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JUNE 20 - JUNE 26, 2018

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Gatorade State Player of Year latest in list of accomplishments for Lynch


and the Georgia Dugout Player of the Year. Her eye-popping numbers have also garnered attention on the n at ion a l stage a s she was recently named the Gatorade Softball Player of the Year for Georgia. Ea st Coweta head coach Franklin Deloach said. “It says so much about what she was able to accomplish last year.” Lynch is very honored and somewhat surprised to win the prestigious award. “I knew Coach Deloach had put in a ll t he paper work for me, but I really wasn’t expecting to win, especially as a junior,” Lynch said. For mer tea m m ate R achel Vaug h a n who will play college softball at the University of Sout h Ca roli na was a finalist. Lynch has had plenty of time to reflect on last


E a st Cowet a r i si n g senior Kelley Lynch has a long list of accomplishments on t he softba ll field. T he on ly question heading into her senior year is how does she top last season? Ly n c h h e l p e d E a s t Coweta win the Class 7-A crown with an undefeated 36-0 record pitching and playing in the infield for the Lady Indians during their amazing championship undefeated run. In the pitching circle, she finished with a 14-0 record, striking out 193 bat ters a nd f i n i sh i ng with a .045 ER A in 93 innings of work. She didn’t limit herself to just pitching accomplishments, also displaying plenty of power with the bat, finishing with a .454 batting average and 10 home runs. Lynch was also named the Newnan Times-Herald Player of the Year




Account #: 348945 Week: 03/14/2016 Proof Release Kelley Lynch was among a handful of East Coweta varsity softball players that helped Mail out with the school’s Junior Indians

LYNCH, page 2 Baseball Camp last week.

Tracking #: 3367122.INDD

Approve By: 03/01/16

This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. Please review your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible for any error not marked.

Brett Phillips

Christie making progress with Overby plantation site

Contact your Account Service Coordinator:

phone: 3147490000 email: Bphillips1111@gmail.com fax: -

Elizabeth Darrach

Team: 5E phone: 717-509-9265 email: 5E@cmag.com fax: 717-358-2533

Sales Rep: Marlene Scheepers


Account #: 348945

PLEASE SIGN YOUR PROOF AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Area: 01654-02-16 Atlanta-Newnan Mail Week: ❑ 03/14/2016 Ad is approved ❑ Ad is approved with changes ❑ Ad is not approved make changes indicated

Brett Phillips

This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. Please review your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible for any error not marked.

AMAZING LASH STUDIO Tracking #: 3367122.INDD


phone: 3147490000 COUPON PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. email: Bphillips1111@gmail.com LOCAL FLAVOR AMAZING LASH STUDIO fax: Account #: 348945 Proof Release Approve By: 03/01/16 Contact your Account Service Coordinator:

Elizabeth Darrach

Team: 5E phone: 717-509-9265 email: 5E@cmag.com

Tracking #: 3367122.INDD

Brett Phillips

phone: 3147490000 email: Bphillips1111@gmail.com fax: -



Area: 01654-02-16 Atlanta-Newnan Mail Week: 03/14/2016 This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced. Please review your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible for any error not marked. COUPON PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO PUBLICATION.


Lilia Trahan, 11 ,left, and Alejandro Diaz Hernandez, 14, carefully fill dinner plates with fax: 717-358-2533 ASE SIGN YOUR PROOF AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: buttered brussel sprouts, baked chicken with mushroom and sage sauce, sweet and Sales Rep: Marlene Scheepers sour red cabbage and creamy mash potatoes. The students were part of the St. George is approved with changes ❑ AdCatholic ❑ Ad is not approved make changes indicated Church Culinary Ministry.


Culinary camp for kids ❑ Ad is approved




Proof Release



melanie@newnan.com T he smel l of f r ied , sauteed, ba ked a nd fresh foods will fill the kitchen and dining hall of St. George Catholic Church at 77 1 Roscoe Road this July. It won’t be adu lts cooking up a storm, but lo c a l c h i ld re n c h op p i n g , t o s s i n g , c o o ki n g a nd wh ippi n g up delectable delights from soup a nd sa lads to ba ked ch icken a nd cakes. T he students will be participating in the

❑ Ad is approved with changes DATE

third annual St. George Catholic Church Culinary Camp for kids. The courses will run f rom Ju ly 16 t h roug h July 27 and are for students ages 11 years old to 17 years old. “It w i l l be a ver y bu s y k itc hen ,” s a id Scott Eld red, head of the Culina r y Ca mp. “ T h e y ’ l l l e a r n k n i fe sk i l ls by cutti ng up a lot of vegetables , chicken, and beef. They’ll see the results of their hard work and le a r n t h at ‘ lef tover s’ c a n m a ke a big , n ice

❑ Ad is not approved make changes indicated Area: 01654-02-16 Atlanta-Newnan Mail Week: 03/14/2016


Account #: 348945

Tracking #: 3367122.INDD

This ad is the property of LOCAL FLAVOR and may not be reproduced.

Approve By: 03/01/16 Please review your proof carefully. LOCAL FLAVOR is not responsible for Brett Phillips any error not marked. C ontact your Account Service Coordinator: pot of soup for dinner.” phone: 3147490000 COUPON PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. KElizabeth id s get Darrach to s a mple email: Bphillips1111@gmail.com fax: their creations, and are Team: 5E a l lowed to ta ke some phone: 717-509-9265 COURTESY OF MIKE CHRISTIE f lavorful bites home to email: 5E@cmag.com fax: parents. 717-358-2533 their These artifacts – found by Mike Christie, Coweta County resident, and volunteers – are Eldred said campers Sales Rep: Marlene Scheepers from near what used to be the Overby family’s 1800’s plantation a lso lea rn a lot about nutrition and cost. PLEASE SIGN YOUR PROOF AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Individually applied eyelash extensions look cern about the Coweta 1860 United States FedBY TAYLOR ROBINS “We use fresh prodthem as ,your own. Ad is approved isnnotclaim approved make sus changes ❑ the ❑ Ad is approved with changes taylor@newnan.com C o u n t y Cso o mreal m iyou s❑s Ad i ocan era l Cen 1indicated 5 slaves ucts and teach kids M i k e C h r i s t i e , a approv i n g a rezon i n g l i v e d o n t h e O v e r b y the benef its of eating C owe t a C o u n t y r e s i - that would allow build- property. It is assumed, qua l it y food at a low SIGNATURE DATE PRINT NAME dent, is continuing with ing onOur thestylists unoccupied by cosmetologists Christie, that using bodies price, using fresh vegare licensed his mission to f ind out land of the formerpharmaceutical Wil- of enslaved rest etables versus canned grade people adhesives. if any history remains liam H. Overby family u n d e r n e a t h t h e s u r vegetables. Each meal on what was the 1800s plantation. family’s old you’ve always dreamed of. The vote to face on the we ma ke is $2 or less Get the eyelashes Overby plantation. rezone the Overby land Relax in your private you’ve alwayssuite dreamed of. B a c k i nNaturally F e b r u a r y, took place on Jan. 23. Beautiful while your extensions are applied. Ch ristie ra ised a conAccording to 1850 and CAMP, page 3 OVERBY, pageBeautiful 2 Individually applied eyelash extensions look Naturally

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2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 1

ye a r ’s accompl i s hm e n t s a n d k n ow s i t will be something she will remember for the rest of her life. “I think winning the ring is what I will always remember,” she said. “I keep it in my room . A l l t he memories are so special. It was just a really cool year.”

Lynch only wears the ring from time to time. “We brea k it out at cer ta i n events” she sa id . “ We wore it to softball camp one day last week. It’s kind of heavy, so I don’t wear it every day.” Ly nch a nd most of her teammates passed off their softball skills r e c e n t l y to yo u n g e r

players at the a n nua l East Coweta camp. Lynch, Olivia Davis, A s h ly n n a nd A n sle y Gunter, Vaugha n a nd Ca rol i ne L ively a l so h elp e d o ut D elo a c h , who a lso ser ves a s t he school’s ba seba l l coach, with his baseball camp. “It’s a little bit different, but they asked us

to come help out and I was glad to do it,” she said. Lynch’s summer softball schedule includes two trips to California and Colorado with her travel team. She do e s h ave one tourna ment scheduled for Georgia before shifting her focus back to her high school team

as the Lady Indians get ready to defend their Class 7-A title. Ea st Coweta off icially begins defense of its title with on Aug. 10 against Hillgrove. They also play state power Lassiter t he same day as part of a preseason tournament. East Coweta plays it home opener in Aug. 13

against Locust Grove. “It should be exciting trying to repeat as state champions,” she said. A f t e r Ly n c h p l a y s one f i na l season of h ig h school ba l l, she w i l l he ad to Aubu r n University to begin her college career. Si ster K atey Ly nch plays college softball at Kennesaw State.


continued from page 1

farm. The Overby fam“I’m thinking that as i l y w a s l a i d to r e s t that sign is corrected elsewhere i n Coweta that would be a great C o u n t y – m o s t l y a t o p p o r t u n i t y to p r o Cokes Chapel United v ide re co g n it ion for Methodist Church near the enslaved that will Sharpsburg. be identified in the not S i n c e F e b r u a r y , to o d i s t a n t f u t u r e ,” C h r i s t i e h a s m a d e Christie said. t h ree goa ls for h is Christie would have mission: to find out if to j o i n e f fo r t s w i t h t h e r e a r e u n m a rk e d the Georgia Historical g r a ve s o n t h e l a n d , Society to correct the to l o c a t e w h e r e t h e marker, as the organiOverby homestead was zation is over historiand to get the histori- cal markers. cal marker for William In April, Ch ristie Thomas Overby, Wil- and a group of volunliam H. Overby’s son, teers took four dowsers corrected. a nd one meta l detecFresh T h e h i s t o r i c a l Asparagus tor to a residential site marker lists the state and marked, with flags, of Georgia as Wil- over 50 u nver i f ied l i a m T h o m a s O v e r - graves with the dowsby’s bi r t hplace, how- er s . T he g roup feel s ever, the “Confederate that there are 150-200 hero” was born in Vir- graves on the residenginia in 1840 and came tial site. to Coweta County with “ T he la st site we h i s f a m i l y w h e n h e we n t to w a s a r e s i was a boy. Along with d e n c e (w h e r e r e s i getting the error cor- dents) … had claimed rected, Christie would t h e y h a d s e e n s om e like to honor the peo- u n u s u a l s t o n e s a n d p l e w h o h e l p e d t h e markings in their backO ve r b y f a m i l y w i t h y a rd ove r t h e ye a r s their successful farm- but never did anything i n g o p e r a t i o n , t h e about it,” said Ch risenslaved people. t ie. “ So we went out

there and these dowser day gra nt to use t his volu nteers’ at t it udes t e c h n o l o g y. H e a n d and facial expressions h is volunteers would changed dramatically ne e d more t h a n one once they started." day because Christie is The group found this interested in surveying site after four unsuc- three different and price s sf u l f ield event s , vate properties. Chrisw h e r e t h e y f o u n d tie also has the permisnothing. sion from the various * OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES A dowser is a t y pe homeowners. of tool that is used to Christie and his vollocate grave sites and u n t e e r s u s e d m e t a l an assortment of mate- detectors on a not her rials, like oil and gem- p o t e n t i a l s i t e a n d s t o n e s . F i n d i n g s b y found more tha n two d o w s e r s a r e b e s t i f dozen iron agricultural ve r i f i e d b y a n o t h e r to ol s t h at were bu rmethod. ied a couple inches to Currently, Christie is a couple feet under the trying to obtain a grant ground. to hire a ground peneShovels, rakes, nails trating radar company and a garden hoe were to fol low beh i nd t he found at t he site. A ll dowsers’ findings. items are assumed to G r o u n d p e n e t r a tbe period pieces datU.S.D.A. Inspected i ng radaCenter r techCut nolog y i n g f r o m 1 8 0 0 -1 8 8 0 , Boneless could validate what is according to Christie. underground up to six “It was pretty thrillU.S.D.A. inspeccionado chuleta de lomo de cerdo sin hueso fe et de ep, accord i n g ing to be pulling and to Christie. After GPR removing some of these t e c h n i c i a n s s u r v e y agriculture tools from the lands in question, the ground,” Christie t his would let Ch ris- said. “The first thought tie know, once and for is, ‘W ho was the last a l l, i f t he la nd holds person to touch them history. what was going on in Ch r i st ie i s look i ng their mind?' That was to obtain a $5,000-per- very exciting.”

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Orange flags mark a trail near a parcel of private property that Coweta County resident Mike Christie believes to be a historical burial ground.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 3

Times-Herald Xtra

Volunteers help cancer patients on road to recovery BY MELANIE RUBERTI

melanie@newnan.com At least two times a week , Ba rba ra Auw of S enoi a helps pat ient s receive life-saving treatments as they battle cancer. Au w i s a volu n te e r driver for the American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery program. T he Senoia woma n provides free rides for cancer patients who may not have transportation , or do not have loved ones to take them to treatments. Auw has been a driver with ACS for six years now. “T he a mou nt of satisfaction you get from sharing your time with someone in need is a m a z i n g ,” s a i d A u w. “It’s filling and rewarding just to know you are helping someone who is at a low point in their life.” Auw said helping cancer survivors is a cause close to her heart. She i s a l so bat t l i n g the deadly disease. I n 2 0 0 9, A u w w a s diag nosed w it h a gast r oi n te s t i n a l s t r om a l tumor, or GIST on her stomach. She was able to have it removed su r g ic a l ly six months later. But Auw said the cancer returned last yea r with two tumors – one on her stomach and one on her pancreas. Doctors told her t h e G I S T t u m or s a re ra re, i noperable a nd incurable. T he Senoia woma n ta kes ora l chemot herapy everyday. Auw a lso sha res her ow n persona l battle against cancer with the pat ients she d r ives to and from treatments. “ Unt i l you a re told

you h ave c a ncer, you don’t rea l ly h ave a n i d e a of w h a t i t t r u l y m e a n s . O r t h e s t re s s and anxiety you’ll feel before your next scan,” she said. “ You’re born i nto a ‘ u n ique’ fa m i ly the day you’re told you have cancer.” Auw became an ACS volunteer driver shortly after moving to Senoia from the southern California area. She said there is still a g reat need for more drivers. A n estimated 56,920 Georgia residents will be diagnosed with cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. The patients’ biggest roadblock w i ll be getting to treatment, ACS officials added. Volu nteers w it h t he Road to Recovery program donate their time a nd t h ei r ve h ic le s to drive patients back and for t h to radiation a nd chemot herapy at a rea hospitals, such as Piedmont New na n , P iedmont Fayettev i l le a nd t he Ca ncer Treat ment Centers of A merica, said Pam Ashman, mission program manager with the American Cancer Society. All volunteer drivers must complete on line, virtual training and submit to a background and motor vehicle check. Dr ivers a lso lea r n how to encourage a nd support patients, Ashman added. “We get drivers comfortable with interacting with patients,” she sa id. “Some patients may get in car and not say a word to you. Some people a re ver y i so lated . T hey don’t l ive next to t hei r fa m i lies.


A volunteer with the American Cancer Society drives a cancer patient to and from her treatment.

Yo u m ay b e t h e on ly person they talk to that week. Some people still don’t like to talk about cancer at all. “Others feel so appreciative a nd blessed to get i nto you r veh ic le ,” A s h m a n cont i nued. “T hey k now they wouldn’t ever have completed t hei r treatment without your help. Yo u ’ r e s a v i n g t h e i r life.” Auw said she usually bu i ld s a rappor t w it h people she drives on a consistent basis. “One gentleman I d rove h i m t h e ent i re time he had radiation. We s p o k e a l o t d u r ing that time. He’s still a live a nd doi ng wel l,” she said. “But there have been times we lose the patient we drive,” Auw

a dde d . “ I wo u ld pl ay music on the CD player in my car. One day she told me that when she passed from this world, she wanted her kids to play t hat music at her funera l. She k new she wa s i n bad shape, but she was ta k i ng comfor t a nd control in something that was inevitable.” T h e AC S volu n te e r d r ivers a re t he eyes and ears of the Road to Recovery program too, Ashman said. “Patients have to ambulatory. Many have ca nes. But t he drivers not i f y u s i f t here a re any changes in patient status,” she explained. The American Cancer Society uses a “service match” tool to pair up drivers and patients. Cancer patients must

request a ride through t he Road to Recover y program at least three days a head of time, Ashman said. A d r iver ca n accept or decli ne a tra nsportation request and they can run errands or return home while the patient is receiving chemotherapy, she added. T he tra nspor tation trips a re strictly from t he pat ient ’s home to the hospital, and vicev e r s a . T h e AC S f o r bids drivers from making other stops for the patient, such as goi ng the grocery store. Ashman said the American Cancer Societ y h a s nea rly 10,0 0 0 R o a d To R e c o v e r y drivers nationally, but t he nu mber of patient requests outweigh t he nu mber of volu nteers

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Scott Eldred, left, helps Madison Sickel, 14, far right, whip up a batch of creamy mash potatoes while Ashley Diaz, 12, looks on. Eldred and his wife, Donna, will lead the culinary camp classes at St. George in July.


continued from page 1

per ser v i ng,” sa id Eldred. “We learned a lot of our campers now help their parents pick out groceries from the store.” The culinary student s w i l l le a r n how to r e a d a r e c ip e a n d t r y d i f f e r e n t c o o ki ng tech n iques, li ke s autei n g a nd ba k i n g , from a variety of guest instructors. “T he k ids w i l l have to make a wedding cake from scratch; no boxed i ng red ients ,” sa id E ld red . “ T hen t hey ’l l bake it, ice it and have a piping tool to decorate the cake. “We have a lot of fun a nd t he k id s se em to learn a lot,” he added. “Ch i ld ren don’t lea r n u n le s s t h e r e ’s a c e r-

tain level of fun to the lesson.” Once campers reach a certain comfort level, Eld red sets up a ‘restaurant style’ environment. Students will be paired off into groups, with a supervisor, and be in charge of slicing, cooking or baking one element of a meal. T he lesson i ncludes showing campers how to create plates with a good ‘eye appea l’ a nd aroma. T he pi nt-si z e chefs will wrap up camp by le a r n i n g h ow to f l ip burgers and skewer different meats a nd vegetables over a charcoal and a gas grill. Eldred is head of the Culinary Ministry at St . G e or ge Cat ho -

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lic Church. In addition to t he su m mer c u l inary camp, he and his wife, Donna, run a winter camp beginning in February. He sa id he enjoys watching each camper grow and learn. “ I ’m s o ver y proud of t hese k ids,” Eldred said. “I love watching t hem focus on recipe, m a k e t h e re c ip e a n d then sit dow n a nd eat somet hing t hey created. Plus, they’re maki ng f r iendsh ips a long the way.” For more information on the Culinary Camp for k ids at St. George Catholic Church, contact Scott Eldred at 770 -295-9789 or email h i m at dsel65@g ma i l. com . But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

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able to provide rides. “ D ue to t he l ac k of d r i ve r s , t h e s e t r a n s portation needs can go unmet in many communities, especially rural areas,” she said. A s h m a n s a id s he i s hoping more people like Auw w i l l step up a nd offer assistance to local cancer patients in need. T he Senoia woma n says she plans to chauffeur patients and encourage them for as long as she can. “T his gives me a greater appreciation for life,” Auw said. “I want my passengers to know there’s a light at the end of tunnel and to never give up hope.” For information about the Road To Recover y progra m, ca ll 1-800 227-2345 or visit cancer. org/drive.

4 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Times-Herald Xtra June 26, 11 a.m., Free

June 20 - July 14

calendar your guide for local upcoming events


A Tribe of Scribes writing workshop Wednesday

June 20, 2:45 p.m., Free

All writers in every genre are invited to this writing support group in the Newnan and Coweta area. It will be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. The current format will be casual, with participants given time to read something they brought and the others will give feedback, if requested. There will be time allotted to discuss pressing writing issues or questions and get feedback from the group. For questions, call The Carnegie Library at 770-6831347 or visit www. newnancarnegie.com . For more information on the group, contact Sue Davis at suedavis195@yahoo. com.

20 NEWNAN Pixel Art

Wednesday June 20, 10 a.m., Free

Kids age 6 and up are invited to participate in pixel art at The Carnegie. Snacks will be served. For more

information or to register, call 770-6831347 or visit www. newnancarnegie.com .


Beading & Crafting Camp Wednesday

June 20, 9 a.m., $125- $225

The ChildrenConnect children’s museum is offering morning beading sessions or a full day of craft projects for kids ages 4-11. This camp will be full of fun, beading, and crafting. Morning beading and craft projects include Bird House, Fish, Ladybug and Butterfly Day. On Friday, the morning project will include a Native American finale incorporating rain sticks we will be making in class. In the afternoon, kids will get messy as they explore paper mache, Model Magic and painting. A full day of camp is from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., and a half day is from 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. For more information, call the museum at 470-4142455.

Thursday June 21, 10 a.m., Free

Join Chef Carlin as she makes a symphony of flavors with help from the audience. Seating is limitedFor reservations, call 770-683-1347. For more information go to www.newnancarnegie. com .


Sounds of Summer Concert Series at Ashley Park Friday

June 22, 6 p.m., Free

Sounds of Summer is a free, family-friendly event that will take place in Dillard’s Courtyard in Ashley Park, featuring local bands, food, friends and lots of fun. This week’s musician will be singer-songwriter, James Tyler Wallace. Activities will include corn hole, giant Jenga, and more, plus special offers from Ashley Park vendors. For more information, contact Natalie Davis, ndavis@ bayerproperties.com, 770-683-0565.



Chef Carlin’s Symphony of Flavors

Lew-E’s Reading RockAThon Tuesday


The Powell Library presents “Lew-E’s Reading Rock-AThon,” a part of 2018’s “Libraries Rock!” Collaborative Summer Reading Program. Join Lew-E The Clown and his puppet buddy, Oogly-Boogly, at Powell Branch Library on a fun and creative journey. Music will fill the air and your readers will gleam with delight as Lew-E unleashes his creative brand of comedy! For more information, call the Powell Branch Library at 770-253-3625.

28 NEWNAN Dr. Magical Balloons Thursday

June 28, 10 a.m., Free

Create musical instruments at The Carnegie Library, including drums, shakers, bass guitars, and banjos, all made from balloons. For questions, contact The Carnegie Library at 770-683-1347 or visit www.newnancarnegie. com

and reservations for this class are required. Call 770683-1347 for questions. All programs at the Carnegie Library are open to the public and free of charge. www. newnancarnegie.com


Sounds of Summer Concert Series at Ashley Park Friday

June 29, 6 p.m., Free

Sounds of Summer is a free, family-friendly event that will take place in Dillard’s Courtyard in Ashley Park, featuring local bands, food, friends and lots of fun. This week’s musician will be Sweetbay, a soulful, guitar-driven indie rock band with a colorful, ambient electronic twist. Activities will include corn hole, giant Jenga, and more, plus special offers from Ashley Park vendors. For more information, contact Natalie Davis, ndavis@ bayerproperties.com, 770-683-0565.



Market Day

Intro to Stop Motion Film


July 7, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Free


June 28, 4 p.m., Free

The Carnegie Library presents the second of a series of four Stop Motion Film classes for young adults ages 11 and up. Learn to plan and make stop motion films with a Stik-Bot studio and iPad. Sessions will include story-boarding, team filmmaking, and a showing of completed short films. The other dates of these sessions will be July 12 and July 26. Space is limited

Market Day takes place around the courthouse square in downtown Newnan, showcasing a variety of handmade, homemade, and homegrown products created by local artisans, artists, and farmers. It features 50 unique booths with new vendors and one-of-a-kind items each month. Market favorites include fresh locally grown produce, honey, jams and jellies, salsa, pottery, art, children’s clothing,

hand-woven baskets, leather products, fresh baked goods, handcrafted furniture, birdhouses, wood art, fiber art, wreaths, and floral design. The Market is open to the public, and there is no charge for admission. Also at Market Day is Pickin’ on the Square, a gathering of acoustic musicians who drop in to jam on the courthouse steps. All are welcome.


H.E.L.P Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic Saturday

July 14, 9 a.m.- 10:30 a.m., Varied

The H.E.L.P. Spay/ Neuter Clinic will host a low-cost vaccine clinic on a first come, first served basis. Flea and tick prevention medications will be available as well. Nexgard and Frontline Gold will be available for dogs; Frontline Gold is available for cats. Heartgard Plus is available as heartworm prevention for dogs. Canine vaccinations for rabies are $10; microchip $25, DHPP $10, kennel cough $10, leptospirosis $10, deworming $5$10, heartworm tests $15. For cats, rabies vaccinations are $10, microchip $25, FVRCP $10, FELV $15, deworming $5- $10 and combo tests are $25. No exam fee. For the safety of all pets - dogs must be on leashes or in crates, and cats must be in crates, pet carrier boxes or pillow cases. The H.E.L.P. Clinic is located at 12 The Crescent, Newnan. For more information, call 770-304-7911.


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Wednesday, June 20, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 5


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