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Coweta County Fair returns Sept. 18-27 By Sarah Fay Campbell
The 2014 Coweta County Fair will be Sept. 18 through the 27 at the Coweta County Fairgrounds on Pine Road. This year’s fair will feature some new entertainment, and, of course, midway rides, lots of exhibits, games, food, and plenty of fun. The fair is put on each year by the Newnan Kiwanis Club, with help from other Kiwanis clubs, and raises tens of thousands of dollars for local organizations. Exhibits include local arts and crafts, canned goods, baked goods, and horticultural and agricultural exhibits, as well as animal exhibits, including the poultry show and 4-H animal shows. There’s the 4-H petting zoo and the Eudora Farms petting zoo, featuring exotic animals. Eudora Farms has been hugely popular in the past few years. New entertainment this year includes chainsaw wood carver Burt Fleming, on hand from Sept. 18-22; clown Lew-E’s Comedy Circus, all 10 days; comedy hypnotist Chris Maybrey, Sept. 18 through 22; and stilt walker and juggler Carrie McQueen who will perform around the midway throughout the fair. The Torres One-Ring Family Circus is returning for the whole 10-day run.
fair, page 4
The signature ferris wheel could be seen from the entrance to the Coweta County Fair in 2013. This year’s fair will feature new entertainment.
First grader wins $1,529 for college
i n s i de
Hot Gulf Shrimp D ip Recipe
By W. Winston Skinner
M a d d ox To m l i n s o n ’s favorite book is “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” The homeschooled Coweta first grader’s love of reading has netted him $1,529 for college. Tomlinson was one of four regional winners in the Path2College 529 Plan’s Summer Reading Program Sweepstakes. Tomlinson, his parents and older brother attended ceremonies honoring him at Coweta’s Central Library. Mitch Seabaugh, a Coweta resident and former state senator who is executive director of the state’s Path2College 529 Plan, presented an oversized check to the boy. Seabaugh said he was t h r i l le d when he re a lized Tomlinson, who was selected by a random drawing, was from Coweta. The ceremony was an opportunity “to plant a seed for a future college graduate,” Seabaugh said. He said when he learned To m l i n s o n w a s f r o m Coweta, he thought, “Wow. I get to go home and give away money.” Seabaugh told Tomlinson that going to college can enable him to get a job with “the opportunity to impact the lives of other individuals.” “ C ol le ge s av i n g s a re important to our family because we don’t want our boys swamped with student loans to pay after college. We hope to help them out as much as we can,” said Audrey Tomlinson, Maddox’s mother. “This is an amazing opportunity to start building up that college f u nd. We a re ver y excited.” Maddox Tomlinson and his father, Danny Tomlinson, thanked Seabaugh for the college money at the presentation.
Photo by Winston Skinner
Maddox Tomlinson and his family hold the oversized check presented to him Thursday by Mitch Seabaugh of Path2College. From left are Danny, Elijah, Maddox and Audrey Tomlinson, and Seabaugh.
Fizz•Boom, $ave for Colle ge , t he s u m m er pro gram, also gives money to the libraries where winners entered the contest. The Coweta County Public Library System received $529, and Seabaugh presented an oversized check to Jimmy Bass, CPLS director, and to library trustees Ka ren Cope a nd Norma Haynes. “Every summer we do a Summer Reading Program,” Bass said. “In June and July, we had over 45,000 visitors.” More than 105,000 items were checked out of the libraries. Path2College was created under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Service code, which allows states to have their own savings funds for college. Earnings from the program are taxfree, as are qualified withdrawals. Georgia taxpayers can also deduct up to $2,000 per year for contributions to the program. Path 2College is something “people can use as a tool to start savings for their loved ones for college,” Seabaugh said. “Conti nued education after high school is essential for today’s kids, and we hope that parents will think
about this cost and begin saving early and regularly to help them achieve their goals,” he said. “This partnership is designed to get families engaged in their kids’ education and to raise awareness about the need to build both a strong academic and financial foundation for children.” Seabaugh said Path2College had been piggybacking its summer promotion on libra r y readi ng pro grams for five years. During that time $33,000 has been placed in savings for future col lege st udents – w it h $15,000 to be given this year. Libra ries have a lso received $22,000 from the summer program. B a s s s a id C PL S st a f f worked to promote the Path2College summer effort. “I am so proud of the people who are on staff. We are blessed far more than people realize,” Haynes said. “In an effort to reach even more families this year, for the first time, we had four regional winners in addition to our grand prize winner,” said Seabaugh. “It was a great way for us to reward children in every region of the state for their summer
college, page 4
Simple, Tasty Takes on Entertaining With Seafood Family Features Nothing pairs better with cool, crisp weather than warm, home-cooked comfort food. Whether you’re searching for a dish for a tailgating get-together, a dinner party or just a relaxing night at home, look no further than the decadence of perfectly-prepared shrimp. Adaptability meets deliciousness Due to its versati lit y, sh ri mp is a top protein choice among many chefs. Shrimp can be served at any time of the day, from shrimp and grits at breakfast to sh ri mp sa lads at lunch, or simple boiled shrimp as a delectably light hors d’oeuvre. It can also be an elegant addition to Italian dishes, Mexican recipes and delicatessen favorites, just to name a few. Wild-caught Gulf of Mexico shrimp, in particular, has an exceptionally rich f lavor prof ile due to the warm, nutrient-dense water in which it was caught.
Nothing packs a mouthful of savory flavor like fresh, Gulf shrimp.
for preparing shrimp that will please the palate of everyone at the table:
All the flavor, none of the fat
1. Bring a large saucepan filled with lightly-salted water to a boil.
An important part of a healthful diet, shrimp contains high-quality protein and a variety of essential nutrients, such as vitamins B-6 and B-12. Additionally, it is among the few natural sources of vitamin D. While low in saturated fat, shrimp offers healthy omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Preparing the perfect shrimp For many home chefs, the idea of preparing seafood can be an intimidating process. Because they cook very quickly, the biggest mistake many people make while preparing shrimp is overcooking. But, with a little know-how, preparing a delightful shrimp dish is quite simple. Here’s a fool-proof plan
2. Add the shrimp to the boiling water. 3. Cook for one to three minutes or until the shrimp are pink and opaque. 4. Drain and rinse shrimp in a colander under cold running water to stop the cooking process. Warm up with flavorful dip Spice up t hose ch i l ly days ahead with a steaming platter of Hot Gulf Shrimp Dip. Ser ved w it h wa r m pita bread or crispy tortilla chips, this easy, cheesy and delightful appetizer presents perfectly, making it wonderful for tailgating and holiday parties. For more great Gulf shrimp recipe ideas, visit