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JULY 18 - JULY 24, 2018



calendar of events inside ➤ page 5 Bridging the Gap ➤ page 4

your weekly connection to local news & entertainment

Award winning jellies heating up taste buds around Coweta County BY MELANIE RUBERTI

melanie@newnan.com Kim Littleton’s jams and jellies have become a hot commodity around Coweta County. Kim creates 20 different varieties of the spreadable preserves, including five kinds of her now famous “Hot Pepper Jelly.” For three years, Kim and her husband, Richard, won tops awards for the “Best Pepper Jelly” at the Kiwanis Coweta County fairgrounds. They also placed first in the division for “Best Overall Canned Goods,” said Kim. But the Hot Pepper Jellies seem to be the real show stoppers. “We sell blackberry, blueberry, peach, raspberry and a ‘regular’ pepper jelly,” Kim said. “We sell jellies using ‘normal heat,’ and some with habanero heat. We make sure to label the jellies with habaneros in them.” Kim said every jar of Hot Pepper Jelly has five types of peppers added into the jar of preserves: cayen ne, g reen pep per, hot banana, sweet PHOTO BY MELANIE RUBERTI

Kim Littleton helps a customer during Market Day in downtown Newnan. Kim and Richard Littleton sell their award winning jams and jellies, plus fruits and vegetables at several events around Coweta County.

JELLY, page 2

Mom of traveling family reflects on Subway 911 call


Members of the Dobson family who were at a local Subway when an employee called 911.


taylor@newnan.com In a string of recent a nd vira l situations where police have been ca l led on black fa m ilies, a loca l Subway and the Dobson family are now a part of that list. “It is just so u n fa i r that that kind of thing can happen to a regu-

la r fa mily going in to p a y f o r t h e i r f o o d ,” s a id Fel i c i a D o b s on . “We weren’t dressed in a l l black . We weren’t wearing hoodies. A nd even i f we were, t he subway employee works in a facility where she has to treat everyone fairly.” The Dobson fami l y, w h o w e r e t r a v -

eling from Columbus, decided to stop at t he New na n Crossing Bouleva rd Subway on July 2. The family was traveling back to their Nor t h Ca rol i na home from a fa m i ly member’s birthday celebration. The Subway stop ende d w it h a c a l l to New n a n pol ice , a f ter the family had paid for food a nd eaten at t he establishment. “I need somebody to r ide t h roug h here A SA P,” sa id t he Sub way employee on the 91 1 ca ll. “I’ve had a f a m i l y i n h e r e fo r about an hour and they’re kind of just not goi ng a ny where. A nd they keep going back to the bathroom and stuff, a nd I’ve got a back door back there.” A c c ord i n g to D o dson, the employee thought the family was going to rob her. Sandra, the employee, had been robbed before. “I told the kids that everyone has to go use t h e b a t h r o o m ,” s a i d Dobson. “The back and forth were my kids going to use the bathroom. When one comes out, the other goes

SUBWAY, page 3

Send a hug!

BY SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com T he Great R ace h a s be en a pa r t of Ol iv i a a n d G e n n a G e n t r y ’s l ive s si nce t hey were babies. Last year, they were f inally able to participate a s compet itors , and the sisters – ages 17 and 15 – just completed their second Great

Race. “ T h i s i s s om e t h i n g our fa mily has been doi ng for so long, we were really eager to get a shot to compete ours e l v e s ,” s a i d O l i v i a , who is the driver of the tea m. Gen na works as the navigator. T he Great R ace is a nine-day classic ca r precision speed endur-

a nce ra l ly. Ca rs mu st be h ave been m a nufac t u re d b efore 19 7 2 . Te a m s g e t p r e c i s e , t u r n-by-t u r n , pr i nted directions that tell them every speed change. There are mult iple che ck poi nt s per day. T he goa l i sn’t to

RACE, page 3

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Great Race is all about family for Gentrys and Knowleses

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Sisters Oliva Gentry, 17, and Genna Gentry, 15, drive a 1964 Dodge Dart in the nine-day Great Race. They’ve been following their mom in the race since they were babies, and raced for their first time last year.




2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 1

banana and jalapeno. She also sometimes adds a sweet italian pepper into the mix. All of the jams contain fruits and vegetables that are farm grown and handpicked by Kim and Richard. The couple run the Littleton Family Farms in the tiny town of Clem, right outside of Carrollton. But the duo spend a majority of their time in Coweta County, selling jams and jellies, fruits and vegetables and even hollowed out gourds for birdhouses. The Littletons sell their fa rm fresh items exclusively at the annual Market Day events in downtown Newnan, the Coweta County Farmer’s Market and the Kiwanis Coweta County Fair. Kim and Richard allow potential buyers to sample some of their jams and jellies – both hot and not – before towww.fooddepot.com one of their Pleasecommitting visit our website at products. Download the Food Depot App for digital coupons If folks are unsure and instill store promotions! how to use Hot Pepper Jelly or what foods to pair with it, Kim has a long list of tips to ensure people find ways to COURTESY OF LITTLETON FAMILY FARMS make their taste buds tingle.



Richard Littleton checks on his planted produce on the farm.

What can I do with my award winning Hot Pepper Jelly? BY KIM LITTLETON

Littleton Family Farms • Add t he jel ly w it h cream cheese and crackers. It makes a great appetizer for s hower s a nd pa r t ie s . Tr y t he Hot Pepper Jel ly with goat cheese, s m oke d c h e dd a r and brie too. • Use a spoon of pepper jelly on meat before cooking. It’s great on pork, chicken, and red meat. Put a little pepper jelly

underneath the skin to a cream cheese sandwich. Or together olive oil, turkey, melted butof chicken quarters. mixture when makreplace a ty pica l red wine vineter, dried sage and When cooked, the ing Jalapeno PopPBJ sandwich with ga r, g ra i ny muspepper jelly. Seajelly becomes like pers. If using frozen a grown up version tard and a flavored son generously with a syrup. It’s a great 7-9 Ct. poppers, of Cream Cheese pepper jelly until s a lt a nd pepper, Chops Perput Pkg.some U.S.D.A. Select Beef Inspected way to add a little U.S.D.A. pepper jelly i n a a nd Hot Pepper emulsified. then throw on the Quarterloin sweet heat. bowl for dipping. Jelly. • FBoneless ish-n-Dip: Mix grill. • Add some into cooked • Pork T he Chops jelly is a per- • The jelly is a great t o g e t h eSteak r e q u a l • G r i l l e d p i n e a p p l e Sirloin carrots for a little Chuletas fect addition to a addition to omelets, partsselecto horseradish with flavored pepde lomo de cerdo U.S.D.A. bistec de solomillo de res sin hueso extra flavor. sweet and sour pork m i x w it h pla i n sauce and a pepper per jelly glaze oz. Bag • H o t P e p p e r J e l l y recipe. yog u r t or crea m jelly; serve this dip • Top a bowl11.75 of vanilla Fresh Express works great when • Add the Hot Pepper cheese to spread on alongside any deepice cream with flaChopped cooked w it h colJelly to a pimento top ofCalifornia a bagel. fried fish or seafood vored pepper jelly la rds a nd ot her cheese sa ndw ich • Add Hot Pepper Jelly for a uniquely tangy fo r a dSweet e l e c t a bl e Kale greens. for a little zing or t o a Cauliflower Spiced-Up and spicy bliss. treat. • Use it to spice up a bring a little spicy Vinaigrette: In the • Mediterranean Tur‘plain’ pasta salad. style to a Peanut bottom of a large key Burgers: Mix • Add Hot Pepper Jelly B ut ter a nd Jel ly salad bowl, whisk to ge t h e r g rou nd



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92 92 841

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2/ $ 69 Farm Fresh Produce $ 17.5-18 oz. Select Varieties




50-60 oz. Liquid Select Varieties



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ea .

12 oz. Bag Fresh 64 oz. Express 64 oz.

64 oz. Salad Garden Select Select Varieties SelectVarieties Varieties

44Lb. 4 Lb. Lb.Ajax Ultra 2x



Any Size Package U.S.D.A. Inspected


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922 $

¢20 64 oz. Select Varieties

4 Lb.


Old Orchard 32 oz. Lemon-Lime, GranulatedOrange, Fruit Punch 7.25-15 oz. Cocktail 7.25-15 oz. oroz. Glacier Freeze Sugar7.25-15 Blends


lb. ¢lb.

Laundry Laundry Laundry 50-60 oz. Liquid 11.75 oz. Bag Select Varieties Detergent Detergent Fresh Express Detergent Ajax Ultra 2x


17.5-18 oz. oz. Select 48 Varieties


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado chuletas de centro de cerdo sin hueso

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Spiral Sliced


U.S.D.A. Inspected

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U.S.D.A. selecto bistec de res machacado

84 84 84 $ 98

$ 68 2/ 1 2/ Fresh




14.5oz. oz. 14.5 14.5 oz. Luck Double

Jamón cocido cortado en espiral




U.S.D.A. selecto punta de solomillo de res sin hueso

$$$ 69 69 69 7-9 Ct. Chops Per Pkg. U.S.D.A. Inspected Quarterloin

Any Size Package U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Sirloin Tip Roast



Diezmillo de res molida o en hamburguesas


V8 Splash Splash Splash



U.S.D.A. Select Beef

64 oz. 64 oz. Select Varieties 64 oz. Select Varieties Select Varieties V8 V8

ea .

Ground Fresh Daily





$ 98

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Pollo entero para freír


74 $$ $74 74 74 $ 78 22 1$ 2 12 oz. LaundryChopped Spam Detergent SweetClassic Kale


ea . 8 Pack 8 Pack8 Pack Drink Specials!Sandwich Lance HomePak Lance HomePak Lance Home

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16 oz. Select Varieties


Salad Dressing

9.75-10.25 oz. Assorted Flavors

8 Pack

Lance HomePak

Frito Lay’s Crackers or 9.75-10.25 oz. oz. oz. 9.75-10.25 9.75-10.25 Chips Cookies SandwichSandwich Assorted Flavors Assorted Flavors Ground Fresh Assorted FlavorsDaily

Sandwich Crackers or or Crackers Crackers 81 32 $ oz. Bottle Cookies Cookies Assorted Flavors Cookies

$ 29 $ 23 1 2 1 90 1 Ground Chuck ¢ Patties 98Ground $ ¢$81 9874 $ 818 $$ $98 $232323 ¢¢ ¢ $$ 29 29 or¢$$Chuck $ $Beef 1515 72 29 ¢ $ 15 92 1 111$ 109 69 1 1 2 2 11 $12590$499 $11991 99 $ 80 $$34 $ 0298 $ 39 2 2 2 lb.2 NEWNAN lb. $ 98 $ 15 88 ¢ $ 29 $ 23 1$ 81 1 1 90 $ 1 25 2 $ 199 $ 42$ 99 $ 42 $ 98 $ 09 ¢ 02$ $39 $ 80 80$1$$ 3434341$ $$0299 $3 $25 25 $ $ 9999 2$ 99 99 $ 02 80 2 1 1 344 1 22 22 2 2 2 2 2 Kraft

BBQ Sauce

lb .



$ 58 lb.

4 Lb.


Granulated Sugar

5 oz. Assorted Flavor

Golden Flake


64 oz. Select Varieties

Fresh Butternut 7.25-15 oz.

Orchard • GIFTOldCERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Select Varieties •

Cocktail Blends

Squash Chef Boyardee Pasta



20 Ct.

Laundry Granulated Granulated Granulated Cocktail Cocktail Cocktail Package ea. Detergent Sugar Any SizeBlends Sugar Sugar Blends Blends Fresh Red


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Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties Gatorade

$ Pasta 98 Pasta $ 15 Pasta

Chef Boyardee Chef Boyardee Chef Boyardee Sports Drinks

Salad Salad Salad¢ Dressing Dressing Dressing

1 90 1



$ 78

lb .

5 oz. Assorted Flavor

20 Ct.

8.5 oz.

Variety Pack

Cheese Curls

Golden Flake

Golden Flake



FritoFrito Lay’s Lay’s Frito Lay’s Fresh

Chips Chips Chips

2 Liter Bottle All Brands

Coca-Cola Drinks 10.1-15.55 oz. Regular or Thins



7-13 oz. Regular



Oreo Cookies Chips Ahoy!

8 Pack

Lance HomePak Turnip or Mustard




6 oz.


Oreo Thins Bites

8-8.8 Oz.



FD 071618-Page 1

Main Sandwich Center 8.5oz. oz. Shopping 8.58.5 oz. 2020Greens Ct.Ct.20 Ct. Frito Lay’s Crackers or East Gate Salad 5 oz. Gr 55oz.oz. eis 16.92 oz. Pecan Utz Spinwheels, 18.39 oz. Peanut Butter Creme Pies, 10.1-15.55 oz. Golden Flake Utz 10.1-15.55 oz. o Golden Flake Assorted Flavor Drive nT UtzRolls, 20.61 oz. Peanut Clusters, 20.98 oz. Honey Buns, 10.1-15.55 oz. Assorted Flavor Chips Cookies Golden Flake Dressing 20.08 oz. Swiss 6 oz. ra Assorted Flavor 8-8.8 Oz. 8-8.88-8.8 14.86-15.85 oz. oz. Regular40 Ct. 6 oz.Bull6sboz.oro il oz. 7-13 Regular or Thins 15 oz.7-13 Regular Oz. Oz Regular 124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, 30263 22.7 oz. Donut Sticks, 24.1 oz. Georgia Fudge Rounds, 25.2 oz. Nutty Bar Wafer Bars, 7-13 oz. Regular Regular Thins Value Pack ororThins Golden Flake Cheese Golden Flake 9 Inch Variety Cheese Carne de res fresca molida Diezmillo de res 26.4 Star Crunch, 27.6 oz. Raisin Creme Pies, 27.96 oz. Fudge or Cosmic Nabisco Nabisc Variety Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in themolida o en Golden Flake Nabisco Nabisco Cheese Nabisco Variety Sunbelt Bakery Nabisco Martin’s Bakery Nabisco Nabisco Nabisco Shopping Center behind Blockbuster Nabisco Essential 96 oz. Brownies or 31.78 oz. Oatmeal Creme Pies Nabisco East Gate Nabisco paqueteTHROUGH de Pack cualquier hamburguesas MONDAY SUNDAY 7:00 Chips Chips Everyday Little Debbie Shoppers Value Curls Granola Butter Chips Ahoy! Curlsa.m. - 10:00 p.m. Oreo Thins Bites BelVit Packtamaño Chips Oreo Thins Bites BelVita Curls Oreo Cookies Pack Chips Ahoy! Oreo Thins Bites BelVita Oreo Cookies Foam Plates Chips Ahoy! Big Packs Bleach Bars Bread Oreo Cookies


9.75-10.25 oz. Assorted Flavors

2/$ 78




2 2 2 2

Prices Eff July 16 - July 22, 2018. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. 3 Lb.ective Bag 27 Pk. Fuji Welch's Any Size Package Apples U.S.D.A. SelectFreeze BeefPops 8.5 oz. U.S.D.A. Select Beef Utz

Golden Flake

Variety Pack

68 $ Cheese Curls

ea .


10.1-15.55 oz. Regular or Thins


Boneless Nabisco $ Nabisco 7-13 oz. Regular

6 oz.

98 Nabisco 8-8.8 Oz.

ea . Oreo Thins Bites BelVita Oreo Cookies Chips Ahoy! 16.92 oz. Pecan Spinwheels, 18.39 oz. Peanut Butter Creme Pies,

Sirloin Tip Roast

8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni


12 oz. Shells & Cheese or 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese

Essential Everyday

9 oz. Assorted Flavors Potato Chips or Cheese Curls, 10-15 oz. Pretzels, 11 oz. Cheese

100 Ct.

Shoppers Value

Steak 8 oz.

Shoppers Value

14.5 oz. Whole Kernel or Cream Style Corn or French

Wednesday, July 18, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 3

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 1

a r rive f i rst, but to a r r i ve e x a c t ly w h e n you’re supposed to. This year’s race went from Buffalo, New York to Nova Scotia, Canada. T h e s i s te r s j oi n e d their mother and cousin, who have been competing in the Great Race for several years. Mom Bet h Gentr y got her sta rt navigating with her father, Joe Knowles, in 1999. After her father passed away i n 2 010, her nephew, Jody K nowles , bega n driving. They rally in a 1938 Ford Ca br iole t n ic knamed “Pop’s Passion." “In the Great R ace, the older your car, the more it benef it s you because they multiply your points by the age of your car to get your final score,” Beth said. T he 19 32 Cabr iolet was the first year Ford m ade a f l at he ad V8 , a nd it was t he oldest car Beth and Knowles could get and still get the most horsepower. Beth a nd her father began rallying in Cabriolet in 2006. Her daughters drive a 1964 Dodge Dart t h at a lso h a s speci a l significance. T hei r g r a nd fat her, Sonny Gentr y, owned G e n t r y M o to r C o m pa ny, for ma ny yea rs

the local Dodge dealership, and he sold the ca r new. A few yea rs l ater, t he Da r t c a me back as a trade-in and he decided to keep it. W hen Beth’s husband Oliver was 10, he and his dad worked on restoring the Dodge. “ We’re so happy to have the car – it really brings in the family aspect. It ties our whole family together,” Olivia said. Their father and Jody help keep the cars running through the grueling race. Each night at the hotels a long the route, there’s a lot of auto m a i nten a nce going on. “If you need a pa r t and you don’t have it, t he nex t g uy ’s got it. You ju st k i nd of r u n around the hotel parking lot – somebody will have it,” Beth said. Si nce Bet h a nd her fat her bega n competing, the family has been following along behind. “ W hen I wa s ra l lyi ng w it h my dad , my mom would follow w i t h t h e k id s . T h e y never missed one,” she s a i d . “A f t e r m y d a d passed away, my nephew’s wife drove them along.” Olivia and Genna s old p r o g r a m s u n t i l they were old enough


Beth Gentry, left, and Jody Knowles, right, are presented with a plaque for winning Stage 5 in the 2018 Great Race by Race Director Jeff Stumb.

to do the race, according to Beth. “Their ultimate goal was that they wanted to rally,” she said. Last yea r, Beth a nd Jody took f i rst place overa l l , wh i le Ol iv i a a nd Gen na took f i rst place i n t he rook ie div ision . Now bot h h a ve m ove d up i n to slightly tougher divisions. This year, Beth and Jody won the grand

champion division and placed second overall. Olivia and Genna won s e c o n d pl a c e i n t h e sportsman division and placed 10th overall. Driv i ng is t he easy part, Olivia said. “Basically, I just do what Genna says," she said. “In the car, I have to do a lot of math, every day, to make sure we’re o n t h e r i g h t t i m e ,”

G e n n a s a id . “ Yo u ’r e a lways at pit stops compa r i n g t he nu mbers to try to see who is right. You’re really st ressed out a nd you never really know until the end of the day." Being a part of The Great Race is "such an i n c r e d i bl e j o u r n e y,” Olivia said. “You get to meet so ma ny people that you never would have been able to know.

It ’s re a l ly b e en a n incredible experience and we’re really happy to be a part of it. “ We h o p e to d o i t for as long as the good Lord will let us,” she added . “ It ’s wh at we l o v e t o d o . We j u s t really feel blessed to be part of such an amazing thing a nd be surrounded by such wonderful people. It’s what we love."

i ly h a s g a i n e d s om e national attention themselves, being reported on several outlets and social media sites. T hey’ve a lso been included in the #EatingWhileBlack. “That hashtag really br i n g s te a r s to m e ,” said Dobson. “Because it’s true. That’s all we were doi ng. People from around Georgia have sent me personal messages saying how sorry they are and that they don’t tolerate that.” Dobson continued to express her appreciat ion to New n a n resid e n t s for t h e i r k i n d word s . S h e e x pl a i n s that she sha res the messages to her children. “T h is sit uation ha s made my children very aw a re t h a t t h e y c a n do absolutely nothing wrong and still be disc r i m i n ate d a g a i n st ,” sa id Dobson . “I wa nt t hem to k now t hat t here a re people t hat don’t ca re what color your sk in is a nd they will love you just the way you are.” To Dobson, this is a situation of racism. “I do not judge t he p e o p l e o f N e w n a n ,” said Dobson. “I k now there are a lot of good people ever ywhere . B ut when we f ind t hose bad seeds, we have to dea l w it h t hose bad se e d s . We can’t allow people like that to work in a public place that could potentially hurt your grandson, your daughter or you r fr iends. It ’s not fair.” Subway could not be reached for comment. However, according to Dobson, the employee is on “adm i n istrative leave” a nd t he sit uat ion is u nder rev iew. Dobson suggests training for the employee. According to employees t h at work at t he location, t he employee who ca l led t he p ol ice no lon ger works at the location. Also, according to the e m ploye e s , t h e S u b way has since received threats. According to t he employee’s former co-

workers, the incident may not i nvolve race because the woman is m a r r ie d to a m a n of color. Accordi ng to WSB TV 2, the Subway franc h i s e e ow ner i s s ue d

t h e fo l l ow i n g s t a t e ment, “I take this very s e r i o u s l y, a n d I a m f u l ly i nvest igat i ng. I h ave a lso used t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y to r e i terate to my sta ff t he i m p o r t a n c e o f m a k-

ing ever yone feel welcome.” Dobson also revealed that the franchisee owner called and apolog i z ed to t he fa m i ly after the incident.


continued from page 1

i n . We n e v e r e v e n re a l i z ed t here wa s a back door back t here because we’re just using the bathroom.” Dobson describes her fa m i ly as, “working professiona ls a nd our children do well in school.” I n t he 91 1 c a l l , t he operator tries to clarify with the employee, “You said you need an o f f i c e r to c o m e a n d check t he rest au ra nt because there’s a customer that’s been there for awhile?” To wh ic h t he Sub way employee responds, “No it’s not a customer.” “ I t ’s m o r e w o m e n t h a n m e n ,” s a y s t h e employee later in the call. The travelers i ncluded Dobson a nd her husband, Othniel, Felicia's sister and the couple’s four children. Their three daughters are ages 19, 13 and 12. Their son’s age is 8. A concerned Dobson descr ibes t h at it is harmful to describe her children as adults to the police. “They had wanted a bunch of cups so that they can get water and now they’re all coming b a c k a n d for t h w it h not clea r c ups , a nd I believe they’re getting sod a a nd not water,” said the employee during the 91 1 ca ll. “A nd they need to go. They just need to go.” “ My h u s b a n d p a i d f o r e v e r y o n e ’s f o o d with a debit card,” said Dobson. “He asked for seven cups so that we could put ice in them. We t r a v e l e d w i t h snacks and had a jug of Minute Maid. We don’t really drin k sodas. T h at ’s why we a sked for the cups.” Dobson explains that t he “ not c le a r c up s ” was her travel cup that she filled with ice. “ We d i d n ’ t s t e a l a ny t h i ng,” sa id Dob son. “It was a situation t hat we were blessed to wa l k away f rom ,” said Dobson. “We see the news where police a re c a l led on pe ople of color. A nd it j u s t ends up w rong. T h at phone call was dangerous. We just happened

to have a great police off icer who wa s wel l trained.” W hen t he responding officer arrived, he assessed the situation and apologized to the family. “If an officer arrives on a scene and there’s nothing going on and he sees nothi n g c r i m i n a l or a nyt h i ng l i ke t h at ,” sa id Buster Meadows, New na n police ch ief, “a ll he could’ve done was clea r t he scene and talk to the people i nvolved. T he off icer ha ndled the situation correctly.” A police report was not made. “When someone interrupts you in that way it just shocks you,” s a i d D o b s o n . “ Yo u k now it h appen s but there’s no way to prepare for that. There’s no way to prepare your kids for that.” Accord i n g to D ob son, the police officer told the family that he got a ca ll about them n o t p ay i n g for t h ei r food. “ It ’s a c a l l of s e rv ice,” sa id Meadows . “People feel like they need us to go. It does tie up some other calls that may come in, but officers are assigned to the call and they handle it.” Dobson describes t he rest of t heir road trip as “saddening,” as her children were visibly upset. In other cities around the country, news outlets have repor ted t he police bei ng ca l led on peo ple of color for selling water bottles on a sidewalk, grilling in a park, swimming in a subdiv i sion pool , wea r i n g socks to a community pool a nd mow i ng t he lawn. The police were called on a black state representative, in Oregon, for ca mpa ign ing door-to-door as well. “If t here’s no criminal activity it ma kes me wonder why t hey called the police t o s t a r t w i t h ,” s a i d Meadows . “ I f t here’s no c r i m i n a l a c t iv it y t here ’s not muc h we can do.” The Dobson fam-

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4 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

A peaceful moment

ALEX MCRAE Independence Day was just around the corner. People everywhere else were planning barbecues and parties and packing their cars for vacation trips. Not here. The cavernous waiting room at the supersized medical facility was packed. No streamers were hung from the walls. No bunting was draped across the entrance. No patriotic music played on the sound system. The mood was quiet and serious with a hint of anxiety. Just a few feet away, in the offices beyond t he wa iti ng room, friends and loved ones were being poked, prodded, stuck, squeezed and slid in and out of noisy machines. Lives and futures were literally on the line. Sitting nervously, tapping their toes or gnawing their nails as a friend or loved one

was diagnosed or treated was a group that appeared to include at least one member of every race, religion, shape, color, size, ethnicity – and opinion – in the world. We could have posed for the official 2018 Portrait of America. There was little else to do but size each other up, trying to guess who might start trouble and who might stop it. The tension was thick and nerves were raw. A wrong word could easily have sent tempers flaring. It never happened. We had more important things on our minds. Directly across from me, an older couple who appeared to be Asian spoke quietly to each other in a language I didn’t understand. Next to them an African-American man was sandwiched between two little girls who sat quietly and snuck looks at me. I looked back. Smiles were exchanged. “Beautiful young ladies,” I said to the man. “Thank you,” he said. “They got their mother’s looks, but they can still be a handful.” A few seats away, a couple of teenagers sporting fancy shoes and big smiles were on their own, waiting for someone to be treated and released. They were too tight to fight, but passed the time trying to nudge each other into some harmless mischief. A woman speaking what I recognized as Spanish pointed two youngsters to seats beside her where they sat quietly as the minutes ticked away. A child started crying. No one

Ask Miss Pearl

seemed to mind. His mother passed the baby to the man next to her and went back to be seen by a doctor. The child calmed right down. When the mother came out, she was clearly distracted and started walking away. As the family followed, the Asian man jumped to his feet and in perfect English said, “Ma'am, you forgot your bag.” She collected her purse and thanked him in a Southern drawl Scarlett O’Hara would have envied. For almost an hour, people came and went. Some may have been suspicious of me because of how I looked or talked. They might have suspected I felt the same way about them. But no one raised a voice in protest or a fist in anger. No one asked my political opinion or who I’d voted for. No one really cared. I got it. We had been brought together by circumstance and chance, but left to ourselves, forced to focus on really important things, like the well-being of a loved one, we got along just fine. For a moment, maybe two, it occurred to me that if we could see each other at our most vulnerable, in settings where courtesy and manners mattered more than ideology, we might all be able to get along a little better. It was a brief thought. But a nice one. Alex McRae is the author of “There Ain’t No Gentle Cycle on the Washing Machine of Love.” He can be reached at: alexmmcrae@ gmail.com

Ummm, I trust you will insist that your daughter use her own money to pay the fine.

MISS PEARL Dear Miss Pearl, Would you believe my teenage daughter has already gotten a ticket for talking on her phone while driving? Shouldn’t she have received a warning since this is a new law? Yes, I believe it, and no, she should not have received a warning. I wish I could personally thank the officer who gave her the ticket! Surely this new law did not come as a surprise to you and your daughter – we have been inundated with information regarding the changes in phone use while driving. And social media has been blowing up with the new guidelines. I am thrilled about this new law and hopefully there will be a significant decrease in car accidents. I have spent years preaching to Little and Baby about the dangers of texting and driving. Maybe now they (and everyone else) will do right by this law.

And Another Thing... My lengthy “sabbatical” from pounding the pavement is finally over and I was excited to set a time and distance goal on a recent morning. The weather was perfect and I was almost giddy with anticipation. I didn’t simply fail – I failed miserably. The problem was that there was heavy visitation and dog petting on my route. I had to stop and speak to everyone, not because I felt like I had to, but because I wanted to. There is a lot of wisdom out early in the morning and most of the time I am on the receiving end of it. I would much rather visit than meet a goal or win the race. And anyhow, those of us who don’t win get the same T-shirt and medal as the winner. Sounds like a no-brainer to me! Miss Pearl is one of Newnan's leading authorities on modern etiquette. She gladly lends her advice to everyone whether they want it or not, because, "After all, it's all about the children and setting a good example for them." Her videos are available on her Facebook page, and she can be reached at misspearl678@gmail.com

Bridging the Gap seeking support as ministry grows and changes Sign up for


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God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God. Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work. Psalm 62:11-12 America Must Stand With Israel! God is Good All The Time The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc.



Community leaders chat prior to the start of the program at Breakfast at the Gap, a first step in seeking to raise community awareness and support for Bridging the Gap’s expanding ministries.

BY W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com “There is no doubt what God is doing here,” local pastor Clint Nolder said at a meeting to connect Bridging the Gap with potential supporters and partners. “There’s something special going on in Newnan,” agreed John Melia, who recently completed a stint as interim executive director of the ministry. “You can’t help but be blessed by this place.” Bridging the Gap is look i ng for f i n a nci a l support as the ministry expands. The project began in 2009, distributing food that would have been thrown away by local grocery stories to people in need and to local groups helping those people. Today BTG has a ministry that offers food regularly but also offers laundry and shower facilities for the homeless. BTG’s staff and volunteers, in fact, help people with a wide range of issues. Staff members even have been known to transport people needing help with long-term substance abuse problems to facilities several hours away. The needs are growing. In May 2017, BTG served 403 households. By May of this year, that number had grown to 825 households. Although the economy seems to be improving, many people are caught in a tough situation. “A lot of people we work

with fall just above the poverty gap,” Melia said. He told the group gathered for breakfast that they will be encountering people who have needs. “You have a place to send them, and we need your help,” Melia said. “We need reliable donations. We need a reliable income.” Donations to help with the ministry may be sent to Bridging the Gap, 19 First Avenue, Newnan, GA 30263. Melia said BTG often does seemingly sma ll things for people that can make a huge difference in that person getting life back on track. “W hen lives are restored, amazing things happen,” he said. The organization has undergone several major changes in the past six months, including the departure of Alison Wallace – founder and longtime head of the project – and an interim period when Melia led BTG. Last month, the organization held Breakfast at the Gap, inviting community leader to enjoy pancakes while learning about the breadth of BTG’s outreach and the need for more funding. Bridging the Gap is open for people who need showers or laundry facilities on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. A hot meal is served both days. Food is distributed on

a first-come, first-served basis on Saturdays at 8 a.m. BTG’s headquarters are at 19 First Avenue. At the June 15 breakfast, Matthew Pass, president of the BTG board, praised Melia for his work with the ministry since February. “John has really done an amazing job leading us toward actualizing our mission,” he said. Pass also talked about the entire staff and their approach to people seeking help and those coming to volunteer. “They’re loving on people – whether they’re coming down here to be served or to serve,” Pass said. “ W h at a n a m a z i n g group of people we have here. That’s what makes New n a n a nd Cowet a County a great place. That’s what makes Bridging the Gap great,” he told the approximately 100 people at the breakfast. A rea churches have always been part of Bridging the Gap’s formula. Foundation Church has been involved in several BTG projects recently. Nolder, lead pastor at Foundation Church, said BTG serves as “an extension of our staff,” connecting the church with needs in the community. BTG offers “an incredible opportunity to dig in and really get our hands dirty,” he said. “It’s been a great blessing to many people,” Pass said.

First Day of School Photo

Make your child’s first day of school memorable with a color photo on keepsake page that will be printed on Sunday, August 19th. Deadline is Friday, August 10th. $20 per child ($10 each additional child in the same photo)

First Day Of School Form:

Child’s Name: ____________________________________ Grade: _____ Age: ____ Have a great year! Love_____________________________ $20 per child($10 each additional child in same photo) Mail to: First Day Of School, P.O. Box 1052, Newnan, GA 30264 Email to: classifieds@newnan.com or call 770-253-1576 Bring in to: 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 Cardholder’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Card Number:_____________________________ Exp. date:_________ CVV:________ Billing Address: __________________________________________________________ City:__________________________ State: ___________________ Zip:____________

Wednesday, July 18, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 5


Times-Herald Xtra

July 18 - 28

calendar your guide for local upcoming events


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday

July 19, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org


‘Murder in Coweta County’ 70 Years Later Thursday

July 18, 6:30 p.m., Free

Coweta County Courthouse, Newnan, 6:30 p.m. Hosted by the Coweta County Convention and Visitor Center, the events features

a “Behind the Story/ Behind the Movie” discussion by Dick Atkins, producer of the 1983 “Murder in Coweta County” movie, and his wife, Joanna. A panel discussion will include members of families involved in the 1948 murder. Seating is limited. For more information, call Mark Puckett at the Coweta County Visitors Center at 770-254-2627.

through his teachings. He will be speaking on The Banana Wars, 19141934. Due to limited seating, registration is requested for this program. Call 770683-1347 or visit www. newnancarnegie.com for more information.


‘Mary Poppins’ Tea Party Saturday


July 21, 10 a.m., $10

American Military History ‘The Banana Wars’ Friday

July 20, 2 p.m., Free

The Carnegie Library will host American Military History with Dr. Walter Todd, who has a Ph.D. in History but focuses mainly on American Military History. He has been a professor at The University of West Georgia, as well as West Georgia Technical College where he is a faculty member in the history department. He enjoys sharing his love for America’s past, present, and future

Join the cast of “Mary Poppins” at the Nixon Centre for tea, snacks and crafts. Tickets are available at the Nixon Centre. Call 770-254-2787 for more information.


Coweta County Farmers Market Saturday

July 21, 9 a.m., Free

Every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. during the summer, the Coweta County Farmers Market offers fresh produce and products from local vendors, including fruits, vegetables,

flowers, honey, jams and breads. The Coweta County Farmers Market is located at the Asa Powell Expo Center on Temple Avenue in Newnan. Contact the Coweta County Extension office at 770-254-2620 or visit www.ugaextension. com/coweta for more information.



‘Mary Poppins’ Thursday

July 26, 27 & 28, 7:00 p.m., $15

21 WHITESBURG FOMR Walk and Talk Saturday

July 21, 9 a.m., Free

Meet at the Council Bluff pavilion at McIntosh Reserve Park. Jeff Bishop, Newnan historian, will talk about the history of the Creek Indians at the Reserve. Parking fees will be waived for program participants. For more information, call 770-830-5879 or visit www.friendsofmcI ntoshreserve.org .


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Tuesday

July 24, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www.

One of the most popular Disney movies of all time is capturing hearts in a whole new way: a practically perfect musical. Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the classic Walt Disney film, Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s “Mary Poppins” delighted Broadway audiences for over 2,500 performances and received nominations for nine Olivier and seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical. STAR students from East Coweta, Newnan, and Northgate High will present “Mary Poppins” as an enchanting mixture of unforgettable songs, breathtaking dance numbers and astonishing stagecraft at the Nixon Centre in Newnan. For more information, call the Nixon Centre at 770-254-2787 or visit https://www. thenixoncentre.net/ .


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday

July 26, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio

is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org


Bald Eagle Program Saturday

July 28, 1 p.m., $8

Join the Chattahoochee Bend State Park naturalist to learn about the bald eagles at the park, with a short hike to the eagle nest. Cost is $3 plus $5 parking. Chattahoochee Bend State Park is located off Highway 16, just west of Newnan. For more information, call 770-254-7271.


Coweta County Farmers Market Saturday

July 28, 9 a.m., Free

Every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. during the summer, the Coweta County Farmers Market offers fresh produce and products from local vendors, including fruits, vegetables, flowers, honey, jams and breads. The Coweta County Farmers Market is located at the Asa Powell Expo Center on Temple Avenue in Newnan. Contact the Coweta County Extension office at 770-254-2620 or visit www.ugaextension. com/coweta for more information.




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6 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, July 18, 2018

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