MyConnection for March 27, 2013

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Garage Sale Special

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 March 27, 2013

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Patient Assistance Program

Coweta Samaritan Clinic helps patients receive needed meds By NICHOLE GOLDEN


he Coweta Samar itan Clinic’s Patient Assistance Program (PAP) is helping more than a fourth of its patients to receive medications they could otherwise not afford. Registered Nurse Laura Thomas, volunteer and front office coordinator, is overseeing the program. The Coweta Samaritan Clinic, located on Jackson Street in Newnan, provides free primary care to Coweta residents 19 and older who are uninsured and meet specific income eligibility guidelines. Often a patient needing an antibiotic or other prescription medicine can receive a low-cost generic at one of many area pharmacies offering those. Another option is to provide a patient with sample medicines donated by physicians offices. “Our first step is to try and prescribe something on one of those lists,” said Thomas. But for those needing medicine for a chronic condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure, low-cost drugs are not an option. Thomas has contacted the major drug manufacturers, many of which have their own patient assistant programs to provide free medicines for those in need. Each company has different guidelines or requirements, and Thomas has familiarized herself with the programs to help Samaritan Clinic patients navigate the process.

“The applications can be confusing,” said Thomas. If a patient is determined eligible for a drug company program, the medications are sent directly to the clinic for the staff to administer. Examples of expensive but necessary medications for chronic conditions can include inhalers, blood pressure lowering drugs, and insulin for diabetics. While waiting for a decision from a drug manufacturer, the patient can receive a temporary supply of medicine from the clinic pharmacy. “We can give them insulin we have purchased to hold them over,” said Thomas. Volunteers help run the program, and Thomas finds it “very rewarding.” Many of the positive case outcomes for clients chronic conditions are due to the medications they have been able to secure through PAP. Thomas is also able to use her nursing experience to give patients information on allergies, and potential drug interactions. “I really enjoy it,” she said about the work. For more information on the Samaritan Clinic, go to or call 770-683-5272. Services are available by appointment. To make a screening appointment, patients must come by the clinic between 10 a.m. and noon on the first Monday of the month. The non-profit clinic is supported primarily through private donations.


Laura Thomas, R.N., at right, is the coordinator for the Patient Assistance Program (PAP) at the Samaritan Clinic of Newnan, and is pictured with volunteer Judy Aycock, at left. The program helps patients navigate the programs available from drug manufacturing companies that help pay for expensive prescription medications. The clinic also has its own pharmacy with donated medication samples. A small supply of insulin is also purchased by the clinic.


Regents name finalist for West Georgia presidency By STAFF REPORTS

Family Features


ooking to put a delicious twist on your Easter meal? Try cooking ham on the grill. It’s easy to fire up your feast with a Spiced Caramel Frozen Yogurt Pie Grilled Ham with with Grilled Peaches Citrus Glaze recipe. A flavor powerhouse, ham can be prepared in multiple ways, complementing a variety of dishes and flavors that fit into any Easter celebration and beyond. Surround it with savory sides like Roasted Potatoes with Bacon for a truly mouthwater­ing meal. And, don’t turn that grill off just yet, because no fired-up Easter feast would be complete without a sweet and smoky dessert that’s also fresh off the grill — Caramel Frozen Yogurt Pie with Grilled Peaches.

i n s i de

Grilling Tips

from the National Pork Board Grill over indirect heat. This allows the ham to heat evenly, without burning.

Roasted Potatoes with Bacon and Goat Cheese

st Easter Fea Recipes ➤

Score the ham. Scoring (diagonal cuts about 1 inch apart on the surface of the ham) not only looks more appeal­ing, but it allows both the natural juices and the glaze to penetrate and flavor the meat.


Use an instant-read thermometer. Heat pre-cooked (or cured) ham until the internal temperature reaches 140°F. Cook fresh uncooked ham until the internal temperature reaches 145°F, followed by a 3-minute rest. When inserted into the thickest part of the meat (without touching any bone), the temperature should register within a few seconds.

Spiced Grilled Ham with Citrus Glaze

! n u F Easter

Dr. Kyle Marrero was named Friday afternoon as the finalist for the presidency of the University of West Georgia in Carrollton. University System of Georgia Board of Regents Chair “Dink” NeSmith and University System of Georgia Chancellor Hank Huckaby announced the selection following a meeting in Atlanta Friday afternoon. Marrero is currently vice president for University Advancement at the University of West Florida, Pensacola, a position he has held since August 2009. In this position, Marrero provides executive leadership to advance the mission of the university in the areas of alumni relations, development, marketing, communications and the University of West Florida Foundation. He was given primary responsibility by the university president to lead the university’s effort to achieve the Carnegie Community and Curricular Engagement and Outreach and Partnerships Classification Award for 2015. This goal serves as one of the benchmarks of success specifically aligned to engaging in community partnerships that respond to mutual concerns and opportunities and that advance the economy and quality of life in a region. Under his leadership, the advancement office has made significant contributions to a

Hop In for

March 29th at 2:00 P.M. Easter Egg Hunt and Party!

Dr. Kyle Marrero

recorded 20 percent increase in enrollment, completed the largest capital campaign in the institution’s history by raising $39.2 million toward a $35 million fundraising goal, and increased the Foundation investment portfolio from $45 to $60 million. Marrero’s background is in music, and prior to his current position, he served as first the chair of the Department of Music and then as the director of the School of Fine and Performing Arts at the University of West Florida. Prior to his work at the University of West Florida, Marrero has taught voice, opera and conducting at a number of institutions in Louisiana, Michigan and Ohio. He currently serves as the artistic director of the Pensacola Opera, a position he has held since June 2000. During his tenure, the company was recognized


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2 MyConnection | Wednesday, March 27, 2013




Central Library March 28 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. A. Mitchell Powell Jr. Library April 3 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Coweta County Public Library System and volunteers from AARP foundation have partnered to prepare federal and state tax returns for free. Free electronic filing is also available. It is not necessary to be an AARP member, and all ages are welcome Info: 770-683-2052 (Central) or 770-253-3625 (Powell)

1. Father of Hector, Paris and Cassandra 6. Young newt 9. Perching place 13. Fungal skin infection 14. Tap order 15. Less than right angle 16. On pins and needles 17. Bottom line 18. Isabel Allende's "Portrait in ___" 19. *Say ______ to winter and hello to spring 21. *Celebrated saint 23. One of peeps 24. Cobbler's concern 25. Mudbath site 28. Cellist great 30. *The ______ Spring, led by Alexander Dubcek 35. Snaky swimmers 37. *Daffodil or tulip, originally 39. Yuletides DOWN 40. Competitive advantage 1. "Harper Valley ___" 41. Skedaddle 2. Sign of engagement 43. Profit 44. REM picture 3. A fan of 46. Fuzzy fruit 4. Famous for his fables 47. Second-most traded currency in Inspected 5. *Dance-around-the-pole holiday U.S.D.A. world 6. _____ button from Staples U.S.D.A. Inspected 48. Kinda 7. 1918 pandemic, e.g. 50. One who speaks a Slavic language 8. Dancer's beat Any Size Package 52. OB-GYN test 9. Maple, to a botanist 53. Boor 10. Brazilian indigenous people 55. *These sox train in spring 11. Relating to the ear 57. *Precedes May flowers 12. Reach a high 61. Okinawa martial arts 15. Rearward 64. Great reviews lb. 20. Splotches 65. Lawyer group Carne diezmillo molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaño22. European peak 67. She turned to stone Lonely musician? 69. Amber _____U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas 24. de cuarto de lomo de cerdo Bizcochos y salchicha de contenido 20 25. *Garden'sSalchicha beginnings ahumado, 40 onzas 70. "Family ___" 20 Ct. 40 oz. 26. Peter in Spain 71. Ar, atomic number Tennessee Pride18 Four Star U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de cuarto de lomo de cerdo 27. Tattered Tom's creator 72. Homework Sausageto&a student Biscuit . Smoked Sausage....... Salchichas rojos picantes, 14 onzas 29. Exclamation of disgust 73. a.k.a. Tokyo Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Any Size Package Pierna de Cordero Americano deshuesado 14 oz.fresco cocinado en una bolsa 14 oz. Turkey Costillason medianoRhone de cerdo fresco River Superior Farms, Fresh American 74. City 31. First rate Four Star Butterball


the heavens, creating the constellation The Easter BunLepus the Hare. ny we know today Some tales even claim that Eostre, bears little resemfrom whose name Easter is believed to blance to the wild have evolved, gave Lepus the ability to spring hare of ancient lay eggs once a year. times. As Christianity swept through EuThe ancient Parope, priests attempted to incorporate gans held festivals pre-Christian ideas and rituals into the to celebrate spring as a Christian calendar. time of birth and rebirth, as the world The first written record of the Easbegan to bloom after the harshness of ter Hare is found in Germany in the winter. 15th. He was introduced to American It is believed the hare first appeared folklore by German settlers during the in ancient Egypt as a symbol of new 1700s. life, fertility and the moon. A sacred The arrival of the Oschter Haws was hare is associated with both the sun childhood’s greatest pleasure, next to a god Ra and the moon god Toth and visit from Christ-Kindel on Christmas became a messenger between them, Eve. Children believed that if they charged with transporting the sacred were good the white Oschter Haws egg of life. would lay a nest of coloured eggs. The hare also signified the resurOver time this tradition grew, and rective powers of the god Osiris, who soon Osterhase (or the Easter Bunny was sometimes portrayed with the as he is known today) began to arrive animal’s head. with chocolates and sweets as well as Osiris was sacrificed to the Nile each eggs. year in the form of a hare, to guaranThe Easter Bunny has become a centee the annual flooding upon which tral figure in the commercial aspect society relied. of the Christian calendar’s only lunar This link between hares, eggs and festival. the moon is also found in Hindu If you have time, take a look at the mythology where the moon is called western night sky in the early eveCacin or Sasanka which translates as Gusto ning and you just might see the Easter Marked with Hare. Gusto Bunny as he slips below the western In northern Europe, the Goddess of horizon to journey into the underFertility was known as Eostre and her world in the hunt for more of those consort was the U.S.D.A. hare.selecto Legend has it de bistec suizo sin hueso precious eggs. that Eostre wouldU.S.D.A. cast the hare Select Beefinto

32. "Faster!" to a horse 33. U in UV 34. To impede 36. The Vatican to Catholics, e.g. 38. B in BCS 42. Miss America's topper 45. Harass 49. Either ___ or against 51. *Occurring now Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco 54. Utilization Fresh Lean or employment 56. Farm type Breakfast Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco Boneless Any Size Package 57. 32-card game Fresh Lean Fresh NOW OPEN! lb. 58. Maui dance Breakfast lb. Ground Chuck U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo COMMODITY SOLUTIONS LLC 59. Lyric poem, pl. lb U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete 60. W in W=Fd Pork Eye oflast Round U.S.D.A. Select Beef 61. Boxer's blow lb. Eye of Round lb. lb. 62. Not for here Starting Carne diezmillo molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaño l at espiral 63. Jet black Mitad de jamón rebanado Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas weekly 66. *Spring Growth16 oz. Hot Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas or Mild, Bizcochos y salchichaMarket de contenidoStyle 20 Salchicha ahumado, onzas 3 Milton Avenue • Newnan, GA 40 30263 (certain restrictions 16 oz.apply) Hot or Mild, Market Style 20Farms Ct. 40 oz. 68. European Nuclear Society Sunset espiral Sunset Farms $ We$Buy35 ALL TYPES Pride Four Star Mitad de jamón rebanado $ 99 770-254-0295 FreshTennessee Sausage......... Fresh Sausage......... BEST Sausage & Biscuit of. SCRAP METAL! Smoked Sausage....... 90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.

Please visit our website @!


Historic Downtown Newnan April 6 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The best home-grown, homemade or handmade products this side of Atlanta with over 60+ vendors! Stroll the streets of downtown and discover unique products. Info: 770-253-8283

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Spiral Sliced


1 1


Pork Chops

Pork Chops

$ 55 3$ 55

Fresh Ground Chuck

Half Ham $


65 3 24

$$ 24 1 169

Swiss Steak............


$ $25Cash 42



$ 4


$ 95 Scrap Tender Tips........... lb. $ 99 $ Steak...................... 770-683-4782




Half Ham

$ 42


$ 25

Spiral Sliced



25 2 4 4 Fresh $ 51 $ $ 51 $$215 83 $ 42 1 2$ Ground Red Hots.................... Smoked Sausage.... 2 $Chuck25 1 Pork Steak..................... 4 Swiss Steak............ Baby Back $ 42 $$ 38 78 $ 99 $ $ 65 $ 7 25Steak..................... $ 78 $ 38 $ 117 Ribs 2 4 Swiss Steak............ 3 $ Fresh Sausage............ Smoked Sausage.... 5 $ 42 $ 84 2 2 Tender Tips........... .................... 4 Steak...................... 4 NEWNAN * $ 95 $REGISTER! 42 * 3 PLUS 10% OUR COST ADDED AT Tender Tips........... 1 Steak...................... 4 $ 43 $ 57 8 Layer 5 5$ Cake $ 99 2 1 $ $43 35 $ 99 57 Mixes 2 Coffee . . . . . 8 5 Trash Bags . . 52 4 $ 62 Layer $ 45 5 4 $ 77 Cooking Oil 8 $ 02 Medium $ 82Cake BonelessMixes Fresh $ 25 1 3 6 1 Cooking Oil . 3 $$ 51$42 77 $45 15 Breakfast $ 77 $ 83 $ Spare Ribs................. 1 1 Lamb Leg................ 7 Boneless $ 65 1 2 Freezer Storage 2¢ 3 Pork 2 78 Ground Coffee . . . . . 1 8 $ Fresh 02 1Chuck2 $ 89 1 Bags $1 $ 31 Steak..................... 4 Swiss Steak............ $ 42 73 $ 78 $ $ 65 1 Baby¢ Back $ 25 Baby Back 1 3 Ground Chuck $ 02 BBQ Bread . . 1 Boneless Butterfly $ 22 Tilapia $ 38 $ 99 Steak..................... 4 $ 84 $ 17 2 1 2 Swiss Steak............ 3 60 $ 25 2 1¢ 1 Ribs $ 03 $ 31 5 Ribs 2 Lamb Leg.......... 6 Fish Fillet .................... 4 2/ ¢ 5 Gravy Mix . 73 Pork $ 951 $ 25 Eye of Round $ 33 Specialty Potatoes 1 $ 42 94 $ 94 ¢ Brownie Mixes $102 1 $ 02 $ 99 $ 99 $ 59 1 Tender Tips........... 1 Mix ......... 60 $ 95 Steak...................... 1 424 $Multipack. .. 5 5 54 ¢1 $ 57 $ 38 $ $43 $ 68 Vegetables 2/ ¢1 Tender Tips........... $ 03 5 $ 33 Steak...................... 4 2 1 ¢ Mix 8 94 5 $ 43 71 Gravy $ 62 $ 57 2 $ 94 Cream Soup 1 89 $ 99 3 8 $ 59 $ 02 Chips $ 43 $ 59 Layer $ 45 5 1 2 1 $ 99 ¢ Cake Mixes 1 $ 199 1 $ 04 $ 65 $ 57 $ 35 Cake Mixes $$17799 Fresh Sausage......... Crackers . . . . 89 ¢ $362 Cooking 8 $ &02 $ 3 1 Sausage ¢ Oil 6 1 2 99 ¢ $ 99 Biscuit . 5 Smoked Sausage....... 4 $ 25 $ 33 70 $ 35 $ 99 $ 77 $ 45 85 1 2 $Cereal 49 1 Thighs $ Sausage....... 69 . . . .Bone-In $ 49GranulatedFresh Fresh Or $ 77 Fresh Frozen $ Boneless 2 Mixes . .¢714 Sausage & Biscuit . 5 Smoked Sugar Sausage......... 2 8 1 1 1 $ 02 89 $ 31 1 1 $ 29 $ 69 $ Hen 59 MediumTurkeys $ 82 $ 13 $ 15 Chuck $ 79 Sirloin Steak Boneless 73 $ 09 $ 25 1 $ 70 Roast ¢ $ 51 Drumsticks $ 83 1 21 Pork1 Spare 87 1 $ 77Lamb Leg....... $ 99Asst. Flavor Chips 1 2 3¢ $ ¢$ 5159 1 $Smoked Ribs................. 1 $ 82 Boneless 1 $ 1 25 Smoked60 Red Sausage.... Sausage.... ¢ 2/Hots.................... 192 $ 15 21 $ 83 5 2 ¢ ¢ $ 31 ............ 1 Lamb Leg................ 7$Smoked 99 7 1 $ 03 Red Hots.................... 1 Sausage.... 2 Smoked Sausage.... 2 99 Mixes . . . . . . 70 Pork 73 $ 39 Cut Yams Vegetables . . 85 9478 $1 79 Back Cereal $ 78 $1 02 Baby $ 43 1 ¢ 4/$ $ 59 1 $ 99 $ 60 2 1 $ $ 133 96 $ 20Tilapia $ 78 Boneless Butterfly 1 $ 33 $ 22 $ 43 $ 47 ¢ $ ¢ Baby Back 60 1 $ Pickle 38 2/ Fresh $ 99$ 59$ 59 Bone-In $ 17 $ 09Sweet ¢ 1 Asst. Chips . . 1 2 5 1 $ 99 ¢ 6 1 Thighs Or Boneless Fresh Frozen Ribs $¢ 138 $ 2 33 erfly $ 22 Tilapia $ 99 1 1 1 Fresh $ 42 $ ¢17 Ribs5$$ $ 84 2 2/ 96 Sausage............ Lamb Leg.......... 6 2 Fish Fillet ..... All70 Meat Franks.... Smoked Sausage.... $ 77 03 71 5 Relish or Sweet Asst. Flavor 2 Fresh Sausage............ 2 All Meat Franks.... 1 Smoked Sausage.... 5 Marshmallows ....... 6 Fish Fillet .................... 4 $ 29 94 94 1 French$FriedCubes Onions 2Drumsticks $ 0287 lb. $ Turkeys 68 $ 59 $lb. lb. ¢ lb. Salad Chips Chuck Roast Sirloin89Steak Hen $ 40 $ 30 $ 6143 1 1 ¢ 2/ ¢ 2/ ¢ MORELAND 1 2 8 6 ¢ $ 5953 70¢ $ 9989 ¢ 1 1 1 $ 38 86 ¢. . . . . . 59 $ 33 85 2 1 99 ¢ 2 $ 60 $ 54 Corn . . . $ 38 $ $ 68 4/$ $ 20 71 5 $ 43 Cleaner.¢ . . . .$ ¢ 243 $$ 7999 2 1 Coconut . $¢$147$ 70 2 $ 18 $ 29 $ 17 43$ 77Spears$ 57$239$ 1$ 1 49 Asparagus Coffee .... 6 $ 42 57 Spring Water 2 1 $ 49 69 $ 49 82 1 1 Coffee . . . . . 8 87 $ 04 Layer 83 2 Trash Bags . . 5 2 1 Coffee . . . . . 8 2 1 ¢ Layer Trash Bags . . 5 1 1 1 3 ChuckCake Patties Pork Chops London Broil $ 68Sirloin Tip Picnic $Cooking 62$ Cooking $ 04 ¢Pork $ 65 $ 57 ¢ Oil $ Roast 69$ Salad $ Oil84 62 ¢70 $ 59 Oil 59 3 6 1 Walnuts $ 40 Cereal Cake Mixes $ 30 Mixes 61 Cooking . 3 $ 74 ¢ $ 49 ¢ ¢ $ 60 1 59 Cut Yams 85 1 Cooking Oil . 3 $ 20 $. . .2.$77245$ 1989 Dressing Coffee .... 8 $ lb. 45$2. . . . . . .95 ..$ 6 25 2 4/$ Rice .$ 77 1 lb. $ 95 2 59 lb. 88 $ 15 1 89 ¢ lb. $$59Cleaner. $ 77 6 1 $ 79 Coffee 8 1 $ 99$02 $ 89 1 Coffee . . .1 .70 . 8. .7. . . Freezer 2 02 $ 89 Freezer Bags 1¢ 05 $ 79 $ 99 1 3 3 1 $ 09 Storage Bags$ Storage 1 $ $ 42 39 ¢ $ 79 $ 77 $ 25 1 1 $113 $ $29 3 84 $ 68 $ 25 $ 59 3 3/$ ¢ ¢ Sweet Relish $ 61 1 $ 18 $ 17 $ 96 $ 25 $ 28 2 87 ¢ $ 29 2 2 1 . 1 2Cubes. . Bread1 1. 1 1Cocktail2 2/96 BBQ99 1 $1659 8 $1Gravy 09Juice2 ¢ Wheat 1 1 2 1 orBread SaladBBQ ¢ 1Bread $ . 99 ¢ 69 SENOIA $ 31 31 ¢ Mix Gravy $. 73 18Mix . 73 17Specialty 1 28$ 60 $ 33 Potatoes Specialty 59 ¢ $$Potatoes 3/ ¢$11 $ London 02 $$ 19 02 20 White Salad ¢ ¢ $ ¢99Brownie 43 $ 47 2 1 $ 99$Picnic $ 99$Giant Chuck Patties Pork Chops 1 Broil Sirloin Tip Roast Pork ¢ 1 79 84 2 ¢ Sweet Pickle ¢ $ 59 1 ¢ Mixes 1 $ 74 ¢ ¢ 94 2 60 6 Barbecue Bread Mix ......... 60 1 ¢ 2/ ¢ 2/ ¢ Asst. Flavor Dressing Multipack. . . . Oscars....... 5 Multipack. . . 5 Wieners.. 99 Lunchables Bologna.. 5 Salads........ 1 91 98 83 Pizzas...... 96 Relish or Sweet vor 64 Plates or Bowls 1 or Hot Dog Buns 89 Dill Spears . . 1 53 89 86 Sauce ¢ ¢ $Oil ¢ Chips$ 03 ¢$$ 9403$ 68 $ 15 Vegetables $2/74 ¢ 2/ Vegetable ¢ Salad Cubes ¢ ¢ $ 25 95 $ 88 $ 95 Gravy Mix 94 84 1 89 1 Gravy Mix 94 $ 59 $ 94 Cream Soup 1 ¢ $ 05 $ 40 $ 43 61$ $43 99 $6994$ 30 $ 3959$ 3 Cream Soup 1 $$ 02 05 99 89 $ $¢ $0299Chips1 $ 793 $ 593 $ 59 ¢ 49 2 2 $ 59 1 8 6 ¢ 2 1 1 1 $ 196 2 $. . . 5511 1 $ 25$Crackers Mixes 12 99 1 Cake¢ 2 99 ¢ $ . . Crackers . . 99 1 82 1 $ 96 55 $ 25 . ¢ 83$ 69 83 89 $ 53 1 ¢ ¢ ¢ Platters 1 Hot 1 Dill2 Pickles¢ . . . 2$ 64$ 68 15 $ 89 or Bowls $ 49or81 ¢$2 33 $ $33 ¢ 1Dog Buns $$ 46 1 3 95 99 Franks...... Franks...... Franks.... Makers....... 4 1 1 69 Sausage... Mixes . . . . . . 71 $ 18 $ 17 Patties....... 99 28 1 $ 49 Sugar 2 73 . . . . .¢. Granulated 71 2 1 Granulated Sugar 2 $ 29 2 1 1 149 Or 89¢$169 Mixes 59 1 1 $249 $Bologna $ 29 $ 59 Asst. Flavor Chips 1 2 1Oscar Mayer Giant White 1 Asst. ¢Flavor Chips 1 Meat ¢ 1 Mrs. Kinser's Salad Mama Rosa Little ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ $ 19 $ 59 ¢ $ 74 ¢ Mixes .Bologna.. 70. .99 Bread 92 99 1Oscars....... 73 3/$ Wieners.. ¢ . . . . .Mixes Cut 89 Yams $ 29 99 Dressing Vegetables . Pizzas...... 85 Salads........ 91 98 83 $ 1Lunchables 99 $194 88 64 Cereal . .$.3 . ¢7970 7 1 ¢.Vegetables $. . 85 29 96 9 1 Cut Yams 4/$ 1 69 Cereal $ 39 1 99 11¢Asst. Chips Asst.. . Chips2$154. . 4/$$1 4211 6 3 ¢ 1 38 4 $ $ 96 $$ 70 2 $ 05 15 ¢ $ 64 $ 46 4 3 2 $ 59 $ 09 2/ ¢ 77 $ 77$ 96 21 Weather Connection 1 $ 55 1 $ $ 42 1 ¢ Onions $273 $ 19 70 ¢ 2 87 3/ 1 ¢ French Fried $ 25 1 Marshmallows 89 2 1 1 Turkey 96 1 79 84 3 1 1 2 Lunch 1 Marshmallows 87 Mayonnaise ¢ 99 Turkey $ 15 Jumbo Meat John Morell 1 2 ¢ $ 54 $ 53 Sausage ¢ 1 $ 64 ¢ 1 5 $ or 46 French $ 68 2 ¢ ¢ 2 Fried Onions 2 $ 79 MAR.Vanilla 28-31 ¢ Miracle 3 81 Barbecue 95 99 Franks...... Franks...... Franks.... Makers....... 4 3 1 Sausage... e Patties....... 99 2/ ¢ 2/ ¢ 73 1 2 2 1 2 1 ¢ Corn . . . . . .1 . . . 59 ¢ Oil 1$ 60 ¢ $ Whip Wafers 53 73$ 20 2 432 Sauce 89 $ 4769¢ 861$ Vegetable 60 2 Corn . . . . . . . . . 59 Cleaner. . . . . 2 59Grape 99 1 2. Asparagus $220 Spears3 2 2 11 6 Garden 1 $ $1 $ 43 Cleaner. 472 28 1 1 48 1 . . .$ 2 85 ¢ $ 99 Asparagus Spears 2 Coffee .... 6 Coconut . 1 ¢ ¢ $ 79 1 Spring Water 1 3 ¢2 1 83 $Tomatoes... 4949 1$ 1682¢1 21 $ 61 3 84 ¢ 1 1 $630$189$ 1$301 13922$8$402 $ 59 73 Drinks................. 88 $ 35 3¢ 60º35º83$8249¢ 4Salad........... 1 Cleaner. . . . .1 269 $Rice 68 1 2 842$1 59 . . . . . . .2 . 1 $ 40 $361 2 1 2 1. .2 6 1 4 .. 2 ¢Walnuts .. 6 2¢Coffee ....$ 815 Cleaner. 2 Rice . . . . . . . . 1 1 ¢ $ 54 $ 64 $ 46 1 2 89 59 2 1 Sweet Relish $¢ 28 1 1 2 $ 18 $ 17 1 1 1 2 1 1 73 2. 1 2 33Juice Cocktail1 212 Wheat 1 Bread 1 or Salad Cubes Sweet Relish 99 2 $ 18 $ 17 $ 92 52 ¢ $ 28 99 $ 45 2 3/$ ¢ 9 $ 29 ¢ $Juice29 12 1 60º $ 96 $ 138 2 Cocktail1 .2 1 1 2 1 or Salad Cubes Giant 12 Wheat Bread 1 White 69 99 Salad 99 31 1 4 2 2 2 1 $ 741 ¢ $ 94 Bread 2 4 2 3 1 5 $ 15 Smoked Sausage.... $ 82 1$ 299 All Meat Franks....$ 22 1 $ 625

$ 35

Fresh Pork


Cook in Bag

Medium Boneless Any Size Package Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas Salchichas de toda carne enorme or tamaño de bollo, 16 onzas Spare Ribs................. lb. Lamb Leg................ 10 oz. Links or Patties 16 oz. Jumbo or Bun Length Fresh Ground Chuck

BallFarms, Park Superior Fresh Seasoned

Pierna de cordero deshuesada sazonada fresco de la mariposa

Boneless Butterfly Lamb Leg..........



Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas


Sunset Farms

Filete de pescado tilapia congelado fresco, 2 libras

Fresh Frozen 2 Lb.

Tilapia Fish Fillet

ahumado, 16 onzas SolutionSalchicha on Page 6 de pavo, 14 onzas Salchicha ahumado

© StatePoint Media Butterball

Sunset Farms

Four Star Inspected U.S.D.A. Inspected, AnyU.S.D.A. Size Package

Smoked Sausage....

Salchicha ahumado libras 16 oz.especial, Jumbo3or BunU.S.D.A. LengthSelect Beef

Fresh lb. Lean

3 Lb. Ball Park


Boneless GeorgiaAllSpecial Meat lb. Franks....

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete

28 oz.

29.3 oz. Original Decaf

Georgia Special U.S.D.A.Smoked InspectedSausage....

Fresh lb.Sausage............

Pork lb.



29.3 oz. Original Decaf

16-80 Ct., Select Varieties

Maxwell House

lb. Duncan Hines

16-80 Ct., Select Varieties Oscar Mayer $

Royal Devil's Food, Classic White $ or Yellow 38 Carolina Pride 20 Ct.

Eye of Round

Salchicha picante o suave lb.fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas


$House 68 fees, andSalchichaassociated 40 oz. picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas *Our cost freight, stocking Maxwell Bizcochos y salchicha de contenido 20includes Sub Kits.................... Bacon........................... Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas Pride Sausage.................... Duncan Hines Hefty Tennessee FourStyleStar expenses. 16 oz. Hot or Mild, Market 20 Ct.deshuesado fresco cocinado en una bolsa 40 oz. Pierna de Cordero Americano Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas

Salchicha ahumado especial, 3 libras

3 Lb.

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo

Sunset Farms

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

U.S.D.A. Inspected 16.5 oz. ButterPork Recipe Fudge or Golden, Devil's Food, Classic White or Yellow

Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 28 onzas

Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

10 oz. Links or Patties

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño

Eye of Round


Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo

Beef Carne diezmillo molida fresca de paquete deU.S.D.A. cualquier ea. Selecttamaño

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso

Newnan, GA oz. Beef U.S.D.A.16Select Sunset Farms

Breakfast Boneless Red Hots.................... Center Cut Loin Smoked Sausage.... Pork Chops lb. QUALITY

Salchichas de toda carne enorme or tamaño bollo,suizo 16 onzas U.S.D.A. selecto dedebistec sin hueso

Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado dePcostillitas traseras Salchichas 14 onzas RICES ! Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro frescorojos picantes,

de cerdo JUNK CARS 14 oz. Fresh Lean included!

16 oz. 14 oz. Turkey

Carne diezmillo molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaño 12 oz. Thickoz. SlicedButter 16.5 Recipe Fudge or Golden,16 oz. Smoked or Polish Bizcochos y salchicha de contenido 20

March 30 10:00-11:00 Costillas a.m. mediano de cerdo fresco Join the FirstFreshBaptist Church of Pork Newnan for their annual Easter Egg Hunt at Carl Miller Park Pavilion #3. Pierna de cordero deshuesada sazonada fresco de la mariposa Info: 770-253-0797 Superior Farms, Fresh Seasoned

$ 99

$ 99


16 oz. Hot or Mild, Market Style

Coffee . . . . .

48 oz. Corn or Natural B

Trash Bags . .

oz. Sunset48 Farms Gusto


or Varieties Pure Canola 13-22 Ct., Select Varieties 28-30.6 oz., Select 48 oz. Corn or Natural BlendCenterFresh CutVegetable Sausage......... Farms Smoked$Sausage....... 99 Sausage & Biscuit Cooking Oil . $ . 2.599Lb. FamilySunset Crisco Pack Maxwell House U.S.D.A. Inspected, Any Size Package! Ham Steak Fresh Sausage......... Hefty One Zip Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco Crisco U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso Royal $ 04 $ 65 $ 57 16 oz. 28-30.6 oz., Select Varieties 14 oz. 14 oz. Turkey Center Cut Loin 16 oz. U.S.D.A. Coffee .... Fresh Lean Ct., Select Varieties Select .Beef Freezer Storage Bags Inspected Food Depot Turkey or Ham 14 oz............... Smoked1613-22 Sausage..... or Turkey Breast........ 14Butterball oz. Turkey oz. U.S.D.A. Four Star Sunset Farms Pork Chops Maxwell House Inspected U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo.75-1 Bistec milanesa desayuno fresco $ sin oz., hueso Four Star Butterball Sunset Select Varieties HeftydeFarms One Zipmagro Any Size Package $ 15 83 16U.S.D.A. 3.7-6.6 oz., Select Varieties lb. Red Hots.................... Smoked Sausage....$ 51 Sausage.... BBQ Bread . 16 oz. Hotlb. or MildRed 28 oz. oz. Fresh Lean Sausage.... Hots.................... U.S.D.A.Smoked Select Beef Smoked Sausage.... Smoked 16 oz. Value Shaved McCormick Pork lb. Betty Crocker On•Cor 2.64 oz. Original Country, $ 13 $ 79 Carolina Pride 18-18.3 oz., Select Varieties Oscar Mayer lb. lb. $ 09 22 Ct. Food Depot Breakfast Peppered or Sausage Boneless Gravy Mix . 1016 oz.oz. Links or Patties Lb. FrozenPatties...... 2 16 Lb.oz. Jumbo or Bun Length 10 .oz. Links or Patties Sausage .................. Jumbo or BunVarieties Length JumboFreshBeef 3 Lb. Specialty Potatoes Duncan Hines .75-1 oz., Select Ham or 3Georgia Turkey........ McCormick Gravyde cuete Frito Lay's U.S.D.A.Varieties selecto de bistec de la carne U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo 3.7-6.6 oz., Select Sunset Ball Park Special $ 38 $ 99 $ 17 Sunset Farms Ball Farms Park Georgia Special lb. .87 lb. lb.oz. Original or Low Sodium Brownie Mixes lb. 10.75 oz. Mushroom Mix ......... McCormick Fresh Sausage............ All Meat Franks.... Smoked Sausage.... U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected Multipack. . . Betty Crocker 29 oz. Veg-All Mixed or Homestyle, 28 oz. Allens Italian 2.64 oz. Original Country, Fresh Sausage............ 5.75 oz. Sliced All Meat Franks.... Smoked McCormick 18-18.3 oz., Select Varieties U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de Sausage.... filete de lomo de cerdo ea. or Stuffed lb. 22 oz. Ct. 16 Cut or Seasoned Green Beans, 29 oz.Campbell's Sunshine Beans & 6-14 oz. Bag, Select Varieties Peppered or Sausage 18.25 oz. Box, Select Varieties lb. Early California Pimento 8 Pk. 15 Lb. 5 Lb. Reg. or White Self-RisingU.S.D.A. Select Beef Essential Hershey's Potatoes 28 oz. Sunshine Chopped Collard, Chopped Duncan Hines Gravyor Mix U.S.D.A. Inspected Baking 10-10.5 McCormickoz. Gravy Frito Lay's Everyday Cream Soup Duncan Hines Turnip or Turnip Greens Frito Lay's Shoppers Value Essential Everyday 1ST AVENUE12 PARK Manzanilla Olives 16.5 oz. Butter Recipe Fudge or Golden, Frito-Lay's Pickle .87oz.oz. Original 29.3 Original Decaf or Low Sodium 16-80 Ct., Select Varieties 28 oz. oz. Thick Sliced Chips Pork lb.molida 16 oz. Smoked Devil's or Polish Carne diezmillo de paquete de cualquier tamaño Allens, .1-3.9 oz.,Veg-All Select Varietiesor Sunshine 4 Lb. lb. oz. Mushroom Eye 10.75 of Round lb. Cake Mixes Sweet Food, Classicfresca White or Yellow 16.5 oz. Butter Recipe Fudge or Golden, 48 oz. Oscar Mayer Maxwell House Dog Food . . . 40 Ct. 9 Inch Cornmeal . . . Crackers . . . . RoyalNEWNAN Pride DOWNTOWN Relish or Sweet Asst.Carolina Flavor 29.3 oz. Original Decaf Duncan Hines Hefty McCormick Jell-O Pudding Ct.,Canola Select Varieties Vegetable or16-80 Domino lb. Devil's Food, Classic White or Yellow Campbell's 48 oz. Corn or Natural oz.tamaño Bag, Select Varieties Blend Carne molidaVarieties fresca de paquete de6-14 cualquier Gusto lb.Maize,Pure EssentialSub Everyday Kits.................... Bacon........................... oz. Honey Sunshine or Simply 13.1 oz. Go Lean, Sausage.................... Coffee . . . . . 18.25 oz.diezmillo Box, Select 4 Lb. Small or Large Maxwell Dog 10.5 5 Lb. Self-Rising or Trash Plain Bags . . Salad Cubes Chips March 30 48 oz. 5 oz. Layer Crisco 8 Pk. House Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas Duncan Hines Hefty Mixes .48. oz.. . Corn . . or Natural Blend Granulated Sugar Crisco Center 12 oz. HeartCut to Heart Cinnamon or Heart to Heart, 13.8 oz. Bizcochos y salchicha deHershey's contenido 20 Baking Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas Vegetable or Pure Canola Shoppers Value Essential Everyday Foam Plates . 28-30.6 oz., Select Varieties Duncan Hines Golden Flake Go Lean Crunch, 10.3 oz. Indigo Style Morning, 10.5 oz. Simply 16 oz. Hot or Mild, Market Cake Mixes Cooking Oil 11:30 a.m. 16 oz. Premium Thin Sliced 13-22 Ct., Select Varieties Frito Lay's Coffee .Steak .oz.Farms .Market, .Go. Lean 9 oz. Select Sliced 2.5 Lb. Family Pack 20 Ct. 40 oz. Oil . 14estilo SalchichaCooking picante oHam suave fresco 16 onzas Crisco .3-3 oz., Select Varieties Maize, Honey Almond Flax, Go Lean Crisp . . Trash Bags 18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5ahumado, oz. Honey40Nut Maxwell House 14.5-15.25 oz., Select Varieties .1-3.9 oz., Select Varieties Bizcochos y salchicha de contenido 20 Treat Biscuits . Flour. . . . . . . Sunset Salchicha onzas Crisco Hefty One Zip Land O'&Frost Over 8,000 eggs goodies to Carolina Pride Ham Pride Royal Asst. Flavor Chips 4 Lb. Cinnamon, GoStyle Lean Crisp Berry or Heart to Heart Blueberry 16 oz. Hot or Mild, Market Tennessee Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or Four Star 16 oz. Jell-O Gelatin 28-30.6 oz., Select Varieties 20 Ct. 40 oz. Coffee . . .U.S.D.A. . 18 oz. Creamy Select Monte 13-22 Ct., Select Varieties Assorted Dishwashing or Crunchy 15 oz. Frosted Flakes Jell-O. Pudding FreezerBeef Storage Domino Bags 24 oz. Sunset Kashi Bonus Pack, Claxton Turkey or HamBunny! .............. Smoked Sausage..... or Turkey Breast........ U.S.D.A. Select Beef 10-14 Lb.Del Size fi nd! Meet the Easter Farms Cooking Oil . Food Depot 1 oz. Tennessee Pride Four Star Maxwell House 5 oz. 10.5 oz. Honey Sunshine or Simply Maize, 13.1 oz. Go Lean, Everyday .75-1 oz., Select Varieties Shoppers Value Mixes . . . . . . Superior Farms, Fresh Americ Essential Hefty One Zip Vegetables . . 3.7-6.6 oz., Select Varieties Essential Everyday Bounce house, crafts, face U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras Salchichas rojos picantes, 14 onzas onzas Dill 24 oz.16Kosher BBQ BreadSalchicha. .ahumado, 12 oz.16Heart toorHeart or 14Heart Salchicha ahumado de pavo, onzas to Heart, 13.8 oz. 15 Ct. Red or Blue Fresh 16 oz. Pork Cook inGolden Bag Flake oz. Hot Mild Cinnamon McCormick 14 28 oz. de cerdo 16. .oz.. Value Shaved 8-10 oz., Select Varieties Betty Crocker Coffee . . . . . Liquid . . . . . . Cereal . . . Peanut Butter oz. 14 oz. Turkey 16 oz. Golden Flake Superior Farms, Fresh American Go Lean Crunch, 10.3 oz. Indigo Morning, 10.5 oz. Simply 6 oz. Cheddar or Original 4 Lb. Essential Freezer Storage Bags lb. Everyday painting, andOn•Cor live music! All Essential Everyday U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras Food Depot Salchichas rojos picantes, 14 Inspected, onzas Ct. Salchicha22 ahumado, 16 onzas Carolina Pride U.S.D.A. Any Size Package Asst. Chips . Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Mayer Gravy . 64Star .3-3 oz.,Mix Select Essential Everyday 14 oz. GoButterball Lean Honey Almond Flax,Duncan Go Lean Cook in Bag de cerdo Jet•Puffed U.S.D.A. Inspected Specialty Potatoes FourVarieties Hines Crisp Farms 15 Lb. 11 oz. Frosted, Assorted Flavors oz. 14.5-15.25 oz.,16Select Varieties 14 14Maize, oz. Turkey $Oscar 02oz. oz.Frito French's McCormick Gravy .75-1 Select Varieties Lay'soz.,Sunset ¢ toBrownie Pickle Spears 29 oz. For Free! Bring basket for Sausage .................. JumboaBeef Patties...... Center Cut Loin Party Plates . 3.7-6.6 oz., Select Varieties Ham or Turkey........ . Cinnamon, Go Lean Crisp Berry or Heart Heart Mixes Blueberry Sugar 14.75-15.25 oz. Whole K oz. Original orGelatin Low Sodium BBQ Bread . . French Fried Onions lb. Jell-O Veg-All or Sunshine U.S.D.A. Inspected Essential Everyday Shoppers Value Everyday 10.75 oz. MushroomDel Monte Four .87Star Butterball Sunset Farms Marshmallows Sugary Sams McCormick Multipack. . . 32 oz. HamburgerAllens, Style PorkEssential Chops collecting eggs & a blanket for Kashi Mix ......... 48 oz. Betty Crocker 29 oz. Veg-All Mixed Cream or Homestyle, 28 Vegetables 2.64McCormick oz. Original Country, 1 oz. Campbell's 18-18.3 oz., Select Varieties Pastries Cat Food 8 Pk.. .Gravy . . . SalchichaMix Apple Juicefresco, .10. onzas lb. lb. 5.75 oz. Sliced Tortas o enlaces de salchicha Cut or Seasoned Green Beans, 29 oz. S Salchichas de toda carne enorme or tamaño de bollo, 16Toaster onzas orCt.24 oz. W/Bleach ahumado especial, 3 libras Peppered or Sausage Essential Everyday Shoppers Value or Stuffed Essential Everyday 26 oz. With Lemon22Superior lounging. 15 oz. Can . Hershey's Baking $ 94 Gravy Mix Potatoes or 28 oz. Sunshine Chopped 16 oz. Specialty Potatoes Farms, Fresh Seasoned Fresh Frozen 2 Lb. Cream Soup Duncan Hines 11-12 oz., Select Varieties 14 oz. Angel Flake Duncan Hines Golden Flake 10fresco, oz. 10Links 16 oz. Jumbo or Bun Length 3 Lb. 02 o enlaces salchicha Salchichas de toda enorme or tamaño de $ bollo, 16 onzas McCormick 12 oz. Original,Tortas Cheese or Butterde Gravy 7.25 oz.SalchichaFrito 96onzas oz. or Patties Lay's ahumado especial, 3 libras Dill Slices . . . Earlycarne California Pimento U.S.D.A. Select BeefEssential GreenSize Giant Turnip or Turnip Greens Canola Oil . . . Soft ScrubFrito Lay's 10-14 Lb. Chips Corn . . . . . . . . . 15Select Lb. 5 Lb. Reg. or White Self-Rising Everyday Bonus Claxton U.S.D.A. Info: 770-251-6361 8-10oz.,or oz., Varieties Select Varieties Cake Mixes .87Baker's oz. Original or Low Sodium Pack, Dunkin Donuts 4 Lb. Brownie Mixes 10 Mix oz. .1-3.9 Links Patties 10-10.5 oz. 16 oz. Jumbo or Bun 3orLb.Original asoned Fresh Frozen 2 Lb. 6 oz. Cheddar Sunset FarmsValue BallLength ParkSelect Beef Allens, Veg-All or Sunshine Essential Everyday Shoppers Shoppers Value Georgia Special 10.75 oz. Mushroom ......... Crackers . . . . Cleaner. . . . . Multipack. . . Shoppers Value Essential Everyday Jell-O Pudding Manzanilla Olives lb. Frito-Lay's Asparagus Spears 10.5 oz. Coffee .... Domino Coconut . Jet•Puffed Sunset Farms Ball Park McCormick Georgia Special 17.5 oz. Reg., Honey10.5 oz. Honey Sunshine or Simply Maize, 13.1Instant lb. . . oz. Bag, Select Vegetables oz. Go Lean,Grits . Macaroni & Cheese French's Campbell's lb. 5 oz. Varieties lb. . . . .Food . .Bleach. . .. . .6-14 25.4 oz. Total Kitchen8 orPk.Total Bath & Bowl or Hickory 40 Ct. 9 Inch 12 oz. Heart to Heart Cinnamon or Cornmeal Heart to Heart, 13.8 oz. 18.25Mixes oz. Box, Dog Select Varieties Kraft Mini . . . 14.75-15.25 oz. Whole Kernel or Granulated Sugar 4.07-8.8 oz. Long Grain & Ready, Select Varieties 28 oz. Colombian 16 oz. Shelled Golden Flake Go Lean Crunch, 10.3 oz. Indigo Morning, 10.58oz. Gravy Mix 48Cream oz.Simply Squeeze 8 oz. Spaghetti or Hershey's Elbow Macaroni 26 oz. Iodized or Plain Baking lb. Kraftea. Essential Everyday Cream Soup Duncan Hines Style Soft Scrub .3-3 oz., Select4 Varieties oz. Maize, 14 oz. Go Lean Honey Almond Flax, Go Lean or Crisp Marshmallow s Lb. Small or Large Dog 5 Lb. Self-Rising Plain Frito Lay's 14.5-15.25 oz., Select Varieties Uncle Bens House Diamond 29 oz.Maxwell Essential Essential Everyday Asst..1-3.9 Flavor 12 oz. Thick Sliced 16 oz. Smoked or Polish Cinnamon, Go Lean Crisp Berry or Heart to Heart BlueberryEveryday Jell-O Gelatin Essential EverydayChips Barbecue Everyday oz.,Chips Select VarietiesEssential 26Mixes oz. With Lemon orValue 24 oz. W/Bleach Cake Shoppers Value Del Monte 15 oz. Can Sugary Sams 4 Lb. .... Shoppers Essential Everyday Cleaner. . . . . Foam Plates . Coffee Walnuts .. Kashi 16 oz. Pride Royal Carolina Crackers . . . . Rice . . . . . . . . 28 oz. Flake Mustard . . . . Mixes Pasta.Original . . . . Decaf Salt . . . . 1.oz.. Jell-O PuddingVegetable 16 oz. Smoked or Polish 11-12Recipe oz., Select Varieties Sauce Oil 14 oz. Angel 16.5 Butter Fudge or Golden, . Scrub .Treat . . . .Biscuits Cut Yams 18Mayer oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. oz. Honey Nut Soft 29.3 oz. or Vegetables .Green . Go Lean, Domino . Oscaroz. Flour. . . . . . . Cereal 64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties Bacon........................... 20 oz. Mt. Olive Sausage............. CarolinaCHURCH Pride Golden Flake Giant 16.5 Butter Recipe Fudge or Golden, 16-80 Ct., Select Varieties 10.5 oz. Honey Sunshine Simply Maize, 13.1 oz. FIRST BAPTIST 24 Pk., .5 Liter5 oz. Food, Classic White or Yellow Worcestershire oz. 29.3 oz. Original Decaf22 oz. Non-Dairy Oats, 20Devil's oz. Raisin Bran orDunkin Donuts Baker's 8-10oz. oz., Select Varieties Ct.,13.8 Select11oz. Varieties Mixes . .oz.. .Bottle .. 12 Heart Heart Cinnamon or6 oz. Heart to16-80 Cheddar orHeart, Original Gusto 48Chill oz. Sub Toasted Devil's Food, White Hines or Yellow18 oz. CreamyEssential ................ March 30 Sausage.................... Ocean Spray Maxwell House Food Depot Super Sweet Relish 24 oz.toBeef Assorted Dishwashing or CrunchyEveryday 15Kits.................... oz. FrostedClassic Flakes Granulated Sugar Asst. Chips . . Fresh Duncan Shoppers Value Essential Everyday Hefty 12-16 U.S.D.A. Select U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless 48 oz. Jet•Puffed Golden Flake Canola Go Lean Crunch, 10.3 oz. Cut Indigo Morning, oz. Simply Maxwell House 10.5 oz. 16 or oz. Premium Thin Sliced 9 oz. Select Sliced French's 10.5 Vegetable Pure Duncan Center 48 oz. Corn orFresh Natural Blend VegetableJuice Varieties Everyday EssentialHines Everyday ShoppersSauce Value . . . . . . Boneless .3-3 oz., SelectKernel Varieties Ground Maize, 14Essential oz. Go Lean Honey Almond Flax, Hefty Go Lean Crisp 14.75-15.25 oz.Select Whole oroz. Corn or Natural Cocktail Wheat Bread . or Pure Canola Center Cut Loin or SaladPride CubesHa Boneless Land O' Frost 11:00 a.m. 9 oz. Select Sliced Creamer . . . . . Vanilla Wafers Carolina 14.5-15.25 oz., Select Varieties 48 Blend n Sliced Marshmallows 2.5 Lb. Family Pack 24 oz. Kosher Dill 25.4 oz. Total Kitchen or Total Bath & Bowl 29 oz. Ct. Red or Blue Kraft Mini Onions Style Asst. FlavororChips Ham Cinnamon, Go Lean Crisp HeartFried to Heart Blueberry 4.07-8.8 oz. Long Grain &Cream Ready,Jell-O Select15Kraft Varieties 28 oz. Colombian 16 oz. Royal ShelledCereal . . . . . . Crisco Del Monte Crisco 20-50Crisco Gelatin Liquid .28-30.6 .Steak . 20.oz.,Berry .Ct. SelectorFrench Peanut 11.5 Butter Carolina Pride Ham to all Turkey Ham Ct., Select Varieties 8 .............. Pk. or 24Turkey oz. Kosher,Breast. Reg. or Ze Free Easter Egg open Sugary Sams oz. Classic or FrenchKashi 16.W/Bleach oz., 128 oz. 4 Lb. Hunt Essential Everyday Crisco 26Roast oz. With Lemon or 24 oz. Essential Everyday Shoppers Value Soft Scrub 15Varieties oz. Can Marshmallow s Uncle Bens Essential 13-22 Select Varieties oz.,15Select m .............. kids! Just show Smoked Sausage..... or Turkey Breast........ 14Diamond oz. Macaroni Hefty 1 oz. Food Depot Hamburger Lb. Varieties 11&oz.Cheese Frosted, Assorted Flavors Maxwell House 64 oz. Essential Everyday 28-30.6 Essential Everyday Chill Ct., Soft Scrub Mt. Olive Mixes . . . . . . 13-22 Ct.,Spears SelectSuper Varieties up! Everyday Green Giant Pickle Corn . . . . . . . . . Vegetables . . Party Plates . or 12 oz. Shells & Cheese Donuts $ House. . 16 oz. Hot or Mild Sugar 28 oz. Flake 43 Maxwell Golden House One8-10Zip Chill EssentialBaker's Everyday $ 47 Dunkin Value Cups Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Cleaner.Shoppers . . . . Maxwell Ground Coffee Foam . oz.,48 oz.Select Varieties 16 oz. Super Plates or Bowls or Hot Dog Buns Dill Spears One Spring Zip HeftyWater Info: 770-253-3535 AsparagusHefty 10.5 oz. Coffee .... Carolina Pride . . On•Cor 16 oz. Hot or Mild 32Spears oz. Hamburger 16 oz. Water 16 oz. Pasta Value ShavedCoconut . 6 oz. Cheddar or Original Spring 16 oz. Lipton Knorr Deluxe Shoppers Value lb. Asst. Chips . . 25.464oz. oz. Total Kitchen Bath25& Varieties Bowl Bottle, Select oz.Select Mt. Olive Cator TotalFood . . . . 4.07-8.8 oz. LongEssential Apple Juice MiniEssential Everyday Carolina Pride 6 oz. . . Ft. .Standard 100 Ct. Tagless KraftJet•Puffed lb. lb. lb. 12-36 Ct., Select Varieties 12 Pk. Sausage ........... Jumbo Beef Patties...... Grain &20Ready, Varieties lb. 80 oz. Kosher OscarToaster MayerPastries lb. Everyday Side Dishes French'sSnacks Soft Scrub Shoppers Value Value Shoppers Value Sausage .................. Patties...... Marshmallow s Food Depot Food Depot Uncle BensDillFood 12or oz. Original, Cheese or Butter 7.25Spray oz. 96 oz. HouseShoppers Maxwell Ocean Depot 14.75-15.25 oz. Whole KernelFood or Depot Hamburger Diamond Chinet Plates, Ham Turkey........ . Mt. Olive .75-1 oz., Select Varieties $ 40 $ 30 .75-1 oz., Select Varieties Slices . . . 12-16 oz. Bottle 3.7-6.6 oz., Marshmallows Varieties Oil . . . French Fried Onions 20 Platters Style . . . . Aluminum Coffee Walnuts oz. orCream Hot .Cleaner.Shoppers TeaVarieties Bags 16 .oz..Select . . Canola Everyday .. Shoppers.... ValueSauce . . McCormick Value FoilRice . . .3.7-6.6 . . . . .oz., Select 5.75 Sliced or Stuffed SelectEssential Varieties Bowls or Hot DogAllens BunsItalian Dilloz.Pickles .. McCormick Fresh Betty Crocker oz. Veg-All MixedValue or Homestyle, 28 oz.Boneless 26 oz. With Lemon or 24 oz. W/Bleach Betty Crocker U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. Inspected Food29 Depot 29 oz. Veg-All Mixed orShoppers Homestyle, 28 oz. AllensFresh Italian 64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 20 oz. Mt. Olive 2.64 oz. Original Country, 5.75 oz. Sliced or Stuffed 2.64 oz. Original Country, 17.5 oz. Reg., Honey 15 oz. Can 16. .oz.16 4Cheese Pk. 8 oz. 18-18.3 oz., Select Varieties Kraft Early California Pimento 18-18.3 oz., Select Varieties Bleach . . . Instant Grits . Macaroni & oz. 22 Ct. 22 Ct. 30 oz. CutGreen or Seasoned Green 29 Beans oz. Sunshine Beans & Beans, 29 oz. Beans, Sunshine & Oscar Mayer Cut or Seasoned 11-12 oz., Select Varieties Peppered or Sausage 14 oz. Angel Flake Peppered or Sausage orEarly Hickory Ground Ocean Spray Food Depot 10-10.5 oz. Center Cut Loin Sweetoz. Relish Boneless Carolina Pride 12 oz.Everyday Meat Boneless oz. Pkg. Soft Scrub Kraft 20-50 Ct., Select Varieties 8 Pk. Shoppers California Pimento Kunzler 12 oz. Thick Sliced 24 oz. Kosher, Reg. orGreen 15Self-Rising oz. Potato Salad or12-16 Cole Slaw 5.75 Single Essential Shoppers Value 2Zesty oz. Fresh Pkg. TurkeyPotatoes Or Ham or 28Potatoes oz. Bottle 15 Lb. 5 Lb. Reg. or White or 28.Chopped oz. Collard,24Chopped Everyday oz. Sunshine Chopped Giant Duncan Hines Corn . 4.5Greens . .Sunshine . . . Collard, . . Chopped Pk., .5 Liter 8 oz. Squeeze 8 oz. Spaghetti orEssential Elbow Macaroni 26 oz. Iodized or Plain Value Manzanilla Olives oz. Lay's Kraft McCormick Gravy McCormick Gravy Duncan Hines Dunkin Donuts Frito-Lay's Frito Lay's 20 Frito Baker's SENOIA UNITED Select Varieties 10 oz. Turnip or Turnip Greens Turnip or Turnip Juice Cocktail Wheat Bread48Foodoz.. Depot or Salad Cubes Bologna Or Oscar Mayer Meat Mrs. Kinser's Super Chill Shoppers Value Essential Everyday Hefty Hamburger Mama Rosa Manzanilla Olives Food Depot Little Mt. Olive Saltines . . . . . . Bathroom Tissue Tomato Sauce Cleaner. . . . . .87 oz. Original or Low Sodium .87 oz. Original or Low Sodium Brownie Mixes Kraft Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Bud's Mayonnaise Allens, Veg-All or Sunshine Allens, Veg-All or Sunshine Asparagus Spears 10.5 oz. 10.75 oz. Mushroom Mix Best ......... Coffee .... Essential Everyday 40 Ct. 9 Inch 10.75 oz. Mushroom Coconut . METHODIST40CHURCH oz.or Zesty 20-50 Ct., Select Varieties 8 Pk. 24 oz. Kosher,8 Reg. Spring Water Giant White 32 oz.Vegetables Kraft Mini 16 oz. Dog Food6-14. oz. . . Bag,Pasta. Ct. 9 Inch CornmealVanilla . . . Mustard Salad lb. Pkg. 5.oz.. . Single Roll 16 oz. Bag McCormick McCormick Miracle 25.4 oz.Dutch Total Kitchen or Totalor Bath & Bowl . . . . . Salt . . . . . . Essential1Regular Everyday Farms Campbell's Select 6-14 Varieties Hefty Food Depot Hamburger Campbell's 4.07-8.8 oz. Long Grain & Ready, Select Varieties Mt. Olive Daisy March 30 oz. Bag, Select Varieties 28 oz. Colombian 16 oz. Shelled or L 18.25 oz. Box, Select18.25 Varieties Select Varieties Bread Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Shoppers Value Essential Everyday oz. 8 Pk. Whip Dressing 4 Lb.Box, SmallSelect or LargeVarieties Dog 5 Lb. Self-Rising or Plain 8 Pk. Wafers Cream Soft Scrub Worcestershire 22 oz. Non-Dairy 11 oz. Foam Blue PlatesBonn. Hershey's Baking Hershey's BakingDiamond Marshmallow sSour Plates or Hot Dog Buns Dill.Spears ... Uncle BensCoffee-mate 12-36orCt.,Bowls Select Varieties 12 Pk. 80 oz. Kosher Maxwell House 11:00 a.m. Duncan Hines DuncanShoppers Value Hines Essential Everyday Tuna in Water Paper Towels Pinto Beans . . Foam Plates . Frito Lay's Cheese. . . . Mt. OliveFrito Lay's Essential Everyday lb. Value Essential Everyday Coffee 18 oz. CornSpread Flakes, 12.5 o Creamer Cream lb. lb. Chips Shoppers 12-36 Ct., Varieties 12 Pk. lb. 80 oz.Cleaner. Kosher Walnuts ..Varieties Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg. .1-3.9 oz.,Select Select Free Easter Egg Hunt for chil12 oz. Pkg. 16 oz. Jennie-O 3 lb. Chinet Plates, Food Depot Hamburger Pkg. 16 oz. Pkg. 9 oz. Pkg. Rice . . .Pride . . . .ct. Pkg. Cake .1-3.9 Tennessee 18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey Nut 4Hamburger Lb..... Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin 20 oz. 250 Ct.oz., Select Varieties 16 oz. 4Long Treat Biscuits . Bar-S Flour. . .Jennie-O . . . . Mixes Lb.Grain Chinet Plates, Food Depot Mt. Olive Sauce . . . . . . Creamer . . . . . Vanilla Wafers Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or Lunch 15 oz. Frosted Flakes Turkey dren ages birth through 12 64 oz.Morell Bottle, Select Varieties 20Sausage oz. Mt. OliveTurkey JumboEssential MeatEveryday Jell-O Pudding John EssentialPudding Everyday Everyday Domino 24 oz.orAssorted Dishwashing 18 oz. Creamy or Crunchy 15 oz. Frosted Flakes Platters or BowlsJell-O or Hot Dog Buns Essential Dill Ocean Pickles Spray . . . 5 oz. Domino 10.5 oz.11.5 Honey Sunshine Simply Maize, 13.1 oz.20Go Lean, oz. Classic or French 16 oz., Ct.Maize, Essential Everyday 10.5 oz.Roast Honey Simply 13.1 oz.. Go Lean, 128 oz. Napkins . . . . years. Sweet Relish 5 oz. Food Depot Beef . . Rice . . . . . . . 12 oz. Heart to Heart Cinnamon orSunshine Heart to or Heart, 13.8 oz.Stew Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Shoppers Value 12-16 oz. Bottle 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese 12 oz. oz. Indigo Heart toMorning, Heart Cinnamon or Heart to Heart, oz. Super15 Chill Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 20 oz. 24 oz. Kosher Dill 13.8 Ct. Red or Blue Golden Flake Go Lean Crunch, 10.3 10.5 oz. Simply Cereal . . . . . . Select Varieties Info: 770-599-3245 or 12 oz. Shells & Cheese Lb. Juice Cocktail Wheat Bread . or4Essential Salad Cubes Golden Flake GoLiquid Lean Crunch, Indigo Morning, 10.5 Oscar Mayer . . . . 10.3 . . oz.GoFoam Cereal .Everyday ..... Peanut Butter .3-3 oz., Select Varieties Food Depot 14 oz. Go Lean Lean Pride Crisp Essential 12 oz. oz. Pkg. Essential Essential Everyday Kunzler 12.oz.Varieties Thick Sliced14.5-15.25 oz., Select Varieties Everyday Ground Cups .Everyday .Meatoz. Simply Spring Water Kraft 15 oz.Maize, Potato Salad orCoffee Cole Honey Slaw Almond Flax, Carolina 5.75 oz. Single 2 oz. Pkg. Turkey Or Ham $ 57 .3-3 oz., Select $ 4.5 99

$ 35

Pavo o jamón rebanado delgado, 16 onzas




Jamón o Pavo rebanado delgado de paquete de valor, 16 onzas

Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas Salchicha ahumado especial, 3 libras

Salchichas toda carne Tortas o enlaces dedesalchicha fresco,enorme 10 onzas or tamaño de bollo, 16 onzas

Filete de pescado tilapiaSalchichas congelado 2 libras de fresco, toda carne enorme or tamaño de bollo, 16 onzas

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras de cerdo

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras de cerdo

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas

Hamburguesas de res grande, 26 onzas


Salchicha ahumado especial, 3 libras

Filete de jamón corte de centro

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño

Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 28 onzas

Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Pavo o jamón rebanado delgado, 16 onzas

Salchichas rojos picantes, 14 onzas

Salchichas rojos picantes, 14 onzas

Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas

Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas

Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia, 2.5 libras

Pechuga de pavo o jamón rebanado, 9 onzas

Pierna de Cordero Americano deshuesado f


Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas

Hamburguesas de res grande, 26 onzas Pierna de Cordero Americano deshuesado fresco cocinado en una bolsa

2.64 oz. Original Country, Peppered or Sausage

Filete de pescado tilapia congelado fresco, 2 libras


Pechuga de pavo o jamón rebanado, 9 onzas

Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia, 2.5 libras

6 onzas

Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas

Jamón o Pavo rebanado delgado de paquete de valor, 16 onzas 11 oz. Frosted, Assorted Flavors

Toaster Pastries Essential Everyday

Bud's Best 8 oz. Squeeze Essential Everyday COWETA AND SURROUNDING Mustard . . . . AREA

Worcestershire THURSDAY Essential Everyday


19-24.5 oz. Select Varieties


Value Pack Fish

$ 19

Essential Everyday

SUNDAY Beef Stew . . . 19-32 oz. Select Varieties

10-14.4 oz., Select Varieties

Hamburguesas de res grande, 26 onzas

Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas

32 oz.

16 oz.

Plates or Bowls

Sour Cream

ShoppersJet•Puffed Value 2.4 oz. Pkg. Armour

1/2 Gallon

Coffee-mate Italian Sweet

or Hot Dog Buns Spread


5 oz. Colby Jack or Sharp Cheddar

8 oz.


Essential Everyday

32 oz.

12-17.3 oz. Select Varieties

1/2 Gallon

Coffee-mate Italian Sweet

Country Delite

7-8 oz. Select Varieties

Essential Everyday Spread Bowl

16 oz. Assorted Flavors

Kraft or Cracker Barrel

Country Delite

Blue Bonnet


8 oz. Gallon

32 oz.

Essential Everyday Citrus, Tropical Punch orNatural Mango Sliced

46 oz. Tub Select Varieties

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

........................ Everyday Natural Sliced 1/2Essential Gallon

1 lb. Regular or Light

16 oz.4 pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle

Dill Spears . . . Cheese Coca-Cola.........

8-13 oz. Select Varieties

45 oz.Dutch Farms American

Essential Everyday


5 oz. Colby Jack or Sharp Cheddar

Essential Everyday . . . American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/2 . . Gallon Country Delite Gallon

1 lb. Regular or Light


8 oz.

12 oz.

1/2 Gallon

7-8 oz. Select Varieties

Dutch Farms 8 oz.

Country Delite 2 Liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Seagram's Monster 16 oz. Cans Or Minute Maid

Dutch Farms

or Blueberry

Gallon Assorted Flavors

City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Music .


16 oz.

Dutch Farms

. . . . . . . . . . Gallon .... Chocolate

8 oz.

Dutch Farms

14.1 oz.


1/2 Gallon 32 oz.

16 oz.

Country Delite

Essential Everyday American


15-16 oz. Select Varieties

1/2 Gallon

Essential Everyday Spread Bowl

Essential Everyday

12 oz.

20 oz. Select Varieties

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday



1/2 Gallon

16 oz.


Gallon Assorted Flavors


Music City

12 2 3 21 NEWNAN 2 1 41 1



Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango

8 oz.

Dutch Farms American


Country Delite

Dutch Farms 8-13 oz. Select Varieties

12 oz.

16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella

1 lb. Regular or Light Dairy Fresh

Dutch Farms 46 oz. Tub Select Varieties

4 pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle

16 oz. Assorted Flavors

8 oz. Select Varieties

Country Delite


45 oz.

8 oz. Assorted Flavors


2 ¢ 3 Egg Beaters 1 2 2 $ 49 ¢ Essential Everyday Napkins . . . . 1 Rice . . . . . . . 69 Simply Potatoes 1 Beef Stew . . . 1 $ 89 Dutch $Daisy19 Garlic ToastFarms ....... 1 $ 11 $ 124 Bullsboro 30263 Cream 64 212 Orange Juice 2 Farms 2 Sour Drive Blue Bonnet Dutch Coffee-mate Waffles• Newnan, Georgia Farms Cheese Spread 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Cheese $ 89 $Dutch 41 Creamer $Cream 43 8:00 Daisy a.m. - 10:00 ¢ p.m. • SUNDAY ¢ 3 Prices $ MONDAY 48 THROUGH SATURDAY Pizza ................. 3Effective Cream 2 Sour Blue Bonnet for typographical Dutch Farms errors. 92 99 March 25,2 2013 Coffee-mate Through March 31, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible or pictorial $ 15 $Cheese27 $1$90 64Creamer ¢Spread $ 54Cheese $ 46 $ 39 Cream $ 56 $ 68 $ 96 $ 38 Pecan Pie .......... $47 Dumplings ........ 2 1 4 $ 15 1 3 2 ¢ $ 54 on 64 $ 46 $ 90 Corn $ $ 57 $ 7 1 $ 51 1 the Cob 2 1 Creamer 1 Pies ..................... 3 5 8 oz.

Essential Everyday 8 oz.

EssentialBiscuits Everyday ............... Essential Everyday • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Blackeye Peas ..•

Essential Everyday Natural Sliced

5 oz. Colby Jack or Sharp Cheddar

8 oz.

Kraft or Cracker Barrel

Shredded or Chunk Cheese 12 oz.


8 oz.

24 oz.

Mary B's Open Kettle

Whole Baby Okra


2 lb. Breaded Squash or

Fresh Frozen

Broccoli Florettes ....

2 lb. Corn on the Cob or


Fresh Frozen

2 lb. Collard Greens or


Ice Cream ..................... $ Cheese Singles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FD 032513_2 32 20.5-21.6 oz. oz. Assorted Essential Everyday Select Varieties Traditional Pizza ........


Country Delite

32 oz. Crinkle Cut or Regular Cut

Essential Everyday

32 oz.

Kraft American

12.3 oz.

Buttermilk, Homestyle Cheese Singles Blueberry 8 oz.orSelect Varieties


Kraft Philadelphia Everyday Essential


Cream Cheese 16 oz.


Coffee-mate Italian Sweet




1 lb. Regular or Light

15-16 oz. Select Varieties






20 oz. Select Varieties

1 lb. Pkg. Gallon Country Delite $Regular 94or Light


1/2 Gallon

Country Delite

Buttermilk 1/2 Gallon

83 1/2 Gallon

7-8 oz. Select Varieties

$ 89 2 lb. Breaded Okra, Butter Beans, 128 oz.Cheese Assorted Flavors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 oz. Provolone MACHINES New York Texas WE HAVE CREDIT CARD Green Beans or 32 oz. Shoppers Value Reduced Fat 12 oz. Fresh Frozen Essential Everyday American 12.01-33.50 oz. AVAILABLE IN ALL LOCATIONS.Select Varieties Essential Everyday Natural Sliced

11.25 8 oz.oz.


14.1 oz.


SwissWhite CheeseCream . . . . . Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..

Cut Broccoli ............... Fresh Frozen 8 ct. Fries .............................. Ice Cream ......... Essential Everyday ... 2 lb. Cut Corn, ShoepegMixed Corn orVegetables 16 oz. 8 oz. Assorted Flavors Fresh Frozen 22.90-26.4 oz. Assorted Flavor Essential Everyday $ 99 $ 49 Essential Everyday American Squash ............ DiGiorno Ultimate Chunk Cheese Yellow Cheese Singles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 45 oz. Pizza ................... 8 oz. Assorted Flavors Blue Bell

Dairy Fresh

8-13 oz. Select Varieties

Country Delite

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

16 oz.


8 oz. Select Varieties 59 oz. Kraft Philadelphia Select Juice Varieties

1 1 $ 7448 89 1 ¢ $ 94 $ 28 $ 3 1 79 84 ¢ $ 05 1 89 1 5 2 Salad........... Tomatoes... 2 89 2 ¢ $ 05 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 59 2 99 $ 99 $ 96 $ 55 89 $ 25

8 oz.

Red Baron Warehouse

32 oz.

8 oz. Select Varieties

Dairy Fresh

12.3 oz. Tropical Punch or Mango Citrus, Homestyle . .Buttermilk, ......

Country Delite Quart

8 oz. Assorted Flavors

19.86-21.99 oz. Pizza


9 oz. Asst. Flavors Potato20 oz. Select Varieties Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11 oz. Cheese Puffs, 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels Gallon

Kraft Philadelphia 5 oz. Colby Jack or Sharp Cheddar

Essential Everyday American

Culinary Circle

Ore-Ida or Rice Vegetables

12.01-33.50 oz.


20 oz. Select Varieties


1/2 Gallon

46 oz. Tub Select Varieties

15-16 oz. Select Varieties

oz. Assorted Flavor 124.4-5.7 oz.12 oz.Assorted Flavor or KraftRice American 4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor Pasta

Country Delite

15-16 oz. Select Varieties



7-8 oz. Select Varieties

Kraft or Cracker Barrel

1/2 Gallon

All Brands 12 Pack, 12 oz. Cans

Kraft American

Music City 12 oz.

14.1 oz.


4 pk. Buttermilk or Homestyle


All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles

12 oz.

1/2 Gallon


14.1 oz.

Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Country ..

Country Crock

12 oz.

16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella

12 oz.

8 oz.

Assorted Flavor

Birds Eye Steamfresh

Mrs. Smith's

Pechuga de pavo o jamón rebanado, 9

9 oz. Asst. Flavors Potato

oz. Cheese Curls, 11 8 oz. Chips, Assorted9 Flavors

22.90-26.4 oz. Assorted Flavor

45 oz.

Essential Everyday Natural Sliced

20 oz.

37 oz. pkg. Select Varieties

4.4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor Rice or

8 oz.

8 oz.

Deep Pies TunaDish in Water

Edwards Southern


16 oz.

19-32 oz. Select Varieties 10-14.4 oz., Select Varieties 16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella 8 oz. Birds Eye Steamfresh Essential Everyday Natural Sliced

68º Potatoes ¢ 37º92 $ $5275 24 $ 38 Pecan Pie .......... 3 $ 72 Pies ..................... 3 Value Pack Fish

8 oz. Assorted Flavors


Tissue Pies Bathroom ..................... Essential Everyday American

8 oz.

Mrs.Essential Smith'sEveryday

19-24.5 oz. Select Varieties

25.5 oz. Chocolate Dream, 36 oz. 8 oz. Assorted Flavors Key Lime, 30.5 oz. Turtle GourmetEssential Everyday or 35 oz. Lemon Meringue Edward's Gourmet Pies or 48 oz. Peach With Cream Icing or Cherry or 47.5 oz. 8 oz. Assorted Flavors Essential Everyday Dutch Apple

Essential Everyday

5 oz.


12.01-33.50 oz. Assorted Flavor


Shoppers Value

16 oz. Pkg. Mrs. Bar-S Smith's

16 oz. Assorted Flavors

1 ¢ 67º 69 47º$460 $ 89 1

Saltines . . . . . . SATURDAY

Pavo o jamón rebanado delgado, 16 onzas



Essential Everyday

25.5 oz. Chocolate Dream, 36 oz. Key Lime, 30.5 oz. Turtle Gourmet or 35 oz. Lemon Meringue Edward's Gourmet Pies or 48 oz. Peach With Cream Icing or Cherry or 47.5 oz. Dutch Apple

Pkg. Bleach Jennie-O . . . . . 12 oz.Saltines . . .Macaroni . . . & Cheese

8 oz. Assorted Flavors

11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast

16 oz.

9 oz. Asst. Flavors Potato Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11 oz. Cheese Puffs, 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels

.5 Liter

Gallon Assorted Flavors

Sauce . . . . . .

43º Essential Everyday

4.4-5.7 oz. Assorted 24 Pk., Flavor Rice or 4-5.7 oz. Assorted Flavor Pasta

Salchicha polaco o salchicha ahumado

2 lb. Cut Corn, Shoepeg Corn or Cheese Singles . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mt. . . .17.5 . . .Olive Chinet Plates,Cheese Food Shredded . . . .Whole . . . . . . . Kernel .. 14.75-15.25. oz. or Depot Hamburger oz. Reg., Honey Crescents ...... 3 lb. Pkg.or Sweet Rolls Kraft French's 9 oz. Pkg. InstantDelite Grits. . . . ... Pride 18 ct. Pkg. All Brands 1.25 Liter Jennie-O Bottles Fresh Frozen on oz.Tennessee $ Cream 90 ¢ or Hickory Style Corn 14.75-15.25 Whole Kernel or $ 90. . . $ 19 Tomato Sauce Platters or Bowls or Hot Dog Buns Dill Pickles Yellow Squash ............ DiGiorno Ultimate $ Coca-Cola........... $ 39 51 8 oz. Squeeze Cracker Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Cob Chunk Swiss Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . Kraft $ 57 8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni 26 oz. Iodized or Plain $ Style $ 49 26 oz. With. . .Lemon or$24 oz.99 W/Bleach Pie Crust . . . . .$ .................... Shoppers ValueCream Whole Choc 194 . . . oz. . . . . .2Can . .lb. . . . .Cut . . . .Green .. Pillsbury Grands! Cheese . . . .Bag .................... Creamer . . . . . .15 48 oz. Singles . . . . . . . . .Pizza . . . . . . .oz. 67 $ Essential 5 oz. Chunk Cheese . . . . . . . . . . .11-15 Single RollVarieties 16. . oz. Beans or Buttermilk Select 11-12 oz., Select Varieties $ 11 14 oz. Angel Flake $ Value 09 Biscuits 91 Everyday Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 26 oz. With Lemon or 24 oz. W/Bleach Coca-Cola......... Shoppers Essential Everyday Soft Scrub Fresh Frozen $ 94 Mrs. Schuberts Shredded or Chunk Cheese . . 15 oz. Can Swiss Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12 $ 99 2 lb. Baby Lima Beans or Egg Beaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 49 $ 49 ¢ Essential EverydayCheese Shoppers Essential Everyday Spread . . . . . . . .Green Giant Whole Buttermilk 1 $ 35 24 Pk., .5 Liter Half .N.Half Bag, Ready PacShredded Margarine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fresh . . . . . . . .Frozen . 11-12Value oz., Select Varieties . . Donuts . . . . . . .................... 14 oz. Angel . . . . . . . .Turnip . . . . . . . . . . . .Greens ............ $ 73 Mustard .. Pasta.Mrs. . Essential .Baker's . 1Smith's . lb.Dish Salt .Flake . . .Dunkin . ... . . . . .Rolls Soft Scrub $ 81 12-17.3 oz. Super ChillCoca-Cola......... $ 70 $ Varieties 66 Simply Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 72 $ 89 Deep Pies in Water Coffee-mate Italian SweetGreen Giant Essential Everyday American Everyday Tuna Paper Towels Pinto Beans . . . 24 Pk., .5. . .Liter $ 49 Tampico 1 Butter Peas ....... $ 99 Select $ 57 Dunkin Donuts $ 99 10.5 oz. $ 05 Cheese Singles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker's $ 94 Provolone Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 49 Coffee .... Coconut . French Onio Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles Worcestershire Biscuits . . . . .8 . . .oz. .................... Chunk Cheese . . . . . . . . . . .20 . . . ct. ... 22 oz. Non-Dairy 11 oz. 2 lb. ¢ Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buttermilk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 oz. Creamer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Super Chill Pillsbury Grands! Spring Water Cheese Singles25.4 oz.. .Total . . 2. .lb. ............. Cheese .................. $Chunk 60 26 1 lb. Pkg. Assorted Flavor 32Frozen oz. 20 oz. 250Southern Ct. 16 oz. Long Mary B's Kitchen or Total Bath48 & Bowl Powerade........... 70 oz. Kraft Mini 10.5$1 Fruit ADE $ Spread 29 Farms $Singles 36 $ 94 Orange Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8 oz. Dutch Essential Everyday $ Simply 72 Biscuits $Grain Shoppers Essential Value Essential Everyday $ 99 4.07-8.8Fresh oz. Long GrainVarieties & $Ready, Select Daisy Fresh Frozen 64 Varieties Colombian Onio 16 oz. Everyday Shelled $99or43 ShreddedFrench or Chunk Essential Everyday Cream Cheese . .$ . . . . . . . . 94 . . . . . . . . . Regular or Light Blue Bonnet Cheese ................... Cheese Singles Bowl ................... Select . . . . .$ . . . . . . . Essential White Cream Corn ... Biscuits Bag $ 18 $ 49............... Crescents Sweet Rolls . . . . . . EssentialShredded EverydayCheese 28. .oz. Everyday Essential Everyday Juice ¢ $ 81 ea. oz. Total Kitchen & Bowl Bens Buttermilk .............. Soft Scrub Blackeye25.4Peas .. or Total BathSpread Cream Kraft1 Mini SauceFarms ...... Sour Marshmallow s Margarine Bonnet Dutch EnergyBlue Drinks . . . . . . . . . Wafers . .Maxwell .... CreamerShredded . . . . . Cheese16 oz. Shelled Vanilla Uncle Grain Varieties Whole .Coffee-mate . . . . . . . 4.07-8.8 . . . . . . .oz.. . Long . . .Delite .FD . . .032513_2 . .&.Ready, . Select House Diamond oz. Colombian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$. . . . 90 $ 2819 11.25 oz. $ Flavors 39 45 . . Rice . . . . . . . . . Soft Chunk Swiss . . . . . . . . . . Napkins . Beef..Stew . . . CheeseCoffee . Cracker . . . Cuts . . . . . . . . . . .2Green . Okra, . . . Scrub . . PieBeans,Crust . . .Country $ 99 $ Butter $All Brands 70 20Spread . .128 . . . . .oz. . . . .Assorted . . . Uncle Essential Everyday Cheese Everyday 1 11.5 oz. Classic or French Cream Creamer Marshmallow Pack, 12 oz. Can s 16 oz., 20 Ct.Essential 128 oz. ....TexasMaxwell Walnuts Beans or BensWhole Chocolate oz. 05 Tampico $ 89 lb. Breaded House $ 49 . . . . . . . . Crock . . . . . . . . . . .s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diamond $New York 99 $ 25 Cheese Shoppers Value $16 Milk $ 19 $. . . 11 $ 09 $Reduced 91 Fat Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fresh Frozen Chunk Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garlic Toast ....... $ 59 Essential Everyday $ 11 14 oz.59Macaroni & Cheese Shredded or Chunk Cheese . . Coca-Cola......... .. ..... ....... . . . . ...................... . . . . . . . .Half . . . . .N. Half .. Swiss Cheese .................... Essential Everyday Egg Beaters Spread . . . . . . . . .Ice . . . . ...Cream Essential Everyday Super Chill oz. 2 64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 20 oz. Mt. Olive $All Brands 26 16 oz.ADE .Red or 12 Select oz.2 Shells &Bottles Cheese Whole Baby Okra . Juice Varieties Culinary Circle Liter $ 72 Dutch Farms American Essential Everyday Fruit . . . Diamond ..................... Waffles Ore-Ida $ 66 $ 33 Ground Coffee $ oz.89 Pillsbury. . 20.5-21.6 $ Simply 48 $ 12 Brewed Essential $19.86-21.99 99 Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . .oz. . . . Assorted Foam Cups . . Spring Water SimplyEveryday PizzaSinglesOcean Tea Vegetables or Rice Cheese . . . . . . . . . . .Spray ....... Provolone Cheese . . . . . . ... . . . . . . $ 64 French Onion Dip 1 Food Depot Coca-Cola......... Cheese Singles . . . . 2. .lb.. . .Breaded . . . . .64 . .Squash .oz. . . Bottle, or Select Varieties 20 oz. Rolls Mt. Olive Shredded Potatoes Essential Everyday 12-16Cheese oz.¢Bottle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red Baron Warehouse Crescents or Sweet .$ ..... Juice Pasta Lipton $ Knorr8941 Fresh Frozen 43 Delite $All Brands 81 Deluxe Shoppers Value $ 70 1.25 Liter Bottles $ 94 25 Ft. StandardEssential 100 Ct. Tagless $................. 72 $ $ Juice48 Pizza . . . . . . . .20 . . . .oz. ...... ¢ 6 oz. Pizza ........ Onion Dip Select French 64. . .¢. . . .$. . . . .12 Orange . . . . . . .Traditional . . . . . . . . . . . . . Food Everyday Varieties Side Dishes Cream Cheese . . . . . . . . .Broccoli . . . . . . . . .Snacks . Ocean$Spray Cheese Singles . . . . . . . . . . . .$ . . . . . . . 19 Kraft Depot 90 Florettes .... Pillsbury Food Depot Coca-Cola........... 12-16 oz. Bottle Shoppers Value Shoppers Value 12-17.3 oz. Value FD 032513_2 $ 39 Shoppers 32 oz. 2 lb. Corn on the Cob or Cracker Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kraft Chunk Swiss Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . 24 oz. Coffee-mate Italian Sweet $ 99 32 oz. Crinkle Cut or Regular Cut 20 oz. $ 57 $ 99 ......................... $ 67 94 Select Varieties $ Pie 49 All Brands 12 Pack, 12 oz. Cans Varieties Edwards Southern $ Select lb. Collard Greens or WholeCreamer Chocolate Frozen 20-50Fresh Ct.,2Select Varieties 890 Pk.Crust oz. Mary B's Open Kettle 75 $ 1/2 Gallon Essential Everyday Buttermilk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .... . . . .Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ............. Food Depot Pillsbury Grands!. . . $ 27 Cheese Singles . . . . . . . .$ . . . . . . .24 . . .39 . Kosher, Reg. or Zesty Chunk Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum Foil Kraft or Cracker Barrel Essential Everyday Natural Sliced Tea Bags . . . . Hot Sauce Fresh Frozen ............... $ $11 68 Fries8 ct............................... 09 ........ $ 91 Cut Cheese Broccoli Pecan PieCheese .......... . . . . .Kraft Blue$Bell Dumplings Biscuits $ 56 $ Coca-Cola......... 59 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles Hefty Food DepotEssential Hamburger Shredded or Chunk . . ... Blue Bonnet Swiss . .8. oz. ............ $ 94 16 oz. Egg Beaters . 8. .Pk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mt. Olive Mixed Vegetables All Brands 4 Pk. 37 oz. $ 99 $ 49 1 lb. Bag, Ready Pac ¢ 20-50 Ct., Select Varieties Half N Half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ice Cream ......... 24 oz. Kosher, Reg. or Zesty Gallon Everyday $ 73 Whole Buttermilk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pkg. Select Varieties White Dressing 2 lb. Cut Corn, Shoepeg. . Corn oz. Margarine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ ... 1 . . Spread Shredded Cheese . . . . .or ........ 1or90HotPotatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giant 73 Salad Kraft30 American 72 Red Diamond $ 35 Coca-Cola......... Shoppers Value Shoppers Value22.90-26.4 Mrs.Essential Smith'sEveryday Natural Sliced Plates Bowls Dog Buns $ 66 .Olive Freshor Frozen $ oz. 89 $ 72 Corn onDepot ¢ 3/ ¢ KraftSingles $Assorted 12 Flavors $$ Simply Hefty Food Assorted Flavor $ 70 Essential Everyday . . . . . . Hamburger . . . . . . . . . . . Dill Spears Mt. 32 oz. Garden Brewed Tea. .Bottles Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Country Crock Dip Grape Provolone Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 French Onion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ 49 Tampico ......................... 1 ¢ 99 10 oz. Bread PiesTissue ..................... $ 05 Yellow Squash ............ DiGiorno Ultimate $ Dressing 51 the Cob Bathroom Tomato Sauce Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chunk ................. 2Country Saltines ...... Mayonnaise 12-36 Cheese Ct., Select Varieties 12 Pk.Delite ............................ 3 ¢Bud's Powerade........... oz. Best Philadelphia Essential Everyday American Plates or Bowls Dog Buns $80 oz. Kosher Pizza$................... Spears ... 70 DillSpread 26 59 94 Orange Juice or. . .Hot 72 KraftBag Select Juice Varieties $Fruit 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$. . . . $18 2 lb. Cut Green Beans or $ oz. Select Varieties Monster 16 oz. Cans ADE 1 Single Roll11-15 French Onion Dip . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mt. Olive Pillsbury $ 48 Cream Cheese . . . .Plates, . .Frozen ............. 1 or Miracle $ 99 5 oz. Cheese Singles $. . . . .16. .oz.. 49 . .Bag ......... 1 Chinet Food Depot Hamburger $ 79 Simply ea. Vanilla Fresh $ 64 Mrs. Schuberts $ 96 $ 55 $ 25 2 lb. Baby Lima Beans or Singles ................... 1 80 oz.Crescents Shredded Cheese 12-36. . .Ct., . . . Select . . . . . . . . $ 212 Cheese 12 Drinks Pk. Kosher or Sweet Rolls . . . . . . Energy Shoppers 1 Wafers FDValue 032513_2 $ 81 Juice TurniporGreens ............Varieties or Hot Dog Buns Fresh Frozen ¢ Whip81 Rolls .................... ¢ Essential Everyday Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Essential Everyday $ Platters Bowls Dill Pickles . . . $ 90 $ 19 Pillsbury Chinet Plates, Food Depot Hamburger Mt. Olive Butter Peas ....... Paper20Towels Pinto Beans . . . $ 39 45 Cracker Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in Water Chunk Swiss Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ct. 2 lb. Pie Crust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Whole Chocolate Milk . . . . . . . . $199 $Tuna Fresh Frozen Platters or Bowls 250 Ct. Mary B's Southern Long Grain2 lb. $ 16 oz.29 $ 36 or Hot Dog Buns Dill Pickles . . . 20 oz. $ 11 $ 09 Fresh Frozen $ 91 $ 43 r

Essential Everyday

Instant Grits .

10 oz.

Hot Sauce . . .


Cream Cheese

12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter

Squares FRIDAY 56Selectoz.6 Varieties oz. BlueShoppers Bunny Value Ice Cream

Tocino rebanado grueso, 12 onzas

Filete de jamón corte de centro

10-14.4 oz., Select Varieties

Essential Everyday


Filete de pescado tilapia congelado fresco,

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013 | MyConnection 3

Community Connection

Forever young

Sequester this John Winters


hen the federal government starts using words you’ve never heard of, watch out. I refer to words like “ethnic cleansing.” This is the polite way of saying one group is killing another. Not that there’s a polite way to talk about the mass execution of another, but why can’t we just call it what it is? Now we are playing with “fiscal cliff ” and “sequestration.” These are terms used by the Certain people in Congress and the Other People in Congress who blame each other for not fixing whatever. And the Certain People and the Other People also point fingers at Those People in the White House. It’s everyone’s fault but theirs. We somehow avoided the fiscal cliff, which involved the nation falling off the mountain of debt; at least that’s the image that works for me. We did that by simply saying we could borrow more money. There’s a concept we should try at home. We spend too much, so just borrow more to pay for the stuff we can’t afford anyway and add to our debt. Those must be the kind of jokes bankers share with each other. Now sequestration was, intentionally, the absolutely worse idea the Certain and Other people could come up. Make a law soooooo bad that everyone would work together to ensure it would never happen. Basically, automatic cuts kick in if the Certain and Other types can’t agree to fix the budget. And that would never happen. But it did. And it’s not like the department heads get to choose where those cuts come from, they are pretty much across the board. And yes, there are some exempted budget items - and very expensive ones, mind you. And all that means is the non-exempted ones get hit harder. Put it this way. You have two non-exempted departments. Program X buys rifle ammunition. Program Y is working on turning peanuts into rifle ammo. Under sequestration, you can’t be logical and kill the peanuts for ammo idea. No, each program gets cut, meaning we have less rifle ammo

and still can’t make peanuts into ammo. Or, White House tours are canceled, but somehow we can still have a politically-fueled St. Paddy’s Day White House affair. Or our military continues to get paid (exempted), but their tuition assistance and TRICARE (nonexempt) are getting cut. The FBI will be cut by $480 million, but we just gave Egypt $250 million. I have no idea. Sorry. Our military planes will continue to fly, with less fuel; the Air Force Academy Band will not be playing in Newnan. I will be the first to admit it is easy to sit here and criticize the Certains and Others and Thoses (yes, I know that’s not a word). So let’s come up with a solution. And I have one. It’s called “Doing The Sistine.” Round up all the budget committees, stick them in a room, and make them sit on uncomfortable chairs. Lock the doors. And most importantly, take away all their electronic toys. No television, no radio, no newspapers. Politicians with no outside contact — the whole cruel and unusual punishment thing. And they can’t leave until they come up with a plan. We are not being Draconian here. They get potty breaks and can sleep at night on hard cots. And they’ll get water and bread. Impossible isn’t it? That would be like getting 115 people together from all over the world - Africa, Europe, North America, South America and Asia — and doing the same thing. Except they are only trying to determine the next spiritual leader for about 1.2 billion people. And their decision lasts, literally, a lifetime. Sure, there is some political posturing to get one’s preferred candidate elected. But the selection of the new pope, at least for the first rounds, requires a twothirds majority. Other than sending a letter to North Korea about how “seriously serious” we are this time and are “really, really unhappy” with their nuke program, I doubt the Certains and the Others could come up with a two-thirds majority on anything. And probably not even that letter, because they would argue over how many times they should say “really.” John A. Winters is a staff writer for The Newnan Times-Herald. You can follow the adventure at Reach him at

Meredith Leigh Knight


y the time you read this, I’ll be another year older and a great deal luckier, at least according to my friend Sarah’s dad. “He always said __ was a lucky age,” Sarah told me after I confided that I was anxious for my birthday to get here before anything else happened. I’m not sure why he said that, and I didn’t even ask. I was just grateful he did. Father knows best, after all, plus he was a doctor, so that makes him doubly right in my book. And, frankly, I needed that hope to hang on to. Now, don’t get me wrong, I had some incredibly wonderful events take place during this year of my life, first and foremost, the marriage of my daughter. I was also blessed to become editor of a corporate newsletter, a job I’d worked hard for. But with the good comes the bad, and I had to have surgery this past fall, a surgery that made me realize that not only am I not that young anymore, I’m not mortal either. It’s all very shocking. My younger daughter will soon be behind the wheel of an automobile, and my son, well, he’s nwot that far behind her. What started as a marathon has now ended in a sprint. I’m not sure where the miles went in between. This year, I learned that sleepless nights spent rocking your babies quickly turn into nights of waiting on them to come home from the prom, and before you blink, you’re sending them off to college, and the next thing you know, they are grown. Kids do, indeed, provide the great reality check. I can remember riding in the backseat of the car as a girl with my dad driving. He was a world champion Olympic weightlifter. He was probably my age at the time when I asked him, “Daddy, what is that roadmap on the back of your neck?” They were his wrinkles, in case you aren’t sure. I also remember asking my mom how old she was, and she replied either 30 or, God

also means having wonderful people in your life who care about you and make you feel, no matter your age, forever young. Only sometimes it takes a few birthdays to realize it. In my case, 42 to be exact.

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Saturday, March 30 10:00 a.m. Carl Miller Park Pavilion #3

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church 3 Village Road • Newnan, Georgia 30265 Phone: (770) 253-1888 •

Fr. Dan Fleming, Pastor • Rev. Mr. Dennis Carazza, Deacon


LIT U R GIES OF HOLY WEE K Holy Thursday, March 28th

7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Experience the Rite of Foot Washing Eucharistic Adoration will follow Mass until 10:00 pm

Good Friday, March 29th

10:30 am Scriptural Rosary 12:00 pm “The Seven Last Words” Good Friday Worship Service 3:00 pm Scriptural Stations of the Cross with our neighbors from Cokes Chapel UMC 7:00 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday, March 30th

8:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass Celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation

Easter Sunday, March 31st

9:00 am, 10:30 am Children’s Mass and 12 Noon Masses Nursery is available at the 9:00 am Mass

Directions: Located off Hwy 154 and Ebenezer Church Rd., near the Central Library. Turn right just past the Fire Station onto Literary Lane. (SMM will be on the horizon.) Turn left at Robinson Lake Rd. & right at Village Rd.


things to do this summer

a guide to activities and destinations


The Newnan Times-Herald is pleased to announce the return of 50 things to do this summer, an upscale magazine which introduces to our readers a variety of activities and destinations awaiting them in the upcoming months.

Continued from Page 1 for exponential growth and quality. He developed a comprehensive education and outreach program serving 20,000 school children and 10,000 adults in Northwest Florida and received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and Opera America for programming and education. Between 1998 and 2002, Marrero was the artistic director of Opera Southwest in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has produced and directed an extensive number of operas in this facet of his career. Marrero also has served as a judge for a number of opera and vocal competitions and has performed on stage with a number of opera companies worldwide in principal roles, as well as maintaining an extensive career as a recitalist and performer with symphony orchestras. He holds both bachelor and master of music degrees from Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, and earned his Doctorate of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) in vocal performance from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Marrero also has studied music education and vocal performance at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, and Arizona State University, Tempe, as well as the German language at the GoetheInstitute in Munich, Germany. The Board of Regents will take final action on the selection of the next president of the University of West Georgia at a future meeting.

forbid, 31. I still recall how old and far away that sounded. Yet, here I sit, 30 years old myself (just seeing if you are still paying attention) and reminiscing about days gone by – something I swore, loudly and vehemently, I’d never do. Just like my girlfriend and I swore in middle school that we’d never wear pants that weren’t tight around our ankles because bell bottom britches meant we were old, and we would never, ever be old. Fortunately, we loosened our standards in blue jeans as well as life. I’m not sure what this age will bring. I’m not sure what the word “lucky” really means. I’m also not 100 percent sure Sarah’s dad really said that. A part of me thinks she fabricated that story just to cheer me up, in which case I know what lucky means. Lucky means having a friend who would do such a thing. It

“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” II Thessalonians 2: 1-3


Spring Ombre Layer Cake

4-1/2 cups sifted cake flour 2 tablespoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 cups (3 sticks) butter or margarine, softened 2-1/4 cups granulated sugar 1-1/2 teaspoons Imitation Clear Vanilla Extract 1-1/2 teaspoons almond extract 6 egg whites 1-1/3 cups milk Rose Icing Color, Homemade Marshmallow Icing Bunnies with Jelly Beans Icing Decorations Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray two 9 inch round pans with vegetable pan spray. In medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and salt; set aside. In large bowl, beat butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fluffy; add extracts and beat well. Add egg whites, 2 at a time, mixing until well blended. Add flour mixture to butter mixture in three additions alternately with milk, beating well after each addition and scraping bowl as needed. Divide batter into 4 equal portions (about 1-2/3 cups batter each). Add a small amount of icing color to one portion of batter. Add increasing amounts of color to each additional portion of batter to create shades of increasingly darker rose. Fill pans with batter. Bake 17-19 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan on rack; remove and cool completely. Wash and dry pans completely. Bake remaining batter as directed above. To decorate, stack layers on cake board or serving platter, filling between layers with marshmallow icing. Spoon ice cake; press icing decorations around cake into icing.

Homemade Marshmallow Icing

3 tablespoons Meringue Powder 1/2 cup cold water 2 cups granulated sugar 1/3 cup water 1/4 cup light corn syrup In large bowl, whip meringue powder and 1/2 cup cold water with electric mixer until stiff peaks form, about 3 minutes. In medium saucepan, bring sugar, 1/3 cup water and corn syrup to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium. Stir constantly while sugar boils rapidly for 4 minutes. With mixer on high speed, slowly pour syrup down the side of the bowl into meringue, being careful not to let syrup hit the whip or meringue mixture. Continue beating on high speed for 4 minutes. Use immediately to fill and ice cake.

things to do this summer a guide to activities and destinations

Highland Marina Resort

Historic Banning Mills

Summer 2012


This full-color, glossy magazine will be delivered to paid subscribers of The Newnan Times-Herald on Friday, May 17, 2013, plus 2,500 copies will be distributed throughout Coweta County and surrounding areas. This is a publication our readers and residents will refer to time-and-time again over the course of the summer, thus enhancing readership longevity.

MainStreet Newnan

In addition, the 50 things to do this summer publication will also be accessible at for over three months in our online Special Sections and through a Home Page Banner Ad – an ad position which averages 1.4 million impressions per month. The web version will reach thousands of potential customers thanks to our daily on-line average of 11,460 Unique Visitors, plus all links which appear in your ad will be clickable.


16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA • 770-683-1707

4 MyConnection | Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Recipe Connection

Caramel Frozen Yogurt Pie with Grilled Peaches

Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Yield: 8 to 10 servings 2 pints premium vanilla frozen yogurt 1 9-inch prepared graham cracker pie crust, or 8 individual graham cracker pie crusts 1 1/4 cups caramel sauce, store-bought 2 tablespoons butter, melted 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar 6 ripe medium sized peaches, halved and pitted Transfer 1 pint of frozen yogurt from freezer to refrigerator to soften for 30 to 40 minutes. Preheat oven to 375°F. Bake pie crust until lightly browned and crisp, about 10 minutes. Set aside to cool. To assemble pie, spread softened yogurt evenly over pie crust. Place in freezer and chill about 1 hour. When firm, spread about 3/4 cup caramel evenly over frozen yogurt. Return pie to the freezer, and transfer second pint of frozen yogurt to refrig­erator. Allow pint to soften for 30 to 40 minutes. Spread second pint of yogurt evenly over caramel, making decorative swirls, if possible. Freeze until firm. Remove from freezer 10 minutes before serving. To grill peaches, prepare medium fire in a charcoal grill or preheat gas grill on medium. Melt butter and stir in brown sugar until dissolved. Toss peaches with butter mixture until well coated. Grill peaches directly over medium fire, cut-side up, until grill marks are visible, about 5 minutes. Turn peaches over and grill until grill marks show and peaches are tender, about 4 minutes longer. Set aside to cool. When cool, cut peaches into thick wedges. When ready to serve, cut pie into wedges and serve with peaches on the side. Drizzle a little of remaining caramel sauce over top.

Roasted Potatoes with Bacon and Goat Cheese

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 40 minutes Yield: 6 servings 1/2 pound bacon, sliced 12 small red potatoes, halved Olive oil 1/2 cup sour cream 1/4 cup goat cheese, plain 4 tablespoons green onions, sliced 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated 3 tablespoons dill, snipped, plus dill for garnish 1/4 teaspoon seasoned salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper Heat oven to 450°F. In large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat, turning to brown evenly, until crisp. Blot bacon on paper towels, mince and set aside. Brush cut surfaces of potatoes lightly with olive oil. Place potato halves cut side up on a shallow rimmed baking pan; bake until potatoes are tender and faces of potatoes are lightly browned, about 20 to 30 minutes. Meanwhile, in small bowl mash together sour cream and goat cheese, stir in minced bacon, onion, Parmesan, dill, salt and pepper. Top each potato with a spoonful, about 2 teaspoons, of sour cream mixture. Serve warm. Make-Ahead Tip: Roast potatoes before guests arrive; keep warm in the oven. Top with cheese mixture before serving.

Ham and Peas with Mint and Tarragon

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Yield: 4 to 6 servings 4 ounces cooked ham, cut into 1/4-inch dice 3 cups peas, fresh or frozen 3 tablespoons unsalted butter (1/2 stick) cut into 4 to 6 pieces 1/4 cup fresh mint, coarsely chopped, plus sprigs for garnish 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon, coarsely chopped, plus sprigs for garnish Salt and pepper to taste Bring medium saucepan of well-salted water to a boil over high heat. Add peas and cook until tender, 3 to 8 minutes depending on size of peas. Drain peas, reserving 2 tablespoons cooking water. Return peas and cooking water to saucepan. Add ham, butter, mint, and tarragon, stirring until butter melts. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer to bowl, garnish with mint and tarragon sprigs, and serve.



Spiced Grilled Ham with Citrus Glaze (pictured on front page) Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 1 1/2 to 2 hours Yield: 12 to 14 (4-ounce) servings 6 to 7-pound fully-cooked bone-in ham, trimmed 1 tablespoon ground coriander 1 tablespoon ground paprika 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 cup lemon marmalade (or other citrus marmalade) 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar Preheat gas or charcoal grill to medium-hot (375°F to 425°F). Prepare grill for indirect cooking: For gas grill, turn off center burner; for charcoal grill, bank coals on either side; place a drip pan under grate between heat sources. Score a diamond pattern into ham, about 1/8 inch deep into any fat. In small bowl, combine coriander, paprika, cumin, cinnamon and cloves. Rub spice mixture over all sides of ham. Place ham, flat side down, in center of grill over drip pan. Cover and cook, adding briquettes as necessary to maintain heat, until internal temperature of ham reaches 140°F, 1 1/2 to 2 hours or 15 to 18 minutes per pound. Meanwhile, in small bowl, combine marmalade, orange juice and sugar. Brush marmalade mixture over ham. Cover and grill 5 minutes, until glaze is lightly caramelized. Remove ham from grill, transfer to cutting board, and let rest 15 to 30 minutes. (Oven-roasting instructions can be found at

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013 | MyConnection 5

Community Connection

Coweta County hero honored at capitol


History Books of Coweta County


Photo courtesy Senator Mike Crane

At the Georgia State Capitol for the recognition for Coweta County Deputy Jason Michael Ross are, from left, front, Coweta Sheriff’s Lt. Col. Mike Kinsey; Georgia State Patrol Trooper Kyle Sapp, vice president of Peace Officers Association of Georgia; Ross; Sen. Ed Harbison and John Edwards, secretary-treasurer of the Peace Officers Association of Georgia; middle, Senator Jack Hill; Coweta Sheriff Mike Yeager; Major Stephen Adams, president of the Peace Officers Association of Georgia; and Senator Buddy Carter; back, Senator Mike Crane, Senator John Albers and Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle.

By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL The praise keeps coming for Coweta County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jason Ross. Ross, who pulled an injured woman from her burning car on Sept. 10, 2011, was honored at the Georgia State Capitol Wednesday with a Senate resolution. Senate Resolution 426 states Ross “demonstrated exemplary courage, leadership and humility in putting the needs of another individual whose life was in jeopardy above his own and it is abundantly fitting and proper that the extraordinary accomplishments of this distinguished Georgian be appropriately recognized.” The resolution goes on to say that members of the Georgia Senate “commend the courageous and selfless dedication of Deputy Jason Michael Ross and recog-

nize him for receiving the Valor Service Award from the Peace Officers Association of Georgia.” State Senator Mike Crane, R-Newnan, was one of three sponsors of the resolution. Others were Sen. Jack Hill, R-Reidsville, and Sen. Buddy Carter, R-Pooler, who is chairman of the Senate Public Safety Committee. Ross, Coweta Sheriff Mike Yeager, and Lt. Col. Mike Kinsey were at the capitol for the honor, as were representatives from the Peace Officers Association of Georgia. Ross was on patrol the night Sept. 10, 2011, when he came upon a head-on collision. The occupant of one vehicle was already out but the other vehicle, a Dodge Durango, was engulfed in flames and its driver, Trischica Leatrice Evans, was trapped inside. Unable to extinguish the fire, Ross and a passerby –who has

never been publicly identified – pulled Evans from the vehicle. Ross sustained burns to his face and arms. The entire rescue was captured by Ross’s dash video camera. “Deputy Ross acted courageously and selflessly to save Trischica Evans,” said Sen. Crane. “I’m proud to represent a community with outstanding citizens like Deputy Ross.” For his actions, Ross was named Deputy Sheriff of the Year by the Georgia Sheriff’s Association and Georgia Officer of the Year for Valor by the Peace Officers Association of Georgia. In November, he was recognized by Gov. Nathan Deal and presented with the Governor’s Public Safety Award. An edited video of the rescue can be viewed at

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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Travel Connection

Travel tips for a safe and successful road trip changed, and without downloading the proper updates, you could end up driving in circles instead of moving on to your destination.


A good road trip can be the ultimate spring or summer experience. With the open road ahead, life's troubles seem to melt and there's just the oneness of the driver and the road. For a road trip to be successful, it's not just a matter of taking to the road and putting the pedal to the metal. There are a host of considerations to make, which can ensure safety and peace of mind when beginning your excursion. Maintenance should never be overlooked when it comes to prepping for a road trip. At the least, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that drivers have their tires, battery, belts, fluids, and air conditioner checked by a qualified mechanic prior to starting any long trip. But the list does not stop there. There are many other precautions to heed before taking to the road. ■ Be sure to have all necessary documents on hand. Nothing can stall a road trip faster than getting pulled over by a police officer and being without your license, registration and proof of insurance. These are required documents to operate a vehicle, and it's definitely worth a second check in your wallet and glove compartment to be sure they are where they should be.

■ Plan who will drive when. A long road trip — one that will be done primarily in one day — could necessitate splitting up the trip between two or more drivers. Not only does this banish boredom, it also reduces the risk of driver fatigue. NHTSA estimates that approximately 100,000 police-reported crashes in the

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United States each year involve drowsiness and/or fatigue. Bring along refreshments. Frequent stops for bathroom breaks and simply to stretch your legs are adviseable, but limit reststop fare whenever possible. Not only do these foods tend to be unhealthy, they are often expensive. Keep your road trip budget down by packing healthy food and drinks that you can enjoy on the go. ■

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Coweta man faces child porn charges




Two Coweta principals to take administrative positions Monday storm, winds topple trees

Closet Hollywood: Delta mechanic collects fashion accessories


Passenger remains in serious condition following I-85 crash

7. 8.



Call her a breast cancer fighter, not survivor

Interstate 85 accident injures 3, snarls traffic

Carjack suspects may be members of gang Three women face gambling charges

Womanless beauty pageant benefits fund for cancer patients

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Get an oil change. Driving long intervals can be taxing on a car engine, as can the start-and-stops associated with getting stuck in road trip traffic. Do yourself and your car a favor by getting an oil change to ensure there will be proper lubrication of the engine and that thick, old motor oil won't contribute to a breakdown.

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11.07 10.21







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22.22 17.32

28.33 21.91




23.47 18.10

30.24 23.13


32.58 34.31




11.25 10.29






11.42 10.38 14.37





11.60 10.47 14.37





11.68 10.47 14.37





11.86 10.64 14.37





11.86 10.90 14.37





11.94 10.99 14.37





12.03 11.25 14.37





12.29 11.42 14.37



11.25 10.03 12.55 11.60 14.37



11.55 10.21 12.98 11.68 14.80



11.86 10.42 13.50 11.86 15.45



12.25 10.68 14.02 12.12




51.91 33.36

71.50 46.80 123.18



12.59 10.99 14.54 12.46 16.75



59.80 36.74

82.78 51.48 137.27



12.98 11.34 15.06 12.81




68.77 40.99 96.21 57.11 151.57



13.37 11.77 15.50 13.33 18.92



78.74 45.71 111.21 63.18 165.66



13.81 12.20 16.02 13.94 20.01



89.32 50.65 127.17 69.60 179.32 106.05


14.24 12.68 16.62 14.63 21.31



99.81 55.60 143.03 75.75 191.67 113.42


14.80 13.16

17.32 15.24 22.82 19.57


24.73 18.96

32.23 24.43



26.03 19.92

34.40 25.99

53.38 36.26


27.42 20.92 36.48 27.46




29.02 22.00 38.99 29.11




30.89 23.21

41.77 30.93




33.10 24.51

45.06 33.01

69.64 45.58


35.78 25.99 48.96 35.35




37.69 27.03

51.56 37.26




40.94 28.50 55.90 39.77




45.58 30.58

62.57 42.98 109.96


70 109.44 60.10 157.68 81.30 202.51 119.49


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013 | MyConnection 7


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$2,500 Sign On Bonus

Super Service is hiring solo and team drivers. Excellent home time options, CDL-A required.


Covenant Needs Drivers



TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.

Drivers Trucking


25 New Driver Trainees Needed!

Learn to drive for TMC Transportation! Earn $750 per week! No experience needed! Local CDL Training! Local 15 day training!


Drivers Trucking




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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.



Bank Repossession

Smith Lake, Ala. Prime dockable Homesite $49,900. Bank loss of $120k per lot, over $3million on 34 lots, makes possible a $200k+ homesite for 25 cents on the dollar. Level to water, no stairs. Build at waters edge. NEW TO MARKET. Roads and utilities in place. Available April 20. Make early appointment. Once in a lifetime opportunity. 1-877-500-9051

TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Apts For Rent - Unfurn.

Homes For Rent-Unfurn.

3 Bedroom homes $500 / month. Also have a few fixeruppers selling cheap!

Please visit:


3 Homes: 3 - 4 BRs, $675 - $925



4 Homes: 2 BR, 1 BA, $475 - $525

Mobile Homes

Starting at $100 per week. Newnan & Luthersville. Safe areas. Low deposit required 770-927-9276


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For Rent

For Rent:

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FOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 BA Apt. 444 Jefferson St., $695 2 BR, 1 BA home 25 St. Clair St., $595

Manufactured Homes For Rent 705

2 BR, 2 Bath Powers Crossroads area. $125/week, $550 move in. Range, refrigerator, DW, Central H/A.





24HR info: 770-253-2300 office: 770-683-4807

Homes For Rent-Unfurn.

Mobile Homes For Rent


2013 Directory


Newnan Luxury Rental Homes

Houses, townhomes, apartments All price ranges! Starting at $450 770-683-1221 or 770-683-1199

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With acreage. Ready to move in. Seller financing with approved credit. Lots of room for the price, 3 BR, 2 Baths. No renters.

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Place your ad anytime. Visit:


Call 770-253-1576 to place your Tax Prep ad.

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• Kitchen & Bath Remodeling

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Lawn & Landscaping

Coweta Landscaping & Design



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To advertise in The Newnan Times-Herald Service Directory, call 770-253-1576.

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8:11 AM

8 MyConnection | Wednesday, March 27, 2013









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