tra X
APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2018
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10 things to know about the white-supremacist rally
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Newnanite competes on ‘Ninja vs. Ninja’ BY TAYLOR ROBINS Ty l e r G i l l e t t , a Newnan resident, recently competed on USA Network ’s competition show “Ninja vs. Ninja.” T he show is a spinoff of NBC’s competition show “American Ninja Warrior.” “ It ’s a w h o l e n e w game because not on ly a re you f a c i n g c ou r s e s but n ow a n at h lete who is super st rong,” sa id Gi l lett. “So it ’s pretty cra zy, a n d t h e r e ’s a lo t of adrenaline. It’s a lot of fun.” “Ninja vs. Ninja” is a n at h le t ic ob st ac le cou r s e s how du r i n g which teams of three compete on side -byside courses. Gillett’s qua lifying episode aired on March 22. “ We f i l m e d (t h e e p i s o d e) a c o u p l e months ago,” said Gillett. “Watching it a ll over again on TV was really cool – to be able to relive that experience w it h my te a mCOURTESY OF USA NETWORK
Newnan’s Tyler Gillett takes on Brian Kretsch on “Ninja vs. Ninja,” a television show that tests the strength and endurance of athletes. The episode aired on USA Network in March.
NINJA, page 2
Hickman brings ‘Rave Party Massacre’ to viewers
Jeff Schoep speaks to the audience during a rally in Shelbyville, Tenn. last October. Schoep has been chairman of the National Socialist Movement for the last 24 years. Although classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, it refers to itself as a "white civil rights organization" in the vein of civil rights groups such as NAACP.
A horror movie titled ‘Rave Party Massacre’ was filmed at the old Piedmont Hospital and used Newnan residents as the movie’s extras.
City braces for proposed white-nationalist rally BY CLAY NEELY
BY TAYLOR ROBINS Maggie Hickman, a Newnan resident a nd i ndependent f i l m maker, recently wrote, produced and filmed a mov ie i n t he New na n area. ‘Rave Party Massacre’ will be released April 10. “I’m really, really fort u nate t hat my mov ie is going to be out there a nd people a re goi ng to s e e it ,” s a id H ic kma n. “A lot of movies don’t ma ke it. Especially independent movies with small bud get s . S o t h at wa s r e a l l y r e a l l y e x c i ti n g , e sp e c i a l ly b ei n g a f i r st-t i me producer and being a woman as well. Because it’s really a man’s world, the film industry.” Originally titled ‘ D e adT h i r s t y ’, t h e de sc r ipt ion i s a s follows: “After a night of h a r d d r u g s a n d o u tlandish sex, five young ravers are transported
to the insane world of D e a dT h i r s t y… w h e re deat h a nd even worse hor rors awa it a rou nd every corner.” The horror f ilm will be available to buy on DV D a nd w i ll be able to v iewed on iTu ne s , Amazon Instant, Goog le Play, PlayStat ion , X box , Vudu a nd On Dema nd through local cable providers. While Hickman wrote and was the sole producer of t he f i l m , her husba nd Jonat ha n W. Hick ma n co-w rote the movie. Jason Winn directed the film. T he Hick ma ns were able to write the script in three days. T hey then f ilmed the entire movie i n n i ne days inside of the old Piedmont Hospita l. T he extras used in the film were m a i n ly New n a n residents. “R ave Pa r t y Massacre” is considered a l ow- b u d g e t i n d e p e n dent horror movie.
Hickman wears many hats when it comes to her mov ie . She d id a lot of the art work and social media. “It ’s a lot of ha ndson , b ei n g sm a l l budg e t ,” s a i d H i c k m a n . “You just have to get in there and do a lot yoursel f. It ’s a con si stent job really.” Hick ma n was born i n Te x a s b u t l i v e d most of her life in Engl a nd u nt i l mov i n g to New n a n eig ht yea rs a go , when s he b e g a n her f i l m ca reer doi ng ex t ra work for f ive episodes of the television show “Drop Dead Diva.” Although this is first feature film Hickman has produced, she has also created some do c u ment a r ie s wh i le maintaining a love for photography. T he Hick ma ns a re also finalizing a script for a Halloween-
HICKMAN, page 3 The city of Newnan is prepa ri ng for a n upcoming whitenat iona l ist ra l ly – a n event officials are hopi n g w i l l b e re s olve d without any violence. On March 15, the city of Ne w n a n a c c e p te d a $ 50 pav i l ion rent a l a g r e e m e n t f r o m Je f f Schoep, commander of the National Socialist Movement based out of Detroit, Mich. T he g roup pla n s to meet at T he Greenv i l le Street Pa rk on April 21 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., according to the agreement. Newnan Police Chief D.L. “Buster” Meadows sa id h is depa r tment i s “ prepa r i ng for t he worst, but hopi ng for the best,” and is worki n g w i t h n e a rl y t wo dozen different agencies to prepare for the event. T he day of Apri l 21 w i l l be a busy one i n dow ntow n New na n .
T h e “ C h a m p i o n Fo r Children” Superhero 5K a long with T he G re at A mer ic a n Clea nup at Cit y H a l l a re bot h set to beg i n at 8 a.m. T he University of West Georgia is hosti ng a Fa m i ly Fu n Day at t he New na n ca mpus on Jack son Street. Abby’s Angels Rainbow Run will begin at 9 a . m . , but w i l l t a ke pl a c e a t t h e C owe t a County Fairgrounds. Nearby business owners were contacted by police on Tuesday in an effort to assure them the event a nd secu rit y is bei ng add ressed. Police a re f ine-tuning their traffic detour and parking strategies. Several downtown businesses have decided to close for the day in anticipation of the event. Since the two opp o si n g g roup s a re expected to convene in t he Greenv i l le St reet
P a r k a r e a , M e a d ow s sa id h is force w i ll ke ep t hem s epa r ate d t h roug h severa l hu ndred water barricades – each holding 100 gallons of water each. With representatives from 20 different agencies, Meadows said the city will be fully prepa red for a ny t h i ng. However, he bel ieves a nd hopes most resid e n t s w i l l avoid t h e entire area. Social media reports c o n f i r m e d A N T I FA out of Va ldosta pla ns to counter-protest the event. Me adow s i s a s k i n g cit i zen s to stay away from the event, so the g roups don’t see a ny indications of support whatsoever. “Neither one of these groups represent who we a re a n d w h a t we s t a nd for,” Me adow s said. He’s currently work-
RALLY, page 3
2 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
continued from page 1
mates and my friends. It was really cool exper i e n c e . Yo u k n o w, I lived it and it was one thing, but it was a lot of t h i ngs t hat I actually forgot. It was just cool to rel ive t hat memor y and to see it unfold.” Gi llett ’s tea m mates were Bree Widener a nd Kevi n Ca rbone. T he t rio went by t he tea m n a me of You ng Bloods, and Gillett was team captain. Du ri ng t he episode Gillett appeared on, he went up against fellow – a nd vetera n – n i nja David Campbell. T h e Yo u n g B lo o d s won two of three heats
aga i nst t he NorCa l Ninjas. After eliminating team NorCal, Gillett’s team also eliminated Team Wolfpack. T his adva nces the You n g Blo od s to t he playoffs, which will air at a later date. Nex t up for New na n’s resident n i nja is Sea son 10 of “A mer ican Ninja Warrior,” a show on which Gillett is a familiar face. “T he new season is j u s t s t a r t i n g to f i l m now,” Gillett said. “I’m still training and still doi ng a ll t he cra zy obstacle training stuff that I do. I’m just trying to stay fit and stay ready for the new sea-
son, which I will hopefully be taking part in sometime this month.” On “American Ninja Wa rrior,” contesta nts have a cha nce to win $1 million. But Gillett said it’s not about the money. “None of us do it for t he money,” he s a id . “ We d o i t b e c a u s e we’re pa ssionate. We w a n t to s ay t h a t we were able to complete this monster of an obstacle course. It re a l ly pu she s u s a nd m a ke s u s b et ter people. “Even when we’re r un n i ng aga i nst each other on the tea m, we a re st i l l r u n n i n g
a ga i n st ou r f r iend s ,” Gillette said. ‘It’s not one of t hose spor ts where you’re angry at each other and you’re just hopi ng t he ot her person is going to mess up and fall. T h e n i nj a c om m u n it y i s so suppor t ive of each ot her, so it ’s weird when we’re running side by side. I t ’s l i k e w h e n w e were l itt le a nd you would look at your friend like ‘Hey, I bet I ca n race you a nd beat you to that mailbox down there.’ We’re just doi ng t h is for fun, and we get to do this passion for a livi n g , a n d i t ’s a g r e a t
f i nd. I’m def i n itely blessed that I got these opportunities.” Si nce d iscover i ng “American Ninja Warrior” at the age of 14, Gillett has experie n c e d g r e a t s upp or t f r om h i s f a m i ly a n d friends, he said. A f ter seven yea rs of t ra i n i ng a nd comp e t i n g o n t h e or i g i nal series and the spinoff, Gi l let te sa id he cou ld n’t have done it w it hout h is mom , Renee, who ha s been on the sidelines every time he’s been on the show. “It ’s a prett y exciting sport,” Renee Gillett said. “It’s getting
so popular. They were stacked aga i nst some hardcore people. They were in no way chosen to win.” H is l i fe h a s t u r ned “ upside dow n” over t he l a st yea r, Gi l let t sa id , a nd you n g ster s recognize him and ask for pictures. “I’m nobody special,” said Gillett. “I’m just doing what I love to do a nd it ’s re a l ly cool to inspire people and inspire kids. If you have a dream a nd if you have a goal, pursue it – don’t give up – and you can achieve it.”
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Tyler Gillett’s team, Young Bloods, pose for a picture with opposing team NorCal during the filming of “Ninja vs. Ninja.” Pictured from left are Kevin Carbone, Bree Widener, Gillett, Brian Kretsch, Anna Shumaker and David Campbell.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 3
Times-Herald Xtra
continued from page 1
ing with several local pa stors to orga n i ze unity ser vices that day so for t hose who feel compelled to leave their homes can have a constructive way of voicing their concerns. Meadows sa id h is s t r a te g y fo r d e a l i n g with the rally is to isolate the area of Greenville Park as much as possible. Traff ic detours will b e p u t i n pl a c e j u s t before cit y ha l l on LaGrange Street, along with Greenville Street heading south past the Post Office. Further down Greenville Street, tra ff ic cont rol w i l l be si m i-
lar to filming last year near Spence Ave. Tr a f f i c a l s o w i l l be rerouted v i a E a st Broad St reet to t he roundabout at Greison Tr a i l , E a s t N e w n a n Road a nd Lower Fayetteville Road. The vast majority of f i rst responders pla n on utilizing the entire area of the Justice Cente r a s a s t a g i n g a nd com ma nd post, a long w it h a sma l l a rea for media i n front of t he Juvenile Court. In researching similar events held previously in other towns, Meadows sa id a ra lly in Shelby ville, Tenn., cost t he c it y a rou nd
$83,000 while another rally in Murfreesboro, Tenn., set the city back a whopping $250,000. Howe ver, it ’s to o early to determine the c o s t t h i s e ve n t w i l l h ave on t he cit y of Newnan, according to City Manager Cleatus Phillips. In the agreement, Schoep estimated roughly 50 to 100 people would be in attendance at the Greenville Street Park between 3 and 5 p.m. for a “political rally.” Schoep has been with the NSM for more t ha n 20 yea rs a nd describes the group as messengers of "white
civil rights.” H e s a i d t h e g r o up didn’t pick Newnan for a ny s p e c i f ic re a s on , b u t d id c o n f i r m t h e NSM is concerned with t he remova l of Confe d e r a te m onu m e nt s across the country. He s a id l a nd m a rk s l i k e N e w n a n' s W i l l ia m T hom a s O verby monument are in danger of being removed from history based on a highly charged politically correct culture. H e c i t e d t h e Ta l i b a n's d e s t r uc t i on of 1 , 70 0 -ye a r- old s a ndstone statues of Buddha in central Afghanista n as a wa rning of wh at cou ld o cc u r i n
“ h a te ” b ei n g a s s o c iated with NSM. H e s a i d t h e g r o up is against any form of oppression. “ We don’t hate a ny race,” he said. “We just b el ieve t h at i f ot her races can promote themselves, why can’t we?” According to t he Southern Poverty Law Center, Schoep is de sc r ibed a s a “ neo Na zi tr ue believer si nce age 10 who ha s m a n a ge d , l a r gely by luck , to end up headi n g o n e of t h e l a r g est explicitly Hitlerite groups in America.”
rary o p m e T FOSTER HOMES
continued from page 1
themed movie for later this year. W hen it comes to women brea ki ng i nto t he f i l m industr y – producing, directing, writing or acting – Hickman has strong opi n ions on the matter. “I would say just keep persevering, really,” said Hickm a n . " Ju st m a ke sure your voice is heard and be persi stent . I a lways t h i n k t h a t ’s t h e main thing. Get your voice a nd work out t here. And don’t be intimidated.” Hickman describes the first d ay on her most r e c e n t m ov i e a s
the United States. “ T h e s a m e i s h ap p e n i n g h e r e . P e o pl e say they don’t li ke these monuments, so they want them removed,” he said. “Next thing you k n ow, it w i l l b e t h e Vietnam Memorial or even ou r A mer ica n f lag because of t he at rocit ie s a s soci ated with them throughout history. Yo u d o n ’ t n e e d t o agree with something i n order to be on t he side of freedom of expression and speech. I t ’s a v e r y s l i p p e r y slope.” He was quick to dispel any rumors of
URGENTLY NEEDED “ q u i t e i n t e r e s ti n g .” A c c o r d i n g to the f ilmmaker, people a ssu med her husba nd wa s t he producer of the movie instead of her. “A nd now w o m e n a r e g e tt i ng t hei r voices out there more with the #MeToo movement ,” sa id Hickman. “I think it’s happeni ng for women . It ’s a g o o d t i m e to get i nto t he f i l m i ndu st r y a s a woman. I think i t ’s a l o n g t i m e com ing. I thin k it ’s a good t h i ng t hat women a re getting out a nd wa nti ng equa lity in this business.”
Our local county shelter is overcrowded!
Adoptable dogs are in danger of being euthanized if not adopted or rescued soon. Newnan-Coweta Humane Society (NCHS) has receiving rescues for a number of these discarded innocent souls. Unfortunately, most are heartworm positive and must undergo treatment before going on transport. This would mean at least a 6 week commitment and possibly slightly longer to make sure the dog is ready for transport.
Movie producer Maggie Hickman, who has spent most of her life in England but is now a Newnan resident, is set to release her first feature film on various platforms April 10.
If you are able to open your heart and home to care for a rescue dog undergoing heartworm treatment, please contact Gail asap. or 917-873-7408
Vetting, food & treatment provided at no cost to you.
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4 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
96-year-old returns to alma mater for a swim
Dr. Charles Barron, now 96, is pictured at Emory University in 2015 with local sculptor Carol Harless and Jake Stephens, former Emory swimmer and model for the Barron Highpoint Trophy. Barron created the award to honor the top swimmers at the university.
Ne w n a n n at ive D r. Charles “Bro” Barron, a retired dentist and former Emory swim champion, enjoys his hobbies of woodworking and, of course, swimming. Barron recently swam the university’s Olympicsized pool, just after his 96th birthday. Barron was born i n Fe br u a r y 1 9 2 2 , i n Newnan, and went on to letter in several sports at Newnan High School, including football, basketball, and tennis, but it was in swimming that he made a name for himself at Emory. Ba r ron wa s set to accept a football scholarship to Auburn a fter g raduati ng from New na n , but a tor n ACL and stress fracture changed the course of his life.He was a lifeguard at the Duncan Street Pool on Richard Allen Drive, which is now the Lynch Park Pool, in 1937 during the Great Depression. “I watched them build the pool,” Barron said. “The men were grateful to have work. I was fascinated by the pool.” T he future dentist enrolled at Emory University, where he discovered swimming and div i ng as way to stay
involved in athletics. O ver a t h ree -yea r ca reer, he specia lized in f ive events and was often Emory’s high-point leader. A frea k swim ming accident i n wh ich he was poked i n t he eye by an opponent led to a detached retina and put an end to his competitive swimming career. It also kept him in the hospital for three months. After college, he enrolled in dental school. He was later commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force Reserve and served during the Korean War. A fter his m ilita r y career, he went on to a long and successful dental practice in Manchester before ret i r i ng i n 1987. I n 2 01 5, t he Ba r ron Highpoint Trophy was g i f te d by a nd n a me d a f te r D r. C h a rle s M . Barron to honor the top swimmers at the university. It was designed by Newnan sculptor Carol Harless. The trophy also honors Barron and lists the years he was on the swim m ing a nd diving team, from 1939 to 1942. B a r ron sa id he h ad dreamed of swimming again and is really good friends with the Emory swim teach coach, John
Howell. “Emory is a swimming tea m to be dea lt with because they’ve been in several NCAA Division 3 competitions,” Barron said. Barron said it was his first time swimming in the pool, and he’d always wanted to. It has been more than 50 years since he swam at Emory. The swim team was preparing for an upcomi ng competition a nd cheered him on as he dived in and effortlessly swam his laps. “I swam one lap down and one lap back,” Barron said. Ba rron sa id he he felt great, but was a little tired after the swim. He plans on swimming again soon. He is mode st about h i s accomplishments, stating that he “has no whistles to blow.” Barron is still active. He plays golf, exercises and enjoys woodworking, but his secret to longevity is taking care of his teeth. “ Your teet h a re t he f i r st pl ace t h at you r body takes in fuel,” he sa id . “ You r d igest ion begins in you mouth. I always knew I wanted to be a dentist. I’m very proud of my profession. Norma Haynes, a for-
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mer patient of Barron’s, said she always admired h i m a s p er s on a nd a dentist. “I admired him greatly for h is ex per tise as a dentist, and then I discovered h is vegetable ga rden s t h at a re out-
standing,” Haynes said. “I also got to know him on the golf course and I was astounded at his golfing expertise. He is still one of the best golfers at the Newnan Country Club in my opinion a nd to be his age, his
is just phenomenal. If I could live to be 96, I’d love to be in the same shape he is in. He hasn’t missed a beat.” In February 2016, Barron was inducted into t he Coweta Count y Sports Hall of Fame.
Spring Sale
Wednesday, April 11, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 5
Times-Herald Xtra
is limited. Call the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 for more information or to make a reservation.
March 28- -15 31 April 11
MGEV Spring Plant Sale Saturday
your guide for local upcoming events
Square Dancing Wednesday
Apr. 11, 7:30 p.m., Free
John Ruthruff will be calling a square dance hoedown at Backstreet Arts, located at 19-B First Avenue, Newnan (behind Bridging the Gap). No dance experience necessary, but experienced dancers are welcome. The hoedown will feature basic squares, rounds and mixers. The event is free, but donations are welcome. For more information, contact John at 517-410-6148, or by email: JTRuthruff@
CAREing Paws Wednesday
Apr. 11, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Free CAREing Paws reading therapy dogs can help children improve their reading skills in a unique and fun environment. They offer private reading exercises for elementary and middle school-aged students. Kids pick a favorite book and read to Lola the therapy dog for a
15-minute session in a low-stress atmosphere. CAREing Paws, Inc. is a group of registered therapy teams who are willing to share their special animals in order to bring joy and happiness to others. Registration is required. Call the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 for more information or to register.
Taste Of Newnan Thursday
Apr. 12, 5 - 8 p.m., $ Varied
The Taste of Newnan is a fun-filled, family event that is hosted twice a year along the square in downtown Newnan, where the entire community is invited to sample menu items from restaurants and caterers in Newnan and Coweta County. During the event, visitors come downtown to try “tastes” (small food or drink portions) from over 40 local NewnanCoweta food vendors. Each taste ranges between 1- 10 tickets, with each ticket costing $1. Entertainment
Apr. 14, 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., $ Varied
is also provided during the event, with two stages featuring family-friendly, live music, and a “Kid’s Zone” along West Washington Street, with rides, games, face painting and more. Tickets will be sold at the event, or can be purchased in advance at one of several downtown locations. Ticket sales at select downtown locations will end at noon on the day of the event. The event is open to the public and there is no admission charge.
Plants raised by local master gardeners are for sale at the Coweta County Extension office. Bring a box or a wagon and stock up on flowers, trees, tomato and pepper plants, herbs and more. Proceeds fund 4-H Camp scholarships, college scholarships, Backyard Association speakers, master gardener projects with Newnan/Coweta Boys & Girls Club and advanced training for master gardeners. For more information, call the County Extension Office at 770-254-2620.
Jones-Reus, pianist Andrew Armstrong and cellist Sophie Shao. The Wadsworth Auditorium is located at 25 Jefferson Street in Newnan. Tickets are available at the Historic Downtown Courthouse in Newnan, Morgan’s Jewelers in downtown Newnan, Morgan’s Jewelers at Thomas Crossroads; Popped!, or online at
The Venue at Murphy Lane Spring Open House Sunday
Apr. 15, 1 - 4 p.m., Free
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With over 50 participating vendors, this is an opportunity to visit the venue, as well as meet local caterers, florists, bakers, photographers, DJs, and wedding planners. There will be a live event painter and a local artist who paints bridal portraits. This event is open to all brides and grooms who are looking for their perfect wedding venue and/or their Dream Team of vendors for their Big Day. For more information, call 770262-8241 or visit www. thevenueatmurphylane. com.
would be a wise move.
The Friends of Wadsworth Concert is the Newnan Cultural Arts Commission’s annual spring event that packs the hall where a young Charles Wadsworth once performed as a student. Concert director and Newnan native Courtenay Budd is bringing a lineup of world-class musicians for the gala, including violinist CheeYun, flutist Angela
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6 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, April 11, 2018
BY CLAY NEELY News of a n upcoming white-supremacist rally planned in Greenville Street Park later this month has many Coweta Cou nt y cit i zen s concer ned . T he New n a n Times-Herald has compiled a list of ongoing questions many residents have asked about the event so far.
Who is coming? The National Socialist Movement (NSM) has paid a rental fee for the use of Greenville Street Park on April 21 between 3 and 5 p.m. The NSM is described as one of the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi groups in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. In their application, the NSM estimates roughly 50 to 100 people will be in attendance for its rally. Member s of Va ldo sta Antifa have indicated they will also be present as counter-protestors. Antifa, shorthand for anti-fascist organizations, is a loose and informal coalition of grassroots groups opposed to the extreme right. It is not known at this time how many from Valdosta Antifa are expected to show up.
Why Newnan? According to NSM Commander Jeff Schoep, the group didn’t pick Newnan for any specific reason, but did indicate the presence of the William Thomas Overby monument on the Court Square did play a factor. The National Socialist Movement will also be holding its annual National Meeting & Dinner in Temple, Ga., that weekend, so it’s only a 35-mile drive for the group.
Why did the city grant the permit? According to City Manager Cleatus Phillips, the city could not legally deny the permit to the group. Mayor Keith Brady said it’s simply a First Amendment right issue and holds the same standard for any group that might wish to use the park. “We don’t condone this at all, and we’d rather them not be here, but the city felt there was no choice,” he said. “That’s what the law says. It’s distasteful for this to happen, but it’s their right to make the statement they wish to make.”
Times-Herald Xtra
things to know about the upcoming white-supremacist rally The vast majority of first responders plan on utilizing the entire area of the Justice Center, located almost directly across the street from the park, as a staging and command post.
What are leaders saying/encouraging citizens to do? Leaders are urging residents to stay away from the event. Plans are currently underway for alternative gatherings across the county for residents to show their opposition to the group without being present at the rally. “ T h i s g r oup w a nt s attention, and when they don’t get it, they don’t win,” said Mayor Keith Brady. “It’s our hometown and a statement of opposition is just as strong by ignoring it or going someplace else rather than showing up with a sign in your hand.”
Who is affected? The day of April 21 will be a busy one in downtown Newnan. The “Champion For Children” Superhero 5K along with The Great American Cleanup at City Hall are both set to begin at 8 a.m. and end by noon. Police have already been in contact with a number of nearby business owners. With a number of street closures and tightened security planned for the rally, the city is encouraging businesses in the area to close early that day.
What are the alternatives to attending the rally? A unity service is current ly pla n ned at St . Smyrna Baptist Church on the afternoon of the 21st. Starting at 3 p.m., Pastor Tamarkus Cook will be hosting a prayer rally at his church. New n a n Mayor P ro Tem Cynthia Jenkins said she’s been in touch with several pastors in the area and hopes to connect with even more in the next few days. “Once we back down from the anger and emotion, we understand that
it’s their First Amendment right to do this, but it’s our right to do what we can as a community,” Jenkins said. “We don’t want to make things harder for law enforcement or give them the audience they want. We need to come together as a united community that will lead to bigger and better things for us on the unity front.” S ever a l pr ayer r a llies are also scheduled to occur at Greenville Street Park – one on Friday, April 13, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and then again on the eve of the rally – Friday, April 20, from 7 - 7:30 p.m.
Can the city shut the event down? Police can shut the event down if they determine the situation to be dangerous, according to Chief Meadows. “It would have to be where both sides would be converging and attempting to break our lines,” he said. Police would give the crowd a specific amount of time to disperse before they would be forced to arrest anyone. “If it’s just a few people making trouble, we’d move them out of there,” Meadows said. “But if the whole g roup gets goi ng, we would call for total dispersal, and everyone would have to leave.”
If I still want to go, what should I expect? “You can expect to hear abusive language aimed towards different ethnic groups and races,” Chief Meadows said. “If you still want to go, the less you say to anyone there, the better off you’ll be.” During the event, participants will be contained to the specified area, so any movement towards the Court Square will not be allowed. At 5 p.m., police will give the NSM time to dismantle their equipment, gather their belongings and leave. Police will remain on scene until they give the all-clear.
Counter-protesters gather during a recent NSM event in Pikeville, Kentucky last year.
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What security measures are in place? With representatives from 20 different agencies, Chief Meadows said the city will be fully prepared for anything. However, he believes and hopes most residents will avoid the entire area. Since the two opposing groups are expected to convene in the Greenville Street Park area, Meadows said his force will keep them separated through several hundred water barricades – each holding 100 gallons of water each.
on the square
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What is the cost? At the moment, the total cost of the event won’t be fully known until it’s over. Mayor Keith Brady said the primary focus of the city is on public safety and the city will spare no expense to ensure the peace is kept. “It ’s not where we want to be, but we’re on the tab for it,” Brady said. Previous events in Shelbyville, Tenn., and Murfreesboro, Tenn. cost each city $83K and $250K respectively, according to Newnan Police Chief Douglas “Buster” Meadows.
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8 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, April 11, 2018