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MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2018


ssing Bypass 55 Newnan Cro , GA Newnan

16 770.683.64


Come Ba ck To the Country OP EN 7 • Est. 199 DA YS A 9 W EE K

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Free Lunc or Dinner h Entreebeginning resiwoman With Purch

news@newnan.com A fter eight yea rs of higher education, Crystal Seldon of Sharpsburg will graduate from Morehouse School of Medicine on May 19 and be

officially titled M.D. Her journey, however, is just beginning as she will continue training through a residency program, a five-year process in which new physicians practice under the direct

supervision of experienced ones. Seldon’s specialty is radiation oncolog y, t he t reat ment of cancer, and she has been told she holds the distinction of the being the only African-American

ase of year to enter dency this a Second Ent ree and Two Beradiation the oncology verages. Offer valid thro ugh Date wit field. coupon. Fre h e item must be of equal or less er valu couSeldon’s pon per table. e. Limit onei nterest i n List details terms and con ditions here. , medici ne a nd biolog y developed in high school when her g ra ndfat her Enjoy

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Jane’s Place

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urgspending w a s d i a g n o s e d wRie t hal BAfter ers. a year eallconducting prostate cancer andRher y G o o d! labwork on Why comprom ise onm mother was diagnosed qusali,ty?however, s he We serve frewor shly prepared sirloin burge r e 10 w it h diabetes. Seldon i ztheewa d 0% she wa nted rs wia tholut it. entered Georgia State more human interaction. University as a biology major, concentrating on SELDON, page 2 medical research. Any



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Harlem Globetrotters’ Cherelle George will be performing at the University of West Georgia with her team on Saturday. George, who grew up in Newnan, is a rookie for the iconic team and is the 16th woman in the team’s history.

Coming back to Georgia as a Harlem Globetrotter BY TAYLOR ROBINS

taylor@newnan.com Cherelle George, who has ca lled Newna n home since she was 10 ye a r s old , w i l l b e coming back with the world-fa mous Ha rlem Globetrotters. T he Globetrotters will preformed recently

a t t h e Un i ve r s i t y o f We st G e or g i a’s Col iseum in Carrollton. “ We h a v e a g o o d t i m e . We t a k e p r i d e i n put t i ng on a g reat show every time,” said George of her experience w it h t he Globetrotters. "Ever yone is just going to come out

Free !



Members of the Georgia Society, Sons of the American Revolution color guard bow their heads in prayer during a grave-marking ceremony at Oak Hill Cemetery.

and see the rest. What we do is create memories that last a lifetime. For myself, the interaction a fter each ga me, 30 minutes after each g a m e , we s i g n a u to graphs, we talk to the


melanie@newnan.com Three Revolutionary War soldiers now have proper plaques marking their final resting place in the Historic Oak Hill Cemetery. People from around t he state pa id t hei r re s p e c t s re c e n t ly to

GEORGE, page 3

a r t X T IM

ass sing Byp nan Cros, GA 55 New Newnan 16

64 683. 770.




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t he ma rkers during a special ceremony. The service included a reading of each soldier’s biography, a color guard presentation and a “three musket salute” - one shot fired in honor

HEROES, page 2

plus, 1,000 copies delivered

Majo r adve preprint r t the T isers u se ime Xtra s-Heral their to reach d custo mers !

is your free weekly connection to local news, entertainment, calendar of events and advertising.

former soldiers James Akens, William Smith and Randal Robinson. The General Daniel New n a n Ch apter, Daughters of the American Revolution, NSDAR a nd t he Ma rquis de Lafayette Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, GASSAR, unveiled

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KEND FOR R’S te n Pla TWO* 545 Bullsbo Chickeoz. drink.. k or offer r purchase of $25 or more 770-252 ro Dr. • Newnan, GA 30265 d Por and a 20 any othe -8584 • www.oc s with Choppe (Not including Seafood Buffet.) *Call harleys.com 2 side ined 3/31/18. or visit our website with ot be comb rollton, e res for details. Expi , Car glasvill Expires 3/31/18 Cann Newnann, & Dou Newnan, GA 30263 eville,, Fairbur 8 Franklin Road•Newnan, City Fayett chtree ) SE! 03 Pea



ar ng a ye sp endi wo rk on Af ter sh e tin g lab co nd uc , ho we ve r, s wo r m

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The Seldon siblings are close, and Crystal Seldon says her family is a key to her success. From left are Caleb, Casey, Crystal, Nicole, Joshua and Christopher Seldon.



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