2021 Honors_Trinity, Heritage, Central

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Saturday, June 26, 2021 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 1C

Trinity Christian School

Student honors 2021

• Photos of 2021 graduation • A letter to seniors from head of school

Trinity Christian School Student Honors 2021 Published by The Newnan Times-Herald Saturday, June 26, 2021

Photos courtesy Trinity Christian School Trinity Christian School’s Valedictorian Morgan Ross, left, and Salutatorian John Geter.

Resilience, endurance and hope BY MATTHEW FOURMAN

Trinity Christian Valedictorian

Good evening seniors, and congratulations on making it to May 20, your graduation. Many people will describe this day as the end of an era, but I like to think about it as the beginning. It is often said that when one door is closed another opens. Well, I can’t think of a more fitting analogy for this day than that. We are leaving our childhood years behind us and beginning the journey through adulthood. One door closes, another opens. Looking back on our four years of high school, we’ve had some adventures to say the least. How about in ninth grade, we had the jumpy-house, packing peanut, billfaced fiasco of a prank at the old campus that got cleaned up and deflated before we could even enjoy it. Or how about us needing to completely up and move to a whole new building and re-learn all of our classrooms halfway through sophomore year. All the sports practices and the band recitals, the late nights, the early mornings. From the long walks from the parking lot to the short walks in the hallways. From Costco Thursday to weekly chapel. Every homework assignment, week-long break, study sesh, and Chick-fil-A run. All these things make up the story of your last four years, and, like it or not, whether you are hopeful or saddened, that story has come to an end, today, your graduation. However, I’m not a huge fan of this perspective. To me, while it is beneficial to learn from it, focusing too much on the past has the potential to distract you from what is to come. That’s why I said that I like to think of this as a beginning

of something better, a new chapter of your life, if you will. Now I’m not going to stand up here and promise y’all a perfect life, because we all know hard times are inevitable, they’re going to happen no matter how much we try to avoid them. No one’s really free from trials, you all know this even from your own lives. From the move to the new campus a little over two years ago to this pandemic that doesn’t seem to go away, we’ve all had our fair share of tribulation. I want to share with you an adversity from my life and how I found strength and confidence to endure through it. I was raised over in Fayetteville from birth up until 8th grade, attending the same school which sat on the same plot of land as my church so you can imagine my days became very orderly: to school and back Mondays through Fridays, a rest on Saturdays, and back to the school building for church Sunday morning and night. If you know me very well, you’ll know I’m a very orderly, detailed person (for those of you who are unaware, I’m going up to the cornfields of Ohio to study math in college so that should give you a pretty good picture of where my head’s at). Due to this orderliness God put inside me, I loved this routine… I adored knowing exactly what, where, and how my day would look week after week, month after month, year after year. The problem with this was that I put too much security in my circumstances that when disaster struck, as it did when my church split and we were forced to find a new school, I was lost. I didn’t know where to turn, I felt hopeless and unsure of everything. I felt like I had no purpose or grounding for my life as my support was pulled out from under me. If I learned one thing coming

out of this experience it’s that our foundation cannot be in our intellect, position, grades, athleticism, social status, just fill in the blank. Seniors, if you go into the future putting your whole weight on this earthly dust, when the trials of life come, like the foolish man of Matthew 7, your house will fall, like mine did in the summer of 2017. So the question that naturally follows is how do we fortify our houses? If you want to succeed in this next step of your life (I’m assuming you all want to), the foundation of your life’s house must be solid so you may bend and sway but not break at the trials of life. The easiest way I can see to secure your foundation is to have a defined sense of purpose. Now this is a very deep topic that has confused scientists and philosophers alike since the beginning of time, but us Christians have a very simple calling, to proclaim God’s love to those around us. Many verses speak to this, like 1 Peter 4:11 - “If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ”, So that’s the ultimate goal: for His name’s sake. The ultimate goal of all God’s dealings with you is that the name of Christ would be exalted in your life, and in your job, and in your family, and among your friendships, and everywhere you go this afternoon and tomorrow. Will Christ be exalted? Will people read the banner of Christ off your life? That’s why you exist. It’s here where I’m reminded of something my old pastor used to recite before each and every sermon: 1 Corinthians 2:4-5, “My speech and my preachContinued on page 3C...

Honors night photos are available for purchase online at photos.times-herald.com

An empathetic heart can do wonders for the world BY LILLIE PARKER

Trinity Christian Salutatorian

Hey guys! I’m so honored to be able to stand before you as a fellow graduate standing on the precipice of a future filled with opportunities. When I think of the future, it often scares me. We graduates of 2021 are getting ready to go on to a new phase in our lives, a whole new world. And the need for sound advice is needed more than ever at a time like this. We will receive many great gifts as we graduate but I’ve found that some of the best gifts are given in the form of advice. So, I offer some guidance from a young girl who knows only of the nature of herself and the peers around her. The first piece of advice is one of the most important aspects of life; how to love. In our sophomore year, we read (To Kill a Mockingbird). From this book I found the perfect way to explain love, through empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, though Atticus Finch explains it in his famous quote to climb into the skin of another and walk around in it. Empathy is a perspective change that can help you understand motives and emotions. Empathize with someone; see them and understand. It’ll change your life to make a habit of utilizing your empathy because it serves as a reminder that we are all human with not so different situations. From empathy, mercy and grace can grow. God instructs us to love Him and to love people. An empathetic heart can do wonders for

the world because it shows love in action and allows us to see people as God intended them. Walk around in someone else’s skin; listen intently to their story and know that they’ve lived a story that is not your own. My second piece of advice is to see the good in spite of bad situations. To fall into the trap of pessimism is one of the many dangers that we will face through our lives. We’ve seen it happen countless times, the naive idealist enters the real world to become a jaded cynic. However we should try to think about disillusionment in a more positive light because after all, “Better terrible truths than kind lies.” It would be foolish to believe that the world offers only joy, positivity, and justice because it is simply untrue, a kind lie, but a lie nonetheless. Yes, the world can be unkind, but that realization does not have to kill the idealist within. For example, from the cancelled senior events, to the life changing pandemics, and even the lack of AP Calc cinnamon rolls, this year has had those terrible truths. However, these terrible truths do not destroy the good in our senior year; the free period coffee runs, the ability to see friends in person for school, the memories from the failed senior prank. In a more spiritual sense, as Christians, we accept the harsh truth that we will face trials and tribulations, yet have faith that Christ will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us. So let me leave you with one final thought; embrace adversity because in that you can find beauty.


Congratulations 2021


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2C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 26, 2021

Trinity 2021

Dear 2021 TCS Graduate, The Trinity community is so proud of you. You are resilient, strong, and courageous. You have the making of the next, “Greatest Generation!” Greatness is not forged from ease and comfort, but from struggle, pain, and difficulty. Adversity has shaped you for “such a time as this.” Although many have shrunk back in this season of darkness and isolation, you have embraced the challenge and have flourished as a result. Henry Ford encouraged, “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” While some may urge you to be a “future leader,” I am calling on you to start now. Just as the existential threats of the past formed greatness in the heroes of that day, you are being commissioned to take this incredible opportunity to be all that God has called you to be and do all that God has called you to do. Congratulations to the class of 2021. Be great for God and lead us into a promising future. Grace and peace! Mark J. Anthony Mark J. Anthony, DIS

Preparing today’s student to impact tomorrow’s world.

Trinity Christian School Class of 2021 * Honors (3.5 to 4.0 GPA) ** Principal’s List (4.0 or higher GPA) **Valedictorian: Matthew Fourman **Salutatorian: Lillian Parker *Sarah Amoako Laney Armistead *Daniel Baird *Jackson Barnes Kebbron Berhanu **Lili Bourque **Mali Bourque *Sydney Bragg Ludwing Brito *Blake Brown *Tyler Brown

Yakira Corbett *Jordan Crook *Palmer Davis *Anna Dénes *Isabella Donnelly **Molly Duncan **Grayson Dunn Matthew Eklund **Matthew Fourman Thomas Fournier *Michael Freeman Charles Garner Ethan Gordon **Lily Gregory **Noah Grimes *Celia Gwinn Emma Hancock Cassie Hartshorn *Luke Hineline Tiana Hosea *William Huey

**Brianna Huff **Abigail Hullett **Sarah Hurt Bryton Jackson Cameron Jones *Diana Justice Raymond Kopca Hunter Laase *Melanie Landers *Emma Long **Olivia Loris *Emma Lucas Logan Lundy Matthew Maupin Gabriel Mayo *Chase McBurnett **Carter McCabe **Kaylee McConnell **Maitlin McCracken *Emma McCurry **Bryan McGuire

*Caycie Metcalf **Robert Mitchell Cheyenne Mix *Emma Montgomery **Nathan Moore *Michael Morge *Harrison Ohmsieder **Joshua Olson **Elizabeth Owen *Marco Pagsisihan **Lillian Parker Harley Pendley Sami Pissis *Maxwell Pope **William Price *Sierra Randolph Giavannah Rivers **Jordan Roberts **Reagan Rogers Chase Roosen Brian Schermerhorn

**Isabella Scott Weston Shaw *Zeniya Sims *Connor Smith **Kyle Stephenson **Kinsey Stierwalt **Grace Sweeney *Adyson Taylor *Gracie Taylor *Zachary Taylor **Sydney Thomas Henry Thompson Jonathon Trant **Sofia Varela *Hannah Walker Bailey West **Jenna Wilson *Luke Wilson *Thomas Yeager

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 3C

Trinity 2021

Continued from page 1C... ing were not with the enticing words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power, that your faith would not stand upon the words of man but on the power of God.” Our lives are not for our sake, but in demonstration of God’s spirit and His power. You’re not here to make a name for yourself,

you are not made to go into the world to seek your own glory or to advance your own fame. You were put on this earth for one reason and one reason only: to proclaim the power of God and the majesty of His name to those around you. This is accomplished through everything you do: your speech, your actions, your demeanor, your friendships. This command, like all the others, is

summed up in one word: love. Outlined for us in the last supper, Christians’ supreme, overarching, final charge is to, “Love one another... By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Seniors, if you embrace this, it will give your future life meaning, stability, and grounding. This charge is our number one command for a reason, because it is through this that we

have the most resilience, the most endurance, the most hope. So seniors, as you head into your future and adulthood, build your house on Christ, the only solid foundation you will find. Go out your days with Him as your guide. Love others, putting their needs before your own. Always strive to be not just patient and kind, but hopeful and resilient as well.

Don’t forget where you came from and the lessons that you have learned along the way. Give your life fully to Christ, live out His commands of loving others relentlessly and He will direct your paths. It won’t necessarily be the straight, no-challenge path we all dream of, but a life with Christ as the center will be one filled with purpose, meaning, and ultimately, unrelenting joy.

4C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 26, 2021

Trinity 2021

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 5C

Trinity 2021

Congratulations Graduates CLASS OF 2021

Georgia Bone and Joint Celebrates With You!

6C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 26, 2021

Trinity 2021 2021 Trinity Christian School Honors Day

STUDENT COUNCIL GRADUATES President: Lily Gregory Vice President: William Price Sarah Amoako Lili Bourque Mali Bourque Jordan Lee Crook Lily Gregory Tiana Hosea Abigail Hullet Emma Lucas Elizabeth Owen Lillie Parker William Price Sierra Randolph Giavannah Rivers Reagan Rogers Isabella Scott Kinsey Stierwalt Grace Sweeney Sydney Thomas Harley Pendley NATIONAL HONORS SOCIETY GRADUATES Executive Members: Matthew Fourman Mali Bourque Lillian Parker Sarah Hurt Olivia Loris Elizabeth Owen William Price Sofia Varela Senior Members: Sarah Amoako Lili Bourque Sydney Bragg Molly Duncan Lily Gregory Noah Grimes Celia Gwinn Brianna Huff Abigail Hullett Carter McCabe Kaylee McConnell Maitlin McCracken Bryan McGuire Robert Mitchell Nathan Moore Joshua Olson Marco Pagsisihan Maxwell Pope Jordan Roberts Reagan Rogers Isabella Scott Kyle Stephenson Kinsey Stierwalt Grace Sweeney Sydney Thomas Jenna Wilson BETA CLUB GRADUATES President: Sofia Varela Vice President of Records: Abigail Hullett Vice President of Project Management: Beth Owen Communications Director: Will Price Senior Project Managers: Sierra Randolph and Sydney Thomas Sarah Amoako Danny Baird Lili Bourque Mali Bourque Sydney Bragg Tyler Brown Jordan Crook Maddie Donnelly Molly Duncan Grayson Dunn Matt Fourman Lily Gregory Noah Grimes Celia Gwinn Luke Hineline Will Huey Brianna Huff Sarah Hurt Mel Landers Emma Long Olivia Loris Emma Lucas Carter McCabe Kaylee McConnell Mattie McCracken Emma McCurry Bryan McGuire Caycie Metcalf Robert Mitchell Emma Montgomery Nathan Moore Harrison Ohmsieder Joshua Olson Marco Pagsisihan Lillie Parker Maxwell Pope Jordan Roberts Reagan Rogers Chase Roosen Bella Scott Kyle Stephenson Kinsey Stierwalt Grace Sweeney Jenna Wilson Luke Wilson Thomas Yeager CHICK-FIL-A LEADERSHIP ACADEMY GRADUATES Lili Bourque Matthew Fourman Noah Grimes Abigail Hullett Emma Lucas Bryan McGuire Rob Mitchell Sydney Thomas Jenna Wilson


NICAL COLLEGE CORDS Diana Justice Logan Lundy Chase McBurnett Brian Schermerhorn Zachary Taylor GRADUATES WITH NINE OR MORE DE/AP CREDITS Lili Bourque Mali Bourque Sydney Bragg Jordan Lee Crook Palmer Davis Grayson Dunn Matt Fourman Noah Grimes Celia Gwinn Luke Hineline Brianna Huff Abigail Hullett Sarah Hurt Olivia Loris Logan Lundy Chase McBurnett Carter McCabe Kaylee McConnell Mattie McCracken Bryan Mcguire Caycie Metcalf Rob Mitchell Nathan Moore Josh Olson Elizabeth Owen Marco Pagsisihan Lillie Parker Maxwell Pope Will Price Jordan Roberts Brian Schermerhorn Bella Scott Kinsey Stierwalt Grace Sweeney Zach Taylor Sydney Thomas Sofia Varela Hannah Walker SPECIAL HONORS Principal’s Award: Robert Mitchell Lions Award: Bryan McGuire STAR Student: Nathan Moore ROTC Recognition: March Pagsisihan Kiwanis Scholarship: Robert Mitchell Rotary Cup: Sofia Varela Yale Book Award: Sam Granade Athletes of the Year: Danny Baird, Reagan Rogers DEPARTMENTAL AWARDS Art: Kylie Beckman, Leah Ross (H), Sydney Bragg (AP) Chorus: Michelina Ryan, Jake Williams Theater: Will Price, Mel Landers Yearbook: Paisley Hayes, Sarabeth Odom Bible: Josh Savoy, Rylee Banks, Anna Sweitzer Servant Leadership: Austin Cannon, Blythe Middleton, Sam Granade, Mali Bourque Spanish: Kylie Bragg, Ethan McDowell; (AP) Joshua Taylor, Ainsley Carr, Will Price History: Rebekah Flournoy, Jackson Sullivan, Noah Grimes; (AP) William Manwaring, Jack Lawson, Hannah Heilman, Matt Fourman (AP US Government and Politics) Sydney Thomas (AP Macro Economics) Literature: Natalie Hall, Ethan McDowell, McKayla Neill, Cassie Hartshorn; (AP) Addie Moore Graycn Duncan, Hannah Heilman, Sarah Hurt (AP Lit) Science: Julie Rypkema, Rylee Banks, Abbie Jerome, Blake Brown; (AP/H) Cameron Todhunter, Kaitlyn Seymour, Emmie Wiekle, Noah Grimes Math: Katelyn Hayes, Mateo Arrango, Sarah Nelson, Luke Wilison; (AP) Austin Cannon, Griffin Cox, Anna Swietzer, Nathan Moore At level Honors/AP Katelyn Hayes Austin Cannon Mateo Arrango Griffin Cox Sarah Nelson Anna Swietzer Luke Wilison Nathan Moore Math At level Honors/AP 9th Katelyn Hayes Austin Cannon 10th Mateo Arrango Griffin Cox 11th Sarah Nelson Anna Swietzer 12th Luke Wilison Nathan Moore Science

At level Honors/AP 9th Julie Rypkema Cameron Todhunter 10th Rylee Banks Kaitlyn Seymour 11th Abbie Jerome Emmie Wiekle 12th Blake Brown Noah Grimes Literature At level Honors/AP 9th Natalie Hall Addie Moore 10th Ethan McDowell Graycn Duncan 11th McKayla Neill Hannah Heilman 12th Cassie Hartshorn Sarah Hurt (AP Lit) History At level Honors/AP 9th n/a William Manwaring 10th Rebekah Flournoy Jack Lawson 11th Jackson Sullivan Hannah Heilman 12th Noah Grimes Matt Fourman (AP US Government and Politics) Sydney Thomas (AP Macro Economics) Spanish At level Honors/AP 9th Spanish 1 Kylie Bragg no honors spanish 1 Spanish 2 Ethan McDowell Joshua Taylor 11th-Spanish 3 n/a Ainsley Carr AP Spanish n/a Will Price Bible 9th Josh Savoy 10th Rylee Banks 11th Anna Sweitzer 12th Servant Leadership 9th Austin Cannon 10th Blythe Middleton 11th Sam Granade 12th Mali Bourque Art Award Kylie Beckman Leah Ross (H) Sydney Bragg (AP) Choral Award Michelina Ryan Jake Williams Theater Awards Will Price Mel Landers Yearbook Paisley Hayes & Sarabeth Odom Athletes of the Year Male Danny Baird Female Reagan Rogers Yale Book Award Sam Granade Rotary Cup Scholarship $1,000 Sofia Varela Kiwanis Scholarship $2,000 Robert Mitchell ROTC Recognition March Pagsisihan STAR Student Nathan Moore LIONS Award Bryan McGuire Principal's Award Robert Mitchell Junior Marshals Top 10% of the Junior Class Boswell, Connor Embry, Elisabeth Grace, Maggie Granade, Samuel Heilman, Hannah Hong, Alexandria Lawson, Alexandria Pabst, Victoria Rice, Reagan Robbins, Margaret Sweitzer, Anna White, Canna Wiseley, Brooke Graduates with a 95 average or higher Bourque, Lili Bourque, Mali Fourman, Matthew Grimes, Noah

Hurt, Sarah Loris, Olivia McCabe, Carter McGuire, Bryan Moore, Nathan Olson, Joshua Owen, Elizabeth Parker, Lillian Price, William Roberts, Jordan Rogers, Reagan Thomas, Sydney Graduates with Nine or More DE/AP Credits Lili Bourque Mali Bourque Sydney Bragg Jordan Lee Crook Palmer Davis Grayson Dunn Matt Fourman Noah Grimes Celia Gwinn Luke Hineline Brianna Huff Abigail Hullett Sarah Hurt Olivia Loris Logan Lundy Chase McBurnett Carter McCabe Kaylee McConnell Mattie McCracken Bryan Mcguire Caycie Metcalf Rob Mitchell Nathan Moore Josh Olson Elizabeth Owen Marco Pagsisihan Lillie Parker Maxwell Pope Will Price Jordan Roberts Brian Schermerhorn Bella Scott Kinsey Stierwalt Grace Sweeney Zach Taylor Sydney Thomas Sofia Varela Hannah Walker Graduates earning West Georgia Technical College cords Diana Justice Logan Lundy Chase McBurnett Brian Schermerhorn Zachary Taylor Chick Fil A Leadership Academy Graduates Lili Bourque Matthew Fourman Noah Grimes Abigail Hullett Emma Lucas Bryan McGuire Rob Mitchell Sydney Thomas Jenna Wilson Beta Club Graduates President: Sofia Varela Vice President of Records Abigail Hullett Vice President of Project management - Beth Owen Communications director Will Price Senior project Managers Sierra Randolph and Sydney Thomas Sarah Amoako Danny Baird Lili Bourque Mali Bourque Sydney Bragg

Tyler Brown Jordan Crook Maddie Donnelly Molly Duncan Grayson Dunn Matt Fourman Lily Gregory Noah Grimes Celia Gwinn Luke Hineline Will Huey Brianna Huff Sarah Hurt Mel Landers Emma Long Olivia Loris Emma Lucas Carter McCabe Kaylee McConnell Mattie McCracken Emma McCurry Bryan McGuire Caycie Metcalf Robert Mitchell Emma Montgomery Nathan Moore Harrison Ohmsieder Joshua Olson Marco Pagsisihan Lillie Parker Maxwell Pope Jordan Roberts Reagan Rogers ChaseRoosen Bella Scott Kyle Stephenson Kinsey Stierwalt Grace Sweeney Jenna Wilson Luke Wilson Thomas Yeager National Honors Society Graduates Executive Members: Fourman, Matthew Bourque, Mali Parker, Lillian Hurt, Sarah Loris, Olivia Owen, Elizabeth Price, William Varela, Sofia Senior Members: Amoako, Sarah Bourque, Lili Bragg, Sydney Duncan, Molly Gregory, Lily Grimes, Noah Gwinn, Celia Huff, Brianna Hullett, Abigail McCabe, Carter McConnell, Kaylee McCracken, Maitlin McGuire, Bryan Mitchell, Robert Moore, Nathan Olson, Joshua Pagsisihan, Marco Pope, Maxwell Roberts, Jordan Rogers, Reagan Scott, Isabella Stephenson, Kyle Stierwalt, Kinsey Sweeney, Grace Thomas, Sydney Wilson, Jenna Principal’s List (4.0 and higher GPA) Valedictorian: Matthew Fourman Salutatorian: Lillian Parker Bourque, Lili Bourque, Mali Duncan, Molly

Dunn, Grayson Fourman, Matthew Gregory, Lily Grimes, Noah Huff, Brianna Hullett, Abigail Hurt, Sarah Loris, Olivia McCabe, Carter McConnell, Kaylee McCracken, Maitlin McGuire, Bryan Mitchell, Robert Moore, Nathan Olson, Joshua Owen, Elizabeth Parker, Lillian Price, William Roberts, Jordan Rogers, Reagan Roosen, Chase Scott, Isabella Stephenson, Kyle Stierwalt, Kinsey Sweeney, Grace Thomas, Sydney Varela, Sofia Wilson, Jenna Honors Graduate (3.5 to 4.0) Amoako, Sarah Baird, Daniel Barnes, Jackson Bragg, Sydney Brown, Tyler Crook, Jordan Davis, Palmer Dénes, Anna Donnelly, Isabella Freeman, Michael Gwinn, Celia Hineline, Luke Huey, William Justice, Diana Landers, Melanie Long, Emma Lucas, Emma McBurnett, Chase McCurry, Emma Metcalf, Caycie Montgomery, Emma Morge, Michael Ohmsieder, Harrison Pagsisihan, Marco Pope, Maxwell Randolph, Sierra Sims, Zeniya Smith, Connor Taylor, Adyson Taylor, Gracie Taylor, Zachary Walker, Hannah Wilson, Luke Yeager, Thomas Student Council Graduates President - Lily Gregory Vice President - William Price Sarah Amoako Lili Bourque Mali Bourque Jordan Lee Crook Lily Gregory Tiana Hosea Abigail Hullet Emma Lucas Elizabeth Owen Lillie Parker William Price Sierra Randolph Giavannah Rivers Reagan Rogers Isabella Scott Kinsey Stierwalt Grace Sweeney Sydney Thomas Harley Pendley

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 7C

Trinity 2021 Trinity Christian School Underclassmen Honor Roll The following are students in Grades 9-11 at Trinity Christian School who maintained cumulative GPAs of 3.5 or higher for the 2020-21 school year. Ernesto Almonte Ava Anthony Luke Anthony Logan Barnes Hollie Batchelor James Batchelor Carson Beach Gavin Benge Caleb Bethea Ethan Bloomfield Joseph Bourque Liliana Bowling Ava Bowman Timothy Brown Madelyn Bynum Shaoqing Cai Benjamin Carter Aedan Cates Dillon Church Landon Clare

Zenar Coggins Carter Compton Jonah Conaway Caleb Cook William Cook Sean Cooper Elena Cuestas David Dallas Joshua Dallas Megan Davis Molly Davis Micah Dell Connor DePriest Dylan DePriest Nicholas Dugan Coleman Duncan Blake Dunckel Riley Earl Sarah Evans Aaron Gates Caleb Gordon Trevor Griffin Ava Gustason Porter Haire Natalie Hall Adrianna Harrison Kayla Head

Ethan Heilman Ethan Higgins Logan Howard Nathan Huff Chapman James Lindsey James Ayden Johnson Nicholas Jonassen Caden Jones James Jones Daniel King Samantha King Richard Knowles Jon Koger Andrew Lamb Kate Lathem Elijah Leedy Lalah Logan Jacob Lopez Lauren Loyd Christopher Mashburn Emma Maupin Naomi McAuley Emelia McBurnett Ethan McDowell Landon McInvale Matthew McWilliams

Luke Melton Gabrielle Mims Caroline Ohmsieder William Owens Jackson Parker Hasten Patel Braelin Patterson Tai Peete Austin Perret Mackenzie Phalen Allison Phillips Taylor Powell Jonathan Price Tyler Ray Kaylyn Reckart Emerson Reifschneider Rose Remy Noah Rice Rachel Roberts Christian Rodriguez Timothy Rodriguez Adrian Roman KatieGrace Rowland Carden Sakrison Noah Schloegel Luke Schwarting Lucas Scott

Abigale Smith Anna Grace Strealy Johnnie Strealy Rylan Taylor Andre Tchaykov Jack Thompson Ty Thompson Zachary Topel August Valli Eman Nicole Van William Vanderboom Emily Varela Emilie Walker Grayson Waller Kendall Wells Lane Werling Bryce Wilcox Jacob Williams Charlsey Willoughby Brooke Wilmoth Lauren Wilmoth Molly Wilson Wyatt Wilson Allison Witherington Sophia Wootten Abigail Wozniak Preston Ziobro

8C — The Newnan Times-Herald   |  Saturday, June 26, 2021

Take it from us, live your life your way and you’ll be happy where it takes YOU.



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Saturday, June 26, 2021 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 9C

The Heritage School

Student honors 2021

• Scholarship recipients • Photos of graduates • A letter from the head of school

The Heritage School Student Honors Published by The Newnan Times-Herald Saturday, June 26, 2021

Photos courtesy Heritage School, Pure Grin Photography & Chris Martin

Dare to be the best you can BY BANKS COGGIN HS Valedictorian Good evening, and congratulations, class of 2021! Thank you, Mrs. Skelly, members of the board, faculty, and fellow classmates. It is because of you that I am able to stand here and say what probably every graduation speaker has said: we made it! We made it through the highs and the lows, the ups and the downs, and everything in between. In middle school, we considered ourselves the “lucky” grade. On fifth grade interim, we were the first class that got to stay in the brand-new cabins at the Ebenezer retreat center in Savannah. And despite the drama that arose from Lee breaking his arm and the rumor that Simran had stepped on it to make it worse, we had a great time learning, goofing off, and bonding, which is what Heritage interim is all about. In sixth grade, the stories we heard about Mr. Frank Marchman throwing Expo markers at unfocused students became reality as we had him as our teacher and the first marker came flying across the room, but we were the first class lucky enough to dodge his notorious ancient history class where even the best students would do poorly on tests. Instead, we were fortunate enough to have U.S. history with him. In seventh grade, we had the best combination of teachers in middle school history: Coach Copeland, Coach Slaney, and Mr. Alden Marchman. And with these teachers, we went to Destin for quite possibly the best interim trip ever, where we spent our time hanging out at the beach, playing in the arcade at Dave and Busters, exploring the fascinating exhibits of Wonder Works, and watching Mr. Marchman battle the equally sized David White on the basketball court. We had it made. But like any other big transition in life, things changed in high school. Going into freshman year, we lost a huge chunk of our grade and went from being one of the biggest classes to one of the smaller ones. That same year, we spent our interim trudging through the notso-great smelling salt marshes at Skidaway. But we still had enough fun not to get invited back the next year. And now, the past two years have been filled with obstacles from COVID, where we missed school events, spent time apart, and lost beloved members of the Heritage

family. After all this, it is very easy to look from the outside and think that our luck ran out, but we kept our heads high and persevered together, and now we are able to celebrate this milestone. Our bond as a grade strengthened, and we went from multiple small friend groups to one united body. We hung out more as a whole, ate lunch together, laughed together, and had parties when we probably were not supposed to. So, while we will always think of COVID as something that left us without people and events that we loved, let’s also remember it as a gateway to fun, collaborative, and memorable times. Now, as we head off to college, we will undergo another huge transition. We are about to take another key step in our lives, and many things will change in ways that feel unfamiliar. To embrace these changes, we have to be open to new ideas and opportunities. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do one thing every day that scares you”. My parents have presented this same challenge to me throughout my life, but I have never realized the significance of it until now. In order to grow, we must step outside of our comfort zone and explore things that are not familiar. When you go off to college, challenge yourself to do things that scare you. Do things you usually would not do, big or small. Talk to people around you when you are standing in a line, smile at people as you walk by, accept every invitation you receive, go to that party with people you don’t know, apply for that job that seems out of your reach, and most importantly, take risks and do not be afraid to fail. You never know what it could lead to. This point in our lives is the best time to put it all on the line because we have all the time in the world to either build on our successes or recover from our failures, and there will be both. I am not asking for you to go and do one big thing to change the world, but I am encouraging you to take little steps every day to improve it for yourself and others, and the way to do this is to step outside of your comfort zone every day; you will surprise yourself with what you are capable of. Class of 2021, it’s hard to believe we are about to leave this familiar place. But as we move apart, remember

what we have learned and experienced together. Although intimidating, big transitions bring new perspectives, fond memories, and opportunities to grow. So let us proceed to this next part of our lives with our minds open to new challenges and opportunities. I will miss this campus, this school, and all of you, but I look forward to the day where we can reminisce on the “good ole days” of high school, all the while talking about our new experiences from college and beyond. And before I conclude my speech, I would like to read a poem that I received this morning at honors day from Mr. Alden Marchman. This poem wa s given to him when he graduated high school, and now he has shared it with me as I am graduating, which means a lot coming from him. I think all of us can agree that Mr. Marchman is a very special person who has always been there to guide is in the right direction, teach us, or cheer us up by giving us a quick laugh, so I feel it is only fitting for me to share this with you all. “When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully. When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it. When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway. When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back. When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some. When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going. When times are tough, dare to be tougher. When love hurts you, dare to love again. When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal. When another is lost, dare to help them find the way. When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand. W hen you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile. When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too. When the day has ended, dare to feel as if you’ve done your best. Dare to be the best you can – at all times, dare to be!” So, Class of 2021, be bold, be daring, and I wish you the best of luck. Thank you and congratulations!

Don,t forget to enjoy the journey BY JENA PATEL HS Salutatorian G ood even in g a nd welcome teachers, f a m i ly, f r iend s , a nd most impor tantly Class of 2021! It is an honor to be st a nd i n g b efore you o n t h i s m o m e nt o u s yet unique day. Back in March of 2 02 0, our beautif ul ca mp u s c l o s e d w it h a n u n k now n re op en i n g d a t e . N o o n e c o u ld h ave i m a g i ne d t h at this pandemic would drag on for as long as it did. We e n t e r e d t h i s year with uncertainty about whether or not we would be able to have a ‘normal’ senior year. However, there is one thing I did know for certain about this cla ss: that we would persevere. From m a sk re qu i rement s t o mont h ly qu a r a ntines … well only if you were on the girls basketball team (haha) … we embraced this new covid norm. W h i l e q u a r a nt i ning did have its benef its like log ging onto Microsoft teams f rom the com for t of our beds or sleeping in late, we seamlessly immersed ourselve s i nto th is new lifestyle. We cherished the time we had with our friends and family; a nd these impor ta nt qualities are what we are going to take with us as we journey on to the next phase of our life. To s a y o u r h i g h school jour ney wa s qu it e the advent u re wou ld b e a n u nderstatement . When we began freshman year, we went from a 50-pers on cl a s s t o a l mo s t a 3 0 -p er s on cl a s s – yikes. Yet despite all of these changes, we bonded; we for med close friendships and memor ies that w ill

last a lifetime. We g r e w, a n d w e ch a n ge d , b oth emo t i o n a l ly a n d p hy s ic a l l y. S o m e o f u s , like Luke Stoff le a nd D av id Brow ning, grew a lot taller, a nd then some of us had a growth spurt of m ayb e ab out one or two inches like me and Taylor (haha). We a l s o b e c a m e sm a r ter, a s we competed in classes and for Jef fer son Cup ever y ye a r, a nd of c ou r s e Ba n k s never fa iled to get ju st the h i g h enough grade to ruin the curve. We shared laughs and we bonded over our interim trips like on our senior trip where we had nightly poker games with Mr. Marchman or our seventh grade trip to Destin when 3/4ths of the grade had to be rushed to Urgent Care everyday because everyone kept stepping on oyster shells on the beach and getting their cuts infected. I think Mrs. Ga il made at lea st 10 round trips to the Urgent Care that week (haha). W h i l e we e x p e r ienced great memories during our high school journey, we also experienced great losses. I will never forget that one world history class where we learned Mr. Brown’s famous Greek lessons of time, meaning honor, and kleos, meaning renown. What I persona lly took away f rom these lessons is that wh ile seek in g honor or respect is acceptable, never be greedy or vain – always stay humble and with this, we ca n accomplish so many positive and i mp a c t f u l t h i n g s i n

Continued on page 10C...

10C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 26, 2021

Heritage School 2021

Continued from page 9C... our lifetime like these historical figures once did. While each of us may have our own Achilles’ heel, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we will always strive to achieve time and kleos in our own way. We always learned the How and the Why in M r. Brow n’s cla sses, ra rely ever focusing on the hard facts or dates because he wanted to ma ke sure that we understood what we were learning beyond the normal history lessons, allowing us to apply the lessons to real life. He a lt ogether m ade u s b et t er people by making us think that we can be as “heroic” and accomplish so many great things with our little time at Heritage. Mr. Brown’s smile and kindness will always be remembered—his constant teasing of our fellow classmates or his signature catchphrases never failed to brighten up our day. Mr. Brown will always stay a part of us wherever we go, and when we look back in 10 or 20 years, we will cherish the laughs and life discussions we shared. As the years went by, we a lso w itnessed the world changing before our eyes and our fel low p e er s took the ne ce s s a r y action to change the community for the better. Our classmates Hailey, Kadence, a nd Taylor help e d or ga n i z e the Community Council, giving a voice to minority students here at Heritage to discuss racial and mental health issues and how we as a school can do better. Our SGA Vice President B eau Ma r tin spoke on the courthouse steps this past summer to encourage fellow disappointed peers that although changing the big things may be hard, the best way to make change is through yourself: the real change comes from within: a message we should strive to live by every day. By rising to leadership positions and taking the necessary steps to enact change, our peers not only made a notable dif ference in the community but encouraged others to do the same. In cases like these, we can see that only WE can be the force that can enact lasting change. We must take the initiative to educate ourselves beyond what we see on social media or what we hear from family or friends; therefore, I

challenge you all from this moment forward to always research global issues, to challenge what you see in the news, and to understand perspectives different from your own – these little changes now go a long way in creating positive change in the future. As we move on to the next chapter of our life, we will continue to grow and learn from our past experiences, form new f riendships and memories, and perhaps one day, make a difference in the world. W E , the class of 2021, have limitless potential; perhaps Maggie and Genevieve will be our future surgeons, Hailey our local Veterinarian, Eli our reliable EMT, Mckenna a history teacher, John Cummins and Sam Lewis famous band players, Andrew a sports statistic analytic, David White a MLB Player, and Isabella Siegel an actor on Broadway. (OH by the w ay ple a s e rememb er u s when y’all are rich and famous). William Shakespeare once wrote, “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” Only W E ca n be the w r iter of ou r ow n s c r ipt , det er m i ne who WE want to be in the future, and seize the opportunities given to us, but this would not be for our family, friends, and teachers that surrounded us every day and pushed us to be the best possible versions of ourselves. So, on behalf of the entire class, I want to say thank you. Thank you to those who have stood by US and supported US to always believe in ourselves and help us reach our full potential. Tony Stark famously said, “Par t of the Journey is the end.” So, as we walk across the stage and grab our diploma to signify the end of our high school journey, remember the moments and memories that defined who we are, that ground us and teach us, so that we will never forget our common pastand ta ke this exper ience we had here for granted. So, my final advice for you guys is to live your life with integrity. Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey. Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential. SO, on behalf of The Heritage School, Welcome to the Class of 2021, Graduation—we’re finally here!

The Heritage School Honors Day HIGH HONORS AND JEFFERSON CUP Grade 5 Jefferson Cup: Lila Ann Smith Grade 5 High Honors: Kaitlyn Paige Brindley Jenny Elizabeth Jane Cotten Danielle Vesa Hudson Noah Joseph Kanianthra Mason Steven Morman Tyson Reese Walker Stella Caroline Yuill Grade 6 Jefferson Cup: Evee Reese Mathews Grade 6 High Honors: Elaine Elizabeth Abbott Harper Adeline Bear Lily Grace Bomar Reagan Ashley Brown Gavin Lorenzo Cuaresma Lilly Marie Downs Henry Chambless Drake Bryce Violet Edmondson Anna Marie Fortner Georgia Ann Tolleson Samuel Brownson Watts Grade 7 Jefferson Cup: Chase Anderson Treadwell Grade 7 High Honors: Alaina Rose Alba Henry Archer Coggin Tyson Reed Hamaker Liam Andrew Kotheimer Jessica Lauren Lee Rory Alastair Isdell Lee Angelo Leonardo Oliveira Jr. Grade 8 Jefferson Cup: Sophia Lynn Watroba Grade 8 High Honors: Nolan Miles Alba Sydney Lee Fortner

Nora Catherine Lang Gavin Austin Miles Sophia Christina Siegel Ethan Gabriel Simmons Hannah Grace Smith Vivian Frances Sweatt Analeese Skyler Tuttle Elizabeth Claire Walker Addasyn McKinley Yuill

Andie Elizabeth Scruggs Henry Butler Wilgus Grade 11 Jefferson Cup: Joseph Grant Augustine Grade 11 High Honors:

Cecile Amanda Abbott Lillian Wellborn Arnall Emily Elizabeth Bedell Grade 9 Jefferson Cup: Sara Catherine Cushing & William Truman Kiser Bishop Susan Grayton Pass Sanders Thomas Black Jalen Luis Corpuz Cunanan Grade 9 High Honors: Rachel Danielle Henson Sydney Elyse Jordan Marin Amelia Bender Christian Timothy Lotter Mason Robert Bolinger Noah Joseph Meyer Mallory Isabella Booth Michaela Ann Mikko Peter Alexander Durham Martha Belle Moody Jr. Madeleine Hope Pardue Brianna Burdette Eckert Maximos Leyva PenderElise Marie Kanianthra grast Samuel Christian Knight Leah McLendon Rhodes Aidan Joseph Kotheimer Breeann Lynn Sambdman Molly Elizabeth Marsh Keirnan Gregory Skelly Vaughn Irving Murphy Joshua Santiago Soberano Aaron Pham Haylah Grace Spence Payton Kaye Ryan Thomas Hampton Scoggins Ella Claire Thornton Maxwell Hunter Skidmore Grade 12 Jefferson Cup: David Santiago Soberano Jena Vijay Patel Matthew Alexander Tvrdik Grade 10 Jefferson Cup: Adam Roy Richards Grade 8 High Honors: Omar Mohamed Eyad Abdelall Micah Adam Alba Jr. Jack Patterson Butler Jamal Clayton ChandlerFuller Ava Grace Chordegian Ellis Edwin Coggin Elizabeth Lucille Davis Khloe Isabella Dooley Lauren Shawan Johnson Lendy Fernan Johnston Alexandria Elaine Knight Catherine Marie Lilly Mackenzie Aaron Mikko Rees Sophia Poulakos Lynsey Michaelle Rasnake

Grade 12 High Honors: Hailey Celena Bracey David Todd Browning Jr. Worthington Alan Burkhart James Williams Chapman Banks Mansour Coggin John Parks Cummins Allison Faye Decker Thomas Gilford Gray III Chloe Blue Hutcherson Kadence Simone Jennings Simran Abid Khutliwala Samuel Oliver Lewis Beau Hamilton Martin Samuel Aaron Moore James Thomas Morenzi Andrew Thomas Rich Genevieve Claire Richards

Continued on page 11C...

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 11C

Heritage School 2021

Bracey, Hailey

Browning, David

Celata, Harris

Burkhart, Worth

Coggin, Banks

Cummins, John

The Heritage School Honors Day Continued from page 10C...

Maggie Lynn Rivers Nathan Wayne Rotlisberger Isabella Audubon Siegel Julia Cate Smolinski Lucas Aaron Stoffle David James White DEPARTMENTAL AWARDS English: Beau Martin Spanish: John Cummins French: Maggie Rivers Latin: Jalen Cunanan Math: Banks Coggin Art: Samantha Goodwin Drama: Matthew Morenzi Musical Theatre Award: Isabella Siege Music: Sam Lewis & John Cummins Science: Banks Coggin Social Studies: Beau Martin Computer Science: Cecile Abbott SPECIAL RECOGNITION Carolyn and Guy Arnall Scholarship: Wyatt Anderson & Mayme Smith Hamilton C. Arnall Award: Banks Coggin Kiwanis Scholarship: Chloe Hutcherson

Headmaster’s Award: Yale Book Award: James Beau Martin “McWilliams” Howell Wellesley College Book Award: Maddie Pardue Faculty Inspiration Award: Simran Khutliwala & John Cummins Presentation of the SGA Gavel: David Browning SCHOLARSHIPS AND HONORS Coweta Hall of Fame Scholarship: Hailey Bracey Chip Connally Scholarship: Rachel Henson Robert C. Davis Scholarship: David White Tyler Henson Memorial Scholarship: Emily Bedell The Heartfelt Foundation, Inc. Memorial College Scholarship: David Browning Don Brown Memorial Scholarship: McKenna Hatfield The Atlanta JournalConstitution Cup: Hailey Bracey Georgia Merit Scholars: Grant Augustine, Jalen Cunanan & Joshua Soberano Rachael Marie Hamil Award: David Browning Omni Awards: Genevieve Richards & Beau Martin

Newnan-Coweta Board of REALTORS® congratulates all students on their accomplishments and its 2021 scholarship recipients! East Coweta

Emily Haberman Caroline Owusu


Ida Lunsford William Bowles


Jaylin Patterson Jordyn Patterson

Bryant, William

Chapman, Jay

Decker, Faye

12C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 26, 2021

Heritage School 2021

Garrett, Eli

Hurlock, Brandon

Johnson, Taylor

Martin, Beau

Gray, Thomas

Hutcherson, Chloe

Khutliwala, Simran

Moore, Sam

Hatfield, McKenna

Jennings, Kadence

Lewis, Sam

Morenzi, Thomas

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 13C

Heritage School 2021

Odulaja, Ianna

Rich, Andrew

Rotlisberger, Nathan

Stemberger, Sophia Grace

Patel, Jena

Richards, Genevieve

Siegel, Isabella

Stoffle, Luke

Rhodes, Sim

Rivers, Maggie

Smolinski, Julia

White, David

14C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 26, 2021

Central Christian School

Graduation 2021

• Graduate accomplishments and distinctions • Class of 2021 photo

Central Christian School Graduation 2021 Published by The Newnan Times-Herald Saturday, June 26, 2021

Central Christian School’s 2021 Valedictorian Emily Kate Newman, left, and Salutatorian Serenity Ivey.

Photos courtesy Central Christian School

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 15C

Central Christian 2021

Central Christian School’s Class of 2021 includes front, from left, Sydney Clayborne, Emily Kate Newman (Valedictorian), Ashley McGraw, Madison Jokjohor, Jessica EavesHouston and Hannah London; second row, Ethan Worley, Aurora Davis, Jordan Clements, Serenity Ivey (Salutatorian), Ashley Graves, Faith Christensen, Jaedon Thomas, Kalsey Jones, Maxwell Parrott, Josephine Farlow, Louis Gagnon and Kennedy Napier; back, Corey McConnell, Colton Haydon, Max Whitaker, Drew Tomlinson, James T. Brown, Caleb Lesseski, Jared Furukawa and Alexander Garrett.

o i n t s a ! l u t a s ! n o r i t a g l n u t o a r g C n o C 2021 Central Christian Class of 2021


SUMMA CUM LAUDE (minimum 4.2 GPA) **Faith Marie Christensen **Sydney Arielle Clayborne **Aurora Danielle Davis Alexander Heath Garrett **Ashley Joy Graves **Serenity Skye Ivey, Salutatorian **Kennedy Hughlon Napier **Emily Kate Newman, Valedictorian MAGNA CUM LAUDE (3.85-4.19 GPA) Josephine Farlow **Jared Ichiro Furukawa **Louis Riley Gagnon Caleb Ray Lesseski **Corey Desmond McConnell Jr **Ashley Faith McGraw Maxwell Thomas Parrott **Drew Anthony Tomlinson CUM LAUDE (3.5-3.84 GPA) Maxwell Jeremy Whitaker Ethan Scott Worley **Designates students graduating with High Honors. To be eligible, students must have taken and passed every Honors-level course offered at CCS or its dual enrollment college course equivalent with an A or B, or up to 14 Honors classes.

Two Convenient Locations!

2245 Highway 34 East 61 Bullsboro Drive w w w.a c c e s s u n i t e d.c o m

16C — The Newnan Times-Herald   |  Saturday, June 26, 2021

Are you considering moving to an assisted living community?

Why not Monarch House.

Even during the pandemic, the unique construction of Monarch House and its features allowed our residents to really never stop living the ‘senior life!’ A Letter from the Owner of Monarch House Assisted Living Monarch House has been coping with the COVID-19 virus by not only protecting our residents but also maintaining an active social program specifically aimed at keeping our seniors connected with each other and their families. With only 41 resident suites and over 25,000 sq. ft. of community space, it was that huge area of community space which allowed our residents to continue with the variety of daily activities during the pandemic allowing for social engagement that is so vital to the health of our Monarch House family. Our residents were able to use the many features of that community space – a 1950s vintage drug store diner, an intimate bar lounge, a salon, a library and rooftop patio gardens that surround a huge Solarium where residents nurture flowers, herbs & seasonal vegetables. Even with the COVID restrictions, our small family of seniors has continued to live life to the fullest ... in fact we never stopped. Our residents enjoyed ice cream socials, daily exercise classes set to music, pinball, skeeball, billards, daily matinee and evening movies in our theater with its huge screen, entertainers including singing groups, magic shows, art projects directed by local creative artists and literary readings by none other than author T.M. Brown. All of this has been an enormous benefit in keeping our residents engaged and it shows. And here it is in mid-May and family members are again welcome to spend time with their parents & grandparents in a safe environment that restores these vital connections. I am so very thankful that we have an outstanding staff of caregivers that have huge hearts and give loving attention to each and every one of our residents. Our Activities Director Dez Ross has boundless energy with a heart that is bursting with love for all of our seniors. Kaci Fowler is our resident nurse that attends to the individual health care needs of everyone. And overseeing all of this is our Executive Director Andy Brown. I jokingly like to say that I must be a genius to have brought Andy on in this important position. Andy always gives extra attention to the welfare of our residents and staff, and it shows. Thanks to all of you for your dedication to our Monarch House family!

While attempting to balance physical health and safety with emotional health was not easy during these unprecedented times, the Monarch House did just that! Thank you for providing my Mother (Lottie) with a healthier more fulfilling life in a family-like atmosphere. – Tammy Worsham

But, don’t take my word for any of this. Check out some of our family testimonials.

We rest easy knowing that Dad is in such a clean, cheerful environment where his safety and well-being always comes first. Monarch House has given us our lives back and has given Dad (Ray) an opportunity to flourish among folks his age. Thanks Monarch House. – Jenny Baker

Thank you to the Monarch House administration and staff for making the very best of the virus crisis we’ve all lived through the past 14 months. You have done a great job following government guidelines, while at the same time remembering our family members are human beings with individual needs. All the extra activities to keep the residents engaged helped to keep them healthy and happy. Posting on FaceBook helped me feel in touch almost daily. The rooftop lounge, greenhouse and garden really helped Mom (Carolyn) not feel so restricted. We love and appreciate you, every day! – Diane and our extended family

Call TODAY to schedule your personal tour!

299 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan GA 30263 678-552-9867

monarchhouse.net • Facebook.com/MonarchHouseALF

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