tra X
MARCH 28 - APRIL 3, 2018
e e r f
your weekly connection to local news & entertainment
local calendar ➤ page 3
Ask Miss Pearl
One of Newnan’s leading authorities on modern etiquette, she gladly lends her advice to everyone whether they want it or not.
➤ page 4
Newnan to host outdoor film series BY CLAY NEELY
Ne x t m ont h , t h e c it y of Newnan will host an outdoor film series as part of Georgia Cities Week. The annual event, sponsored by the Georgia Municipal Association and is designed to showcase and celebrate cities and the many services they provide. The theme of this year's Georgia Cities Week is "Georgia's Cities: In the Spotlight," highlighting cities’ contributions in economic development, historic preservation and in providing quality of life for residents and businesses. Since the city has served as a backdrop for many popular film and television series, two films with Newnan ties will be shown on the walls of downtown buildings. On Friday, April 27, “T he Founder” will be shown at the County Administration parking lot located at 22 East Broad Street. The second film, “The Odd Life of Timothy Greene,” will be shown in the parking lot behind Domino’s off West Broad Street. Both films were shot in Newnan. Showtime for both movies
Friday April 27 8:30pm “The Founder” County Administration parking lot at 22 East Broad Street
“The Odd Life of Timothy Greene” parking lot behind Domino’s off West Broad Street
Both films were shot in Newnan.
is set for 8:30 p.m. Kettleworks and Sweet Sensations will be on hand selling concessions for the film fest. Prior to the start of the movies, a “Touch a Truck” event will be held on West Broad Street near The Carnegie Library from
6 to 8 p.m. A city-inspired art contest will be held in the local high schools. Art students were encouraged to participate by submitting their best entries of art that depict the “In the Spotlight” theme in celebration of Georgia Cities Week. The top five art pieces will be displayed at City Hall all week. The winners will be announced at a later date. "We are very proud of our city and the services we provide that make it attractive to residents and visitors," said Gina Snider, public information officer for the city of Newnan. "Too often, people are unaware of how cities enhance their quality of life, and we like them to participate in these events and learn more about the city of Newnan's story." "In the Spotlight" will be kicked off by Mayor Keith Brady, and various departments of the city, such as Public Information, Police, Fire, Planning and Zoning, Keep Newnan Beautiful, Main Street, and Newnan Center and City commissions. Youth Council and Cultural Arts will be represented as well.
A springtime saddle up
During a recent meeting, Friends Of The LINC preview the 15 submitted mural designs from students in Mrs. Jodie Hobbs art class at Newnan High School. From left are Jean Wyant, Tammy Troyer, John Christian and Sandy Wisenbaker.
group explores artistic avenues for path BY CLAY NEELY A variety of themes, ideas and designs for a proposed mural along the proposed LINC path were recently submitted by students from Mrs. Jodie Hobbs art class at Newnan High School. The submissions were part
“It’s not just a mural, but you can incorporate famous people from your area, or even a historic Native American focus. There are great opportunities for tourism and education.”
of a contest held by Friends Of The LINC to choose a design for the first tunnel to be constructed on the path, located under Lower Fayetteville Road. Hapeville-based artist John Christian, founder of Go Georgia Arts Studio, spoke to the group last week. Christian has been commissioned by the group to head up the proposed mural project and create an art master plan for the 26-mile trail. Christian recently com-
Nathan Yeager Jr. makes a quick turn during the annual 4-H Horse & Pony Club show last Saturday.
T he Cowet a Cou nt y 4 -H Horse & Pony Club recently held its annual spring fun show last Saturday at the Coweta County
Fairgrounds. Members came out to enjoy the sun after a delayed start due to rain. The Horse & Pony Club has a spring and fall show each year to raise money for the club members. Funds
pleted work for Meriwether County’s “Murals and Monarchs” tourism project that joined historic murals and butterf ly gardens across Meriwether County in a project begun in early 2016. H i stor ic mu ra l s were pa inted by Ch ristia n in Warm Springs, Lone Oak and
Woodbury, and Greenville. Now, the Friends Of The LINC are hoping Christian can explore a variety of similar possibilities for the LINC. For the LINC, Christian suggested a combination of murals, sculpture and interactive art. “It’s not just a mural, but you can incorporate famous people f rom you r a rea , or even a historic Native American focus,” Christian
go towa rd yea r-end awa rds and entry fees for the 4-H State Horse Show held in Perry, Ga., each year. The 4-H Horse & Pony Club is a volunteer-led club and has around 35 active members.
Mayson Glover jumps her horse during the 4-H Horse & Pony Club spring fun show held at the Coweta County Fairgrounds.
2 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
First in his class BY MELANIE RUBERTI
After completing a grueling sixd a y, 6 0 - h o u r c o u r s e , M o r e l a n d native a nd f i ref ig hter / EM T Nic Bu rgess has made h istor y for t he Newnan Fire Department. In early March, Burgess was one of 24 f iref ighters from around the country to graduate from the Georgia Smoke Divers program. It was not only a personal achievement , but pl ace d B u r ge s s i n t he r e c o rd b o o k s a s b e i n g t h e f i r s t f i ref ighter from t he New na n Fi re Department to complete the course. “This program was the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life,” Burgess said. “I am thankf u l for t he suppor t a nd g u ida nce from God, my family, NFD co-workers, and friends. I one hundred percent would not have made it through the program without them.” T he Georgia Smoke Divers program is an intense course in Dalton, Ga ., for ex perienced f i ref ig hters. A person must first qualify for the program before being considered as a candidate for the class. Burgess said hundreds of people competed in the qualifying round. He wa s one of 35 chosen for t he Smoke Diver prog ra m - a nd wa s accepted on his first attempt to take the course. “Ever y day was challenging and demanding. It was the hardest thing I’ve done by far,” Burgess said. “But I wanted to better myself as a firef ighter, push my limits and better my skills in the profession I chose to do.” The Smoke Diver program pushes firefighters to their limits and furt her t ra i ns t hem i n sel f-su r v iva l, firefighter rescue, advanced search and rescue, thermal imaging, emergency procedures, teamwork, disci-
pline, team leadership, situational awa rene s s a nd de c i sion m a k i n g . The group also learns how to function within the Incident Command System. “T he prog ra m … teaches you to keep trying even though you think you cannot,” Burgess explained. “It pushes you past the point of exhaustion, both mentally and physically, it is at this point the program puts you through a series of drills that simulate actual fire ground operations.” The Smoke Diver course includes drills to simulate cha llenges f iref ighters face in their line of work, such as battling structure fires, multiple-alarm fires and multiple fires within a single shift. B u r ge s s s a id t he y were te s te d on t he S el f- Cont a i ne d B re at hi ng Appa ratus, sea rch-a nd-rescue methods and removing an “injured f iref ighter” from a da ngerous environment. A c c o r d i n g to B u r g e s s , d u r i n g the f inal test each f iref ighter was given one bottle of air and searched a three-story building for nuts and bolts. Everything had to be found in the correct order or else f iref ighters would have to start the drill over again, with whatever amount of air they had left. T h i r t y-f ive f i ref ig hters sta r ted the Smoke Diver program; only 24 were left standing on the last day including Burgess. “I’m bringing back things that will make me a better firefighter, a better husba nd a nd a better person,” Burgess said. “I know I can take on challenges, not be afraid to fail and push past my limits.” “I was very happy for him,” said new New n a n Fi re Ch ief Stephen Brown. “I actually called him that night to congratulate him. It’s a heck of an accomplishment - especially
Great Quality Brands!
Nic Burgess is the first Newnan Fire Department firefighter to graduate from the Georgia Smoke Divers program. Only 24 firefighters from across the country graduated from the grueling six-day course.
since he’s t he f irst in our depa rtment. He put us on the map.” Burgess has been with the Newnan Fire Department for three years. He was born and raised in Morela nd a nd graduated from New na n High School in 2006. B u r g e s s a t te n d e d Ja c k s onv i l le State University and received both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in emergency management and homeland security. Now that Burgess is a part of the elite Georgia Smoke Diver Association, he plans to help instruct the program. T he cou rse is on ly offered t wo times a year in Dalton.
Newnan Firefighter Nic Burgess, far left, holds the Georgia Smoke Divers flag as he listens to instructors.
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Prices Effective March 26 - April 1, 2018. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 3
Times-Herald Xtra
tra X calendar
March 28 - 31
your guide for local upcoming events
CAREing Paws - Reading Therapy Dogs March 28, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
CAREing Paws reading therapy dogs can help children improve their reading skills in a unique and fun environment. They offer private reading exercises for elementary and middle school-aged students. Kids pick a favorite book and read to Lola the therapy dog for a 15-minute session in a low-stress atmosphere. Registration is required. Call the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 for more information or to register.
Onelife Fitness Blood Drive March 28, 3 p.m., Free
Roll up your sleeves and help us help the Red Cross! All donors will receive a free Onelife Fitness T-shirt and VIP guest passes. You do not have to be a member to donate blood! Walk-ins are welcome, or schedule a time to donate at or by calling 1-800-Red-Cross.
19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, nonintimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www.
Newnan, 1731 Newnan Crossing 3lvd A
FOMR Walk and Talk March 31, 10 a.m., Free
Dr. David Morgan will lead the annual Wendell Hoomes Wildflower hikek. Meet at the old ranger station. Parking fees will be waived for program participants. For more information, call McIntosh Reserve Park at 770-830-5879 or visit
State of the Community Luncheon Featuring Drew Ferguson March 28, 11:30 a.m., $35 - $50
Join the NewnanCoweta Chamber and Congressman Drew Ferguson of Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District as he discusses the latest national topics that are relevant to our state and local community. $35 for Chamber members and their guests; $50 general admission
Kennel Club Annual Club Match March 31, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., $
Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at
OneLife Fitness Newnan, 460 Newnan Crossing Bypass Orangetheory Fitness
This AKC event at the Coweta County Fairgrounds provides an important learning process for dogs, exhibitors, handlers, judges and members of the Newnan Kennel Club. For more, visit
several submissions could successfully be combined. The group hopes to begin work on the mural before school is out for the summer and to finish by the time it returns in August. The tunnel will be painted on both sides and lit 24-hours a day.
Christian hopes to have up to four student interns to participate in this rare opportunity. The cost of the mural is expected to run around $12,000, so the group is hoping to secure funding through grants and from community donations.
With two more tunnel mural projects on deck, Christian suggested a variety of themes could be chosen for each. Those interested in more information can visit the group’s website at .
Red Cross Blood Drives March 28, 3 p.m.- 7 p.m. (both locations)
Backstreet Arts Open Studio March 29, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m.
continued from page 1
said. “There are great opportunities for tourism and education.” The group will review the 15 submissions from Hobbs’ a r t cla ss a nd determine which pieces, or pieces, that best captures the spirit of the project. Christian suggested
to do thi summer s Cowetain
plus a dozen day trips!
Discover all the fun things to do in Coweta! Inserted as a convenient pullout section in the May/June edition of Newnan-Coweta Magazine, 50 Things To Do will be delivered to paid subscribers of The Newnan Times-Herald. An additional 5,000 copies will be distributed throughout Coweta County and surrounding areas.
Delivery Date: Friday, May 4, 2018
Don’t miss the opportunity to be included in this popular resource for families looking for fun things to do in Coweta and easy day trips. This year for the first time ever, 50 things to do will be insert ed in Newnan-Co weta Magazine a sa convenient pullout!
Family Owned and Operated Since 1976 7 Jefferson Pkwy Newnan, GA 30263 770-251-0634
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April Events
11:00 AM
Easter Celebration
10:00 AM
Gospel Heirs
3 4 10:00 AM 10
Bible Study with Friends
1:30 PM
National Siblings Day
2:00 PM
Pet Day — Bring Your Pet!
11 12 2:00 PM 13
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
18 2:00 PM 23 10:00 AM 23
2:00 PM
25 2:00 PM
On the Road Again Loretta Lynn Day Reminiscent Corner Alzheimer’s
Support Group Meeting
Library Visit Jelly Bean Day Party Resident’s
Birthday Party
“Providing a safe and joyful environment where our Senior Citizens can feel loved and valued!” Please call us today to schedule your personal tour tour.
Added Value! will be online at with over 600,000 page views per month! All links in your ad will be clickable.
Brenda Mitchell, Executive Director
Advertising Deadline: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 Contact your NTH Media Sales Representative, call 770-253-1576 or email
16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA 30263 •
27 Belt Road, Newnan, GA 30263 | 770.251.6639
4 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
Ask Miss Pearl Dear Miss Pearl, My boyfriend and I have been living together for two years and we dated three years prior to moving in with each other. I want to get married and start a family, but my boyfriend says he isn't ready. How much longer should I wait?
First off, you and the others need to decide on an amount of money that you are comfortable with spending on the party. Secondly, you need to have a meeting and present this to the other two hostesses. They may agree or they may decide to have their own party. Either way, you and the others need to be comfortable with the decision.
And Another Thing... Please remember when you go to a funeral visitation that "visitation" is what you do when you are in line, NOT what you do when you finally get to the family! This is not the time to share precious stories of the dearly departed;
on the square
Watch us on Nulink CH. 10 Facebook, Instagram, and Vimeo.
The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc.
Want to Show Off Your Pet AND Help other Animals? Send a photo of your
Pet to be Published in The Newnan Times-Herald on National Pet Day,
Wednesday, April 11, 2018! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to
MISS PEARL you can do that (and should) after the funeral when you are visiting with the family at their home. Of course, if there is not anyone in line behind you, then you can take a few minutes… but this is usually not the case. Be considerate of those who are waiting in the line that is wrapped around the funeral home. Speak and move on!
Newnan-Coweta Humane Society’s
Pet Food Pantry Spay/Neuter Fund at the H.E.L.P.
Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic
Submissions will be accepted until Wednesday, April, 4 at 5:00 p.m. Pet’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ My Human’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone (required): _________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name: _____________________________________________________ Type of Card (circle one):
Check Visa MasterCard
Discover AmEx
Card Number: __________________________________________________________ Expires: ________________________________________ Code: _________________
Dear Miss Pearl, What is the rule about wearing white jeans? I have mine on right now. End of discussion!
bringing real life + community together
Luke 24:34
This same Jesus who died to redeem mankind is still today setting the captive free. He conquered death, hell, and the grave. He came to deliver us from the evil one who steals, kills, and destroys. He laid down his life so that we have the opportunity to receive salvation, the ultimate gift. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 American Must Stand With Israel!
Honey, you need to pack your bags and move out. NOW! This may seem a little drastic, but it is the only way you are going to get his attention. His response to your actions will tell you everything you need to know about your relationship AND his intentions. Five years is a long time to have invested, and if the two of you are not on the same page, it may be time for you to start a new chapter. There are lots of fish in the sea, so don't despair if he doesn't come to his senses. Either way, you will be glad you did this. What I really want to know is what your Mama thinks about all of this. I would bet you ten dollars that she and I are on the same page! Let me know how this all works out. Dear Miss Pearl, I am part of a group who is giving a high school graduation party for our kids. Two of the hostesses have unlimited funds and are wanting to spend entirely too much money on the party. What can we do?
“The Lord is risen indeed!”
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Miss Pearl is one of Newnan's leading authorities on modern etiquette. She gladly lends her advice to everyone whether they want it or not, because, "After all, it's all about the children and setting a good example for them." Her videos are available on her Facebook page, and she can be reached at
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Wednesday, March 28, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 5
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Make Your Graduate’s Big Day Extra Special With a Photo on this Keepsake Graduation Page! Samuel Carden
Newnan HS Parents: Laura Cardin & Ben Carden
Destiny Latrez Garnigan
East Coweta HS Parents: Kelly & Rodrick Garnigan
Katherine M. Jones
Trinity Christian School Parents: Michael & Diane Jones
Nicole O. Duncan
Northgate HS
Matthew Todd Grady
Trinity Christian School Grandparents: David & Evelyn Davis
Darien Key
East Coweta HS Parents: Milton & Shirley Key
Matthew Joseph Dwyer
Kennedy F. Dunn II
East Coweta HS
Parents: Steveford Duncan, Carmeleta Williams
East Coweta HS
Parents: Kennedy Dunn, Sr. & Dr. Natisha Roberson-Dunn
Parent: Maureen “Mo” Dwyer
Chelsea Victoria Ann Jones
Jacob Hancock Newnan HS
Northgate HS
Grandparents: Sybil & Willard Hancock
Parents: T.C. & Wanda Jones
Katie King
Newnan HS
Parents: Barbara & Mark King
Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have your graduate’s color picture published in The Newnan Times-Herald
Sunday, May 27th
20 per graduate
Photo Submission Deadline:
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 • 5:00 p.m.
Adrianna Danelle Ward Newnan HS
Parents: Jason & Nancey Ward
(Pre-School, Elementary, Middle, High School and College Graduates) SUBMISSION FORM Graduate’s Name: _________________________________________________________________
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Visa MasterCard Amex Check
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Card Number:___________________________________________________________________________________
Mail form and payment to: The Newnan Times-Herald Attn: Salute to Graduates P.O. Box 1052 Newnan, GA 30264
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The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576
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Reference blind box #104 in subject line
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16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA •
6 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, March 28, 2018
i a fo
Times-Herald Xtra
Coweta County ranks in state’s top 10 healthiest counties BY ANDY MILLER Georgia Health News
It seems Cowetans are doi ng somet h i ng rig ht when it comes to their health. Coweta County ranked as the 10th hea lt hiest county in G eorg i a , accord i ng to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Un iversit y of Wisconsi n Popu lat ion Hea lt h Institute. There are 159 counties in the state. In compiling the list, t he orga n i zations
looked at factors such as medical care, education, transportation and poverty that inf luence how long and how well people live. Forsy t h Cou nt y wa s r a n ke d a s G e or g i a’s h e a lt h i e s t c o u n t y for the sixth straight year. Other counties on the top ten list, in order from highest to lowest, were: Oconee, Cherokee, Fayet te, Gw i n net t , Columbia, Cobb, Harris and Paulding counties. T he st ud ie s showed
“This year’s county health rankings highlight the tremendous health disparities that persist in Georgia by zip code, race and ethnicity.’’ the unhealthiest places pre dom i n a nt ly a re i n r ura l a reas, ma ny i n the southern part of the state. The f ive Georgia cou nt ie s i n t he p o orest health, starting with least healthy, are Quit-
m a n , Wa r r e n , C r i s p , Turner a nd Ea rly. “We can’t be a healthy, thrivi n g n at ion i f we cont i n u e t o l e a ve e n t i r e communities and populations behind,” said Dr. R icha rd Besser, president a nd CEO of t he
Rober t Wood Joh n son Foundation. In Georgia, 23 percent of children live in poverty, compared with 20 percent nationally. The report card noted children in poverty are less likely to have access to qua lit y schools a nd have fewer cha nces to be prepared for higherwage jobs. “ T h i s ye a r ’s cou nt y he a lt h ra n k i n g s h ig hlight t he tremendous hea lt h dispa rities t hat persist in Georgia by zip code, race a nd et h n ic-
ity,’’ said Marsha Davis, a n associate dea n at the University of Georgia’s College of P ublic Health. “One of the key drivers of health status is poverty. Unti l we i mprove the social and physical environments in which all Georgians live, their income, and their educational achievement, it is unlikely that we can improve their health.” Melanie Ruberti contributed to this article.
Area children get a jump start at the annual Run For Angels through downtown Newnan.
An Exercise is Medicine participant focuses on strengthening her arm muscles during class at the Piedmont Newnan Fitness Center off Court Square. NTH FILE PHOTOS
MON., MAR. 26 - SUN., APR. 1, 2018
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