NorthGate Honors 2010

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Northgate High School Valedictorian Abbey Stokely and Salutatorian QuocAnh Vu.

Photo by Jeffrey Leo

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 3

Valedictorian Abbey Stokely; Coweta Board of Education Member Sue Brown, Principal - Dr. Reddekopp; Board Member Graylin Ward, Assistant Principal Stephanie Herring, Board Member Mike Sumner; Board Member Frank Farmer, Board Member-Winston Dowdell, Coweta Schools Superintendent Blake Bass.

Salutatorian QuocAnh Vu; Coweta Board of Education Member Sue Brown, Principal - Dr. Reddekopp; Board Member Graylin Ward, Assistant Principal Stephanie Herring, Board Member Mike Sumner; Board Member Frank Farmer, Board Member-Winston Dowdell, Coweta Schools Superintendent Blake Bass.

Assistant Principal- Deborah Ford, National Achievement Scholarship Program Commended Student Recipient, DeJuana Ford, Counselor-Lynette Harper.

SouthCrest Church Teacher’s Choice Scholarship presenterCaleb Warren, recipient-Allison Smith.

4 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

Northgate High School STAR Student QuocAnh Vu with Assistant Principal Dr. Keafer Triplett.

Georgia Certificate of Merit Recipients — Row 1: Counselor-Michelle Hutcheson, Ashley Davenport, Ella Taylor; Row 2: Yash Raval, Brittany Yang, Nicole Clockel, Layna Winn, Joseph Thornton; Row 3: Nicole Lloyd, Chelsea Mezzatesta, Zoe Athens; Row 4: Daniel Graves, Heather Szalankiewicz, Krysten Johnson, Brandon Ferrell: Row 5: Jared Whigham, Hugh Duncan, Chris Hoffman.

Lindsey Riggs Memorial Scholarship presenterMark Riggs, recipientToby Slagle.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Cup recipient Justin Rourk, Assistant Principal Stephanie Herring.

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The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 5


100 Black Men of South Metro Scholarship presenter-Dr. Walter Reid and recipient-Graylin Ward.

Each year, members of the Coweta-Fayette Trust (the management arm of Operation Round-Up) award scholarships to outstanding students.

Alpha Delta kappa Ruth Witcher Scholarship for Future Educators presenter-Jane Duenckel and recipient-Hannah Smith.

Northgate High School AFJROTC Scholarship recipientsCaleb Pyle and Zachary Wells, presenters, MSgt Wolfe and Lt. Col Dorsey.

We take education very seriously here at Coweta-Fayette EMC, and we think it's among our corporate responsibilities to support local students and the educational systems within our service area. That’s why we established the Melissa Segars Memorial Scholarship which is funded through the EMC’s Operation Round-Up program. So, thanks to participating EMC members who contribute to the fund monthly (they allow us to “round up” their electric bill to the next highest dollar and donate the difference), 16 outstanding students will receive assistance to further their education! Yes, we congratulate all of you for your accomplishments and encourage you in your future endeavors.


6 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

Northgate seniors offered scholarships from colleges, organizations

Iman Boston

Ethan Brown

Kaitlyn Brown

Jill Evans

DeJuana Ford

Kayla Fortner

A list of Northgate High School seniors have been offered scholarships from colleges and organizations: • Ashley Anderson — Lipscomb University Athletic Scholarship for 37,000 per year. • Tanner Baker — Young Harris College Award for 8,000 per year. • Sofia Barrera — Agnes Scott College Leticia Pate Evans Scholarship for 17,000 per year. • Clinton Beland — LaGrange College Hilltop Scholarship for 7,500 per year. • Iman Boston — Oglethorpe University Presidential Scholarship for 16,000 per year, Howard University Capstone Scholarship for 22,230 per year and the St. Johns University Scholastic Excellence Scholarship for 17,000 per year. • Chris Brewer — Young Harris College Dean’s Scholarship for 9,500 per year. • Ethan Brown — Mercer University Presidential Scholarship for 30,000 per year, Louisiana State University Alumni Association Top 100 Scholarship for 14,639 per year, Mississippi State University Academic Excellence Scholarship for 16,000 per year, Mississippi State University Pride Initiative Scholarship for 4,000 per year, Mississippi State University Foundation Scholarship for 2,000 per year,

Mississippi State University Non Resident Scholarship for 31,480 per year, Samford University Legacy Scholarship for 500 per year, Samford University Pre — ministerial Scholarship for 11,000 per year and Samford University Academic Scholarship for 7,000 per year. • Kaitlyn Brown — Mercer University Academic Scholarship for 12,000 per year. • Abigail Carson — Berry College Academic Scholarship for 10,500 per year. • Samuel Copeland — Georgia State University Honor’s Scholarship for 5,500 per year, Georgia Pacific Scholarship for 2,000 per year. • Nigel Emory — National Association of University Women Scholarship for 1,000. • Jill Evans — Mercer University Academic Scholarship for 17,000 per year, Mercer University Baptist Heritage Scholarship for 1,500 per year. • DeJuana Ford — University of Miami Scholarship for 24,000 per year, Jacksonville University Academic Scholarship for 13,000 per year, Clemson University Academic Scholarship for 14,000 per year, Emory University Liberal Arts Scholarship for 13,000 per year, University of Georgia One

See SENIORS, page 7

We tip our caps to the

Graduating Class of 2010! Jessica Gray

Kristin Harris

Alaysha Hatney

Grads, we’re so proud of your accomplishments. You have a lot to look foward to in the coming years. Enjoy your day and don’t lose sight of your goals.

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Kayla Heggood

Jeffrey Higgins

Symone Hinton

The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 7

Northgate seniors offered scholarships from colleges, organizations SENIORS Continued from page 6

Kysoo Kerkes

Julienne Lambert

Alyse Lewis

UGA Scholarship for 1,500 per year. • Kayla Fortner — Georgia Southern Gulfstream Scholars Scholarship for 1,500 per year, Georgia Southern Housing Award for 5,200 • Jessica Gray — Youth Bowling Scholarships for 2,100. • Kristin Harris — University of Alabama Presidential Scholarship for 7,200 per year, Unversity of Alabama Room and Board Scholarship for 4,000 per year, Jenny Rogers Memorial Scholarship for 1,000, Mercer University Academic Scholarship for 18,000, Baptist Heritage Scholarship for 1,500 per year. • Alaysha Hatney — Southern Wesleyan University Scholarship for 9,000 per year, Syracuse University Deans Scholarship for 6,000 per year. • Kayla Heggood — Brenau University Softball Scholarship for 9,600 per year, Brenau University Scholarship for 6,000 per year. • Jeffrey Higgins — St. Johns University Scholastic

Excellence Scholarship for 17,000 per year, Barry University Scholarship for 15,500 per year. • Symone Hinton — Alabama State University Incentive Scholarship for

12,048 per year. • Connor Kendrick — Georgia Tech Athletic Scholarship for 11,292 per year. • Kysoo Kerkes — Agnes Scott College Solution Scholarship for 15,500 per year,

Agnes Scott College Grant for 3,572 per year. • Julienne Lambert — Mercer University Academic Scholarship for 18,000 per year.

See SENIORS, page 8

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The Heritage School wishes to congratulate the class of 2010 graduates of our local high schools. Best wishes for a bright and promising future.

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Steven Porello

8 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

Northgate seniors offered scholarships from colleges, organizations SENIORS Continued from page 7 • Alyse Lewis — South Carolina State University Athletic Scholarship for 25,488 per year. • Susan Lotyczewski — Auburn University Women’s Soccer Scholarship for 13,536 per year. • Wesley Lutz — Truett McConnell College Soccer Scholarship for 5,000 per year. • Erica Lowery — Young Harris College Deans Scholarship for 11,000 per year. • Lindsey Luchansky — University of West Georgia Freshman Foundation Scholarship for 2,000. • Seth Morris — Abraham Baldwin College Athletic Scholarship for 3,200 per year. • Steven Porello — LaGrange College Enhanced Fellows Scholarship for 13,500 per year.

Trey Price • Trey Price — Hampden Sydney College Venable Scholarship for 25,000 per year, Hampden Sydney College Scholarship for 8,500 per year, Oxford Emory Oxford Grant for 16,056 per year, St. John’s University Scholastic Excellence Scholarship for 17,000 per year, St. John’s University

Abbey Stokely Grant for 13,500 per year • Jessie Reese — Young Harris College Faculty Scholarship for 9,500 per year. • Justin Rourk — Furman University James B. Duke Scholarship for 35,000 per year. • Chris Schenk — Norwich University Academic Achievement Scholarship for

Newnan Baptist Usher Scholarship presenterMary Frances Roberts, recipientTiffany Simmons.

Allison Smith

Justin Rourk 14,000 per year, Norwich University Competitiveness Grant for 750 per year, Norwich University Grant for 8,982 per year. • Allison Smith — Georgia College and State University Deans Merit Scholarship for 2,000 per year, Georgia College and State University Bridgeway Scholarship for 6,000 per year. • Abbey Stokely — Mercer University Full Tuition Academic Scholarship for 30,000 per year, Tift College Scholars Program for Mercer University Scholarship for 1,000 per year. • Rufus Thompson — Holy Trinity Baptist Church Scholarship for 1,000.

Rufus Thompson • Cory White — Mercer University Academic Scholarship for 17,000 per year.

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Youth Leadership Coweta presenter-Dean Jackson, with Holly Brooks, Symone Hinton.

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The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 9

Lavinia Barron Rosenzweig Scholarship presenter-Menlia Trammell, recipient-Micah Prescott. Northgate Band Boosters Scholarship recipients-Micah Prescott and Hannah Smith; back, presenters-Pattie Wheeler and Band Director Alan Armstrong.

# E _ T C F [ G F [ D B T_ ^] P Y^Q Kiwanis Club of White Oak Golden K Key Club Scholarship recipient-Justin Gee, presenterFrank Reece, Kiwanis Club of White Oak Golden K Scholarship recipient-Tiffany Simmons.

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10 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

NGHS PTSA Wayne Outlaw Scholarship presenter-Jennifer Harkleroad, recipientHannah Smith.

Kroger Company Rufus Thompson Memorial Scholarship presenter-Gene Edens, recipient, Rufus Thompson.

Justin Jordan Memorial Scholarship presenter-Brandon Jordan, recipient-Aric Anderson, presenter Adrian Anderson. Coweta County Correctional Officers Scholarship presenter-Theresa Nalley, recipientShane Harper.

Congratulations 2010 Graduates!

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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, Scholarship presenter-Sandra Hinton, recipientDeJuana Ford.

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The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 11

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12 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

Coweta-Fayette Trust Melissa Segars Memorial Scholarship presenter-Jimmy Beavers, recipient-Kyante Gadson.

Wi Band Civic and Social Club Scholarship presenter- Kevin Thompson and recipient-Graylin Ward.

© 2010 Merle Norman Cosmetics, Inc.

Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Students Yearbook presenterLaura Mathiesen, front, with recipients Row 1: Erica Lowery, Jamie Harvey, Bevin Bithell, Ashley Buchanan; Row 2: Kaylee West, Erin Zauner, Jerica Pealor; Row 3: Joseph Frataccia, Ashley Close, Justin Rourk.

First United Methodist Church of Newnan Scholarship recipients, front-Nicholas Lee and Tiffany Simmons; back, presenter-Lynette Harper, counselor.






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The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 13

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14 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

Theta Lambda Lambda Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Scholarship recipientTrevon Gripper, presenter-Ralph Booker.

West Georgia Technical College Local Board Scholarship recipient-Kirstin Ellis, front, with presenter-Dean Jackson.

Roscoe Jenkins Scholarship presenter-Linette Ward with recipients, Graylin Ward, back, and Symone Hinton, right. Pilot Club of Newnan Scholarship presenter-Elaine Landers, recipientBrianna Donaldson.



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2010 Seniors!

Newnan Kiwanis Scholarship presenterNancy Walton, recipientKyle Hennen.

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The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 15

Mike Stokely Scholarship presenters, from left, Abbey Stokely and Robert Stokely, with recipient-Allison Smith.

Newnan Kiwanis Club Arts and Science Awards — Row 1: presenter- Nancy Walton, recipients-Madeline Robinson, Miley Buss; Row 2: Victoria Brannon, Hannah Smith; Row 3: Bharath Shankar, Forrest Skelton; Row 4; Kyle Hennen, QuocAnh Vu.

Congratulations Class of 2010! Come Celebrate with US! We want to celebrate with you.


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16 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

West Point Award presenter-Curt Grayer, recipient-Zachary Wells.

Newnan Rotary Club Cup and Scholarship presenterDean Jackson, recipientDeJuana Ford.

David A. Arnold Memorial Scholarship recipients-Alex Fitchett and DeJuana Ford; back, presenter-Amanda Arnold.

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Charter Foundation Scholarship presenterAshley Schubert Jr. and recipient-Nicholas Lee.

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Crocs Bank of Coweta Scholarship presenterWendy Laverentz, recipientKyle Hennen.


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The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 17

Orchettes Civic and Social Club Scholarship presenterGwendolyn Nelson, recipient-Symone Hinton. Lighthouse Faith n Action Scholarship recipients-Shane Harper and Kyante Gadson, presenter-April Poole.

Perfect Attendance 12 Years Recognition presenterPrincipal, Dr. Reddekopp, recipient- Ben Wheeler.

Kiwanis Key Leader Award presenter-Scott Cortner and recipient-Shelby Gray.

would like to congratulate the

Neweta NANBPW Scholarship recipient-Symone Hinton, presenter-Carolyn Strickland, recipient- Graylin Ward.

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Bonnie Garrison Memorial Scholarship presenter-Martha Van Drew-presenter, recipientDemetrius Valentine, presenter-Michelle Cummins.


18 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

Presbyterian College Junior Fellows Program Awards-counselor, Erin Bass; Daniel Graves, Ella Taylor; Jared Whigham, Joseph Thornton, Nicole Clockel.

Coweta Sports Hall of Fame Johnny Brown Scholarship presenter-Kermit Perry, recipientJeffrey Higgins.

Wordmasters Awards recipients-Abigail Carson, Katiana Kastang; back right, DeJuana Ford; back left, presenter-Ellen Lee.


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Wofford Scholars Program recipients-Ella Taylor, Nicole Clockel, presenter-counselor, Michelle Hutcheson; back, recipients -Daniel Graves, Joseph Thornton.

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The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 19

Junior Miss Scholarship presenter-Kristine Ryan and recipient-Brianna Donaldson.

Northgate Beta Scholarships, front, presenter-Ashley Perkins, recipient-Ashley West, presenter-Diane Dombrowski; back, recipients-Justin Rourk and Trey Price.

Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Students Journalism presenter, front,Sherry Taylor; with recipientsfront, Sofia Barrera; back, Trey Price, Jessie Reese.

Northgate High School Technology Scholarship in Memory of Thomas Broadwater recipient-Ben Wheeler, presenter- counselor, Dawn Revere.

Franklin Hall Memorial Scholarship presenter-assistant principal, William Harrison, recipient-Jessica Gray.





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20 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

McDonalds Ray Kroc Youth Achievement Award presenterStephanie Herring and recipient-Abbey Stokely.

Auburn University Scholarship Presentations presenter- Jim Ferguson, front; recipients-Kayla Fortner, Ashley Hills; Chelsea Horn, Abbey Stokely, Jessica Gray; Robert Pugh, Daniel Benjamin, Justin Jarrell. Prudential Spirit of Community President’s Volunteer Service Award presenter-Counselor, Lynette Harper, recipientKrystopher Thompson. United States Army Reserve Scholar Athlete Awards recipients-Caleb McMinn and DeJuana Ford; back, presenterSSgt Transley.


Class of

2010 For information on upcoming events:

Academic All Star Athletes Award recipientsDeJuana Ford and QuocAnh Vu; back, presenterPrincipal, Dr. Reddekopp.


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The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 21

Northgate High School Gifted Graduates — Row 1: Sofia Barrera, Hannah Smith, Brianna Donaldson, Ashley West, Kayla Fortner, Ashley Close, Natalie Simpson, Jill Evans, Iman Boston. Row 2: Jennie Lambert, Ethan Brown, Abbey Stokely, Cory White, Kaylee West, Katiana Castang, Kaitlin Brown, DeJuana Ford. Row 3: Jerica Pealor, Anna McBeath, Payton Harpe, Joseph Frataccia, Allison Smith, Brooke McCord, Julienne Lambert, Khira Teal. Row 4: QuocAnh Vu, Kyle Hennen, Shane Harper, Justin Rourk, Preston Woods, Zachary Randall, Ashley Buchanan. Row 5: Robert Pugh, Ian Gentry, Jacob Dent, David Camp, Daniel Benjamin, Casey Vaughn.

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Evelyn Singleton Future Educators Scholarship presenter-Brian Singleton, recipient-Hannah Smith.





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22 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

Northgate High School National Honor Society Members — Row 1: Symone Hinton, Sofia Barrera, Ashley Hills, Brianna Donaldson, Hannah Smith, Kaitlin Simonton, Kelsi Adams, Bevin Bithell, Erica Lowery, Ashley Buchanan, Erin Zauner, Natalie Simpson, Chelsea Beach, Kayla Fortner, Jessica Brock, DeJuana Ford, Alaysha Hatney. Row 2: Holly Brooks, Jennie Lambert, Nicole Denney, Abbey Stokely, Chelsey Horn, Lindsey Caldwell, Danielly Johnson, Sarah Brady, Corey White, Raquel Vineyard, Brooke McCord, Meagan Cox, Khira Teal, Iman Boston, Abigail Carson, Katiana Castang. Row 3: Lindsey Luchansky, Jessica Gray, Darby Fain, QuocAnh Vu, Robert Pugh, Ashley West, Amanda Camp, Katie Holmes, Derek Dillinger, Desiree Watson Isom, Kaitlyn Brown, Julienne Lambert, Payton Harpe, Gretchen Harrison, Jill Evans, Rebecca Keller, Preston Woods, Justin Rourk. Row 4: Ethan Brown, Alex Fitchett, Jerica Pealor, Justin Jarrell, Casey Vaughn, Hanson Sachs, Joseph Frataccia, Kristin Harris, Allison Smith, Kyle Hennen, Erica Tate, Sarah Jensen, Jamie Harvey, Jeffrey Higgins, Trevon Gripper, Ashley Close. Row 5: Trey Price, Jacob Dent, David Camp, Danny Benjamin, Nicholas Lee, Ben Wheeler, Alex Rohling, Graylin Ward, Toby Slagle, Caleb McMinn, Ian Gentry, Andrew Joiner, John Chatham, Joseph Bohler, Zach Randall, Paul Bennett.

Northgate High School 2010 Honor’s Graduates — Row 1: Catherine Sexton, Heather Boone, Haley Scruggs, Kaitlin Simonton, Jennie Lambert, Amanda Camp, Chelsey Horn, Katherine Taylor, Susan Lotyczewski, Kelsi Adams, Bevin Bithell, Erica Lowery, Jessica Rebaza, Chelsea Beach, Samantha Byrd, Jessica Brock, Kayla Fortner, Mikayla Oglesby, DeJuana Ford, Alaysha Hatney. Row 2: Anna McBeath, Kayla Ginn, Nicole Denney, Hannah Smith, Abbey Stokely, Joseph Frataccia, Brianna Donaldson, Tori Artman, Lindsay Caldwell, Danielly Johnson, Sarah Brady, Cory White, Charles Smith, Raquel Vineyard, Brooke McCord, Kysoo Kerkes, Meagan Cox, Khira Teal, Cari Raymond, Sofia Barrera, Ashley Hills, Symone Hinton, Iman Boston, Chloe Douglas. Row 3: Ethan Brown, Lindsey Luchansky, Holly Brooks, Devon Fry, Jessica Gray, Darby Fain, QuocAnh Vu, Robert Pugh, Ashley West, Cassandra Kiska, Katie Holmes, Derek Dillinger, Sheldon Roper, Mercedes Montour-Greer, Kyle Hennen, Julienne Lambert, Kaitlyn Brown, Taraya Philpott, Tiffany Simmons, Payton Harper, Gretchen Harrison, Rebecca Keller, Abigail Carson, Katiana Castang, Natalie Simpson, Erin Zauner, Ashley Buchanan. Row 4: Trey Price, Justin Jarrell, Mitchell Stubbs, Jerica Pealor, Casey Vaughn, Thomas Allison, Timothy Healy, Hanson Sachs, Brandon Russell, Ben Wheeler, Jimmy Weller, Maren Sonne, Kristin Harris, Desiree Watson Isom, Kaylee West, Shane Harper, Allsion Smith, Erica Tate, Sarah Jensen, Justin Alderman, Jamie Harvey, Jeffrey Higgins, Jill Evans, Trevon Gripper, Sam Shimabe, Preston Woods, Justin Rourk, Ashley Close. Row 5: Conner Kendrick, Alex Fitchett, Jacob Dent, Mark Livingston, David Camp Daniel Benjamin, Casey MacDonald, Lee Gran, Steven Porello, Nicholas Lee, Zachary Dyer, Alex Rohling, Graylin Ward, Toby Slagle, Caleb McMinn, Sam Copeland, Ian Gentry, Andrew Joiner, John Chatham, Joseph Bohler, Steven Kukucka, Reid Clark, Sean Clayton, Micah Prescott, A.J. Samples, Alexander Clark, Zachary Randall, Paul Bennett.

The Times-Herald – Northgate High School Honors Night – May 2010 — 23

Northgate High School Beta Club Members — Row 1: Sofia Barrera, Hannah Smith, Ashley West, Brianna Donaldson, Alaysha Hatney, Kelsi Adams, Bevin Bithell, Erica Lowery, Maren Sonne, Erin Zauner, Natalie Simpson, Kayla Fortner, Ashley Hills, DeJuana Ford. Row 2: Devon Fry, Holly Brooks, Jennie Lambert, Nicole Denney, Lindsay Caldwell, Sarah Brady, Cory White, Kaylee West, Khira Teal, Iman Boston, Jill Evans, Katiana Castang, Ashley Close. Row 3: Ethan Brown, Darby Fain, QuocAnh Vu, Robert Pugh, Abbey Stokely, Derek Dillinger, Kyle Hennen, Desiree Watson Isom, Brooke McCord, Julienne Lambert, Erica Tate, Gretchen Harrison, Preston Woods, Kysoo Kerkes. Row 4: Justin Rourk, Thomas Allison, Jerica Pealor, Hanson Sachs, Joseph Frataccia, Kristin Harris, Allison Smith, Jamie Harvey, Jeffrey Higgins, Steven Porello, Sam Shimabe. Row 5: Trey Price, Alex Fitchett, Jacob Dent, David Camp, Danny Benjamin, Ben Wheeler, Alex Rohling, Graylin Ward, Toby Slagle, Caleb McMinn, Andrew Joiner, Joseph Bohler, Zachary Randall, Paul Bennett.

2010 Honors Night

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24 — The Times-Herald — Northgate High School Honors Night - May 2010

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