Back To School 2019 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 1
Back to School Guide
Back to School E D I U G
Parents urged to register new students early NTH STAFF REPORTS
Parents of students who are new to the Coweta County School System are encouraged to avoid the last-minute rush by registering their children early for school. The 2019-20 school year begins Monday, Aug. 5. New student registration is at the school system’s Central Registration Center, located at 167 Werz Industrial Boulevard in Newnan. The registration center will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. All registration walk-ins are conducted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registering a child for school is a two-step process:
Step 1: Log on to w w w. and complete an online pre-registration form. Online pre-registration may be completed at home or at the kiosks located at the registration center. Step 2: Visit the registration center with the following required registration documents in hand: 1. Birth certificate for the student being enrolled – A stateissued, certified copy is required; hospital certificates are not accepted. Birth certificates may be obtained for a fee at the Coweta County Probate Court Office in downtown Newnan. 2. Social Security card for the student being enrolled. 3. Proof of residence – two items from the following list are required for address verification: a. Mortgage documents or a security deed which indicates the location of the residence; b. Apartment or home lease or rent receipt indicating the current address; c. Current electrical bill or an approved application for electrical service showing the current address. Please bring the entire bill, to show electrical service and address; d. Property tax records which
indicate the location of the residence; e. Voter precinct identification card indicating the current address. 4. State ID or drivers license – Must be current, not expired. Students may only be registered by a biological parent or legal guardian. Proof of custody or guardianship is required if the registering adult is not the birth parent. 5. Immunization certificate – Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) immunization certificate form 3231. Students new to Georgia may be enrolled provisionally with a waiver at the time of registration. 6. Hearing-Dental-VisionNutritional Certificate on Georgia Form 3300. Students new to Georgia may be enrolled provisionally with a waiver at the time of registration. Immunization and Hearing-Dental-Vision certificates can be obtained from the Coweta County Health Department, or from a family physician. Short-term waivers issued to students new to Georgia during registration will allow parents time to obtain the certificates, but students may be withdrawn if the certificates are not filed by the end of the waiver period. Other documents which may be helpful during registration include custody documents, if applicable, academic transcripts and/or withdrawal forms and special education documents from previous schools, to help establish an IEP for services. Only children who are not currently enrolled in a Coweta County school must be registered to attend school. Students who were enrolled in a Coweta County School last year do not need to register again. Students must attend the school for which their home is districted. To find out what elementary school district serves an address, call the Coweta County School System Transportation Department at 770-254-2820. For any other questions, call the registration center at 770-254-5551.
From goodbye to hello again: Coweta County School System faculty and staff bid students farewell for the summer on May 24. School is back in session Monday, Aug. 5.
Coweta Schools to hold orientation Aug. 2 New year begins Monday, Aug. 5 NTH STAFF REPORTS
Students in the Coweta C ou nt y S chool System st a r t scho ol Au g . 5 , but they will get a chance to ex plore thei r cla s sroom s a nd me et t hei r t e a cher s during orientation on Friday, Aug. 2. Te a c h e r s w i l l n o t b e ava ilable for for ma l conferenc e s du r i n g or ient ation , wh ich w i l l b e held according to the following schedule: •
Middle Schools: 10 a.m. to noon
Elementary Schools: Noon to 2 p.m.
High Schools: 2-4 p.m.
Ma ny schools have pla nned additiona l backto-school f unctions. East Coweta High School will hold it s a n nua l Fre shm a n O r i e nt a t i o n N i g ht on Thursday, Aug. 1, from 4-7 p.m . Un l i ke the system-wide orientation, East Coweta’s is not a drop-in event. R ising ECHS freshman should register and answer questions at this lin k: . School websites, linked a t w w w. c o w e t a s c h o o l s . net , will include updated information for other school-specific activities. A ll schools will hold student or ientation on Aug. 2, regardless of additional back-to-school events. Representatives from the
school system’s transportation department will be available at all schools during orientation – as well as on the first day of school – to provide information about bus schedules. School bus routes for the new school year will be posted on the school system’s website prior to Aug. 5. P a r e nt s w i l l h ave t he opportunity to enroll their element a r y-aged ch ild r e n i n t h e s ch o ol s y s tem’s tuition-based A f ter School Program Aug. 1-2 at their children’s schools. After School Program representatives will be available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at each elementary school. For more i n for m ation , visit w w w.cowetaschools. net .
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2 — The Newnan Times-Herald | Back To School 2019
Back to School Guide
Sink, not sick:
Make handwashing a regular habit BY CLINT THOMPSON CAES News
Back to school for Georgia students means reuniting with friends, reminiscing about summer and, unfor tunately, sharing germs that could lead to various illnesses. How students protect themselves from germs can mean the difference between staying healthy or getting sick and being absent, according to Roxie Price, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences agent in Tift County. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1.8 million children under the age of 5 die each year from diarrheal dis-
eases and pneumonia, the top two killers of young children around the world. Some of these illnesses can be prevented if children are taught how to properly wash their hands and stay safe from dangerous germs and bacteria, Price said. “Any time kids are getting together as a group, whether it’s at a youth camp or a classroom setti n g , they ’re goi n g to be passing germs to one a nother. Ch i ld ren a re going to be touching one a nother a nd touch i n g toys, and they’re just passing those germs around,” Price said. “Obviously, the best thing to teach them to guard against getting sick is washing their hands.”
Handwashing is the key to keeping students well this school year, according to Roxie Price, UGA Extension Family and Consumer Sciences agent in Tift County.
The CDC concurs, sayin g that ha ndwa sh in g with soap could protect 1 out of 3 young children who get sick with diarrhea and almost 1 out of 5 with respiratory infections like pneumonia. Handwashing with soap removes germs more ef fe c t ively th a n handwashing with only water. Price reinforces the idea of proper handwashing during the winter months when she visits with every first-grade classroom in Tift County. She teaches the children to keep their hands away from their eyes, noses and mouths. “When the teachers tell them to keep their hands to themselves, they’re not being mean, they’re try-
ing to keep them healthy,” Price said. “The less you touch one another, the healthier you’re going to be and the less likely the teachers are going to take those illnesses home to their families.” P r ice use s a specia l lotion that glows under ultraviolet light to demonstrate proper handwashing. The students rub the lotion on their hands and then attempt to wash it off. If the children don’t wash their hands properly, the remaining dirt and germs show up under the light. “After I leave, teachers have told me the kids will police one another. It’s interesting that, even though every child may not wash their hands per-
fectly the way I told them, at least it started a conversation that hopefully will last throughout the school year,” Price said. Nearly all of the teachers Price has worked with during her UGA Extension career have a bottle of hand sanitizer in their room, which provides some protection for the children but should never be used in place of handwashing. The scrubbing and friction that occurs when children wash their hands with soap makes the difference. According to Price, it is important to teach young children how to scrub away the germs properly with soap. Singing a song while washing their hands may encourage the children to
stay at the sink longer, but it should not become a distraction to proper handwashing procedures. Another way to reduce the spread of germs is to sneeze or cough into the crook of the elbow area of your arm if you do not have a tissue. If you do sneeze or cough into your hands, immediately wash them with soap. To r e a d a b o ut h ow proper handwashing can prevent the f lu, see the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Media Newswire. Clint Thompson is a news editor with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences based in Tifton.
Back To School 2019 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 3
A community is only as good as its schools. And great public schools are a big reason why Coweta County is a vibrant and enriching place to live. Coweta County Schools combine a small-town, community-based feel with big-city advantages and opportunities for our students.
“A passionate and caring school system dedicated to excellence, energized by the notion of family, and committed to the success of each student.” That is how the AdvancED Accreditation Review Committee described the Coweta County School System, following their review for five-year reaccreditation of our schools in 2016. According to the independent team’s evaluation, Coweta Schools performed at much higher levels than the average AdvancED-accredited learning institutions, in terms of teaching and learning, leadership capacity, and management of resources. During accreditation, school system stakeholders – including students and parents, teachers and community members – described Coweta Schools in several ways: “Student-Centered” “Accountable”
“Caring” “Safe”
“Amazing” “Nurturing”
“I would not want to be anywhere else.”
“Rigorous” “Committed”
In the Coweta County School System, you will find schools among the top-performing in the state of Georgia and the nation: • On-time graduation rates and student performance on Georgia Milestones exams that well exceed state of Georgia averages. • Student SAT and ACT performance that exceeds state and national averages. • High rates of participation in Advanced Placement, college dual-enrollment and apprenticeships and work-based learning. • Distinctions such as a robust fine arts curriculum, outstanding athletic programs, a sophisticated technology environment including 1-to-1 pairing of students with Chromebook devices, and other advanced opportunities for students. • Honors that include AP Stem and Humanities distinctions, state Reward schools, Georgia School Boards Association Exemplary School Board, state financial awards, state and national distinctions for high return on educational investment, and Georgia’s 2018 State Superintendent of the Year. From academics to the arts to athletics – from college prep to career readiness – Coweta County Schools are committed to ensuring the success of every student. We invite you to visit our schools, tour the Central Educational Center College and Career Academy, or attend a performance at the Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. See for yourself why Great Schools are at the Heart of our Coweta community.
Dr. Steve Barker, Georgia’s 2018 Superintendent of the Year Josh Tate, Coweta County 2018 Teacher of the Year
To learn more, go to, or call 770-254-2800. To enroll a new student, call our Central Registration Center at 770-254-5551.
4 — The Newnan Times-Herald | Back To School 2019
Back to School Guide
s L o Ho at a
Population: 530 Facebook: @jpespanthers
4840 Hwy. 29 N., Newnan 770-463-5903 Principal: Julie Durrance Mascot: Gators Population: 425 Twitter: @ASESGators
Moreland Elementary School
Arbor Springs Elementary School
Arnco-Sargent Elementary School
145 Railroad Street, Moreland 770-254-2875 Principal: Melanie Perry Mascot: Wildcats Population: 463 Twitter: @MorelandES
2449 Hwy. 16 W., Newnan 770-254-2830 Principal: Vicki Vaughan Mascot: Cougar Cubs Population: 405 Facebook: @arncosargentelmentary Twitter: @ASELearner4Life
Newnan Crossing Elementary School
Atkinson Elementary School 14 Nimmons St., Newnan 770-254-2835 Principal: Ben Tarleton Mascot: Tigers Population: 436
Brooks Elementary School
East Coweta Middle School
720 Country Club Road, Newnan 770-254-2890 Principal: Dr. Dana Ballou Mascot: Cougars Population: 411 Twitter: @ NESnewsflash 2925 Poplar Road, Sharpsburg 770-254-2740 Principal: Lesley Goodwin Mascot: Panthers Population: 597 57 Sunset Lane, Newnan 770-254-2895 Principal: Dr. Aaron Corley Mascot: Eagles Population: 463 Facebook: @RuthHillES Twitter: @RuthHillES
Thomas Crossroads Elementary School 3530 East Hwy. 34, Sharpsburg 770-254-2751 Principal: Letitia Crosby Mascot: Tigers Population: 411
Welch Elementary School
Glanton Elementary School
Western Elementary School
Jefferson Parkway Elementary School 154 Millard Farmer Industrial Blvd., Newnan 770-254-2771 Principal: Sean Dye Mascot: Panthers
Need a
Vehicle Loan?
190 LaGrange St., Newnan 770-254-2880 Principal: Chase Puckett Mascot: Cougars Population: 2,257 Facebook: @NewnanHS Twitter: @NewnanHigh
Northside Elementary School
46 Elm St., Newnan 770-254-2865 Principal: Christi Hildebrand Mascot: Eagles Population: 520 Twitter: @ElmStreetELM 5725 Hwy. 29, Grantville 770-583-2873 Principal: Yovandra Curtis Mascot: Gators Population: 328 Twitter: @glantongators
Newnan High School
1267 Lower Fayetteville Road, Newnan 770-254-2872 Principal: Terri Lassetter Mascot: Eagles Population: 894
Ruth Hill Elementary School
Elm Street Elementary School
Twitter: @EastCowetaHigh
Northgate High School
Canongate Elementary School
1225 Eastside School Road, Senoia 770-599-6621 Principal: Leigh Munson Mascot: Bobcats Population: 480 Twitter: @eastside_ap
430 Willis Road, Sharpsburg 770-304-7995 Principal: Jennifer Whetstone Mascot: Wolves Population: 709
700 Lora Smith Road, Newnan 770-254-2765 Principal: Patrick Sullivan Mascot: Knights Population: 927 Twitter: @ArnallKnights
Poplar Road Elementary School
Eastside Elementary School
Willis Road Elementary School
Arnall Middle School
35 Genesee Point, Newnan 770-683-0013 Principal: Jillian Andrew Mascot: Broncos Population: 710 Twitter:@BrooksBroncos
200 Pete Road, Sharpsburg 770-463-0053 Principal: Betty Archie Mascot: Cubs Population: 631 Twitter: @ CanongateELM
e c n a l g
240 Mary Freeman Road, Newnan 770-254-2597 Principal: Janice Smith Mascot: Bulldog Population: 843 1730 Welcome Road, Newnan 770-254-2790 Principal: Jan Franks Mascot: Eagles Population: 413 Facebook: @westernelementaryga
White Oak Elementary School 770 Lora Smith Road, Newnan 770-254-2860 Principal: Andrew Clarke Mascot: Warriors Population: 641
3220 Fischer Road, Newnan 770-463-5585 Principal: Ken Kesslering Mascot: Vikings Population: 1,820 Twitter: @Northgate_High
6291 East Hwy. 16, Senoia 770-599-6607 Principal: Jeannette Hallam Mascot: Indians Population: 740 Twitter: @ECMSPride
Coweta Charter Academy at Senoia 6675 East Hwy. 16, Senoia 770-599-0228 Principal: Gene Dunn Mascot: Colts Population: 695 Facebook: @CowetaCharter
Evans Middle School 41 Evans Drive, Newnan 770-254-2780 Principal: Vera Harris Mascot: Cougars Population: 747 Twitter: @EvansCougars
Odyssey Charter School
14 St. John Circle, Newnan 770-251-6111 Principal: Scot Hooper Mascot: Tigers Population: 384 Facebook: @OdysseySchoolNewnan
Lee Middle School
370 Willis Road, Sharpsburg 770-251-1547 Principal: Dr. Cindy Bennett Mascot: Timberwolves Population: 971 Facebook: @leemiddleschool Twitter: @LeeMiddle
Carolyn Barron Montessori School 195 Jackson St., Newnan 770-253-2135 Head of School: Beth Wagstaff Population: 74 Facebook: @CBMSNewnan Twitter: @CBMSNewnan
Madras Middle School
240 Edgeworth Road, Newnan 770-254-2744 Principal: Lorraine Johnson Mascot: Eagles Population: 1,098 Facebook: @MadrasEagles Twitter: @MadrasEagles
Central Christian School
Smokey Road Middle School 965 Smokey Road, Newnan 770-254-2840 Principal: Dr. Keafer Triplett Mascot: Wildcats Population: 721 Twitter: @SmokeyRoad
The Heritage School
2093 Hwy. 29 N., Newnan 770-253-9898 Head of School: Kristin Skelly Mascot: Hawks Population: 407 Facebook: @theheritageschool.newnan Twitter: @THSNEWNAN
3613 Hwy. 34 E, Sharpsburg 770-252-1234 Head of School: David Hicks Mascot: Crusaders Population: 144
Trinity Christian School
400 McCollum-Sharpsburg Road, Sharpsburg 770-254-2850 Principal: Stephen Allen Mascot: Indians Population: 2,976
8817 Hwy. 54 W., Sharpsburg 770-251-6770 Head of School: Mark Anthony Mascot: Lions Population: 1,227 Facebook: @TCSLions1 Twitter: @TCS_Lions
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Back To School 2019 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 5
Back to School Guide
Create a game plan for handling student stress BY MERRITT MELANCON CAES News
When summer draws to an end, parents often start getting their students ready to return to school. While a new backpack and a collection of notebooks and pens might top their to-do list, students also need to prepare emotionally, said Diane Bales, an associate professor of human development and family science at the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences. Students get to take a break from the stress of academic demands and social situations during the summer and, for some students, heading back to school is like entering a pressure cooker. The key to helping children prepare to return to school is to start talking about it early. “As school approaches, parents should talk about whether there is anything that is worrying the student about going back to class,”
Bales said. “Parents need to look for nonverbal cues. Is the child acting like he or she doesn’t want to go back to school?” If children say that they don’t want to go back to school or act like they don’t want to go back to school, parents need to probe a little bit to find out why, Bales said. “If they’ve got an issue that’s carrying over from the previous year, go ahead and address it with the student, and make his or her teacher aware, if necessary,” Bales said. For younger children, parents may want to go ahead and write or call the school and let them know about any concerns they have about bullying or any particular bullies. For older children, parents can help students develop strategies for avoiding uncomfortable social situations or bullies and strategies for dealing with any bullies. With middle and high school students, par-
ents need to empower their children to handle tough social situations. “Coming up with plans for how to handle specific situations is a good way to help ease some of the anxieties of going back,” Bales said. “Telling a child just to avoid a bully or someone they have had challenges with is not as effective.” Middle school and high school students also need to be reminded that bullying behaviors and abuse at school is not normal. “There’s such a culture among kids that you just don’t tell on each other,” Bales said. “Kids need to know that bullying is not healthy, and the person who is doing the bullying probably also needs help. Students have a responsibility to speak up if they’re being PHOTO COURTESY CAES bullied or if they see some- For some students, heading back to school is like entering a pressure cooker. Parents one else being bullied.” can ease anxieties by helping their students develop strategies for handling stressful Keeping the lines of com- situations. munication open about students’ worries and hopes for best it can be, Bales said. news editor with the Univer- Agricultural and Environthe new school year is key to Merritt Melancon is a sity of Georgia College of mental Sciences. making each school year the
Sleep deprivation can disrupt learning, productivity BY MERRITT MELANCON CAES News
Almost any teacher in America can look at her cl a s s a nd k now wh ich kids went to bed too late the night before. S o m e t i m e s t h e s t udents are grumpy. Somet i me s t hey ’r e d r ow s y. Sometimes they’re just not as attentive as they usually are. The symptoms a re va r ied, but they ’re all caused by a lack of sleep. Ma ny k ids – a nd adults, for that matter – don’t get enough sleep. On average, high school students need between s even a nd 11 hou r s of sleep. For younger kids, even more time is needed: 12 hours for school-aged k ids, 13 hours for preschoolers and close to 14 hours for toddlers. With homework, a f ter-school activ ities, i nc r e a s e d s c r e en t i me and other demands, it’s harder than ever to make sure children get enough sle ep, but it ’s v it a l to their development. Sometimes behav ior problems or problems at school seem to come out of nowhere, but often it’s as simple as sleep deprivation, said Diane Bales, an associate professor of human development with the University of Georg i a C ol le ge of Fa m i ly and Consumer Sciences a nd UGA C oop er ative Extension.
Signs and symptoms of sleep deprivation
There are several symptoms that can clue p a r e nt s i nt o w h e t h e r t h e i r ch i ld i s g e t t i n g enough sleep. “ I r r i t a b i l i t y, b e i n g hard to wake up in the mor n i n g , c ompl a i n i n g about being tired, falling asleep in the middle of things and lack of concentration are all symptom s of sle ep depr ivation,” Bales said. “Even excessive energy can be a mecha nism that k ids use to keep themselves awake.” Even for young people, it can be hard to set aside enou g h t i me for sle ep e a ch n i g ht a nd m a i ntain a healthy bedtime routine. “Lots of kids of many dif ferent ages do a lot of th i n g s ,” B a le s s a id . “But a lot of people don’t underst a nd the importance of sleep, and how damaging it is to not get enou g h sle ep , s o t hey don’t prioritize it.” Technology also plays a growing role in keeping kids up too late, she added. Light from cell phones and other electronic devices can make falling asleep difficult. Things seen or read online can create overstimulation. It’s easy for kids and adults to get drawn into games, conversations and other sources of online engagement before bed. That time online can eat into sleep time and make it harder for adults and ch i ld ren to f a l l a sle ep after they turn off their devices.
Even w ithout ele ctronic inter ference, s ome t i m e s it ’s s i mply hard to wind down after sports practice or hours spent on homework, even if enough time is allotted for sleep.
for a few weeks. When pa rents create a bedtime routine, they should th in k back to advice from their parents and grandparents. “ It ’s a b o u t t u r n i n g down the lights, reading a book, ta k ing a wa r m a nd h av i n g s ome Sleep solutions bath k i nd of a r itu a l th at ’s S t r e n g t h e n i n g r o u- p a r t o f b e dt i m e ,” s h e tines is key to ma k ing said. sure that kids get enough s le e p . P a r e nt s s hou ld Mer r itt Melancon is a establish this by count- news editor with the Uniing back from the time versity of Georgia Colthe kids need to wake up lege of Agr icultural and for school. Environmental Sciences. “If the child needs 10 hours of sleep, you have to back up 10 hours from that wake-up time, and the child needs to be in bed by then,” Bales said. A nother piece of the bedtime puzzle involves setting up routines that help kids relax. “It's key to pla n out when they need to have a bath, when to turn off electronics a nd what routine is going to help the ch ild w ind dow n ,” she said. Building a bedtime r out i ne w i l l a l s o help k ids ea se back into school. “Parents need to start e a rly i n t he s u m mer,” B a l e s s a i d . “A l o t o f times, kids get off their nor m a l sle ep s che du le du r i n g su m mer bre a k . Parents shouldn't wait u nt i l s cho ol s t a r t s t o m a ke t h at a dju s t ment back to the school-year bedtime routine.” Ba les sug gests backing up the bedtime by 15 minutes every few days
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A University of Georgia Cooperative Extension expert says children who don't get enough sleep can be irritable and lack concentration.
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6 — The Newnan Times-Herald | Back To School 2019
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As set forth in its student catalog, West Georgia Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, veteran status, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Equity (Title IX) coordinator is V.P. of Student Affairs. ADA (Section 504) coordinator is V.P. of Administrative Services. Both are located at 401 Adamson Square, Carrollton, GA 30117. 678.664.0400