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MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2018


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news@newnan.com A fter eight yea rs of higher education, Crystal Seldon of Sharpsburg will graduate from Morehouse School of Medicine on May 19 and be

officially titled M.D. Her journey, however, is just beginning as she will continue training through a residency program, a five-year process in which new physicians practice under the direct

supervision of experienced ones. Seldon’s specialty is radiation oncolog y, t he t reat ment of cancer, and she has been told she holds the distinction of the being the only African-American

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urgspending w a s d i a g n o s e d wRie t hal BAfter ers. a year eallconducting prostate cancer andRher y G o o d! labwork on Why comprom ise onm mother was diagnosed qusali,ty?however, s he We serve frewor shly prepared sirloin burge r e 10 w it h diabetes. Seldon i ztheewa d 0% she wa nted rs wia tholut it. entered Georgia State more human interaction. University as a biology major, concentrating on SELDON, page 2 medical research. Any



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Harlem Globetrotters’ Cherelle George will be performing at the University of West Georgia with her team on Saturday. George, who grew up in Newnan, is a rookie for the iconic team and is the 16th woman in the team’s history.

Coming back to Georgia as a Harlem Globetrotter BY TAYLOR ROBINS

taylor@newnan.com Cherelle George, who has ca lled Newna n home since she was 10 ye a r s old , w i l l b e coming back with the world-fa mous Ha rlem Globetrotters. T he Globetrotters will preformed recently

a t t h e Un i ve r s i t y o f We st G e or g i a’s Col iseum in Carrollton. “ We h a v e a g o o d t i m e . We t a k e p r i d e i n put t i ng on a g reat show every time,” said George of her experience w it h t he Globetrotters. "Ever yone is just going to come out

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Members of the Georgia Society, Sons of the American Revolution color guard bow their heads in prayer during a grave-marking ceremony at Oak Hill Cemetery.

and see the rest. What we do is create memories that last a lifetime. For myself, the interaction a fter each ga me, 30 minutes after each g a m e , we s i g n a u to graphs, we talk to the


melanie@newnan.com Three Revolutionary War soldiers now have proper plaques marking their final resting place in the Historic Oak Hill Cemetery. People from around t he state pa id t hei r re s p e c t s re c e n t ly to

GEORGE, page 3

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t he ma rkers during a special ceremony. The service included a reading of each soldier’s biography, a color guard presentation and a “three musket salute” - one shot fired in honor

HEROES, page 2

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former soldiers James Akens, William Smith and Randal Robinson. The General Daniel New n a n Ch apter, Daughters of the American Revolution, NSDAR a nd t he Ma rquis de Lafayette Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, GASSAR, unveiled

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The Seldon siblings are close, and Crystal Seldon says her family is a key to her success. From left are Caleb, Casey, Crystal, Nicole, Joshua and Christopher Seldon.



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2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra



continued from page 1

continued from page 1


A member of the Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution militia color guard shows his respect in front of the grave sites for soldiers James Akens and William Smith. The GASSAR unveiled three new markers for Revolutionary War soldiers.

of each man. Members of the DAR and the SAR took turns bowing and saluting the gravestones of the fallen soldiers. Newnan City Councilman Ray DuBose presented both organizations with a proclamation, officially declaring Feb. 24, 2018 as “James Akens, William Smith and Randal Robinson Day.” The bodies of Akens and Smith were moved Oak Hill Cemetery in the early 1900s. Cheree Stevens with the General Daniel Newnan Chapter said the Newnan chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution purchased both soldiers’ plots. Akens and Smith are buried near the now-Confederate section of Oak Hill Cemetery. Robinson was laid to rest in his family’s plot, just a short distance away in the cemetery.

The grave marking ceremony was the idea of Patricia M. Strickland, a member of the General Daniel Newnan Chapter of DAR. The vision came to her as she was cleaning off soldier’s headstones near the Confederate section of the cemetery in September of 2017. “They weren’t marked and something need to be done,” Strickland ADDED AT said. “I’m thrilled I reached this goal REGISTER! … I thank God for the physical and spiritual strength. I couldn’t have done it without Him.” Stevens researched the biographies of Akens, Smith and Robinson in honor of Saturday’s ceremony. She believes it’s important to honor the past for future generations. “We have soldiers ma k ing the same sacrifices today as these patriots did back then. I want soldiers and their families to know they won’t be forgotten,” Stevens said.

Seldon began volunteering at Grady Memorial Hospital in the Radiology Oncology Center where she worked with the same patients every day, “building relationships with them and being with them during their fight.” S e ld o n’s e x p e r i e n c e a t G r a d y inspired her to apply to medical school. Four years later, Seldon is looking forward to the next phase of her career. “It’s been a long journey, but I’m really excited to start training. Someone calling me doctor and trusting me with their care is surreal,” she said. On March 16, known as “Match Day” to medical students, Seldon will find out where she will be training during her residency program. During that time, she will spend one year practicing internal/general medicine, then four years treating cancer patients, developing treatment plans and researching new procedures. The work is challenging, but Seldon finds it is worthwhile “knowing that I’m doing something good for the community as well as making my parents proud.” For Seldon, the patients are worth any struggle. “Being with the patients and getting to go throughout their journey is so rewarding. You become part of their lives. It hits hard when some of them don’t have a good outcome... but just being there, every day, is enough to make a lasting impact,” she said. While interviewing for radiation oncology residency positions, Seldon met more than 200 applicants. She was the only black woman of the group in the South. Seldon explains that being the sole minority is “something you get used to. There aren’t many African-Americans in the medical field.” African-Americans make up only 4 percent of medical professionals, ADDED AT OUR COST PLUS 10% despite accounting for nearly 14 perREGISTER! cent of the country’s total population. The discrepancy is typically seen as a concern with The New York Times reporting, “As a general rule, black 16 oz. patients are more likely to feel comfortSelected Varieties 10 Lb. able with black doctors. Studies Kraft have Domino shown to seek Dressing Sugarthat they are more likely them out for treatment, and to report higher satisfaction with their care.” Seldon hopes that her journey will inspire others like her to follow similar paths. “I want to be an inspiration 7-8other oz. for minorities who wish to pur-



sue this field and medicine in general. Sometimes you just need to see someone else doing it to believe that it can be done,” she said. “Now and in the future, I hope to be a mentor to aspiring minority doctors,” she added. Seldon’s family is already proud of her accomplishments and see her as an inspiration. Seldon’s older sister is a nurse, and her younger sister is currently applying to medical school. As the third of six children, Seldon said her family is her support system and said they are a key to her success. “Medical school is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I would not be here without my family,” said. For now, Seldon is looking forward to the next five years. She will be 31 when she can practice medicine on her own, and she is “counting down every day.” Despite the difficulty of medi64 oz. Varieties and day-to-day cal school, Select residency Orchard patient care,Old Seldon keeps her purpose Apple Juice in mind. “I knew that God had a plan for me and this was His plan for me. I knew that with Him I couldn’t fail. It made me try even harder to get to my goal, Please visit our website at www.fooddepot.com Please our website at www.fooddepot.com knowing that I visit had someone there to Download the Food Depot for digital coupons Download the Food Depot AppApp for digital coupons in store promotions! help me.” andand in store promotions!

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Crystal Seldon is headed toward a residency as the next step in becoming a radiation oncologist.



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Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

Wednesday, March 7, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 3

Times-Herald Xtra

Beers dedicates book to Herb Bridges BY W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com Elizabeth Beers sig ned copies of her b o o k , “ H i s to r y W i t h Elizabeth,” at the Carne g ie L ibra r y recent ly and dedicated the book to Herb Br idges , who shared her passion for Coweta’s heritage. Bridges, who died in 2 01 3, h ad a n i nter n at i on a l r e p u t a t i on for his collection of “Gone With the Wind” memorabilia – including copies of Margaret Mitchell’s novel in numerous languages. He also was a st rong advocate for preserving the history of Coweta County. Beers’ book grew out of talks she gave at the Ca rnegie Libra r y. She returned there to sign books and greet friends on Sunday. Beers took a brief break from autographing to talk about Bridges, and to present copies of her book to Bridges’ wife, Eleanor. W h e n B e e r s

a n nounced her book was dedicated to Herb Br idge s , t he approx imately 75 people in the upper floor room of the Carnegie, applauded. Beers sa id Bridges was a friend from her childhood days. “ We t a l k e d a l l t h e time,” she said, rememberi ng t hat he often would come to her house to stay 1 5 m i nutes and leave an hour or more later. “Herb loved Newnan,” his wife said. She said he kept “every scrap of paper he ever wrote on.” Eleanor recalled she recent ly fou nd a note he wrote about meeting with Beers and Virginia S t . Jo h n , w h e r e t h e y discussed starting the New n a n- Cowet a H i storical Society. K atie Brady of t he Newnan Carnegie L ibra r y Fou ndat ion introduced Beers. She s a i d S u n d a y ’s e v e n t was a time “to celebrate ‘Miss’ Elizabeth,” addi n g t h at her pa rent s ,

Ha rold a nd Cat heri ne Barron, and Lewis and Eli zabet h Beers, were fr iends when she wa s growing up. Brady also noted she a nd B e er s a re fel low members at Central Baptist Church. “ S h e ’s a w e a l t h o f k nowledge and a treasure for our county and our community,” Brady said. “History With Elizabeth” is the f irst book written by Beers, who recently celebrated her 90th birthday. During her remarks, Beers a lso recognized El len Corker, who encouraged her to turn her notes into a book. “She’s like the Energ i zer Bu n ny. She just keeps going and going,” Brady said. Beers “a lways ha s a project of some kind,” Brady added. B r a dy t a l ke d a b o ut Beers’ remarkable memory. “She doesn’t forget anything,” she said. “Now, she’s written a

book. What will she do next?” Brady asked. “She wants suggestions.” In addition to researching history and

giving tours of Newnan, Beers likes to sew. Carolyn Turner, who help e d B e er s put t he pu bl ic a t ion to ge t h e r,

was also at the Carne-

I tor ture t he defense with my ball-handling abilities,” George said. G e or g e , a Mc D on a ld’s A ll-A merica n nom i nee ba sketba ll player, is a 2003 New na n High School graduate who spent her f r e s h m a n a n d s o ph om ore ye a r s at E a s t Coweta High School. Duri ng her ca reer with the Cougars, George made it to the 1 ,000 -poi nt club a nd averaged 15 points per game in her final high school season. A mong her accomplishments were f irst tea m a l l-reg ion bot h years at Newnan. T he L ady Couga rs won a region championship while George played for them. A fter ea rning a n associate deg ree i n hea lt h a nd f itness at Iowa Western Commun ity College, George ea rned a schola rship to Purdue University. I n 20 09, she pa r ticipated i n t he I ndia na Fever’s training camp for the WNBA. “It was a dream come t r ue,” sa id George about the WNBA training camp. “It was a dream come true to even be there.” George has been playing the sport since she was 4 years old. She said her mother w a s a d r i v i n g fo r c e in her sta rting a nd conti nui ng to play basketball. “ I ’l l never forget I h ad t he Fi sher-P r ice h o o p a n d a b a s k e tba l l , a nd it wa s ju st l i ke once I st a r ted I couldn’t stop,” George said. “A nd it felt li ke it was my getaway and it brought me so much joy. I just gravitated to the game, it’s just been my therapy.” After college, George moved to Miami where she created four youth basketball teams i n 2 0 1 2 – f ive ye a r s before joi n i ng t he Globetrotters. “O ne of my c h i ldho o d d re a m s , a lon g w it h play i ng professional basketball, was to always have my own basketball team,” said G e or ge a b out s t a r ti ng her ow n yout h basketball teams. “So when I got to Mia m i I sta r ted work i ng at a recreationa l center. The parents were just so plea sed w it h how I work i n g w it h the kids and my basketball knowledge and my ability to play the game.”

George’s teams were split by age groups: 8-9, 10-11, 1 2-1 3, and 14-15. A ll coed teams going by t he tea m na me of Key Bi sc ay ne K i ng s , they would travel outside of their own city to play in tournaments i n t he sout h F lor id a area. “It was a n a ma zi ng experience,” sa id

George about her former teams. G e or ge s a id she i s looking to move back to G e or g i a a f ter her tou r w it h t he Globet rotters i n Apr i l a nd she wa nts to form new youth basketba ll teams where her family resides. “Hopefully Newnan will be the f irst place

I start a team,” George said. According to George, the Harlem Globetrotters have taken her to a lot of places. From Mex ico previous to Austra lia i n A p r i l , C a l i fo r n i a i s G e o r g e ’s f a vo r i t e place she’s been so far. She sh a re s her t ravels on Instagram at @

iamrelle. “I’m having a blast,” George said. “This opportunity is one in a million. I travel the world. I wake up, and I do what I love. It ’s not even work to me. I’m truly blessed and truly thankful. I don’t ta ke anything for granted. I’m living in the moment.”


Eleanor Bridges holds copies of “History With Elizabeth,” presented to her by the author, Elizabeth Beers, right, at the Carnegie Library on Sunday. Beers gave Bridges a book for herself and one for each of her children. She also announced the book’s dedication to Bridges’ late husband, Herb Bridges.

gie Library on Sunday, assisting with sales of the book.


continued from page 1

k id s , we t a l k to t h e parents. You don’t get t hat i nteract ion a nywhere else. Little things like that make a difference.” Originally from Redi ng ton , Pa . , George relocated to New na n a s a ch i ld . George is currently in her rookie yea r w it h t he Globetrotters. T he 5 -foot-3 g u a rd i s one of f ive ro ok ie s t h i s s e a s on , and she is only the 16th wom a n ever on t he team in the Globetrotters’ 92 seasons. “It means the world to be on ly t he 16t h female in the 92-year history,” said George. “I’m t r u ly blessed to wake up every day and play t he ga me I love while inspiring girls all over the world. There’s a little pressure on ly because I want to keep t he legacy of great women who’ve played for the Harlem Globetrotters going.” George said she always wanted to be a professional basketball player but she never thought that she would join the iconic team. “I remember g rowi n g up watc h i n g t he H a rl e m G l o b e t r o tters on TV but I never t houg ht I’d be a pa r t of it,” said George. “I never t houg ht I ’d be h e r e r i g h t n ow. B u t that’s life. That’s how it works.” George reca lls that when she was discovered , she wa s shooti ng a nd d r ibbl i ng on a n u nocc upied , open court at a youth basketball tournament in Miami. A referee who happened to be a former Harlem Globetrotte r s r e fe r e e s p o t te d her. He gave her a contact to send her clips. After some time, George f inally sent in her information. “I sent the video and maybe 10 minutes later someone called me and said that tryouts were i n At l a nt a t h at nex t week,” recalls George. “So that’s how it happened. I was in the g y m doi ng my t h i ng, and somebody was watching.” D u r i n g her t r yout , George says t hat she wa s so ner vou s t h at she didn’t smile. T he rook ie goes by the performing na me “ Torc h G e or ge ” a nd wears jersey No. 10. “I got the name ‘Torch’ because on any given night I light up t he scoreboa rd a nd

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4 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

tra X calendar March 7 - 17

your guide for local upcoming events


Midget Wrestling Show at The Corner Tavern Wednesday

Mar. 7, 8 p.m., $20-$30

This event is an action-packed wrestling show from start to finish. The group brings a highly energetic and electrifying show that has been seen in all 48 of the continental United States. The wrestlers currently do approximately 250 shows a year and have successfully produced and performed at over 3,000 shows nationwide. The Corner Tavern is located at 125 Newnan Crossing Bypass. For more information, call 770-683-4227.


Swing Dance Lessons Wednesday

Mar. 7, 6:30 p.m. , Free

Backstreet Community Arts, located at 19 B First Avenue, Newnan (behind Bridging the Gap) will offer free swing dance lessons the first Wednesday of every month, courtesy

of Jenny and Chuck Enderlin. Bring a bottle of water and comfortable shoes--no dance partner or experience required! The halfhour beginner’s lesson will be followed by a period of open dance for all. For more information, call 706-9402787 or email dream@ backstreetart.org


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday

Mar. 8, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, nonintimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit www.backstreetart.org


Writing Workshop with Alex McRae

Mar. 8, 2 p.m., Free

Join award-winning writer and humorist Alex McRae for a class on how to write your story. Whether you want to write your memoir or explore your life through writing about your experiences, he will be sharing his homegrown and well-earned writing experience in a small, intimate environment. The class is free, but space is limited. Call the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 for more information or to make a reservation.


Paint Recycling Saturday

Mar. 10, 8 a.m., $ Varied

Keep Newnan Beautiful is holding a Paint Recycling Event at Newnan City Hall in the back parking lot. Bring only old wet paint- no dried paint or paint with kitty litter. There is a small fee associated with this event. Contact the KNB office at 678-6735505 or via email at knb@cityofnewnan.org with any questions.



H.E.L.P. Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic Saturday

Mar. 10, 9 - 10:30 a.m., $5- $25 The H.E.L.P. Spay/ Neuter Clinic will host a low-cost vaccine clinic on a first come, first served basis. Flea and tick prevention medications will be available as well. Nexgard and Frontline Gold will be available for dogs; Frontline Gold is available for cats. Heartgard Plus is available as heartworm prevention for dogs. Canine vaccinations for rabies are $10; microchip $25, DHPP $10, kennel cough $10, leptospirosis $10, deworming $5- $10, heartworm tests $15. For cats, rabies vaccinations are $10, microchip $25, FVRCP $10, FELV $15, deworming $5- $10 and combo tests are $25. No exam fee. For the safety of all pets - dogs must be on leashes or in crates, and cats must be in crates, pet carrier boxes or pillow cases. The H.E.L.P. Clinic is located at 12 The Crescent, Newnan. For more information, call 770-304-7911.


Fifth annual Grey Matters Dinner Monday

Mar. 12, 6 p.m., $75 and up Can’t Never Could has announced that its Fifth annual Grey Matters Dinner will will feature motivational speaker Inky Johnson as well as a


tribute to late founder Rob Estes. Can’t Never Could was established in 2013 as a result of Rob’s diagnosis with Grade IV glioblastoma, an aggressive and incurable form of brain cancer. Early in his battle with cancer, Rob and Christi decided to start a nonprofit to help those facing similar challenges. The Grey Matters Dinner will take place at The Newnan Centre, 1515 Lower Fayetteville Road in Newnan. Tickets are $75 per person, $150 per couple and $750 for a table of 10. For more information or to request seating with a certain group, please send an email to info@cowetafoundation.org. To purchase tickets, visit www. cantnevercouldinc.


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Tuesday

Mar. 13, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, nonintimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit www.backstreetart.org


Backstreet Arts Open Studio

Thursday Mar. 15, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, nonintimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit www.backstreetart.org


12th annual ShamRock Run Saturday

Mar. 17, 8 a.m., $10 - $40

Newnan Junior Service League hosts this annual USATF-certified run. Competitive runners race the 10K course, while the entire family will enjoy the 5K and Leprechaun Dash. The Leprechaun Dash will be two laps around the Courthouse Square. Walking the course is fine, and dogs and strollers are welcome for the 5K and Dash. Festive costumes are encouraged. This year’s charity run benefits Coweta CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children), a group of volunteers appointed by the Coweta County Juvenile Court to advocate for children in foster care. Registration varies from $10 for the Leprechaun Dash to $40 for last-minute signup. For more information, visit www. njslserves.org

















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Wednesday, March 7, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 5

Times-Herald Xtra

Homeless no more:

Coweta women share their stories 20 years on big city streets BY SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com Between the ages of 17 and 37, off and on, “Sue” lived on the streets of Austin, Texas. During her 20 years of homelessness , t he on ly t i me Sue wasn’t living on the streets was when she had a boyfriend with a house or apartment. Addicted to meth and having been sexually assaulted more times than she could count, Sue said she had given up on just about everything. “I told myself, ‘I’ll never be a mother, I’ll never own a home, I’ll never own a car,’” she said. “You look at those things as being something you’ll never reach when you’re on t he streets.” T hose t h i ngs were pa r ticularly weighing on Sue in her 37th year. She’d broken up with a boyfriend and was back on the streets. She started to feel suicidal. She said she thought, “I’m 37 years old. I’ve never made anything out of myself. I’m never going to be any different than I am right now. This is where I’m going to be the rest of my life.” The thought of never being a m o t h e r w a s p a r t i c u l a rl y disheartening. Then, to her complete surprise, she found out she was pregnant. And her life changed in an instant. “Up until that point I really never had a reason to try to better myself,” Sue said. “My son saved my life. And I tell him that all the time. “He has no idea about my past,” she added. “I’ll tell him someday when he is older and he can understand." Sue was just 14 months old when her father shot and killed


Katy and her children lived for several months in their church after losing their home.

Homeless in her rural hometown BY SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com T he spri ng before t he youngest of her three children started pre-kindergarten, Katy’s husband left. She was getting no financial support from him, and there were few job opportunities in their tiny Louisiana town. In April, she got a letter. The taxes hadn’t been paid on the house they lived in, and they had to be out in four days. It was a shock. K aty a nd her ch ildren moved in with her grandmother, but it was only a month before she was told to leave. Katy reached out to her pastor, who let the family

live in one of the church’s Sunday school rooms. They shared a futon and bathed in a metal wash tub in the church k itchen. W hen w a r m we at her a r r ive d , the family went to a local swimming lake to use the outdoor showers. “I remember feeling very humble about it because we would take our soap and shampoo up there,” Katy said. A friend, whom Katy calls “Maw Maw,” often invited the family over for dinner and let them do laundry and take showers. W hen her youngest started school, Katy began work i ng a s a subst it ute teacher. She printed busi-

ness cards offering house clea ning ser vices a nd put them in the teacher’s lounge. She started taking online college classes. B y l a te f a l l , s o m e of Katy’s fellow church members were pressuring the pastor to tell the family to move on. A friend told Katy about income-based apartments in the town. She applied for them, but was told it typically took several months to get approved. Katy said she decided to move her family to a homeless shelter in Cincinnati. But on her self-imposed

KATY, page 6


her mother and her mother’s friend as they arrived at work. She went to live with her grandmother and her grandmother’s husband, a known pedophile. It was a childhood of sexual abuse, physical abuse and mental abuse, Sue said. She started rebelling in high school, smoking pot and hanging out with other kids who had problems at home. W hen a n aunt and uncle decided to move from Georgia to Texas, she went with them. But she didn’t stay with them long. “When I got free… I got wild,” Sue said. “I kind of wandered away." She took to the streets of Austin and started doing meth and “any other drug that I could do, except for heroin." Sue used drugs and alcohol to help bury her feelings. “I didn’t want to feel at all,” she said. Women living on the streets in big cities are often exposed to sexual abuse. “You get taken advantage of – there are a lot of guys telling you ‘I can help you with this, I can help you with that,’” said Sue. Or she’d be sleeping outside and wake up to a man sexually assaulting her. “You’re around all the wrong people,” she said. “It’s really dangerous. You wake up and someb o dy i s touc h i n g you . You’re so far in the addiction, and all that is keeping you out there. You never report something like that. It is just something that you live with because of the kind of life you’re living.” Being abused became normal,

SUE, page 6


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6 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 5

d e a d l i n e of D e c . 1 5 , K aty was studyi ng at the library and praying when she got a call that she’d been approved for an apartment. She h ad to tel l her children that she was Santa Claus and there wouldn’t be many gifts that Christmas. But i nstead, t here was an outpouring of generosity from t he community. She told t hem t h at “Sa nta” wa s a nyone who cared about kids,

that “there are a lot of Sa ntas i n t he world,” Katy said. “It was the best Christmas we ever had.” A few years later, she remarried. She and her new husband moved to Atlanta to work with a homeless ministry. K at y s a id her hu sband and the pastor at the ministry didn’t get a long, so t hey moved back to L ou i si a n a to live with her husband’s family. But not for long.

“(My husband) kicked us out. We literally had nothing,” Katy said. She was three hours from her hometow n and desperate, so Katy p o s t e d o n Fa c e b o o k asking for help. A woman who bought some of her furniture when she moved to Atlanta drove them back to K at y ’s hometown and gave the family a van. A friend wrote a check for $1,000 to get them into a new house.

And the next day, Katy got a job. Eventually, Katy said she felt a call to return to Atlanta to work with the homeless ministry, so she and her children moved again. She bega n dat i ng – and eventually married – a ma n who lives i n Newnan, so she moved her fa m i ly to Coweta County. A long t he way, she finished her bachelor’s degree and got a master’s in counseling. She

now work s a s a sub stance abuse counselor. Her mot her wa s a n addict, and that’s what inspired her to work to help addicts. Si nce ea rn i ng her master’s, she’s gained a dd it i on a l c e r t i f i c a tions, including one in trauma counseling. Her t h i rd m a r r iage recently dissolved, and Katy and her children m ove d i n to a r e n t a l home. Housing in Coweta is expensive – and even

with a master’s degree and a full-time job, it can be a struggle. “My whole m i ndset a round homelessness is you never know what can happen,” Katy said. “And anybody can lose everything at any time. But it’s your faith i n G od t h at su st a i n s you. I look back over the past 10 or 12 years and it just blows my mind the many times He has stepped in and made a way for us.”

I found out that I was pregnant, I didn’t touch t he dr ugs a ny more. I was determined to do wh at wa s r ig ht ,” Sue said. But she was terrified the drugs she’d used for years before would harm her baby. Sue had become close friends with the mother of a previous boyfriend, so she called the woman and told her about the pregnancy. “She said, ‘What are you going to do?’” Sue said. “I said, ‘I’m going to keep it.’ And she says, ‘OK, we’ve got to get you to a doctor.’” And she did. Sue contacted t he baby’s father, and they got back together. “ For t he f i r st fou r m o n t h s of m y p r e gnancy, all I did was sleep and eat,” Sue said. “My body was catching up.” S h e we n t f r om 1 1 5 pounds to 170. Her boyfriend helped her get her driver’s license and bought her a car. Before she started showing, she got a job at a call center. “It was just basic wages, but it gave me

conf idence,” Sue said. She was able to have work done on her teeth, which had been badly da m aged by yea rs of meth use. When her son was a year old, Sue reluctantly left her job to move with her boyfriend to North Carolina, where he had a friend and a potential job. Their relationship soon ended. “ We o n l y l a s t e d maybe six months once we came out here,” Sue said. She didn’t know what to do, at first. “I had no understanding of how to be an adult,” Sue said. “I had always relied on the guy I was with to tell me, ‘This is how you do things.’” She stayed with relatives in Georgia for a short while, then headed to the Atlanta area. She got a room at a motel in the eastern suburbs, and started searching newspapers for jobs and sending out her resume. She’d only been in the hotel a few hours when she got a call about a job – at 10:30 p.m. Because

of the late night phone call, she was skeptical. “I thought there was no way that was legitimate,” Sue said. He asked her to check out the company’s website and said he would ca ll her back. He did – and asked her to come in for an interview the next morning. So she found a drop-in daycare for her son and went to the interview. “ T hey h i red me on the spot,” Sue said – and she’s been there ever since. She spent the weekend looking for a place to live, and found a small rental house. They had no furniture, no household goods. But it was a

home. And she had a job. The job was a good one, and she was good at it. She got several promotions, and within a few years, she started thinking about buying a home of her own. Her credit wasn’t good, so she focused her efforts on paying off bills from yea rs of emergenc y room visits. W hen Sue f inally called a mortgage broker, he said her credit was good enough and soon she was the owner of a home i n Coweta County. Sue said no one in her life knows her story – not her son, her friends here or her co -workers. She said she’s not

ashamed of her past, but she doesn’t want people to see her differently. “There are still times when I feel like an addict,” Sue said. “I might be at work at a big meeting with all of these people in suits. And I’m sitting there, a nd the addict who used to live that life is inside of me just screaming, ‘Oh my God, I don’t fit in here,’” she said. “It’s kind of sad that I have to keep it quiet,” she added. “I wish it was something that I could shout from the rooftops, because look at where I’m at. I would love to be able to tell people, ‘You can do it, you can get out.’”


continued from page 5

Sue said. Many of the other girls she met on the streets had similar stories – leaving abusive homes or drug-addicted parents. Usually, Sue said, she could f i nd a place to sleep. Sometimes she would go to a bar just to find a man to take her home for that night, or she would try to find a car that was unlocked so she could climb in and sleep there, for a little protection from the elements – a nd ot her people. Sometimes if she couldn’t find a place to sleep, she’d go to a drug house and do drugs all night so she would have a place to hang out. She said the boyfriend who fathered her son was a good guy. “I liked him,” she said. But more importantly, being with him gave her a stable environment. But they broke up, and she found herself back on the streets. The day she found out she was pregnant, she had drugs in her pocket. “ From t he moment

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Pet to be Published in The Newnan Times-Herald on National Pet Day, Wednesday, April 11, 2018!

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The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263


Pet Day The Newnan Times-Herald P.O. Box 1052 Newnan, GA 30264

OR CALL: 770-253-1576

Pet photos above courtesy of Shelter Pet Photography, Newnan, GA

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