20180418 xtra

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APRIL 18 - APRIL 24, 2018

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Downtown merchants, police discuss rally strategy


Local business owners Amy Murphy and Margaret Sanders voice their concerns about how the upcoming white supremacist rally may affect downtown merchants. Police held an open forum at the Public Safety Complex in an effort to keep an open line of communication between business owners and the city.


clay@newnan.com Tu e s d a y m o r n i n g , downtown Newnan business ow ners gat hered at t he New na n Police Department for a Q&A with city officials regarding the upcoming white supremacy rally slated for April 21. Since the announcement of t he ra lly last week, a question has been looming – will downtown be open that day, or shut their doors? Pol ice C h ief D ou g-

las “Buster ” Meadows opened the session by breaking down the plan for keeping the peace during a rally often accompanied by conflict. “The safety of our citizens and their property is our No. 1 goal,” Meadows said. Traff ic control plans were discussed, including the implementation of routes commonly used while filming is in town. With an initial roadblock starting at Spence Avenue, Greenville Street

residents will be able to access t hei r proper t y prior to the solid roadbl o c k a t t h e C owe t a County Justice Center. With roadblocks beginning at 10:30 a.m., police are encouraging people to avoid the area entirely. “T hese people wa nt a n a ud ie n c e , a nd we don’t want to give them o n e ,” M e a d ow s s a i d . Wit h severa l events pla n ned i n dow ntow n Ne w n a n on t h e 2 1 s t , police will maintain a heavy presence through-

out the day, Meadows said. Once the NSM rally begins at 3 p.m., members from over two dozen agencies will be on hand to assist and monitor the rally. “ We have 400 additional officers coming in to assist, and we’re still looking for more,” Meadows said. “We will remain on scene until we know the groups are gone from our area.”

MERCHANTS , page 5

➤ page 8

Heritage High School students perform in New York City ➤ page 6

Churches planning to pray over rally area, hold unity service, bring food to emergency workers BY W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com A rea chu rche s a re lo ok i n g for p o sit ive ways to respond to plans by a national neo-Nazi group to hold a rally in Newnan, and Newnan P ol i c e C h i e f B u s te r Meadows gave t hem some options and advice on Monday. Meadows invited area clergy to meet with him at the Newnan Police Department on Monday morning. About 40 pastors attended the meeting, including pastors of both black and white churches and an array of denominations – Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and non-denominational. Meadows asked pastors to encourage their members to stay away from Greenville Street Park on April 21 when the National Socialist Movement has scheduled a rally from 3 -5 p.m. Local officials are expecting Antifa counter-protesters to be in Newnan that afternoon, as well. “These groups feed off each other,” Meadows said. “Everywhere they go, there are problems.” Meadows told pa stors it will be easier for

local law enforcement to handle the situation with fewer people in the protest area. He also said extremist groups will cou nt at tenda nce by local citizens as support for their cause. “We need to help law enforcement,” stressed D r. Wa y n e Je n k i n s , Western Baptist Association missionary. “We don’t need to do anything that will ma ke their job tougher.” Meadows told the pastors he wanted them to be able to recommend some options to their members – ”something to do besides sitting at home fuming about sitting at home.” Apostle Debra Harris of Kingdom Connected Mi n istries International and Ignite the Fire invited Christians to attend a prayer service at the Greenville Street Park on April 20 at 7 p.m. People participating in that activity may also prayer walk the downtown area. A u n it y ser v ice i s being planned for 3 p.m. on April 21 at St. Smyrna Baptist Church on Heery Road on Newnan’s west

CHURCH, page 2

Local musician, business owner to tour with Indigo Girls DOUG KEES IS TAKING A HIATUS FROM HIS DAY JOBS TO PLAY ROCK-N-ROLL BY MELANIE RUBERTI


Singer, songwriter, guitarist and Georgia native Michelle Malone belts out one of her signature blues / rock songs during a live performance. The twice Grammy- nominated performer just released her latest album titled “Slings and Arrows.”

melanie@newnan.com Doug Kees will hitting the road this May with his electric guitar and some high-profile names. T he owner of Musicology off Spring Street in New na n, Kees will perform a longside his friend, singer/songwriter Michelle Malone and fellow mu sici a n s a s t he opening act for the Indigo Girls. “For me, it’s a great cha nce to stretch a nd challenge my abilities. To find my role in a new combination of players,” said Kees. “I’ve always liked that ‘side role’ …. help her (Malone) feel confident, cut loose and do her thing. The challenge is, there’s a lot of songs to learn and you want to play them without really thinking about it.” Malone will debut her new record “Slings and Arrows,” on the tour. The

album officially launched on March 2. The bluesy, rock-n-roll album has already landed on the Billboard Blues chart, said Malone. “It is s really an Americana Blues rock record,” she said. “Most of the songs were written with intent to inspire people and bring them together. T here ’s b e en a g re at divide in our countr y within the past year and half or so. I want to bring people together, no matter what side of the aisle you’re on, no matter the political or religious affiliation. I wanted to be part of solution, not part of the problem.” Malone, a Georgia native and two-time Grammy-nominated arti st , descr ibed “ Sl i ngs and Arrows” as a Georgia record. Almost everything affiliated with the album – from the studio it was recorded in to the

visual arts designers – are located in the Peach state. “Why do I need to go somewhere else? Everyt h i n g I ne ed i s r ig ht here,” Malone said. “This is where I feel the most comfortable. The ‘Georgia sound’ comes out of me naturally and I don’t want to change that.” The state designation a lso encompa sses t he musicians who worked on the album – including Kees. “About this time last yea r, she reformed a n e a rl i e r b a n d o f h e r s wh ic h w a s si g n e d to Arista in early 90’s (Drag the River). But the guitar player didn’t want to come back, so I took his place,” Kees said. “She said, ‘I have a new album I need to work on, but no concept.’ So, she came down and we played some

TOUR , page 2


2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 1

side. “The churches need to come to get her,” Meadows said. “What better way t ha n to h a ve c h u r c h e s c o m ing together for a unity s er v ice – away f rom downtown.” D u r i n g Mond ay ’s meeting, Meadows was asked if food could be provided to the public safety workers coming to town on April 21. Meadows sa id food could be brought to the Coweta County Justice Center, which will be t h e s t a g i n g a re a for law enforcement that day, or to the Newnan Fi re Depa r tment on Jefferson Street.

More specific details on that project will be announced soon. “We’re making sure we have enough people to keep t h is contained,” Meadows told the ministers. Tr a f f i c w i l l b e routed around the Greenville Street P a rk a re a . Me a d ow s emphasized people on L aGra nge St reet w i l l be able to get to their home s a nd acce ss to downtown will be ensured. “ We ’ r e n o t g o i n g to a llow a ny vehicles nea r t he protest site, on ly public sa fet y vehicles,” he said. Water barrels f illed

w it h 1 ,000 ga llons of water each will be used to cha n nel peo ple, including keeping t he NSM g roup a nd Antifa protesters separated. “We’re striving to get them into town a nd out of tow n ,” he said. “Our main goal is to pr o te c t o u r c it i z e n s and their property.” Harris talked about the motivation behind t h e A p r i l 2 0 p r a ye r gathering, saying she would like to see every inch of ground in the pa rk per meated w it h prayer. Harris said she was impressed with the preparation Meadows

a nd ot her s a re m a king for the NSM rally. “When you have your system set up and you put God into it, you’re going to succeed,” she said. She said that prayer can ma ke the NSM v isit a dud for t he white supremacists. “ I ’m not ex pe c t i n g a ny t h i n g to h app en . We’re looking for this t h i ng to t u r n aga i nst them, rather tha n for them,” she said. She invited those present to attend t he Apr i l 20 prayer t i me and to invite others. “It ’s not about d e n o m i n a t i o n s . I t ’s not about agendas. It’s

not about gender. It ’s about prayer,” Ha rris said. Loca l pastor Buddy Wa l d r o n e x p r e s s e d t h a n k s to Me a d ow s . “We as ministers and c it i z en s a re g ratef u l for your heart. We ask your forgiveness for taking y’all for g r a nte d s omet i me s ,” he said. “We want to do our ver y best to ta ke t he at tent ion away f rom the park that day,” said David Jones, pastor of Newnan Presbyterian Church. Meadows said he was g l ad to see chu rches pla n n ing activities that show positive con-

his band were there to play a show. Malone and Kees both continued worki n g tow a rd s mu sic a l careers and ran in the same circles. E v e n t u a l l y, t h e i r t wo p a t h s d i ve r g e d . Ma lone a nd her ba nd signed with Arista records, wh i le Kees d e c i d e d to fo c u s o n teaching. Not that Kees is not a high-profile name in his own right. Kees bega n givi ng g u ita r lesson s i n Newnan a few times a week in the late 1980’s. He event ua l ly moved to tow n a n d o p e n e d Musicolog y i n 1993. The business includes sound studios and provides musica l lesson s for a va r iet y of instruments. I n add it ion to r u nning Musicology, Kees is band director at The

Her it a ge S c ho ol a nd also teaches music lessons at the Centra l Educational Center. But he never let go of the thrill that comes from performing live. Kees still plays gigs in Newnan and throughout Georgia, which is h ow h e re c on n e c te d with Malone in 2017. After the duo worked on the album, they, along with bassist Robby Handley for med t he t r io t he Hot Toddies in December of 2017. The group performed a series of holiday-t hemed shows around Georgia, including several performances at The Cellar in Newnan. T h o s e s h ow s we re so successful, the Hot To d d i e s a r e a l r e a d y booked for more performa nces in December of 2018.


getting t heir Georgia roots, or some of their biggest fans. T he g roup is perfor m i ng a ser ies of live shows around the state. The Michelle Malone Band will play and host a CD release p a r t y a t t h e B r i c khouse Tavern off Hwy. 34 East in Newnan on April 14. “We’re going to have a d a m n g o o d t i m e ,” Ma lone sa id with a laugh. “I’m thrilled. This is exciting for me,” said Kees . “ T h i s i s g reat , interactive music and a great band. It’s a great c h a n g e to pl ay w it h musicians I admire and respect.” T h o u g h t h e g u it a r player has had to shuff le around some music lessons, he said everyone, including T he Her it a ge S c ho ol a nd

nections among people “instead of these messages of hate.” He was honest with the pastors that deali ng w it h t he i ssue i s emotionally draining and that the rally will likely come with a large price tag to be paid by local citizens. A sen se of com munity unity, however, is also growing. “Newnan and Coweta Cou nt y a re going to come out stronger a nd better than ever before,” the police chief predicted. “T h is g roup coming does not represent New n a n a nd Cowet a County.”


continued from page 1

of the songs.” Kees, Ma lone a nd t he re s t of t he ba nd eventually made their w ay i nto s t ud io a n d recorded t he enti re “ Sl i n g s a nd A r row s” a lbum i n just four days. “ I l i ke t h at it ’s a l l re a l i n st r u ment s , no computers or dr um machines,” said Kees. “ T h is is fou r people, sta nding in a room together, playing a nd respond i ng toget her. It ’s s u c h a n or g a n i c thing these days.”


This is not the f irst time Kees has collaborated with Malone. T he two met in the 1980’s on t he ca mpus of Ag nes Scott College, where Ma lone was attendi ng school at the time. Kees and

Mea nwhile, Kees, Ma lone a nd t he ba nd cont i nue to rehea rse before joining the I nd igo Gi rls – A my Ray and Emily Saliers – on the New England leg of t hei r tou r i n May. Malone said she knew Ray and Saliers in college before either g roup had a record deal. “They consider me a satellite member,” said Ma lone. “I’ve been to u r i n g a n d w r i t i n g w it h t hem for awh i le n o w. T h e y ’ v e b e e n re a l ly k i nd a nd kept me in the fold. I have s o m uc h re s p e c t for t hem a nd how t hey have nav igated t he music industry.” Ma lone, Kees a nd t h e b a n d a r e n’ t fo r-

CEC , h a s be en g re at in allowing him to join M ichel le Ma lone a nd the Indigo Girls tour. Kees said he believes his experience will only enhance his students’ education too. “I ca n bring back re a l-l i fe ex per ience s to the folks at CEC and say, ‘Hey, this is how it is on the road,’” he said. “It thrills me to no end t hat I ca n get out , pl ay mu sic w it h fol k s li ke M ichel le Malone and still teach students. It ’s rewa rding and gratifying.” Kees and the Michelle Malone Band w i l l ret u r n f rom t he tour in early June. For m ore i n for m a t ion about t he ba nd , album, tour or the live perfor ma nce at t he Please B rvisit i c our k hwebsite o u sat ewww.fooddepot.com Ta v e r n , Download the Food Depot App for digital coupons website www.fooddepot.com vPlease i s it visit w our w and w. iatcpromotions! h el le inm store Download the Food Depot App for digital coupons malone.com . and in store promotions!

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4 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

Local physical therapist wins top honor BY MELANIE RUBERTI


Local physician Latoya Stephens says she is looking forward to traveling north to compete in the famed Boston Marathon.

Local doctor to run in Boston Marathon BY TAYLOR ROBINS taylor@newnan.com Latoya Stephens, a local resident, has qualified for Monday’s 1 2 2 nd B o s ton M a r a t h on a n d is set to leave for Hopk inton, Mass. on Friday. Stephens’ colleagues at Ciao Bella Medical Center a nd Spa t h rew t he r u n ner a s u r pr i s e sendoff party on Wednesday. “ It ’s pret t y over whel ming,” said Stephens. “I mean, I k new ever yone was happy for me because they had been see-

ing me train. And they know I get up every morning and run before I come here. But I didn’t expect them to do all of this.” Stephens, a loca l physicia n, has been training since December for her big event . Tra i ning includes an average of running 50-60 miles per week, and she adds a little cross-training and weights. To qualify for the marathon, one has to run 3:40. Stephens qualif ied with a 3:36 time. “My goal is just to run,” said

Stephens about her plans for the ma rathon. “I just wa nt to r un my best race. I’ve already quali f ied to r u n Boston aga i n for next year, so I don’t have that stress. But because I have been training so hard I really would like to run my best time. So to run my best time I would need to run faster than 3:34.” T h e B o s to n M a r a t h o n h a s been held annually each April s i n c e 1 8 9 7. A p p r o x i m a t e l y 500,000 spectators attend the event each year.

melanie@newnan.com It’s Ryan Morton’s job to help people get back on their feet and moving again. “My main goal is to help t hem get out of bed and walking again, regain their strength and restore movement,” he said. Morton is a physical therapist at the HealthSout h Rehabi l itation Hospit a l of New n a n off Newnan Crossing Boulevard. He’s worked for the medica l center for more than three years - before the building officially opened their doors in Newnan. His hard work, positive attitude and determination has won over his patients - and fellow colleagues. Morton was recently named the HealthSouth 2017 Employee of the Year. “I did n’t ex pect to win it,” he said. “ … But it is nice to be recognized for doing a good job.” “Ryan has many great qualities, but the one quality that stands out is he always takes the opportunity to go above a nd beyond for h i s patients and the staff,” sa id Kent Bucha na n , Hea lt hSout h’s d i rector of therapy. “He has the reputation of going the extra mile and definitely has a heart of

servitude.” Mor ton prev iou sly won the qua rterly achievement award. An employee is chosen for the reward every few mont hs a nd is nom inated by his peers. Hea lt hSout h off icials then choose the “Employee of the Year” from those designated winners. “For the staff to pick me, I guess I’m doing something right,” Morton said with a smile. “To be nominated by my peers makes me feel good.” But it wasn’t just his colleagues that helped him take home the top award. His patients did too. “I’m consistently gett i n g fe e dbac k a b out Ryan from them when he’s not around. They’ll say, ‘ Rya n i s a lways attentive a nd profession a l a nd k nows exactly what I need.’ He takes time to get to know his patients and tailor a program specifically for them - and that ma kes a huge impact on t hem ,” Buch a n a n stated. “ H i s pat ient s love him. They tell us that all the time,” added Renee M a n sou r McGraw, a human resource assistant with HealthSouth. Morton received his undergraduate degrees

HONOR , page 6

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 5

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 1


Deputy Chief Mark Cooper speaks during the meeting on Tuesday morning. Police are letting business owners determine if they want to remain open on April 21.

Police requested all dow ntow n busi ness ow ners remove a ny objec t s out side t hei r businesses that could possibly be picked up or t h row n . However, the decision to remain open rests squa rely on t he shou lders of t he bu si ne s s ow ner s themselves. “ S t ay i n g op e n i s a decision you’ll have to make,” Meadows said. The question of issui ng t he per m it to t he group was posed by a mem b er of t he aud ience. Cit y At tor ney Brad Seers ex pla i ned t he posit ion t he cit y took. By allowing the group a permit to gat her i n t he pa rk , it gave the city more control over the situation. “Everyone has a First Amendment right,

whether you agree with them or not,” he said. “The 11th Circuit o f Fe d e r a l C o u r t o f Appeals has ruled it’s an expense that has to be born by the community, not the individual who is participating.” S e er s s a id t he c it y a lso reached out to several constitutional law yers who ca me to the same conclusion. “ It ’s a p e r m i s s i ble activity under the Constitution and the First Amendment,” he said, and addressed the a r g u ment of “ i nc ite ment” being an exception to freedom of speech laws. “ Unt i l t h at (i ncite m e n t) h a p p e n s , y o u c a n’t pre suppose ,” Seers sa id . “ We h ave procedu res i n place for off icers to d i rec t

individuals who ex h i bit t ho s e ac t iv ities and conduct to be a rrested i m mediately and removed from the scene.” Off icia ls have been i n contact wit h ot her cities who have hosted the NSM recently and d e te r m i n e d t h e v i o lence primarily origin a te d f r o m c o u n te rprotesters , accord i ng to Seers. Following the meeti ng, severa l bu si ness owners discussed their plans for the 21st. Mark Knox, owner of K nox Fu r n it u re , sa id he won’t be closing his doors, but will be monitor i n g t he sit u at ion intently. His business sits only a few hundred ya rd s f rom t he pa rk , and hosts a potentially desirable parking


lot. A nyone who isn’t d oi n g b u s i n e s s w i t h him will be towed, he said. “I don’t think I’ll do much business that day anyway, but I hate to bow down to these p e ople a nd clo s e my doors,” he said. Dow ntow n restauranteurs Casey Smith, Margaret Sanders and Amy Murphy also declined to close their doors preemptively. “The message is this is our town and everyone deserves the right to come to work every d a y, a n d we c o n t r o l our dow ntow n na rrative,” Murphy said. “At the end of the day, our city is taking measures to en s u re ou r s a fe t y and we support them, just like they support us.” Sm it h sa id he’l l be c on du c t i n g b u s i n e s s as usual. If things slow dow n , he m ig ht send servers home and close early. However, he says his restaurant is open to anyone who is hungry or thirsty. “A s l o n g a s t h e y b e h a ve , I d o n’ t c a r e who comes inside,” he said. Local craft beer prove yor Ja s on K a nner sa id he’ll be r unning Ace Growlers by h i m sel f t h at day a nd a l low i ng h i s employees to stay home. He’ll b e c lo si n g h i s do or s du r i n g t he r a l ly, but will be reopening that evening. “We have an obligat i on to t h i s c om m unity to not serve alcohol if it’s going to harm someone,” he said. “If someone is hot under the collar or could be a l ready be u nder t he

inf luence, we have the right to refuse service to anyone.” Kanner believes law en forcement h a s t he sit u at ion f u l ly u nder control. His message to protesters? “Don’t tread on New n a n ,” he s a id . “ T hese out siders a re pok i ng a big ger bea r than they realize.” However, severa l ot her bu si ne s se s a re closing their doors that day. Jen ny Jones sa id C or n e r A r t s G a l le r y won' t open t h at d ay, citing safety concerns for her artists. For Phyllis Gra ha m at L et T hem Eat Toffee , t he deci sion to close was not made

out of fear, but due to being out of town that weekend and not wanting to leave employees in the way of any variables that could arise. Meadows t ha n ked loca l busi ness ow ners for t hei r enga ge ment with the process and reiterated an open line of communication between everyone will be the key to success in an event like this. “ We r e a l i z e y o u r concer n s a nd we’re t a k i ng ever y prec aution to eli m i nate a ny violence,” he said. “We won’t tolerate any misconduct whatsoever."

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6 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

Heritage School students perform at Lincoln Center in New York City


HealthSouth Physical Therapist Ryan Morton, left, shows off his Employee of the Year plaque and other gifts alongside Kent Buchanan, HealthSouth Director of Therapy.

HONOR continued from page 4

at Kennesaw State University and his doctorate degree from Georgia State University. But becoming a physic a l t herapi st wa sn’t Morton’s initial career path. “I played sports growi ng up a nd t houg ht sports medicine would be interesting,” he said. “But I got into physical therapy school and was in a hospital setting and I helped someone walk aga i n . I helped t hem


Heritage School students preparing to perform at Lincoln Center in New York are, from left, Thomas Morenzi, Dayton Warren, Francesca Petrino and Liam Walker.


education@newnan.com Four Heritage School students recently per for med w it h t he Nationa l Honor Chorus at Lincoln Center in New York City. Seniors Dayton Warren and Liam Walker, sophomore Francesca Petrino and freshman Thomas Morenzi were a mong st udents conducted by Dr. Martha Shaw. “Performing at Lincoln Center was probably t he most i mportant performance of my life,” Petrino said. “To have that honor at the age of 16 is a blessing.” “The Heritage School re ceived t h i s i nv it ation because of t he high level of musicianship demonstrated by the singers, as well as the exceptional recommendation of Dr. Martha Shaw,” said Dr. Jonathan Griffith, artistic d i re c tor a nd pr i n c ipal conductor for Dist i n g u i s he d Concer t s Internationa l of New York, which produced the event. The singers and their chorus teacher, Karen Hurd, spent f ive days and four nights in New York City in prepara-

tion for their concert. Students had three rehea rsa ls a nd spent time sightseeing, visiti ng h istorica l la ndmarks and attending a Broadway show. “I am confident Dayton, Liam, Francesca, a n d T h o m a s ’s l i v e s have been changed by this experience a nd lo ok for wa rd to t a king more trips like this with our future singers,” Hurd said. As conductor, Shaw – founding director of the Spivey Ha ll Children’s Choir Program a s wel l a s profe s s or of music and director of choral activities at Rei n ha rdt Un iversity – helped students conn e c t w it h s on g s s he chose for their “Reflection of Light” concert, ex pla i n i ng why she chose each song a nd what they mean to her. “Dr. Shaw is not only a world-renowned female conductor, but a person who changes t he l ive s of t he st udents she works with through her kindness, w isdom , a nd musica l artistry,” Hurd said. “I was thrilled to receive her personal invitation for my students to perform. To see their faces

light up as they walked onto that historic stage for the first time made the entire trip worth it. “The brilliance with which they performed is something I will cherish for a lifetime,” Hu rd added. “T hey became true artists on that stage and received a standing ovation as proof. It further supported my f irm belief t h a t t h e p e r for m i n g arts are vital to a stud e n t ’s we l l - r o u n d e d education. It wa s t h r i l l i n g to see my st udents su rrounded by young men a nd women f rom a l l across A merica a nd Ca n ad a who s h a re a passion for making collegiate-level music.” Sh aw, a h i g h ly renow ned cli n icia n a nd g ue st conduc tor throughout the United S t a te s a s we l l a s i n Canada and Korea, said the young singers were “a joy to conduct.” “ T hey were wa r m , k i n d a n d ve r y we l lprepared,” Shaw said. “This is a tribute to the si n ger s , t hei r te ac hers, and their parents. It is li fe-cha ng i ng to give a gift of travel and per for m i ng to you r children.”

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gain their independence and be able to return home. That was more fulfilling and rewarding for me.” Morton joined HealthSouth in December of 2014, practically fresh out of college. According to Buchanan, Morton took it upon himself to learn all the equipment and devices within the hospital that can be used to help their patients rega i n t hei r streng t h

and restore movement in their limbs. HealthSouth is a 50 bed in-patient rehabilitation hospital. On average, Morton assists at least seven pat ients t h roug h 1 ½ hour therapy sessions every day. He said he wouldn’t have it any other way award or no award. “When you love what you do, you don’t think about be rewarded for it,” he said.

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your guide for local upcoming events


A Tribe of Scribes Wednesday

April 18, 2:45, Free

All writers in every genre are invited to spend an afternoon with other writers in a writers’ support group. To register, contact the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347.


All Candidate Meet-n-Greet and Governor Forum Thursday

April 19, 5 p.m., Free

The Coweta GOP and Fayette GOP are coming together at Orchard Hill Church, 171 Gordon Road in Newnan, to host an all-candidate Meet-nGreet and Governor Forum. Candidates from across the state will be there for you to meet them and ask your questions from 5 - 6 p.m., with a forum to follow at 6:30. Some questions for the forum will be taken from the audience. There will be a straw poll taken before and after the forum. All are encouraged to attend. Candidates wishing to participate in the

Meet-n-Greet should email Amy Emerich at amyae@ymail.com

American Military


April 19-22, 8 p.m., $10- $17 Now playing at the Newnan Theatre Company: For five millennia, Harry Blackpool has been the agent for all Evil on Earth, while Rachel Parrish has represented Good. These implacable foes meet in a private club every 25 years. With the end of the world scheduled for tomorrow at teatime, they must pass their duties to their oblivious heirs: a mild-mannered physical education teacher and an aggressively Bohemian artist. Caught in the middle of their cosmic gamesmanship is an anxious club manager. As the sole representative of humanity, he may be the key to Armageddon’s outcome in this fast-paced comedy of apocalyptic proportions. Unless otherwise noted, shows run Thursday - Saturday


April 20, 2 p.m., Free

Dr. Walter Todd will speak on the MexicanAmerican War, which occurred from 18461848. Todd has a Ph.D. in History but focuses mainly on American Military History. He has been a professor at The University of West Georgia as

well as West Georgia Technical College where he is a faculty member in the history department. He enjoys sharing his love for America’s past, present, and future through his teachings. Registration is requested. For questions or reservations, call the Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347.

Make Your Graduate’s Big Day Extra Special With a Photo on this Keepsake Graduation Page!


‘Blackpool and Parrish’


Samuel Carden

Newnan HS Parents: Laura Cardin & Ben Carden

Destiny Latrez Garnigan

East Coweta HS Parents: Kelly & Rodrick Garnigan

Katherine M. Jones

Trinity Christian School Parents: Michael & Diane Jones

Nicole O. Duncan

Northgate HS

Kennedy F. Dunn II

East Coweta HS

Parents: Steveford Duncan, Carmeleta Williams

Matthew Todd Grady

Trinity Christian School Grandparents: David & Evelyn Davis

Darien Key

East Coweta HS Parents: Milton & Shirley Key

Parents: Kennedy Dunn, Sr. & Dr. Natisha Roberson-Dunn

Jacob Hancock Newnan HS

Grandparents: Sybil & Willard Hancock


Matthew Joseph Dwyer

East Coweta HS Parent: Maureen “Mo” Dwyer


Victoria Ann Jones Northgate HS Parents: T.C. & Wanda Jones

Katie King

Newnan HS

Parents: Barbara & Mark King

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have your graduate’s color picture published in The Newnan Times-Herald

Sunday, May 27th

20 per graduate


Photo Submission Deadline:

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 • 5:00 p.m.

Adrianna Danelle Ward Newnan HS

Parents: Jason & Nancey Ward

(Pre-School, Elementary, Middle, High School and College Graduates) SUBMISSION FORM Graduate’s Name: _________________________________________________________________

Name on Card: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Parents’ Names: _________________________________________________________________

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Card Number:___________________________________________________________________________________

Mail form and payment to: The Newnan Times-Herald Attn: Salute to Graduates P.O. Box 1052 Newnan, GA 30264

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The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576

Or email to: classifieds@newnan.com

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