20180613 xtra

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JUNE 13 - JUNE 19, 2018


e e r f

calendar of events inside

Cabins coming to Chattahoochee Bend, ➤ page 2

your weekly connection to local news & entertainment


Fiberglass farm animals unveiled on the square BY LAUREL HUSTER laurel@newnan.com

From 5:30-8 a.m. last Thursday a team of more than 15 volunteers helped install the fiberglass farm animals that represent Newnan’s history on court square. The brightly colored farm animals created by a wide range of artists were installed just in time for the Tour of Homes and Summer Wined-up events taking place last weekend. “It’s been a long process, but they are finally going down,” said Tammy Troyer, president of the Newnan-Coweta Art AMAZING LASH STUDIO Association. #: 348945 who helped set AmongAccount of the volunteers

LOCAL FLAVOR Proof Release

Tracking #: 3367122.INDD


Brett Phillips FARM ANIMALS , page 2

The “Newnan: A Storybook Town” pig sits in front of the Carnegie Library.

Contact your Account Service Coordinator:

phone: 3147490000 email: Bphillips1111@gmail.com fax: -

Elizabeth Darrach

Team: 5E phone: 717-509-9265 email: 5E@cmag.com BY TAYLOR ROBINS

Area: 01654-02-16 Atlanta-Newnan Mail Week: 03/14/2016

Dylan High from Headley Construction drills one This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. of the painted cows a slab of concrete to is not responsible fo Please reviewonto your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR keep it in place. any error not marked.


Lower Fayetteville Road closed

traffic will be permitted into the of Newnan, with all trails leadnearby subdivisions. Signs will be i ng to t he dow ntow n bu si ness posted at the entrances of these district. The Lower Fayetteville Scheepers Sales Rep: Marlene Local residents who make it a neighborhoods as a reminder that Road box culvert is pa rt of the habit to use Lower Fayetteville through traffic is not allowed. first phase of trail construction. Road should Atlanta-Newnan plan an alternative PLEASE SIGN YOUR PROOF AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING Area: 01654-02-16 AMAZING LASH STUDIO A box culvert – a tunnel – will INFORMATION: C it y of f ic i a l s s u g ge s t u si n g route to their destinations for the be installed under the road near Account #: 348945 Mail Week: ❑ 03/14/2016 Ad is approved Ad is approved with changes Ad N e wis nnot a napproved C r o smake s i n changes g B o uindicated leva rd, ❑ ❑ next month. the roundabout. The tunnel will H i g h w a y 3 4 a n d S h e n a n d o a h Tracking #: 3367122.INDD This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. T h e r o a d w i l l b e c l o s e d a l low L I NC pedest ria ns a nd Please review your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible for b e t w e e n t h e N e w n a n C e n t r e cyclists to pass safely under the Boulevard as a detour to bypass Brett Phillips any error not marked. c on s t r u c t ion . A n o t h e r opt ion SIGNATURE roundabout and Summerlin BouPRINT NAME busy road.DATE phone: 3147490000 COUPON PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. is Newnan Crossing Boulevard, levard for approximately 30 days. The LINC is a proposed 25-mile, email: Bphillips1111@gmail.com LOCAL FLAVOR Area: 01654-02-16 Atlanta-Newnan AMAZING LASH STUDIO D u r i n g t he c lo s u re for con- multi-use trail system that aims fax: Account #: 348945 Mail Week: 03/14/2016 Proof Release ROAD CLOSED, page 2 structionTracking of the LINC, only local to connect the east and west sides #: 3367122.INDD fax: 717-358-2533 taylor@newnan.com

Approve By: 03/01/16

Contact your Account Service Coordinator:

Elizabeth Darrach

phone: 3147490000 email: Bphillips1111@gmail.com fax: -


BP coming down for Chipotle

Team: 5E phone: 717-509-9265 email: 5E@cmag.com fax: 717-358-2533

This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. Please review your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible for any error not marked.

Brett Phillips


❑ Ad is approved with changes

Sales Rep: Marlene Scheepers


❑ Ad is approved DATE


❑ Ad is approved with changes

❑ Ad is not approved make changes indicated


Account #: 348945

Area: 01654-02-16 Atlanta-Newnan Mail Week: 03/14/2016

Brett Phillips

This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. Please review your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible for any error not marked.


Proof Release



Tracking #: 3367122.INDD

Approve By: 03/01/16 Contact your Account Service Coordinator:

Elizabeth Darrach

Team: 5E phone: 717-509-9265 email: 5E@cmag.com

phone: 3147490000 email: Bphillips1111@gmail.com fax: -


Get the eyelashes

you’ve always dreamed of.

fax: 717-358-2533

Sales Rep: Marlene Scheepers

Naturally Beautiful


❑ Ad is approved

extensions look so real you as your own. is notclaim approvedthem make changes indicated ❑ Adcan

❑ Ad is approved with changes

Professionally Styled


Our stylists are licensed cosmetologists using pharmaceutical grade adhesives.



Get the eyelashes

you’ve always dreamed of. Comfortably Transformed Get theCAMPBELL eyelashes PHOTO BY SARAH

Relax inaccording your private you’ve always dreamed of. Demolition of the Lakeside BP is in full swing on Hwy. 34. The gas station is being demolished to make way for a Chipotle Mexican Grill as well as a new Starbucks, to suite Naturally Beautiful while your extensions areNaturally applied.Beautiful published reports. Individually applied eyelash extensions look Individually applied eyelash extensions look so real you can claim them as your own.

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Comfortably Transformed


2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

Cabins coming to Chattahoochee Bend BY SARAH FAY CAMPBELL be ava i lable for renta l feat u res h i k i ng t ra i ls ,


after that date. The three cabins make up the first phase of planned cabin development . T he pa rk ’s m a ster pla n shows a total of 10 cabins. “ I ’ m j u s t t h r i l l e d ,” s a i d S t a t e R e p . Ly n n Smith, R-Newnan, who has been a major booster for the park since it was first proposed. Cabins have long been i n t h e pl a n s , b u t t h e park’s attendance numbers had to be right to just i f y goi ng to t h is next level, Smith said. The 2,910-acre park is located along the Chatta hoochee R iver in northwest Coweta a nd

Campers won’t be the only ones able to enjoy overnight stays at Chatt a hoochee B end St ate Pa rk wit h t he opening of three “adventure cabins." The cabins sleep eight and have full kitchens, screened back porches and rocking chair front porches, as well as a n outdoor a rea wit h a g ri l l, f i re pit, picn ic t a ble a nd e ven a l a ntern hook. One cabin is handicapped accessible and pet-friendly. A ribbon-cutting ceremony for t he c a bi n s will be held June 15 at 10 a.m., and the cabins will


m ou nt a i n bi ke t r a i l s , picnic areas, river access, canoe and bicycle renta ls, a nd ca mpPHOTO BY SARAH CAMPBELL i ng, i ncludi ng ca mpgrounds with electricity Each cabin has a screened back porch with table and rocking chairs and an outdoor area a n d w a t e r a s we l l a s with grill, fire pit and picnic table. platform sites along the river. andvisitt our he website House Appropr iaAttendance has been the other has two dou- Natural ResourcesPlease at www.fooddepot.com l’s thetions Download Food Depot App for digitalwhich coupons healthy, and the camp- ble beds. There is also i n Gov. Nat ha n Dea Committee, and instate store promotions! g rou nd s a re t y pic a l ly a sleeper sofa in the liv- off ice for yea rs about writes the budget i ng room . T he c abi n s t h e d e m a n d s h e w a s each year. full most weekends. “ I fe e l l i k e t h e y ’ r e have a m i n i mu m t wo - hea r i ng for cabi n s , to “But it doesn’t happen * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES goi n g to b e u s e d a nd n ig ht rent a l on week- put t he project on t he just because we want it t here w i l l be dem a nd e nd s a nd a m i n i mu m radar. to happen, we’ve got to “I’m always going to for more almost imme- t h re e -n i g ht rent a l on diately,” Sm it h sa id of holidays, and linens and p r o m o te t h i s a s l o n g hit the right numbers,” the new cabins. kitchen equipment are a s I c a n ,” sa id Sm it h , she added. “We’ve got E ac h c a bi n h a s t wo included. who cha i rs t he House to get the usage up for bedrooms and two bathS m i t h s a id s h e h a d Natural Resources and these cabins and I can r o o m s . O n e b e d r o o m been talking to people Envi ron ment Com m it- start begging for more h a s a q u e e n b e d a n d at t he D epa r t ment of tee and is a member of cabins."






Pork Ribs

Boneless Skinless Popla r Road a nd Ma r y FreeThe employee said co-workClaxton Fresh man Road. ers will have to take alternaThe detour map is included tive routes to work, including Pechuga de pollo sin hueso y piel on the city’s website. one employee who lives just Lewallen Construction was dow n t he road but w i l l now chosen for t he $ 2 . 8 m i l l ion have to make a six-mile drive project. until construction is complete. An employee from a national However, the employee said ch a i n store’s loca l bra nch – he is excited about the results whose main entrance is Lower to come. Fayetteville Road – said busi“I think it’s going to be aweness h a s d ropped $ 3,0 0 0 i n some. It’ll open us up for more sales for the week. business,” he said.

lb. Fryer Breast

Food Depot 58


Green Bell

Peppers & Cucumbers

Any Size Package Fresh

Ground Beef

Carne de res fresca molida paquete de cualquier tamaño

ea .



continued from page 1

U.S.D.A. Inspected commemorate children’s book contest Countrythe Style about Newnan’s history. A book featuring some of the animals is part of the children’s inspeccionado costillas de cerdo estilo campestre museumU.S.D.A. fundraising effort. Another farm animal called the “Good Morning, Newnan” rooster – sponsored by Truett’s Chick-Fil-A – is at the corner where the Piedmont Newnan Fitness Center is located. “It is overwhelming to see the animals being put in because so many people helped make it happen,” said Bette Hickman, a board member of the ChildrenConnect Museum.

up the animals was Angie Schmeck. Schmeck utilized her skills as a forklift driver to get the concrete slabs the animals are put on in place. Another volunteer who was at the early morning install was Chad Loftin, whose art students at Evans Middle School helped create one of the pigs. “It takes a village,” Pamela Prange, founder of ChildrenConnect Museum, said about installing the artwork. The “Newnan: A Storybook Town” pig was placed in front of the Carnegie Library to




continued from page 1


9.7 oz. Bag Caesar Salad Fresh Express

lb. Salad ea. Download the Food Depot App for digital coupons and in store promotions! U.S.D.A. Select


Beef Boneless

Ground Chuck


Sirloin Steak







Diezmillo de res molida paquete de cualquier tamaño

U.S.D.A. Inspected

Beef Boneless

Food Depot

BBQ Bread



Pork Ribs 15OUR oz. Beef Mini COSTRavioli, PLUS 10%



Meatballs or Beefaroni 16 oz.

24 oz.


Thirst Quencher

28$ 48

Peanut Butter

16 oz.


$ 98 ¢ 4 Lb.

$ 4216 lb. $Fryer Breast




$ 98



$ 83 Chips

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32 oz. 24 Pack Any Size#1Package6 Pack Domino Granulated Smucker’sYellow Select Varieties16.9 oz. Bottles Squash Fresh Sugar Essential Everyday Grape $ 18Orville Redenbacher’s Purified Drinking Ground Beef lbPopcorn . Jelly Water Carne de res fresca molida

$$ 98 08


paquete de cualquier tamaño







Gatorade Sliced Ham

Thirst Quencher

$ 48lb.

1 3


Yellow Mustard

Smucker’s Sweet Pickle

GrapeRelish or Sweet Jelly Salad Cubes


Frito Lay’s


Party Cups

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Popcorn or 8.5-9 oz. Cello Carrots


Frito Lay’s

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Coca-Cola Drinks 9.5-10 oz.


$ 45

1 $ 39 Frito Lay’s

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il Crackers or Cookies

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Splash Cooler, Strawberry-Kiwi, Nabisco Paper Wild Cherry, Surfer or FruitOreo Punch Towels

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FD 061118-Page 1

Center Shopping 10 Pack ve oro Dri Splash BullsbCooler, Strawberry-Kiwi, Wild Cherry, Surfer or Fruit Punch

Prices 11 -Lay’s June 17, 2018. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. 20 Ct., 12Eff oz. ective June Frito 9.5-10 oz.


$ 52

Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster





$ 99

Multipack Coca-Cola Drinks

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Cheese Curls p.m. 10:00

or 11 oz. Mini Rounds or White Corn Tortilla



Orville Redenbacher’s

Main St.

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9.7 oz. Bag Caesar Salad Popcorn 2 Liter Bottle Fresh Express All Brands



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ea .


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1 $ 83 $ 48 1 Doritos Party NEWNAN Multipack Cups Ruffles ¢ $ 45 124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263 ¢ 38 $ 78 2$8748 $2 39 $$ 25 52 $ 99

or 11 oz. BagSolo Veggie Lover's Yellow Fresh Express

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8 Pack, 20 oz. Bottles Fully Orange, Cooked Fruit Lemon Lime, Vernon Manor Punch or Glacier Frozen Frost

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32 oz. Pechuga de pollo sin lb. hueso y piel U.S.D.A. inspeccionado jamón de cerdo fresco

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Claxton Fresh

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 3

Times-Herald Xtra

Ask Miss Pearl

Summer series to feature music, fun

Dear Miss Pearl, Our new associate pastor has a very large tattoo on his arm. I can't quite tell what it is, but there is no mistaking that it is a tattoo. What kind of message is this sending our young people?

THEM — rock and roll, pop rock, classic rock, blues and country band, set to perform June 14 NTH STAFF REPORTS news@newnan.com

Main Street Newnan will be hosting a monthly summer event series at Greenville Street Park during the months of June-August. The Summer NewnaNights will take place on the second Thursday of the month from 6-8 p.m., and will feature music and entertainment. Featured Bands of the Summer Newnanights series include several bands: THEM, who plays rock and roll, pop rock, classic rock, blues and country, perform on June 14. The Four T’s, who plays an eclectic mix of classic rock, Americana, and blues, perform on July 12. Also performing on Aug. 9 is the Kris Youmans Band. The band is an Americana, roots, country and western swing band from Newnan. They were also the 2016 Georgia Country Awards Winner in the traditional category. The park will also be filled with various festivities, food trucks, vendor booths and sponsor booths. Summer Newnanight is sponsored by Coweta Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children, better known as CASA. CASA is a national network of nearly 1,000 community based programs that recruit, train and support citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the communities courts and communities. Visit www.mainstreetnewnan.com for more information.

First of all, most young people do not pay attention to "messages" we send them unless it is the dreaded stink eye. Secondly, just because someone has a tattoo does not necessarily indicate that they are a bad person. Your pastor made a choice that you don't agree with and guess what? This was his choice to make, not yours. He may have been in high school and under the influence of a certain young lady when he got it. He may have been in seminary and sober as a judge when he chose to get his tattoo. For all you know his body art may be a scene of Moses parting the Red Sea. Would that make it more acceptable to you as opposed to a picture of his Mama? You might want to pay more attention to the sermons instead of the tattoo. I seem to recall some verses about not passing judgment on others. You need to watch the movie "Frozen" and LET IT GO! Dear Miss Pearl, The last of our three children just graduated from high school and I am already dreading the day he leaves for college. I can't even begin to imagine how quiet the house will be and how much I will miss him. Most of my adult life has been dedicated to raising my children. Am I being over dramatic? You are not being over-dramatic – you are being a mother. Don't look at this event as the end of the story because it certainly is not. Look at this as the beginning of a new chapter for you. A chapter that has blank

pages that YOU get to write. Sure, it may take a while to adjust to your new life, but don't dread it, get excited about it. I did great when Baby left for college. Football season gave me the opportunity to see both him and Little. I fell apart when he went back after Christmas his freshman year and I was a hot mess – not a good thing, in case you are not familiar with the term. You are going to be just fine when the time comes, so enjoy your summer with your son and don't fret over what to buy so that his dorm room is cute. Lawd knows you will probably have to burn all of that stuff when he brings it home! And Another Thing... I miss Scott's Bookstore – especially during the summer. First grade through 12th, I could always count on Miss Earlene having the books on the boys'

summer reading lists. She had the Cliff Notes too! Miss Earlene would always engage the boys in conversation – not an easy task when they were teenagers – and she had such patience with them. (She was always setting a good example!). What I really miss, however, is going there to get something to read for myself. She and Bonnie knew what I liked to read – and what I avoided – and I could always tell by the look on their faces when they had the "best book" for me to read. Sometimes I went to the book store just to visit.Imagine THAT. Miss Earlene always made you feel welcome, and I don't think I ever left without a smile on my face. One time I was there first thing in the morning to get a book that had come out that day. Wouldn't you know that Dr. Jimmy got the first one because he called and asked her to hold a copy for him. I'm so grateful for the memories the boys and I – along with countless others – have of the years we had spending time in that jewel of a bookstore. Most of all, however, I am grateful to know and love Miss Earlene.

Miss Pearl is one of Newnan's leading authorities on modern etiquette. She gladly lends her advice to everyone whether they want it or not, because, "After all, it's all about the children and setting a good example for them." Her videos are available on her Facebook page, and she can be reached at misspearl678@gmail.com

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4 Times-Herald Xtra

| Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

Summer Desserts BY LAUREL HUSTER laurel@newnan.com

Summertime is finally here, which means it’s time for vacations, barbecues and family reunions. With all these events comes finding a tasty dessert that will please a crowd. However, summer in Georgia is always brutally hot and turning on the oven only makes the heat worse. So, the best kind of summer dessert recipes are ones that are served cold and require little to no heat to make. Local business owner Beth Barnett shared some of her favorite summer dessert recipes that are easy to make and easy to serve. Barnett said they are perfect for summer and all of the recipes can be made ahead, which makes getting ready for an event a little easier.

Lemon Icebox Dessert Barnett said this lemon dessert is like a lemon pie but in a pan, which makes it easier to serve a crowd. Ingredients:

2 cups crushed graham cracker crumbs ½ cup butter, melted 2 - 14 oz. cans sweetened condensed milk 1 cup fresh lemon juice 2 cups heavy cream ½ cup powdered sugar Recipe: In a medium bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs with butter and blend well. Press the mixture into the bottom of a 9x13 pan and set aside. In a medium bowl, combine milk with lemon juice and beat with whisk until blended. In another bowl, beat heavy cream with sugar until stiff peaks form. Fold into the lemon mixture and spoon over crust. Cover and chill for at least six hours. Recipe courtesy of Beth Barnett

Duck Back Roofing & Exteriors “Where Water Runs Off Like On A Duck’s Back”

Chocolate Eclair Dessert This Chocolate Eclair dessert is Barnett’s grandmother’s recipe, and she said it is her go-to dessert year-round. Ingredients:

2 3 12 oz. 1 1 2

small boxes of instant vanilla pudding cups milk cool whip, thawed box graham crackers can chocolate frosting blocks of bark chocolate

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Recipe: Mix pudding with milk and then fold in cool whip. Layer graham crackers in bottom of 9x13 pan. Add half of the pudding mixture and then top with a second layer of crackers. Repeat, ending with crackers on top. Top with frosting that has been warmed in the microwave for 1 minute. Bark chocolate may be melted and combined with frosting before pouring. Chill until served. Recipe courtesy of Beth Barnett

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 5

Times-Herald Xtra

tra X calendar June 14 - 20

your guide for local upcoming events


NewnaNights 6 p.m., Free

A monthly summer event series will take place in Downtown Newnan during the months of June-August. The Summer NewnaNights will take place on Thursdays from 6 p.m.- 8 p.m., and will feature family-friendly music and entertainment. This month’s featured band is THEM, a band of “brothers from other mothers.” THEM plays rock and roll, pop rock, classic rock, blues, and country. The concert will take place in the Greenville Street Park, which will also be filled with various festivities and vendor booths. Downtown businesses will stay open late during the Summer NewnaNights, and feature specials and promotions for shoppers and guests. For more information, visit www. mainstreetnewnan.com


Backstreet Arts Open Studio 10 a.m., Free

Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located

at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-940-2787 or visit www. backstreetart.org


know the new rules of the road at the Powell Branch Library on Hospital Road in Newnan. Learn research-based driving strategies to help you stay safe behind the wheel. $15 for AARP members, $20 for non-members. Registration is required. For registration, call the Central Library at 770683-2052.

7 p.m., $20 - $45

The McKameys are a family gospel group based out of Clinton, Tenn., entering in their sixth decade of spreading God’s message of love and hope through their music. They will appear at the Wadsworth Auditorium on June 15. For more information, call 678752-2966 or visit www. itickets.com


AARP Smart Driver Course 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., $15- $20

(Ages 18 & up) Refresh your driving skills and

Sounds of Summer Concert Series at Ashley Park 6 p.m., Free

Sounds of Summer is a free, family-friendly event that will take place in Dillard’s Courtyard in Ashley Park, featuring local bands, food, friends and lots of fun. This week’s musician will be Leonard Washington, a heavy bluesbased rock-n-roll band. Activities will include corn hole, giant Jenga, and more, plus special offers from Ashley Park vendors. For more information, contact Natalie Davis, ndavis@ bayerproperties.com, 770-683-0565.


Insignia Antique Car Show 1-3 p.m., Free


The Mckameys


American Military History 2 p.m., Free

Join The Carnegie Library for American Military History with Dr. Walter Todd. Todd has a Ph.D. in History but focuses mainly on American Military History. Todd has been a professor at The University of West Georgia as well as West Georgia Technical College where he is a faculty member in the history department. He enjoys sharing his love for America’s past, present, and future through his teachings. He will be speaking on The Spanish-American War, 1898. Registration is requested. Call 770-6831347 for questions or to register.

Insignia Living of Georgia hosts a Father’s Day Car Show the Friday before Father’s Day.


Library at 770-253-3625 for more information or to register.

18-22 NEWNAN

Beading & Crafting Camp (ages 4-11) Half-day option

The ChildrenConnect children’s museum is offering morning beading sessions or a full day of craft projects! This camp will be full of fun, beading, and crafting. Morning beading and craft projects include Bird House, Fish, Ladybug and Butterfly Day. On Friday, the morning project will include a Native American finale incorporating rain sticks we will be making in class. In the afternoon kids will get messy as they explore paper mache, Model Magic and painting!​ For more information, call the museum at 470-414-2455. Camp Full Day 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Costs $275 Camp Half Day 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. Costs $125


Summer Music Fun

CAREing Paws 11:30 a.m., Free

CAREing Paws reading therapy dogs can help children improve their reading skills in a unique and fun environment. They offer private reading exercises for elementary and middle school-aged students. Kids pick a favorite book and read to Lola the therapy dog (as seen on the cover of the current issue of NewnanCoweta Magazine) for a 15-minute session in a low-stress atmosphere. Registration is required. Call the Powell Branch

Carnegie (Ages 3-6) 10 a.m., Free

For questions, contact The Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 or visit www.newnancarnegie. com


YA Movie Makeup Magic 4 p.m., Free

The Carnegie Library presents Movie Makeup Magic - Learn to apply movie makeup like the pros, including tips and tricks for DIY costuming and cos-play. Ages

14 and up. For questions, call 770-683-1347 or visit www.newnancarnegie. com


Newnan-Coweta Artists Association Art Show Reception 7 p.m., Free

The public is invited to the 13th Annual Juried Art Show for the Newnan-Coweta Artists Association (NCAA) through June 27th at the Donald W. Nixon Center for the Performing Arts. The awards gala will be held on June 19th from 7pm to 9pm to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the NCAA and is open to the public (free admission). Artists will be present, and drinks and hors d’oevres will be served. Many artworks will be available for purchase. Come out to enjoy this annual event and enjoy the exhibit! www.newcaa.com/


A Tribe of Scribes writing workshop 2:45 p.m., Free

All writers in every genre are invited to this writing support group in the Newnan and Coweta area. The current format will be casual, with participants given time to read something they brought and the others will give feedback, if requested. For questions, call The Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 or visit www.newnancarnegie. com. For information on the group, contact Sue Davis at suedavis195@ yahoo.com.




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6 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, June 13, 2018

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