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Local men roast coffee from comforts of home SUBMITTED PHOTOS
LEFT: Shane Harper, left, and Jono Ramey supply downtown businesses with their unique roasted coffee blends. The men call their business Savage Boys Coffee Roasters. TOP: Savage Boys Coffee Roasters is mainly an online business run by Jono Ramey and Shane Harper. Their unique blends of roasted coffee can also be found in some downtown Newnan shops.
BY MELANIE RUBERTI A good cup of coffee can make all the difference in the world, according to Jono Ramey and Shane Harper. They should know fresh, organic, roasted coffee is their forte. The men are co-found-
ers of Savage Boys Coffee Roasters, a mainly online business based out of Newnan. Harper was born and raised in Coweta County; Ramey moved into the community when he was in middle school. “ B o t h Sh a n e a nd I have always loved cof-
fee and the conversations and relationships that can develop around it,” Ramey ex pl a i ned . “ We were spending too much money buying ‘good’ coffee ... So we decided to start roasting our own. That allowed us to get organic, fair-trade coffee and roast it how we like it, and it would be
fresh, which is hard to find locally.” The men tested their roasting skills on family and friends before officially opening for business online in June of 2016. Ramey and Harper provide light, medium and dark roasts that can come packaged as a blend or sin-
gle-origin coffees. Their current selection includes: Ethiopian, Sumatran, Guatemalan, Colombian, Honduran, French Roast and Espresso, Ramey said. “Basically anything our customers ask for, we have tried to incorporate into our products,” he stated.
“People tend to be quite specific about how they drink their coffee and we don't want to inhibit that. Whether you're making it in an old coffee pot at work or using your own gooseneck kettle and pour-over,
COFFEE, page 2
Fatal flu victim identified Friends remember 15-year-old Kira Molina as fun-loving, cheerful
Newnan Police officer Patricia Ayers is officially promoted from sergeant to lieutenant during a special pinning ceremony Tuesday night. Ayers is the first woman to become a lieutenant within NPD’s 128 year history.
Newnan Police officer makes history Patricia Ayers is the first woman promoted to the rank of lieutenant within the department
BY MELANIE RUBERTI One of Patricia Ayers’ lifelong ca reer goals with the Newnan Pol ice Depa r t ment is now a rea l it y for t he seasoned officer. Ayers, an officer with the patrol division, was off icia lly promoted to lieutenant during a special ceremony Tuesday night surrounded by her family, friends
and colleagues. “To see the gleam in the eyes of my husband and daughter was awesome ,” Ayers sa id . “ I know my mom is proud of me, too. She passed away some t i me a go, but she always thought it was ‘cool’ her daughter was a cop.” Her promot ion wa s also one for the record books. D u r i n g t h e Tu e s -
d ay n i g h t c e re m ony, Ayers became the first woman to achieve the ra n k of l ieuten a nt i n the Newna n Police Department’s 128-year history. The historical achievement was a n nounced by Ch ief D.L. “Buster” Meadows during a previous staff
OFFICER, page 3 Authorities have identif ied a loca l teen who m a rked t he f i r st f lu-related pediat ric deat h i n G eorg i a t h i s year. Kira Molina, 15, died on Tuesday morning at Ch i ld ren’s Hea lt hca re of A t l a n t a a f te r s u c c u mbi ng to l iver fa i lure because of the f lu, a c c o r d i n g to C owe t a County Coroner R ichard Hawk. Mol i n a , a st udent a New n a n H ig h School, tested negative for the f lu on Jan. 25, but was found unresponsive in her home t h ree days l ater. She wa s t hen f low n to C h i ld ren’s Hea lt hca re of At la nta where she tested positive for Inf luenza “A.” A nother test indicated Molina was suffering from liver failure. Hawk said Molina wa s per fect ly hea lt hy pr ior to c atc h i n g t he f lu, but did not have a f lu shot this season. “She had no medical history whatsoever,” he sa id . “It a l l h appened very quickly.” Referenci ng er rone-
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Kira Molina, 15, died on Tuesday morning at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta after succumbing to liver failure because of the flu, according to Coweta County Coroner Richard Hawk.
ous reports from other media outlets, Hawk stressed Molina’s death was not considered an overdose of aceta minophen or considered suicide. On Wednesday afternoon, friends of Molina gat hered to remember
h e r i n t h e n e w p a rking lot at Newnan High School. W h i le t hey a l l possess un ique memories about their friend, they a l l sa id Mol i n a h ad a
FLU, page 2
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