Back To School 2012

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Back to School

Sunday, July 29, 2012 — 1D

Coweta County students start Aug. 6 Education options abound

Pre-planning starts Aug. 1; orientation set for Aug. 3

By REBECCA LEFTWICH As its population has grown exponentially over the past 20 years, Coweta County has emerged as a respected – and widely recognized – center of educational diversity. From public prog ra ms including traditional, charter and cyber schools to private academies, state-funded pre-kindergarten and a home school co-op supported by hundreds of families, educational opportunities to match all life and learning styles abound. More than 22,000 students currently are educated on Coweta County School System (CC S S) c a mpu s e s , wh ic h include 19 elementary schools, si x m idd le schools, t h ree high schools and a charter career academy serving students from those high schools. Coweta schools consistently rank among the top-performing schools in Georgia in terms of student achievement, and its schools and educational leaders frequently receive top honors. In 2012, Lee Middle School was recognized as a national Lighthouse School to Watch a n d C e n t r a l E du c a t io n a l Center was named a Georgia Innovator by the Southern Grow t h Policy Boa rd. Dr. L au r ie Ba r ron of Smokey Road Middle School, Georgia’s Middle School Principal of the Year, also is one of the three finalists for the National Middle Level Principal of the Year award. Despite budget crises caused by toug h econom ic ti mes throughout Georgia and the nation, Coweta schools have suffered no cuts in personnel, programs or services. While ot her dist ricts h ave been forced to rearrange or subtract from school schedules to make up budget shortfalls, CCSS educational days and hours have remained intact. Extensive renovations and modifications – including a remodeling of historic Drake Stadium – are nearly complete at the county’s oldest high school, Newnan High, and preliminary planning has begun for the county’s newest school, Corinth Road Middle, which has a projected opening of fall 2014. One of the jewels in the CCSS crown is The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts, a 1 ,000 -seat, state- of-t heart performance hall featuring student exhibition space, instruction and master classes in all fine arts concentrations.


Photo by Jeffrey Leo

Emmy Peters, who just turned 5, gets her whooping cough and polio immunizations from LPN Linda Benoist at the Coweta County Health Department.

New student registration ongoing By REBECCA LEFTWICH

Students new to the Coweta County School System (CCSS) are urged to register as quickly as possible to prevent falling behind in classes when the 2012-13 year begins Aug. 6. ” B e c au s e pu nc t u a l a nd regular school attendance at all grade levels is important to a child’s educational success, all parents are urged to make sure that their child begins class at the start of the new school year,” said Dean Jackson, CCSS public information officer. Students already enrolled in a Coweta County school – including those attending CCSS pre-kindergarten classes during the 2011-12 school year – do not need to re-register. Georgia law requires students to be 5 years old by Sept. 1 in order to enroll in kindergarten and 6 years old by Sept. 1 to enroll in first grade. Parents who have not yet registered their children for school are urged to do so as soon as possible. The Central Registration center is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. throughout the summer. “Coweta Cou nty h ig h schools operate on a block schedule system, which allows See options, page 3D students to complete a full

course earning one Carnegie Unit in one semester,” Jackson said. “Therefore, missed classes at any point during the semester will result in significant lapses in instructional time, which can seriously jeopardize a student’s success.” To enroll a new student in school, parents will need to provide the following items: n A state-issued, certified copy of the student’s birth certificate. Hospital certificates are not accepted. n Social Security card n Proof of residence in the form of two items from the following list, required for address verification: Property tax records which indicate the location of the residence; mortgage documents or a security deed which indicates the location of the residence; apartment or home lease or rent receipt indicating the current address; current electrical bill or application for electrical service showing the current address (please bring the entire bill, to show electrical service and address); voter precinct identification card or other voter documentation indicating the current address. n State ID or drivers license, which must be current and not expired. Students may only Photo by Jeffrey Leo be registered by a biological Megan Gaschler, a first grade teacher at Newnan Crossing

Elementary School, builds her spelling wall as she prepares for the

See new, page 2D return of students Aug. 6.

Lightn i ng bugs a re sti ll glowing but the Fourth of July has come and gone, so it’s time to shop for new pencil boxes and gear up for the 2012-13 school year. Pre-planning for all teachers in the Coweta County School System (CCSS) begins on Wednesday, Aug. 1, and students head back Aug. 6. Teachers, administrators and support staff are busy preparing for the upcoming year. “My favorite part of back to school is meeting new students and welcoming back students who were with us last year,” said Dr. Jan Franks, who has been principal at Arnall Middle School for five years. Franks advises parents to relax as they get their children ready for the start of school and to let school staff to help ease the transition, especially for students new to middle school. She said the more at ease the parents are, the less anxious their children will be about starting school. “My advice to parents is to breathe,” Franks said. “We understand they may have anxieties of their child beginning a new school or at a new level. We are here to help in this transition.” “Learning how to successfully navigate these types of changes instill a level of confidence in their child and this confidence will lay the foundation as their child transitions to high school which will be here in a blink of an eye,” Franks added. Parents and students are welcome to visit schools for orientation Friday, Aug. 3. Teachers will not be available for formal conferences, but administrators say plenty of staff will be on hand to answer questions and welcome students back. “My favorite part of back to school time is meeting and greeting the students and parents during orientation,” said Melissa Wimbush, principal at Evans Middle School. “I always enjoy listening to the summer vacation stories.” Wimbush said talking with their children is the best way for parents to help prepare them for a new school year. “Begin now having discussions about ways to have a successful school year,” she said. “Talk about expectations, set goals together, and emphasize the value of learning by encouraging their children to

See start, page 2D

CCSS offers bus information and transportation tips From STAFF REPORTS As the first day of school approaches for Coweta County School System (CCSS) students, school officials and the school system’s transportation department are urging Cowetans to leave home early on the first day of school and to expect a higher volume of traffic on Coweta roads. Students who will ride the bus on the first day of school a re advised to be at their neighborhood bus stop no later than 6:55 a.m. not only on Aug. 6, but for the first full week of school (Aug. 6-10) Regular morning pick-up times will become more regular as routes are established in the new year. Bus ridership is impossible to predict on the first day of school, CCSS transportation officials warn. Parents are advised to have their children at the appropriate stop at 6:55 a.m. and to be prepared for a longer wait for the bus on the first days. B u s pi c k- up s ite s h ave remained largely unchanged si nce l a st sc ho ol ye a r. Generally, if a home is on a street or cul-de-sac of twotenths of a mile or shorter in length, students should wait

for the bus on the nearest street corner. If a subdivision street or other neighborhood street is longer than two-tenths of a mile long, bus stops are generally one-tenth of a mile apart based on ridership. If parents are unsure about pick-up sites for the school bus, or have other questions, they can call the transportation department at 770-2542820. Representatives of the transportation department will also be in schools during school orientation times on Friday, Aug. 3 and the first day of school. One significant change for the school transportation this year will take place at Jefferson Parkway Elementary School. The school will hold bus pickups and drop-offs behind the school, while parent car riders will be routed to the front of the school (accessed by the highway 34 bypass). This is a switch from previous years. Parents who will drive children to school are also advised to leave home and arrive at school earlier than usual on the first day. Coweta County school operation times are:

See Bus, page 2D Mechanic Ricky Drawdy checks the oil on the newest bus in the Coweta County School System fleet.

Photo by Jeffrey Leo

2D — The Newnan Times-Herald — Sunday, July 29, 2012

Back to School

After School program registration is Aug. 2-3 From STAFF REPORTS Parents who wish to register their children for the Coweta County Schools 2012-13 After School P rog ra m (A SP) i n Coweta elementary schools may do so on Aug. 2-3 at the elementary school which the child will attend. Times for registration are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. All registra-

tions will be conducted by the ASP Site Coordinator in each school’s cafeteria. To enroll, parents must pay a $20 non-refundable registration fee for each child. Tuition w i l l rema i n t he same next year at $12 per day, and tuition payments made by Friday prior to the week of attendance are $9 per day reserved. The Coweta County After School Program is a self-sup-

ported daycare program held at all Coweta County elementary schools. Children are offered indoor/ outdoor recreation, arts and crafts, homework time, and a variety of other activities during after-school care. The hours of operation are 2:30 p.m.-6 p.m. on each day school is in session. Spaces are limited, and parents are urged to pre-enroll students to ensure placement.

Tips for sharing the road Most of the children who lose their lives in bus-related crashes are pedestrians, four to seven years old, who are hit by the bus or by motorists illegally passing a stopped school bus. For this reason, it is necessary to know the proper laws and procedures for sharing the road safely with school buses. All 50 states have a law making it illegal to pass a school bus that is stopped to load or unload children. School buses use yellow flashing lights to alert motorists that they are preparing to stop to load or

unload children. Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign arm signals to motorists that the bus is stopped and children are getting on or off the bus. All 50 states require that traffic in both directions stop on undivided roadways when students are entering or exiting a school bus. While state laws vary on what is required on a divided roadway, in all cases, traffic behind the school bus (traveling in the same direction) must stop. The area 10 feet around a


Continued from page 1D parent or legal guardian. Proof of custody or guardianship is required if the registering adult is not the birth parent. n Custody papers, if relevant. If parents are divorced, they must provide a copy of custody papers. Legal guardians also are required to provide a copy of custody papers, and guardians must live in the appropriate school district. n Last report card, or withdrawal or transfer form with grades. This information is required at registration to facilitate records requests and class placement.

Coweta students head back to school on Aug. 6


CCSS offers transportation, bus tips for first day

Bus Continued from page 1D n Elementary schools – 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. n Middle schools – 8:20 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. n High schools – 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. n Central Educational Center – 8:15 a.m. to 11:05 a.m. (first and second blocks); 12:30 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. (third and fourth blocks). Parents can expect longer lines for student drop-off on the first days and should plan accordingly. Every school has separate drop-off areas for bus traffic and car traffic, and car drivers should be extra caution to stay away from bus zones on the first days of school “It always takes the first day or two for everyone to get used to school traffic,” said school system transportation manager Judy Gresham. “We ask that everyone keep in mind that buses will be on the road

again on Aug. 6, making stops in the morning and dropping students off in the afternoons. Everyone should leave a little earlier for work and school, drive safely, and be mindful of buses and children.” Gresham has a few “firstday” safety tips for parents who drive children to school: n Everyone has a responsibility for school bus safety. n The most dangerous time for children who ride school buses is when they are loading and unloading on the road. n Expect the unexpected – slow down, stay alert, and be prepared to stop quickly around school buses and in school zones. n All motorists must watch for buses on the road, and must stop when the school bus loads or unloads students and signals for traffic to stop. n Remind students when crossing the street to stop and look for cars and trucks and look to their bus driver for clearance. n Make sure the child’s

Pre-planning – Aug. 1 Orientation – Aug. 3 First Day of School – Aug. 6 Labor Day – Sept. 3 Fall Break – Oct. 8-9 Election Day – Nov. 6 Thanksgiving Nov. 19-23 Christmas/New Year’s Break – Dec. 21-Jan. 2 MLK Birthday – Jan. 21 Winter Break – Feb. 18-22 Holiday – March 15 Spring Break – April 1-5 Last Day of School – May 24

school bus is where children are in the most danger of being hit. Stop your car far enough from the bus to allow children the necessary space to safely enter and exit the bus. Be alert. Children are unpredictable. Children walking to or from their bus are usually very comfortable with t hei r su r rou nd i n g s . T h i s makes them more likely to take risks, ignore hazards or fail to look both ways when crossing the street. Never pass a school bus on Continued from page 1D the right. It is illegal and could have tragic consequences. do their very best.” Orientation times are: n All middle schools, 10 a.m.-noon n All elementary schools, n Emergency contact infor- noon- 2 p.m. n All high schools, 2-4 p.m. mation. Students must have a “I love the excitement that contact name and number on is in the air at school on that file at the school by the first f i rst morn i ng,” sa id Eva n day of attendance. Immunization and Hearing- Horton, who is in his first year as principal of East Coweta Dental-Vision certificates can High School. To get ready for be obtained from the Coweta the return of students, Horton County Health Department said, “Our administrative team (770-254-7400), or from a fam- has been meeting throughily physician. out the summer to analyze Students transferring from our school achievement data, another Georgia school should develop our school improvea l re ady h ave cer t i f ic ate s ment plan and goals and to available from their previous develop ou r profe s sion a l learning goals for the upcomschools. Short-term waivers may be ing year.” Goal-setting also is a priorrequested during registration ity for Dr. Therese Redekopp, to allow parents time to obtain principal of Northgate High the certificates, but students may be withdrawn if certificates are not filed by the end of the waiver period.

New student registration ongoing at CCSS offices n Immunization certif icate, in the form of a Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) immunization certificate Form 3231 or a signed 30-day waiver. n Hearing, dental and vision certif icate (Georgia Form 3300) or a signed 1 20 -day waiver. n Authorization for release of Individua l Educationa l Plan (IEP) or student records, required if a student is receiving special education or gifted services. If an IEP or other information that establishes eligibility for services is not presented at the time of registration, services in the Coweta County School System may be delayed until records are received by the school.

Coweta County School System 2012-13 Schedule:

teacher is made awa re of their mode of transportation and their destination in the afternoon. n Accompany very young children to the bus stop, and meet them on their return. Typically, school enrollment and bus ridership grow over the first weeks of school. The department will address problems such as crowding on some buses, double bus routes and route changes as quickly as possible in the first weeks of August. “ We a s k p a re nt s to b e patient during the first weeks of school as these changes are made,” said Dean Jackson, CC S S publ ic i n for m at ion officer. The Coweta County School System provides the option of bus service to all Coweta County students in the mornings and afternoons. In all, Coweta school buses transport about 13,800 of Coweta County’s 23,000 students each day, covering about 12,000 miles daily.

School. “Each year, I look forward to set t i n g goa l s to m a ke the school yea r even better than the one before,” said Redekopp, who is in her 10th year at Northgate. To smooth the transition for parents and students, information about transportation, registration and after-school programs also will be made available. School bus routes for the new year soon will be posted on , and routes also will be posted on the Newnan Times-Herald website at www.times-herald. com . A representative of the transportation department will be available at each school during the Aug. 3 orientations and on the first day of school to provide information on bus routes. Parents who wish to sign t hei r ch i ld ren up for t he Coweta County School System’s (CCSS) tuition-based After School Program will be

able to do so Aug. 2-3. The program is filled on a space-available basis. New students a re registered at t he Re g i st rat ion Center, which is located at 167 Werz industria l Drive in Newnan, off the Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard/ H i g hway 3 4 by pa s s ne a r Bullsboro Drive. To register a child for school, contact the Central Registration Center at 770-554-5551 for an appointment. More in formation about registration and printable registration forms can be found online at www.cowetaschools. org/registration . A student must attend the school in the district in which his or her residence is located. To find out which elementary, middle and high school districts serve an address, call the Coweta County School System Transportation Department at 770-254-2820.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 3D

Back to School

Parents urged to look for warning signs of bullying From STAFF REPORTS Bullying among children has been happening for hundreds of years, but only recently has it been brought to the forefront of our society’s consciousness. Tragedies in schools across t h e c o u n t r y h a ve l e d to increased public awareness and scientific research into the psychological damage caused by bullying. Bully victimization has been found to be related to lower sel f- e ste em , h i g her rate s of depression, loneliness and anxiety. Victims have higher school absenteeism rates, report experiencing poorer general health and are more

likely to have suicidal thoughts than their non-bullied peers. Speci f ic a l ly, t hose who reported being bullied at least once a week were twice as likely as their peers to “wish they were dead” or admit to having a recurring idea of taking their own life.

Warning signs of bullying: n Dislikes or has lost interest in school work n Has few, if any, friends n Appears sad, anxious or moody when talking about school n Complains of headaches, stomach aches n Has unexplained cuts, bruises and/or scratches n Appears afraid of going

back to school n Returns from school with torn, da maged or missing articles of clothing, books or belongings n Has trouble sleeping and/ or has frequent nightmares Every adult plays an important role in addressing bullying and making schools a safe, caring, respectful place for children. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines bullying as an aggressive behavior that is intended to cause harm or distress, occurs repeatedly over time and involves an imbalance of power or strength. Bullyi ng ca n ta ke ma ny for m s , such a s h itti ng or punching (physical bullying); teasing or name-calling (verbal bullying); intimidation

using gestures or social exclusion (nonverbal bullying or emotional bullying); unwanted sexual contact (sexual bullying); and sending insulting messages by e-mail or social media sites (cyberbullying). Never think of bullying as just a matter of “kids being kids.” It is a serious problem and should be treated as such. Your child deserves to grow up and attend schools in a safe, com fortable environ ment. Take the following steps if you feel that your child might be a victim of bullying: Empower your child. Children are often reluctant to tell adults about bullying because they are ashamed, emba rrassed or fea rful of retaliation, so it is important to praise them for being brave

enough to speak up. Practice with your child what he or she can say if being bullied or how to report a situation to a bus driver or teacher. A s k q ue st ion s . B y a s king questions, you can find out who was involved, what occurred and where and when it happened. Comforting the child and offering support by nodding and verbally encouraging him or her to go on will help to fully understand the situation. Assess the situation. Is the bullying still happening? Has the bullying extended into the classroom, bus, lunchroom, etc.? Do they fear what will happen if they report the bullying? Talk with the child about what he or she needs to feel and be safe.

Explore possible actions your child may take to be safer such as eating lunch with another child. Inform your child’s school. Your child should never be fearful of another child or going to school, so you need to take the proper actions to prevent any further harm. Work with the school authorities or your child’s teacher to address the bullying. School authorities need to know about the problem to properly address it and create a solution. You also may want to consult with a counselor on how to move forward with your child. Find out who was involved, what occurred and where and when these acts happened.

Coweta offers abundance of educational choices


Continued from page 1D

When the 2012-13 school year opens Aug. 6, Coweta schools will continue a system-wide technology overhaul as well as begin to implement new curriculum. Georgia has joined with 47 other states to develop a set of core standards for K-12 intended to provide a consistent framework for student success in college and/ or the 21st century workplace, and CCSS administrators and educators have been preparing and training since last year to implement English language arts and mathematics portions of the new Common Core Curriculum. Central Educational Center (CEC), a charter school servi n g h i g h sc ho ol st udent s through career and collegebased instruction and industry partnerships, is a national model and a basis for Georgia’s 25 new ca reer academ ies. Beginning this year, CEC will pilot an eighth-grade program for students from each of Coweta’s six middle schools. In addition, CEC – founded in 2001 as a joint venture with West Georgia Technical College – will continue to provide hundreds of students each year with dual-enrollment

opportunities. CCSS high schools also are working with other colleges and universities, including the University of West Georgia’s Newnan Center, to expand dual-enrollment programs in the upcoming year. Dualenrollment allows qualifying high school juniors and seniors to earn college credit while working towards their high school diplomas. For more information on registration, schools, services and initiatives, visit www. . In addition to traditional public schools and CEC, Coweta County offers two public charter schools, “schools of choice” which are tuition-free with student admission determined by lottery. Each charter school is governed independently and unlike traditional public schools, each charter school must demonstrate student success, or risk losing its charter. Odyssey School in Newnan ( was approved in 2001 by the Georgia Board of Education, the first stateestablished charter school in Georgia. The school opened in 2004 with more than 100 students in grades K-5 and currently serves grades K-8. Coweta Charter Academy in Senoia (www.cowetacharter. org), which serves grades K-7,

was established by the Georgia Charter Schools Commission in 2010. Cowet a st udents , a lon g with others from throughout Georgia, have another non-traditional public school option in cyber schooling, or virtual learning. Through Georgia Cyber Academy (www.k12. com/gca) and Connections A c a d e m y (w w w. c o n n e c, tuition-free programs allow students to learn in a variety of settings using a combination of computer-based and textbook curriculum. Families may choose from among several highly rated private Coweta Cou nty schools, including T he Her itage School , Ca roly n Barron Montessori School, Trinity Christian School and Heritage Christian School, or they may join hundreds of other local families who have chosen to take responsibility for their children’s educations through home-schooling. Approximately 330 local homeschooling fa milies are members of Eagles Nest Christian Home Educators A ssociat ion ( htt p://w w w. Photo by Jeffrey Leo /), which offers Workers at Newnan High School lay new turf on the Drake Stadium field. Upgrades to the old staparent-taught co-op classes, dium are one of many renovation and modification projects undertaken by the Coweta County School field trips, support, clubs and System recently. activities, retreats, proms and graduation for families who have opted out of traditional education.

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4D — The Newnan Times-Herald — Sunday, July 29, 2012

Back to School

Now is the time to establish school routines From STAFF REPORTS The stores are peppered wit h back-to -school sig ns advertising the latest deals for kids returning to the classroom, but one University of Alabama at Birmingham associate professor says this may not be enough to move you and your children out of the summertime groove. “Returning to the routine of the school year can be overwhelming for adults and students,” says Josh Klapow, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist who teaches in the UAB School of Public Health. “During the school year there’s a sleep schedule, a tighter timeframe for perform ing household chores and the sense of fewer hours in the day. Altogether, this can lead to debilitating anxiety.” Students in the South return to school in early August, when there are still many hours of daylight, and others after Labor Day. Regardless of the date, preparation is key to success. “Throughout the summer months, you and your children have developed new habits

and routines. Breaking those is extremely difficult to accomplish in a day,” says Klapow. But if you don’t try to go cold turkey, the transition should remain pain-free. “This means adjusting bed times and morning alarms starting now. If they already haven’t been reading through the summer, have the children pick up a book for at least 20 minutes a day, to mimic homework time. This helps everybody in the household readapt,” Klapow explains. More important, Klapow says stay calm and composed through this transition. “ You need to keep your emotions in check. Your children will pick up on your feelings- you set the tone. If you’re excited and positive about the beginning of school, your child is more likely to be. If you’re feeling frantic and unprepared, that’s what your child will pick up on. “Shaping your children’s behavior now with gradual changes will ensure that by the time you hit the school year, they are back on track,” Photo courtesy Coweta County School System he says. As the 2012-13 school year approaches, parents should help children establish routines now to help ease the transition.

Back-to-school checklist should include trip to eye doctor From STAFF REPORTS Parents and students throughout Georgia are crossing items off their back-toschool checklists, but most are missing an important task to ensure learning success – a visit to the eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam. According to a national survey of K-12 teachers, 81 percent believe vision and learning are interdependent. “Hea lthy vision is critical to learning and excell i n g i n s c ho ol ,” s a id D r. Tom Spetalnick, president of the Georgia Optometric Association. “Comprehensive eye exams should be performed to detect problems like astigmatism, eye coordination and moderate amounts of farsightedness, conditions that can prohibit optimal learning,” Spetalnick added. “Educators know that giving children access to all the tools they need for a positive learning experience is essential,” said Calvine Rollins, president of the Georgia Association of Educators. “If a child can’t properly see the board or read text up close they are placed at a disadvantage. It is very

important that a child’s eyes are checked each year, especially in elementary and middle school when they are growing and changing so quickly, so they can play an active role in their own education.” Studies indicate that some ch i ld ren w it h u ndetected If your child experiences any of the following, vision problems can be misdian optometrist should be consulted about a agnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention possible vision problem: deficit hyperactivity disorder – Loses place while reading (ADHD). – Avoids close work The national survey conduc te d by t h e A m e r ic a n – Tends to rub eyes Optomet ric A ssociation – Has headaches (AOA) revealed that 64 percent of teachers witnessed – Turns or tilts head a direct improvement in a – Makes frequent reversals when reading or child’s academic performance writing and-or classroom behavior after an eye or vision problem – Uses finger to maintain place when reading was diagnosed and treated. – Omits or confuses small words when reading Many experts believe that – Consistently performs below potential approximately 80 percent of lea rning comes th rough a – Struggles to complete homework child’s eyes. – Squints while reading or watching television Reading, writing and computer work are just a few of the – Has behavioral problems tasks students are expected – Holds reading material closer than normal to perform daily that require visual skills. As classrooms adopt the use of more technologically advanced tools, such as interactive blackboard presentaThese are the essential ele- tain learning is maximized tions, the dependence on ade- ments an optometrist will through good vision: quate visual capabilities will check during a comprehenn Visual acuity is measured increase. sive eye exam to make cer- at several distances so students

Vision Problem Warning Signs

New year, old fears: Tips for stutterers From STAFF REPORTS For many people, ringing in the New Year brings hope and joyful anticipation. But for those who struggle with stuttering, the old fears of speaking and being teased are the same. “I was picked on so much about my stuttering,” recalls 16 -yea r- old Peter, “ t h at I wouldn’t even go to lunch because I didn’t want to sit at a table by myself.” “ I don’t ra i se my h a nd in class because I’m worried about what others might think,” says 14-year-old Juan. A typical school day can be fraught with painfully embarrassing situations for schoolage children who stutter. Parents who notice their child beginning to stutter should seek help right away. “In the past, experts incorrectly believed that giving attention to a child’s stuttering would exacerbate the situ-

ation,” said speech-language pathologist Lisa Scott, Ph.D., of The Florida State University. “We now know that children who stutter will have significantly less disfluent speech and a higher recovery rate if they are treated when they are young.” To help parents gain a better understanding of stuttering, the Foundation offers a free streaming video in English and Spanish of Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Parents at The Foundation also offers the following: 7 Tips for Parents. “Any time parents are concerned about a child’s fluency,” notes Jane Fraser, president of the Stuttering Foundation, “they should educate themselves about the disorder and the many ways they can work to prevent stuttering from becoming a chronic problem. Early treatment for children who stutter is key!” For a free copy of the newly-updated brochure, If You

Chef lunches start trend Great things happened when high-tech met high school during an initial test of using a new generation of vending machines to serve Chefdesigned healthy lunches. In an 8-week initial program in early 2011, more than 58,000 meals were sold and a trend began, now available to all Miami-Dade high school students. Not just any lunch, but a meal option – delivered in 20 seconds – that brought together celebrity Chefs, local farmers and a high-tech vending machine that will help the school system reach the goal of “feed more kids healthier meals.” “ We w e r e l o o k i n g f o r

...something to attract their attention,” says Penny Parham of Miami-Dade’s Department of Food and Nutrition. For more information go to

Think Your Child Is Stuttering, parents, teachers and others can call the Foundation’s tollfree helpline at 800-992-9392

or visit www.StutteringHelp. org . The site also offers a worldwide referral list of specialists in stuttering.


can comfortably and efficiently read, work on the computer and see the blackboard. n Focusing is an important skill that is tested. Eyes must be able to focus on a specific object and to easily shift focus from one object to another. This allows the child to move visual attention from a book to the blackboard and back. n Visual alignment and ocular motility are evaluated. Ideally, the muscles that aim each eye converge so that both eyes are aimed at the same object, refining depth perception. n Binocular fusion (eye teaming) skills are assessed. These skills are critical to coordinate and align the eyes precisely so the brain can fuse the pictures it receives from each eye into a single image n Eye tracking skills are tested to determine whether the child can track across a page accurately and efficiently while reading, and can copy material quickly and easily from the blackboard or another piece of paper. n Te s t i n g p r e s c h o o l ers’ color vision is important because a large part of the early educational process involves the use of color

identification. n Eye-hand-body coordination, critical for handwriting, throwing a ball or playing an instrument, and visual perception, used to interpret and understand visual information like form, size, orientation, texture and color perception, are important visual functions that are reviewed. n Overa ll eye hea lth is determined by examining the structures of the eye. Early detection and treatment are key in correcting vision problems and helping children see clearly. The AOA recommends that a child’s first eye assessment take place at six months of age. Comprehensive eye exams should be conducted beginning at age 3, before a child enters school, and then every two years, unless otherwise advised by an optometrist. In between exams, parents and teachers should monitor children for the more prevalent signs that a student’s vision may be impaired. For more information about t he Georg ia Optomet r ic Association, or to a f ind a local doctor of optometry in your area, please visit www. .

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Sunday, July 29, 2012 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 5D

Back to School

Dress code in effect for Coweta County students From STAFF REPORTS When students return to Coweta County schools Aug. 6, they should be prepared to dress appropriately, according to school officials. Each Coweta County school is responsible for setting and enforcing a dress code for students. The school’s principal or other duly authorized school official shall determine if a student’s attire or grooming meets reasonable and appropriate guidelines. Parents and students should consult their school’s student handbook or call the principal for information regarding specific dress code requirements in their school. However, the following standards are generally common to each school.

Elementary School Dress Standards Students should wear clothing that is clean and suitable for school activities, keeping in mind weather conditions and good taste. Shoes must be worn at all times. Pants are to be worn at the waist and fastened securely. The following are not to be worn at school: n Halter-tops, tank tops, f i s h n e t top s a nd m id r i f f blouses. n Excessively large or baggy clothing. n  Tops and dresses with spaghetti straps. n Muscle shirts. n Shirts that advertise alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. n Short shorts and skirts (Your index f inger should touch the hem of the shorts). n Shorts covered by a fulllength shirt. n Bicycle pants or shorts. n Clothing with open holes above the knee. n  Clothing that is suggestive, advocates disobedience to society or causes a possible disruption to the school. n  Clothing or attire with statements or symbols which might be deemed offensive to others, violent or of a threatening nature. n Shoes with cleats and/or wheels (heelys). n Hardware chains. n  C a p s , h a t s , v i s o r s , a ny ot h e r h e ad ge a r, a nd sunglasses. If a student chooses to wear shorts or a skirt, the shorts or skirt must be of appropriate length. The appropriate measurement will be determined when the student is standing erect, hands by his/her side, fingertips not extending below the hem of the clothing, maintaining modesty at all times. Biker shorts, spandex apparel, excessively form-f itting shirts, shorts, pants or skirts are not allowed.

Middle School Dress Standards In the interest of having a safe, orderly school, which minimizes distractions and maximizes the learning environment, a dress code has been established for all middle school students in the Coweta County School System. Every middle school student is expected to dress and be groomed in accordance with acceptable standards of cleanliness and modesty. Students may wear dresses, blouses, shirts, or any other types of clothing appropriate to the sex

of the individual that does not violate the intent of the dress code. The dress standard is as follows: n  If a student chooses to wear shorts or a skirt, the shorts or skirt must be of appropriate length. The appropriate measurement will be determined when the student is standing erect, hands by his/ her side, fingertips not extending below the hem of the clothing, maintaining modesty at all times. Biker shorts, spandex apparel, excessively form fitting shirts, shorts, pants, or skirts are not allowed. n  All shirts, blouses, and dresses must have sleeves. Sh i r t s a n d blo u s e s m u s t not be excessively long and should not be a safety concern or a disruption. If a shirt is too long, it must be tucked. Clothing should not expose areas of stomach, side, or back. Oversized clothing is not allowed. n  Pants must be appropriately sized for width and hem med to a sa fe leng t h . Underwear should not be visible. Pant size should not hinder ability to move about easily and safely. Pants must be fastened securely at the waist. Pants may not have holes or the appearance of holes above the knees. Overalls or coveralls must be worn properly. n No items of clothing are allowed that may be affiliated with gang activity, as defined by administration and law enforcement. n  No “hardware chains” may be worn as belts, wallet chains, or jewelry. No chains of this type are allowed on school campus or at any school function. No hats, bandanas, or headbands may be worn or displayed during the instructional day. n No items may be worn with inappropriate pictures, symbols, or lettering. This includes but is not limited to depictions of alcohol, drugs, or weapons. Statements that might be deemed offensive to others are prohibited. No writing is allowed on the seat of pants or skirts. n Paja mas a nd /or house shoes or slippers may not be worn to school. n  Shoes with wheels may not be worn to school. Other shoes that may present a safety hazard should not be worn. n  In an effort to address concerns for student safety and welfare, to create a learning environment with minimal distractions, and to reinforce the values of modesty and civility, the administration will be responsible for enforcing this dress code fairly and reasonably. n Violations are determined at the discretion of the administration. If students are in violation of the dress code, they will be given the opportunity to correct the violation. If they fail to correct the violation, they may be asked to call home for appropriate clothing and/or may receive disciplinary consequences as determined by the administrative staff.

High School Dress Standards Everyone in Coweta County high schools is expected to d ress a nd be g roomed i n accordance with acceptable standards of cleanliness, good taste, and appropriateness.

Photo by Jeffrey Leo

Dress codes are in place for elementary, middle and high school students attending Coweta County public schools.

The established standard has been set to discourage clothing that may be a distraction to the learning environment and possible safety of students. It is not our intent to thwart self-expression or exercise unreasonable control over students; however, current trends seem to favor certain modes of dress which are inappropriate for school, causing distractions to the learning environment, and sometimes putting the students in situations not best for them. The dress standard is as follows: n  All shirts and dresses must have sleeves. Tank tops,

tube tops, and shirts without sleeves are not acceptable. n Students will be permitted to wear shorts, dresses, and skirts, provided they reach the end of the fingertips or longer. (Splits in skirts/dresses/shorts must be below the fingertips.) Mini-skirts, mini-dresses, and short shorts are not permitted. n  Overalls may be worn with both straps fastened and on the shoulders. A shirt must be worn under overalls. n Pants must be worn properly at the hips. n Chains or sharp objects are not permitted. n Low cut, see th rough, strapless, or backless dresses/ shirts may not be worn.

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n No student should dress in such a way that his/her underwear is partially or totally exposed. The waist and top portions of boxer shorts and briefs, bra straps and bra sides should not show. n No student may wear any jewelry, clothing, or carry backpacks which display or suggest alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weaponry, profanity, vulgarity, sexual innuendo, or scatological humor. n No student may wear any jewelry, clothing, or carry backpacks which display or suggest anything inflammatory or degrading to a particular race, creed, or culture. n No st udent w i l l wea r


trench coats. n  No student may wear clothes with holes above the knees, in the crotch, or under the buttocks. n Hats, headbands, bandannas, sunglasses, stocking caps, hoods, picks/combs, and other headgear are not permitted. n Blouses, dresses, or skirts which expose the areas of the stomach, side, or back are not permitted. n  Excessively form-fitting or loose-fitting clothing is not permitted. n  A ny clothing /jewelr y or improperly worn clothing deemed gang related by the administration will not be permitted.




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Library budget numbers reviewed Tom Dombrowski, treasurer for the Coweta Public Library System, goes over budget numbers at the July 17 trustee meeting at Central Library. He said all the libraries have kept spending below budgeted amounts except for newly opened Senoia which – at 57 percent of its budget – is “only slightly under budget.” Dombrowski described spending at Powell and Grantville as “well under budget.” At left is Marie Vielot, director of the libraries in Grantville and Senoia.

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6D — The Newnan Times-Herald — Sunday, July 29, 2012

Back to School

Coweta County School System 2012-13 Directory Coweta County School System P.O. Box 280 Newnan, GA 30264 770-254-2800

Coweta County Board of Education Sue L. Brown (2nd District), Board Chairman: sue.brown@ Winston Dowdell (5th District) Vice Chairman: winston.dowdell@ Amy Dees (1st District): amy.dees@ Frank Farmer (At-Large): frank.farmer@ Harry Mullins (3rd District), Board Treasurer: harry.mullins@ Graylin Ward (4th District): graylin.ward@

School System Administration Board of Education Office 237 Jackson Street Newnan, GA 30263 Superintendent: Dr. Steve Barker, 770-254-2801 Assistant Superintendent (Administrative Services): Marc Guy, 770-254-2802 Assistant Superintendent (Finance): Keith Chapman, 770-254-2817 Public Information Officer: Dean Jackson, 770-254-2736 After-School Program Director: Alan Wood, 770-252-3016 School System Head Nurse: Sally Millians, 770-254-2799

Transportation 105 Cofield Drive Newnan, GA 30263 Transportation Manager: Judy Gresham, 770-254-2820 Transportation Assistant Manager: Sandra Lewis, 770-254-2820 Shop Foreman: Keith McCullough, 770-254-2820

School System Operations Office 170 Werz Industrial Drive Newnan, GA 30263 Associate Superintendent: Jerry Davis, 770-254-2750 (Ext. 205)

Facilities Director: Ronnie Cheek, 770-254-2750 (Ext. 203) Facilities Coordinator: Walter Drake, 770-254-2750 (Ext. 207) Construction Supervisor: Buster James, 770-254-2750 (Ext. 206) Maintenance Supervisor: Danny Brooks, 770-254-2750 (Ext. 217) School Nutrition Coordinator: Cathe Nixon, 770-254-2750 (Ext. 214) Warehouse (Shipping and Receiving): 770-254-2750 (Ext. 210)

Benefits/Workers Comp. Specialist: Vanessa Warner, 770-254-2731 Records Retention: Janet Tarleton, 770-254-2800

Centre for the Performing and Visual Arts 1523 Lower Fayetteville Road, Newnan Director: Don Nixon, 770-254-2787 Student Support Services 1 Dowdell Street, Newnan Directors: John Boren and Eddie Lovett, 770-254-2870

School System Central Office 167 Werz Industrial Drive Newnan, GA 30263 School System Main Directory: 770-254-2800 Central Registration Center Registrar: Donna Carter, 770-254-5551 Instruction and Curriculum: 770-254-2810 Curriculum Department and Elementary Curriculum Director: Karen Barker, 770-254-2810 Secondary Curriculum Director: Barbara Louis, 770-254-2810 Pre-K and Federal Programs Director: David Gregory, 770-254-2810 Testing and School Improvement Coordinator: Peggy Guebert, 770-254-2810 Special Education Director: Gina Murray, 770-254-2810 Title I Coordinator: Sherry Warren, 770-254-2810 Title I Monitor: Lisa Copeland, 770-254-2810 English Language Learners Director: Rusty Knorr, 770-254-2810 Math Curriculum Specialist: Lynn Skinner, 770-254-2810 Science Curriculum Specialist: Donald White, 770-254-2810 Human Resources Director: Vince Bass, 770-254-2803 Human Resources Manager: Susan Riggs, 770-254-2803 Substitute Procurement Specialist: Kelly Smith, 770-254-5540 Information Technology Director: Phil Kline, 770-304-7950 Comptroller: Mike Jones, 770-254-2732 Payroll Manager: Glenda McDuffie, 770-254-2805

Elementary Schools Arbor Springs 4840 N. Highway 29 Newnan, GA 30265 770-463-5903 Principal: Patti Falk Assistant Principal: Stephanie Golden Counselor: Alicia Ramsay

Arnco-Sargent 2449 W. Highway 16 Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2830 Principal: Vicki Vaughan Assistant Principal: Janice Smith Counselor: Priscilla Lee

Atkinson 14 Nimmons Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2835 Principal: Latrina Gates Assistant Principal: Monica Hughes

Brooks 35 Genesee Point Newnan, GA 30263 770-683-0013 Principal: Julie Raschen Assistant Principal: Amy Harrison Counselor: Penny Jones

Canongate 200 Petes Road Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-463-8010 Principal: Julie Lutz Assistant Principal: Betty Robinson Counselor: Marvene Goolsby


Poplar Road

1225 Eastside School Road Senoia, GA 30276 770-599-6621 Principal: Leigh Munson Assistant Principal: Jena Martin Counselor: Mary Provost

2925 Poplar Road Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-254-2740 Principal: Lesley Goodwin Assistant Principals: Catherine Waczkowski and Bonita Flounnory Counselor: Lutricia Jones

Elm Street 46 Elm Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2865 Principal: Christi Hildebrand Assistant Principal: Nina Wimbley Counselor: Janet Fagan


Ruth Hill 57 Sunset Lane Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2895 Principal: Valerie Mathura Assistant Principal: Maria Carlton Counselor: Lucia Woods

Jefferson Parkway 154 Farmer Industrial Blvd. Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2771 Principal: Sean Dye Assistant Principal: Valerie Dean Counselor: Hollie Richardson

East Coweta

3530 E. Highway 34 Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-254-2751 Principal: Fate Simmons Assistant Principal: Julie Durrance Counselor: Susan Schmitt

6291 E. Highway 16 Senoia 30276 770-599-6607 Principal: Schwanda Jackson Assistant Principals: Yovandra Matthews-Curtis and George Wilkerson Counselors: Tiffany Busby and Mignon Carter



240 Mary Freeman Road Newnan, GA 30265 770-254-2597 Principal: Becky Darrah Assistant Principals: Aaron Corley and Naima Waddy Counselor: Toni Vinson

41 Evans Drive Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2780 Principal: Melissa Wimbish Assistant Principals: Ben Tarleton and Vera Perry-Harris Counselors: Zelda Hines and Mattie Brady



145 Railroad Street Moreland, GA 30259 770-254-2875 Principal: Beverly Yeager Assistant Principal: Melanie Perry Counselor: Cindy Bowen

1730 Welcome Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2790 Principal: Denise Pigatt Assistant Principal: Stan McMichael Counselor: Crysti Nix

Newnan Crossing

White Oak

1267 Lower Fayetteville Road Newnan, GA 30265 770-254-2872 Principal: Terri Lassetter Assistant Principals: Kimberly Parten and Gwendolyn Melson Counselor: Waikiki Upshaw

770 Lora Smith Road Newnan, GA 30265 770-254-2860 Principal: Cheryl Sanborn Assistant Principals: Janet Wunner and Dillia Smith Counselor: Silverlene Johnson-Kindle



700 Lora Smith Road Newnan, GA 30265 770-254-2765 Principal: Jan Franks Assistant Principals: Lawanda James-Greene and Andy Clarke Counselors: Sara Dupree and Dawn Jerrell

Thomas Crossroads

5725 Highway 29 Grantville, GA 30220 770-583-2873 Principal: Katie Garrett Assistant Principal: Lisa Skinner Counselor: Becki Kelly

720 Country Club Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2890 Principal: Dana Ballou Assistant Principal: Theodore Travis Counselor: Bonnie Fain

Middle Schools

Willis Road 430 Willis Road Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-304-7995 Principal: Charles Smith Assistant Principals: Rebecca Hannon and Paula Baker Counselor: Elisa Orr

Lee 370 Willis Road Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-251-1547 Principal: Bob Heaberlin Assistant Principals: Cindy Bennett and Jake Golden Counselors: Karen Poore and Christie Adams

Madras 240 Edgeworth Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2744 Principal: Lorraine Johnson Assistant Principals: Herbert Betts and Kristin Skelly Counselors: Kori Reid and Kim Pelletier

See Directory, page 7D

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Sunday, July 29, 2012 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 7D

Back to School

New books offer students help with chemistry From STAFF REPORTS Chemistry is a subject that often is challenging for students, and two new books are out to help make the subject easier to understand. With school right around the corner, many students – and their parents – are facing a year of high school chemistry with dread and anxiety. Students feel they are not good at science and go into the first class believing they are going to fail. Parents may have been told that chemistry is an important class for college but fear that they will not be able to assist their children with their chemistry lessons. “Prep for Success in Chemistry, A Bridge Between Science and Math” is a new book by Laurie Sorge, Ph.D. A lso, t he t h ird edition of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Chemistry” by Ian Guch is also now in print. Sorge is a chemistry teacher with a lifelong love of science who is pained to hear students claim to hate chemistry. “I enjoy tracking down and understanding exactly where students ‘go wrong’ when they seem unable to grasp chemistry,” Sorge said. “My experience has shown that these difficulties often re su lt f rom t he fac t t h at American students are not

taught how to use math as a tool for science. Recent statistics showed that U.S. students ranked 24th in math and 17th in science among 34 countries,” she explained. “Prep for Success in Chemistry” is a user-friendly, visua l ly pleasi ng textbook, workbook and reference designed for high school, home school, community college and college students taking a beginning level chemistry course. Sorge said her book can also help parents who want a tutoring leg-up for the upcoming school year. “Prep for Success in Chemistry” is designed for visual learners with lots of graphics, interesting example problems and real-life chemistry “street smarts.” “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Chemistry” provides an addition to science textbooks. AP and college prep high school students and non-science majors in college will find the book helpful as it is a non-intimidating and straightforward guide to complement textbooks. By following a sta nda rd math-based chemistry curriculum, this book guides readers to a greater understanding of chemistry basics. Guch, who resides in A lexa ndria, Va ., is a high school teacher who has taught remedial chemistry,

Daniela Strube, left, of Luthersville leafs through “The Complete Idiots Guide to Chemistry” while Austin Harris peruses “Prep for Success in Chemistry.”

general chemistry, honors Internet website that contains ors chemistry at Langley High chemistry, and International chemistry resources for both School in McLean, Via. Baccalaureate chemistry. He students and teachers. Guch, who says he did poorly also runs, an Guch currently teaches hon- in high school chemistry, has

written several other chemistry books under the principle that chemistry should be both fun and easy.

Coweta County School System 2012-13 School Year Directory listed Directory Continued from page 6D

Smokey Road 965 Smokey Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2840 Principal: Laurie Barron Assistant Principals: Wanda Pettaway and Ryan Sullivan Counselors: Edna Bridges and Tammy McCall

Maggie Brown (Alternative)

32 Clark Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-304-5930 Principal: Derek Pitts

High Schools East Coweta

Assistant Principals: Patrick Sullivan (9th grade), Jose Casablanca, Denise Norred, Ken Kesselring and Kevin Jones Counselors: Jenn Ryals (9th grade), Melissa Brubaker, Allison Handley, Wendy Williams and Jeannette Hallam Registrar: Julianne Brandes

400 Sharpsburg-McCollum Road, Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-254-2850 Principal: Evan Horton

Newnan 190 LaGrange Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2880



Principal: Doug Moore Assistant Principals: Rick Surrett (9th grade), Steve Allen, Linda Fincher, Phyllis Hall, Bennie Rhodes and Chase Hall Counselors: Will Noe (9th grade), Shea Lasiter, Michael Barnes and Chase Puckett Registrar: Chrissy Johnson

Assistant Principals: Nadene Smith (9th grade), Bill Harrison, Eric Fiske, Ron Gill and Keafer Triplett Counselors: Erin Bass (9th grade), Michelle Hutcheson, Dawn Revere and Kelly Schettini Registrar: Beth DeLoach


160 Martin Luther King Drive Newnan, GA 30263 678-423-2000 CEO: Mark Whitlock Principal: Mark Ballou Counselor: Nora Ann Wood

3220 Fisher Road Newnan, GA 30265 770-463-5585 Principal: Therese Reddekopp

Central Educational Center

Associate Provost, West Georgia Technical College: Tonya Whitlock

Winston Dowdell Academy (Alternative) 1 Dowdell Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-254-2870 Principal: Vern Mamon Counselor: Allen Rhinehart

Westside/Burwell 106 Westside School Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-304-5930 Coordinator: David Blevins

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