Back To School 2012

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Back to School

Sunday, July 29, 2012 — 1D

Coweta County students start Aug. 6 Education options abound

Pre-planning starts Aug. 1; orientation set for Aug. 3

By REBECCA LEFTWICH As its population has grown exponentially over the past 20 years, Coweta County has emerged as a respected – and widely recognized – center of educational diversity. From public prog ra ms including traditional, charter and cyber schools to private academies, state-funded pre-kindergarten and a home school co-op supported by hundreds of families, educational opportunities to match all life and learning styles abound. More than 22,000 students currently are educated on Coweta County School System (CC S S) c a mpu s e s , wh ic h include 19 elementary schools, si x m idd le schools, t h ree high schools and a charter career academy serving students from those high schools. Coweta schools consistently rank among the top-performing schools in Georgia in terms of student achievement, and its schools and educational leaders frequently receive top honors. In 2012, Lee Middle School was recognized as a national Lighthouse School to Watch a n d C e n t r a l E du c a t io n a l Center was named a Georgia Innovator by the Southern Grow t h Policy Boa rd. Dr. L au r ie Ba r ron of Smokey Road Middle School, Georgia’s Middle School Principal of the Year, also is one of the three finalists for the National Middle Level Principal of the Year award. Despite budget crises caused by toug h econom ic ti mes throughout Georgia and the nation, Coweta schools have suffered no cuts in personnel, programs or services. While ot her dist ricts h ave been forced to rearrange or subtract from school schedules to make up budget shortfalls, CCSS educational days and hours have remained intact. Extensive renovations and modifications – including a remodeling of historic Drake Stadium – are nearly complete at the county’s oldest high school, Newnan High, and preliminary planning has begun for the county’s newest school, Corinth Road Middle, which has a projected opening of fall 2014. One of the jewels in the CCSS crown is The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts, a 1 ,000 -seat, state- of-t heart performance hall featuring student exhibition space, instruction and master classes in all fine arts concentrations.


Photo by Jeffrey Leo

Emmy Peters, who just turned 5, gets her whooping cough and polio immunizations from LPN Linda Benoist at the Coweta County Health Department.

New student registration ongoing By REBECCA LEFTWICH

Students new to the Coweta County School System (CCSS) are urged to register as quickly as possible to prevent falling behind in classes when the 2012-13 year begins Aug. 6. ” B e c au s e pu nc t u a l a nd regular school attendance at all grade levels is important to a child’s educational success, all parents are urged to make sure that their child begins class at the start of the new school year,” said Dean Jackson, CCSS public information officer. Students already enrolled in a Coweta County school – including those attending CCSS pre-kindergarten classes during the 2011-12 school year – do not need to re-register. Georgia law requires students to be 5 years old by Sept. 1 in order to enroll in kindergarten and 6 years old by Sept. 1 to enroll in first grade. Parents who have not yet registered their children for school are urged to do so as soon as possible. The Central Registration center is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. throughout the summer. “Coweta Cou nty h ig h schools operate on a block schedule system, which allows See options, page 3D students to complete a full

course earning one Carnegie Unit in one semester,” Jackson said. “Therefore, missed classes at any point during the semester will result in significant lapses in instructional time, which can seriously jeopardize a student’s success.” To enroll a new student in school, parents will need to provide the following items: n A state-issued, certified copy of the student’s birth certificate. Hospital certificates are not accepted. n Social Security card n Proof of residence in the form of two items from the following list, required for address verification: Property tax records which indicate the location of the residence; mortgage documents or a security deed which indicates the location of the residence; apartment or home lease or rent receipt indicating the current address; current electrical bill or application for electrical service showing the current address (please bring the entire bill, to show electrical service and address); voter precinct identification card or other voter documentation indicating the current address. n State ID or drivers license, which must be current and not expired. Students may only Photo by Jeffrey Leo be registered by a biological Megan Gaschler, a first grade teacher at Newnan Crossing

Elementary School, builds her spelling wall as she prepares for the

See new, page 2D return of students Aug. 6.

Lightn i ng bugs a re sti ll glowing but the Fourth of July has come and gone, so it’s time to shop for new pencil boxes and gear up for the 2012-13 school year. Pre-planning for all teachers in the Coweta County School System (CCSS) begins on Wednesday, Aug. 1, and students head back Aug. 6. Teachers, administrators and support staff are busy preparing for the upcoming year. “My favorite part of back to school is meeting new students and welcoming back students who were with us last year,” said Dr. Jan Franks, who has been principal at Arnall Middle School for five years. Franks advises parents to relax as they get their children ready for the start of school and to let school staff to help ease the transition, especially for students new to middle school. She said the more at ease the parents are, the less anxious their children will be about starting school. “My advice to parents is to breathe,” Franks said. “We understand they may have anxieties of their child beginning a new school or at a new level. We are here to help in this transition.” “Learning how to successfully navigate these types of changes instill a level of confidence in their child and this confidence will lay the foundation as their child transitions to high school which will be here in a blink of an eye,” Franks added. Parents and students are welcome to visit schools for orientation Friday, Aug. 3. Teachers will not be available for formal conferences, but administrators say plenty of staff will be on hand to answer questions and welcome students back. “My favorite part of back to school time is meeting and greeting the students and parents during orientation,” said Melissa Wimbush, principal at Evans Middle School. “I always enjoy listening to the summer vacation stories.” Wimbush said talking with their children is the best way for parents to help prepare them for a new school year. “Begin now having discussions about ways to have a successful school year,” she said. “Talk about expectations, set goals together, and emphasize the value of learning by encouraging their children to

See start, page 2D

CCSS offers bus information and transportation tips From STAFF REPORTS As the first day of school approaches for Coweta County School System (CCSS) students, school officials and the school system’s transportation department are urging Cowetans to leave home early on the first day of school and to expect a higher volume of traffic on Coweta roads. Students who will ride the bus on the first day of school a re advised to be at their neighborhood bus stop no later than 6:55 a.m. not only on Aug. 6, but for the first full week of school (Aug. 6-10) Regular morning pick-up times will become more regular as routes are established in the new year. Bus ridership is impossible to predict on the first day of school, CCSS transportation officials warn. Parents are advised to have their children at the appropriate stop at 6:55 a.m. and to be prepared for a longer wait for the bus on the first days. B u s pi c k- up s ite s h ave remained largely unchanged si nce l a st sc ho ol ye a r. Generally, if a home is on a street or cul-de-sac of twotenths of a mile or shorter in length, students should wait

for the bus on the nearest street corner. If a subdivision street or other neighborhood street is longer than two-tenths of a mile long, bus stops are generally one-tenth of a mile apart based on ridership. If parents are unsure about pick-up sites for the school bus, or have other questions, they can call the transportation department at 770-2542820. Representatives of the transportation department will also be in schools during school orientation times on Friday, Aug. 3 and the first day of school. One significant change for the school transportation this year will take place at Jefferson Parkway Elementary School. The school will hold bus pickups and drop-offs behind the school, while parent car riders will be routed to the front of the school (accessed by the highway 34 bypass). This is a switch from previous years. Parents who will drive children to school are also advised to leave home and arrive at school earlier than usual on the first day. Coweta County school operation times are:

See Bus, page 2D Mechanic Ricky Drawdy checks the oil on the newest bus in the Coweta County School System fleet.

Photo by Jeffrey Leo

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