's. Family . . Size


89 oz. P Minute


12 ct. Pillsbur


Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.88 oz. Fried Chicken, 7.4 oz. Baked Ch Chunk Cheese Effective . . . . . . February Gallon Dutch Farms Chocolate Prices 11, 2013 Through February reserved. Not responsible 16.5 oz. 17, 2013. Quantity rights $ 81 1 lb. for typographical or pictorial errors. 8.375 oz. Rigatoni Pasta with Roasted Ch 15 oz. Tub 16 oz. Assorted Gallon Assorted Flavors NestlĂŠ Chocolate Chip Flavors Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36 Land O Lakes Fresh Buttery Music City Salisbury Steak, 9 oz. Homestyle Fish Fil Imperial 59 oz. ctn. Select Varieties $ 67 99 ADE . . . . . . . . . . $ 26 Essential Everyday 1/2 Gallon Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheese, 9.8 oz. Homestyle Meatloaf, 10 Dole Margarine Country Delite Whole Spread Chunk . . . . . . .Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Fruit $ 99 Gallon 8 oz. Quarters 10 oz. Chicken Breast in BBQ, 11.5 oz. F 8-13.9 oz. Salchicha ahumado, 14 onzas Tocino rebanado, 16 onzas Juice Blends Chocolate Milk ....... 16.5 oz. 16 oz. Cheddar NestlĂŠ Chocolate Chip or Mozzarella

Essential Everyday

8 oz. Dutch Farms



8 oz. Assorted Shredded or Chunk Essential Everyday

DogPavo, FoodjamĂłn . . .o. .pollo, ..

Helper . . . . . . .

McEver's 16 oz. Pkg.

All Brands

12 oz. Pkg.

12 oz., Select Varieties


Chicken of th

Mueller's 20.25 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 20.5 oz. Salchicha ahumado, 7.8 oz. Cheeseburger Mac or 7.7 oz. Stroganoff, 40% Bonus 16 onzas Lucky Charms, or 21.6 oz.Land Honey O NutFrost Cheerios 8 oz. 2 oz. Wafer Thin Hamburger General 12 oz. Wide Egg Mills Mueller's All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can s

64 oz. Orange, Peach or Banana

Rice . . . . . . . . . .

7.8 oz. Cheeseburger Mac or 7.7 oz. Stroganoff, 40% Bonus



16 oz. Assorted Flavors Essential Everyday



FreshCharmin Large

Chef Boyardee

7 onzas

Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Uncle Bens Ham, Chicken or Turkey

Sardines . . . . lb. .

12 Double Roll Ultra Strong or 6 Mega Roll

4 pk. Mini Ravioli, Spaghetti With Meatballs or


12 oz. Essential Everyday


Frito Lays

Cookies . . . . . .

3.75 oz. In Hot Sauce, Oil or Water

12 oz. Wide Egg

15 oz.

Archway Carnes de almuerzo refrigerantes, 4.5 onzas

17 oz. Premium, Beef & Liver or Kibbles Delight


5 oz. In Vegetable Oil

16.2 oz. Oatmeal Cream Pies, 10.6 oz. Honey Buns, 12 oz. Nutty Bars Wafer Bars or 13 oz. Swiss Rolls JamĂłn rebanado delgado, Salchichas pequeĂąos sabrosos, 12 Double Roll Ultra Strong orPavo 6 MegaoRoll

House Blend .

9.5-14 oz.

Sunshine 11 oz. Frosted, Assorted Flavors

$3 96 59 2 $ 18


Mueller's Jiffy



Salchicha, 12 onzas

John Morrell 7 oz.

4.07-8.8 oz., Select Varieties

12 oz. Whole Bean or Ground

12 oz.8.5Medium oz. or Hearty Homestyle


Creations . . . .

K Cups . . . . . .

17 oz. Premium, B

3.75 oz. In Hot Sauce, Oil or Water Pavo o JamĂłn rebanado delgado, 2 onzas Chicken of the Sea

Mueller's 9.5-14 oz. Pork, Pinto Bens with onions & Pork, Greadt Nothern Beans wth Pork, Mixed Beans with Pork, SunnylandNabisco 12 oz. Pkg. Black Beans, Chiili Beans or 12 oz. Medium or Hearty Homestyle

Lance Cracker

Regular or Steak Sliced 2 oz. Cheese


16 oz.

Pinto Beans with Pork, Blackeye Peas with 1215 oz.oz.Pkg.

Asst. Chips Roll 12 Flavor pk. Double 1 oz. 10 oz. Pkg. ScottFlake Golden Pavo, jamĂłn .o.pollo, Asst. Chips .. 2 onzas

Tray Pack, Assorted Flavors 9-9.25 oz.

Chicken of the Sea

3 oz., Assorted Flavors

7.8 oz. Cheeseburger Mac or 7.7 oz. Stroganoff, 40% Bonus

Veranda . . . . . .


or Light Wheat 7 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties 16 oz. Light WhiteStarbucks

7 onzas

4.5 oz. Pkg. 12 Ct., 6.1 oz.


16 oz.

Smuckers Grape

9.5-14 oz.

Crackers . . . . . . 5 oz.

Ground Coffee

Land O Frost 2 oz. Wafer Thin Nabisco Premium 12 oz., Select Varieties

Duncan Hines Salchichas pequeĂąos sabrosos,

Carnes de almuerzo refrigerantes, 4.5 onzas

Starbucks K Cup

Uncle Bens

12 oz. Whole Bean or Ground

16.5-18.25 oz. Box, Select Varieties




18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey N Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or 15-17 oz. Frosted4.07-8.8 Flakes oz., Se

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Starbucks

9-16 oz.

8 Pk.

Salchichas, 10 4.4 oz. Select Varieties 12Ct., onzas

Duncan Hines

Food Depot

8.7 oz. Apple or Froot Loops, 9.2 JohnJacks Morrell 7 oz. oz. Corn 10-12 Pops oroz.13.7 Raisin Bran Bag,oz.Select Varieties

Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Golden Flake Ham, Chicken or Turkey

BoloĂąa de 10 toda carneorrebanado Starbucks oz. Original grueso o fileteMild

20Kraft oz. oz.Macaroni 3.5-7 Pkg., Select Varieties 20 oz.

18-18.3 oz. Box, Select Varieties

U.S.D.A. Inspected

Tostitos ...... 10.5 oz. Frosted. .Flakes

Ground Coffee

Kraft Macaroni

9-16 oz.


10-10.5 oz.


5.5 oz. Spiral

10 Ct., 4.4 oz. Select Varieties U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de lomo de cerdo sin hueso, entero oStarbucks mitad 7.25 oz. Blue Box

Syrup . . . . . . .

9Frito-Lay's oz. Rice Krispies

12 oz., Select Varieties

64 oz.Macaroni Orange, Peach or Banana Kraft

32 oz.

12 pk. Double Roll


12 oz. Pkg.

12 oz., Regular refrigerantes, 2.6 onzas 16.5-18.25 oz. Box, Select Varieties

16.5-18.25 oz. Box, Select Varieties



Kraft Macaroni

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamĂłn de cerdo fresco, entero 12 oz. Corn Flakeso mitad

11-12 oz.

BoloĂąa de toda carne 10 Ct., 4.4 oz.rebanado grueso o filete

$ 45 59

5 oz. In Vegetable Oil or Water

Duncan Hines


7.25 oz. Blue Box

5.5 oz. Spiral

27.6 oz., Select Varieties

4.5 oz. Pkg. Frito-Lay's

Salchichas, 4 oz. 12 onzas

17 oz. Beefor& Froot Liver orLoops, Kibbles9.2Delight Nabisco Premium 8.7 oz. Premium, Apple Jacks Sunshine oz. Corn Pops or 13.7Cajas oz. Raisin deBran bocado deFresh almuerzo Large

salchichas, 10.5Select oz.Gran Frosted Flakes 12 Fresh oz., Varieties 16 onzas Starbucks

17 oz. Chicken

Steak Nite Regular Steak Delights Sliced 15 oz. Pinto Beans with Pork,orBlackeye Peas with Treats Puffs

4.07-8.8 oz.,Armour Select Varieties 2.6 oz. Pkg.

12 oz. Whole Bean or Ground

9-16 oz.

8.7 oz. Apple Jacks or Froot Loops, 9.2 oz. Corn Pops or 13.7 oz. Raisin Bran

12 oz. Corn Flakes

Red Gold

Detergent U.S.D.A. . . . . InspectedAsst. Fresh Flavor Chips

56 Ct. Cube Ultra or Plus

Tray Pack, Assorted Flavors 9-9.25Pizza oz. de 5 onzas Archway

Starbucks Gwaltney Pkg. 9 oz.16Riceoz.Krispies

7.25 oz. Blue Box



24 Ct. Free & Clear or Original

3.5-7Alloz.Mighty Pkg., SelectPacVarieties

Kraft Macaroni

Lance Cracker

Gran boloĂąa, 12 onzas 10 Ct., 4.4 oz. Select Varieties

Kraft Macaroni

Detergent . . . . . .

Bounty Luck's


Hungry Jack

Sunshine 12 oz. Pkg. Charmin Cat Food . . . . . 10-12 oz. Bag, Select Varieties 7 oz.4.5Pkg., Select Varieties oz. 6 Mega Roll Ultra Soft Meaty Treats Charmin Wienie Wraps

5.5 oz. Original Veggie

12 Ct., 6.1 oz.

12 oz., Select Varieties



All Small & Mighty

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de solomillo sin hueso

Cajas de bocado de almuerzo 5 oz. Pkg. refrigerantes, 2.6 onzas

Starbucks K Cup

Kraft Macaroni

12 oz. Corn Flakes

Golden Flake

Scott Towels

16 onzas 10 Ct., 4.4 oz. Gwaltney 12 oz. Pkg.

1 3 69 1 2 2 1 88 1 1 99 2

32 oz. Stain Lifter or 32 Load Free & Clear

Pork, Pinto Bens with onions & Pork, Greadt 4 Lb. Multi or Milk Nothern withLife Pork, 16 oz. Pkg. Regular8or ThickBeans wth Pork, Mixed BeansPet Roll, Select Varieties Black Beans, Chiili Beans or Dog Biscuits

1 oz.

6 rollGran salchichas,

5.5 oz. Original Veggie


Pizza de 5 onzas

Armour 2.6 oz. Pkg. Golden Flake

Pet Life


Sweetener . . . .

16 oz.

12 Double Roll Ultra Soft


5 oz.

4 Lb. Multi or Milk

8 Roll, Select Varieties

Popcorn . . . . . .



11.8-15.1 oz., Select Varieties Frito-Lay's

Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.


3.8-4.8 oz., 40-100 Ct. Select Varieties

U.S.D.A. 14.5Inspected oz. Assorted

Natural Soups .

Old Orchard Juice

18-18.3 oz.Sensitive Box, Select Varieties Charmin

8 Pk.

Gran boloĂąa, 12 onzas

4 oz.

3 Pk. 9.6-10.5 oz., Select Varieties

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh

& Cheese . . . . .

12 Big Roll

11-12 oz.

Gwaltney 12 oz. Pkg.

6 Mega Roll Ultra Soft

64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties


Frito-Lay's 9 oz. Cinnabon or 8.9 oz. Smorz

Any Size Package



11.8-15.1 oz., Select Varieties

Hungry Jack

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de carne de res molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaĂąo 24 Ct. Free & Clear or Original 10-10.5 oz.

Charmin Sensitive

9 oz. Cinnabon or 8.9 oz. Smorz

27.6 oz., Select Varieties

All Small & Mighty

Campbell's Scott Towels

Kraft Macaroni

Red Gold



15.3-18.8 oz. Can, Select Varieties 6 roll

7.25 oz., Three Cheese or Premium Thick & Creamy

14.5 oz. Assorted Mott's Fresh

3.8-4.8 oz., 40-100 Ct. Select Varieties

3 Pk. 9.6-10.5 oz., Select Varieties

sin hueso

Fresh 23-24 oz., Select Varieties


Kraft 4.4-5.8 Macaroni oz.

12 Big Roll

t Varieties

15.3-18.8 oz. Can, Select Varieties

7.25 oz., Three Cheese or Premium Thick & Creamy

CookiesShredded . . . . . . .Cheese ...... 8-13.9 oz.

8 oz.


Chocolate Dutch


Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 $ 1/299 Gallon


Country Delite Whole

Chocolate Milk 8 oz. Select Varieties. . . . . . .





1 lb.


Sweet Rolls59 oz. ctn..Select . .Varieties ......

Dole 9-15 oz. Select Varieties 99 Margarine Juice Blends Quarters Buitoni Filled


64 52

Gallon Red Diamond

Brewed Tea Quart Dairy Fresh




32 oz.

28 oz. Charcoal Patties, Sliced Turkey, King Size

10.5 oz. Lasagna, 10.75 oz. 5 Cheese La 11 oz. Chipped Beef, 11.5 oz. Chicken A Swedish Meatballs, 11.5 oz. Lasagna Bak with Meat Sauce, 12.58 oz. Spaghetti wit

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 | MyConnection 3

Recipe Connection

Love is in the Air - Every Day! Family Features


hocolates? Roses? Been there, done that. Everyone wants to make sure the special someone in their lives knows how much they care. Here are some easy and fun ways to prove that he or she is number one in your book. Make a Playlist of “Your Songs” Whether it was playing when you first met or is the soundtrack to your favorite movie, every couple has songs that mean something special to them. In the car, leave a CD or MP3 player stocked with your most memorable tunes as a special surprise and a suddenly-better commute.

Cherry Bomb Meatloaf Sliders

Servings: 4 to 6 Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 55 minutes Sauce: 1 cup chopped dried cherries 1 cup Chicken Broth 4 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon Tomato Paste 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon hot sauce Salt, to taste Meatloaf: 1 pound lean ground beef 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons minced onion 2 tablespoons pickle relish 1 clove garlic, crushed Salt and ground pepper, to taste 1/2 cup Beef Broth 1 egg, lightly beaten Spread: 4 ounces cream cheese, softened 4 slices smoked provolone, chopped 2 teaspoons chopped chives 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 12 Hawaiian or Portuguese sweet dinner rolls, sliced 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. To prepare sauce, combine cherries, chicken broth, garlic, balsamic vinegar and tomato paste in medium saucepan. Cook over medium heat 15 minutes or until thick and bubbly. Remove from heat and pour into food processor; process 2 minutes, drizzling in olive oil and hot sauce until fully emulsified. Season with salt, if desired. Set aside. 3. To prepare meatloaf, break up ground beef into large chunks in medium bowl. Mix in the bread crumbs, parsley, onion, relish and garlic; season with salt and pepper, if desired. Add beef broth and egg, mixing until combined. 4. Place meatloaf mixture diagonally into a 9x13-inch baking pan, making a long log (15 inches long x 2 inches wide). Smooth the top and bake 30 minutes. Brush with 2 tablespoons of sauce to glaze. Bake an additional 15 minutes and remove from oven. Let meatloaf rest 10 minutes before slicing. 5. To prepare spread, combine cream cheese, provolone, chives and Worcestershire sauce in a small bowl, stirring to create a thick spread. 6. To serve, cut meatloaf into twelve, 1-inch-thick slices. Place each slice onto an open roll and top with 1 tea­spoon each sauce and spread.

Do the house chores. Seriously. Fix that item you’ve been saying you would fix forever. Empty the dishwasher

and clean the bathroom. When they get home, have all the chores done, that way the only thing left to do is enjoy each other’s company. Put Pen to Paper Hide little notes with heartfelt sentiments on the refrigerator, on the nightstand, taped to the computer screen — any place they might stumble upon it throughout a typical day. Your note might be found after a long meeting or last-minute deadline, providing a moment of reprieve and happiness during a hectic day. Raise a Glass and Indulge - Together Toast each other with some tasty treats. Pop some bubbly, then enjoy Sweetheart Dark Chocolate Brownies and Barefoot Bubbly Rubby Red Bliss together.

Sweetheart Dark Chocolate Brownies Prep: 20 minutes Cook: 25 minutes Makes: 10+ servings

1/2 cup butter, cut into pieces 4 ounces dark chocolate, chopped 2 eggs, at room temperature 3/4 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt Glaze: 2 ounces semisweet chocolate 1 tablespoon unsalted butter

Savory Honey Mustard Poached Pears and Figs Servings: 4 to 6 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes 2 cups Chicken Broth 1 cup dry white wine 1 cup water 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 3 tablespoons honey, divided 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 bay leaves 4 pears (firm variety such as Bosc), peeled, halved and cored 6 ounces dried figs, stems removed 1/2 cup chopped hazelnuts 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese or goat cheese 1. Trace diameter of large saucepan onto parchment paper. Cut out and set aside. 2. Combine broth, white wine, water, mustard, 2 tablespoons honey, lemon juice and bay leaves in large saucepan. Bring to a boil, whisking occasionally. Reduce heat to low and simmer 5 minutes. 3. Add pears, core-side-up, and figs; cover with vented parchment paper so pears stay fully submerged. 4. Simmer 20 minutes until pears are fork-tender. 5. Toast hazelnuts in small, non-stick sauté pan over medium high heat, about 2 min­utes or until fragrant, stirring constantly. Quickly remove nuts from pan onto a separate plate. 6. To serve, remove pears from poaching liquid and place onto individual salad plates. Drizzle with remaining 1 tablespoon honey and sprinkle with nuts and cheese.

“But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2: 4-6

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Barefoot Bubbly Ruby Red Bliss Makes: 2 servings 3 ounces cranberry juice 1/2 ounce lime juice 6 ounces Barefoot Red Moscato Champagne 2 skewer cranberries for garnish

Place chilled juices in flutes. Top with Barefoot Bubbly Red Moscato. Garnish with cranberries. Cheers!

Preheat the oven to 350˚F. In small pot over low heat, melt 1/2 cup of butter and 4 ounces of dark chocolate together until smooth. Add eggs one at a time, and whisk to combine after each addition. Add sugar and vanilla and stir to combine. Add flour, cocoa powder and salt and stir until smooth. Transfer batter into a 9 x 9 aluminum foil lined baking pan and place it into the oven for 25 minutes and bake until done. While brownies are baking, melt together semisweet chocolate and 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter for the glaze. Once melted, set aside. When brownies are done, let them cool. Once cooled, drizzle glaze over brownies, and spread it on top using an offset spatula.

4 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Home Connection

Quick-change Kitchen Decor Ideas Make Redoing a Room Easy Wooden cabinets can be repainted or stained. Outdated trim can be removed. Or, if you love the open-faced look that’s in vogue in many upscale kitchens, simply remove cabinet doors altogether.


Falling out of love is a painful experience ­especially when the love affair that’s ending is between you and the pricey, permanent design changes you made as part of a kitchen renovation. While it’s always easy to repaint if you don’t like a wall color, more significant renovations — like cabinets and countertops, flooring and fixtures — require you to live with them for a long time. With even minor kitchen renovations costing, on average nearly $20,000, you may worry that you’ll fall out of love with the redesign that you spent a lot on. The good news is you don’t need to commit to a complete renovation in order to update your kitchen. Here are some easy, cost-effective do-it-yourself projects that can give the room a whole new look, yet will still be easy to redo later on when the redecorating urge strikes again. Make a splash with a backsplash Backsplashes can be both practical and beautiful, but traditional installation methods have meant committing to the look of a backsplash for the long-term. Now there’s an alternative that makes it easy for do-it-yourselfers (DIY’ers) to create a custom look — and then change it whenever they decide it’s time for some-

Winning windows When it comes to window treatments, most people have two objectives: to create a great look and protect their privacy. The kitchen, however, is one room where privacy is usually less of a concern. That means you can lighten up on window treatments, open your design options and create a light-filled look. If your kitchen windows are currently covered with blinds or heavy curtains, take them down. Next, add decorative hardware and top it with a window treatment that creates an attractive frame for the window without blocking light or the view. Valances and sheers are great for achieving this kind of look.

thing fresh. Affordable, interchangeable backsplash systems are now available. Measuring 22-inches by 14-inches, the system can be installed in less than 30 minutes, using tools most DIY’ers already own. After installation, customize your palette however you choose. Palettes can be swapped out in a matter of seconds. While the systems are designed to fit behind conventional cooktops and ranges, they’re also a great option for virtually any space you might want to change quickly and beautifully. Because of its design, they’re ideal for use as a hiding place for valuables … above a fireplace, in an entranceway or in a bedroom.

Outstanding accessories Updating accessories is one of the

Customize cabinets Replacing cabinetry can be costprohibitive. Plus it’s a tough job to tackle for even seasoned DIYers. Fortunately, there are easier ways to update the look of your cabinets. Switching out dated hardware with something new and eye-catching is a great start.

easiest, most cost-effective ways to change the look of a room. Accessories like new upholstery on chairs in breakfast areas, patterned towels and potholders or even a decorative holder for kitchen utensils make it simple

to redefine decor without the commitment of a major change. Different color appliances make varying design statements. For example, white appliances will impart a country look. Changing the look of your appliances

in front for easy access. Ensure anything expired is thrown out, and donate canned foods you don’t plan to use to a food bank.

✓ Create a plan of action.

Before you begin cleaning, gather everything you’ll need to tackle the kitchen as a whole, from rubber gloves and sponges, to the vacuum and mop. Assign tasks to each family member to help speed up the process. To ensure everything gets squeaky clean, make a checklist.

✓ Dust cabinet interiors.

✓ Use all-purpose cleaners.

Make it easier with a quality, all-purpose cleaning product that can tackle all sorts of kitchen messes while killing germs.

Continued from Page 1

✓ Reorganize and prioritize.

all-purpose cleaner. Cleaning the drop pan weekly will help reduce spilled food odors. After these steps are complete, return the dial control to the original temperature setting.


As you clean the kitchen, reorganize contents of pantries, cabinets, drawers and spice racks so everything is easy to find, with your most-used items


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doesn’t mean you have to replace them. Many appliance makers now offer models with reversible panels. Or, consider painting to match your design choices for a truly customized look.

Five Tips to an Organized, Clean Kitchen

Cleaning drawers, then wipe them down using mild soap and water. Next, use a toothpick and toothbrush to clean corners, hinges and the rubber gasket. Finally, sanitize the drop pan with an antibacterial

Update your kitchen and give it a fresh look by painting the cabinets.

Cougars, Vikings prepare for potent offenses Friday

An autumn salad combining chicken, pears

147th year — Issue 210

3 Section, 32 Pages

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Established 1865

✓ Get your floors gleaming.

Vacuum or sweep floors to get them prepped for mopping. Make sure to dust baseboards and corners where dust and pet hair can get trapped. Pay special attention to the cleaning solution you purchase to clean your floors, as hardwood flooring especially requires specific cleaners.




Publication Date: Sunday, March 24, 2013

Emily Giffin at Arts Centre today

— see page 6A

— page 1B

Remove dry-storage food items and dust out your cabinetry. Make sure you get back into the corners of your cabinets with a duster or vacuum. Wipe down dry food items with a damp cloth and place back in the cabinets.

— see page 8A

Newnan, Georgia

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536

50 cents

Coweta’s Local Daily

Fire guts office complex on Millard Farmer By JOHN A. WINTERS An early Wednesday f ire destroyed the Trey Rhodes off ice bui ldi ng complex located off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard. No injuries were reported, and canine units with the state Fire Marshal’s off ice were out investigating the cause of the blaze Wednesday afternoon. “It’s still under investigation, and right now we just don’t know,” said Newnan Fire Marshal Ricky Ayers. “We brought in a K-9 unit to see if he hits on anything. It’s just part of the puzzle ...

and just helps us in figuring everything out.” T he f i re sta r ted on t he south side of the complex s hor t ly b efore 3 : 3 0 a . m . , according to Newnan Fire D e p a r t m e nt C h ie f D av id Whitley. “The fire was fully involved upon our arrival,” the chief sa id , add i n g 21 f i ref ig hter s , fou r en g i ne s a nd a n aerial truck were involved. Firef ighters had the blaze under control in under 30 minutes. “It started on the far end ... but the f ire wa ll at his (Rhodes’) offices held it in check,” Whitley said.

See FIRE, page 2A

Photo by John A. Winters

Fire investigators survey the damage from an early Wednesday fire that gutted the Trey Rhodes State Farm building complex off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard.

163 foreclosures for Sept. among lowest of year


Your greatest access to Newnan and Coweta County! By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL

Photo courtesy

Weekend Eventing Championships to draw some of world’s top riders Some of the finest riders and horses in the world will be in South Fulton County this weekend for the American Eventing Championships. This is the third and final year that the AEC will be held at Bouckaert Farm at Chattahoochee Hills, which is located on the banks of the Chattahoochee

River. Admission is free, and Cowetans are invited to attend the competition. Competition begins today with dressage. Dressage and cross-country competition will be held Friday. Cross country and show jumping will take place on Saturday, and show jumping will conclude on Sunday. “Make no mistake. This will be a true festival of eventing and fun for the whole

family,” said farm owner Carl Bouckaert, himself a world-class rider who recently competed in the London Olympics for his native Belgium. What makes the AEC unique is that the national championship isn’t just for world-class horses and riders. There will be competitions in categories from beginner/novice all the way to advanced.

See RIDERS, page 2A

It will cost more than $1 million to run sewer lines to new Corinth Road school By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL

You’ll love The Newnan Times-Herald and All the information you need is at your fingertips... no need to go anywhere else!

and the school system will reimburse the authority for the cost. “We have given them a preliminary number of just over a million dollars,” said Jay Boren, authority interim general manager. The project will consist of six to eight miles of “force main” and two lift stations, according to the preliminary engineering study, Boren said. The route hasn’t been determined. “We’re looking at coming up Corinth Road currently,” Boren said, but “it is not set in stone.” The cost isn’t, either. There will be

■ Sept. 2011 - 120 (down from 199 in 2010, or -39 percent). ■ Oct. 2011 - 154 (down from 237 in 2010, or -35 percent). ■ Nov. 2011 - 242 (down from 307 in 2010, or -21 percent). ■ Dec. 2011 - 155 (down from 199 in 2010, or -22 percent). ■ Jan. 2012 - 199 (down from 217 in 2011, or -8.3 percent). ■ Feb. 2012 - 165 (down from 227 in 2011, or -27 percent). ■ March 2012 - 164 (down from 235 in 2011, or -30 percent). ■ April 2012 - 162 (up from 159 in 2011, or 1.8 percent). ■ May 2012 - 214 (up from 183 in 2011, or 16.9 percent). ■ June 2012 - 185 (up from 166 in 2011, or 10 percent). ■ July 2012 - 224 (up from 153 in 2011, or 46 percent). ■ Aug. 2012 - 160 (down from 211 in 2011, or 32 percent). ■ Sept. 2012 - 163 (up from 120 in 2011, or 35 percent).


The Olympic sport of eventing is an equestrian triathlon that is a test of skill, strength, partnership, and just plain guts — definitely not your average horse show. Here, a competitor takes a jump during one phase of the contest.


Monthly foreclosure totals for Coweta over the last year are:

There are 163 foreclosurerelated advertisements listed in today’s legal advertising section of The Newnan Times-Herald. That’s up slightly from last month, when there were 160 — the lowest of the year. July’s 224 notices were the highest of the year. This month’s foreclosures are almost exclusively singlefamily residential properties. However, one that isn’t residential is a 43.25-acre tract along Hwy. 16 East owned by PTV LLC. The property was formerly the Autumn’s Gate mobile home park. Acc ord i n g to t h e le g a l advertisement, the sale under power is to secure debt under a promissory note that was originally executed on June 27, 2006, for $3.5 million. The promissory note was modified several times, with the most recent modification on March 24, 2010. The last principal amount listed was $2,115,536, listed from a modification on Aug. 5, 2009. PTV originally bought the property in June 2005. Georgia’s foreclosure rates remain among the highest in the country. According to Realty Trac, Georgia is one

a clause in the memorandum of understanding about possible unforeseen extra costs. “As long as it is justifiable… we won’t be liable for that,” Boren said. “Of course we’re going to monitor this project like every one of them, and hold costs as low as we can,” he said. The sewer line will connect to the under-construction extension along Highway 16, which will send wastewater to the authority’s Shenandoah

See LIST, page 2A

Public hearing tonight at 6 on county budget

By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL A public hearing on Coweta County’s fiscal year 2013 budget is on the agenda for tonight’s meeting of the Coweta County Board of Commissioners. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the county commission chambers on Perry Street. The meeting, which is normally held on the first Tuesday of the month, was moved to today because of Labor Day. Coweta County is on an October to September fiscal year. The commissioners are set to approve the budget at

the Sept. 18 meeting. Other items on the agenda include: ■ A request by Stalwart Films to close a portion of Coweta-Heard Road for filming of AMC hit cable TV show “The Walking Dead.” ■ A decision on the request of The Heritage School for a variance of the planting requirements around a newlyconstructed detention pond. The detention pond was built as part of an expansion of the school. The pond is completely surrounded by forest, according to the planning department.

Features Include:

The board of the Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority gave tentative approval Wednesday to a memorandum of understanding with the Coweta County Board of Education for the construction of a sewer line to serve a proposed middle school on Corinth Road. The water and sewerage authority will be responsible for design and installation of the sewer line and lift stations,

See WASA, page 2A

See HEARING, page 2A

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COweta COuNty is a special place to call home. For nearly two decades our county has been among Georgia’s fastest growing communities. This population growth has brought great change, great challenges and great opportunities. Our annual progress edition –Vision 2013, A Special Report on our Community – will offer readers an insight on how this growth and change has impacted local government and our schools. We will look at the status of business and industry in the community and take a look at Coweta’s quality of life and what Cowetans would like to see down the road. Vision 2013 is one of our largest and best-read special publications of the year. It’s a great vehicle for our advertisers to get their message into the hands of our readers, and for all our readers it’s our annual update on the progress that makes Coweta County such a special place that more than 123,000 people now call home. Added Value: This section will also be published online for an entire year at with over 1.4 million page views per month!

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Advertising Deadline: Friday, March 8, 2013 For more information call 770-683-1707 16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA 30263 •

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 | MyConnection 5

Health Connection

How to Reduce Your Risk for

Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer's disease affects millions of people across the globe. In the United States alone, the Alzheimer's Association estimates one in eight older men and women has the disease, which is the sixth-leading cause of death in the country. Few families have not been affected by Alzheimer's disease, and many relatives of those with the disease fully understand the role family history can play. Research into the disease is ongoing, and it's already yielded valuable information that may help reduce the prevalence of this devastating disease in the years to come. One byproduct of researchers' efforts is the discovery that it may be possible to prevent or delay the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease through the implementation of a combination of healthy lifestyle choices. The following are a few healthy habits that may help men and women reduce their risk for Alzheimer's.

Researchers examined roughly 700 70-year-old participants, all of whom were born in 1936, who were asked to report their levels of physical activity. Each participant then received an MRI at age 73. Those tests revealed that the participants who were more physically active showed less brain shrinkage and fewer white matter lesions, both of which are indicators of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, the Alzheimer's Research & Prevention Foundation reports that physical exercise reduces a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's by 50 percent and can even slow further deterioration in those who have already begun to develop the cognitive problems associated with Alzheimer's. Researchers continue to study the relationship between physical activity and the development of Alzheimer's diseases, but the evidence is mounting that regular exercise, regardless of a person's age, is a great way to reduce risk for Alzheimer's.

Exercise regularly. A study conducted by Scottish researchers and published in the journal Neurology in 2012 touted exercise as the most effective way for adults to protect their brains from Alzheimer's disease.

Eat healthy. What you put into your body may also reduce your risk for Alzheimer's disease. The brain operates at its best when it is fueled with a healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables, healthy


fats and lean protein. A hearthealthy diet is also brain-healthy, and researchers have found a potential link between heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. Researcher Larry Sparks of the Sun Health Research Institute and formerly of the Kentucky medical examiner's office studied brain tissues with a goal of finding early signs of Alzheimer's disease. He discovered that those who had the telltale plaques of Alzheimer's disease also had heart disease, suggesting heart disease may be a forerunner of brain diseases like Alzheimer's. The Alzheimer's Association feels this link between the two will only grow stronger in the years to come, suggesting that a heart-healthy diet that reduces a person's risk of heart disease may also reduce the risk forAlzheimer's down the road. More information on a heart-healthy diet is available at Stimulate yourself mentally. Mental stimulation can help the brain stay sharp, and men and women who find ways to stay mentally stimulated can

It might be hard to believe, but something as simple as staying socially active can reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer's. Embrace activities that require communication and interaction with others, and find time for additional tasks that can stimulate your brain. These may include studying a foreign language, reading, trying your hand at mentally stimulating puzzles such as crosswords or Sudoku, and other activities that emphasize organization. Such activities are essentially workouts for your

brain that can help it stay sharp as you age. Remain socially active. Staying socially active into older adulthood is important for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that research has indicated the brain functions better when men and women are not isolated from others. Memory and cognition are stronger when people remain socially active and



GREATEST Smart Tips for G ENERATION Your Tax Refund StatePoint

Like any sudden in-flow of cash, your tax refund presents an opportunity to spend your money wisely or foolishly. And while it would be easy to blow the cash on fleeting fun, like a shopping spree or a slew of the latest gadgets, experts say the money would be best used to pay down debt and invest in saving plans that can help you grow your nest egg. Eliminate Debt Interest can build quickly, so consider using your tax refund to pay off a portion of your outstanding debt. Whether it be credit card debt, student loans, or a mortgage, opt to pay off the obligation with the highest interest first. Or, eliminate an entire smaller debt in full if possible. Doing so will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going. You can use financial calculators online to help you calculate where your refund would be most beneficial. Budget Budget and plan how you will use

your refund. Once you know the amount you’re due to receive, spend time planning how you wish to allocate the money. Remember to budget in a little fun. Treating yourself to a small reward that you can afford responsibly may help you stay on track with your more serious priorities. Invest Consider investment options that can help you grow your wealth. A no-fee, self-directed IRA that provides predictable returns with tax advantages is a decent choice for long-term savings. Experts say that with the right investment tools, you can expect to grow your wealth substantially over time. “The key to doubling and redoubling your money is avoiding mistakes and investing smarter,” says financial advisor Brendan Ross. Just because your tax refund arrives in a big lump sum, doesn’t mean it’s any different than your regular income. Use the money responsibly to meet goals that matter to your future.

Tax Preparer

engaged in their society, so retirees should look for ways to revive their social lives as a means to protecting their brains from the onset of Alzheimer's or dementia. Alzheimer's disease remains an enigma in many ways. But ongoing research continues to show that men and women can take measures to actively prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease and improve their quality of life as a result.

Limited edition collector’s book can be passed down and shared from generation to generation.

The Newnan Times-Herald spent over a year highlighting the stories of surviving local World World II veterans in a project called “Our Greatest Generation.” Since the series ended, we have had countless requests to reproduce this collection of stories so they may be preserved for future generations and enjoyed time and again in their entirety. We are pleased to announce the entire series has been published in a limited edition hardcover book with 288 pages that tell the stories and feature photographs of these proud men and women.

Continued from Page 1

Pick up your limited edition today at

receipts for all breast cancer or marathon sponsorships, Salvation Army donations, holiday charities and any others.

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5. 1098 forms. Homeowners shouldn't miss out on a mortgage interest deduction, especially if it makes the difference between owing money or getting a refund. Other items of note on this form are student loan interest and charitable contributions.

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Harold Barron Wendell Whitlock James McCalla Paul McKnight Hugo Parkman Charles Turner Everett Graves Albert “Lee” Herrington Bob Eatman Joe Lowe Joe Todd Robert Pittman Udolphus Daulton Payne Bob Haynie Harold Barber Gene Cook Art Carlson James Maddux Helen Denton Edwin Bean Bill Barrow Donald Van Houten James Warren Ford Boling Bill Lowry Alton Kirby Arthur Dye David Mealor Ferrell Parrott Walter Ferrari Roy Pitts Norman Estes Raymond Cook Clifford Wright Tom Glanton Tom Camp John Keeble Bobby Hammond Edwin Fey J. W. Hartley Adrian Daane William Morris Helen H. Tillett Paul Deverick Winston Clark Robert Alexander J. T. Joiner Clarence Boynton Frank Moynahan Marvin O’Neal James Goodrum Alton Reeves James Mansour Robert E. “Bob” Lee Coleman Yarbrough Tommy Thompson Homer Youngblood Patrick Ciandella ‘Flying the Hump’ Sarah Rone D. M. “Hump” Humphries E. R. Forsyth Ed Wyrick Tom Miller

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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Parent Connection

Keeping Kids and Teens Tobacco-Free More than 80 percent of smokers begin before the age of 18 Family Features

The teen years bring plenty of changes for students, as well as new worries for parents. Smoking is at the top of that list for many parents. Every day in the U.S., approximately 3,600 children between the ages of 12 and 17 start smoking cigarettes, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). That number has plenty of parents looking for ways to help keep their children from starting, too. There are a number of influences that get young people to start smoking, including: ■ Having friends, peers or parents who use tobacco. ■ Linking smoking with a positive social image and bonding with a peer group. ■ Seeing tobacco use as a transition to adulthood. ■ Underestimating the health consequences of tobacco use. ■ Not understanding that the nicotine in tobacco is addictive. ■ Low self-esteem. ■ Lacking skills to resist influences. What keeps kids and teens from smoking? One of the biggest influencers is having strong parental support. Having conversations about the issue really does have an impact on teens’ decisions about tobacco use. Here are some tips for talking to your teen: Keep the lines of communication open. Talk on a regular basis. The more you talk about a wide range of issues with your child, the easier it is to talk about specific topics such as tobacco. In general conversation, emphasize all the things your child does well rather than things they don’t do well. And demonstrate respect for your child’s opinions. Show

you’re listening and ask followup questions. Talk, don’t lecture. Discussions will be received far better than a monologue from you. Here are some conversation starters: ■ “I understand you’ve been talking in school about peer pressure and the health consequences of tobacco use. Tell me about some of the things you’ve learned.” ■ If you see smoking portrayed in the media, say “I wonder why the director had that guy light up a cigarette in the last scene. What do you think?” ■ If you and your child see a young person smoking, use it as an opening by saying something like, “How much tobacco use are you seeing in your school? I wonder if it’s the same as when I was your age.” Talk about health consequences. They need to know what can happen to them. ■ Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Ac-

“Addiction can occur after smoking as few as 100 cigarettes.” – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

cording to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the most dangerous chemicals in cigarette smoke, besides nicotine, are tar and carbon monoxide. NIDA also states that tar causes lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchial dis-

eases, and that carbon monoxide causes heart problems. ■ According to NIDA, health risks can be immediate, affecting breathing, for example. And addiction can occur after smoking as few as 100 cigarettes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Another influencer for adolescents is having a school program that teaches them to identify the social influences of tobacco use, and that teaches them refusal skills. That’s why many middle schools use the free supplemental teaching materials known as Right Decisions Right Now (RDRN), a program sponsored by R. J. Reynolds. RDRN helps educate students about the risk of using tobacco products, helps them build good decisionmaking skills, and gives them ways to handle peer pressure. The program is available in an

easy-to-use, digital format, which lets educators, community youth groups, and anyone concerned (including thousands of unpublished photos!)


North Coweta: Woman who died in Monday morning fire identified


Woman severely beaten with baseball bat; boyfriend arrested


IRS will not process tax returns until Jan. 30


One-vehicle wreck at Hwy. 154 and Hwy. 29


Public asked to help find suspect in theft and assault case


Beating victim’s ‘face smashed on both sides’


Newnan home destroyed by blaze Friday evening


State Representative Special Election: Stover, Crymes set for runoff


Coweta authorities seek suspects in credit card fraud


Talks taking place to speed up Poplar Road interchange

Your online source for News, Information and Advertising in Coweta County.

For Local News Choose the subscription that’s right for you. Print and Digital Editions Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Crane talks issues — see page 8A

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536

Newnan, Georgia

Established 1865

147th year — Issue 124

5 Sections, 58 Pages

$1.25 Sunday edition

Coweta’s Local Daily


New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone the and hospital cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.

Blessing event held at facility



Digital Edition Only

Town Hall


Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A


Wrestling Meet at East Coweta HS

and find more parent resources, at www.rightdecisionsrightnow. com.

Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online from February 1 – 7

Photo Gallery Find photos of local events, sports, celebrations, plus much more at

about reducing youth tobacco use utilize the free materials. Learn more about the program,



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations


By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

4:07 PM

Page 1

Madras Black History Program

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013 | MyConnection 7 Drivers Trucking



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DISH Network

Starting at $19.99 per month (for 12 months) and high-speed internet starting at $14.95 per month (where available). Save! Ask about same day installation. Call now!


Condo Auction

Overlooking Destin Fla. harbor, luxurious 2,420+/- sq.ft., furnished unit in East Pass Towers with guaranteed owner financing. March 1, 1 pm. See website for detail, terms, virtual tour.


New High Speed

Internet Service

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Live Firearm Auction

Sat., Feb. 16, 10 a.m. Over 250 guns, hard to find firearms including: AR-15s, Glocks, Shotguns, High Capacity Handguns, High Capacity Magazines Ammo & More. L.W. Benton Auction & Realty Company GAL No. 3215 Can't be at the auction? Live online & pre-bidding available!


Special Notices




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Special Notice

If you used the Mirena I U D b e t w e e n 2 0 0 1present and suffered perforation on embedment in the uterus requiring surgical removal, or had a child born with birth defects, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members.


Find It! Sell It! Buy It! 770-253-1576


TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.

Computer-IT / Web Design


SMC³ is now hiring for the following positions: • QA Testing Analyst • Application Java Developer • Database Administrator (DBA) Please visit to apply:

Drivers Trucking



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Chimney Services

Service Directory


Solid oak entertainment center, can send photos. $175 OBO.


Customer Service Ogden Forklifts needs a Dispatcher for its Service Department. Must have good computer, organizational, and communication skills. Must have geographical knowledge of the Atlanta Area. Compensation up to $20.00 per hour DOE. E-mail resume to:

Chest Freezer

7.5 cu.ft., excellent condition, $100. Leave message with name and number.

Entertainment Center

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Order Entry / Distribution Position


Drivers / flatbed, Class A, pay 37 cpm, both ways, full benefits, requires one year OTR flatbed experience. Sunbelt Transport Jacksonville, Fla.

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Company Drivers

SMC³ is now hiring for an

Schools/ Instruction

Sewing Machine

Singer sewing machine in desk-type cabinet. $75


Table & Chairs

Marble-top table and chairs, gold, 36-in. diameter, very nice. $100


Tignanello Bag

Green, never used, paid $89, will sell for $30.



Set of 2 radial tires, size 205/50R16, very little wear, $50.


Place your ad anytime. Visit:

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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Land & Lots For Sale


Homes For Rent-Unfurn.


Rent-to-Own Powers Crossroad 256 Fir Rd., 3 BR, 2 BA on 1.5 acres, CH/A $850 Hogansville 204 Dickinson, mill house, 5 BR, 1.5 BA, $600 706-302-6713

Mobile Homes For Rent

28 Wooded Acres


For Rent

In Meriwether County, near State Rd. 85. $49,900. $2,500 down, 6% financing. $477 / month including property taxes.

3 Bedroom homes $500 / month. Also have a few fixeruppers selling cheap!



Mobile Homes For Rent

Meriwether County

Mobile Homes

Starting at $100 per week. Newnan & Luthersville. Safe areas. Low deposit required 770-927-9276

COLUMBIA WOODS TOWNHOMES 166 Greison Trail, Newnan 770-253-4880

2 Bedroom $691 3 Bedroom $779


moves you in



Foreclosure 2 acres, $8,900 4.5 acres, $12,000. Minutes south of Greenville. Call Owner:

Sudoku Solution


(with approved credit)

We have handicapped accessible units available




2013 Directory


newnan tax & accounting 770-253-5991

TO OUR READERS All real estate Homes Foradvertising in this newspaper is subject to the Rent-Unfurn. Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial On Central status3or acres. national origin, or an Heat in intention, and to make Air, any such Northgate schoolor dispreference, limitation discrimination.” status trict. $795 Familial / month. includes children under the 770-253-6589 age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not Please knowingly accept visit: any ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readNewnan ers are hereby informed that 2 dwellings Homes:advertised 3 - 4 BRs, all in this $700 $925 on an newspaper are -available Grantville equal opportunity basis. 3 Homes: 2 -discrimina3 BRs, To complain of tion call HUD toll-free $500 - $535at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The Hogansville toll 2free telephone2number Homes: BRs,for the hearing $450 impaired is 1-800927-9275.

44 Greenville St. • Newnan, GA


introductory offer

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770-583-8864 or 770-301-8786

Call 770-253-1576 to place your Tax Prep ad.

J. Veitch Construction, Inc.

pool decks

floors sag or shake??




Lawn & Landscaping


Home Improvement

sidewalks • driveways

Home Improvement



slabs • patios

Home Improvement

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Small, collapsible treadmill. $50

Looking for experienced technicians for installation of Dish Network systems. Must have White Work vehicle and tools.


Bargain Buys $200-or-less


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Professional class A drivers, OTR tractor trailer. Good pay, great home time, health insurance, 401K, paid vacation, bonus package and top equipment all in a small company atmosphere but backed up with large company benefits! Call Erin:

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To advertise in The Newnan Times-Herald Service Directory, please call 770-253-1576.

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12:02 PM

8 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 13, 2013









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