20180516 xtra

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MAY 16 - MAY 22, 2018

➤ Coweta



calendar of events inside Holocaust survivor visits Newnan High ➤ page 2

your weekly connection to local news & entertainment

One big idea


A proposal to turn a former textile mill into a service center for homeless Cowetans – providing shelter, food, job training, counseling and other services – was formally presented recently to the Newnan Rotary Club. Rotarian Bill Headley owns the long-shuttered mill in Sargent, and his idea to turn it into a place where the local homeless can get the tools and support they need if they desire to become more successful. Headley said God placed the homeless issue on his heart, so he began thinking about something he could do about it. He’s owned the 150,000 square foot mill, which sits on 16 acres in the Sargent village, for years. It wouldn’t be like a traditional homeless shelter where residents stay for the night and are sent out in the morning, Headley said, and there would be separate areas for individuals and families with children. Headley said he envi-

“There could be woodworking and welding shops, and residents could learn various skills, from construction and plumbing to sewing, child care and cosmetology.” sions motel-style rooms, each with its own bathroom, for residents, who would be able to have their own secure place while they live there. Along with the rooms, Headley wants a large commercial kitchen and dining area, classrooms, job training areas, a food pantry, a thrift store and a garden. “There could be woodwork i n g a nd weld i n g shops, and residents could learn various skills, from construction and plumbing to sewing, child care and cosmetology,” Headley said. “There’s plenty of space for just about anything.” The center would have paid staff as well as volunteers, and there is talk of partnering with vari-


Bill Headley talks about his Sargent Shelter proposal at a recent meeting of the Newnan Rotary Club.

ous schools a nd other organizations. But to make it work, Headley said, there needs to be unity.

SHELTER, page 5

Father, daughter keep business ‘popping’ around SUBMITTED PHOTO

Nancy Huddleston and Lizabeth Andrew of Meals on Wheels of Coweta, Sandra Thompson of CareSource, and Cynthia Bennett of Meals on Wheels of Coweta stand together with a $10,000 check that CareSource donated to Meals on Wheels last Monday.

Meals on Wheels of Coweta receives $10,000 NTH STAFF REPORTS news@newnan.com PHOTO BY MELANIE RUBERTI

Courtney Wilbanks is the co-owner of Kettleworks, a traveling food stand that specializes in flavored popcorn. The business is based in Newnan, but the family takes their speciality snack food to area festivals and events. Kettleworks even caters weddings and special functions.

BY MELANIE RUBERTI melanie@newnan.com

You can smell Courtney Wilbanks and Bob Horner’s Kettleworks food stand a block away before you even see it. The scent of freshly popped popcorn wafts through the air, mixed w it h a sweet, sa lt y and savory aroma of a va riety of snack food toppings. The father / daughter duo specialize i n p op cor n a nd t a ke their food tent on the r o a d to a v a r i e t y of events such as, Ma i n Street Newnan’s Market Day, the Peachtree City Night Market, the Taste of Newnan, the Coweta County Rodeo,

plus severa l more festivities. T hei r m a i n st aples are kettle corn and caramel popcorn, plus one speciality f lavor each month. “ We g o b a c k a n d forth between a sweet and savory flavor,” said Wilbanks. “Last month (April), we had a cookies and cream f lavored popcorn. This month, during Market Day, we had buffalo blue cheese popcorn.” Sometimes, Wilbanks will post a poll on t he Kettleworks Facebook page and let customers choose the next specialty flavor. But most of the time, the father / daugh-

ter duo come up with their ow n popcorn concoction. “We’ll sit a nd wonder, ‘What would that taste like on popcorn?’ Then we’ll go make it,” Wilba n ks said with a smile. “Sometimes we like what we come up w it h , a nd somet i mes we say to each other, ‘We’re never going to ma ke that again.’ But finding new f lavors is half the fun of it.” W hen the Kettlework s food tent is at a n event , ever y t h i ng is made fresh on site, f rom t he popcor n to the crisp, tart lemonade, Wilbanks added. Kettleworks started in March 2015 and the

concept behind it was simple: both Wilbanks and Horner loved popc o r n a n d w a n t e d to sha re t hei r favor ite s n a c k fo o d w it h t h e community. “My dad and I make a great team, and it was a g reat way to spend t i me to get her, plu s ma ke a little money,” Wilbanks said. While the family has only lived in Newnan f ive yea rs , t hey consider the city their home – and they enjoy bei ng a pa r t of t he community. “I love talking to customers and building a

POPPING, page 2

C a r e S o u rc e , a n on prof it ma naged ca re organization, presented Mea ls on W heels of Coweta with a check for $10,000 as a part of the People’s Choice Gra nt Awards. MOWC C w a s pre sented with the $10,000 check at the organization’s headqua r ters i n Newnan. Ca reSou rce employees are given an opportunity each qua rter to nominate, vote on and awa rd g ra nt s to t hei r favorite nonprof its. Si n c e 2 0 1 0 , $ 4 4 5 , 0 0 0 h a s b e e n a w a r d e d to nonprof it s c ho s en by employees. “Meals on Wheels of Coweta is a vital part of Coweta County,” sa id Bobby Jones, president of t he Georgia ma rket for CareSource. “CareS o u rc e i s h on ore d to present the $10,000 People’s Choice Gra nt

Aw a r d t o h e l p f u n d t he i ndispensable services the organization prov ides to t he community.” MOWOC wa s estab lished in 1981 and is desig nated as t he off icia l Meals on Wheels chapter i n Coweta County. More than 25,000 meals are served to MOWOC cl ient s a n nu a l ly. T he m a j o r i t y o f M OWO C clients live alone with little or no help, and the meal the client receives m ay be t he on ly mea l they eat that day. “CareSource is a ver y generous awa rd,” sa id Li zabet h A nd rew of Meals on Wheels of Cowet a . “ It t r u ly i s a blessing that will prov ide over 1 , 8 50 mea l s for our clients. We t h a n k y o u f o r helping us combat elder hunger in our county and for helping us show those we serve that they have not been forgotten.”

2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

Holocaust survivor visits Newnan High BY TAYLOR ROBINS

least 600,000 Jews were murdered. “Victory Day did not To s i a S c h n e i d e r, a bring much rejoicing,” Holocaust survivor, sat Schneider recalled about down with a number of t he su r render of Na zi students from Newnan G er m a ny. “ Su rely we High School recently to were glad that the carshare her story and how nage had stopped, but it relates to last month’s it wa s on ly t hen t h at National Socialist Movewe began to realize the ment rally. extent of our losses.” The longtime Atlanta Schneider was the only resident aut hored t he survivor of 14 members book , “ Someone Mu st of her close family, and Survive to Tell the World: even more distant relaReminiscences.” The title tives lost their lives to the comes from one of the Nazis. last things that SchneiAfter a cousin in New der’s mother told her. York s ent her pap er s Schneider started her to come to the United story in 1939, as she was States, Schneider arrived an 11-year-old girl living in 1949, was married the Please visit our website at www.fooddepot.com Please visit our website at www.fooddepot.com PHOTO BY TAYLOR ROBINS with her family in Horo- following year and evenDownload the Food Depot App for digital coupons Download the Food Depot App for digital coupons Some students who got to experience Tosia Schneider, a Holocaust survivor, also got to take pictures with her while she denka, Poland. tually had three sons. and in store promotions! and in store promotions! visited the school. She refer re d to her Sch neider sa id she w o rl d b e i n g “ b e a u t i - ended up in the United ful and full of promise” States because she had no A nd so you st t uFEES, r n AND ASSOCIATED That changed Schneider said it’s more health issues and the dis* OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT,ju STOCKING EXPENSES 14 years * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES b e fo r e h e r tow n w a s desire to live under the around and try to forget a go when a f r iend of important than ever to tance. When she heard taken over by Germany. all that had happened. I Schneider asked her to tell her story. rule of the Soviet Union. that the Nazis were going She sha red w it h t he “When the Nazi still to march, however, she “So I made my way to used to wake up scream- speak in to a group of stus t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y Poland,” she said. “And ing at night.” dents in Austell. m a r c h i n y o u r c i t y reached out. about her ti me i n di f- u n for t u n ately Pola nd , When Schneider came “I couldn’t say no, so I streets, we have to tell “I said ‘a ny time you ferent ghettos and labor after the war, there was to the United States, her went there,” she recalled. what they stand for, and wa nt me to come , I ’l l camps. She spoke of the a great deal of antisemi- cousin urged her to forget “There were some 100 in we have to warn people be there and I’ll tell you friends that she lost, and tism after the war. So the about the past and start a the auditorium, just like against their ideologies, what they stand for,’” she her family. here (at NHS). I spoke against what they stand idea was to get to either new life. said. “It was very painBy the end of the war, get to the United States, “ P e o p l e d i d n ’ t t a l k to the seniors and didn’t for,” she said “We (livSchneider had lost her Australia or Palestine.” about it,” she said. think much about it.” ing Holocaust survivors) ful to me to see them tryg r a n d m o t h e r, f a t h e r, Once the Adolf EichA couple of weeks later, are the last witnesses, ing to teach those terrible “When I first saw the mother, older brother and Statue of Liberty, it was mann trial began in 1961, she received an envelope and people need to know ideologies.” Sch neider ended the only sibling. She believes a feeli ng of perhaps a the whole world heard f i l led w it h a hu nd red a nd g ua rd aga i nst t he ex p er ience by s ay i n g her father may have been chance to live in freedom the atrocities perpetrated letters. ideologies.” sent to the Belzec exter- and to live without fear,” by Nazi Germany. Peo“What those kids said Sch neider noted she “You can not change hisFresh mination camp – one of she said. “People always ple Inspected slowly Claxton began talking really moved me – it ’s Claxton was asked several months tory. It was what it was, Fresh U.S.D.A. U.S.D.A. Inspected a nd you h ave to lo ok the most gruesome sites said to ‘forget about the about it, but Schneider something that we have ago to come to Newnan, Please visit our website at www.fooddepot.com Country Style Country Style forit.” digital coupons of the Holocaust where at past and start a new life.’ didn’t. to do,” she said. but de cDownload l i ne d the – Food c itDepot i n gAppat taylor@newnan.com

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U.S.D.A. inspeccionado costillas de res estilo campestre



relationship with them. That’s just as important as the business itself,” said Wilbanks. “We have a lot of faithful customers too. “One Fresh man liked our caramel Southern popcorn, but he wanted more

of the caramel coating. So, we put twice as much caramel on the popcorn and named it after him,” she added with a Anyalways Size Package laugh. “We’re open to Fresh Fresh suggestions. If Southern people want Ground Beef something specific, then we’ll




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3 3




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U.S.D.A. selecto bistec boliche de res

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do it.” in dow ntow n New na n a nd is just a side business for her While Kettleworks does not other upcoming events. and her dad right now, but have a storefront just yet, the Ket t lework s a l so c ater s their future goal is to make it business just bought a con- events, such as weddings, par- a full time venture. Any Size Package cession trailer that Fresh will be ties, plus church and school For more information or Turnip Turnip used during this weekend’s events. to place an order, visit www. or Mustard or Mustard Ground Beef “Tucked Away Music Carne Festival” Wilbanks said Kettleworks facebook.com/kettleworks/ de res fresca molida

Food2Depot 24 Peaches


Pollo entero


continued from page 1


¢ Whole ¢

¢ Whole

U.S.D.A. Select Beef




3$ ¢ 88 $ 88 $ 68 ¢ $ 368 Food Depot d Depot 1 1 1 1 Whole ¢ lb. Great Great lb. Frying¢Chicken Ribs 92 84 $ 88 $ 68 1 1 Any Size TipPackage Roast U.S.D.A. Inspected

Any Size Package

98 Fresh Ground

Pork Please visit our website at www.fooddepot.com

Fresh Ground



Pork Please visit our website at www.fooddepot.com 17.5-18 oz.

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10 Pack Assorted Flavors Capri Sun Hamburgerlb. or

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99 ¢¢ 98 92 9888 84 Food Depot BBQ Sauce

U.S.D.A. Inspected Claxton Fresh



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Peaches Scott Paper Towels lb .


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78 98 39 48 $2/$$1 1

Any Size Package Fresh Turnip or Mustard Beef Ground

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Multi Pack U.S.D.A. Select Beef



1 83 $1 78 $ Dinner 90



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$ 52

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Eye of Round


41 7-8 oz.



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Kettle Chips

Golden Flake paquete de Little Debbie tamaño cualquier Snacks U.S.D.A. Select Beef Family Packs U.S.D.A. Select Beef Boneless

$ 88lb. U.S.D.A. selecto bistec boliche de res

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Sauce Potato Chips Prices Effective May 14 - May 20, 2018. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible Wing for typographical orOreo pictorial errors.



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6 oz.


boliche de res

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Essential Everyday

26 oz.



Oreo Bitesbistec Nilla Wafers U.S.D.A. selecto Nabisco

Wednesday, May 16, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 3

Times-Herald Xtra

The Good, the Bad and the Gone T he sa me problem pops up at least once a year. Something goes missing and the search sends me digging t h roug h pi les of st u ff I shou ld h ave t h row n out the year before. Or t he decade before. Or in my case, the century before. I hold on to personal stuff longer than I should. There’s a term for someone li ke that. Not hoarder. Stupid. A g re at ex a mple of personal items I’ve kept far too long is the box of fa m i ly photos I ’ ve lugged around since my mot her d ied 2 7 yea rs ago. T he origi na l collect ion proba bly topp e d 1,000 photos. The fact that Mother stored them in a f limsy cardboard box should have been a clue as to their value, but for some reason I thought throwing them away would hurt her feelings. Some of t he snapshots included me o r m y s i s t e r. O t h e r s showed aunts, uncles, cousins and grandmothers. The photos of people I could identify h ave a l l b e en pa s s e d along and I’m still left w it h hundreds of pictures of people who are (a) total strangers and (b) dead. A shrink would proba b l y s a y i t ’s t i m e to move on. Hard to argue with that observation. A quick check of the garage conf irmed that I have more tools than I know what to do with. L itera l ly. T he col lec-

ALEX MCRAE t i o n i n c lu d e s to ol s I never used and tools I can’t even identify. W hat a dope. The only tool I need these days is a telephone prog ra m med w it h t he numbers of people who can f ix any home i mprovement problem I have. T he ha rdest t hing about parting with the tools will be admitting I’m not – and never was – Mr. Fixit. Fo r s o m e r e a s o n , I still have the program from my daughter’s colle g e g r a d u a t i on . No t the diploma. The program. The Emory campus was all abuzz that day because the g uest spea ker was the Dalai Lama. I was there e a rly a n d w a n d e r i n g around when Mr. Dalai – or Lama – pulled up i n a s t re tc h l i mo . He ref used to auto graph my program. It’s time that paper took a trip the loca l la ndf ill. Karma, baby. I’ll keep one item be c au se it ’s co ol a nd doesn’t ta ke up much space. My father earned an engineering degree f rom Aubu r n i n 19 3 4 . Except for h is ti me

i n t he A r my Cor ps of E n g i n e e r s i n Wo r l d War II, he never worked as an engineer. But he a lway s kept h i s sl ide rule. I’ll keep it, too, if only to remind me that b efore computer s h it the scene, mathematicians and engineers did s ome pret t y a m a z i n g t h i ngs wit h tools t hat didn't have to be programmed or plugged in. My pi le of leftovers i nclude s a box of old videotapes. I don’t have a videotape player anymore. I’ll keep a couple s o my g r a nd k id s c a n use them for show and tell at school. I used to think these leftovers m ight someday be useful. It’s time to ad m it t hey ’re ju n k t h a t s o o n e r o r l a t e r, somebody else will have to throw away. I’ll save them the trouble. The big cleanout starts soon. This time, everyt h i n g goe s . W it h one exception. I have boxes a nd s h e l ve s a n d d r a we r s cra m med w it h book s . T he pi le g rows ever y ye a r. T h e c o l l e c t i o n i ncludes col lege tex tbook s I ’l l never open again, books I keep reading over and over and books so bad they should never have r ol l e d o f f a p r i n t i n g press. The collection is worthless to everybody but me. I don’t care. A m a n’s got t a d raw t he l i ne s ome where . T he junk can go, but as long as I’m sti ll breat h i ng, the books will stay.

Ask Miss Pearl Dear Miss Pearl, We recently buried my precious 89-yearold Daddy, and I am still furious that my niece let her two sons – ages 12 and 14 – wear shorts and f lip-f lops to t h e v i s i t a t i o n . I told h e r it wa s d i s graceful, and now she a nd he r mot he r a re not spea k i ng to me. Was I wrong? I a m sor r y for you r loss and sorry that my ed itor does not a l low me to use profanity (I sure would like to give you r n iece a piece of m y m i n d) ! Yo u h a ve every right to be angry, hurt, AND embarrassed by this blatant example of disrespect. There is si mply no exc u s e for a l low i ng t hese you ng men to dress so i nappropriately; a nd I'll bet their shirts weren't even t uc ked i n ! You r n ie ce i s doi n g a d i s service to her boys by allowing them to think their attire was acceptable for a funeral visitation. I feel sure the vast majority of the population agrees with us on this, and there IS comfor t i n nu mber s . T he fact that your niece and her mother aren't talking to you spea ks volu mes about t hem a nd doesn't surprise me one bit. Enjoy the peace and quiet! Please send me their addresses so I can send them today's column… autographed, of course! Dear Miss Pearl, My across the street neighbor is a lways coming into my yard to help herself to my magnolia leaves. She h a s neve r a s ke d me

MISS PEARL if I minded if she cut t hem, and last week s he ne a rly s t r ipp e d a tree bare. I've only lived in this house for a few mont hs, a nd I am assuming she had an arrangement with the previous owner. I want her to stop cutting the leaves! First of all, it is called trespassing. Secondly, e ve r yo n e k n ow s yo u should wait until dark before you c ut f rom s om e on e el s e's y a rd . Seriously though, your neig hbor shou ld h ave used her manners and a sked you before she cont i nued usi ng you r ya rd a s her p er s on a l f lorist. And did she not bring you some homemade cheese straws w h e n yo u m ove d i n ? She k nows what she is doing is wrong, and you h ave ever y r i g ht to tell her she is going to have to find another s uppl ie r of m a g n ol i a leaves. Don't be upset if she acts offended by your request. Chances are this is not her first rodeo!

And Another Thing... I f love i s t he u n iver s a l l a n g u a ge t hen surely the explicit use of the middle f inger is a close second. It's not surprising when a teenager does it – some people consider it a rite of passage – but I f ind it highly offensive when a n adu lt does it. A n angry man f lipped me off while I was driving on the interstate. There were two tractor trailers hogging both lanes, and I guess he wanted me to pass t hem i n the emergency la ne. M ay b e he d id n' t l i ke my sticker advertising a cer ta i n SEC school. M ay b e he s hou ld n' t h ave h ad t h at second cup of coffee. Regardless of the reason, his gest u re was cer ta i n ly uncalled for. When he was finally able to pass m e I c o u l d n' t r e s i s t t u r n i ng to look so I could give him a great big sm i le. A nd t hen I sc ratched my nose using my middle finger, of course!

Miss Pearl is one o f N e w n a n' s l e a d i n g authorities on moder n et iquette. She gladly lend s her advice to ever yone whether they want it or not, because, "After all, it's all about t h e c h i l d re n a n d s e tting a good example for the m ." He r videos are available on her Facebook page, and she can be reached at misspearl678@gmail.com



The Newnan Times-Herald and Newnan-Coweta Magazine are pleased to announce the 2018-2019 issue of Coweta Living, an upscale guide that offers a fresh look at Coweta County to all residents, old and new. Coweta County shines as

one of the best places to live in Georgia. Coweta Living, publishes in August and is distributed year-round, showing why living and doing business in Coweta is such a great idea. Coweta Living is a full-color glossy magazine and features a thick cover stock, giving it a long shelf life. Writing, photography and design are of the highest quality. DISTRIBUTION Coweta Living is distributed prominently at locations throughout the county. It will be delivered to The Newnan Times-Herald subscribers in August and available year-round at The Newnan Times-Herald, Coweta County Welcome Center, Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce and at various locations across the county, plus online for one year.


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4 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, May 16, 2018

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T he sou nds of ha mmers, saws and construction equipment will soon be heard at Nick and Kate Hayes’ Sharpsburg home. The couple is renovating their garage into a family room, plus redecorating bedrooms as they prepa re to welcome a new member into their home. The Hayes are in the process of adopt i ng a 10-year-old girl from the Philippines. Since the adoption is not complete, the Hayes did not want to use her name is the article and instead referred to their new daughter as “M.” T he 10 -yea r-old was born without hands, feet or a mouth opening, but the Hayes said they fell in love with her the instant t h e y s aw h e r pic t u re online. “It was the first time she had been on the adoption list in six months, but we k new i m med iately we wanted her,” said Nick. “She had an operation to repair her mouth and despite not having hands or feet, she’s thriving. ‘M’ can write, draw a nd pa i nt . She ’s ver y inspirational.” “M” will join the Hayes’ two other children, Jude, 5 and Bethany, 2. Nick said he and his wife thought they were done hav i ng ch i ld ren , a nd e ven m ove d i nto a sm a l ler hou se . G od changed their minds. “We felt the Lord calling us to adopt, so we prayed about it,” Nick said. “One night I was sitting in the backyard with the kids and thought if God has given me to heart to adopt and resources to do it, I have to at least try.” T he Hayes sta r ted the adoption process in Ju ly 2017 a nd decided to find a young child in need of a family from the Philippines. A c c o r d i n g to K e l l y Preston, co-founder of the R ACE for the Orphans, t here a re 1 5 0 m i l l ion orphans worldwide. She and her husband Ja s on h ave a l s o b e en t h roug h t he adopt ion process. “We’re Christians and feel t hat God adopted us into his family, so we s hou ld do t he s a me ,” Kelly said. “We wanted to spread the love of Christ to another child. We just had it in our hearts to adopt a child.” The couple, who have t h re e ot her c h i ld ren , de cided adopt a baby from China. Their journey began in June 2012. Similar to the Hayes’ experience, the Prestons fel l i n love w it h t hei r daughter as soon as they saw her. “On March 23, 2013, we got an email with this little girls picture. I looked at it and just started crying. I told my husband, ‘Jason, I think we found our little girl,’” Kelly said.

T he couple brought 2 ½-year-old Jenna Jean Preston home in November 2013. Kelly admitted the first few months presented a rough transition for the little girl and the family. Jenna was born with ichthyosis, a skin condition where dead cells a c c u m u l a te . Sh e a l s o doesn’t sweat and can get overheated quickly, said Kelly. Jenna didn’t speak English and had a hard time a dj u s t i n g to h e r n e w family. “My daug hter wa s sca red to deat h of my husband for the first six months she was here. I would go for a run, and she wou ld f rea k out ,” Kelly said. “We had to work t h r o u g h it , a nd now she’s smitten with him. Our youngest son, A nd re w, to ok it h a rd because he was the baby of the family. But now they’re very close. It’s just beautiful to see. Our children don’t think of Jenna as being adopted. They tell people that’s their sister. They stick up for Jenna and make sure she’s having a good day.” W h i le t he P reston s’ process with Jenna was fairly smooth, the couple a re awa re of the cha llenges and heartbreak of adoption, too. Every country, including the United States, has different requirements and procedures for adopting children. Some i nternationa l agencies require the adopting parents to live in country for six months to one year before they’re allowed to bring the child back to the United States, said Kelly. For some families, it may ta ke yea rs before they are matched with a child and then another year or more before they can bring the child home. Adoption is also expensive, and can cost couple s bet ween $ 3 0,0 0 0 - $50,000. The Prestons wanted to help offset the cost for other local families going t h roug h t he adopt ion process. The couple started the RACE for the Orphans 5K in April 2013 – just two weeks a fter they were matched with Jenna. The mission behind the event is “Raising Awareness , Compa ssion a nd Education (RACE) about the needs of orphans in America and around the world,” according to their website.

“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies...Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.”


Jenna shows off a younger picture of her while surrounded by her new brothers and sisters, from left, Shelby, Jenna, Nathan and Andrew. The family was celebrating Jenna’s “Referral Day” in March. It’s the day the Prestons were matched with Jenna.

The event continues to grow. In 2017, the group raised $33,000. Each year, the nonprofit orga nization uses that money to help four families, also known as grant recipients, in Coweta and the surrounding counties. Kelly said. “For families who want to adopt, we don’t want the dollar sign to distract them,” she added. “Our role is to encourage others, create a community for those who are going t h roug h adopt ion a nd raise awareness. We want to keep it local. We want to keep i n touch w it h these families and see them year after year.” Kel ly sa id si nce t he R ACE for the Orphans began, the organization h a s ra i sed more t h a n $95,000 in grant money and helped a total of 16 families. This year, one of those grant recipients will be the Hayes family. “We thought the biggest barrier for us would be the financial aspect,” Nick said. “But we put ou r fa it h a nd t r ust i n God. He showed us so many things, his faithfulness and support. By the end of the RACE for the Orphans on Saturday, we

Ruth Hill ES

Parents: Todd & Denise Dewey

Bradley Davis Evans MS

Parents: Steve & Kimberly Davis

Sunday, May 27th

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American Must Stand With Israel! God is Good All The Time



The Hayes family prepares to add a new member to their family, from left, Nick, Jude, 5, Kate and Bethany, 2. Nick and Kate are in the process of adopting a 10-year-old girl from the Philippines.

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should be fully funded. “I had so much faith ‘M’ was going to be ours that for Christmas, I bought my wife a ring with our two biological children’s birthstones in it – and ‘M’s’ birthstone too,” he added. T he H ayes received f inal approval on their new daughter’s adoption last week and are preparing the necessary paperwork to finally bring her home. “We’re a little nervous because we haven’t had a preteen before. She didn’t grow up with us, so it’s a little intimidating,” Nick admitted. “But we’ve gotten to Skype with her, and it’s been great experience. When we read her medical reports, despite her disabilities, they said she was ‘joyous.’ “ I h a ve a n a u t i s t i c brother and showed her a picture of him. ‘M’ said she just wanted to give him a hug,” Nick added. “There’s a n innocence and sweetness about her, and she has compassion, too. She’s absolutely gorgeous inside and out.” T h e H a ye s h o p e to br i ng “M” to her new home by fall.

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March 2818 - 31 May 16-

calendar your guide for local upcoming events

monthly selection. This month’s book is "Killers of the Flower Moon: the Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI," by David Grann. If you're interested, grab the book and come for an hour of fun with other bibliophiles. This group is for ages 18 and older. For more information, call 770- 683-2052.


25¢ Book Sale Friends of Coweta Libraries 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., $.25

The Friends of Coweta Libraries book sale will be held at Central Library from Wednesday, May 16, through Saturday, May 19. Hundreds of items will be available at $0.25 per item. Donated items for the book sale include soft-cover and hard-back books, textbooks, CDs, DVD and VHS movies and

children’s books. Cash is the only form of payment accepted. For more information, visit www. cowetapubliclibrary. org or call the Central Library at 770-683-2052.


Backstreet Arts Open Studio

Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, nonintimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org


10 a.m., Free

Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre

Page Turners Book Club 6:30 p.m., Free

Central Library's book club meets once a month to discuss the

starting at 6 p.m. (both nights) along with good food and good fun at the Coweta County Fairgrounds, 275 Pine Road Newnan.



Mindfulness: Your Summer Mind Matters

8 p.m., $5 - $15

11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m., Free

Cattlemen’s Rodeo

Called the funniest farce ever written, “Noises Off” by Michael Frayn presents a manic menagerie as a cast of itinerant actors rehearsing a flop called “Nothing's On.” Doors slamming, on and offstage intrigue, and an errant herring all figure in the plot of this hilarious and classically comic play. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong, and Murphy’s Law gets tested to its maximum in this hysterical show. Unless otherwise noted, shows run Thursday -

Gates open at 6 p.m., with the Grand Entrance and Anthem at 8. Friday, May 18, is “Kid’s Night.” Ticket prices: adults $15; children 4-12 will be admitted for $5. Saturday, May 19, is “Tough Enough to Wear Pink” night to support breast cancer research. Ticket prices: adults $15; children $10. New this year is the Back Stage Pass. Find out how the rodeo works, tour the arena, meet announcer Matt McGee and Ms. Rodeo USA. Back stage passes are available for advance purchase only. Come early and enjoy the music of Rendezvous

(Ages 18 & up) Join Ms. Natasha Ward for the first of a two-part series about mindfulness during the summer. Learn how to tap into your emotions and release worry and stress. Also, learn how to reflect and set intentions that will benefit you now. It’s time to start learning how to become more present and less distant. Join us to receive more tools for your self-care tool kit. Registration is required. For more information, call the Powell Branch at 770-253-3625.

idea, he said. “There are hundreds of churches in Coweta County,” Headley said. “If 50 families each from 300 churches would commit to $10 a month, that would be $1.8 million a year – plenty of money to operate the shelter and center.” As a young man in Alabama many years ago, Headley said, he and fellow members of the local Jaycees went into their community to convince people to pay an extra

$10 on their utility bills to build a new recreation center. The drive was a tremendous success, and the center is still in use today. Headley said he wants to put together a strong board of directors, with many talents. And the project will need volunteers who are willing to put work in to make the plan a reality. “ T h i s i s a p r oj e c t that is going to take all hands on deck,” said Joe

Wyant, president of the Newnan Rotary Club and Coweta Juvenile Court judge. “It is going to take all of our thoughts and suggestions." Pla ns a re to hold a public meeting soon to bring together all those who are interested in the project. For more information, email sargentshelter@ gmail.com, or bheadley@ headleyconstruction.com or send mail to P.O. Box 719, Newnan, GA 30264.

‘Noises Off’


Saturday at 8:00 p.m., with a Sunday matinee at 3:00 p.m. Tickets are $17 for adults; $13 for senior citizens (65+)/ student/ military; and $10 for children (12 and under). For more information, call 770-683-6282 or visit newnantheatre.org.

8 p.m., $10 - $17


continued from page 1

There are many nonprofit organizations in Coweta that work to help those less fortunate. But, he asked, can they come together for a project of this size? “I think there is a need for one entity,” Headley said. “How do we unite the community?” He said he’d like to get some good statistics on the number of people who need these types of services, and what kinds of things they need to help them get on

their feet and become successful. T he m i l l h a s b e en vacant a long time, and all the copper has been stolen from it. Fixing it up to serve as the shelter and service center would be a lot of work – but it’s something Headley has done before. Owning a multifaceted company, like Headley Construction, helps. S e ve r a l ye a r s a g o , Headley and a partner redeveloped t he former Newnan Bag Mill in

downtown Newnan into the Newnan Lofts apartments, which have been very successful, Headley said. He estimated the renovation of t he bu i lding would cost approximately $3 million. As for yearly operations, Headley suggested that Cowetans who are interested in supporting the effort could have $10 a month added to their utility bills. He’s already talked to local utility compa n ies about t he



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