tra X
MAY 23 - MAY 29, 2018
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of events inside ➤ page 3
Dozens attend popular downtown music festival, ➤ page 4
your weekly connection to local news & entertainment
Plenty Raven Feathers is Newnan’s own shaman BY TAYLOR ROBINS Plenty Raven Feathers is a local shama n who ca n be seen around Newnan restoring positive energy to the earth. If you were for some re a s on ne e d i n g r a i n , you might wa nt to t h a n k Plent y R aven Feat hers . On Monday a fternoon, May 14, she danced to welcome rain at Greenville St reet Pa rk . Weat her forecasts t hen predicted t hat pa r ts of Georgia would receive rain well into the week. “ It ’s t i m e for r a i n , and I feel like the rain is going to continue to renew ener g y t h at i s here,” said the shaman, r e fe r r i n g to t h e r a llies that took place in and around the park in April. She defined shamans as “basically spiritual bei ng s who h ave one foot in this world and one foot in the next.” According to the sham a n , t he spi r it s told her that Monday was “a PHOTO BY TAYLOR ROBINS
Plenty Raven Feathers can sometimes be seen at Greenville Street Park doing ceremonial dances, dressed in traditional garb.
SHAMAN, page 2
Accountant by day, dessert designer by night
Carla White, owner of Carla’s Creations561, helps a customer choose a uniquely decorative sweet treat during Market Day
Collier Harrison, a kindergartner, recently biked the five-mile trip around Stone Mountain with his father.
Six-year-old takes on Stone Mountain BY TAYLOR ROBINS Col l ier H a r r i son , a C o we t a C o u n t y k i n d e r g a r t n e r, r e c e n t l y biked around the base of Stone Mountain. “I was sweaty after,” C ol l i e r s a i d p r o u d l y after his April ride.. The distance around the mountain – a landm a rk i n t h e G e or g i a city of the same name – is f ive m i les , a nd according to Harrison’s f a t h e r, M ic a h H a r r ison, it took just under an hour to bike for the duo. “ T h a t ’s h o w I g o t my muscles,” said Coll ier about bi k i n g t he mountain. Col l ier ’s g r a ndpa r-
e n t s re s id e i n Sn el lville, which means t h e y p a s s t h e m o u ntain on the way to visit their family members. “Recently since he’s be en able to r ide h i s bi ke there,” sa id Ha rrison., “he’s been wanti ng to r ide h is bi ke there. I told him we’d have to put it off a nd that we didn’t have the time. So during spring break, back in the first week of April, I finally h on ore d my pr om i s e t hat before he turned 6 that he could ride his bike there.” Fat her a nd son v i sited t he mounta i n a week prior to actually bi k i n g t here . Col l ier said he liked the cable
cars, according to Harrison, who said his son recently took the traini n g whe el s of f of h i s bike by himself. “Last year in October I wa s work i ng on my tr uck,” Harrison said. “I hea rd my ratchet spi n n i ng beh i nd me and I saw Collier ta king off his tra ining wheels. I asked him what he was doing he said he was taking off one training wheel. And I told him, “That’s not how it works – you h ave to t a ke b o t h of them off.’” It took Collier a month to get comfort-
HARRISON, page 2 Carla White’s kitchen on nights and we e k e n d s l o o k s l i k e a l m o s t e ve r y c h i ld ’s nighttime fantasy. Countertops and t ables a re l i ned w it h delectable c upca kes a nd cook ies, chocolate-covered strawberries and Oreos, candycovered apple s , c a ke pops and pretzels, and succulent, full-f lavored desserts. W h ite is t he ow ner and founder of Carla’s Creations561. T h o u g h W h ite h a s called Newnan “home” for t he pa st 1 3 yea rs , the last three numbers on t he busi ness a re a nod to her root s a nd the area code in Palm Beach County, Florida. Some of her time in t he Su nsh i ne State is i ntricately desig ned o n t o W h i t e ’s e d i b l e sweet t reats , such a s f un a nd colorf ul ca ndied apples coated i n a tasty “under the sea” water adventure. White also const r uc t s c a ndy- coated apples in the shape of
unicorns, crafts bright and sparkly cake pops, regal and ref ined decorated wedding cookies, and everything in between. W h ite caters to her customers’ whimsica l ideas and dreams. “Ever y t h i ng I do is c u s to m - o r d e r e d ; t h e ca ndied apples, choco l a t e - c ove r e d O r e o s and cake pops – it’s all customized,” she said. “I meet with every client and talk with them to make it as personal a s t hey get . You c a n choose what you want a nd the f lavor you want, in more than one item.” White makes everything from scratch out of her own kitchen. Cu r rent ly, she on ly t a kes orders t h roug h her Facebook page and at her food booth during local festivals and events. “ T he most p opu l a r right now a re my red velvet and strawberry cake pops, plus my unicorn ca ndied apples,” W h ite sa id . “ T hey ’re all so intricate. If I control how many orders
I receive at once, t he m or e t i m e I h a ve to m a ke t he sweets a s detailed as I can.” White’s elite baking skills and creative talent happened by accident, she said. W h i le recoveri ng from major surger y at home i n November 2016, the Newnan mother decided to find a hobby and discovered the decorative desserts on Pinterest. She started handing out the treats to fa mi ly a nd f r iend s , t hen t u r ne d it i nto a side business in December 2016. T h at ye a r a nd i nto early 2017, White created her unique, desig ner desser ts for Christmas gatherings, Fa l c o n s S u p e r B o w l parties and Valentine’s Day events. Now, s he ba ke s for bi g ger c rowd s at events , such a s t he Gi n gerl i ly Fe st iva l , Taste of New na n a nd Main Street Newnan’s M a r k e t D a y, j u s t t o
DESSERT, page 2
2 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
continued from page 1
very important day.” her, Plenty Raven FeathPlenty Raven Feath- ers said she gets mixed ers has been a shaman messages. for two and a half years “ I u s u a l ly ge t one now. She didn’t plan to be extreme or the other,” she a shaman, she said – she said. "A lot of times it has was called to do so. In to do with people’s spirit. fact, Plenty Raven Feath- I am a reflection, a lot of ers – who got her name times, of people’s spirits. from her Cherokee men- Either people fear me or tor – wanted to be a “regu- people come to me with lar practitioner.” the understanding that “I didn’t thin k this they need help or they was going to be my path, f ind that within their but the spirits have been spirit that they want more with me my entire life,” from themselves.” she said. “They were Plenty Raven Feathers just waiting for me to go donned a beautiful headthrough my problems.” dress on Monday – white She sa id she k new and gold, with massive accepting that path would feathers on top of it. She change her entire life. said the headdress took Helping people through their spiritual walks is 200 hours to make. Please visit our website at “My headdress reprewhat Plenty Raven FeathDownload the Food Depot App for digital coupons sents a couple of things,” ers does. Between helping and in store promotions! people, she performs cer- she said. “The gold and emonial dances for vari- white is for renewa l, purity and good energy. ous causes. * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES 3 lb. Bag O ne of t he c au s e s And some people are very fearful of the raven’s head includes listening to Pink the Lady that’s on it. It’s a skull, of Apples earth’s energy. “Sometimes it’s the course, and it stands for earth calling out to us say- death. I teach about life ing, ‘How come you can’t and death, and people feel me? I’m hurting too,’” who fear death fear living. PHOTO BYat MELANIE RUBERTI said the shaman. “Some- I want to change that.” Please visit our website As she spoke with a vistimes we forget about the Some of Carla White’s most popular sweet treats include personalized candied apples in the shape of unicorns and an coupons Download the Food Depot App for digital itor at Greenville Street “under the sea” water adventure. earth.” and in store promotions! When it comes to how Park, three ravens circled the community receives in the sky.
3 lb. Bag Pink Lady
continued from page 1
continued from page 1
28 Drumsticks
W hite remains sur- band. But this was all Harrison said about Colp r i s e d a t h o w h e r God’s plan. lier’s accomplishing his U.S.D.A. inspeccionado costillas de cerdo sk i l ls h ave evolved “Just to see the look goal of riding around Limit 8 With $20 or More Additional Purchases a nd her busi ness has of joy on peoples faces Stone Mountain. “I think I g r o w n , w h i l e s h e ’ s when they eat a Carla’s was prouder than he was. maintained a full-time C r e a t i o n s 5 6 1 m a k e s He kept on me about it job – including being m e h a p p y , ” W h i t e during our routine visits a f u l l-t i me w i fe a nd a d d e d . “ T h e b a k i n g with grandparents and mother. a nd desig n work is he kept saying that he “ I t ’ s f u n n y h o w t her ap e ut ic to me . I wanted to do it, so I honGod works,” she said, love it. If I could stop ored that and we did it “ I f y o u h a d a s k e d my f u l l-t i me job a nd oz. Bag Inspected Anythis, Size Package before he turned 6.” 16U.S.D.A. m e t h r e e y e a r s a g o just do I would do Chef Buddys Pork Spare Ground Fresh Daily if I would be ba k ing, it.” When asked if he had Southern Ground Beef I wou ld have sa id, Wo rd of W h ite’s any more goals, Collier Slaw cra zy.’deIcerdo have eab.u s iCarne n e sdesderescualquier i fresca s qmolida utamaño ick ly U.S.D.A.‘ You’re inspeccionado costillas said, “Not really.” paquete
Muslo o contramuslo de pollo
Southern OUR COST PLUS 10% Slaw ADDED AT REGISTER! Chef Buddys
Any Size Package Ground Fresh Daily
Carne de res fresca molida paquete de cualquier tamaño
Ground Fresh Daily Fresh Ground
Chuck or Chuck Patties
12 Food Depot d Depot $ 28 $Drumsticks 2 Ribs
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado costillas de cerdo
Limit 8 With $20 or More Additional Purchases
Bonus Pack Claxton Fresh
07 $ lb. $or Thighs
22-28 oz. Baked or Grillin’ Select Varieties
11.6o lb. Muslo contramuslo de pollo Kingsford
Match Light Briquets
88 2 1
Pork Picnic
¢ 1 $ 59 22-28 oz. Baked or Grillin’ Select Varieties
18 $ Beans Bush’s
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado chuleta de lomo de cerdo sin hueso
29.5-38 oz. Select Varieties
ea .
48 oz. Select Varieties
U.S.D.A. Inspected
29.5-38 oz. Select Varieties
Shredded lb. Lettuce
Please visit our website at Download the Food Depot48 Appoz. for digital coupons Select Varieties and in store promotions!
Please visit our website at Download the Food Depot App for digital coupons and in store promotions!
8 oz. Bag Fresh Express
Ground Beef
ea .
Please visit our website at Download the Food Depot App for digital coupons and in store promotions!
Chuck or Chuck Patties
lb. or Thighs
Ground Fresh Daily Fresh Ground
88 1
28$ Drumsticks 09
Food Depot Limit 8 With $20 or More Additional Purchases
well-k now n stores i n c u r rent ly booked up N e w n a n a n d o v e r e ve r y we e k e n d i n to seas,” she said “If you early June. go to Nord st rom s i n Muslo o contramuslo de pollo She’s expanding her Argentina, I want you catering business into t o s e e C a r l a ’s C a k e weddings, baby show- Pops i n t here. T hat ’s ers, engagement pa r- my dream.” ties, conferences a nd To learn more about similar events. Carla White and CarB u t W h i t e ’ s r e a l la’s Creations561, visit d re a m i s to s el l her her Facebook page at creations all over the Bonus Pack 8 oz. Bag world. ca rlascreations561 or Claxton Fresh Fresh Express “ I w o u l d l o v e t o her Instagram account have some of myShredded prod- a l s o t i t l e d C a r l a ’ s u c t s i n s olb. m e oLettuce f t h e Creations561. ea .
lb. or Thighs
$ 48
88 sale!
Bonus Pack Claxton Fresh t h ree k ids a nd hus- s p r e a d i n g – s h e i s
name a few. Pork Spare
able with riding his bike without training wheels, Harrison said. He started riding his bicycle in the grass without training wheels, then on concrete. Father and son plan to go back to Stone Mountain a few more times during warm weather. Harrison said Collier has a love for electronics and elevators, and he’s known for sticking to his goals once he sets them. “I was very proud,”
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado paleta de cerdo
18 oz. Assorted Flavors Sweet Baby Ray's
18 Oz. Original, Hickory or Honey
60 oz. U.S.D.A. Inspected Sauce Cranberry, Pomegranate Fresh or Concord Grape
BBQ Sauce
100% Juice
7 95 1 2 1 88 2 12 288 1 2 09 87 $ 48 $ $ 28 Heinz
$$ 42 $ $ 2807Drumsticks 28 Ribs
$¢ 59 Drumsticks lb.
U.S.D.A. InspectedBonus Pack Claxton Fresh Pork Spare
lb. or Thighs 16 oz. Bag
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado costillas de cerdo Limit 8 With $20 or More Additional Purchases de pollo Muslo o contramuslo
Chef Buddys
18 Oz. Original, Hickory or Honey
Southern 30 oz. Slaw Blue Plate Mayonnaise
BBQ Sauce
09 $ 58$$2 48 1
oz. Bag Any16Size Package Chef Buddys Ground Fresh Daily
Southern Ground Beef de res fresca molida Slaw ea . Carne paquete de cualquier tamaño
Any Size Package 60 oz. Fresh Daily Ground
ea .
8Any oz. Bag Size Package Fresh Express Ground Fresh Daily
$ $ 18 20-50 Ct. Select Varieties
Hefty Bowls or Plates or 30 Ct. 18 Oz.
$ 29
Ground Beef
Carne de res fresca molida Ocean paquete deSpray cualquier tamaño
100% Juice
12 2
Blue Plate
ea .lb.
Chuck Patties
2 1 1 11 $$ 36
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado chuleta de lomo de cerdo sin hueso
10-16 oz. Select Varieties
32 oz.
Mt. Olive 11.6 lb. 30 oz. Hamburger Kingsford Assorted Flavors
Dills Kraft
Mt. Olive
$Mayo$Briquets 18
7 12
20-50 Ct. Select Varieties
12 Pack 12 oz. Cans
10 oz. or 8 Pack 12 oz.Bottles Select Varieties
ea .
All Brands
Coca-Cola Drinks
20 oz. Squeeze
YellowAssorted Flavors Mustard Sweet Baby Ray's
Sauceea .
95 2
6 Pack 7.5 oz. Cans Pack or 6 Pack .512Liter Bottles All Brands
Coca-Cola Drinks
Drink Specials!
Yellow Mustard 124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263 oz. MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY30 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Assorted Flavors
Main St.
East Gate
oro Dri
Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster
Kraft Prices Effective May 21 - May 27, 2018. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. 10 oz. Select Varieties
4-5 oz. Select Varieties
12 Pack
12 Pack 12 oz. Cans or 8 Pack 12 oz.Bottles All Brands
6 Pack 7.5 oz. Cans or 6 Pack .5 Liter Bottles All Brands
FD 052118-Page 1
4-5 oz. Select Varieties
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado paleta de cerdo
Salad Shredded Dressing lb. $Lettuce 29 $
Hefty Bowls or Plates or 30 Ct. 18 Oz.
Pork Picnic Ocean Spray
8 oz. Bag 16 oz. Fresh Express Select Varieties
20 oz. Squeeze
$ 31
¢ 18 $ ¢ $ 07 Drink Specials!
Relish or Sweet Salad Cubes Match Light
09 07 $28 $ $$ Chuck Shredded or Lettuce
Relish or Sweet Salad Chuck Patties Salad Cubes Dressing
Cranberry, Pomegranate or Concord Grape
Ground Fresh 8 oz. Daily Bag Fresh Express Fresh Ground
Ground Fresh Daily Ground Fresh Daily 10-16 oz. 16 oz. Fresh Ground Fresh Ground 32 oz. Select Varieties Select Varieties Mt. Olive Mt. Olive orKen’s Chuck or • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Chuck •
lb. or Thighs
Muslo o contramuslo de pollo
Shredded Ground Beef Carne de res fresca molida ea lb.. Lettuce paquete de cualquier tamaño
Hamburger Chuck Patties
Bonus Pack Claxton Fresh
$Mayonnaise11 12 $ ¢ $ 58 30 oz.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 3
Times-Herald Xtra
June 2- 14
calendar your guide for local upcoming events
Saturday June 2, 10:30 a.m., Free
Market Day Saturday
June 2, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Free Market Day is around the courthouse square in downtown Newnan, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The market showcases a variety of handmade, homemade, and homegrown products created by local artisans, artists, and farmers. It features 50 unique booths with new vendors and one-of-a-kind items each month. Market favorites include fresh locally grown produce, honey, jams and jellies, salsa, pottery, art, children’s clothing, hand-woven baskets, leather products, fresh baked goods, handcrafted furniture, birdhouses, wood art, fiber art, wreaths, and floral design. The Market is open to the public, and there is no charge for admission. Also at Market Day is Pickin’ on the Square, a gathering of acoustic musicians who drop in to jam on the courthouse steps. All are welcome.
CAREing Paws
CAREing Paws reading therapy dogs can help children improve their reading skills in a unique and fun environment. They offer private reading exercises for elementary and middle school-aged students. Kids pick a favorite book and read to Lola the therapy dog (as seen on the cover of the current issue of NewnanCoweta Magazine) for a 15-minute session in a low-stress atmosphere. CAREing Paws, Inc. is a group of registered therapy teams who are willing to share their special animals in order to bring joy and happiness to others. Registration is required. Call the Powell Branch Library at 770-253-3625 for more information or to register.
tastings occur at different downtown businesses, where guests experience a “wine walk” that moves through over 25 host locations. The merchants that host this event will feature different hors d’oeuvres and a variety of whites, reds, and specialty blend wines for guests to sample. Downtown hosts extend their business hours and hospitality to all downtown guests; drinkers, and nondrinkers, including retail specials and promotions. Main Street Newnan releases a limited number of 500 Summer Wined-up tickets. Participants must be 21 years or older. For more information, visit www. mainstreetnewnan. com .
Dr. Magical Balloons Rockin’ Show
Summer Wined-Up Friday
June 11, 11 a.m., Free
June 8, 5 p.m.
The Central library will rock with musical instruments including drums, shakers, bass guitars, and banjos, all made from balloons. This summer, Dewayne
The Summer WinedUp is a downtown wine-tasting event taking place each year during the month of June. Individual
bringing real life + community together
might even cheat a little and bring a ukulele or two to spice things up a bit! For more information, contact Central Library at 770683-2052.
on the square
Backstreet Arts Open Studio
Watch us on Nulink CH. 10 Facebook, Instagram, and Vimeo.
Atlanta;Powers Heating & Air;B26360-50817-141030-3.206 x 7.5- (18Sp-B1)
June 12, 10 a.m., Free
Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit
NewnaNights June 14, 6 p.m., Free
A monthly summer event series will take place in Downtown Newnan during the months of JuneAugust. The Summer NewnaNights will take place on Thursdays from 6 p.m.- 8 p.m., and will feature familyfriendly music and entertainment. Each event will take place in the Greenville Street Park. The Greenville Street Park will also be filled with various festivities and vendor booths. Downtown businesses will stay open late during the Summer NewnaNights, and feature specials and promotions for shoppers and guests. For more information, visit www. mainstreetnewnan. com .
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4 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
Dozens attend popular downtown music festival PHOTO BY MELANIE RUBERTI
People seek shelter from the sun on Saturday in an alleyway off Madison Street as they listen to the sounds of James Tyler Wallace during the second annual Tucked Away Music Festival. Six separate stages were strategically placed in public parking lots and alleyways throughout the downtown area. Each stage had different performers and genres of music.
Ask Miss Pearl
MISS PEARL Dear Miss Pearl, Our last child is graduating from high school a nd I wa s hopi ng you could address the ridiculous circus atmosphere that has taken over the ceremony. Let me guess – when you r last ch i ld g raduated you were unable to
hear their name called because t he fa m i ly of the child before yours was still screaming and blowing air horns, right? This behavior is so rude and inconsiderate! And don't you love that everyone is asked to hold t hei r applause until the last diploma is ha nded out – li ke that h a s ever h appened or ever will. I mean, it's not li ke t hey a re goi ng to have you arrested if you don' t c om ply (m ay b e t hey shou ld g ive t h i s some t houg ht). T here are always going to be people who don't ca re if their behavior causes someone else's moment to be stolen. You need to accept the fact that it may happen again, so go get an air horn and join the party. Better yet, do the right thing and set a good example.
Dear Miss Pearl, My wife is turning 60 next month and I want to su r pr ise her w ith a trip to the Smoky Mount a i n s. T he p r oble m i s that she doesn't like surpr ises. W hat shou ld I do? Does your wife WANT to go to t he Smok y Mounta ins or do YOU want to go? Sorry, I had to ask! I think it is lovely t h at you wa nt to su rprise her, however, since she is not a fan of surprises maybe it would be best if you gave her three choices and let her choose where to go. You should be able to tell by the look on her face, the tone of her voice or the tilt of her head whether you have hit the bullseye or missed the mark.
the assisted living pala c e h e r e i n Ne w n a n . Hone st ly, I wa s a l ittle anxious and apprehen sive a b out h av i n g her close by instead of two hours away like she has been for the past 35 years. We have, for the most pa r t, a lways had a good relationship but we both need our own space. My pla n was to get her situated a nd com for t a ble w it h her new home, establish her medical care and check on her maybe once or twice a week. What I did NOT plan on was having to see her almost every day – not because I had to but because I wanted to. She continues to be a wealth of knowledge, has a wonderful memor y – even though she may not remember what And Another Thing... she had for breakfast – A year and a half ago and has a terrific sense we moved my Mama to of humor. Simply put, I
love spending time with her. I also did not plan on having some of the other residents steal a piece of my hea rt. My friends, age is simply a number and I highly recommend spending some time with – a nd not being afraid of – people who are "old." As long as my Mama is breathi ng she w i l l cont i nue to teach me a nd set a good example. I hope I will do the same for Litt le a nd Baby. A nd for heaven's sake, don't call my Mama by her given name… she prefers being k now n a s "Mot her of Pearl." She will always be a gem to me. Happy Mother's Day, Mama. I love you beyond words... M i s s P e a r l i s o n e of Newnan's leading authorities on mode r n etiquet te. She gladly lends h e r a dv i ce t o e ve r yo n e
whether they want it or not, becau se, "After all, it's all about the children and setting a good example for them." Her videos are available on her Facebook page, and she can be reached at misspearl678@
“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies...Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” Proverbs 31:10,28 American Must Stand With Israel! God is Good All The Time The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc.
MON., MAY 21 - MON., MAY 28, 2018 16 oz. mbo, r, Ju RegulaLength, n Bu kies or Smo
Sold in 2 Slab c a r C y-O-V es g a k Pac
USDA Inspected
Pork Spareribs
$ 49 lb.
Oscar Mayer
Country Style
Pork Ribs
$ 29
BBQ Sauce
Grade A Fresh
Leg Quarters
We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities While Supplies Last. Not Responsible for Typographical or Pictorial Errors.
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$ 99
Sold in Family Packs
Bo for ne-in Be Flav tter or
USDA Inspected
Pork Ribs
USDA Inspected
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All rs o l F av
All ies t r a V ie
17.5 oz. to 18 oz. Kraft
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Sold inac Cry-O-V es Packag
$ 99 lb.
ed or Seeddless e Se
$ 99
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Coke or Pepsi
$ 99
Jumbo Size Georgia Grown
$ 99
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Wednesday, May 23, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 5
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REnTal pROpERTiES vacaTiOn REnTalS
The current annual salary of the position is $191,360. The term of office is eight years. A full public notice for this position is posted at the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. District Court, 75 Ted Turner Drive, SW, Room 2211, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. The notice also is available in all divisional offices and on the Courtʼs web site at: Interested persons may contact the District Court Executive/Clerk of Court for additional information and application forms. The application form also is available on the Courtʼs web site at: 0180321_Mag_Appl.pdf. Applications must be submitted only by applicants personally and must be received by 4:45 PM on Friday, June 1, 2018.
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House Keeper Pay Rate $9.00 per hour, 29 hours per week, weekends & holidays are required Kiosk Attendant (seasonal position & will end before October 31, 2018), Pay Rate $7.25 per hour, 16 to 24 hours per week, hours 9 am to 6 pm, weekends & holidays are required Maintenance/ Groundskeeper Pay Rate $8.00 per hour, 16 to 24 hours per week, hours 7 am to 3 pm, every weekend & holidays are required. For more information please call or come to Chattahoochee Bend State Park for application
The Judicial Conference of the United States has authorized the appointment of a full-time United States magistrate judge for the Northern District of Georgia at Atlanta, Georgia.
Call for a FREE Estimate! Gene King
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Now Hiring
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Roy Davis 770-527-0527
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6 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, May 23, 2018
continued from page 1