Your HOW TO Guide
Sunday, May 5, 2013 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 1D
Valuable Advice For Making Informed Decisions
How To Choose A Community College C
ommunity colleges offer a great way to start your academic career before moving on to a four-year college. And many community colleges offer partnerships with universities so you to earn a bachelor's degree right on campus. Community colleges are a great option for students with families, full-time jobs and outside responsibilities. Tuition at a community college is often much less expensive than that at a large university. Research different community colleges in your area to make sure you choose one that meets all of your needs. Some things to consider include location, tuition costs, courses of study and ease of scheduling.
The location of the community college should be readily accessible by car, as there is typically no or very limited on-campus living. If possible, choose a community college no more than 30 minutes away. You’ll be more likely to attend class if you don’t have to drive for hours to get there.
Find out what type of financial assistance the college offers. Many civic groups and businesses concentrate their monies on their local community colleges, and finding financial assistance is a mere phone call away. State and federal grants and loans can also help defray the costs of higher education.
The cost of attending any college is always a major factor in your decision-making. Many community colleges have two levels of tuition: one for in-area residents and one for out-of-area residents. If you live in the same county as the community college you will attend, you can expect to pay a third to half of what others will pay.
If you know the major that you want to study, find a community college that offers that program. This may mean you cannot attend the closest school.
versities. Nothing is worse than attending college for two years only to find out that your credits won’t transfer.
Community colleges are a great option for students with families, full-time jobs and outside responsibilities.
Make sure that the community college is accredited or has a cooperative partnership with local or state uni-
If you find that several community colleges offer your choice of major, research their internship pro-
gram and employment statistics. Choosing the college with the better statistics may benefit you after graduation.
es are offered several days of the week at different times. Many colleges offer weekend classes as well.
Most community colleges will post their class schedules online or include a flyer with the local newspaper. You can also pick up a copy of the current class schedule from the college itself. Look at the offerings. If you need classes in the late evening, are there enough available to make it worth attending that college? What about distance learning opportunities? Many colleges allow students to earn an associate’s degree completely online. Non-traditional students may need a more flexible schedule. Look to see if class-
If you are in a hurry to graduate, look for a community college that offers accelerated programs. If you are simply looking to earn a certification for a current or future job, you can accomplish this at a community college, also. Be sure to ask your employer about tuition reimbursement. Consider all aspects of your education when choosing a community college. Finding a college that meets all of your needs will ensure a positive educational experience.
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2D — The Newnan Times-Herald — Sunday, May 5, 2013
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Valuable Advice For Making Informed Decisions
A Modern Master Suite
hen it comes to adding technology to your home, the bedroom might not be the first place you would consider. But the reality is that high tech is becoming an integral part of every living space — including the bedroom. A survey by the International Furnishings and Design Association (IFDA) looked at what designers expect to see in American homes by the year 2020. The report predicts that:
Master bedroom suites
will get busier, sharing time as a home office, media center or exercise room.
97 percent of
respondents believe that by 2020 many home furnishings will be activated by means such as voice and sensor. Primary candidates for remote control/ motorized operation include lighting, entertainment gear, environmental controls and window treatments.
“High-tech is here to stay,” said Emily Henderson, HGTV “Design Star” winner and designer on “Secrets from a Stylist” on HGTV. “Technology can make your life easier in so many ways. And with so much activity centered in the master suite, it makes sense to add useful tech devices into that living space, too.” Here are a few of Henderson’s favorite ways to modernize the master bedroom in style:
Emily Henderson
| Bed control “It shouldn’t take a lot of work to get comfortable enough to relax,” said Henderson. “Traditional beds only have one position, and that’s not going to be a good fit for everyone or every activity. That’s why I love adjustable bed bases. With a wireless remote I can easily change my position to be comfortable no matter what I’m doing.” Henderson says that today’s adjustable base beds are not only more functional than old models, but they’re more attractive, too. “You can find a style to fit your room and a model that offers the level of technology that you’re comfortable with,” she said. “For example, one model has intuitive digital remotes that let you adjust both the head and the foot of your mattress so you can find exactly the right position. Some even have a massage feature for a little stylish pampering and a bed skirt option for a more traditional look.”
| Motorized window treatment control “It’s such a luxury to be able to lie in bed and use a remote to open your curtains or shades in the morning,” said Henderson. “I think it officially means you are a grown up, but in a good way.” Henderson recommends that you get shades or curtains that have blackout lining, and ideally two settings — one for privacy and light control, which would be lighter and thinner, and one with the blackout lining for that perfect dark room that you can sleep in. Blackout curtains also muffle outside noise. “I’m a big fan of motorized window treatments, which are all custom made. They are super high quality so less likely to break down and are still very attractive.” You can find motorized shades or shutters with a timer, which lets you program them to open and close whenever you like. Some have wall switches, while others have a remote control so you can operate them from anywhere.
| Remote control TV mount “Wall mounting your TV isn’t anything new, but being able to lie in bed and control the exact placement (right, left, tilt up, tilt down) is a total luxury,” said Henderson. “Many companies are starting to do this so you don’t have to have the TV across from your bed, instead you can put it on a side wall and have the long extendable arm bring the TV to you — by remote.” Make sure that your wall mount is compatible with your television.
Check the weight rating
on the mounts and brackets to make sure they can support your TV. n Some mounts have different shapes to fit different screen sizes. Check the specification on the packaging to be sure. Hide ugly cables with a cord concealer. You can find lowprofile paintable flat screen cord cover kits at your local home improvement stores. Paint them to match your wall and they’ll blend right in.
Adding technology and style to the bedroom
| Heat control Sleeping at the right temperature is crucial for a wakeless night’s sleep, but finding an attractive thermostat can be tricky. “There are thermostats which you can control with your iPhone even if you are traveling, so that when you are headed home you can make sure it’s warm enough without wasting a lot of energy,” said Henderson. These thermostats are intended to save you energy and money by automati cally learning your patterns and behavior and adjusting itself accordingly. You can also create your own personal comfort zone within the bedroom with temperature controlled pillows and blankets. And there’s nothing quite like waking up and putting your feet down on heated flooring.
| Music control You want to listen to music on good quality speakers, but you don’t want a huge speaker in your bedroom; nor do you want to have to get up and turn the stereo off. “Also, I don’t always like the music right next to my ear, on the nightstand,” said Henderson, “so instead I recommend a Bluetooth or wireless speaker that plugs into your wall. You can find speakers that are small and attractive with a great sound and can be controlled by your smartphone next to your bed.” When choosing a speaker, keep a few things in mind:
Bluetooth reach is limited to
about 30 feet. Some speakers use Wi-Fi wireless network technology, which has wider coverage. n Some models have a dock for smartphones or other devices, as well as additional audio inputs for connecting other devices such as your TV. Make sure the model you choose is compatible with your devices — some only work with iOS or Android systems. n Some wireless speakers come with remotes or voice recognition controls, but the quality varies. Read user reviews before making your decision.
Your HOW TO Guide
Sunday, May 5, 2013 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 3D
Valuable Advice For Making Informed Decisions
Tips for Buying a Hearing Aid M
ore than 40 million Americans suffer some degree of hearing loss, frequently affecting day-to-day life for them and the people around them. To reduce the potentially serious consequences of hearing loss, such as safety issues and isolation, many people seek out hearing aids to help them live richer, fuller lives. When considering a hearing aid, the first thing to do is have a diagnostic hearing test by a Doctor of Audiology. Do not fall for gimmicks of “free hearing tests” as the point of these tests are ONLY to sell you hearing aids. A DIAGNOSTIC hearing test is needed to ensure you don’t have a hearing loss that is medically treatable or any other medical condition that needs attention. You don’t have to be an Audiologist to sell hearing aids, so be sure to confirm you are seeing a Doctor of Audiology. Hearing aids are highly technical medical devices, customized to meet the patient’s specific needs. Every person’s ear canal and type of hearing loss is different, ranging from mild to severe, and often affecting some frequency ranges more than others. Today’s hearing aids use digital processors to isolate and amplify the frequencies the patient needs most, and many of them are so small they’re virtually invisible. There are also many brands of hearing aids available and not every brand works for every person. Hearing aids are like medications where sometimes you will have to try a few different brands to find the one that works best
for you. When purchasing a hearing aid, make sure you do so from a clinic that works with multiple brands of hearing aids. Also, be careful with “big box” clinics as they usually sell their own brand that can only be adjusted / repaired at their store. This can be a problem if you move or if the store goes out of business or closes. Here’s a look at how to choose hearing aids:
Styles Hearing aids come in a range of sizes and prices, and a specialist can help you pick the right ones to meet your needs. Many hearing aids are practically invisible these days.
Internal Electronics Each hearing aid also comes with advanced electronics that will amplify the correct frequencies and help your hearing be as close to natural as possible. The best ones can filter out background noise, enabling the wearer to hear conversations clearly even in crowded settings. Like most electronic devices, the way hearing aids are designed can make a big difference in their performance and their pricing. Two hearing aids that look similar may actually sound very different based on how the electronics work inside them. Nearly all of today’s hearing aids are digital, which results in better sound and more customization options for people who suffer from hearing loss. If you have outdated hearing aids, it may be smart to consider upgrading to the more modern devices because of how much better they sound and how much
Stop missing out – finding it hard to follow conversations when two or more people are talking can be one of the first signs of hearing loss.
more easily they can be hidden within your ear.
Options Just like the options list when you buy a new car, hearing aids can be fitted with special features that may be helpful for you. Some examples: BLUETOOTH CONNECTIONS: Some hearing aids are able to connect wirelessly to Bluetooth electronic devices, such as cellular phones, to let you hear phone conversations directly through your hearing aids. TELEPHONE ADAPTERS: These devices can sense when you’re talking on the
phone and adjust the sound to make it clearer while you talk. DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE: If you want to only hear that sound directly in front of you, such as when you’re having one-on-one conversations with a person, a directional microphone can improve your hearing. Some can be switched between directional mode for conversations and non-directional for more general hearing. Hearing aids come in a range of REMOTE CONTROL: Some hearing aids are avail- sizes, styles and prices. able with remote controls that let you adjust the device up or down, for example, or without actually touching it. turn the directional microYou might turn the volume phone on or off.
How do you know if you have hearing loss? See your doctor if you: • Have trouble hearing over
the telephone • Find it hard to follow conversations when two or more people are talking • Often ask people to repeat what they are saying • Need to turn up the TV volume so loud that others complain • Have a problem hearing because of background noise • Think that others seem to mumble
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4D — The Newnan Times-Herald — Sunday, May 5, 2013
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Your HOW TO Guide
Sunday, May 5, 2013 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 5D
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What to Look for in an Assisted Living/ Personal Care Living Center P
eople often need care as they age or face debilitating disease. And the care required can be more than friends or family are able to give. Previously, long-term care could be handled only by a nursing home — which could prove to be both expensive and traumatic for the patient. Living in a hospital-like setting for an extended time is not a pleasant option for most. Because of this, assisted living centers have become more popular in recent years. People needing regular medical attention, but who want to keep an active lifestyle may enjoy an assisted living facility. These centers provide more attention than the patient could get at home, but in a more comfortable setting than a traditional nursing home. Assisted living facilities can be more cost-effective, convenient and comfortable than a full-time medical facility such as a nursing home. And there are a variety of options. When choosing an assisted living facility for yourself or a loved one, here are some things to look for.
GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING When you tour any assisted living center, look at the landscaping design. Proper maintenance of the lawn and gardens is a good sign. If your loved one enjoys spending time outside, look for a facility that has parklike areas for residents. Some centers even offer community-style gardens and outdoor
walkways for the residents.
HOME AMENITIES Consider all of the options offered by the center and see how they meet your budget. Accommodations can range from luxurious detached cottages to cozy apartments. When touring living spaces, think of how furniture will be arranged and decorations will be hung. The ability to picture your loved one’s belongings in the space will help you decide whether you’ve found the right place.
RECREATION FACILITIES Common areas are great. Game and meeting rooms provide opportunities for residents to take part in activities outside of the confines of their room. From large living rooms to rooms dedicated to specific activities, be sure that the center offers things to occupy your loved one’s time. The best facility for your loved one will offer activities that match his or her hobbies. If your family member loves to craft, for instance, look for a center with a craft room or craft classes so your loved one can continue that hobby.
PERSONAL CARE Services can range from very basic to intensive depending on the needs of the residents they cater to. Ask your loved one’s physician how much care that person needs to function safely. The doctor may also be able to recommend an appropriate facility in your area. Any qualifications held by the staff of the center should
Assisted Living / Personal Care facilities can be more cost effective, convenient and comfortable than a full-time medical facility. be made clear. Your family member’s doctor can be helpful in advising you what qualifications and certificates you should look for in the center’s staff. Paying for extensive medical care when it’s not what your loved one requires is
simply a waste of money. Knowing what your family member needs will help you find an assisted living center that is tailor-made for them. At the end of the day, choosing an assisted living facility should center on finding the appropriate mix of
services and amenities that suit your family member’s needs. Finding the perfect
match will ensure the comfort of your loved one and your peace of mind.
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6D — The Newnan Times-Herald —Sunday, May 5, 2013
Your HOW TO Guide
Valuable Advice For Making Informed Decisions
Secrets to Great Curb Appeal Attracting Attention Outside Take as much time as necessary (and as little money as possible) to maximize your home’s exterior appeal: • Dress up the front door with a new welcome mat or potted plants. • Clean up the front and back yards by removing any toys, decorations, debris or broken tree limbs. • Sharpen the mower blade for a cleaner cut and better looking lawn to help get top dollar when selling your home. • Closely inspect the hardware around your house. Things like doorbells, house numbers, guttering and mailboxes should be in good repair and have a fresh coat of paint. • Add or update landscape lighting and consider easy-to-install solar options. In addition to providing safety and security, lighting can add attractive accents to walking paths and plantings. • Punch up your landscape with color. Remove any dead or withered plants and fill in bare spots with large, blooming annuals. • Make sure the driveway and sidewalks are free of cracks or crumbling concrete. • Nothing makes an older house look new again like a fresh coat of paint. Repair any rotting wood, caulk windows, spruce up wood trim and then update the color of your home.
t takes seconds to form a first impression. Ask yourself this — what kind of first impression is your home making? Is your yard helping or hurting you in getting top dollar this home buying season? The majority of homeowners (71 percent) agreed that curb appeal is important in choosing their home, according to the new Home Features Report conducted by the National Association of REALTORS®. Most of the homeowners surveyed reported purchasing a home with a healthy, green lawn (71 percent) and wellmaintained landscaping (72 percent). Healthy lawns can drive up home values. In new Lawn Life styles National Survey of America conducted from January 3 to January 9, 2013, using the field services of ORC
International (Opinion Research Corporation), 79 percent of home owners reported, “having a healthy, green lawn contributes to the overall value of a home.” In fact, 53 percent of those surveyed said, “the quality of the homeowner’s lawn can tell you a lot about the quality of the home overall.” “If your home is on the market, you should know that curb appeal, or that initial feeling homeowners get when looking at the outside of a home, is important when choosing the right home to buy,” said Jason Cameron, a licensed contractor and television host. Cameron provides helpful tips for achieving a beautiful, lush lawn and enhanced curb appeal.
Weed Control
Watering Basics
Fertilizer Facts
Water, fertilizer and weed control are the three keys to an ideal lawn. According to Ben Hamza, Ph.D., expert and director of technical operations, if you mow correctly, feed your lawn and water the right way, then weed management will be much easier. “Grass competes with weeds for space and nutrients,” Hamza said. “Strengthening the health of turf will help your lawn win the war against weeds, such as dandelions.”
Knowing how to effectively water your lawn is critical to the overall health of your turf. Water your lawn only when it needs it, usually about one inch a week. The first three to four inches of soil below the grass should be dry before you water. Use a trowel or a screwdriver to open the soil and feel it with your finger. Another way to test when your lawn needs water is to step on the grass. If you can easily flatten the grass with your foot, you should water it. If the grass regains its form quickly after you step on it, wait before watering. Watering in the cool of early morning is best as watering later in the day may leave sitting water and cause problems with root rot or fungal diseases. Never water on a windy day. Also, be aware of local water restrictions, usually posted online.
Grasses should be fertilized when they’re actively growing. So, it’s important to consult a lawn expert to determine what type of grass you have and when growth occurs. Together, homeowners and lawn experts can create a plan to keep grass growing at its best all season long. Beautiful, lush and natural-looking lawns are an important part of our image of what a home should be. Cameron encourages homeowners to invest in a lawn they love and make sure their home’s first impression is positive.
Sunday, May 5, 2013 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 7D
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Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A
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New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.
NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility
Digital Edition Only
and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont
Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are
See HOSPITAL, page 2A
Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations
By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy
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8D — The Newnan Times-Herald — Sunday, May 5, 2013
Your HOW TO Guide
Valuable Advice For Making Informed Decisions
How To Choose the Right Golf Course
t first blush, selecting a golf course sounds simple. Most dedicated golfers have a list of courses they would love to play, from Maui to Scotland to Augusta. But everyone can’t jet to St. Andrews when their meeting is in New Jersey. So where to play in the town you’re actually going to be in? Or, how do you pick a course for the company outing or to entertain associates? And what if you’re not a duffer? Shopping for a golf course can be broken down in to a few steps to ensure a pleasant time for everyone and a successful outing, whatever your goal.
greens. If your guests spend a lot of time in the rough, make sure they won?t be risking life and limb to search for their balls. And make sure the traps actually have sand in them.
Inspect the carts. Avoid courses where they are noisy, dirty or bangedup. While you’re touring, take a peek in the locker room. Nothing could kill the luster of a round of golf like having to step into a nasty shower afterward.
Be considerate of non-golfers. Another consideration is the people in your group who don’t play golf. You may want a course that has tennis courts, too, for the racket crowd. Or perhaps they’ll take a shopping tour and then join the golfers for dinner. Some might even be happy sipping drinks on the patio watching play on the 18th green.
First, assess the golfers in the group. What is their experience and skill level. Every weekend hacker dreams of playing the same fairways as the scratch golfers or the glamorous pros. But it’s not really as much fun to play on a course where you’re overmatched. Remember, the goal is for everyone to have good time, the weakest player and the strongest. Even if it’s a business outing, customers and business associates are more receptive when they’re having fun than when they’re struggling and frustrated, regardless of how beautiful or storied the course may be.
Think about the atmosphere of the course. If your friends prefer playing in shorts and T-shirts, skip the courses that insist on long pants and collared shirts.
Finally, it’s time to talk money. Consider the size of the group. A foursome or two can usually be accommodated at any course with a couple of tee times back-to-back, given early enough reservations. But an outing for your regional sales force, your high school reunion or civic club takes more planning. Look for a course that can not only accommodate the size group you have, but will also ensure they are fed, entertained and safe. You not only need ample tee times, but also plenty of carts, a big
Look for a course that can not only accommodate the size group you have, but will also ensure they are fed, entertained and safe.
enough range for everyone to limber up, and a few sets of rental clubs for guests who may not have brought their own. You might even want to order commemorative hats, jackets or printed balls. Some pro shops can handle all of those arrangements.
Don’t forget food. Will you supply snacks, a dinner beforehand, afterward or whenever they hit the clubhouse? Some clubs may be able to handle the golf component but not the care and feeding.
Ask the club’s pro for ideas. There’s a good chance he can help you organize a Fort Lauderdale tournament, a shotgun start, a centralize scoreboard and other logistical matters. He may have suggestions on the arrangements that will be ideal for the size and skill-level of your group.
Check out the course. Naturally, an important part of the selection process is actually touring the course. Look at how well it’s tended. Pay attention to bald spots in the fairways or
Some courses will insist on one bill for everything except sales in the pro shop, grill or bar. Others will insist your guests to charge those items to your bill. Make sure you understand what you’re paying for and who determines when you close the bar, for instance. Don’t forget the weather by asking what happens in case of rain, snow or wind storm. Golf can be a great way to spend an afternoon or it can be the most agonizing four hours ever devised. Your work matching the golfers with the right course can make all the difference.
golf is Just Better Here
A Canongate membership not only improves your game, it also improves your health, your relationships and your business. As a Canongate member, you’ll enjoy access to over 20 private clubs in Atlanta. PLUS, kids play free and the whole family can enjoy the pool, tennis, social activities, dining and much more!
Join today for $0 Entry fEE. Dues start at just $122 per month. Call Sal at 866-334-4267 for more information.
Canongate I (Lee Course), Sharpsburg Canongate I (Roquemore Course), Sharpsburg White Oak (Old Course), Newnan White Oak (Seminole Course), Newnan Flat Creek, Peachtree City Braelinn, Peachtree City Planterra Ridge, Peachtree City
w w w.c a n o n g at e g o l f.c o m
Whitewater Creek, Fayetteville
Offer not valid at all clubs and expires May 31, 2013. Other restrictions apply and offer subject to change.