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Yard Sale Special

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 May 28, 2014

MyConnection Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald

Your 6-LINE AD for 3 DAYS is only


95 per day

in The Newnan Times-Herald and on for FREE! Call 770-253-1576 or email

*Deadline noon Friday the week prior to your sale.


Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7

Arnco-Sargent honors student mentor By Celia Shortt

Arnco-Sargent Elementary School recently honored Victor Hanson for his 20 years of service to the school as a student mentor. “Thank you so much for this recognition,” he said at the reception from the school honoring his service. “I didn’t realize it had been 20 years.” Hanson was recruited to Arnco-Sargent’s volunteer program 20 years ago by his wife, Joann Hanson, who at the time was principal of Arnco-Sargent. “He’s been here ever since and has mentored several of our students,” said Priscilla Lee, a counselor at Arnco-Sargent and head of the school’s parent-volunteer program. “He likes to start with the younger children in kindergarten and first grade a nd follow them to f ifth grade.” The staff at Arnco-Sargent has enjoyed working

w it h Ha nson a nd seei ng his impact on them and the students. “The first day of pre-planning that year (Hanson’s first year), I walked by the storage room and an adorable gentleman was in there painting and putting in shelves,” said Regina Lange, teacher at Arnco-Sargent. “He looked up at me with a huge grin on his face and said that Joann had him fixing the place up. I couldn’t help but smile, and for the last 20 years I have continued to see that same smile that was on my face on the faces of the students he mentors every time he walks in the door. There are some things in life that are priceless, and that smile is definitely worth a million words.” “He is a positive role model (mentor) for a ll our students,” said Vickie Vaughn,

mentor, page 3

Photos By Celia Shortt

Victor Hanson, left, was recently honored by Arnco-Sargent Elementary School for his 20 years as a school mentor. Mekhi Winkles, right, met Hanson when he was in first grade. Hanson then mentored him through fifth. Winkles is now a student at Newnan High School.

i n s i de

Try your own salads w summer these rec ith ipes! ➤ PA GE 5

Photos by Jeffrey Leo

Newnan junior William Ballou (left) and East Coweta first-year varsity player Jasmine Keiler were honored by the county’s GHSA head tennis coaches as 2014 All-County Players of the Year.

Ballou, Keiler lead All-County honors By CHRIS GOLTERMANN

William Ballou and Jasmine Keiler are only getting started when it comes to their respective va rsity ten nis careers. But they’ve already made quite an impact on respective boys and girls programs at Newnan and East Coweta. In a season that saw all six local teams qualify for the GHSA State Playoffs, the sport was as strong as any this spring. And it only expects to improve into 2015. It’s also another reason why the list of players on this year’s Newnan TimesHera ld GHSA A l l- Cou nt y Ten n is Teams is long, with Ballou — Newnan’s

No. 1 singles player — and Keiler — the top singles player for the Lady Indians — leading the way. The teams were selected by the county’s three GHSA head coaches — East Coweta’s Scott Smith, Northgate’s Justin Crews and Newnan’s Hap Hines. Ballou, who was joined by seniors Landon Goolsby and Mikey Miller, battled East Coweta’s boys for the top spot in Region 3-AAAAAA this year, earning first place in the regular season and then placing second to the Indians in the postseason tournament. “We’re looking to even more good t h i ngs from h i m next yea r,” sa id Newnan head coach Hap Hines of Bal-

lou, a junior, following a first-round Class AAAAAA tournament loss to Lowndes. “He’s got a chance to be one of the best we’ve had before it’s all said and done.” From his No. 1 singles spot, Ballou took on the top players from opposing teams, creating quite the rivalry with East Coweta counterpart and fellow All-County selection Matt Byers, who won two of three head-to-head matches including a final third-set tiebreaker in the 3-AAAAAA championship. Ballou also was forced to battle

all-county, page 3

Grilled Chipotle Caesar Salad Wedges

Trio of salads Family Features There’s nothing better than enjoying a delicious meal while relaxing with friends and family. Most of us have that familiar go-to menu that takes little or no planning, but this summer it’s time to try something new. First, move dinner outdoors to enjoy the warmth of the sun or a star-filled summer sky. Then, fire up the grill and showcase summer’s bounty to create this delicious trio of salads for a gathering that truly shines.

2 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Weather Connection

may 29 - june 1

60. *Sasha and Malia’s father 63. Come by without warning 64. Frigid 66. Cool & distant 68. Flip-flop 69. French for “word” 70. T in Ferrari TR 71. Actress Hathaway 72. *Widely considered father of the detective story 73. *John Jacob _____, sire to clan of multi-millionaires


1. “_____ your engines!” 6. Buffoon THURSDAY 9. Dermatologist’s concern 13. Like beaver? 14. Bearded antelope 15. Pertaining to the ear 16. Davy Crockett’s last stand 17. Campaigned 18. Modern day letter 19. *Suri’s father FRIDAY 21. *Kiefer’s father 23. ___ bluede punta de lomo de cerdo fresco Asado Lomos de pechuga de pollo listo para cocinar, 32 onzas DOWN Superior Farms Fresh American 24. Khaled Fresh Hosseini’s “The ____ RunTop Chick 32 oz. Pkg. 1. Moses parted the Red one ner” 2. After-bath powder 25. Brady Bunch daughter lb. turf ea. 3. Culture-growing 28. Actress U.S.D.A.Jessica inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corto central de 4. Romulus’ brother Alas de partido congelado fresco, 2.5 libras paquete de cualquier tamaño 30. Metal helmet Any Size Pkg. - U.S.D.A. Inspected 5. Russian triumvirateB.C.K. 2.5 lb. Pkg. 35. Beehive state P l e a s e v i s t taleovillain u r w e b s i t e @ w w w . m y f o olb.d d e p o t . cSATURDAY om! 6.iFairy 37. “Frasier” actress Gilpin 7. American lb. Nurses Association de Cordero Americano entero o mitad ea. Pierna54. 31. *Last of the pre-flood Patriarchs Get ready forfresco a date 39. Lacy mat U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 8. Plural of fundus in the bible Tocino rebanado, 12 onzas Jamón cocinado, 10 onzas Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado 28 onzas department Jamón o pavo rebanado delgado, 16 onzas 40. Folk story 56. sub, Company Salchicha bratwurst o italiano, 19 onzas Escamas de carne de cangrejo de imitación 12 oz. 9. Wild feline 10 oz. 28 oz. 16 oz. Thin Sliced 5 lb. Family Pack 32. Employees, often preceded with 41. Throw something 57. *John-John’s father Sea Best heavy Carolina Pride Carolina Pride Oscar Mayers Land O Frost Bar-S 10. Face-to-face exam “new” 43. Seed covering Flake 58. Fairytale’s second word? Imitation ........... ......... .................... ..... 11. Surprise attack 33. Legal 44. Quechua speakers Salchicha ahumado o salchicha polaco, 14 onzas Salchicha de toda carne enorme o tamaño deexcuse bollo, 16 onzas Jamón o pavo rebanado delgado, 9 onzas59. Common workday Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz de paquete de familia, 3 libras start 14 oz. Smoked or Polish addition 16 oz. Jumbo or Bun34. Size*U.S. President with 9 oz.the Delimost Shaved 3 lb. Family Pack 12. Building 46. “The ____ Not Taken” 60. Information unit Carolina Pride Oscar Mayer Bar-S 15. Pride Aeneas’ U.S.D.A. Carolina Select Beef story children U.S.D.A. Select Beef SUNDAY 47. Greek goddess of youth 61. C in COGS ..................... . ..... ............... lb. 20. Air fairy 36. Furnace output 48. Half-shell delicacy 62. Japanese zither 22. Pro baseball’s “Master Melvin” 38. *This Russian father was famously 50. Joint with a cap 63. School organization 24. Modern sing-along terrible 52. *Brady Bunch kids addressed dad Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco 65. Bird word U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de cuete en trozo U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 25. *Enrique Iglesias’ father 42. Swelling this way Fresh Lean Sirloin Tip 67. Frequent partner of “away” Eye of Round Breakfast 26. Lack of muscle tension 53. “____ the slate clean” 45. Sweatshop activity Roast .......................... lb. 27. Drug agents 55. “___ Doubtfire” 49. Orinoco or Grande Solution on Page 6 U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de cañada sin hueso asado Londones U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso 57. *Namesake © StatePoint Media 29. Porter or IPA, e.g. 51. Misprints U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 15 oz. Can

Newnan digital photography Newnan Carnegie Library May 30 2 p.m. - 4 p.m

With the help of photographer Gorgon Kilgore, this class with teach the basics of digital photography from how to hold a camera to camera settings and simple lighting techniques.

86° 64°

2 Breast Tenderloin 6 $ 35 $ 89 Party Wings 4 Loin Pork Chops.. 3 $ 75

Loin End

Pork Roast............

Info: 770-683-1347

Fresh Frozen

Center Cut

unique gardens tour

$ 23

Ready To Cook

Whole or Half Lamb Leg


$ 95



$ 98 Chuck Roast Sliced Bacon P l e a s e v i s i t o u r2 w Cooked e b s Ham ite Crab Meat

85° 64°

83° Boneless $ 1365°

1@ wSubwKitsw . m y $f6o18o Hamd dorSirloin eTurkey p o t .3c o Steak m !Jumbo Meat Fanks $ 22 $ 02 $ 95 $ 88 $ 99 $ 13 Sausage 3 95 6 $1 Bone-In 952 AllMeatHotDogs 2 Ham or Turkey 2 Corn Dogs$ Boneless

North Coweta County May 31 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

2 $ 95

The Coweta County Master Gardeners will host a tour of unique gardens including the Farmer Garden, the Emerson Garden, the Hutcheson Redwine Plantation and the Oak Grove Plantation. A voluteer will be on hand to answer questions and proceeds will benefit Coweta Extension Service educational programs.


Chuck Roast lb.

Info: 770-254-2620

Select Varieties

Baked Beans

2 lb.



F R E I G H T,




8 Pk. Asst.


6 oz.

4 Steaks............... $ 24 4lb.$ Swiss 79 Steak





$ 93

London Broil 30 oz. .......... ....... QUALITY lb. Pik Nik Homepack Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia, 3 libras Jamón de desayuno rebanado sin hueso, 14 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 28 onzas 14 oz. 3 lb. Family Pack 14 oz. Mayonnaise Sunset Farms Crackers28 oz. Doritos Fresh Butterball Turkey $ 17 Four Star Georgia Special Boneless Sliced $ 18 Sh $ 14 $ 72 Ground Chuck 24 oz., Assorted Smoked Sausage ... Smoked Sausage ... Breakfast Ham ...... Smoked Sausage ... Essential Everyday Salchicha Co Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas $ ahumado49Cajun anduille, 14 onzas 96 oz. Patties Salchichas rojos picantes, 2 libras 14 oz. Cajun * 16 oz. Hot or Mild 16 oz. 2 lb. * Dishwashing Liquid 100 ct. Tagless Shopper's Value oz. $ ¢ 15 $lb. 35 Four Star Andouille 44 Georgia Red ¢ 48Essential 06 Sunset Farms$ 79 $ 38 Williams $ 88 Shopper's$ Value Everyday Bleach ................ Smoked Sausage Red Hots .................. Sausage ..................... Smoked Sausage ... Shopper's lb. Value $ 99 Tea Bags ................. Canola Oil ..............

Shopper's Value

Stroll the streets and sample wines as you stop in and visit downtown merchants. This is an event you don’t want to miss. Tickets will be available for $20 in advance and $25 on the day of the event.


$ 94

10-10.5 oz.

U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de punta de aguayon sin hueso


Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas

2 3/$ PLUS 10% ADDED AT 1 REGISTER! OUR COST Hot Sauce ........... 1 99 3 1 3 99 Cat Food 6 ¢ 2/ ¢ Saltines.................99 Pasta 89 Sweet Salad Cubes 99¢ Tomato Sauce 3/84¢ ¢ $ 79 Tuna In Water .......69

Downtown Newnan June 13 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.


88° Sirloin Steak lb. 63°



$ 24

¢lb. Frito-Lay's

Van Camp's

summer wined up



2 $ 95

$ 82

16 oz.

Hamburguesa de carne diezmillo molida fresca

*Our cost includes 8 oz. Spaghetti freight, or Elbow Macaroni stocking fees, and associated expenses. Essential Everyday ................ 8 oz. 16 oz., Asst. Flavors Essential Everyday 16 oz. Sweet Pickle Relish or Essential Everyday Please visit our website:! Shopper's Value $ ................. Essential Everyday 5 oz. Dressing ................ ... 22 oz. Non-Dairy Essential Everyday 18 oz. Old Fashion 16 oz. Bag Shopper's Value 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or 12 oz. Shells & Cheese Essential Everyday Essential Everyday ¢ Asado de punta de lomo de cerdo fresco 18 oz. Bottle 4 Pk., 13 oz. Creamer .............. Lomos deSelect Essential pechuga de Everyday pollo listo para cocinar, 32 onzas Info: 770-253-8283 $ 29 20 oz. Oatmeal Varieties Select Varieties Superior Farms Fresh American................ Pinto Beans .......... Fresh Top Chick 32 oz.Pasta Pkg. .......... Deluxe 6 Pk., oz. Bottle Essential Everyday $ 69 16 oz., 20 ct. 15-20 40.5 oz. Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail or Hunt's Hunt's de lomo de cerdo fresco Lomos de pechuga de pollo listo para cocinar, 32 onzas 16 oz. Select Varieties Whole or Half 7.25To oz. Essential Everyday Ready Loin End Superior Farms Fresh American Pineapple in Juice or Syrup Cook ¢ Top Chick 32 oz. Pkg. Essential Everyday Beef Stew ............. Kool•Aid BBQ Snack Pack ¢ Shopper's Value Essential Everyday 2/ ¢ Foam Cups.......... Whole or Half

5 2

3 2 3


139 $ 29 ¢ Cereal 1 99 99 1 $ 75 89 23 ¢$ Long ¢ Leg ¢¢ ¢ Bath 1 $ 75 $ Pork 23 Roast............ .. 69 Bursts lb. ea.Grain RiceLamb Breast Tenderloin Sauce Pudding Tissue Manwich Macaroni & Cheese....... 96 Lamb Leg Canned Fruit ........ 99 Roast............ 2 Breast Tenderloin 6 $ 59 ¢ ATTENTION Corn Meal ............ 1 $ $ 95 $ 6995 2/ ¢ +10%! Aluminum Foil .. 69 Our Cost $ 49 $ 08 $ 42 HOME OWNERS Pickle Spears ........ 1 Salt 86 Charcoal ..................... 5 $ 35 1 $ 89 Fresh Frozen Center Cut 1 $ 35 $ 89 lb. HOMEParty RENTALS Wings ............ 4 ork Chops..& 3 $ 59 ¢ $ 37 ¢ $ 29 4 ea. 3 Wings ............ Loin Pork Chops.. $ 39 96¢ $ 70 Flour ................... 1 $ 99 $ 09 Bathroom lb. Tissue Party 79 I WANT YOUR BUSINESS Vegetable Oil82 2 2 Dill Slices .............. 3 1 Frying Tilapia1 Instant Light Charcoal Whole Whole Fresh $ 98 $ 82 $ 18 or Half$ 13 2NO 1 Fresh 6 Ham $ 99 ¢ Carolina PrideBeef $ 89 $159 Foam P $ 69Carolina3Pride Ground ¢ $ 8239 OscarFish Mayers3 Fillets O Frost Meat $ 09 Bar-S $ 98 $ $ $ 1859 Land 97 $$Chicken 13 Sodas 19 ¢ Paper Towels ........ 59 Sugar ................... 1 Vanilla Wafers 1 2 Imitation Flake 82 REASONABLE .......... 2 Jumbo .................... Ham orCups Turkey ..... 3 $ 22 $ 95 88 ........... ..........61 Party $ 132 $ 37 2REFUSED! $202 Crab Meat 2 $ 49Sliced$3Bacon 6 $ 49 Cooked Ham ......... 1$ 29 SubPartyKitsPlates 199 OFFER $ 02 Fanks $139 3 $ Meat 98 2 7 ¢ Napkins ................. 1 Spring $ 88 Peanut $ Butter 99 .... 1 Carolina Pride $ 22 Carolina $ 13 SnacksPride 83$ 102 Oscar Mayer$ 37 $ 95 Bar-S Sausage ..................... 2 All Meat Hot Dogs. 2 Ham or Turkey lb. $ Dogs 31 ............... 3 3/ ¢ 3 ..... 2$lb.Corn ¢ 6 6 CARPET Apple1 87 $ 99 83 $ 48 ¢ .00 $ lb. 59 lb. lb. 3 Juice ......... 1 Dog Food ............ 4 Drinking Water ... 59 SAVE 2 Cereal . YOUR ENTIRE $ 84 ¢ ¢ $ 19 4 70 90 2 $ 60 3 HOME!! Whole Frying Tilapia Whole ¢ $ 39 $ or 93 Half $ 79GroundFresh $ 30 $ 87 Toaste $ 85 Chuck 11Loin Pork Chops ¢


Ready To Cook


Any Size Pkg. - U.S.D.A. Inspected

B.C.K. 2.5 lb. Pkg.

Fresh Frozen


5 Lb. Plain or Self-Rising

Essential Everyday ea.


Jamón cocinado, 10 onzas

12 oz.

cangrejo de imitación

14 oz. Smoked or Polish

16 oz. Jumbo or Bun Size

Carolina Pride

Carolina Pride

Sausage .....................

All Meat Hot Dogs.


10-10.5 oz.











23.5 oz. Raisin Bran


32 oz. Hamburger


Crunch'n Munch Essential Everyday




Kraft Macaroni


& Cheese............

2.5 oz. Pouch Premium Light or 5 oz.6.7 Chunk lb.White in Water

16 oz.

Essential Everyday

12 Double Roll Ultra Soft or Pl

Quilted Northern

16 oz. Spaghetti,

Food Depot


9-9.5 oz.

16 oz. Mild or

Pasta ..

BBQ Bread......... costilla con hueso

5.5 oz. Box, Veggie Original, Movie Shapes, Spongebob, Phineas & Ferb or Spiral Chicken the Seafresco entero o mitad Pierna de Corderoof Americano Kraft Macaroni

Essential Everyday Cereal .................. Fresh Frozen

Snacks Any Size................ Package


15-16 oz. Can Select Varieties

15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular ADDED AT 7.25 oz. Box, Premium Thick & Creamy, Three Cheese or Blue Box Essential Everyday REGISTER!

Essential Everyday

F R E I G H T,

3.5 oz. Caramel 48 oz.or Buttery Toffee


24 oz. Kosher Dill

2 92



Frito-Lay's Claxton Fresh 12 Pk. Cans

2 ¢

......... Tuna ................... Asst. Flavor Chips ..... & Cheese ............Asst. Flavors 6 Pk., 3.36cocinado, oz. Milky10Way, Jamón onzas4.42 oz. Milky Way 18 oz. Rice Krispies Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 28 onzas Jamón o pavo rebanado delgado, 16 onzas Salchicha bratwurst o italiano, 19 onzas

Salchicha bratwurst o italiano, 19 onzas

5 lb. Family Pack



113.4 oz.oz. Snickers, 3.28 oz. Twix or Caramel, 2.9310 oz.oz. 3 Musketeers

Shopper's ValueJumbo

Essential Everyday M&M's Mars

Honey A

2 88

Super Family Pack Chill Frito-Lay's

32 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties

Kellogg's 28 oz. 15 ct. Red or Blue

16 oz., oz. 50 Thin oz. Plastic Jar, Select Varieties 18 Ct.Sliced Red or 24 Blue Pace Essential Everyday


40 Ct., 9 Inch


Cereal .................. Essential EverydayThirst Quencher Crackers ............... ....... 24 oz. Corn Flakes Salsa.................... Fun Size Candy .. Oscar Mayer Bar-S 20-30 Ct., Select Varieties 5 oz. 9 oz. Asst. Flavors Potato Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11Kellogg's oz. Cheese Puffs, 250 ct. 18 oz. Creamy or Crunchy 89 Load, 138 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 3.4 Salchicha oz. Box M&M's Plain or Peanut or de bollo, 16 onzas Ham or Turkey..... Corn Dogs ............... Salchicha ahumado o salchicha polaco, 14 onzas de todaChips carne enorme o tamaño Jamón o pavo rebanado delgado, 9 onzas Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz de paquete de familia, 3 libras Essential Everyday Tortilla or 10-15 oz. Pretzels Golden Flake 3.2 oz. 12 Boxoz.Peanut Tide Everyday Shopper's Value Cereal .................. 14 oz.Essential Smoked or Polish 16 Essential oz. JumboButter orEveryday Bun Size 9 oz. Deli Shaved 3 lb. Family Pack Tall Kitchen Bags. M&M's Mars Asst. Flavor Chips .. Laundry Detergent . 11.5 oz. Rocky Mountain Chocolate 8 Triple RollVALID: Ultra Soft or White REDEEMABLE AT:1 oz. FOOD DEPOT MANUFACTURER COUPON 05/26/14 – 06/01/14 RV0200 ...................... Kellogg's Candy ................. 15 oz. Can 64 oz. 15 lb. Bag Quilted Northern Golden Flake 16.2 oz.128 Cinnamon oz. Toast Crunch Hunt's Cereal .................. Essential Everyday Shopper's Value Bath Tissue......... General Mills Super Chill Asst. Chips ...... Tomato Sauce .... 12 Ct. Pkg., Select Varieties Green Mountain, Celestial or Eight O' Clock 13-13.2 oz., Select Varieties 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties 16 oz. Cereal ................. K Cups Alpo Canned Hunt's Snyder's 16 oz. Lucky Charms when you buy ONE (1) HONEY MAID Grahams (14 oz. or larger), Coffee .................... Dog Food ............ ONE (1) KRAFT JET-PUFFED Marshmallows (8 oz. or larger), and General Mills Tomatoes ............ Pretzels ................ Claxton Fresh Frozen 8 Pk. Asst.U.S.D.A. Inspected Pork Any Size Package 3.9 oz. Green Mountain Chocolate Glazed(1) DonutHERSHEY’S orFresh Any Size Package U.S.D.A. Select Beef ONE Milk Chocolate (6-pack) U.S.D.A. Fresh lb.Bag,Box Inspected Fresh 16.5-18.510Lb. Select Varieties 20 oz. Giant 16 oz. Regular or Wing Sauce Lance 4.87 oz. Donut House Light Roast Original or Decaf Cereal ................. 30 oz. RETAILER: Mail to: Mondelēz Global LLC, P.O. Box 880110, El Paso, TX. 88588-0110. Cash value 1/100¢. Fresh Boneless Center Cut Purina Pork Cubed 16 oz. Golden Grahams Food Depot Moore's K Cups Pork©Mondelēz International groupDanish Pik T-Bone Nik Homepack General Mills VOID IF COPIED, TRANSFERRED, PURCHASED OR SOLD........ ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. Dog Chow Cuttlets Spare Ribs Steaks $ 37 Coffee White Bread ....... Marinades ............. .................. Crackers Mayonnaise 5.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties Cereal .................. 24 oz. Bottle 20 oz. 5.1 oz. 14.25-15 oz. Jamón o pavo rebanado delgado, 9Sea onzas


Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz de paquete de familia, 3 libras

Meat Fanks

$ 94 $

9 oz. Deli Shaved



Jamón o pavo rebanado delgado, 16 onzas

Escamas de carne de cangrejo de imitación

Salchicha de toda carne enorme o tamaño de bollo, 16 onzas

Essential Everyday B.C.K. 2.5 lb. Pkg.

Shopper's Value

rebanado, Land O Frost Tocino Single Roll12 onzas 12 oz...... SubEssential Kits .................... Everyday Ham or Turkey

Oscar4 Lb. Mayers

Cooked Ham .........

Salchicha ahumado o salchicha polaco, 14 onzas


4 Pk.

U.S.D.A. Inspected 16 oz. Thin Sliced Pork

28 oz.

Carolina Pride

Sliced Bacon...........


Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 28 onzas

10 oz.

Carolina Pride


n Flake


Pierna de Cordero Americano fresco entero o mitad

Tocino rebanado, 12 onzas

93 6 82

25 ft. Standard ea. inspeccionado U.S.D.A. de cerdo corto central de Essential Everyday de chuletas de lomo 26 oz. congelado Iodized or Plainfresco, 2.5 libras Shopper's Value Alas de partido paquete de cualquier tamaño


ionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corto central de Alas de partido congelado fresco, 2.5 libras uier tamaño

. - U.S.D.A. Inspected

2 3

5 Lb. White or Reg. Self-Rising

14.7-18 oz. Apple Jacks, Froot Loops or costilla con hueso Frosted Flakes



3 lb. Family Pack


F R E I G H T,






75 $


24 Pk., .5 Liter

Super Ch

18 oz. Corn F Oats, 20 oz. R

Essential 11 oz. Frosted,

99 1 4 Fillets 1 1 Chicken 3 Fish Fresh Ham Ground Beef $ 35 $ 86 Ketchup $ Bread 95.........$117 Shake N' Pour....77¢ Instant ¢$ $ 95 95....2/92¢ Wheat $ 65 $ 49 Wet Cat Food 1 Charmin ¢ ............... 92 3 3 lb. lb. 6 lb. Cereal .................. 3 ¢3 Lance 19 ea. $ 43 lb. Essential $ 79 Camp's $ 99 Van 99 $ 79 2/ 2 Everyday Bath $ 99 $ 50 Squeez 6 Baked 2 /...94¢ Cat Chow $ 39 61 Squeeze Mustard .........93 11 ¢ $ $ $ 79 Frito-Lay's Pik Oil Nik Cooking ........ 2 Pebble Cereal ........ 2 Homepack Tissue Vegetables $ 39 Cereal .................. 3 3/ ¢ 1 or Mild$Doritos 84 Crackers¢ Mayonnaise 99¢ Beans Morrell Jumbo ¢ ¢ Ramen Noodles ..¢4/96¢ Sauce . Jumbo Meat Lunch lb. ¢ ¢ John 29 Hot ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ lb. lb. Pasta ................... 90 Boneless Salmon ... 92 ¢ lb. or Hot Dog Buns 89 ¢ 99 Cereal In a Cup .. 87 2 Sausage... Hot Dogs.. 91 $ 29 Franks....... 98 Corndogs.. SAVE $2 WYB 1 HMG, 88 99 Makers.....$ 86 99 1 HSY + 1 KRFT JP 1 Shopper's Value99 3/$ Sausage... $ 49 ¢ $ 29 ¢ ¢ 74 1 Dishwashing Liquid Shopper's Value ¢ 2/ ¢ Hot Sauce ........... ¢ Chunk Light Tuna 95 Pasta ...................94 or Hot Dog Buns 1 Ketchup..............77 Groun Cereal ................. 3 ¢ 69 1 Bleach 96 99 ................99 Fresh Shopper's Value ¢ Essential Everyday $ 79






F R E I G H T,








2 2 88

12 oz. Original, C

1199 ¢ 1 Bleach COMPLETELY Essential ................99 INSTALLED Tea Bags Canola Oil MILLS CatONLY! Food ¢ FAMOUS 3 2/ ¢ ............99 Pasta 893 ROOMS CARPET Dressing ................ Armour Pancake Essential Tomato Sauce... Sweet Salad Cubes & Sausage or ¢ $ 79 00 $599 ter .......69 Creamer 1 Deluxe Pasta Cereal Oatmeal ................ Pinto Beans Essential Everyday Essential $ 69 COMPLETELY¢ INSTALLED ............ 1 Foam Cups 89 WE INSTALL Long Grain Rice Macaroni & Cheese....... Canned Fruit ........ Red Rose Hot Dogs Boneless Center Cut Sausage T-Bone or Cubed Pork Danish99 PorkSausage $ 59 WITHIN 100¢ MILES!! Shopper's Value $ 99 orTea Thick Sliced Sausage $ 69 Bags ................. Great Bologna $ ACT 44 II CanolaLoin Oil&.............. 281 $ Chops ¢ ¢ ............ 1 Aluminum Foil 69 ¢ ¢ 2/ ¢ Essential $ 49 Everyday Ground Chuck Pork Cat Food ................ 6 Cuttlets RibsBiscuits..... Steaks Brawny Hunt's Spare Rice-A Roni orPatties..... 6 Pickle Spears ........ 1 Charcoal Salt 86 ¢ Essential 5 98 ..................... 5 Bologna..... 97 Links....... 97 Dogs........ Wieners.. Everyday 99 Microwave 2/ ¢ Paper Towels Saltines................. 99 $ 59 • CARPET WITH 10 YEAR Everyday Pasta Pasta $Roni Shopper's ValueSauce ¢ WARRANTY 39 Popcorn 3/ 95 ¢ Essential Pasta 89$ Essential $ 39 ............ 1 Bathroom Tissue 79 Vegetable Oil $229 $ 99................. Everyday 35 $ 95 $ $ 65 Dressing ................ 1 DillBanquet Slices .............. 1 Instant Light Charcoal 3 Blue $ Bell ¢95 Tomato Sauce ... 84 • HEAVY THICK 8 LB. REBOND PAD Culinary Essential Essential Sweet Salad Cubes 99 Essential Everyday 59 $ 29 lb. 85 Circle ¢ $ ea.89 EverydayCoca-Cola......... lb.¢39 Kellogg's ¢ Shopper's ¢ lb. ¢ LABOR Mrs. Paul's $ 89$Banquet $ 69 • EXPERT GUARANTEED Everyday $ $ 84 $ $ 39 Boneless $ 99 Value02 6 79 $ lb.31 ¢ Ice Cream$ $ 19 $Sodas $ ....... 59 Party Essential Everyday ............ 1 Paper Towels 59 Vanilla Wafers 1 Tuna In Water Essential Everyday 69 ¢ 2 Cups .......... 2 ¢ Oatmeal Pizzas Party Plates .......... 1 Creamer .............. Meals 1 Essential Everyday Snacks Fish Fries................99 Cereal Chicken Pizza Bites • ROOMS EMPTY, FURNITURE EXTRA $ 29 Pinto Beans .......... 99 $ 00 Deluxe Pasta .......... 1 $ 49 • FREE TAKE UP$AND OFF! Coca-Cola......... 3 $ 29 Essential Everyday $ 69 149 HAUL utter .... 1 Napkins Snacks 1 Beef Stew ............. 1 Essential MarieEveryday Callender's ¢ $Shopper's $Pancake 03 25Value Vegetables Essential Everyday $ 89 ¢ .............................. 5 Essential Everyday1 ¢ ¢John Morrell 2/ ¢ Armour Cups .......... 89 ¢ Dinners ............................. 1 ALL! 99 & Sausage or ¢ Jumbo Meat .00 ¢ Foam $ 59 ONE CALL$ THAT’S Lunch $ Hot or Mild Long Grain RiceBiscuits .. 69 ¢ Coca-Cola........... 99 ¢ Jumbo ¢ Macaroni & Cheese....... 96 ¢ ce......... 1 Dog Food ............ 4 Drinking Water ... 59 SAVE 2 Canned Fruit ........ 99 Essential Everyday 99 Franks....... $ 6498 Hot Dogs..88 Sausage... 91 99 Makers.....86 Corndogs.. Totinos $ 59 Sausage...





24 oz., Assorted

Essential Everyday 100 SQ. YDS. Dishwashing Liquid

96 oz.

Shopper's Value


15 lb.

Shopper's Value

Essential Everyday

16 oz. Sweet Pickle Relish or


Shopper's Value

50Everyday SQ. YDS. Essential

Essential Everyday

7.25 oz.

25 ft. Standard


Shopper's Value


26 oz. Iodized or Plain

Essential Everyday

.. ALL PRICES INCLUDE: ..........................

4 Pk.



Essential Everyday


20 oz.

Essential Everyday



15 lb. Bag


Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.



20.5 oz. Bonus Pack, Fruity or Cocoa

7.5 oz. Bowl, Select Varieties

8 Pk. Sugardale 16 oz. All Meat

14.5-15 oz. Can, Select Varieties


Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.

Chef Boyardee

100 ct. Tagless

Kunzler 12 oz. Pkg.

6 Big Roll Pick-A-Size or 8 Roll White

Essential 30 Everyday oz.

10 lb. Box

12 Pk.

24 oz.

Food Depot Hamburger

48 oz.

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh

13-19 oz.

5 lb. Cut Green Beans

7.25 oz.


Armour 2.4 oz.

Carolina Pride 16 oz. Pkg.

Super Chill


10 oz. Worces

11.5 oz. Class

Red Gold

4-7.2 oz. Select Varieties

8.25 oz. Box, Select Varieties


14.7-18 oz. 20 oz. Cheese, Apple Jacks,or Combination Pepperoni Froot Loops or Frosted Flakes All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Cans


All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles

12 ct. Southern 15-20 Styleoz. Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail or

5 oz., 2 Pack 16 oz.

Fresh Frozen

8 oz.

Tennessee Pride 2.5 lb. Family Pack

Tennessee Pride 20 ct. Box

18 oz. Old Fashion


3 oz., Asst. Flavors

16 oz., Asst. Flavors 32 oz. Crinkle or Regular Cut

12.1-33.5 oz. Assorted Flavors

16 oz. Bag

14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or 12 oz. Shells & Cheese

12 oz. Pkg.


24 oz., Select Varieties

8 oz.


Food Depot Hamburger

3694 3 1 94193


16 oz., 20 ct.

VALID: 05/26/14 – 06/01/14

48 oz. Corn or Blended

Pineapple16 in Juice or Syrup Fresh Frozen Sugardale oz. All Meat

12 oz. Pkg.

All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles ...................... 16 oz. Turkey, Beef, Chicken, 19.86-23.02 oz.Self-Rising 5 Lb. White or Reg. 5 lb. Field Peas with Snaps 128 oz. Reduced Fat Assorted Flavors Creamy Mashed Chicken or 25 ft. Standard 9.8-10.9 oz. Select Varieties Select Varieties Fresh Frozen when you buy ONE (1) HONEY MAID Grahams (14 oz. or larger), 24 oz. Kosher Dill Shoppers Value Chicken Corn Chowder 26 oz. Iodized or Plain ONE (1) KRAFT , and 15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular Flavors Classic or JET-PUFFED Marshmallows (8 oz. or larger) Shopper's Value Assorted 32 oz. Bottles Juicy ...................... Fresh Crisp ONE (1) HERSHEY’S Milk Chocolate (6-pack) Essential Everyday ...................... Essential Everyday Powerade........... Marie Fire MailBaked Essential Everyday RETAILER: to: Mondelēz Global LLC, P.O. Box 880110, El Paso, TX. 88588-0110. Cash value 1/100¢. .................... 5 lb. Mixed Vegetables .. ©Mondelēz International group 20.5-21.6 oz. 12 Assorted oz. VOID IF COPIED,or TRANSFERRED, PURCHASED OR SOLD. ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. Cream.......................... Cones Fresh Frozen 5 Lb. Plain Self-Rising Red Baron Callender's Kunzler 12 oz. $Pkg. 84........ 4 Pk. 6 pk. Sandwiches & Bars or 4 ct. Ice 6 oz. 7.5 oz.

128 oz.

Shopper's Value



Essential Everyday

16 lb. Bag Complete or Indoor

5 oz. Low Sodium

5.75-10.25 oz. Select Varieties

Asst. Flavors Select22Varieties oz. Non-Dairy Super

18 oz., 50 Ct. Red or Blue Plastic

Essential Everyday


9 oz. Asst. Flavors Potato Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11 oz. Cheese Puffs, 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels

250 ct.


15 ct. Red or Blue


Chicken of the Sea

16 oz. Sweet Pickle Relish or 6 Pk. Assorted Varieties

Essential Everyday 12 Pk. Cans 14-25.4 oz. Value Packs

Food Depot

Chef Boyardee

Any 15 Sizelb.Package

¢ 1

Friskies Buffet Purina

$ .00

5 oz., 2 Pack

Chicken of the Sea


U.S.D.A. Select Beef

6.7 lb.

Select Everyday Varieties Essential 5 oz.

11 oz.

Essential Everyday

24 oz. Frosted Bite Size Mini Wheats

Essential Everyday8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni

32 oz.12-14.4 Hamburgeroz.


Shopper's Value

Essential Everyday

8 Pk. Asst.

24 oz., Assorted

96 oz. 15-20 oz. Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail or Pineapple in Juice or Syrup



General Mills Kellogg's


Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

Single Roll

18 oz. Old Fashion

12 oz. Spicy Brown

18 oz. Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs

1.5 oz. FrootArmour Loops, Apple 2.4 Jacks oroz. Corn Pops or 2.1 oz. Frosted Flakes 2.6 oz. Pouch

John Morrell 9 oz. Pkg., Smoked Carolina Pride 12 oz. Pkg. All Meat 24 oz. Kosher Dill 16 oz. 15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular

48 oz.

Shopper's Value


16 oz.

10-10.5 oz.

14.7-18 oz. Apple Jacks, Froot16 Loops Carolina Pride oz.orPkg. Frosted Flakes

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

Shopper's Value




16 oz., Asst. Flavors

Essential Everyday 6 oz. ..........


16 oz., 20 ct.


16 oz. Bag

14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or 12 oz. Shells & Cheese


Essential Everyday

Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.

22 oz. Non-Dairy


8 oz.

Shopper's Value

Essential Everyday

48 oz.



8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni

$ 50 $ 94 $ 75 3 79 89 2 1

9 Big Roll 15 oz. Can Select Varieties Shopper's Value 100 ct. Tagless


17 oz. Honey Nut Cheerios Whole Kernel Corn, Cut Green General Beans orMills Peas

$ 19 ¢ $ 12 Vegetables 5 Ice$ Cream 4 $ 49 1 80 69 Party Pizzas 1 2/ ¢ Aluminum Foil 69 $ 68 Green Salt Vegetables ¢ Pickle Spears 1 86 Charcoal ..................... 5 $ 98 $ 458 $ 43 3 Grapes........ 1 Cabbage..... 48 $ 59 Traditional Pizza 2 ¢ Pizzas Pot Pies $ ¢29 Ice Cream Sausage $ ¢39Sausage & or $ 75 Flour ................... 1 Bologna $8199Sausage 2/ $ 44¢ 49 Oil Tissue 79¢ $Great $ $ 75 3/$ Vegetable 2 Dill Slices .............. 1 3 Snacks 6 Instant Light Charcoal 3 Patties.....68 $ 79 $ 79 2/ ¢ Links....... 97¢ Bathroom 5 Biscuits..... 98 97 Wieners.. 99 Dogs........ Onion Rings Bologna..... 2 1Corn On The Cob 1 1 1 3 79 SugarMini................... $ 89 $ 69 49Wafers $139 $ 59 Party Cups .......... $¢219 Sodas 2 Towels Pizzas 59¢ $Vanilla 1 PaperUltimate Loaf 5 1 991 Breakfast 6 2¢ Vegetables Party Plates 4 ..........1Waffles Garlic ¢ $ 49 $ 75 ¢ Sliders $ 29 Fries 3 BreadButter ....$149 Napkins Brewed Peanut Vegetables 1 Snacks 6 Whip Topping 89 Sweet Potato 3 2 1 WE INSTALL 3 2 Tea $ 99 ¢ $ 59 1 3 $2.00 1 Food ............ 4 Drinking Water ... 59 SAVE $ 84 $ 02 ¢ $ Apple 85 Juice......... $ 89 1 Dog $ 39 $ 99 Tampico Juice 99 1 4 94 1 3 1 1 1 $ 2 2 ®

IN YOUR HOME ESTIMATE CALL ME14.25-15 - BOB MORRIS oz. Whole Kernel Corn, 770-254-1950 Cut Green Beans or Peas


John MorrellEveryday 9 oz. Pkg., Smoked Essential

64 oz.

WITHIN 100 MILES!! 5.75-10.25 oz.

Mrs. Paul's


6 Pk. Assorted Varieties

Select Varieties

visit my website Banquet Meals

2 92


Essential Everyday

Blue Bell

12.1-33.5 oz. Assorted Flavors

32 oz. Crinkle or Regular Cut

Culinary Circle

Ice Cream Snacks


5 lb. Cut Green Beans

Essential Everyday

15 lb. Bag

9.8-10.9 oz. Select Varieties

Essential Everyday

1 $ 79 3

Pizza Bites

$ 68

128 oz. Reduced Fat Assorted Flavors

lb. Essential Everyday 20 oz. Breaded Essential

8 oz. ........................ 32 oz.Rose Hamburger Red Hot Dogs Assorted Flavors

1 Gallon SuperTropical Chill Punch or Mango Citrus,

20 oz. Cheese, Pepperoni or Combination


12 ct. Southern Style

5 lb. Field Peas with Snaps

5 lb. Mixed Vegetables

48 oz. Buttermilk Gwaltney 16oroz.Homestyle Pkg.

128 oz.

Shopper's Value

Juicy Marie Callender's $ 03 Fresh Frozen GUARANTEED $ 25 Fresh Frozen $ 89 5 Seedless Biscuits.............................. 1 Dinners............................. 1 Vegetables......................Red LABOR & Fresh Frozen $ 64 Shoppers Value Totinos $ 12 5 Ice Cream......................$419 MATERIALS Party Pizzas.................... 1 Vegetables......................Grapes........ 13-19 oz.

$ 98

Skinny Cow

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Pkg. All Meat lb.Value Shopper's

Essential Everyday Dutch Farms

Tennessee 6.7 lb. Pride 20 ct. Box

1 86

Skinny Cow

9 Big $ Roll 84

Vegetables........................ 20 oz. Breaded

12 Inch Assorted 24.1-26.4 oz.

5 lb. Baby Lima Beans

Fresh Frozen


5 lb. California Blend, Corn On The Cob, Cut Broccoli, Cut Okra or Shoepeg Corn

Fresh Frozen 2 lb.

20.5-21.6 oz. Assorted

Essential Everyday 8 ct.

Fresh Frozen



Tennessee Light or Pride 2.5 lb. Family Pack

Fresh Crisp


16 oz. Turkey, Beef, Chicken, Creamy Mashed Chicken or Chicken Corn Chowder

Marie lb. 43 Callender's


$ 49¢

Cabbage..... $ 58

16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella

Essential Everyday

16 oz. Ctn.



Essential Everyday


1 Gallon, Assorted Flavors Coca-Cola......... $ 99 Music City



Essential Everyday

12.3 oz. Buttermilk, Homestyle or Blueberry

2 $ 99 Provolone Cheese 1 ®

8 oz. Natural Sliced

Essential Everyday

3.2 oz. Sausage Sandwich or 3.36 oz. Chicken Sandwich

Essential Everyday


8 oz. Regular, Light or Extra Creamy

Essential Everyday

Fresh Frozen



$ 28

Fruit Ade........................... Spread Margarine . Bottles Gallon 8 oz. Chunk 64 oz. Ctn.,Select Varieties All Brands 1.25 liter Chocolate Essentialwhen Everyday International Delight Coca-Cola........... $ (1) HONEY 29 MAID Grahams (14 oz. or$larger),81 Delite...................................$ you buy ONE SwissONE Cheese ..............JET-PUFFED Marshmallows Iced Coffee(8................... (1) KRAFT oz. or larger), and 1/2 Gallon 8 oz. Natural Sliced(1) HERSHEY’S Milk Chocolate 46-59 oz. (6-pack) Ctn., Select Varieties Assorted Flavors 32 ONE oz. Bottles EssentialRETAILER: Everyday Mail to: Mondelēz Global LLC, P.O.19 Box 880110,Tropicana El Paso, TX. 88588-0110. Cash value 1/100¢. $ $ 91 Country Delite Whole $ Powerade........... ©Mondelēz International group SwissVOID Cheese ................ Juice ....................................... Chocolate Milk........ IF COPIED, TRANSFERRED, PURCHASED OR SOLD. ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. Shredded Cheese ..

1 Gallon

1 79 NEWNAN 86 14.25-15 oz. Whole Kernel Corn, Cut Green Beans or Peas

All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles

45 oz. Bowl

Country Delight



80229 2 $ $8487 $ 41 Energy Drinks 3 Half & Half 4 2 ¢

1 Qt.

Fresh Monster 4 Pack,Dairy 16 oz. Cans

Orange Juice..............

3 Traditional Pizza $2 Pot Pies Essential Charmin Ice40Cream YEARS IN $THE49 $ 11 3 Onion Rings Bath Snacks ............................... FLOORING INDUSTRY $ 79 2/ ¢ $2. /3 Everyday 2 • Corn GIFT CERTIFICATES • On The Cob AVAILABLE 1 Banquet $ 49 Tissue Vegetables WE Pizzas INSTALL ¢ $ 40WEWaffles Ultimate ........ 5 HAVE CREDIT CARD MACHINES 99 Breakfast ¢ Vegetables 4 AVAILABLE 100 MILES!! ¢ WITHIN IN ALL LOCATIONS. Sliders $ 75 124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263 Vegetables...................... 6 Sweet Potato Fries$311 Whip Topping 89¢ CARPET PEDDLER SAVE $2 WYB 1 HMG, 1 HSY + 1 KRFT JP FAMOUS ONLY 6 pk. Sandwiches & Bars orMILLS 4 ct. Ice Cream Cones Fresh Frozen


Monster 4 Pack, 16 oz. Cans


Drinks ..... Energy Thick Dutch Farm American & Creamy Shredded or Chunk Everyday 8 ct. orEssential Thick Sliced Essential Everyday Fresh Frozen 12 Pk. Cans French On Yoplait Dutch Farms Everyday Cheese $ 11 ......... Essential Everyday Flavors 3.2 oz.Asst. Sausage Sandwich or ............................... 8 00oz. 4 $Lb. Single Roll ............... Yogurt Dip Singles 2. / 3 11 oz. Cheese Super 3.36 oz. Chicken Sandwich 12 Inch Assorted 24.1-26.4 oz. Biscuits Red orCob, Blue 18 oz., 50 Ct. Red or Blue Plastic 5 lb. California Blend, Corn15 Onct.The Cole's Everyday Essential Shopper's Value 12.3 oz. Buttermilk, Homestyle or Blueberry Essential Everyday DiGiorno Chill Cut Broccoli, Cut Okra or Shoepeg Corn Banquet Essential Everyday Everyday Essential Everyday 1/2 Gallon 8 Oz.,Essential Assorted Flavors, 12 oz. Fresh ....... Frozen ........ ........ $ Chunk 40or Shredded Country Delight Essential Everyday Essential Everyday American $ 82 $ 59 ............................... All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Cans 9 oz. Asst. Flavors Potato Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11 oz. Cheese...................... Puffs, 1 HSY ct. + 1 KRFT JP 18 oz. Creamy or CrunchySAVE $2 WYB 1 HMG,250 $ $5903 1 Gallon Buttermilk .................... Cheese ............................... Cheese Singles .......... 5 lb. Baby Lima Beans 8 oz. Regular, Light or Extra Creamy 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 2 oz. Pretzels lb. Coca-Cola......... Red Diamo 1/2 Gallon 16 oz. Assorted Flavors 16 oz. Essential Everyday Shopper's Value Fresh Frozen Everyday Fresh Frozen Essential Everyday Country Delite Essential Everyday Essential Everyday American $ $ 11 $ Essential $ 29 09 09 ................. ...................... ............. Whole AT: Buttermilk ChunkMANUFACTURER Cheese......... Cheese Singles .......... REDEEMABLE FOOD$ DEPOT 00 COUPON VALID: 05/26/14 – 06/01/14 RV0200 ......................


14-25.4 oz. Value Packs Select Varieties

2 92

Corn MealSeedless ............ Red

. Main St


Gr ei




Tr a



ing Cen

e Shopp

East Gat




Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Prices Effective May 26 through June 1, 2014. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors.


12-14.4 oz. Select Varieties



$ 84

14-25.4 oz. Value Packs Select Varieties

Mrs. Paul's

$ 02

5.75-10.25 oz. Select Varieties


6 Pk. Assorted Varieties


Blue Bell

Ice Cream

$ 85

12.1-33.5 oz. Assorted Flavors

Culinary Circle

$ 89

32 oz. Crinkle or Regular Cut

Essential Everyday

$ 39

20 oz. Cheese, Pepperoni or Combination

Essential Everyday

$ 99

8 Oz.


Dutch Farms

French On

Wednesday, May 28, 2014   |  MyConnection 3

Community Connection

all-county Continued from page 1

Vickie Vaughn, right, presents Victor Hanson a plaque honoring him for his 20 years of service as a student mentor.

mentor Continued from page 1

principal of Arnco-Sargent. “He is truly dedicated to ensuring the success of our students. Success in school and life.” Lee says a valuable part of Hanson’s work is that he has been a father figure to several of the boys at ArncoSargent throughout the 20 years he’s been there. “He is that male role model that so many of the boys need but don’t have,” she said. “One thing he always asks is to be assigned to mentor a child beginning at an early age. Then he likes to stay with them through fifth grade.” One student Hanson mentored from

first grade through fifth grade was at the reception for him and able to thank him for the impact he’s had on his life. “He’s really one of the main things that has molded me into who I am today,” said Mekhi Winkles. Winkles is a student at Newnan High School. A rnco-Sa rgent ’s volunteer program is called Parents Assisting With Student Success. In whatever capacity they can, parents volunteer at the school. According to Lee, some donate materials, volunteer for events, make copies, mentor, or tutor students. PAWSS also incorporates volunteers who come to the school and mentor the students. These mentors are trained through Coweta County School’s Mentorship Program.

Westlake star Chris Eubanks, the No. 2 ranked varsity player in the state and a Georgia Tech signee. But his wins included a 6-4, 6-1 decision over Northgate’s Larry Sloan, who was a lso a mong six A ll- County singles players with Byers, Miller, Goolsby, Viking Cole Chenowith and Indians senior Mitchell Corley. East Coweta’s boys, which received stellar play in doubles, monopolized All-County First Team Selections. Juniors Andy and Oliver Truong, who went 28-8 on the season, were joined by teammates Jun Kwon and Nick Smith on the All-County team. Kwon and Smith finished with an 11-1 record on an Indians team that captured this year’s 3-AAAAAA boys championship. Keiler, meanwhile, made an impressive debut in her first year with the Lady Indians while playing between the No. 1 and No. 2 singles positions. The transfer from Connecticut was a welcomed addition to the program while finishing with a record of 15-5-1 during the season. Keiler won the Lady Indians’ only match in this year’s Region 3-AAAAAA semifinal loss over New na n A ll- County junior

Carly Griffies before helping East Coweta’s girls place third. She added a victory against Douglas County in the final match of the region tournament. A long with Keiler a nd Griffies, the All-County First Te a m a m on g s i n g le s a l s o includes Newnan seniors Gray Griffies and Caroline Davis, Lady I ndia n P risci l la Tr uong and Northgate sophomore standout Danielle Rankin. The All-County First Team a mong doubles i ncluded a duo from both Northgate and Newnan. The Lady Vikings qualified for the Class AAAAA state playoffs i n Reg ion 4-AAAAA by finishing fourth out in one of its most competitive divisions. Northgate’s freshman pairi ng of Sa ra h Edmonds a nd Sarah Guilot went 2-1 in the 4-AAAAA tournament en route to All-County honors. They were joined among the All-County girls doubles honorees by Newnan’s pairing of freshman Olivia Dumas and junior Lollie Davis. 2014 Newnan Times-Herald All-County Tennis Team Boys - Player of the Year William Ballou, Newnan, Jr. First Team Singles Matt Byers E Coweta Mitchell Corley E Coweta, Sr. Cole Chenowith Northgate, Jr. Landon Goolsby Newnan, Sr.

Mikey Miller Larry Sloan

Newnan, Sr. Northgate, So.

First Team Doubles Andy Truong/Oliver Truong. E Coweta, Jrs. Jun Kwon/Nick Smith E Coweta Girls - Player of the Year Jasmine Keiler E Coweta First Team Singles Caroline Davis Newnan , Sr. Carly Griffies Newnan, Jr. Gray Griffies Newnan, Sr. Danielle Rankin Northgate, So. Priscilla Truong E Coweta First Team Doubles Sarah Edmonds/Sarah Guilot Northgate, Fr. Lollie Davis/Olivia Dumas Newnan Jr./Fr. Honorable Mention, Girls E Coweta - Leondra Head, Jaycee Heber t , Raelee Heinz, Michelle K im, Tay lor Morris, Gillian Revoir, Nicole Tansey; Newnan — Claire Hanna, Lindley Hudson, Emily Ferguson, Ansley Knight, Ellie Waters; Northgate — Ally Chenowith, Lauren Handley, Hayley Hasberger, Sadie Proctor, Mary Salyards, Lauren Schexnayder. Boys E Coweta — Seth Belcher, Moises Escobar, Chandler Smith; Newnan — Dalton Ayers, Stewart Rand, Bennett Souter, Sam Thomas; Northgate — Daniel Blocker, Andrew Kelley, Nate Taylor, Peyton Thomas, Alex Waldren.

NG SOON I M CO Charlotte’s ! THE



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4 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Community Connection

Riders to gather for Bear Creek Poker Ride

Ch … Ch … Ch … Changes “Change” is an interesting word. It can be used as a verb or a noun. Even the word itself can ta ke on completely different meanings. According to good old Noah Webster, change as a verb means 1. make or become different and 2. take or use another instead of. As a noun, it refers to 1. the act or instance of making or becoming different and 2. coins as opposed to paper currency. And we should all feel a little more intelligent now. It’s also used pretty regularly around our casa. Usually it’s the Little Black Dress looking over one of the SONS of Thunder as they come down the stairs prior to leaving for school. “Change that shirt/pants/whatever,” is how she usually uses the word. She’s also been known to


say “change that look on your face” or something similar on a fairly regular basis. For the SONS, about the only time they deal with change is while trying to steal coins from my change jar. Some people like change. Others fight it with everything they have. But change, not referring to coins but rather to make some different, is inevitable. The Newnan Times-Herald is no exception. One of the biggest changes in our nearly 150-year history is coming.

Riders are hoping to draw a full house at the Bear Creek Hounds Poker R ide on June 7 at Bea r Creek Farm, 1539 Bear Creek Road, Moreland. But every participant will be a winner of a fabulous opportunity for a trail ride. English and Western riders of all skill levels and ages are welcome. A poker ride is a trail ride in which participants visit seven checkpoints, drawing a playing card at each one. Riders with the best hands at the end of the ride receive cash prizes. “It’s all in fun, and a great way to get out and enjoy a summer morning covering some of Coweta County’s most beautiful countryside,” says Hal Barry, master of Bear Creek Hounds. “Bear Creek Hounds is known for our robust junior rider program, and we hope to see lots of kids and families out riding together. Everyone is invited to

A new American hero Some love one, some love a not her. But some of us – including me – are openm i nded a nd big-hea r ted enough to love both. I feel blessed to love both cats and dogs. And I’ve had some great ones. Others aren’t so lucky. They claim to love dogs and hate cats or vice-versa. Dig just a little deeper, though, and you’ll find that many of those people don’t base their opinions on personal experience but on snarky stories told by others or negative portrayals of dogs and cats in the media. Or at least negative portrayals of cats. Dogs are ra rely depic ted a s a nything less than “Man’s Best Friend.” You k now t he stor ies. Lassie rescues wholesome young Timmy from fires, floods, runaway horses and CRCT exams. A sled dog named Balto leads a pack of mutts across a frozen stretch of Alaska to deliver life-sav-

ing diphtheria medicine to citizens of Nome. The list of beloved dogs goes on: Rin Tin Tin, Roy Rogers’ four-legged partner, Bullet, and everybody’s favorite Beagle, Snoopy. Sure, there are a few bad dogs (see Cujo), but for the most part, pooches get the royal treatment. And they should. There is nothing better than a good dog. But you can’t beat a good cat, either. Just ask me. Cats, however, are rarely depicted as wonderful, fun-loving and affectionate. Today’s most well-known cats are cartoon slacker Garfield and a sour-faced Internet sta r ca lled “Gr umpy Cat.” Cats are never depicted as heroic. Until now. A new Youtube video proves that at least one feline deserves the title of Hero. The video was shot in Bakersfield, California, previously famous for producing great country singers

ALEX mcrae

like Buck Owens and mediocre moaners like Dwight Yoakam. Now Bakersfield is going bonkers over a brand new star – a cat named Tara. The kitty’s heroism was recently captured on home surveillance video. It’s quite a show. The video opens with a shot of 4-year-old Jeremy Triantafilo riding his tricycle in the driveway of his Bakersfield home. The peaceful scene is shattered when a large dog creeps up

behind the lad, bites his leg, drags him off the trike and violently shakes the helpless boy. But not for long. Ju st s e cond s i nto t he vicious attack Tara the tabby cat races into the picture, goes airborne and sails into the dog, teeth and claws first. The impact knocks the dog off Jeremy and leaves the mutt looking dazed and confused. Not satisfied with just protecting Jeremy, Tara goes old school on the pooch and actually chases the dog down the street, tail tucked. Cops later said the dog had a history of going after kids and may have to be put down. That’s a shame. But at least where animals are concerned – if not politicians – actions still have

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R.C. the horse draws a winning hand with the help of Graham and Grace Lyle, junior members of the Bear Creek Hounds hunt club.

Pay on the day of the event. For pre-registration or more information, email Bernadette Walker,

consequences. The bites to Jeremy’s leg were serious, but the day after the footage hit the Internet, Jeremy, his parents and Tara had recovered enough to appear on TMZ TV and Good Morning, America. The Triantafilos said Tara was actually a stray that followed the family home from a neighborhood park a few years ago. Tara was adopted by the family and actually slept in Jeremy’s crib when he was a baby. Better yet, the bravest beast in Bakersf ield isn’t

Starting at





(certain restrictions apply)

some muscled-up backyard bully. Tara is a young lady. With apologies to The Spice Girls, Tara the cat now defines “girl power.” And for people who always thought of cats as lazy, useless and self-centered, Tara proves once and for all that cats can be as loyal and protective as Old Yeller. At least when they are motivated. Several TV reporters tried to get Tara’s take on the incident. She yawned. With some heroes, that’s just how it is. Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with living kindness and tender mercies; who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles. Psalm 103: 1-5

God Is Good All the Time!


America Must Stand with Israel!

Newnan, GA

The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 770-301-7012

90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.



bring a picnic lunch and cold drinks and join us under the pavilion at noon for winner awards and raffle prizes.” Tra i l s w i l l be wel l-m a rke d through shady paths, open fields and creek crossings to provide water for horses. Riders are encouraged to ride at their own pace or enjoy a walk through the woods and fields. Outriders will be available to assist riders, and water will be available at the card-draw stations. The cost is $35 for adults and $20 for juniors. Prizes will be given for the best hands. Riders also have the opportunity to win raff le prizes. Raffle tickets are $5. A current negative Coggins test and rider releases are required. No dogs are allowed for this event. The poker ride will begin at 8:30 a.m. Registration is from 8-10 a.m. on June 7, but pre-registration is encouraged. Riders who pre-register will receive a free raffle ticket.


Wednesday, June 4 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Join us for a cookout on the patio and see for yourself the benefits that come with The New Signature of Senior Living. Call today to RSVP by May 31.

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The Newnan Times-Herald and Newnan-Coweta Magazine are pleased to announce the 2014-2015 issue of Coweta Living, an upscale guide that offers a fresh look at Coweta County to all residents, old and new. Coweta County shines as one of the best places to live in Georgia. Coweta Living, publishes in August and is distributed year-round, showing why living and doing business in Coweta is such a great idea.


Coweta Living is a full-color glossy magazine and features a thick cover stock, giving it a long shelf life. Writing, photography and design are of the highest quality.

Coweta Living is published online at which has a monthly average of over 800,000 page views! Your advertising message will reach millions of potential customers visiting our web site at times-herald. com. All links in your print ad will be clickable on the web edition.


AUDIENCE AND READERSHIP Our target audience is all current Coweta residents, new residents and visitors. This guide will also be used as a promotional piece to attract new residents and businesses to our community. Circulation is 12,000+, and the readership level should be 48,000+.

DISTRIBUTION Coweta Living is distributed prominently at locations throughout the county. It will be delivered to The Newnan Times-Herald subscribers in August and available yearround at The Newnan Times-Herald, Coweta County Welcome Center, NewnanCoweta Chamber of Commerce and at various locations across the county.


16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA • 770-683-1707

Wednesday, May 28, 2014   |  MyConnection 5

Recipe Connection

A trio of salads makes Alfresco Dining shine Regardless of whether your taste buds lean toward sweet or savory, or your appetite is light or hearty — each of these salads is tasty and inventive — and sure to please even the most discern­ing of dinner guests. For more recipe and entertaining ideas to brighten your outdoor table, visit www.mirassou. com or

Steak Salad Paired with Pinot Noir Servings: 4 Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Dressing:

Mango Caprese Salad Paired with Riesling Servings: 8 to 10 Prep time: 15 minutes • 3 large, ripe mangos, peeled, pitted and sliced • 8 ounces fresh mozza- rella cheese, sliced • 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice • 3 tablespoons extra vir- gin olive oil • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

• Snipped fresh basil leaves • Crusty toasted baguette slices Place mango slices on platter, alternating with mozza­rella slices. Drizzle with lemon juice and oil, and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with basil and serve with baguette slices.

• 1/2 cup rinsed, drained canned white beans (save remaining beans for salad) • 1/4 cup white balsamic vinegar • 3 tablespoons extra vir- gin olive oil • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 clove garlic Freshly ground pepper to taste Steak salad: • 8 ounces mixed baby greens • 1, 8-ounce grilling steak, seasoned with salt and pepper or Pinot Noir Marinade • 1/2 cup quartered and thinly sliced red onion • 1/2 cup shaved fresh

fennel • 1 cup baked croutons • 1/2 cup crumbled Gorgon zola cheese Place all dressing ingredients in blender or food processor; pu ree u nt i l smooth. Chill until ready to serve. Grill steak for about 5 min­utes on each side; let cool slightly. Place greens, steak, onion and fennel in large bowl and toss with half the dressing. Arrange on 4 salad plates and top with croutons, cheese and remaining white beans; drizzle with remaining dressing. For Pinot Noir Marinade, com­b ine 1 /2 cup Pinot Noir, 1 table­s poon Dijon mustard, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon coarse black pepper and 2 cloves minced garlic in resealable plastic bag.

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• 3 cups 1/2-inch cubes of cornbread • 1, 1/2 tablespoons olive oil • 1/2 cup good quality Cae- sar salad dressing • 1 tablespoon Moscato • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice • 1 teaspoon minced chipo- tle peppers in adobo sauce • 1 large head romaine let- tuce, cut into 4 wedges • 1/2 cup diced tomato • 1/2 cup crumbled Cotija cheese • Fresh cilantro leaves (optional) Preheat oven to 375°F. Place cornbread cubes on

Metal Roofers

baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil; toss lightly to coat. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown, stirring once or twice. Stir together Caesa r d ressi ng, Moscato, lime juice and chipotle peppers in small bowl; cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Preheat grill to high, adding wood chips if desired. Brush small amount of dressing mixture on cut sides of romaine. Place romaine, cut side down on grill. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until lightly charred. Place on 4 salad plates and drizzle with remaining dressing. Sprinkle with tomato, cheese, cilantro and cornbread croutons.


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Grilled Chipotle Caesar Salad Wedges Paired with Moscato



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For a limited time, we are offering special savings on a select number of residences. These display apartments have been completely remodeled, with high-quality upgrades such as granite countertops, crown molding, brand new appliances and more. With features and savings like these, they won’t be available for long! If you are considering a move to Wesley Woods of Newnan in the near future, you owe it to yourself to act now! Call us at 770-683-6833 to take advantage of this limited-time offer. Select your apartment and lock in these special savings with a deposit by July 31, 2014.

2280 North Highway 29 | Newnan, GA 30265 770-683-6833 |

6 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Community Connection

Essay contest in honor of Watts-Byrd A n essay contest was held recently titled “Girls In The Middle Academy,” honoring the late Jaunita WattsByrd, a long-time Coweta County educator and charter member of the Newnan Continental Societies Inc. The topics were “Bullying In Schools” and “Violence In Music.” Students f r o m O. P. E v a n s M id dle School, Arnall Middle School, Dawson Street Academy and East Coweta Middle Schools submitted their essays to the respective counselors. The contest was judged on April 12 and awarded on May 2. The students along with their counselors were awarded certificates and monetary tokens of achievement and appreciation. The Newnan Chapter of Continental Societies, Inc. congratulates: Lia Boyce (1st Place), Merci Jackson (2nd Place) and Jasmine Williams (3rd Place) as Juanita Watts Byrd Essay Contest Winners. Other participants were as follows: Asia Welch, Evans M idd le School ; A ngela Mareno, A rnall Mid-

dle School; Jocelyn Garcia, Arnall Middle School; Iy s hei a Sher m a n , E a st Coweta M idd le School. Each you ng lady wa s awarded a certificate and a monetary award. Counselors from all of Coweta Cou nt y m idd le schools helped with this entire effort. From left, Jasmine Williams - 3rd place Dawson Street Christian School, Rev. Albert Jackson Sr., Merci Jackson - 2nd place Dawson Street Christian School, Dr. Marva Slade-Jennings.

From left, Kori Reid - counselor, Lia Boyce - 1st place Madras Middle School, Rev. Linda Dixon - Continental Societies, Inc.

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Solution to puzzle on page 2

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The Newnan Times-Herald

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Granger, Thagard & Assoc, Inc. Jack F. Granger, #873


TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.

Found A Pet? The Newnan Times-Herald will publish your ad FREE for 1 day. 770-253-1576

fax: 770-487-9547

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BArgAin Buys $200 or less


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Averitt Express


Drivers trucking




for white Chevy S10 pickup truck. $200. Call Chad.


Dog Cage

Cost new $89. Sell for $45 OBO.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014   |  MyConnection 7 BArgAin Buys $200 or less

MyConnection Sudoku Puzzle


Bet Set

Full satin w/lace overlay bedspread w/sham, seafoam green. $20. Have pictures. Call


Massage Table

Portable with headrest. $50



Hens & Chicks. $3.


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8 place settings plus 11 extra pieces. $150


Table Set

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King, with all working component and one set of sheets. $40 OBO.

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Ford Taurus

Frozen dessert maker. Only used once. $30

'01. Orig. owner, leather, sunroof. $2,500.



Fairlane 7X

'96 Ford $5,000

Need the location of a yard sale? View our yard sale map at:




'07 Dirt Bike

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Sudoku Solution

Your 6-LINE AD for 3 DAYS only

TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

hoMes For rent-unFurn.

Beautiful Country Club Home

Beautiful 4 BR, 3 Bath home in Newnan Country Club. Available May 1st. $1,650/month plus one month deposit. Will reduce to $1,600/ month with a 2-year lease. Please call:

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Apts For rent - unFurn.


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Want to reach

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in The Newnan Times-Herald and Regular Rate: $ 39.75

Forest at York

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To advertise in The Newnan Times-Herald Service Directory, call 770-253-1576.


8 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, May 28, 2014

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