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August 28, 2013
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Labor Day Weekend
Powers Festival looking to 43rd annual for 2013 By Sarah Fay Campbell sarah@newnan.com
n Coweta County, for the past 42 years, Labor Day weekend has meant the Powers Festival, with arts and crafts, fun, food and entertainment. The 43rd annual festival runs Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. off Highway 34 West between Newnan and Franklin. It features high quality arts and crafts, with only handmade items allowed. The food has changed a lot over the years, and commercial food vendors were brought in a few years ago to expand the offerings. "We've upgraded the food," said Amy Lane of Powers Pavilion, the new name for the festival grounds. We've been able to try all these vendors now, so we're only inviting back the ones that are awesome." This is the second Labor Day weekend Powers Festival since operation of the festival and grounds was turned over to a management company. Coweta
Festivals, Inc., the group of five non-profits that has owned and run the festival for most of its history, still is the owner, but isn't as involved in the operations. Coweta Festivals gets a portion of the proceeds from events held at the property. Lane said they've worked hard to only have quality, handmade items at the festival. "We thoroughly go through every application" to make sure no "buy-sell" items slip in, Lane said. In addition to the arts and crafts, there will be some gourmet packaged food vendors and farm-fresh produce. There will also be a blacksmith, pony rides and a petting zoo from Jubilee Farms, and plenty of small carnival-type rides for the kids. Last year, the Powers Pavilion management group brought in some carnival style rides for the kids, and they were a big hit, so that aspect is being expanded. There will also be a zip line, water walkers, monkey bungee, moon walks and more. Entertainment has become a bigger part of the festival since
Mark Turnham of Xcessive Sound started being in charge of it. In addition to the main stage, there are smaller stages near the vendors, so there will be live music all three days. Among the performers for the 2013 Labor Day weekend festival is duo R & R — Riley and Rebecca. Riley Yeilding will be featured on a side stage throughout the entire weekend festival. He also makes custom handcrafted guitars that are for sale. Some other music lined up for the 43rd annual festival: Neil Cribbs, Kris Youmans, Paige McCauley, Sweet Grass Sally, Brushfire Bluegrass, 3 Buck Shy, Kat Lewis, George Applegate and the Saltwater Band, and Captain Stab and Maybelle. Adult admission for the Powers Festival is $7. Children 6 and under are admitted free, and tickets for seniors 55 and older are $5. Coupons will be available to turn one day’s admission into a threeday pass.
i n s i de
43rd A Powers Fnnual estival ➤
Phyllis Graham of Let them Eat Toffee in downtown Newnan will be among local vendors at the 43rd annual Powers Festival.
Powers Festival has been supplying arts, crafts, food, fun, and entertainment for 43 years. For more information, visit www.powerspavilion.com or call 770-253-2011.
Self-professed ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ brings smiles, roses and his unique style to downtown Newnan
Me e t
Mr. Personality
By Bradley Hartsell bradley@newnan.com
ou’ve seen h i m da nci n g on t he cor ner of LaGrange and West Broad. Or passing out roses while strolling dow n the Cour t Square. He’s Mr. Personality, Newnan’s self-professed “Goodwill Ambassador.” Ma ny have wondered about Mr. Personality — his origins, his motives. Though he’s downtown every day, wavi ng a nd da nci ng, a nd willing to talk to anybody, Mr. Personality has remained somewhat of an enigma. So who is he? Who is the man who dances with a cane, a rose in his mouth? Mr. Personality is William Odell Crenshaw. He came to Georgia by way of Florida, where he lived for 20 years. He ser ved 14 yea rs as a n Army supply sergeant, going all over the world from Germany to Korea. The moniker “Mr. Personality” began as a wry joke in 1995. He says “Mr. Butthead” would have been more apt back then. He claims he was insensitive and conceited, prone to making jokes at others’ expense and over vices such as smoking and profanity. He had a friend he asked to make him a “Mr. Personality” button purely out of fun. Mr. Personality began to sense his off-putting ways and thought, “What if I really was Mr. Personality?” What ensued was a slow transformation from William Odell Crenshaw and into the fullon Goodwill Ambassador. He explains that the name tel ls you what you ca n expect. If he went around using profanity, he points out, that wouldn’t be “Mr. Personality.” Nor would he be “Mr. Personality” if he were to gossip. Most people
see things in shades of grey, but Mr. Personality says he now sees things in black and white, which makes it easier for him to identity the proper way to behave and present himself. “I call myself Mr. Personality, because I’ve given that name to my highest self. And I want to be my highest self 24/7,” he explains. “By putting the name tag on, I can stay focused on being Mr. Personality as opposed to being William O., because Willia m O. ca n get in trouble.” “If I do everything according to Mr. Personality, I’m a much better person.” Mr. Personality worked as a night watchman at a motel in Florida until the motel owner retired, but he kept his uniform. Inspired by his sister’s advice, he moved to Georgia in January. He first moved to Fayetteville, dressed in a dapper khaki outfit with a derby. H e m a d e t h e m ove to Newnan in April because it was closer to his VA clinic, but he soon found Newnan more of a natural home. “This place is wonderful. Everybody is nice, friendly,” he says of Newnan. “I made friends here real quick.” Since coming to Newnan, Mr. Personality, who celebrated his 64th birthday on Aug. 5, has dressed in his patented black dress clothes and top hat, red cumberbun and corsage. He’s well-spoken and can reach for twodollar words when he wants. He waxes philosophical and carries scholarly texts (this day, he’s reading “The Inner West: A n Introduction to the Hidden Wisdom of the West”). Copies of his allegorical poem “The Bus” have made their rounds around town.
PAGES 6 -8
i n s i de
Elegant E
ntertainin g Recipes
Pan Seared Rib Eye with Balsamic Glaze and Crispy Salted Potato Wedges
Goat Cheese Crostini with Grilled Peaches, Serrano Ham and Marcona Almonds
Family Features
Mr. Personality — William Odell Crenshaw — is Newnan’s selfprofessed “Goodwill Ambassador.”
“I’m on a really big, wonMr. Personality dedicates himself to ma king people derful adventure now.” He passes out a rose once a smile and brightening their week to a woman he “senses” day. “I believe it’s a calling, in a way. I’m making people MR. PERSONALITY, page 8 happy, people are smiling.”
Entertaining is easy with simple, crowd-pleasing recipes from light bites to sweet delights that require almost no time in the kitchen. Invite over a few of your closest friends, heat up the grill and set out your favorite wines for a truly memorable outdoor dinner party. Select simple recipes that can be prepared ahead of time and quickly seared on the grill once your guests have arrived. Everyone will enjoy the food and you’ll love that you’re not trapped in the kitchen. Prep, chop and marinate everything then store it all in containers. Ma ke the occasion truly spe ci a l by be g i n n i n g t he
Red Wine and Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta
fe st iv itie s at su ndow n to take advantage of the cooler breezes and beautiful sunset. Line the tables with a row of small candles, hang sparkling white lights from the trees and put on your favorite music. Your guests may never want to leave.
2 MyConnection | Wednesday, August 28, 2013
1. Aladdin's hang-out 6. Dear one 9. Frosh, next year 13. Single-cell protozoan 14. Similar to ostrich but in Australia 15. Dugout vessel 16. Wealthy one who made fortune in Orient 17. Dashboard acronym 18. Bring upon oneself 19. *Eat ______ pie 21. *To kick this is to expire 23. *Busy as a ___ 24. Female version of #6 Across in England 25. Mountain basin 28. Forbidden fruit, e.g. 30. Ready to be assembled 35. *Let it down and relax 37. Femme fatale 39. Give a speech 40. Beige DOWN 41. Often goes with "flowed" 1. Embargo 43. This of a circle equals pi times r 2. Asian nurse squared 3. Asian domesticated ox 44. Moved on runners 4. Mushroom maker 46. Length of earth's orbit 5. Rectangular groove joint 47. Diagnostic test 6. Arid 48. Strep throat organ U.S.D.A. Inspected 7. Mischief-maker 50. Bayonet wound 8. "Dancing with the Stars" number U.S.D.A. 52. Typographer's measurement units Inspected 9. *It did this like a stone 53. Retained 10. *Shame on you for fooling me ____ 55. ___ shot 11. Sad grimace 57. *Flatter someone, or ______ one up 12. ___ Royal Highness Fresh 60. Croquet hitter 15. Famous Roman orator 63. Joseph Stalin's sidekick 20. Depart 64. *Do you have one in the hole? 22. Strike caller 66. Org. symbols 24. Most foolish 68. Admiral's group 25. *Boasters beat this 69. "You're it" game 26. Mad one lb. 27. Rice wine 70. Grind down 71. Happy 29. *Don't throw this out with bathwater de pavo, 14 onzas 72. About whenSalchicha oneahumado will arrive 31. "-zoic" periods Salchicha ahumado, 48 onzas 14 oz. 48 oz. 32. Travesty 73. Biter in theButterball ring Turkey Four Star
NEWNAN 43rd Powers Festival Powers Pavilion August 31 - September 2 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Lots of entertainment, arts and crafts, far m-fresh produce, a blacksmith, pony rides, petting zoo, and roving entertainment such as jugglers and stilt-walkers. Admission $7 for adults, Children 6 and under are admitted free, and tickets for seniors 55 and older are $5.
Info: 770-253-2011 www.powerspavilion.com
Moss Oak Plantation
Powers Crossroads, Hwy. 34 W. August 31 - September 2 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Moss Oak Plantation home, adjacent to the Powers Festival, will be open to tour over Labor Day weekend. The 1790s home was the family home of Tom Powers, who founded Powers Festival in the 1970s.
1 1
$$ 16 $ 92 16 2
Bizcochos y salchicha de paquete de 4
4 Pk.
& Biscuits.................
Cereal. . . . . .
11.25 oz. Cookie Crisp or Any Size Package 11.5 oz. Lucky Charms
GeneralFresh Mills
Color & Highlight Special (starting at) ... $30 Women’s Wet Cut ... $20 Men’s Buzz Cut ... $10 Men’s Regular Cut ... $13 Kid’s Cut ... $10 Shampoo & Set ... $15 Perm (starting at) ... $55
Cereal. . . . . .
Cereal. . . . .
Golden Flake
Chicken Thighs or
Sparkling Ice
Bonus Pack-Claxton Fresh Frying
.71-1.25 oz., Select Varieties
4.5 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties
lb.Rub . . . . Dry
4-6 oz., Select Varieties U.S.D.A. Select
Lawry's Boneless Eckrich 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced
Pie Shells All . . .Meat .
Frito-Lay's lb.
5 Lb.lb. Reg. Buttermilk or Self-Rising
Multipack. . .
White Lily
Crackers . . .Bologna . Or 5 oz., Asst. Flavors Fresh Golden Flake
9 oz. Pkg.
Chips lb.. . . . . . .
59 oz. Ctn. Select Varieties
4 Pk., 7.5 oz. Select Varieties
16 oz. Original or Light
3 1
can o
Hot Dogs¢
John Morrell
3 lb. Crystal Farms Shredded Bag or
12 oz.
Dutch Farms
8 oz., Assorted Flavors
Dutch Farms
Coca-Cola......... Gallon All Brands
63 Country Delite
124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia1630263 12 oz. Pkg. oz. Pkg. All Beef
2 liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Seagram's Or Minute Maid
1 1 1 1 2
24 Pack, .5 liter Bottles
Dasani Dean' Water.... s
Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles All Brands 12 Pack, 12 oz. Cans Monster 4 Pk., 16 oz. Cans
All Brands
2 liter Bottles
All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles
2 liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Seagram's Or Minute Maid
24 Pack, .5 liter Bottles
Monster 4 Pk., 16 oz. Cans
. Main St
Gr ei
Tr a
Jumbo Franks
1 64 1 28 2
Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles
ing Cen
e Shopp
East Gat
Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster
10 oz. Pkg.
Sunnyland MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAYSunnyland 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Sunnyland Cooked
Red Hot Dogs
2 liter Citrus, Bottles Tropical or Mango
lb. $ 459 ¢ $ 97 Half & Half . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85 33 Buttermilk . . . . . . . . .Powerade............ .Coca-Cola......... .... 3 16 oz. $ 72 Gallon, Assorted Flavors $415 Energy Drinks.. Coca-Cola......... 12 ¢ ¢ Music City $ 26 DutchFrenchFarmsOnion Dip. . . $ 1 Fruit Ade . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coca-Cola........... ... 99 8 oz. Gallon Farms ¢ ¢ Drinks................ $ 79 DutchSunnyland 16 Chocolate 12 oz. Pkg. 99 French Onion Brand Dip. . . $475 Delite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dasani .. Hotel 8 oz.Water.... Half Gallon Whole Farms Bacon $ 85 15 ¢ $ 99 DutchSliced 34 Country Delite Powerade............ Cream Cheese . . . . . . . . . $ 72 Chocolate Milk. . . . . Gallon Energy16 oz.Drinks.. 4 $ 08 19 Red Diamond $ 12 Dutch Farms Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brewed Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 1 1 48 1 Brand 95 Great Low Prices2 on Name 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 48 $1 963 1 1 $ 45 2 NEWNAN 1 lb. Cole Slaw or
Essential Shredded or Slaw 12 oz.Everyday Angel Hair
FD 082613_2
(5 or 6 slices) into 1/4-in , ch s 1 large onion, cu dice pounds pork loin 3/4-inch 2 tables dice poons chili 1 tables poon 2 14 1/2-ou smoked roasted nce cans d tomat 1 1/2 cups water oes 2 15-oun ce cans canne (white kidney ) or beans, drained othe Salt 1/2 cup sour 2 scallio cream, (optio n ns, thinly sliced (o
Sour Cream
All Brands 12 Pack, 12 oz. Cans
Coca-Cola......... Ades or Tampico Bottles Pride 4 Pk., Egg & Cheese Tennessee PunchesPride 16 oz. Roll All Brands 1.25 liter Punch ¢ Tennessee
9 oz.Biscuits Pkg.
Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.
$ 15 1 Tomatoes & 99 $ 09 Hot or29 Mild Coca-Cola........... $ 24 $ Croissant 50 $Sausage...... ¢ 4 $ 18 Sausage.... 2 Drinks................ 99 $ 75 Minute Maid
Eckrich 16 oz. Pkg. All Meat
Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg. All Meat
Tennessee Pride 4 Pk., Egg & Cheese
11 oz., Assorted Flavors
Essential Everyday Natural Sliced $ 89 $ 49 $ Ready Pac Provol o ne Cheese . . . Green Cheese . . . . . . . . $12 oz. 28 Chunk Cheese ......... ¢ Chunk 5.3 oz. Ctn., Select Varieties 16 oz. Assorted Flavors Slaw lb. Cabbage..... Essential EverydayBag American Essential Everyday Mix.. $ 72 Chobani $ 99 Cheese Singles . . . . . . . . . Flips Yogurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chunk Cheese . . . . . . . . 16 oz. 12 oz. Guacamole or 16 oz. French Onion 16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella Essential Everyday American Essential Everyday Dean's $ 99 $ 99 $ 16 oz. Pkg. Regular or Thick 10 oz. Pkg. Cheese Si n gl e s . . . . . . . . . Shredded Cheese . . . . . Di p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunnyland Cole Slaw or Sunnyland8 oz.1 lb. Sliced 45 oz. 59 oz., Select Varieties 12 oz. Angel Hair Slaw Fresh Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Grapefruit Cooked Meat¢ Bologna $ Ready Pac $ 19$ 28 $ 99 Tropicana Orange OrHam Green Chunk Swi s s Cheese . Spread Bowl Margari n e Jui c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . American Shredded or Cheese Singles 7.5 oz. Buttermilk orBag Homestyle Chunk Cheese lb. 8 oz.Slaw Mix.. Cabbage..... Gallon Essential Everyday Natural Sliced $ 52 $ 52 $ 09 Essential Everyday 3/$ Country Delite $ Swiss Cheese . . . . . . .. . . Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange Juice . . . . . . . . . . . Fresh
Tennessee Pride 16 oz. Roll
1 oz.
Solid White Halves . . Pride 8 oz. Pkg. Asst.lb.Chips . . . Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat Eckrich 16 oz. Regular or ThickOil. Sliced . . . . . . .Tennessee All Meat BolognaOr Sausage & "Top of Georgia"
Cantaloupes Yogurt
Lamb Shoulder Lunch Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.
Fresh Croissant & John Morrell Golden FlakeHot or Mild Essential Everyday
48 oz. Pure Canola, Corn or Natural Blend
Superior Farms Fresh American
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Large Slicing
2.75-3.5 oz., Select Varieties
6 oz. Select Varieties
Spring Water
Boston Butt Whole or Half Frito-Lay's Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat Tennessee Pride 8 oz. Pkg.
Bar-S 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced
All MeatFresh
Lamb Shoulder
Boston SuperButt Chill
U.S.D.A. Inspected 8 Pk.
ea. . . . Tuna lb. . . . . .Eckrich Grillmates lb. Spices . 16 oz. Pkg. All Meat StarKist ea.
Red or White
Superior Farms Fresh American
U.S.D.A. 24 Inspected Pk., .5 Liter
20 Ct.
Seasoned Salt . & Sausage
2.6-3 oz. Pouch, Select Varieties
5 oz.
Food Depot
Foam Plates . . .
Buns . . . . . .
16 Beef oz. U.S.D.A. Select
Essential Everyday
Food Depot
Pk. Hamburger or Hot Dog or12Half
18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey Nut Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or 15 oz. Frosted Flakes Essential Everyday
40 Ct., 9 Inch
8 Pk. Hamburger or Hot Dog
Boneless Hefty
Marinades. . . . . .
©2013 WMMB, Inc.
chili even (from a
Bonus Pack-Claxton Fresh Frying 17 oz. Assorted Flavors
53 99¢ Sausage... 85¢ Hot$Dogs... $$159 58 99¢ 1 Dogs........ 1 2 97 $53 98 ea. Great$
ime: Cook Time: 20 mi 1 hou Makes: 6 servin gs 8 ounce s bacon
Wh t
Smoked Sausage...
Food Depot
2 lb. Bag Buns . . . . . . U.S.D.A. Select13-22 BeefCt. Freezer Storage, Select Varieties U.S.D.A. Inspected
American Gwaltney 16Cheese oz. Pkg. Singles
1 1/2
QUALITY Georgia Special
Sugardale 16 oz.
McCormick Grillmate
All Meat
Crystal Farms
Salchicha ahuamdo de paquete de familia, 3 libras
3 Lb. Family Pack
20 Ct.
BBQ Bread .
Storage Bags
Bar-S 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced
16 oz.
Smoked Sausage...
Wheat Bread
Easy Grip Cups
Marinate Rubs
Beef Keebler
All Meat
Newnan-Tim es Herald
page 3
248 $ 45 4
Sunset Farms
Food Depot
Trash Bags . .
Beef McCormick Grillmate
General Mills
Sugardale 16 oz. Pkg.
2013 20
cious trend the homewith cooked treatment Bean Chili, a simple only 20 recipe minute s to prepar that takes conven iently made e and With in the slow can be cooker. add a person al touch.
16-60 Ct., Select Varieties
10.9 oz. Cookies & Cream U.S.D.A. Select1.65 oz. Slow & Low Tennessee BBQ
lb. Bag California Jumbo Great 2Nature Valley
770-599-3372 770-599-3566 )R H GG><MBH G
1.8 oz. Smokin Texas or 2.2 oz. Memphis BBQ
Marinate Rubs 13.5 oz. Chex Vanilla or Yellow or White
³ see
16 oz.
2 98 89
A.1. Dry Packaage
McCormick Grillmate
Cereal. . . . . .
Monday- Friday 8 AM- 6 PM Saturday 8 AM - 4 PM
Tender Tips.........
2 98 89 1 2 1
General Mills
All Meat
HWY. 85 AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 2947 Hwy. 85 • Senoia, GA
veryone forgets most certain time to things from time. ly blame eye for forgetting Periodically that at least your keys where you some of lack of shutloss. When their memo a bad memois likely not indicat left your brain's you don't get ry. But ive of themse enough ry some people lves sleep, solve proble ability to think frequently, forgetting things find is compr ms and even critically, those who a troubling develo more be creativ omised consid can't explain tion, researc e pment loss of h has shownerably. In addimemo their sudden for enhanc Memory ry. ing that the deepes activities occur memorygo hand-i loss is often consid highlig t stages of sleep, during person n-hand with aging. ered to hting the ages, conven further As a import a full night gests memo tional of interru ance of getting sometimes ry will begin wisdom sug- Hit ption-free to fade. the gym. rest. to do with memory loss But Exercise activity has nothin aging, is anothe that a brain and a lot g r Daily physic can improve that to do with unhealthy isn't sharp becaus al exercis memory. amount e increa e of an of oxygen few ways lifestyle. The ses the brain follow that men while gets to ing are their memo and women can improv a tain disord reducing the risk your ry. ers, includ for r e cardio Get some ing diabete cervascular who aren't sleep. Men disease, s can lead and both of and getting to memo which enough women ry loss. sleep can al-
20 oz.
or Bowls . . .
Marinade . . . .
8.9 oz. Cheerios
Your Source for Auto or Truck Parts
Easy W ay Improve s to Memor y
Food Depot Shank Portion White Bread
30 Ct., 18 oz. or 50 Ct., 9 oz. Inspected Fresh Boneless 1.25U.S.D.A. oz., Select Varieties
Any Size Package
$ 95 lb.
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
20 oz. Giant Sugardale
Hefty Plates
Marinade . . . .
Gwaltney 16 oz. 11Pkg. oz. Oats & Chocolate or Oats & Honey Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg. All Meat
Combo Pack
5.32-6.34 oz., Select Varieties
Veggie Pasta Center Cut Loin Steak Sauce 24-50 Ct., Select Varieties
lb. Frito-Lay's
Bean Chili Ch
Boneless Chuck
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo
$ 54
U.S.D.A Select Beef
Sunset Farms Market Style
12 oz. Bows, Shapes or Spirals 10 oz., Select Varieties Wacky Mac U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless
10-10.5 oz.
M-F 9am - 5pm, Sat 9am - 3pm (Open late by appointment)
and White
Swiss Steak....
Salchicha picante o suave fresco estilo Market, 16 onzas
Four Star
Sugardale 16 oz. Pkg.
London Broil
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
U.S.D.A. selecto de diezmillo de res sin hueso de paquete de combinacíon
16 oz., Hot or Mild
12 oz., Select Varieties
General Mills
153 Temple Ave. • Newnan
y Pork,
Sunset Farms $© StatePoint 72 Media
14.5-18 oz., Select Varieties
8.7 oz. Kix
Solution on Page 8 or Patties 10 oz. Links
Salchichas rojos, 14 onzas
Any Size Package
Grilled Wing s Recipe
U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso
2 Smoked Sausage....... 5 Fresh Sausage......... 2 $ 29 3 Red Hots..................... $151 Fresh Sausage........ $299
Newnan, GA
Super Part y:
$ 65 $$$394 95 3 95
Sirloin Steaks
U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de cañada sin hueso asado Londones
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
Tortas o enlaces de salchicha fresco, 10 onzas
$ 15
4 Lb.Any Size Package
90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.
Guests at Your
3 33 1
Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks
Mustard . . . . .
Score Big with
770-683-6375 Mon thru Sat 10 - 6
14 oz. Collard or Turnip or Turnip Greens w/Roots
(certain restrictions apply)
88º 68º
1 2 1 90 7 2 5 1 66 7 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 2 4 1 ¢ ¢ $ 70 96 99 2 Granulated Pork Chops Smoked Ham Water Ground Drumsticks Sugar Beef $ 69 $ 54 $ 17 1 1 1 $ 99 ¢ 95 ¢ $ 1Fresh09 $Pork ¢ Center Cut Loin Shank Portion$ 25 79 $ 70 Chicken Thighs or ¢ 1 1lb. Drumstickslb. 66 Chops Smoked Ham Ground Beef lb. lb. $ 78 $ 78 ¢ $ 57 ¢ ¢ 2 2 99 5 71 89 $ 95 ¢ $ $31009Bar-BQCorn ¢ Seedless Ready Pac Fresh $ 45Ribs $ 59Roast $ 71 $ 69 ¢ Ground Chuck $ 25 or Chops Pork Roast Sirloin Tip Roast Fresh Pork Ham 2 2 1 1 77 Grapes Garden Salad 1 lb. $ 44 lb. lb. $ 92 $ 85lb. $ 44 $ ¢ 94 $31 48 $ 2 2 $ 991 1 3 1 $ 58 1 $ 38 3/$ 58 71 5 Asst. Flavor ea. lb. Chips Corn Meal $ 31 $ 21 $ 59 Ground Chuck ¢ 1 Roast or Chops ¢ Pork Roast ¢ 2 Bar-BQ Ribs ¢ Sirloin Tip Roast Fresh Pork Ham¢ 1 ¢ $ 99 $ 44 Bologna.. 81 Hot Dogs.. Bologna.. 95¢ 88 97 Gravy...... 96 Wieners.. 99 Makers....... 2/$ $ 92 $ 85 $ 44 $ 44 $ 94 $ 48 $ 08 Tomatoes $ 39 2 $ 18 78 1 Rutabagas..................... Minneolas.................... 1 21 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 $ 48¢ 28 $ ¢¢09 ¢ $ $ 24 ¢ ¢ $ 271 3/ ¢ $ 21 $ 07 Cello Carrots................ Sausage.... 884 ¢ Tomatillos.................. Dogs 85 Hot Dogs... 97 Hot3 Dogs........ Granola Cereal....... 99 87 Frosted2Toaster Pastries 1 99 Sausage... 3 99 Sausage...... ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 81 Hot Dogs.. 88 Bologna.. 95 Bologna.. 97 Gravy...... Wieners.. 99 Makers....... 96 Roma 3 Gala Ripe
90º 72º
43 Variety 68and associated expenses. Vegetable *Our cost includes freight, stocking $fees, Potato Chips 4 Pk. 4-18 oz., Select Varieties Cereal . . . . . . . Oil Pack $ Del Monte Fruit $ 33 2 Qt. .13-.23 oz., Select Varieties 27.8-29.2 oz., Select Varieties www.myfooddepot.com! Please visit our website: Kool•Aid 5/ ¢ Folgers $ 15 To Go or Chillers $ 90 $ 49 Drink Mix Coffee . . . . . . . 16 oz. Cherry Punch or Strawberry 15 oz. Can Del Monte 33.9 oz. Classic Roast Ground $ 69 Van Camp's $ ¢ Folgers Fruit Chillers $ 25 12.5-17.9 oz., Select Varieties 18.5-24 oz., Select Varieties Pork & Beans 24 Pk., 16.9 oz. 16 oz. Pretzels or 12 oz Pieces ....... 12 oz. Jar, Select Varieties Herhsey's 21-28 oz., Select Varieties $ 84 Betty Crocker Baking $ 75 Coffee Springs $ 98 Snyder's Planters Nutrition $ 41 38 oz. $ 39 Crystal Mixes & Frostings Syrup . . . . . . . Bush's Purified Water $ 75 Heinz Pretzels . . . . . $ 27 Peanut Butter Baked Beans . . 13.5 oz. Cinnamon, 13.75 oz. Apple Ketchup . . . . . 8 Pk., 20 oz. Select Varieties 7-8.5 oz., Assorted Flavors Cinnamon or 13.8 oz. Honey Nut 14-16 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 7.9-8.3 Lb. Bag, Select Varieties Gatorade Cape Cod 12 oz. Bold & Spicy Brown or 14 oz. Squeeze Yellow Sunshine Kraft General Mills $ 72 $ 35 $ 45 French's Kingsford Charcoal $ 66 Kettle Chips $ 22 Greens . . . . . . . 3/$ Thirst Quencher $ 20 Chex Cereal Salad Dressing Briquets . . .
old, flavorf to, wow guests with game day ul chili is the pork-based ultimate a portion grub, offerin chili with hearty, versati flavor. g hearty and person s to feed a le layers of hungry savory alized Smoky crowd palate. For a deliciotoppings to suit with fire-roingredients are every us twist all the rage, to your chipotle asted tomato goes, bacon peppers menus and across the on the rise in restaur countr y. Give this ant deli-
Eye of Round
48 oz.
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33. It included Mr. T 34. *Spill them to reveal a secret 36. Regrets 38. Bog deposit 42. *_____ queen 45. Dictator's order 49. A Spike ___ joint 51. *Bite this to endure an unpleasant situation 54. Blabber 56. *No guts, no _____ 57. *Saving device 58. Carbamide Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco 59. *Happens to your tongue when Fresh, Lean speechless? 60. Huge or large 61. The conscious mind, pl. selecto deerrands bistec de la carne de cuete 62. OneU.S.D.A. of many U.S.D.A. Select Beef 63. Roald Dahl's "The ___" 65. *Tongue stealer 67. John McCain, e.g.
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013 | MyConnection 3
Community Connection
15th Annual
Wendy’s reopens with fundraiser By Clay Neely clay@newnan.com
The newly-renovated Wendy’s restaurant on Bullsboro Drive reopened a week ago with a fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of Newnan/Coweta. Wendy’s participated in two trial lunch periods on Friday and Saturday in which all food was at no cost to customers and donations were welcomed. Wendy’s then matched the accumulated donations and was able to raise $2,222 for the local Boys and Girls Club. Wendy’s also has plans for an additional branch opening in front of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern Regional Medical Center in Newnan this year. At that time, the restaurant will be utilizing the same fundraising platform in conjunction with the Boys & Girls Club.
Hot Air Balloon Festival
Photo by Clay Neely
From left are John Mezzamotte (director), Charlie Davis (district manager), Darryl Smith (director Boys and Girls Club), Joy Collins (store manager) and Matt Van Paepegham (owner).
AUG. 30-SEPT. 1
The LBD rocks With school back in session, I am waiting for the big science project to be assigned. I am not worried, the Little Black Dress is a master with those tri-fold boards where you show your experiment on how long it takes for water to freeze at different starting points. And when it comes to rocks, the LBD has no equal, having studied said rocks/minerals now with three SONs of Thunder. To put it simply, the Little Black Dress has the Mohs Hardness Scale down pat. What she's learned about rocks and minerals is impressive. This is especially true when you consider she somehow bypassed every science class in school. I know this, this being the whole rock thing, because over the years she and the various SONs have recited and recited and recited said hardness scale a nd va r iou s rock /m i nera l definitions. To listen to her say “sedimentary,” well, Shakespeare could
write a sonnet around it. And don't get me started on “igneous.” As the word glides over her tongue, well, let's just say it works for me. But it is not all sensuous in the kitchen, where said rocks are learned around the table. There were times a wee bit of frustration, nay, friction developed between The Dress and SONs. The latter always thought they had it all memorized, the LBD ... not so much. There were always requests to stop and eat from the SONs, and bribes/threats from The Dress to withhold substance until said Mohs was down pat. And there was a slight feeling
of pressure in the room, with the idea of failing to correctly identify all minerals properly would somehow scar the SONs for life. Could be a key interview question, knowing the difference between one rock over the other. I remember one study session where The Dress had enough of talc and cleavage and topaz. She turned to me and said, “The only rocks I care about are diamonds and sapphires.” I asked about rubies and emeralds … “No, I'm fine with just diamonds and sapphires ... and pearls. Yes, definitely pearls,” she said. I politely tried to point out to her that, technically, pearls aren't rocks/minerals. And I ducked just in time before one of the rocks she had borrowed for training purposes hit me in the head. But, later on, after the kids were in bed, I did get her to say igneous in my ear.
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Corner Arts Gallery 14 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 678-633-5705
ASSISTED LIVING Savannah Court Personal Care Home Community 27 Belt Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-251-6639 www.savannahcourtnewnan.com
Vining Stone 211 Stewart Road Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-252-6336 www.viningstone.com OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Jack Peek’s Sales, Inc. 576 Main Street Palmetto, GA 30268 770-463-3156 www.jackpeekssales.com
Newnan-Coweta Magazine 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.newnancowetamag.com
Roscoe Roofing & Gutters Free Estimates Will Davis 770-328-0589 wodavisusa@gmail.com
Carolyn Barron Montessori School Good Gettins TNT Antiques & Auction 195 Jackson Street Dealer for Name Brand Mattress 18 East Hwy. 16 Newnan, GA 30263 Seconds and Such Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-2135 152 Temple Ave., Newnan 678-469-3224 or 404-933-5627 www.CBMS.net www.TNTAntiquesandAuction.com 678-552-4680 www.goodgettins.com
Encore Decor Consignment Shop Fine Furniture/Home Decor 8 East Court Sq., Newnan facebook.com/encoredecorinnewnan
Strong Arms In A Truck 4046 Sharpsburg McCollum Rd. Newnan, GA 30265 770-304-5961 www.strongarmsinatruck.net
The Pink Hanger Consignment PIANO LESSONS 3339 Hwy 34. E., Suite H Sullivan Piano Sharpsburg, GA 30277 Beginner Piano Lessons 770-683-3164 www.thepinkhangerconsignment.com Allison Sullivan 678-378-7126 or 770-253-9908 sullivanpiano.weebly.com HOME RENTALS Sells Properties Coweta County Rental Homes 770-301-8786 or 770-583-8864 www.JimSells.com
R. DuBose Jewelers (Formerly R.S. Mann) 5 Greenville Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-4713 www.rdubosejewelers.com
Rebel Reelers Square Dance Club Coweta Country Recreation Dept. 39 Hospital Road, Newnan 770-463-0024 or 770-617-1211 www.rebelreelers.org
Annex Storage & U-Haul 305 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 1-866-673-2865 www.AnnexStorage.com
Victor Moody Plumbing 1016 Bexton Road Moreland, GA 30259 770-251-4751
Cornerstone Tattoo Gallery Custom, Upscale Tattoo Shop 48 Main St., Senoia 770-599-6782 victormoodyplumbing@yahoo.com www.cornerstonetattoos.com
The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.times-herald.com
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8/14/13 2:26 PM
4 MyConnection | Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Recipe Connection
Red Wine and Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta (pictured on front page)
Goat Cheese Crostini
with Grilled Peaches, Serrano Ham and Marcona Almonds Yield: 1 dozen crostini 12 slices French bread, sliced on the diagonal into 1/2-inch-thick slices Extra virgin olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 12 thinly sliced pieces Serrano ham 2 ripe peaches, halved, pitted and sliced onto 12 thin wedges 2 ounces goat cheese, crumbled (about 1/4 cup) 1 tablespoon roughly chopped Marcona almonds Preheat grill. Brush each slice of bread on one side with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Grill, oil-side down until lightly golden brown, about 3 minutes. Remove from grill and place a piece Serrano ham on each. Drizzle peaches with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Grill peaches until grill marks appear, turning once, about 1 to 2 minutes per side. Place warm grilled peaches on top of each crostini and sprinkle each with crumbled goat cheese and Marcona almonds. Drizzle them lightly with additional olive oil. Serve.
Pan Seared Rib Eye
with Balsamic Glaze and Crispy Salted Potato Wedges Serve with a red wine with rich dark berry flavors and aromas. Yield: 4 to 6 servings For Crispy Fingerling Potatoes 1 pound small Yukon gold potatoes cut into wedges Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon roughly chopped fresh rosemary leaves, plus a couple of sprigs For Steaks Kosher or coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 3/4-pound bone in rib-eye steaks, about 1 inch thick 1 large shallot, thinly sliced 1/2 cup aged balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons unsalted butter For potatoes: Place the potatoes in saucepan and cover with cold, salted water. Set over high heat and bring to boil. Cook until potatoes are fork tender, about 10 minutes depending on size of potatoes. Drain and rinse under cold running water. Pat potatoes dry with paper towels and season with salt and pepper to taste. Set potatoes aside and begin steak. For steak: Sprinkle large cast-iron skillet with kosher or coarse salt; heat skillet over high heat for about 8 minutes, then add steaks. Sear until steaks are crusted brown, about 4 minutes; turn steaks. Sear to desired doneness or about 6 more minutes for medium rare. Transfer to cutting board and let rest while you make sauce. Wipe out pan and add shallot; cook, stirring, about 1 minute. Slowly add vinegar and 1 tablespoon of water and bring to a boil. Stir continuously until reduces and thickens, about 2 minutes. Remove pan from heat, swirl in butter, and season with pepper to taste. Drizzle sauce over steaks just before serving. To finish potatoes: Heat olive oil in large skillet over high heat. When hot, add seasoned potatoes, cut side down, and rosemary. Cook until golden and crispy, about 2 minutes per side. Sprinkle with additional salt and pepper to taste.
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Yield: 6 servings 1 orange 1 cup blackberries and or raspberries 1 vanilla bean, cut in half 3 cups Las Rocas Garnacha wine 2/3 cup sugar 1 cup whole milk 1 1/4-ounce packet unflavored powdered gelatin 2 cups whole Greek style yogurt Fresh mint sprigs for garnish Remove a wide, 2-inch-long strip of zest from orange with sharp paring knife. Peel and segment orange and toss with blackberries, cover and refrigerate. Scrape seeds from vanilla bean. Place seeds and pod in small saucepan. Add wine, 1/3 cup sugar and orange zest strip. Simmer over medium-low heat until reduced to 1 1/4 cups, about 35 minutes. Discard vanilla bean pod and zest strip. Cool completely. Set aside 1/4 cup for serving. Combine milk with remaining 1/3 cup sugar in medium saucepan. Sprinkle in gelatin and let stand, undisturbed, until gelatin softens, about 4 minutes. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until gelatin and sugar are just dissolved (do not boil); let cool. Whisk in 1 cup of wine reduction and yogurt until smooth. Pour into six 6-ounce ramekins or jars, cover and refrigerate until set, at least 3 hours or overnight. If using ramekins, dip bottom of each ramekin in warm water to loosen. Invert each panna cotta onto a plate. If using jars, skip this step. Drizzle panna cottas with reserved wine reduction and garnish with oranges and berries and sprig of fresh mint.
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013 | MyConnection 5
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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, August 28, 2013
43rd Annual Powers Festival
Along with farm fresh produce there will be goods from local vendors at the 43rd annual Powers including Wally Bee’s Pure Honey, from Lynn and Wally Batchelor.
Mindy Harrell will be one of the many artists at this year’s annual Powers Festival.
Labor Day weekend brings 43 edition of festival started by Tom Powers From Staff Reports news@newnan.com
cooked vegetables and old-time fried pies to funnel cakes and ice cream. Coweta Festivals, Inc., the umbrella organization for the five local non-profits that own the Powers Festival property, in recent years received a Special Events Use Permit from Coweta County. This special events permit now allows the property to be used for multiple events a year. After receiving this permit, Coweta Festivals, Inc. Board of Directors enlisted the help of Xcessive Sound Inc., an event management company, to organize and produce multiple events a year. The management group has produced such events as a haunted trail with a zombie theme for the Halloween season, a spring bike rally for motorcycle enthusiasts, and a barbecue and beer fest. The recent Sessions at Sunset concerts featuring musical talent
on the festival stage have invited attendees to bring food and drink much like a “mini-Chastain Park” concert at the popular venue in north Atlanta. Proceeds from ticket sales at Powers Festival go back each year to the five local nonprofits, which support projects in the Coweta community. Over more than four decades, hundreds of talented artists and craftsmen from across the nation have gathered each Labor Day weekend to display their works from Saturday through Monday. Powers Festival has become well-known throughout the nation and has been selected several times by the Southeast Tourism Society as one of “The Top Twenty Events” for the month of September. Among the many highlights of the festival is the abundance of delicious country cooking
and festival food, bands and entertainers on the main field stage and locations throughout the festival, and a children’s area that has evolved over the years with activities for the younger attendees. Powers Pavilion, which is the new name for the event venue grounds, has housed Powers Festival for the past 42 years, with this upcoming Labor Day event being the 43rd Powers Festival. Powers Pavilion is working to bring visitors the very best outdoor events and entertainment in West Georgia — more festivals, concerts, and events throughout the year which will allow the management group to put more money back into the community and to charitable organizations. Powers Festival will continue its 43-year-old legacy this Labor Day weekend.
The Labor Day weekend, decades-old Powers’ Crossroads Country Fair and Art Festival, now known as Powers Festival, was formed in 1971 by local and well known artist, Tom Powers. The site of the festival — which in 2013 will see its 43rd year — was on the beautiful grounds of the Powers family plantation at Powers’ Crossroads, off Georgia Highway 34 West between Newnan and Franklin. The property straddles the CowetaHeard county line. Exhibitors were set up along winding paths under shady trees. The goal was to exhibit handmade, one-of-a-kind creations — recalling the time of the late 1800s and early 1900s before automobiles and electricity were commonplace, when residents of the rural South were selfsustaining and made much of the goods they needed. From pottery to leather and textiles to blacksmithing, the artisans demonstrated these age-old talents. Among some of the special exhibits in the early years were a working grist mill, a sorghum syrup mill and cooking operation, a blacksmith, and a display of wagons and buggies from an area collector. There was even a ...and patients Radiation Oncology licensed moonshine still. Onsite at ...and Radiation Oncology Services knows shouldn’t have Services the festival hand-thrown pottery shouldn’t to travel far for excellent cancer care.knows In fact,patients we know all abouthave to artisans at their wheels, white oak basketmakers, the blacksmith, combining compassionate care with travel state-of-the-art technology in care. far for excellent cancer chair caners and a popular bobbin a warm, friendly environment. . . close to home. lace maker demonstrated their In fact, we know all about crafts. All this was alongside the combining compassionate care creative talents of painters, Our services include: with state-of-the-art technology in a photographers, sculptors and artisans working in mediums n Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy warm, n High Dose Rate Brachytherapy friendly environment. . . from metal and glass to textiles. A variety of paintings, prints, n Image Guided Radiation Therapy n Stereotactic Radiation Therapy close to home. sculpture, jewelry, clothing, ® n Partial Breast Radiation Therapy n Gamma Knife (through affiliation) accessories, children’s toys and n Prostate Seed Implants n Palliative Care home decor was displayed around every turn of the tree-shaded paths. The festival was a huge success Henry Radiation Oncology Center Opening Summer 2010 from its beginning and involved all the communities of Heard and Piedmont Fayette Cancer Center Opening Summer 2010 Coweta counties. Tom Powers operated the Festival for770. three994. and1650 a half Administration years with much cooperation and Cobbassistance 770. 948.of6000 Griffin 770. 228. 3737 these communities Newnan 770.civic 254. 9600 Riverdale 770. 997. 8424 and their and church For various Saintorganizations. Joseph’s Hospital 678. 843. 7004 reasons, health and otherwise, SouthTom Fulton Medical Center 404. Powers had to give up the466. 6100 operation of the festival and in the Accredited by the Joint Commission. www.radonc.com middle of his last year the festival Our locations: Our services include: was put under the supervision of the Newnan-Coweta Chamber of ■ Intensity Modulated Radiation ROS-Administration 770. 994. 1650 Commerce. In 1975 Coweta Festivals Therapy Inc. was formed as an umbrella ROS-Cobb 770. 948. 6000 organization of six nonprofit civic ■ Image Guided Radiation Therapy groups: Newnan-Coweta Chamber ROS-Griffin 770. 228. 3737 of Commerce, the Newnan■ Partial Breast Radiation Therapy Coweta Art Association, the ROS-Newnan 770. 254. 9600 Newnan-Coweta Jaycees, the Pilot ■ Prostate Seed Implants Club of Newnan, the NewnanROS-Piedmont Henry 678. 251. 1099 ■ High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Coweta chapter of Professional Secretaries International ROS-Piedmont Fayette 770. 719. 5850 ■ Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (later changed to International Association of Administrative ■ Palliative Care ROS-Riverdale 770. 997. 8424 Professionals) and the 4-H Boys and Girls of Coweta County. These nonprofit organizations purchased the 86-acre festival site a few years later when the land Accredited by the Joint Commission became available. Many a local church and civic group has worked at the festival 770-994-1650 over the years, providing exhibits and many offering tasty treats to festival-goers from sausage biscuits, sandwiches, home-
Cancer Knows Many Faces Cancer Knows Many Faces
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 | MyConnection 7
43rd Annual Powers Festival
Music lineup for Powers Festival
This fall stay close to home, and closer to your budget too! Chattahoochee Bend State Park is a spectacular tract of wilderness in northwest Coweta County, located in a graceful bend of the Chattahoochee River. This new park is a haven for paddlers, and anglers, with canoe and kayak rentals available. Six miles of wooded trails are open for hiking, geocaching, and wildlife observation. Campers can choose from sunny pull-through RV sites to riverfront platform and paddlein tent sites. The park even offers screened Adirondack-style shelters for families and groups who want a unique camping experience.
R & R with Riley and Rebecca
Among the performers for the 2013 Labor Day weekend festival is duo R & R — Riley and Rebecca. Riley Yeilding will be featured on a side stage throughout the entire weekend festival. Some other music lined up for the 43rd annual festival: Neil Cribbs Kris Youmans Paige McCauley Sweet Grass Sally Brushfire Bluegrass 3 Buck Shy Kat Lewis George Applegate and the Saltwater Band America’s favorite sideshow couple: Captain and Maybelle
For more information call 770-254-7271 or visit GeorgiaStateParks.org/ChattahoocheeBend Riley Yeilding makes custom hand crafted guitars that are for sale.
Labor Day Discounts in the Visitor Center Gift Shop!
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8 MyConnection | Wednesday, August 28, 2013
43rd Annual Powers Festival
Moss Oak home open for tours Labor Day weekend
Plenty of fun for kids Last year, the Powers Pavilion management group brought in some carnival style rides for the kids, and they were a big hit, so that aspect is being expanded. There will also be a zip line, water walkers, monkey bungee, moon walks and more.
From Staff Reports news@newnan.com Jubilee Farms will be bringing a petting zoo for youngsters to enjoy at the 2013 Powers Festival.
The Moss Oak Plantation home, adjacent to the Powers Festival being held at at Powers Pavilion off Highway 34 West at Powers Crossroads, will be on tour over Labor Day weekend. The 1790s home will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or later. Tours are $1. Moss Oak, the HendersonOrr House, is on the National Register of Historic Places, listed in 2000. It was the family home of Tom Powers, who originally developed the Powers Festival in the 1970s. It has been owned by James D. Kornder, DVM, Ph.D. since 1980.
Waterwalkers will be among the fun activities for the younger set at the 43rd annual Powers Festival.
For information call Marilyn Curtis, 770-251-2644 or 770-5832555. Solution to crossword on page 2
Mr. Personality Continued from page 1
needs it. That’s the most striking aspect of Mr. Personality — his awareness. He knows some people d i sm i ss h i m as a “weirdo” or a crazy old man. When people ask what his “deal” is or act negatively toward him, he always falls back on the fact he’s a “street performer.” When he tells people that, they understand. He is even aware people accept him as a street performer but look at him sideways when t hey k now he truly is Mr. Personality. He also knows he’s still new to t he com mun ity a nd, t hus, knows when to tone down his colorful friendliness. D e spite t he rot ten few, Ne w n a n c ol le c t ively h a s taken to the magnetism of Mr. Personality — and though they wonder exactly who he is, they sense the purity of his purpose. Mr. Personality, however unwittingly, is helping f ill the void left by the passing of Danny “Boomer” Bishop in April. In a completely different way, Boomer was Newnan’s original Mr. Personality. Sm a l l tow n s ne e d p e o ple l i ke B oomer, a nd M r. Personality. “I believe it’s a calling, in a way. I’m ma k i ng people happy, people are smiling.”
We need a reason to smile on bad days or a chance to talk with someone who wants to talk with you. Mr. Person-
ality is promoting his vision of kindness and friendship and we can only hope that we’re half as aware as he is.
Tea Room
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Carriage House 7412 E. Hwy 16 • Senoia 1 mile west of GA 85
Sidewalk Sale Downtown Newnan
Friday 8/30 & Saturday 8/31 9am-5pm
Once on a 3,000 Acre Cotton Plantation, the 1790’s Moss Oak Plantation will be on Tour
Labor Day Weekend
Fast Fun!
Sunrise on the Square
Road Race Saturday 8/31 7:45am Fun Run 8:00am 5K register online at active.com
www.mainstreetnewnan.com • 770-253-8283
Saturday 8/31, Sunday 9/1 and Monday 9/2 10:00 am-5:00 pm ($1 per person for tour)
Country Antiques & Gifts
The mansion is believed to be the oldest of its kind in Georgia and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Directions: Hwy. 34 West, 80 Charlie B. Johnston Road, Newnan at Powers’ Crossroads. Parking is available behind the Federal style mansion. Inquires: 770-583-2555
Hours: Friday & Saturday: 10 am - 5pm Sunday: 1 - 5 pm
Nancy & Bill Roy carriagehousesenoia.com
Owner, James D. Kornder, DVM, Ph.D., and family look forward to your visit and entertaining you with their music.
And, yes, there are Spirits! Be sure to visit the Powers Festival!