MyConnection for May 22, 2013

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Wednesday, January 9,


May 22, 2013

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Start the Day Right with


i n s i de

at Breakfast

Family Features


tarting the day right with a good breakfast helps set the tone for your day. In fact, studies show that kids who eat breakfast have better scores on math, reading and standardized tests; are better able to pay attention; and have fewer absences and incidences of tardiness, compared to breakfast skippers. But is your breakfast the best it can be? Experts recommend 20 to 30 grams of protein at each meal, and while breakfast is typically lower in protein than other meals, it’s a particularly important time to include protein in your diet — to help you get the right start to your day. In fact, when you have your protein can be just as important as how much you have, and research suggests that spreading protein intake throughout the day — rather than just at lunch or dinner — can optimize how your body uses it, and that means making sure you include enough protein at breakfast. A protein-packed breakfast can also help you feel

Breakfas t with Protein R ecipes ➤

“healthy full” so you stave off mid-morning cravings and can stick to healthier eating throughout the day. Help your whole family start the day right and include protein in your nutritious breakfast. Try these tips to maximize protein in the AM: n Make your morning oatmeal with milk instead of water. Top with almonds for extra protein, too. n Include a glass of milk with your morning meal. An 8-ounce glass of milk has 8 grams of quality protein. n Make your own smoothie and choose your favorite frozen fruit. n Grab a latte, instead of black coffee, and pair it with peanut butter toast and some fruit for a balanced meal. n Whip up a bowl of cottage cheese topped with fruit and honey. n Create a breakfast BLT with a whole grain muffin, lean turkey bacon and lettuce and tomato. Find more ways to give your morning a boost with recipes at

WORKING RELATIONS Ethnic diner in Senoia a dream come true

By BRENDA PEDRAZA-VIDAMOUR Special to Times-Herald

Mirta Pagán, a 59-year-old pastry cook, arrives first thing every morning five days a week to start the prep work at a small Puerto Rican diner in Senoia. Pagán works with her daughter, Liza Caraballo, at La Perla del Sur, a restaurant that specializes in traditional Boricua-style dishes including pasteles (Puerto Rican tamale) and mofongo (plantainbased dish). Pagán returned to the States two years ago from Ponce, Puerto Rico’s second largest city. It’s referred to as the island’s capitol of the south or the pearl of the south, hence the restaurant’s homage to its name. Pagán left Ponce in response to pleas from Caraballo’s husband, Jose. He begged his mother-in-law for relief when he realized the demands of running a Puerto Rican kitchen. “A lot of stuff we make is very time-consuming and labor-intensive,” Liza Caraballo said, such as the two days it takes to prepare the pasteles. “He freaked out.” Although Liza is a talented chef, Jose convinced his mother-in-law that with her added experience, she would lend a higher degree of authenticity to the dishes. Pagán welcomed the opportunity, and the Caraballos were thrilled. “Can’t be any more authentic than to have an actual Puerto Rican cooking,” Liza Caraballo said. Pagán worked for nine years at a country club north of Detroit, an improbable venue for her ethnic cooking. A mother of four, Pagán

You make the memories.

nothing,” Pagán complains about a mess left behind. Caraballo forgives her sons more readily. “They’re teens, the fact that they come here at all,” to learn and help is impressive enough for her, for now. While Caraballo and Pagán — who spend most of their time together from gym classes to work to church services — prepare their specialties, Caraballo expects her mother to be looking over her shoulder ensuring quality control. ETHNIC DINER, Page 3

SURVEY, Page 6

Photo by Brenda Pedraza-Vidamour

traditions, Caraballo and Pagán are passing on their cooking skills to Caraballo’s teen-aged sons. One regularly prepares some of the mofongo dishes and pastries, but Caraballo concedes the teens, who are good cooks, may not be as up to par on work ethics as their grandmother. It’s a minor point of contention between the two women. Pagán thinks it’s time for the young men to learn they should follow through with tasks like putting away ingredients after preparing a dish. “There is the oil and garlic already. He finish and don’t say

Readers share their likes, dislikes We’d like to take a moment and thank the more than 450 local residents who participated in The Newnan Times-Herald’s recent readership survey. There was a wealth of information collected. We saw a few surprises, but more importantly, learned what stories and other products you like and don’t like — what you’d like to see more of and what you want to see less of. This information is not going into some dark closet. Rather, we plan to focus on what the majority want to see — or not see — and use the data to continue improving your newspaper. Changes will continue to be made in our coverage, look and focus. Opinions vary, and not everyone will like all the changes. But change, especially in our focus, needs to occur so we provide you what you want. With that said, we’d like to share with everyone what those who responded thought. The survey was conducted through a survey questionnaire available in the newspaper, as well as an online version. About 65 people turned in written responses, with just under 400 using the online survey. The vast majority of those who responded to the print questionnaire were over 60 years of age; those using the online were mostly between the ages of 35 and 64. Overall, readers like our focus on local coverage. That was repeated over and over again, and that is and will remain our primary concentration. There were areas readers felt we covered too much, and others where we didn’t cover enough. We will address those below. Part of the survey included the opportunity to leave comments on what readers like most,

Mirta Pagán and Liza Caraballo, the mother-daughter team behind the specialties served at La Perla del Sur in Senoia, stir things up Puerto Rican-style in the restaurant’s kitchen.

lived with her 36-year-old daughter in Pontiac, Mich. When Caraballo relocated to Georgia three years ago after a managerial promotion with WalMart, Pagán returned to Puerto Rico to care for her ailing mother, and then Caraballo left Wal-Mart to pursue her lifelong dream. “As much as I liked retail, my dream was always to open a restaurant. I’m very proud of my heritage and Puerto Rican culture, and I know here in Georgia there’s not a lot of opportunity to celebrate it,” she said. To continue preserving their

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2 MyConnection | Wednesday, May 22, 2013



Entries due May 26 for 2013 Civil War photo contest

1. Done with a knife Entries are due May 26 for of Conf lict: A Guide to Civil 6. Pendulum's path the state’s 2013 Civil War in War Sites in Georgia. Winners 9. Pompous talk or writing Georgia photo contest. will be announced in a press T h e G e o r g i a H i s t o r i c release and on the HPD web13. Salk's conquest Preservation Division’s Fourth site and Facebook page. 14. Gunk A n nua l Photo Contest on Subm it te d ph oto s mu s t 15. *Given name of "Dog the Bounty Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de cañada sin hueso asado U.S.DWar .A. selecto deindiezmillobe de restaken sin hueso de paquete Bowl-A-Rama theLondones theme of “Civil of acombinación site or buildHunter" Georgia” is supported by the Junction Lanes Fresh Lean ing associated with the Civil U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 16. Tree in Latin Georgia Trust for Historic War in the State of Georgia. May 23 17. Hold title to P r e s e r v a t i o n , G e o r g i a Information on many sites is 6:00-8:00 p.m. Civil War Commission and available at Georgia’s Civil 18. Knightly suit A Relay for Life benefit being t h e G e o r g i a B a t t l e f i e l d s War Sesquicentennial website. 19. *Nickelodeon's conjoined brothers held by Georgia Power / Coweta Association. Submit photos via email County. Cost of $12 per person (1998-2005) Full contest details and rules to U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete includes two games of bowling 21. Dig further U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de hueso-T selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso are available on theU.S.D.A. Historic Limit two submissions per and shoe rental. 23. Deadeye's forte Preservation Division’s webU.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A Select Beef U.S.D.A Select Beef photographer. Info: 770-254-7130 24. Good earth site at w w w. georg i a shpo. Additionally, photos must: org/2013contest. 25. Young woman making her debut - Be 1200x800 pixels at 300 Peach State Memorial The “Civil War in Georgia” 28. Le Corbusier's art amburguesa de carne diezmillo molida fresca ppi (pixels per inch) or larger. Bike Rally photo contest seeks photos of 30. *The Cat in the Hat wore a striped - Be your original work, sites or buildings associated Powers Pavilion submitted with a Creative one in Georgia. May 25-27 Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas with the Civil War as Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 40 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas Commons license. 35. Like decorated cake Entries will be 16 judged There will be a motorcycle 10 oz. Links or Patties 14 oz. 40 oz. oz. based Along with the photograph, on creativity, choice of sub37. Slime competition with prizes, rides those entering should project matter, and composition. 39. Nary a soul for children, a bike rodeo, spevide the following informa32. *Baskerville's scare Contest judges include repreDOWN 40. Musical mark cial exhibits, vendors, food, five tion: Photographer and homefrom several state33. Author _____ Chekhov Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16sentatives onzas or completo, 20.8 onzas Bizcochos y salchicha paquete de 4 trainer's prod Salchicha ahuamdo, 1.5 libras 1.Salchichas R&R rojos hotpicantes, spot 14 onzas stages with 25 bands, nightly 41.deElephant wide organizations, oz. necklace 1.5 lb. includ- tow n , photo locat ion a nd 34. Seed coat16 oz. Hot or Mild concerts. Proceeds benefit4 pk. the 2.14Rigid 43. Byproduct of muddy roads ing the Georgia Civil War description of the building or 36. Whitetail, e.g. Wounded Warrior Project. 3. Actress Jessica 44. Mirths Com m i ssion , t he G eorg i a site depicted. 38. *Boot-wearing cat Info: 770-253-2011 A sl ide s how of conte s t Battlefields Association, the 46. *A dog relies on it to interpret the 4. Plants and animals 42. Anatomical dividers entries will be shown on May Georgia Trust for Historic world 5. Like a dirty affair 30 at Rhodes Hall in Atlanta. Preservation, and HPD. 45. Used to drain gas tank 47. Speed on water 6. Bug-eyed U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. Select THAT PUPPET GUY C Beef ontact Media & The top entry will receive 49. India's smallest state oz. Bottles LEE BRYAN 48. "There Will Be Blood" contraption 7. Column's counterpart Communications Coordinator an annual membership to the 51. PBS street Varieties May 28 U.S.D.A. Inspected 50. Mail agency U.S.D.A. Select Beef Charlie Miller with any quesGeorgia Trust for Historic 8. Type of dwelling unit 52. Double helix t oz. Jelly, Strawberry, Blackberry or Cherry54. Knight's mount Preservation and a copy of the tions at 404-651-5287 or charPowell Library 9. In some18cultures, this is a compliment 12 Ct., 3.7 oz. French Roast, 56. Of the1.63 Orient comprehensive Crossroads 53. Well-mannered Emily ____ Blend oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Breakfast Blend or House Smucker's 10. Not cool 48 oz. Vegetable or Canola 57. Pretty undergarment fabric 55. "High" drink House Crystal Light Central Library Maxwell 11. In a little while, old-fashioned Preserves . . . . . . Wesson 58. Very dark black 57. *"__ ____ Noir" cabaret 2:00-3:00 p.m. Drink Mix . . . . 12. ___ Royal Highness 18 Ct., 20 oz. 59. Succotash ingredient Discover how Paleontologists 60. *Most famous collie? 20 oz. Vanity A free anti-bullying seminar tected and also help build self15. *Cerberus, e.g.Fair 12 Ct., 12 oz. Dark Roast, Signature 60. Fast time learn interesting facts about 63. Best not mentioned Food Depot will be offered at Peachtree confidence, which often can 20. Opposite of alpha Blend or Colombian Everyday Bowls . . Carnivores and Herbivores by 61. "____ that the truth?!" 64. Poetic "before" City Combat Fitness May 25. be the single most important Giant White Bread 22. *"Dog 14-54 ___ dog" Ct., Select Varieties examining the fossils and bones Gevalia 62. Besides 66. Bridal path The event will run from 10:30 thing in keeping them from 20 oz. they left behind. Dixie Cups, Plates 24. Observation post 63. Recipe amount a.m. to noon and is open to the being bullied, said organizers. 68. Open disrespect Food Depot Info: 770-683-2052 The goal is to teach children public and members alike. The 25. *It "ate my baby" or Bowls . . . . 65. *Color of some setters 69. Poetic U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo 12 "even" oz. Traditional Blend, Colombia, U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de aguayón sin hueso and teens the proper ways to seminar will be for children Wheat Bread . . . . 26. Food safety threat House Blend Decaf, Espresso Roast, 24-50 Ct., Select Varieties 67. Poetic "always" Milk Chocolate 70. Imposing house 4-6 oz., Select Varieties and teens from the ages of 4 handle bullying before and French Roast, Chocolate Mocha, Vanilla27. Asian pepper 12 Pk. Hefty Plates, 71. OneorofHouse the Ivies 24after Pk., .5 it Literhas happened. For semKeebler Blend to 18. Food Depot Hamburger 29. a.k.a. CT 72. Banned insecticide Super Chill Trays or Bowls . . . . . inar reservations and informaThis program help its particSolution on Page 6 Gevalia U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de aguayón sin hueso 64 oz. Peach, Orange or Banana orStatePoint Hot Dog Media Buns 73. Larger key on the right 31. Politician's © ipants be more aware and pro- tion, call 770-487-1000. 16-45barrelful Ct., Select Varieties


esh Ground huck Patties


4 $ 42 4 $ 42


Steak .............

$ 92

Eye of Round


Br oil.......


Steak .............

Steak.. .........

99 Smoked Sausage ....... 2 Smoked Sausage ....... 5 $ 99 $ 29 $ 51 4 Sausage & Biscuits... 3 Red Hots.................... 1 ¢ Butterball Turkey

zzlers ................

$ 66

Four Star

Sunset Farms

Fresh Sausage...........


Boneless Swiss

Steak.. .........


2 Smoked Sausage..... $283 $ 99 2 Smoked Sausage..... $199

$ 38 Sunset Farms

Sunset Farms Market Style Four Star Georgia Special Fresh Please visit our website @ w w wSausage...........!


ooked Ribs....

$ 15



3 $ 65 3

$ 54

Boneless Chuck




3 $ 75 6

$ 94

Boneless London

Please visit our website @! Pork Boneless Top

1 1

Pork Spare Ribs

16 $ 16


Boneless Top Sirloin Steak

$ 78 2 Sirloin Steak Free anti-bullying seminar offered 2 Oil $ 69 ¢ 1 05 99 $ 48 $ 94 $ 69 K Cup Coffee . . 5 lb. lb. $ 17 1 1 $ 69 lb. $ SENOIA 10 lb. $ 31 $ 25 1 3 1 Coffee. . . . . . . . . . $549 $ 59 1 2 $ 17 $ 57 1 $ 84 $ 27 $ 25 5 1 2 1 $ 20 ¢ $ 69 $ 71 $ 99 $ 60 Brown Mustard . 1 ord 89 1 1 5 coal Briquets 8 OUR * $ 70 Steak SauceCOST . . . . . . 2PLUS 10% ADDED $ 21 AT REGISTER! $ 59 3 1 Hamburger $ .00 $ 54 SAVE 2 Marinades . . . . . . . . . 1 $ 65 $ 29 or Hot Dog 1 1 Buns $ 65 3/ ¢ 1 $ 55 ¢ 87 Marinades . . . . . . . . . 1 $ 21 2 $ 39 $ 35 2 Barbecue Sauce 1 Weather Connection $ 22 $ 21 1MAY 23-26 ¢ 2 2/ ¢ ¢ ¢ 53 98 99 Marinades. . . . . 71 $ 31 $ 18 2 1 Smoked Ground Beef Pork Roast Drumsticks $ 94 Ham ¢ $ 59 ¢ 1 $ 70 $ 86º/58º 31 Pudding Mixes . . 71 1 82 2 $ 37 75 2 ¢ $ 48 ¢ $ 41 $ $ 55 1 1 2 ¢ 81º/58º lb. lb. Pudding or Gelatin 86lb. $ 47lb. Smoked Ground Beef 1 $ 15 Ham Pork Roast Drumsticks 1 Assorted ¢ hirst 82º/55º $ 43 Gelatin . . . . . 70 Shredded #1 Russet ¢ Flavor Chips Florida Spring 1 ¢ uencher $ 41 $ 37 ¢ 84 Lettuce Navels Potatoes $ 44 87¢$ 92 85 $$ 99 95 $ 38 Marshmallows lb. lb. $ $2 1 $lb.248 $$452049 80º/56º $ 58 2 $ 72 $ 168lb. 78 1 ¢ Preserves or $ 28 $ 21 85 $ 58 $ 98 48 88 Pink 99 Roast or2Chops 91 2 Marmalade . 96 . Greens... 67 4 99 Bar-BQ Ribs Chuck Cut Wings Pork Chops Pork$Ham 1 Crisp Garden Grapefruit.......... 1 Tomatillos..................... $ 23 $ 34 $ 44 49¢ $ $ 85 ............. 8 Ground Coffee...... 8 95 $ $38 ¢ Ground $Coffee................................ 74 $$ 2549 $ 96$ $ 92 48 2 1Spring 29864 1 Roma2 25 Lettuce........ 1 2281 Romaine 1982 Spinach Tomatoes......... 99 97Mix.... 4

ad essing

$ 47 Spare 5Ribs



elect Varieties


Pie Shells . . . .

38 oz. Bottle 8th Annual Memorial Heinz Day Remembrance Ketchup . . and .. Street Festival

French's A.1.

Help us honor our veterans & their families with this all day event featuring entertainment, food court, antiques, arts & you buy any ONE (1) Bag crafts when vendors, children's area, Kingsford Charcoal Briquettes patriotic program and parade. 15.7-16.6 lb. bag, Fireworks willMesquite start at dark at Original, or Hickory Marimac Lakes.

40 Ct., 9 Inch

Essential Everyday


16 oz., Select Varieties

Stackers . . . . .


Cereal . . . . . .





Dill Spears . . . .

Potatoes . . . . .U.S.D.A. . . . . . Inspected 5.9-8.3 oz., Select Varieties Boston Butt Betty Crocker

Mt. Olive Kosher

12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter

Mt. Olive Kosher

Chicken Thighs Or Essential Everyday

Worcestershire Green SauceSnap . . . .Beans ...

Essential Everyday


Instant Grits . .

80 oz.


Bonus Pack - Claxton Fresh Frying

lb. Dill Pickles . . .Shank Portion Chicken Thighs Or 10-10.5 oz. 14 oz. Frito-Lay's French's Yellow Squeeze Food Mustard ... 8 lb. Bag Depot 5 lb. Bag

2 1 1 1981 89 7 U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de asado de paleta de cerdo tipo Boston

5.64-6.28 oz., Select Varieties

Fresh Ground

3 lb. Bag

Muslos o Piernas de pollo fresco de paquete grande

Jamón ahumado de porcion de pierna

Superior Farms Fresh American

oz. Dandy Brand24 Hunt's

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless

Lamb Shoulder

Center Cut

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh


Whole Or Half

Potato Chips . . Cut Wings Chuck Roast or Chops Pork Chops Pork Ham Ketchup . . . . . . . .SuperValu .... 7.5-9.75 oz., Select Varieties • Kraft • Coupon Guidelines 2013

8-10 oz., SelectRibs Varieties Bar-BQ


21-28 oz., Select Varieties

lb. Nuts . Nutrition ea.Roast Pistachio Grove Blend or Roasted Jumbo oz. Harvest


• Coupon Guidelines 2013

9.64 oz. Southwestern Diced or 9.01 oz. Hash Brown

Pringles Super Stack



Squeeze Mustard

Bonus Pack - Claxton Fresh Frying

1 98 89 24 oz.

Ready Pac 8 oz. Bag Any Size Package

U.S.D.A. Select


Essential Everyday Shank Portion Toaster Pastries Sugardale

Foam Plates

Suddenly Salad . . . . .

Carne de res molida fresca de paquete de

cualquier tamaño .3-3 oz., Select Varieties


Shoppers Value

Boston Butt

Essential Everyday

11 oz., Assorted Flavors

Grill Mates Spices Velveeta

Any Size Package

18 oz.

30 Ct.

2.62-3.5 oz., SelectU.S.D.A. Varieties Inspected

Hunt's Snack Pack Fresh


Pretzels. . . . . . . .

Seasoned Salt

4 Pk., 13 oz. Select Varieties

., 20 oz. ct Varieties



.9-1.4 oz., Select Varieties


16 oz.

16 oz.

McCormick GrillAnyMates Size Package Fresh Jell-O

Asst. Flavor Chips

Casseroles. . . . .

.71-22 oz., Select Varieties

ps . . .

8.9-11.1 oz., Select Varieties

Golden Flake


Sweet Baby Ray's

10.5 oz. Honey Sunshine, 13.1 oz. Go Lean, 12 oz. Heart to Heart Original or Cinnamon, 13.8 oz. Go Lean Crunch, 10.3 erry or Blueberry COWETAoz.AND IndigoSURROUNDING Morning, 10.5 oz. SimplyAREA Maize, p•Tarts 14 oz. Go Lean Honey Almond Flax, Cinnamon or Berry or 13.4 oz. Heart to THURSDAY Heart Blueberry elect Varieties

1 oz.

Pickle Spears . . .

18 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties

t Varieties


10 Lb. Bag


Asst. Flavor Chips

24 oz., Select Varieties


PLU 391

10 Lb. Bag

Food Depot


Please visit our 5 oz. Vlasicwebsite:! Golden Flake

12 oz. Bottle, Steak & Chop, Teriyaki, Lemon Pepper, Baja Chipotle, Herb & Garlic or Mesquite


Cereal . . . . . .


8 Pk.

*Our stocking Aluminum Foil fees, and associated 12 oz. Bottle, Select cost Varieties includes freight, Crackers . . .expenses. ...

eration, transfer or sale of this coupon or its contents is prohibited and is a criminal offense.

Essential Everyday

Foam Plates .

Multipack. . . .





30-75 Sq. Ft., Select Varieties

18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey Nut Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or 15 QUALITY oz. Frosted Flakes

Strawberry Juice

22 Ct.

Freezer or Storage Bags

10 oz., Select Varieties

VALID: 05/20/13 – 05/26/13


BBQ Bread

13-22 Ct., Select Varieties

Hefty One Zip

Historic Downtown Senoia May 27 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Parade: 2:00 p.m.


Food Depot

Trash Bags . . .

Spring Water


16 oz.


12 oz. Bold & Spicy

Lb., Select Varieties

s ....


K Cup Coffee . .

ars . . .

95 95


$ 30

ea.Bush's Baked



18 oz. Peach Orange CarnePreserves, de res molida fresca Marmalade, de paquete de CONDITIONS: U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de asado Piernas de pollo fresco U.S.D.A. selecto de costillas de res tamaño Chuletas o asado de paletilla Jamón de ahumado de porcion Alas cortadas, molida fresca de paquete de orde Grillin' Beans U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomoMuslos o U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de cualquier Red Plum deJam or Apricot Preserves Carne diezmillo cerdo tipo barbacoa corderoBE americana de paquete grandeentero o mitad 3 libras deBY pierna cualquier de cerdo corte GROUP, de centroINC. sin hueso fresco cerdo fresco, RUN AS fresco OFFERED KRAFT FOODS 10 oz.tamaño Pistachio Blend, 12.75 oz. Saltpaleta & PepperdePistachio, 10 Boston• ALL IN-AD COUPONS MUST

Smucker's Jam,


Sugardale 16 oz.

Tennessee Pride 8 oz.



• ONLY 24 oz. ONE COUPON MAY BE FEATURED FOR A 7-DAY WINDOW BETWEEN5/12/13 - 6/8/13 Cashew or 11 oz. Harvest RoastedGwaltney California Almond TERMS: 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced Hunt's 4.5 oz. Pkg.

12 oz. Hot or Mild

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh • MUST FILL IN EXPIRATION PERIOD (Valid Start and End Date). Meat Ground Gwaltney Sausage & 11 oz. Bag Oscar Mayer Planters ¢ “See them that you walk cir• ONLY ONE VERSION OF THIS COUPON CAN BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH KRAFT’S COUPON REDEMPTION POLICY. ¢ Great Beef Fresh Dandy Brand Lamb Shoulder John Morrell ¢ All ¢ Spaghetti Sauce . . . . Center Cut Loin Whole Or Half ¢ Ready Pac ¢ 5 lb. Bag Fresh Florida • LAYOUT MAY BE REVISED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS: Fresh Hot Dogs Select Varieties cumspectly, Bologna.... Gravy..... Lunchables Sausage... not 33.9 oz. ClassicasRoastfools but Nuts . . . . . . . . . . Sausage... 11.39 oz. Banana Nut, Blueberry Muffins or Chocolate Chip, ea. ea. 11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast Salsa de salchicha, CANo be changed: Carnes de almuerzo CANSalchicha, NOT be changed: Gran boloña rebanado regular Salchicha picante o Salchichas de toda carne, lb. oz. Little Muffins or (Valid 8.27refrigerantes, oz.7 Little 8 onzas 4.5 onzas suave, 12 onzas 16 onzas as wise, Folgers redeeming the time onzas Period days)Brownies ➌ Offer 9Description (brands, sizes, SKUs can not be changed) 6-8 Qt., 19 oz. Select Varieties grueso, 16 onzas ➊8Expiration 16.3 oz. Creamy or Crunchy Essential ➋ Feature Price reflective of coupon value ➍ ReEveryday t ailer Value Cod e CE WITH KRAFT’S because COUPON REDEMPTION POLICY. Oscar Mayer the days are evil. ➎ C o u p o n V a l u e ( t h e G S 1 i s c o d e d t o t h e e x a c t v a l u e p r o v i d e d , a n d i t c a n n o t b e c hang Planters Little Debbie Country Time Carolina Pride 12 oz. Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg. Tennessee Pride 16 oz. ONS: 2 oz. Ham or Turkey Tennessee ct. Egg & Cheese Fresh Ready Pac 6 oz. Bag Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg. Fresh ➏Pride Legal4copy: “Void if copied, transferred, purchased or sold” Therefore do not be unwise, Meat Bologna ➐ Retailer Redemption Information Great Lunch ¢ Hot or Mild ea. $lb. lb. 24 lb.ea. lb. ea.¢ Sausage CAN NOT be changed: Snacks .Little ........ Lemonade Mix ¢. . . . . . Peanut Butter lb.. . ¢ $canlb. 09 ➑ GS1 Databar (size not be reduced) ➌ Offer Description but (brands, sizes, SKUs can not be changed) understand what the will of Makers. . Sausage.... Dogs......... Or Wieners Oscars....... ➍ Ret ailer Value Cod e U.S.D.A. selecto de costillas de res Chuletas o asado de paletilla de Croissant... Alas cortadas, Carne diezmillo molida fresca de paquete de U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamón de de barbacoa cordero americana ➎ Coup on Value (t hthe e GS1 Lord is c od edis.” t o t he exac t value p rovid ed , and it c an not b e c hanged ) 3 libras cualquier tamaño • Invoices providing purchases of sufficient stock tofresco cover redemption must be submitted request. de cerdo corte de upon centro sin hueso fresco cerdo fresco, entero o mitad ➏ Legal copy: “Void if copied, transferred, purchased or sold” • All in-ad coupons must be redeemed through the normal clearinghouse channels at face value plus $.08 handling fee. U.S.D.A. Select

Any Size Package

3 lb. Bag

Superior Farms Fresh American

9 oz.

FOODS GROUP, INC. OW BETWEEN5/12/13 - 6/8/13

➐ Retailer Redemption Information ➑ GS1 Databar (size can not be reduced)

Great Tasting

Ephesians 5: 15-171

The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 7.5 oz. 770-301-7012 t submitted in writing to Dan Alesia (


Essential Everyday


1 $ 99 169 3/$

➊ Expiration Period (Valid 7 days)

Starting at


Salsa de salchicha, 8 onzas

16 oz. Select Varieties All Meat Regular or Light

Fresh Bunch

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013 | MyConnection 3

Community Connection

We can’t please everyone I recently had quite a pleasant email exchange with a spr y a nd delightful young 81-year-old. At first, she was not happy and let me and former reporter and columnist Alex McRae know it. As Miss “J” said to Alex, with a copy to me, “I heard from a reliable source that you will no longer have regular columns in the Times-Herald, just “guest columns.” Consequently, when my subscription expires May 16, 2013, I will not now or ever be a subscriber again. The only reason I EVER subscribed was because I loved and looked forward to your column most every day. When it began to appear just on Sunday, I was more than a little disappointed. Now, if what I hear is true, I have had it with this rag.” T he sta r t of a beauti f u l relationship. And so I had to respond. And here it is in part: “I have worked with Alex since I have been here and consider him a great reporter and even better columnist. “Alex has decided to retire. He will be missed. But he’s an old fart who constantly complains about his creaking knees and having to walk up the stairs. And when it was suggested he use the elevator, he starts ranting about how many people die in two-story elevator accidents and the thing is too slow anyway and somehow Obama is involved. “I will miss giving him the myriad of prescriptions he has to take every day and constantly forgets. We do get worried at times when he starts talking to the newspaper or

John Winters

wa nders off. He does not know, but we put a monitoring bracelet on him. He thinks it’s a new watch. “Alex will continue to write his Sunday column, which he has done since I’ve been here and I understand started about the time Moses got the Ten Commandments. “I’m glad you enjoy the rag. It is very good for windows. You can also wrap fish, roll it up and train your dog, cover you bird cage or use it to protect your f loors when you paint. If you have no pets and hate to paint, you can also make a cool hat. “Things are changing. Give us a chance.” Things went better after that. A nd spea k ing of t h i ngs, things are changing here at your newspaper. Starting Wednesday, we will launch a redesign of the newspaper. Don’t panic. Change, especially in this case, is good. The staff has worked long and hard to create a new look that is more eye-catching and easier to read. Consider it a fresh coat of paint. We are making other changes as well based on the recent reader survey that more than 450 participated in. We don’t

ETHNIC DINER last word,” Pagán counters. “We tend to say that I’m the owner, but she’s a little more bossy than I am,” Caraballo says, laughing and having that last word.

Print and Digital Editions

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Digital Edition Only

— see page 8A

ISSN. NO. 0883-2536


$1.25 Sunday edition

Coweta’s Local Daily


New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone the and hospital cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.

NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations

Ben Lacina stands holding his arm as he portrays a disaster victim in the recent CERT training. The CERT drill, which was conducted at the Coweta Public Safety Training Center on Greison Trail in Newnan, simulated responding to victims of a tornado.

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Town Hall


released a (supposedly nonfiction) report claiming that grasshoppers, beetles and their buddies are “underutilized” as a food source. “Under utilized? ” T hese pe ople a re wor r ie d t h at humans don’t eat enough bugs? T hat k i nd of news ma kes me wa nt to holler “Thank you, Jesus!” But I digress. An agency official told the Associated Press, “Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly… and leave a low environmental footprint. They provide high-quality protein and nutrients when compared with meat and fish and are particularly important as a food supplement for undernourished children.” Since most “first world” supermarkets don’t feature an insect aisle, bold new steps must be taken to raise enough bu g s to fe e d t he world . Experts say it’s just a matter of ramping up the insect “farming” practices already used by the fish bait industry. Well, sure. If the family is out of fresh crickets when unexpected guests drop in,

to the people, places and events that matter to you most.

Choose the subscription that’s right for you.

Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A

Alex McRae

mom can dash to the bait shop and snag some more. Don’t get me wrong. I have no moral objection to eating insects and have swallowed my share, but usually by accident at scout cookouts and outdoor wedding receptions. And in the interest of full disclosure I admit eating (a few) chocolate-covered ants and grasshoppers. I have even watched Food Network stars snack on raw roaches without gagging. But I’m not ready for a steady diet of praying mantis meat and caterpillar fritters. The good news is, everyone agrees that obesity will soon be a bigger problem than starvation. So it could be years before humans start fighting over the last locust in Farmer Brown’s field. But then, I’m no expert. And I’m man enough to admit that a recent news item provides possible evidence that eating insects could - could - have a positive impact on public safety. The AP reported that a Boston woman was busted for punching a restaurant worker who allegedly put too many pickles on her steak and cheese sandwich. To my knowledge, no one has ever been assaulted for serving too many cicadas. But bug burgers? Not me. Not yet. I’m an adventurous eater but you won’t catch me pouring ketchup on something I used to spray with Raid.


For Local News Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D

I’ve never climbed a mountain, run with the bulls or French kissed a Rottweiler. That doesn’t mean I’m not brave, adventurous and bold. For instance, when I take a seat at the table, I don’t back away from anyone - or any food. Just call me the Daring Diner. I rarely have second thoughts about second helpings of anything. I figure one bite can’t hurt. I’ve been right except for the time some buddies and I netted a mess of buffalo fish in a south Alabama creek and cooked them up right there on the bank. My lower bowel still shudders at the memory. I ’ ve even e aten boi led chitlins. (Yes, alcohol was involved). I abandoned the booze a few years back and, frankly, haven’t missed it. But sober, I’m not sure I could sample what the United Nations calls the food trend of the future. The UN food police claim this adventure in fine dining is the perfect recipe for fighting world hunger. I’d have more faith in that promise if I hadn’t already witnessed the UN’s “success” at fighting dictators and saving whales. They are convinced this latest program will be a bigger h it t ha n “Blue Suede Shoes.” All they have to do is convince the rest of us that the long-term key to human survival is … eating insects. T he U N ’s Fo o d a nd Agriculture Organization just


continued from page 1

“She supervises me a lot. The owner thing (on the business card) is for the public,” she says. “I never tell her what to do.” “She’s the boss. Sometimes she ask me, but she has the

pretend to have all the answers or know what you, our readers, want. And that’s why we did the survey. We can guess or we can rely on you. A nd no, not ever yone is going to like everything we do. We are going to get rid of the stock page. The vast majority of readers said they don’t even look at it. The same goes for the TV guide, although that will be down the road. Again, a huge majority said they have never looked at it, and with the online TV guides available now, we can’t even offer everything anyway. Instead, we will be offering a prime time lineup for all the days of the week. That change will occur in a few weeks. We are going to focus more attention on local entertainment and feature stories on businesses and local residents — far and away what most readers want more of. And we are going to continue to tweak and pinch and ponder and rework the newspaper as we move forward. Change is an ever changing thing, and we will continue to work as hard as possible to provide you with the best newspaper we can. As to Miss J, turns out she likes my columns too. So she’s promised to continue getting the Sunday paper at least to read Alex’s and my columns. Although she wants a bigger type size. So do I. But bigger type size means less news, sports and features. Like I said, we can’t please everyone on every thing.

Hard to swallow

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By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

Health and Wellness



12:22 PM

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4 MyConnection | Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Recipe Connection

Go Green Smoothie

Servings: 5 1 cup quinoa, rinsed according to package directions 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 cups low fat or fat free milk 1/2 cup water 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tart-sweet apple (such as Braeburn), chopped 1/2 cup raisins 1/3 cup chopped toasted walnuts Toast quinoa and cinnamon in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring often. Cook until quinoa is golden and cinnamon is fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add milk, water, and brown sugar; bring to a simmer, and cover. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook until liquid is absorbed, 20 to 25 minutes. Fold in chopped apple, raisins, and walnuts and let stand a few minutes, covered, to heat through. Serve with additional milk. Nutrition: 300 calories; 7 g fat; 0.5 g saturated fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 10 g protein; 53 g carbohydrates; 4 g fiber; 5 mg sodium; 163 mg calcium (16% of daily value). Nutrition figures based on using fat free milk.

(pictured on front page)

Servings: 2 1 3/4 cups low fat or fat free milk 1 cup old-fashioned or quick cooking oats (not instant) 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 cup sliced strawberries 1/4 cup dried cherries 2 tablespoons toasted sliced almonds Combine milk, oatmeal, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a saucepan; bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring often to prevent boiling over. Cook until thickened; divide between two serving bowls and top with strawberries, cherries, and almonds. Serve immediately. Nutrition: 360 calories; 6 g fat; 0 g saturated fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 15 g protein; 61 g carbohydrates; 6 g fiber; 0 mg sodium; 300 mg calcium (30% of daily value). Nutrition figures based on using fat free milk.

(pictured on front page)

Servings: 2 Servings: 2 2 cups fresh spinach 1 cup low fat or fat free milk leaves, lightly 1 cup frozen peach slices packed 1/2 cup fresh mango 1 cup low fat or fat 2 tablespoons honey free milk In a blender, combine all ingredients. Cover and blend until 1/2 cup green grapes smooth. Serve immediately. 1/2 cup honeydew Nutrition: 162 calories; 0 g fat; 0 g saturated fat; 2 mg choles­ melon, chopped terol; 5 g protein; 38 g carbohydrates; 2 g fiber; 53 mg sodium; 1/2 cup ice cubes 163 mg calcium (16% of daily value). Nutrition figures based on 1 kiwi fruit, using fat free milk. peeled andchopped 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon unsweetened almond butter 1 tablespoon lime juice In a blender, combine all ingredients. Cover and blend until smooth. Serve immediately. presents the Newnan Centre’s Inaugural E presents the Newnanpresents Centre’s Inaugural EventEvent the Newnan Centre’s Inaugural Nutrition: 240 calories; 5 g fat; 0 g saturated presents the Newnan Centre’s Inaugural Event fat; 0 mg cholesterol; presents the Newnan Centre’s Inaugural Event 7 g protein; 45 g a luncheon to celebrate partnerships that create great neighborhoods, carbohydrates; 3 g fiber; A luncheon to celebrate partnerships that create and brighter futures. 90 mg sodium; 212 mg a luncheon to celebrate partnerships that create great neighborhoods, great neighborhoods, and brighter futures. calcium (20% of daily and brighter futures. Thursday, June 27, 2013, a luncheon to celebrate partnerships that create great neighborhoods, value). Nutrition figures a luncheon to celebrate partnerships that create great neighborhoods, and brighter futures. 11:30 AM based on using fat free and brighter futures. milk. The Newnan Centre

Apple-Raisin Breakfast Quinoa

Hearty Oatmeal with Strawberries, Dried Cherries and Almonds

Peaches & Cream Smoothie

Building Better Communities Building Better Communitie

BuildingBetter BetterCommunities Communities Building Thursday, June 27, 2013, 11:30 AM The Newnan Centre 1523 Lower Fayetteville Rd, Newnan, GA 30265


Tickets are available at Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity. Call 770-252-9049, or email for more information.

1523 Lower Fayetteville Rd, Newnan, GA 30265



Youth Chorale

2013 -14 Auditions

for Centre Masterworks Youth Chorale Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at the Centre 9am-4pm

TicketsRenfroe, are at at Anita comedian Tickets areavailable available Tickets available atfor and regularare on “Good Morning America” Inc. Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity, Newnan-Coweta Habitat Humanity. Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity, Inc. development@nchfh.o g Call 770-252-9049, ext.or 15 , or email Call 770-252-9049, email Call 770-252-9049, ext. , or email Tanisha Moss, for15 more information. more information. with her son forfor more information. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: and daughter KEYNOTE SPEAKER: KEYNOTE SPEAKER: comedian comedian comedian and regular on “Good Morning America” egular and on on “Good Morning America” andregular regular “Good Morning America” Tanisha Moss, Coweta Tanisha Moss, with her son Habitat Tanisha Moss, with son homeowner andher daughter with her sonTanisha, and daughter

Anita Renfroe, Anita AnitaRenfroe, Renfroe,

with her son and daughter and daughter

Photo by Stephanie Birmingham, Memories of Sunday Photography


A community children’s choir for gifted and talented young singers, ages 10 -14, with unchanged treble voices.

To schedule an audition email: For audition info visit website:

770-252-9049 (ext. 15) Photo by Stephanie Birmingham, Memories of Sunday Photography Photo by Stephanie Birmingham, Memories of Sunday Photography

770-252-9049 770-252-9049

Photo by Stephanie Birmingham Memories of Sunday Photograp



Wednesday, May 22, 2013 | MyConnection 5












































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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Community Connection

continued from page 1

Art association plans displays for summer at Carnegie Newnan Carnegie Library and the Newnan-Coweta Art Association have partnered to present a variety of art for the historic building this summer. The Newnan-Coweta Art Association has rotating exhibits in the Carnegie. There is an art gallery on the second level. “Our program and meeting room attendees really enjoy strolling through the art gallery. The NewnanCoweta Art Association has provided us with a wonderful variety of paintings and sculptures,” said Amy Mapel, Carnegie director. The NCAA artists being displayed in the main gallery will include: Sheri Anderson, Martin Pate, Ellen Gu i l lor y, Ceci l Cor nwel l , Ru st y Sh a r p, Sa ndy Holcomb, Richard Doss, Susan Boehms-Harris, Silvia Feenaghty, Cher yl Vickers, Corrine Ga lla, Pa m Gi les, Suza n ne Ca ldwell, Faye Holzaepfel, Ken Hamilton, Kem Kowa, Helen Hayes, Debbie McNeil, R.L. Hughey, Eunice Nichols, Rebecca Wayne, Andrienne Setzer, Sandra Carter, Ellie Farrington and Jenny Jones. Newnan Coweta Art Association meets the third Thursday each month, from September through May, at the Harriet Alexander Art Center on Hospital Road at 7 p.m. An art demonstration is presented each month. Visitors and new members are welcome. Restored by the city of Newnan, the Carnegie has brought back library type services in the downtown area. The bottom floor of the building serves as a reading room and the second floor as a meeting space. Among its many offerings, the Carnegie brings popular magazines and newspapers, computer workstations and Wi-Fi access, a gallery for local exhibits, meeting rooms with warming kitchen and programs for adults and children.

This work by Cher y l V icker s is among the ar t on display by Newnan-Coweta Art Association at the Newnan Carnegie Library.

This “ Elvis ” work is by R .L. Hughey and Debbie McNeil.

least and want more of. Top “likes” included overall local coverage, Sound Offs and the Community Forum (editorial) page. Biggest dislikes were divisive Sound Offs, too much religion coverage, a too much “small-town” feeling and not enough of a “small-town” feeling. Like we said, opinions vary. The other two big dislikes were paying for an online digital version and not having the newspaper on Monday and Tuesday. On the latter, we thank you that you miss two days of the paper. We do, too. The economic realities are those two days simply didn’t have the advertising support, and the cost to produce was more than we could recoup. But nothing is forever. As to paying for the online version , t hat is where a l l newspapers and other informational sources are headed. Newspapers thought the Internet would be the Holy Grail in terms of advertising. It is not, although it plays a key role. A minority of us always opposed g iv i ng away ou r information. Now, the majority agree. No other industry has ever given away their entire product and remained in business. Too often we hear the comment, “Why pay for something we can get for free?” We a r e a dd r e s s i n g t h e online paying issue on several

fronts. We plan to offer a variety of prices for different packages. One key change that will be upcoming is a “web-only” paid edition. Basically, you buy a subscription and can then just click on any story behind the paywall and read it without having to go to the digital edition. For those who want to get the digital edition — the entire newspaper in an electronic format — that will still be available. And most importantly, we will continue to focus on improving our print product. Let’s look at what people read the most. For online responders, the top read sections (defined as extremely or very often) are: Community Forum, 48 percent; local business and feature stories, 47 percent; state news, 53 percent; and the weekly calendar, 41 percent. W hat on li ne responders don’t read (defined as never or rarely) are: stocks, 86 percent; the TV grid, 88 percent; comics, 74 percent; senior news, 71 percent; religion, 54 percent; business, 53 percent; food, 55 percent; and health, 56 percent. Those who responded to the print questionnaire had different takes on some sections. T hei r top read sect ion s (defined as frequently) are: food, 60 percent; comics, 60 percent, senior living, 46 percent; religion; 45 percent; Community Forum, 45 per-

“Bird and branch” by Cecil Cornwell is among the works being displayed by the Newnan-Coweta Art Association at the Newnan Carnegie Library, 1 LaGrange St. at the Court Square.

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cent; and health, 42 percent. These readers also read just about everything in the paper, thus the “negative” percentages a re much lower. T he least read sections (defined as never) are: stocks, 33 percent; TV grid, 32 percent; and comics, 20 percent. So what did all this tell us? Readers in both the online and print responses want more local entertainment coverage. That was far and away the biggest change desired — 77 percent of online and 88 percent of print responders. Both groups also want more coverage of local businesses and feature stories on local residents. The majority believe our crime coverage is about right, as well as coverage of charities. In sports coverage, more high school coverage was the highest request, with college in second place. Few read the stocks or use the TV grid. The vast majority don’t read senior news, religion or business and health news. What you’ve told us is you want us to continue focuses on overall local coverage — whether it’s sports, news, enter ta i n ment, busi nesses and local features. And that’s where we will focus. Again, thank you for taking the time to respond. Your opinions matter, because The Newnan Times-Herald is your newspaper.

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TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.



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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.


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12:31 PM

8 MyConnection | Wednesday, May 22, 2013









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