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calendar of events inside LEGO League photo, ➤ page 3
Religious protection legislation names ECH’s Small BY SARAH FAY CAMPBELL A new religious prote c t ion bi l l h a s b e en introduced in the Georgia State Senate – and it’s named after Coach John Small. Small, football coach at E a s t C owe t a H i g h School, said Thursday t hat he did n’t k now anything about the bill, which was introduced Monday, until Wednesday night. That's when Sen. Matt Brass, R- N e w n a n , t o l d h i m about it. T he “Coach Sma ll R el i g i o u s P r o te c t i on Act,” SB 316, was f iled by Sen . M ich ael Wi ll i a m s , R- C u m m i n g . Sen. Ma rty Ha rbin, R-Tyrone, and Sen. Josh M c K o o n , R- C o l u m bus, whose district i nclude s a l l of Mer iwet her Count y a nd part of Troup County, are among the bill's the f ive co-sponsors. Williams is a candidate for governor.
The bill specif ically outlines that students and teachers have religious rights at school. Small, who was named ECHS head coach in January 2017, was t h r ust i nto t he spotlight at the end of the 2017 football season when a nationa l athei s t or g a n i z a t ion , t h e Freedom from Religion Fou nd at ion , obje c ted to the prayers that took place before ECHS football games. Sma l l wasn’t leading prayers – players or volu nteer com mu n it y coaches were doi ng that. But he was praying along with them. A fter t he Freedom f r o m R e l i g i o n Fo u n dation sent the school system a letter condemning Small’s actions as violations of the First A mendment, school board attorney Nat h a n L ee put out a NTH FILE PHOTO
SMALL, page 2
Students pray at the East Coweta-Newnan football game late last year, soon after a complaint was filed about prayers led by adults at games. State Sen. Michael Williams has proposed a bill in response to the situation.
Runners, walkers brave cold for annual race
On hand for the donation to CLICK are, from left, Kim Pinkerton, Carole Ann Fields, and Ingrid Richardson, all of 100 Women Who Care; Leah Sumner, the chair of 100 Women Who Care; Dianne McConnell, executive director of CLICK; Jimmy Bass, chairman of the board for CLICK; and CLICK board members Ruth Hallman and Larry Tucker.
Kids of all ages bolt over the starting line in a 1-mile Fun Run during the 16th annual Run For Angels. The event raises money for Angel’s House, a home for girls aged 13 - 17 years old living in foster care.
BY MELANIE RUBERTI The 30-degree temperature and brisk wind did not stop more than 800 people from pounding the pavement Saturday morning in downtown Newnan. The group’s determination outweighed the cold weat her a s t hey walked, ran and cheered each ot her on during the 16th annual Run For Angels and Chicken Q at the First United Methodist Church off Greenville Street.
T he event ra ises money for Angel’s House, a nonprofit organization that provides a home for girls aged 13-17 years old living in foster care. Pa r ticipa nts , wh ich included people of all ages and abilities, could choose to run or walk in a 1-mile Fun Run, a 5K or 10K race. “Good job! Good job! You can do it! Keep it going,” one woman yelled encouragingly from a s id e w a l k a s r u n n e r s passed by the area. “This is so exhilarat-
ing,” said Lana Mobley, a member of Angel’s House board of directors. “We see everyone’s hard work culminate into today’s event, plus all the excitement a nd love ever yone brings to the race. It really warms our hearts.” Mobley said the number of participants in the Run for Angels was down this year; which she partially attributed to the flu virus. But the number of sponsors for the event
ANGELS, page 2
100 Women give $10,000 to CLICK NTH STAFF REPORTS Representatives o f 1 0 0 Wo m e n W h o C a re C owe t a C o u n t y r e c e n t l y g a t h e r e d to present their quarterly don at ion to Cer t i f ied L i t e r a t e i s C o w e t a ’s Key. T h e 1 0 0 Wo m e n g roup was launched in 2016 by the Coweta C o m m u n i t y Fo u n d a t ion’s 2 01 5 Wom a n of t h e Ye a r, L e a h S u m ner, who used her platform to launch the new C o we t a - b a s e d g r a s s -
Free !
roots organization. T he g roup focuses on co ord i n at i n g f u nd i n g for cha r itable orga n iz at ion s a nd n e e d s i n Coweta County. The group consists of 10 0 women who meet qua r terly, each bri nging $100 in contributions to bene f i t t h e c o m m u n i t y. A ny member attendi ng t hese qua r terly meetings may nom inate a charitable project to benefit from the f unds. T he need must be charitable in nature,
immediate and based in Coweta County. T he n a mes of t h ree potentia l projects a re drawn at each meeting, with a short presentation given on each one. Members present at the meeting get to vote on which project receives t he don at ion for t h at quarter. CL ICK was fou nded s e ve r a l ye a r s a g o t o address literacy needs in Coweta County.
CLICK, page 3
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2 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, February 14, 2018
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continued from page 1
increased, she added. Every dime donated will help Angel’s House. “It will support all aspects of the home and the teenage ladies that live there, so they will have everything they need,” Mobley said. “Whether there’s two ladies or ten, the expenses remain … and all the money stays in Coweta County.” Mobley said she should have a final tally of funds by the end of the week. The Run for Angels is the organization’s biggest event, and their only fundraiser of the year.
Trent Altman, 13, holds up a sign of encouragement for runners and walkers participating in the annual Run For Angels Saturday morning along Greenville Street.
Runners push themselves across the finish line.
continued from page 1
letter clarifying what school system employees and volu nte er s c a n a nd c a n’ t do when it come s to pr ayer. St udents have complete freedom of religious expression, but employees a ren’t supposed to lead or participate in prayers, according to Lee’s letter. Bra ss sa id he fou nd out about t he bi l l Wed nesday a f ter no on when a c apitol staffer texted him and asked if he had seen the bill. On Thursday, Brass spoke before the Senate about it. He d i d n’ t t a l k a b o u t t h e merits of the bill, but rather the actions of Williams in naming it after Small. “When you go drop a bill on someone and you name it after them and they’re still a live – I would encourage you to ta l k to t hem f i rst,” Brass said. “If you’re going to s i g n of f on t h a t bi l l I wou ld encou rage you to maybe reach out and meet that person.” Brass sa id t hat on ly one of the si x signers had met Sm a l l . “ I t houg ht I’d ta ke t h is ti me to brief ly i nt ro d u c e y o u t o h i m .” B r a s s
spoke br ief ly about Sm a l l a nd suggested senators cou ld Google t he issue to find out more. “Too often we get in these campaigns and get wrapped up in politics and we forget to do wh at ’s r ig ht ,” Bra ss said. “And simply here, it’s build relationships by comm u n i c a t i n g w i t h p e o pl e . When you don’t, you underm ine t he ver y t hing we’re trying to protect and that is our faith.” The f irst part of the bi ll dea ls w it h students who i ncor porate relig ious themes in their school work – including writing and art. It states t hat “a loca l school system shall not discriminate against students or parents on the basis of a religious viewpoint or religious expression. A loca l school system shall treat a student ’s voluntary expression of a religious viewpoint, if any, on a n ot her w i se per m i ssible subjec t i n t he sa me m a nner the local school system treats a student’s voluntary expression of a secula r or other viewpoint on an oth-
erwise permissible subject." ee’s personal capacity and Williams’ off ice sent out It specif ies that students not a s a representat ive of a press release on the bill’s “may express their beliefs the school.” Employees are i nt roduc t ion , but d id not about religion in homework, a lso a l lowed to wea r reli- respond to phone and email a rtwork a nd other written gious clothing and decorate re que st s for com ment on a nd ora l assig n ments free t hei r desk s w it h relig ious Thursday. from discrimination based symbols. In the press release, sevon the religious content of SB 316 states t hat, when e r al other complaints their submissions.” employees are not required Students already have the to be on campus or are not against Georgia schools by Pleasethe visit our website at Freedom From Religion r i g ht to i ncor por ate rel i- acting as a designated repDownload the Food Depot App for digital coupons Foundation are mentioned. gious themes in school work, resentative of a school, they and in store promotions! under the First Amendment. m ay “en g a ge i n rel i g iou s A compla i nt was lodged S B 3 16 wo u ld s i m ply p ut expression a nd sha re reli- a g a i n s t H e r i t a g e H i g h * OUR COSTrights INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES,into AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES those explicitly gious materials to the same School i n Catoosa Count y state law. extent that other individu- for partnering with NicamOUR COST PLUS 10% Come Visit Our Newest The bill states that school als are permitted to do so."Storeerican Missions to send stu20 East ADDED AT system employees canREGISTER! share The bulk of3530 theHwy bill, howin Conyers dents to Nicaragua to build r e l i g i o u s m a t e r i a l s w i t h e ve r, d e aOpening l s w i Monday t h s t uFeb. den t 12th! ot her facult y a nd employ- spea kers at school events. a school, a nd a not her was ees in the same manner and It sets out a regimented pro- filed against Ringgold High at the same time that they cess for randomly choosing School for allowing students c o u ld e n g a ge i n n on rel i- speakers for school-related to c re ate c ro s s e s for t h e cou nt y ’s Fest iva l of Flags g ious ex pression a nd d i s- events. cussions, and that employSome spea kers may only celebration. ees ca n spon sor rel ig ious b e c h o s e n f r om s t ud e n t s Wi l l i a m s ca l led h i s bi l l clubs in the same way that who hold specific “positions “ muc h ne eded prote c t ion ADDED AT REGISTER! employees can sponsor non- of honor based on neutra l for G eorg i a fac u lt y memreligious clubs. criteria." bers and students who It adds that employees can The bill has been assigned Please visitincorporate our website at Claxton Fresh U.S.D.A. Select Beef their religious participate in voluntary stu- to the Senate Education and the Food Depot App for digital coupons Download Whole Boneless beliefs into their daily lives. and in store promotions! dent-initiated and student- Youth Committee, where it Shoulder Roast Frying Chicken The Supreme Court has held led prayer when invited to will likely undergo changes 6 Pack U.S.D.A. selecto paleta de res sin hueso Pollo fresco entero over Tropical 50 years that relido so by students, “provided before going before the full for Cherry, Punch, Grape g ious bel iefs don’t end i n OUR COST PLUS 10% that the participation is in senate for a vote. Brass is a Come Visit Our Newest Store 15 oz. 12 oz. Blue Moon Hwy 20 East t h e f a c u l t y ’s ADDED oSelect r eVarieties m AT p l o REGISTER! y- member ofHormel the3530 committee. the or school parking lot." Berry
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Wednesday, February 14, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 3
Times-Herald Xtra
Building up to robotics state championship
After winning second place at the Super Regionals at Columbus State, the Coweta County-based Moreland Gold Explorers show off their new trophy and get ready to move on to the state championships. From left are Dyllon McMahan, Eli Cauthen, Warren Moore, John David Roth, Logan Meadows, Chloe Gaiters, Jack Olvey, Mason Chambley, Sarah McMahan and Alexis McWaters.
BY TAYLOR ROBINS Moreland Gold E x plorer s , a C owe t a C o u n t y- b a s e d L E G O robotics team, recently placed second in their regional competition. The team, which competes in the First LEGO Leag ue, competed in the Super Regionals held at Columbus State. Placing second allowed the team to advance to the state championship. The robotics tea m includes Dyllon McM a h a n , Sa ra h McMahan Eli Cauthen, Wa r ren Mo ore , Joh n David Roth, Logan Meadows, Ch loe Gait e r s , Ja c k O l ve y, M a s o n C h a m b l e y, A lexis McWaters a nd Malia Dorasami. They a re coached by Cra ig Exner.
T he t heme for t h i s ye a r ’s re g ion a l competition was hydrodyn a m ic s . T he E x plorers created a robot that i s a ble to c le a n a n d inspect storm drains. The robot would help to h a nd le water t h at hurricanes and storms bring, decreasing physical labor. The 4-H LEGO Robotics tea ms a re scored on four different skills, according to Ex ner. T he sk i l ls a re core va lues; resea rch project and skit; LEGO r o b o t q u e s t i on s a n d a nswers; a nd robot performance. Core values are centered a round tea mwork and good sportsm a n s h ip. Te a m s a r e g raded on t he project and skit that they create based on t he g iven t heme. A fter
the teams present and explain their project, the teams are expected to be able to a n swer questions about their robot. F i n a l l y, t h e t e a m s a nd t hei r rob ot s a re g raded on t he numb er of m i s sion s t h at c a n b e complete d i n two minutes and thirty seconds. The state championsh ip wa s held at t he UG A Gw i n net t c a mpus. The Moreland G old E x plorer s were one out of three teams that were g ua ra nteed a spot at the state competition. Wit h a tota l of 650 LEGO tea ms in t he state of Georgia, only 64 teams were able to compete i n t he st ate competition.
“They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness. The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power.” Psalm 145: 7-11 American Must Stand With Israel!
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continued from page 1
“Individua ls ser ved by C L IC K a re for t unate to have t he support of the 100 Women g r o u p ,” s a i d D i a n n e McConnell, executive di rector of CLICK . “T his donation will have a huge impact on what CLICK is able to provide in the way of
GED testing, schola rships, classroom mater i a l s a nd i n st r uc t ion for the ESL classes, as well as volunteer training and recruitment.” McConnell noted that several individuals in the 100 Women g roup a re suppor t ive of CLICK not only with
their donation but also with their time. “When individua ls in t he com munity place a n emphasis on t he va lue of education, the impact ripples throughout the whole community,” she said.
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AMC buys Senoia studio
“Paul was at the point in his been operating as Raleigh Studios Tigchelaar’s uncle, Paul Lombardi, Atlanta for the past several years, and Lombardi’s father, Joe. Lom- career where it made sense to sell was officially sold to AMC on July bardi moved back to California sev- the studio, and AMC was at a point AMC, the cable channel that 19, said Scott Tigchelaar, who was eral years ago where he operates his in their show and their interest in produces “The Walking Dead,” has president of the studio until the special-effect business, Full Scale Georgia where it made sense to buy purchased the Senoia studio where Effects. Lombardi was the majority sale. the show is filmed. Riverwood was built in 1989 by owner of the studio. Riverwood Studios, which has
USDA training facility puts canines into action
Office takes aim at new sporting clays fundraiser By CLAY NEELY This fall, the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting a brand new event designed to raise funds for Project SAFE. On Oct. 20, the first annual “SAFE Clays for Kids Tournament” will be held at Blalock Lakes. All proceeds of the tournament will go directly to Project SAFE (Students A re For Education), a course taught by school resource officers to all Coweta County fifth-
In an environment designed to simulate a border crossing, Reilly detects a suspicious odor underneath one car. Following her training at the USDA National Detector Dog Training Center, Reilly will head back to El Paso, Texas where she will work at the US / Mexico border.
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Obituaries .............. 3A Opinion .................. 4A Sports ..................... 8A Community ............ 1B Sr Living ................. 3B Education ............. 1A
Sheriff’s Office takes aim at new sporting clays fundraiser By CLAY NEELY This fall, the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting a brand new event designed to raise funds for Project SAFE. On Oct. 20, the first annual “SAFE Clays for Kids Tournament” will be held at Blalock Lakes. All proceeds of the tournament will go directly to Project SAFE (Students A re For Education), a course taught by school resource officers to all Coweta County fifthgrade students. For the last 23 years, the sheriff’s office hosted the Bedrock Golf Tournament as their primary fundraiser for Project SAFE. After the recent closing of Orchard Hills Golf Course, Sheriff Mike Yeager said it was a great time to launch a new fundraiser. “We had contemplated doing a clay shoot for a
while and started looking into it,” Yeager said. When Orchard Hills closed their doors, that was the sign we needed to try a new idea. I like playing golf and shooting and think a lot of people do, too.” Project SAFE is a program taught in all 21 elementary schools of Coweta County. The 12-week program covers topics like handling stress and disagreements without violence, self-esteem, bullying, internet safety and staying in school, as well as avoiding drugs. The program is taught to all fifth-graders one day per week for 12 weeks, and on the side, courses are also taught to younger elementary school students. Using their own bank account, separate from the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, Project SAFE is accountable for its own resources and provides T-shirts and certificates of completion to all of the program’s graduates, 1,800 to 2,000 students each year. “The budget pays for the salaries of our guys, but everything else we do in the classrooms relies on contributions and fundraising,” Yeager said. “Blalock Lakes has been tremendous, and we’re looking forward to teaming up with them along with our longtime sponsors like Redneck Gourmet, Buffalo Rock and Kimbles Commissary.” The cost of the tournament is $80 per person or $320 per team. Sponsorship of a station is $100. Food, drinks and snacks will be provided for individuals and teams before, during and after the tournament. Participants must provide their own shotgun, preferably a 12 or 20 gauge, but shot shells will be included. “We wanted to make it affordable to anyone, especially someone who might not normally participate in something like this,” Yeager said. “It’s a tremendous value. We provide food, 50 rounds of shells – it’s a bargain, especially at one of the premier courses in the region." The deadline for team entry and payment is Sept. 22. All questions and registration may be directed to Capt. Stephen Crook at the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office at 770-253-1502. **** Clay Neely:, @clayneely
of our approximately 3,000 employees,” Barker said. More than 20,000 students currently are enrolled in Coweta County’s 31 schools, which welcomed students Friday for the start of the 2017-18 academic year. Local law enforcement and school transportation officials worked in advance to remind drivers to allow extra time for travel and to use extreme caution in school zones and around school buses, especially during loading and unloading. “It takes everyone working together to return to school procedures in our community,” Barker said. Still, it will take awhile to get back into school-year habits, so drivers should remain diligent when classes resume Monday. Apart from following the law and using common sense, Sheriff Mike Yeager said the surest way for drivers to increase safety is to slow down and give themselves extra time until the back-to-school frenzy settles into routine. “We have a lot of people in a hurry,” he said. “People need to allow themselves enough time to leave home and get where they are going in a safe manner, and we’ll get through another school opening.” Barker said first-day reports were overwhelmingly positive. “I had a chance to visit several schools and spoke with many of our principals about their first day back in session,” he said. “Reports were very positive. We are looking forward to a great year.” Coweta County’s elementary school days are 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; middle school days are 8:20 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; and high school days are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Central Educational Center’s first and second blocks are from 8:15-11:05, and third and fourth blocks are from 12:30-3:10 p.m.
| $1.50
AMC buys Senoia studio
“Paul was at the point in his been operating as Raleigh Studios Tigchelaar’s uncle, Paul Lombardi, Atlanta for the past several years, and Lombardi’s father, Joe. Lom- career where it made sense to sell AMC, the cable channel that was officially sold to AMC on July bardi moved back to California sev- the studio, and AMC was at a point produces “The Walking Dead,” has 19, said Scott Tigchelaar, who was eral years ago where he operates his in their show and their interest in purchased the Senoia studio where president of the studio until the special-effect business, Full Scale Georgia where it made sense to buy Effects. Lombardi was the majority sale. the show is filmed. Riverwood was built in 1989 by owner of the studio. STUDIO • 2A Riverwood Studios, which has By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL
USDA training facility puts canines into action
School board to hold millage rate hearings
86 72
‘Smooth opening’ for first day of school
“Paul was at the point in his been operating as Raleigh Studios Tigchelaar’s uncle, Paul Lombardi, By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL Atlanta for the past several years, and Lombardi’s father, Joe. Lom- career where it made sense to sell AMC, the cable channel that was officially sold to AMC on July bardi moved back to California sev- the studio, and AMC was at a point produces “The Walking Dead,” has 19, said Scott Tigchelaar, who was eral years ago where he operates his in their show and their interest in purchased the Senoia studio where president of the studio until the special-effect business, Full Scale Georgia where it made sense to buy Effects. Lombardi was the majority sale. the show is filmed. Riverwood was built in 1989 by owner of the studio. STUDIO • 2A Riverwood Studios, which has
USDA training facility puts canines into action
By CLAY NEELY This fall, the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting a brand new event designed to raise funds for Project SAFE. On Oct. 20, the first annual “SAFE Clays for Kids Tournament” will be held at Blalock Lakes. All proceeds of the tournament will go directly to Project SAFE (Students A re For Education), a course taught by school resource officers to all Coweta County fifthgrade students. For the last 23 years, the sheriff’s office hosted the Bedrock Golf Tournament as their primary fundraiser for Project SAFE. After the recent closing of Orchard Hills Golf Course, Sheriff Mike Yeager said it was a great time to launch a new fundraiser. “We had contemplated doing a clay shoot for a
By CLAY NEELY Nestled inside International Park off Highway 34, a variety of beagle and Labra-
School board to hold millage rate hearings
typically looking for bombs and drugs, but are on the hunt for harmful plant pests and keeping foreign animal disease from entering the country. The training center provides a state-of-the-art learning environment for training detector dogs and their handlers to help safeguard American agriculture by preventing pests and agricultural diseases from entering the United States through airports, international borders, postal facilities and cargo areas. The facility incorporates environmentally conscious features in accordance with the Leadership in Energy Environmental Design certification by the U.S. Green Building Council. The Newnan facility sits on almost 18 acres – a far cry from their previous home in Orlando that sat on just 2.5 acres. The Orlando facility held a single training room, 35 kennels and kept just nine members on staff. Now, the facility hosts eight training rooms, 80 kennels and approximately 26 staff members. Trainer James Mason came along from Orlando. Prior to his role as a training specialist for the USDA, Mason worked as a trainer for bomb dogs at the Atlanta Police Department and also with the MARTA K-9 unit. Mason said beagles and beagle mixes are the agency’s preferred breed of dog at the airport because of their keen sense of smell, non-threatening size, high food drive and gentle disposition with the public. The ages of those in training range between 1 to 3 years old and are required to have a friendly personality. The USDA began its detector dog program, “Beagle Brigade,” at the Los Angeles International Airport back in 1984 where a single beagle was trained to sniff out plants and animal products in luggage and carry-on items arriving on international flights. By 1990, there were three locations set up for training in New York City, Miami and Livermore, Calif. In 1997, the training was consolidated to a single facility in Orlando before moving to Newnan 12 years later. “The majority of our dogs actually come from rescue shelters or from families willing to donate them,” Mason said. “Once we get them, they have to sit in quarantine for medical and temperament. After 14 days, they come to main kennel where they begin their training.” Trainers like Mason judge a prospect’s reaction to public places and crowds of people. The dogs are then evaluated by a veterinarian where they are tested for heartworms and undergo blood work. X-rays of the hips and spine are rated. All dogs are vaccinated and spayed or neutered. The beagles and beagle mixes are trained to work in airports, while Labs and Lab mixes go to work on borders, in cargo warehouses and in postal facilities. Occasionally, Jack Russell terriers are recruited to work in Guam finding brown tree snakes. “They never actually see the snakes,” Mason said. “We train them exclusively on smell.” In 2000, USDA started using larger dogs outside the passenger environment by employing Labs. This launched the “Border Brigade” on the Mexican and Canadian borders, and “Cargo Brigade” in the Customs and Border Protection’s cargo inspection facilities at airports and seaports. Depending on the working environment, the dogs are trained to give a response by pawing to indicate the presence of an agricultural product. Regardless of the behavioral response, treats and positive praise from their handler is the reward that increases their proficiency, Mason said. The beagles are initially trained to seek out five core odors – apple, citrus, mango, beef and pork. Later, their detection skills may be modified depending on their home port. Non-target food items such as chocolate and cheese are placed in luggage to help trainers keep beagles from responding to their favorite treats. Inside the training facility, a massive amount of luggage is utilized to help simulate the environment of an airport, including a conveyor belt. The majority of donated luggage comes from Goodwill or The Salvation Army along with a large amount of clothing. Several of the dogs currently in training are heading back to the United States/Mexico border where they’ll be put into action. However, many of the center’s graduates have gone down to Florida to help eradicate the growing population of the giant African land snail, which is considered to be one of the most destructive snails in the world. It’s known to consume at least 500 different types of plants and can pose serious health risks to humans, according to USDA. In 2015, Florida was awarded more than $7 million in a federal grant to help eradicate the threat, including the use of detector dogs that are specialized to find the snails. USDA dogs have also been trained to find Asian longhorn beetles, Mediterranean fruit fly larvae and even worked in the Chesapeake Bay wetlands helping to eradicate nutria, an invasive semi-aquatic rodent, from the Delmarva Peninsula. Mason said there will always be new challenges for the dogs that come through the facility, but believes they’re always ready to rise to the challenge. “Dogs like these, they just love to work,” he said. “It makes them happy.” And while the center is always on the lookout for new candidates, they occasionally offer beagles, beagle mixes and some large breed dogs for adoption. These are dogs that have not met their training requirements but would make wonderful pets. Mason urges anyone interested in donating or adopting to contact them at 770-254-2523. **** Clay Neely:, @clayneely
‘Smooth opening’ for first day of school
Office, 237 Jackson St., Newnan on Aug. 14 at 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and on Aug. 21 at 6 p.m. Each year, the board of tax assessors is required to review the assessed value for property tax purposes of all taxable property in the county. The total value of all taxable property is known as the tax digest. When the trend of prices on properties that have recently sold in the county indicate there has been an increase in the fair market value of any specific property, the board of tax assessors is required by law to redetermine the value of such property and increase the assessment. This is called a reassessment. Each year, Georgia law requires taxing agencies to calculate a millage rate that would produce the same amount of revenue as the previous year’s rate on existing properties. That is called the rollback rate. Adoption of any rate higher than the rollback rate is considered a tax increase. A mill is equal to one dollar for each $1,000 in assessed property value.
approach, but he has been found guilty of misdemeanor contempt by a federal judge. Jordan and Arpaio have known each other since 2013. They met when Jordan, who was Grantville’s police chief at the time, visited Arizona with his wife. The Jordans stopped to see Arpaio, and Jordan and Arpaio had their photograph taken together, while Jordan was wearing his Grantville Police uniform. When that photograph appeared in The Newnan Times-Herald, Jordan was suspended for a short time. He was reinstated, but Arpaio – upon learning of the city’s action – publicly offered to come to Georgia to offer his support to Jordan. Jordan, who now works for a security firm, is returning the favor. He has talked with Arpaio by telephone and is planning a trip soon to Arizona to see and offer support to the former sheriff. “He did tell me he was appealing the judge’s decision,” Jordan said. The political defiance that made Arpaio popular and seemingly untouchable as metro Phoenix's sheriff of 24 years played a role in his being found guilty in court in Phoenix, according to The Associated Press. He was convicted of a crime for ignoring a U.S. court order to stop traffic patrols that targeted immigrants. TV interviews and news releases that the media-savvy lawman used over the years to promote his immigration crackdowns came back to bite him, the AP reported. The judge who found him guilty of the misdemeanor cited comments Arpaio made about keeping up the patrols, even though he knew he was not allowed. Arpaio, 84, is set to be sentenced Oct. 5 and could face up to six months in jail. Attorneys who have followed the case told the AP they doubt someone his age would be incarcerated. In September 2013, Jordan was suspended for a week without pay after his visit with Arpaio. Then-City Manager Johnny Williams suspended Jordan saying the police chief violated a policy requiring them “to inform me of anything that is not routine in nature.” At the time, Williams stated, "A trip to Arizona and an article in the paper that was not discussed with me or the police committee is not routine." "If I have to fly down to Georgia to defend him, I'll do it," Arpaio said in a 2013 interview. "That is how much I support him."
Office, 237 Jackson St., Newnan on Aug. 14 at 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and on Aug. 21 at 6 p.m. Each year, the board of tax assessors is required to review the assessed value for property tax purposes of all taxable property in the county. The total value of all taxable property is known as the tax digest. When the trend of prices on properties that have recently sold in the county indicate there has been an increase in the fair market value of any specific property, the board of tax assessors is required by law to redetermine the value of such property and increase the assessment. This is called a reassessment. Each year, Georgia law requires taxing agencies to calculate a millage rate that would produce the same amount of revenue as the previous year’s rate on existing properties. That is called the rollback rate. Adoption of any rate higher than the rollback rate is considered a tax increase. A mill is equal to one dollar for each $1,000 in assessed property value.
Stay connected 24/7 with our online digital edition: UNLIMITED WIFI ANYWHERE PM Thunderstorms
Cooperation was the key to a successful start to the school year for students in the Coweta County School System, according to Superintendent Steve Barker. “Overall, we had a very smooth opening thanks to the cooperation of our community and the dedication
Ben Carson, who is now U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, left, visits with Joe Arpaio and his wife, Ava, at an event sponsored by Wake Up America at the Westin Kierland Resort and Spa in Scottsdale, Ariz. 2014.
Jordan, former police chief, to visit embattled lawman Joe Arpaio
Grantville police chief, is iff in Arizona, is a hero to By W. WINSTON planning to visit Joe Arpaio some for his law-and-order SKINNER soon. Arpaio, a longtime sherD oug Jorda n, for mer JORDAN • 2A
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Opinion .................. 4A Sports ..................... 8A Community ............ 1B Sr Living ................. 3B Education ............. 1A
Sheriff’s Office takes aim at new sporting clays fundraiser
dor retriever canines across the country typically looking for bombs and drugs, but are on the hunt for harmful plant pests and keeping foreign animal disease from entering the from country. travel to Newnan to train at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) agriNational The training center provides a state-of-the-art learning environment for training detector dogs and their handlers to help safeguard American Detector Dog Training Center. In anUnited environment designed to simulate a border crossing, Reilly detects a suspicious odor underneath one car. The dogs utilizedfacilities by the USDA and aren’t culture by preventing pests and agricultural diseases from entering the States through airports, international borders, postal Following her training at the USDA National Detector Dog Training Center, Reilly will head back to El Paso, Texas where she will work at the US / Mexico border. USDA • 3A cargo areas. The facility incorporates environmentally conscious features in accordance with the Leadership in Energy Environmental Design certification by the U.S. Green Building Council. The Newnan facility sits on almost 18 acres – a far cry from their previous home in Orlando that sat on just 2.5 acres. The Orlando facility held a single training room, 35 kennels and kept just nine members on staff. Now, the facility hosts eight training rooms, 80 kennels and approximately 26 staff members. The C oweta C ounty millage rate will bring in hearings be held to allow thebomb public an opportunity revenue than it did lastfor BoardMason of Education has more as Trainer James Mason came along from Orlando. Prior to his role as a training specialist for the USDA, worked a trainer dogs atto announced its intention to year. Under Georgia law, the express their opinions on the keep the millage rate for proposed rate amounts to a increase. the Atlanta Police Department and also with the MARTA K-9 unit. The school board’s public maintenance and operations 3.43 percent property tax hearings will be held at the 18.59 mills, the same rate increase. Mason said beagles and beagle mixes are the agency’s preferred breed of dog at the airport because ofitattheir keen sense of smell, non-threatening size, CLAYS • 2A State law requires that Coweta Board of Education has had since 2004. Because of rising property anytime there is a property high food drive and gentle disposition with the public. values, keeping the same tax increase, three public WEATHER MILLAGE • 2A while and started looking into it,” Yeager said.The When Orchard theirin doors, that was the sign we needed to try a new idea. like playing agesHills of closed those training range between 1Ito 3 years old and are required to have a friendly personality. golf and shooting and think a lot of people do, too.” Project SAFE is a program taught in all 21The elementary schools of Coweta County. 12-week program coversprogram, topics like handling stress and Brigade,” at the Los Angeles International Airport back in 1984 where a single beagle was USDA began itsThedetector dog “Beagle disagreements without violence, self-esteem, bullying, internet safety and staying in school, as well as avoiding drugs. ESOL teacher Amber Rhodes welcomes students to Ruth Hill The program is taught to all fifth-graders one day perto weeksniff for 12 weeks, on the side,and coursesanimal are also taught to younger elementary school trained outandplants products in luggage and carry-on Elementary itemsSchool’s arriving on international flights. opening assembly in the school’s gym Friday. students. By there were locations for training in New Using their own bank account, separate from the 1990, Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, three Project SAFE is accountable set for its up own resources and proTODAY York City, Miami and Livermore, Calif. In 1997, the training was consolidated to a vides T-shirts and certificates of completion to all of the program’s graduates, 1,800 to 2,000 students each year. º 73º facility Orlando before movingandto Newnan later. “The budget pays for the salaries of oursingle guys, but everything else in we do in the classrooms relies on contributions fundraising,” Yeager 12 said. years88 Scattered “Blalock Lakes has been tremendous, and we’re looking forward to teaming up with them along with our longtime sponsors like Redneck Gouror from families willing to donate them,” Mason said. “Once we get them, they have to thunderstorms met, Buffalo Rock and Kimbles Commissary.”“The majority of our dogs actually come from rescue shelters The cost of the tournament is $80 per person or $320 per team. Sponsorship of a station is $100. Food, drinks and snacks will be provided for intournament. quarantine for medical and temperament. After 14 days, they come to main kennel where they begin their training.” individuals and teams before, during and sit after the Participants must provide their own shotgun, preferably a 12 or 20 gauge, but shot shells will be included. Trainers like judge a prospect’s to“It’s public places and crowds of people. The dogs are then evaluated by a veterinarian where they are “We wanted to make it affordable to anyone, especially someone whoMason might not normally participate in something likereaction this,” Yeager said. a tremendous value. We provide food, 50 rounds of shells – it’s a bargain, especially at one of the premier courses in the region." tested for heartworms and undergo blood work. X-rays of the hips and spine are rated. All dogs are vaccinated and spayed or neutered. The deadline for team entry and payment is Sept. 22. MONDAY All questions and registration may be directed to Capt. Stephen Crook at the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office at 770-253-1502. The beagles and beagle mixes are trained to work in airports, while Labs and Lab mixes go to work on borders, in cargo warehouses and in postal **** 86º 72º Clay Neely:, @clayneely facilities. Occasionally, Jack Russell terriers are recruited PM toThunderstorms work in Guam finding brown tree snakes.Ben Carson, who is now U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, left, visits with Joe By CLAY NEELY Arpaio and his wife, Ava, at an event sponsored by Wake Up America at the Westin Kierland Resort “They never actually see the snakes,” Mason said. “We train them exclusively on smell.” and Spa in Scottsdale, Ariz. 2014. RAINFALL TOTALS In 2000, USDA started using larger dogs outside the passenger environment by employing Labs. This launched the “Border Brigade” on the MexiBy REBECCA LEFTWICH Saturday: 0.00 in. Jordan, former police chief, to visit Nestled inside International Park off Month: 7.71and in. can and Canadian borders, and “Cargo Brigade” in the Customs Border Protection’s cargo inspection facilities at airports and seaports. Year: 30.79 in. Cooperation was the key to a successful start to the Highway 34, a variety of beagle and LabraDepending on the working environment, the dogs are trained to give a response by pawing to indicate the presence of an agricultural product. embattled lawman Joe Arpaio school year for students in the Coweta County School System,handler according to Superintendent Steve Barker. dor retriever canines from across the country Regardless of the behavioral response, treats and positive praise from their is the reward that increases Mason Arizona, is a hero to Grantville police chief, is iff insaid. By W. WINSTONtheir proficiency, “Overall, we had a very smooth opening thanks to planning to visit Joe Arpaio some for his law-and-order cooperation mango, of our community and the dedication travel to Newnan to oftrain at the3,000 United our approximately employees,”States Barker said. The beagles are initially trained to seek out five core odors – apple,thecitrus, beef and pork.SKINNER Later, their detection skills may be modified soon. More than 20,000 students currently are enrolled in Coweta County’s 31 schools, which welcomed students Friday for the start of the 2017-18 academic year. Arpaio, a longtime sherD oug Jorda n, for mer SCHOOL • 2A JORDAN • 2A Department of Agriculture (USDA) Local law enforcement and schoolNational transportation officials worked in advance to remind extra time for travel and to use extreme caution in school depending on drivers theirto allow home port. zones and around school buses, especially during loading and unloading. PHOTO BY CLAY NEELY Detector Dog Training Non-target items such as chocolate and cheese are placed in luggage to help trainers keep beagles from responding to their favorite treats. Center. “It takes everyone working together to return to school procedures in our community,”food Barker said. Still, it will take awhile to get back into school-year habits, so drivers should remain diligent when classes resume Monday. Apart from following the law and In an environment designed to simulate a border crossing, Reilly detects a suspicious odor underneath one car. Inside thesafety training facility, a massive amount of luggage is utilized to help simulate the environment of an airport, including a conveyor belt. The using by common sense, Sheriff Mike Yeager said the surest way for drivers to increase is to slow down and give themselves extra time until the back-to-school The dogs utilized the USDA aren’t frenzy settles into routine. Following her training at the USDA National Detector Dog Training Center, Reilly will head back to El Paso, Texas donated comes or The Salvation Army along with a large amount of clothing. “We have a lot of people in a hurry,” he said. “People need tomajority allow themselvesof enough time to leaveluggage home and get where they arefrom going in aGoodwill safe manner, and we’ll where she will work at the US / Mexico border. get through another school USDA opening.” • 3A Several of the dogs currently in training are heading back to the United States/Mexico border where they’ll be put into action. Barker said first-day reports were overwhelmingly positive. “I had a chance to visit several schools and spoke with many of our principals about their first day back in session,” he said. “Reports were very positive. We are However, many of the center’s graduates have gone down to Florida to help eradicate the growing population of the giant African land snail, which looking forward to a great year.” Coweta County’s elementary school days are 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; middle school days are 8:20 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; and high school days are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The considered be one of 12:30-3:10 the most Central Educational Center’s first and second blocks are fromis 8:15-11:05, and third and to fourth blocks are from p.m. destructive snails in the world. Free Install No Credit Check It’s known to consume at least 500 different types of plants and can pose serious health risks to humans, according to USDA. In 2015, Florida was awarded more than $7 million in a federal grant to help eradicate the threat, including the use of detector dogs that are specialized to find the snails. Free Install No Credit Check USDA dogs have also been trained to find Asian longhorn beetles, Mediterranean fruit fly larvae and even worked in the Chesapeake Bay wetlands helping to eradicate nutria, an invasive semi-aquatic rodent, from the Delmarva Peninsula. Mason said there will always be new challenges for the dogs that come through the facility, but believes they’re always ready to rise to the challenge. “Dogs like these, they just love to work,” he said. “It makes them happy.” And while the center is always on the lookout for new candidates, they occasionally offer beagles, beagle mixes and some large breed dogs for adopThe C oweta C ounty millage rate will bring in hearings be held to allow tion. These are dogs that have not met their training requirements but would make wonderful pets. Board of Education has more revenue than it did last the public an opportunity to Mason urges anyone interested in donating or adopting to contact them at 770-254-2523. announced its intention to year. Under Georgia law, the express their opinions on the **** keep the millage rate for proposed rate amounts to a increase. Clay Neely:, @clayneely The school board’s public maintenance and operations 3.43 percent property tax hearings will be held at the at 18.59 mills, the same rate increase. State law requires that Coweta Board of Education it has had since 2004. Because of rising property anytime there is a property values, keeping the same tax increase, three public MILLAGE • 2A
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Mubashar Munir, MD • William E. Norris, MD, FACG • Bharat Puchakayala, MD
it,” Tigchelaar said. According to The Atlanta Business Chronicle, the sale was for $8.25 million. “Nothing is going to change, practically speaking,” Tigchelaar said. “It’s just an ownership change.” AMC is as committed to “The Walking Dead” and to Georgia as they always have been, he said. The show, now filming its eighth season, has been based in Senoia since Season Two, and takes up the entire studio. Tigchelaar and his brother-in-law, Brian Jagt, still own Senoia Enterprises, which owns several properties in downtown Senoia, including the Gin Property, which is currently the “Alexandria” site. They are also part owners of Nic and Normans, a restaurant also owned by Greg Nicotero and Norman Reedus of “The Walking Dead,” and The Woodbury Shoppe. The real estate and property management side “is a full-time job and then some,” Tigchelaar said. “This makes life a bit simpler from my perspective. And it makes things simpler for Paul.” Lombardi isn’t quite ready to retire, but “he is simplifying his life,” Tigchelaar said. Tigchelaar said he thinks the purchase is a good indication of AMC’s commitment to Georgia. AMC does a lot of work in the state, and would have the opportunity to work on other productions while “The Walking Dead” is on hiatus. When it comes to the studio’s future, “They are in a better position to take it forward for its next chapter,” Tigchelaar said.
AMC buys Senoia studio
Saturday: 0.00 in. Month: 7.71 in. Year: 30.79 in.
[Same phone number]
High School Football
Little libraries popular
ESOL teacher Amber Rhodes welcomes students to Ruth Hill Elementary School’s opening assembly in the school’s gym Friday.
88º 73º
Scattered thunderstorms
it,” Tigchelaar said. According to The Atlanta Business Chronicle, the sale was for $8.25 million. August 6, 2017 “Nothing is going to change, practically speaking,” Tigchelaar said. “It’s just an ownership change.” AMC is as committed to “The Walking Dead” and to Georgia as they always have been, he said. The show, now filming its eighth season, has been based in Senoia since Season Two, and takes up the entire studio. Trinity Lions get book exchanges Tigchelaar and his brother-in-law, Brian Jagt, still own Senoia Enterprises,Free which owns several properties in downtown Senoia, including the Gin continues in Coweta scrimmage win Friday Property, which is currently the “Alexandria” site. They are also part owners ofCOMMUNITY Nic and a restaurant SPORTS •by 8A Greg Nicotero and Nor• 1B Normans, Sunday Edition also owned man Reedus of “The Walking Dead,” and The Woodbury Shoppe. The real estate and property management side “is a full-time job and then some,” Tigchelaar said. “This makes life a bit simpler from my perspective. And it makes things simpler for Paul.” Lombardi isn’t quite ready to retire, but “he is simplifying his life,” Tigchelaar said. ISSUE 132 | NEWNAN, GA | SINCE 1865 | 1.50 Tigchelaar said he thinks the purchase is a good indication of AMC’s commitment to Georgia. AMC does a lot of work in the state, and would have INSIDE GUIDE the opportunity to work on other productions while “The Walking Dead” is on hiatus. When it comes to the studio’s future, “They are in a better position Obituaries .............. 3A to take it forward for its next chapter,” Tigchelaar said.
Trinity Lions get scrimmage win Friday SPORTS • 8A
Digital Edition CLAYS • 2A
1200 Lower Fayetteville Road • Suite B Newnan, Georgia 30265
High School Football
Specialists in the Detection and Treatment of Digestive Diseases, Hepatitis and Colon Cancer
Nestled inside International Park off Highway 34, a variety of beagle and Labra dor retriever canines from across the country travel to Newnan to train at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Detector Dog Training Center. The dogs utilized by the USDA aren’t
No Credit Check
approach, but he has been found guilty of misdemeanor contempt by a federal judge. Jordan and Arpaio have known each other since 2013. They met when Jordan, who was Grantville’s police chief at the time, visited Arizona with his wife. The Jordans stopped to see Arpaio, and Jordan and Arpaio had their photograph taken together, while Jordan was wearing his Grantville Police uniform. When that photograph appeared in The Newnan Times-Herald, Jordan was suspended for a short time. He was reinstated, but Arpaio – upon learning of the city’s action – publicly offered to come to Georgia to offer his support to Jordan. Jordan, who now works for a security firm, is returning the favor. He has talked with Arpaio by telephone and is planning a trip soon to Arizona to see and offer support to the former sheriff. “He did tell me he was appealing the judge’s decision,” Jordan said. The political defiance that made Arpaio popular and seemingly untouchable as metro Phoenix's sheriff of 24 years played a role in his being found guilty in court in Phoenix, according to The Associated Press. He was convicted of a crime for ignoring a U.S. court order to stop traffic patrols that targeted immigrants. TV interviews and news releases that the media-savvy lawman used over the years to promote his immigration crackdowns came back to bite him, the AP reported. The judge who found him guilty of the misdemeanor cited comments Arpaio made about keeping up the patrols, even though he knew he was not allowed. Arpaio, 84, is set to be sentenced Oct. 5 and could face up to six months in jail. Attorneys who have followed the case told the AP they doubt someone his age would be incarcerated. In September 2013, Jordan was suspended for a week without pay after his visit with Arpaio. Then-City Manager Johnny Williams suspended Jordan saying the police chief violated a policy requiring them “to inform me of anything that is not routine in nature.” At the time, Williams stated, "A trip to Arizona and an article in the paper that was not discussed with me or the police committee is not routine." "If I have to fly down to Georgia to defend him, I'll do it," Arpaio said in a 2013 interview. "That is how much I support him."
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Feb. 15 - Mar. 8
calendar your guide for local upcoming events
Rose Colored Records. Tickets can be purchased online at www. or by calling 800-965-9324.
Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday
Feb. 15, 10 a.m. - 3p.m., Free
Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association 14th Annual Winter Show Saturday
Feb. 17, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Free
The 14th annual CVPA Poultry Show will take place at the Coweta County Fairgrounds, 275 Pine Road, in Newnan. Gates open on Friday at 9 a.m. and at 6 a.m. on Saturday. Events will include a silent
vaccinations are $10, microchip $25, FVRCP $10, FELV $15, deworming $5- $10 and combo tests are $25. No exam fee. For the safety of all pets - dogs must be on leashes or in crates, and cats must be in crates, pet carrier boxes or pillow cases. The H.E.L.P. Clinic is located at 12 The Crescent, Newnan. For more information, call 770-304-7911.
Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday
Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit
Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday
Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit
AARP Driver Safety Class Saturday
Mar. 3,10:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m., $15- $20
H.E.L.P. Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic
The John Conlee Show
Feb. 17, 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., $5- $25
Feb. 22, 7 p.m., $25- $55
The H.E.L.P. Spay/ Neuter Clinic will host a low-cost vaccine clinic on a first come, first served basis. Flea and tick prevention medications will be available as well. Nexgard and Frontline Gold will be available for dogs; Frontline Gold is available for cats. Heartgard Plus is available as heartworm prevention for dogs. Canine vaccinations for rabies are $10; microchip $25, DHPP $10, kennel cough $10, leptospirosis $10, deworming $5- $10, heartworm tests $15. For cats, rabies
Olate Dogs is an American dog trick act featuring father-andson trainers Richard and Nicholas Olate. In 2012, the group won the seventh season of America’s Got Talent, claiming the $1,000,000 first prize. Olate Dogs features numerous tricks such as dogs jumping rope, going down slides, and riding scooters. The act also features a doggy conga line and a pooch that does back flips. Up to 10 of their 22 dogs perform during each show. For more information, call 770-254-2787 or visit . The Nixon Centre for the Arts is located at 1523 Lower Fayetteville Road in Newnan.
Mar. 1, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free
Feb. 22, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free auction, raffles, chicken poop bingo, and junior bird raffle. Competition categories will include bantams, large fowl, waterfowl, turkeys and guineas. For questions on AI testing, call the Georgia Poultry Lab at 770-766-6818. For more information on the Poultry Show and a full list of show rules, visit
John Conlee, a regular performer at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tenn., will perform at the Wadsworth Auditorium in downtown Newnan. The singer’s career spans over 40 years in the country music industry. His more popular songs include, “Rose Colored Glasses,” “Friday Night Blues,” “Backside of 30” and “Common Man,” just to name a few. Conlee recently recorded the hit singles “Bread and Water” and “Walkin’ Behind The Star” on his new recording label
Nitwits: Disco Fever Feb. 24, 8 p.m., $5
The Nitwits are the Newnan Theatre Company’s Improvisation Troupe that performs unscripted scenes in order to explore theatrical relationships and have a good time. The performances are very similar to the television show “Whose Line is it Anyway?” The shows are sometimes risque and are not appropriate for all audiences. For more information, call Newnan Theatre Company at 770-683-6282.
Newnan Writing Workshop with Alex McRae
An AARP Driver Safety Class will be held at the Powell LIbrary in Newnan. The class is open to licensed drivers of all ages and will review the rules of the road and provide an update on new Georgia driving laws. Class cost: $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. Class completion could save you money on your car insurance. To register, call 770-2533625. All participants should bring their drivers license, AARP card if member, and a lunch.
Mar. 8, 2 p.m., Free
Join award-winning writer and humorist Alex McRae for a class on how to write your story. Whether you want to write your memoir or explore your life through writing about your experiences, he will be sharing his home-grown and well-earned writing experience in a small, intimate environment. The class is free, but space is limited. Call the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 for more information or to make a reservation.
The Olate Dogs Variety Show Sunday
Mar. 4, 3 p.m., $15- $20
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6 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Where gracious hospitality is a way of life.
Insignia Senior Living of Newnan
is a personal care home nestled on a beautiful setting offering gracious hospitality in a comfortable and elegant atmosphere including:
(Formally known as Savannah Court)
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Newnan, GA 30263