MyConnection for Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Page 1

Garage Sale Special

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 April 10, 2013

Place your Garage Sale ad in The Newnan-Times Herald and receive a 25 percent discount off regular ad rates.


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Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald

Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7

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Coweta’s Dancing Stars benefit right around the corner Annual event benefits The Community Welcome House By STAFF REPORTS


oweta’s Dancing Stars, sponsored by Toyota of Newnan and benefiting The Community Welcome House in Newnan, is right around the corner. Coweta’s Dancing Stars will be held April 17th, 7 pm at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts, 1523 Lower Fayetteville Road. The Community Welcome House is a transitional facility that provides shelter for families in need following domestic abuse. The program assists residents with room and board, food, medical care, child care, counseling and much more. The 2013 contestants, who have been rehearsing for months, have been split up between three different dance studios for the first time in the show’s history: Elite Dance Force, Newnan School of Dance and Star Dance Studio. They are: Emily Mitchell – Emily’s Skincare and Spa (dance partner Chad Wood), Thad Spates – Cargill (dance partner Kristi Fenninger), Christy Stout – Moab Fighting Concepts (dance partner Laura Goss), Zane Scarborough – Lighthouse Counseling Center (dance partner Peggy Bern), Jackie Terrail – 85 South (dance partner Dan Ricketts), Mark


Contestants, from left to right: Emily Mitchell, Thad Spates, Cindy Brooks, Allen Bennett, Kristi Fenninger, Leighann McGuffey, David Kent, Christy Stout, Zane Scarborough, Peggy Bern, Brad Binion, Brandy Lambrou and Ivory Garrett.

Fetner – Springhill Suites Newnan (dance partner Monica Millians), Brandy Lambrou – Wesley Woods (dance partner Callie Schau), Brad Binion – Newnan Utilities (dance partner Leighann McGuffey), Cindy Brooks – Re/Max Results (dance partner Allen Bennett), and David Kent – Cancer Treatment Centers of America (dance partner Ivory Garrett). Tickets are available for the dancing show and available by visiting Tickets purchased on the website will be available the night of the show. For more information, call Judi Alvey at 770-559-2381 (judi_alvey@cable. or Samantha Brazie at 770820-5559 ( Preferred seating tickets are $20, lower level. General admission tickets are $10, upper level. Tickets are also available for purchase (cash only) at Toyota of Newnan. There are two ways contestants can win this contest: the People’s Choice Awards and Judges Awards. A People’s Choice award will be given to the contestant with the most votes. Each vote costs $1, and fans can vote online by visiting Community Welcome House’s website. As of the most recent count, leaders in the People’s Choice category are Brad Binion, Jackie Terrail and Zane Scarborough.

Taste of Newnan returning April 18 Newnan’s popular Taste of Newnan food festival returns to the Court Square on Thursday, April 18 for the spring edition. The event showcases local restaurants and caterers and gives attendees the opportunity to sample foods that these businesses do best. The bi-annual “Taste” brings more than 8,000 people into the downtown area for the event, held between the hours of 5 and 8:30 p.m. All local restaurants and caterers with a physical location in Coweta county are encouraged to partici-

i n s i de

pate. The application is available online at www.mainstreetnewnan. com and can be found under the “Event Applications” tab. For more information visit www. or call 770-253-8283.

Recipes Y ou Can Feel Goo d About ➤


Turkey Tortellini Soup

FAMILY FOOD You Can Feel Good About

A Family Features

lmost half of American adults say they need to change their diets so they can improve overall healthfulness, according to a survey by The NPD Group. But no matter how whole­some something is, if it doesn’t taste good, no one will want to eat it. To help make sure your family has a nutrition-minded diet that still delivers on taste, stock up on delicious but guiltless ingredients such as:

n Colorful

fruits and veggies — Nutritious produce brings vitamins,

Pictured above, scenes from the 2012 Taste of Newnan



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minerals and fiber to the table. Keep snack-ready apples, bananas, grapes, pears, berries and oranges visible and within reach, so they’re easy to grab when the kids get hungry. Look for ways to add veggies to dishes, like unique soup or sandwich recipes. n Whole

grains — Whole grains have more fiber, which is important for heart and digestive health. Look for whole grain sandwich breads, pitas, pastas and pizza crusts. Experiment with side dishes using whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa or barley.

n Herbs

and spices — Watching




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sodium intake is also important for heart health. In addition to using lower sodium ingredients, you can boost flavor with herbs and spices. Oregano, basil, garlic, cumin, chili powder, thyme and rosemary can be used to flavor soups, meats and fish, and can be mixed into a small amount of fat-free mayonnaise to dress up sandwiches. Fortunately, it’s easy to find recipes that have great tasting, whole­some ingredients. The recipes listed on page 4 use premium turkey, chicken and ham deli meats, which you can find behind the deli counter at your grocery store.


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2 MyConnection | Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Avoid New Scams Targeting Seniors statepoint

hile we are all taught to use ACROSS good manners when answer1. Indian instrument in "Norwegian ing the telephone, not everyone who Wood" calls has good intentions. 6. Lab eggs 9. *"I want my baby ____" According to the U.S. Department 13. *Mack the _____ of Homeland Security, a recent 14. Type of test for women spate of lottery scams or advance U.S. World War II History 15. Bridal veil fabric fee frauds are targeting seniors by The Newnan Carnegie 16. Of sour taste telephone. April 11 17. Pitcher's stat While governments have tight2:30 p.m. 18. Bone-chilling ened laws to combat the problem, Operation Vengeance: The Death 19. *"I'm the wonderer, yeah, the it’s important to guard against of Admiral Yamamoto. Dr. Walt wonderer, I roam ______" becoming the next victim. Todd provides a slide show pre21. *"Lean on me... I'll help you Knowing the difference between sentation and details this U.S. _____ __" legitimate telemarketers and scamstrategic offense. 23. Hit the slopes mers is crucial. Protect yourself by Info: 770-683-1347 24. *"I read the ____ today oh boy" taking the following precautions: 25. It makes a guitar louder personal information, such as bank • Never pay money to collect 28. Small ornamental case accounts, pin numbers or Social supposed sweepstakes winnings. 30. *"Hey, I just met you... but here's Inaugural RACE Security numbers. Legitimate operations won’t require my ______" for the Orphans you to pay to collect winnings. It’s 35. Like beef with little fat • Contact your bank, brokerCoweta County Fairgrounds against U.S. law to play foreign lot37. Aphrodite's son Filete de pescado tilapia congelado fresco, 2 libras ages, as well as the Social Security mericano fresco U.S.D.A. Inspected April 13 teries. If you get a call saying you’ve Administration to add a password to 39. Artillery burst 2 Lb. Registration 7:30 a.m. 40. Doing nothing won one, it’s probably a scam. your accounts. The Raising Awareness, Com33. Some do this with taxes 41. Puzzle combining pictures and • Never wire money to anyone you DOWN passion & Education for Or• Don’t take a number offered by letters 34. Awaken lb. a Tot Trot, don’t know. ea.1. Reggae precursor phans event includes a potential fraudster. Use a reliable 43. Hula feast 36. Former Speaker of the House One-Mile Fun Run and 5K Run. resource to look up the number 2. Ancient Peruvian • Ignore unsolicited calls from e imitación Hamburguesas de toda res, 344. libras Opinions from Barbara, Elisabeth 38. Phoenix' team Walkers are welcome. Call or yourself. If callers insist on speaking 3. Bleacher feature anyone, even charities and comand Joy McEver 3 Lb. 42. Dictation taker visit the website for information with you, tell them you’ll call them. 4. Rounded hairdos panies with 46. *"____ no mountain high lb. whom you already 45. Corpse's garb and to download a registration 5. Chastise do business. You have no way to • Scammers often create false enough" 49. Asian capital form. U.S.D.A. Inspected deadlines. 47. Danson and Seth MacFarlane's confirm the caller is legitimate. Claxton ea.6. Popular newspaper page Fresh If you feel pressured, lb. 51. *"I didn't shoot no ______" Info: 770-310-8222 7. Variable, abbr. stuffed animal hang up. You’ve spent a lifetime Even caller ID can be faked. When MANUFACTURER COUPON VALID:doing 04/08/13 nothing – 04/14/13 RV0300 54. *"I'm sitting here, Inspected 8. Quickly or rapidly 48. Like a smell or taste ofU.S.D.A. soil earning your money. You deserve doubt, just hang up. e bebé, 12 onzas Jamón cocinado, 10 onzas Claxton Fresh Reproduction, alteration, transfer or sale of this coupon or its contents is prohibited and is a criminalin offense. Salchicha ahumado de enlaces, 24 onzas but _____" 50. *Now you're just somebody that I time to choose how to spend it. 9. Dutch settler in South Africa 24 oz. 10 oz. • Place your telephone number on 56. *"You and me and the devil ____ to know" 10. Breezy a CELEBRATION Carolina Pride OF SPRING McEvers • Help others from falling victim the National Do Not Call Registry. makes _____" 52. *"I ___ the bad moon rising" 11. The Muse of history COURTHOUSE ART SHOW when you buy any THREE (3) participating to scammers by warning friends It’s fast and free. Visit www.DoNot53. 500 sheets 57. Door fastenerPickle items: OSCAR MAYER or CLAUSSEN Historic Courthouse Square and family. If you’ve received a call, Salchichas, 16 onzas Boloña de carne12. regular Razor-sharp o rebanado grueso, 16 onzas add your number to the zas Salchichas rojos de paquete de familia, 3 libras • OSCAR 58. MAYER Meat Wedding" or Turkey singer • OSCAR MAYER Bacon (12-16oroz., excludes 55. Surfer's turf "White Sometimes denoted as a "v" Hot Dogs (16 oz.) April 313 mail or email you think might be Lb. Family Pack 16 oz. 16 oz. Regular15. or Thick Sliced Turkey Bacon) registry by calling 888-382-1222 57. *"Killing me softly with __ ___" Fodder • OSCAR 59. MAYER Meat holder or Turkey • OSCAR MAYER CARVING BOARD Pulled 10:00Carolina a.m.-4:00 20. Fertilizer ingredient from a scammer, report it to the FedPride p.m. McEvers Oscar Mayer from the phone you wish to register. Bologna60. (16 oz.) (11.5 oz.) 61. *"I'm puttin' on my ___ ___" Start of something big?• Pork Take a stroll around Courthouse 22. Barley bristle eral Trade Commission by calling at • OSCAR MAYER Meat or Turkey CLAUSSEN Pickles (20-32 oz.) 64. Bye to Edith Piaf • Check unfamiliar area codes be61. Apprentice Cotto Salami (16 oz.) Square and enjoy the work of 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357) or 24. Nb on Mendeleev's table 65. Frigid fore returning calls. There are many Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas Salchichas rojos picantes, 16 onzas Jamón cocinado, 16 onzass o, 16 onzas RETAILER: Mail to Kraft Foods Group, Inc., local artists. Turkish honorific contact local authorities. 25. *"I will survive... I know I'll stay P.O. Box 880051,62. El Paso, TX 88588-0051. Cash value 1/100¢. ©2013 Kraft Foods 16 oz. Hot or Mild three digit area codes that connect 16 oz.67. Impulses 16 oz. 63. Found in a caddie's pocket Info: 678-633-5705 _____" VOID IF COPIED, TRANSFERRED, PURCHASED You don’t have to live in fear to 69. Rubber-____ boots Carolina Pride callers to international numbers. McEvers OR SOLD. ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. 66. Dove's sound 26. The press avoid being a victim. By becoming 70. And not $3.00 /368. Part of tennis match • Ask your telephone provider to 27. A whiter shade of pale? informed of the latest tactics used 71. High-pitched laugh sound block incoming and outgoing inter29. Carbamide by scammers to defraud consumers, 72. Walk, as through mud SPRING RABIES LOW-COST national calls. 31. Scotch ingredient Solution on Page 6 73. ___ Goo Dolls you can protect yourself and your VACCINE CLINIC 11 oz. 32. *"Lady sings the _____" • Never provide anyone with © StatePoint Media finances. Ebenezer Church Rd. Fire Station 16 oz. 74. Brewer's staple 25 Ft. Standard Essential Everyday and Dixon Road Fire Station Essential Everyday Shoppers Value April 13 QUALITY 9 oz. Asst. Flavors Potato Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11 oz. 1:00-3:00 p.m. 12 Pk. Cans Cheese Puffs, 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels 4.4-5.8 oz. Assorted Offered will be rabies vaccines Assorted Flavors 6 oz. 4 Pk. 5 oz. 4-5.7 over oz. 12 weeks oops or Shoppers Value Super Chill Shoppers Value forFlavors dogsRice andorcats Assorted Flavors Pasta Flakes Shoppers Value Essential Everyday of age. DHPP and FVRCP vacLipton Knorr g's cines will also be available. The * 128 oz. fee is $10 per vaccine. Payment Single Roll 20 oz. by check or cash will be acceptChill *Our Shoppers cost includes freight,Super stocking fees, and associated expenses. ed. Dogs must be on leashes and Value Essential Everyday cats must be in carriers. Please visit our website:! 24 Pk., .5 Liter U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con hueso U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso Info: 770-253-4694 100 Ct. Tagless ho, BBQ Chicken, U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Super Chill 250 Ct. 5 Lb. Reg. or White Self-Rising r or Chicken Broccoli Shoppers Value 14.5 oz., Assorted Varieties Bone-In Boneless Essential Everyday Essential Everyday



10 $ 99 1


an ops


4 $ 88 6

$ 84

66 Fresh Frozen

Tilapia Fish Fillet......

Boston Butt Pork Roast


$ 18

Please visit our website @! All Beef Patties..................P l e a.....s e v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e @ w w w . m y f o o d d e p o t . c o m !


1 1

Bone-In Split

Quarterloin Pork $ 50 Chops

$ 55

Red Hots..................

99 99

Bone-In Split Fryer Breast

SAVE $3.00

2 Cooked Ham..... 1 Smoked Links....... Pork 2 Chops $ 76 $ 53 $ 98 ...... 1 Red Wieners.. . . . 3 Hot Dawgs............... 1 Meat Bologna.......... $188 lb. $ 11 $ 66 $ 67 $ 28 1 Sausage .............. 1 1 ........... 3 lb. $ 67

$$ 65 65


Fryer Breast

Oscar Mayer Cooked Ham.



1 69 1 $ 29 ¢ ¢ 1 79 69 OUR COST PLUS 10% ADDED AT $ 55 $ 99 3/$REGISTER! ¢ ¢ 29 2 1 ¢ $ 89 59 2 99 59 1 $ 55 $ 59 $ 33 ¢ $ 23 2 $ 59 $ 49 $ 69 99 3 4 ¢ 1 1 1 $ 33 74 $ $ 99 3 4 3/ ¢ $ 95 $ 65 2 $ 99 $ 59 $ 67 $ 30 84 2 3 5 1 1 $ 4 $ 65 2 3 ¢ $ 13 $ 95 $ 29 $ 99 1 Boston 1 266 Fresh Frozen Butt 5merican $ 1 $177$2$99 84 992 $ Pork Roast 1 2 5 ¢ ¢ Smoked Ham $ 69 Beef London69 Broil Spare Ribs 1 1in Chops 102 TilapiaGround $ 494 $Fish 49 Fillet...... 53 1 $ 1 1 $ 18 1 1 1 2 $ 78 ¢ $ 45 $ 88 $ 88 2/$ 89 69 ¢ 2t 6 All Beef$ 59 Tomatoes 2 Squash $1 99 $$19 88 $1 2/33lb.¢ $ Potatoes 1Meat........... 99 $ $ 23 2 3 6 lb. lb. lb. 2 7 1 96 Patties.................. Smoked$Ham Ground Beef..... ¢ 6London Broil Spare Ribs 1 3 4 $ 38 88 $ 49 $ 39 $ 67¢ 1 1 1 71º$49º178 99¢ $ 25 $ $ 09 98 ¢ 1 ¢ $88 95 4 $ 65 1 99 75 ¢ 45 $ .00 $ 88 $ 99 2 $ 68 2 3 $ 98 $ 67 $ 50 $ 55 SAVE 3 1 3 1 1 ausage 2 Smoked Links....... 2 Cooked Ham..... 1 $ 18 $ 42 $ 98 $ 45 $ 42 ¢ 3 $ 38 $lb. 44 $ $ 24 $ 88 $ 59 2 $ 59 lb. lb. lb. 2/ ¢ 2/ ¢ ¢ $ 03 95 3/$ 58 $ 49 ¢ 4 2 3 4 ¢ 3 1 1 $71º$ 7680 1 $821 $1 1 98 46 1 1 89 96 59 3 2 1 1 98 2 $ 46 2 77¢ 68 5 5 8 $ 53 $ 88 96 $ 98 51º 1 ¢ 11 Red Wieners.¢. . . . $ 853 $ Hot79Dawgs............... 1 9 96 key89...... $ 77 1 Meat Bologna.......... 1 1 2/ ¢ $ 59 $ 14 1 $ 99 1 1 3 88 Tangelos 2 3 98 1 183 1 Cole Slaw 86 189 1 1Grapes 82 ¢ 99 66 2/ ¢ 1 82º86 1 98 68 $ 34 $ 42 $ 98 $ 45 $ 42 86 78 $97 44 $ $ 24 $ 18 3 $ 11 $ 66 $ 67 $ 28 $ 98 $ 88 4 53º 2 3 6 $ 59 4/$ ¢ $ 49 $ 79 $ 19 $ 2 4 2 3 4 $ 49 $ 69 3 1 4 ............. 368 2 64 2 2 1 1$116 Sausage2 ..............$ 75 1 89 1991 211 78 1 2...........199 51 91 1 3 1 $ 19

Saltines . . . . . .

Side Dishes


eta Chuck Roast.......

Aluminum Foil

Tuna in Water

Bathroom Tissue

Beef Stew . . .

Paper Towels

8 Sirloin oz.

U.S.D.A. U.S.D.A. Select BeefHistoric Downtown Newnan 5 Lb. Self-Rising or PlainInspected Fresh Boneless15 Lb. Variety or Reg. Center Boneless April 18 Shoppers Value Essential Everyday Cut Loin 5:00-8:30 p.m. lb. Join us for downtowns most U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo Salchicha picanteevent. o suave frescoCoweta estilo Market, 16 onzas popular restauU.S.D.A. Inspected 4 Lb. Small or Large Dog 4 Lb. 16 oz. Hot Mild, Market show Style off their Filete de pescado tilapia congelado fresco, 2 libras andor caterers e cordero americanorants fresco Pork Sunset Farms Shoppers Value Essential Everyday best eats. 2 Lb. s Fresh770-253-8283 Sausage......... Any Size Package Info: U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas 3.31 oz. Chicken, Fresh U.S.D.A. Inspected

Essential Everyday



11 oz.Cranberry Frosted, Assorted Flavors 64 oz. Apple or Apple

Essential Everyday

ado de bebé, 12 onzas Oldenlace Orchard

Rice . . . . . . .

96 oz.

Center Cut Loin

Snacks ...... Sugardale

Pork Chops..........


U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo

Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Pork

16 oz. Hot or Mild, Market Style

1 99 1

Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas

. . . Star . $ 88 DressingFour 14 oz.

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

Mustard .... $ 51

U.S.D.A. Inspected

16 oz.

Sunset Farms $ 83 Country Style Pork Ribs.............. Red Hots....................4 oz. Chicken, Teriyaki,5Roasted #1 Smoked Sausage.... lb. Bag 18 oz. Old Fashion U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzassChicken or Tomato Basil Tocino rebanado, 16 onzas Tocino rebanado grueso de paquete de familia, 2 libras Yellow TortasU.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con Sugardale hueso U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso #1 Russet U.S.D.A. Select Beef Fresh Pork Essential Everyday

Butterball Turkey Bacon........ 24 oz. Kosher Dill

Essential Everyday U.S.D.A. 10 oz. Links or Patties Lb. Family Pack, Thick lb.Inspected, Any Size Package U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A.Farms Select Beef Shank Maruchan Yakisoba38 2Royal Portion Boneless Medium Sunset Center Cut Loin $ $ 77 $ 63 PickleBacon......... Spears OatmealFresh . Bone-In . . . Sausage............Noodles . . Sliced Bacon............ Boneless Sliced Pork Chops.......... ea. 16 oz.

2 3 99 1 Hormel

Chuck Roast.......

32 oz. Hamburger

16 oz. Sweet Pickle Relish or Sweet


15-20 oz., In Juice or Syrup, Peaches, 16.9 oz., Assorted Flavors U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso Pears, Fruit Cocktail or Pineapple MANUFACTURER COUPON

Essential Everyday

Sirloin Tip Roast...


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco sin hueso

VALID: 04/08/13 – 04/14/13 RV0300 lb. #1 lb. U.S.D.A. Inspected 5 lb. Bag ea. U.S.D.A. Select Beef Reproduction, alteration, of this coupon or its contents is prohibited and is aFresh criminalBoneless offense. Sparkling Iceor64 sale 4 Pk., 14 oz. Pkg., SelectSelect Varieties Fresh Essential Everyday U.S.D.A. Beef transfer U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh oz. Apple or Apple Cranberry Center Cut Loin Dill Slices Ground . . . Round lb. Ground RomaFresh YellowOr Boneless #1 Russet 24 oz. Gerber Graduates Breakfast Eye Of Select Varieties Shoulder Combo Whole Or Half $ Water 07 . . Old. . .Orchard ..... Salad Cubes . California .

Fresh Shoppers Value 50 oz. LiquidFresh Essential Everyday Salchicha ahumado de enlaces, 24 onzas Lean 48 oz. Canola or Corn

Jamón cocinado, 10 onzas

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco sin hueso

Farms Shank Portion $ Medium 99 Pork 8 oz., $ Squeeze Mustard 72 Sunset Tender Tips........... Smoked Sausage.......Essential Everyday Fresh Sausage......... Essential Everyday


orEssential ItalianEveryday Sausage.. ea. 12 oz. Tocino de pavo, 12 onzas

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño

Tocino rebanado grueso de paquete de familia, 2 libras

Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas

16 oz. Long Grain Boneless Johnsonville Bratwurst $ 95 16 oz., AssortedFourFlavorsStar

24 oz. Assorted Dishwashing 18 oz. CreamyCountry or Crunchy Style 51 $ 83 lb. Essential Everyday ShoppersPork Value Ribs.............. alue SmokedMaruchan Sausage.... lb. Bowls ise Peanut Butter Hamburguesas de toda res, 3 libras Liquid . . . . . . de cangrejo de imitación U.S.D.A. Inspected, Any Size Package Fresh 2 Lb. Family Pack, Thick Connection Weather McEver 3 Lb. e 38 Royal Center Cut Loin 15 Lb. 64 oz. $ 63 Roma Any Size Package U.S.D.A. Select Beef Sliced Bacon............ Pork Chops.......... Shoppers APR. 11-14Essential Everyday FreshValue Bonelesslb. COWETA AND SURROUNDING AREA Sirloin Cat Food . . . .Steak . Apple lb. Juice . .


Sirloin Tip Roast...

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless

Swiss Steak.......... Little Debbie

Essential Everyday

Salchicha italiano o bratwurst, 19 onzas

19 oz.



Honey Buns, 12 oz. Nutty Wafer Bars, 13 oz. SwissU.S.D.A. Rolls orSelect 8.46Beef oz. Pecan Boneless Spinwheels Sweet Rolls

Pinto BeansU.S.D.A.. . .Select Beef Deluxe Pasta 40 oz.


U.S.D.A. Select Beef

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso

14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or 12 oz. Shells & Cheese


U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso

TomatoesBone-In ... Chuck Roast....... 16.2 oz. Oatmeal Creme Pies, 10.6 oz.

Cooking Oil .

16 oz. Bag


U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con hueso

Essential Everyday

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de solomillo sin hueso

$ 99 Tender Tips........... Treat Biscuits Sugar . . . . . .

16 oz. Hot & Spicy Chicken or Farms Hot & Spicy Shrimp Sunset


Tomato Sauce


Red GoldU.S.D.A. Select Beef

48 oz. Corn or Blended

Shoppers Value

Flour. .Pork . . . . . Chops..........Dog Food . . .


Spring Water

Select Beef Tea U.S.D.A. Bags .... Boneless


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro fresco sin hueso

Swiss Steak.......... Grits .


Hot Sauce

Spring Water .

CornmealSirloin . . . Tip Roast...Napkins . . . .

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso

$ 39

Vanilla Wafers

Snacks . . . . . *


. . . . . Taste of Newnan


Any Size Package

Bleach Trend Wesson 50 oz. Liquid $ Pork 78 oz. Canola or Corn Canned Fruit TomatoesChuck 2414.75-15.25 2XMcEvers Squash Chopped Sirloin Round Chops.......... lb. Kernel Fresh Steaks lb. 2nd Foods . Pac . . Steak Meal Pack48Wesson Pork Ham Carolina Pride Swiss Steak.......... oz. oz. Whole Select Varieties Navel Ready 2 lb. BagPotatoes 100% Juice . . . 12 oz. Original, Cheese or ButterCooking Oil 8 .oz. Spaghetti or ElbowDetergent Macaroni 7.25 oz. or CreamGold Style 12-15 oz. Family Size $ 25 Red Trend 2X Poblano Peppers......... 2 Pk., 7 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties lb. Oranges 15.7 lb. Mesquite or 16.6 lb. Reg. when you buy any Mix....... THREE participating Garden Salad Hawaiian Punch 128 oz.(3) Bottle, Select Varieties ea. FRIDAY Cooking Oil . Essential Everyday 12 Roll Pkg., Select Varieties Gerber OSCAR MAYER or CLAUSSEN Pickle items:U.S.D.A. Inspected Essential Everyday Shoppers Value Shoppers Value Nabisco Snack Ketchup Detergent $ 10 16 oz. Hot or Mild, Market Style Hawaiian Punch Essential Everyday Boloña de carne regular o rebanado grueso, 16 onzas lb. 40 oz. Juice . . . . .Instant . . . Grits .Salchichas Pork $ 18 o delgado, 9 onzas White16 onzas Kool-Aid Scott rojos de paquete de familia, 3 libras Yellow orSalchichas, 12 RollMAYER Pkg., Select Varieties lb. lb. lb. 19 oz. Fresh • OSCAR MAYER Meat or Turkey • OSCAR Bacon (12-16 oz., excludes Sunset Farms lb. lb. 2nd Foods . . . . lb. lb. $ 99 Bratwurst Star $ 95 Drink Mix $ea.. 72 MacaroniJohnsonville & Cheese Corn . . . . . . . Crackers . . . . . . . . . . ea. . . Tender 10 Pk., 67.5 oz. Select Varieties 3 Lb. Family Pack .Pasta. 16 oz. 16 oz. Regular orFour Thick Sliced Ko Hot DogsSausage......... (16 oz.) Juice Bacon) Tips........... ea.TurkeyScott Red Mangoes............ lb. Charcoal. . . $ 21 Bath Tissue . . . . . Fresh Corn............... Fresh 6 oz., Select Varieties or Italian Smoked Sausage....... Dri 8/ Sausage..¢ • OSCAR MAYER Meat or67.5 Turkey 10 Pk., oz. Select Varieties • OSCAR MAYER CARVING BOARD Pulled t Hi-C Carolina Pride McEvers Oscar Mayer Bath Tissue . . 16-24 oz. Jar, Select Varieties 22 oz. Non-Dairy oz. Iodizedoror12Plain 15 Ct. Red or Blue 16.3oz.) oz. Family Size Graduates Worcestershire Bologna (16 PorkInspected (11.5 oz.) U.S.D.A. 8/ $Angel 68 Fresh Fresh Lean1 lb.26Regular 6.7 Lb. Instant Light Gerber oz. Hair Hi-C 3 lb. 14 oz. Red 12 oz. $ BagU.S.D.A. 98 Navel 16Pac oz. Select Ready 2MAYER lb.Beef Bag¢ Meat Any Size Package Fresh U.S.D.A. $ 80 Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh 16-24 oz. Jar,Pickles Select Varieties Fruit DrinksEssential . Everyday Ragú • OSCAR or Turkey • CLAUSSEN (20-32 oz.) Country Style Main Meals . . Shoppers Value Poblano Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Nabisco Peppers......... lb. Four Star 18.8Oranges Butterball Sunset Farms ea. Garden Salad Mix....... $ 51 22 oz. $ 88 Breakfast Fresh Ground Ground Round Or Eye Of $ 83 Ready Pac Essential Everyday oz.Seedless Reduced Sugar Drinks . Shoulder Combo Whole Half Cotto Salami Pops (16 oz.)Fruit Ragú Jumbo Mama Rosa's Kunzler or Chicken . 4.6 oz. Can OriginalSATURDAY Sausage & Mayer ¢ Minneola $Pork 85MeatOr ¢ 16 onzass 10.7 oz. Cinnamon Jacks, 12.5 oz. Corn Sausage ¢. .Bacon........ ¢ Oscar Pasta Sauce onzas . Ribs.............. Red Hots.................... Smoked Sausage.... lb. ¢ ¢ Welch's Salchichas rojos picantes, 16Turkey onzas Jamón cocinado, 4.6 oz. Can Original orMeal Chicken¢ Pork Welch's Sirloin Steaks Chuck Chopped Round Steak hichaLibby's ahumado, 16 onzasSauce . . . . . . Salchicha picante o suave, 16Creamer $ 65 . . . . . Salt . . . . Party Plates . Oreo Cookies Pack Ham 3/$ 58 Yellow or White Hot Dogs $ 70 or 12.2 oz. Froot Loops or Apple Jacks Pizzas........ Pasta Sauce . Gravy..... Lunchables Fresh Bologna... oney Nut Charcoal. . . . Links....... 128 oz. Multipack . 16. oz. Asst. Flavor Chips Libby's 16 oz. Hot or Mild Grape rnPolish Fresh Corn............... 16 oz.Jelly . . 10 oz. Links orGrape or Vienna Sausage 2/ ea.U.S.D.A.¢ Inspected, Red Mangoes............ Kellogg's Patties Jelly . . . ea. 128 oz. Any Size Package 2 Lb. Family Pack, Thick Multipack . . Asst. Flavor Chi $ 48 oz.116oz.oz. 48 Strawberry/Kiwi, oz. 16 oz. 19.540 oz., Family Size Mt. Olive Kosher 16 oz., 20 Ct. 8 Pk. 11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast 64 oz. MangoSunset Passion orFarms VOIDRoyal IF COPIED, TRANSFERRED, PURCHASED Hormel Vienna Sausage Center Mt. CutOlive Loin Carolina Pride Essential EverydayFrito-Lay's McEvers Essential 38 $ 77 de 68-184 ct. Box, Select Varieties $ 63 Kosher $ 34 8 Pk. Oscar Mayer 6 oz. Jar, Select Varieties $ Fruit Punch 1 oz. Cereal . . . . . . OR SOLD. ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. Everyday Essential EverydayFresh Sausage............ Nabisco Golden Flake Red Snyders Essential Everyday Dill Pickles . . Sliced Bacon......... Sliced Bacon............ Box, Bag Select Varieties Pork Chops.......... lb. lb. lb. lb. Gerber 3rd Foods Welch's Frito-Lay's lb. Flake 14.7 oz. W/Fiber Less Sugar or 15 oz. Original Dill Pickles . . 00 lb. lb. . Kleenex $ . .Bologna 68 Seedless Meat $3 /3 Great . .Red Lunch ¢ . .¢Little Sausage & Cooked Ham. Ready John Morrell $ . . . 31$ 59 Golden Minneola 21-28 oz., Select Varieties ¢OilPac ¢.Oil lb. ¢ ea. Crackers . Hots.................. Kleenex Asst. Chips . ea. . ¢ $ 16 Foam Cups . . Vegetable Canola Pretzels. . . . Chips Ahoy! . Kellogg's 21-28 oz., Select Varieties Ground Coffee Baby Foods . . Chillers. . . . . Crackers Asst. Chips $ 78 Tangelos SUNDAY Makers. . Biscuits.... Facial Tissue .. Dogs.......... Cole Slaw Or Wieners Bush's Oscars....... Grapes FacialSausage... Tissue . . Bush's Frosted Flakes Cereal $ 75 5.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties 4 Pk., 14 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties ....... 5.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties 12.6 oz. Marshmallow Froot Loops Beans . . . . . . . oz. 85º 10 Beans 64 oz. Apple or Apple Cranberry 1 lb. Baby Whole Okra, Breaded Okra, 4 ct. Large Ears 11 oz.

. . . Pastries BBQ100% or JuiceToaster

10 oz.

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de solomillo sin hueso

128 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo

.13-23 oz.19 onzas Salchicha italiano o bratwurst,

Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas California

Tocino de pavo, 12 onzas

Sugardale 16 oz.

Tennessee Pride 8 oz.

4.5 oz. Pkg.

1 lb. Regular or 12 oz. Angel2.4Hair Armour oz. Pkg.

Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Ham or Turkey

Carolina Pride 12 oz.

12 oz. Thick Sliced

John Morrell Smoked 9 oz.

RETAILER: Mail to Kraft Foods Group, Inc., P.O. Box 880051, Elgrueso Paso,de TXpaquete 88588-0051. Tocino rebanado de familia, 2 libras Cash value 1/100¢. ©2013 Kraft Foods

Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzass

.1 Sele

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre

Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas

5.5 oz. Singles

Tocino rebanado, 16 onzas

Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.

Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas

Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas

Select Varieties

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaño

Tennessee Pride 20 ct.

12 oz. Pkg.

1 92 1 2 1 92 1 1 2 3 1 89 99 66 88 98 5 83 5 1 3 69 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Cooked Ham 3 9 9 $2 49 ¢ $ 96 $ 49 $ 31 ¢ ¢ 9 $ 43 $ ¢22 8 ¢ ¢ Shoppers Value $ 29 77 1 5 Makers. . 99 99 78 Biscuits.... 1 $ 64 80 Sausage... 91 2 96 2 $Dogs.......... 95 Everyday Value1Or Wieners¢1 96 Oscars....... Essential 2 3 Sodas ¢ $ 61 Hot Sauce $ 61 $ 41 $ 00 $Shoppers 42 1 $ 00 Snacks . . . . . 1 1 $ 65 $ 18 $ 85 $ 46 Slicing ¢ 1 1Tomatoes.. 10 1 1 SideScrap $ 20 Bathroom Tissue $ 7079 Tuna in Water Cooked 69 4 Dishes10 Green Sausage 1 Cereal Cash Meat Bologna Ham$¢165 1 98 $ 15 1 $ 17 2/ ¢ $ 99 3/$ $ 87 Cabbage... 48 $ 82 $ 40 $ 96 $ 87 4 $ 12 6 $ 74 1 ¢ $ 70 2 86 $ 74 1 Super Chill 1 3 ¢ 1 $ 34 1 Value ¢ $¢ $1842 Corn on 2¢ $ 6541 29 99 1 99¢ $ Essential43 Everyday$133$$ 8946$$1$68Shoppers 770-683-4782 1 $ 59 4/$ Spring 59 $ 16 $ 11 $ 33 68 $78Water 25 the. Cob 1 1 $1 09 $ 18 75 Paper Towels 59 Beef Stew . . . 1 $ 17 ¢ 1 99 1 1 1 3 1 $ 18 1 $ 75 $ 17 $ 89 1 1 2 1 71 4 $ 79 1 140 Value$26812/ ¢¢ Super$Chill257 1 $ 59 $ 87 Shoppers 1 $ Essential 2 5 $ 43 $ 89 $ 11 $ 09 $ 17 $ 22 Spring Water $$ 44952 Red Gold ¢ 92 Velveeta $ 95 $ 69¢ 1 Everyday $ 59 Essential 49 Tea3Bags 3 $ 09 Peanut ¢ Everyday $$2 87 1 . . . . 99 2 2 2 89 1 ¢ $ 68 $ 57 5 Drinking 2 Slicing 82 89 $Green ¢ Cornmeal . . . 1 Napkins . . . . 1 ets . . . . .2 1 $ 892 5 4 74 Butter ¢$ 89 $$ 5267 2 WaterTomatoes . . . 44 1 $ 09 $ 25 $ 17 $ 30 $ 15 Essential Everyday Tomatoes.. 1 1 $ 368$ 99 $ 141Value 3 Shoppers 1 1 $ 09 $ 25 Cabbage... 4 2 1 $ 30 $ 96 $ 93 3/ ¢ 3 9 $ 49 $ 58 $ 67 $ 48 $ 98 Value Cooking Oil . 2 3 $ 301 $1Essential41MEverydaye1at Fr$a1 Waffles er ks 7$Shoppers $ 99 n59 39 Tomato 84 1 3 3 $ Sauce 99 2 3 1 1 $ 61 $ 41 $ 00 1 Dog Food . . . 5 Flour. . . . . . . 1 9 Grits $ . 1 ant $ 1 58 $ 67 $ 481¢ $ 9810 99 s k n a ¢ r F t 3 3 a 3 $ 74¢ Essential1Everyday$ 37$ 29 Little $Debbie87 $ $ 1382 e ¢ 99 169 $1Essential52MEveryday $ 99$¢1$15Shoppers $ 17NEWNAN Essential Everyday 89 128ValueWieners..................... ¢ ¢ 70 2$ 99 Pinto$288 1 1 Sausage LinksPasta1 1 99 Beans¢ . . .Polish 99 Snacks . . . . . . 1 Deluxe 1 $ 37 Treat Biscuits Sugar . . . . . . 1 $ 11 $ 33 $ . 252 88 $ $27599 $ 99 54 $ 49 $ 89 $$$ 71 $ 18 2 1 17 ¢ 1 1 1 3 2 Ham Or Turkey......... 1 Meat Franks................ 1 3 1 1 $ 99 1 71 $ 54 Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Essential Everyday $ 89 ¢ ¢ $ 71 $ 69 2 Essential Everyday $ 49 Shoppers Value 3 1 2 3 $ 49 1 . . . . . . . 69 $ 11 $ 09. . . . 53 ¢ $ 17 1 Rice $ 95 Dressing . . . . 1 ¢ 1 Mustard $ 22 1 Bowls onnaise $ 18 Gerber Graduates 98 $Rosa's $48Friskies ¢ Campione Buffet88 12-50 Ct. Jumbo Sz. Newborn-Sz. 6, Select Varieties $Sausage 49& West $$ 0776 2/ ¢ 5012-50oz.Ct.Liquid Kellogg's Jumbo Sz. Newborn-Sz.Kunzler 6, Select Varieties Meat $ Old OrchardMayer $ 78 59 oz., Pac Creamy or Crunchy 40 Jumbo Mama Oscar oz. Canola or Corn 16 oz. 25 Ft. Standard16.3on ¢ ¢ Cat Food . . 54º Garlic Bread $........... Great Low Prices Name Brand Sausage ¢ ¢ Essential Everyday ¢ Coca-Cola......... 6 2nd Foods . . . Baby Basics ea. Cob Corn .................. Niagara Cat Food . . 24 oz. Select Varieties Planters lb. ¢ Baby Basics ea. 44 Gravy..... Niagara $ 39 $ 14 Cereal . . . . . . Essential Everyday 100% Juice . $ 44 Wesson Hot Dogs Pizzas........ Lunchables Bologna... $ 25 $ 33 Red Gold Trend 2X 2 Pk., 7 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties Links....... 12.6 oz. Homestyle Sharp Cheddar Bacon Shoppers Value Essential Everyday Butter Beans 1 Drinking Diapers . . . .Varieties . 12.6 oz. Homestyle Sharp Cheddar BaconCoca-Cola......... Peanut Gerber ¢ Vanilla Wafers oz.Traditional Double Select Chocolate, 11.4 oz. Chocolate Drinking Diapers . . . . . 12811oz. Bottle, Varieties $ 19 11.25-16 oz. Select 1¢ Cooking Oil . Ketchup Detergent Kraft Deluxe York $ 10 Kraft Deluxe 50 Ct. Size 1Cheese Jumbo West Pac $ 15 or 12 oz. Scooby Doo Multi Grain 50 Ct. Size 1 Jumbo $ 52 New Hawaiian Punch Water Butter $ 52 Water Roll Pkg., Select Varieties Toast or $ Saltines 41 Fresh Foil . . . .Frozen . . Bar-S $Aluminum oz.. Asst. Flavors Potato Chips,Kellogg's 9 oz.Pizza Cheese Curls, 11 oz. $ 18 12 Bar-S Bar-S Coca-Cola.......... 2nd Foods . . 9Cheese .Sliced Baby Lima Beans Huggies Huggies Dinner . . . . . 1268 Pk. Cans99 Dinner .Smoked .... 18 $ 68 $Assorted $ 14 Juice . . . . . . . . Puffs, 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels Scott Dip N Sticks ........... $ 98 Great Low Prices Brand 6 oz.,Meat Select VarietiesBologna 4.4-5.8 oz. Assorted ¢ on Name Flavors Sausage6$oz. 21 $ 46 Friskies Buffet


Sugardale 16 oz.

5.5 oz. Singles

Tennessee Pride 8Broccoli oz. Cuts, Butter Beans, California 24 Pk., 16.9 oz.Blend, Cut Okra, Yellow Corn, Green Beans , Yellow Squash or

12 oz. Thick Sliced John Morrell Smoked 9 oz. All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can s

4.5 oz.20.5-21.6 Pkg. oz.


Fresh Frozen

All Brands


16 Oz.

16 oz. Pkg.

Diapers . . . . oz. 12 oz. Loops Velveeta Shells & Cheese OPEN! Flavors Rice or. 4-5.7 z. Froot or NOW or 14 oz. Mac & Cheese 6-10.87 Culinary or Spa 15-36 Ct., Select Varieties Assorted Flavors . Frosted Flakes Lean Cuisine Pasta


32 oz.



All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles

31 2 3

Oscar Mayer 2 oz. Ham or Turkey

Welch's Grape Jelly or Jam

Carolina Pride 12 oz.

Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.

Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.

2.5 lb. Family Pack

16 oz. Regular Or Thick

1 lb. Blackeye Peas or

24 Pk., 16.9 oz.

2 Liter Bottles

12 oz. Pkg.

.13-23 oz. Select Varieties


Diapers . . . .Sausage . &ChillDrink Mix 12 oz. Tissue Velveeta Shells.Morrell &. Cheese Coca-Cola......... John Bath or 14 Shoppers oz. Mac & Cheese ValueAssorted Pk., 20Super oz. 8/$ 89 ¢ 15-36Flavors Ct., Select 8Varieties 16-24 SelectPack Varieties 2.5 oz. lb. Jar, Family 1 lb. 16 oz. Pkg. Fresh Large COMMODITY SOLUTIONS LLC Powerade........... Kraft Deluxe Main Meals . . Kraft Deluxe Fresh Goodnites, Huggies Quaker 22 oz. Goodnites, Huggies Lipton Knorr .............. Kellogg's Fresh Frozen 18.8 oz. Reduced Sugar Fruit Drinks . Bar-S Ragú Smoked Bar-S Collections Bar-S 24 Pack, .5 liter Bottles 16 oz. Broccoli Normandy or Jacks,Sliced 10.7 oz. Cinnamon 12.5 oz. Corn Pops Dinner . . . . . . Brussel Sprouts .... Welch's or PullupsWater......12-14 oz.$Movie Style75 Instant Grits . . Dinner . . . . . . 4.5-6 oz., Select Varieties 6.2-7.05 oz., Select Varieties 4.6 oz. Can Original or Chicken Welch's or Butter or Pullups West Pac Dasani 8 Ct., 13.5-14.7 oz. Box, Select Varieties or 12.2 oz. Froot Loops or Apple Jacks Pasta Sauce . 12-14 oz. Movie Style or Butter 8.6-12.2 oz., Select Varieties 6-6.5 oz. Select Varieties 10 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 20 oz.4Giant Monster Pack, 16 oz.12 Cans 128 oz. 8 Ct. Gerber All Brands 20 Pack, oz. Can s Smart Balance Gerber Graduates 8.6-12.2 oz., Select Varieties Libby's Grape Jelly . . Dinner Vegetables . 72 $ lb. 20 oz. Giant Grape Jelly . . . 1 lb. $ Kellogg's Kellogg's 128 oz. lb. Smart20Balance Multipack . . Drinks.... Asst. Flavor Chips 59 Lean Cuisine Flatbread, Bear Creek Energy Strawberry/Kiwi, Mango Passion Single or Food Depot A.1. Essential Everyday Coca-Cola......... Roll oz. Fresh Frozen64Fruitoz.Punch Bear Creek Pasta Pickups Kid Selects Meals Vienna Sausage Food Depot Mt. Olive Kosher 6 oz. Jar, Select Varieties 8All Pk. Brands 2 Liter Bottles1 oz. Popcorn . . . . Paninis or Pizza ... Popcorn . . . . Field PeasPop•Tarts Cereal . . . . . . 16 oz. W/Snaps . . . . Pasta.16 oz.. . Pkg. ..... $ 33 White Bread . Golden4.8-10.5 Steak Sauce . 68-184 ct. Box, Select Varieties Pasta. . . . . . . . Pack 24 oz. Pkg. 7 oz. Pkg., Select Pac Varieties 3 lb. Family 4.23 oz.,LessSelect Varieties West Gerber 3rd Foods Welch's Frito-Lay's Flake oz., Assorted Flavors 14.7 oz. W/Fiber Sugar or 15 oz. Original White Bread . Dill Pickles . . Coca-Cola......... 4.8-10.5 oz., Assorted Flavors 10-10.5 oz., Assorted Flavors 2.62-3.5 oz., Select Varieties 20 oz. .71-2.2 oz., Select Varieties oz. Select Varieties 1 lb. Kleenex Bar-S Bar-S Jumbo Florettes Gerber Graduates 2.62-3.5 oz., Select Varieties Avenue 11-12 All Brands .1.25 Kellogg's 21-28Bar-S oz., Select Varieties 3 Milton Newnan, 20 oz.Giant GA BabyGerber FoodsBroccoli . . Hot Chillers. . . . . . Crackers . . Liter Bottles Asst. Jolly ChipsTime . . ¢ Fresh FrozenFrito-Lay's Green Valley30263 Fresh Jolly Time McCormick Grillmates Food Depot McCormick Grillmates Links Corn Dogs Beef Franks 24 Pk., .5 Liter 32 oz. Facial Tissue . . Coca-Cola.......... McCormick Grillmates Bush's 2nd Foods . . . . Popcorn .... Food DepotW/Sauce We Buy ALLSteamers TYPES FrostedGrabbers. Flakes Cereal100. . .Ct. Tagless Mixed Vegetables Big Daddy Spices . . . . . . . Popcorn . . . . Chips . . . . . . All Brands 8 Pack, 7.5 Oz. Mini's e Nacho, BBQ Chicken, Wheat Bread . . . . Marinades. . . . 5.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties $ 98 B METAL! 12.6 oz. Marshmallow Froot Loops Spices or . . . of . . . SCRAP . Beans ....... ............................ Wheat Bread . . . . 250 Ct. 1.48-1.75Fries 5 Lb. Reg. or White Self-Rising burger Chicken Broccoli oz., Select Varieties 5 Lb. Plain or Self-Rising Coca-Cola......... 3.5 oz., Select Varieties 11 oz. Tootie Fruities or Frosted Flakes, 4 oz. 8 Pk. 24 oz.

Great 5 oz.

Cut Green BeansLunch

4 oz.



10 oz.

JUNK CARS included! 8 Pk.Giant Valley Fresh Green

WhiteFresh Lily

Green 12 Pk.Giant Select

Florets Butter, Wesson Variety or Reg.Broccoli Food Depot Hamburger

Cooking Oil .


or Hot Dog Buns

1 pt. Assorted Flavor

Blue Bell

Ice Cream

Starting at


5 Lb. Self-Rising or Plain........................... Pizza Food Depot Jumbo Bar-SWesson

9 9 99

or Regular Light Bread 32Essential . oz. CrinkleEveryday Oil. . . . .Cut. . . . 16 oz. Pkg.

1 lb.

Fresh Frozen

Shredded or Chunk

ct., Select Varieties

$30 oz.27 pers Value

z. Carton

Dutch Farms 770-254-0295 Cheese 90 Millard Farmer Blvd. 3.31Ind. oz. Chicken,

as de carne, 16

Newnan, GA Hot & Spicy Chicken or Hot & Spicy Shrimp

Enorme salchich

Maruchan Gallon

Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango

Bar-S Kellogg's


Gerber 18.28 Graduates Gerber Hot Links oz. Charbroil Pattie, SlicedGraduates Turkey, Salchichas de enlace picante de paquete

24 oz. Pkg.

King Size Patties, Salisbury Cereal . . . . .Steak, Puffs Onion or Twist Dippers .. . . . . . Meatloaf, Boneless Ribs or 11 oz. Double Chocolate, 11.4 oz. Chocolate

Fresh Large

de familia, 3 libras

3 lb. Pkg. 2.5 lb. Family Pack Broccoli N Cheese 1 oz., Select VarietiesBar-S or 12 oz.6Scooby oz. Jar,DooSelect Bar-S Family MultiVarieties Grain

Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia de 2.5 libras

Friskies Bar-S Buffet Works Corn Dogs Salchichas envuelto en pan de CatThe Food . maiz, .

Cleaner. . . . Cheddar Bacon 12.6 oz. Homestyle. Sharp 24 onzas

3 lb. Family Pack

64 oz.Deluxe Bottle, SelectBar-S Varieties Kraft

16 oz. Pkg.

Bar-S Jumbo 12-50 Ct. Jumbo Sz. Newborn-Sz. 6, Select Varieties

McCormick Beef Franks Enorme salchichas de res, Baby Basics

Black Pepper .or. Best. Blend 48Diapers oz.48 oz.Corn or. .Blended Vegetable 16 onzas

12 oz. Pkg.

8 oz. Welch's Essential Wesson 32Polish oz. Buffet Gerber GraduatesSausage GerberCorn Homestyle .......................... Dogs Smoked Bacon Kellogg's Huggies lb. Dinner .Wieners . . or. .Blueberry lb.15 Lb. Welch's Essential Everyday Juice . . . . . . . Cooking Oil oroz.Melts Little Meals . . . GrapeTwists Jelly or29 Jam Krave Cereal . Diapers . . . .. . Cheese, Pepperoni 12 oz. Velveeta Shells & Cheese Bar-S Bar-S Bar-S Bar-S Sliced or Combination $ Polish 67 Sausage or 14 oz. Mac & Cheese 12 oz. Box, Select Varieties Dogs 15-36 Ct., Select Varieties Corn Wieners Smoked Bacon Essential Everyday Kraft Deluxe Salchichas envuelto en pan Salchicha polaco de paquete de familia, Salchichas de paquete Goodnites, Huggies Quaker Tocino ahumado rebanado,or 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese Pizza2.5Bites .......... de maiz, 3 libras libras de familia, 3 libras 12 onzas Salchichas de enlace picante de paquete de familia, 3 libras

12.3 oz. Buttermilk,

3 lb. Pkg.

2.5 lb. Family Pack

50 Ct. SizeBar-S 1 Jumbo Sliced

Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 24 onzas

Enorme salchichas de res, 16 onzas

3 lb. Family Pack

12 oz. Pkg.

14.5 oz., Assorted Varieties Assorted Flavors 24Food Pk.,Depot 16.9 oz. 8 Pk., 20 oz. White Lily$ Hamburger

89 Niagara Powerade........... Flour. . . . . . . or Hot Dog Buns 24 Pack, .5 liter Bottles $ 75 12 Pk. 16 oz. White or Wheat Dasani Water...... Food Depot Hamburger Food Depot$ 72 Monster 4 Pack, 16 oz. Cans or Hot Dog16.2Buns Energy Drinks.... Breadoz. . oz. Oatmeal CremeLight Pies, 10.6

Honey Buns, 12 oz. Nutty Wafer Bars, o b m Fries ............................ Ju 13 oz. Swiss Rolls or 8.46 oz. Pecanenter S Bar• GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE • pping C Dinner . . . . . . 16 oz. Bag ate Shooz. Box, Select Varieties or Pullups Instant Grits . . 4.5-6 oz., Select Varieties 6.2-7.0545 oz.,oz. Select8 Varieties 8Rolls tCt.,G13.5-14.7 12 oz. Shells & Cheese oz. Eas 6 ct. Small Ears 12-14 oz. Movie StyleSpinwheels or Butter Sweet 8 oz. Assorted Flavor Drive 4 Pk. Buttermilk 8.6-12.2 oz., Select Varieties Essential Everyday10 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties Pac boro SmallEssential or Large Everyday 4 Lb. WEWest 20 oz. Giant 12 oz.Dog Pkg. HAVE CREDIT GerberCARD MACHINES 4 Lb.Gerber Graduates Kellogg's Bulls 32 oz. Smart Balance Shredded or Chunk or Homestyle 16 oz. Pkg. Cool Whip ............... Cob Corn ................. Bear Creek Bar-S Bar-S Smoked Sausage AVAILABLE IN ALL LOCATIONS. Spread Food Or Depot Dutch FarmsPopcorn . . . . A.1. Everyday Pasta Pickups Kid Selects MealsBowl Pop•Tarts Essential . . . Everyday 124 Bullsboro Drive •Essential Newnan, Georgia 30263 32 oz. Cheese Loaf Margarine Land O' Lakes Pasta. . . . . . . . Cheese Biscuits as onz White Bread . Steak Sauce . 16 ne, Essential Everyday s de carVarieties 7 oz. Pkg., 4.8-10.5 oz., Assorted Flavors chaSelect 4.23 oz., Select Varieties 10-10.5 oz., Assorted Flavors Salchicha ahumado o salchicha polaco de enlace, 16 onzas Salchichas, 12 onzas 6 ct., Select Varieties Enorme salchi Bar-S Bar-S Smoked Sausage Or MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. 2.62-3.5 oz.,3Select Varieties 20 oz.Express .71-2.2 oz., Select Varieties 12 oz. Pkg. Saute lb. Pkg. Cheese Loaf Gerber Jolly Time Gerber Graduates Frito-Lay's Wieners..................... Polish Sausage Links McCormick GrillmatesJumbo Prices Effective April 8, 2013 Through April 14, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical 8oroz.,pictorial 16 oz. Long Grain Squeeze Mustarderrors. Bar-S Sliced Bar-S 16 oz., Assorted Food Depot McCormick Grillmates $ 27 Flavors 2nd Foods . . . . Popcorn . . . . Grabbers. . . . Chips . . . . . . 24 oz. Assorted Dishwashing 18 oz. Creamy or Crunchy Spices . . . . . . . Wheat Bread . . . . Marinades. . . .

(certain restrictions apply)

Saute Express


Planters Biscuits Malt-O-Meal .....................

16 oz. White or Wheat Culinary Circle . Pkg. ozGallon 161.25

weekly Baby Lima Beans 8 oz. Assorted Flavor

Land O' Lakes

Fresh Frozen

Flour. . . . . . . 12.01-33.5 oz.Cereal. ...... Assorted Flavor

or Hot Dog Buns

12 oz.

48 oz. Vegetable or Best Blend

3 lb. Family Pack

5 Lb. Plain or Self-Rising12 ct. Southern10 Style oz. Cocoaoz., or Cinnamon 16.3 CreamyToasters or Crunchy

Steamers & Selects Food Depot Hamburger

Black Pepper

Boloña de carne, regular o rebanado grueso, 16 onzas

Jamón cocinado, 16 onzas



Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia de 2.5 libras

Boloña de carne, regular o rebanado grueso, 16 onzas

Jamón cocinado, 16 onzas

10 Pk., 67.5 oz. Select Varieties 12 oz. Box, Select Varieties Hi-C

West Pac Super Sweet Gerber Graduates $ 67 White Corn 16............. oz. Regular Or Thick




16 oz.

4 Pk.

Krave Cereal . Little

20 ct. 8 Pack,Tennessee 7.5 Oz.Pride Mini's

All Brands


1.48-1.75 oz., Select Varieties



Gerber Graduates

. Main St

Gr ei

Salchicha polaco de paquete de familia, 2.5 libras


Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 3 libras

Salchichas de paquete de familia, 3 libras

Tocino ahumado rebanado, 12 onzas

12 oz. Pkg.

16 oz. Pkg.

Salchichas, 12 onzas

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013 | MyConnection 3

Community Connection

Senoia goes from sleepy town to bustling downtown By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL Senoia just might be the ultimate small town success story. In the 21st century, the eastern Coweta County location has gone from sleepy little town to a verifiable tourist destination bustling with shops and restaurants. In an economic downturn, Senoia continues to grow. A big reason for that is Georgia’s tax incentives for the film and television industry. When film productions began to roll into the state, Senoia, already home to a movie studio, was ready. More than two years before the incentives went into effect, Scott Tigchelaar and Paul Lombardi of Riverwood Studios — now Raleigh Studios Atlanta — began buying vacant lots and buildings in downtown Senoia, and began “The Historic Senoia Project” to redevelop the town, and designed the new facilities to help the city function as a “living backlot” for film productions. Fast forward to 2013, and Main Street is buzzing, filled with new buildings that don’t look new, and plenty of interesting shops and eateries. The town is also bustling with tourists, most of whom are coming to see where scenes from the popular AMC television network series “The Walking Dead” are filmed. Others visit the town to see either the 2010 or 2012 Southern Living Idea Houses, and some want to drop in at country sing-

ing star Zac Brown’s restaurant and performance space. Downtown has been spruced up with a “streetscapes” project, benches, and landscaping — though sometimes that landscaping has to be left to run wild when “The Walking Dead” is filming. The city government has spruced up itself, as well. City Hall has gotten an extensive facelift both inside and out, and the city’s old police station is now the welcome center and a retail space the Senoia Downtown Development Authority leases. Because court and city council meetings no longer had to be held at city hall, the city was able to make changes to the building. “What we did was create a very welcoming and warm public space in the lobby that we feel the citizens of Senoia deserve,” said City Manager Richard Ferry. Senoia’s time in the spotlight shows no sign of ending. “We’re looking forward to another summer of ‘The Walking Dead,’” Ferry said. It’s already been confirmed that portions of season four will be filmed in Senoia; whether filming will be as intense as it was last year isn’t clear yet. Senoia stands in for the walled and zombie-free town of Woodbury, which is prominently featured in season three. Because of the way the town’s new development was designed, businesses can still operate during the filming, for the most part. Shop windows are boarded up in Woodbury, and customers can use the back entrances to the

“The Walking Dead” star Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) and three zombie “walkers” stand outside the gates of the walled city of Woodbury (actually, downtown Senoia) on the cover of the 2013 Georgia Travel Guide.

The second cover of the 2013 Georgia Travel Guide shows country music star Zac Brown sitting down to a meal at the Southern Ground Social Club, his restaurant, store and performance venue in downtown Senoia.

buildings to come and go without bothering film crews. The film industry — especially “The Walking Dead” — has brought economic development to Senoia, but it also has created challenges. “That comes with problems that have to be resolved,” Ferry said. “We have to now make decisions about adding parking in downtown.” Tigchelaar has created two

small parking lots in downtown for the use of filming crews, and members of the public use them sometimes, but that’s not enough. Ferry said he remembers, several years ago, they were talking about parking during a planning commission meeting. “One of the council members asked, ‘Wouldn’t that be a great problem to have?’” And now they do. This past Thanksgiving, city employees enjoyed a long four-

at where the development is going day weekend. “We never really had to worry to occur.” too much about that day, a lot of Tigchelaar and Lombardi’s shops weren’t open, people just Historic Development Ventures weren’t coming to town,” Ferry (now Senoia Enterprises) built a said. But on the following Black large parking lot off Seavy Street Friday, the weather was warm several years ago. and people poured into Senoia. It’s built with permeable pavers “We had so many people in that grass can grow through, and town that our trash cans overis almost park-like in appearance. flowed and we weren’t prepared “We think, no matter what, for emptying them” over the we’re going to have to make the holiday weekend, Ferry said. city’s new parking lot look like Right now, the city is beginthe Seavy Street lot,” Ferry said. ning the planning process for the “If we throw down asphalt and new parking options. a detention pond, I think a lot of “We want to see what can be Atlanta;Powers Htg & A/C;B26360;3.792x3-Newnan-Times the logical choice when we look people willHerald be upset.”

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— “The Wind and the Lion” •••••••

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.” — “The Count Of Monte Cristo” •••••••

“It’s inevitable to lose every now and then – the trick is to not make a habit of it.” — “A Good Year” •••••••

“Being still and doing nothing are two very different things.”

John Winters

“Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, do you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If they pray for courage, does God give them courage, or does he give them opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for their family to be closer, you think God zaps them with warm, fuzzy feelings? Or does he give them opportunities to love each other?” — God, from “Evan Almighty” •••••••

“Anything there is that I can do for you, I will do for you; anything there is that I cannot do, I will learn to do.” — “The Princess Bride” •••••••

“I am the gatekeeper of my own destiny.” — “Nacho Libre” •••••••

“Passion is momentary; love is enduring. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. If I am through learning, I am through. Discipline yourself and others won’t need to. You can do more good by being good than any other way. Don’t let making a living prevent you from making a life.” — John Wooten •••••••

“If you fight your destiny, you will be miserable. You must embrace it and revel in every moment.” — “The Librarian” •••••••

“You are your problem – and also your solution.” — “Bridesmaids” •••••••

“We do what we have to do so we can do what we want to do ... Who is your opponent? He does not exist. Keep the body, but take the mind. Whatever your instincts tell you to do, do it.” — “The Great Debaters” •••••••

“Greatness, no matter how brief, stays with a man.” — “The Replacements” John A. Winters is a staff writer for The Newnan Times-Herald. You can follow his adventures at justflipthe Contact him at john@


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Wise Words, Part II collect what I refer to as “wise words.” These are sayings I pick up, mostly from movies. That in itself bugs the SONs of Thunder to no end. We’ll be watching something and all of a sudden one of those wise words pops up. I’ll grab a notebook and pen and tell them to back up the movie. Yeah. I always have a notebook in my back pocket. Journalism traits die hard. And I will get all kinds of grief, complete with groans and ughs. And they will move in super slo-mo, meaning we’ll be halfway through the movie by the time they actually start rewinding. But I’ll get my wise word somehow. In an earlier column, I shared some of those wise words from animated movies — talking cows, rats and even Master Shifu. Today, I’m pulling out some others, more human-like. A lot of people have books of quotations. They are wise sayings of famous people. There’s nothing wrong with that. But my point is just because you are famous, doesn’t mean you aren’t stupid, or mean or rude. In today’s world, we tend to hang on to the words of actors and actresses — entire magazines and shows devoted to their lives. It is as if the camera creates some super god. The truth is they put their pants on just like everyone else. And sometimes they burp. They are no better than anyone else. Anyone can have a wise word; it’s the following through that’s the hard part. The reality, or irony, is that their movie characters say far more important things than they do in real life. So here are a few of my favorites: “Great Raisuli, we have lost everything. All is drifting on the wind as you said. We have lost everything.” (Sherif of Wazan.) “Sherif, is there not one thing in your life that is worth losing everything for?” (The Raisuli, Lord of the Rift.) And then ... they both begin to laugh in agreement.


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3/7/13 12

4 MyConnection | Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Recipe Connection

Tuscan Turkey Sandwich

Yield: 1 sandwich 1 1/2 teaspoons fat free mayonnaise 1 teaspoon prepared pesto 2 slices hearty white or buttermilk bread 2 to 3 slices Lower Sodium Oven-Roasted Turkey Breast 2 to 3 slices vine-ripened tomato Fresh basil leaves 1 slice Provolone Cheese Mix mayonnaise and pesto in a small bowl until light green. Spread pesto mayonnaise on one side of bread. Add turkey, tomato, basil and provolone. Top with second slice of bread.

Oven Roasted Chicken Barbecue Pizza with Pineapple

Yield: 4 servings 1 12-inch pre-baked whole grain thin pizza crust 2/3 cup barbecue sauce 2 cups grated Baby Swiss Cheese 12 to 15 slices Premium Oven-Roasted Chicken Breast, cut into strips 1 8.25-ounce can pineapple chunks, drained 3 scallions, thinly sliced 4 tablespoons chopped cilantro 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground pepper Preheat oven to 425ºF. Place pizza crust on cookie sheet. Brush a thin layer of barbecue sauce onto crust. Sprinkle half of Swiss cheese over barbecue sauce. Layer pizza with chicken, pineapple, scallions and cilantro. Sprinkle remaining Swiss cheese on top. Drizzle with remaining barbecue sauce, if desired. Sprinkle with pepper. Bake pizza on middle rack of oven for 10 minutes.

Kid Sushi

Yield: 1 to 2 servings 2 slices whole grain white bread 1 teaspoon low-fat ranch dressing 2 slices Honey Ham 2 slices Baby Swiss Cheese, cut into 2-inch by 1/4-inch strips 1 tablespoon shredded carrot 2 sweet baby pickles Trim crust from bread. Place both pieces of bread side by side on a work surface, with one slice overlapping the other. Press bread slices where they overlap to fuse together. Spread bread with ranch dressing. Layer bread with ham, Swiss, and carrots. Place two pickles horizontally and end to end at bread edge closest to you. Roll bread from bottom up to make tight cigarshaped roll. Cut roll into sushi-sized pieces approximately one inch in length.

Did you know? Turkey Tortellini Soup

Yield: 4 to 6 servings 6 cups low sodium chicken broth 2 cups water 1 package (9 ounces) fresh three cheese tortellini 2 cups Lower Sodium Oven-Roasted Turkey Breast; diced 3/4-inch cubes 1 small head of escarole; cleaned and chopped 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese, plus more for serving Pepper Bring chicken stock and water to a boil in a large stock­pot. Add tortellini and cook per package instructions. Add turkey and escarole during last 2 minutes of cooking. Stir in Parmesan cheese. Season to taste with pepper. Serve with extra Parmesan cheese and crusty Italian bread.

The body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium, which is responsible for keeping bones, muscles and even the heart healthy and strong. Without enough vitamin D, men and women are at a heightened risk for osteoporosis, a bone condition in which bones become brittle and fragile due to tissue loss. While it’s possible to include vitamin D in a daily diet, it’s also difficult because there are not many foods rich in vitamin D. However, men and women can take a multivitamin or even a vitamin D pill to ensure they get their daily recommended amount.

Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online for March 29 – April 4


Woman’s camera found in Taiwan after five-plus years in ocean


One dead, another in serious condition in separate stabbing incidents


Newnan man dies following two-car crash Saturday


Father hands over son’s drug stash


Chase suspect caught – grabbing lunch


Pregnant woman assaulted by boyfriend


82 pieces of crack cocaine found in car


East Coweta High junior earns perfect SAT score


Grantville man charged with attacking wife with gun


Elderly man, juvenile found safe after reported missing

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New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone the and hospital cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.


Wanda Nipper, WHNP-BC Mary Harper, WHNP-BC

From left to right: Deanna E. Guthrie, M.D., Karen T. Greene, M.D., Rebecca D. Banks, M.D., Mironda D. Williams, M.D.

Blessing event held at facility

Digital Edition Only



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013 | MyConnection 5

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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Community Connection

Newnan Centre moving forward By JOHN A. WINTERS Parks Avery is ready to get his hair back. One could attribute that stress to dealing with a piece of property off Lower Fayetteville Road that, hopefully, will open early this summer. If all goes according to plan, it will become Newnan’s premier multi-use meeting place for everything from weddings to health fairs to employee training to business receptions. The Newnan Centre almost never was, squeaking by in a split vote from the Newnan City Council. Over the past few years, Avery and his fellow Newnan Convention Center Authority members started making plans and watched ground break in August 2011. But in the early months of 2012, the contractor ended up having cash flow problems. The planned opening in April 2012 started getting pushed. Within another couple of months, contractor D.Dean and Associates was fired and worked stopped. The city then started negotiations with the insurance company that bonded D.Dean to recoup funds and get a new contractor. Then Headley Construction out of Newnan was named the new contractor. And then all kinds of latent defects from the previous contractor were found. And then the rain came ... and came. “I’ve been working on this for four or five years,” Avery said. “I used to have hair.” “But this is going to be a proud moment for Newnan,” he added. “When we finally put up that plaque with all the names of the government and committee members who helped see this through, then I am going to get the keys and breathe a huge sigh of relief.” The meeting center, located on

With a new contractor on board, hopes are that the city’s Newnan Centre meeting facility will be open by early summer. It is being built on Lower Fayetteville Road next to the Coweta School System’s Centre for Performing and Visual Arts.

Lower Fayetteville Road next to the Coweta County School System’s Centre for Performing and Visual Arts, is now slated to open in mid-May, more than a year later than originally planned. But Avery said the wait will be worth it.

Overall, the complex includes a main building, a tiered outside amphitheater that can seat about 1,200, and a 1,000square-foot pavilion. “Our vision is to see how much fun we can have with this facility,” said Avery, who chairs the facility’s oversight committee. “The community desperately needs this type of space... there is nothing around here like it.” “We will have state-of-the-art electronic systems,” he added. “We will be the most wired facility in the state of Georgia.” Just how the complex will be used remains to be seen, in the sense that no one really knows other than the obvious receptions and such. “The reason for this facility is to promote business, tourism and the community for the city,” the chairman said. “But what will really be interesting is to see what types of uses we will see.” Avery envisions weddings and

receptions, charity fundraisers, corporate training, car shows, art festivals with the performing arts center and related functions. “For corporate training, it’s all plug-and-play,” Avery said. “They can hook up online and be in real time with anyone in the world. Our Internet speeds will be through the roof. It’s a perfect place for corporations to sign up employees for health benefits.” Overall, the complex includes a main building, a tiered outside amphitheater that can seat about 1,200, and a 1,000-square-foot pavilion. Covered walkways lead from the main building to the pavilion, which is heated but not air-conditioned, and also to the Centre. The main building houses a business center and boardroom, which could be used as a bridal room for weddings. It also will

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have a full kitchen, various sized tables, different seating arrangements, risers for stages and a dance floor. The main room can be divided into four different sizes to accommodate various functions. Overall, the complex is expected to cost about $5.2 million. And already Avery said the biggest concern is that it’s not big enough. “We had to work with the funding we had,” he said. “But everyone is pretty much in agreement we eventually will need to grow.” Looking far into the future, the authority envisions a top-line hotel and adding space to the existing facility that would include enclosed thoroughfares between the hotel and complex. “If we want to start bringing in conferences, we are going to have

to have a hotel on site,” Avery said. “But for now, we believe local corporations, social events and charitable groups are going to be our big movers,” he said, adding “at least for now.” “We’ve already started booking, but before we officially start we want to invite the public to see what we have and help us envision how to use this beautiful space.”

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013 | MyConnection 7

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From only $3,997. Make money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free info / DVD.


Ext. 300N

Miscellaneous 413 For Sale

DISH Network

Starting at $19.99 per month (for 12 months) and high speed internet starting at $14.95 per month (where available). Save! Ask about same-day installation.

MyConnection Sudoku Puzzle



Size 2, never used, shear pleated with sequins & beads. $200


For Sale:

9 Lighthouses on Wooden Stand & 2 Lighthouse Lamps. $100.


China Cabinet

Colonial, perfect condition. $150 OBO


Lift Chair

Brown Tweed, $200



1927 Lexington Upright, $200 OBO. You move.



Comfortable, upholstered recliner, $75. Good Condition.

Homes For Sale



online auction

Sony Television

Home For Sale

u.S. General Services administration

Great condition. Size 25 x 22. $85

207 Pine crescent newnan, Ga 30265 4 BR, 2.5 Baths SummerGrove Subd.



Open Houses: tues., March 12 Sat., april 6 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 404-331-3625


TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Find It! Sell It! Buy It! 770-253-1576

Mobile Homes For Sale


Mobile Homes

With land. Ready to move in. Owner financing with approved credit. 3 BR, 2 Baths. No renters.


Out of State


Bank Repossession

Smith Lake, Ala. Prime dockable Homesite $49,900. Bank loss of $120k per lot, over $3million on 34 lots, makes possible a $200k+ homesite for 25 cents on the dollar. Level to water, no stairs. Build at waters edge. NEW TO MARKET. Roads and utilities in place. Available April 20. Make early appointment. Once in a lifetime opportunity. 1-877-500-9051

Sudoku Solution



All realFor estateRent advertising in Apts this newspaper is subject to the 702 Housing Act which makes - Fair Unfurn.

it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination FOR based RENT: on race, color, religion, handicap, familial 3 BR,sex, 2BA apt. $695 status or national origin,$495 or an 2BR, 1BA duplex intention, to make any such 1 BR, 1BA apt. $425 preference, limitation or dis1BR, 1 BA Familial home $495 crimination.” status includes children under the age of 24HR 18 living info: with parents or legal custodians, pregnant 770-253-2300 women and people securing office: 770-683-4807 custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that 3 BR, 2 Bath, all dwellings advertised in this 1-car newspaper aregarage available on an Excellent equal opportunitylocation! basis. ToLimited complain Availabilty. of discrimination770-683-1221 call HUD toll-free atorthis number: 1-800-669-9777. The 770-683-1199 toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Super Move In Special!

Homes For Rent-Unfurn.



For Rent:

Please visit:

2 BR, 2 Bath Powers Crossroads area. $125/week, $550 move in. Range, refrigerator, DW, Central H/A.


Mobile Homes For Rent


For Rent

3 Bedroom homes $500 / month. Also have a few fixeruppers selling cheap!



3 Homes: 4 BRs, $775 - $875

Mobile Homes


Starting at $100 per week. Newnan & Luthersville. Safe areas. Low deposit required

5 Homes: 2-3 BR, $500 - $750


2 BR, 1 BA, $600 Peachtree City 3 BR, 2 BA, $985 770-583-8864 or 770-301-8786

No Deposit!

Manufactured Homes For Rent705


Vacation Rentals

3 BR, 2 bath, 107 Strong Rd., Newnan. 2- car garage, upgrades galore! 1.6 acres, Fenced yard, hardwoods, tile, all appliances $1,190 / month. 678-859-8492


Vacation Property

Advertise your vacation property to more than 1 million Georgia newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in over 100 Georgia Beautiful newspapers for only Historic Home $350.Call Jennifer LaPlain outside but beau- bon at the Georgia tiful in! Must see! 3,500 Newspaper Service: sq.ft., 2 Masters, pro770-454-6776 fessional kitchen, 5 FPs, $1,695 month. georgianewspaper 404-451-2559 service.html


Get on the road to a successful career with CDL training. Regional training locations. Train and work for Central Refrigerated. centraltruckdrivingjobs. com

$2,000 Sign-On Bonus. Daily Home time. Paid FSC on loaded & Empty miles. 24/7 dispatch. Great fuel & Tire discounts. Third party lease purchase program available.CDL-A with 1 year tractor-trailer experience required. Call:

Bargain Buys $200-or-less

Don’t put it in the attic! Sell it in the Classifieds. 770-253-1576

2013 Service Directory Concrete

Home Improvement

Home Improvement


floors sag or shake??

J. Veitch Construction, Inc.

service, llc

“When we leave....’s finished!”

slabs • patios sidewalks • driveways

pool decks tear out

/ replace


30 years in business!

We level floors and replace piers, sills and bad foundations.

we repair:

Termite Damage, Dry Rot Water Damage, Storm Damage and Waterproof Foundations.

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William C. Holland 678-378-8158

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Home Improvement


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Home Improvement

Water Heaters Service & Repair

Lawn Sprinklers Service & Repair

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Backflow Install & Testing

“The Single Source For All Your Plumbing Needs”

Over 30 years experience Locally owned and operated / Fully licensed and insured



Home Improvement

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Bethlehem Church Road • Grantville

Service Directory Ads

Free Estimates & Inspections Insurance Assistance Provided 10-Year Warranty!

• 20 Days in Print • 30 Days Online • 4 Weeks in MyConnection


HAIL DAMAGE Your Home Town Roofer!


Email: Website:

To advertise in The Newnan Times-Herald Service Directory, call 770-253-1576.


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4:13 PM

8 MyConnection | Wednesday, April 10, 2013









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