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FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 6, 2018
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Chief Whitley ends career on top
Fire chief oversaw tremendous growth in department and community BY CLAY NEELY After 30 years in the pursuit of providing the be st i n publ ic s a fet y, Newnan Fire Chief David Whitley has officially called it a day. His retirement marks t he end of a long a nd storied ca reer that helped usher in a modern f ire department to service the citizens of the city of Newnan. A native of Fairburn, Whitley graduated from Ca mpbell High School i n 19 79 before joi n i ng t he A r my t he fol low i n g ye a r. A f ter ending his ser vice, he came to Newnan as an e m ploye e at t h e n e w Eckerd Drugstore ware-
house i n Shena ndoa h . D u r i ng t h at t i me, t he idea of goi ng to work for the fire department took root. “I worked with a good friend of mine, Captain A la n Bowden , at Eckerd Drugs Corporation that told me about the f ire department, and I t houg ht it wou ld be a good f it w it h my m i lit a r y ex p er ience ,” he recalled. I n 1 9 8 7, W h i t l e y signed up for two lifeti me com m itments – one to h i s w i fe Joa n , and the other as a fullt i m e a s a f i r e f i g h te r fo r t h e Ne w n a n F i r e Department.
CHIEF, page 2
Fire Chief David Whitley spent his entire career as a firefighter at the Newnan Fire Department. His tenure helped usher in a tremendous period of growth at the department.
40 students honored by Ferguson at academy nomination ceremony
Author Elizabeth Beers, right, and Carolyn Turner, who helped her put the book together, are proud of “History With Elizabeth.” The book grew from talks on local history that Beers gave at the Carnegie Library beginning almost 10 years ago. SUBMITTED PHOTO
A large number of high school students received nominations for military academies recently. Pictured are the nominees, Congressman Drew Ferguson and board members who helped nominate students.
BY TAYLOR ROBINS Con g re s sm a n D re w Ferguson hosted the 3rd Congressional District Military Academy nomination ceremony at the University of West Georg ia’s New na n ca mpus recently. “When I think about this great nation and I think about the things that I love in this countr y,” Ferg uson said as he started off the ceremony last Friday. “Without question, the number one thing for me is our freedom. The freedom to be who we want to be. To live our lives the way we want to. To invest in a business, education, whatever we want to do and most import a nt ly ra i se ou r ch i ldren the way we feel is right in the faith that we choose we can do. That is something that is so important.” Forty high school students were recognized a nd received nom i nations to military service academies. “It is sometimes the g reatest sacri f ice a ny of you or a nyone ca n m a ke ,” Ferg uson sa id about joining the military service. "That is giving up yourself for the betterment of this nation. And it is, in my opinion, it is truly humbling to me to be able to stand here in front of you today and
Congressman Drew Ferguson shakes the hand of an academy nominee last Friday at a ceremony held at the University of West Georgia’s Newnan campus.
say thank you for that willingness to commit to that level of service. It is truly something that we are all very grateful for.” Nom i ne e s aver a ge d a 3.93 GPA, a 1270 SAT s c o r e a n d a 2 9 AC T score. Most also participated in three varsity spor ts a nd f ive clubs, some as officers. Of the 40 nominees, seven are Eagle Scouts; 27 have part-time jobs; 29 are members of church youth groups; 31 participate in at least one com-
mu n it y s er v ice or g an i zat ion on a reg u la r basis; and 15 are JROTC members. Nominees include Wi l lia m Brow n , Rya n Cockes, Ka’Leah Davis, Jakob Dawson, Eric Neal Donevant, Paris Evans, Haley Farmer, Christian Fontanez-Virella, Claire Goins, Nicholas Greiff, Benjamin Griffith, Nichola s Ha nd ley, Sa muel Hick s, Lia m Holliday, Liam Hullstine, Eduard Hurtado, Jarrod Jackson, Chase Evan Jarck, Dar-
ryl Langford, Jonathan Lewis, Keoni Macayan, Shawn Matthews, Jake McMahon, Brianna M o o r e , J a c o b P a r r y, Na t h a n P r i c e , Wy a t t Matthew Redmond, Cameron Rothley, Donald Sener, Julia Sizemore, Eugene Smith, Amanda Stephens, Luke Turner, K at h r y n Wa rd , Ja mes Weldon, Liam West, Isaia h Wilk ins, Ha rrison Wi l l i a m s , Wi l l Wit herow and Eric Woods.
Beers’ history talks become a book BY W. WINSTON SKINNER Almost 10 years ago, Elizabeth Beers began g iv i n g t a l k s on lo c a l history at the Carnegie Library. The f irst talk was about the original R . D. Cole l ig ht poles i n d ow n tow n , w h i c h were then being replicated to replace more modern lighting. “I really enjoyed it,” she recalled. T hus bega n a reg ul a r We d n e s d a y p r e sentation. “I had regulars who came,” Beers said, recalling that she bra nc hed out to g ive programs on families, communities, hospitals and other topics. After Beers gave her last ta l k in December 2 016 , E l len Corker of t he New n a n- Coweta Historical Society suggested Beers turn her talks into a book. Beers was at f irst skept ic a l , but f i n a l ly decided to u nder ta ke t he proje c t . T he f i nished project, “History With Elizabeth,” is now in print. Beers had done 86 progra ms – missing one we ek b e c au s e of s n o w. S h e k n e w s h e would have to choose some of t hem for t he book and omit others. “It wa s ver y ha rd
to d e c id e ,” s h e s a id . “There was such a wealth of information.” B eers joi ned forces with another local historian, Carolyn Turner. “I did t he computer s t u f f , ” Tu r n e r s a i d . Beers gave her the programs, and Turner formatted t hem for pub l ic at ion , re s e a rc h i n g along the way in order to submit a f inal draft of the book. “I never cou ld have done it w it hout her,” Beers said of Turner. “It has been a wonderf ul relat ion sh ip. It cou ld not have happened without her expertise and knowledge." The book is formatted w it h t he t a l k s a s t h e y we re or i g i n a l ly presented. T he date of each of the 41 talks is noted at the beginning of each chapter to give readers a time reference. The R.D. Cole street lamp is a leitmotif that notes t he end of each chapter. B e e r s a n d Tu r n e r k new that a n image of the Carnegie was needed for t he cover of t he book . They experimented w it h severa l photo graphs – but were not
BEERS, page 2
2 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
continued from page 1
continued from page 1
In those days, the fire department had one station and 26 staff members, and responded to about 400 calls a year. “It was really basic public safety stuff back then,” Whitley recalled. “Fires, fuel spill, fire alarms. We still relied on EMS for medical calls.” Thirty years later, the Newnan Fire Department employs over 60 personnel, responds to 5,000 calls a year, and is expected to open a fourth fire station by 2019. It didn’t happen overnight, but it sure seemed like it, Whitley said. Prior to becoming Chief, Whitley was focused on integrating EMS services into the department. Firefighters were trained in basic first aid, but lacked the gear and training to take it to the next level. Whitley told himself if he was ever in charge of making decisions at the fire department, that would be the first thing he’d tackle. In 2000, he finally got the chance. “You could see it was the direction the fire service was going,” he said. “Municipalities aren’t going to pay you to simply fight fires and EMS is a natural fit.” The shift to incorporating EMS services wasn’t going to be easy, but with the right backing, the transition began to take shape. “Most places I’ve been, pe ople re a l ly d i sl i ke change and the fire department was no exception,” he recalled. “But I have worked under the two best city managers I could ask for who have supported and helped us make our modern fire department a reality. We’ve been able to save a lot of folks and accomplished our mission of minimizing loss as first responders.”
For almost 30 years, Battalion Chief Jeffrey Patterson has worked alongside Whitley. The two former Army veterans enjoyed a long career of helping to better the fire department. “His vision took the department to the next level, and he always had the best interest of the city in mind,” Patterson said. With a new culture evolving, Whitley also witnessed the ISO rating change of a 4 to an ISO rating of 2 in the span of just four years. With a new fire station expected to open on Millard Farmer Bypass by 2019, an ISO rating of 1 is nearly guaranteed. The new station is expected to alleviate 900 calls from the downtown station. “David has guided the New na n Fi re Depa r tment through the fastest growth era of our city,” said City Manager Cleatus Phillips. “He has overseen the opening of new stations, the purchase of new equipment, the hiring of many firemen, and the implementation of advancement technology. David’s retirement is wellearned, as he is leaving the fire department in a great position and on a very solid foundation.” But the position of leadership is often filled with stress, Whitley said. Overseeing drastic changes and growth on a daily basis requires a solid safety net at home. With Joan and his two daughters, Rachel and Rebecca, Whitley has found a place of refuge and support. Spending his weekends raising animals on the family farm outside Grantville, Whitley recharges from one of the most stressful occupations in America. “People don’t realize, longevity as a fire chief isn’t very long,” he said.
“But you have to be able to laugh and rely on your staff.” Surrounding himself with good people has allowed a long and prosperous career, Whitley said. But in order for that to work, everyone has to be on the same page to get things accomplished. Many of his co-workers cite his “open door” policy that gives everyone a voice. “There are two kinds of leaders – the ‘my way or the highway’ type, or those who want to listen and figure out a solution,” he said. “I’m definitely the latter. Some of the best ideas come from those people who walk through my door to make a suggestion.” For over a decade, Renee Windom has worked as W hitley’s administrative assistant. She said his open door policy has made him an excellent leader. “If you have a problem, come to him and we can work it out,” she said. “I can honestly say, I haven’t had too many problems at all, which I give Chief Whitley most of the credit for. He kept things smooth around here.” Some of those same people are also currently in the running to take over the role of chief once Whitley leaves work for the final time on Wednesday. While he said he’ll enjoy life on the farm, Whitley said he ADDEDwould AT REGISTER! like to remain involved in serving the community in some capacity. “I’d like the chance to accomplish more things, but without the stress,” he said. “But the future of the fire department is in good hands, no matter who is chief. They need fresh legs and ideas because there will always be a new challenge on the horizon.”
happy with the result. o n S a l b i d e Av e n u e Beers said she Beers decided to ask t h r o u g h t h e D i v e r - doesn’t want to think l o c a l a r t i s t J e n n y s i f i e d C o o p e r a t i v e a b o ut a n o t h e r b o o k J o n e s , w h o o w n s Training program. r i g h t n o w. S h e j u s t Corner Arts Gal“I’ve always liked to w a n t s to e nj oy t h i s l e r y, a b o u t u s i n g a write,” she said. one. painting Jones had done of t he icon ic bui ldi ng. Jones quickly agreed. A book sig n i ng w i l l be held Feb. 2 5 f rom 2 - 4 p. m . Preschool and Kindergarten at the Carnegie 33 Greenville St. • Newnan, GA 30263 L i b r a r y, h o s t e d by the Newna n 770.253.1237 Ca rnegie Libra r y Foundation. A surprise about t he bo ok w i l l be revea led at t he event. Beers h a s always had a love of h istor y a nd of Friday, March 2 • 9-5 w riti ng. T he h isSaturday, March 3 • 8-Noon tory just came nat(HALF PRICE SALE SATURDAY) urally as she grew up surrounded by relatives – Allens, Leighs, Copelands, Sewells. “The family Children’s Clothing (Infant to Children’s Size 14), cemeter y’s in the f ront ya rd . It ’s Accessories, Baby Gear, Bedding, Books, sti ll bei ng used,” Furniture, Games, High Chairs, she noted. Beers was one Indoor & Outdoor Play Equipment, of 5 8 f i r s t c ou s Shoes, Strollers, Toys, Videos, & More! ins when she was a girl. 400 Consignors. Growing up surrou nded by fa m• Bring Your Own Shopping Bag • ily, “you have your g r o u n d i n g ,” s h e s a id . “ You k now everybody.” All teachers with a valid school ID W hen she was ADDED AT OUR s t i l lCOST a sPLUS c h o o10% l - REGISTER! are invited to shop on Thursday night g i rl , h e r m o t h e r (preview night) at 6:30 pm. You do not need encouraged her a preview night ticket, just your ID. to write the comID Holder only allowed to enter sale. munity news from 8 oz. A l len’s C ro s si n g Select Varieties 5 Lb. 14.75 oz. for Mt. Olive Jim Dandy Pink Beauty The Newnan Relish or Quick Pink Times. Later as a Grits Salmon Sweet Cubes h i g h s c h o ol s t udent, she worked at the newspaPlease visit visit our Please ourwebsite Download the the Food digital coupons p e r w h e n it w a s Download FoodDepot DepotApp Appfor for digital coupons
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Wednesday, February 28, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 3
Retirement Living with
Southern Hospitality Wesley Woods of Newnan offers a retirement lifestyle with a blend of elegance, refinement and unrivaled Southern hospitality. Nestled beside a fishing pond on picturesque acreage, our residents experience gracious living in spacious apartments and charming cottages. Most important, they enjoy a dynamic lifestyle with affordable prices, plus assurance of access to healthcare residences on campus if and when needs increase in the future. Call Beth Hutchinson Tripp at 770-683-6833 for a personal appointment.
770-683-6833 • 2280 North Highway 29 | Newnan, GA 30265 A senior living community on 54 acres offering independent apartments and cottages, personal care, memory care and nursing care, all on one campus.
4 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
red carpet and spend the evening like a star. Enjoy a gourmet dinner, dancing and live music. Bid on rare finds at the silent and live auctions. Tickets are $110 for an individual, $195 per couple. Proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta. The Newnan–Coweta County Airport is located at 115 Airport Road in Newnan. For more information, contact Jessica Douglas, Director of Special Events, at or 404-527-7079.
March 1 - 5
calendar your guide for local upcoming events
Open Studio Thursday
‘Peter and the Starcatcher’
Mar. 1, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free
Mar. 1, 8 p.m., $10
Presented by The Newnan Theatre Company, the Tony award–winning “Peter and the Starcatcher” upends the century-old story of how a miserable orphan comes to be The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up (a.k.a. Peter Pan). A wildly theatrical adaptation of Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson’s best–selling novels, the play was conceived for the stage by directors Roger Rees and Alex Timbers, and written by Rick Elice with music by Wayne Barker. From marauding pirates and jungle tyrants to unwilling comrades and unlikely heroes, Peter and the Starcatcher playfully explores the depths of greed and despair... and the bonds of friendship, duty and love. For more information, call Newnan Theatre Company at 770-683-6282.
Backstreet Arts
Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, nonintimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit
Organic Vegetable Gardening in Seven Steps
Newnan FUMC Consignment Sale Friday
Mar. 1, 6:30 p.m., Free
This class will show you how you can grow some of your own organic food, covering when to plant and what varieties to plant, how to control bugs and diseases organically and much more. Call the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 for more information.
CAREing Paws reading therapy dogs can help children improve their reading skills in a unique and fun environment. They offer private reading exercises for elementary and middle schoolaged students. Kids pick a favorite book and read to the dog in a low-stress atmosphere. CAREing Paws, Inc. is a group of registered therapy teams who are willing to share their special animals in order to bring joy and happiness to others. Registration is required. For registration, call the Powell Branch Library at 770-253-3625.
Newnan-Coweta Annual Boys and Girls Club Oscar Night Gala Saturday
Mar. 3, 6 - 10 p.m., $110 and up Come out to Hangar 45 at the Newnan–Coweta County Airport for the Boys and Girls Club Oscar Night Gala to strike a pose on the
Mar. 3, 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., $15 - $20
Mar. 3, 10:30 a.m., Free
CAREing Paws Reading Therapy Dogs
3 NEWNAN . The Nixon Centre for the Arts is located at 1523 Lower Fayetteville Road in Newnan.
AARP Driver Safety Class
An AARP Driver Safety Class will be held at the Powell LIbrary in Newnan. The class is open to licensed drivers of all ages and will review the rules of the road and provide an update on new Georgia driving laws. Class cost: $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. Class completion could save you money on your car insurance. To register, call 770-253-3625. All participants should bring their drivers license, AARP card if member, and a lunch.
Mar. 2, 9 a.m., Prices Vary The Newnan FUMC Preschool Consignment Sale benefits the FUMC preschool. Clothing is available in sizes preemie/NB to size 14-16 for girls and boys, feeding-related items, bedding, toys, furniture and accessories, infant gear, books, videos and shoes. Cash or check only. Newnan First United Methodist Church is located at 33 Greenville St, Newnan. For more information, call 770-253-7400.
The Art of Clown Workshop Monday
Mar. 5 - 6, 7 - 10 p.m., $100 In this exclusive intensive, participants can explore performance methods that are ancient and modern at once. Mike Funt is the Artistic Director of the internationallytouring, multi awardwinning clown troupe Four Clowns. Through his work at The Clown School in Los Angeles, Funt believes the clown is a natural part of everyone’s life, but one that has often been overlooked or pushed down. Funt’s Clown Intensive allows your clown to burst out of you, to give license to your spontaneous, fearless, and playful self. “The clown is an iconic figure, and it lives inside your body: silly, profound, and eternally mischievous,” says Funt. “Let go of your fears. Have some fun. Come and play with us.” The workshop will be at the Newnan Theatre Company on Monday and Tuesday, March 5-6, from 7:00 -10:00 p.m. each night. The cost to attend the workshop is $100. To register, contact the Newnan Theatre Company at 770-683-6268.
The Olate Dogs Variety Show Sunday
Mar. 4, 3 p.m., $15- $20
Olate Dogs is an American dog trick act featuring father-andson trainers Richard and Nicholas Olate. In 2012, the group won the seventh season of America’s Got Talent, claiming the $1,000,000 first prize. Olate Dogs features numerous tricks such as dogs jumping rope, going down slides, and riding scooters. The act also features a doggy conga line and a pooch that does back flips. Up to 10 of their 22 dogs perform during each show. For more information, call 770-254-2787 or visit
MON., FEB. 26 - SUN., MAR. 4, 2018
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Wednesday, February 28, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 5
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“The teachers at Huntington TUTORINGacademic skills, and confidence since TEST PREP TUTORING my vocabulary, both written ADVANTAGE Huntington Learning Center ReadingReading - Writing Math Study Skills 1977. We offer: WHEN YOU CALL also gave me strategies to fi - Writing - Study 2781 West Highway 54,- Math Peachtree City,Skills GA 30269 SAT PSAT/NMSQT ACT Advanced c evaluations BEFORE 02/28/2018* Spelling Spelling - Vocabulary -academic Phonics-evaluations 770-632-7335 problems -more quickly and Thorough - Vocabulary Phonics 1.800.CAN.LEARN Placement (AP) - Georgia Milestones ailored to each student’s needs Proven programs tailored to each straight A student!” Personalized Attention. Proven Results. ISEE SSAT GED ASVAB Algebra Geometry Trigonometry I’VE GOT THIS ©2015 Huntington Mark, LLC. Independently Owned and Operated. SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark Algebra -certified Geometry - Trigonometry student’s needs teachers uction highly of thefrom College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. None of TUTORING these entities were involved in the production of, and do not endorse Pre-Calculus -Individualized Calculus - Earth Science the program.*Pre-Calculus Offer valid for Academic Evaluation or Tuition, new students Not valid with any other offer. HLC1856 - Calculus - Earth Science instruction from only. “The teachers at Huntington helped me improve Huntington Learning Center Biology -Biology Chemistry - Physics highly qualified teachers - Chemistry - Physics vocabulary, both written and spoken. They 2781 West Highway 54, Peachtreemy City, GA 30269 WHEN YOU CALL770-632-7335 also gave me strategies to figure out math TEST PREP 1.8 TEST PREP TUTORING BEFORE 02/28/2018* problems more quickly and easily. Now I am a SAT - PSAT/NMSQT - ACT --Math State Tests Reading - Writing - Study Skills SAT PSAT/NMSQT ACT Advanced TEST PREP ©2015 Huntington Mark, LLC. IndependentlyTO Owned and Operated.ANXIETY SATstraight and Advanced Placement (AP) are registered trademarks the College Board. PSAT/N SAY GOODBYE SCHOOL A student!” – JennaofM. Spelling Vocabulary Phonics d Attention. Proven Results. Advanced Placement (AP) SSAT ISEE Placement (AP) Georgia Milestones of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. None of these entities were involved in the prod AND HELLO TO BETTER GRADES AND SCORES program.* Offer-valid for Academic Evaluation or Tuition, new students only. Not valid with any other offer. ISEE SSAT - GED - ASVAB Algebra Geometry - Trigonometry HSPT -theGED - -ASVAB s Pre-Calculus - Calculus - Earth Science Make the next report card the best yet! If your child gton Learning Center TUTORING “The teachers at Huntington helped me improve is having trouble keeping up in school or you think they Reading - Writing - Math - Study Skills Biology - Chemistry - Physics way 54, Peachtree City, GA 30269 Spelling - Vocabulary - Phonics need to sharpenboth theirwritten study skills, Huntington can help my vocabulary, and spoken. They 770-632-7335 TEST PREP 1.800.CAN.LEARN WHEN YOU CALL yourgave student get on tracktoright now. Since 1977, also me strategies figure out math WHEN YOU CALL Algebra Geometry - Trigonometry SAT - PSAT/NMSQT - ACT - State Tests TEST PREP Huntington has helped students K-12 improve their 8* Pre-Calculus - Calculus - Earth Science
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SAVE 100 2781 West1.800.CAN.LEARN Hwy. 54 | 770-632-7335
WHEN YOU CALL BEFOREtrademark 02/28/2018* P) are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered f ACT, Inc. None of these entities were involved in the production of, and do not endorse LOCATION Personalized Attention.LOCATION Proven Results. her offer. HLC1856 ADDRESS HERE | 000-000-0000
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also gave me strategies to figure out math problems more quickly and easily. Now I am a LOCATION LOCATION straight A student!” – Jenna M. ADDRESS HERE | 000-000-0000 ADDRESS HERE | 000-000-0000
Huntington Learning Center 2781 West Highway City, GA 30269Placement (AP) are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a 1.800.CAN.LEARN 2015 Huntington Mark, LLC. Independently Owned54, andPeachtree Operated. SAT and Advanced 770-632-7335
1.800.CAN.LEARN egistered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. None of these entities was involved the production of, and does not endorse, this program. *Offer valid for Academic Evaluation, new students only. Not valid with any other offer. HLC1850 ©2015 Huntington Mark, LLC.LLC. Independently Owned and Operated. SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark ©2015 Huntington Mark, Independently Owned and Operated. SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a of the College Board andof the National Merit Scholarship ACT is a registered Corporation. trademark of ACT, of thesetrademark entities were in the production and do was not endorse registered trademark the College Board and theCorporation. National Merit Scholarship ACTInc. is aNone registered ofinvolved ACT, Inc. None of theseof,entities involved the program.* Offer valid for Academic Evaluation or Tuition, new students only. Not valid with any other offer. HLC1856 in the production of, and does not endorse, this program. *Offer valid for Academic Evaluation, new students only. Not valid with any other offer. HLC1850
6 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
Jeff Lindsey Communities donates to SAIH for third year in a row
Jeff Lindsey Communities donates $6,500 to Southeastern Assistance in Healthcare. This is third year Jeff Lindsey has donated to the organization, which helps local cancer patients with non-medical expenses. From left are, front, Katie Brady, Cindy Luckie, Lana Mobley, Donna Malon, Karen Annis, Michelle Thill, Carol Sprayberry, Linda Jarvis; back, Andy Miller, Don Phillips, Carole Ann Fields.
BY KANDICE BELL Jeff Lindsey Commun it ies don ated $6 , 50 0 to t he Sout heaster n A ssista nce i n Hea lt hcare, ma king it the third year in a row the bui lder has donated to t he orga n i zat ion . Located i n Senoia , JLC builds new homes in various parts of Alaba m a a nd i n Georg ia . The donation was presented at T he Ca nc e r Tr e a t m e n t C e n ters of A merica on Thursday morning. Sout hea ster n A ssistance is a 501(c)3 organization that provides assista nce to ca ncer patients cu rrently bei ng treated at hospitals in the lo c a l a re a by prov iding grants to help with non-medical expenses. The company’s $6, 500 gift came from donating $500 for e ve r y c o n t r a c t w r i tten i n t he mont h of O c tob er, wh ic h wa s Nat ion a l B re a st Ca ncer Awareness month.
JLC wrote a total of 13 cont racts t hat mont h . Don na Ma lon wit h JLC sa id t he donation sig n if ies how much Jeff Lindsey cares about t he com mun ity. “He believes in what SA IH is doing to help patients batt l i ng ca ncer,” Ma lon sa id. Cindy Luck ie with SAIH said each month S A I H h e l p s a p p r ox i mately 1 50 patients g ra nt i ng $ 3 0, 50 0, but last month the organization helped 165 families. All money is raised through donations, a nd 9 8 percent go e s d i rect ly to pat ients . “ T he need i s rea l ly growing,” Luckie said. “I know JLC has a special interest with cancer pat ient s . I appre ciate their genuine concern for local cancer patients who need assistance with everyday livi ng expenses, such as food, uti lit ies a nd hou si ng.” I n addition to t he donation from JLC , SA I H a l so received a
$ 1 ,0 0 0 don at ion f rom D r. H a r it h a Pa bbat h i a nd her tea m at Ca ncer Treatment Centers of A mer ic a . I n O c to ber for Breast Ca ncer Awa reness Mont h , 22 o f P a b b a t h i ’s b r e a s t c a ncer pat ient s were t re ated to a “ Day of Pa mperi ng,” complete with ma keovers, a photoshoot, door prizes and raff le items. “The patients left w it h a memento s ayi n g , ‘ Yo u a r e b r a ve r than you believe, stronger tha n you seem, smarter than you think a nd tw ice as beautif u l a s you ever i m agined,’” Michelle Ha milton, care manager for Pabbathi’s off ice, said. SA I H wa s i ncor p o rated i n 201 2 a nd is located inside of Canc e r Tr e a t m e n t C e n ters of America in New na n. A ny donations made to SAIH are tax-deductible and contributions can be made on beha lf of a fa mi l y m e m b e r o r l ove d o n e b a t t l i n g c a n c e r.
“They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness. The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power.” Psalm 145: 7-11 American Must Stand With Israel! The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc.
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We at Insignia feel the
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many wonderful older adults who share their home with us and allow us to care for them!
2:00 PM
5 6 10:00 AM
10:00 AM
2:00 PM
14 2:00 PM 16 2:00 PM 20
2:00 PM
21 2:00 PM
27 30 2:00 PM
10:00 AM
Publication Date: Sunday, March 25, 2018
March Events National Prayer Day Service
Devotion with Friends Gospel Heirs Happy Birthday Barbie!
National Potato Chip Day Party
St. Patrick Day Party Spring Bingo Alzheimer’s
Support Group Meeting
Welcome Road Church Easter Egg Hunt
“Providing a safe and joyful environment where our Senior Citizens can feel loved and valued!” Please call us today to schedule your personal tour. Brenda Mitchell, Executive Director
SHOWCASE YOUR BUSINESS IN VISION 2018 Here’s the perfect way to let the public know how your business has progressed in recent months – the new services, added features and employees that demonstrate how hard you work to serve customers. Our annual progress edition, Vision 2018: A Special Report on Our Community, is designed to update readers, visitors and newcomers on how change has impacted Newnan, Senoia and the rest of Coweta County. It’s a great opportunity for you to highlight to the public the training and loyalty of your employees, bring out a new product or stress the experience your staff has and what you can offer residents of our community. Considering more than 15,000 people have moved here in the last seven years, you need to introduce your business to them to begin with. Also for the 8,200 kids who graduated high school here in that period and are now making their own, adult purchasing decisions. Vision 2018 is one of our largest and best-read special publications of the year. Readers will be thinking about the benefits of living in our community, its growth and its successes. They’ll be in the mindset to recognize the advances made by area businesses are an important part of our progress, and they’ll be open to patronize the dynamic ones on the move. Plus, every ad will benefit from our service, NTH Boost. We will post your ad online in the local business directory on, along with directions to your business and a link to your website. Additionally, the service will help raise your business’s position in search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing for greater search-engine optimization. Added Value! This section will also be published online at with over 600,000 page views per month! All links in your print ad will be clickable on the web edition.
Advertising Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2018 For more information call 770-683-1707 27 Belt Road, Newnan, GA 30263 | 770.251.6639
16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA 30263 •
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 7
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8 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Where gracious hospitality is a way of life.
continued from page 1
Insignia Senior Living of Newnan
is a personal care home nestled on a beautiful setting offering gracious hospitality in a comfortable and elegant atmosphere including:
(Formally known as Savannah Court)
• 24-hour access to trained friendly associates
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Please call us today to schedule your personal tour. Brenda Mitchell, Executive Director
Senior Communities Centered Around Family
27 Belt Road
Newnan, GA 30263