MyConnection for Wednesday, February 20, 2013

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 February 20, 2013

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andwiches are a delicious, easy and affordable way to enjoy a healthy meal any time of day. From satisfying meat-and-cheese combos, to sandwiches piled high with savory vegetables, to the many “PB and” combinations, the possibilities for outstanding sandwich­es are limitless. But all the deliciousness starts with one key, wholesome ingredient — bread. The complex carbohydrates in bread provide lasting Bryan Voltaggio, chef energy that busy adults and youngsters need on a daily basis. A big key to maximizing your energy and health is taking a look at how you fill your plate in a balanced way. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA MyPlate program recommend eating six oneounce servings of grain foods each day, half of which should come from whole grain sources. To help you and your family get your “daily fix of six,” The Grain Foods Foundation has partnered with celebrity chef and sandwich aficionado Bryan Voltaggio to create sensational sandwiches. Recipes listed on page 6. Visit for additional sandwich ideas.

The Pastrami Reuben Makes 6 sandwiches 12 slices rye bread 24 ounces sliced beef pastrami 12 slices Muenster cheese, thin 1 1/2 cups sauerkraut, prepared and drained 1/2 cup Thousand Island dressing 2 ounces butter, at room temperature Lay out two slices of rye bread on a cutting board. Top first piece of bread with one slice of Muenster cheese, then about 2 ounces of sauerkraut, 4 ounces (or roughly three to four thin slices) of pastrami, and a second slice of Muenster cheese. Set aside.

Spread second piece of bread with Thous­and Island dressing, then place on top of the other half of the sandwich. Brush top and bottom of sandwich with butter. If you own an electric sandwich maker or Panini press, place sandwich inside for 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 minutes. If you don’t have a sand­wich press, simply place sandwich in a sauté pan on top of your stove, set at medi­um heat. Cook for 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 minutes on each side. Remove sandwich and while still hot; cut in half and serve.

The Pastrami Reuben

3 Important

Interview Skills You Must Learn

By Mike Palumbo

Your experience and track record is very important to companies, but there are three very important interview skills you must master to be successful in any interview. These three skills will bring you more success in your interviews than anything else.

Clean up your computer, too METRO GRAPHICS


ersonal computers, smartphones and tablets have become a significant part of many people's lives. As individuals continue to rely more heavily on technology, they must place a greater emphasis on clearing their computers and other devices of clutter. Chances are your computer has accumulated a good deal of "stuff" in its memory. A cluttered computer can make accessing information frustrating. Furthermore, being bogged down with information can cause slower-than-normal

operating speeds. It is a smart idea to periodically go through the files on a computer, sort them accordingly and delete items that are just gathering dust. When establishing a filing system for the computer, you can sort files by date or subject matter. You also can organize it just as you would a regular filing cabinet. Some operating systems come pre-established with their own ways of saving data into respective folders. You may use their organizational system or create your own personalized system.

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Steps to getting organized 1. To begin, first assess what you have and the importance of this information. Items that are accessed frequently are of top priority. Initially, you may want to create three folders on your desktop labeled: "Toss," "Keep" and "Unsure." As you open files or view their

SEe computer cLEAN UP PAGE 3

Showing your knowledge of the company This cannot be stressed enough. Sometimes interviewers will ask, “So, what do you know about us?” When you get this question in an interview you need to be prepared. With all of the technology available today you should be able to learn everything there is to know about the company before your interview. How they do things, where they do things, why they do things, and what they plan on doing in the future. Research everything you can about the company. Your knowledge of their company will set you apart from the other candidates. It shows interest on your part. It shows you’re not just “going through the motions” to show that it’s important to you. This skill alone will put you head and shoulders above the other candidates. Don’t underestimate how the interviewer will perceive your knowledge of their company. It’s very important. Establishing commonality with the interviewer Companies don’t hire, people do — and people hire people they like! Think dating. Interviewing is like dating in a lot of ways. Your knowledge of the company will play a big role in establishing commonality with the interviewer. When researching the company, look for things the company has in common with you. It could be the college you attended, charitable groups you belong to, and even a certain type of sport, music, or art. Some companies have tennis teams, hockey teams, basketball teams, and flag football teams, and some of them sponsor museums, symphonies, and the arts. You’re looking


Every Day: Fried & Baked Chicken, Fresh Baked Dinner Rolls, Cornbread, Mashed Potatoes, Fried Green Tomatoes, Fresh Vegetables, Salads, Desserts Monday: Beef Tips & Rice, Meatballs, Salisbury Steak, Broccoli Casserole Tuesday: Country Fried Steak, Fried Chicken Livers, Salmon Croquettes Wednesday: Salisbury Steak, Fried Pork Chops, Chicken with Dressing Thursday: Meatloaf, Fried Chicken Livers, Country Fried Steak Friday: Fried Fish, Hush Puppies, French Fries, Casserole of the Day Saturday: BBQ Ribs, Hot Wings, Country Fried Steak, Chicken Alfredo Sunday: Chicken with Dressing, Ham, Meatloaf, Country Fried Steak

2 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Central Education Center Robotics Team

The Newnan Carnegie February 21 2:30 p.m. The Robotics Team returns to share more of their adventures with robots. Info: 770-683-1347

The Vienna Boys Choir

The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts February 25 7:00 p.m. Haydnchor, one-fourth of the 100-member choir, will delight with their renditions of everything from medieval to contemporary and experimental music. Please note: All tickets have been distributed. There will be a line for non-ticket holders at the event to fill any open seats. Info: 770-254-2787


Historic Passenger Depot February 23 1:30 p.m. The family of Coweta genealogist Frances Banks Storey has donated her files to the Coweta County Genealogical Society. The society will hold a dedication ceremony at the CCGS research library in the historic passenger depot. A reception will follow. Info: 770-251-1016/ 770-253-9530


Senoia Library February 23 3:00-4:00 p.m. Chess class taught by a national chess master. Please call or drop by to register. Info: 770-599-3537

1. Ruler sides, e.g. 6. Toward the stern 9. Hit the bottle 13. "La traviata" composer 14. Tokyo, formerly 15. *First President to resign 16. One of three hipbones 17. Bruin legend Bobby 18. Some tournaments 19. *First to be assassinated 21. Protests 23. Corn spot 24. Mischievous Scandinavian god 25. Actress ___ Gasteyer 28. Famous Christmas guests 30. As much as necessary 35. Follows ding? 37. Sold in bars 39. "Tonight's _____ be a good night..." 40. Allege 41. *Andrew Johnson's tribulation, e.g. 43. Clever tactic 44. Bouncing off the walls 46. Sports award 47. Equal 48. Scraps 50. Brewer's kiln 52. Word for a nod 53. Second word of many fairytales 55. Poison ___ 57. *First to have been divorced 60. *First Rhodes Scholar 64. Model-building wood 65. Boiling blood 67. Nobody 68. Open up 69. Belonging to us 70. Capital of Tunisia 71. Big first for a baby 72. Meaning literally "born" 73. Cancel, as in correction, pl.


One expert says a good owner makes all the difference.

1. *Reagan's description of Soviet Union 2. Hero place 3. Smiley face


36. "True ____," starring John Wayne 38. Pop 42. Disinfectant brand 45. Courtney Cox's character 49. Hot springs resort 51. Contaminates or corrupts 54. Tear jerker 56. Type of whip 57. Deliver a tirade 58. Dresden's river 59. Hurry up! 60. Wrap in waxy cloth 61. Voice quality 62. "Get __ __!" 63. "The Untouchables" leader 64. *Presidents Obama and Bush both campaigned from one 66. Street in Paris

4. Something concluded 5. Arabian sand-laden wind 6. Quite a stretch 7. *First to appear on black-and-white TV 8. Body center 9. Cone-shaped quarters 10. Farm team 11. French-American soprano Lily ____ 12. Ensign, for short 15. Paying close attention 20. Minimum 22. *First to appear on color TV 24. CIA connection, e.g. 25. *First to live in White House 26. Star bursts 27. Beside, archaic 29. *Clinton's number two 31. "My bad!" 32. Untwist a rope 33. Garden creature 34. *Rutherford _____


Did You

Can Bad Dogs Become


Solution on Page 6 © StatePoint Media

Man's best friend may help to save your life. Researchers from Schillerhoehe Hospital in Germany have determined that dogs have the ability to sniff the breaths of individuals and accurately point out smells that may be indicative of lung cancer. Dogs that participated in a research project were able to find the unique smell of the disease in 7 out of 10 sufferers. They were also able to differentiate between COPD and lung cancer, even among people who smoked or took prescription drugs that may have masked the cancer-specific chemical compounds the dogs can smell. There also may be proof that dogs can recognize other types of cancer through smell. However, more research is needed to test that for accuracy.


February 21-24


60º 44º


58º 36º


67º 42º


69º 40º


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this. I can sound angry but if I am smiling my dogs know I’m not really cross. 
They can read your face and hand gestures but your voice is the most important, as is the use of different tones to call and command.”

 Mike says it was the late and highly-respected trainer Roy Hunter who taught him the importance of the voice in dog training. Out walking his Doberman Barbie with Roy, Mike admits to yelling at the top of his voice when his pet refused to come back when he called. He recalls, “Roy turned to me and said, ‘I didn’t know Barbie was deaf.’ He told me to keep my hands in my pocket and use a very quiet tone to call her back. Of course it worked and she complied. When I had yelled at her she didn’t know what she had done wrong. 

 “What we’ve got to remember is that a dog can hear you at 400 yards without having to raise your voice. Their hearing is excellent. The more you shout at them the less they’ll come back. When a dog’s close to you, you just need to whisper to them and you’ll see their ears prick up and their heads go to one side because they’re paying attention. It’s much easier to get them to comply if you whisper.”

 Mike is too well aware of the poor image some breeds have, but having worked with hundreds of large-breed dogs over the years believes the solution is simply better training for dog owners. He advocates training for all owners. 
 Mike adds, “It’s very unfair to blame the dog – it’s always the people who own the dog. If there was a law that owners had to be licensed and trained, most of the people who want these pit bull types wouldn’t bother to put the work in and society would be a safer place. All those people want is a weapon, and it’s the poor dog that suffers.”

Hardly a month goes by without a news report about a person being bitten by a dog in an apparently unprovoked attack. Sometimes it’s a family pet who has “turned” for some unknown reason and often it’s the larger breeds – Dobermans, German Shepherds and Bull Terriers – resulting in some being demonized in the public mind. But are these dogs really to blame and can a bad dog ever become good? Dog behaviorist Mike Mullan has more than 50 years working with the animals, and is adamant that there’s no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners. He says, “The only exception to that rule is dogs that are taught to fight  –  you’re never going to cure that. But dog behavior problems can be corrected with kind, positive training, nothing harsh or negative as this only makes the dog think it has done something wrong. 
“People don’t put the work into dogs – they make mistakes like letting the puppy get on the sofa and the next thing it’s fully grown and covering the sofa in mud and hair. The dog is what you teach it. Too many people expect dogs to be trained and they think they come like that! But if you don’t put the effort in you’re not going to get the results.”

 Mike, who is also vice president of a Doberman Club, says he teaches his dogs to respect him, and he respects them. He has had enormous success with thousands of dogs over the years and believes this is down to a kind but disciplined approach without the need to recourse to physical force. 

 “There is never a reason to hit a dog - you don’t need to use brute force. Mainly you use your tone of voice, the quietness, and at the same time use your hands. Also, your facial expression is important as dogs are very good at reading


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An autumn salad combining chicken, pears

147th year — Issue 210

3 Section, 32 Pages

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Established 1865

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Newnan, Georgia

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536

50 cents

Coweta’s Local Daily

Fire guts office complex on Millard Farmer By JOHN A. WINTERS An early Wednesday f ire destroyed the Trey Rhodes off ice bui ldi ng complex located off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard. No injuries were reported, and canine units with the state Fire Marshal’s off ice were out investigating the cause of the blaze Wednesday afternoon. “It’s still under investigation, and right now we just don’t know,” said Newnan Fire Marshal Ricky Ayers. “We brought in a K-9 unit to see if he hits on anything. It’s just part of the puzzle ...

and just helps us in figuring everything out.” T he f i re sta r ted on t he south side of the complex s hor t ly b efore 3 : 3 0 a . m . , according to Newnan Fire D e p a r t m e nt C h ie f D av id Whitley. “The fire was fully involved upon our arrival,” the chief sa id , add i n g 21 f i ref i g hter s , fou r en g i ne s a nd a n aerial truck were involved. Firef ighters had the blaze under control in under 30 minutes. “It started on the far end ... but the f ire wa ll at his (Rhodes’) off ices held it in check,” Whitley said.

See FIRE, page 2A

Photo by John A. Winters

Fire investigators survey the damage from an early Wednesday fire that gutted the Trey Rhodes State Farm building complex off Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard.

163 foreclosures for Sept. among lowest of year


Your greatest access to Newnan and Coweta County! By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL

Photo courtesy

Weekend Eventing Championships to draw some of world’s top riders Some of the finest riders and horses in the world will be in South Fulton County this weekend for the American Eventing Championships. This is the third and final year that the AEC will be held at Bouckaert Farm at Chattahoochee Hills, which is located on the banks of the Chattahoochee

East Coweta HS Signings

River. Admission is free, and Cowetans are invited to attend the competition. Competition begins today with dressage. Dressage and cross-country competition will be held Friday. Cross country and show jumping will take place on Saturday, and show jumping will conclude on Sunday. “Make no mistake. This will be a true festival of eventing and fun for the whole

family,” said farm owner Carl Bouckaert, himself a world-class rider who recently competed in the London Olympics for his native Belgium. What makes the AEC unique is that the national championship isn’t just for world-class horses and riders. There will be competitions in categories from beginner/novice all the way to advanced.

See RIDERS, page 2A

It will cost more than $1 million to run sewer lines to new Corinth Road school

Northgate HS Signings


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and the school system will reimburse the authority for the cost. “We have given them a preliminary number of just over a million dollars,” said Jay Boren, authority interim general manager. The project will consist of six to eight miles of “force main” and two lift stations, according to the preliminary engineering study, Boren said. The route hasn’t been determined. “We’re looking at coming up Corinth Road currently,” Boren said, but “it is not set in stone.” The cost isn’t, either. There will be

■ Sept. 2011 - 120 (down from 199 in 2010, or -39 percent). ■ Oct. 2011 - 154 (down from 237 in 2010, or -35 percent). ■ Nov. 2011 - 242 (down from 307 in 2010, or -21 percent). ■ Dec. 2011 - 155 (down from 199 in 2010, or -22 percent). ■ Jan. 2012 - 199 (down from 217 in 2011, or -8.3 percent). ■ Feb. 2012 - 165 (down from 227 in 2011, or -27 percent). ■ March 2012 - 164 (down from 235 in 2011, or -30 percent). ■ April 2012 - 162 (up from 159 in 2011, or 1.8 percent). ■ May 2012 - 214 (up from 183 in 2011, or 16.9 percent). ■ June 2012 - 185 (up from 166 in 2011, or 10 percent). ■ July 2012 - 224 (up from 153 in 2011, or 46 percent). ■ Aug. 2012 - 160 (down from 211 in 2011, or 32 percent). ■ Sept. 2012 - 163 (up from 120 in 2011, or 35 percent).


The Olympic sport of eventing is an equestrian triathlon that is a test of skill, strength, partnership, and just plain guts — definitely not your average horse show. Here, a competitor takes a jump during one phase of the contest.


Monthly foreclosure totals for Coweta over the last year are:

There are 163 foreclosurerelated advertisements listed in today’s legal advertising section of The Newnan Times-Herald. That’s up slightly from last month, when there were 160 — the lowest of the year. July’s 224 notices were the highest of the year. This month’s foreclosures are almost exclusively singlefamily residential properties. However, one that isn’t residential is a 43.25-acre tract along Hwy. 16 East owned by PTV LLC. The property was formerly the Autumn’s Gate mobile home park. A c c ord i n g to t h e le g a l advertisement, the sale under power is to secure debt under a promissory note that was originally executed on June 27, 2006, for $3.5 million. The promissory note was modified several times, with the most recent modification on March 24, 2010. The last principal amount listed was $2,115,536, listed from a modification on Aug. 5, 2009. PTV originally bought the property in June 2005. Georgia’s foreclosure rates remain among the highest in the country. According to Realty Trac, Georgia is one

a clause in the memorandum of understanding about possible unforeseen extra costs. “As long as it is justifiable… we won’t be liable for that,” Boren said. “Of course we’re going to monitor this project like every one of them, and hold costs as low as we can,” he said. The sewer line will connect to the under-construction extension along Highway 16, which will send wastewater to the authority’s Shenandoah

See LIST, page 2A

Public hearing tonight at 6 on county budget

By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL A public hearing on Coweta County’s fiscal year 2013 budget is on the agenda for tonight’s meeting of the Coweta County Board of Commissioners. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the county commission chambers on Perry Street. The meeting, which is normally held on the first Tuesday of the month, was moved to today because of Labor Day. Coweta County is on an October to September fiscal year. The commissioners are set to approve the budget at

the Sept. 18 meeting. Other items on the agenda include: ■ A request by Stalwart Films to close a portion of Coweta-Heard Road for filming of AMC hit cable TV show “The Walking Dead.” ■ A decision on the request of The Heritage School for a variance of the planting requirements around a newlyconstructed detention pond. The detention pond was built as part of an expansion of the school. The pond is completely surrounded by forest, according to the planning department.

Features Include:

The board of the Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority gave tentative approval Wednesday to a memorandum of understanding with the Coweta County Board of Education for the construction of a sewer line to serve a proposed middle school on Corinth Road. The water and sewerage authority will be responsible for design and installation of the sewer line and lift stations,

See WASA, page 2A

See HEARING, page 2A

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Today’s weather Partly cloudy, high of 90


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Computer Clean Up

Our services include:

Continued from Page 1 time stamps, move them into one of your newly established folders. Breaking down the information into more manageable digital piles will help make the process less intimidating. 2. Narrow down even further by giving your “Toss” folder a glance and ensuring that nothing made it in there by mistake. Then move the files into your trash folder and delete these files permanently. 3. Look through your "Unsure" folder and focus on any files that have given you pause. Decide why you are concerned about getting rid of them. If there are certain files that you are unsure if you will need to acess at a later date, be cautious and save them to an "Archive" folder and date it. Save these files to an external hard drive so they are not taking up space on your computer but can be retrieved at a later time. 4. Move on to your "Keep" folder and then begin the process of categorizing the items within. Photos and videos are easy to set aside in their own folders. Look at the other files and find the common threads between them. This will help establish an organizational system. Perhaps you have images saved that are interior design and renovation ideas for your home. Put them together in a folder keyworded with "Design Ideas." If you have resumes or professional correspondence, coordinate these files together. Perhaps you spend some time

Interview for an edge. The interviewer will like you because they feel that they have something in common with you. Keeping a positive attitude throughout the interview Companies are looking for spark plugs, not dead batteries! This might seem obvious to you, but you would be surprised how many people are negative about everything throughout the entire interview and don’t even realize they are doing it. Companies don’t want negative candidates on their staff — they have enough of them already — they are looking for positive and enthusiastic people that can come into their organization and make a difference. Many times candidates who weren’t as qualified as the other candidates get the job offer ONLY BECAUSE OF THEIR POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Being enthusiastic and positive is infectious. Your attitude matters.

Key Essentials Get Ready

Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking.

Be On Time

Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the interview location ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there. During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm as possible. Take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before you answer and pay attention — you will be embarrassed if you forget the question!

patients shouldn’t have to ntravel farCare for 7. Clean out your cache and n Prostate Seed Implants Palliative cookies. Computer caches and excellent cancer care. In fact, we know all cookies both serve to store about combining compassionate care with information on your computer, 5. Create a folder where you can Henry Radiation Oncology Center Opening Summer 2010 but they are used for different save digital invoices or other state-of-the-art technology in a warm, friendly things. Cookies are pieces of financial-related data. Take Piedmont Fayette Cancer environment... close toCenter home. Opening Summer 2010 information that a Web site advantage of the computer by sends to your computer so that purchasing an inexpensive U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de hueso-T you can be easily identified the scanner and scanning receipts, U.S.D.A. Select Beef Administration 770. 994. 1650 U.S.D.A. Select Beef next time you visit a particular invoices and other paperwork Cobb 770. 948. 6000 Griffin 770. 228. 3737 site. Cookies are generally so they are saved digitally. Newnan 770. 254. 9600 Riverdale 770. 997. 8424 used to save users' preferences You also may want to keep lb. and to monitor banner ads. a backup copy of important Saint Joseph’s A Hospital 678. 843. 7004 U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de cañada sin hueso asado Londones cache is a place that temporarphone numbers or even scans U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de solomillo sin hueso South Fulton ily stores information fromMedical Center 404. 466. 6100U.S.D.A. Select Beef of identification cards. You can U.S.D.A. Select Beef Boneless Web sites. This means the next password-protect these folders Accredited by the Joint Commission. ROS-Administration 770. 994. 1650 time you visit the same Web for security reasons. Password site, the page can load faster protection also will reduce the Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco lb. 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What’s Find out with Coweta’s local daily, It is important to keep a coman electric bill and want to Select Varieties U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con hueso Piernas o Muslos de pollo de paquete grande fresco puter clean and organized so that keep it in your "Scanned Salchicha picante o suave, 16 o Pavo o jamón rebanado delgado, 9 onzas Mio published 5 days a week. 18 oz. Mini Wheats Big Bite U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con hueso Piernas o Muslos de pollo de paquete grande fresco it works efficiently. There are Invoices" folder, name it 9 oz. Deli Shaved 16 oz. Hot or Mild 8.25 magro oz. Box, Select Bistec milanesa de desayuno frescoVarieties 13 oz., Select Varieties CallO'770-304-3373 to subscribe.Carolina Prid Land Frost various ways to do just that;Kellogg's it's ScannedInvoicesElectric1-1-13. Pudding or Gelatin Act II 11-11.5 oz. Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas just a matter of finding a systemSalchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Remember to use only Ham or Turkey................ Sausage............. Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas Frito-Lay's Tocino rebanado Premium, 12 onzas 14 oz. 16 oz. that works for you. approved file extensions and 14 oz. 12 oz. Premium 28 oz. 10 Pk., 67.5 oz.

Fresh Lean Breakfast Steak


Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position.




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(certain restrictions apply)


90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.





Steak.... .................


Steak.... .................

2 1 $ 38 $ Thighs 59Thighs FreshFryer Fryer Fresh Fresh Sausage....... 2 Smoked Sausage 1 Center Cut $ 78 Tilapia Or Drumsticks Or Drumsticks Fish Fillet Loin Pork Chops ...... Swiss $ 99 $ 38 Fresh Lean 2 Fresh Sausage....... Bacon............... 2 ................. Eye ofSteak.... Round $ Breakfast Steak Steak.................. Medium $ 82 Pork 4 $ 42 $ 44 Spare Ribs ................. Chitterling

$ 15

$ 83


$ 95

2 ¢1¢

3 4Going 3



lb. Cooking Oil




London Broil ..... $ 99



1 87 $ 18 $ 15 $ 51 2 ¢ 2 2 ¢ $ 39 100% Juice . . $253 1 Soap . . . . . . . . . 93 90 2 $ 38 $ 99 1 $ 55 Fresh Lean 2 1 $ 77 $ 42 Juice . . . . . . . . 2AT REGISTER! 2Steak 2 ADDED OUR COST PLUS 10% Breakfast Soup . . . . . . .Steak.................. ... 1 4 4 Steak.... . $ 70 $ 99 $ 72 2 $ 9842 2 Spaghetti . . . . . . 1 Traditional4Soup $177 $ 88 Bleach . . $ 23 London ..... 3 Steak.... . 2/ ¢ Broil Cat Litter . . . . . 6 $ 19 $ 44 Tomato Sauce 86 2 Cooking Oil . . 3 $ 19 Pasta . . . . $ 15 Pasta Sauce . . . 2 $ 83 ¢ $ 52 $ 51 ¢ Smoked Sausage......... 2 RedHots....................... Smoked Sausage 2 Giant White Bread 89 Cereal . . . . . . . 3 1 87 $ 29 Microwave$Popcorn 19 $ Creamer 18 $ 39 $ 69 Asst . Fl a vor Chi p s 1 2 $ 33 $ $ 44 Dinners . . . . . . . 1¢ $ 53 $ 17 1 1 $ 39 $ 38 99 $ 59 ¢ 100% Juice . . 2 Wheat Bread . . 1 5 5 Fresh Sausage....... 2 AllGround Meat Franks.......... 1 Smoked Sausage 1 . . . . . . . . . 93 90 Pork 2 $ Ribs Beef Roast Pork s 89 4/$ SoapChop 99 Foam Cups . . Assorted Chips $ 551 25 Juice $ 82 $1 77Swiss ........ $ 2 2 Soup . .$.95 2 2 $ 72 38 BBQ$ Bread$ . . .99 1 Pasta . . . . . . . . . 1 47 $ 25 $ 95 . . . . . . 1 Steak.... Fresh Sausage....... 2 Smoked Sausage........ 4 Bacon............... . 2 3 $Pork 2 s Aluminum F 53 7025 Chop Pork Ribs Ground Beef Roast lb.$ 83 lb. lb. lb. ¢ Bag Cookies. . . . . . 82 2 $ 177 Spaghetti 1 98 2 Pasta Dinners . 1 or Hot Dog Buns . . 89 Traditional Soup 1 3 3 $ 25 $ Skillet Dinners95 95 Bathroom T $ 2398 $ Litter44 . . . . . $6$ $ 83 $Cooking$ Oil2547 2/ ¢ Cat 2 $ 19 .. 3 1 or Hot Dog Buns . . 1 Tomato Sauce 86 lb.$ 48 $ 92 $ lb. 77 $ 19 $ 99 lb. 2 $ 92 lb. 2 Cereal . . .$. . .1 1 1 2 $ 52 Towels . . . $ 93 ¢ 84 $ 75 Pasta Sauce . . . 2 ¢ Microwave2 Popcorn Towels 87 $2$31839 GiantWhiteBread 89 Macaroni & Cheese 1. 3 Asst. Flavor Chips Asst.Napkins Flavor Chips ¢ ¢ $ 39 $ 199 $ 33 ¢ $253$ 95 $ 59 Dinners$ ¢. . . . . . 99 .1 44 $ 17 94 $ 20 99 $$90 44 99 64 100% Juice . . $ 92 48 5 99 .Soap . . . . . . . .1 Tissue . . . . .$. 1 93771 3 Wheat$1Bread76 .. 1 5292 32 2 Pasta Side Dishes599$1$ Crackers 55 Dog Chips Food $ 125 Assorted $ 77 97 $6982 BBQ Bread . . .4 972 78 2 Juice .83 99 ....... 2 1 Soup . . . . . . . . . . Pasta1. . . . . . . . . 1 3 1183 1 ¢ Bag DogCookiesTreat .Bi 94 2 Spaghetti99. . . . . . $170 95 Pasta$ Dinners 664 9998 $ 77 .1 . 89 3 Traditional 3 Soup 1 . 11 or Hot Dog Buns 99 1 $ 23 59 $ 87 2/ 97 ¢ $ 1 $ 30 $ $ 83 $ 25 99 90 $ 158 781 Cat Litter83¢..... 61 Tomato99Sauce Skillet2/86Dinners¢ $9721119 orHotDogBuns 85..314 1 $ 97 $ 84 $$ 75 80 Tomatoes.. 781 $ 19 Greens....... 1 1 2 11 6 Pasta Sauce . . . 2 Macaroni & Cheese ¢ 1 Asst. Flavor Chips 21 Towels 2 Giant White Bread 89 $ 29 $99 144 $ 39$ 20 Pasta2Side DishesAsst99 1 ¢ 59 2 $ . Fl a vor Chi p s 1 Crackers . . . . . . . 1 Tissue $ 33 2 $ 44 Dinners5. . . . . . . 1 3 $ 89 $$17 95 99 Wheat Bread . . 13 5 1 1 Hunt's Snack Pack

$ 52


Water Enhancer


On? Microwave Popcorn

Cereal . . . . . . .

Butterball Turkey 3.10 oz. 3 Bar Regular or W/Aloe Fourstar Carolina Pride $ MinuteSmoked Maid Sausage......... Bacon....................QUALITY Simply Ivory RedSliced Hots.......................

SunsetOscar Farms Mayer 33 Smoked Sausage Sub Kits.............

Jamón cocinado, 10 onzas Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas

10 oz.

10 bistec oz. Links Patties U.S.D.A. selecto de de laorcarne de cuete

oz.Select Varieties 6 Pk. 1016 oz. PET,


Carolina Sunset Farms Pride 18-18.5 oz., Select Varieties U.S.D.A. Select Beef


Salchicha ahumado paquete Salchicha ahumado especial, 1.5 de libras

2.5 Lb. Family Pac 1.5 Lb. U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec d



GeorgiaU.S.D.A. Special SelectSausag Beef Cooked Ham................... Smoked Pam General Mills Fresh Sausage....... Smoked Sausage $ 65 $ 61 * All Meat Franks..........Progresso Rich & Hearty Salchichas rojos de paquete de familia, 3 libras Salchichas de todo de res, 16 on * Family Pack Eye of Round T-Bone 3 Lb. 16 oz. All Beef Cooking Spray Trix Cereal . . . Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas Carolina Pride Oscar 32 oz. 40 Regular $ lb. 06 16 oz. Hot or Mild Market Style oz. or Thin 12 oz. Thick Sliced Mayer cost includes freight, stocking fees, and associated expenses. Red Wieners................... Hot Dogs........... 11-15.25 oz.,*Our Select Varieties 12.2 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch 18.5-19 oz. Can, Select Varieties 1.62 oz. Liquid Mueller's Sunset Farms Fourstar Royal U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de cañada sin hueso asado Londones Select Varieties Green Giant General Mills ¢ visit our website: $ 89! U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de so Fresh Sausage....... Smoked Sausage........Progresso U.S.D.A. Select Beef Bacon............... Crystal Light 96 oz.Beef Bone Vegetables . Please .. Cereal . . . . . . . U.S.D.A. Select 5-6 oz., Select Varieties

10.7 oz.



Boneless Water

20 Lb. Ultra Last Clumping

Arm & Hammer

8 oz. Can, Select Varieties

14 oz.

24 Reg. Roll White Butterball Turkey Chimney

Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas Ragú 20 oz. 14 oz. 13 oz., Select Varieties Food Depot Fourstar Pudding or Gelatin 11-11.5 oz. 12.6 oz., Select Varieties Hunt's Frito-Lay's o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas KraftTortas Deluxe 20 oz. Snack Pack Ruffles 10 oz. Links or Patties U.S.D.A. Select Beef Food Depot U.S.D.A. Inspected Sunset Farms

12 Double Roll White Chimney Pack or 8 Triple Roll White

Angel Soft

Angel Soft

Bath Tissue

Bath Tissue

Salchichas de toda carne, 16 onzas

16 oz.

Package Ball Park Any Size Fresh


Salchicha onzas 18 oz. Cornahumado, Flakes, 12.516oz. Honey Nut Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran 16 oz. or 17 oz. Frosted Flakes 18 oz. Mini Wheats Big Bite

16 oz.


Essential 8.25 oz. Box, SelectEveryday Varieties

Sunset Farms Essential Everyday Kellogg's 5 oz. Cereal

Act II

Golden Flake

Water 22 oz. Non Dairy Enhancer Shoppers Va


especial, 1.5 libras 10Salchicha Pk., 67.5 ahumado oz. 3.10 oz. 3 Bar Regular or W/Aloe 1.5 Lb.

Minute Maid



Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese Dinner or

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless


16 oz., 20 Ct.

¢ Essential Everyday

11 oz., Assorted Flavors Frosted

Golden Flake

Essential Everyday

6 Pk. 10 oz.Plates PET, Select Varieties. . Foam

$ 21 Fresh


Cereal . . . . . . .

General Mills Kellogg's Carne de res molida de paquete de $ fresca43 cualquier tamaño

Cereal . . . . . . . .


Minute Maid Food Depot Kraft $ 65 $ 61 Sunset Farms Spray Trix CerealBaby . . . Back Royal Boneless Cooking Sirloin Tip Archway Mueller's Kraft Velveeta Food Depot Hamburger ¢ $ 89

$ 33

Any Size Package


Essential Everyd

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec su


Fresh Ground

Cereal . . . . . . .

Worcestershire Sauce 2024 Lb. Clumping Pk., Ultra .5 LiterLast Purified

Hot Sauce . . . .

4 Pk. Light Crystal


Shoppers Va Water Enhancer

8 oz. Can, Select Varieties Arm & Hammer Imitation Flake Hunt's Meat Ham Steaks Drinking Water Select . . . VarietiesCrab

Crystal Springs 1.62 oz. Center Cut

Sea Best

1 Roll

Mio 45 oz. Jar, Select Varieties

Box, Select Varieties 6 Pk. Mega Roll 10-10.5 oz. 8.25 oz.U.S.D.A. inspeccionadoRagú de costillitas lb. lb. traseras de cerdo 12 Double Roll White Scott Act II Chimney

14.5 oz. Dinner Twin Pack Kellogg's lb. 11-11.5 oz. Kraft 48 oz. Bottle Vegetable

U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso 24 Reg. Roll White

¢ Progresso

Shoppers Value S

Shoppers Value de lomo de cerdo U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas corte de centro fresco sin hueson


Pork Ham

18 oz. Mini Wheats Big Bite

res molida fresca de paquete de 13Carne oz.,de Select Varieties cualquier tamaño lb. Pudding or Gelatin 6 Big Roll White Pick-A-Size

48 oz. Canola or Corn

Wesson Whole Or Food Half Depot Hamburger


Essential Everyday

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras de cerdo

11.3-15.5 oz., Select VarietiesU.S.D.A. Inspected12 Pk. Fresh

Chuck Patties


Progresso Rich & Hearty Center Cut Loin

3 2 2 Vegetables . . .

U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso


Shoppers Value

Water 20 oz. lb. Food Depot 24 oz. 4 Enhancer Lb. Red Gold . . . . . . . . Essential Everyday 12.6 oz., Select Varieties


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco sin hueson

Chimney Pack or 8 Triple Roll White or BestFrito-Lay's Blend Hunt's Angel Soft Fresh U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Angel Soft Gusto Sea Best Wesson Sparkle 10 Pk., 67.5 oz.Whole Or Half Bath Tissue Snack Pack Ruffles Ground Center CutSugar Imitation Flake Bath Tissue Fresh Ground Ketchup 3.10 oz. 3 Bar Regular or W/Aloe 3.8-5.7 oz., Select Varieties 8 Pk. Cooking Oil Kraft Deluxe 12Steaks Pk. Double Roll Paper Towels 20 oz. Chuck Patties Pork Ham Ham Crab Meat Chuck Minute Rosa's Meat orRice orMaid ¢ Jumbo Eckrich Meat ¢ Bologna ¢ Mama Scott Lipton Knorr Frito-Lay's Simply Ivory ¢ Cocktail ¢ $ 71 Little Food Depot Pizzas...... Franks....... Hot Dogs Wieners.... Smokies.... Oscars....... . . .Shells . . . .&. .Cheese, 14 oz. 12 oz. Velveeta or 8 Roll Prints Any Size Package

5.75 oz. Singles

16 oz. Jumbo or Bun Length

Essential Everyd

16 oz. Toaster Pastries & Cheese Lighto Deluxe Salchicha picante suave fresco estilo Market 15 oz. Bite Size Mini Wheats Raspberry Macaroni Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas U.S.D.A. Select Beef B 18-18.5 oz., Select Varieties 5-6 oz., Select Varieties 10.7 oz. Fruit, 15.5 oz. Bite Size Mini Wheats 2412 Pk.,oz. .5 Liter 16 Pam oz. Hot or Mild Market Style General Mills 12 oz. Original, Butter or Cheese Thick Sliced Maple, Strawberry or Blueberry 14 oz. $ 59 Essential Everyday 25 Sq. Ft. U.S.D.A. InspectedSuper Chill $ 59 Fresh Boneless Mini Wheat Brown Sugar, 15 oz. Bite U.S.D.A. Select Beef Spring Water . U.S.D.A. Inspected Grits . . . . . . . . . . 10-12 oz., Assorted Flavors Size Mini Wheat Touch Fruit, 15.2 11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast 832 oz.oz. Regular or Thin oz. Mini Wheats Little Bites Original, Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 9.4-14 oz., Select Varieties 8 Pk. ¢ Chocolate or Cinnamon Roll or 18 oz. 11-15.25 oz., Select Varieties 12.2 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch 18.5-19 oz. Can, Select Varieties $ 49 1.62 oz. Liquid Ground Coffee Squeeze Mustard Frosted Bite Size Mini Wheats Select Varieties Green Giant General Mills 6 oz.

Charms or 13 oz. Reese's Peanut Butter 40 oz. Puffs Any Size Package

14 oz. Cheerios

8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow

1.62 oz. Select Varieties

Special CenterSimply Baby Back 401Georgia CutIvory Loin oz. 9 Inch Ct.,

Boneless Sirloin Tip 12 oz. Velveeta Shells & Cheese, 14 oz.

Salchicha ahumado, onzas 11.25 oz. Cookie Crisp,4011.5 oz. Lucky

Fourstar General Mills

48 oz. Canola or Corn lb.


45 oz. Jar, Select Varieties

Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas

SirloinShoppers Val



Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco

Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat

5 oz. 250 Ct.

GoldenEssential Flake Eve

Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Ham, or Turkey

John Morrell 12 oz.

1 oz. 15 Lb.

6 Pk. 10 oz. PET, Select Varieties

Deluxe Macaroni lb. lb. lb.& Cheese Dinner or GoldenShoppers Flake Va Minute Maid Sausage ¢ ¢$ 61 ¢ ¢ Food Depot $ $ 25 Pam & 59 $ ¢ 65 Progresso Rich ¢& HeartySausage..... Kraft Makers... . Biscuits.... Bologna.. Tuna in Water . . . Pancakes.. Bologna...... Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooking Spray Trix Cereal . . . Lb.Assorted Small orFlavoLa 16 oz. 10-12 4oz., $ 21 6 oz. Ctn. $ 89 Shoppers Dutch Va Fa Cereal or . . . . . . . ¢ Jumbo Meat ¢ Cocktail Select Varieties Eckrich Meat $ 49¢ Archway 11-15.25 oz., Select Varieties ¢ Mama Rosa's ¢ Bologna Beef Stew . . . . . . .$ 71 Little Mueller's French Kraft Velveeta or White Food Depot Hamburger Yoplait Pizzas...... Franks....... Green Giant Hot Dogs Wieners.... ¢ $ 89 Smokies.... 5 Lb. Self-Rising RegularCoca-Cola......... Oscars....... 64 oz. Progresso General Mills Kellogg's $ 43 $ 33 $ 33 Biscuits Essential Everyday Yogurt Essential EverydayCrystal Onion Vegetables . . . Cereal Spread ....... Delight $ 59 $ 59Light Coca-Cola......... Cereal ........ Cereal Apple Juice . . Corn Meal . . . . . . 24 Pk., .5 Liter Purified 20 Lb. Ultra Last Clumping ¢ Water 11.3-15.5 oz., Select Varieties 12 Pk. Coca-Cola........... Meat& Hammer ¢ All Meat 8 oz. Can, Select Varieties Sausage & & $ ¢ 25Crystal Springs John Morrell Enhancer Velveeta Depot Hamburger ¢ Lunch ¢ KunzlerArm ¢ FoodSausage ¢ Drinks................. Makers... . Biscuits.... ¢ Drinking Water . . . Bologna..Hunt's Pancakes.. Sausage..... Bologna...... Powerade............ Pacor Chunk 8 oz.Ready Assorted Shredded 45 oz. Jar, Select Varieties 8 oz., Select Varieties 6 Pk.Gallon Mega Roll 14.5 oz. Dinner TwinGallon Pack 10-10.5 oz. oz. $ 89 1/2 $ 49 45 Slicing Crisp Garden Borden Country Delite Country Powerade.......... Essential Everyday Chunk Cheese ...... Scott $ Pick-A-Size 99 20 oz. Vegetable Kraft 128 oz. Frito-Lay's $ $ 5059 WholeDelite 6 BigRagú Roll White 48 oz. Bottle Choco 16 oz. Assorted Flavors Chunk or lb. Shreddedor 24 Reg. Roll White 12 Double Roll White Chimney ea. or 8 Roll Prints Best Blend . . . . . . Cheese Orange Juice . . . . . . . . . Spread Bowl Margarine . Energy Drinks 16 oz. Shredded Cheddar or Mozzarella Gallon . . . . . . . . Coca-Cola......... 136 oz. Tropical or Citrus Food Depot Chimney Pack or 8 Triple Roll White Red Diamond Essential Everyday Mt. Olive Armour 5 oz. Pkg.


lb. 12 oz. Thick Sliced

Dean's 4 Pk. Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg. 5 oz. & Cheese Light Deluxe 18-18.5 oz., Select Varieties 9 oz. Macaroni Pkg. 5 16 Lb.oz. Self-Rising or Plain 15 oz. Bite Size Mini Wheats Raspberry 11.25 oz. Cookie Crisp, 11.5 oz. Lucky Kunzler Meat LunchGeneral Mills Sausage & All Meat Essential Everyday Morrell Fruit, 15.5 oz. Bite Size Mini Wheats John Essential Everyday Charms or 13 oz. Reese's Peanut Butter Maple, Strawberry or Blueberry 14 oz. Puffs 4 Pk.,Mini 7.5 oz. Wheat Brown Sugar, 15 oz. Bite 24 oz. General SizePkg. Mini Wheat Touch Fruit, 15.2 5.75 oz. Singles 16 oz. Buttermilk, Tender Layer Carolina Pride32 12 oz. Meat oz.Mills Regular or Thin Bar-S 64 oz. Ctn. 18 Oscar oz. Creamy Crunchy Mayer or 2 oz. Ham, or Turkey Morrell 12Everyday oz. Essential oz. Mini Wheats Little Bites Original, John 8 Pk. Value or Country 45 oz.Toast Crunch Shoppers Select Chocolate or18.5-19 Cinnamon Roll Select or 18 oz. 12.2 oz. Cinnamon oz. Can, Varieties 9.4-14 oz., Select Varieties1.62 oz.Varieties Liquid All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can s 59 14 oz. Cheerios Frosted Bite Size Mini Wheats Pillsbury Select VarietiesPeanut Butter$ Sunny General Imperial Mills Armour 2.6 oz. Pkg.

5-6 oz., Select Varieties

10.7 oz.

16 oz. Jumbo or Bun Length

2 Liter Bottles

All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles

12 oz. Thick Sliced

Armour 2.6 oz. Pkg.

Armour 5 oz. Pkg.

Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.

Dean's 4 Pk.

9 oz. Pkg.

2 Liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello Yello, Mr. Pibb, Seagram's Or Minute Maid Flavors

11 oz. Bag

Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles


Essential Everyday

Assorted Flavors, 8 Pk, 20 oz. Btl.

All Brands 20 Pack, oz. Monster 10 Pack, 16 oz.12 Cans


Cheese Angel . . . . . .Soft .......

Bath Tissue

Chunk Cheese Swiss Cheese

11 oz. Bag



8 oz. Natural Slice Essential Everyday


99 4 pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle Angel Soft Essential Everyday

Sparkle 12.6 oz., Select Varieties Paper $Towels 49

Bath Tissue Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . .Kraft . . . Deluxe

5 58


...... .


Wesson 8 oz. Natural Shreds Borden Cooking Oil




Punch or Kiwi Strawberry $ 33

5 oz.All Brands

2 Liter Bottles

1/2 Gallon Buttermilk or Whole Buttermilk Coca-Cola......... Dill 3.8-5.7Kosher Select Varieties Pk. Crystalline Country Delite $Lipton oz.,Knorr05 $ Golden Flake 8Frito-Lay's Pickles Rice or Gouda . . .20. oz.. . . . . . . . . . MilkCoca-Cola........... . . . . . . . . . . . . Punch .... 21.2-24 oz., SelectFood Varieties Depot Dannon

All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles

2 Liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello Yello, Mr. Pibb,

1 Quart Dairy Fresh

$ 95

& Cheese, 14 oz. Cheese Singles . . . . .12Deluxe . oz.. . Velveeta .Macaroni . Shells Fresh Yogurt & Cheese Dinner or . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 90

Seagram's Or Minute Maid Flavors Gallon Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango Drinks................. Tampico

Cereal . . . . . . .


Half n Half

¢ 8 oz.. . . . . . . . . . 70¢French Onio

1 oz.Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles



Assorted Flavors, 8 Pk, 20 oz. Btl.

Gallon Assorted Flavors 4 Pk., 7.5 oz. Powerade..........

Music City Fruit, 15.5 oz. Bite Size Mini Wheats Charms Everyday or 13 oz. Reese's Peanut Butter Monster 10 Pack, 16 oz. Cans Tender Layer Buttermilk, $ Essential lb. Maple, Strawberry or Blueberry 14 oz.6 oz. Ctn. $ ea. 72 Puffs Energy Drinks or Country 19-24.5 oz. Pkg. 45 oz. Select Varieties Cheese Singles . . . . . . . 6-10 Ct Mini Wheat Brown Sugar, 15 oz. Bite Select Varieties 8 oz. Colby orFruit, Pepper Medium, Extra Sharp, General Mills oz. Box 10-12 oz., AssortedPillsbury Flavors Size Mini Wheat Touch 15.2Jack,Yoplait 16 oz. American Gorton's 16.5 oz. Chocolate Chip,Imperial Sugar or Peanut22.5-27.6 ButterVarieties Gallon Sharp or Mild Pre-Priced $2.49 Select Essential Everyday oz. Mini Wheats Little Bites Original, Pillsbury Chocolate 9.4-14 oz., Select Varieties 8 Pk. $ 99 Value Pack Blue Bunny Borden Chunk or Chocolate or Cinnamon Roll or 18 oz. . Cheese . . . . AVAILABLE . . Main St Fish Gate Shopping Center •Singles GIFT CERTIFICATES • Frosted Bite Size Mini Wheats Champ Cones 14 oz. Cheerios Gr East FD 021813_2

1 $ 21 1

Sweet Brand

94¢ 12ScottPk. Double Roll

$ 2 Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 1 Golden Flake Slicing 4/$ 326 Orange J $ ¢97 $ 06 $ Food Depot Assorted Chips 1 Tomatoes.. $ 25 American Singles . Kraft .78 . . . . . 1 Cookies $ 82 . BBQ . . . . . . . .. . . 2 Fruit ADE . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 $ Mayfie5 1 Pasta . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . Bread Asst.DF Spread $ 07 Archway Biscuits Yogurt $ 86 $ 81 $ 25 Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Shredded Cheese .Kraft . . . . .Velveeta . 1 $ 83 Food Depot Hamburger ¢ Bag Cookies$. 259 $ 33NEWNAN Mayfie$ $ 87 2/Pasta ¢ $ 38 Dinners . 1 or Hot Dog Buns $ . . 8922

10.67 oz. Pepper Jack Pre-Priced $2.89 or 12 oz. Swiss 09 Borden

Ready NaturalPac Slice Essential Everyday oz. Regular or Big Pre-Priced $2.69 $ 89 12 16 oz.Varieties 14-16 oz. Pkg., Select Crisp Garden Bite Size Mini Wheats Raspberry Macaroni & Cheese Light Deluxe Provolone Cheese . . .Lucky . 1 15 oz. Borden 11.25 oz. Cookie Crisp, 11.5 oz. Pillsbury 12 oz. American


Newnan, GA

$ 42

$w w51. m ySmoked Smoked PPl leeaSausage......... s e v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e @ w f o o dSausage! Red Hots....................... ase visit our website @!

8 oz.



Eye of Round


$ 42

8 oz. Swiss Essential Everyday

Follow Up

Starting at


All Brands

Stay Calm

High Dose Rate Brachytherapy


Image Guided Radiation Therapy n Stereotactic Radiation Therapy ...and Radiation Oncology Services ®knows Partial Breast Radiation Therapy n Gamma Knife (through affiliation)


characters in the file name so that you avoid file corruption.

during the week telecommuting and have work-based files on your PC. If so, create an "Office" folder so that everything has its place.

Salchichas de toda carne, 16 onzas

Continued from Page 1

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy


GeneralWEMills HAVE CREDIT CARD $ MACHINES 43 Kellogg's

CerealAVAILABLE . . . . . . IN. .ALL LOCATIONS. Cereal




124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263


3 $ 25





Tr a


24 Pk., .5 Liter Purified

11.3-15.5 oz., Select Varieties 12 Pk. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Crystal Springs 8 oz. Assorted Shredded or Chunk


$ 831

13$ 98

Skillet Dinners


Essential Everyday

14.5 oz. .Dinner Cheese . . . .Twin . . .Pack .....

8 oz. Swiss



Drive llsboro



Pint 6



12 Pk. Ex

Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster


20.5-22.8 8 oz., Select Varieties Gallon Food Depot Hamburger Coun Tombs $ 97 Drinking $ 99Water . . . 24-28 oz. Box or Hot Dog Buns . . Select Varieties Shredded ...... Ora Spread Bowl Margarine . 56 oz. Cheese Asst. Banquet


45 oz. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. Essential Everyday $ 49 Prices Effective February 18, 2013 Through February 24, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. Borden Essential Everyday Chunk Cheese ...... 16 oz. Assorted Flavors Chunk or 16 oz. Shredded Cheddar or Mozzarella

59 oz.

89 Florida's N

9910-10.5 4 pk.oz.Buttermilk or Homestyle

Family Size

Essential EverydayEntrees

Mayfield Classic Scott $ 49 Borden $ 93

6 Pk. Mega Roll

Assorted Flavors

8 oz. Natural Shreds


5 Lb.1/2 BabGa Coun

4 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Technology Connection

Social Media No Longer Just Child’s Play T METRO GRAPHICS

he Internet and related technologies have been a game-changer for people of all ages. The instant connectivity made possible by these advancements has been valued by young adults and children for years. But now social media is attracting an entirely different demographic — seniors. More than just a method of channeling information to the comfort of home, the Internet and the various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, are ways for older adults to stay connected with friends and family. For seniors faced with mobility issues, social media helps to bring the world to them. Despite the stereotype that seniors do not want to learn to use new technology, many seniors are getting on board. Findings from the Pew Research Institute show that social networking use among Internet users ages 50 to 64 grew by 88 percent between April 2009 and May 2010. The research also found that the percentage of

those 65 and older using social media grew from 13 percent to 26 percent during that same stretch. Although young adults continue to be the primary users of social media, older users are gaining momentum and surpassing youth in the number of new users. Individuals who are not yet utilizing social media to manage their communication efforts may be inspired by these benefits to doing so. Photo and video sharing: The majority of photos being taken today are digital, as fewer people are making prints of their photos. Rather, they are being shared via e-mail or through social media sites. Grandparents can see their grandchildren in photos in real time. Also, if they've managed apps that enable video sharing, they can view and chat with relatives who live miles away, just as if they were sitting across the table.

Conversations with family: In a world where families are no longer centrally located, communication may be lacking. Despite the prevalence of mobile phones,

fewer and fewer people seem to pick up the phone and make calls as they once did. Instead, they're texting and updating social media posts. They're also e-mailing one another. Older adults who have no access to this technology could be left out of the mix. This is a way for seniors to stay close to family. Convenient check-ins: At times when a full-blown conversation may not be practical, having a quick method to check in with a loved one can make social media advantageous. Men and women can send a quick text to their parents to find out how they're feeling or if they need anything. Such ready access can provide some peace of mind to adults concerned about their elderly parents. Improved feelings of wellbeing: Avoiding feelings of isolation and loneliness can benefit older men and women. A study by Dr. Shelia Cotten, a sociologist and associate professor from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, revealed that Internet use was associated

with a 30 percent decrease in depressive symptoms among older adults who used it regularly, while other studies have shown similarly impressive results. Working the mind: Going on-

line, chatting on social media or simply writing an e-mail works areas of the brain. Typing also helps improve manual dexterity. These factors can be beneficial for seniors looking to stay sharp.

Using the Internet as a form of communication is a growing trend among the 50-plus demographic. It enables them to stay connected with family and the world in a variety of ways.

Protect Your Mobile Devices - and Your Identity Taking some extra time to protect your devices now can help reduce your risk of falling victim to identity theft later Family Features

Mobile devices have become an indispensable tool for many people — and the thought of losing one of those devices, or having it stolen, is disconcerting, to say the least. But it happens every day. It's estimated that lost or stolen phones alone could have cost U.S. users $30 billion in 2012.

When a phone or tablet goes missing, so does a lot of personal information. And that can lead to more than just some inconvenience — it can lead to a stolen identity. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. While

identity thieves still resort to oldfashioned methods of information gathering, like going through trash and stealing wallets and purses, they can also get the personal information you store on your mobile device. Here are three things you can do to help protect your mobile devices and your identity:

For Local News Choose the subscription that’s right for you. Print and Digital Editions Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D

Sunday, May 6, 2012

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536

$1.25 Sunday edition

Coweta’s Local Daily


Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone the and hospital cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.

NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility



“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” I Corinthians: 18-19 God Is Good All The Time! America Must Stand with Israel!

The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 770-301-7012



Publication Date: Sunday, March 24, 2013

Digital Edition Only

— see page 8A

New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday


Consider getting extra protection. There are a growing number of tools available to help you monitor and protect your identity as well as restore your name and credit, should your identity get stolen. Specialty insurance programs not only

insure your device, but also offer an identity monitoring services that alert you of any changes that could indicate someone else is using your information.

Crane talks issues

Newnan, Georgia

Established 1865

Review your social network privacy settings. It's not just advertisers taking advantage of the personal information you include on your social network

sites. As the use of social networking continues to increase, it's expected that the use of malware will rise, too. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to steal information and money. So you need to review your privacy settings frequently, be careful of what apps you install, and never "friend" someone you don't know.

Town Hall


Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A

147th year — Issue 124

5 Sections, 58 Pages

Password protect your device. A recent study by Javelin Strategy and Research found that even though many smartphones are being used to handle sensitive financial information, only 33 percent of smartphone owners password-protect their devices. If your phone falls into the wrong hands, you could make it very easy for someone to access your personal information and steal your identity.



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations


By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

4:07 PM

Page 1

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COweta COuNty is a special place to call home. For nearly two decades our county has been among Georgia’s fastest growing communities. This population growth has brought great change, great challenges and great opportunities. Our annual progress edition –Vision 2013, A Special Report on our Community – will offer readers an insight on how this growth and change has impacted local government and our schools. We will look at the status of business and industry in the community and take a look at Coweta’s quality of life and what Cowetans would like to see down the road. Vision 2013 is one of our largest and best-read special publications of the year. It’s a great vehicle for our advertisers to get their message into the hands of our readers, and for all our readers it’s our annual update on the progress that makes Coweta County such a special place that more than 123,000 people now call home. Added Value: This section will also be published online for an entire year at with over 1.4 million page views per month!

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 | MyConnection 5

Health Connection

Choosing a Weight Loss Plan that’s Right for You Losing weight and getting into shape is a goal many Americans aspire to achieve. Choosing a weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle is a crucial first step in developing the diet that works for you. Family FeatureS

The road to a sound weight loss plan should begin with the following steps:

Talk with your doctor First and foremost, speak with your doctor. Your healthcare provider can help you set attainable weight loss goals as well as discuss any medical conditions you have or medications you may take that could affect your ability to modify your diet. Talking with your doctor can help you find a plan that's tailored to your particular needs.

Choose the right plan for you

loss goals are met. Opt for a diet backed by science over the latest fad.

One size does not fit all when it comes to diets. In fact, several studies featured in the International Journal of Obesity Supplements (IJOS) reported that adults with greater insulin resistance are more successful with weight loss on a low-carbohydrate diet compared with a low-fat diet. In such cases, a low-carbohydrate diet has been proven to have positive results on insulin resistance. Dieters start with a focus on carbohydrates from vegetables and slowly add back fruit, nuts and whole grains as one's carb balance is established and weight

Commit to your Plan Losing weight and keeping it off requires a long-term commitment. Once you have developed your weight loss plan it is important that you stick with it. You need to make healthy changes to both your diet and lifestyle. Your diet should include foods you will enjoy eating for a long time, not just for a few weeks or months. Adopt a plan that gives you the ability to enjoy a variety of food options. For example, if

you are a veggie lover, a low-carb diet could be a good plan for you to follow. Finding a plan that works for your lifestyle and incorporates more of the foods you already love will help reinforce your new healthier eating habits.

that the average adult in the US gets a significant portion of their calories from beverages, mostly in the form of carbohydrates. Avoid drinking sugary sodas, juices and alcohol, and replace these with more water.

Drink more water

Rally support

The Beverage Institute reports

The first few weeks of the diet

Healthy Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism


Dieters are often aware of metabolism and its effect on an individual's weight. Metabolism is a process that serves a host of important functions, including converting food and drink into energy and using energy to construct certain components of cells. For the perpetual dieter, metabolism can be a natural-born enemy, a process that simply isn't fast enough for dieters to lose weight. Even more frustrating, a person's metabolism can hinge on genetics and gender. People may inherit a speedy or slow metabolism. Gender plays a large role considering men have a tendency to burn more calories than women, even while resting. But gaining a faster metabolism isn't just for men or those who inherited a speedier metabolism at birth. In fact, there are several healthy ways to speed up metabolism. Pack on some muscle. People with more muscle tend to have a higher resting metabolic rate. That's because muscle burns more calories than fat. According to the American Council on Exercise, each pound of fat burns just two calories per day, while various estimates suggest each pound of muscle burns between 35 to 50 calories per day. Those figures might seem insignificant, but they add up over time and someone with significant muscle can burn considerably more calories than someone without. Employ resistance training to build muscle, as such training activates muscles all over the body, increasing your daily metabolic rate as a result. Emphasize intensity. Daily exercise is great, but high-intensity daily exercise will prove more effective at speeding up your metabolism. Low- or moderateintensity workouts don't pack the same punch as high-intensity workouts, which produce a longer increase in resting metabolic rate. Sign up for a Zumba or spin class at your gym, both of which are the kind of high-intensity cardio-

vascular workout that can speed up your metabolism. Embrace grazing. Grazing is a dietary philosophy in which individuals eat five to six smaller meals every three to four hours instead of three large meals each day. Eating this way helps keep your metabolism going, and the result is you will burn more calories throughout the day than you would if you ate a more traditional diet. Of course, what you eat when grazing is important, too. Choose low-fat, high-nutrient foods, and snack on fruits and vegetables instead of more popular snacks like potato chips. Grazing on unhealthy foods won't lead to weight loss and may even cause weight gain. Eat more protein. Protein can serve many purposes for people trying to lose weight. Protein has a tendency to make you feel full when you eat it, reducing the likelihood that you will overeat. In addition, the body burns more calories when digesting protein than it does while digesting fats or carbohydrates. Turkey, low-fat dairy products, fish, nuts and beans are great sources of protein. Stay hydrated. Your metabolism will likely slow down if you allow yourself to get dehydrated. When the body does not have enough water, several of its functions, including its ability to burn calories, slow down. Muscles are roughly 70 percent water, so if they are not fully hydrated they cannot generate energy, affecting your metabolism. In addition, the body is not as effective at using fat as fuel when it is dehydrated, further slowing your metabolism. Staying hydrated is as easy as drinking enough water throughout the day. How much water an individual needs to stay hydrated is open to debate among medical professionals, but one study found that adults who drink eight or more glasses of water per day burned more calories than those who drank four glasses of water per day.


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can be the most difficult. To be successful, look to family and friends who have made similar lifestyle changes for support and advice. Doing a little homework and smart planning can help you choose a weight loss plan that will help you be successful both now and for the rest of your life.

6 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Recipe Connection

Make Your Favorite Recipes Healthier

The Pilgrim

Makes 6 sandwiches 12 slices seven-grain bread 24 ounces turkey, sliced Orange Cranberry Compote, as needed (see recipe) Sage Cream Cheese, as needed (see recipe) 4 tablespoons butter, at room temperature Seasoning salt, to taste (see recipe) Lay out two slices of seven grain bread on a cutting board. Spread Orange Cranberry Compote even­ly across one slice of bread. Set aside. Spread Sage Cream Cheese evenly across second slice of bread, then top with about four ounces of turkey. Place slice of bread with the Orange Cran­berry Compote on top of turkey. Brush top and bottom of sandwich with room temperature butter. If you own an electric sandwich maker or Panini press, place the sandwich inside for 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 minutes. If you do not have a sandwich press, simply place the sandwich in a sauté pan on top of your stove, set at medium heat, and cook the sandwich for 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 minutes on each side. Remove sandwich and while still hot, season liberally with seasoning salt. Cut in half and serve while hot. Orange Cranberry Compote Yield 1 cup 1/2 pound cranberries 1 orange, quartered 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt Pepper, to taste In medium sauce pot, cook cranber­ries, or­ange and sugar for approxi­ mately 20 min­utes at a low simmer, then stir in a pinch of salt. Remove pieces of orange, and pour into blender or food processor. Puree until smooth, then lightly sea­son with pepper. Sage Cream Cheese Yield 2 cups 2 cups cream cheese, at room temperature 15 sage leaves, finely chopped 1 garlic clove 1/2 teaspoon salt In bowl, combine cream cheese and sage using a rubber spatula, mixing well. Grate (or very finely chop) garlic, adding to bowl. Season to taste with salt. Seasoning Salt Yield 1 cup 1/4 cup sea salt 3 juniper berries, toasted and ground 1 orange, zested Lightly toast juniper berries in a pan, then place in a spice grinder and blend. Combine juniper, salt and orange zest in a mortar and pestle, and combine all evenly.


be better for it.

A healthy diet plays a significant role in a person's overall health. Without a healthy diet, men and women are more susceptible to disease and other potentially harmful ailments. But when many people think of a healthy diet, a lack of flavor is often one of the first things to come to mind. That's a common misconception, as a diet that's healthy and full of nutrients can simultaneously be flavorful. In fact, it's easy to enjoy many of your favorite dishes in a way that makes them much healthier. Oftentimes, a few minor alterations to a recipe is all it takes to turn the dish from high-risk to healthy.

Substitute healthier fare. Substituting items is another way to turn a favorite dish into a healthier dish without altering the flavor dramatically, if at all. For example, instead of cooking with enriched pasta, purchase wholewheat or whole-grain pastas, which are higher in fiber and lower in calories. If a recipe calls for using milk, choose fat-free milk instead of whole milk. Recipes can even be made healthier by simply cutting back on the main dish and adding more vegetables. Instead of using the recommended amount of meat or chicken, scale back and make up for it with additional vegetables, which reduces your caloric and fat intake while adding more vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Trim the fat. No one wants to eat fat, but fat isn't entirely bad for you. Fat can help your body absorb vitamins A, D, E and K, and replacing fat with something like carbohydrates decreases how much these valuable vitamins are absorbed. In addition, dietary fat releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel full, reducing the likelihood that you will overeat. Those are just a few of the benefits of dietary fat, which is an essential element of a healthy diet. But overconsumption of dietary fat can be dangerous, and many people simply need to trim some fat from their diets. One way to do that is to reduce how much butter, shortening or oil you use when cooking. For some recipes, you may be able to cut suggested portions of such ingredients by half without replacing them; however, for others, especially those for baked goods, these items may have to be replaced. In the case of the latter, find a suggested alternative to high-fat items, and only use half of the high-fat item listed in the original recipe. Chances are you won't taste the difference, but your body will

Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online from February 8 –14


No life-threatening injuries reported from Monday’s Hwy. 154 wreck


Body Found: Officials believe gunshot wound self-inflicted


TV hit ‘Walking Dead’ returns Sunday


Five killed in Troup County collision


Coweta school board approves demolition of Evans Middle School

5. 7. 8.



Odyssey teacher used ‘poor judgment’

IRS will not process tax returns until Jan. 30

What do you think about no Saturday mail delivery?

Barker recommends hiring 3 officers for elementary schools Four Fayette County schools could close

Your online source for News, Information and Advertising in Coweta County.




Limited edition collector’s book can be passed down and shared from generation to generation.

The Banana, PB and Honey

Makes 6 sandwiches 12 slices enriched white bread 6 bananas, sliced 1 cup spiced peanut butter (see recipe) 2 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 2 ounces butter, at room temperature Lay out two slices of enriched white bread on a cutting board. Spread both slices of bread with peanut butter. Set one aside. Take one slice and top with sliced bananas, then drizzle with honey. Place the reserved slice of bread on top. Brush top and bottom of sandwich with room temperature butter. If you own a sandwich maker or Panini press, place sand­wich inside for 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 min­utes. If you do not have a sand­wich press, place sandwich in a sauté pan on top of your stove, set at medium heat; and cook for 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 min­utes on each side. While cooking, combine cinnamon and the sugar in small bowl. Remove sandwich and while still hot, season liberally with cinnamon and sugar. Cut in half and serve while hot. Spiced Peanut Butter Yield 1 cup 1 cup peanut butter 1 teaspoon salt 1 3/4 teaspoons honey 1/8 teaspoon ginger powder 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon, ground Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well blended. Place the peanut butter in an air­tight container and store in the refrig­er­ator for 6 to 8 weeks.

Change your methods. Certain cooking techniques are healthier than others. Frying foods or cooking with fat, oil or salt is not the healthiest way to prepare a meal. Some of your favorite dishes that call for frying or cooking in oil can be just as flavorful if you opt for healthier methods like braising, broiling, grilling, or steaming. When recipes call for basting foods in oil or drippings, forgo these unhealthy options and baste foods in vegetable juice or fat-free broth instead. What you use to cook can also be healthy or unhealthy. Nonstick cookware won't require you to use oil or butter to keep foods from sticking to the pan. This reduces the amount of fat and calories you will consume, and you likely won't notice a difference with regards to flavor.

The Newnan Times-Herald spent over a year highlighting the stories of surviving local World World II veterans in a project called “Our Greatest Generation.” Since the series ended, we have had countless requests to reproduce this collection of stories so they may be preserved for future generations and enjoyed time and again in their entirety. We are pleased to announce the entire series has been published in a limited edition hardcover book with 288 pages that tell the stories and feature photographs of these proud men and women.

Pick up your limited edition today at 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 Also available to order online at times-herald/store or fill out the form below and mail with your payment to: The Newnan Times-Herald c/o Book Order • P.O. 1052, Newnan, GA 30264

Harold Barron Wendell Whitlock James McCalla Paul McKnight Hugo Parkman Charles Turner Everett Graves Albert “Lee” Herrington Bob Eatman Joe Lowe Joe Todd Robert Pittman Udolphus Daulton Payne Bob Haynie Harold Barber Gene Cook Art Carlson James Maddux Helen Denton Edwin Bean Bill Barrow Donald Van Houten James Warren Ford Boling Bill Lowry Alton Kirby Arthur Dye David Mealor Ferrell Parrott Walter Ferrari Roy Pitts Norman Estes Raymond Cook Clifford Wright Tom Glanton Tom Camp John Keeble Bobby Hammond Edwin Fey J. W. Hartley Adrian Daane William Morris Helen H. Tillett Paul Deverick Winston Clark Robert Alexander J. T. Joiner Clarence Boynton Frank Moynahan Marvin O’Neal James Goodrum Alton Reeves James Mansour Robert E. “Bob” Lee Coleman Yarbrough Tommy Thompson Homer Youngblood Patrick Ciandella ‘Flying the Hump’ Sarah Rone D. M. “Hump” Humphries E. R. Forsyth Ed Wyrick Tom Miller

Robert Sanders Sam Isaac Bill Deakins Leo Baker Grover McMichael Robert Bridges William Tinsley Al Lewis William Smith Marvin Kee Sisto “Sas” Radicchi Donn Murray David Potter Eric Chaffin Nelson Reinhardt Lowell Chambers Jesse Hayes Jim Wasson Olin Watson C. E. “Chunk” Dingler Bob Taylor Ralph Parks Bill Dailey Elmer Spradlin Horace Couch Don Lindstrom Bob Newton C. B. Warren Horace McMullan Jack Wade Eddie B. Bass Merlin Houston James Robb Mickey Williams Jimmy Carlisle Ed Wolak Bert Bray Frank Cheney Harry Newton Dan Moten Gilbert Taylor Ed Milton James Stitcher John Richards Bill Jones Roscoe McMichael Jimmy Nixon Marvin Brittain Cecil Taylor Alvin Warren James “Jim” Williams Walter Craven Earl Smith Robert Allen William Jackson John Finley Tom Norton Leland Rogers Jack Humphrey John Byrd Bill Rainer Zane Bristol Bruce Deakin J. T. Williams

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 | MyConnection 7






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2013 Directory


Chimney Services

166 Greison Trail, Newnan 770-253-4880


Limited Availability

Foreclosure 2 acres, $8,900 4.5 acres, $12,000. Minutes south of Greenville. Call Owner:



1 BR $625 & UP 2 BR $630 & Up 3 BR $820 & Up



Sell it quick!

Fall into reduced rates!

In Meriwether County, near State Rd. 85. $49,900. $2,500 down, 6% financing. $477 / month including property taxes.

Mobile Homes


“A Feeling of Home The Neighborhood of Choice”

28 Wooded Acres

Sudoku Solution


Starting at $100 per week. Newnan & Luthersville. Safe areas. Low deposit required 770-927-9276

3 Bedroom homes $500 / month. Also have a few fixeruppers selling cheap!

Brighton Farms Apartments


Mobile Homes For Rent

For Rent

24HR info: 770-253-2300 office: 770-683-4807

Homes For Rent-Unfurn.



FOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 BA Apt. 444 Jefferson St., $695 4 BR, 3 BA home 70 Ashley Ct., $1,100

TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Land & Lots For Sale

Homes For Rent-Unfurn.

Tree & Outdoor Services

free estimates

Water Heaters Service & Repair

Lawn Sprinklers Service & Repair

Water Leaks Detection & Repair

Sewer Drain Cleaning

Backflow Install & Testing “The Single Source For All Your Plumbing Needs” Over 30 years experience Locally owned and operated / Fully licensed and insured

Family Owned & Operated

Special Offer:

10% off

Any Service Up to $2,500 w/maximum allowance of $250

Must present coupon at time of estimate. Can not be combined with any other offers.

• Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Pruning & Yard Clean Ups • Pressure Washing • Bobcat Work • Brush Clearing • Sod Installation • Firewood Sales

678-633-5549 cell: 678-699-4805

Drug Free Licensed Insured Work Place

3758-PR-STWN TimesHer.pdf



12:11 PM

8 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 20, 2013









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