20130904 myc

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 September 4, 2013

148th Birthday

Subscription MyConnection Special Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald

Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7

See page 6 for details!

WORKING SMARTER Telework is business as usual for Newnan family

By Clay Neely clay@newnan.com

An alarm clock buzzes and we begrudgingly remove ourselves from the warm, inviting comfort of our beds and begin our morning rituals. For many, getting out the door and facing the new day unfortunately begins with a grueling commute to our places of work. We hop in our cars and right into the stop and go grind of morning traffic and all of its inevitable delays, all the while watching the clock tick away. By the time we arrive at our destination, our mood hasn’t cha nged much from the moment we woke. So, just what were those first few hours for anyway? What if we could regain this valuable time and begin our workday with a different perspective? For one couple, teleworking from their Newnan home is not only the “norm,” but it’s also a way of life they would never dream of giving up.

Meet Kent and Erin Smith. Erin is a program manager for Davaco Inc., a retail and hospitality service company based in Dallas. On any given day, she’s running teams from all across the country whose jobs are to ensure products from clients like Nike and Kenneth Cole are set up correctly for the specialty stores they will occupy. Her day begins at 8 a.m. and winds down around 5 p.m. As president of both Tattoo Artist Magazine and Tattoo Culture Magazine, Kent stays pretty busy. He recently founded his own website as well, Illustrated.monthly.com — a website which specializes in digital reference guides for artists. He wears many hats in business. “PR, administration, bookkeeping, art direction and janitor,” he laughs. “It’s even on my business card: ‘Vice President/ Janitor.’” Add a four-year-old daughter and a newborn son to the mix

and one might imagine things could get complicated quickly. Not so much. Erin and Kent have been working from home since 2006, and have established a routine maximizing the harmony between both productivity and a happy family life. Prior to her current role at Davaco, Erin has held three other positions, all via telecommuting. In fact, she was the first to incorporate Skype into her division. She grim ly reca lls the p e r i o d b e fo r e S k y p e w a s utilized. “Not only were we spending money flying out to meet the candidates, we were losing the candidates as well since we had to wait until a certain amount were eligible in order to even begin the interview process.” Sk y pe ch a nged t he pro cess and savings have been tremendous. The savings are seen from across the board

Photo by Clay Neely

Kent and Erin Smith have been teleworking full-time since 2006.

— from financial savings to smarter time management, not to mention the carbon footprint. “It just makes more sense,” she says . “I f a meet i ng is ca nceled, we simply move right along to the next order of business. We’re not stuck trying to catch a f light back or experiencing a high volume of downtime.” Erin recognizes that telework is still a growing phenomenon and the learning curve associated with using

Skype can be tricky. “Mainly operator issues,” she laughs. “We’ve conducted job interviews with candidates who have laundry baskets in the background, maybe a bathroom door is open. People still need to realize they are, in fact, still in a business atmosphere.” When the topic of possible distractions from home is brought up, Kent is quick to elaborate on the subject. Kent says a distraction-free environment is what led him to work from home.

Clean Sweep

Prior to working from home, Kent was running both of his publications out of an office. He often found himself distracted by people who liked to drop in and take a glimpse into the inner workings of an internationally-published magazine located in Newnan. Being at home allows Kent to manage his time more efficiently, thereby increasing his productivity and focus. Kent ack nowledges t hat

teleworking, page 4

i n s i de Bite-size d Recipes


Photo Courtesy Dave Smith


Sunset Sliders


Ben Butler, left, and Gillian Kaye came from Decatur and Gainesville, respectively, to participate in the Rivers Alive cleanup at Chattahoochee Bend.

Family Features

Volunteers clean Chattahoochee at state park

Happy Hour. A time of day renowned the world over for relaxing just before dinner with small bites and small pours. To create your own happy hour at home for family and friends, try a bitesized menu including ground beef sliders along with the recipes listed on page 6. Pair these flavorful dishes with food-friendly wines.

By Sarah Fay Campbell sarah@newnan.com

Volunteers recently pulled 560 pounds of trash out of the Chattahoochee River at Chattahoochee Bend State Park at one of more than 200 clean-up events in the state that were part of Rivers Alive 2013. There were 28 volunteers scouring the river at the event. Most worked from canoes or kayaks, with two cleaning from the bank. There have been several cleanups held along the park's river frontage in the past few years, and a lot of the larger debris has been removed. There were no shopping carts or refrigerators this time but there were lots of balls, a set of wooden steps, and a muddy Cabbage Patch doll. Because of heavy growth along the banks and high water levels there hasn’t been many opportunities for shoreside cleanup. There were plenty of volunteers for the

Sunset Sliders Photo by Sarah Campbell

This soggy Cabbage Patch doll was one of the more unusual things pulled from the Chattahoochee River.

event, said Steve St. Laurent, president of the Friends of Chattahoochee Bend State Park. But he's hoping for greater community involvement in the next few months as the friends group begins building new trails for the first time in a year-and-a-half. The next major event at the park will be held on Sept. 28. It’s a major volunteer day, as well as being “Your State Parks Day” throughout the state. Admission is free to state parks on that day. Those cleaning the river included locals as well as volunteers who heard about the cleanup on meetup.com. Ben Butler, Gillian Kaye and Gabriel Gomar came from Decatur and Gainesville for the cleanup. Gomar read about the cleanup on the meetup.com page and brought some friends. “I thought it was a lot of fun,” said Kaye. “We’re definitely coming back.”

Melanie Thrasher and Susan Meals were camping at Chattahoochee Bend when they heard about the cleanup. They were at the park to check out new kayaking spots, and decided to participate in the cleanup. “We’re very much into conservation, so this worked out perfectly,” Thrasher said. They weren’t able to get as much trash as they would have liked because the water was high, and it was moving quickly. The high river levels also covered up a lot of the trash. This was Anne Jensen’s second river cleanup. “It was a pretty day. It was a lot of fun to be on the water,” she said. There were no accidents, said Archie Davis. “Safety is more important than all the trash in the river,” he said. “Safety is

cleanup, page 4

Servings: 8 Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 6 to 8 minutes 1 pound lean ground beef (preferably grass fed) 1/2 cup finely chopped baby portabella mushrooms 1/4 cup minced shallots or red onion 1/4 cup Mirassou Sunset Red Wine 1 tablespoon minced fresh rosemary 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon sea salt Freshly ground pepper to taste 1/2 cup shredded aged Gouda cheese 8 brioche, ciabatta, or other small slider rolls 8 thin Roma tomato slices 4 strips cooked cherry wood or apple wood smoked bacon, broken in quarters 5 baby arugula leaves Using your hands, mix beef, mush­rooms, shallots, wine, rosemary, Dijon, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Shape into 8 very flat patties. Grill, broil or pan fry for 3 min­utes. Turn and top with cheese; cook for 2 minutes more. Serve on lightly toasted rolls with tomato, bacon and arugula. Recipe Tip: Dress arugula with a bit of olive oil and balsamic for extra flavor.

2 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, September 4, 2013



NEWNAN Market Day

Historic Downtown Newnan September 7 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The best home-grown, homemade or handmade products this side of Atlanta with over 60+ vendors! Stroll the streets of downtown and discover unique products.

Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com

Pickin’ on the Square

Historic Courthouse Square September 7 11:00 a.m. All musicians are invited to come down to Newnan’s Historic Courthouse Square and play. All music genres and skill levels are welcome. Acoustic only.

Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com

Backyard Association Meeting

Coweta County Fairgrounds September 10 7:00 p.m. Mike Cunningham of Country Gardens Farm will present a program on “Growing Your Own Organic Salad Garden through Fall a nd Wi nter.� Back ya rd Association is sponsored by the Coweta County Master Gardener Extension Volunteers.

Info: 770-254-2620 www.coweta.ga.us

1. Dads 6. Common inquiries 9. *You can place a football one in Vegas 13. Throat dangler 14. Australian runner 15. Man with a mission 16. Sans-_____ font 17. Day ___ 18. Deserving of respect? 19. Rains and snows together 21. *Start of the game 23. Greatest possible 24. Hit the road 25. Hair raiser 28. Affirmative 30. *A ______ defense uses five defensive backs 35. Smell 37. "____ the night before Christmas..." 39. Ronald Reagan's wife 40. Formerly Persia DOWN 41. Certain saxes 1. It causes inflammation 43. Cow sounds 2. They go north and south in NYC 44. Goes great with onions 3. Opposite of knit 46. *Most players must be still until this 4. Venusian, e.g. 47. Whimper 5. *Defensive score 48. Wiggle room 6. Come clean, with "up" 50. Moonfish It increases strength of signals U.S.D.A. Select U.S.D.A. Select7. Beef Beef 52. "___ the season ..." 8. San Francisco's 1906 event 53. Chapter 11 issue 9. Pitcher's illegal move 55. Mutt 10. Taro plant 57. *Final destination 11. Not kosher 61. Like Anthony Kiedis's group 12. Feudal laborer 64. Refined woman 15. Jelly ingredient 65. Caustic chemical 20. Kappa Alpha _____ 67. Star in Cygnus 22. Wayside stop 69. Cell phone bill item 24. Knickknackery 70. *Received when deplaning to attend 25. *Tailgating staple? the Pro Bowl? U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de26. pulpaCreepy corte completo sin hueso 71. Dough or cabbage 27. Furlough U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de pulpa corte completo sin hueso 72. Simon does this 29. Hole-making tools 73. Grass bristle 31. *Where football training happens 74. Correct 32. Flogger's tool

Fall activities are cranking up would be feasible. Alcohol can be served at functions via the From wine to music to food, owner of Jekyll and Hyde's, to art, to the fair to — well, who won the bid. Mo o r e s a i d t h e C e n t r e you get the idea — activities in Coweta County are hitting doesn't compete with privatelyowned venues. "We enhance high gear. About the Depot History each other," she said, "and refer Center, the former train depot clients to each other." on East Broad Street in downThe Centre's ballroom rents town Newnan, Barber said for $2,500 per weekend day and the carpet has been removed. $1,600 per weekday. "We're getting more reservaActivities through Septemtions since the parking lot has ber are: been improved with pavers,â€? • “Bye, Bye Birdie,â€? Newnan he said. Community Theatre ComSo far this year a total of pany, Sept. 5-8, Sept. 12-15. 5,278 people have gotten infor- • Market Day on the Square, mation from the Visitors Cendowntown Newnan, Sept. 7. ter in the historic 1904 Coweta • Wine/Food Pairing sponCourthouse. They are from sored by Senoia Historical nearly every state, with 136 Society, Sept. 7. from out of the country. Com• Country Comedy Tour, ments have included: "Love Centre for Performing and this downtown area," "Great to Visual Arts, Sept. 12. be back in Coweta County," and • Coweta County Fair, Pine "True Southern hospitality." Road, sponsored by Newnan Carol Moore, director of the Kiwanis Club, Sept. 19 - 28. Newnan Centre city meeting • Fall Art Walk, downtown facility, gave members of the Newnan, sponsored by Main bureau a tour of the new buildStreet, Sept. 20. ing, saying, "We can accomU.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh • “Night, modate 10 to 650 people." U.S.D.A.She Inspected FreshMother,â€? Newnan Community Theatre Comalso said a marketing survey pany, Sept. 26 - 29. is being done to see if a hotel

By Marianne Thomasson


33. Food safety threat 34. Plural of lysis 36. Was aware of 38. Cleaning bar 42. Elbow room 45. Radar + dome 49. Japanese capital 51. *Only 11 allowed here 54. Isabella Swan of "Twilight" 56. Watery discharge of the eyes 57. Plural of #14 Across 58. Org. with a mission 59. Normandy landing 60. Opposite of zigs 61. Bit attachment 62. In one case 63. Seaside bird 66. Coniferous tree 68. Made in the morning?

P l e a s e v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e @ ww ww ww .. m m yy ff oo oo dd dd ee pp oo tt .. cc oo mm !! Boneless Full Boneless Full Cut Cut


Round Steak Round Steak

$$ 44 44

Country CountryStyle Style


Pork Pork Ribs Ribs

$$ 35 35

Weather Connection




SEPTember 5-8 FRIDAY




U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre fresco

85Âş 56Âş

Solution on Page 6


84Âş 56Âş


The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts September 12 7:00 p.m.


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas de cerdo estilo campestre fresco



An all-clean, family friendly comedy show suitable for all age groups. The high-energy, interactive show makes the crowd a part of the action. Starring comedians MG Gaskin, Matt Mitchell, aka “Casio Kid", and Kelly Terranova. Tickets are $10.

Coweta Convention and Visitors Bureau

86Âş 57Âş


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U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Any Size Package

2 6 2 1 $ 18 $ 95 $ 38 $ 95

$ 95 $ 95 $ 18 $ 38 Pork Chops Steaks Ground Beef Pork Roast Fresh


U.S.D.A. Select Beef

5 lb. Bag







$Romaine............ 92 Hot Dogs.. 89 Wieners.. Bella Jumbo ¢ BolognaOr Ready Pac 10 oz. Bag


Makers........ Jumbo

Sugardale 16 oz. Pkg. All Meat

Hot Dogs..


Salchichas de carne o boloĂąa de carne, 12 onzas

Enorme salchichas de toda carne, 16 onzas

(certain restrictions apply)


90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd. Newnan, GA

Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.




Oscar Mayer 12 oz. Pkg.

¢ Bologna..... BolognaFresh Or


White 99 Wieners.. 89Mushrooms

Carnes de almuerzo refrigerantes, 4.5 onzas

Carnes de almuerzo refrigerantes, 4.5 onzas

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat


Salchichas, 12 onzas

1 98

$ All Meat 28 ¢ Oscar Mayer 12 oz. Pkg.

Bologna..... lb.


Gwaltney 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced

Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.




Gwaltney 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced



Gran salchichas, 16 onzas


Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.


Dogs....... Gran salchichas, 16 onzas

Salchichas, 12 onzas



lb. Center Cut Gusto Smoked






Eckrich 16 oz. All Meat

Salchicha, 12 onzas

$ 38 ¢ ¢ John Morrell 12 oz. Pkg.


Salchicha, 12 onzas

Spring Mix


3 13 201 20

every Published

ered free a d deliv ay an sday Wednesd

by The






May 22,


rald Times-He

Ready Pac 6 oz.


Start thet with Day Righ

PRatOBTreEakIN fast

INSIDE Breakfast with Protein Recipes Âł


and cravings orning off mid-m day. e you stave throughout the and includ full� so ier eating day right tips to “healthy to health start the these can stick whole family breakfast. Try Help your d of nutritious breakfast s in your AM: milk instea a good protein studie in in the al with too. right with day. In fact, ize prote ing oatme extra protein, the day An maxim your morn tarting the tone for your fast have better ds for ing meal. in. tests; break „ Make with almon with your morn ardized helps set kids who eat y prote Top . stand ces qualit milk water and of s of ite show that math, reading have fewer absen de a glass milk has 8 gram your favor on fast skip„ Inclu choose ion; and scores glass of to break thie and 8-ounce to pay attent compared smoo able ess, it with your own are better nces of tardin and pair „ Make coffee, ced fruit. and incide a balan of black it can be? in at each frozen instead fruit for the best of prote in a latte, pers. breakfast to 30 grams and some in prote „ Grab 20 But is your lly lower time to butter toast d with recommendfast is typica peanut e toppe important the right Experts e chees break ularly cottag while get meal. of meal, and meals, it’s a partic— to help you muffin, up a bowl diet . „ Whip whole grain as imthan other in in your and honey BLT with a o. be just prote fruit e can tomat fast in sts reciinclud e and e a break your prote rch sugge rathyour day. and lettuc ing a boost with „ Creat — start to when you have have, and resea y bacon morn the day lean turke to give your In fact, much you throughout ize how your om. ways as how stproject.c portant ding protein intake r — can optim include Find more .thebreakfa dinne sure you that sprea at lunch or making pes at www just means er than you feel it, and that fast. body uses at break fast can also help protein enough in-packed break A prote







16 oz. Pkg.





Smoked Link

Readers share , their likes dislikes

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Spring Mix

21 Tomatoes... 98

Roma $$ 58 68 Fresh





John Morrell 9 oz. Pkg.

Smoked Link


Bizcochos y salchicha, contenido 20


5¢ 1 Coca-Cola........... 99


2 literTennessee BottlesPride 20 ct. Box

All Brands

lb. All Brands 1.25 literBiscuits... Bottles Bizcochos y salchicha, contenido 20

6 85 1 1

s $ 59 ¢ Coca-Cola......... Powerade............ All Brands 2 liter Bottles Monster Singles, 16 oz. Cans 33 $$ 18 Coca-Cola......... Energy Drinks.. 2.5 lb. Family Pack All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles

99 65 85

Bar-S Smoked FD 090213-


All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles




Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles

Powerade............ Monster Singles, 16 oz. Cans

Energy Drinks..

NEWNAN $ 87 $ 68 5 2 3 lb. Family Pack

24 oz. Pkg.





16 oz. Pkg.

FD 090213- Page 1

ter Beef Franks ing Cen e Shopp

. Main St

Gr ei

124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263

Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 24 onzas

MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. •3 lb. SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. 3 lb. Family Pack Pkg. 2.5 lb. Family Pack



Tr a




East Gat





Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

Enorme salchichas de res, 16 onzas

12 oz. Pkg. Prices Effective September 2, 2013 Through September 8,Bar-S 2013. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible Bar-S for typographical orBar-S pictorial errors. Bar-S Sliced

Polish Sausage



Corn Dogs







Page 1


Bar-S Jumbo

Corn Dogs

Salchichas de enlace picante de paquete de familia, 3 libras


Grapes$ 59 Coca-Cola......... 6 $ 33 $ Coca-Cola......... 1 Sausage &58 $ 31 ¢

Salchichas pequeĂąos ahumado, 9 onzas


Hot Links

Tennessee Pride 16 oz. Roll

BoloĂąa de toda carne rebanado Salchicha italiano o Bratwurst, 19 regular o grueso, 16 onzasAll Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can onzas s

Meat Bologna


lb. ¢ Biscuits... $ 31 Fresh

Salchichas pequeĂąos ahumado, 9 onzas

16 oz. Regular Or Thick


98 ¢ Seedless Hot or Mild $ 29 White Tennessee Pride 20 ct. Box

Eckrich 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced

Bar-S Sliced

Cooked Ham






Salchicha italiano o Bratwurst, 19 onzas

Egg Plant..................... Sausage &

John Morrell 9 oz. Pkg.

Sausage... Meat ¢ All Bologna.....

3 91 Salchichas de carne enorme o tamaĂąo de bollo, 16 onzas

Tennessee Pride 16 oz. Roll

BoloĂąa de toda carne rebanado regular o grueso, 16 onzas

Great Low on Name Brand Roma ¢ Spinach $ 58 Prices Ready Pac 6 oz.


2 $1238


Eckrich 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced


John Morrell


$ 77

Pork Loin Chops Pork Chops or Mild $ 68 29 ¢ All 3/$ Yellow or White¢ Hot $ 77 $ Meat18 Bologna..... Sausage... Fresh lb. Corn............... lb.

3 Lb. Bag ¢ Jumbo Fresh Gala Franks.....


$2 28


lb. U.S.D.A. Inspected ea. Quarterloin

Salchichas de carne enorme o tamaĂąo de bollo, 16 onzas

12 oz. Pkg.

lb. Tomatoes

$ 18

48 97 91

BoloĂąa de carne rebanado grueso 12 onzas

Pork LoinSlicing Chops



Eckrich 16 oz. All Meat

Center Cut

Pork Chops


lb. Any Size Package Fresh

BoloĂąa de carne rebanado grueso 12 onzas

Salchichas de carne o boloĂąa de carne, 12 onzas



$ 92

Ground Chuck Fresh Southern ¢ Great ¢ Jumbo $ 92 Peaches Bologna.. Franks..... ea. lb. lb.

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat

Sugardale 16 oz. Pkg. All Meat

Gusto SmokedFresh

U.S.D.A. Inspected

lb. Cucumbers

lb. U.S.D.A. Select Beef Boneless ea. Sirloin Tip



Ground Chuck Green



Chuck Patties


95 3 78 $ $ 99 7895 2 3 $ 78 298



Russetlb. Potatoes

$ 92


Any Size Package

Boneless Sirloin Tip

Chuck Patties Food Depot Roast



Center Cut Loin

Boston Butt

2 2 6 581 21 lb.

Italiano Salad Mix...... All Meat


U.S.D.A. Inspected Boneless

U.S.D.A. Inspected



Ready Pac 10 oz. Bag


Pork Chops

Pork Roast

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Any Size Package

Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.


Center Cut Loin

Boston Butt


Ground Beef

Enorme salchichas de toda carne, 16 onzas

Starting at

U.S.D.A. Inspected Boneless

U.S.D.A. Inspected



Smoked Bacon



Wednesday, September 4, 2013   |  MyConnection 3

Community Connection

How dry we ain’t This summer has been so soggy my skin is growing mildew. Forget Waldo. Most residents of the Deep South are wondering, “Where’s the sun?” The lucky Southerners are the ones who’ve turned their bass boats into moving vans and headed for drier pastures. In tough times like these I can usually scrape up a few light-hearted news tidbits to chase the blues away. Right now, such stories are in short supply. Even in Florida, which normally generates enough side-splitting news stories to put a smile on the sourest puss. Things are so bad in the Sunshine State some residents have even forgotten why they go to the beach. According to Barbara Hijek of the South Florida SunSentinel, Leyla Denise Aykin recently got a Florida State Trooper’s attention by doing 87 in a 70 mph zone. The trooper wasn’t surprised that Aykin’s left arm was sticking out the window. But her left leg was, too, which is considered poor motoring, even in Florida. Once Aykin was pulled over, things really got strange. The incident report said when the lawman approached Aykin, she “appeared high” and had a “lights on, nobody home” expression. When asked to place her h a nd s on t he c a r, Ayk i n recited what she called a Muslim prayer. Appearing high and invoking Allah at traffic stops are common events in Florida, but the trooper reports he got nervous when Aykin told him, “she wanted to taste me and gaze through me.” She t hen s a id she wa s headed for the beach so she could “taste the ocean.” The best part? She was completely sober. Not a trace of booze or drugs in her system. All the trooper found was a bag of green stuff later identified as “stinging nettle.” Aykin said she used it to make tea. A lt houg h Ayk i n te ste d clean, the trooper still felt she shouldn’t drive. He asked if he could call someone to pick her up. She said, “Jesus.” That’s exactly what I said when I read the story. When it rains so much that

ALEX mcrae

legally-sober Florida residents want to “taste” the ocean, t h i ngs a re def i n itely out of whack. And don’t get me started on what wet weather does to your hair. People say when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. What do you make when life gives you water? Mud? To find out, I researched the habits of people who walk on the wet side. Rain falls 149 days per year in Seattle. How do people cope? Some can't, which is why the state of Washington legalized suicide in 2008. Last year, Washington lawmakers legalized the use of marijuana for those who felt death was a bit drastic. Neither law stopped the rain, but Washington residents seem determined to muddle through. Recently, thousands of people who hadn’t yet committed suicide packed downtown Seattle for Hempfest, a funfilled event where dope smokers hang out and get high. Hempfest is so hip that people actually seek out secondhand smoke and suck it up. Especially during the complimentary Cheech & Chong movies. Stoners also enjoyed free Doritos passed out by the Seattle cops. The Dorito bags came complete with printed l a b el s rem i nd i n g p e ople attending the event that using pot in public was illegal. The label also said cops wouldn’t write tickets to anyone who broke the law. Com i ng soon to a t heater near you: “Senseless in Seattle.” On the bright side, no one at Hempfest complained about the rain or committed suicide. It’s a blessing. Speaking of which, if the Georgia rain doesn’t let up soon, I may start spending more time at church. Even if my prayers for sunshine go unanswered, I might pick up some tips about walking on water.

What happened to pencil and paper? A few of weeks ago the SONs of Thunder tornadoed into the Little Black Dress’ bedroom at 6 a.m. Yes, it’s the LBD’s bedroom. I just sleep there — that is, after I remove the countless pillows and other decor that turns the bed from a bed to some Southern Living magazine cover. I digress. The cause of this eruption was the first day of school. And apparently I had to get up right that very second to ensure the SONs would make it to school just two hours later. The Dress got up and made brea kfast because apparently they would die of malnourishment if they didn’t eat the Paul Bunyan breakfast she manufactured that involved just about everything in the fridge. They ate more that morning than all the breakfasts during the summer combined. Which is sort of a lie, because there is no such thing as break-


fast in the summer. It’s more like late brunch or just plain lunch or early dinner. The SONs have a tendency to sleep in when school is not in session. Anyway. So school is back and the SONs are prepped. By prepped I mean our dining room table is covered with what are known as “supplies.” Lord help me. Said purchase of the myriad of so-called necessary supplies has taken a couple of weeks to gather. I have not had dinner on that table since. There is no room. I can understand a couple of pencils, maybe a spiral note-

book or two, and even some loose leaf paper. But no. Because the wonderful educators have been so kind to provide a supply list. We need wipes and a ziploc bag and facial tissue and the aforementioned spiral notebooks that must be in different colors and dry erasers and glue sticks (don’t get me going on the glue sticks) and crayons and dividers. But wait, there’s more. Scissors and folders and even more glue sticks — the term used was “lots,” and highlighters of assorted colors and sizes, clorox wipes, hand sanitizer (what happened to sleeves?), index ca rds a nd colored pencils. The latter must be sharpened. There’s more, but I think you get the point. And to top it off, we have new school clothes. This is something I really don’t understand. By that I mean, why do I need to spend a couple of car payments on school clothes?

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What’s wrong with what they were wearing yesterday? The Dress says I must not have had a childhood. To finish the various ensembles, the SONs are also adorned with the latest hip footwear, which a ll I ca n f ig ure out involves the brightest neon colors imaginable. Whatever became of Converse high tops? After discovering the cost of said shoes, I tried to ask, again, what was wrong with the shoes they had on the day before. I also tried to highlight the fact they had feet so the footwear was really irrelevant anyway. The Dress brought up that whole childhood thing again. School is back and the routine is slowly reforming. And the excitement is starting to wear off. The SONs are taking a little bit longer each morning to arise. I know we will be back in full routine mode when I once again use the water guns to get them up.

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4 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Community Connection

Teleworking Continued from page 1 Newnan’s new Main Street manager, Courtney Collins.

Newnan welcomes new Main Street manager By Clay Neely clay@newnan.com

Main Street Newnan has a new program manager, Courtney Collins. Collins comes to Newnan with a background in historic preservation and a love for the “heart and soul” of downtown. She finished her master’s of Heritage Preservation in Historic Preservation from Georgia State University in May 2013, and her focus was in historic preservation planning. While in graduate school, she worked for the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation as a

member of the Rhodes Hall event staff, and as an intern for the development department. Collins is a graduate of Georgia Southern University, where she earned a B.A in history. She is originally from Columbus, Ga., and is a graduate of Harris County High School. The enthusiasm that Collins has expressed toward Newnan’s Main Street program is something she hopes to share with the community. For more information about Main Street Newnan, its activities and initiatives, visit www. mainstreetnewnan.com.

Community and student string musicians invited to join Centre Strings Orchestra By Staff Reports education@newnan.com

The 201 3-2014 season of Centre Strings — Coweta County's only community/student string orchestra — will begin with the first rehearsal on Tuesday, September 10. Anyone who has played an orchestral string instrument (violin, viola, cello, or bass) for two years or more, is welcome to join Centre Strings in rehearsals for future concerts. Current members range from the ages of 8 to 84. Rehearsals are being held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at Central Education Center. Centre Strings holds no forma l auditions. “Centre Strings was built on the premise that music should not be competitive,” said the Music Director and Conductor for Centre Strings Dr. Lyn Schen-

beck. “With the exception of the concertmaster's named chair, none of the seats are auditioned. Seats are rotated throughout the season.” This season, members will perform music by George Frideric Handel, Nicolai RimskyKorsakov, Jacques Offenbach, and Leroy Anderson — among others. “If someone plays an orchestral instrument, I hope they would consider joining Centre Strings. I am certain they will enjoy the warmth and camaraderie of the orchestra, while maintaining high standards of musical excellence,” said Schenbeck. For further information on the concert or Centre Strings, please call the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts on Lower Fayetteville Road in Newnan at 770-254-2787 or Dr. Schenbeck at 678-423-2000, ext. 230

Cleaup Continued from page 1

number one. Trash is a bonus." And there was "quite a lot of it for the river to be up this high." T here ha s been a lot of "resource management" work going on at the park lately, said Park Manager Tim Banks, and the river cleanup is a great complement to that. There has been work on replacing invasive plant species with natives. Two weeks ago, Boy Scouts participated in an eagle project to place duck nesting boxes in the 35 acre wetland area. Owl boxes have also been hung, as have some bat boxes. Cowet a Fayet te E MC donated poles for the bat boxes, Banks said. The boxes can hold up to 100 bats, and hopes are to have a very healthy bat population. A bat can eat twice its weight in insects every night. Thanks to the bats, "we hope to be fairly mosquito-free in a few years," Banks said. For more information on the Friends of Chattahoochee Bend, visit www.BendFriend. com. For more information on Chattahoochee Bend State Park, visit www.GaStateParks. org/Chattahoochee Bend or call 770-254-7271.

t here a re d i st rac t ion s i n almost any kind of work environment. However, he finds the home distractions much easier to manage than those in a standard workplace. His deadlines remain the same but his schedule is malleable, allowing him to take care of things that matter most to him: picking up his daughter from school, having lunch with his family or being there for Erin when things get busy on her end. “When I was working in an office atmosphere, the 9 to 5 mentality was so prevalent,” he recalls. “At the end of the day, you’re more focused on simply getting out of work so you can rush home to do all the things you weren’t able to from the office. You miss your children.” Kent shakes his head, “Oh, never again.” “ Wa k i ng up at 6 i n t he morning so I could start the 40-minute commute to the office only to get off at 5 and begin the long grind home. If you’ve already had a rough day at work, a brutal commute home will only exacerbate it. It’s not difficult to understand how road rage is so prevalent.” Erin also experienced the pros and cons of telework and admits there are some aspects she misses about working onsite. As a young woman in the workforce, Erin wanted to learn as much as she could from those above her. Due to the constraints of working from home, she understood that she simply had to try harder to obtain these things. “ You have to be able to push yourself,” she elaborates. “Because of the nature of telework, it’s imperative that you must go above and beyond in terms of standard learning and going the extra mile to foster a working dynamic between you and those above you.” “That’s the only thing I really missed about an office atmosphere — the mentor piece. It’s certainly doable, but you have to really try and have someone on the other end who is willing to do the same.” With telecommuting becoming a new and effective method of work over the last 10 years, some people may envision a more laissez-faire approach to working from

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have to work with your spouse all day? How can you stand it?’” “Well, it’s pretty great, actually,” smiles Kent. “She’s my best friend, I married her for a reason and we’re working hard all day. We really don’t have much time for chit-chat. I’m firmly ensconced in my work and so is she. That’s where time management is paramount. We make time at lunch to discuss family and personal matters. Otherwise, our heads are directly in a work space.” Erin understa nds that this method of work isn’t for everyone. Speaking to the current suspension of telework by Yahoo CEO Ma rissa Mayer, Erin sympathizes. “If your numbers are down and you need a collaborative effort, I can understand her point of view. It’s not for every company.” But things are much different now than when Kent and Erin first began telecommut-

ing in 2006. “The entire nature of the business model has changed,” she says. “The utilization of Skype along with new programs that allow clients to interface online simply didn’t exist before.” “Now the quality of life is immensely different, and for the better, along with the quality of work.” Both Kent and Erin are living proof of the efficiency and practicality of telework. With a proven success record of seven years and counting, they still field the occasional query from friends regarding their independent work from home. With the arrival of their newborn son just a few weeks ago, Erin’s found herself fielding a question from a friend: “Are you really going into labor or do you just want to skip this meeting?”

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Corner Arts Gallery 14 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 678-633-5705


ASSISTED LIVING Savannah Court Personal Care Home Community 27 Belt Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-251-6639 www.savannahcourtnewnan.com


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Jeanne Royal weighs the many bags of trash pulled out of the Chattahoochee River.

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home. The Smiths emphatically refute the notion. Erin spends a good amount of her workday communicating with company teams from across the country, ensuring that every criteria is met and any problems or questions are resolved in a timely manner. “It takes diligence to stay in the forefront of people’s minds. They can’t see you at home working hard, but they can see my assistant in the office with her nose to the grindstone.” Erin laughs, “She’s working so hard because I’m making the work for her!” In terms of her ability to communicate with others, Erin’s record speaks for itself. When her company wanted to promote her to an on-site position at their home office in Dallas, Erin had to pitch to the president of the $100 million dollar corporation her desire to not only remain in Atlanta but also her ability to make the off-site proposition work. It was a successful pitch. “Needless to say, you have to be extremely self-motivated,” she smiles. “I made it very clear what my intention was. Excellent communication skills are the key to this job.” Because of her unique working position, Erin didn’t have to choose between a corporate career and being a mom. “I’m extraordinarily lucky. I love my job and working in a corporate setting, but because we live in Newnan, I can’t see myself having to give up so much time for my children just so I can commute back and forth to Atlanta. It’s not fair as a parent. You miss so much of what’s happening with your kids. You’re only seeing them on the weekends.” So how does a married couple handle working and living under the same roof? Kent has fielded the query so many times at this point. “It’s always ‘Oh my gosh, you

TNT Antiques & Auction 18 East Hwy. 16 Newnan, GA 30263 678-469-3224 or 404-933-5627 www.TNTAntiquesandAuction.com


Wedowee Marine Jet Boats, Outboards, etc. 21130 Hwy. 431 Wedowee, AL 36278 800-780-2045 www.WedoweeMarine.com


Encore Decor Consignment Shop Fine Furniture/Home Decor 8 East Court Sq., Newnan facebook.com/encoredecorinnewnan


Vining Stone 211 Stewart Road Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-252-6336 www.viningstone.com OPEN TO THE PUBLIC


Jack Peek’s Sales, Inc. 576 Main Street Palmetto, GA 30268 770-463-3156 www.jackpeekssales.com

MATTRESSES Good Gettins Dealer for Name Brand Mattress Seconds and Such 152 Temple Ave., Newnan 678-552-4680 www.goodgettins.com


Strong Arms In A Truck 4046 Sharpsburg McCollum Rd. Newnan, GA 30265 770-304-5961 www.strongarmsinatruck.net


Sullivan Piano Beginner Piano Lessons Allison Sullivan 678-378-7126 or 770-253-9908 sullivanpiano.weebly.com

The Pink Hanger Consignment PLUMBING 3339 Hwy 34. E., Suite H Sharpsburg, GA 30277 Victor Moody Plumbing 770-683-3164 1016 Bexton Road www.thepinkhangerconsignment.com Moreland, GA 30259 770-251-4751


Sells Properties Coweta County Rental Homes 770-301-8786 or 770-583-8864 www.JimSells.com


R. DuBose Jewelers (Formerly R.S. Mann) 5 Greenville Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-4713 www.rdubosejewelers.com


PUBLISHING The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.times-herald.com Newnan-Coweta Magazine 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.newnancowetamag.com


Roscoe Roofing & Gutters Free Estimates Will Davis 770-328-0589 wodavisusa@gmail.com


Carolyn Barron Montessori School 195 Jackson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-2135 www.CBMS.net


4 Shoe Repair If the shoe fits - Repair it 1003 Hogansville Road, Suite B LaGrange, GA 30240 706-884-4180


Rebel Reelers Square Dance Club Coweta Country Recreation Dept. 39 Hospital Road, Newnan 770-463-0024 or 770-617-1211 www.rebelreelers.org


Annex Storage & U-Haul 305 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 1-866-673-2865 www.AnnexStorage.com

TATTOOS & PIERCING Cornerstone Tattoo Gallery Custom, Upscale Tattoo Shop 48 Main St., Senoia 770-599-6782 www.cornerstonetattoos.com


Coweta Medical Center F.D. Bass, M.D., F.A.C.S. 32 Jackson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-251-5597

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013   |  MyConnection 5


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6 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, September 4, 2013


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Meet NewNaN’s Newest OrthOpaedic specialist Cherry Bread Pudding Servings: 8 to 10 Prep time: 20 minutes Stand time: 2 to 8 hours Cook time: 30 to 35 minutes 3 1/3 cups half and half 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract 4 eggs 8 cups (1-inch cubes) Challah or other sweet, eggy bread, lightly toasted 1 can (15 ounces) pitted sweet cherries, well drained 3 to 4 tablespoons coarse sugar Whisk together half and half, sugar, extracts and eggs until well mixed. Place in a 13 x 9-inch baking dish and add bread cubes. Stir lightly and push cubes down to coat completely with mixture; cover and refrigerate for 2 to 8 hours. Preheat oven to 325°F and lightly butter 8 to 10 small (about 1 cup) ramekins. Fold cherries into bread mixture and spoon into ramekins; sprinkle with coarse sugar. Place on a baking sheet and cook for 30 to 35 minutes or until puffed and golden brown.

Sweet Potato Fries with Spiced Aioli Servings: 8 to 10 Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Spice Mix: 2 teaspoons garam masala 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon curry 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic Aioli: 3 to 4 cloves garlic 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon sea salt Freshly ground pepper to taste Fries: 2 pounds sweet potatoes 2 pounds yams Vegetable oil for frying 1 teaspoon sea salt Stir together all spice mix ingredients in a small bowl; set aside. Drop garlic cloves into a blender or food processor with Stir together all spice mix ingredients in a small bowl; set aside. Drop garlic cloves into a blender or food processor with the motor running. Add egg yolks and lemon juice and process briefly. Add oil in a slow, steady stream until mixture becomes thick and creamy. Stir in 2 tea­spoons of spice mix and season with salt and pepper. Cover and refrig­erate until ready to serve. To prepare fries, peel potatoes and cut into long 1/4- to 1/2-inch-thick strips; place in a large bowl of ice water to keep from brown­ing. Remove a handful at a time and pat very dry between paper towels. Drop into 1 inch of hot oil (oil is hot enough when a few drops of water added start to pop) and cook for 5 to 7 min­utes or until lightly browned, stirring occa­sionally. Drain well on paper towels and repeat with remain­ing potatoes. (Keep warm in a 300°F oven.) Place in a large bowl and toss with remaining sea salt and spice mixture. Serve imme­di­ately with aioli.

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Cool, sweet take on the summer sandwich buffet

East Coweta freshman scores as contest winner

— page 1B

— page 6A


Recycling center OK’d on Hwy. 16 By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com

Photo Gallery Find photos of local events, sports, celebrations, plus much more at


Melanie Perry

Perry named Moreland principal T he Coweta Cou nt y Board of Education appointed Melanie Perry as Moreland Elementary School’s new principal during a called board meeting on Tuesday. Perry, a 14-year educator, began her career in education at Moreland Elementary School in 1999, when she taught first grade. From 2002 to 2007, she taught second grade there a nd then served as the school’s instructional coach from 2007 to 2011. Since 2011, she has served as the assistant principal at Moreland. Perry earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from North Georgia College in 1991, her teaching certif ication in Early Childhood Education from Mercer University in 1999, her master’s in educational leadership from the University of West Georgia

The Coweta County Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday to grant a conditional use permit for a recycling center on Hwy. 16 West/Carrollton Highway near the Hwy. 34 Bypass, while reducing a condition that forbid the “collection or storage

of garbage” on the property. The 9.43-acre site will be Several variance used for the sorting of recyclaapproved for Fischer ble material, which will then be shipped to other locations for Crossings, page 2A final processing. The applicant is Total Recycling of Georgia LLC, and the different things garbage,” said owners of the property are OliZoning Administrator Angela ver and Beth Gentry. “In talking with the applicant White. “We wanted to make and their engineer, we all call sure everyone understands —

we don’t want trash building up on that site.” T he word “ga rbage” is changed to “putrescible waste” as defined by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. Putrescible waste is essentially anything that can rot, such as kitchen scraps, food, and human and animal waste. Com m i s sioner A l Sm it h asked Gentry if they would be

doing metals recycling. “A ny ti me you get a permit, metals is involved,” Gentry said. “But our main focus is plastics, cardboard and paper.” Chairman Bob Blackburn asked if Gentry had visited neighbors and discussed his plans, and he said he had. “I commend you for that,”

• USA Weekend print edition • Newnan-Coweta Magazine - 6 issues per year • Annual Coweta Living magazine



Conference center opens today

Coweta Living

a1 thursday


By CELIA SHORTT celia@newnan.com

Guests arrive at the

newly-completed Newnan Centre for Tuesday’s black-tie gala. Plans are under way to construct a second entrance to the property from Lower Fayetteville Road to handle traffic with there are events at both the meeting facility and the neighboring Centre for Performing and Visual Arts.



Play On

Coweta’s flourishing music scene

The grand opening of the long-awa ited city New na n Centre events facility located next to the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts on Lower Fayetteville Road will be today at 10 a.m. Those involved with the building of the facility celebrated at a black-tie ga la Tuesday. The Newnan Centre will be a multi-use facility for the city, businesses, and members of the community. Newnan Mayor Keith Brady and members of the Newnan City Council will officially cut the ribbon to open the facility and begin the day’s festivities. A dedication and light refreshments will follow. Newnan Convention Cen-

Cool, sweet take on the summer sandwich buffet

— page 6A

— page 1B



East Coweta freshman scores as contest winner

Cool, sweet take on the summer sandwich buffet

— page 6A

— page 1B


Recycling center OK’d on Hwy. 16

Recycling center OK’d on Hwy. 16 By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com

Melanie Perry

Perry named Moreland principal


T he Coweta Cou nt y Board of Education appointed Melanie Perry as Moreland Elementary School’s new principal during a called board meeting on Tuesday. Perry, a 14-year educator, began her career in education at Moreland Elementary School in 1999, when she taught first grade. From 2002 to 2007, she taught second grade there a nd then served as the school’s instructional coach from 2007 to 2011. Since 2011, she has served as the assistant principal at Moreland. Perry earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from North Georgia College in 1991, her teaching certif ication in Early Childhood Education from Mercer University in 1999, her master’s in educational leadership from the University of West Georgia in 2005, and her educational specialist degree from the University of West Georgia in 2007. Perry will succeed Beverly Yeager, who is retiring at the end of June. Yeager is a 33-year educator who has served as Moreland Elementary School’s principal since 1988.


share poetry and fiction


East Coweta freshman scores as contest winner COWETACOMMISSION

Beauty and history in

(including thousands of unpublished photos!)

Digital Editions

a1 thursday



The Coweta County Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday to grant a conditional use permit for a recycling center on Hwy. 16 West/Carrollton Highway near the Hwy. 34 Bypass, while reducing a condition that forbid the “collection or storage

of garbage” on the property. The 9.43-acre site will be Several variance used for the sorting of recyclaapproved for Fischer ble material, which will then be shipped to other locations for Crossings, page 2A final processing. The applicant is Total Recycling of Georgia LLC, and the different things garbage,” said owners of the property are OliZoning Administrator Angela ver and Beth Gentry. White. “We wanted to make “In talking with the applicant and their engineer, we all call sure everyone understands —

we don’t want trash building up on that site.” T he word “ga rbage” is changed to “putrescible waste” as defined by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. Putrescible waste is essentially anything that can rot, such as kitchen scraps, food, and human and animal waste. Com m i s sioner A l Sm it h asked Gentry if they would be

doing metals recycling. “A ny ti me you get a permit, metals is involved,” Gentry said. “But our main focus is plastics, cardboard and paper.” Chairman Bob Blackburn asked if Gentry had visited neighbors and discussed his plans, and he said he had. “I commend you for that,”



Conference center opens today By CELIA SHORTT celia@newnan.com

Guests arrive at the

newly-completed Newnan Centre for Tuesday’s black-tie gala. Plans are under way to construct a second entrance to the property from Lower Fayetteville Road to handle traffic with there are events at both the meeting facility and the neighboring Centre for Performing and Visual Arts.

Senoia’s water needs

The grand opening of the long-awa ited city New na n Centre events facility located next to the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts on Lower Fayetteville Road will be today at 10 a.m. Those involved with the building of the facility celebrated at a black-tie ga la Tuesday. The Newnan Centre will be a multi-use facility for the city, businesses, and members of the community. Newnan Mayor Keith Brady and members of the Newnan City Council will officially cut the ribbon to open the facility and begin the day’s festivities. A dedication and light refreshments will follow. Newnan Convention Center Authority Chairman Parks Avery said he is excited about the new facility and what it means for Newnan and Coweta County. “This is going to be a cool place,” he said as the finishing touches were being made in April. “We are going to start seeing a ton of change all at once. Everything is going to start coming in at a quick pace.” Groundbreaking for the center took place in August 2011. Early in 2012, delays began when the contractor, D. Dean a nd A s so c i ate s , h ad c a sh flow problems and a replacement had to be found. Headley Construction of Newnan was

of garbage” on the property. The 9.43-acre site will be Several variance used for the sorting of recyclaapproved for Fischer ble material, which will then be The Coweta County Board shipped to other locations for Crossings, page 2A of Commissioners voted Tues- final processing. day to grant a conditional use The applicant is Total Recypermit for a recycling center on cling of Georgia LLC, and the different things garbage,” said Hwy. 16 West/Carrollton High- owners of the property are OliZoning Administrator Angela way near the Hwy. 34 Bypass, ver and Beth Gentry. while reducing a condition that “In talking with the applicant White. “We wanted to make forbid the “collection or storage and their engineer, we all call sure everyone understands —

By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com

Melanie Perry

Perry named Moreland principal T he Coweta Cou nt y Board of Education appointed Melanie Perry as Moreland Elementary School’s new principal during a called board meeting on Tuesday. Perry, a 14-year educator, began her career in education at Moreland Elementary School in 1999, when she taught first grade. From 2002 to 2007, she taught second grade there a nd then served as the school’s instructional coach from 2007 to 2011. Since 2011, she has served as the assistant principal at Moreland. Perry earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from North Georgia College in 1991, her teaching certif ication in Early Childhood Education from Mercer University in 1999, her master’s in educational leadership from the University of West Georgia in 2005, and her educational specialist degree from the University of West Georgia in 2007. Perry will succeed Beverly Yeager, who is retiring at the end of June. Yeager is a 33-year educator who has served as Moreland Elementary School’s principal since 1988.

Senoia’s water needs grow along with town By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com

If Senoia wants to continue to grow, the city needs more water. C u r r e n t l y, t h e c i t y ’s water system does fine in the winter, early spring and late fall. But during the hot and dry times, it has to buy water from the Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority. The city’s water plant can treat twice the amount of water it currently treats, if it had the supply. The city is currently limited by its permit that only allows 300,000 gallons a day to be withdrawn from the reservoir on Keg Creek. City Administrator Richard Ferry and the Senoia Cit y Cou nci l d iscussed options at Monday’s council meeting. The city currently has an agreement with the Coweta Wa t e r a n d S e w e r a g e Authority to use the authority’s water when needed, but there is no contract.


we don’t want trash building up doing metals recycling. on that site.” “A ny ti me you get a perT h e w o r d “ g a r b a g e ” i s mit, metals is involved,” Genchanged to “putrescible waste” try said. “But our main focus is as defined by the Georgia Envi- plastics, cardboard and paper.” ronmental Protection Division. Chairman Bob Blackburn Putrescible waste is essentially asked if Gentry had visited anything that can rot, such neighbors and discussed his as kitchen scraps, food, and plans, and he said he had. human and animal waste. “I commend you for that,” Com m i s sioner A l Sm it h SEE CENTER, page 2A asked Gentry if they would be


Conference center opens today By CELIA SHORTT celia@newnan.com

Guests arrive at the

newly-completed Newnan Centre for Tuesday’s black-tie gala. Plans are under way to construct a second entrance to the property from Lower Fayetteville Road to handle traffic with there are events at both the meeting facility and the neighboring Centre for Performing and Visual Arts.

PhotoS by JeFFrey Leo

The grand opening of the long-awa ited city New na n Centre events facility located next to the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts on Lower Fayetteville Road will be today at 10 a.m. Those involved with the building of the facility celebrated at a black-tie ga la Tuesday. The Newnan Centre will be a multi-use facility for the city, businesses, and members of the community. Newnan Mayor Keith Brady and members of the Newnan City Council will officially cut the ribbon to open the facility and begin the day’s festivities. A dedication and light refreshments will follow. Newnan Convention Center Authority Chairman Parks Avery said he is excited about the new facility and what it means for Newnan and Coweta County. “This is going to be a cool place,” he said as the finishing touches were being made in April. “We are going to start seeing a ton of change all at once. Everything is going to start coming in at a quick pace.” Groundbreaking for the center took place in August 2011. Early in 2012, delays began when the contractor, D. Dean a nd A s so c i ate s , h ad c a sh flow problems and a replacement had to be found. Headley Construction of Newnan was

The entrance lobby of the city’s Newnan Centre meeting facility has the feel of a luxury hotel.


Euro Auctions gets temporary approval company had formally requested The biggest requirement is the wasn’t completed the last time she permission to move forward. planting of a 20-foot-wide buffer visited the property, but “hopeThe European equipment auc- around the area where the equip- fully it will be” by the time of the The Coweta County Board of tion company purchased the old ment to be auctioned will be auction. The issue was added to the Commissioners voted to grant Adesa auto auction property on stored. Other remaining issues a temporary certificate of occu- Raymond Hill Road along Inter- are establishment of handicapped agenda for Tuesday’s commission meeting. pancy to Euro Auctions USA for state 85 last fall, and has scheduled parking and the marking of a fire “I wasn’t even aware that they lane. its upcoming opening auction at its first auction for June 26. But there is work that needs to County Development Review were asking for this,” said Robert the north Coweta property, but Tolleson, director of Planning and commissioners expressed displea- be done on the property before it is Technician Teresa Crow said the sure Tuesday that nobody with the considered up to code. handicapped parking striping SEE AUCTION, page 2A

By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com

Robert Tolleson

‘Murder in Coweta County’ movie producer to speak at events Two nights of planned activi- house in downtown Newnan, the movie, and some who were der that took place in 1948 and dict was read there on June 18, ties will take place July 10-11 as one of the movie’s producers, extras in the production will pitted John Wallace of Meri- 1948 – 65 years ago this week. wether County against Coweta the city of Newnan and Coweta Dick Atkins, will give a pre- talk about their experiences. Light refreshments will folThe next evening, July 11, at 7 County Sheriff Lamar Potts. low both of the July events and County partner to celebrate sentation and talk about what the story of “Murder in Coweta went into turning local author p.m. at the Carnegie Library on The trial was the first in Geor- there is no charge to attend. County,” which aired on CBS Margaret’s Anne Barnes’ book the Court Square, Atkins will gia in which a white man was For more information, contelevision network 31 years ago. into a made-for-TV movie star- talk about the production of the convicted on the testimony of According to Coweta County ring Andy Griffith and Johnny movie, followed by a screening black witnesses. The trial was tact the Coweta County Conheld in the second floor court- vention & Visitors Bureau at events services coordinator Cash. In addition, several local of the movie. “Murder in Coweta County” room at the Coweta County 770-254-2627 or the Carnegie Tray Baggarly, on July 10 at 7 residents will display memorap.m. in the historic 1904 Court- bilia they have associated with is the true story of a brutal mur- courthouse, and the guilty ver- Library at 770-683-1347.

INSIDE Obituaries .................... 3A Comics .................... 8A, 9A Community Forum ..... 4A Classifieds ................... 10A Sports .......................... 6A Food .............................1B


84° | 66°

Small chance of rain


84° | 66° 20 percent chance of rain


84° | 68° 50 percent chance of rain


88° | 68°

50 percent chance of thunderstorms

Rainfall (in inches)

Yesterday (as of 7 p.m.) 0.00 Monthly total 5.34 Year-to-date 29.74

grow along Coweta’s Local Daily Newspaper, Published 5 Days a Week with town PhotoS by JeFFrey Leo

The entrance lobby of the city’s Newnan Centre meeting facility has the feel of a luxury hotel.


By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com

Euro 30263 Auctions gets temporary approval 16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA • times-herald.com

er by To ord all ,c e phon

If Senoia wants to continue to grow, the city needs more water. C u r r e n t l y, t h e c i t y ’s water system does fine in the winter, early spring and late fall. But during the hot and dry times, it has to buy water from the Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority. The city’s water plant can treat twice the amount of water it currently treats, if it had the supply. The city is currently limited by its permit that only allows 300,000 gallons a day to be withdrawn from the reservoir on Keg Creek. City Administrator Richard Ferry and the Senoia Cit y Cou nci l d iscussed options at Monday’s council meeting. The city currently has an agreement with the Coweta Wa t e r a n d S e w e r a g e Authority to use the authority’s water when needed, but there is no contract.

Turin Tractor Pull

The Coweta County Board of Commissioners voted to grant a temporary certificate of occupancy to Euro Auctions USA for its upcoming opening auction at the north Coweta property, but commissioners expressed displeasure Tuesday that nobody with the

company had formally requested permission to move forward. The European equipment auction company purchased the old Adesa auto auction property on Raymond Hill Road along Interstate 85 last fall, and has scheduled its first auction for June 26. But there is work that needs to be done on the property before it is considered up to code.

The biggest requirement is the planting of a 20-foot-wide buffer around the area where the equipment to be auctioned will be stored. Other remaining issues are establishment of handicapped parking and the marking of a fire lane. County Development Review Technician Teresa Crow said the handicapped parking striping

wasn’t completed the last time she visited the property, but “hopefully it will be” by the time of the auction. The issue was added to the agenda for Tuesday’s commission meeting. “I wasn’t even aware that they were asking for this,” said Robert Tolleson, director of Planning and

770-304-3373 or 770-253-1576 SEE AUCTION, page 2A

Robert Tolleson

‘Murder in Coweta County’ movie producer to speak at events

Two nights of planned activities will take place July 10-11 as the city of Newnan and Coweta County partner to celebrate the story of “Murder in Coweta County,” which aired on CBS television network 31 years ago. According to Coweta County events services coordinator Tray Baggarly, on July 10 at 7 p.m. in the historic 1904 Court-

house in downtown Newnan, one of the movie’s producers, Dick Atkins, will give a presentation and talk about what went into turning local author Margaret’s Anne Barnes’ book into a made-for-TV movie starring Andy Griffith and Johnny Cash. In addition, several local residents will display memorabilia they have associated with

the movie, and some who were extras in the production will talk about their experiences. The next evening, July 11, at 7 p.m. at the Carnegie Library on the Court Square, Atkins will talk about the production of the movie, followed by a screening of the movie. “Murder in Coweta County” is the true story of a brutal mur-

der that took place in 1948 and pitted John Wallace of Meriwether County against Coweta County Sheriff Lamar Potts. The trial was the first in Georgia in which a white man was convicted on the testimony of black witnesses. The trial was held in the second floor courtroom at the Coweta County courthouse, and the guilty ver-

dict was read there on June 18, 1948 – 65 years ago this week. Light refreshments will follow both of the July events and there is no charge to attend. For more information, contact the Coweta County Convention & Visitors Bureau at 770-254-2627 or the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347.

(Must be paid in advance. Please allow 2-4 days for delivery to start.) SEE SENOIA, page 2A

Newnan HS vs Marietta HS Football

By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com

INSIDE Obituaries .................... 3A Comics .................... 8A, 9A Community Forum ..... 4A Classifieds ................... 10A Sports .......................... 6A Food .............................1B


84° | 66°


84° | 66°


84° | 68°


88° | 68°

Rainfall (in inches)

Yesterday (as of 7 p.m.) 0.00 Monthly total 5.34 Year-to-date 29.74

148th BIRTHDAY OFFER Small chance of rain

20 percent chance of rain

50 percent chance of rain

50 percent chance of thunderstorms

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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.





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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.


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