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APRIL 4 - APRIL 10, 2018


calendar of events inside ➤ page 6


Fiberglass farm animals arrive for pickup,

your weekly connection to local news & entertainment

➤ page 4

Local designer’s clothing line showcased in national department store


melanie@newnan.com Ve r o n i c a R a m i r e z has an eye for fashion. T he 26 -yea r-old Sha r psburg woma n is so ta lented, her sketches a nd d rea ms of becoming a fashion designer are coming to life. T h e “ Ve r o n i c a Ramirez” clothing collec t ion i s now bei ng s h owc a s e d a n d s old in select Belk departm e n t s to r e s n a t i o n wide. Her designs will a lso be feat u red a nd sold online. T he 26 -yea r-old entered the Southern Desig ner Showca se l a st ye a r. A f ter pre sent i ng her clot h i ng line before a panel of judges, Veronica was chosen as one of f ive winners from dozens of competitors. “ I cou ld n’t bel ieve it ,” s he s a id . “ I wa s i n s ho c k . I wa s pict u r i ng my n a me a nd my clothing in a Belk store a nd it blew my mind.” The Southern Desig ner Showca se provides emerging desig ners t he opportunity to ref ine their de sig n s , lea r n about production at sca le and experience in-


Veronica Ramirez sketches out a new idea for her clothing line, “Veronica Ramirez.” The Sharpsburg woman said she’s wanted to be a fashion designer since the age of 14. Veronica’s parents renovated their garage into a design studio for their daughter.

DESIGNER , page 2

Market Day returns April 7


Locals enjoy last year’s Market Day on the courthouse square, which features local vendors with homemade products.



More than 30,000 new residents will call Coweta County home in the next 10 years, according to latest data provided by the Newnan-Coweta County Chamber of Commerce. That population growth is in addition to the 140,000 residents who live in the county now.

Ready or not :


melanie@newnan.com More than 30,000 new residents will call Coweta County home in the next 10 years, according to latest data provided by the Newnan-Coweta County Chamber of Commerce. That population growth is in addition to the 140,000 residents who live in the county now. Wit h g row t h comes change - and portions of Coweta County are a l re ady ex per ienc i n g increased construction and plans for restructuring to accommodate the influx of people. The population surge

w i ll eventua lly a ffect all areas of the county, from ma nufacturing a nd bu si ne ss to education and healthcare, traffic, real estate, tourism and the cultural arts communities. O ne of t he bi g ge s t cha nges in Coweta County will occur later in 2018 when the entrance and exit ramps at Interstate 85 and Poplar Road open up. This will bring more traffic, people and business to the southern end of the county. “The mixed-use development at Lower Fayetteville and Newnan Cross-

ing Boulevard appears to be a huge project , along with all the Poplar Road development with medical, retail, and housing sprouting up at the new interchange,” sa id Joh n Ha ll, President of the United Bank, Newnan Division. “This is an exciting time to be in Coweta county and be in business.” The Coweta County Development Authority is busy with several manufacturing projects and a distribution project that could possibly bring more than 1,000 jobs to Coweta. But the county won’t be the only area to expe-

rience growth, so will the cities of Newnan and Senoia.


Suzanne Helfman is the chairman of the Senoia Downtown Development Authority. She said two large residentia l developments h ave been approved recently, and those new residents will need services. Com mercia l g row t h is also continuing along H w y. 1 6 , a s w e l l a s downtown.


kandice@newnan.com Ma i n Street New na n’s m ont h ly M a rke t D ay s e a s on w i l l k ick off a rou nd t he Newnan Court Square on Saturday, April 7. Ma rket Day is held t he f i rst Sat u rday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will feature more tha n 50 spaces with handmade, homemade and homegrown products, from loca l ly sou rced vendors. Each mont h offers new vendors and new products. Market Day favorites include fresh, locally grown produce, honey, jams and jellies, salsa, pottery, art, handmade c h i ld ren’s c lot he s , h a nd-woven ba skets , leather products, fresh ly ba ked goods , h a nd m ade f u r n it u re, handmade birdhouses, wood-a r t, f iber-a r t, wreaths and f loral desig n , a mong m a ny other items. “We are very excited to k ic k of f t h e 2 0 1 8 season,” said Newnan Main Street Manager Cour tney Ha rcour t. “ We w e l c o m e t h e com mu n it y to st rol l t h r o u g h t h e c o u r thouse until December for a t r u ly loc a l experience. The Mar-

ket Day i s a n excellent showplace for our local craft industries, farmers and artists.” All products sold at the market are handm ade , homem ade , or home grown, and the e ve n t s e e k s to p r o mote loca lly sourced supplies to match the needs of a com mun it y c u s tom e r b a s e , according to Harcourt. Pickin’ on the Square is held simultaneously each month during the Market Day. Local musicians with acoustic instr uments are invited to play a rou nd t he courthouse. F r e e p u b l i c p a r king is available along downtown streets and in the numerou s of f-st reet lot s located on the corner of LaGra nge Street and Spring Street, F i r s t Av e n u e a n d Spring Street, East Broad Street and Perry Street and East Washington Street. Market Day is open to the public and admission is free. For more i n for m ation, contact the Main St reet of f ice at 7 70 253-8283 or visit www. mainstreetnewnan. com .


2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 1

store and online mercha ndisi ng f i rst ha nd, according to Lea h Ruber t i no w it h Ed leman Public Relations. It i s a n i n e -m o n t h journey from concept to production and merchandising, Rubertino said. I n add it ion to t he oppor t u n it y to showcase her clothing in the s to r e , Ve r o n i c a w o n a ca sh pr i ze a nd wa s partnered with a manufacturer to help bring her clothing to life. It’s a far cry from her tiny Sharpsburg studio - formerly her parent’s garage. They enclosed and renovated the s t r u c t u r e s o Ve r o n i c a c o u ld fol low h e r dream of being a fashion designer. T he cozy room is f illed with colorful sketches of future de si g n s , a nd m a n ne qui ns wea ri ng si l k , frilly dresses and tops awaiting the f inal touches from Veronica. A sewing machine sits in one corner, covered wit h fabrics a nd trims. Ve r o n i c a ’ s a m b i t iou s goa l of be coming a fashion designer sta rted when she was just 14 yea rs old , she said. T h at wa s t he s a me year she designed and made her own dress. “ I m ade it w it h out a pat ter n . I just k i nd of c ut t he fabr ic a nd sewed it a lto get her,” she remembered with a smile on her face. She drew inspiration from Alexander Wang and Maria Cornejo. Ve r o n i c a a t t e n d e d the Sava n na h College of A rt and Design, SCA D, in Atlanta.

A fter g raduation , she i m mediately moved to New York City and interned for one of her favorite desig ners Maria Cornejo. “ I lea r ned ever ything I could. She was s o a m a z i n g ,” Ve r o n ica said. “She took me under her wing, but pushed me to make my own brand and follow my dream.” It was Corenjo who gave Veronica courage to enter t he Sout hern Designer Showcase. The Sharpsburg woma n moved back home a nd bega n to work on her collection. “I look at fabrics, trims, sta rt sketching patterns … then I’ll do fittings and see how it looks in person. It’s a long process,” she said. Veronica’s talent and determination paid off months later when she took home top prize. T h e “ Ve r o n i c a R a m i rez” spr i ng collection debuted on March 22 during a fashion show at t he B el k store in Kennesaw. Veron ica descr ibed her clot h i ng li ne as “fashion forward” and said her favorite piece i s a bl a c k a n d i vo r y ruff led dress. “ It ’s ver y moder n ,” she sa id. “I thought a lot a b out f it a nd t he clothing being f lattering to every woman … I’m conscious of wome n ’s f i g u r e s a n d m y sizes are more true to size than other designers. But the clothing is ‘fashion forward’ at the same time.” Unfortunately, Veron ic a’s col lec t ion will only be sold at the Belk store in Kennesaw, G a . B ut t he c lot h i n g

line will launch online nex t week , sa id her publicist. W h i le Veron ica has on ly ju st e st abl i shed her bra nd a nd logo, s h e ’s a l r e a d y t h i n ki ng a head of ways to ex pa nd her clot h i ng line in the future. The 26 -year-old sa id she is t ha n k f ul for the head start in a ver y compet it ive a nd demanding career. “ I ju st wa nt to s ay ‘ T h a n k you’ to B el k . They’ve been very supp or t ive i n t he whole j o u r n e y, ” Ve r o n i c a added. “Their help has been amazing. My brand will happen because of them. I am so grateful.” To s e e Ve r o n i c a ’s clothing line, visit www.belk.com/shopby-brand/southerndesigners .


Veronica Ramirez shows off two of her designs: a ruffled silk top with a matching black and white skirt. More of her clothing collection, called “Veronica Ramirez,” will be sold at certain Belk department stores and online.

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Please visit our and website atpromotions! www.fooddepot.com Veronica Ramirez, 26, of Sharpsburg, shows off a dress she is currently designing. The East Coweta High graduate won in store Download the Food Depot App for digital coupons the fifth annual Southern Designer Showcase. and in store promotions!

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$ 69



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1 1

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$ 29

3 Oz.

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1 1 $ 47 1

Pork Picnic






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4 lb. Bag Florida



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U.S.D.A. Inspected 7.3 oz. Knots, Fresh 10.5 oz. Turnip Bread Sticks or Mustard or 11.25 oz. Texas or Lite Greens Pork $ 61 Picnic $ 71 New York

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FD 040218-Page 1



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FD 040218-Page 1


12.3 oz. 8 Ct. Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the Homestyle Buttermilk, inspeccionado Essential U.S.D.A. Everyday East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster or Blueberry carne de cerdo molida Essential Everyday Corn on the



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Prices Effective eaApril 2 - April 8, 2018. Quantity rightslb reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. . . 13-18 oz. Select Varieties Marie Callender's


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U.S.D.A. jamon entero o en mitades fresco U.S.D.A. jamon entero o en mitades fresco

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U.S.D.A. inspeccionado carne de cerdo molida U.S.D.A. inspeccionado carne de cerdo molida


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U.S.D.A. Inspected Ground U.S.D.A. Inspected Pork Ground

U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. FreshInspected Fresh Pork Picnic


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lb .

Carne de res fresca molida paquete de cualquier tamaño Carne de res fresca molida paquete de cualquier tamaño

Detergent Pechuga de pollo para freir Family Packs

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20 oz.



AnyFresh Size Package Fresh Ground Beef

Pasta Sauce

5 oz. Assorted Flavor

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5 oz. In Water

25 lb. Split Breast $$ 25


Dry Pasta

Little Debbie


14.5 oz. Cut or French Style Green Beans, Whole Kernel or Cream Style Corn or SweetAny Peas Size Package

Chunk Light $ 28 28Libby’s $$ 08 08 Vegetables Squash Ground Beef lb . lb. Tuna Squash





24 oz. Select Varieties



Pechuga de pollo para freir

Ground Chuck

45.4 oz. Liquid Select Varieties

¢ Quality Brands!

Mueller’s or Ronco

7.56 oz. Spring Nutty Bar, 10.17 oz. Spring Iced Brownies, 10.74 oz. Vanilla or Chocolate Butterfly Cakes, 10.7 oz. Spring Marshmallow Puffs or 12.01 oz. Strawberry or Lemon Mother’s Day Cakes

45.4 oz. Liquid Select Varieties




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14 oz. Bag Fresh Express 14 oz. Bag Fresh Express 3 Color Deli or Old


Pork MayonnaiseChops Vegetables U.S.D.A. inspeccionado chuletas de cerdo $ 58 2/$ OUR COST PLUS 10% Great * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES




$ 20






14.5 oz. Cut or French Style Green Beans, Whole Kernel or Cream Style Corn or Sweet Peas

Blue Plate

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Claxton Fresh Family PackFresh Claxton Frying Chicken Family Pack Frying Chicken

de pollo para freir Split Breast lb. Pechuga

1 1 58

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7-9 Ct. U.S.D.A. Inspected 30 oz. Quarterloin

24 oz. Select Varieties


inspeccionado chuletas de cerdo Pork U.S.D.A. Chops

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado chuletas de cerdo

48 Oz. Vegetable or Canola

8.5 oz.

Ocean Spray


88¢ $ 20 69Chops $$2/ 88 $ Pork lb. Split Breast 30 oz.

64 oz. Assorted Varieties



7-9 Ct. U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. Quarterloin Inspected Quarterloin

Great Quality Brands!



Jiffy Corn Muffin

Cranberry Juice 7-9 Ct.


48 Oz. Vegetable or Canola

8.5 oz.

Ocean Spray


U.S.D.A. Fresh

Whole or Half



FD 040218-Page 3

Wednesday, April 4, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 3

Times-Herald Xtra

Coweta schools focusing on safety


continued from page 1

Though lack of parking continues to be a problem , t he c it y i s working on solutions, Helfman said. “We always say it’s a good problem to have. Because years ago we didn’t have that problem – we were wondering how to get people to come here a nd see this qua int dow ntow n . A nd now t h e y ’ v e c o m e ,” s h e said. Though “The Walking Dead” may end f i l m i n g i n Senoi a at the end of 2019, Helfman doesn’t think that will change things too much. People still come to see the signs from “Fried Green Tomatoes,” which was f i l med i n t he ea rly 1 9 9 0 s , a n d He l f m a n s a id s he he a r s f rom visitors who’ve never s e e n “ T h e Wa l k i n g Dead.”



Coweta County Superintendent of Schools Steve Barker


becky@newnan.com After a series of successful community meetings to share information about ESPLOST spending a nd to solicit i nput a b out h ow to h a nd le school growth, Coweta schools a re turn ing their focus to safety. T he Coweta County Boa rd of Education voted at its Ma rch meeting to permanently increase law enforcement presence at its elementary s c ho ol s by add i n g 14 n e w s c h o ol re s o u rc e of f icer s a nd super v isors to t he 21 a lready employed by the school s y s tem . T h e m ove i s desig ned speci f ic a l ly to en su re t he a ssig nment of a full-time SRO to each of t he school s y s t e m ’s e l e m e n t a r y schools. T he vote was not specif ically a result of t he Feb. 14 at t ac k on a Pa rk la nd, Fla ., h ig h school wh ich left 17 students a nd teachers dead, nor of the week t h a t fo l l owe d – d u r i ng wh ich a rash of unrelated incidents and threats at Coweta schools resulted in four arrests, including that of a 1 7-ye a r- old E a s t C owe t a H i g h S c h o o l student who was caught carrying a loaded 9mm gun. Instead, Superintendent Steve B a rker said, it is a precaution – one that is an urgent priority. “ T h i s i s i n l ig ht of not only recent events but in light of where we a re in terms of sa fety and security as a community, a nation and a school system,” Barker said. Constr uction of a new m idd le school i s on t he hor i zon a nd a boundary shift recently was approved to relieve chronic overcrowding and the resulting infrastr ucture problems at Newnan Crossing Elementary School, partly f ueled by com mu n it y input. But parents, guardians, and alarmed citizens also have ex pre s s e d t h ei r c on cer n about t he sa fet y of the students and faculty members who popu late Cowet a school s each day. In response, the school system publicly released a safety status update that outlined many of the ongoing projects a nd pa rtnerships in place long before the latest wave of school v iolence – including detailed emergency plans based on Georgia Emergency

Ma nagement Agency/ Homeland Security recommendations, which Coweta schools have operated with for more than 20 years. The emergency pla ns cover protocol for school and law en forcement com mun i c a t i on ; of f- c a m p u s evacuation; and family re u n i f ic at ion , a mon g ot her s cen a r io s . T he deta i ls a re not publ icized for security reasons, also per GEM A / Homeland Security recommendations. A district-wide safety committee meets regula rly to assess sa fetyrelated issues and i ncludes representat ives from t he school system as well as t he Coweta Count y S h e r i f f ’s O f f i c e , t h e Newnan Police Department, Coweta Cou nt y Fi re Resc ue , New n a n Fire Department, Coweta County Emergency Management and the U.S. Secret Service. Local and state EMA / Homel a nd S e c u r it y representat ives frequently provide g uidance by providing genera l updates , v i sit i ng schools a nd prov iding answers to specific questions, school off ic i a l s s a y, a n d d i r e c t lines of communication have been in place for m a ny ye a r s b e t we e n the superintendent, S h e r i f f M i k e Ye a g e r a nd New na n Police Chief Douglas “Buster” Meadows. Threat assessment tea ms – which investigate a ny da nger or perceived da nger to schools – consist of representat ives from t he school system, sheriff ’s office and Newnan police. Schools conduct l ive emergenc y d r i l ls a s wel l a s “ tabletop drills,” which are meetings to discuss a simu lated emergency situ at ion a nd how t hei r crisis teams would react in different scenarios. The central office staff has a protocol in place for assisting schools in the case of an emergency, which includes designated first responders as well as communication, stand-by and counseling teams. SWAT teams frequent ly use school bu i ld i ngs for t ra i ning and practice drills when students are not present, fa m ilia rizing them with the layouts. More than $2 million in ESPLOST funds has been sun k into outf itting all Coweta County School System ca mpuses with surveillance cameras. Each school’s

front desk is equipped w it h m on itor s s howing several views of the school , i nclud i ng t he entrance. System-level monitoring is available, a nd l aw en forcement w i l l s o o n b e a bl e to view surveillance footage in real time. ESPLOST a lso has funded the remodeling of elementary and middle school entrances as secure vestibule areas, reducing access points during the school day. Vestibules direct visitors to t he clerk , who can check IDs and provide access, if needed. Work will continue on those safety upgrades. A not her $ 2 m i l l ion in ESPLOST funds has equipped many Coweta schools w it h ca mpusw ide access control a n d a u to m a t e d l o c kdow n system s , wh ich includes immediate com mun ication w it h l aw en forcement a nd several other immediate security measures. E ac h s c ho ol’s st a f f com mun icates usi ng UHF walkie-talkies and repeaters. Ot her sa fety a nd security measures include: • Frequent sea rches u si n g sher i f f ’s of f ice K-9 units at middle and high schools • Additiona l staging a reas, rerouting a nd ot her i mprovem e nt s a t m idd le a nd h i g h s c h o ol s to h e lp with traff ic f low, congestion and emergency response access at peak times • “ S to p t h e B l e e d ” medical kits and training on how to treat an i njur y causi ng massive blood loss, a long with automated external defibrillator (AED) devices at each school • Outfitting all school buses with GPS to track the precise location of any school system bus T he school system a lso employs socia l workers, psycholog i sts a nd a juven i le cour t lia ison i n order to ident i f y a nd ser ve students in need of mental, social or emotional support. Trained eva luators assess students using a variety of tools i n order to pro v ide s a fet y pl a n s for st udents i f needed or provide support based upon needs. Local agencies also work coll aborat ively w it h t he school system, school officials say.

New n a n rem a i n s a relatively new candidate for project develo p e r s , a c c o r d i n g to City Manager Cleatus Phillips. City officials bel ieve t he add it ion of sma ll cor poratebased offices will draw more people south of Atlanta to Newnan. While there will be “The Lord is risen indeed!”

Luke 24:34

This same Jesus who died to redeem mankind is still today setting the captive free. He conquered death, hell, and the grave. He came to deliver us from the evil one who steals, kills, and destroys. He laid down his life so that we have the opportunity to receive salvation, the ultimate gift. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 American Must Stand With Israel! The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc.


a n i n f l u x o f p e o pl e c o m m u t i n g o r m ovi ng to fol low t hese potent i a l jobs , some of the workforce will come from within the c o u n t y, t h a n k s to a pa r t nersh ip bet ween t he Coweta Cou nt y School System , West Georgia Technical College and the University of West Georgia. T h e s c h o o l s o f fe r programs such as the G e or g i a Con sor t iu m for Ad v a n c e d Te c h n i c a l Tr a i n i n g (G A C AT T ) , w h e r e s t u dents can enter a career pathway at age 1 5 that a llows t h e m to f i n i s h h i g h sc ho ol , e a r n col le ge c r e d it , p a y s for on t he -job t ra i n i ng a nd g ives t hem a ch a nce to ea rn internationa l i ndu st r i a l me c h a n ic certification. In addition, the University of West Georg i a ’s N e w n a n c a m pus i s i ncor porat i ng new degree programs and plans to build out 24,000 feet of unused space. The school and city also continue to build a l a r g e c o m m u n i t ybased cultura l a r ts program. “I ca n see New na n bei n g t he center for c u l t u r a l a r t s ,” s a i d Rob er t H a nco c k , a n

attorney with Glover and Davis. “West Georgia is committed to art and literature and the Carnegie Library is a great organization … I think we’ll be a great tourist destination. As for the surge in growth for the county, “I’ve been wa iti ng for this to start for 32 ye a r s now,” he continued. “It took longer than I thought, but it’s happening. It’s all coming together together and really exciting.” Tamarkus Cook, pastor of St. Smyrna Bapt i s t C hu rc h a nd t he 2017 Citizen of the Yea r, i s a lso excited about the growth and cha nges t h roughout the community. “The fact that there a re s o m a ny p e o ple mov i ng a nd a nticipated to move to this a rea spea k s to t he quality of life that is here,” Cook said. “I’m very proud of our commission and councils and boards – they have done an amazing strategic job of being intentional about what that growth looks like. I think it’s safe growth, I t h i n k it ’s good growth." St a f f w r iter S a r a h Fay Campbell contributed to this story.

bringing real life + community together


on the square

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The Newnan Times-Herald is proud to announce the debut of

A Salute to Public Safety This annual tabloid-sized edition will feature stories, statistics, and photos representing the first-responders who help keep Coweta County safe and strong. •

Featuring Coweta’s local and county police and fire departments, as well as the Georgia State Patrol.

Featured and distributed at the 20th Annual Public Safety Appreciation Luncheon.

Every ad will appear on NTH Boost — our online business directory that includes search-engine optimization.

Added Value! This special edition will be online at times-herald.com with over 600,000 page views per month! All links in your ad will be clickable. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to the Newnan-Cowet a Public Safety Benevolent Fund .

It’s a great opportunity for advertisers to show their appreciation and support! Publication Date: Thursday, April 26, 2018 Advertising Deadline: Friday, April 13, 2018 For more information, contact one of our Media Sales Representatives at:

770-253-1576 or advertising@newnan.com 16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA • times-herald.com

4 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

Cancer survivors celebrate life during special ceremony


Cancer survivors and their families dance to the East Coweta High School Marching Band’s version of the song “Happy” during Cancer Treatment Centers of America’s Celebrate Life ceremony.


melanie@newnan.com Hu nd reds of ca ncer survivors showed their support and gratitude Friday at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America’s sixth annual Celebrate Life ceremony in Newnan. The event honors cancer patients celebrating five years or more since beginning treatment at CTCA. “When I was diagnosed, I prayed I’d be here to see my seven grandchildren grow up,” said Jacqueline Curiton, a breast cancer survivor from Jonesboro. “I try to live every moment with purpose in this second chapter of my life. For me, Celebrate Life

Fiberglass farm animals arrive for pickup PHOTO BY TAYLOR ROBINS

Tammy Troyer, president of Newnan-Coweta Art Association, and husband, Mike Troyer, carry a fiberglass pig to their vehicle that will be painted by the Newnan-Coweta Art Association. Twenty-four fiberglass animals will be painted in honor of the characters in “Newnan, A Storybook Town,” a book written by local author Sue Davis and illustrated by local artist Janet Burns. The finished farm animals – painted by area artists and sponsored by donors – will be on display in downtown Newnan starting in June. The project is fundraiser for the ChildrenConnect Museum.

is about those moments.” The staff at CTCA literally rolled out the red carpet at the hospital to welcome Curiton, fellow cancer survivors and their families. The group held a brief ceremony that included adding survivors’ names to the decorative Survivor Tree that hangs in the hospital’s front lobby. The wall hanging ser ves as i nspi ration for patients currently going through cancer treatments. The Cancer Treatment Centers of America also planted trees outside and held a dove release in honor of the many survivors. "Celebrate Life is a

unique opportunity for all of us,” said Medical Oncologist Dr. John McKnight. “This holiday reconnects us with our purpose and reunites us with patients and families to celebrate not only this incredible milestone but also our daily blessings." A luncheon was held for survivors following the ceremony. The event ended with the East Coweta High School Marching Band playing the song “Happy” for the survivors and their families. According to CTCA, more than 300 survivors from 17 different states participated in the Celebrate Life event.

Lady cyclists invited to Spin Off April 14 SUBMITTED PHOTO

AARp Foundation Tax Aide Volunteers from left to right in the front row are Jimmy Taylor, Kathy Zolad, Lynn Glassbrook, Melissa Staton and Linda Gantert. Left to right on the back row are Ed Spraley,Rich Emery,Myron Coxe, Chuck Posta,Richard Nielson and Willie Boyd. The volunteers are still offering free tax help Wednesday and Thursday through April 11 and 12.

AARP Foundation Tax Aide still offering free tax help


Ladies on Spokes are to hold their annual Spin Off, where women of all bicycle experience are welcome to join, on April 14.


together in order to sup- and occasionally in the for a pizza lunch at noon. news@newnan.com port one another with early evenings for ladies There will be a short Area: 01227-03-18 Atlanta-Peachtree LOCAL FLAVOR RED RICEBOWL The Ladies on Spokes love and acceptance. The who work or a re busy meeti ng a nd oppor tuAccount #: 401927 City/E. Coweta; 01226-03-18 AtlantaProof Release cycling group will hold group also encourages moms who are not avail- nity to meet your fellow Tracking #: 3844038.INDD Fayetteville their annual “Spin Off ” each ot her to become able to cycle during the cyclists, order jerseys, Approve By: 03/26/18 Baoguo Lin Mail Week: 04/09/2018 at the Seavy Street Park physica lly f it, sha ring day. LOS has ladies of all shirts and hats. Those Contact your Account Service Coordinator: phone: 7705600579 This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. in Senoia on Saturday, the love ofproofChrist with ages and abilities and the that do not wish to ride Please review your carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible for any Adam Horita email: Lin0579@hotmail.com;dyufeng@hotmail.com not marked. April 14 at 9:30 a.m. fax: allerror those around us and group prides themselves c a n joi n t he joi n t he Team: 6C COUPON PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. phone: 717-663-4366 L ad ies on Spokes is to meet the needs of oth- on watching out for one group for lunch. In case email: 6C@cmag.com a RED nonprof it Ch r i st i a n ers Awhenever possible. of rain the rides will be rea: 01227-03-18 Atlanta-Peachtreeanother and never leavLOCAL FLAVOR RICEBOWL fax: 717-358-2579 Account #: 401927 City/E. Coweta; 01226-03-18 Atlantawomen's club that was The annual Spin Off ing a rider behind. Seavy canceled, but lunch will Proof Release Tracking #: 3844038.INDD Area: 01227-03-18 Atlanta-Peachtree LOCAL FLAVOR RED Sales Rep: Marlene Scheepers formed toRICEBOWL promote the i s aFayetteville n oppor t u n it y for Street Pa rk is located still be served at noon. ment compensation NTH STAFF REPORTS Approve By: 03/26/18 stateBaoguo Lin Mail Week: 04/09/2018 Account #: 401927 City/E. Coweta; 01226-03-18 AtlantaProof Release s pphone: or t7705600579 of bic yc l i n g i n cyclists toof LOCAL meet other at 423 Seav y Street in R iders are encouraged news@newnan.com ments, SSA-1099 form for Contact your Account Service Coordinator: Tracking #: 3844038.INDD This ad is the property FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. Fayetteville APPROVE YOUR AD OR SUBMIT CHANGES BY CLICKING THE APPROPRIATE BUTTON ABOVE OR SIGN YOUR PROOF & FAX TO THE Please review your proof carefully. LOCALNUMBER FLAVOR is notABOVE. for any Approve By: 03/26/18 Adam Horita Security benemail:Coweta Lin0579@hotmail.com;dyufeng@hotmail.com the and Fayette ladies who have a loveresponsible Senoi a . T he Spi n O f f to bring a bike, helmet Coweta County Public paid Social Baoguo Lin Mail Week: 04/09/2018 error not marked. fax: Team: 6C Contact your Account Service Coordinator: phone: 7705600579 Ad is approved Ad is approved with changes Ad is not approved make changes indicated This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. ❑ ❑ ❑ COUPON PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. County areas. for cycling and want to starts atfor any 9:30 a.m. and water bottle. Library System and vol- efits, all Adam 1099Horita forms showphone: 717-663-4366 Please review your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible email: Lin0579@hotmail.com;dyufeng@hotmail.com error not marked. T h i s c lub ex i s t s to meet others to ride with. R i d e s o f v a r i o u s For more on Ladies on email: 6C@cmag.com unteers from the AARP ing interest and/or divifax: Team: 6C PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. fax: 717-358-2579 phone: 717-663-4366 e n r DATE i c h t h e l i v ePRINT s NAME o f L O S h aCOUPON s g r o up r id e s lengths and times will Spokes, visit www.ladiefoundation are stillSIGNATURE help- dends and documents 6C@cmag.com Sales Rep: email: Marlene Scheepers women by uniting them most days of the week leave the park and return sonspokes.com . ing prepare federal and showing purfax: original 717-358-2579 state tax returns for free. chase price any soldCHANGES BY CLICKING THE APPROPRIATE BUTTON ABOVE OR SIGN YOUR PROOF & FAX TO THE NUMBER ABOVE. APPROVE YOUR AD OR SUBMIT Sales Rep: of Marlene Scheepers Volunteers have com- assets/stocks, is approved ❑ Ad1099-misc. ❑ Ad is approved with changes ❑ Ad is not approved make changes indicated YOUR AD OR SUBMIT CHANGES BY CLICKING THE APPROPRIATE BUTTON ABOVE OR SIGN YOUR PROOF & FAX TO THE NUMBER ABOVE. pleted over 675 returns showing any APPROVE miscellaAd is approved ❑ Ad is approved with changes ❑ Ad is not approved make changes indicated already this year. neous income, ❑1099-R Tax preparation and form if you received a free electron ic f i li ng pension or annuity, all is scheduled for every forms indicating federal Wednesday through April income tax paid, depen11 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 dent care provider inforp.m. at the A. Mitchell mation (name, employer Powell Jr. Public Library, ID, Social Security num25 Hospit a l Road , i n ber), all receipts and canNewnan. The phone num- celed checks if itemizing 55 Newnan Crossing Bypass ber to the Powell Branch deductions, Affordable library is 770-253-3625. Health Care documents Newnan, GA The free help is also and Social Security cards ls offered every Thursday or other official documenice Bow Order Online @ www.redricebowlptc.com through April 12 from tation for yourself and all Asian R Order Online @ www.redricebowlptc.com 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. dependents. at the Central Library 85 All taxpayers will be Order Online @ www.redricebowlptc.com PEACHTREE CITY Literary Lane in Newnan. required to sign for their PEACHTREE 2808 HwyCITY 54 West The phone number to the t a x ret u r n . On some Across from Zoe’s Kitchen Between Jimmy John’s 2808 Hwy 54 West Acrossand fromMeineke Zoe’s Kitchen Between Jimmy John’sLocation & Old Grazing Here’s Central Branch library is days very little waiting PEACHTREE CITY and Meineke & Old Grazing Here’s Location 2808 Hwy 54 West 770-683-2052. is required at 11:30 a.m., 770-629-2211 770-629-2211 Across from Zoe’s Kitchen Between Jimmy John’s and Meineke & Old Grazing Here’s Location Those wishing to take but spots are limited each Chopped Pork or Chicken Plate 770-629-2211 advantage of the free fil- day. Appointments are not OFF with 2 sides and a 20 oz. drink. ing should bring a state- accepted. It is strictly first rice bowl Cannot be combined with any other offer. issued ID for all taxpay- come, first served until all rice bowlgetOFF bowl Buy 1 entreerice & 2 beverages, a rice ers, including a copy spots are filled. Expires 4/30/18. Buy of 1 equal entree & 2rice beverages, bowl or lesser value 1/2 off get a rice bowl of bowl equal of their 2016 income tax It is not necessary to be RED RICEBOWL 1 entree & 2 beverages, get a rice or Buy lesser value 1/2 off bowl of equal or lesser value 1/2 off Fayetteville, Newnan, Carrollton, return, W-2 forms from an AARP member, and all RED RICEBOWL RED RICEBOWL With this coupon. Not valid with other offers all employers, unemploy- ages are welcome. Peachtree City, Fairburn, & Douglasville or prior purchases. Expires 4/30/18. SIGNATURE








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The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263


Pet Day The Newnan Times-Herald P.O. Box 1052 Newnan, GA 30264

OR CALL: 770-253-1576

Pet photos above courtesy of Shelter Pet Photography, Newnan, GA


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6 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

tra X calendar March - 31 April 428 - 12

your guide for local upcoming events


Swing Dance Lessons Wednesday

Apr. 4, 6:30 p.m., Free

Backstreet Community Arts, located at 19-B First Avenue, Newnan (behind Bridging the Gap) will offer free swing dance lessons, courtesy of Jenny and Chuck Enderlin. Bring a bottle of water and comfortable shoes-no dance partner or experience required! The half-hour beginner’s lesson will be followed by a period of open dance for all. Swing dance lessons will be offered the first Wednesday of every month. For more information, call 706-9402787 or email dream@ backstreetart.org


month from AprilDecember, around the courthouse square in downtown Newnan, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The market showcases a variety of handmade, homemade, and homegrown products created by local artisans, artists, and farmers. It features 59 unique booths with new vendors and one-of-a-kind items each month. Market favorites include: fresh locally grown produce, honey, jams and jellies, salsa, pottery, art, children’s clothing, hand-woven baskets, leather products, fresh baked goods, handcrafted furniture, birdhouses, wood-art, fiber art, wreaths and floral design. The Market is open to the public, and there is no charge for admission.


Market Day

Flint River Trout Unlimited


Apr. 7, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Free


Apr. 10, 7 p.m., Free

First Market Day of 2018! The Market Day is hosted by Main Street Newnan on the first Saturday of every

The Flint River Chapter of Trout Unlimited will conduct a meeting at Sprayberry’s BBQ

located at 1060 E. Hwy. 34 in Newnan. All conservationists and fishing enthusiasts are invited to come. The meeting will include organizational discussion, a guest speaker and raffle. Con-

tact Council Chairman Carl Riggs at 678-371-7191 to RSVP.


Taste Of Newnan Thursday

Apr. 12, 5 - 8 p.m., $ Varied

The Taste of Newnan is a fun-filled, family event that is hosted twice a year along the square in downtown Newnan, where the entire community is invited to sample menu items from restaurants and caterers in Newnan and Coweta County. During the event, visitors come downtown to try “tastes” (small food or drink portions) from



over 40 local NewnanCoweta food vendors. Each taste ranges between 1- 10 tickets, with each ticket costing $1. Entertainment is also provided during the event, with two stages featuring family-friendly, live music, and a “Kid’s Zone” along West Washington Street, with rides, games, face painting and more. Tickets will be sold at the event, or can be purchased in advance at one of several downtown locations. Ticket sales at select downtown locations will end at noon on the day of the event. The event is open to the public and there is no admission charge.


Writing Workshop with Alex McRae Thursday

Apr. 12, 2 p.m., Free

Join award-winning writer and humorist Alex McRae for a class on how to write your story. Whether you want to write your memoir or explore your life through writing about your experiences, he will be sharing his home-grown and well-earned writing experience in a small, intimate environment. The class is free, but space is limited. Call the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 for more information or to make a reservation.

Are you over 62 and still making mandatory

monthly mortgage payments?


Perhaps refinancing into a

‘Flex Pay’ mortgage Our local county shelter is overcrowded!

Adoptable dogs are in danger of being euthanized if not adopted or rescued soon. Newnan-Coweta Humane Society (NCHS) has receiving rescues for a number of these discarded innocent souls. Unfortunately, most are heartworm positive and must undergo treatment before going on transport. This would mean at least a 6 week commitment and possibly slightly longer to make sure the dog is ready for transport.

If you are able to open your heart and home to care for a rescue dog undergoing heartworm treatment, please contact Gail asap.

newsweeq@aol.com or 917-873-7408

Vetting, food & treatment provided at no cost to you.


would be a wise move.

If you have at least 50% equity in your home you may qualify. Make the call for a confidential, no obligation phone consultation with a licensed provider.

1st Nations Reverse Mortgage

Mark Mauldin | 678-283-7057 | NMLS# 268066 Mmauldin@1stNationsReverse.com GeorgiaReverseHomeMortgage.com Loan programs may change or be eliminated without notice or obligation. Not all borrowers qualify for all programs. 1st Nations Reverse Mortgage, a division of Huron Valley Financial, 2395 Oak Valley Drive, Suite 200, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103, NMLS #130672, HUD ID #1250000006, GA License #45605. 800-720-7003. This is not a loan commitment. All loans subject to approval. Equal Housing Opportunity


MON., APR. 2 - SUN., APR. 8, 2018

Sold in Family Packs

ze Any Si e g Packa

Sold in Family Packs

USDA Inspected


Ground Beef


$ 99 lb.

USDA Inspected


Pork Chops


$ 99 lb.

Sold in Family Packs

Sirloin Cut Pork Chops


12 oz. Hotel, r Thick o alt Low S

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Pasta Sauce

T-Bone Steaks

2/ $


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5 Pork Ribs 1 USDA Inspected

Country Style

20 oz. Sunbeam Old Fashioned

All ies t Varie

24 oz. Hunt’s



Sold in Family Packs

USDA Inspected


USDA Choice Angus




We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities While Supplies Last. Not Responsible for Typographical or Pictorial Errors.

4 lb. Dixie Crystals


$ 99 2/$



28 Bonus Pack Niagara

Drinking Water

$ 49 lb.

5/ $10

NEWNAN 487 Jackson Street 678-326-4832 7 AM -10 PM


2 each

$ 99

SARGENT 2005 W. Hwy. 16 678-326-4853 7 AM -10 PM

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