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MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2018
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your weekly connection to local news & entertainment
of events inside ➤ page 5
An editorial on the political star rising in Coweta, ➤ page 4
Williams’ ‘deportation bus’ tour stops short in Newnan BY REBECCA LEFTWICH Michael Williams’ Depor tat ion Bus Tou r c r u i s e d i nto Ne w n a n recently, but supporters of the man and the message were demonstrably absent during his abbreviated appearance. T he G eor g i a g ubernatorial candidate aims to “e x p o s e h ow d a n gerous i llega l a liens r u i n loca l econom ies , cost American jobs, i ncrease hea lt h ca re costs, and lower education standards” by traveling through the state alongside a bus emblazoned with “Follow Me to Mexico” and warning other motorists to stay back 1,000 feet because “da ngerous crimina ls” are on board. His “Fill this bus with illegals – vote Michael Williams” stance wasn’t to o p opu l a r w it h t h e dozen or so protesters who showed up to meet him, carrying signs promot i ng i nclusiv it y a nd voic i n g t h ei r i re at the candidate’s plan for rounding up illegal
immigrants. “ We w a n t t o b r i n g l ig ht i nto t he i m m igration progra m (a nd) a l low s h e r i f f ’s d e p u ties to have ICE agents o n t h e i r s t a f f ,” W i l liams said, giving local aut hor it ies t he power to deport people “once they identify someone that’s been in our count r y i l le g a l ly, com m itting another crime.” A video in which Wi l l ia m s ex pla i ns h is deportation bus was d e l e t e d f r o m Yo u Tu b e , b u t eventually was restored. He’d announced tour stops at several Cracker Barrel restaurants in Georgia – including t he one in Newnan – but the chain released a statement i n wh ich it sa id compa ny pol ic y proh ibit s politica l events on its properties. “We are not sponsori ng t h is event or sup por ti ng M r. Wi l lia ms’ campaign stops in any way, and per our comp a n y p o l i c y, we w i l l not allow him – or any politica l ca ndidate—
to host a n event on Cracker Barrel’s prope r t y,” t h e s t a t e m e n t read. “We take pride in s h ow i n g o u r c om munities and our country that the hospitality we practice is indeed welcoming and inclusive to all.” Williams said the opposition and backlash don’t discourage him at all. “ H o n e s t l y, i t m o t i vate s me ,” he s a id . “W hen I hea r ver y extreme comments, it rea l ly energ i zes me because we need to start having these conversations. T here’s so muc h m i si n for m at ion o u t t h e r e . I f we a s a country don’t figure out who we are, where we a re , wh at we’re about and where we’re going, we’re going to lose what makes this country g reat for t he past 20 0 and some-odd years.” During what was scheduled to be a n hour-long visit Friday,
WILLIAMS, page 2
Gubernatorial candidate Michael Williams is confronted by protesters during a campaign stop in Newnan.
East Coweta grad does atmospheric work in Costa Rica
The group from the Boys & Girls Club poses with their pails, that include pizza ingredients, at the end of their open house pizza party.
Group ends ‘I Can Garden Club’ with pizza party BY TAYLOR ROBINS COURTESY OF TEVIN BROWN
Tevin Brown stands in a grassy area during his trip in Costa Rica last year.
BY TAYLOR ROBINS Te v i n B r o w n , a 2 0 1 5 East Coweta High School g r a d u a t e a n d s e l f- p r o fessed “weather nerd,” is busy studyi ng t he atmosphere in Costa Rica. T h e D u k e Un i ve r s i t y s t u d e n t r e c e i ve d g r a n t funding through a leadership progra m at Duke to do a project that involves atmospheric science. “Ever since I can rememb e r I ’ ve a l w a y s b e e n a huge weather nerd,” said Brown. “I love everything about the atmospheric science f ield. A nd that was really inspired by being in Georgia and seeing a lot of storms. It helped keep my interest on what was going on above us.” Brow n lef t la st week for Costa R ica , where he’s studying t he m icromet rolo g y of t he a re a’s cloud force a nd how t he
water cycle works there. He’ll be i n Costa R ica until the end of July. “I’m super excited to go back ,” sa id Brow n about his trip. “The way that the environment is viewed in Costa Rica is very different than how it’s viewed here. I feel like there’s a lot more respect for t he environ ment t here. So being in a com munity where t he env i ron m ent is placed first for its econom ic va lue a nd its cultural value is very different t h a n some places i n the states.” L a s t s u m m e r, B r o w n took his first trip to Costa R i c a w it h 1 1 o t h e r s t ud e n t s t h r o u g h t h e pr o gram Duke Engaged. The group took on a reforestation project. “ T h is project wa s to
BROWN, page 3 T he Master Ga rdeners, an extension volu nteer pro g ra m for UG A , a nd the Boys & Girls Club of Ne w n a n- C owe t a c a m e to g e t h e r o n e last time for the school year for their I Ca n G a rden C lub open house and pizza party on Wednesday. The party was the fruit of the children’s labor. Participants of the Boys & Girls Club worke d for mont h s learning about nature and how to plant and ca re for a ga rden . T he k ids got to use the ingredients they g rew i n t he back of the Boys & Girls Club to make pizzas. O n We d n e s d a y, Su sa n Cu lpepper, a UGA Douglas County extension coordinator, came to teach the children about nutrition and how to make a pizza.
The youth at the Boys & Girls Club worked hard to grow pizza ingredients, with the help of the Master Gardeners,that they then picked and used at a recent pizza party.
“ It ’s h a nd s on ,” said Culpepper about the children’s exper ience . “ T he y h ave spent months of time that the volunteers have been here.
They’ve learned more because this h a s been h a nd s on . T hey wa nt to pl a nt tomatoes and pepper at home.” Cu lp epp er t aug ht
the youth how pizza can be a healthy choice. She also talked to them about
CLUB, page 3
2 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
Food Depot
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Local protesters speak out at Michael Williams’ “deportation bus” campaign stop in Newnan.
continued from page 1
7-9 ct.toChops Williams stepped out of “You saw out there, get the message out U.S.D.A. Inspected a motor home that had they didn’t really want there,” he said. Quarterloin traveled in tandem with to have a conversation,” A s for whet her he the bus – which appeared he said of the protest- intentionally is antagoto be empty except for ers. “They had their talkwith his Chuletas nizing de lomo de people cerdo a driver – and posed for ing points. They wanted “deportation bus,” Wilphotos with two sup- to shout at us, call us liams said he has no conpor ters as protesters names.” trol over how his message questioned, shouted and He’s had a couple of is received. chanted. good conversations in “I can’t help what other W i l l i a m s b r i e fJalapeño l y other places on his tour, people think and believe,” at tempted to enga ge Williams said, including he said. “All I can do is Peppers with the protesters, then with protesters in Dalton focus on the message that retreated to the RV after who called his campaign we have, and that’s law spending about 15 min- “hurtful.” and order.” utes outside. His entire “It’s giving us an opporWilliams already is stop lasted only about 30 tunity to have these types fa i rly wel l-k now n i n minutes. of conversations a nd Coweta County. As a state
Pork Chops
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senator during the 2018 Claxton Small, who was not aware Fresh Georgia General Assem- his name was being used bly, he introduced SB 361 until a Coweta County – the “Coach Small Reli- legislator called him. gious Protection Act” – Pechuga IndeApril, New na n’s pollo para freír named for East Coweta Greenville Street Park High School head football was the site of a small coach Neo-nazi rally and a huge #1 John Small, who wasYellow targeted by a national counter-protest which atheist group for bowing garnered international Squash his head as a community attention – and a masmember led his players in sive, 50-plus agency law prayer. enforcement peacekeepAfter the bill bearing ing presence. Small’s name was introNeither the Small bill – duced, Williams admit- which did not pass – nor ted he’d never met lb.nor the rally and protest facmade any contact with tored into Williams’ deci-
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sion to make a campaign stop in Newnan. “We’ve got about 25 other stops that we’re making,” he said. And immigration is just one important issue, according 1 BagWilliams, who recent polls indicate Green Giant is dead last in Carrots the multiMini candidate race for Georgia governor. “We were talking about many different things during this campaign, and this is the one we’re focusing on down the ea. home stretch,” he said.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 3
Times-Herald Xtra
Coweta County libraries plan to ‘rock’ this summer NTH STAFF REPORTS The Coweta County Library System will be rocking with fun activities, great reads and exciting performers this summer. As part of the state-wide summer reading campaign called “Libraries Rock,” the ever-popular reading challenge will be back and the prizes for winners are sure to be a hit. Ever yone who completes the reading challenge will be invited to a VIP finale party featuring magic, music and other fun activities. Registration is free and will begin May 21. The first 15 pre-readers (up to age 7) to register at each branch will receive a “reading buddy” stuffed animal. Kicking off June 4, the 2018 Summer Reading Program will feature visits by Lee Bryan- that Puppet Guy, Dr. Magical Balloons, Animal Adventures
and fan favorite magician Ken Scott. In addition, other featured shows include magician and musician Arthur Atsma, juggler Todd Key, mad scientist Doc Atoms, Lew-E the Clown and the Reptile Wrangler. There will be numerous library-led programs including story times, a talent show and Teen 3D Printing. Also, there will be plenty of “Rock in’ Crafts” for all ages includi ng a jewel r y-ma k i ng workshop, a no-sew placemat clutch class and a kindness rocks DIY. Additionally, there will be LEGO club activities, visits from the CAREing Paws Reading Dogs, and the introduction of SRC Saturdays featuring programs and performers for families unable to attend traditional Monday through Friday programming. All readers who complete the minimum read-
ing requirement for their age groups will be invited to attend the summer finale party at Central Library. The finale, July 21, will last from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. New ac t iv it ies t h i s year include a wax hands booth, the trackless train, Touch-a-Truck, Cricket’s Petting Zoo, and a green screen picture. Returning activities will be face painting, ballooning and library crafts. There will also be an appearance by magician Arthur Atsma and a visit from the Reptile Wrangler. Refreshments will be provided. Information on the summer reading program and all summer activities can be found on the library system’s website at www. and on the Coweta School System’s website at www. .
continued from page 1
help loca l fa r mers to reforest pastures that they weren’t using,” said Brown. “It ’s a pa rt of an effort to bring back biodiversity. But also, Costa R ica has a program that the government pays fa rmers to reforest their land. So the more forested land that you own the more you can get paid from the government. Which is a helpful thing for the farmers.” The rising senior was born in San Diego, Calif. and spent 10 years of his life in Newnan. He at tended New n a n Cros si n g E lement a r y and Lee Middle School b efore g r adu at i n g i n
the top 10 percent of his class from East Coweta. He is currently studying earth and ocean science and computer science at Du ke, a nd he said visiting Costa Rica wa s help sol id i f y h i s plans for the future. “It was a really great e x p e r i e n c e f o r m e ,” Brown. “It has shaped a lot of what I want to do in the future. It’s shaped a lot of the ways I view how education factors i nto com mu n it y s ervice and how scientific research should be for helpi n g com mu n it ie s grow and thrive, rather tha n purely academic reasons.” H i s i nvolvement i n
leadership programs at Duke has opened doors as well, Brown said. “I think it’s important to be engaged and utilize the opportunities in front of you,” he added. “To make a difference, we have to inform ourselves of what’s going on a rou nd u s . T he se groups help me to do that.” With only a year left in college, Brown said he is contemplating his future. “At times I’m a bit nervous,” he said. “No one actually tells you that senior year you need to be ready to face reality. You have to think about what comes next.”
Shamara Mayes, a Boys & Girls Club participant, enjoys the pizza that came from ingredients she helped to grow.
continued from page 1
MyPlate food g roups and how pizza can f it into each food group. A c c o r d i n g to C u l p e pp e r, w h ole g r a i n opt ion s , ba gel s , tort i l la , low fat cheese , fr uits a nd vegetables can make pizza a suitable food choice. Along with pizza that include meats and vegetables, the group also made fruit and dessert pizzas. “T hese k ids do not k now how proud we a re how t hem ,” s a id Joanne Donahay, a volunteer for Master Gar-
deners. “T hey a re so exc ited . A nd t hey ’re learning. What I love is when we’re talking and you s e e t he moment when they get it. That light goes off.” The children enjoyed t he compa ny of t hei r f r iend s , pa rent s a nd Master Gardeners. At t he end of t he pa r t y, the youth got to ta ke home a pail of ingredients to ma ke pizza at home. “It ’s a mazing,” said Greg Price of RBI Baseba ll Newna n. “I’m rea l ly excited to see
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that they actually bury the vegetables and cook with them and understand the full cycle.” The R BI baseball tea m volunteered the suppl ies a nd t i me to build the f ive gardening beds that the Boys & Girls Club houses in February. The group starts again in the fall. The theme of next year will be sa l sa , where t hey pl a n to h ave a s a l s a party at the end of next year’s program. They will also have a winter garden.
on the square
Watch us on Nulink CH. 10 Facebook, Instagram, and Vimeo.
Sharpsburg officials resigning BY SARAH FAY CAMPBELL Sha r psburg Mayor We n d e l l S t a l e y h a s resig ned for hea lt h reasons. Staley, who has served as the town’s mayor for 13 years, announced his resignation a few weeks ago and it ta kes effect today. The resignation was prompted by some me d ic a l new s , St a le y said Wednesday. “ I wou ld h ave f u lf i l led my ter m but I phy sic a l ly c a n n o t do that,” he said. To w n C l e r k D o n n a Ca mp a n nou nce d her resignation on May
8, and it also becomes effective today. Councilwoman Polly Garlington will resign, effective June 4, to run for mayor. The remaining members of the council are Stan Parten, Elizabeth Goode and Cynthia P u c k e t t- P i k e . G o o d e and Puckett-Pike were elected last November and took off ice in Janu a r y. T h ree members form a quorum and are able to conduc t tow n business. Parten had served as mayor pro-tem, but he resigned from that position on Tuesday, Camp
said. He remains on the council, but is no longer ser ving as mayor protem , who a c t s a s t he mayor when the mayor is unable to attend meetings or following a resignation. A specia l election w i l l l i kely be held i n November for the mayor’s seat and the council seat bei ng vacated by Garlington. Sta ley sa id he had expected to be able to serve out his term, “but it ’s j u s t n o t g oi n g to happen." “I’m good with it,” he s a id . " We h ave h ad a good run.”
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4 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Times-Herald Xtra
LINC Mural winners announced SUBMITTED PHOTO
Friends of the Linc celebrates art contest winners. Pictured from left are Jim Thomasson, Jasmin Carter, Lane Winkles, Alexandra Lino, Kirsten Hall, and Parks Avery. Not pictured is Madisynn Harmon.
NTH STAFF REPORTS Friends of the LINC recently celebrated the win ners of the mural design conte s t fo r t h e f i r s t of three tunnels that will c om ple te t h e mu lt iuse trail system from SummerGrove to downtown Newnan. Constr uction wi ll begin next month, de sig ned a nd superv i s e d b y t h e PAT H Foundation in Atlanta. Designs by f ive members of Jodie
Hobbs’ a r t class at Newnan High School were used to develop t wo mu ra ls t hat w i l l be adorning the f irst t u n nel u nder L ower Fayetteville Road. The murals will prov ide a n a r tistic pa ssa ge t h roug h t he roug h ly 70 -foot-long tunnel. Two of the students will be participat i n g i n a n i nter nsh ip t h i s su m mer to assist in the execution of this art project by G o G A A r t fo u n d e r John Christian.
Coweta’s political star rising In the changing Georgia political landscape, Coweta’s star is rising. Coweta County is becomi ng a place for ca ndidates for s t a te of f i c e s to c a m paign – and a place that is producing its ow n crop of candidates for higher office. Ca nd id ate s for gover nor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state and insurance commissioner brought their campaigns to Coweta in the runup to Tuesday’s primary
vote. I n t he d ay s j u s t b efore voting, Stacey Abrams brought her historic effort to become the nation’s first bl ac k fem a le gover nor to Willie Lynch Park. The day before the election, Republican Clay Tippins was having breakfast and asking for votes as a downtown eatery. On Election Day, three of the four candidates for the U. S. House District T hree post were in Newna n.
Republ ica n Ph i l ip Si ng leton and his family did some l a s t-m i n u te c a m p a i g n i n g on the court square. On the Democratic side, Rusty Oliver ca me up from Colu mbus to watch results at the Alamo, while local resident Chuck Enderlin celebrated at his Newnan home. W hich brings us to note t h at Coweta wa s st rong ly represented i n t he pri maries and will be in the general election for the House
post. Si ng leton l ives i n Sharpsburg and Enderlin in Newnan, and incumbent U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson married into a Coweta f a m i l y. S o t h r e e o f t h e four House candidates had strong ties to Coweta. A not her Coweta n wa s a lso on t he ba llot – statew id e – Tu e s d ay, a n d s h e w i ll be back on t he ba ll o t i n N o v e m b e r. J a n i c e Laws had a strong victor y in the Democratic Primary
r a c e fo r i n s u r a n c e c o m m issioner, defeati ng wellconnected health advocate Cindy Zeldin 63 percent to 37 percent. Coweta’s growing role in t he st ate’s pol it ic a l l a ndscape can only bring good t h i ng s to ou r cou nt y. We look forward to more candidates pla n n i ng iti nera ries with stops in Coweta as the campaign moves into its next phase.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2018 | Times-Herald Xtra 5
Times-Herald Xtra
June 2- 14
calendar your guide for local upcoming events
Saturday June 2, 10:30 a.m., Free
Market Day Saturday
June 2, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Free Market Day is around the courthouse square in downtown Newnan, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The market showcases a variety of handmade, homemade, and homegrown products created by local artisans, artists, and farmers. It features 50 unique booths with new vendors and one-of-a-kind items each month. Market favorites include fresh locally grown produce, honey, jams and jellies, salsa, pottery, art, children’s clothing, hand-woven baskets, leather products, fresh baked goods, handcrafted furniture, birdhouses, wood art, fiber art, wreaths, and floral design. The Market is open to the public, and there is no charge for admission. Also at Market Day is Pickin’ on the Square, a gathering of acoustic musicians who drop in to jam on the courthouse steps. All are welcome.
CAREing Paws
CAREing Paws reading therapy dogs can help children improve their reading skills in a unique and fun environment. They offer private reading exercises for elementary and middle school-aged students. Kids pick a favorite book and read to Lola the therapy dog (as seen on the cover of the current issue of NewnanCoweta Magazine) for a 15-minute session in a low-stress atmosphere. CAREing Paws, Inc. is a group of registered therapy teams who are willing to share their special animals in order to bring joy and happiness to others. Registration is required. Call the Powell Branch Library at 770-253-3625 for more information or to register.
Summer Wined-Up Friday
tastings occur at different downtown businesses, where guests experience a “wine walk” that moves through over 25 host locations. The merchants that host this event will feature different hors d’oeuvres and a variety of whites, reds, and specialty blend wines for guests to sample. Downtown hosts extend their business hours and hospitality to all downtown guests; drinkers, and nondrinkers, including retail specials and promotions. Main Street Newnan releases a limited number of 500 Summer Wined-up tickets. Participants must be 21 years or older. For more information, visit www. mainstreetnewnan. com .
Dr. Magical Balloons Rockin’ Show June 11, 11 a.m., Free
June 8, 5 p.m.
The Summer WinedUp is a downtown wine-tasting event taking place each year during the month of June. Individual
The Central library will rock with musical instruments including drums, shakers, bass guitars, and banjos, all made from balloons. This summer, Dewayne
might even cheat a little and bring a ukulele or two to spice things up a bit! For more information, contact Central Library at 770683-2052.
Check out the
latest news from around Coweta at
Backstreet Arts Open Studio
Atlanta;Powers Heating & Air;B26360-50817-141030-3.206 x 7.5- (18Sp-B1)
June 12, 10 a.m., Free
Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit
NewnaNights June 14, 6 p.m., Free
A monthly summer event series will take place in Downtown Newnan during the months of JuneAugust. The Summer NewnaNights will take place on Thursdays from 6 p.m.- 8 p.m., and will feature familyfriendly music and entertainment. Each event will take place in the Greenville Street Park. The Greenville Street Park will also be filled with various festivities and vendor booths. Downtown businesses will stay open late during the Summer NewnaNights, and feature specials and promotions for shoppers and guests. For more information, visit www. mainstreetnewnan. com .
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We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities While Supplies Last. Not Responsible for Typographical or Pictorial Errors.
$ 99
Any Size e Packag
ox 3 lb. B r o t of Ho ies t t a Mild P
Sold in g a 2 lb. B
$ 99
1/8th Inch Trimmed
Corn on the Cobb
$ 99
ed or Seeddless e Se
5 / $2
Jumbo Size Georgia Grown
$ 99
NEWNAN 487 Jackson Street 678-326-4832 7 AM -10 PM
SARGENT 2005 W. Hwy. 16 678-326-4853 7 AM -10 PM
6 Times-Herald Xtra | Wednesday, May 30, 2018
770-253-1576 •
To place your ad
• Call 770-253-1576 • Email • Fax 770-253-2538 • Log on to
Mathis Outdoors Inc. is hiring
Mathis Outdoors Inc. is a leader in landscape management for Coweta and Fayette Counties in Georgia. We are currently expanding our team and are looking for energetic individuals who want to be apart of a growing organization. A valid Georgia Drivers License is required for all positions. Starting pay ranges from $26,000 to $30,000 annually depending on experience. Lifting of 50 lbs at a time and tolerance of extreme heat and cold is required. Paid vacation and bonus structures are available after a 90 day trial period. We also offer employer sponsored 401k retirement and investing. Please email applications and work experience to
Wheels Deal
Yard Sale Special
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29.85 $ 30 for 10 Days
driverS - trucking
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Commercial Electricians/
Helpers Needed Immediate Full-Time Positions Available for Commercial Electricians & Helpers, Wage $15/hr + Dependent Upon Level of Experience, Benefits Available. For Work in the Greater Atlanta Area & Surrounding Counties Contact Scott 678-776-1447 Wallace Electric Company, in Business Since 1937. general
Experienced Fabricator needed
Must have blueprint reading, fit up, and leadership skills. Must be able to take a job through shop to completion. $20-$30 per hour based on experience, skills, and desire to perform. Send resume to or apply in person at Coweta Machine & Fabrication, Inc. 83 Amlajack Way Newnan, Ga. 30265
marketplace Yard SaleS
258 Watkins
Rd. Newnan Estate and Multi-Family Furniture. Garage, yard & household items. So much more! Everything must go! May 25th- 28th 9:00-2:00
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2 black iron w/new seat cover, like new. Very Nice. $125 Can text picture 678-416-8041
Electric food slicer $75.00
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Lot 67 space 2, in Section 7. $1,200 OBO
vehicleS motorcYcleS
07 Custom Chopper
Immaculate cond.,less than 3000 mi, 113 ultima motor, 230 rear tire, 45° rake, custom paint (black w/silver flames), chrome flamed rims. $13900 OBO
678-857-9163 SuvS
2000 Blazer
White, Chevy, 4WD, runs & drives excellent, 230,000 mi, $1800 OBO
Used item over $200 – 10 lines
No pets, no yard sales, no autos
REAL ESTATE SPECIAL! The Judicial Conference of the United States has authorized the appointment of a full-time United States magistrate judge for the Northern District of Georgia at Atlanta, Georgia.
The current annual salary of the position is $191,360. The term of office is eight years. A full public notice for this position is posted at the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. District Court, 75 Ted Turner Drive, SW, Room 2211, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. The notice also is available in all divisional offices and on the Courtʼs web site at: Interested persons may contact the District Court Executive/Clerk of Court for additional information and application forms. The application form also is available on the Courtʼs web site at: 0180321_Mag_Appl.pdf. Applications must be submitted only by applicants personally and must be received by 4:45 PM on Friday, June 1, 2018.
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16 days in The Newnan-Times Herald 28 days on 4 weeks in Times-Herald Xtra Plus, every advertisement will benefit from our new service, NTH Boost. We will post it online in the local business directory on our website, along with directions to your business and a link to your website. Additionally, the service will help raise your business’s position in search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing. The more your ads run, the greater the search-engine optimization.
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16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA •