Wednesday, January 9, 2013 March 13, 2013
Pick Your Shamrock!
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A Flair for the Dramatic Pitts’ alter-ego teaches more than just literature
Tracey E. Pitts’ alter-ego, the incomparable Ms. Ivera T. Grundy, saunters onto the scene at Madras Middle School’s Black History Month program.
ur parents stay with us forever, whether it’s green eyes from our mother’s side of the family or a love for butter pecan ice cream from our father. Madras Middle School English teacher Tracey E. Pitts – who also is a writer, actor and director – has based an entire character, alter-ego Ms. Ivera T. Grundy, on her mother and grandmother. “I’ve been doing her forever – she’s such a part of me,” said Pitts, who started visiting churches to perform in skits when she was a teenager. “We have a lot of comedians in our family, a lot of awesome ladies. I started acting like my mother and grandmother, and my family thought it was quite funny.” Pitts’ mother, Ivera Terry Strozier Powell, sometimes objected to her daughter’s characterization of her and Pitts’ grandmother, Carrie Marie Standford Terry.
“She’d say, ‘Oh, no, that’s just over the top,’ but my brothers and cousins would say, ‘No, that’s you.” Growing up, Pitts remembers her mom burning everything she cooked. On Powell’s 70th birthday, Pitts’ alterego drew big laughs from party-goers by recalling those days. “My mother treated us like gods,” Ms. Grundy told the crowd. “She gave us three burnt offerings a day!” Performing in church has always been important to Pitts. “I consider myself a Christian comedian, so I keep everything I do real clean,” she said. “I think God has given me this talent and I don’t want to profane it in any way.” That translates well to the classroom, where her students just never know who’s going to show up to teach their lessons. “I do monologues all day long in class, which keeps them on task and keeps them laughing,” Pitts said. “You can reach kids you don’t normally reach through a character. There are kids with a lot of problems at home,
Tracy E. Pitts
but I keep things funny so they can concentrate and see there is a comical side to daily situations and then maybe they can see that hey, I can get through this.” Pitts – a member of Who’s Who A m o n g A m e r i c a n Wo m e n i n Education and Who’s Who Among American Teachers who has won awards for Christian playwriting – has degrees in theatre, middle grades education and psychology. She and her husband of more than 20 years,
St. Patrick’s Day Facts & Figures
i n s i de
St. Patrick’s Day is enjoyed by millions of people, including those of Irish descent and even those with no connection to Ireland. A day of celebration, music and parades, St. Patrick’s Day also has a unique history. The following are some interesting facts and figures about St. Patrick’s Day that might help explain its popularity. ■
St. Patrick’s Day is annually celebrated on March 17, which means the holiday falls during the Christian season of Lent, when many practicing Christians abstain from eating meat. However, these Lenten prohibitions of meat are typically lifted on St. Patrick’s Day, when celebrants are allowed to indulge in traditional Irish meals which may include Irish bacon. St. Patrick is not actually of Irish descent. Born in the fifth century, St. Patrick was born in Roman Britain and only brought to Ireland as a slave when he was a teenager. He would eventually escape from captivity, but later he returned to Ireland and is credited with bringing Christianity to the Irish people upon his return. People in Ireland have been celebrating the feast day of St. Patrick on March 17 since sometime during the ninth or tenth century. The feast day is celebrated on March 17 because St. Patrick is believed to have died on March 17, AD 461. Though the Irish have been celebrating the feast day of St. Patrick for centuries, the first St. Patrick’s Day parade took place in the United States and not in Ireland. In 1762, Irish soldiers serving in the English military marched through New York City on March 17 in commemoration of St. Patrick. Despite those humble beginnings, today the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade is the largest parade in the United States, with more than 150,000 participants. Nearly 35 million U.S. residents claim Irish ancestry. That number is seven times the population of Ireland. Twenty-three percent of Massachusetts residents trace their ancestry to Ireland. The U.S. Census Bureau notes that there are more than 144,000 current U.S. residents who were born in Ireland. Irish soda bread, a dish enjoyed by millions each St. Patrick’s Day, gets its unique name from the use of baking soda instead of yeast as a leavening agent. Though many assume corned beef is a traditional Irish dish, it’s not. In fact, corned beef was used by Irish immigrants in New York City as a substitute for Irish bacon, which was more expensive.
ly Kid-Friend es ip Pizza Rec ➤
Pizza! Pizza!
Frittata Breakfast Pizza
Frittata Breakfast Pizza Family Features
ho says pizza is just for dinner? With these recipes, you can get the family together and make pizza for dinner — and breakfast, lunch or snacks. By making it yourself, you can save money and make it healthier. “It’s easy to turn pizza into a healthy meal. Use a whole wheat crust, garden fresh toppings like tomatoes and serve it with a salad,” said Chef Justin Timineri, Executive Chef and Culinary Ambassador. The recipe listed here and others on page 6 are not only kid-friendly to eat, they’re kid-ready to make. Older kids can help slice vegetables, and younger kids can help make the pizza crust and add the toppings. Look for the “GrownUp Alert” on each recipe for tasks adults should handle or help with.
Chef Justin Timineri
Tomato Tips for Kids n Never
refrigerate a whole tomato. Storing in cold temperatures stops the ripen ing process and makes the flavor fade.
n The
best test for a great tomato is not color but aroma. Smell the stem end, and you should smell a strong sweetacidic fragrance. Choose tomatoes that are plump, shiny and that give slightly when pressure is applied.
Yield: 4 to 6 servings Fresh pizza dough or 1 small pre-baked pizza crust 8 to 10 eggs 1/4 cup milk Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste 2 zucchini, sliced thin 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated 1 cup breakfast meat (bacon and/or swausage) cooked and chopped 2 tomatoes, sliced thin Preheat oven to 375°F. Place pizza dough in bottom of springform pan, or cut pre-baked crust to fit. In medium sized mixing bowl, combine eggs and milk. Use whisk to mix. Season egg mixture lightly with salt and pepper. Set aside. Layer zucchini on top of crust in bottom of pan. Add half of the cheese to the top of zucchini. Add cooked and chopped breakfast meat to pan. Place pan on cookie sheet. Pour egg mixture on top of meat and zucchini. Top egg mixture with sliced tomatoes and remaining cheese. Bake uncovered for 15 to 25 minutes until center of frittata is evenly cooked. Remove from oven and let cool. Unhinge the springform pan. Slice and serve warm. Grown-Up Alert: Have an adult help with the oven and with unhinging the hot springform pan.
2 MyConnection | Wednesday, March 13, 2013
1. Squirrel away 6. Young newt 9. They put the bitter in beer 13. Jousting pole 14. Tap choice 15. Bone-chilling While parades and a pint or two which popularized the image many 16. Cast member of green beer might be the first people now have of leprechauns. 17. Greater than the whole? thing many people associate with St. Patrick's Day, there are a host Shamrocks 18. Dismal In ancient Ireland, the shamrock of other symbols that have become 19. *Cotton gin inventor synonymous with the holiday as was considered a sacred plant that 21. Do this for a waltz, e.g. symbolized the rebirth of spring. well. 23. *__ Isaac Newton Over time, the shamrock would 24. Shirts on their backs, e.g. become even more meaningful Snakes 25. Farmer's ___ Snakes are associated with St. to the Irish people, eventually Patrick's Day, but that association becoming a symbol of the pride 28. Turkish honorific is rooted more in myth than they felt with regard to their Irish 30. Lots U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola U.S.D.A. selecto de corte de pecho de res sin hueso entero Fresh Lean reality. LegendU.S.D.A. longSelect had U.S.D.A. Select Beef Beefit that St. heritage and a symbol of their 35. Brother of Jacob Patrick once stood atop a hilltop displeasure with English rule. Eye of 37. Uh-oh and banished Whole all theBoneless snakes from lb. However, the Emerald Isle The Color Green 39. Poet's "below" lb. Ireland. U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de pulpa negra sin hueso The color green is another has never been U.S.D.A. home to any snakes, 40. Slash mark selecto de rosbif de ojo de la costilla con hueso symbol of St. Patrick's Day, though U.S.D.A. Select Beef and this banishment is actually U.S.D.A. Select Beef 41. Fine-tune 32. Chief port of Nigeria DOWN many historians note the color just a metaphor for St. Patrick's lb. Boneless Bone-In 33. Short composition for solo 43. A fit of shivering 1. Deli side role in bringing Christianity to St. Patrick wore was blue and Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco instrument 44. Sarong lb. The "snakes" are believed not green. But wearing lb. 2. Dash gauge green on Ireland. 34. ___ music 46. Therefore 3. Opposed to St. Patrick's Day is a way those to be a pagan ideology that the Salchicha de enlaces ahumado, 24 onzas Salchichas rojos picantes, 2 libras 36. Instinctive motive rojos picantes, onzasJohn 4. *AlexanderSalchicha Graham Bell 16and 47. Connecting Irish subscribed to prior to St. of Irish descent show pride in 24 oz. point 2 Lb. 16 oz. 38. It's a long story Patrick's arrival. Within a couple their heritage. Green was likely Boyd Dunlop McEvers Georgia Red 48. Acquiesce McEvers de rosbif de diezmillo sin hueso Boneless 42. Land of "Gangnam Style" U.S.D.A. Inspected adopted because of the lush green St. selecto Patrick's arrival 5. Possible consequence of heavy Smoked Links...... Red Hots................ of centuries ofU.S.D.A. U.S.D.A. Select Beef 50. *__ Tupper, inventor of Red Hots.................... U.S.D.A. Select Beef 45. Conjure up Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas in Ireland, the island had been landscape of Ireland, which thanks lifting Salchicha de bollo, 32 onzas Salchicha ahumado picante o suave, 48 onzas Tupperware Boneless 49. Clothe 32 oz. 16 oz. to ample yearly rainfall, is green completely Christianized. 6. No problem48 oz. Hot or Mild 52. Actor'sMcEvers domain Four Star Sunset Farms 51. Pinocchio's fabrications year-round. 7. Common winter bug U.S.D.A. Inspected Boneless lb. 53. "Null and Smoked Sausage...... Hot__" Dogs................. Smoked Sausage.... U.S.D.A. Select8.Beef Leprechauns 54. Inuit shelter Time in Italian U.S.D.A. selecto de paletilla de res sin hueso de paquete de combinacion Tortas de salchicha de pollo, 12 onzas Salchicha 16 onzas LeprechaunsU.S.D.A. canSelect trace 55. Payment forde bollo, an eye 56. Modern letterSalchicha ahumado especial, 1.5 libras 9. German title Beef their Corned Beef 12 oz. Chicken 16 oz. 1.5 Lb. Corned beef does not trace its roots to Celtic folklore, where they 57. Spiral-horned African antelope 57. *CornMcEvers Flakes inventor 10. Cream-filled treat Boneless Shoulder roots Southerland Georgia Special to Ireland but most likely were referred to as "lobaircin," 58. Arabic for commander 61. *Motorcycle inventor 11. "La Vie en rose" singer Sausage Patties......... Hot Dawg................. Smoked Sausage.... lb. Corned beef to New York City. which meant "small-bodied 59. He gets bigger share? 12. Owned by the lord 65. Eskimo boat and cabbage is a dish enjoyed by fellow." The leprechaun did not 60. Boys 15. *He saw the light 66. a.k.a sodium hydroxide play a prominent role in Celtic millions on St. Patrick's Day, but 61. Adroit 20. Cereal killer Pk., 20 oz. 68. Pleasant8Island folklore, but were48 oz. known for while cabbage can be traced to 62. Molokai party Select Varieties 22. Often preceded by a time period trickery they used to protect their Vegetable, Best Blend,Ireland, corned beef was likely 69. ElectronGatorade tube 15 oz. Raspberry Fruit, 14 oz. Crunch Brown Sugar, 1563. Sea eagles 24.corte Gradually U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de lomo de cerdo Canola or Corn de filete U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de completo dediminished substituted for Irish bacon by Irish treasures. Leprechauns actually sin hueso, entero o mitad oz. Touch Fruit, 15.2 oz. Little Bites Original, Chocolate 70. Goon centro sin hueso Wesson 25. *Namesake of orelectric Cinnamon Roll, car 15.5 oz.maker Maple, Strawberry or 64. *__ Handler, Barbie doll inventor have no legitimate connection immigrants living in New York 71. Barry Bonds formerly was one Blueberry or 18 oz. Frosted 67. Small dog's 15 oz. Can Original orbark Turkey 26. Singular form of "asci" to the holiday. Their association City. Irish bacon was too expensive Kellogg's Bite Size * OUR COSTHormel 72. Large pots INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, 27. Indian cuisine staple, pl. with St. Patrick's Day can likely for many of these Irish immigrants, Mini Wheats Cereal AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES 20 oz. Chili No Beanson Page 73. Choose instead 29. *Sewing machine inventor be traced to the 1959 Disney film who found corned beef a much Solution 4 Food Depot U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de filete de lomo de cerdo 14.7 oz. W/Fiber Less Sugar or 15 oz. Original U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de corte completo de 8 TripleŠ Roll StatePoint Ultra Soft sin hueso, entero more o mitad affordable alternative. "Darby. O'Gill & the Little People," *__ Kamen, Segway inventor Media 74. Wintry mix centro sin31. hueso Wheat Bread . Kellogg's Northern Quilted
Symbols of
Tommy Thompson Senior Center March 13 & 14 Call for times The Tommy Thompson Senior Center offers fun daily activities. March 13 – Blood pressure clinic, bingo, and exercises. March 14 – Gospel music and 20 Questions. Info: 770-683-8600
The Newnan Carnegie March 14 2:30 p.m. Instructor Elizabeth Dorsey guides gentle yoga exercises for stress relief, flexibility, stretching and strengthening. Wear comfortable clothes. Limited spots available; please call to register. Info: 770-683-1347
Chattahoochee Bend State Park March 16 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Middle- and high-school students can win prizes. Judged by members of the Wild Turkey Federation. Please pre-register by calling or coming to the park visitor's center. $5 plus $5 parking. Info: 770-254-7271
Pickin’ on the Square
Historic Courthouse Square March 16 11:00 a.m. All musicians are invited to come down to Newnan’s Historic Courthouse Square and play. All music genres and skill levels are welcome. Acoustic only. Info: 770-253-8283
Toyota of Newnan March 28 10:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. AARP Driver Safety Course with instructor Roger Echols. Please call to register. Info: 770-927-1693
St. Patrick's Day
Breakfast Steak
Round Roast.......
$ 23
MAR. 14-17
2 3Steak Round Boneless Full Cut 155 Round$Steak
$195 1
Thirst Quencher
P L U S 110 %
$ 27
8 Pk.
$ 52
16 oz.
Food Depot Mountain fees, and *Our cost includes freight, Green stocking associated expenses. Purina T-Bonz 4.02 oz. Columbian or Breakfast Blend
12 Double Roll Ultra Soft or 12 Double Roll Ultra Please Plush
Northern Quilted
10 oz. Regular or Tiny
10-10.5 oz.
Fancy Feast
33.9 oz.
16 Lb. Bag Indoor or Complete
5 oz.
Fancy Feast Tidy Cat
12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter
12-16 oz. Can, Select Varieties
9 oz. White Cheddar or Movie Theater Butter
45 oz. Original with Clorox or 48 oz. Lemon Fresh orU.S.D.A. Sparkling Wave Select Beef 3 Pk., 3.3-11.57 oz. Select Varieties
36 $
Orville Redenbacher's 16 oz. Jar, Select Varieties
Lance Superior Fresh
Clorox Disinfectant
64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties
32 oz. Small & Mighty Stainlifter or Free Clear 32 Load 24 Ct. Mighty Pac Free Clear or Original
Claxton Fresh
Langers U.S.D.A. Select Beef All
U.S.D.A. Inspected
95 $ 99
Lipton Knorr
.13-.23 oz., Select Varieties
16 oz. Dry Roasted or Low Sodium
Capri-Sun Fresh
$ 49
$ Ground 12 Pork or
Essential Everyday Chuletas de paletilla de cordero
12 oz.
U.S.D.A. Inspected
1 97
16 Oz.
16 oz. Pkg.
152 2
$ 95 1
er nneer Pllannn l Pla B idalP Br | 2013
Newof The N s les le
Ru gs Weddings
Memories Made Easy
FEATURE family recipes familiar them into pdating way to turn is a great favorites. of new family in place with broth, boost flavor “Cooking , way to a Freitag a quick water, is said Chef Amand k series in a dish,� Food Networ a the giving recipes judge on e Inn ed.� “When “Chopp I like to use Colleg premium er, made from , tender makeov which are Broths, plump chickenles.� like vegetab ingredients farm-grown beef, and
Tips Freitag’s Broth Amanda ing with s by on Cook potatoe „ Lighten
Mustard Honey Savory Pears and Figs Poached
online now
es-h www.tim
Soup Enchilada Chicken Creamy 6 s: 4 to s Serving 20 minute Prep Time: 45 minutes Cook Time:
LFNHQ WKLJKV 6RXS ERQHOHVV VNLQOHVV FK HG WR FXS FDQROD RLO GLYLGHG LQFK VWULSV RQ VDOW GLYLG OLFHG LQWR WHDVSR UQ WRUWLOODV V VRIW FR QLRQ GLFHG VPDOO R DUOLF PLQFHG GHU FORYH JRQV FKLOL SRZ PLQ WHDVSR RQ JURXQG FX WHDVSR H MXLFH FXS OLPRQ OLPH ]HVW K XQGUDLQHG WHDVSR &KLFNHQ %URW FHG 7RPDWRHV GUDLQHG TXDUW RXQFHV 'L JUHHQ FKLOLHV FDQ RXQFHV GLFHGFUHDP FKHHVH FDQ HG IDW UHGXF RXQFHV JV 7RSSLQ )ULHG WRUWLOOD VWULSV DU FKHHVH SLHFHV UHGGHG FKHGG LQWR LQFK FXS VK RQLRQV VOLFHG with 1 JUHHQ dish. Brush Bake 15 350°F. n salt. glass baking oven to h t 1. Prehea in 8x8-inc e with 1/4 teaspoo Shred cooked chicken inside. sprinkl 2. Place oil and longer pink 2 aside. tablespoon s or until no strips in and set to 20 minute with 2 forks skillet. Add tortilla s each batch. meat n minute chicken oil in small about 2 with 1/4 teaspoo brown, le remaining 3. Heat ; fry until golden plate. Sprink for Step 4. oil ined batches over medium s. paper towel-l e 1 tablespoon Drain on aside. Reserv oil in Dutch oven about 3 minute set oon cent, tly. Do salt and d 1 tablesp until translu stirring constan cook reserve cook s, 4. Heat stir and onions and 60 second heat. Add and cook 30 to powder and cumin; Add garlic garlic. Add chili es, and tomato brown to broth, not seconds. juice, lime zest, and reduce heat is 15 to 30 lime e to a boil, cream cheese y stir in 5. Quickl Bring mixtur . Simmer until chilies. Chicken cheese y diced Cream s. Add cream Soup 5 minute simmer. with tortilla Enchilada , cook about melted. and garnish chicken shredded ual soup bowls, onion. 6. Stir in into individ and green 7. Ladle r cheese strips, chedda
o cipes family re
to Bring 5 Items Your to Meet er ar Tax Prep
1 89
$ 72 1
16 oz.
Cheese Singles
Lunch Meat Fresh
45 oz. Essential Gwaltney12 oz. Pkg. Everyday Spread Bowl
2 2 1 1
$ 50
U.S.D.A. Inspected
oz. Pkg. Whole12Or Half
188 1 Gallon Assorted Flavors
$ 98
Dutch Farms
Fruit ADE Gallon
$ 54
85 1
ahumado fresco
U.S.D.A. Inspected
All Meat Thick Sliced or Steak
Kunzler ¢Pork Picnic Bologna.. 26
$ 16
1 88 1 2 85 2 64
95¢ 2
John Morrelllb. 7 oz. Pkg. McEver's 16 oz. Pkg. lb. $ 81 19 Chocolate Smoked Delite . . .inspeccionado . . . .T . .asty . . . . . . . . . .de. . .jamón . . . . . . . .de $ 64 U.S.D.A. ¢ ¢ U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón 1/2 Gallon cerdo fresco, entero o mitad ahumado fresco Sausage... Country Delite Whole Links....... Chocolate $ 99 72 Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallon All Meat Thick Sliced or Steak 12 oz. Pkg. $ 12 Kunzler 94 Red Diamon¢ Kunzler $ 59 ¢ Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¢ Coca-Cola......... Quart Bologna.. Hot Dogs $ 33 Dairy Fresh $ Coca-Cola......... 59 94 Half N Half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¢ 8 oz. Coca-Cola......... Dutch Farms John Morrell 7 oz. Pkg. McEver's 16 oz. Pkg. 67 $ ¢ 50 French Dip . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coca-Cola......... $ 64 ¢ Smoked ¢ OnionTasty
2 164 1 1
Pechuga de pollo sin hueso o Cheese U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamĂłn sin piel fresco
cerdo fresco, entero o mitad
64 1 $
1 lb. Regular or Unsalted
1 84 2 1 1
$ 16 lb.
8 oz. Assorted Flavor Shredded or Chunk
Chuletas de paletilla de cordero U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamĂłn de americana fresca
Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Turkey, Ham or Chicken
1 79
$ 36 Orange lb.
Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8-12.3 oz. Bowl Fleischmann's 12 oz. Pkg. ea. $ 99 lb.Armour 2.6$ oz. Pkg. lb. 99 $ Land Frost . . . . . .de. .cerdo . . . .¢ . .molido . . .Lunch . . . .o. ChunkOCheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¢ Great Margarine . . .Carne Morell SpreadU.S.D.A. . . . . .inspeccionado . . .¢ . . . . . .John . . . . . . .de. . .mitad . . . . . de Carne de cangrejo de imitación, costilla o lomo de cerdo fresco guisado fresco 16 onzas 6 oz. Select Varieties 16 oz. 48-59 oz. Ctn. Select Varieties Bologna..... Lunch Meat Makers....... Essential Everyday Cheddar or Mozzarella ¢ Tropicana or Ocean Spray Sausage... $ 99 Chobani $ Greek Yogurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shredded Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oscar ............... Mayer 2 oz. 16 oz. Pkg. 16 oz. Quarters 4.5oz. Pkg. 1/2 Gallon 58 oz. Oz. Pkg. Turkey, Ham or Chicken Crystal Farms Essential Everyday Natural Sliced Country Delite $ 50 $ 09 $ Gwaltney Oscar Mayer Mama Rosa ¢ Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swiss Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¢ Buttermilk ¢. . . . . . .Little ................. Great1Dogs lb. 8 oz. Lunchables 1/2CountryGallonDelite Pizzas........ Oscars....... Essential Everyday Natural Sliced $ 18 $ 89 Parkay $ Spread Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provolone Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whole Buttermilk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lb. Bowl 12 oz. Gallon Everyday Armour 2.6 oz. Pkg. 2 Essential oz. Wafer ThinAmerican Ham Or Turkey $ 19 Citrus, Tropical or Punch 12 oz. Pkg. $ Gwaltney12 72 oz.ParkayPkg. $ ..... CheeseOSingles Tampico . . . . ¢. . . . . .John . . . . . . . . . .Morell ....... Land Frost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¢ Great Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .¢. . . . .Lunch .............................
Pork Picnic
Country Delite
U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh
$Loin48Or Rib Half
4.5oz. Pkg.
Fresh Pork Ham
lb. $ 98
1 1
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Whole Or Half
Pork Loin
Dutch Farms American Cheese
Pechuga de pollo sin hueso o sin piel fresco
americana fresca
U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh
$ 72 French
16 onzas
Claxton Fresh
40 Ct., 9 Inch
Food Depot
Loin Or Rib Half
Stew Meat
20 oz.
U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de solomillo sin hueso
Ground Pork or
Dutch Farms
Planters Fresh Superior
4 1 32
10 Pk. Pouch, 60 oz. Select Varieties
$ 95 Essential Everyday ea. lb.
Party Gifts
4.4-5.8 oz. Assorted Flavors Rice or 4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavors Pasta
24 $
35 Ct., Select Varieties
16 oz.
8 oz. Assorted Flavor
The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 770-301-7012
or up mashed broth for milk ting chicken substitu butter. by cream and couscous to rice and of water. instead with broth, an ice cube cooking broth in unused „ Freeze future use. tray for here were pictured The recipes Ultimate Recipe to be a an sure in winners contest, and are s listed ge Challen family table. Recipe hit at your 3. on page
Golden Flake
14 Lb. Jug, 24/7 Premium or Instant Action
Kunzler ¢ Oscar Mayer Pork¢ Loin Little ¢ Gwaltney Imitation Crab Stew Meat Fresh¢ Pork Ham Great Dogs Lunchables Pizzas........ Hot Dogs Oscars....... Music City Essential Everyday American Essential Everyday Chunk or Shredded Fleischmann's $ 99 $ 49 $ 19
God Is Good All The Time! America Must Stand with Israel!
flavor „ Add
11 oz. Frosted, Assorted Flavors
1 oz.
Chicken of the Sea
Sea Best Mama Rosa
“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. II Thessalonians 2: 1-3
kes Fresh ta
Golden Flake
2 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties
Chicken of the Sea
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Frito-Lay's Munchies
3.75 oz. Can In Hot Sauce, Oil or Water
15.25 oz. Box, Select Varieties
All 2X
8 oz.
Folgers Classic Roast
16 oz. Assorted Flavor 2 oz. Wafer Thin Ham Or Turkey Essential Everyday
50 oz. Stainlifter, Free Clear or Ultra Fresh Rain 32 Load
visit our website: 27.8-29.2 oz., Select! Frito-Lay's 3 oz. Can, Select Varieties
5 Oz. Pkg.
di the Finding Perfect Place Perfec Get Glamorous tooTToe from Head
18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey Nut Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or 15-17 oz. Frosted Flakes
Food Depot Hamburger
Biscuits U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de carne de res U.S.D.A. selecto de bistecSingles de Onion DipCarneguisado U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de mitad de de cerdo molidosolomillo o Carne de cangrejo de imitaciĂłn, molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaĂąo sin hueso costilla o lomo de cerdo fresco fresco
13, 2013
70 lb.
24 Pk., .5 Liter
12 Pk.
16.5-18.5 Lb. Bag, Select Varieties
Green Mountain
4 pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle
75Âş 41Âş
vered free ve
¢ or Hot Dog Buns
Mighty Dog
12 Ct. 4.02-6.35 oz., Select Varieties
Imitation Crab
deli d esdayy and Wedn W nesda
18 oz. Big Bite
15.7-16.6 Lb., Select Varieties
16 Oz.
74Âş 46Âş
very every Published
$ 17
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | MyConnection 3
Community Connection
Eau du Bengay
here were few visitors to our abode over the last 10 days or so. Few ventured past the Black Death warnings posted by the Centers for Disease Control. For those brave enough to enter anyway, another surprise awaited. And that would be The Aroma. Said aroma courtesy of the Little Black Dress, who herself finally succumbed after valiant attempts to whatever plague is visiting our area. Known in various connotations and spellings, to many it is the healing elixir of all time, namely Eau du Bengay. Before we get too much into this column, let’s all get on the same page regarding who, or what, is Bengay. “Bengay, spelled Ben-Gay before 1995, is an analgesic heat rub used to relieve muscle and joint pain. It was developed in France by Dr. Jules Bengué, and brought to America in 1898. The name Bengué was anglicized to Bengay. It was originally produced by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare which was later acquired by Johnson & Johnson.” Or so sayeth the fine folks on the Internet who save every school kid the night before they somehow just forgot about that massive written report due on the nocturnal mating habits of the Amazonian Izula due tomorrow. Namely, Wikipedia. I realize I have opened up The Debate, namely that between the diehard Bengay loyalists and those of the Vicks Vapor Rub persuasion. Time does not permit me to go into the pros and cons of either. Let us just agree to disagree and each to his own. The Dress is of the Bengay line, thus so is our clan. It’s like arguing over whether baptism should be with one being immersed backwards, frontwards or straight up and down. Or be Methodist and go for the sprinkle. Yeah, and now I’ve really started it, haven’t I? Anyway, back to whatever point I’m trying to get to. Over the past couple of weeks,
John Winters
the three SONs of Thunder have gone through five separate bouts of The Strep. Said Strep hit Youngest first, who politely passed it on to Eldest two days before Winter Break. Not to be outdone, Eldest responded in kind and apparently gave it back to Youngest before heading off on a mission trip. And upon his return, Eldest once again tested positive for The Strep, the first day back after break. And where was Middle in all this? He got The Strep as well, although we are not sure from whom. However, The Strep changed to some other malaise and he and his younger sibling spent pretty much the entire Spring Break in bed or on a couch. Two siblings stuck in bed, on vacation, yeah, that was a fun time. And just to make my life miserable, The Dress somehow succumbed to what we believe Middle later got. Being the precautionary/proactive type, she went to get tested for The Strep, which she did not have. After long
consultations, throat swaps, massive blood work, an MRI or two or three and consultations with the Mayo Clinic, a diagnosis was finally reached on Middle and the LBD. I believe the Latin medical term is called The Crud. Or, in layman’s terms, “that bug that’s going around.” Said bug is pretty much wreaking havoc on my mental and physical well being. Sometimes we forget how much our significant others, especially when children are involved, contribute to maintain some semblance of normality in this journey we call life. I remember promising to love The Dress in sickness and in health, but I do not recall anything about her being sick as a mom. Moms are not allowed to get sick. It’s just not natural. And for The Dress to violate the code, well, you know it’s not good. So I am now head doctor, nurse, dispenser of drugs (approved and in their original containers dear law enforcement friends), carpooler, school note excuse writer, grocery shopper, dinner fixer, dishwasher, bed maker, the “no, I mean go to bed now do you know how many times I’ve asked and how late it is?!” enforcer and a few other things I’ve forgotten. I do not do bottles. And here it comes. Wait ... Wait ... Almost ... Now ... “Welcome to our world!” says every woman. Okay, I get it. On behalf of all dads, moms, please get well.
Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online for March 1–7
Mother, infant injured in early Monday traffic accident
Woman pulled from burning home Wednesday dies
The Grantville Episode: ‘Walking Dead’ shows off downtown
Special Election: District 71 state house seat goes to Stover
Fayette County school board votes to close 4 schools
Sprayberry Road work hits underground snag
Movie industry, related tourism produce big, economic impact
City of Newnan’s new garbage pickup schedules begin Monday District 71 runoff election is Tuesday
Fleeing suspect wrecks vehicle on McIntosh Trail
Your online source for News, Information and Advertising in Coweta County.
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If You Suffer From A Single One Of These Tortuous Symptoms — Numbness, Tingling, Burning or Sharp Nerve Pain In Your Feet — DESPITE WHAT MANY DOCTORS MAY TELL YOU, PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY CAN BE EFFECTIVELY TREATED
Peripheral Neuropathy affects every part of your life — walking, sleeping, socializing, sometimes even sitting and so much more.
The Single Most Important Solution To Your Neuropathy Has Been Years in the Making… It cost me thousands of dollars and countless hours away from my family, researching, reading, talking with experts in the scientific community and racking my brain in order to create a “No-Holds Barred”, exceedingly effective Neuropathy Recovery Program. Finally my Neuropathy program is available to you. And the best news is that the principles of my Neuropathy Recovery Program work with both diabetic and nondiabetic types of neuropathy. How does my Neuropathy Program work? Quite simply, by finding the TRUE cause of your Neuropathy and then having the “know-how” on how to remove that cause. Every patient’s case of Neuropathy will be different, so I don’t have the space here to go into more details. That is why I am offering a Special Evaluation in order to see if you can be helped with my Neuropathy Recover Program. My patients know my insider secrets to recovery. They have already received their individualized Neuropathy Recover Program and are having amazing results. Here is what they are saying: “This is the first time in many years that I have been able to feel my feet.” -Ben Hollis
As Seen On Atlanta & Company on 11Alive
Ask Yourself These 5 Questions:
If you have tried “everything” (Lyrica®, Neurotin®, physical therapy, orthotics for your shoes, even injections) without getting the lasting results you want then you may be the perfect candidate for my Neuropathy Program.
We all know this to be true. There is a tremendous difference between covering up your symptoms and actually fixing the underlying problem. Why settle for “band-aid” care, when you could potentially correct the problem?
There is a simple reason that these treatments fail… because they are only covering up the symptoms. They do not address the root cause of your Peripheral Neuropathy.
“I have suffered from severe neuropathy in both feet for close to 10 years. My previous doctors said it was due to my Diabetes and that I would just have to live with it. After reading about Dr. Dunn, I went to go see him. I’ve completed the treatment plan that he outlined and am happy to say that I am finally symptom free.” — Bill Schwartz “Before seeing Dr. Dunn, the neuropathy in my feet was so bad that I couldn’t even drive a car. Now, I can drive myself to get groceries and go to Wal-Mart whenever I want to. Dr. Dunn truly gave me my life back.” — Mary Jenkins “After the first treatment, I noticed an immediate improvement. For the first time in many years, I was actually able to sleep through the night without my feet waking me up.” — Susie Sayer
1. Do you feel like you’re wearing an invisible “sock” over your feet? 2. Does it feel like you are stepping on thumb tacks? 3. Are you extremely sensitive to touch… Burning, Freezing or electric “shocks” into your legs or feet? 4. Are you experiencing Numbness, Tingling, Loss of Feeling or even Weakness in your legs or feet? 5. Are you starting to have balance problems now because of your feet? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, chances are you may have Peripheral Neuropathy. If you’ve been suffering for a while and you’re tired of treatments that only give you temporary relief, then I may have the answer you’ve been waiting and hoping for. Remember, this Special Offer is only good until the 29th of March. Call today 770-450-4541 and we can get you scheduled for your consultation and exam as soon as there’s an opening. When you call, tell Kathy you’d like to come in for my Neuropathy Recovery Evaluation so she can make sure you receive proper credit for this special offer.
Now let me say this, I am not promising that I can cure everyone. I don’t even know if you qualify for my program. That is yet to be determined, and requires a thorough exam and review of your history.
I know that you’ve been promised the moon and stars before and nobody has delivered the goods.
P.S. See Dr. Dunn interviewed about Neuropathy on 11Alive Morning and hear him on 95.5 FM “WSB”
That’s why I’m offering you a risk-free introduction to this program. For a limited time you will receive my Qualifying Examination Special for only $47 if you call before March 29, 2013.
Correct Diagnosis + Correct Treatment = Best Results Possible and Relief. If you are tired of the institutionalized medical merry-go -round of cover up care, then you need to try my program. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Dr. Matt Dunn, D.C.
Dr. Dunn practices in Peachtree City, Georgia and specializes in the treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy and Herniated Discs. See My Patients Share Their Stories of Hope & Success:
4 MyConnection | Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Community Connection
Brrrr-fect morning for a Shamrock Run
Alison Wallace of Bridging the Gap played leprechaun for this year’s ShamRock Run, held Saturday, March 2. Runners didn’t let a few snow flurries stop them from participating.
Metal Roofers • • • • • •
Runners braved chilly temperatures for the ShamRock Run, a benefit run organized by the Newnan Junior Service League.
Bridging the Gap Participants support outreach program By ALEX MCRAE
Early-rising runners from the seventh annual ShamRock Run, held March 6, beat their feet on the pavement a little harder than usual. Not to break race records. To stay warm. The temperature hovered near the freezing mark when the run began at 8 a.m. and was still in the mid-30s when the last runner crossed the finish line and went in search of hot chocolate. Officials of the Newnan Junior Service League were expecting a big turnout, and were not dissappointed. Running for a good cause encouraged serious spandex-suited racers, plus dogs, children and amateur joggers, to the Court Square to support Bridging the Gap Community Outreach. Events included a 5K, 10K and “Leprechaun Dash,” which consisted of two circuits around the historic 1904 courthouse, an ideal distance for younger athletes. The ShamRock Run also includes a concert to be held March 23 at the Alamo in downtown Newnan and featuring ‘80s cover band M-80s, based in Birmingham. The concert will also include a silent auction featuring items, including a salon gift set, weekend hotel stay, an Arnold Palmer autographed Masters flag, gift cards and various passes to attractions. Tickets to the benefit concert are available for purchase
on the NJSL webpage (njslonline. org) or from any NJSL member for $50 each. Both the 10K and 5K race routes are certified and are among the last qualifying races before the Peachtree Road Race opens for registration. This year’s ShamRock Run also incorporated radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip timing to ensure the most accurate finish times possible. Finish times were posted on an on-site monitor with live results feed. Results were sent to participants via e-mail at the end of the race. All proceeds from the ShamRock Run and benefit concert will support Bridging the Gap, which helps connect potential community donors to those living below the poverty line in Coweta County. Organizers said funds raised will assist BTG in purchasing a van, which will enable the organiza tion to pull a refrigerated trailer to safely transport the 600 to 13,000 pounds of food BTG receives each day from its network of local suppliers. The FDA requires food to be refrigerated during transport, and this van will allow BTG to receive and distribute greater quantities of fresh produce and dairy products and abide by FDA regulations. Having the van will help BTG meet one of its important goals of not only simply feeding its recipients, but also providing them with fresh and nutritious foods.
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Limited edition collector’s book can be passed down and shared from generation to generation.
The Newnan Times-Herald spent over a year highlighting the stories of surviving local World World II veterans in a project called “Our Greatest Generation.” Since the series ended, we have had countless requests to reproduce this collection of stories so they may be preserved for future generations and enjoyed time and again in their entirety. We are pleased to announce the entire series has been published in a limited edition hardcover book with 288 pages that tell the stories and feature photographs of these proud men and women.
Pick up your limited edition today at 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 Also available to order online at times-herald/store or fill out the form below and mail with your payment to: The Newnan Times-Herald c/o Book Order • P.O. 1052, Newnan, GA 30264
Harold Barron Wendell Whitlock James McCalla Paul McKnight Hugo Parkman Charles Turner Everett Graves Albert “Lee” Herrington Bob Eatman Joe Lowe Joe Todd Robert Pittman Udolphus Daulton Payne Bob Haynie Harold Barber Gene Cook Art Carlson James Maddux Helen Denton Edwin Bean Bill Barrow Donald Van Houten James Warren Ford Boling Bill Lowry Alton Kirby Arthur Dye David Mealor Ferrell Parrott Walter Ferrari Roy Pitts Norman Estes Raymond Cook Clifford Wright Tom Glanton Tom Camp John Keeble Bobby Hammond Edwin Fey J. W. Hartley Adrian Daane William Morris Helen H. Tillett Paul Deverick Winston Clark Robert Alexander J. T. Joiner Clarence Boynton Frank Moynahan Marvin O’Neal James Goodrum Alton Reeves James Mansour Robert E. “Bob” Lee Coleman Yarbrough Tommy Thompson Homer Youngblood Patrick Ciandella ‘Flying the Hump’ Sarah Rone D. M. “Hump” Humphries E. R. Forsyth Ed Wyrick Tom Miller
Robert Sanders Sam Isaac Bill Deakins Leo Baker Grover McMichael Robert Bridges William Tinsley Al Lewis William Smith Marvin Kee Sisto “Sas” Radicchi Donn Murray David Potter Eric Chaffin Nelson Reinhardt Lowell Chambers Jesse Hayes Jim Wasson Olin Watson C. E. “Chunk” Dingler Bob Taylor Ralph Parks Bill Dailey Elmer Spradlin Horace Couch Don Lindstrom Bob Newton C. B. Warren Horace McMullan Jack Wade Eddie B. Bass Merlin Houston James Robb Mickey Williams Jimmy Carlisle Ed Wolak Bert Bray Frank Cheney Harry Newton Dan Moten Gilbert Taylor Ed Milton James Stitcher John Richards Bill Jones Roscoe McMichael Jimmy Nixon Marvin Brittain Cecil Taylor Alvin Warren James “Jim” Williams Walter Craven Earl Smith Robert Allen William Jackson John Finley Tom Norton Leland Rogers Jack Humphrey John Byrd Bill Rainer Zane Bristol Bruce Deakin J. T. Williams
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | MyConnection 5
Community Connection
Community Heroes
Local heroes are honored during Emergency Services Day at Senoia United Methodist Church. From left are Frank Jones, Billy Swenson, Daniel Kelly, Josh Gould, James McCue, Michelle Worden and Evan Kilgore.
Senoia Methodists honor public safety servants Senoia United Methodist Church appreciates public safety workers. The church showed its appreciation by holding Emergency Services Day. “In our community there are some people who are absolutely essential to our well-being. Our emergency services personnel are truly some of those special peo-
ple,” said Nathaniel Long, pastor of the church. “We are appreciative because they keep an eye on our property. We are thankful because they speed to our aid when we have an emergency. We are appreciative because they keep our community a safe place for us to live and worship,” he said.
During the service, seven emergency service servants were recognized – Josh Gould, Daniel Kelly, Frank Jones, Evan Kilgore, James McCue, Billy Swenson and Michelle Worden. The service offered an opportunity to “let our emergency personnel know how we really feel,” Long said. “They are in our prayers.”
After the service, youngsters and the young-at-heart got to take a close-up look at fire trucks and police vehicles. At one point, Worden, an officer with the Senoia Police Department, performed a mock arrest of Long. A covered dish meal was also held in honor of the public safety
personnel. The service was held on Sept. 9. In addition to honoring local emergency workers, the time also was one to “remember the sacrifices of those affected by the events of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attack.”
Dog obedience classes begin March 20 Dog obedience classes begin March 20 at the Coweta County Recreation Department, 39 Hospital Road. Classes are held in the Johnny Brown Building, a heated and airconditioned multi-purpose building. The course is scheduled for 10 weeks, meeting Wednesday evenings from 7-9. Instructor is Vicky Jones, who has more than 43 years of teaching experience with all breeds of dogs, specializing in dogs with behavior and temperament problems. The beginners course is for pet dogs from the age of five months and older. Exercises taught include: heeling on leash with automatic sits, figure eight heeling, stand for examination, heeling off leash with automatic sits, coming on command — on and off leash, sit and down stays — on and off leash, behavior modification and socialization. Children are welcome to bring their pets for class, provided the youngster is physically able to handle the dog and understand and retain lengthy instruction. For information contact Jones, 770-253-1427, or call the Coweta Recreation Department at 770-254-3750.
Flair Continued from Page 1 H. Leon Pitts Jr., are raising an 8-year-old nephew but have no biological children. “I tell my students all the time, ‘You guys are my only children,’” said Pitts, whose Ms. Grundy has made appearances at Black Histor y Month prog ra ms i n Coweta County schools as well. “‘I’ve got to send you home and make sure you come back the next day so I can love you all over again.’ When they see you are sincere about them and their learning, they will want to please you. Once you form that bond and trust, you have them hooked.” Out of character, Pitts said she is “pretty spoiled” but also prays she can do what is in her power to help other people. “When I’m Tracey, just me, I
can be pretty serious and emotional,” she said. “I love people so much I hate to see them hurt. I’ve been taken advantage of but it’s ok. I don’t hold any grudges.” In the classroom – and in and out of character – Pitts uses current events to teach more than just the English language and literature. “We’ll talk about sexting, for instance,” she said. “Is it illegal, and whose fault is it if kids are caught? I bring light to those types of articles because I want to make sure I leave something with the kids, something moral, even though they laughed. I’ve been doing that for almost 26 years, and I have had kids come back and say I’ve taught them not just about literature but about life.”
I-85 at Bullsboro Drive 770-253-3995
Starting at
(certain restrictions apply)
90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd. Newnan, GA
6 MyConnection | Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Recipe Connection
Mini Pizza Snacks Mexican Pizza Yield: 4 to 6 servings 1 whole wheat pizza crust, baked 1/2 cup salsa 1 cup corn kernels 1 cup avocado, diced 1 cup tomatoes, diced 2 cups jack cheese, grated 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped (optional) Preheat oven to 375°F. Evenly distribute salsa over pizza crust. Top pizza with corn, avocado, tomatoes and cheese. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until bubbly. Let cool slightly. Garnish with fresh cilantro, if desired. Grown-Up Alert: An adult may need to help with dicing vegetables and using the oven.
Whole Wheat Pizza Crust Yield: 1 crust, 4 to 6 servings 2 cups whole wheat flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 cup olive oil, plus extra for greasing pan 3/4 cup water 1 teaspoon kosher salt Preheat oven to 350°F. In large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients. Mix by hand until dough comes together and doesn’t stick to the side of the bowl. Use a small amount of olive oil to grease a medium sized (12-inch) pizza pan. Roll or press dough into pan. Bake for about 7 minutes or until golden brown. Let crust cool slightly and top as desired. Grown-Up Alert: An adult may need to help with the oven.
Garden Pizza Yield: 4 to 6 servings 1 whole wheat pizza crust, baked and ready to be topped 2/3 cup tomato or pizza sauce 2 tomatoes, sliced thin 1/2 cup bell peppers, diced small 1 cup mushrooms, sliced 1 cup zucchini, diced small 1 1/2 cups grated mozzarella cheese 3/4 cup fresh mozzarella cheese, hand torn 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves Preheat oven to 375°F. Evenly distribute sauce over pizza crust. Top with tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, zucchini and cheeses. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until bubbly. Let cool slightly. Garnish with fresh basil. Grown-Up Alert: An adult may need to help with dicing vegetables and using the oven.
Yield: 2 servings (3 mini pizzas per serving) 6 mini pizza crusts cut out from whole wheat pitas, or pre-baked pizza crusts 1/2 cup tomato sauce or your favorite pizza sauce (optional) 1 cup mozzarella cheese Pizza toppings such as pepperoni, black olives, green pepper, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, etc. Preheat oven broiler. Use a cookie cutter to cut pizza crusts that will fit in the wells of a muffin pan. Place one crust in each well. If you want pizza sauce, spoon some onto each crust. Top with a sprinkle of cheese, then some of your favorite pizza toppings. Place muffin pan on the lower rack of the oven, and broil for about 5 minutes, or until the cheese has melted. Remove from oven. Let pizzas cool for a couple of minutes before carefully using a fork to remove them from the pan. Grown-Up Alert: Have an adult help with the broiler, and with removing pizzas from the muffin pan.
Tomato Quiz Tomatoes not only taste good, but they’re good for you. Tomatoes contain vitamin A, which does what? a) Helps fight infection b) Keeps hair, bones and skin healthy c) Promotes good vision d) All of the above
Answer: d
Health benefits of caffeine could outweigh negatives METRO GRAPHICS
The pitfalls of caffeine consumption are well known, but the various health benefits of caffeine are often overlooked. Excessive caffeine can make a person jittery and unable to fall asleep. However, caffeine can also prevent disease by boosting the immune system. Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a psychoactive stimulant drug. It is a naturally produced plant product that is most often found in coffee beans, tea and cocoa. Whether caffeine addiction is real or not is open for debate; however, regular coffee drinkers who stop drinking coffee have experienced caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Though few might be willing to say with certainty that caffeine is "good" for you, caffeine does have its strong points.
Fights damage-causing free radicals: Free radicals are molecules in the body that can attack healthy cells and cause damage that precipitates disease. Antioxidants are substances that eliminate free radicals in the body. Recent studies have shown that caffeine's antioxidant activity actually fights free radicals quite well. In a study published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, the different chemical mechanisms of caffeine were studied in relation to free radicals. Researcher Jorge Rafael Leon-Carmona of Mexico found that a mechanism called radical adduct formation, or RAF, was the main reason caffeine can protect against damage from free radicals.
Improves memory and brain function:
Harvard University researchers have determined that men who drink four cups of caffeinated coffee a day are half as likely to develop Parkinson's disease as those who don't. The results are believed to be linked to caffeine's stimulation of dopamine production in the body. Dopamine is a brain chemical that is responsible for alertness, problem-solving capabilities and feelings of pleasure. An Austrian study says caffeine can boost cognitive abilities for
about 45 minutes, which means it may help individuals score better on tests or perform better in business meetings. There is also evidence that caffeine can delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease. That's because caffeine can block adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine slows down the neurological system so that the body can relax. However, adenosine may also contribute to the buildup of amyloid-beta, a toxic brain plaque that's associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Pick Your Shamrock!
Wednesday, March 13 – Thursday, March 21, 2013
Helps the heart:
Although caffeine can cause blood pressure to rise because it constricts the arteries, caffeine does not appear to contribute much to the development of heart disease. In fact, scientists at Brooklyn College found people who drank four cups of caffeinated coffee daily had a 53 percent lower risk of dying of heart disease than those who didn't consume a cup of Joe. Individuals who do not already have hypertension can tolerate moderate coffee drinking, and over time their bodies actually may become accustomed to the temporary rise in blood pressure.
Caffeine is often a hidden component of analgesics. Working in conjunction with the pain medication, caffeine helps the body absorb the pain reliever more efficiently. This requires a smaller amount of the drug and brings relief faster. Some other people surmise that since caffeine is a natural mood booster, it also helps the body to feel better faster. Following this line of thinking, caffeine may help to prevent other pain associated with exercise, fibromyalgia and arthritis.
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Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D
12:40 PM
Page 1
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Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A
Crane talks issues — see page 8A
A Times-Herald Publication
147th year — Issue 124
5 Sections, 58 Pages
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Established 1865
ISSN. NO. 0883-2536
Newnan, Georgia
$1.25 Sunday edition
Coweta’s Local Daily
New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE
Alleviates headaches:
3 Months
Aids with type 2 diabetes risk reduction: More than 125,000 participants were studied in a 20-year look at coffee consumption and its potential relationship to type 2 diabetes. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham & Women's Hospital have found individuals who drank caffeinated coffee lowered their risk for type 2 diabetes considerably.
6 Months
Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. room offito set Hospital, Newnan Piedmont of campus Road Poplar new the at Friday There was activity It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.
NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility
and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont
Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are
Deborah & Michael Simmons
See HOSPITAL, page 2A
Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations By W. WINSTON SKINNER
March/April 2013 | $3.95
U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy
16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA 30263 •
Call: 770-304-3373 or 770-253-1576 *Introductory offer, cannot be renewed at this rate. Valid for new subscriptions only in Coweta County. No mail subscriptions. Must be prepaid. Offer ends 3/21/13.
Engineering & CAD
Engineering Technician
A rapidly growing plastics manufacturer in Newnan, GA is seeking an Engineering Technician. Responsibilities include building test fixtures, fabrication • Call 770-253-1576 of prototypes, product • Fax 770-253-2538 testing, data collection & reporting, product in• Email spection, equipment • Log on to maintenance & calibration, and assisting engineers in R&D and QC activities. Applicants must be proficient in Excel & Word, and should have relevant Drivers Drivers education, training 306 306 and/or work experiTrucking Trucking ence. AutoCAD and SolidWorks experience 25 New Driver Home is a plus. Please submit Trainees Weekends resumes to: $1,000 sign-on bonus Needed! Learn to drive for TMC for OTR flatbed drivers. Transportation! Earn Guarantee pay. Excel$750 per week! No ex- lent pay & benefits. Hotels/ perience needed! Loc- Owner / Ops welcome. Restaurant 312 al CDL Training! Local Call today for details. 1-800-554-5661 15 day training! Ext. 331 Frankʼs Family 1-877-648-2755
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Special Notice
If you used Mirena IUD between 2001-present and suffered perforation or embedment in the uterus requiring surgical removal, or had a child born with birth defects you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members.
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Hiring experienced / inexperienced tanker drivers! Earn up to 51 cpm. New fleet Volvo Tractors! 1 year OTR experience is required, tanker training is available. Call today:
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Furniture Electrical
Now accepting applications for
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All the best bargains under one roof. Look for them in Wednesday’s Bargain Buys section. 770-253-1576
Nintendo DS
Great condition with 5 games - all child appropriate with case and charger. $120
TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
Radial Tires
Set of 2 radial tires, size 205/50 R16, very little wear, $50.
Set, $125. Call Beverly during day hours.
Set of matching men's and women's watches in original box. $100
TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
Homes For Sale
Church Furniture
Does your church need pews, pulpit set, baptistery, steeple, windows? Big sale on new cushioned pews and pew chairs.
Apts For Rent - Unfurn.
Bargain Buys $200-or-less
Coffee Table
Oak coffee table and 2 end tables set, clawfoot, antique, $125.
Exercise Bike
Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike, good condition. $100
2 BR, 2 Bath
Mobile Homes For Rent
Mobile Homes
For Rent
3 Bedroom homes $500 / month. Also have a few fixeruppers selling cheap!
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Homes For Rent-Unfurn.
Owner financing. $15,000 each
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Executive Home
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2013 Directory
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Call 770-253-1576 to place your Tax Prep ad.
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Mobile Homes For Rent
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