20180711 xtra

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JULY 11 - JULY 17, 2018

e e r f

calendar of events inside ➤ page 4

your weekly connection to local news & entertainment

Parents, children reunited thanks to Family Treatment Court


sarah@newnan.com Less than two years ago, DJ and Elizabeth Lee were living in a broken-down van. T hey were jobless , addicted to meth, and all five of their children were in foster care. The Division of Family and Children’s Services was ready to file for termination of parental rights, and they were about to lose their children – forever. DJ knew about Coweta Drug Court, and how it could help people beat addiction. So he tried to get into the program. But because he didn’t have any drug charges, and the court is for people charged w it h felon ie s , he wa s turned down. Then he read a story in The Newnan Times-Herald about Family Treatment Cou r t , Cowet a’s newest “accountability court.” The program is designed for parents who have lost custody of their children and who have problems that are preventing them from getting

them back. DJ t hought t his new program just might be his family’s saving grace. On June 25, DJ and Elizabeth graduated from the 18-month program with all six of their children – including baby Gracie – there to cheer them on. The Lees have a home and are off drugs, and DJ has a job where he has been promoted several times. Just seven months into the program, the family was back together. “I still have that article. It’s laminated,” DJ said. “It’s what I needed, and it worked." It was Family Treatment Court’s first ever graduation program. “Thank you for the program,” Elizabeth said, as she accepted her graduation certificate in a ceremony held at the Coweta Justice Center. Though DJ was enthusiastic about the program, his wife was skeptical in the beginning. PHOTO BY SARAH CAMPBELL

FAMILY, page 2

Jessica Hunter and Matt Wilson entered Coweta Family Treatment Court after their daughter, Madison, was put in foster care. Six months later, the family was back together.

Library spearheads fundraiser for soldiers overseas


James Hendley, left, is the artistic director of the Newnan Shakespeare in the Park, while Madeline Sain is the managing director of the group. The duo started the nonprofit professional theater in January and will officially make their debut in July at Newnan’s Greenville Street Park.

Shakespeare to take center stage in Greenville Street Park BY MELANIE RUBERTI NTH FILE PHOTO

A military serviceman salutes fellow troops as they march by during Newnan’s annual Veterans Day Parade.


news@newnan.com “Operation Gratitude” will soon be in full effect. The fundraiser is being spearheaded by the Coweta Central Library, located at 85 Literary Lane. The campaign, which begins July 2, is to collect items for U.S. troops overseas. Library officials are also asking adults and children of all ages to write a brief note or draw a picture expressing gratitude to those serving our country. T he donated items,

notes and pictures will be items needed for soldiers sent to Operation Grati- serving overseas: tude and added to care • Unused greeting packages for the soldiers. cards or stationary Drawing and art sup• A A a n d A A A plies will be provided batteries in the Central Library’s • Mini flashlights Adult’s and Children’s • Video games Services Areas. • Flash drives Operation Gratitude • Earbuds will run from July 2- 10, • Used cell phones except on July 4, when the • V I S A , M a s t e r library will be closed. Card or American For m ore i n for m a Express gift cards tion, contact the Central • Lip balm Library of the Coweta • Toothpaste, dental County Library System at 770-683-2052. Here is a list of donated SOLDIERS, page 3

SOLDIERS, page 3

melanie@newnan.com When the lovestruck characters of Hermia and Lysander and the impishly shrewd fairy Puck prance their way through the magical woodlands in “A Midsummer’s Night Dream,” they’ll also be making modern history in downtown Newnan. The popular Shakespearean play will be performed outdoors in the Greenville Street Park, which is quickly becoming one of the crown jewels for the performing arts community. The unique outdoor env i ron ment i s wh at set Madeline Sain and James Hendley’s plan into motion in December 2017. T he duo wa nted to

create a nonprofit professional theater named Newnan Shakespeare in the Park. Sain and Hendley both grew up in Newnan and have been best friends since grade school. Theater was their passion in high school. Sain a nd Hendley honed their acting and producing skills both on and off stage. T he pa i r g raduated from New na n High School in 2011 and went their separate ways – Hendley attended Western Carolina University and earned a degree in musical theater. Sain attended LaGrange College and graduated with a BA in theater performance.

After a brief stint at an acting conservatory, Sain returned to Newnan. Hendley found work at the historical Barter Theater in Abingdon, Virginia. Despite the distance, the two friends remained close and visited each other often. It was during one of those visits in December that the duo began talking about a compelling plan to bring more performing art to the community. “We were talking about how we needed a bigger theater presence in Newnan. How the town has grown and is now a

PARK, page 3

2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 1

“I felt like my kids were gone and I didn’t feel like they were coming home and we were just done,” she said. “We were living in a van that didn’t work in the middle of winter. I didn’t have a license, we didn’t have our kids, we didn’t have our jobs, we didn’t have anything.” “When Elizabeth first came, she was adamant she did not want it,” said Sheila Storey, the counselor for the program. “Now she is growing into the woman she didn’t know she could be." DJ had some moments of doubt, as well. He recalled getting a call f rom Accou nt a bi l it y Court Manager Jennifer Barnett. “She said if you’re not in court by 2, I’m going to kick you out of the program,” DJ said. “I was like – I don’t have a ride. She found me a ride.” Matt Wilson and Jessica Hunter were the other two graduates honored at the ceremony. Before joining the program, they were living in Matt’s brother’s house w it h t hei r d aug hter, Madison. “I was on meth, I was smoking weed and drinki n g . I wa sn’t pay i n g rent, I didn’t have a job, I didn’t have a car, nothing,” Matt said. DFCS got involved and they were given an amount of time to straighten up or their daughter would go into foster care. So they stopped smoking meth and marijuana, but kept drinking. Matt got a job with a tempora r y ser vice. He was drin k ing heavily a nd he and Jessica got into a fight. The cops were called, and Madison was

taken away. “When I got out of jail, they told me about the program,” Matt said. “I was all for it. Whatever I could do to get Madison back was worth it.” “I didn’t know how hard it was going to be,” he said. “I had no idea it was going to be three groups a week and drug tests three or four times a week, counseling, (12 step) meetings, but it all ended up being for the better. “Because you get in this habit of thinki ng about t he consequences of your actions and thinking about the future – which you have to do instead of just living day-by-day,” Matt said. “You’re living for the week, for the month, then you learn to set little goals so you feel a sense of accomplishment.” “When you set a little accomplishment and a milestone you can be proud of, it makes the time go by faster.,” Matt sa id . " You feel good about yourself, you start noticing change and it becomes second nature once you get i n t hat routine.” He had a couple of slipups. “I think most people do,” Matt said. But they keep moving forward. At first, an 18-month program seemed a bit overwhelming. “When they said 18 months, my face was wh ite ,” Je s sic a s a id . “You want me to do this for 18 months? But after six months went by, I thought – this isn’t that bad. The more I grew, it got better." Studies have shown with programs like Fami ly Treat ment Cou r t,


When Elizabeth and DJ Lee first entered Family Treatment Court, papers had already been filed to terminate their parental rights. Seven months later, the family was back together. Left to right are: Alexis, Elizabeth, Arriella, Ashlen, DJ with Gracie, Aleigha, and Trenton.

children go back to their families, on average, 100 days sooner, Barnett said. Hearing that was all it took to get Jessica and Matt ready to work the program. “Hook, line and sinker,” Matt said. The first three months were the hardest, Jessica said. “You have to be sober for at least three months for it to work, I think." For the progra m to work, you also have to be willing to change, Matt said. “You can’t just fake it to make it. You’ve got to totally put in the effort and do what you’re told, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time." Storey has been a big part of how well the program works, according to the graduates. “I credit a lot of success to Sheila for making groups so fun and also being harsh at the same time,” Matt said.

The two families have become good friends, and get together at least once a week. They’ve become friends with other families in the program, as well. Matt said he knows some of the newer participants from his drugusing days. “It’s cool to see them come through the process like we have,” he said. The Family Treatment Court program now has 31 participants, with six more coming in the next few weeks, Barnett said. The vast majority are single parents. With the current staff, the court can handle 50, she said. “We’d love to take as many families as we can. If we need to hire more staff to exceed the 50, then we’ll do that,” Barnett said. Judge Joseph Wyant, Coweta’s Juvenile Court judge, is the judge for FTC. He’s also the judge

for Coweta Drug Court, the first “accountability court." “I look at this court as my legacy. If I leave tomorrow, this is what I’m most proud of,” he said. “It’s a marriage of the drug court and the veterans court and the dependency court all in one… and the payoff is so huge. The payoff is that the families are reunited and the kids have their mom and dad again." He typically tells parents about t he program when their children first go into DFCS custody. The program i s completely volu ntary. The FTC court will review the applicants and determine if they will be accepted into the program. A l m o s t e ve r y b o d y who applies is accepted, Wyant said. “If they want help, we’re going to try to get it to them." According to Wyant,

the graduates have done a fantastic job addressing their addiction issues, budget, structure, having a job, and looking at problems in a different way. One day at DJ’s job, there were random drug tests. DJ was one of the only people who passed – and he was promoted to crew chief as a result. “I’m incredibly proud of all of them,” Wyant said. “It’s a great program,” said Elizabeth Lee. “I think it brought us a long way. We went from nothing and now we have all the things we need and we’re happy." “It’s worth it. All the time and all the stuff to have to do that it is involved… it’s all worth it." For more information about Coweta’s Family Treatment Court, call 770-683-0205 or email jbarnett@coweta.ga.us

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Prices Effective July 9 - July 15, 2018. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 3

Times-Herald Xtra


The nonprofit professional theater group called Newnan Shakespeare in the Park will hold their first performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at Greenville Street Park on July 27 and 28.


continued from page 1

different community,” H e n d l e y s a i d . “ We thought ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ would be the best way to do this.” “I remember bringing up the amphitheater at the Greenville Street Park and saying it was a shame it doesn’t get used more,” Sain added. “I think that park lends itself to Shakespeare in the park-type events. A month later, James called me in January and said, ‘Let’s start this program in July and really do it right.” T he nonprof it pro fessional theater group “Sha kespea re i n t he Pa rk ” was born, with Sain serving as the managing director and Hendley becoming the artistic director of the organization. The duo decided their f irst project would be S h a k e s p e a r e ’s p o p u lar and whimsical play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Sain and Hendley have already cast the play, with six actors filling the 19 roles in the performance. O ver t he pa st si x mont h s , t he pa i r h a s uti lized ma ny loca l resources. Sain and Hendley said Newnan Shakespeare in the Park has partnered up with the Newnan Cultural Arts Commission. The organization will provide the group with sound and lighting kits.


The Newnan Theater is allowing Sain and Hendley to borrow costumes for the performance, the duo added. “Everyone seems really excited for us, wh ich keeps me excited and lets me know we’re doing something good for this com mun ity,” Hendley said. Newnan Shakespeare in the Park will perform “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” on July 27 and July 28. The play will start both nights at 7:30 p.m. and is free to the public. Hendley and Sain said as far as they know, their event is the only free Shakespeare in park performance in Georgia. “It was important to us that everyone be able to come and enjoy the show, free of charge,” said Hendley. Sain agreed. “We want the Newnan Shakespeare in the Park to be as accessible as possible for many different groups,” she said. The actors hope the event becomes a popular tradition in downtown Newnan and will one day grow to become a multiperformance festival. “Before we sta r ted, we both ta l ked about our mission statement,” said Sain. “We want to strengthen community bonds, provide educational resources, sup-

port local services and the economy by bringing more foot traffic to the area. “We want this to be something people look forward to every year,” she continued. “Newnan is a community that we love and gave us our start in the theater arts. This is our opportunity to give back.” Both Sain and Hendley admitted it’s been a huge learning curve creating the Newnan Shakespeare in the Park professional theater group and directing their first show. But t hey hope t he le s s on s le a r n e d w i l l strengthen their plans for future productions. “It’s been surreal to take ownership of a production,” Sain said. “For me, it’s been a refreshing experience. It’s been a challenge and kept us on our toes, but I love every aspect of it.” Hendley agreed. “This experience has b e e n wo n d e r f u l a n d exhilarating,” he said. “It’s just wonderful to see when you put yourself out there, how much support you receive and how uplifting it can be.” Hendley and Sain’s ultimate Midsummer Night’s Dream is for the community to embrace the vision of Newnan Shakespeare in the Park began months ago – and propel it forward for years to come.

The Newnan Times-Herald and Coweta Score are proud to announce the debut of the

Army Spc. Christian Hand and another soldier keep a watchful eye over a town in Iraq. Hand, a Newnan native, was part of Operation Inherent Resolve which helped clear ISIS out of Iraq.


continued from page 1

• • • •

Deodorant – solid only, 3 oz. or less Packs of 5 or fewer disposable razors Non-aerosol shaving gel in tubes Individual packets of moist towelettes

• • • •

Hand/foot warmers Travel-size foot powder P a c k s of 5 0 or fewer cotton swabs Travel-size packs

of facial tissue Mini sewing kits.

All donated items must have a shelf life or expiration date of at least six months from receipt date.

“Where Memories Live On”

Holly Hill

Memorial Park ATTENTION

CEMETERY PROPERTY OWNERS At Holly Hill Memorial Park, we are currently updating our records. We are asking those who own property here at Holly Hill to please give us a call and schedule a time to briefly meet and make sure your records match up with ours. We will complete a quick form that outlines what you have done and what, if anything, still needs to be done so there aren’t any surprises at the time of death.

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This annual magazine will feature stories and game schedules for all Coweta County High Schools, plus a look at locals in college and the pros. • • • • • •

East Coweta High School Newnan High School Northgate High School The Heritage School Trinity Christian School Central Christian School

Published in The Newnan Times-Herald on

Thursday, August 16, 2018






This magazine will appear online at times-herald.com and cowetascore.com. All full-page and half-page ads also receive an EXCLUSIVE BANNER AD in The Newnan Times-Herald.

Advertising Deadline: Friday, July 20, 2018 For more information, contact one of our Media Sales Representatives at:

770-253-1576 or advertising@newnan.com 16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA • times-herald.com


4 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Times-Herald Xtra

July 11 - 19

calendar your guide for local upcoming events


Rube Goldberg Day Wednesday

July 11, 10 a.m., Free

Build a complicated machine to accomplish a simple task. Learn about basic physics and the six simple machines that distribute force while building crazy machines from spare parts. Ages 12 and up. Space is limited. Call 770-683-1347 to reserve your spot. All programs at The Carnegie are open to the public and free of charge. www. newnancarnegie.com

series will be July 26. Space is limited and reservations for this class are required. Call 770-683-1347 for questions. All programs at the Carnegie Library are open to the public and free of charge. www. newnancarnegie.com

and promotions for shoppers and guests. For more information, visit www. mainstreetnewnan. com .




July 12, 6 p.m., Free

NewnaNights are a monthly summer event series will take place in on Thursdays in Downtown Newnan during the months of June-August. NewnaNights feature family-friendly music and entertainment. This month’s featured bad is The Four T’s, a 4-piece band including a singer/guitarist, bass guitar, harmonica, and drums. They play an eclectic mix of Classic Rock, Americana, and Blues. The concert will take place in the Greenville Street Park, which will also be filled with various festivities and vendor booths. Downtown businesses will stay open late during the NewnaNights, and feature specials

Intro to Stop Motion Film Thursday

July 12, 4 p.m., Free

The Carnegie Library presents the third of a series of four Stop Motion Film classes for young adults ages 11 and up. Learn to plan and make stop motion films with a Stik-Bot studio and iPad. Sessions will include story-boarding, team filmmaking, and a showing of completed short films. The last date of this

Backstreet Arts Open Studio July 12, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free




Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org


H.E.L.P Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic Saturday

July 14, 9 a.m.- 10:30 a.m., Varied

The H.E.L.P. Spay/ Neuter Clinic will host a low-cost vaccine

July 17, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free

clinic on a first come, first served basis. Flea and tick prevention medications will be available as well. Nexgard and Frontline Gold will be available for dogs; Frontline Gold is available for cats. Heartgard Plus is available as heartworm prevention for dogs. Canine vaccinations for rabies are $10; microchip $25, DHPP $10, kennel cough $10, leptospirosis $10, deworming $5$10, heartworm tests $15. For cats, rabies vaccinations are $10, microchip $25, FVRCP $10, FELV $15, deworming $5- $10 and combo tests are $25. No exam fee. For the safety of all pets - dogs must be on leashes or in crates, and cats must be in crates, pet carrier boxes or pillow cases. The H.E.L.P. Clinic is located at 12 The Crescent, Newnan. For more information, call 770-304-7911.



July 16-20, 9 a.m., $125$275

Coweta County Farmers Market

14 GRANTVILLE AARP Drivers Safety Class Saturday

July 14, 10 a.m., $15- $20

will be held on July 14th at the Grantville Library starting at 10:00 AM. The class will review the rules of the road and also cover new state of Ga. driving laws. The class is open to ALL ages and you do not have to be an AARP member to attend. Class costs: $15 for AARP members and $20 for non members. To register, call 770-683-0535. All participants must bring your drivers license and your AARP card if member.


Food Science Camp. (ages 8-12) Monday

Do you love science? Do you have a supertaster tongue? Then Food Science Camp is perfect for you. Join us for a rare chance to work with a highly accomplished food scientist. Campers will participate in hands-on sensory experiments and learn how to develop food products from concept to market. Food Science Camp is open to youth 8 yrs. and older. For more information, call the museum at 470-4142455.


July 14, 9 a.m., Free

Every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. during the summer, the Coweta County Farmers Market offers fresh produce and products from local vendors, including fruits, vegetables, flowers, honey, jams and breads. The Coweta County Farmers Market is located at the Asa Powell Expo Center on Temple Avenue in Newnan. Contact the Coweta County Extension office at 770-254-2620 or visit www.ugaextension. com/coweta for more


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Tuesday

Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday

July 19, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 5




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